IM" fflmtfiTlir Hi " S im AGEt IB IH HASK6LL 'ENTY-EIGH- T HASKELL (Haskell County) TEXAS, THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 19G4 nnual Steer Show lighted Here Saturday win jiopc- ishnylng stoers rs Twelve Indictments no tlio judge's In the 21st County H inlay afternoon, Rico springs Three of twelve indictments ilorful, and en- konded event, returned by tlio Haskell County K Ikeon compctl- - Grand Jury Tuesday noon were AV Btartcd under on chargog of burglary against Georgia nrnn who t In 1014. a l stcor show, "cased" his victims throueh nn Ichcd "Instltu- - obltuarv column of a ncwKnn- - rj under Martin's get unaerway Saturday, v Jones County knt of Anson,, ...,, - according to District At- tornoy Royco Adklns, then com-.miHrwl u1i1a ... hiircrlnrlin ..,,- fhn .v vn... ,.; MIH1W members of the famllv wnrn n m. I i i . nn. Newton, WelJ Ene steer orea of Meridian, ion, Welncrt steer bred by Chester; Ke Ui i..k nn' i - ii n i.,iiiij. . ? it. a. oimvui, ' lciry nuuw- r: m UH Club, one bux Muiunu, 01 Gannaway, tWO Steers, Murphy. Mcr-rcd by R. A. Chester; Ricky aub reek bred by Paul bred by Na- mm: and Dan- - ;u::' u- or inches above normal KEI f., one-ha- H-n- !;r"wrw; jerry IT.- - ctamfn 23.20, of Haskell, !, - of of Haskell's business horizon has uVe "V." fou.r nnd n half lnchcs , r.t..,i... "elow the whopping round fie- boon bustllnir with tho first week of the New Year, J ,?f 33 inhc? '" m2 a as ono largo grocery establish- - ?!,?' .w . saW. HaskuUw r.ecc.ive lf nine and ... inches BM,i ment chamrort firms moved to expanded quar- - JJJe Palpitation than is nor- tcra. Haskell country has- been . . AULEDQB KOY ' . J Sweetwater, Ml e,ncT' and ;of more o tunn n hnn mnat nn hn re front'for three yeaTs """ "ow1861, a total of S0.33 Inches was recorded. mn h- -n the total, by better " ; l mo,8,re ,',. ,ie'l?1rd nonnni fro, five nt c...AHi LnwrnnrA wrencc, of hl hmi,., - Snyde already operJ "P"-""- . of the 83rxi Jr., was chosen thf SrSme noS endol ,'"ronion L 5l 9?", y -" OI 01 new stores tne grand jury. lJrf:"..K u'a"rei loxas,, H Pn,,niv ,"."" nnin other numbers uvc Northwest and, " "' ana the Pan- '"Pnsing "xas arc selected handle, hnertaUorA0b,,L0ft0f W E- T- Fouts, Rule; Allen counUes,' announced the purchase cntr.a Texas Isbell ?rth -.auper-aav- e ' " ? ,u"b Mar- - - "'" "' ;' ,;un"" J' ,, "U"; " "outo 3. Haskell; Bobby Owens "uy.vlsw He Demo- '" li7Ui iU'u '"JD,0CK west "" of 1, in thc Route counties c"armcn the Munday; B. :..uuoyi rnw "..w isnor-unto T; Hicks homo to attend "?" TV ..,.. even seven inches above Courthouse Soimrn ),. ho renwntcj nmi liii: i, i .. uau piniin jiiiiiiiiii .iifiia iiu ,. In .: me tuncrai or a member of thc , '..Jl.r. 7. ',. "ZL" r -- . in 1961 The Lnwn.n m...j.... .,!, .. . malVt(, ,iic. uiuiij-vnapman, Her- - WfiInocr1nv mlu UlO SUDCrmnrkof . ai.fc ....... n lutw ..i lamuy. u ; . ,,.. jukr r. Tin,. i,i nl ritiifl'ii iMiiiiTnri ffm imiiitiiuu out that announcers Hn-i.,,- 11 ti" - - -- wv-iBB- "'"". ,1(-',- - . ti. a r-- c - 11 .. T i - k 9 , im & - w & i"-m- u Ira Hester, prosl- at the' weekly del,t. announced luncheon hirn Judy ScB" d Wayne r,n werc thc accomplished Per sen. i ior whn u, duced by their official Rotarian s hnota Qtnnlnu ""u orwKS M rtdlo7A '"' . . i t..,i,. i the Nat onal HoVr the past two ycara and '5?..a nr .h t ter, Qu.,1 and Scoll .Soc'K; niuionaj Honorary high school oinnalistic group. She has been a drum majorette with the Has- A n..nn nI.IHM nf ",l-rcii inuian ua inu lor two vuitrs . . "frrrillt.' "' ui:iis nope and pluys thc flute in the band. .lo nav? ."loved a step closer .., i ciysiuillzutlon of a lonff- a mcmhnp of tho a dar on the also is active in the youth work UBct ProJect. nr h.. ci..... r .1 . y. orK or the ""uuic niuuninin Brazos River northwest of Rule wynV ernn, i outstund- - for the purposes of flood con. trol and provision of a recrea," JU",Jlr tional site, through action plan'hnSi Z". Veai8 of hln, " ned at a meeting at the Has;ormefl ." -- " -" kell County Courthouse V" ,.,..,- tKlp." ,'! um.. i.i. P!sient of the 1061 Senior ruuuiuiy was... CIlOSUll . The.... of area cit- 7. I,...l,..,lw.ll ij '....r mis year izensmp, meeting f in ""antl""'' the office ,s onc of t,lc n'K school fnvor- - of Haskell County Judiro Jim ltos Alvis, requested Haskell Coun- IV ! Atlnrni'v Hill" t?niif .i i..i IIUBICI. ii...... at tile 'K'"'" "'"' '"'utm ..... ... Haskell i, -Prrco .,.iiv Frn - v.tntn r,.ai.'Mll)Il, ri'llOlli.k"UMJ , ,, ter Oakes to ilrnur nn rn. n.n- n,nai.. i " . iuuuiiii. mraiu 01 .1" " "- - U'uiuuuniy sit l"CI0!H- mcetlnir CU'CUinilKl ... wln.i., rin.l 41,..,,i ... ..... I..,..pei Anderson. T Wilkinson iQ!iuukui hi least 10 commun l' tMs ''"rntory and and LJill Rat' if wun- named to . iinai ior signa- scire on a nominating tee to prepare a slate of offir iu ii; in mis manner, uic of thi a.,-,hopes to ers to jnesent foi service dur be able 11... Ito rrt i o n "to picsent tangible 'k me luoi-uKotary yeai evidence of our intense Inter1 Mra.' Henry'i her,, loyal est, " according to Judge Alvis, early construction of the "sweetheart" 'of, R3taTcre inprojected , dam, onc of 12 in u nn(1 et,nV chain of pioposed Hood control presente,. corsage jn a ceremony honor projects under study thiougliout ing her for her dedicated ef- the Brazos River Baniti Such a project on the Double forts to the civic organization Fork of the Brazos can risciiei, well - known ,Mountain nt H'Dnii C....W.A..U sumi n... . eel; fair.ier and sports- - ....x.v.1, nine nn mnn, inci eased his stature as a bc' en u dream of numbers of Platform speaker with a lepeat a1ren, P'anncrs for years Prin- them was Bob iuno,t Pcrfominnce at thc club's reSeymour, and the quest to tell of his experiences Bna.k,n. selm-focc- . tr.t '""" - . SLT" m-h- 1 " ni 1 - . '- -s the "moisture norm" 'inten ion Pston of Quanah who Sad and District Attorney Adklns said Charles B.' Smith, andyG Vi . . .Wonomtnd if dno Unk of cosine IM. In this area w.ik rprliinui nniv am tne accused man posed as a V"u U by the U. S; Weather odTamTn offic.ate Rool Wllford (Pee Wee) les ma lel.itlvn of ihn flrnnncori nnrenn Jones tne ormai ratniaii form- ol "Ber store Arlcdgc "" .t"u.;. since "ntatlvp said he would After he swore In tho nnw that to Inoulr dlrnnflnnc Jn hr w. is returning to Abilene to ai b'Bcu ? Hiclts home nt fhn Poor nffinn grand jury. Judcc Chanmitn nn. "ol make a formal announce- . nas ocen in onuc "rev sou a grocery the mc"t "tll busi, later qualnted body . date. tho with 2R the me. in Mundnv Inst Ocfahnr nnri o ni l ill. , .... .i '11 .... niinn ill ?n.A v. w.v uiiii AU... 0 lllblU. ..ii llCia chanics of its responsibilities. iater usod identification found n reported. The legislator from Stamford m a billfold "belonging to the the secret nature of Its dcllber- .1 .. ,.,! i. i AI. L.riU'rnriPA c'3"H mi termln .m " imuiui- "" !.. n l . .Tlu .".rivMiiv and the varying degrees LeciSnture deceased found in tho Hicks' 3Ti years, supply of 'or moisture and his in here Jan. 7o2, of gravity ,?" of both misdcniean- - i h0me" when ho sold loot tnken joined him as he .nn,i. tile year lust endor. wn no. " l5 " "" Mnvc sons or and fnlonv rnseH wlileli ivmiiii n in ihn .' .'. ' ai.ii cd ''is operations. ' on his serve Jack Law- - cumulated despite a --December Pawnshop: be presented. nt0"J,Jc" .. .. rnnnn lc" t.i. ..r.. .1 .1... tl,UW- - ..... ..i.. ,iur. inr unr lnli..r n.i..i. ..1 h'-- ..1u.11 uiii I1.JH- '" vsi'llllllg Tn iuOIWIC ,,,.. oy warney La- ,. nppnsing tne grand Jury Woii ?..,. tr.,.. Uilj'lUI, ... Uii.- r 4...o. Piir,riuvicr.ri., ,f w mr.ii i f..n n.i,.,. renci. . ...... .... ni.,. i i,,i,.,t v.. ....v.- 11IV.1U11V.U 111 .1... ' IUUI OI III ." "" li " mill iuiihi hiiua, ".o. nnv" .,., lS ..,..... responSlOilltlCS. OrtOn. JlldCC on I ...., o riMu.r' '"hh'J nmilnof n.nn.... iwuuuii Snvrcr nf cii,.ui Ilni.n.f i.,:,... r....i... ki ti. " " ..i '""j.-m., oiuijr, chnnman oiflorl the "" l"" "'""' luu siuics . i.., "ia . .. " ...w ;,fib'"if Hn u ,,:fi on .. ii.upeiu.s ginnil lunUKIiuv is ;' :lllii.-Ul otllof " II 1USO rallied Ull till 11,. ruin tn v'"""u" fhn lutaieci in 1'Jait. . .,,, . '.' ... ' system r entries for jury one of the createst n... """" 3 s in uecemner, .31 on the ftirauord, Texas. Tlio Has- I'nuuu, es of i:"u l'""'H r iuibcu systems ever devised" In fair appearance in ". kell store will be the sixth of Hth, and 03 each on Dtvembei V admlnister- Arledge's announcement was the Plggly-WiggCampbell, and stores opei- - H and 20 No, mal foi Deem- the Hist pol tlcal hat in thc atcd by Law.ences. continent " I30C 21 is "3 niches. m 22, 1063, and and Iho oumeo? ih rl"K m "askell County in the on the approval of the operation Warmest December day heie and.passSnrtSSi. .. rnrT . ......... J,. .1 on !( 11... declared new vcar. l..u,. lutuiucii lliiln 3 titn ivii; l v u uuyiuus me iTliggiy--t " iggiy uj, jers of Haskell A'r;,.""..,,v b " ' ii . ... ,.. Judge Chapman. Tn dctermln- uay, e. .inu iiii4iiiius oince at in in iiii mill .lacksonvi luiiiii -' " Jiimt .at later inno oVidn hftV reading Jn 11 " Jeri Law once , lv 2"prunnrvfrr 'I!'"" ke. Fort Wortn, man, forT M 23. Tuesday December ported e 'L"th away, only onc con- Is, County Agent True bills also wore returned whether he's your next door 10- -l'" r In the fallowln.P' other- rMiceoSr.!Svrrh,0?m iL"1!!. or your best fiiend, c,mty S. L. Hudspoth, 40, of Roches- this week, Perry Motor T C t's race, in which the see- - Company, the roirvcW-Piv- O 1 ter, for theft of a 1057 model au- - nave no Hearing in the case v tomobllo fmm .t ninmn n You've trot to work with furls end term aspirations of the in- - mouth - - Tr., ,. , 1x3.911 OF 111113117 or c,bout July 27. 1063: Jackie not by public opinion, or what '"mbent. Garth Garrett, are dealership here, owned and on- . t Rav Nelson. 2(1. 'of Alhnnv for the district attorney savs. or I being contested by a newcoin- - crated bv Howml .". Perry foi a- - UL7pc In (Skceter) Miller, sock- - bout 10 years, mov ed to 9i00 UlClZcb forgery and passinc a forced say, or what tho sheriff says. er IVCbUllb square-focheck to Edna Andress on or b,,t go by your own conscience," lK "is first political ofiire quarters all undei . , one roof block east of about December 8; and Bobby challenged Judge Chapman. KPrnrH Square Has' uuge by house jbck iNicnois, ior rorgery and vnapmaii whHe ""l! .SSS!?6 passing a forced check to Edna declaring, "Yours is a great , !'e" Auto Partf. w,,ich foim e 3 responsibility, You are the only lv occupied a portion of tin ?", Andress on the same date. yea:, as tni.l.iinir election in t i.iiti.ii cmintv ivhr, til on .. inn .hi,h Tim. Davis, 10, well u,e orflcc of "'strict uTwo persons not yet .. appro- - can sav" a man can bo trior! on wcu as imager of the i.AH.iA.i : . ... . . rornev uiuicicu in nas- - a rcionv case, if von don't "..-- '. nnrl ennnfv fnv nnri nuiiucu wcro 1.11...... uncnWni "" neiniLm. ...... Collector. . koll Countv in still tinnllinr fov think 1... ..,,,l,l , . me n u.v,.n.f,v,i i.,n t..., critically In- - Bery cnso and swindling ,by him loose. And If you do think in th .,!.. .. '."he inciimlfntn In I.,..., ,.n, Dan and Duke Dixon, brothers. rint-ni.. wt'st of Rile near the conver- ..,, . ...... -ivjii uu r 1. uur. 10 1..1 ui irt.iii... r iiu witn iuii siiuiiiu mill ?." leriv ini'u. inn. .....Friday hon the fourth shot, "i didn't Kmi ?' ",e &n,t ana trouble ,1111111111 ' 11.. i' ' i IUH..1. juim uiuin immiii ui rirp 1 ;iiei tm.. . r (! mi r. . . . n .. mn wr .. nil itnri. v ' t ' wu tiiM vlll; f. - ininaiuipuiii Mountain Forks of the RmM. i..,. in i. ,i... ijiii mwyui. r.vcry icicd on a curve. . niinr jii wun :iiiii r rn Kuen- jiiiii'ii vj One. Louie and Precinct iiiiii. if nuiii itiiii ",v innnri. ki of 8tamford L" tlnici.c."ra"J!U . y tne ncw py. P,se. !? a serious matter, sticr. Precinct 3. have announc- - grated by their father, open- - ment Supervisor Flovd (Satcln so Miot hnn." F.s.-he-r drawl- - il.nU tm"ei) lt . "Thc Seymour Jte.seivoit on tneir mnps. Tho n.,., eu tne Haskell Auto Parts here r.ncU r..vV.nie ed. thc Abilene- - kbu jury which oegun woik punisliaDie by a term in the t ,..,ir.tir.n ,i.h ghway. i?"0.0!?.0 an,d.."e cnsc wn3- Penitentiary, or In some cases, to contest them to date. Eliza- - ',csa. than a year ago a half A rash of jrrass and pasture The other rafter rrricer wo proj'(,, Js Intended for the pur- askell County PiiinB lunner investi- aeain. ? cth stewnrti incl,mbont ..x IoeK cast of the Square. Their blazes in Jnnuaiv of 1063 whlc'r In response to an inquiry about J'"5 0I "ood control, recrea area at the site where The judge added that "law- U1SO A Will He ail Kent firemen hen. irninir tr. nml hOW often II womnn keener- nf uu" evere head in- - gatton. 1. "Bn quarters nnrl yets from the cities have mnrv- - rAce) Davis, constable, Pre- operation, with three coming from fires most every an isolated trading post in the iUrlco w ater would be im- llacerations and and a fish and eled nt the merit of our West cnct , avis underwent tne Haskell precinct, tl,"cs uclr farmer floor space ,ny of the month, helped com- - Vukon goes to tenvn "Oh, l Pom"lc,d. ver ln Ru'e' the New Year pile the record total. Lusk didn't say she nevei goes to ' juries, and I know you ajH0 lmVe announced, nnd have "fie nJy' "0t a. nrocctcd surgery late IliU'll " Hnxlurorl ITS ,.l, ..- ..T PalHUlDle WatCT SUPPlV. it WHS Saturday. Her win uu a luiisuiuihious joo, ' ne no opponents to date. urouKi " nc.w hllHillesK ill tvnint.wl r.1.. Th,. ...o.... ID "'" ... ...,,. cmpnasizcd. said in dismissing them from t'lo form of Service Cleaners i..,..ii.,rr llllllllll ii. 11.I111IIIL. inctJ UlUllllll described "as innimnif !.(. . r.....i. in.t antrl ftII lneVct,ri tii.nn III! .ll lll'IIIIIIN " Almost 10 months ago, in Ad- - wnich opened Monday on the bv far durlnir 1063. the comtroom to begin Uiclr District Attorney Roj-c:al, but" not The most bclni: reven vears that she went teicst ran high for the dam conttendlng phys- delvrerations of a number of kins has not yet announced, but north side of the Main Street blazes during any onc month in last." struction when the Corps of etisvs iu ue ircai'iuuu oy uiai- - nas iiuncaieu ins ucciarauon us owners ana operators are 1062 were 12 Engineers held public hearings rlct A tornoy Royce Adkins and of intentions to seek Mrs W. C. Holt and Mrs A H Patrolman On February 5, 1063. volun-teduring the month of March, on Sheriff Garth Garrett. irho inycstlgat- Alexander, both of Rule. Is imminent. firemen in Haskell went to the feasibility of the entire eight fires in one day. 1 Pollco Chief chain (.1 dams A large repret the Haskell kJ Beth Vaughter. talented Tlie longest interval between sentation fiom tills territory lone in tho car young daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T fries without a truck run in Has- t? voiced its Interest at meeting krd Anson whon J. G. Vaughter. presented tlio kell in 1003 was the 21 days be- - .jCt IVlOnQaV VOX in Vn:a on March 13 and in lurred. She was program at tho Tuesday noon- tween October II and Nov 7 Plainview on March 20 Olen Bnrtley and Volley Ivy f111Af.. ivinncy amou- - uay iirncncon ot Uons. C. O. At both sessions, Col. F. P. Holt was procrram chalrmnn were tho firemen here with VOUnty ird. fleaUS Kbisch, district engineer of the vhose attentive for the doy, and Introduced thc tho best attendance record Fort Worth dlstrii t, expressduring tho year each making needs of all guest speaker, Haskell County's Home Dcm- - ed gratitude for tho evidences r tho Haskoll of inteiost by people of this 'in daughter y s legion In this "Tho read 1M3 of .said, 25 tralnlng'WiS going and to Haskell Trustees "and, with a Paint Creek replaced, Morrison declared Tl ,ss area. ' v !JJy 'JiRlnno admin- - t"K"v "over vans' by Rural scliool, the west wing of . Morrison pointed out that it building time contract V interim that drill periods on thS .. .... This interest i ijani i riiiin iimiiiii nni n., a t ...i.ii. a. uays has been. rc- A .!. 113 of grass u moan m blaze total would nere . the jsimai could nmuw cost wiih not Job wimui uui uisasluvuieii i tiiKe arter trie win ior n", il ground" affair for officers of the m "act, oum """ V, (ring 10C3 aftor Ulttl, Pgrcss Is undying com- - trous $85,000 fire on December figures are projected to go be finished before Julv 1." ' calls werc made. The remalnd- - "0,mtv h o m 7 , .. ' Jf Admlnlstra- - lesion to givo, create and 11, have employed an architect through the processes of culling to buildings and COunell ,nrc.aK- i"IT 25 were , , . K"im . .T in. k" 1,UV """ ""ei' is mo nrm homes. Ffty tuns werc out of mon and until ULVC' ,.ha " ":. """l lwu "l l"c uani to draw plans for replucing tho n bond election, then hold the c uinzoa itivor pro Koyco Adklns, chairman, ro- - gutted stiucturo and estimate election, and an additional 30 'wpwycu lo worn up tlio plans town, , i"", ' , '. S. MlUf',"n. ., of A. J. (Cot- 11111111K. cil it .(in 11. in. in Tinuni nrmiti ' ' 'v ia .irvi"" "" ,,,; owfie position. or were I'um-. a bond days beioro whatever bonds 'V '"""""H costs in anticipation niuiiuiii iiiui oi uasKets Mom serious fire loss in Has- ,h pcV.,hm'rBO ,inr .VV. x,,.a n" j;".".:..'" -- -, presentea to less fortunate Issoo to securo tho funds to ro- - are voted can be certified for ...n.j V iui.iuny y ircsracru L.ynuon Elementary hciu lki. do- 7. wns the vcar last of a $4 billion families ln Haskell at Christ- - build. Pat Morrison, sunerin- - sale bv the Attornev fienerni of tioyed in a devastating toma- - I? C ,i'ci , a?c1!1 '. announced B. Johnson, Pub,,e worksblll which includ- 'lo which knifed through te Highway 277 near the south city " T ,L,t'" 7 mastimo. Around $1,000.00 was tondent of the scliool, announc- - Texas. ,. , .... . .... . .. ..- ...v....-- vi mi; ui uuui;ii i!ii iiriiironriiiiirinu ini nirrir. i " nn 4l.n ..1 i I.... nil Ifnil i. nero suoriiy 1llflnl Al. ...1.1. v "'"uu1 ml.. miuv 1ft"i .1nmus i"ujui;i, j,numuuy. We are snoot- - Ilerill wiui jnsi . Z "" If llflcLr.lll on Wednesdnv inn ir m too ni,...i. 7 , 7 u i,... muo over $700.00 received ' uiong me ' "" "' Ing for March 1st as a Hturtlng JnM2' Several members of mo night, December 4. Owner- - p. m., she" suld. Urrg Brazos. In donations. Lions "footed tho a tiinotablo for ,late fo. whomever may be em- - rx"? Stnto Touchers' ssocla- - Operator Sam Crume cstlmat- In roPr of .,m?Us groups will The plan is to secure "Bever in ic recent .. meeting .. here cd Ids totul tho lost wing,v bill" for the extra $300.00 reconstructing ln ,,i- the jinii" 'Mnrri,w . . Hon , most ......"?. , ..- loss nt S10.000. . .. .... &.. ! I.I..I- ...... ui' iicl'iiii il Till I'liiinm rri At rt ' nouseu on needed uii inousaim signatu ifl'' rn li tne classrooms which ior commented "excellence of which insurance cover- - lions for 1064 worked '""""to bo out petition, a of gradors, combined first three then send It to the appearance of the new ed l7 . for presentation to thc ington ,by porsonal messenger, "uiwiis cxprcsscH tnanus to caietona ami auditorium serv- UOaCIl 10 1 (ILK miildlrrg." At present, this firm rlMlSns full Council session two days a designated spokesman from m u,rn wm ,0 tnlB area, for preaentation to on the project. . V P.MP.rt Hlflh entorv and high school. Hunt. ' 1 ecin. a now Pentrni nthoiie 1 plant Danlol H. Guests 1 noted at Tuesday's Morrison said estimated costs t.aken ,bncl! l0 the four nomp Texas' two U. 8. Senators, and . Hlch School ln Abilene, and nn i n VaitUUQlO demonstration clubs In Haskell to Congressman r.rnhnm Pnr U Creek, has meeting wore Stan Hazolwood probably will be ready within OOlUU.ll tfCMQUCt addition to the First Prcsbyte- County for action, Mrs Uver- - cell, of this Thirteenth Texas nui-ii mam- - "u jerry u wecK. ana mat a neiition mum. fimrr-n f e.i in Anmmi run ti. ior - luuicmr. Amuriiio. ... ftf( ..n.v., ,a..w IMU UWJ" ! iflUHIUV . . ... at mo Army ctt explained. Congressional District. calling a scnooi bona issue will nert High School footlwill team ford uiiwiors nitHMlng announcing In MBU,ur bo next as week's soon us Thc citizenship of this area circulated "Just neottnff bo will Thursday. 10, held nreLii Jan. l"0"1" only tho estimated two homo demonstration actlv- - hopes it may In this manner according to of Tm and directors was tho cost figures arc known." at 7.30 p. m ,n tho irU Bchoo building ind Itles, thc Haskell County home- - convoy tlio urgency of the proj- reldat7:00n. m. Tho A oiio no architectural cnfetorluiii. Mi&mtkirh in making leader lssuod un apjoal cct to Its elected reprcsenta- Lh0 T?xnfl Cttfe, with Wallace flrm of Tittlo ftnd Luthor Wllfl 9ri.f" u,Sl fnviTn.!, S.'..U' Wheeler, "L of coach head .. Mrs :. m I.. iur uiu lurmuuon or ncw nonio tlves In Congress and to Uio Jr., president presiding, employed shortly Christ- - Ablleno Christian College, will the Mxl60 Wdftah biwi te 3, Haakell. In these calendar - conscious demonstration clubs "to make Department of Interior and tins Projects for Juniarv und mno t .imu, i,nbefore .1.1.C ..n,i ., the ,irinei,...i ,..!,,.--" .i..." .... vr ot ni.m. l '" operate and February were Ci xrly days of thc Now Year. Uic our study moro ,..V;7ii,i effective, ' be- - Bureau of Reclamation, within : ..... discussed. ""'""? Btasswtniow brick tr.i,,.ii - m " i.,7 ., ..B. T. .. . ' MIIH W11H CdVUrVil liv nillrl.nnn .........j, .JTeX' iitv.r.l.ll.1 im...... ITIII'M IU- - lir T. It'llltUI more 01 i. ommerco, vauso m uio provinco of irnlch Uie de-Hill xi.irillUIUUa lleilllfi tultl. .ffl rtAnll iiiiniocr Tnl... v.7.numcnuiKors 'Z mnv tho banouet .i.. Tickets for f "";' mm win wiuun 1. u.ui. r . ior i ..i f.....i k January, hus about vijuipLn.roun .Us Prwddont. Abo Tur- - moro parts of tho county could clslon concerning this project biui jirojoci be obtained from any member m,,t WfteH fneiiitino l their desires. Hampson, Tlieron Cahlll ' l1?v , Mn' Although h number of Paint of the ..,.. vcrlt rests. , , . ....... Welnort I Ugh School stu- - auditorium :. .. Bil-i v llie Armv ami UOIl Alltenzler wnrn ii ii ni "u n,vaAttending inureuay s inee- f. . .... wna . "."" .., ., "'y. '"'CtA"" ,nv,H i.: ".Tiv" .".:..:;"" noiu In R',,nT .i ""?"nopos matV"an auditorium, onn "lr.vl or itc tijiih r. ..,.. w.w. iiiiMj .. novt intr -. wami rivfA iiib- nil- - iinvj cpfutinn uxo -.l"u"i"'K iw nvv iit rjnrrnn J !. '1 - 7. . e o( Project In February. Lions vot- - hi which tho 1001 Class might AU.' SPOUTS- I1ANQUHT L C ? , H.Mvf ?.w"' with the accent on nctlv- - Monday in Mrs, Levcretfs of- - Grico, and A. R. (Pete) Eaton, . & nco or on ana Ior trie ine monui ol January, ' floor of tho trees U.y' Is (the Rule all mini at the "old graduato, could be built by late Rule, latter . '. lo.PIttnl i County Courthouse will Ommber of Commerce preU 1 delot w",ch ha uc" moved May "It looks like July 1 will "Tim' ajliS if11!0 L Taner. !? ..- -. v.,,,mo micimur ui ixua- - uu iiigiuigiiieu uy k noun juh- - (lent,; ILOflKClI UiaillDflr Man-w ,,s new restmg ne uie earnest poulble date." kell National Hank or Vcnimm 7 ' Plw SSK? t0 ko" Chamber evenU this month chcon p.repared by tho council Dob Lowrance. Rice AM-- , Uie wing can be Auto Stow jSdge (Bec "O of O", Page 12) dake. members. wa m 4-- .. rjR01'1 mi.i - ?!? iii-.i- H 'i' U. (mi.i-..c-..l,.- 'ntin hm-rriniri-o """' . ,',.",;" ,.,,"." uount-oWaig- .... ery Tt '7l'Z ( :l" " . 'r 1 L!! J" ,....'. ''" concd r. .,i "" "-- "'. ku . i.-- 1 T 1 A F" lie AZs ,,' 1 Kcnfc nKlin n In r"t - X - - .i -- r t -- -- w -- - 1 - - 111 ., 1 - ne wild-Tex- as Lions Club Hears Reading By I - "" Beth Vaughter er raining oession ; Timetable Set To Rebuild Paint Creek School Wing a f m -"- Cl UH 01 .1 . . ...... . i -- . -.- ,,,,. icnool ... - . f ... u t ... -- ui ..!.. J'i i.i "'"" -i- iy lMfDriZnaw;n W2B&' ?".& --;v ..""" 1 I'iis I Wash-readi- -5 - .n.j, KS '. . Host of Events During January 1- ..l.l - W9LStJ3M h is W '""'". , Cf r r Y7tof i ,.:,r ? . . -. Jro -- - jj At ,",..,. UJ rZZi ZZ ,.., hDri .riffith J 120-da- .. -", & k . ' .i.,i....i .... ,, jiuuPccnr-enllArit- "..,,', r"' S'a ti ( -- a ot , . . - - th Death ' . - - -- 'i on - . arter cross-secti- '- . r avis is 1 "' 190-1- . -- ;flttr' - I i v - i. c " ly iWlt,nV,0lr '- 1 """. "'? w - ;T 'iim.-,uii- . r t..i. "'"""" "i... "ff,.mWL?. "hoSr.h. . . K,ii g 1 "TiW ted Hon- 1903 a - tri jKK..!ft- 1 ng re- Roy Arledge's Is ' ,rT.LTOr xt r" I ear $lyd JTZ II 7 hT Hat !!!' in Itie Kma -- Copies of the petitl-udvo-eatiearly construction of the flood c .ntrol - recreation areo project on the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos will bo distributed for circulation at 10 a m Friday in the 39th District Courtroom of the Haskell County Court- housc' ColJnty JuJpc Jim v,s annunced Wednesday. In addition to the nucleus OI area citizens who helped m'tlate the action, Judge Al- vis Wednesday asked that "as many interested cltlzcnji ns possible" attend the Friday morning meeting here as representatives of the following communities: Haskell, Rule, Seymour, M u n d a y, Rochester, Knox, City, Wclnert, O'Brien, Sagerton, and Guthrie. County Attorney Bill Rat-ll- ff drew the petition as the result of a meeting in Judge Alvis office last Thursday. n - Juago Ben Charlie sworo in a now n. fimArni. errand Tror .. HOW. John Maynard Adorns. 25. " mon. showing " nore Pivot-.XT of Bremen, Georgia, Is still be- " . """fop1 it ! "OL iNCW steers . Plaining thc ?,?? ing held In Haskell Jail . H without bond by District At- , iivuiik . T w.. !' . L h?.T ' .de.ciar: TI you' ST rSSTrtr Judy 'ffik that vost,KRtcd..', Bo ahead and In- dub, two hmXiEi ni. JL ho m:fT,,irn VMHSnt Roy Arledjro. w.?.i. ...... M'l.LKTIN M0ISTURL TOTAL HERE IS Judy Sego And FIVE INCHES ABOVE NORMAL Wayne Perrin Haskell's Business Horizon though .bwia'tilli Honored Here y 'ii, was almost five and quartei inches above normal Two HuBl.cll High School Here Bustles WoiUhormri Sum Hcrrcn - Seniois were signally honored Thtusday. this week ,by selection as thc tota,s of 0,UI' Rotarlans of the Month JVni i"' With Activity .. luui.cs moisture, 5.23 ior Januaiy by the Rotary Club W niirh JI.j Named Foreman Of Grand Jury per, -- i I NUMBER 2 1963 Are Returned Here hero, County Martin an- - i3 Concerted Effort Underway To Get Double Mountai n Dam Project Going 4-- H pes Prcss per Copy JOc ..." S??Jn tSaMf? iSg KSliiS'u . -- ' Rnce? ,t -- w- "Xr "nfll Alvis, and AJL'ML df 'lAku ed I - iwiriK,rrirr'rccc:cccccctQ.t.v.--.'.-w--- k QJlj? - ijaakrllJanuary ihn fmui 1 1, 1880 Established PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY &en&e 964 eSSKSnnccc vccnriATinki .. rjjvvini TEXf isrK EKS3 aw-r- v i JETTY V. ClwVUE Ouner and rubllsliur PORTER U OAK KS Editor ALFRED HINDS Adv. Mfcr. matter at tho postofflce at Entered as second-cins- s Haakell, Texas, under the act of March 3. 18TO. SUHSCRIITION ItATES Haskell, Throckmorton, Stonewall, Jones $2.60 and Knox Counties. I Year 0 Months $P Elsewhere, 1 Year 6 Months NOTICE TO PUBLIC Any erroneous reflection upon the character, reputation or standing of any firm, Individual or corporation will bo gladly corrected upon oeinir canea 10 me uiiriiuuu " " jhmo..j. f. w vr . I! non-relut- ... ed ... -- - . . e The M arrow of Haskell Country , w the farmer. ever ask yourself this question, "What IS a farmer?" With the help of J C Yeary. who u at the service of the farmer practically around the clock a one of the "men Friday" of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, and a little research, for the accumulation of winch we are Indebted to the Office of In-,, , . .. c. . v.....,,.uv. vi.- .. .....:.... I... ... ..... wv icrmniiou, ei. a. uvitiiuiciu i nfiucuiiwc, iinnvnr in rlrnw n verbal viirnettc of ft fanner A Farmer is a' paradox. He is an executive with his home his a scientist using fertilizer aitacnmenw; a jwrcnajung office; agent In an old strnw hat; a personnel director with gruaiie under his fingernails, a dietician with a passion for alfalfa, aminos, ami antibiotics; a production expert with a surplus: and a manager HlllHttL'. V...tllnrr n rrlrP-PIn Haskell country, and most evcrywhre h exarctees squat- ter sovereignty, he manages more capital than most of the Intel- ncssmen in town. He likes sunshine, good food, State Fairs, dinner at noon. auctions, his neighbors, his shirt collar unbuttoned, and, alv nil, a good soaking rain any time He is not much on droutlis. gullies, threughways. weeds, the or helping vith th housH-ork- . day , Dernsshonners. . . Farmers are found in fields plowing up, dtf down, ro tating from, planting to, fertilising with, spraying for, and harv csting. Wives help them, little boy. follow them, city relative. visit them, salesmen dotain and wait for them, weather can de- Jay them, but it takes Heaven to stop them A farmer is both Faith nnd Fatalist he mul have faith to continually meet the challenges of his capacities amid an possibility that a late spring, early frost, tornado, flood, drought, dlsense, or .bugs can bring his businewi to a standstill bustnogn-wlsHe ls your fellow countryman u statesmnn of stature. And when he comes In nt noon, having spent the energy of his hopea and dronms, he can bo recharged anew with the magic words "Tho markot'r up." May Ids market be, and stay up. In Haskell country, the strong backed, leathery skinned son of the soil ls the launching pad from which the rest of us go into econ.- -. Ot ... -- ever-prese- denim-dresse- d, nt o, ng d, omic orbit. May his garden, wheat, and cotton ever grow, and his tribe Jncrcnso! w ffFrt Jg 1 -- - WE WRITE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE Automobile, Fire, Extended Coverage, Casualty, Workman Compensation, Life, Mortgage Cancellation, Etc Cahill & Duncan Agency N. First Street 30 , .4? Pho. 864-264- 6 ... - ?" RAINEYSi -- i - PLUMBING SHfl I"-J'- ;' s w St Day or Night - - w HOUR SERVICE k - iiu ...,.. i 0T "Ae warm, j,le plant. Porter " Number Two eve oecorne ciock cunsci"ii.s , , SSho J'SI,1"?..! cothfnf . (Th e Woodpecke. Woodaid. alwav.s .... last man ,t air "'n,1 long ine ,'vmo come into rnoj,t any clvif feedings, has to have ,th,,"" ,'X meeting,v. he always gets "..T ,g0 far wevc skipped the "two thor0i says .'nit ,ts ..,hc v..., snvl1R .. o clock. ) but fol. thl5 last Not Geibcrs , V()U notce,, . .. ...... .... 1. l w ...A..tI..4 w"l,uu"1 "llv, .. " sorpns- -- t,nt Kntcrprising Enter picneur "or some- woodaid Ils "hypQpix. has moved to a Woodv . ,,''.. .- - - - JJHVl ? alVtte viifftai! brand." Num. y hke ber Three. "onc-a-da- The Pencil Pusher " Shifting - the r- "".. n.....i 111 1 frequently-swampe- habitat d on irn-ntln- n.wv,-u..v- ..- savs uuocieu iH.,K out lour times from one certain rnonogramm- - too manv times foi any Chrisis ed water tumbler. He likes this tlim to' ue baptized whether he' monogiamnied spi1llklC(l 0r plumb dipped , tumbler It was a gift of a par- pan- of Peo- ticujnriy precious,.,,... lMst wc mcntloncd w wcek . II...,, nf !.,,.... . . tlie tcnm of fne clite ,n,,l,,e Z', ..", "r ,c its' c ,n D Mr . ,0 . linn " ' . ., ,...... .. w llnv.. I'viirvimii ..... Jeffersonian type. better believe it. We overlook- ed mentioning wc received He lrkes to drink his tomato also one of the that ,,,,.. ..., ., ...,... handiest gadgets 1. ...... .,.... ntm foe, ,ko' SOMEBODY be- - m Scen'ter" fore he goes down to the office Rafting nromii alluring f'" out quickly that he you mU u'in yom. sock (lrnwert' J ghS. JJ. ,ll one parr ,. . .... WJ1 .. ,. .... ". in (jourtHi 11 oui iinu nui flf urw'kc rnll lit. tlln Qnnnln.. 1. . pVO'rv n,i'f ,, tomato juice, drunk U and went "' Pnvcment of!he pounder. nc,Ug0 up two hours earlier than usual to look at her "Ba- We are seriously considering moving to Salt Lake City, beJT r coming a Mormon, and making (iminboard?" n play for Holly Williams... , after a few years. She'll be suppogeu to sit tin- - Worth u waiting for. '" V " "'.f..'" T. " S minerals and sediment would One of our Tennessee aunts. be out of It (we doubt if HAS- - m years young, wno recently Hi.m,; Til J;AI V coukI. ,e m,r.1" moved into a care home a ' "" ""u . awny ?oup, , ..Clr llli; Ull lilt. 7WLIII. LU1I LI 111 L1LI " ' (Oichid Plailf) cnn'Dcno fnn mnrn Ihnn the "aby l hore s"1(1 when lie left 55 yCnrs, recently wrote that Woe is ushllch,nK hor now ji(e wlth Ul0 oUiCr Lriitzcns inerc, mi ic- senior HOW KVKK. according to a mnlc. ls nn "Adamless Eden." rumor we hope In true, wc hear were in Par- & rig .in 10 15. about oo tinres They're sup- - Aivvays wanted to go back iHetl to stay pretty after you He(ml a foow sny ovr TV Ulc i mi. minim, other night thnt "Paris changes vni :ioovu .. w Ami at the going price of or- - wUll H nmn.B oUu nBe chtds well, we're planning n jiurry, 1,1 lug, 1 pbR (Bob) Poer has moved his family fiom the city back to their farm in the Brushy "xFZa too- tllC YllWn tO .!, 1UI,, f Mnat,n1l'c .,...., o nun 11. wt'1 !"n"iy -.t cirnwv . ... iiiii'iil. ... woodv frOIll 111 vv Ti gro,,n3,,ncloSs from his old .1 II. Vice, a p'rospo.ous fai- mer f the Pleahant Valley set t was in town Tuesday Jim Hon, wnue is selling ots of. coidwoou ... .....i tis iuw ...... th .;i .. ,.i... (i.w.. ' ffinl!""eneu.ctedPOonn?,g!KM WBHMBflPfWBMB'lKyyy djMBSSBSFiSnmJiliswAf. vjQmfeaJ'' 4 Tiff sH r&BKKKttf9niSJSv!tKtij9f fWi sKiET issHH Mrs Joe E Pace of -t Hf sisiiiiiBEBflsiHBEsiiiiiH9EKEiiLsvv& t jri1 1? .J . -- w - . 4 - l'tnn ;,. I For Your Everyday Needs N. 14th & Avenue I - . - -- ivil f i'S.Twffi ( vStmvo JJ gj - !". ... .te.." - LTMi.lSlo'Sm ir tS1 2i. Brand All Piophric CClLllCo Can uyl li"1 . . 1 WE PRODUCE THEM . . . FRESH EGGS ... "' tadv ... 'k Tusto tho Difference. Puriiin Makes! All El-Fo- 18 oz. (JLws od Preserves iilinni -- 38c iiino . lb. Bov 1 m. 1 -. s- Ponfak'P MlY " () -- v All rKicrnifc n f L lUl UloLUlLo 1 I I Sr JL 1 f &gKEw M ShBBBBBSSSSsSbBBSSSSSBBSS&BB Alll I VyJ-iL- iV hit 11 K PAY YOUR POLL TAX So that you mny exerciso your privilege and fulfill your obligation of having a voico in the government of your country. DISCUSS YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS . . . that you may fulfill your obligation to yourself by saving every dollar possible and still havo the best protection avail-abl- e anywhere. AGENCY INSURANCE - LOANS - REAL EST ATI? Phone 864-237- 1 or 864-258- 7 DIVIDEND t Haskell, Texas SAVN6S lr" I Homo Vi Sweet Milk FOR JANUARY... R A sff IU. iVrv . . Fon-uios- TWO SUGGESTIONS BARFIELD-TURNE- SSfSBfSraBrSfsTM (;i,i,.,, r Sun aIIoj ' WITH US .r . So V I - The very marrow of our countryside heie in the hinterland Texas, at the grassroots of the Inner Citadel of the Nation, is broad-shouldere- rk - Whether you oppose or support the position of your fellow citizen on an Issue, be it water or we cnnaiuncjr u. u u.. search . thu Is trpnrnl election vcar. too. you know not .1 will . not hate. your conscience long enough to say, "I will declarations. and my attitudes hurt. .1 will not hinder" in There are some fairly simple "governors you can applj to yourself In arriving at your own decisions concerning iBsues, pub- to your related or lie and nrivate .J IvoT.iiv living. own existence, Can't we sav to ourselves, for instance, I will not permrt myself the expensive luxury of hate. 1 will not hate, because the person I hate may be unaware of it. So why hate?" We find this works. And, following this line of thought, couldn t we also say, I will not hurt. I will not permit myself to run roughshod over the ieellngs of others, because if I do. I am being an accessory to. or a rooting place for, a spiritual cancer. If I am a child of God, 3 will button mv In and not he a party to cynicism, or sarcasm, In other words, if we must oppose, oppose the position, not the person. a.,.. n mnv ,"v- 0,,vj t - niircolvn "I will not hinder, for -""" in hindering, am I keeping someone from something better, a Higher Plateau In Life, because of my example?" Haskell earned one of the mart dubious distinctions of its ) ng and colorful history in 1053 Its long standing water con- foversy was judged by experts to be the seventh among the "Top Stories of The Year" in West Texas. The controversial nature of the continuously grinding story undoubtedly earned, if that a proper word, Haskell this spot. For the first time in six years, wo have begun a xmcw i c ir it'aout a court suit in abeyarue over water. There is none pend- g. f,,r the moment. Wouldn't it be wonderful . if, . during 180 1. Haskell could .. I IGHTFULLY EARN, a eherwieu spot among tne "iop rerv .orv makers of the year, and for a nilte dlfforont ronion. the AMICABLE settlement of our water problem., and a rododlca- on to forward TOGETHER as a community In develop- a community that would offer some hope for growth, em ...1 ,... ,..l,l,.l,,) bimlto . ,l..ntl', (III ttm liarl nf ttc wtlltti tr. here? c homes nnd buslno.-mThe daily practice of the axioms, outlined above could well I .dp us achieve thi end. fast-growi- n' .!.' 8-h- ''r . As Haskell strives as strive we should, for a togetherness of this New ear, may we suggest that pi o- com munity enterprise '.i ductiv ity in all our undertakings, and tnat memoes we ion,- standlnir water sunnlv matter, can be more quickly resolved, and more easily achieved, through the application of this simple Did you ii-- B Nor Hinder - -- I Potpourri share-the-wo- Let Us Neither Hate, Nor Hurt, . the pern UStD fon?1 that arinngeiuciits nic being Cnrnthcin atti'iulcd made to (It ill an oil test on his formance of tlie St. Lou a Hi WOMAN OEGlJ in Stnmfoid Company i Charles W. place known as the Scott farm Iff, Oicu Dotsun. 30 YEARS AC.O tumshEPJ nlghl Friday Rochester. and Rule between RusTutnbow, Homer lilcdsoc, 10.11) UU UHW.,,1 (January 11, W. AMIcne, of Whitman, P. Kemp: grocery stores sell Davenport, Giles All Haskell one of this section's oldtimeis, Hy I'MITKK Holidays In Houston District Clerk, Roy Ratllff, spent mplylng witli Iho new groeeiv nevernl days here on busMtushal, Bill Lamed City openile, have changed their Mrs. Maggie Lamed visited We fully exivc t when wo plok Inn and closlnc hours. Thieves broke a plntn glass iness litis week. In the children and graudclilldieii her up the next issue of "Changing future the stores will open at window In the McCollum and 1H) YEARS A(l( in Houston over the Christmas Times" to find It dedicated to 7 30 a m. and close at 8 p m Couch Haidware State Wedncs-th- e holidays. S li e visited while (January 0, IIHU) o Pencil Pusher, for times Work on the raid to Rule was day tiltflit and stole two .22 manager of F. Posey, the J. there with the Jack Davis famTwo store chnngctl dtastlcally in our stnitcd Mondny moinlng, with ibcr rifles fiom the n Telephone Company, Haskell ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell little roost, all for the sake of ten men working on grnde and small boys saw the culprits says they now have long dist family, and the Don and nostore and of the out coming an exotic plant drainage under the supervision but ance connections with all points Lamed family. of the Civil Works Admlnlslra- - titled the nlglitwatchman, any trnce and direct Hues to all neighborThe fact, an unvarnished one, tlon. It Is planning to work two he was unable to find ing towns and the larger ranchPeck In At Pcarscy Homo Is we've been REPLACED by a crews of 10 men on the project of the thieves. A good in tills section. The compnny es however, and obtained, was oichid plant It's just with ench crew working three tU" has local exchanges at Haskell, Mrs. Eva M. Pearsey had ""IM.l IIUUII l aie expected, like having a new baby, and days weekly under the CWA nrn-MAspermont, and Munday of welcomed plenty transient the way our Henna Headed plan. T L Donohoo, local CWA ad- to TlUJssijC Texas Central Train No. t traffic nt her home here over Turn Spouse 'tends to it, you'd think by accompanied Mrs. Eugene English and mlnistrator, uuiN UARArjR fl inholidays. Her visitors the now in 5:45 Stamford at arrives she gave it birth. Mrs. Abdon Holt of Plninvicw F M Robertson, and County cluded Mr. and Mrs. Ruddle followlriL' v spent several days here this Commissioners P. G. Kendrlck p. in. from Waco daily, and Coin, Stamford; Mr. and Mrs. Mufflers, Deiro $M This orchid plant wns obtain- - week with relatives and friends, and O L. Darden returned train No. 2 leaves Stamford at John H. Brake, Firestone, and John, 11 a. in. each day Waco for father-in-lacd fiom the of a Political interest is coming Sunday from Austin where they transmission Worth; and Mr. of arj Fort Jr, mighty fine follow (we may Into the spotlight, and the an- - went to secure an Increase in The Centrnl lias good connecmill - ""'mor.a have to nmeud this evaluation), nouncement column of the Free worker allotments for Haskell tions In Waco for East and Mis. 13. C. Maddox, of Nocona; service 'i i) k Mr. and Mrs Stcwnrt Burson, Clyde Foster, astute Abitenc Press lists th following cand- - county The County Is now South Texas, nnd the old states and Linda, your in A interest Abilene; of Mrs. T G. Carney hns returned newsman, from whom we learn- - idatea who iinve announcedworking 420 men on state proj- of Cheryl and L. Johnson, Jeff, eu nuout trie existence or or- - For Congress, Arthur P. Dug- - t.cts and 57 men on Federal fiom a business trip west, nnd Mr. and Mrs. L. E. he reports that blackleg is kill- Tulln; c,,hl practically under gnu ajid George H. Mnhon; For projects set up by the CWA. ' Glen Rose; Mr. and Firestone, mlne1j many in vroboB&s. ing nnd Scurry cattle om. We State Representative. Dick Mrs. Raymond Burson, of HasKent Counties. 4n Y EARS AGO t,ollc,t orchid Plants came Dressnr. of Sovmour: For shor- Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bowman, kell; Mrs. A. Roy Jeffries, of or somewhere from Heaven (January 11, 1021) of the Pinkcrton nclghboihood Wichita Falls; Mr and Mrs. besides Oklahoma. Clyde Fos- of Mundny, George Green, were presented with a son Alvls Bird nnd Rickey, of Hashas acres of Mediterranean cruise. ttM's fthei-In-lnweek and town in was last kell; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird Monday em in nine greenhouses at called on his old friend, R. C. Mr. Conlcy, of Brcckcnridgc, nnd Vickie, of Stamford; and Masked of all HoIdcnvinCf Oklahoma, So much for a mighty flow Montgomery. T w cnty- - seven rmCcs. cry subject. And orchids to you, years airo Green worked for the piano man, was hero sever- Gerald Bird, of Denton. Montgomery on a ranch In al days this week. too! Byron Wright, who has been , Orchids coming from Okla- Joncs County, and this is the homa, and the orchid plant it- since in tho employ of the Texas Cenmet in nir (he old toilcTdlSSl tral Railroad at Dublin for ,eIf 'ot n siphtly obct wltn. e came home this 0ut blooms, remind the Pencil Prcs3 (n statement we doubt. A bam at the home of Mart some time, meaner of tne remain our judging by the calls we get Lynch of this city was destroy. week. . . . . CwMlej. him AHardy Grissom, who is atfM f, r. n or... .. WTVo.l """i""-"j wnen someuung goes awry or eu 'jy me rnuay ..I.I.. iiiB.u i a of'sprlnff- J? he just moreover, is left out) may we late hour. Besides loss of the tending Texas Christian Unisee how anybody like cnll y0U1. attention to the rcf- - other contents of the barn, a versity, hns returned to school M)e coUij mive produced any- the holidays rnpps nf nmmtrw rnomnrvni. Rim.ii ln.lonclnir to after spending thing so refreshingly beautiful. itc Cftrl Fischer's platform Mi Lynch burned. Origin of here. M. S. Picrson, president of 1,L rt prowess reported in the story the fit was not known, and no OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m. to 6 p,j the Fiist National Bank, who was carried. elsewhere In this edition about insurance This orchid plant was sup- - lllst week-W. B Hallobaugh has pur- - runs n farm and ranch, as well 103 South Ave. F Rotary luncheon. Haskell, 7,1 posed to be a Christmas gift for Mny We repe-a- t the Sam Conner home as one of the best banking inchased here also that mother-in-lawho has a t ;.) DIDN'T SAY that trading in this city and is moving his stitutions In this part of Texas, 0UI' Telephone 864-207- 8 c shipped three cars of beeves to Seymour. from family heie NEVER ' ' nikon ueryXcause or the extreme "n He just said, and is with the btidge gung on the Fort Worth this week. His son, Marshall, werrt along to look wcather at Christmas time, and wc quote It ,is just three Wichita Valley Railroad. lnplflMpuntil we ....... couiuni oe snipped mm,ii,. envnn ,.... . ... llnv f! Rnliprl. -Forrester, , of after the disposition of them. ... vimi'c .... ,..w n Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kelstcr wenwer got warmer, inov,, cjj sjncc sne l41st .,.( Havnesboro. Tennessee, arrived 24 wager unr tasi luriiiing sne ri returned several days ngo nnd week, family ht.s anl last with .. v f lrt CInl may t never get it ... That ibloomln' UM.n again f?..t. home make IT......... their X..l.v.1i.'.. . i..uiT ...... ,?..." ". """" s is me m:w iw : "" .. Plumbing Supplies - Pipe cut and thiln here. uiwui aiiii.c u m- - c;ift''":" uiii.B To The Song Lending Pro- Church. rived) has changed the course fosson, got up to hoist a few Christian W. D. Kemp and family, who The home of Mr. and Mrs. of our H"e. . .Howcome? State Licensed Master Plumber waving fingers at Rotary Jim Mauldrn of the Ballew have been residing in the northpart of the county, eastern Monday ,asl Community burned cnl,Sf Tlu""s'!a'' "fh one We're Hvin in to sing. "Hear The Wild night It is not known how the moved this week to Prof L. T n lurWsh bnth atmosphere now. fclcm!.. ihe' detcate,, lt t0 (,,;. slilIted. the fnmllv being The Pencil Pushers domicile thu Pool. Man's will Rogers, awakened by the flames bare-Te- n is kcIl nt a l'ozy "othouse tern- - BIO0ks Middieton. Just a coin- - lv in time to escape from the s . . a r encii rusner s Haskell County History descrip-bloomi- j&2&xv?tt&tt &eSS2S2S&&3gS&&&'&zl ""'v, "v oatem; Jar-ma- ?2-2- . this city are tne paicnts of u Cunnliighmu'K pli'ce, about two miles northeast of town son bom January 'i Calvin Nance, Flunk SimF C (iimde. of Itule. Route Carter, and John 3, was here Monday. He stnton mons, Roa cnl-lm- $3-7- f THURSDAY, JANUARyl THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS PAGE TWO All . . 64 (ial. 35 5C CAfrroJfl Jmpala Spot I Stdun anJ (dafljrouiiJl lK Luxury Chevrolet Jet-smoot- h What does it take to make a car a crroat liitrli- What nhmir. nnivlnl norfonnv & way performer? mcnt? l'rofessional driving sU' ii uio car nappena to bo a 'Ul Unevrolet;, them, one thintr onlv. A hiVhwnv. i.n iU UUUlUI Vn, X.v'" Jnt.n... JIUD Mn 4 A1UUUUY j You'll find everything clso already neatly these Chovrolets to get tho best ijuenuucu ror you on mo car cxacuy as you And that's really tho test oi pick it oil tho Bhowroom floor. way performer: Just nbout anyoo There's a choice of Boven cnKincs all tho kick out of driving ono, just about wuy up io a uvin-car- u just ns It cornea out of tire show? igu-ii- p vo'-a- nu iour transmissions, mclud- Next timo you'ro out your o inir a finclv lionod .eiMvul ntrt wliifi niUm n f,., nv. in m And underlying it all a these hiRhway performers on your rido that heljs keep aro really all you'll t mmJKJMm tho performance great oven when JP7f74U?fWSW enough timo to do a V tho highways aren't so groat. ot Chovrolot. .ii " GUM.. 3 for 10 Supreme 1 Crackers lb. IIox 29c bump-skimmin- ...!... B Jet-smoo- th I(lnuid Cut 15i oz. Can Green Beans .lie IJbby'g 301 Can CORN. 2 cans 35 Prices Good Jan. 10-1-1 j THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS .. .................... ..' Chevrolet Chevelle Chevy B them See at your Chevrolet Showroom ....-........- .- .......... Corvai' .................................. Bailey Toliver Chevrolet Compi 617 NORTH FIRST HASKELL, TEXAS PHONE s, MENUS Woo-tcn"- owner and en, bciiool Limcn Hcrren won the winner Inst week In the Lucky License con!. test being conducted ut Hcrren received a $20.00 'inner iish award, A new number Is taken dnlly wtcn Oil Com- Woolen's totnllser and Is fiom Bobby Umt posted on tlio window in thnt place of business' There Is nothing to buy, and you do not have to icgistcr. Just ditvc in dally as your license number tiny be the one posted. w RM CH I DANCE to tho Music of the .NS Bonnie Workman Band fiom Aspermont with Good Dance Music iITEKLdT TKIIM8 Irby"Hall Turner mcy Ph. Saturday, Jan. 8012.171 8-- 12 Oi if 11 1. M. School menus PAGE THREE Monday: Uarbecuc on buns, y potato chips, Riocn ibcans, imd green pepper sticks, peached, refrigerator canned cookies, milk. Tuesday: Hot tamalc.i, pinto bears, .spoon tomato salad, baked potatoes, coinlnead, butter, f ult gelatin, milk. T u i It e y and Wednesday giavy mashed potatoes, buttered peas, cranberry and orange rolfe, butter, pumpkin Fiilad, custatd squaies milk. Thursday linked ham, canpotatoes, giccn dled sweet beans, stuffed celery, pineapple nut cake, milk. potato salad, ranch style benns, apple robblcr, milk Friday Luncheon meat sandwiches, lettuce and tomatoes, ccl-ui- have 9"Hi the wonderful patronage, loyalty, and friend- ship we have enjoyed through the years. YOU, OUR CUSTOMERS, are responsible for a growth much greater than we ever dreamed of in the beginning. AS IN THE PAST, as wo begin our 13th milestone, we will continue to serve you to the best of our ability, so when in need of anything in building materials be sure to pay us a visit as you will find our prices competitive and our services courteous and prompt. AGAIN WE SAY THANKS A MILLION FOR MAKING OUR 12TH ANNIVERSARY POSSIBLE. ENNEDY LUMBER CO. HASKELL, TEXAS 864-286- 1 PERRY MOTOR Phone LOOK TO FUItRH FOR THE s 3-- i- S SPECIALTY vciy Insurance of All Kinds SERVICE SECURITY SATISFACTION lOUrnSirneHl 4G-3- STANLEY FURRH .In a Off Lobby of Hotel Phone 8G4-321- Haskell-D- Night 6 ay 864-254- 9 MMMHlHaHiHMHIMMWMMawMMHiaMMHNHM""lnMMIBIIIVnlfl 0, The Good Earth Tho blowing wind and eltliig ruin brings new life to tho growing grain. by MKS. n V. conn H. JjL This month, wc ithT pcimit-tinis filled with garden activity Seed catalogs are laid aside and dirnnis bet me i realltv Once again, we can ' the Good K.uth ' Mil leel through oui hands. It is still not too uto to plant bull), If tho ones that me planted aie beginning to peep thiough the soil, cover thorn with a mulch of grass clippings, loaves or straw. This will help to pi event winter kill. Put a few stems in .'ith loaves so they won't pack, and warp the plants Peach tree and 103c bushes should be sprayed at least twice while they are in the doimant stage. Lime sulphur is ibest Tills cuts down on brown rot of peaches nnd black spot or other fungus of roses. Put on heavy gloves and remove all old leaves and flowers that ate left on the rose bushes. These harbor insect eggs and bluck spot spores rcxamlnc canes for borer larva infestation. If the latva i:. present, there will be a hole in tho peth of the cane. Cut away the eaten wood. If the hole has entered the main stem of the plant, run a wire into it ns deeply as possible. This often kills Uic larva before it destroys the roots. Sprinkle a little DDT on the scar to keep other insects from Invading the plant Burn all rose residue noses that had "blight yellow leaves last year can be given a feeding of lye. K can per bush nnd u. can for laigc runners. Dig a trench nbout 6 ' from the plant and completely encircling it. Sprinkle the lye in the tiench. Water ground the caches moistuic until roots. Lye is a direct soutco of potash; it also kills inhccts that feed on the roots. If the leaves of trees turned bright yellow give during summer months, them a feeding of lye. Follow as with the same procedure, roses. Use from 1 to 3 cans according to the Hire of the plant A Magnolia, silvei leaf Maple, an Althea, and a pecan ttee, all had blight yellow leaves last summer Finally the tieos completely jancn of became A feeding of lye was foiage given and within thicc weeks new leaves began to appeal Never befoie had the foliage been so green g, 'tfL'V v t ft J) J t JiffjFf fff, ffff I x " in' IlllfJII llllllilllll Jjr r f w ,1 pr H h J 1 savings with a gas dryer... only gas King-Siz- e dries drying load electrically. No wonder 91 laundries feature gas drying. You get long, safe, trouble-fre- e service. And with gas white things So won't yellow. if a dryer's in the cards for you, deal yourself a winner with gas! Low prices during the LUCKY DEAL DRYER SALE at eras atimljanoe dealers and Lone Star Gas. 5 loads for the cost of e out of 100 1 self-servic- HASKELL AUTO PARTS WE HAVE CHANGED PLACES FOR BETTER SERVICE IN 1964 COMPANY louth First Street Cnrroll lipped the r"ts for 2.1 otcd the toui- - Canine points, while SkTt Money's .Most valuable player, Gaughey hit It for Henjamin proved A Just that to the host Steers us he scored 20 points. "" ' onieocnun guni-iiuiarrL LcFcvrc was hli.'h for , the IJol ats with 10 counters.. J'"'"'"! the funeral of Oen II I,c wn Joined hv teaiiMnnte H Oram in 1885. WO Cairo! Uogard on the all- touniiiiiijiit selection, which alRegistered The Rochester Steorn squeak, so iiicjdcd Mattson's David I'lMtl.lO SI'KVF.VOH ed past the Rule Bobcats, 60 FnMth ivd Wninc-f- s Dale Cat- 'nunty Siirvsyoi 40, here Satuiday night to win l0l O Uic impionsnip oi me uocn II. HAICTI.K1 ester boys' Invitation basket Phono RSRISt Welnctl's Bulldogs won the SEYMOUR, TEXAS trophy, defeating cu.taoiaMon Benjiun ii, HlMMnMHMMHMMUMMMMBMBMI for Iho title. ItoyeH .Speck, dy AS WE CELEBRATE our 12th Anniversary, we want to express our sincere appreciation for TELEPHONE ball tournament Rochester Edges Rule to Take Its -- 13-1- 7! ttocs Avwudo shallow loots. H January for Anniversary FIRST ilfoi THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS JANUARY 9, 1W4 icky Jpysl 2 864-255- 0 i NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW BUILDING ...SITUATED ONE BLOCK EAST OF THE COURTHOUSE SQUARE North Avenue I) Phone 864-285- 8 i TE )UARE FEET OF FLOOR SPACE UNDER ONE ROOF . . . . ON THE SOUARE Un Former Location of Perry Motor Company) . . . fO PROVIDE YOU BETTER THAN EVER SERVICE Trained Mechanics NOW LOCATED EXPANDED TO THREE TIMES FORMER FLOOR SPACE Full Line of Parts and Accessories for DISTRIBUTOR FOR RELIABLE BATTERIES VALIANT RYSLER - PLYMOUTH AUTOMOBILES and GMC TRUCKS And AND THE FAMOUS SUN MANUFACTURED ENGINES RE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME BY AND SEE OUR NEW FACILITIES FOR SERVING YOU BETTER THAN EVER! COMPLETE LINE OF REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR EVERY MAKE AND MODEL OF CAR, TRUCK and TRACTOR. Test Drive e 1964 Chrysler, Plymouvh, Valiant or GMC Trucks Drop by our new location, Inspect our new Headquarters ... nee - Repair - Paint (Expertly) Any Make or Model Automobile In Our COMPLETE BODY AND PAINT SHOP. . . . and have a cup of Coffee with us! J '. R ?:WHP,mMMU'ff :- WfcMMMI. - I THURSDAY, JANU THE HA5KELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS PAGE FOUR BONUS BOWLING WINNERS IsBBPnTTnCT iS $iOO0 C. Hitffhes Dorothy York Mm. R. E. Colbert Mrs. J. Wright Mrs. R. Brulon Ton! Holt jh rvuiua fr i H H I LH H B I i I w ui wumo tnrdl art "Bongi Bowling on nor ado only L .rir BH r M 1 H KL' fv EHBV V JJjTTjmEmB .,,. B W.n you ho.. ont.J on. ltd pin - .n. gm -. iHISKESItliJIiH LBMMMaManJoHHbUittllMlkLBI F W w , ty Mn Hgh . H WW f W i CARROTS ASPA ft t Big- 2o lb. - bag ? Bowling !. YOU M 00. A w F g Maryland Maryland Club Instant Goz. jar QU fella F..... Mmif '4. Frozen MELLORINE :v i k 1 1 Royal PRESERVES PORK & BEANS Kimbell's Can FACIAL TISSUE Diamond Kimbell's Kimbell tall cans catsup PEAS MILK Kim 400 Size 15c WATCH FOR 3 M-SY&TE- for 49c 2 for 25c 4-PA- GE DOG FOOD TISSUE TIDE 9 Roll Frozen Del Monte ROLLS CORN 5 Box Kimbell's COFFE 19 3 49 can 49 15 69 OLEO 4 lb. can Diamond Pound tSlSCUitS Kimbell's Can GRADE A FRESH Fryers Low, Low ft i m DASH I i M System I1C1 9 NE Regular Box SIRLOIN STEAK BEE! 75 39 49 lb. lb. lb. lb. ! CLUB STEAK 39c 2i lb. O (gUfr CHOICE STEAK GROUND BEEF CHUCK ROAST BFFF RIRQ T-BO- i39j "1 -- Prices Qi 44 oz. Strawberry ! Giant Size" 69 2 8"al. contii Scot Toilet HAIR SPRAY 10 oz pkffi Swift's STOW Kim 5 c""iWc 3 lb. i Aqua Net I , X. aVV AW. Kimbell's INSIDE play Bonus Bowling, YOU may be the NEXT WINNER! $1.98 r t I " L 59 79 c Club lb. Mrs. J. J. Dean Mrs. F. Clcmons The complete list of winners is too many to list, but as we WASTE BASKETS Z9 lge. can Kimbell's E. Kirltpntrick tT.Y.YJ I'OSTRil W. C. Persons HUNDREDS OF OTHER WINNERS! PLUS Largo Plastic i i 1 1 M k . f W your Bonvi Bofia C.-..oJ. VAM,- - TOO 1 00 WW IMMIWATIIY Wo H 19 Clorox Quart STRAWBERRIES 1 CorJ r..J. vnN WMlOIAtUY -- M M Bonui $1.00 W sf 1.59 K RTENI NG , wh.n ywr Mrs. B. Banner Cnllie Phillips OF oBoH 10 - 17 2 17 15 TnUATHPS T AM ALES COFFEE COFFEE ixt P $5,00 H 10) rV V r V ( lotori .1 .h. pins TOO J1J 0 LLLLL V ,,vmb. L X plni) YOU WIN ,eoM- - Y, BANANAS FLOUR BLEACH e jL aMa BSS23 igpimotiAPLC3i r A SM. ,.', pin- ,n I TANGERINES i "LI" rBmKXM A A LLLLL $25.00 M oWm"! lolor laTh o( wltal num. b.rl aro prlnt.d on h.M V w r12 t v A 1 uiu $100.00 lomoyo covor (torn tonvi Bmllna Cord l0 fin Jwlnn.r Bflng winning ord. IndJ.. A ofltflolHoiBLlHLHkPlflKLLVLPLLLLLB oP.iTBLLiiLMLLBoffB!yj6LALWSL4BMfcf B2BBBhH to our . y--f LIST' MRS. L. I). REGEON Mrs. M. Price m H COMPlj 4l. lb. 29 65 c lb'. COLORED CIRCULAR DELIVERED TO YOUR nOOIi WE KESEKVB TIIE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY -1 1 HASKELL, TEXAS w rw yryyrr Uld k& JANUARY 0, 1064 THANKS of thnnks hnvu woicls to express our thnnkft and appreciation for all thu nice Rifts, caids, flowers, phone calls thnt came our way, to make It one of the moot pleasant dayfl of our life. Gifts came as far away an Gilmer, Texas, Fott Woilli, Son Antonio, Gttstlnc,, Dexter N. M. Walsh, Colo., Kansas, and Stamford. We wish for all of our friends cveiy where A Happy New Year, peace and piosperity and nriy God bleHs each and every one of voi. The H. G ll.wnmeiH 2p sin-ec- io to Isolation io the lc, who had u Wcimiiir ah- for the many, thnt c.inie our ir beyond 0111 Wo do not .PS Funeral Held For H. C. Sanderson, Accident Victim Hazel C. Sanderson, t2, resident of Haskell County, died Monday, Dec. 30, In Hospital Veterans at Albuquerque, N. M from Injuries iccclvcd when he was t'irown from his car In an accident at Kails, Tcxnn. Nov. 20. your Funeral services were at the First Assembly foi-m- cr -- 666 Steiillze the for soil con-dirt- seed flats. ed 'here are 30 Pontiacs Town in Wide-Trac- k ijmt.,. ' 4& i miiTir- .aw W ' - .1 f 0r f - nlttiniYff " ' ""M" nilrtl "" " ' "" "j L. nimrMwwMtw, V"r, " ' """""'IJ JS rfH, J- - jft ttwwwwy V mm m J. , W . HE FFEE L8 39 Swan CHUNK STYLE it's 22 Big No. i 1 Kraft d or Pillsbury Cream Style Regular Size 15c DASH 69c can 39c; . '0 CHILI 303 One lb. box CRACKERS . . 29c lb. 49c HI HO'S -- . . lb. box 7 to 22 inch 1606 NORTH AVENUE E- - 8 JmmWi rfw Sew and savo at this low, low price y f 300 YARD SPOOL WHITE MERCERIZED lc THRA0 29c VALUE SPOOL wtth ROUND Jgr BUSHEL BAMSOO M JT A' !M LAUND RY BASKET M I YARD 12 different kinds of maiorial to chooso from Including wash and wear prints, deluxe prints, solid colors and many others. x iy c3 y Dollar Value for Cc 01 m liBk j S assortod colors REGULAR DOLLAR ITEMS 69c ... BIG ASSORTMENT AN WARES ,TEM LAUNDRY BASKETS VEGETABLE STORAGE BINS AND HALF BUSHEL UTILITY TUBS WASTEBASKETS OTHER USEFUL ITEMS. 20-Q- T. DON'T MISS THESE EXCELLENT VALUES! JUMBO SIZE 57c GLADIOLA BULBS 29c 59c 19x24 INCH POLY FOAM FLOOR MATS 29c In 6 45 PIECE Dozen SET GOOD QUALITY 99' EACH Colors QUART SIZE $j57 VACUUM MELMAC DeSHgS Brcok Resistant Patterns Won't Fade Hottest Water BOTTLES In Beautiful FioroJ 49c No. 2 can FRUIT OR VEGETABLE Armour's Star BACON 43c LACE SPECIAL BIG ASSORTMENT lb 49c BOWLS Longhorn & nT 10 ZIPPERS Sunshine Crackers SAUSAGE lb. Gro. cans I tawffl pair GOOD QUALITY 25 box 5 Smoked . . . m, PLASTIC CORN ... mum m DRAPES 4 cans 29c 803 Can (Plus Tax) I - - Oleo BISCUITS LE SAUCE 1AM lb. 1 Wf ""Wf 1 PLASTIC can 19c 29 PARKAY lay A NET SAUSAGE V FULLY LINED Can 29c VIENNA Sweet Cream BUTTER hmnaise f I 25c Libby's Can Pint H) can B REGULAR 39c VALUE Ml 72x87 INCH aj TUNA ALES m Gold VqaA 1.17 39- k mmmlM each '1 PEANUT BUTTER H V 57' JW Bama, 18 oz. Tumblers WBERRY Preserves EACH bond Uolors and Morals Wl GOODS y' HG 27 " Bb i al-m- nst can I sm mwm C TOWCI vw hi 1 Irish peasants depended entirely on the potato for i the first half of the lDth century. 21b. 59 oz. Tumblers RUG RUNNERS 22x44 INCH BIG HEAVY visited Rev. and Mrs. Roy Don Rhoads and family of Avondale, Arizona, during the Christmas holidays. Haskell, Texa 864-336- 4 MARVEL VISCOSI COLORS 10 Mr. and Mrs. Thu r man Rhoads, and Carolyn, of Haskell, and Rev and Mrs. Wayne of Fort Worth, Blankcnship, CO. T IN FIVE BEAUTIFUL Yttlotldo In Arlrona BUICK-PONTIA- C lb. r weighed eight ounces and is long And the most excited of the Reynolds family about the welcomed newcomer is her Vs year old sister Lelsa Ann. HAS A WIDE CHOICE OF GOOD USED CARS, TOO Folger's f W PIECE t mty Xf NCH 24x6 Laurre Faye H)Unds and 21 Inches or Phone jjLr ital. performer at your local Pontiac dealers IFORD NEW ASSORTMENT I (We've got four different models lo choose from.) Wide-Trac- k L. Conner. A New Reynolds Hcirchs Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Reynolds, 101 North Avenue M, have another little girl, Laurie Fayc, at 3:36 born Saturday, Jan. p. m. in Haskell County Hosp- k ir NOW IN FULL SWING n, Henry Smiths Strike It Rich Tlic Henry Smiths were surchildren, grandby rounded children, and gieat-g- i juidchll-dre- n during the Christmas holidays Visitimr in then' home were Mr and Mrs Bill Pate, and daughters, of Waco; Dr and Mr? Don W Smith, and boys, of San Antonio; Lt. and Mrs. Charles Hugh Smith, of Glcndalc, Arizona; Fred Smith, of DalhiH, and Mr and Mrs A i Unir Bland of Foit Worth Did you say you wanted a sedan With Wide-Tracind that luxurious Pontlac comfort? 4-do- Hazel Colt Sanderson was born August 11, 1021, In Boaque County, Texas, and moved to Haskell County with his parents In 1022. He farmed ncur Welnort and Rochester befoic moving to Amarillo In 10&8. He moved to Littlcflcld In 10C2. He was a member of the Assembly of God Church, and was a veteran of WWII, serving in the Army Air Force. Surviving arc two daughtern, Miss Sharon Sanderson, a Texas Tech student at Lubbock, and Miss Karen Sanderson, of Scagraves; one brother, J K. Sanderson, of Brownwood, two sisters, Mrs. Kathryn Mitchell, of Fort Worth, and Mis. Pauline Held, of Boyd, Texas, and his grandmother, Mrs Bettie Sanderson, of Littlcflcld. Solomon and MLWimrMwM lMrffa PERRY'S Cemetery under direction of Holdcn Funeral Homo. Fand-erso- MwaMac-M- JX..J of Clod Uiurrh here Thursday with Itcv. Cecil Vatican, pastor of Assembly of God Church In Han Angclo, officiating, assisted by Rov, I. A Burn, pastor of the Haskell First of Gol Church, and Hev. Hoy llcrricks, pastor of the Haskell Foursquare Go a pel Church. Burial was In Willow Palibc.ucis were Marvin lones, Larry and Alvin Hev. K V. Hell, Junior tmm -- PAGE FIVE THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS Vahies to 49c CHEESE . . lb. 49c S QUALITY Mot. M EA Different Kinds 29 EACH 2Va to 6 Yard Hanks Various Widths ond Designs Complete Service for ls 37 Eight C $1188 HANK REGULAR $1.49 JAR LADY ESTHER BIG 10-O- JAR FOR ONLY FACE CREAM TQ Dcsiqn our SPECIALTY! vfi & rJfc8fcyfc-'8L':-- - s t& ' fAGE THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS SIX Mrs. P. F. Weinert Georgia Girl And Dr. Don Duane Smith, Recently Wed, At Home In San Angelo Student Council representative, Sweetheart of Signm Chi Fra- ternlty, anil named to Who's Who Among Students In Amcr- ienn Colleges and Universities. Dr. Smith, a native of Hns- kell and graduate of Hnskell High School, attended Notth Texas State College, Denton, and received his D.D.S. degree from the University of Texas Houston, in Drnnch Dental where he was a member of XI I'sl Phi, notional dental fratern- ity. He served In the United States Army Dental Corps as a captain He is a member of the San Angelo Dental Society and the Tex t s and American Dental Associations. The couple will teslde in San Angelo, where Dr Smith Is practicing dentistry. Mr, and Mrs. Illchanl Enrl Turpley, of Hampton, Georgia, tinnouncc the marriage of their daughter, Rosemary, to Dr Don Duane Smith, of San Aug- elo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Walker Smith, of Haskell, on December 28, at the First Methodist Church of San Ang- clo. The bride was graduated from the University of Georgia, where she was a member of Zota Tau Alpha, Phi Chi Thotu, Event Pre-Nupti- al Is Hostessed By Tommye Simpson y U K I 4 V 3 Miss Tommye Jo Simpson of Rule hosted the bridesmaids' luncheon at the T. E. Simpson home near Rule for Mrs. Michael Bailey, Saturday, Dec. 21, before her marriage on Sunday The bride's chosen colors of pink and white were used in the table decorotions Miss Simpson was assisted by Mrs Clias Clark of Sagcrton Those attending were' the bride. Mrs Michael Bailey, liei mother, Mrs I'elbert LcFevio. Mrs H L. R.iiiey and Judv of Erownfield, Miss Innn t'lniei, of Lubboi k, mil the hostesses Everyibody reads the classi-th- c fled page of Haskell Free Press. was Thomas Jefferson the president of Washington first and Lee College, then Washington College a WANT ""-- " BARGAIN: Buy Car- - in pint ter's Rubber Cement containers at Tho Haskell Free presg nttp Prexy Weinert Matrons Re-Elect- ed flPH! If fKJt ...Equal Monthly Payments! no big annual premiums Xo hip down payments with Great American's new auto insurance policy. LANE BUD W Haskell, Texas tX) LIFE ffllMMIIil HEALTH OltAT AMIRICAN IISIIVI INSUIANCI Olf AT AMUICAN OF DAUAS fill AUTO COMPANY iikflHHHHIIHHHHHHHHHHHI mi. AND MRS. E. J. COUCH 128 Y A R S IN COUNTY E Reunion With All 7 Children Highlights Golden Anniversary of E. J. Couchs Haskell devoted . formerly located at 910 North First ANNOUNCES OPENING OF A complete new and modern Beauty Salon at 608 South 5th Street . . . "Around Southeast corner from the Elementary School. Sociological chango was the Mrs. Tony Arroe, of Haskell, as subject of study undertaken a transfer member, Next meeting of the chapter when the Beta Chi Chapter, of Delta Kappa Gamma met in will be February 8 at Rule, the new year's first session for with Rule and Old Glory mem- -, the teachers' society at the bers as hostesses. Texas Cafo horo. Thirty-thre- e members from Haskell, Knox, and Stonewall Counties were present. Members from Weinert were the hostesses. Mrs. Dwight Moody, of Weinert, was program director and H H. Cowan, of introduced "ImMunday, who discussed plications of Social Pressures." Mrs. H. H. Partridge, of Munday, conducted a Constitution quiz, and Mrs. Frank Martin, of Haskell, with Mrs Curtis Casey, of Truscott, at the piano, led a song session Mrs. Cecil IOump, of Old RjOREENfJ STAMPS Kt Glory, president, welcomed Visit Us! Telephone 1 Appointment 864-300- Tarantulas have a very Green sense of touch. for Eskimos carve figures from the Ivory of walrus tusks. .Ml 4U M , ; Thousands of green stamps at no extra cost. One for each 10$ worth of steel, Order now-y- ou receive the stamps as soon as you get the building. It's a real plus value. Included are brushed nylons, coruW iwl and quilts. Pastels as well as darl V4 Thermo Jac Jackets Price seamless stockings mm sav my .andal . sheer J.05 on up to All winter hats incltidi J foot10 hel demi-t- tretch sheer vry box typical 60 x 90 (rog. 1.65) $1.35, (reg. 1.65) $1.3S; .V4 (reg. 1.35) $1.15j 12 3 pra. $3.30 reinforced sheer (reg. 1.50) $1.25; 3 pra. $3.60 short, medium and long. colors: Town Taupe, Bali Rose, Barely Thero . one week PijnfjkJujJiiyiP onlyjan. 11 - jan, 18 DUTLKU Af.RI, PRODUCTS ONK STOI' SEKV1CK Complftt Hog Kmuig d llnUhlnc lyilrou Manual of automatic Frfdri .Syttrmi Cnin Tank and headline riuipmMit--- - Ktm Ranch Mulpuxnt) ttrnt. Kml - Slotife Syitrnu (Tank llulldlni cott firalu Drying Sya. Slrmt lw AVAILABLE K1TIIKR LKASK (or) TUKCHASE UNANdNf, AVA1UHLK fOP itFOKUATKlft CALL OR J.J70I S. O liOX Tl.S 1674 " 12 Vs 1 SHOES A Big Assortment in all of our Mercury-Bertly-n 4 - ..... $6.49 JUMPERS $7.50 2 ONLY MINK TRIM ypp V. B. LIKINS IUWAY M KA8T Regular prico $125.00 Plua Tax 1 LEATHER COATS Jackets 1 Short Jacket HUM 2 Coats, length 2 Coats, full length .. 3 eV . 1 Prici short and Mnddyi m42 ONE GROUP THERMO JAC DRESSES Swefl V4 Cashmere Sweaters litu A ASSOCIATES xi Beautiful beaded Hong Kong Skirts to wear now and into late spring. Woolens in solids, plaids and tweeds,- velveta, cottons and a' few satins. Size's: 0 through 16. typical 46 t0 Panl Frama machJM thad can tat you about 26.400 ttamM. That's 22 complete book OR ok. BEADED SWEA' that SKIRTS 3 pre. $3.90 . Values to 10.95. One Grotip.l - 3 prs. $3.90 12 COSTUME JEWELR BLOUSES A walking sheer In woolens and cottons. 2 ahelter can gat you about 39,600 Stamps or 33 complete booki. AND lAPERED PANTS plus $1.00 A wide selection for you ! Taffeta, silk, organza, chiffon and satins. Some formal and Borne very informal. While they last at cattl Pnl-Fram- e - $8.00 0 PARTY DRESSES V4 denier (reg. 2.50) 51.95; 2 prs. $3.80 o $3-0- have not been reduced before. Cottons, silks, nylons and woolens. Come early and get yours. A V2 HATS Blouses that have been added to this group ' IE ROBES silk, blelids and lightweight woolens and kniLs. Juniors and Misses, and half sizes. new Butler farm building during special winter offer V2 , 12 12 -- ' Any size, from tiny clutch to large harl Vz One lot Dresses that will go on through Spring. - $7M Cardigans, bulky and Cil sweaters, as well as mohair. Sizes froi! You should have several of these wonderful values. They are in silk, cottons, cotton and ...When you buy a $10.00, ALL FALL BAGS 13 for 1 $I0M, blip-over- s, " Vl DRESSES: 2 $7.00, $9M.l SWEATERS DRESSES or more $'W, JANUARY SAI In all fabrics 100,000 'Hi The Personality Shopi SUITS 4 S Shop NOW for BEST Bargains! Cashmere and a few Baby Llamas. .Values from $24.98 up Up 10 $3.00, SUIT BLOUSES All winter coats, including fur trim, " li $SM COATS V4 (, UEDY SWEATERS ,0w 5 For the latest in hair fashions, HATS, All Fall and Winter . I .. ei Members From 3 Counties Attend January Meeting Delta Kappa Gamma HAIR FASHIONS DRESSES, sizes for all Better Group r.rr..V."... Special Group Dressy Chiffons, Silks, Laces Pre-mis- ui c r 1 SPORTSWEAR, pastels included ' '" Special Group let-tei.- 33 ELLEN'S COATS, CAR COATS, SUITS the event were Mr. couple, tending and Mrs. G R. Couch, Jr of jiert( wjl0se combined residence Ringllng, Okla., and Mr. and in Haskell County totals 128 Mrs. Bud Dorr, of Haskell. years, recently celebrated their Miss Vera Dcrr and E. J Rolden wedding anniversary at Couch were married at the reunion of their family at the home of the bride's pnrents, the home of the bride and groom, late Mr and Mrs .1. W. Dcrr. 1401 North venue H, here. in the Pleasant Valley comMr. and Mrs E J. Couch, munity of Haskell County uoith-eaCouch of Haskell. Mrs tho 50th anniversary couple, were honoied by the presence came to Haskell County with at the ga! i event of all seven her family in 1008 and attendof their childm, two of whom ed Haskell High School. live in California and 13 of their Mr Couch is the son of the 15 giandchildTon The annlver-sai- y W. A King, C G Ham-mR. was observed a few days late Mr and Mrs Gcci-rto Haskell and the hostess, Mis It. early in orlcr that as many Couch, who came year before W. Raynes and Patsy Lee members of the fimily as poss- County In 18PI, one At Rayncs. ible might be on hand Date of the county was organized. it had been surveyed, time the wedding was Jan. 4. 1914. that ' ut was only sp usely populatHere for the Golden AnniE. J. Couch was ixrn in ed. versary reunion in Uie Couch County and has lived home were the following chil72 years In it. of nil his of Couch, Jr., dren' Emmett The Couches have been enOrosi, Calif.; Robert Couch, of In the. farming and Sim Fernando, Calif ; Mrs. R. gaged E (Elva) Cram, of Dallas; ranching business nil of their George (Dub) Couch, of Irv- married life and had their resiing; Raymond Couch, of Has- dence in the Mattson communkell; Billy Couch, of Blackwell; ity for many years until Noand Mrs. Wayne (Vera Sue) vember, 1062, when they moved Worley, of Brownwood. Also at- - into Haskell. A FIRE AND CASUALTY CO. AND WINTER MERCHANDISE! ltaynes Thuisday, returned to office for another year the same slate of officers which served during 1PM On the recommendation of a nominating committee composed of Mines M. W. I'hcm-istc- r, W A King and II. W. Lilcs, the following officers! will dliect Weinert M itrons during 100 1. Mrs. I. F. Wclnort, president, Mis. Kred Monkc, first d, vice president; Mrs. J A. second vice president; Mrs R. W. Rayncs, seciotary; Mrs Henry Vojkufka, tronsui-e- r. Mrs. W. C. Winchester, parliamentarian; and Mrs. W. A King, report chnliman. Reporters aie Mrs. Rayncs and Mrs. W B. Guess. Executive boaid member In addition to those named is Mrs. H. W. LUcs. Following the election and a paillamentary quiz on Robots' Rules of Order led by Mrs. im hosier, refreshments were seived fioni a gaily dcoratcd table, the centei piece of which wan a white satin streamer containing the old year and new year figures with gold "Happy New Year." im.s whs tho wink of Patsy Ravncs, of Weineit, .student at Midwestern t'nlvcisity, Wichita Falls Piesent weie: Mines. W C. Win.'hcstc! , Buck Tuinhow, P. F Weinert, R. J. Ralnev, J. W. Lihv. Fied Monke. M. W. Mny-fiel- ll 775 I'ho. 801-33105 N. Ave. D 15o DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON ALL R Weinert Matrons' Club, at a meetlne In the homo of Mrs. R. st AUTO INSURANCE THE EASY WAY: THURSDAY, jAn, . , I . MINK STOLE Regular $475.00, Plus Tax TO REDUCED m "Wl iYt JANUARY 9, ,ORENCE 1S4 THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS 8HBR" ' ,Wy:sr ,WiWPti - RUSSELL ott ' r JH9 .,.. k . , :.-- Tlio vBi' f lr Wo- of ; . HAMMER T$arDor Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Hammer Honored With Open House On 50th Anniversary an. 18 BUY NOW Mra. Stove Stephens led tho group in prayer, iis. Kenneth Lnne presided dm iitf n ftricf business session. The circle projjram, "What Does A Christian Woman Read - And When?" was led by Mis. Wallace Cox, Jr. Mrs. Bass Powell read scripture excerpts from Colosslans. Mrs. Wallace Cox, Sr., reported on how to read a newspaper, and Mrs. Ethel A. irby reviewed "Time For All "'. ''W-Vjiiy.- 864-289- 4 -- Society Cox. Rr. REV. AND MRS. II. 'OTuAAk onlv an. II Estlicr Circle of the Clitistlnn Servlco of tlio First Methodist Church met Tucaday morning In the home of Mrs. Wallace ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS VISIT CHRISTENE'S ',f Mr. Farmer Esther Circle Study roar . man's RISTENE'S BEAUTY SALON Telephone , Sr. Hostess for . . &mk. -- PAGE SEVEN Mrs. Wallace Cox, 'v Experienced Operator S NOW ASSOCIATED WITH IN. Avenue H &K. -- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES So! lia,SSS1PreBbytor,nn chureh Circle members present weie Mrs C J Robinson. Mrs. Ethel mu .Jit; lamei p. p rnriiiv Mra 1.1... M, .. was Intel with gold cloth and ,i, .. " ., ?,.!,' e,,i"B overlaid with white riochetcd rivb and centeWm, the table was an arrangement of gold J pVji UIU1 AITS innJn, ..., H .... ,..,.... U. r. ... I""....p KJil till WJIIJII ItlJlinU illV i.h.VLrinltinmiim. J nillllllUIIIIIIIIO ,lll, IV.Uflll Hll'l T.n" In Decision of their Golden Wed the center, siirrot'ndcd by gold wedding bells. ding Anniversary. , Greeting guests nt the door Hemy Ginc.y Hammer and weie W. o Minor e and Kyle itirti., lUlUlUC'lOtl " Nealie Broom weie married Josselet. grandsons. Receiving MlOStCSS V 01' L000 on Dec. 21, 1010, seated in a weie Rev. and Mis Hammei Uiillly buggy, as was the custom then, f'olun Hammer, and Mrs. Otis Tlic Cobb family annual Registering guests outside tho home vt a ministei Elmon named "Dei her." Rev Ham- - was Mis. Wayne Josselet, n Christmas dinner was held this Directing the year at the home of Mrs hum, Baptist minister, who has granddaughter ved seven community pas- - scrvinj, weie Mrs Colon Ham- - die Middletn, of Haskell Those attending were: Mr. toratcs In Haskell County over mcr and Marie Elmore. the years, and Mrs. Hammer, Grfts and messages were re- - and Mia. M. M. Cobb, Glen were honored with open house celved from Gilmer, Stamford, Cobb, of Paint Creek; Mr. and at their home, 100 North Third, Fott Woith, San Antonio, ,Gus- - Mis S G. Cobb, Mrs. J. D. by their two children, Colon tine, and Crane, in Texas; Dex- - Gillespie and Pamela, of who lives near Wei- - tor N M . in cos; Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Cobb, communities Unda and Sammy, of ncrt, and Mrs. Otis Elmore, of Kansas, and Walsh, Colorado. Hobbs, N. M.; Mrs. G. V. Cobb, Mr uml Mls- H- IL Cobb Mrand Mrs. l. v Routcn. Bryson, B. Q. 3nnc and Jiure of Fort Worth; Mr. w v cobb, mi and Mrs. 50th R C. Coli"), Cecile and Don, of A native Haskell County December 2J at their Amarillo Stamford; Mr. and Mrs. R. E couple, now of Amarillo, who home, 338 East Central, ac- - Aday, Bobby, Allen and Jonic, met when called on as a pi- - cording to word received here, of Waxahachlo; Mr. and Mrs. anist-son- g B. Q. Furrh, and Miss Mamie Wayne LatTmer, Orange, Calif.; leader team at the old Cottonwood School and Wallace met at the old Cotton- - Mrs. Addle Mlddlcton, Mr. and Church in a community near wood Community House, which Mrs. E. J. Stewart, Mr. and Haskell that has faded with the was used as both church and Mrs. Brooks MJddleton, Riley, passing years, observed their scnool, ana wncre sne piayca Nancy Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Gen- wedding fiftieth anniversary tne mumc, ana ne led tne sing- - try Mlddlcton, Norma Beth and ing. Paula, all of Haskell; Mr. and On December 21, 1013, they Mrs. Rudolph Middleton. Betty were married at Pleasant Val- - and Rody, of Whiteracc; Mrs. Mrs. ley In Haskell County, where Norma Bakor, of Dallas; Mrs. they lived most of their fifty Nannie Stanford, of Haskell; married years. Mrs. te. E. Ivy. Two children were born to the Furrhs. They are Harvio needs. Latest contributions wore: G. Furrh, of 3612 Lynettc, and Mrs. Maude Allen mVSf,2 Elton Crow, of 1006 North W. Roberts, $5; Mrs. C. T. Tf tMo fn'r Nelson, both. of Amarillo. The ley. tf; Anonymous, 16; Mary vfVo Furrhs also have three 'grand- - and Mrs. Jesse Dean, $5; Mrs. 2; Mamie children, DcWaync Furrh and CTareface- Taylor, C. J Lwninn iU Alley;; 51; Mrs. G. W. AmmoriR mtQn CmWt the lesson $3; aid Haskell Rebckah Lodge Following the opening prayer . by Mrs. Josselet, a discussion MUTIJ JQJie iiTOWn L II U An urn rnafl To and when.Present for the first meeting of the New Year were Mmes. MteceiVe UUtlOrS Contributions to assist Mary Stella Webb, Fannie Holt, Edna Has- Tanner, W. H. Pitman, Josselet, Jano Brown, Rqbinson Allen and ono visitor, kcll resident, stricken witn latto continued oral sclerosis, Mrs. Floreco Crowley. pour in during the past two weeks. Mrs. Brown continued to hold her own in her fight against the dread disease, but it became necessary recently to have somo ono to be with her nround the clock to minister to her Moie than no friends and rcl,mu uiv.i- iiuvva mint: sages and gifts were leccived from nine vamnuinll.esi in foin Mates when Rev. and Mrs. H G. Hammer wore honoicM with .,.. - AT- Haskell, and their families. iw.'u - A ".. "J' ''"" f il,' cox. ...,., ,. r Prtniihi ninnnv , Ad-s- et NEW JOHN DEERE 77 COTTON STRIPPER cr, ', . - Furrhs, Longtime Pleasant Valley John Deere, COME IN TODAY AND SEE US ABOUT THIS UNUSUAL AND OUTSTANDING OFFER! V GILMORE IMPLEMENT Maude Allen seamess stockings! Is Hostess For Mary Circle Meet save up fo $1.05 COMPANY ?.MlayJ?rtSlf M. on every box of your favorite 'seamless-- , stockings! Thnrni 1 ELY DRY GOODS 1 - "LJ L w iEs&i !&&OT3 North First -- y TIE --- v ?& "v Phone 864-201- 1 S J1 INVENTORY H COMING TO FORT WORTH -- Haskell, Texas ' PRE - laiS&. 5 Fund Continues well-kno- WV installed this fall with no interest or carrying charges until October 1, 1964, if financed through To be - Anniversary Residents, Observe 1 - DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ! ! ON CARPETS, FURNITURE, LAMPS, LIGHT FIXTURES; BED- tf& m.' SPREADS, DRAPERY MATERIALS AND FINE WALLPAPERS & ,!&?: SONS of 'sa"' the PIONEERS OF IN EACH PERFORMANCE It&i-W- i s y W'V STOCK SHOW v p nvmiv ttl9mmmmtmmmammmmmmtmmm ho's doina the dishes tonight? veil ytr; o JAN. sr j o 24 2 FEB. Our Complete Stock of Fine Carpets is Now Reduced for Clearance Prior to Inventory. Visit Sherman's Now While Entire Stock is Sale-Pric- ed and Take Advantage of Tremendous Values in Fine That's a silly question. I take it for granted you are, mom. Do you know that it's been proven the average working days per woman puts in over sixty year in handwashing dighes? . . . time that you can irot to to totfr uSe13 10? s-r- NO DOWN PAYMENT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 36 MONTHS TO PAY! ARENA KACHINAS ur MNMUCKS In 5C0WI-S0- DA' m Matador iifcrnintir. rKahwnshGr ia the answer to your dishwashing cleanup chore. It will save you more than halfof your after-mea- l time, and keep the kitchen neat and clean alter rjeiween muni macks. As sure as I'm Reddy Kilowatt, you'll have to admit at continuing to do the dishes by hand is about as pointless laundering tho clothes by hand. It H fAMHT'S Rmfmeile Zoppe KOOEO TICKETS V Imii 4f nfc j.mU, iMdlPA SJy, (tm sJ Ibi..iiii Ui .... n ... i. ..................... '. HOME SHOW FARM llll IHOMINO If AOMUilON iMk ,s' FLOORS & INTERIORS fOH ICTTIR IIVINO NEW THINOt 10 CH0UN0H 0t CHIlDKtN III 1litt lail4l Olaat A4ailila 61th LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION ni,0O0HAB OP riNB UVftBTK-- - u j&ci3usmL ' SHERMAN'S CAKNIVAL MIDWAY F "pT NOW ON SALE AT MAIL 70 CWAT MMOtMANCtS W ttartfcf TM. huiof PJ9K immort 34. MxaUfl Sttott 10 AM. lotutitw MnW Jummtv J Am tUnary 2. Mowb lUrvW mlfnooM ImwwI Jonuory M, IIM (tmn I i fcriuntm V) m4 ilOO (twi 10 U). AH iUg.N mI rUf , Imtmif J SmmJot 4mmkim. U 00lk-1 10 ( V) U v 17V hkn HJO mimittlkm to ttotk Skow OtOWMik SothI lh- -l M mory 9rUt, Spwlftf .! polofnmt. AiUfVM Ww, T. O. ttfHtm i . ISO, tmi Wm, Ttm 74101 NORTHWEST, CORNER SQUARE i PHONE 864-240- 1 ,jAX PI . "ih Y 'Ww-- . t THURSDAY, JANUaj THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS PAGE EIGHT flfc now 3U ftSCI I fh f - '"'IS i FORMERLY PRESTON'S SI' PER SAVE - V-"- Cv jL i A v B B lse J " values or anions gives ffisft IH H 1 HE f H dJLlycU ig inv most valuable stamn . .. 4fy( Green Stamp ij'. M SHOP AT THESE STORES AND STATIONS IN HASKELL THAT GIVE YOU S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE! CAMPBELL'S TEXACO STATION 100 "A S&R 103 HASKELL 105 201 N. CO. MOD i 15 1 BIGGON'S SUPER SERVICE North First BUTANE V 8 -- .. CITY FLORAL North First FARM STORE North First FOUTS DRY GOODS & VARIETY Avenue E SKI GREEN 1500 N. Avenue G DRINNON MOBIL SERVICE 902 - 7 Norlh Firjjt North Avenue E (Good Housekeepiii GUARANTEES ' I I I I mil M imjmwwmwiiB wmssmrr bb lY, JANUARY 9, 1964 THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS bbbbbhbbbmbbb w HbbI BBBhI BBBBB&BBBBBIBB 'HBW bf bh 'HnKB r BBBBBBBIBBDBBBBBBBi i ' ' tb'bV bbTbyI j BBBBBJ IbbVI BBBBB'i BBBBB B HH H BJAVEffslBBBBjBBBw BbBbBi I viA .BBBHtflWBBBBBBK bbI HIHIHL bb"bb 'BbBbAh b'e'bbbbk. .BBBBBBBB. BBBBBII iD !HnMil 1 HHBB bbbvbvbTbm v-V- -fA bbb1 NOW YOU GIT ft5Sf ru nirTnul r segAluminum )1 r - 25 HUNT'S Y.n.w"cTto MB" m a" ft, 29c BBF BB H B b7 rcAvno 22 v '' BBI Baa Can PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY, JANUARY 11. lb. CiYflSBBBBY V r I v-- CSti p & . SP Bk 1-' ..v- t V V ..A- VS-.- . r- ,f:A?. Z ..' r .t - " ' ' RESERVED 24-Cou- Frozen M Sliced 3Qc Fresh Produce ASPIRIN UnwrytnJ .... 39 09j Rag, yatsua p MENTHOLATUM t HAND CREAM I Frozen ri H H H Pineapple-Grapefru- I Big . B B m& rr&aim jts 1 (!!. Packago fcjfj ' v nt SHRi f 6-0- m. W BALLARD or PILLSDURY BlSCUltS 3 r.o. 25(; folger's RBKjUH Wmm iMMM U Jr ivri-fir- bVI r i b b bi rrMvi Grinds J Canister - wv h ..b fx bi Breeze tz.S Igg roM ra MONTE CREAM STYLE fH'i aa 25 2- -- if o.. ESPRlBW ffiBMpWt BAMA tmSI f IW Br V MR jbt X By Slrawbtrry. 12.qr.jor Pin,Jor 303C" Early Juno Sweel Peas 303Con Polled Meat NADISCO Pramlum Crackers Clanr Handy Andy Houiehold poondBOx With "wwrtrt Ammonia Quanpiorc I KLEENEX -- jyM4MW i g 5 WfeSn GOLDEN CORN Dove tr uu Soap Dove r 13 Wisk i4. Lv I" Rfl. Bar$ 2 Bath Ban Lux 49 67 57 n- -t Vim Tablels Oftji AA Soop ua Plailic 22-O- jJJ$ Detergent Soap y Quart Plastic Liquid Lifebouy Lifebouy 0 ia"B Zu? 2 2 oihBi ti JO LIBBY'S Vienna AUSAGE 4-0- z. Can BBM 2 Liquid 1 $UPER WAVE'S EKtra Big Buy! mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmitmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmamamimmmammmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmHHmmmamm Soap 25 4 Pink hshsh 73 Gian.Box WkM 2SSafl wmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmB!Z KRAFT Margarine PARKAY IS"' Can 46-O- z. HBDY'S COFFEE jjj JBHSflBflL Applesauce I ... rr it APPLE BAY $P - IIMII BHBHpiipfefilajrr jtfw Juke SHR, ,a;kiK Hjr ( WHHHHlHHHHHf HHH Mayonnaise . - M 25 Can z, KRAFT'S ,NS Wi ijl Packago r. Preserves 3 lbs. R fHPi JlCM tlJ -- V p B z, DRINK CJ Potatoes POT PIES i ...-i- .5 Porfocl lo top off your breakfast! DEL MONTE 494 & a racEcaq RANC s- - Frozen BREADED Gulf-Ge- m lb. GULF-GE- k rA -- Sliced Chicken. Beef. Turkey 8-0- - .O RIGHTS Taslo Rte if) m ..V'" C L J& ? ;'" .".. vtj- ORANGE JUICE 49 Jfl-- f ytm iifjrin; X .'-.'- St. Joseph's GNA lb. vts t "A . .! iglforn Mellow ffiESE GET READY FOR COLDER WEATHER!1 " QUANTITY lb. Way of Thrift J -- V--V .. IAYIHOSI (; J An Amercan :""' r. tMfMJ Frozen BcwB" Ikon ' tit Since 1896 T f!JSph.f yVy ryers Bw jir I MSTAMPSJ bb vfl Bb BBB No. Grade "A" Whole Only ' Sliced BBK-TTV'T- a V-:?J73- . GREEN c FORMERLY PRESTON'S SUPER SAVE Halves or "Aj&m Win SUP If SAVE iu R FAMOUS THRIFT VALUES F"y- - PAGE NINE 10c li 1 THURSDAY, JANlh THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS FAGE TEN I mi .I. " il. mm mmm " -- 1 mmm " m"mm ,, " mmm SlLLr Lwll LLLLLf THESE" ARE s. Jffc?w LLLLv EVERY DAY LOW PRICES F our Bh Ll HbHS sH B BECAUSE OF DISCONTINUING S IHBIIV bHm &H GREEN STAMPS offee our iu 7 ugar 5 TIDE 25 s ugar 1.0 lbs. Gold Medal Maxwell House C nr sr mjjiwji"'MB lbs. Regular vH tibfC n mwi C vdb!2ZuCi2 5 lb. Box Regular PUREX CLOROX 10 lb. ifad Box Quart Bottle Quart Bottle Kleenex c lb. 600 Count box 2 Chocolate ho PHONE 864-29- 29 i - 3 White Yellow EATS for for Quart 2 for LADIES MARGARINE Parkay 2 lbs. What would you like for wffl Advertise in next week's A 49 We would appreciate suggestions ... drop the suggestive items in a box store by Saturday. I Ham Shanks 2 6 for Tomato Soup KIMBELL'S CAKE MIX BACON $ bag Kimbell's Dill or Sour Maxwell House M bag 19 Chicken Noodle Soap 2 19 Pickl ferpjg Coffee 1 Instant 10 oz. jar would like for you to include thew' in your ad I Curea lb. 29 VELVEETA on WE DELIVE- R- -- Kraft's 2 lb. box r 79 1. r NORTH SIDE SQl 4l &! JANUARY 9, 1984 THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS AD SECTIOH JNI kliltc wodtllHR nii n nnr t run im-Uf( II (lav. PnU on keys aivl niul nnotner in uy chut m. MISOKI.IJVMKOUP ( ARE for elderly poopln In yAi homo day or week CLASSIFIED WILL Ai)vi;iiTiHiNa HATES 3c per word first Insertion, !c pur word oooh kiiIim1-qno- nt w I I li o n t liiHortlon Mlnlnnim chuiiKfl ol ropy. 30c per Week. Ave. E. N Mabel Sandci.s, 801-228- 20H 2-- 3j 7. jR55Xyfc l-- 2p ED . 1 3p 801-3- 801-221- 5. l-- 2p 2-- 5p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TO ALL Honl Estate Owners: Let us make your next abPiompt and efficient stract. service In making your abstracts See us for all your abstract needs. Haskell County Abstract Co. See Aithur C. Foster or Dorothy Haitsficld. South Sldo of Square In Haskell. 47tfc FOR SALE: Clood "going business on squiu c in Haskell Worth the money. Will sell for Invoice less 20',. Sec Stanley BUSINESS SEUVUK CLEAN OUT yoiir scpuc tanks or grcaso traps. Wo have Uie cquipmout to servo you. Day or night call UN Otho Nanny Phimblne, 33tfc L.&H. Jlcating and Rcfiigcra tor Repair, couiincrclnl and residential. Wc gas nnd repnl' all makes and models of deep freezers, cent- Furrh. 2c ral heating and air conditioning. Electric wiring homes and prcspurc pumps and farms, washing repaired. FOR SALE : Weaning plg machines Located 1 mile smith of Haskell, Tom Cluck, Muntlay, Texas. ltfc p 4 Phone 4 BULLS, BULLS: Carload big boned Anxiety ,)rcd Hereford bulls for sale. Yearlings to four years old, Vj Speed Queen Automatics and 31 Charolols. Using Char-olo- ls Wot Wash, Rougii Dry to ci oss on other breeds You wash & We'll Dry of cattle produces larger aniPlck-Uand Dollvory Bob Hayley, mals. Box 889, Phono 8042441 Seymour, Texas. Call night i3p EXPERT Wutcn repairing. All work fully guaranteed. W. A. Lylcs Jewelry. East sldo of Square, Haskell, Texas. 7tfc FOR RENT Two bedroom NOW AVAILABLE: Handy goll home close to school. Call i.2c pencils, Ideal for churches, clubs or any organization needing a lot of inexpensive pencils. Haskell Froo Press. 6tfp UnFOR SALE: Balled fold Gholson, 3 miles south, Mile east of Rochester, Just off to IIIIBKCU fin m load 2107. U2p TO "MY "MANY Friends and Patrons: I havu moved my equipment and Hcrvlces to the ir.'MiHH nut sai,k Baibcr Shop on the East FOR "SALE: 2 bedroom house. City Side of the Square and would 911 N. ltli. Call 80U3000. feel privileged to continue to FOR SALE: At a Bargalnl serve you there, 2:30 to 5:30 house, 502 North Ave- p. m. weekdays, and 7 a. m. to nue F. See Tom Robcrson at 7 p. in. Saturdays. I appreciate Mobil Bulk Plant, or phono 804- - your patronage. David Jossclet. 2146 or U2o FOR SALE OR TRADE: House FOR SALE: Baled hay, 00c and lot. Davis McCoy Camp. per bale. Sec J. A. Mayfleld, Leon Anderson. 2p Welnert, Texas. FOR SALE : Two bedroom mod-cr- n SPINET PIANO: Will transfer home, good condition, good fine piano to reliable family on location. See Jessie Dean at small payments. Also electric Denn Butane or call organ. For information without Haskell. GOtfc obligation, write at once. FOR SALE: The JeBso B. Music Co., 200 S. Main, 2p lethlng sawed, Smltli homo at 801 N. Ave. F. Elk City, Okla. Sco Mrs. Bob Barrlcklow at FOR SALE: Used food freezer, paired? You'll 601 N. Ave. F, or call V2 yeats old. 3Vi yeats war37tfc ranty remaining. 17 cu. ft. ENTERS In the chest, like new. Frazlcr's 2c MOW PAGES, use of carpet shampoocr FREE where YOUR with Eluo Lustre purchase or WE NOW have Llndy Auditor's rent electric shampooer. Sher- pens In all rod, all blue and DO FINGERS Chiropractic Clinic man's Floors & Interiors, Has- doublo point red and blue. Es800 N. Ave. S3 every 2c pecially designed for kell. WALKING bookkeeping and clerical use. Haskell, Texan Hoskoll Free Press. lltfp floors! 8 to It I to 5 my your in child KEEP WILL Closed Every Saturday Magnifying glasses now availhome, 305 S. Ave. D. able at The Haskell Free Press. from 1.80 up to 14.75. aotfp Hof-arl- PAGE ELEVEIff 1 . 801-212- 0, Mc-Farh- 801-201- 4. Ap-pllan- Dr. Gertrude Robinson 34tfc 861-237- YOU'VE BEEN PAYING! NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE! Champion Spark Plugs 5. Continental Batteries, 12 volt, 6 volt, 24 month battery Biard's Cleaners 502 NORTH AVENUE F See l-- 2p nccu of a Vcterlna-tlan- . call Dr. W. H. Stewart, Gfifil Mutidny, Texas. ltfc FOR"REFRIGERATION nervice: C Mitact Gen" Lonf,'. Boggs & Johnson Fin nior i ill hil e day oi nifht. ltfc WHEN TOM ROBERSON lobil Bulk Plant Phone 864-214- or 6 In - 864-221- 5 POt-23- 10 RCS-2S- cc GET 32 Disc, 20 inch discs, lean Dinners -- 39i Your choice of flavor is DOW Heavy-dut- that is. Warp's m Pies 29 oz. 1 (doors, windows, porches) that let in cold winter drafts i Sticks 2 - 49 FI.KX-O.U.A- ;erves 1 .00 3 with shears, tnck over scrcei.-o- r frames for low cost wint protection crystal 2 - 21 Beans lo. 300 at a fractioi lln cost of glass. Onlv 87f s'liKiro vard at your local or lumber dialer. lasts for h.isu-wnr- 105 o 3 IAT0ES OUR 3 No. y2 5 Flat NA ms pi": J cans .jj. 33 can North First St. Libby's 'Jbf-M- - Phone 864-203- 5 79 HAM HOCK 29' Ik Fresh 49 lb. Fresh U t " Quart KOTEX si 19 I'i'i 4 lb. bag 2 SAUSAGE 400 Dozen $ Regular 249 5 QQc Fresh Store Made 3 56? BLEACH 1 - & ' .. 4 79 Clorox cans Libby's Catsup .4 $290.00 PflDlf DflAQT Libby's 39 LEMONS 25 APPLES ??.& 3 Point Hitch 9 shank, High clearance PORK STEAK Winesap $t y, Good for Boiling Plat Libby Crushed California 0. $675.00 CENTER SLICES 57 r tAd 14 oz. $23.95 CURED HAM Log Cabin (with pitcher) TOMATO JUICE - 49 Solid Pack $35.00 HASKELL FARM STORE Warp's neiiuinc riX..;LAS. years dear Butter Beans and Ham 46 oz. $ 1.35 . r No. 303 Libby's Garden Sweet Pood $ 1.15 In-.- cut Warp's PINEAPPLE 24 oz. $ 1.00 , IF YOU BRING THIS ADD WITH YOU, YOU WILL RECEIVE DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS ON YOUR PURCHASE. Cover all openings NOW SYRUP No. $17.60 $ 9.80 front knotched, Used tires, New tube. Harriman Chisel Plow, GUEGROCERY 18 oz. battery 36 mo. inch cultivator sweep 10 inch cultivator sweep 12 inch cultivator sweep Tool Bars: 1070 Steel, 14 foot Cross Hydraulic Cylinder, 3x8 inch Minneapolis-Molin- e Tandem Disc Harrow ' t 4 . FOG Con-we- ll, This House Must Be Sold to Settle Estate .59 8 CAUGHT With Your FARMS KOR SALE FOR SALE: 131 acres of land in cultivation located In Haskell county Mrs G C. Rt 1, Goree, Texas. 88tfo 8. All Prices Reduced. Some examples, are": DON'T Service Tlmt Satisfies R04-327- COMPARE THESE PRICES TO THOSE Your Dry Cleaner Is Your Clothes Best Friend Clothing Dry Cleuned busts longer . . . Looks new longer. Highway. Phono 34tfc Nichols Tillage Tools: vf ; For Sale t A Bargain WANT TO BUY: Pumlluro and nppiiances or wluit have you. Buy or trade for most anything, Trade Center, Throckmorton MR. FARMER Smart Laundry 52 WANTED HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE m YOI' KNOW THAT Slier- mnh'. Floois & Inteiloi have u tiemendoiiH stock of light flxtuiis, at aii price range dc- - slralili two-year-o- ld, 888-33- 5SSft R thi'i:tt alvjs lox 08 - Rochester l-- 2p 2 BEDROOM HOUSE T Complutc Selection We put dates on stones. r0-G- p F M O N V M K N 39 50 Count (White or Colored) 22 i - 29 2 Roll Delsey (White or Colored) TOILET TISSUE ft: Box Count Casual Kleenex NAPKINS 2 29 i'ov KLEENEX 19 f tor 92' it P Prattle that wo ncek. They aro there In profession, they have selected the limbo of lollipop Lane... a the wrong section of the city in resting In the air. which to buy, or build m home, d On the Nowhere side of the they should save moretW their Mountain of Mist In the Valley wages, or they should wear Bermuda shotts In summer. of Overthete "On the Nowhere side of the But tell a man ho operates nn Mountain of Mist In the Valley automobile carelessly '". and of Overthcrc On a solid vapot he is ready to argue and to fight foundation of cloud are palaces if necessary. Without exception every mogrand and fair. And thcte is where our dreams will come torist believes that an accident true, and the seeds of our hope Is something that might hnppen will grow. On the thitherward to some other fellow, but "not cloud-Islan- By AL HINDS AL KK HINDS A new placate! tests gently on the counter at Biartl s Cleaners which reads like this Prophets tell what will happen .Profits tell what DID Happen. A.s Jackie Glcason would jay: "How ttue it is." o- - -- o o More truth than poetry: The following poem entitled "When And Where To Find Them," was written by S W. Foss: day of d "On the the thirteenth month of the eighth day of the week. On the twenty-fift- h hour of the slxty-ilr- st minute we'll find all things thirty-secon- gSg) f H r' side of the Hills of Hope, In to me." When you usk the average motorist, "Can you stop the Hamlet of Hocus Po. "On the thitherward side of in time?" and, according to the the Hills of Hope, In the ham- Texas Safety Association, he let of Hocus Po. We shall see all will reply, "Cettniniy, ami If you the things we want to see and under tinv conditions." know all we care to know; For nsk him to "slow down and there the old men will never la- live." he'll reply:' "That s for ment, the babies will never the other fellow. Our job Is to Cotshow every motorist that highsqueak. In the Cross-roa- d tiers of Chaosvllle, In the Coun- way safety is everybody's busi"Slow Down and . . ness ty of Hldeangoseek. Cottiers Live " "In the Cross-roa- d of Chaosville, In the County of O 0 o On the thirty-secon- d Hldeangoseek. day of the thlitecnth Don't sell old Dobbin short: month of the eighth day of the I temeniber tending not too week. We shall do all things long ago a little pamphlet, that we please to do, and ac- "Western Riding Hoises." and complish all that we try. On if my memory holds true, I the sunset shore of Sometlme-oruth- er think the pamphlet was a ptod-u- ct by the beautiful Bay of the Hoise and Mule Asof Bimeby." sociation of America. It stated o- - o -- o that on rough land, broken with . During the recent Christmas-NeYear's holiday, far, far too many persons lost their lives on I the highways. Sometimes wonder what contributes to the "speed mania" of the person behind the wheel on the open road. Yet it's not so surprising The vacation and holiday traveler wants to get to his destination In time for a last minute visit with relatives and friends, or a few casts of the old fishing rod before dark. The same traveler got a late and he thinks afternoon start that timo he must "make-up- " by crowding it a little .Just a little, you understand, .he's not going to take any chances. What our "hurry driving" motorist friend fails to realize is that hundreds of thousands of other vacation and holiday travelers have added their vehicles to the normal highway traffic loud I wonder if this friend of ours who is "maklng-u- p time" on the highway knows Safety is everybody's that job. Traffic safety is team Each Individual driver wotk must ask himself: "Can I stop In time?" He can. If he will take time to "slow down and live " You can criticize a man almost anything except his driving, is a statement we all must admit Is true Calmly you can reason with most men that they have picked the wrong w . i. . r GHOLSOX GKOCERY MODKKN WAY GKOC. POOUE'S C.KOOEKY STONE STATION AND GKOCEKY TKICE GJ13CEKY . RULE HKKTTENnKKGEK UKOCEKY Y A. I. GKOCKUY I- - WEINERT V MAYFIEM) .1. GKOC. valleys, ravines, or covered with scrub trees, cattle can .be found and brought out, only by men and horses. On more level prairies under fence, fewer mounts are required, but still arc needed to round up cattle Into corrals, where chutes simplify sorting. The riding horse has been the ranchman's assistant in developing Western ranches- He made it possible to roundup wild longhorns and move them to market. When trail driving days were over he stayed to herd cattle on their proper range, to carry the cowboy who ropes the calves at branding time, to save the lives of cattle by pulling them out of drifts and bogs, by moving them to better feed grounds and by taking driving pack anlmal3 feed to cnttle too weak to travel. The stock horse is still doing this work, and will continue to be the ranchman's partner. In addition, he has become n sporting horse used in rodeos throughout the nation. - HASKELL NATIONAL BANK Late Classify 2-- 3p outstanding Other assets 13,712.42 4,839.96 TOTAL ASSETS 6,135,395.24 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time and savings doposlts of individuals, . . . . NOT MONEY, DEAR. I MEAN WE OWE A DEBT OF GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION TO $5,650,546.99 $5,621,546,99 26,000.00 . 32,115.16 1 TOTAL LIABILITIES Stockpar Common No. No. Surplus Undivided $5,682,662.15 5,000 5,000 152,733 09 11-- 43 37-3- C of C Calendars (Continued from Page was a Civic Affairs Committee r led by Dr. Frank Monday night, January 6, at 7:30 p. m. In the Chamber offices to discuss early completion of two projects, paving of Haskell's airport runways and restoration of the recently moved old landmark Fort Worth & Denver depot, which will be restored to servo as a- museum and tourist attraction in Rice Spnngs Park here. Cad-enhc- initiation of plans for 19Cl's townwidc Vuletide observance, a program upon which work is pel formed nil year long. Also slated January 15 is an Committee session, Industrial attendance of a representative group from Haskell at the annual Olney Chamber of Commerce banquet on Thursday, Jan. 23, and n meeting of the Highway 24 Committee, by Postmaster Harold Spain, to complete acquisition y of from cast to west city limit inside Haskell for the purpose of joining the State Highway Department in u project to widen the Throckmorton highway through the City of Hnskell. The annual Chamber of banquet here has been set for Friday, March27 chair-mann- Sl ed rights-of-wa- Cbm,-mer- ce Political A nnouncements The Free Press is authorized to make the following announcements for office in Haskell County, subject to action of the Democratic primaries in 1964: OltVtr Cunningham, Buford Cox. Fire At Vacated 2nd 2nd For I II O Tractor tuid Equipment t to 6 row. Cleunctit 1955 town, Iiuuled. V-- m&r; Vkaimcmt Representing GlBRALffclt Life Insurance N.Ht$QAE HMKCUJBC . . . Tandems mid al catastrophies. See us t( the adequate, up - to - date ance protection you need, Insurance It The Coggins & lUid G 864-33- n. v MILK Rexc ii Reg. 99c . 90 TMt V Re. 1 Table Feed Mill. Used 4 Wheel Trailer. ALL Typrtj MAGNETO STARTER & GENERATOR REPAIRS IHO . SMymouth - : sM&l Reg. 45c r- '" .Y v-L' ,fe.';-'STn,- . . SHAVE CREAM oz. 1 r A Ron. 98c Reg. 6U 49c neec. Reg. $1.69 TABLETS 84c m P. R.xoll CHEWABLE VITAMIN C R.xoll MI-- 49c 120's, C Reg.S4t Economy 24 oz. bottle Reg. Sl.25 S2C Delicious 98c AHER BATH d ?S"!Uvnd"' WJS.W,. L..ap. 75c ADHESIVE TAPE 69c TOOTHBRUSHES R. Children's 3W ICPIDIM ""!! iv'siraln, . l Wont stick to Ironi lust spray "FfA3lAmH SACCHARIN FUNGIREX IUIIU Iris l.ow S00 Cloomer-stylt- ln.l. , waterproof; with purchasj of " yMriSS ' MZ riiBunciTnaicc ri"r Afiit'i AHTACIO TOOTH PASTE at tfftXfJirZL 2 ms ei 2 vni Lest 200'S 2.97 TREAT wioanses. removes loots i FMrBiin KDITtCU f Concentrated, rlchlilhtilnjsl RITE CONDITIONING! BRITE CONDITION!) Reg. $1.89 rull pints cqtn NOW YOUR CHOICI IABY 3-r- rl ftCf LOTION CARE NOWj 10 ox. Irritation 1AIY CARt,M fOWULK kkpTU k mt A Medicated, 1 li .I tlAtf" rich lather In even hard water iu tT'T'vTiT'TTrM Reg.W I me. 17C t. kmg PANTS 4"S9t -- 1.19 1.49 ft.4 on ..59 6 ?. LOTION Rich In lanolin. 25 98c FACIAL W' ASTRIftfEhT, 12 w jiun nfSWNDL 12 0Z. 2.50 CIEAMSIIM CBFiU n n, 3 JO MI6HT CREAM 1U , , 2M CtRfi carsu 07. 3.M IUJ . ill MMMOMC CDCAM, 3H oz. LLLaKSHM KAIUIC A 2.M"iCEP ww 2J0 CUAMSmo L0TIOM, 8 mwtiimmt ai y i WCISTWt CREAM. 2 oz. oz. t Egenbacher KNOX CTTT M Reg. VaUIt Implement Co. I HAND ..89 BEL durrvdiivmbw 1101.V Reg.lU R.xoll $2.04 VMIAIY bu Uesslrni 49 FAST DANDRUfF ''ir? IATH Blossom In a Plastic bai. HolWotwittH FRAI Refnt-l- ns .ST. $5.9S su-L- tfifU lt or Tanton. Reg. f)$t Quart M3'-.0- 0 NYLONS ADRItl plnt Multl-Vltaml- fellow or Oiust s you 1 0. Un BLUE ORAL Antiseptic Mouthwash POLYMULSION KUBBER GLOVES STARCH on """" l0'x te.. SPRAY 51,9s 70 "HsrdtoHold." Xllls contacted mouth terms In 30 seconds. M as Heg. 29 100 tabs -- RexoH SET 15oz. Choice of 540. EACH SPRAY Reiulsror 05 49 50 1.00 37 .lach .34 , SIS,"0"""'' OIL BRITE Liquid For Children AT 47 w. tablets. 365's Reg. $7.93 10c BOBBY PINS Sf'Wo0, SHAVE I"" .2.99 5.98 MULTIPLE VITAMINS Amber color. rT-8o- z. Rei. 90 MlnuteMon CHEWABLE 31 Antiseptic Mouthwash "Wsksup" title. GER-RI- TE ROU-QS- 50c HAIR CJC Trfinnrnv 91 n Re. 1.09 Therapeutic high potency vitamins. 10 Reg. $2.79 9C Reg. $1.59 OR CREAM KLENZO Reg. 47c NOME DEODORANT!" ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH Ruby red. Spicy flavor. 8 oz. Rexall I00mjf. tsblets. Delicious! 120't CARA Reg. $1.00 GEL No spill, no tplsth, no wuts with new Csl Reg. 9Be form. ASP! tft 9(t CI.a OCA Tsblets L 3.14 All the vitamins you .Am NewR.xall RUBBING ALCOHOL BUFFI 60's 30'J ASPIRIN 04C Reg. $1,29 mentholated T . Maiaii Ifiwa viiAfvuraa normally Rsxall lavender Asroiol w '- MULTIPLE 300 Rexall Angle UixmI . t 22c or. 8 64C 1.29 . Szffc& RUBBING ALCOHOL jfC QMf 26 01. SO R.xoll of MAGNESIA slr. HIJIIJHNO PIPE Iron aad Rod. Home Off. South Side Squi 01 We Handle Real tiipdAV JAN. 18 nwifS. Fer-KMso- He INSURANCE AGEIi PHONE wSffiWSf1, row. LISTER 8HAREH for IHO John Dooro, Ford and Bexj TmTstarts N tnur One-Wa- Co. Phono At Fieldaa Motel man-mad- and on RADIO and TILIVIWON in Ford. 71 DON MUIN2LE. m. pu. IkSto 8 BREAKING Plow Sltamt & UK) Mold Oliver and R. a .SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS, 1.00 STATinNERY NEW 1 iinilj a AXAtt)rtlstd In bo-b- 1961. .... . ty are all properly insured e all possible and a, 2, 1001. 1 kr, ?i Si - Cutters 6 re- 4 4' If Ae?oxo49C 3 n irAii fAim r xcliilll.N tuauii,uiii t1" - Mr. nnd Mrs. Chano Garcia, of Rule, baby girl, Selvia Ann, weight 7 lbs., 2 oz born Jan. 1, , attitude or Bladder After 3J, common you riutlonj often occur and mar make tense nd nervous from too trwuent passages both dy nd night. Secondarily, you my lose sleep and suffer from Headaches, Backache and feel old. tlrd. depressed. In such Irritation, OVSTKX usually brlnss fast, relaxing comfort by curbing- Irritating germs In strong, acid urine- nnd by analgesic pain relief, del OYBTEX at drugglits. Feel better fast. D. Jan. v happy-go-luck- y Getting Up Nights OLD FEEL MAKE YOU Kidney U'Wv.JlA.I v:j iJM V'li does T Elmore, medical. Mrs Chris Fletcher, medical Haskell' Mis. Susie Anderson, medical Joe Maples, Jr., medical. Angela Bennvidcz, surgical Mrs. Ludell Davis, accident Joe Maples, accident Torn Soi rolls, medical Rochester Mrs W E. O.Nelll, medical DISMISSED E R Lowe, Mrs. Raymond Biewcr, Mrs. Arthur Edwnrds, Mrs. Wiley Rodriquez, Mouryce Price, Mrs. Alex Gruscndorf, Alex Grucsendorf, Mary Handle. Mts. Domlnga Ozuna. Bill Line, Mnry Matgarct Oveitoii. Linda Wells. Lee C'rnwfoid Susie Tonche, Mrs J. R. Cn...c, Mrs. M. E. Betts. of Haskell Dwight Griffin, Mrs. Vetmn-cl- o Cnstro. Manuel Aldridge. of Rochester Becky Link, of Stamford Mrs. Elander Louis, Mrs. W A. Brothers, Mrs. Chano Gar-tiRicky Dale Payne, of Rule Mark linger, of Wichita Falls Jessie Ortiz, of Aspermont Mrs. Linn Suter, of Old Glory THE VERY NEWEST Mr. nnd Mrs. Elander Ixnils. of Rule, baby boy, Michael Kennedy, weight 8 lbs.f U oz., . born Jan. 7, Guadalupe Rodriqulez, Haskell, baby boy, Guadalupe, Jr , weight 5 lbs., born Jan. 5, 1964. Mr, and Mrs, James Henry girl, Reynolds, of Hnskell, Laurie Fnye, weight 8 lbs , 10 oe., born Jan. 4, 1964. Mr. and Mrs, Georj;e Ozuna, baby girl, Angle, of Haskell, weight 6 lbs., 15 34 oz., born jjLj t ,. You, too, can enjoy this od O'Brien- j, '",s, 'vl n'h "' I m Waco-base- HANI) FIGHTERS nnd KUvlk lrm. y 10-ni- llc Kniuso Prrclnot I: John Brook, for Xv xO v te 11 Parts FOR COMMIS3I0NKU: VN 1 ADMITTED Rule Mrs Ed Vcrner, surgical. Mrs. R C. Cartwright, mcd. Welnert Mrs C. F. Oman, medical Aspermont: Jessie Lcdesma, accident. a j u Hcust IIIt '1 visi- wind-blow- HOSPITAL NOTES u,,, tn p . 1 tvn"t ; w Lumber Yard Servls Shrrodors and Rcptdi J. It. (Skecter) Miller slstei-in-la- tor here for many years with her husband, Dr Welsh, bt other of Mrs. Scott, died Tuesday morning at her Houston home A crackling fire which startn lengthy Illness. after n sparks ed from Funeral set vices will be held f o m a neat by Incinerator from St. Ann's Catholic Church caused damage estimated at In Hoi'ston nt 10 n. 111. Thurs$l,0rt, at the vacated R B day, with burial in Houston Sweiuer Lumber Company yatd cemetery Rochester highway at in t'ie Mrs Scott and another sisthe edge of downtown Rule ter of Dr. Welsh, Mrs. Ralph shortly after 4 p. m last Thurs- Duncan, of Abilene, left early day Tinvls Self, chief of the Rule Fire Department, Self. Volunteer A very brisk southwest wind directed 16 members of his ilepaitment in bringing undet was blowing in the ateo. and control within 35 minutes the two tt ucks from the Haskell Department hot ' blaze, which melted the Volunteer Fire tun to Rule walls of a comigatcd Iron shed made the A 25 by 65 foot lumber stall at"In case we were needed." said tached to a stucco office of the Hnskell Fire Department Superd lumber company visor Floyd Lusk, "but the fire destroyed nnd there was w(ns under control when we considerable smoke damnge to got thcte.'' A dozen volunteer the office, Chief Self said from here made the firemen The sparks from the Incin- run, continuing a .busy aftererator Ignited the tarpapcr-over-wo- noon, having alroady answered roof of the shed, and an alarm to a grass fire at the the composition top "burned in Marvin Medford home in Hnsa hurry and was well under- kell. way before nnyono noticed it," according to Chief Self. The Fire Hall at Rule is just across tho street from the lumber office, but the Bhed is attached to the rear of tho office on the far side Insurance adtistors estimated the loss figure quoted by MR. FARME- R- term. 1 1 was the of II Frank C Scott, of Hnskell, and n ftequent 2.00 FOR SHERIFF: O. T. (Onrtli) Garrett. For Welsh, C of Mrs term. Adron Field m mm Mrs. Hugh 196-1- Bflt-J- t,ifcta. ad - 6,000.00 We, tho unders.gned directors attest tha correctness of this report of condition and doclaro that it has been examined by us and to tho best of our knowledgo and belief la true and "lBtt, 1) $4,000 I ed R. W. confer- For CONSTABLE (l'reo. 1) A. I. (Ar) IkivK Sml term $6,135,395.24 I, A. M. Turner, Cashier, of the above-nambank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowlodge and belief. s A. M. Turner h enter ence play owning a respectable record. 2 Davis hooked In 20 points, while Josselct aided the cause with 1 here Tuesday night Dave Mitldleton's Sqmi w s had too much Pnt Pcnlck and count fot went down by a 52-their fifth loss against 12 wins this season, Btlll mighty good percentages, in the girls' game with Munday. Pat Penlck, a sharpshooter for Munday swished in 35 points to outscore Haskell's ol' faithful Eva Hartley as a pointmakcr. Eva still poured In 24. Ray Overton's "B" boys increased his stature as a basketball coach, downing Munday 4, with Bill "B" team Perry leading the way with 14 points, followed by Bobby Watson with 9. IXMt TAX ASSESSOR. COLLECTOR: Elizabeth Stewart for election. 452,733.09 NOTE Time certificates of deposit outstanding ? vitational In Berry's boys election. I00.0oo.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS II. 12-45 nt liniiln Kucustlrr. 100,000.00 4 Profits TOTAL LIABILITIES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ct 6-- I'rvclnrt 100,000,00 Ileserves ,? MffygSSl FOR THEIR FINE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS vnlue per share $20.00 shares authorized shares outstanding pre-dlstti- 2nd 60.807.69 . r4-!- FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE: (83rd legislative District) Roy Arledgo, for 71,817.25 688,470.10 Other liabilities I Tln surest way t qualify for a lottr Job tomorrow Is to work u llttln lioriW today. Cluirlrs M. Sehnb 25,000.00 . . Indians, led by James Davis downed a and Joe Josselct. stubborn bunch of Munday Moon the home hard2 guls wood here Tuesday night In the wannup belast opens fore the torrid night against next Tuesday Stamford there. was sweeter The victory over Munday, ibecause our ball club took a tlnee-poishellncklng from the Moguls at Munday last Friday to suffet only their second loss of the season thus far. The other was Megargel in the Seymour in- 6,00000 Deposits of banks Certified and officers' checks, etc TOTAL DEPOSITS (a) Total demand deposits (b) Total timo and savings deposit Is It True? $1,805,42195 .... partnerships, and corporations Deposits of Unltod States Govurnmont (Including postal savings) Deposits of States and political subdivisions w ' o- -. Wednesday for Houston to at- tend the services. and Mrs. Welsh havn Hr made their home for 36 years in Houston, wnere no na neon piactlcing medicine as a spec- wbvidii tiii Mini in i' n vwita Ht'in till Of BERRY'S BOYS OPEN DISTRICT Sister-IivLaPLAY AT STAMFORD TUESDAY Mrs. Frank Scott Betty's iiultistiious Carlos Damage In Dies In Houston Western Riding Horse s" On Tuesday. Jan. 14, at "W pamphlets points out that dur- a m., a bicakfast meeting of years past several ing the the Budget and Finance Comthere has been some change In mittee will set a 1961 budget size, breed and color of much riding horses, but their woik Tuesday. A week later, on has caused preference to be Jan 21, at the si'"'' time and cergiven to those possessing place, the boaid 04 uircrtors of which the Haskell Channel will plan qualities useful tain ranchmen have petpetuntcil by projects for the year including Cattle selection and breeding ranchers have sought these Reserve District No. 11 Charter No Ulta useful qualities in theit riding hotses, regardless of bteed. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE have ditkuistomill; gressed fiom their own ideals as a tesult of bleed promotional work, but eventually the which caused OF HASKELL. IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. AT THE CLOSE OF ch.uactenstics to be most usehorses certain BUSINESS ON DEC 20. lftttf PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO ful for working cattle have preCALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER vailed, and such ranchmen SECTION 5211. U S. REVISED STATUTES. have turned back to the type experienced men recognize as stock horse. This tendency the ASSETS to Insist on utility character has Cash, balances with other bsmku, and cash been so strong that the ranchIdeal often has modified man's process of $1,5S1,S12.73 collection items in breed type." United States Government obligations, direct and 1,234,093.83 guaranteed (Net of any reserves) Obligations of States and political subdivisions. 361,564.53 to (Net of any reserves) Too Corporate stocks (including $6,000.00 stock of Fed6,000.00 eral Reserve Bank) (Net of any reserves) Loans and discounts (Including $3,611.95 overdrafts) 2,819,371.77 FOR SALE Blackeyed pea hay. E. J Carroll, Phone 4331, Bank premises owned $92,000.00. furniture and fix114,000.00 Rule. tures $22,000.00 on acceptances bank Customers' liability to this ' THURSDAY, jANu THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS IAGE TWELVE M & F PHARMM