Medical Device Product Verification and Validation

Device Validation Forum.
John E. Lincoln
Medical Device Product
Verification and Validation
John E. Lincoln
“Device Validation Forum” discusses regulatory
requirements, scientific principles, strategies, and
approaches associated with medical device validation that are useful to practitioners. We intend this
column to be a valuable resource for daily work
applications. The key objective for this column:
Useful information.
Reader comments, questions, and suggestions
are needed to help us fulfill our objective for this
column. Please send your comments and suggestions to column coordinator John E. Lincoln at jel@ or to journal coordinating editor
Susan Haigney at
dures [SOPs], and manufacturing process) from the
development stage to the production floor (i.e., “technology transfer”) are major sources of product quality problems. The FDA’s design control and medical
device current good manufacturing practice (CGMP)
requirements (1) were designed, among other things,
to reduce or minimize this risk. And they will, if they
are properly and conscientiously applied.
Figure 1: Product validation.
This issue of the “Device Validation Forum” discusses
the issues and considerations for successful verification and validation (V&V) of a new or substantially
changed medical device. Product validation is different from process, equipment, or software validation,
although any or all may be involved in a product’s
development and included in a product’s design history file (DHF). Such product validation must address
the US Food and Drug Administration’s design control
elements of 21 CFR 820.30 (1, 2). These design elements are required by FDA to document the development and marketing of a new medical device.
The purpose of product validation activities (see
Figure 1) is to prove by a series of verification and test
activities that the product’s design (input) requirements have been met by the design output (DO) and
the resultant device. Next to the product design itself,
change control and the transfer of product defining
elements (i.e., the device master record elements—
drawings, specifications, standard operating proce-
For more Author
The design verification requirements per 21
CFR820.30(f) are as follows: “Each manufacturer
shall establish and maintain procedures for verifying
User Needs,
Design Input
John E. Lincoln is principal of J.E. Lincoln and Associates (, a global consulting
company with more than 29 years experience serving US FDA-regulated industries. He may be reached
by e-mail at or by phone (toll free) at 888.882.4655.
go to
Validation T echnology [Spring 2010]
John E. Lincoln.
the device design. Design verification shall confirm
that the design output meets the design input requirements. The results of design verification, including
identification of the design, method(s), the date and
the individual(s) performing the verification, shall be
documented in the DHF [Design History File].”
The design validation requirements per 21 CFR
820.30(g) are as follows: “Each manufacturer shall
establish and maintain procedures for validating the
device design. Design validation shall be performed
under defined operating conditions on initial production units, lots, or batches, or their equivalents.
Design validation shall ensure that devices conform
to defined user needs and intended uses and shall
include testing of production units under actual or
simulated use conditions. Design validation shall
include software validation and risk analysis, where
appropriate. The results of the design validation,
including identification of the design, methods(s),
the date, and the individuals(s) performing the validation, shall be documented in the DHF.”
The design transfer requirements per 21 CFR
820.30(h) are as follows: “Each manufacturer shall
establish and maintain procedures to ensure that the
device design is correctly translated into production
New or substantially changed medical products need
to be developed under design control procedures.
Minor changes can be dealt with under a company’s
change control procedures. The documentation supporting such changes may be pulled from laboratory
notebooks, red-lined documents attached to change
orders (e.g., drawings, schematics, specifications,
etc.), or may be part of formal component product
verification or test, research and development (R&D),
engineering, validation protocols or test reports, and
process or equipment protocols and test reports. Any
change, minor or major, must be considered in light
of its impact on completed or future V&V activities.
SOPs must be developed as guidelines to assure certain minimum elements are addressed and included
in test data to meet reproducibility and traceability
concerns, and maintain adherence to the scientific
method, as well as standardize history, documentation and product or process verification or validation
Documentation should be prepared with sufficient
detail so that a person having the requisite training or
experience could replicate the data or test using only
the written documentation as a guide.
In order to prove that design inputs (DI) have been
met by design outputs, a determination of the specific
design inputs is the first obvious step after a general
decision has been made to develop a new product.
FDA requires that design control be instituted somewhere between the research and development stage.
A helpful definition for such a start date is when pure
research is shifted to purposeful development, often
by the commitment of major dollars by senior management to commercialize a research project.
Such commercialization can involve the development of a product to the point of the following:
•In-house production and sale
•Outsourced production
•Sale or spin off of the prototype
•Any combination of the above.
Marketing is often the driving force for such product development, which can take the form of any of
the following:
•A new product
•A substantially changed old product
•A line extension to a family of products.
With this formal “start” date, the development of
product documentation, under design or change control, starts. This would include a formal design specification, which by definition would include design
inputs and design requirements. The marketing or
product manager may provide much of the initial
design inputs, based on past product experience, and
include additional information from focus groups
and other consumer research. This is especially true
of marketing needs based on competitive products,
field requirements, and desires.
Concurrent with initial product development is
the development of at least a draft Product Hazard
Analysis and Risk Management File and Report, per
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
14971 (3) and/or International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Q9 (4). This usually involves at
a minimum a failure mode, effects, and criticality
analysis (FMECA) for design, process and use, and any
software (see reference 5 for a discussion of product
risk management).
Validation T echnology [Spring 2010]
Device Validation Forum.
The engineering department will start adding industry
standards requirements and adjust inputs to limitations to marketing requirements and the developing risk management file. These are based on what is
“doable,” given the current state of the material and
process “art,” company and/or outsourcing capabilities, and budget constraints. They will start on prototype development, models or “kludges,” drawings,
schematics, specifications, materials, much of the
labeling (including instructions for use), and do some
feasibility testing, all with marketing, production and
manufacturing engineering, and quality assurance
(QA) and regulatory assurance (RA) input.
Engineering will then determine the type of more
formal or structured bench and functional testing,
packaging and shipping testing, environmental testing, and manufacturing process and equipment testing and validation required, based on the product,
its intended use, and use environment. This is often
based on a product’s hazard analysis and risk management file and report, per ISO 14971 and ICH Q9.
Engineering refers to applicable ISO, Association for
the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI),
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), European Standards (EN) (6), and other standards.
QA/RA will then add quality and regulatory issues
and additional test requirements (i.e., biocompatibility and sterility) to the list, as required by the product, its intended use, and use environment and any
applicable standards and/or guidance documents.
They will review current good manufacturing practice
(CGMP) issues for manufacture, controlled manufacturing, or clean room requirements, test procedures
and equipment and sourcing, and human factors or
use environment issues. They will then evaluate,
assist, and/or actually prepare much of the product
and process validation documentation, especially to
ensure compliance to regulatory and product quality
A project leader with a product development team
will then drive the development of a formal product
specification that addresses these realistic and achievable design inputs. These specifications will help drive
the project per the milestones and tasks described in
“Medical Device Development Under Design Control”
in the Winter 2010 issue of the Journal of Validation
Technology (2), including the periodic project design
reviews and the developing V&V requirements.
This list of product design inputs, specifications, and
requirements now also becomes the basis for developing a product validation plan. The plan will address
not only product validation but also the associated
manufacturing process, production equipment, and
test equipment V&V requirements. These include calibration, PM, spare parts, documentation, site preparation (part of installation qualifications [IQs]), design
of experiments (DOEs) (often part of operational
qualifications [OQs]), Cpk (process capabilities, centered), gauge repeatability and reproducibility (GRR),
and similar. It will include timelines and departmental responsibilities.
Time spent in careful up-front project planning and
management will prevent key activities from not being
considered early on, “dropping through the cracks,”
and surfacing late in the project, if at all, delaying
the project unnecessarily, and/or yielding a less than
robust finished product.
Some product V&V activities can start early on, such
as material selection, material-to-material (including
any bonding agent(s)) compatibility, material biocompatibility, hemolysis, cytotoxicity, sterilization V&V,
etc. Other V&V activities have to wait until a viable
prototype or a close to finished product has been
developed. FDA correctly demands that functional,
stability, and other such product testing and verification activities be performed on product as close to
the final production version as possible, including
being built by the process, equipment, and personnel involved in actual production. The less that is
the case, the more the documentation must explain
the differences and test compensations made with
rationale, and the higher the risk of incomplete V&V
While such stipulations are often viewed as burdensome by a product development team and even by
management, a review of product recalls and a “reading between the lines,” indicates that failure to do so
can lead to future recalls or other field problems and
resulting liability issues. Companies have also taken
a major financial hit due to developing products that
can only be assembled by engineers or technicians,
rather than the planned for production line operators,
effectively pricing the product off the market.
The product validation protocol or test report should
be a controlled document, having a test report num-
Validation T echnology [Spring 2010]
John E. Lincoln.
ber or protocol identification number assigned by
QA or document control. Ideally, the calibration of
process, production, and test instrumentation should
be performed before and after the validation and be
included in the V&V file. This is to ensure accuracy of
readings that not only validate the product but usually
are used to establish equipment parameters for production, as called out in SOPs, and also any on-unit
labeling and the instructions for use (IFUs).
The validation package should have pre-established and referenced acceptance criteria and both
pre-approval and post-approval signature blocks.
Lab notebooks and formal protocol or test reports
should follow a defined format, such as the following
suggested listing.
The following is presented as one possible format and
recommended sequence, as applicable, for the product
validation protocol or test report file:
•Protocol or test report number
•Approvals. A single signature may suffice for most
routine tests or verifications; complex validations
may require more reviews and approvals, including
pre- and post-approvals.
•Purpose. Brief statement or rationale for the protocol and reasoning as to its chosen development
•Equipment. Listing of all non-consumable equipment, tools, instruments, fixtures, etc., used to test
and run the protocol, including description, model,
S/N, calibration numbers, and expiration dates
•Material. Listing of all consumables used in the
protocol. Include description, part number (P/N)
or item/catalog number, lot number, sterile load
number and quantity, etc.
•Procedure. A step-by-step explanation or written
narrative of the test and the actual test protocol
(i.e., how to run the test), written in such a way
that it could be duplicated by someone else with
the necessary technical expertise but unfamiliar with the procedure; include any set-up drawings, instructions, sample check sheets or data
sheets, etc. This step-by-step narrative should be
as follows:
•Product V&V. See Figure 1 and design control
SOP for product V&V steps, to include bench
tests, lab tests, and any animal or human clinical
studies (IDE required).
•Equipment or process V&V. Includes the
qualification (DQ) (Optional). Formal documentation of criteria considered in
the purchase and/or manufacture of a piece
of equipment, often supplied with a purchase
✦✦Installation qualification (IQ). Documented functional requirements of the equipment and how
requirements were met during installation, often
in checklist format (see design control SOP)
✦✦Operational qualification (OQ). V&V steps,
test cases, or design of experiments (DOE) to
establish the key operating parameters, settings, and their tolerance ranges, and verify
their proper operation; may also include hazard
awareness of critical control points (HACCP),
Ishikawa (Fishbone) diagrams, flow charts,
process maps, and similar tools
✦✦Performance qualification (PQ). Challenge
process or equipment under validation, usually
with a minimum of three runs, under “worst
case” conditions (i.e., different shifts, different
material lots, environmental, other varying
inputs, etc.); verify reproducibility and repeatability of the equipment or process—its capability to consistently produce desired results;
should be risk based (i.e., tied to a product
risk document where possible) and include at
least one “unplanned” power outage to see how
process or equipment recovers or re-initializes.
When several PQs are run (the old, de facto
“standard” was a minimum of three runs; now
the number should be based on the number
of inputs and risks involved), the basic blank
PQ may be copied and sequentially numbered
prior to running and filling out (e.g., PQ 1 of
3, PQ 2 of 3, and PQ 3 of 3, and so on)
✦✦Software (product, process, equipment, and
hardware) V&V. See also the company’s design
control, or software V&V SOPs
✦✦Quality management system (QMS) software
(and hardware) V&V. V&V to be performed
under requirements of 21 CFR Part 11, “Electronic Records/Electronic Signatures”
✦✦Test case format. OQs and PQs should be performed using the suggested test case format
shown in Figure 2. There may be numerous
test cases under each key element of the process
or equipment being validated.
•Results. List the actual/proven test results, data,
and reference the data sheets, check sheets, etc.—
facts, not opinions
Validation T echnology [Spring 2010]
Device Validation Forum.
Figure 2: Suggested test case format.
Generally used with OQs and PQs
(IQs are usually in a check list format)
other follow-on protocols, lab notebook test write-ups,
deviations, ECOs/non-conforming material reports
(NCMRs), rework instructions, or where required, to
ensure proper device history, and reproducibility or
repeatability of test data or the process.
#_. [Operation]:
Risk: [describe operation and risk / rationale – tie to appropriate risk
document, e.g., in Risk Management File / Report, per ISO 14971:2007].
Test Case: [brief operation description and test case verification step].
Verification Element
Expected Outcome
Observed Outcome
[list specific item(s) within
the operation that is to be
[list the expected results to
be expected from the
operational element(s) that
is being tested]
[describe the actual,
observed result(s) from the
operational element when it
was run]
Tested by: ___________________
Date: ______________
Verified by: __________________
Date: ______________
•Conclusions. State obvious and provable conclusions that can be drawn and proven from the
data obtained, documented, and collated under
the results section. Can include statistical tests
and reasonable inferences (identified as such)
from the data and results
•Attachments (Optional). Copies of any supplemental info (e.g., SOPs used, references, manuals, additional calibration, test data, work sheets,
sample documents, etc.) Copies of controlled
documents should be stamped “Copy.” Merely
referencing the document or copying it and including it in the validation package or file is a matter of
preference, balancing ease of use of the validation
file versus added bulk. Consideration should be
given to the ability to retrieve archived documents
years later when questions come up or an audit of
the file is conducted.
Simple test and verification reports may not
require all the protocol elements. Some validation
sections, such as IQs, may be handled by a checklist
or analysis.
Ensure that all information is documented in such a
way that it can, years later, be understood, explained,
defended (even in a court of law), and/or replicated,
including the documents, methodology, and its data,
results, and conclusions.
The assigned protocol number is to be referenced in
Validation T echnology [Spring 2010]
The management of product and/or process changes
is always important, but especially during the V&V
process. As mentioned, while change is initiated to
improve upon some aspect of a product or the V&V
process, it often introduces other problems. These
are often undetected initially, or even throughout the
remainder of the development and production process.
The following are types of changes that may occur:
•Minor changes. May be documented by retaining the existing protocol number and only adding the revision as an addendum, referencing the
original protocol and number. At a minimum,
a lab book study will be performed to ensure no
process change has occurred; and a written rationale will be added to the documentation file or
included in the lab book as to why no revalidation
or recertification was deemed necessary. Define
in a company SOP
•Major changes. May require that a new protocol
number be issued. If so, then any referencing
documentation must be annotated or changed to
reflect the new protocol number. This may also
be the case when a too-early prototype product
(or process) was used in a V&V activity, often to
speed up the V&V process, but having the opposite
effect. Again, define in a company SOP. Major
product or process changes must be revalidated
by formal protocol (not a lab book study)
•Determination of what constitutes a major or
minor process change is made by senior management, or designee, usually QA, and should be
defined in a company SOP.
All applicable gauges and instrumentation will be
calibrated or re-calibrated prior to initiation of any V&V
activity. Proof of such will be added to the V&V file.
Instrumentation or gauges not requiring calibration
(usually due to some downstream calibrated instruments or gauges) or verification steps should be labeled
as such (e.g., non-calibrated instrument [NCI]), with
an explanation as to rationale and referenced accordingly in the V&V file.
John E. Lincoln.
A product V&V will include test data from independent
labs, especially dealing with product biocompatibility,
particulate, bioburden, and/or sterility issues. It may
include test data from other labs as to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) or ground leakage and other
electrical data, as applicable to the specific product.
However, most of the in-house portion of a V&V protocol, especially the OQs and the PQs involved in
production and test equipment as well as product
functional testing and much software testing if applicable, will be made up of a series of test cases.
Generally test cases are derived from the specific elements needing testing, for example the following:
•Human factors—intuitive; ease of use issues
•Product start-up and initialization
•Product functional tests, including purposeful
•Product shutdown—orderly and un-planned
•Software, if applicable
•Product recovery from unintentional power outages, if applicable
•Environmental (e.g., heat, cold, humidity
•Sterilization process, residuals, if applicable
•Accelerated aging
•Shake and drop
•Cross-country shipping
•Product sterility (different from sterilization
Pre-approvals, if required, can be obtained at any
time during the test cycle. However, if the protocol is
changed during the pre-approval cycle, any additional
requirements must be addressed and added to the test
requirements, with explanation, prior to routing the
protocol for post-approval. The greater the risk or cost
of changes in the protocol, the greater the need for
consensus and support, and hence the stronger the
argument for pre-approval prior to start.
If the test method is non-controversial, the protocol is a repeat of a previously approved or agreed-to
protocol, a recognized industry standard test, etc.,
or, if the purpose of the protocol is merely to gather
data, is a preliminary test prior to the process-defining protocol(s), or test methodology is common for
purpose intended to trained personnel, pre-approval
may not even be necessary.
In such a case, if additional testing is deemed necessary during the post-approval sign-off phase, it can
be performed and added as an addendum.
Post-approvals are completed once all aspects of
the V&V test report are completed, including any
The completed protocol is routed to document control for filing and retention.
Changed product or product produced by equipment or processes subject to verification, validation,
or re-verification/revalidation must be quarantined
and cannot be released until post-approval sign-offs
are completed.
The composition of the list of such tests is determined by the product itself, its use environment,
FDA and Europe’s Medical Device Directive (MDD)
requirements, applicable standards, and similar. For
additional considerations, see the list in the “Device
Validation Forum” column in the Journal of Validation
Technology, Winter 2010 issue (2).
Such test cases should include the following (see
Figure 2):
•A descriptive title
•A brief description of the test being preformed
•Risk justification. In risk-based V&V activities
(and most should be risk based), the test case
may reference the specific line item in a product
risk management file, or FMEA, FMECA, and/or
fault tree analysis (FTA)
•The V&V element
•The expected outcome
•The actual observed outcome
•Test and verification signatures and dates.
Revalidation is required whenever a major change
occurs to a product or process, or after moving any
sensitive process equipment, unless a written extension or exception is granted, with rationale. Such
rationale can be included as part of the original validation protocol. Consideration should be made as to
whether or not it is to be company policy to re-verify
or validate a product or process not on an arbitrary
time-based interval (e.g., every year), but as defined
by degree of changes, risk analysis, documented. This
should be defined in the master validation plan and/
or SOP.
Product verification and validation activities should
not be short changed. While there is usually tremendous pressure to get the new product out, the time
and effort spent upfront in planning and executing
Validation T echnology [Spring 2010]
Device Validation Forum.
a product V&V project will greatly assist in setting
up a robust manufacturing process and delivering a
product that meets customer requirements, stated,
unstated, and required by industry standards, while
minimizing fall-off, scrap, rework, risks of recall, and
other liability or warranty issues.
Lessons learned from reviewing a company’s own
product development and corrective action and preventive action (CAPA) history, the product’s risk management file, FDA adverse events data bases such as
MAUDE for similar products’ problems, and even
other industries’ (even non-medical) recall experiences, will assist in developing a product validation
plan that provides such a robust manufacturing process and product.
1. FDA, 21 CFR 820, Quality System Regulation, sections
21 CFR 820.70, 820.75, and 820.170.
2. Lincoln, John E., “Medical Device Development Under
Design Control,” Journal of Validation Technology, Vol. 16,
No. 1, Winter 2010.
3. ISO, ISO 14971:2007, Medical Devices—Application of
Risk Management to Medical Devices.
4. ICH, Guidance for Industry, Q9 Quality Risk Management, June 2006.
5. Lincoln, John E., “Product Risk Management Under
ISO 14971:2007,” Journal of Validation Technology, Vol.
15, No. 4, Autumn 2009.
6. EC, Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 Concerning Medical Devices, amended by M1-M5, latest
dated 21.9.2007. JVT
Validation T echnology [Spring 2010]
AAMI Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
American National Standards Institute
Code of Federal Regulations (US)
CGMP Current Good Manufacturing Practice
DHFDesign History File
DIDesign Input
DODesign Output
DOEDesign of Experiments, or Designed
DQDesign Qualification
ECOEngineering Change Order
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility
ENEuropean Standards
FDAUS Food and Drug Administration
FMEAFailure Modes, Effects Analysis
FMECAFailure Modes, Effects, and Criticality
FTAFault Tree Analysis
GMPGood Manufacturing Practice
GRRGauge Repeatability and Reproducibility
ICHInternational Conference on Harmonisation
IFUsInstructions for Use
IQInstallation Qualification
ISOInternational Organization for
MDDMedical Device Directive (EU)
NCINon [or Not] Calibrated Instrument
NCMRNon-Conforming Material Report
OQOperational Qualification
PMPreventive Maintenance
P/NPart Number
PQPerformance Qualification
QAQuality Assurance
QMSQuality Management System
QSQuality System(s)
R&DResearch and Development
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
V&VVerification and Validation