Residence Hall Life University of California Santa Barbara

Residence Hall Life
2006-2007 Resident Handbook
You Have Arrived !!! ……………………....………..
Important Internet Links .........……….…….…...….
Important Phone Numbers ….…… ……… ...….
Community Living Standards ……………………..
Rights & Responsibilities …………………………….
Conduct ………………………………………………
Policies and Resources “A to Z” ……………….
Residence Life Information “A to Z” ……………..
Safety & Emergency Procedures..……………….
ResNet Responsible Use Policy …………………...
Index …………………………………………………..
Name ________________________________________
Address ______________________________________
Phone ________________________________________
E-Mail ________________________________________
Cell Phone ___________________________________
University of California
Santa Barbara
Housing & Residential Services
Residential Life
You are now part of the UCSB Residence Hall community. Here are our
mutual expectations.
A Statement of Campus Standards
"Being a student at a world-class institution confers privilege, prestige,
and unique opportunity, but it also obligates you to meet a set of
standards and to fulfill certain expectations. I ask only three things from
you as a student in our academic community: scholarship, leadership,
and citizenship. If you deliver these and hold to the values articulated
below, your time at UCSB will be more meaningful and what you take
away at graduation will be infinitely more valuable."
-- Michael D. Young, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Housing & Residential Services
We are about ...
Exceptional service to those we serve
Continuous learning and growth
Respecting and understanding individual differences
Building partnerships and helping others succeed
Being environmentally sensitive
Having fun and being passionate about our work
Striving to be the best
Residential Life
Our Purpose: We promote a safe, self-regulating environment for
residents of university-owned Residence Halls that fosters the residents’
ability to live together respectfully and responsibly in a learning
community and promote the academic success of all residents.
Our staff is made up of professionals with many years of experience in
the field of student affairs (university housing systems). We welcome your
interaction with our team to make this the best environment for you.
Administration & Support
Josie Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
DiAnne Voorhees
Office Manager
LaDonte King
Asst Judicial Affairs Coord. 893-7196
Joyce Ester
Judicial Affairs Coord.
Lisa Slavid
Student Leadership Coord. 893-2391
Maritza Mejia
Asst Student Lead. Coord. 893-7422
Asst Student Lead. Coord. 893-6122
Linda Croyle
Assistant Director
Rob Donerson
Assistant Director
Special Services Coord.
Chris Johnson
Assistant Director
Al Day
Assistant Director
Charlene Chew-Ogi
Residence Hall Association RHA Office (San Nicolas)
RHA Office (Francisco Torres) 893-8691
Assignment Services
General Information
Pam Cort
Emilio Zamorano
Cathe Hedrick
Assignment Services Rep.
Assignment Services Rep.
Anacapa Hall
Peter Chu
Jessica Farley
Janet Niedert
Front Desk
Resident Director
Asst Resident Director
Residence Hall Manager
Francisco Torres
Abby Nelson
Francisco Zamudio
Stephanie Malcolm
Debora Pentecost
Norma Mitchell
Raul Marquez
Front Desk
Resident Director - North
Asst Resident Dir - North
Resident Director - South
Asst Resident Dir - South
Administrative Assistant
Office Manager
Residence Hall Manager
San Miguel Hall
Danny Ambrose
Joaquin Becerra
Janet Niedert
Front Desk
Resident Director
Asst Resident Director
Residence Hall Manager
San Nicolas Hall
Tony Jakubisin
Kenny Importante
Carlos Marquez
Front Desk
Resident Director
Asst Resident Director
Residence Hall Manager
Manzanita Village
Laura Strimpel
Terry Giang
Ashley Chapman
Cheryl Jones
Ardley Nix
DeAnza Resource Center
Resident Director
Asst Resident Director
Asst Resident Director
Office Manager
Residence Hall Manager
San Rafael Hall
Michele Pino
Carly Dahlen
Manuel Cortez
Front Desk
Resident Director
Asst Resident Director
Custodial Supervisor
Santa Cruz Hall
Randee Loya
Grant Burlew
Ramiro Arreola
Front Desk
Resident Director
Asst Resident Director
Lead Laborer
Santa Rosa Hall
Billy Jankowski
Greedley F. Harris III
Rosemary Gomez
Front Desk
Resident Director
Asst Resident Director
Custodial Supervisor
Residential Services - Central
Wilfred E. Brown
Executive Director
Julie Levangie
Asst to the Exec. Director
Chuck Haines
Coord., Resource Planning
Delilah Poupore
Special Services Coord
Residential Operations
Jackie Treadway
Dan Heedy
Tom Beland
Miki Swick
Mark Rousseau
Jeff Monteleone
Asst Director, Projects
Asst Director, Hskp/Grnds
Mgr, Campus Conf Svs
Environmental Manager
Asst Director, Maintenance
Dining Services
Judy Edner
Bonnie Crouse
Pam Rodgers
Jeff Hillery
Jill Horst
Michael Conaway
Asst Director
Manager, Ortega
Manager, Carrillo
Manager, De La Guerra
Manager, Francisco Torres
Business & Financial Planning
Chuck Haines
Acting Director
Nancy Hembrow
Asst Director
George Gregg
Manager, Info Systems
Patty Aijian
Training & Dev Coord.
Apartment Living
Jill Hurd
Alan Ogi
Marian Bankins
Roane Akchurin
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Mgr, Community Housing
Important Internet Links
Housing & Residential Services Home Page
ResNet Information
Work Requests : Maintenance or Housekeeping
Community Housing Office Rental Listings
Jobs !!! Employment Opportunities
RHA Home Page
Questions, comments or concerns regarding your housing contract.
Important Phone Numbers
(Police, Fire, & Rescue)
Associated Students ………………………..
Academic Advising …….………….……….
Airport (SBA) ………….………………….…...
AIDS Hotline ………………….. ………. 1-800-590-2437
Alcohol/Drug Awareness Program .. …….
BARC Office ……………..……………….…..
Bike Shop (AS) …..……….……………….…..
Bookstore (UCEN) ……………………………. 893-3271
Bus (MTD) ………………………………….…..
College of Letters & Science………………. 893-3201
Campus Operator……………………………
Communication Services (Phone/TV)….... 893-8700
Community Service Organization (CSO) .. 893-2000
Counseling & Career Center ……………...
Disaster-Road Info ……….………….. 1-800-427-ROAD
Disaster-UCSB Info ……..……………. 1-900-200-UCSB
Disabled Student Services ……………….… 893-2668
Domestic Violence Solutions of SBC……… 964-5245
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)… 893-4292
Escort Service (CSO) …………………….….. 893-2000
Financial Aid ………………………………….. 893-2432
Hospital (Goleta Valley Cottage) ………... 967-3411
Housing—Assignment Svs Office …..…….. 893-5513
Housing—Residential Life Office ……..…… 893-3281
Isla Vista Medical Clinic …………………….
Intramurals …………………………………….
Legal Services (AS) ……...…………………..
Library ………………………………………….. 893-2478
Mediation Services/Comm Hsg Office.….. 893-4371
Multicultural Center …………………………. 893-8411
Parking Services ……………………………...
Poison Control Center ………………. 1-800-876-4766
Police …………………………………………... 893-3446
Post Office……………………………………….. 893-3595
Resource Ctr, Sexual & Gender Diversity… 893-5847
Rape Crisis Hotline ……………..…………….. 564-3696
Recreation Center (Rec Cen) …………….. 893-7619
Registrar ……………………………………….. 893-3592
Residence Hall Association (RHA) ………… 893-4877
ResNet Hotline ………………………………… 893-5353
Student Health .………………………………. 893-3371
Student Life, Office of ………………………. 893-4569
Train (Amtrak) ..……………………..…. 1-800-USA-RAIL
University Religious Center (URC) .. ………. 968-1555
Women’s Center …………………………….. 893-3778
This handbook contains information that will enhance
your residential experience.
Welcome to our Residence Hall Community …
UC Santa Barbara is a community of people from diverse racial,
ethnic, and class backgrounds, national origins, religious, and political
beliefs, physical abilities, and sexual orientations. The Housing &
Residential Services staff is committed to celebrating the rich diversity of
people who live in our residence halls. All of our activities, programs, and
everyday interactions are enriched by our acceptance of one another
and the knowledge we gain when we learn from each other in an
atmosphere of positive engagement and mutual respect.
We strongly believe that one’s actions demonstrate one’s
commitment to respecting differences. Accordingly, we are fully
responsible for our behavior and accountable for our actions. It is
important that we each take responsibility for our awareness of racism,
sexism, homophobia, and other forms of oppression. We are guided by
the principle that understanding and celebrating diversity enriches and
empowers the lives of all people.
Everyone who chooses to live in or visit our residential communities
must understand that we will not tolerate any form of bigotry, threats,
intimidation, violence, or other forms of harassment against any member
of our community. In the same manner, we will not accept ignorance,
humor, anger, alcohol or substance abuse as an excuse, reason, or
rationale for such behavior. The disciplinary action that will follow such
behavior may include, but is not limited to, immediate removal from the
residence halls, exclusion from the activities of UC Santa Barbara, and/or
legal prosecution.
All of us who work, live, and study in the UC Santa Barbara residence
halls have chosen to be here. As part of that choice, we should be
committed to the principles of peaceful and productive living which are
designed to enable all individuals to expand their personal horizons and
reach their full potential.
It is our vision that individuals accept ownership
of and take responsibility for appropriately
resolving conflicts and problems in the
Rights & Responsibilities
UC Santa Barbara is sensitive to the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities
of all student residents. Housing & Residential Services is committed to
maintaining high standards of safety and security in its various
communities. This includes the residence halls, dining commons,
grounds, parking lots and surrounding areas.
Policies and procedures have been established to ensure that individual
rights and freedoms are protected and responsibilities understood. The
residence hall community aims to maintain standards conducive to
academic, social, and personal growth. Students at UC Santa Barbara
are expected to:
Observe federal and state laws as well as University regulations
Respect the rights and privileges of others
Be forthright and honest in all of their social and academic
Share the responsibility of maintaining an environment where
individual actions do not violate the community’s welfare
This means that students have both the right and the responsibility to
confront each other directly in a constructive manner when problems
occur. The residence halls and dining staff will support and work with
students in an effort to help them understand and abide by residence
hall and dining services policies. Failure to comply with University,
residence hall, and/or dining policy may result in disciplinary action.
For a complete explanation of the Housing Conduct Process and
Procedures, including sanctions and appeals, refer to:
You and your guests are contractually responsible for emergency
information and policies outlined in this handbook. The University,
however, does not attempt to use formal rules to define every
unacceptable form of behavior. In situations not covered by specific
regulations, you are expected to use common sense and conduct
yourself at all times as a mature, responsible individual.
Student Accountability:
Students entering UC Santa Barbara are expected to maintain a high
level of maturity, responsibility, and common sense regarding student
conduct issues. You are responsible for all policies, rules, and regulations
for on-campus living contained in this handbook, as well as information
from other sources, including: Campus Regulations Applying to Campus
Activities, Organizations, and Students. This information can be found at:
Most students demonstrate respect for others in the community and
conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. However, the small
number of individuals who cause behavioral problems may negatively
effect and disrupt the entire residence hall community. Violations of
residence hall policies will result in administrative follow-up that could
include (but is not limited to) meetings with professional staff,
requirement of community service hours and/or the issuance of
educational sanctions. If a student does not exhibit conduct conducive
to residence hall living, it is grounds for termination of his/her current
residence hall contract and may affect his/her ability to return to the
University residential community in future years.
Conversely, those students who are positive and active community
members may enhance their residence hall stay, as they are vital to the
Residential Life Program. Abiding by the regulations in this handbook is a
major part of developing a supportive residential community that
encourages academic, social, and personal growth.
Reporting Violations.
Resident complaints resulting from alleged university or residence halls
policy violations should be reported to a Resident Assistant (RA), Assistant
Resident Director (ARD) or Resident Director (RD) immediately. The
administrative staff of the Office of Residential Life is available if further
intervention is needed. See Policies section of this Handbook.
A variety of procedures such as informal resolutions, mediation,
restorative justice, administrative and judicial review and action, police
intervention, and/or referral to other campus resources, such as the
Dean of Student Office, can be utilized in resolving complaints.
A written report from the individual reporting the violation is extremely
important for a proper investigation and to insure that appropriate
action is taken.
For information on the university’s Student Grievance Procedure
(University Policy 4105), see the manual for Campus Regulations
Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students.
The following listing of resources includes offices that should be
contacted immediately if an incident occurs.
Housing & Residential Serv., Judicial Affairs
Office of Student Life
Campus Police (Emergency 9-1-1)
Women’s Center
Sexual Harassment Complaint Resolution
Hate Crime/Incident Reporting
Alleged violations of University and residence halls policies, rules, and
regulations will result in an administrative review. If a violation is found to
have occurred, the following are forms of disciplinary action that may
Administrative Disciplinary Action.
You may receive any of the following disciplinary actions from a
Residential Life or Dining Services staff member for policy violations: a
Warning, Censure, Probation, assigned special project, required
attendance at an Alcohol and Other Drug Education course,
community service, mediation, restorative justice, financial restitution,
and/or referral to the Dean of Students Office. For further information,
contact your Resident Director or the Office of Residential Life.
Administrative action may be taken by the Executive Director of
Housing, Director of Residential Life, Assistant Directors of Residential Life,
and/or Judicial Coordinators and include (but is not limited to):
relocation to a designated room on campus, contract cancellation,
and exclusion from activities or specified dining or residential facilities.
University Judicial Action: Review Board and Hearing Officers.
The Residence Halls Review Board (comprised of residents) and Hearing
Officers (UCSB professional staff members), serve as hearing bodies for all
UCSB residents and their student guests involved in policy violations in
and around the residence halls and dining commons. If your activities
are viewed as inappropriate and a serious and/or repeated violation of
University and/or residence hall policies, you may be referred to the
Review Board or a Hearing Officer for a university hearing. In some
situations, it may be appropriate to undergo a civil process as well.
Residents and/or guests may be referred to the Residence Halls Review
Board or a Hearing Officer after one or more violations. In some
situations it may also be necessary to refer a resident for a required
psychological assessment as a result of behavioral concerns. After the
Review Board or Hearing Officers have heard and deliberated on a
case, recommendations may include:
Residence Hall Warning; Residence Hall Contract Probation; Residence
Hall Special Project; Residence Hall Relocation; Residence Hall Contract
Cancellation; and Residence Hall/University Housing/Dining Commons
Exclusion. The Review Board and Hearing officers can also recommend
university warning. In addition, they may recommend university hearings
that are reviewed by the Dean of Students and/or Vice Chancellor of
Student Affairs. These would include: University Warning, Disciplinary
Probation, Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities, Restitution,
University Suspension and University Dismissal.
For a complete explanation of the Housing Conduct Process and
Procedures, including sanctions and appeals, refer to:
Section I - Residential Life
Policies and Resources
“A to Z”
Violation of any of the following policies jeopardizes your housing
contract, violates the UCSB Standard of Conduct Code 102.07, and may
result in University sanctions and legal prosecution that could include
(but is not limited to) eviction and/or University sanctions. These policies
apply to all UCSB students and their guests when they are within Housing
& Residential Services environs (including parking lots), regardless of
where they reside. These policies are also enforceable while
participating in Housing sponsored activities on or off campus. The
fundamental purpose of this University is a dedication to excellence in
teaching, research, and public service. It is acknowledged that alcohol
abuse and the resulting consequences have a significantly negative
impact on campus life and mar individual clarity of thinking, verbal and
perceptual acuity, and mental alertness.
Questions regarding the policies outlined in the section below may be
directed to your Resident Assistant (RA). Please consult an RA when you
become aware of violations in order that appropriate actions can be
Alcohol: In accordance with federal, state, and local laws and
ordinances, unlawful drinking, excessive drinking, and drunkenness are
not permitted or condoned.
In the State of California, the legal drinking age is 21 years of age
and over. Persons under the age of 21 years are not allowed to possess,
purchase, transport, distribute, or consume alcoholic beverages at any
Residents and guests who are 21 or older may consume alcohol
within the privacy of their own room or suite. In such cases, the doors
and window coverings should be closed and all other policies governing
noise and other common courtesies must be adhered to. At no time
shall it become public nor may it occur in or around any public areas
(hallways, bathrooms, lounges, etc.) of the residence halls. Possession of
an open or empty alcohol container (including kegs) shall be
interpreted as being consumed. Persons under the age of 21 may not be
present at anytime where alcohol is present.
If alcohol can be seen, smelled, or heard, it is considered public,
visible, and in violation of this policy. Kegs, beer bongs, and distillation
processes, as well as other large quantities of alcohol, are not allowed
within or in the vicinity of the residence halls and those found responsible
are subject to contract cancellation. Parties with alcohol are prohibited
in the residence hall community. Delivery of alcohol by outside vendors
is prohibited.
Bathroom Policy: Bathroom facilities are all single-sex. Due to safety and
other privacy issues, residents and their guests may not enter bathrooms
designated for the other sex.
Behavior While Under the Influence: Problem behavior while under the
influence of alcohol or any other substance will not be tolerated. You
are responsible for your behavior and that of your guests at all times. The
inability to exercise care for one’s own safety or the safety of others due
in whole or part to alcohol or other drug consumption is considered a
violation of policy.
Bunk Beds and Lofts: Bunk beds and lofts must be positioned away from
the windows and at a height approved by Housing staff. The plate glass
will not provide support as a backrest, so students should not lean
against it. The front and back ends of the bunked or lofted bed are
ladders and the safest way to climb to the top bed.
Closet/Cabinet Doors: Removing closet/cabinet doors is prohibited. If
your doors are removed, they will be re-installed immediately and you
will be charged.
Cleaning: Residents are responsible for maintaining a clean, sanitary,
and non-hazardous living environment. Rooms should be prepared for
biweekly cleaning as instructed by the housekeeping and custodial staff.
Occasionally service schedules are altered due to training, illness, or
emergencies. It is also the responsibility of all residents to keep the
common areas (lounges, bathrooms, kitchenettes, etc.) clean, sanitary,
and non-hazardous. Fines and/or other sanctions will be assessed for
excessive cleaning that has to be done by the staff.
Concealment of Violations / Complicity: Any student who anticipates or
observes a violation is expected to immediately remove themselves from
the environment. Concealment of information is also considered a
policy violation. Your presence during any violation of Residence Hall
Community Standards or Policies ultimately condones, supports and/or
encourages the violation(s) and you will be held responsible.
Cooking: For safety reasons, including the possibility of a fire, cooking,
microwave ovens, and other electrical or gas cooking instruments are
strictly prohibited in students’ rooms and other residence hall spaces not
designated for cooking.
While cooking, do not leave food unattended. Burned food will
activate the building fire alarm and you will be financially responsible for
the costs for the fire department and operations staff to respond and for
any damages.
Counterfeiting: Copying, manufacturing or otherwise altering university
documents is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to parking
permits, and ACCESS cards.
Damage: You and your guests will be held responsible for any damage
or theft of University property both in private rooms and public areas in
and around the residence halls. Bills for the cost of repair are sent to the
responsible individual(s). Damage should be reported immediately to
the front desk. Do not attempt to repair damages, to do so may result in
additional charges. Refer to: Guest Behavior
Dart Boards: Dart boards are prohibited due to the potential for damage
and personal injury.
Decorations: Corridor, room, and community decorations must be of
nonflammable materials. Fire retardant decorating materials are
available in many stores. Holiday trees must be treated with fire
retardant material. For more information about decorating and fire
safety, call the Campus Fire Marshal at 893-3008. Sexually explicit
materials may create a hostile and intimidating environment and could
be a violation of University harassment policies.
• Door Decorations: Message pads or door decorations are limited to
two pieces not larger than 81/2" x 14" each, due to fire hazard.
• Ceiling Decorations: No glow-in-the-dark stars or paint are allowed
on the ceilings or walls of the rooms.
• Window Decorations: Posting materials on room/suite, hallway, or
lounge windows and/or displaying items through windows is not
allowed (unless approved by the Resident Director). No material is
permitted to be affixed to the window.
• Marking or writing on doors, windows, or walls is prohibited.
Dining - Behavior: The dining commons are an extension of the
residence halls and as such all persons are required to abide by all
university policy and campus regulations. The following behaviors are
inappropriate and grounds for immediate exclusion from the meal and
follow-up disciplinary action which could include eviction from the
residence halls and the UCSB community and/or criminal proceedings:
• Verbally abusive behavior to staff, including physically threatening
conduct, verbal threats, use of profanity, abusive name-calling, or
non-compliance with staff directions
• Throwing food or other items or inciting or participating in a food
• Vandalism or theft of plants, artwork, dishware, silverware,
equipment, or other University property
• The possession or use of alcohol and other drugs on the premises, or
entering a facility under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
• Sneaking into or trespassing in the dining commons
Door Closure Devices: State law requires that door closure devices be in
working order. If a door closure device has been tampered with, it will
be repaired and the residents charged. Please report any problems
immediately to the front desk.
Elevators: Tampering with or misuse of elevators is prohibited by law and
university policy. These behaviors can create serious safety concerns,
expensive repair costs, and excessive wear and tear.
Evacuation Maps: State law requires evacuation maps on the doors of
each room. If the map is tampered with or removed, the residents will be
charged for their replacement and face possible disciplinary action.
Event Planning: No loud, unruly, or alcohol-related events (progressive
parties, strippers, etc.) are permitted in the residence halls. Large events,
allowed only in the formal lounges and recreation rooms, must have the
prior approval of the Resident Director. Outdoor or off-campus events
must be approved by residence hall staff. Policies and procedures
regulating programs and activities apply to all residence hall and
Residence Halls Association (RHA) sponsored events whether on or off
campus. Alcohol will not be permitted as part of hall events. Students
will be required to close down any event that violates UCSB policies.
Facility Use: The residence halls and their facilities are reserved for the
use of residents and RHA. Use of facilities by outside organizations is
limited and up to the discretion of the Resident Director.
False Fire Alarms: False alarms (pulling fire alarm stations, tampering with
smoke detectors, etc.) will lead to an investigation, legal consequences,
and/or University discipline. False alarms inconvenience residents,
endanger emergency personnel, deprive the Santa Barbara community
of adequate fire protection, and breed a lack of credibility for the alarm
system in your building.
Every alarm must be treated as a genuine emergency. It is each
residents responsibility to leave the building when the alarm sounds.
Failure to evacuate immediately will result in disciplinary action.
Fire and Emergency Equipment: It is a misdemeanor to tamper with or
interfere with fire alarm pull stations, smoke and heat detectors, fire
extinguishers, hoses, fire sprinkler system, and EXIT signs and lights.
Violators are subject to disciplinary action as well as legal prosecution.
Fireworks / Explosives: It is a misdemeanor to possess, store, or use any
fireworks on university property.
Flammable Liquids: Storage or use of any flammable liquids, photodeveloping chemicals, or corrosive materials in any quantity is prohibited
in the residence halls.
Room: Removing furniture from your room is prohibited.
Public: Students who remove furniture from public areas and floor
lounges or use furniture for purposes other than its original intention are
subject to disciplinary action which will include restitution and a fee of
$35 per item per day.
Gambling: There is to be no gambling on campus or within university
managed facilities or at university affiliated events as defined by federal,
state, and municipal laws. If you or someone you know has a gambling
problem and wish to seek help, contact the University Counseling
Center, Gambler’s Anonymous, or the National Council on Problem
Guest Behavior: You are responsible for the actions of your guests, or
those you are hosting, at all times. It is your responsibility to accompany
your guests at all times while in the building. Resident guests will also be
held responsible for any policy violation(s) that occur. Should your guest
or guests violate residence hall and/or dining services policies, you as
the host will be subject to disciplinary action and the guest may be
asked to leave. You are responsible for properly and accurately
identifying your guest(s) to staff upon request. You are responsible for the
activities that occur in your room. It is your responsibility to make sure
that all activities and items in your room comply with University and
Housing policies. A room adequately accommodates the people to
whom it is contracted and a few of their guests. Overcrowding rooms is
a safety concern and an issue of community welfare.
Guest Visitation: You must first check with your roommates/suitemates if
you are planning to have an overnight guest. All residents who wish to
host a guest at any time between the hours of 11:00pm and 8:00am will
need to obtain a Guest Authorization Card from the front desk during
regular front desk hours. Check with the front desk of your building
regarding additional guest registration procedures. No overnight guest
will be allowed to stay longer than three consecutive days, and no
resident may have overnight guests more than seven nights in any
quarter. Additionally, non-residents shall not be guests in the residence
halls for more than seven nights per quarter whether with the same or
different hosts. During Halloween and other special occasions,
limitations and/or restrictions on guest visitation may be implemented for
residents’ safety and building concerns.
Hall / Floor Meetings: We encourage you to attend all hall and floor
meetings. It is common courtesy to inform your RA if you will be unable to
attend. You will be held accountable for the information presented at
the meeting.
Harassment / Abuse - Physical, Verbal, and Nonverbal: Physical harm or
the threat of physical harm to any person including sexual assault, sexual
harassment, assault/battery, and physical fights will result in disciplinary
action. There is to be no harassment of any person. This includes threats,
malicious pranks, abusive name-calling, prank phone calls, electronic
posting (misuse of on0line social networking), and racial, gender, or
sexual orientation harassment. This also includes abuse and/or
harassment that is nonverbal or communicated through e-mail, the
internet, regular mail, telephone, fax, etc. You and your guests are
expected to resolve differences in a mature, constructive manner. See
the ‘Community Living Standards’ section for more clarification.
Illegal Drugs: The possession, use, distribution, cultivation, manufacture,
or sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia is illegal as defined by state law
and is prohibited within or in the vicinity of the residence halls or
elsewhere on campus. If marijuana or other illegal drugs are seen,
smelled or heard, it is a violation of this policy. Students suspected of
using drugs (because of odor, disruptive behavior or by information
brought to the staff) will have their actions documented and may be
subject to legal as well as disciplinary action.
Incense: The burning of incense and/or incense-like materials is
prohibited in the residence halls by the Fire Marshal. Special exceptions
may be granted by your Resident Director.
Keys: You are responsible for your room and building keys. If your keys
are lost or stolen, report it immediately to a staff member; your room lock
should be changed immediately to ensure your safety. The cost of
replacement for a lock and key is $50 during normal working hours and
$100 during evenings and will be charged to your BARC account.
Please submit all key requests to your Front Desk. Key requests can not
be made through the on-line work request system.
If you are locked out of your room, you can get a temporary loaner
key from the front desk. No friends or family members will be given a key
to your room. Each student is given four courtesy lockouts per quarter,
each lockout thereafter will costs $3. You will be required to produce
identification and the $3 prior to receiving the loaner key. Remember to
always carry your keys! Keep your doors locked at all times for security
and safety.
There is a $10 charge for a lost or unreturned building entrance key.
It is a misdemeanor to duplicate or use without authorization any
university-issued room key, equipment room key, building key, or security
key. Providing false information to staff to obtain a University key is a
major breach of security and grounds for disciplinary action.
Lost or unreturned mailbox keys for Francisco Torres will result in a $25.00
Lamps, Halogen: Halogen lamps are not allowed in the residence halls
due to their association with fire and high-energy usage. Students are
encouraged to use compact fluorescent lamps.
Ledges, Roofs, Balconies, and Walls: The use of ledges and roofs for any
purpose, hanging or sitting on balcony railings, and the scaling of
exterior walls is prohibited. Throwing objects from ledges, roofs,
balconies, windows, etc., is strictly prohibited. Refer to: Windows
Motorized Vehicles: No vehicles or machines with combustible fuel (e.g.
motorcycles, jet skis) can be brought into or stored in or around the halls.
Those found inside the residence halls will be impounded.
Noise: See Quiet Hours / Courtesy Hours
Open Flames: Burning candles, potpourri, incense, barbecues, sterno, or
any other open flames are prohibited in or around the residence halls by
order of the Fire Marshal. Special exceptions may be granted by your
Resident Director. Refer to: Smoking
Personal Care: Each student is responsible for his or her own self-care,
which is defined as appropriate personal hygiene, mental health,
management of medical illnesses and/or disability related personal
needs. If a student needs a personal attendant to assist with these tasks,
it is the responsibility of the student to identify and pay for an attendant.
This policy also refers to residents and/or guests who are under the
influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance.
Pets: Pets and animals are prohibited for all residence hall residents at all
times. This includes pets of visitors, regardless of length of stay.
Exception: Trained, certified & approved ‘Assistance Dogs’
Exception: Aquarium fish, in tanks not exceeding 30 gallons.
Posting and Distribution: All posting must be approved by the Resident
Director of the building and materials will be allowed only on specific
bulletin boards. Posting materials on room/suite, hallway, or floor lounge
windows is prohibited. Sexually explicit materials may create a hostile
and intimidating environment and could be a violation of University
harassment policies. Individuals as well as organizations will be held
accountable for these regulations.
Public Areas: For safety reasons, the hallways must be kept free of
obstructions. No resident or guest may sleep in the lounges, unless it is in
conjunction with an official hall-sponsored event. Use of these areas for
group activities requires permission of the hall staff. In the event of a
health or safety hazard, and/or vandalism, lounges and/or restrooms will
be closed.
Quiet Hours / Courtesy Hours: The minimum quiet hours established for all
six residence halls are as follows:
9:30 p.m. - 9:30 a.m., Sunday through Thursday
1:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m., Friday and Saturday
These hours pertain to all regular school weeks. Quiet hours begin at
11:00 p.m. on the Sunday of a three-day weekend. Residents of specific
residence halls or unit floors may vote to have additional quiet hours.
During Dead Week (the week before finals) and Finals Week, Quiet Hours
are 24 hours-a-day.
During Quiet Hours, you are to be certain that noise from stereos,
amplified music, televisions, musical instruments, radios, voices, etc.,
cannot be heard by people in neighboring rooms, corridors, or areas
outside of the building. At no time should music be projected to be
heard outdoors. All residents share the responsibility for enforcing Quiet
Beyond Quiet Hours, students may ask any other resident, person, or
group to observe Courtesy Hours (which are 24 hours a day) when they
need quiet for study or sleep. Please remember that a student’s right for
quiet supersedes another’s right to make noise.
Resident Behavior: Students who display inappropriate behavior or
conduct towards themselves or other residents, exhibit an inability to live
in a residential hall setting, refuse intervention, and/or are endangering
themselves or others in any manner, are subject to administrative or
judicial action that may result in relocation or eviction. Behavioral
examples include but are not limited to: eating disorders, self mutilation,
dependence upon other residents and/or staff for self care, etc.
Other administrative responses may include, but are not limited to:
interventions, required referrals to university staff, Behavioral Contracts,
and/or required Release of Information consent to permit discussion
between residence hall staff and other university staff, or outside
agencies, regarding the resident’s needs.
Sidewalk Chalking: Writing on sidewalks is prohibited unless approved, in
advance, by the RHA Coordinating Board.
Skates/Skateboards/Bicycles/Scooters: The use of roller-skates, roller
blades, skateboards, bicycles, and scooters is prohibited in the building.
You are expected to remove skates or dismount your skateboard,
scooters, and bicycles upon entering the building. Trick riding and stunts
create a safety hazard and are prohibited on walkways or in other areas
within the vicinity of the residence halls.
Smoke Detectors: Smoke detectors are designed to sense the presence
of a fire and activate the fire alarm system. The detectors can be
activated by things other than smoke, including water, steam, and
thrown objects. Smoke detectors are not to be dismantled, deactivated,
covered, or otherwise tampered with in any fashion.
Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in any of the rooms, public areas of the
residence halls or dining facilities. Smoking is allowed 25 feet away from
the facility or further if residents in surrounding rooms or facilities are
bothered by the smoke. Hookahs are prohibited from being used or
stored within or in the vicinity of the residence halls. Refer to: Damage
Sports and Horseplay: Corridors and lounges are considered public
areas and are not to be used as grounds for sports, wrestling, or
horseplay due to the possibility of personal injury and/or property
damage. Refer to: Damage
Staff Directions: You and your guests must follow the directions of
university staff members (in-residence, dining services, custodial, and
other university staff) at all times. Being uncooperative or verbally
abusive to staff, providing false information or failing to provide
immediate identification (ACCESS Card) and information to staff, or
interfering with staff while they are performing their duties, is
unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action which could include
(but is not limited to) contract cancellation. Not opening your door for
staff members is viewed as non-compliance. Abuse of staff and noncompliance will not be tolerated. Abusive behavior includes, but is not
limited to, physically threatening conduct, verbal/written threats and
harassment, use of profanity and abusive name-calling. This also includes
abuse and/or harassment that is nonverbal. Residents who have
concerns about policy enforcement should speak directly with their
Resident Director. See: Harassment/Abuse Physical, Verbal, and
Strippers: Strippers are prohibited in the residence halls.
Theft / Misuse of Property: Theft, tampering, and misuse of personal or
residence hall property, including but not limited to: video and vending
machines, hall and lounge furniture and walls, laundry and laundry
machines, is prohibited. Possession of stolen property is prohibited.
Trash: Trash from your room should be discarded in designated areas,
not placed in common area trash receptacles or other non-designated
areas. If trash from your room is found in non-designated areas, you will
be held accountable for their appropriate disposal and all financial
costs associated with its removal.
Trespassing: Unauthorized entry into other student rooms, behind the
Front Desk, into maintenance closets, etc., is prohibited. Residents and/
or guests are prohibited from entering the building during break time.
Waterbeds: Due to the weight, electrical and flooding hazards,
waterbeds are prohibited.
Water Devices: Water guns, water catapults, water balloons or other
water devices are prohibited in the residence halls.
Weapons: Firearms, ammunition, hunting equipment, and other
weapons, including but not limited to: spear fishing equipment, paintball
guns, slingshots, bb guns, air-powered guns, or any object resembling a
gun, wrist-rockets, knives, darts, and nun chucks are prohibited in the
residence halls or on campus, nor is there any storage space provided
for such equipment in the halls. Possession and/or use may result in
confiscation, eviction, or arrest.
Windows and Screens: Throwing, dropping, or allowing any object to fall
from a residence hall window constitutes a safety hazard and/or litter
problem. A $40 fee is assessed for unauthorized removal of screens.
Climbing in and out of windows is also prohibited. Refer to: Ledges
It is the resident’s responsibility to close their windows when it is raining or
when rain is forecasted. Water leaking into the windows can cause
damage to the facility and furniture. Refer to: Damage.
While each situation is different, it is important
that you recognize that all violations of policy
will result in an administrative response that
could include, but is not limited to, the
cancellation of your contract. It is the
responsibility of each resident to take
responsibility for their actions and those of their
guest(s). It is the intention of these policies to
create an environment that supports the
academic mission of the University.
Section II - Residence Life
Information “A to Z”
Cable TV: To arrange a subscription to cable television, contact UCSB
Communications Services at
Cellular Phones: Cellular service in the Santa Barbara area is available
from a variety of carriers. However, coverage on the campus varies
widely by carrier, as do their plans. For valuable information see the
cellular service FAQ’s at UCSB Communications Services web site, at
Damage Appeals: If you or your living group want to appeal a bill for
damage send an email to
Dining - Guest Meals: You are welcome to bring guests with you to any
dining commons. Guests will be admitted with pre-purchased guest
passes on sale at the Housing & Residential Services office from 8 amNoon and 1-5 pm, Monday through Friday. You can also pay for your
guest at the door through ACCESS debit or BARC billing. Refer to: Guest
Dining - Meal Hours: Meal hours have been arranged to provide
flexibility in our dining service and may change during the year based on
need. Ortega is open Monday-Friday. De La Guerra, Carrillo and
Francisco Torres Dining Commons are open seven days-a-week. Special
schedules will be posted in advance for special meals, finals week, and
holidays. Dining services may relocate service for special events. Such
special events will be posted in advance of relocation. If special dining
needs arise, please contact your dining commons staff in advance.
Dining - Meal Program & Policies: Your campus ACCESS card is
programmed to allow you and only you to eat once during a meal
(breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner) at any assigned dining commons for
the number of meals you have selected. You are required to bring your
campus ACCESS ID card for entrance to the dining commons and must
replace it immediately if it is lost or stolen. You are not allowed to loan
your ACCESS card or transfer your meal privilege to another person.
Report a missing ACCESS card immediately to the UCen cashier's office,
893-2786. Damaged cards will be replaced free of charge.
Dining - “Take-out” Meals: All food and beverages must be consumed
inside the dining commons unless you receive a “to go” meal from the
Take-out service. Sack meals are available for students to take with
them. Special meal arrangements can also be made for required class
excursions by contacting a Dining Services Manager at least three
working days prior to the event.
Dining - Sick Tray: Residents who are too ill or medically unable to eat in
the dining commons can have another person pick up a meal and bring
it back to the residence hall. The person picking up the sick tray must
get written authorization from an RD or ARD. The sick resident’s access
card and the signed authorization form are presented to the Lobby
Checker. A doctor must authorize the necessity for more than one meal.
Regular Meal Hours
Monday - Friday
Monday - Friday
Breakfast 7:15 am - 10:30 am
Breakfast 7:15 am - 10:00 am
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
11:00 am - 2:30 pm
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
10:30 am - 2:00 pm
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
De La Guerra
Monday - Friday
11:00 am - 2:30 pm
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday
10:30 am - 2:00 pm
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Monday -Thursday
Late Night 9:00 pm-11:00 pm
Francisco Torres
Monday - Friday
Breakfast 7:00 am - 10:30 am
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
Brunch 10:30 am - 2:00 pm
Dinner 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
“Take-out” meal hours will be posted in each
dining commons.
Doors– Written messages, tacks, or tape placed directly on the door will
damage or cause excessive cleaning and is prohibited.
Energy Conservation Programs: The Department of Housing & Residential
Services has developed innovative conservation programs to help
students use energy resources more efficiently. Dining Services has
switched to unbleached, recycled napkins and is composting food
trimmings. All of our eating facilities are recycling their cardboard,
newspaper, and other materials that used to be hauled to landfills. In
addition, the Residence Halls Association has a recycling program and
other environmental committees. Contact your RD for further
information. We are installing energy efficient equipment throughout the
University housing facilities to reduce consumption. Solar water heating
systems have been installed in each hall to provide 70% of the hot water.
We have retrofitted the lighting and heating systems through federal
grants. Your heater valve allows for an automatic adjustment of room
temperatures. If you are too warm or cold, try adjusting the valve. Five is
the warmest and zero is the coolest. Contact your Custodial Supervisor
for assistance.
You can help too! Please turn off lights, computers, TV's, printers, when
not in use, saving energy cleans the air, and saves the students money.
Fitness Centers: Santa Rosa, San Miguel and Francisco Torres have Fitness
Centers open to all residents.
Front Desks: Each hall operates a Front Desk, staffed by Desk Attendants
and/or Resident Assistants, to assist students by providing information,
checking out equipment, and providing various other services. If you
have a question and don’t know where to get the answer, the Desk
Attendant will point you in the right direction. For desk hours in your
particular building please refer to hours of operation posted at each
Hall / Floor Meetings: We encourage you to attend all hall and floor
meetings. It is common courtesy to inform your RA if you will be unable to
attend. You will be held accountable for the information presented at
the meeting.
Housing Contract - Check-out: If you are checking out of the residential
hall prior to the end of the academic year, you must obtain the CheckOut Procedure form from Residence Halls Assignment Services, 1501
Residential Services Bldg (located adjacent to De La Guerra Dinning
Commons). There is a $50 charge for failure to follow the appropriate
check-out procedures when moving out of the hall after contract
cancellation, at the end of a quarter, or at the end of the academic
year. During periods when the halls are closed, no one is allowed in the
buildings. Failure to vacate your room by the last day of your contract
will result in the removal of personal property by the university, according
to state law. Failure to leave your room in a clean and orderly condition
will result in a cleaning charge, according to state law. You will also be
charged for loss and/or damage to premises, equipment, or furnishings
for which you are responsible. There is also a $50 charge for lost keys.
Housing Contract - Contract Cancellation: Your contract is for the entire
academic year. It is unlikely that you will be released from your contract
early for reasons other than verifiable graduation, marriage, withdrawal
from the university, academic dismissal, transfer to another institution, or
as a participant in a university authorized planned educational leave
program. You may petition to be released from your contract by
completing a Contract Release Petition provided by your Resident
Director (RD). Attach documentation to the petition and meet with your
RD. Petitions will be reviewed at the end of fall and winter quarters by a
committee who will recommend appropriate action, i.e., room change,
release, or denial of the petition. You will only be released if a
replacement can be found by the University and existing vacancies in
the halls have been filled. If released, you will be assessed a $100
liquidated damages fee.
You must be a full-time student (12 units) throughout the year to
maintain your contract. If you fall below 12 units, you must speak with
your RD to review your case. Graduate student full-time status is 8 units. A
resident with no units will have their contract terminated immediately.
You may not hold two university housing contracts simultaneously. If,
for instance, you hold a residence hall contract and then sign a
university-owned Single Student Apartment contract, the Single Student
Apartment contract will be null and void unless you have a written
release from residence halls assignment services personnel.
Housing Contract - Housing Payments: All residence hall students receive
a university bill (BARC) near the end of each month with a due date the
first of the next month. The housing payment is broken into a Housing
Advance and a choice of three different payment schedules.
Installment payments are due the (15th) of each month. Non-receipt of
the BARC statement does not absolve the resident from paying the
residence hall installment by the due date. Installment payments must
be received in the cashier’s office no later than 4:00 p.m., the fifteenth
(15th) day of the month, or a $20 late fee will be charged. If you are
having difficulty with your payment schedule, please contact Residence
Halls Assignment Services at 893-5513, before your payment is due, so we
can work with you to accommodate your needs.
Housing Contract - Returning Residents: We encourage residents who
wish to return to the residence halls the following year to apply for the
lottery in February. Some priority for room selection is given to returning
students and may be contingent upon a conduct review.
Housing Contract - Room Changes: If you and your roommate/
suitemate are having difficulties you cannot resolve, you should discuss
the situation with your RA. You and/or your RA may come up with some
new ways to approach the situation. If, however, no improvements
occur, then you may wish to consider a room change. The room change
process starts with your RD. S/he will give you a Room Change form with
directions. Official approvals must be granted before room changes are
made. No changes will be made before the second week of each
quarter or after dead week of each quarter. There is a $50 fine for
unauthorized room changes and disciplinary action may follow. Room
changes will only be allowed if appropriate spaces are available.
Housing Contract - Room Consolidation: Given the high demand for
single rooms, the University has the right to consolidate vacancies per
Paragraph 3c of the Residence Hall Contract. If a student moves out of
a double occupancy room, the remaining roommate will either: a)
move to a vacancy in another double occupancy room, b) coordinate
with another resident to move into the vacancy in his/her room, or c)
upon University approval, retain the room as a “double room with single
occupancy”, paying the appropriate single occupancy rate. If
consolidation has not been completed within 30 days of the onset of the
vacancy, the room with become a “double room with single
occupancy” and fees will be assessed from that date to the student’s
BARC account at the appropriate single occupancy rate.
Housing Contract - Triple Rooms: The triple rooms are assigned at the
University’s discretion in order to meet the first year housing guarantee.
The University has the right to reassign students and reduce the number
of occupants in triple rooms as space in double rooms becomes
available. We call this de-tripling.
Triple room assignments are temporary. De-tripling will be done on a
volunteer basis first. Once the volunteers have been moved, Assignment
Services will randomly select the next person to move if there are still
vacancies in double rooms. Students may be reassigned to vacancies
in any of the residence halls, at any time during the academic years, so
be prepared to move.
When a student is moved from a triple room into a double occupancy
room, the student’s room and board fees will be reassessed at the
double occupancy rate. Be sure to budget your room and board
expenses at the double occupancy rate for the entire academic year,
since it is impossible to determine when de-tripling will occur.
Housing Contract - Withdrawal Procedure: If you are withdrawing from
UC Santa Barbara, you must contact Residence Halls Assignment
Services staff in order to cancel your Residence Hall Contract and
receive check-out instructions.
To check out of the residence halls during the academic year, a
Withdrawal Petition must be obtained from the Registrars Office, 1005
SAASB. After all signatures have been secured, bring the petition to the
Residence Halls Assignment Services staff to obtain the check-out form.
Charges for room and board will continue until you complete your
check-out forms and return them, along with all assigned keys (including
your room key & building entrance key), to your RD. You must vacate
within 72 hours of the university’s approval of your termination. There will
be a $100 liquidated damages fee assessed.
Laundry: Fully equipped launderettes are located in each residence hall.
Lost and Found: If you lose something in your hall, go to the front desk or
see your Resident Director or the Custodial Supervisor. The Campus Lost
and Found is in the Public Safety Building, 893-3843.
Mail Service / Post Office: When room assignments are made each
resident is assigned a shared post office box. For the main campus
residence halls (Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Nicolas, San
Miguel, Manzanita & San Rafael) post office boxes will be located at the
US Post Office, in the University Center. Post office boxes for Francisco
Torres residents are located at Francisco Torres. If you change rooms,
you will keep the same post office box unless you move between
Francisco Torres and the main campus. Your post office box will be
cancelled upon your move out of the residence halls. Your residence
hall room number is not a mailing address except for United Parcel
Service (UPS) deliveries.
Maintenance Services: During normal business hours, our staff maintains
all public facilities and addresses work order requests. In case of
emergency, such as a shattered window or major plumbing issue,
contact your front desk or the on-call staff. It is an expectation that all
members of our community is treated with respect.
Misuse of Meal Card: There is a $10 fine per meal, for loaning or misusing
your ACCESS ID Card in the dining facilities. Misused cards will be
confiscated and students may lose the right to access certain facilities or
National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH): The National Residence Hall
Honorary (NRHH) is an organization composed of the top 1% of student
leaders in the residence halls. Its main goal is to recognize individuals
who have contributed outstanding services to the residence hall
community. Official induction into NRHH occurs during spring quarter. For
questions regarding NRHH services and applications, contact your Hall
Council President or call the RHA Office, 893-4877.
Parking (Francisco Torres): Parking permits distribution, visitor parking,
and consistent policy enforcement are challenging subjects being
addressed by staff and residents. Due to the nature of evolving
enhancements to our policy structure, we ask that you pick up a Parking
Regulations Brochure at the front desk for the latest information.
Recreation Equipment: Each residence hall has a variety of recreational
equipment available for use by students. Items available in one or more
of the halls include ping-pong tables, pool tables, volleyballs, and other
sports equipment. While only some halls have pianos, all have color
televisions and VCRs.
Recycling: Our three ‘R’s are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Students in
the residence halls have worked hard to develop a recycling program.
Largely because of residence hall student initiative, there is now a
campus-wide recycling program for newspaper, aluminum, glass, paper,
plastic, cardboard, and even batteries. Like energy conservation,
recycling requires your personal commitment. Please think about what
you buy (reusable items that have little packaging and are made of
recyclable products) and how you might reuse it. Landfills are almost full
and new locations are scarce. For more information, contact the Energy
and Environmental Office at 893-3092 or the Recycling Coordinator in
your building.
Restorative Justice: Restorative Justice is a program that seeks to resolve
conflicts, repair harm, and reconcile the past. Through restorative justice
our goal is to find the possibilities for growth and renewal in conflict
situations. We recognize that personal and collective accountability
promotes lasting changes.
In restorative justice we acknowledge that the restoration of harm
demands mutual respect rather than shame and humiliation. The
restorative justice process is one in which all members have a voice in
reconciling harm to the community. Our goal is to rebuild relationships
while promoting authentic accountability.
This is not a replacement for administrative or judicial response to policy
violations; it merely offers another ‘tool’ or method to use in addressing
community or personal conflict in our residence hall community.
RHA TV — Channel 84
24 hours a day
Top movies, announcements,
student programming!
Available to all cable subscribers
and in your T.V. Lounges
RHA - Residence Halls Association: The Residence Halls Association
(RHA) is an organization for all students in the UC Santa Barbara
residence halls. The purpose of RHA is to represent residence hall student
concerns and to sponsor educational, social, and recreational
programs. During the past years, RHA was active on over fifteen
committees and planned such diverse events as an all-hall talent show,
All Hall Ball and the annual Sandcastles Day. UC Santa Barbara’s RHA is
nationally recognized for its quality and variety of activities. Participation
in RHA is open to everyone. Elections for Unit and Hall Council officers
are held early in the fall quarter. If you are interested in a hall officer
position, see your RA.
RHA - Floor or House positions: To become involved, talk to your RA.
Many different positions are available at this level.
RHA - Hall Council: Elections for these positions take place at the
beginning of Fall quarter. There are generally eleven elected positions: 2
Co-Presidents, Recorder, Treasurer, Activities Chair, Athletic Chair,
Publicity Chair, Webmaster, NRHH/OTM Chair, MAC, Recognition Chair,
Community Service Chair and Environmental Awareness Programming
Chair. Hall Council is responsible for planning activities and programs for
the whole building, maintaining desk and lounge equipment, and
representing concerns of students in the building.
RHA - Executive Council and Coordinating Board: The positions on the
Executive Council are the President, 3 Vice-Presidents for Programming,
Administrative Vice-President, Treasurer, NCC (National Communications
Coordinator), NRHH President, Project Care Director, Webmaster, Media
Coordinator, 12 Representatives at large, and three On-Campus
Associated Students Representatives. Elections for these positions take
place spring quarter. Together with the presidents from each building,
this group forms the RHA Coordinating Board, serving as the main source
of student input to the administrators of the residence halls and actively
representing RHA views to Associated Students and other campus
organizations and committees. RHA Office 893-4877, 1st Floor, San
Nicolas Hall.
RHA - Equipment: RHA has an extensive amount of equipment that
ranges from karaoke to sound systems. Residents and groups can check
out these items from the 3 RHA offices. You can find a complete list of
RHA equipment at There
are also many items for check out at each front desk, such as movies,
ping pong balls, pool equipment and more.
RHA - Fees and Funding: As a member of RHA, each student in the
residence halls has paid $30 as a part of their residence hall payment.
This fee is divided between the Coordinating Board, the Hall Council,
and the Unit Hall for their various activities.
As an additional source of income during the academic year, RHA
receives a percentage of all commissions from the vending machines
and video games in the halls. Of the $30, $9.00 is given to your Unit Hall
for floor activities, $9.00 is given to each building’s Hall Council
government and the RHA Coordinating Board retains $12.
RHA Hall Council: Elections for these positions take place at the
beginning of Fall quarter. The elected positions are generally the
following: President, Administrative Vice President, Treasurer, Activities
Chair, Athletic Chair, Publicity Chair, Web manager, Recognition Chair,
Community Service Chair and Environmental Awareness Chair. There is
also an appointed Multicultural Awareness Chair. Hall councils are
responsible for planning activities and programs for the whole building or
quad area, maintaining desk and recreation room equipment, and
representing concerns of students in the building. Each hall council gets
a minimum of $3000 for their budget ($9/student in their living area).
RHA - Project CARE: Project CARE was developed by RHA to reinforce
community responsibility and reduce vandalism by providing you and
other members of your hall with incentives for not causing damage.
Financial support for the program comes from dollars saved by the
reduction in damage. Incentives include gift certificates, bicycles,
snowboards and other great prizes. There are $25,000 in prizes given
away, including an end-of-the-year grand prize worth over $10,000. At
the end of each quarter, all students living on halls with no unaccounted
for damage are entered in a drawing. Prizes are awarded at the
drawing. This is a fantastic way to win prizes, as well as keep our
community clean and free of vandalism. Please contact the RHA Office
for more information.
Roommates / Suitemates: It is expected that you and your roommate/
suitemates review the Roommate Handbook as soon as possible. See
your RA for a copy.
Solicitation: Since the residence halls are considered the students’
homes, commercial door-to-door solicitation of any kind is strictly
prohibited. Residents have the right to post a “No solicitation/no
campaigning” sign on their door to increase their privacy if they so
choose. Registered student organizations (registered with the Office of
Student Life) wishing to speak with students door to door regarding any
ballot issue or candidate appearing on RHA, Associated Students, Isla
Community Center, Santa Barbara County, State, Federal, or other
district ballots which includes the campus and directly affect hall
residents, must go to the RHA Coordinating Board to request permission
and Coordinating Board approval. This includes door-to-door
campaigning. There are strict guidelines once RHA Coordinating Board
permission is given on the times allowed, which are as follows: in the
eight days prior to an election, Monday through Friday from 6pm to
8:30pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon to 8:30pm. On election
days, the times allowed are between the hours of 3pm and 8pm. This
policy may change during the year therefore for the most up-to-date
policy, please refer to the RHA website at
Student Employment Program: This program is based on the idea that
students living in the residence halls should be given the opportunity to
work within the Residential Services Department. Student jobs are
available in the dining commons and residence halls. For further
information, visit
Telephones: You may sign up for telephone service at any time.
Arrangements for service may be made by contacting UCSB
Communications Services at
Vending Machines: In each hall there are a number of vending
machines from which snack foods and beverages may be purchased. If
you lose money in the machines, fill out a refund request envelope
located at the Front Desk. Staff at the Front Desk can also explain the
Water Shortage: Water is extremely limited in our arid climate and is a
resource we must conserve now to avoid severe shortages in the future.
Unlike many parts of California, the Santa Barbara area currently relies
solely on water obtained locally. Water conserving shower heads and
toilets have been installed in the halls. You can help conserve by making
sure the water is turned off completely, reporting leaks immediately, and
taking shorter showers. It really does make a difference.
Wiring: Taping cable TV, modem and/or electrical cords to the carpet is
prohibited. Connecting wires from room to room is prohibited.
Work Requests: Maintenance requests for non-emergency building
maintenance may be made on-line at:
resresources by selecting the building maintenance icon. Maintenance
requests may be made in person at your front desk during normal
business hours. Please contact the on-call staff for after-hours
maintenance emergencies.
Safety & Emergency Procedures
Bicycles: If you own a bicycle, it is imperative that you get it registered
by the Community Service Organization. CSO’s will be available to
register bikes during Registration Week at Storke Plaza and in areas
around the halls. To further protect your bike from theft, get a good lock
and always attach your bike securely to a bike rack. For safety reasons,
travel at a reasonable speed and use a bike light at night. Hand signals
should be used when making turns. Riding in the halls is prohibited. Be
sure to park your bike in the racks or designated areas to avoid having it
Community Service Organization (CSO): The Community Service
Organization consists of a group of 55 students who work with the Police
Department in serving the campus community. The Community Service
Officers (CSOs) can be identified by their yellow shirts and the radios that
keep them in direct contact with the police. One of their services is an
escort service both on campus and in Isla Vista. To request an escort,
pick up any red emergency phone on campus or call 893-2000.
Earthquake: Before an Earthquake prepare an emergency disaster kit.
Include the following: portable radio, canned food / water, first aid kit,
flashlight / batteries, extra clothes / jacket, blanket, Use an old
backpack or laundry bag for the storage of these items.
Earthquake Evacuation: If you are inside a building during an
earthquake, stay inside.
• Sit or crouch against an interior hallway wall or take cover under a
desk or table.
• Stay away from all glass areas such as windows and mirrors.
• Do not attempt to restrain falling objects unless your life is
endangered by them.
• Leave the building when the shaking stops and remain outside.
• Do not stand under overhangs on the outside of buildings. Move
into the designated open evacuation site, away from all structures,
and stay away from power lines.
• Follow the instructions given by staff.
• If you are outdoors, remain there.
Earthquake Event Aftermath: Provide first aid where necessary. Seek help
by sending an able-bodied person to the nearest emergency station.
Avoid using the telephone.
Fire Regulations: The fire alarm system consists of smoke detectors, heat
detectors, pull stations and a fire sprinkler system. Activation of the
above will:
Sound all fire alarm bells in the building
Notify the campus dispatcher (911 or 893-3446)
The fire department responds with fire engines, a paramedic unit,
and police personnel.
Fire in the Building: Upon discovery of a fire, make sure that everyone is
out of the room. Leave the room and close the door behind you. Break
the nearest fire alarm box or dial 911 and report the fire. Contact a
Resident Director or Resident Assistant and evacuate the building. All
fires must be reported, even those that were self-contained and were
put out. The fire department will investigate every fire.
Fire Alarm Evacuation: The procedure for responding to a fire alarm is:
1. Test your door for heat or smoke before exiting.
2. Should the door be warm or the hallway impassable:
Place towels or a blanket at the base of door.
Telephone the fire dispatcher at 911, giving name, hall, and
room number.
Go to the window and make your presence known.
3. If the door is cool and the hallway clear, exit the building
immediately by the route taught during fire drills.
Grab your shoes, jacket, and keys before evacuating.
If you are in your room, lock your door and take your key when
leaving. Use stairways, but do not use elevators (elevators will
automatically shut off).
4. Once outside in the designated area, maintain 100 feet of
clearance from the building.
5. Re-enter the building only after receiving instructions from staff to
do so.
Every alarm must be treated as a genuine emergency. It is each
resident’s responsibility to leave the building whenever a fire alarm
sounds. Failure to immediately leave for the evacuation site will result in
disciplinary and/or police action.
General Safety: The University is committed to maintaining high
standards for safety and security in and around the residence halls.
Individuals who jeopardize the safety and security of others by violating
any of the safety regulations, by not following security procedures, or by
creating a safety, security, or sanitation hazard within the halls will be
subject to disciplinary action from both University and civil authorities.
Insurance: The university does not insure your personal property nor
replace it if stolen. We recommend that you have insurance on personal
items such as musical instruments, computers, stereos, televisions, etc.
Homeowners insurance often covers property outside of the home,
which means that your parents insurance may cover your property while
you are living in the residence hall. Check with your parents to see if this
is the case. If not, check local listings to find an insurance agency that
can meet your needs. An engraver may be available to you at the front
desk or through the Public Safety office to mark your valuables with an
identification number.
Natural Disaster Phone Number: In a natural disaster, an emergency
number is available for relatives living outside Santa Barbara. It provides
information 24-hours a day on the status of the campus at a cost of $.55
per minute. Natural Disaster UCSB Campus Update: 1-900-200-UCSB
Police Department: The University Police Department, much like the
Sheriff or Police Departments in your home community, is a state police
agency responsible for law enforcement duties in and about the
campus. Special services are also offered by the Police Department,
including a crime prevention program and community relations
programs. For more information, access their website at
For a POLICE Emergency - Call 911 or 893-3446
Rescue Squad: The University Rescue Squad is a 24-hour emergency
paramedic service that responds to medical emergencies, assesses
medical needs, and/or provides patient transportation to the Student
Health Service or any local hospital. The paramedics deliver advanced
life support in the field to stabilize the patient before transport to a
medical facility. Please note that a student is financially responsible for
costs of medical transports.
For a MEDICAL/RESCUE Emergency - Call 911 or 893-3446
Safety and Security: Every student must take responsibility for keeping
the halls securely locked, protecting keys from loss, and reporting
strangers in the halls to an RD, ARD, or RA immediately. It is also
important for you to keep the door and windows of your room secure at
night and when you’re not there. For safety as well as security reasons,
screens must remain on windows at all times. Doors must not be propped
open. Members of the Community Service Organization (CSO) assist in
checking that exterior doors are locked.
Safety Concerns: You should report any safety-related problems and
maintenance concerns immediately to a hall staff member. A message
can be left for the staff at the Front Desk during desk operation hours,
or after hours by calling your Front Desk.
Security: All halls are locked by 11 p.m.; however, one of your keys will fit
major exterior doors. If your keys are lost, you are responsible for ordering
a change of the lock in order to maintain security for yourself, for your
room’s possessions, and for your community’s security.
Security Consciousness: We encourage all residents to take safety precautions when traveling across campus at night. Whether out jogging,
walking to and from the library, or going to Isla Vista for a late night
snack, students should travel in groups of two or more. (See Community
Service Organization section for escort program.)
On line Social Networking Safety Tips
While sites like Facebook, MySpace, Xanga, LiveJournal, and blogs are a
great way to stay in touch with close friends and build your online presence, please keep the following in mind:
If you wouldn’t post it on a bulletin board, don’t post it online. Web
transmissions aren’t foolproof unless they use secure forms of authentication and encryption. Posting something online is just as
open an available to others as posting something on your door.
Use privacy setting to help control who can access your information. Many sites, including Facebook, allow you to restrict the availability of your profile to certain individuals. While these settings provide no guarantees, they can be a useful tool in gaining some control of your details and photos.
Your online profile may be the only impression someone has of you.
While close friends may know you’re joking about something you’ve
posted, another student, staff member, faculty member, or even a
future employer who stumbles across your profile may only have
that information to gauge who you are. Make sure the image
you’re projecting online is one that accurately represents you.
The internet is public space (It is not called the World Wide Web for
ResNet Responsible Use Policy
The use of network services at UCSB is a privilege, and not a right. While on any UCSB
network, all UCSB students are expected to adhere to all applicable ResNet, University,
local, state, and Federal laws. Residential Network Services reserves the right to terminate
your connection at any time if any malicious or inappropriate activity is suspected. Failure
to cooperate with any University official is grounds for immediate connection termination.
Distributing copyrighted materials without the consent of the owner is against federal law.
Students found offering such material will have their connection terminated for a minimum
of thirty (30) days for their first instance of copyright infringement. Professors will not accept
a DMCA-ResNet termination as an excuse for incomplete or tardy schoolwork.
Additionally, UCSB does not tolerate the use of peer-to-peer applications if they interfere
with the regular operation of the campus network. UCSB strongly discourages students from
running these p2p applications in order to avoid having their Internet connection
terminated. Use of p2p software can get your network access suspended.
Your connection may not be used for scanning or monitoring network data by any means.
This includes scanning other user's computers for available services or exploits.
Inappropriate access of computers, networks, use of passwords not obtained through
proper procedures, and/or disruptive activity on computer systems are considered a
violation of ResNet policy. This includes scanning ports on any computers for any reason or
knowingly distributing computer viruses. Prosecution under state and federal laws may also
ResNet is a shared resource. Network use or applications which inhibit or interfere with the
use of the network by others are not permitted (e.g. applications which use an unusually
high portion of the bandwidth for extended periods of time, thus inhibiting the use of the
network by others). Users may be asked to cease any system activity that directly or
indirectly causes a problem on the network.
ResNet may not be used to provide UC Santa Barbara computer services or internet
access to any computer outside of ResNet. This specifically includes any private Wireless
Access Point in a student room, any kind of proxy server, or dial up services. Students found
running and/or using any such devices or services will be subject to disciplinary action.
Forgery or other misrepresentation of one's identity via electronic or any other form of
communication is a violation of University policy. This includes (but is not limited to) forging
of IP addresses or Ethernet hardware addresses to conceal your computer's identity.
Prosecution under state and federal laws may also apply.
It is against state law to use state owned resources for personal gain. Thus, a ResNet
connection may not be used for any money making activity. This includes web pages with
any kind of advertising or fees associated with their use. ResNet network services and wiring
may not be modified or extended beyond the area of their intended use of one computer
per data jack. This applies to all network hardware, computer lab equipment and in-room
data jacks.
Use of ResNet resources is governed by Housing & Residential Services and UC Santa
Barbara Policies and Campus Regulations Applying to Campus Activities, Organization,
and Students publication. Non-resident users (i.e., guests) are also expected to abide by
these policies and all guidelines mentioned herein when using these resources. Every UCSB
student will be held personally responsible for any guest violations of this AUP or any other
UC Policy. Student violations of the above policies will be handled through the H&RS
Judicial Affairs Office; other violations will be referred, as appropriate, to the Dean of
Students, and/or the University Police Department.
In accordance with University guidelines and/or court orders, files and transmissions may
be subject to search and examination by system administrators or employees as required
to protect users and the integrity of computers systems such as those that are suspected to
be involved in unauthorized use or misuse, or that have been corrupted or damaged.
Residential Network Services reserves the right to terminate any in-room or lab computer
connection without notice should it be determined that network traffic generated from
said connection inhibits or interferes with the use of the network by others.
Bathroom Policy
Behavior While Under the Influence
Bunk Beds and Lofts
Cable TV
Community Living Standards
Community Service Organization (CSO)
Concealment of Violations / Complicity
Contract Cancellation
Damage Appeals
Dining - Behavior
Dining - Guest Meals
Dining - Meal Hours
Dining - Meal Program & Policies
Dining - Take Out Meals
Door Closure Devices
Earthquake Evacuation
Earthquake Event Aftermath
Energy Conservation Programs
Evacuation Maps
Event Planning
Facility Use
False Fire Alarms
Fire Alarm Evacuation
Fire and Emergency Equipment
Fire in the Building
Fire Regulations
Fireworks / Explosives
Fitness Centers
Flammable Liquids
Front Desks
General Safety
Guest Behavior
Guest Visitation
Hall / Floor Meetings
Harassment / Abuse
Housing Payments
Illegal Drugs
Lamps, Halogen
Ledges, Roofs, Balconies, and Walls
Lost and Found
Mail Service / Post Office
Maintenance Services
Misuse of Meal Card
Motorized Vehicles
National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)
Natural Disaster Phone Number
Open Flames
Personal Care
Police Department
Posting and Distribution
Public Areas
Quiet Hours / Courtesy Hours
Recreation Equipment
Rescue Squad
Residence Halls Association (RHA)
Resident Behavior
ResNet Use Policy
Restorative Justice
Returning Residents
RHA - Hall Council
RHA - Equipment
RHA - Executive Council and Coordinating Board
RHA - Fees and Funding
RHA - Project CARE
RHA - Floor Reps
Rights & Responsibilities
Room Changes
Roommates / Suitemates
Safety Concerns
Security Consciousness
Sidewalk Chalking
Smoke Detectors
Sports and Horseplay
Staff Directions
Student Employment Program
Theft / Misuse of Property
Vending Machines
Water Devices
Water Shortage
Windows and Screens
Withdrawal Procedure
Work Requests