Name: _______________________________ Circle Class Section : 9 am or 10 am CH241 (Fall, 2013) Hour Exam #1 Monday, September 30, 2013 Duration: 60 minutes (5:30 to 6:30 pm) Instructions: (a) Check to make sure that this exam has 4 pages including this page. (b) Write your name on the top of this page and circle your section. (c) Write your answers in the space provided. (d) This is a closed book exam. (e) You may use the back of any page on this exam for scratch work. Points: Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 _____ _____ _____ _____ out of 36 points out of 32 points out of 14 points out of 18 points Total Score _____ out of 100 points Good Luck! [1] (a) (4 pts) Provide the correct IUPAC name for the following compound. Cl H H3C H CH3 CH2CH3 (b) (4 pts) Which one of the following would have a half-filled antibonding orbital? H2 H2+ He2 He2+ (c) (4 pts) Draw the correct structure for 2,7-dibromo-4-isopropyloctane. (d) (4 pts) Rank the following alkenes according to their stability (1 being most stable and 4 least stable) (e) (4 pts) Provide the systematic name for ANY ONE of the compounds in part (d). Be sure to indicate which structure you named. (f) (4 pts) Circle the combination of orbitals that will give the most stable sigma bond. sp-sp3 sp2-sp3 sp-sp sp3-sp3 (g) (6 pts) Using the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog convention, assign priorities and correctly designate the following compound as the E or Z isomer. Please show your work. O H HO (h) (6 pts) Looking down the C1-C2 bond, draw Newman projections for the best and worst conformations of 1-bromopropane. 2 [2] (a) (4 pts) Determine the degree of unsaturation in diazomethane, H2CN2. Show your calculation. (b) (10 pts) Write a reasonable Lewis structure for diazomethane given the skeleton below. Your structure should comply with the octet rule for non-hydrogen atoms (and duet for hydrogens). Be sure to assign correct formal charges to ALL atoms. Show your calculation of formal charge for ANY ONE atom. H C N N H (c) (4 pts) Write another Lewis structure, complete with formal charges, for a reasonable resonance form of your answer to part (b). This structure, too, should satisfy the octet/duet rule. (d) (4 pts) Using arrow formalism, show how one of the resonance structures you drew above might be converted into the other. (e) (10 pts) Provide a correct Lewis structure for a different molecule that is an isomer of diazomethane. Clearly identify the hybridization of carbon and both nitrogens in this structure. 3 [3] Consider the molecule below and answer the questions that follow. N N O (a) (4 pts) Circle one example of each of the following: a 1°, 2°, 3°, and 4° carbon. (b) (3 pts) Circle a methyl, methylene, and methine group. (c) (2 pts) Which features of the molecule accounts for its four degrees of unsaturation? (d) (5 pts) One of the nitrogens in the molecule is sp3 hybridized and the other is sp2 hybridized. Correctly identify these nitrogens and, using proper structures, explain why the hybridization states are different. [4] Provide structures and IUPAC names for the following. (a) (6 pts) A molecule of the formula C4H6F2 that has no net dipole. (b) (6 pts) A molecule of the formula C3H4Cl2 that may be designated using cis/trans but not E/Z notation. (c) (6 pts) A molecule of the formula C6H12 that has only two kinds of carbons. 4