Early Renaissance

ART 1B (Art in the Western World, section 1): Fall 2010
Key Monuments For Unit 1
(Early Renaissance)
Wed., 8 Sept.:
Early Renaissance Art in Northern Europe, 1
Sluter, Well of Moses, Chartreuse de Champmol, Dijon, France (Flemish Early Renaissance,
1395-1406): side of the well with Moses and David
Limbourg Brothers (Paul, Herman, and Jean), Trés Riches Heures ("Very Sumptuous Book of
Hours”; Flemish Early Renaissance, c. 1413-16): The Duke of Berry at Table, calendar
page for January; and Life in the Country, calendar page for February
Unicorn is Found at the Fountain, tapestry from the Hunt of the Unicorn series (Flemish Early
Renaissance; c. 1495-1505)
Campin, Mérode Altarpiece (Triptych of the Annunciation; Flemish Early Renaissance,
c. 1425-28)
Mon., 13 Sept.:
Early Renaissance Art in Northern Europe, 2
Van Eyck, Man in a Red Turban (Self-Portrait; Flemish Early Renaissance, 1433)
Van Eyck, Double Portrait (traditionally called Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife, Giovanna
Cenami, or Arnolfini Wedding Portrait; Flemish Early Renaissance, 1434)
Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition (Flemish Early Renaissance, c. 1435-38)
Rogier van der Weyden, Portrait of a Lady (Flemish Early Renaissance, c. 1455)
Wed., 15 Sept.:
Early Renaissance Art in Italy, 1: Architecture and Sculpture
Brunelleschi, Old Sacristy and Nave, Church of San Lorenzo, Florence (Italian Early
Renaissance, 1421-28 and c. 1442-70): interiors of both parts of the church
Michelozzo, Palazzo Medici (Medici Palace), Florence (Italian Early Renaissance, begun 1446):
façade and courtyard
Donatello, Saint George, from Orsanmichele, Florence: both the statue and the relief below the
niche, Saint George and the Dragon (Italian Early Renaissance, 1415-17)
Ghiberti, Gates of Paradise (East Doors), Baptistry of San Giovanni, Florence (Italian Early
Renaissance, 1425-52): full view of the doors and one gilt bronze relief, Jacob and Esau
Mon., 20 Sept.:
Early Renaissance Art in Italy, 2: Painting
Masaccio, Trinity with the Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist, and Two Donors, fresco in Santa
Maria Novella, Florence (Italian Early Renaissance, c. 1425-27/28)
Masaccio, frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence (Italian Early
Renaissance, c. 1426-27): Expulsion from Paradise and Tribute Money
Fra Angelico, Annunciation, corridor fresco, Monastery of San Marco, Florence (Italian Early
Renaissance; c. 1438-45)
Piero della Francesca, Battista Sforza and Federico da Montefeltro; Triumphs of Battista and
Federigo (two double-sided portraits; Italian Early Renaissance, c. 1474)
Botticelli, Primavera (Italian Early Renaissance, c. 1482)
Wed., 22 Sept.:
Conclusion and review of Unit 1