Spanish Language Report (page 1 of 2)

This form is required for the following programs:
• All Intermediate and Advanced Spanish programs in Latin America
Spanish Language
Report (page 1 of 2)
Student Must Complete Top Section
Student Information
To the Student
Name ________________________________________________
This report is required for all intermediate and advanced programs in
Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico and Peru. This form is not
required for beginning spanish programs
Date of Birth (month/day/year) ______________________________
Cell Phone _____________________________________________
Complete and sign this side of the form. Then write your name and home
college or unviersity at the top of the other side of this form and give it Major _________________________________________________
to your Spanish instructor.
Class standing during study abroad (circle one): Soph Jr Sr
Authorization to Release Information
I hereby waive my right of access to the information on this form and
ask that it be completed and forwarded to the Institute for Study
Abroad, Butler University.
Signature _________________________________Date _____________
Program Selection
Please indicate the IFSA-Butler program(s) to which you are
applying. Term choices are Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar
Year and Summer. Available terms vary by program; see our
program catalogs or website for your chosen programs’ options.
First Choice Program ___________________________________
Term ______________________ Year ____________
This program’s Spanish level is q Advanced
q Intermediate
Alternate Program _____________________________________
Term ______________________ Year ____________
This program’s Spanish level is q Advanced
q Intermediate
To the Professional Language Instructor
This form is part of the student’s application to study abroad through the Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University. IFSA-Butler is a national nonprofit organization regularly serving students from accredited colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Students enrolled in advanced level programs matriculate directly into the host university, while students enrolled in intermediate programs
participate in non-integrated classes with other program students. Students at either level should be able to follow university lectures in
Spanish, participate in discussions, take notes and understand written materials in their field. However, students at the intermediate level
will have readings and assignments that are tailored to their level. Emphasis at this level is placed on developing Spanish language skills as
well as understanding the content of the classes.
The host institution’s willingness to accept future participants will be determined by the performance of current students. Your opinion of
the applicant will be of great assistance in the selection process. Please be detailed and frank.We cannot consider your student’s application until we receive this completed form. Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions.
How was the evaluation determined?
q Based on the knowledge of the applicant’s coursework in language at
this college/university.
q Written examination. Name of test and date administered:
q Oral examination. Date administered: ________________________
This form is required for the following programs:
• All Intermediate and Advanced Spanish programs in Latin America
Spanish Language
Report (page 2 of 2)
Student Name __________________________________________________ College/University _________________________________
1. What is your opinion of the applicant’s ability to pursue
university-level course work in Spanish?
q Will require considerable training before necessary
competence can be attained
q Will require additional training before beginning the
q Should be able to manage adequately after a short period
of adjustment abroad
q Should have no difficulty
d. Reading Ability
q None
q Limited to simple vocabulary and sentence structure
q Understands conversational topics and nontechnical
q Understands materials that contain idioms and specialized
q Understands sophisticated materials, including those in the
proposed field of study
2. Please indicate your opinion of the applicant’s present
language ability in each of the following categories:
a. Aural Comprehension
q None
q Understands only slow, uncomplicated sentences
q Understands simple conversations
q Understands conversation on simple academic topics
q Understands sophisticated discussion of academic topics
3. Add any comments relating to the applicant’s linguistic ability.
b. Writing Ability
q None
q Writes in simple sentences on conventional topics with
some errors in spelling and structure
q Writes on academic topics with few errors in structure and
q Writes with idiomatic ease of expression and feeling for the
style of the language
c. Speaking Ability
q None
q Able to complete structurally simple, short phrases
q Uses basic grammatical structure; speaks with limited
q Uses structural patterns, but not with consistent accuracy;
adequate to participate in conversational topics
q Has control over structural patterns; can handle a wide
range of conversational situations
4. Please mark as appropriate:
q I do not approve the applicant for intermediate/advanced study
abroad in Spanish.
q I conditionally approve the applicant for intermediate/advanced
study abroad in Spanish.
q I unconditionally approve the applicant for intermediate/advanced
study abroad in Spanish.
5. In the case of conditional approval, what are the conditions the
applicant must satisfy to receive clearance for study abroad?
Please complete and sign this form. Forward this completed form directly to IFSA-Butler at:
1100 W. 42nd Street, Suite 305
Indianapolis, IN 46208
317-940-9704 fax
Name __________________________________________________________ Title/Dept. ______________________________________________________
Institution ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________________________________
State/Province __________________ Zip/Postal Code__________________
Telephone (
) ____________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________
Signature ____________________________________________________
Date ___________________________________________________________