Curriculum Vitae - UC Berkeley Industrial Engineering and

OFFICE ADDRESS Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, 4131 Etcheverry Hall
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1777
(510) 642-1865
Yale (Operations Research/Statistics)
Yale (Health Care Systems)
University of North Carolina (Statistics)
Cornell (Engineering)
1/99-present Chancellor’s Professor, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, University
of California, Berkeley, CA.
6/06-present Head advisor and founder, Operations Research and Management Sciences Major
(College of Letters and Sciences), UC Berkeley, CA (except 2010-11 a/y)
Department Chair, IEOR, (College of Engineering), UC Berkeley, CA
11/98 - 5/00
Andrew S. Schultz Jr. Professor of Industrial Engineering, School of Operations
Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Professor, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Distinguished Visiting Professor, SEMATECH, Austin, TX.
National Research Council Fellow, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA.
Visiting Faculty, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN.
Visiting Faculty, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN.
Associate Professor, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Visiting Scientist, International Institute of Applied System Analysis, Schloss
Laxenburg, Austria.
Assistant Professor, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Associate Director, Health Systems Research Division, Medical School, and
Asst. Professor, Industrial and Systems Engr., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Systems Analysts and Consultant, Operations Research Incorporated, Silver
Springs, MD.
United States Navy, (Ltjg), Operations Analyst, Naval Command Systems
Support Activity, Washington, D.C.
Systems Engineer, Emerson Electric Company, St. Louis, MO.
(Co-op student 6/66 - 6/68).
Pritsker Distinguished Lectureship, “Don’t try this in the Real World”
Purdue University (April, 2012).
Titans of Simulation Address, “Model is a Verb”
Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix AZ. (Dec., 2011)
Day-One Speaker, “Saving Millions (lives and money) with Simulation Experiments”
Isaac Newton Inst. of Math. Sci., DAW05, Univ. Cambridge, UK (Sept., 2011)
Co-advised team that won first prize in FAA System Design Competition (2011)
Advisor, Informs Underrepresented Minorities and Women Honoraria (D. Singham) (2008)
Visiting Distinguished Professor - Lancaster University, UK (Special SIG conf.) (Fall 2008)
Keynote speaker, International Simulation Research Workshop, INSEAD, France (July, 2007)
Profiled as the Intellectual of PKP, Cornell (Spring 2007)
Advisor to Outstanding PhD Thesis Pritsker Prize Winner for, W K Chan (2005)
(Also tied with 1st place and had most 2nd place votes for Informs Nicholson Thesis Prize)
Elected Fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (10/2003)
Awarded UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Professor (7/2001)
Intel Manufacturing Research Institute Research Support Gift to UC Regents (10/2000).
Best Paper in Session, (joint with P. Hyden) TECHON 2000 (9/2000).
Andrew S. Schultz, Jr. Endowed Professorship in IE, Cornell University (1998).
Best Paper Prize, (joint with E. Yucesan) European Simulation MultiConference (1997).
Outstanding Teaching Award, Cornell University ORIE Master of Engineering Class (1996).
Keynote Speaker, IASTED, Pittsburgh, PA (1996).
Distinguished Visiting Professor - SEMATECH (1991-92).
Educational Software - EDUCOM’s 101 Computing Education Success Stories (1992).
National Research Council, Senior Research Fellowship (1991).
Outstanding Publication Award (1987) - TIMS College on Simulation and Gaming.
Selected Outstanding Teacher by Cornell Presidential Scholar (1984).
Visiting Scholar, International Institute of Applied System Analysis, S. Laxenburg, Austria.
Best paper on Simulation and Gaming in Management Science (1980) - TIMS College on
Simulation and Gaming.
Shewell Award for Outstanding Paper (1978) - American Society for Quality Control.
Fellow, Health Systems Research Inst. for Soc. and Policy Studies, Yale University (1972-1975).
Alfred P. Sloan Scholar, Cornell University (1964-1968).
Other Professional Honoraries:
Alpha Pi Mu (Founding President, Cornell Chapter)
New York Academy of Sciences
Omega Rho (Founding Advisor, Cornell Chapter)
Sigma Xi
Tau Beta Pi
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Institute of Industrial Engineers
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Fellow)
Society for Computing Simulation
World Innovation Foundation (Fellow)
Courses Taught at Cornell
Freshman Mini-Courses on Operations Research & Industrial Engineering
Engineering Applications of Operations Research
Basic Engineering Probability and Statistics
Stochastic Models
Industrial Systems Analysis
Using Mathematical Models in Engineering Design
Mathematical Models - Development and Application
Industrial Engineering Fieldwork
Operations Research I - Mathematical Programming
Operations Research II - Stochastic Models
Digital Systems Simulation
Selected Topics in Applied Operations Research (Simulation)
893-4 Applied Operations Research & Industrial Engineering Colloquium
Courses Taught at UC Berkeley
IEOR E10 - Engineering Design and Analysis
IEOR 39B - Freshman/Sophomore Seminar
IEOR 131 - Computer Simulation of Industrial Engineering Systems
IEOR 131 - Discrete Event Simulation (replacing previous IEOR 131)
IEOR 199 - Undergraduate Research Opportunities (numerous)
IEOR 199 - ORMS Honors Thesis Supervision
IEOR 231 - Data Modeling, Statistics, and System Simulation (new req. PhD course).
IEOR 241 - Risk Modeling, Simulation, and Data Analysis (new req. MEngr Core)
IEOR 261 - Experimenting with Simulated Systems (new graduate course)
IEOR 290 - Monte Carlo and Statistical Computing (w/ Prof. Shanthikumar)
IEOR 290 - Bioproduction Forum (w/ Johnston, Leachman, and Kaminsky)
IEOR 290 - Bioproduction and Supply Chain Ops. (Asst. to Dr. Johnston)
IEOR 290 - Statistical Aspects of Discrete Event Simulation
IEOR 299 - Independent Study or Research (20+)
Dissertation Chairman for Ph.D. Students:
Snell, M. “The Application of Regression Methods to the Initial Transient Problem in Computer
Simulations,” January 1980.
Cogliano, V. “Sensitivity Analysis and Model Identification in Simulation Studies: A Frequency
Domain Approach,” January 1982.
Goldsman, D. “On Using Standardized Time Series to Analyze Stochastic Processes,” August
Sanchez, P. “Design and Analysis of Frequency Domain Experiments,” May 1987.
Jacobson, S. “Discrete Event Computer Simulation Response Optimization in the Frequency
Domain,” August 1988.
Yucesan, E. "Simulation Graphs for the Design and Analysis of Discrete Event Simulation
Models,” August 1989.
Morrice, D. “Simulation Factor Screening,” August 1990.
Healy, K. “Optimizing Stochastic Systems: A Retrospective/Deterministic Approach,” August
Chance, F. “The Indifference Approach to the Analysis of Transient Effects in Queueing
Networks and Simulation,” August 1993.
Freimer, M. “Integrating Data Collection and Model Analysis in Simulation”, August, 2001.
Hyden, P. “Time dilation: Decreasing time to decision with discrete-event simulation”,
November 2002.
Roeder, T. “An Information Taxonomy for Discrete Event Simulations”, May, 2003.
Roginsky, M. “Modeling of Transient Processes in Markov Chains with an Application to the
Internet Traffic Description”, Dec., 2004.
Chan, Wai Kin (Victor) “Mathematical Programming Representations of Discrete-Event System
Dynamics", May, 2005
Yavari, Elham, “Adaptive simulation model enrichment in the context of ranking and selection
decision making for service operations”, May, 2009
Johnston, Lenrick “Optimal planning in biopharmaceutical supply chains” (w/ Prof. Leachman),
July, 2010
Singham, Devaushi “Analysis of sequential stopping rules for simulation experiments”
April, 2011
Other Ph.D. Student Advising
Nuno Gil, CEE, UC Berkeley, Ph.D. – Committee)
Nirmal Govind, Penn State University, Ph.D., External Committee Member)
Adalaide Carvahlo (Lancaster, UK, External Reader )
Li Yan (Bioengineering, Thesis Committee)
Douglas M. Densmore (EECS, Thesis Committee)
Guang Yang (EECS, Thesis Committee)
Thomas Feng (EECS, Thesis Committee)
Sean Kim (Bioengineering, Thesis Committee)
Plus numerous past thesis committees in various disciplines
Served as External Thesis Reader in IEOR, EECS, Bio Engr, Civil Engineering, Computer
Science, Ag. Economics, Business Administration, Dairy Science, ORIE, and Hotel
Administration, Pharmacology .
Advisor for Master of Science Thesis:
Sanchez, P.J. “Significant Factor Identification Using Discrete Spectral Methods,” January 1985.
Read, C.D. “Generalizations of Event Synchronization Mechanisms,” January 1986.
Volonoski, C. “Robustness of Bayesian and Classical Procedures via Simulation Output
Analysis,” May 1983.
Marc Novo Diaz, Container Capacity Analysis at the Port of the Everglades (Spring 2000)
Geoffrey Boushey, Chip Binning Analysis (Spring 2000)
Advisor for Master of Engineering Projects :
Colosi, J., Kleiner, S., and Pun, A. “An Investigation of Operational Characteristics of a Material
Flow System,” May 1977. Sponsor: Raymond Manufacturing.
Sasseville, P. “A Comparison of Continuous and Periodic Review Policies in a Two-Echelon
Multi-Item Inventory System,” August 1977. Sponsor: American Red Cross.
Peskin, D. and Russman, R. “Sales Forecasting in the Material Handling Industry,” May 1978.
Sponsor: Raymond Manufacturing.
Chawla, S. and Mascaro, M. “Design Suggestions for a Galvanizing Unit,” August 1978.
Sponsor: Brewer Tichner.
Cyker, R. and Labe, R. “Methods for Analyzing an Automated Materials Handling System,”
May 1979. Sponsor: Smith Corona.
Campbell, B. “Sampling Plan for the Analysis of Information Flow in Multinomially Distributed
Systems,” January 1980. Sponsor: Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Goldberg, J. and Smith, E. “Methods for Formulating Mold Repair Policies,” May 1980.
Sponsor: Smith Corona.
Clark, D. and Goss, D. “Scheduling Hospital Dietary Department Personnel,” May 1981.
Sponsor: Tompkins Community Hospital.
Cardenas, S., Echeverria, L., and Francken, M. “Rolling Sales Forecasting,” May 1982.
Sponsor: Exxon Corporation.
Ho, J., Silverman, J., and Steele, N. “Transaction Tagging in Highly Congested Network
Simulations,” May 1982. Sponsor: Bethlehem Steel.
Capotosto, T., Fitzpatrick, D., and Galasso, G. “An Interactive Program Generator for Discrete
Event Simulation,” May 1984. Sponsor: General Electric.
Goldfarb, D., Hwa, G., Kuo, B., and Milne, J. “The Logistics of Ingot Inversion,” May 1984.
Sponsor: Bethlehem Steel.
Bronstein, D., Carminati, A., Chien, H., and Ray, J. “A Feasibility Study for a Proposed
Continuous Caster Facility, “ June 1985. Sponsor: Bethlehem Steel.
Arman, B., Chaustre, D., Kim, and E., and Maher, R. “Development of a Scheduling and
Inventory Control Computer Package for the PSR Unit of NCR, Ithaca,” June 1986.
Sponsor: National Cash Register.
Chai, K. and Garza, J. “An Integrated Manufacturing System for the Fire Engine Manufacturing
Industry,” June 1987. Sponsor: Saulsbury Fire Equipment Company.
Kim, S., Moore, M., Inda, R., and Chou, Y. “A Production Planning System,” 1988. Sponsor:
Saulsbury Fire Equipment Company.
Brown, E., Henderson, T., and Vallat, B. “Modeling and Simulation of Acyclic Communications
Networks,” December 1989. Sponsor: Digital Equipment Corp.
Diaz-Rivera, I., Shea, N., Takita, S., and Yagi, S. “Chaotic Behavior of a Communications
Network,” December 1990. Sponsor: Digital Equipment Corp.
Halle, S., Hung, A., Seldner, E., and Yoon, J. “Simulation of Computer I/O Subsystems,”
December 1991. Sponsor: Digital Equipment Corp.
Benjamin, O. and Kulikovsky, S. “Traffic Modeling Methodology,” May 1993. Sponsor: City
of Ithaca.
Ahmed, A., Elsner, K., Hsu, E., and Rethemeier, T. “Generic Semiconductor Cluster Tool,"
Arrigale, D., Chen, A., Denizeri, Y., Suarez, A., Suzuki, M., and Vongxaiburana, V.
“Simulation of Vacuum Cluster Tools used in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” May
1995. Sponsor: CVC Products, Inc. and SEMATECH.
Arrigale, D., Chen, A., Denizeri, Y., Suarez, A., Suzuki, M., and Vongxaiburana, V. “Simulation
of Vacuum Cluster Tools used in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” May 1995. Sponsor:
CVC Products, Inc. and SEMATECH.
Jinich, M., Kabutoya, N., Rapelius, R., and Usui, Y. “Cluster Tool Deadlock in Production
Systems,” May, 1996. Sponsor: CVC Products, Inc. and SEMATECH.
de Guillebon, B. and Lu, R. “Machine Loading for Institutional Food Production,” May 1996.
Sponsor: CBORD Productions.
Yip, P., Vu, S., and Su, D. “A Restaurant Production Simulator,” May 1997. Sponsor: CBORD
Coppola, K., Pikula, C., and Tan, J. “Factory Level Material Flow Strategies for Semiconductor
Manufacturing,” May 1998. Sponsor: Micrus.
Advisor for Several Undergraduate Research Projects including:
Assanasen, B. and Mertyris, T. “A Simulation Model for Fire-Related Building
Evacuations” (Chosen for presentation to U.S. Congressman Sherwood Boehlert
(NY), Chairman of the Science and Technology Committee).
At Berkeley – Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program students
2000 Arlen Khodadadi (IEOR) “ASP web-based simulation experiments”
2000 Akanksha Kejriwal (IEOR) “ASP web-based simulation experiments”
2000 Valerie Peters (IEOR), ““Linear programming models of queue dynamics”
2000 Marc Oman “Linear programming models of queue dynamics”
2004-05, Chun-yu Chen (ME)
2005-05, Jessica Bik Kwan Chen (IEOR)
2005-06, Ashton Chevallier (CS)
2005-06, Brian Sung Chul Choi (CS)
2005-06, Karen Truong (IEOR)
2005-06, Marco Cozzi (IEOR)
2005-06, Sabrina Yeh (IEOR
2005-06, Tina Xu (IEOR)
2005-06, Wai Eric Cheung (IEOR)
2006-07, Guorui Su (Chem E.)
2006-07, Jyot Bawa (IEOR)
2007-08, Sam Toutounchian (IEOR
2007-08, Sebouh Der Kiureghian (IEOR)
(at Cornell)
College of Engineering Policy Committee (drafted current policy for tenure and promotion).
Hatfield Committee on Cornell Undergraduate Economic Education.
Common Curriculum Governing Board (College of Engineering).
Chairman, Steering Committee, SORIE.
Representative to ASEE.
Board Member - Cornell Student Health.
Interviewer for Prospective Student Athletes.
Simulation software labs at Cornell – most major commercial packages.
CORE Faculty - Cornell Manufacturing and Productivity Program.
Computer Aided Education Packages developed include:
Simulation Graph Modeling Lab (IBM PC Labs),
Linear Programming Graphics Lab (PLATO), and
Engineering Economy Graphics Lab (Cornell’s CADIF System).
Liaison with Outside Sponsors of Student Projects (Cornell).
Faculty Advisor to Cornell Student IIE Chapter (Awards of Excellence each year).
Several SORIE Committees.
(At UC Berkeley)
Head of Operations Research and Management Sciences Major (Letters and Science Col.)
Dept. Chair , IEOR, (2001-2005)
Head of Undergraduate Advising, IEOR (Fall 1999 - 2001)
Wrote IEOR MS examinations (Spring 1999, 2005)
Engineering Undergraduate Study Committee (Fall 1999 – 2006)
Engineering Common Curriculum Task Force, Member and co-Chair (Fall 2000 – 2006)
Qualifying examination committee for numerous Ph.D. students at UC Berkeley (2000-)
Computational Engineering Science Core Curriculum Committee (2003-present)
Factuly Advisor, 2004 IIE Regional Conference – hosted by UC Berkeley, March 5-6, 2004
Founding board member Berkeley’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (2004 - )
Faculty Advisor, Berkeley IIE Student Engineering, (won Berkeley’s first Gold Award, 2004)
Faculty Advisor, Berkeley APM Student Engr. Honoary (1st in Nation, 2004, first at Berkeley)
GSI voted Outstanding Teaching Asst. by IEOR undergraduates 10 years (2000-12).
Organizing team for six United States/European Community semiconductor mfg. mgmt.
workshops in England, France, Germany, Santa Clara, Boston and Austin, 1994.
Invited papers, chaired sessions, and seminars at conferences and meetings at industrial research
labs, production facilities, and universities. Locations include the following:
Cambridge Univ., UK
Columbia University
Cortland State University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Harvard University
INSEAD, France
Lancaster Univ., UK
Lehigh University
Naval Postgraduate School
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Syracuse University
University of Kansas
University of Michigan
University of Montreal
University of Pennsylvania
University of Texas, Austin
University of Wisconsin
G.E. Corporate R&D Labs, Schenectady, New York
Pritsker and Associates, West Lafayette, Indiana
IBM Watson Research Labs, Yorktown Heights, New York
Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
1976-2012 Winter Simulation Conferences (except. 1980 2001, and 2007)
1976-1996 ORSA/TIMS and TIMS/ORSA editor Meetings Bulletins
1978 ACM Special Interest Meeting, New York
1980 Region II IIE Conference, Bethlehem, PA
1981 IIASA Conference on Validation, Schloss Laxenburg, Austria
1981 AIIE National Meeting, Detroit, Michigan
1981 Applied Probability - Comp. Science Interface, Boca Raton, Florida
1981 International Operations Research Meeting, Hamburg, Germany
1982 SIGSIM/ORSA Conference, Rutgers University
1982 IMACS International Conference, Montreal, Canada
1983 Industrial Engineering Conference, Toronto, Canada
1985 IBM Large Scale Simulation Conference, Lech, Austria
1985 Army Research Office Board of Directors Meeting, El Paso, Texas
1986 Applied Probability - Comp. Science Interface, Ft. Collins, Colorado
1986 “Optimization Days” at Montreal, Canada
1986 CORS Meeting in Toronto, Canada
1987 IFORS Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina
1987 Special Operations Research Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1987 20th Annual Simulation Symposium
1987 Current Issues in Simulation, Rutgers, Newark NJ
1988 SLAM User’s Conference, Indianapolis, IN
1991 SEMATECH National Simulation Workshop, Austin, TX
1991 AICS Conference
1992 Intel, Santa Clara, CA
1992 Motorola, Phoenix, AZ
1992 SGS-Thomson, Grenoble, France
1992 Siemens - Munich, Germany
1992 Modeling and Statistical Methods, SEMATECH, Austin, TX
1993 Kansai University, Osaka, Japan
1993 NEC, Japan
1993 Mitsubishi, Japan
1993 Kawasaki Steel Co., Japan
1993 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Japan
1993 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan
1993 IBM Sindelfingen, Germany
1993 MIMAC, SEMATECH, Austin, TX
1993 Air Products, Trexlertown, PA
1994 MIMAC, Ghent, Belguim
1994 MIMAC, SEMATECH, Austin, TX
1995 Emerson Power Transmission Corp., Ithaca, NY
1995 SEMATECH, Austin, TX
1996 Schlumberger, Austin, TX
1997 Fleet Bank, Scranton, PA
1999 I&MSE Mini Symposium, “Modeling Stochastic Processes in Semiconductor
Manufacturing” (3/99) Arizona State University, Phoenix AZ
1999 Scheduling Summit “Simulating Large Scale Systems” (3/99) Santa Clara, CA
1999 UC Berkeley Neyman Seminar, Dept. of Statistics, “Experimenting with
Stochastic Simulations” (10/99), Berkeley, CA
1999-Present, Various talks including IIE, IERC, MASM, WSC, Genentech, Applied
Materials, and Intel.
Principal Investigator on Grants and Contracts from the following Sponsors
Applied Materials (graduate internships)
Battelle Laboratories
Bayer Bio-Pharmaceuticals (Grants and internships)
Bethlehem Steel
Digital Equipment Corporation
Genentech (Grants and interships)
General Electric
Hatfield Fund (Undergraduate Economics Education)
IBM AEP (Project EZRA)
Microsoft Corp.
National Research Council
Office of Naval Research
Rome Air Development Center
(current support)
CELDi co-PI, National Science Foundation Center for Biopharmaceuticals
Biopharm Production and Supply Chain Design
Co-sponsors: Genentech, Bayer Bio, and Biomarin
National Science Foundation EAGER grant for simulation experimental design
Reviewer/Referee for numerous journals including:
ACM Trans. Modeling & Comp. Simulation
Annals of Operations Research
Army Research Office
Comm. of the Assoc. Comp. Mach
Decision Sciences
Environmental Modeling and Software
European Jour. of Operational Research
IBM Journal of Research and Devel.
IIE Transactions
IEEE Trans on Semiconductor Mfg.,
IEEE Trans on Automatic Control
Journal of the Amer. Stat. Assoc.
Jour. Assoc. Comp. Mach. Simulation
Jour. Manf. Systems
Jour. Stat. Comp. & Simulation
Management Science
Marcel Dekker Publishing Co.
Mathematics of Operations Research
McGraw-Hill Publishers
Medical Care
Medical Decision Making,
National Science Foundation
Naval Research Logistics Quarterly
NSERC (Canada)
Operations Research
ORSA Journal on Computing
SCS Transactions
Springer Verlag
US Navy (Chair: NPS ext. review)
Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Proc. Winter Simulation Conf.
Advisory Board – Modeling and Simulation Res. and Ed. Ctr., Georgia Institute of Technology
Program Chairman, Peter A. W. Lewis Research Symposium on Computational Statistics, Time
Series and Simulation, March 26-27, 1999, Monterey, CA.
Program Committee, United States Representative, 13th European Simulation
Symposium, Marseille, FR, (10/2001)
Reviewer for Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy
Guest Associate Editor, Operations Research, (Spring 2000)
Associate Editor, Simulation
Chair, Advanced Research and Tutorial Tracks for numerous Winter Simulation Conferences
Manufacturing Research Review Panel, National Science Foundation-1994, 2001
Past Associate Editor, ORSA Journal on Computing
Past Associate Editor, Operations Research
Past Associate Editor, Operations Research Letters
Past President, TIMS College of Simulation and Gaming
Keynote Speaker 1992 European Simulation Multiconference, York, England
Several Published Book Reviews
Developed Workshop on Visualization of Discrete Event Systems for Hughes Aircraft, Corning,
CVC Products, Emerson Transmission, Boyd & Fraser.
Member of Cornell’s Former Mathematical Sciences Institute.
Member of Cornell’s Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Technology.
Member of Cornell Center for Manufacturing Excellence.
Founding Cornell Chapter President, Alpha Pi Mu Industrial Engineering Honorary.
Founding Cornell Chapter Faculty Advisor, Omega Rho International Honor Society
Chair, External Review Committee – Dept. of Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School
External Review Committee – Georgia Tech IsyE Dept.(ranked 1st 18 straight yr. USNEWS)
Ad Hoc promotion and tenure committees - Dept. Univ. (2004-present)
Engineering Systems Research Center Advisory Board (UC Berkeley)
Academic Advisory. Board - Information Systems Tech. Mgmt, UC Santa Cruz (2004-6)
Member, Fellows Selection Committee, Informs, (2003-2006)
Member and Chair, Lifetime Achievement Award, Informs Simulation Society (2005-2007)
Member, Graduate Research Award, Inst. Industrial Engr., (2003-04)
Member, Student Award of Excel., Inst. Industrial Engr., (2003-04)
Member, Outstanding Young Educator, Inst. Industrial Engr. (2003-04)
Member, Nicholson Student Paper Prize Committee, Informs (2004-06)
Member, Program Committee, IASTA ASM Conference, Greece (2007)
Evaluator, Research Proposals, Louisiana Board of Regents
2004, (2005)
Computation Curriculum Review Panel OR, Naval Postgraduate School
Evaluator, Georgia Tech PhD in OR,Georgia Board of Regents, (2007)
Panelist, NSF (DMII and Operations Research), Natl. Science Foundation (2004, 06,07)
Keynote Speaker – I-Sim Internation Conf. INSEAD, France July 2007
Visiting Distinguished Professor, Lancaster Univ. UK (Fall 2008) – Lead spkr 2008 SIG Conf.
Department Chair, 2001-2005 - (L&S major, CET, CFY, CeBO, Ext. Review)
Consultant to:
Applied Materials
CVC Products, Inc.
Emerson Power Transmission Corp.
Fleet Bank
General Electric
General Mills, Inc.
General Motors (Rochester Products)
Joslyn Manufacturing
Operations Research Incorporated
Organizational Technologies
Pizza Huts International
Pritsker and Associates
S.I. Material Handling
Systems Planning and Analysis
Vulcan Manufacturing
Western International Media
I. REFEREED PUBLICATIONS (last updated 2008)
A. Archival Journals:
Schruben, L.W., “The Information System Model,” Datamation, 15 (7), (1969), 93101.
Schruben, L.W. and B. Margolin, “Pseudorandom Number Assignment in Statistically
Designed Simulation and Distribution Sampling Experiments,” Invited paper with
discussants to Journal of the American Statistical Association, 73 (363), (1978), 504525. (Shewell Award for Outstanding paper, American Society for Quality Control)
Schruben, L.W., “Assignment of Primary Response Zones to Emergency Medical
Units,” AIIE Transactions, 11 (1), (1979), 30-36.
Schruben, L.W., “A Coverage Function for Interval Estimators of Simulation
Response,” Management Science 26 (1), (Jan. 1980), 18-27. (Prize for Best Paper in
Management Science, TIMS College on Simulation and Gaming)
Schruben, L.W., “Establishing the Credibility of Simulation,” Simulation, 34 (3),
(1980), 101-105.
Schruben, L.W., “Control of Initialization Bias in Multivariate Simulation Response,”
Invited paper to Comm. of the ACM, 24 (4), (April 1981), 246-252.
Schruben, L.W. and R. Kulkarni, “Some Consequences of Estimating Parameters for
the M/M/I Queue,” OR Letters, 1 (2), (April 1982), 75-78.
Schruben, L.W., “Detecting Initialization Bias in Simulation Output,” Operations
Research, 30 (3), (May - June 1982), 569-90.
Schruben, L.W., “Simulation Modeling with Event Graphs,” Comm. of the ACM, 26
(11), (November 1983), 957-63.
Schruben, L.W., H. Singh and L. Tierney, “Optimal Tests for Initialization Bias in
Simulation Output,” Operations Research, 31 (6), (Nov. - Dec. 1983), 1167-78.
(Special issue on simulation)
Schruben, L.W., “Confidence Interval Estimation Using Standardized Time Series,”
Operations Research, 31 (6), (Nov. - Dec. 1983), 1090-1108. (Special issue on
simulation; Outstanding Publication Award, TIMS College on Simulation and
Goldsman, D. and L.W. Schruben, “Asymptotic Properties of Some Confidence
Interval Estimators for Simulation Output,” Management Science, 30 (10), (Oct. 1984),
Snell, M. and L.W. Schruben, “Weighting Simulation Data to Reduce Initialization
Effects,” IIE Transactions, 17 (4), (Dec. 1985), 354-63.
Schruben, L.W. and V. Cogliano, “An Experimental Procedure for Simulation
Response Surface Model Identification,” Comm. of the ACM, 30 (8), (August 1987),
Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “Transaction Tagging in Highly Congested Queueing
Simulations,” Invited paper to Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 3, (1988),
pp. 257-264.
Jacobson, S. and L.W. Schruben, “Techniques for Simulation Response Optimization,”
OR Letters, 8 (1), (Feb. 1989), 1-9.
Goldsman, D. and L.W. Schruben, “New Confidence Interval Estimators Using
Standardized Time Series,” Management Science, 36 (3), (March 1990), 393-397.
Goldsman, D., M. Meketon, and L.W. Schruben, “Properties of Standardized Time
Series Weighted Area Variance Estimators,” Management Science, 36 (5), (May 1990),
Jacobson, S., A. Buss and L.W. Schruben, “Driving Frequency Selection for Frequency
Domain Simulation Experiments,” Operations Research, 39 (6), (Nov. - Dec. 1991),
Yucesan, E. and L.W. Schruben, “Structural and Behavioral Equivalence of Simulation
Models,” ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 2 (1), (Jan. 1992),
Schruben, L.W., “SIGMA - A Graphical Approach to Teaching Simulation,” Journal of
Computing in Higher Education, 4 (1), (Fall 1992), 27-37.
Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “Modeling Paradigms for Discrete Event Simulation,”
OR Letters, 13, (April 1993), 265-275.
Morrice, D. and L.W. Schruben, “Simulation Factor Screening Using-Cross Spectral
Methods,” OR Letters, 13, (May 1993), 247-257.
Morrice, D. and L.W. Schruben, “Simulation Factor Screening Using Harmonic
Analysis,” Management Science, 39 (12), (December 1993), 1459-1476.
Goldsman, D., L.W. Schruben, and J. Swain, “Tests for Transient Means in Simulated
Time Series,” Naval Research Logistics, 41, (1994), 171-187.
Duenyas, I., J. Fowler and L.W. Schruben, “Planning and Scheduling in Japanese
Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 13 (5), (1994),
Barton, R. and L.W. Schruben, “Graphical Methods for Comparing Confounding in
Two or More Designs,” Communications in Statistics, Simulation, and Computation,
23 (4), (March 1994), 953-971.
Barton, R. and L.W. Schruben, “A New Graduate Course: Using Simulation Models
for Engineering Design,” Simulation, 3, (March 1995), 145-153.
Yucesan, E. and L.W. Schruben, “Complexity of Simulation Models: A Graph
Theoretic Approach,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 10 (1), (Winter 1998), 94106. Also in Proc. 1993 Winter Simulation Conference, Los Angeles, CA, December
12-15, 1993, 641-649.
Allore, H.G., H.N. Erb, L.W. Schruben and P.A. Oltenacu, “A Simulation of Strategies
to Lower Bulk Tank Somatic Cell Count Below 500,000 per Milliliter,” Journal of
Dairy Science, 81, (1998) 694-702.
Allore, H.G., L.W. Schruben, H.N. Erb and P.A. Oltenacu, “Design and Validation of a
Dynamic Discrete Event Stochastic Simulation Model of Mastitis Control in Dairy
Herds,” Journal of Dairy Science, 81, (1998) 703-717.
Jacobson, S.H. and LW. Schruben, "A Harmonic Analysis Approach to Simulation
Sensitivity Analysis," IIE Transactions, 31 (3), March 1999. 231-243.
Allore, H.G. and L.W. Schruben, "Disease Management Research Using Event
Graphs," Computers and Biomedical Research, 33, August 1999, 245-259
Morrice, D. and L.W. Schruben, “A Frequency Domain Metamodeling Approach to
Transient Sensitivity Analysis,” IIE Transactions (2001) 33, 229-244.
Kimes, Sheryl E. and Lee W. Schruben, "Golf course revenue management: A study of
tee time intervals" Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, (2002), 1.2 pp.111120.
Schruben, L. W., and T. M. Roeder, “Fast Simulations of Large-Scale HighlyCongested Systems.” Simulation (Transactions of the Society for Modeling and
Simulation International) (March 2003), 79.3, .pp 1-11
37. Juran, D. C., and L. W. Schruben "Using Worker Personality and Demographic
Information to Improve System Performance Prediction", Journal of Operations
Management, Vol. 22. Issue 4. Pages 355-367
38. Savage, E. L., Schruben, L. W., and Yücesan, E. (2005). On the Generality of EventGraph Models. INFORMS J. on Computing 17, 1 (Jan. 2005), pp. 3-9.
39. Swisher, J. R., P. D. Hyden, S. H. Jacobson, and L. W. Schruben (2005), “A Survey Of
Recent Advances In Discrete Input Parameter Discrete-Event Simulation
Optimization”, IIE Transactions, 36(6), 591-600.
40. Nuno Gil, Iris D. Tommelein, Iris D., and Lee W. Schruben, (2006), External Change
in Large Engineering Design Projects: The Role of the Client, IEEE Trans. on
Engineering Management, 52.3. pp. 426-39.
41. David C. Juran, and Lee W. Schruben, (2006), Using Worker Personality and
Demographic Information to Improve System Performance Prediction, Journal of
Operations Management, 22 pp. 355-367.
42. Chan, W.K. Victor, and Lee W. Schruben, (2008), Optimization Models of DiscreteEvent System Dynamics, Operations Research, 56(5), pp 1218-1237.
B.Papers Accepted for Publication:
1. Chan, W.K.V., L.W., Schruben, “Mathematical Programming Models of Closed
Tandem Queueing Networks.” The ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer
Simulation (accepted April 6, 2008)
2. Schruben, L., “Simulation Modeling for Analysis,” to appear ACM Trans. on Modeling
and Simulation, 28 pages. (accepted June 20, 2008)
3. Schruben, L., Perspectives, Experiments, and Models, (online companion paper for
Simulation Modeling and Analysis) accepted for ACM Trans. on Modeling and
Simulation, pp 19 pages. (accepted June 20, 2008)
4. Roeder, T. and L. Schruben “Information Models for System Simulation” accepted for
ACM Trans. on Modeling and Comp. Simulation.
C. Conference and Symposium Proceedings: (last updated 2008)
1. Schruben, L.W., “Tutorial on Simulation Output Analysis,” Proc. 1977 Winter
Simulation Conference, Gaithersburg, MD, December 5-7, 1977, 37-38.
2. Schruben, L.W. and P. Moser, “Study of an Automated Materials Handling Systems,”
Proc. 1978 Winter Simulation Conference, Miami Beach, FL., December 1978, 702-707.
3. Lavenberg, S., G. Fishman, W. Kelton, L.W. Schruben and P. Welch, “The Initial
Transient Problem in Steady State Simulation,” Proc. 1981 Winter Simulation
Conference, Atlanta, GA, December 9-11, 1981, 113-120.
4. Schruben, L.W. and V. Cogliano, “Simulation Sensitivity Analysis: A Frequency Domain
Approach,” Proc. 1981 Winter Simulation Conference, Atlanta, GA, December 9-11,
1981, 455-459.
5. Schruben, L.W., R. Sargent, J. Ho, J. Silverman, and N. Steele, “Transaction Tagging in
Highly Congested Network Simulations,” Proc. 1982 Winter Simulation Conference, San
Diego, CA, December 6-8, 1982.
6. Schruben, L.W., with D. Goldsman, “Using Process Central Limit Theorems in
Analyzing Simulation Output,” Proc. 1982 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego,
CA, December 6-8, 1982, 599-602.
7. Schruben, L.W., “Modeling Systems Using Discrete Event Simulation,” Proc. 1983
Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, VA, December 12-14, 1983, 101-107.
8. Kelton, D., A. Law, B. Schmeiser, R. Andrews, P. Welch, P. Glynn, D. Iglehardt and
L.W. Schruben. “Steady-state Confidence Interval Methodology: A Forum on Theory,
Practice, and Prospects,” Proc. 1984 Winter Simulation Conference, Dallas, TX,
November 28-30, 1984, 243-249.
9. Schruben, L.W., “Overview of Standardized Time Series,” Proc. 1985 Winter Simulation
Conference, San Francisco, CA, December 11-13, 1985, 115-118.
10. Schruben, L.W., “Sequential Simulation Run Control Using Standardized Time Series,”
Invited paper to Computer Science and Statistics; Proc. 18th Symposium on the Interface,
American Statistical Association, Fort Collins, CO, March 19-21, 1986, 257-260.
11. Schruben, L.W., “Simulation Optimization Using Frequency Domain Methods,” Proc.
1986 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., December 8-10, 1986, 366-369.
12. Duersch, R. and L.W. Schruben, “An Interactive Run Length Control for Simulations on
PCs,” Proc. 1986 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., 1986, 866-870.
13. Schruben, L.W., “A Disposable Graphical Event Synthesizer for Teaching Simulation
Model Building,” Proc. 1987 Winter Simulation Conference, Atlanta, GA, December 1416, 1987, 72-76.
14. Som, T., R. Sargent, and L.W. Schruben, “Frequency Domain Metamodelling of a
Feedback Queue,” Proc. 1987 Winter Simulation Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1987, 419423.
15. Schruben, L.W., “Using Simulation to Solve Problems: A Tutorial on the Analysis of
Simulation Output,” Proc. 1987 Winter Simulation Conference, Atlanta, GA, December
14-16, 1987, 40-41.
16. Schruben, L.W. and D. Briskman, “Teaching Simulation with SIGMA,” Proc. 1988
Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA, December 12-14, 1988, 869-874.
17. Jacobson, S., D. Morrice and L.W. Schruben, “The Global Simulation Clock as the
Frequency Domain Experimental Index,” Proc. 1988 Winter Simulation Conference, San
Diego, CA, December 12-14, 1988, 558-563.
18. Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “Simulation Graphs,” Proc. 1988 Winter Simulation
Conference, San Diego, CA., December 12-14, 1988, 504-508.
19. Barton, R. and L.W. Schruben, “Graphical Methods for the Design and Analysis of
Simulation Experiments,” Proc. 1989 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C.,
December 4-6, 1989, 51-61.
20. Morrice, D. and L.W. Schruben, “Simulation Sensitivity Analysis Using Frequency
Domain Experiments,” Proc. 1989 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C.,
December 4-6, 1989, 367-373.
21. Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “Simulation Graph Duality: A World View
Transformation for Simple Queuing Models,” Proc. 1989 Winter Simulation Conference,
Washington, D.C., December 4-6, 1989, 738-745.
22. Schruben, L.W., “Simulation Graphical Modeling and Analysis (SIGMA) Tutorial,”
Proc. 1990 Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, LA, December 9-12, 1990, 158161.
23. Morrice, D., L.W. Schruben and S. Jacobson, “Initial Transient Effects in the Frequency
Domain,” Proc. 1990 Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, LA, December 9-12,
1990, 357-359.
24. Schruben, L.W., “SIGMA Tutorial,” Proc. 1991 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix,
AZ, December 8-11, 1991, 95-100.
25. Healy, K. and L.W. Schruben, “Retrospective Simulation Response Optimization,” Proc.
1991 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, December 8-11, 1991, 901-906.
26. Schruben, L.W., “Graphical Model Structures for Discrete Event Simulation,” Proc.
1992 Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, VA, December 13-16, 1992, 241-245.
27. Schruben, L.W., “Modeling Priority Queues with Entity Lists: A SIGMA Tutorial,” Proc.
1992 Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, VA, December 13-16, 1992, 380-384.
28. Schruben, L.W., P. Sanchez, S. Sanchez, and V. Czitrom, “Variance Reallocation in
Taguchi’s Robust Design Framework,” Proc. 1992 Winter Simulation Conference,
Arlington, VA, December 13-16, 1992, 548-556.
29. Schruben, L.W. and R. Barton, “Input Estimation for Simulations,” Proc. Industrial
Engineering Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May 26-27, 1993.
30. Schruben, L.W. and R. Barton, “Estimating Variation Due to the Use of Empirical
Distributions,” Proc. Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA,
May 26-27, 1993.
31. Robinson, J., L.W. Schruben and J. Fowler, “Experimenting with Large-Scale
Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems: A Frequency Domain Approach to Factor
Screening,” Proc. Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May
26-27, 1993, 112-116.
32. Barton, R. and L.W. Schruben, “Uniform and Bootstrap Resampling of Empirical
Distributions,” Proc. 1993 Winter Simulation Conference, Los Angeles, CA, December
12-15, 1993, 503-508.
33. Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “Complexity of Simulation Models: A Graph
Theoretical Approach,” Proc. 1993 Winter Simulation Conference, Los Angeles, CA,
December 12-15, 1993, 641-649.
34. Schruben, L.W., D. Morrice and A. Gupta, “Transient Sensitivity Analysis in Computer
Simulation,” Proc. of the 1994 European Simulation Multiconference, Barcelona, Spain,
June 1994.
35. Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “Transforming Petri Nets into Event Graph Models,”
Proc. 1994 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando FL, December 11-14, 1994, 560-565.
36. Schruben, L.W., R. Barton, J. Ford, D. Hopkins, D. Goldsman, and K. Healy, “USMED:
Broadening the Impact of Simulation Analysis Methodology,” Proc. 1994 Winter
Simulation Conference, Los Angeles, CA, December 12-15, 1994, 1382-1386.
37. Schruben, L.W. and F. Chance, “Estimating Cycle-time Constrained Capacity via
Simulation,” Proc. Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May
38. Savage, E. and L.W. Schruben, “Eliminating Event Cancellation in Discrete Event
Simulation,” Proc. 1995 Winter Simulation Conference, Alexandria, VA, December 3-6,
1995, 744-750.
39. Schruben, L.W., “Building Reusable Simulators Using Hierarchical Event Graphs,” Proc.
1995 Winter Simulation Conference, Alexandria, VA, December 3-6, 1995, 472-475.
40. Schruben, L.W., Panel Chair with P. Glynn, J. Henriksen, D. Pegeden, and B. Schmeiser,
“The Interface Between Simulation Output Analysis Research and Practice,” Proc. 1995
Winter Simulation Conference, Alexandria, VA, December 3-6, 1995, 346.
41. Schruben, L.W., “Modeling Paradigms for Discrete Event Dynamic Systems,” Keynote,
IASTED Proceedings, Pittsburgh, PA, April 24-27, 1996, 193.
42. Schruben, L.W. and E. Savage, “Visualizing Generalized Semi-Markov Processes,”
Proc. 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA, December 8-11, 1996, 14651470.
43. Schruben, L.W., D. Goldsman and D. Morrice, “Using Null Effects Estimators in the
Analysis of Simulation Output,” Proc. 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego,
CA, December 8-11, 1996, 376-371.
44. Schruben, L.W., “Simulations Optimization Using Simultaneous Replications and Event
Time Dilation,” Proc. 1997 Winter Simulation Conference, Atlanta, GA, December 1997,
45. Yucesan, E. and L.W. Schruben, “On the Modeling Power of Event Graphs,” European
Simulation Multiconference, 10, 1997, 97-106. (Best Paper Award.)
46. Schruben, L. W., Panel participant with J. W. Fowler, M. Fu, S. Brown, F. Chance, S.
Cunningham, C. Hilton, M. Janakiram, R. Stafford and J. Hutchby, “Operational
Modeling & Simulation in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Proceedings of the 1998
Winter Simulation Conference, 1998, 1035-1040.
47. Schruben, Lee W., “Deadlock Detection and Avoidance in Cluster Tools,” Proceedings of
the 1999 International Conference on Semiconductor Manufacturing Operational
Modeling and Simulation, January 1999, 31-35.
48. Freimer, Michael and Lee Schruben, "Using Input Process Indicators for Dynamic
Decision Making," Proceedings of the 1999 Winter Simulation Conference, December 58, 1999, Phoenix, AZ, 325-329.
49. Hyden, Paul and Lee Schruben, "Designing Simultaneous Simulation Experiments,"
Proceedings of the 1999 Winter Simulation Conference, December 5-8, 1999, Phoenix,
AZ, 389-394.
50. Rupert, David, Lee Schruben and Mike Freimer, "Meta-Modeling of a Cluster Tool
Simulator," Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Analysis of
Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM2000), May 10-12, 2000, Tempe, AZ, 67-77.
51. Swisher, J. R., P. D. Hyden, S. H. Jacobson, and L. W. Schruben, “A Survey of
Simulation Optimization Techniques and Procedures,” to appear Proceedings of the 2000
Winter Simulation Conference, December 10-13, 2000, Orlando FL. (Abbreviated
version of I.B.2.) (10 pages).
52. Schruben, Lee W., “Mathematical Programming Models of Discrete Event System
Dynamics,” to appear Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, December
10-13, 2000, Orlando FL. (5 pages).
53. Hyden, Paul and Lee Schruben, "Improved Decision Processes Through Simultaneous
Simulation and Time Dilation," to appear in Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation
Conference. (6 pages).
54. Kimes, S. E., and L. W. Schruben, “Golf Revenue Management: A Simulation,”
Proceedings for the Joint Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, January 12-14 2001,
Hong Kong.
55. Hyden, P., L. Schruben, and T. Roeder “Resource Graphs for Modeling Large-Scale,
Highly Congested Systems.” Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference:
56. Tayfur Altiok, W. David Kelton, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Barry L. Nelson, Bruce W. Schmeiser,
Thomas J. Schriber, Lee Schruben, James R. Wilson "Various ways academics teach
simulation: are they all appropriate?" Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation
Conference pp. 1580-1591
57. Russell R. Barton, Lee Schruben "Resampling methods for input modeling" Proceedings
of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 372-378
58. Michael Freimer, Lee Schruben "Stochastic optimization using simulation: graphical
representation of IPA estimation" Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference
pp. 422-427
59. Roeder, Theresa M., Seth A.. Fischbein, Mani Janakiram, and Lee W. Schruben. 2002.
Resource-Driven and Job-Driven Simulations. Proceedings of the 2002 International
Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing: 78-83.
60. Russell R. Barton, Russell C. H. Cheng, Stephen E. Chick, Shane G. Henderson, Averill
M. Law, Lawrence M. Leemis, Bruce W. Schmeiser, Lee W. Schruben, and James R.
Wilson, "Current Issues in Simulation Input Modeling", Proceedings of the 2002 Winter
Simulation Conference, December 2002, New Orleans: 353-369.
61. Michael Freimer and Lee Schruben, "Collecting Data and Estimating Parameters for
Input Distributions", Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, December
2002, New Orleans pp. ??
62. Schruben, Lee W. and Theresa M. Roeder, "Approaches to Simulating Large-Scale
Highly-Congested Systems" (Extended Abstract), Proceedings of the 2003 Industrial
Engineering Research Conference, May 17-20, 2003, Portland OR.
63. Chan, W. K. V. and L.W. Schruben. (2003). Properties of Discrete Event Systems from
Their Mathematical Programming Representations. Proceedings of the 2003 Winter
Simulation Conference, IEEE. 2003, pp.496-502
64. Schruben, L., T. Roeder, W. K. Chan, P. Hyden, and M. Freimer. 2003. “Advanced Event
Scheduling Methodology.” Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference,
December, 2003, New Orleans
65. Chan, W. K. V. and L.W. Schruben. (2004). Generating Scheduling Constraints for
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation
Conference, IEEE, pp.568-576.
66. Roeder, T., N. Govind, and L. Schruben. (2004). A Queueing Network Approach to
Semiconductor Automated Material Handling Systems: How Much Information Do We
Really Need? Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference: pp. 1956-1961.
67. Freimer, M., Schruben, L. W., Roeder, T. M., Standridge, C. R., Harmonosky, C. M., and
Ståhl, I. (2004). You are going to teach simulation: now what? tips and strategies. In
Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Winter Simulation (Washington, D.C., December
05 - 08, 2004). Winter Simulation Conference, 2057-2065.
68. Govind, N., D. Medeiros, R. Barton, and L. Schruben, (2004) Variance Response Surface
Estimation for Robust Design: A Queueing System Framework, Proc. of the 2004
Industrial Engineering. Research Conference (IERC 2004, May, 2004.
69. Chu, Steve, Lee Schruben and Prasad v. Saraph (2005) Packaging Capacity Analysis of a
Biopharmaceutical Production Operation, Proc. of the 2005 Winter Simulation
Conference, M. E. Kuhl, N. M. Steiger, F. B. Armstrong, and J. A. Joines, eds. 2449–53.
70. Andradóttir, S., Goldsman, D., Schruben, L. W., Schmeiser, B. W., and Yücesan,
E.(2005). Analysis methodology: are we done?. In Proceedings of the 37th Conference
on Winter Simulation (Orlando, Florida, December 04 - 07, 2005). Winter Simulation
Conference, pp. 790-796.
71. Chan, W. K. and Schruben, L. W. (2006). “Response gradient estimation using
mathematical programming models of discrete-event system sample paths.” In
Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Winter Simulation (Monterey, California,
December 03 - 06, 2006). L. F. Perrone, B. G. Lawson, J. Liu, and F. P. Wieland, Eds.
Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 272-278
72. Chan, W.K. and Schruben, L. W. (2008), “Gradient Estimation for Discrete-Event Systems
Using Mathematical Programming.” Proceedings of 2008 NSF Engineering Research and
Innovation Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee.
D.Papers Accepted for Publication in Refereed Proceedings: (last updated 2008)
1. Jeffrey S. Smith, Jeffrey S., John A. Hamilton, Jr., Richard E. Nance, Barry L. Nelson,
and Lee W. Schruben, Panel: What Makes Good Research In Modeling And Simulation:
Assessing The Quality, Success, And Utility of M&S Research, Proceedings of the 2008
Winter Simulation Conference S. J. Mason, R. Hill, L. Moench, and O. Rose, eds. (6 pages
accepted Spring 2008.)
2. Schruben, L, Analytical Simulation Modeling, Proceedings of the 2008 Winter
Simulation Conference S. J. Mason, R. Hill, L. Moench, and O. Rose, eds. (9 pages –
invited Spring 2008)
3. Johnston, L, L. Schruben, A. Yang, and D. Zhang, Establishing the Credibility of a
Biotech Simulation Model, Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference S. J.
Mason, R. Hill, L. Moench, and O. Rose, eds. (4 pages – accepted Spring 2008).
4. Chan, W. K., and L. Schruben Mathematical Programming Representations for StateDependent Queues, Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference S. J. Mason, R.
Hill, L. Moench, and O. Rose, eds.(7 pages – accepted Spring 2008).
A.Technical Reports:
1. Schruben, L.W. and R. Smith, “A Generalized Ratio Estimator,” Technical Report 417,
School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY, March 1979.
2. Schruben, L.W., D. Goldsman and D. Heath, “The Joint Distribution of the Absolute
Maximum and its Location for a Brownian Bridge Process,” Report Series No. J-84-9,
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
GA, 1984.
3. Schruben, L.W. and D. Goldsman, “Initialization Effects in Computer Simulation
Experiments,” Technical Report 594, School of Operations Research and Industrial
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 1983.
4. Schruben, L.W. and D. Goldsman, “On Selecting the Best of K Simulated Systems: An
Expository Survey,” Technical Report 596, School of Operations Research and Industrial
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November 1983.
5. Schruben, L.W. and P. Sanchez, “Significant Factor Identification Using Discrete
Spectral Methods,” Technical Report 654, School of Operations Research and Industrial
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, March 1985.
6. Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “On the Generality of Simulation Graphs,” Technical
Report 773, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY, October 1987.
7. Schruben, L.W., T. Som and R. Sargent, “Some Relevant Issues in Frequency Domain
Meta-modeling of Queuing Systems,” Research Report, Simulation Research Group,
Syracuse University, Syracuse NY, 1987.
8. Schruben, L.W., S. Starbird, R. Milligan, and G. White, “Inventory Control in a New
York Apple Packing Plant,” Technical Report 87-6, Department of Agricultural
Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, February 1988.
9. Schruben, L.W. and D. Morrice, “Frequency Domain Simulation Experiments; The False
Negatives Problem,” Technical Report 784, School of Operations Research and
Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 1988.
10. Schruben, L.W. and S. Jacobson, “Gradient Estimation of Stochastic Dynamical System
Responses in the Frequency Domain,” Technical Report 785, School of Operations
Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 1988.
11. Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “Equivalence of Simulations: A Graph Theoretic
Approach,” Technical Report 794, School of Operations Research and Industrial
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, May 1988.
12. Schruben, L.W., D. Heath and A. Buss, “A Dynamic Response Surface Model for
Frequency Domain Simulation Experiments,” Technical Report 808, School of
Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June
13. Schruben, L.W. and E. Yucesan, “A Note on a Formal Development of Event Graphs, as
an Aid to Structured and Efficient Simulation Programs,” Technical Report 847, School
of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, July
14. Schruben, L.W. and R. Barton, “Graphical Methods for the Design and Analysis of
Simulation Experiments,” Technical Report 883, School of Operations Research and
Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, January 1990.
15. Schruben, L.W, “An Experimental Approach to Solving Some Manufacturing Problems,”
Technical Report, Department of Operations Research, Naval Post Graduate School,
Monterey, CA, 1992.
16. Schruben, L.W., I. Duenyas and J. Fowler. (1994) “Case Studies in European and
Japanese Operational Modeling Capabilities,” Technical Report 93092021A-XFR.
Modeling and Statistical Methods Group, SEMATECH, Austin, TX, March 1994.
17. Chan, W. K. V. and L.W. Schruben. (2003). Reversibility of Tandem Queueing Networks
From Their Mathematical Programming Representations. Technical Report, University of
California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
18. Schruben, L.W. and R. Barton, "Simulating Real Systems," working paper. (Prof. Barton is
spending his sabbatical Spring 2009 at Berkeley to finish on this)
19. Alterovitz, R., Li Yan, and L. Schruben, "Simulating Anticancer Drug Effects on Tumor
Spheroid Growth Using Event Graphs", working paper from class project
20. Roginsky, M. and L. Schruben, “Characteristics of Internet Traffic” working paper from
PhD thesis.
21. Schruben, L. “Conditional Parametric Petri Nets and Their Mapping To Simulation Event
Graphs”, (paper accepted to ESMC, but I could not attend due to family emergency.)
22. Govind, N, R. Barton, D. Mederios, and L. Schruben, “A Response Surface Framework
for Robust Design of Queueing Systems” submitted to Operations Research
23. Govind, N. R., Roeder, Theresa R., and L. Schruben, “A Simulation-based Closed
Queueing Network Approximation of Semiconductor Automated Material Handling
Systems,” under review at Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation.
C. Conference Proceedings: (last updated 2008)
Schruben, L.W. and A. Pritsker, “Controlling the Quality of Simulation Output,” Proc.
1984 International TIMS Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1984.
Schruben, L.W., and R. Duersch, “Some Experiments with a Run Length Control for
Simulations on PC’s,” Proc. 20th Annual Simulation Symposium, Tampa, FL, March
11-13, 1987.
Schruben, L.W., “Economics of Simulation,” Keynote Address: Proceedings of the
1992 European Simulation Multiconference, York, England, June 2-4, 1992.
Schruben, L.W. and R. Barton, “A New Graduate Course: Using Simulation Models for
Engineering Designs,” Proc. 1992 International Conference on Simulation in
Engineering Education, 1992, 279-301.
Schruben, L.W. and R. Barton, “Errors Due to Using Empirical Distributions in
Simulation Models,” Proc. SIAM Conference on Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods,
San Francisco, CA, August 4-6, 1993.
Schruben, L.W., “Research on Simulation Modeling Paradigms,” Proceedings of the
1995 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees’ Conference, La Jolla, CA, January 46, 1995, 215-216.
Schruben, L.W., “On the Relationship Between Event Graphs and Generalized SemiMarkov Processes,” Proc. of the 1996 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees’
Conference, Albuquerque, NM, January 2-5, 1996, 517-518.
Schruben, L.W. and E. Savage, “Mapping Generalized Semi-Markov Processes to
Event Graphs,” Proceedings of the 1997 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees’
Conference, Seattle, WA, January 7-10, 1997, 429-430.
Bradley, J., R. Roundy, S. Resnick, D. Ruppert, G. Samorodnitsky and L. Schruben,
“Cornell’s Factory Sciences Research Project,” Proceedings of the 1999 NSF Design
and Manufacturing Grantees’ Conference, Long Beach, CA., January 1999, pp. 4
Roeder, T. and L. Schruben. 2002. "Simulating from a Resource Perspective."
(Abstracts only ) INFORMS 2002 San Jose.
Roeder, T., H. Ahn, and L. Schruben. 2002. "Approximating Resource Dedication in
Re-entrant Queueing Networks." (Abstracts only) INFORMS 2002 San Jose
Chan, Wai Kin, and Lee W. Schruben, "Mathematical Programming Representations of
Tandem Queueing Networks" (Abstracts only) Proceedings of the 2004 NSF Grantee's
Conference, January 2004, Dallas TX.
Lee Schruben, Fowler, John,Mackulak, Gerald, "New Approaches to Simulation for
Semiconductor Manufacturing" (Abstracts only) INFORMS October, 2003 Atlanta
Chan, W. K. and L. W. Schruben. “Perturbation Analysis For Discrete-Event Systems
Using Mathematical Programming,” (Abstracts only) Simulation Optimization Session,
2005 INFORMS Annual Conference, Nov 2005, San Francisco, California.
Chan, W. K., and L. W. Schruben. “Mathematical Programming Representations of
Scheduling Problems,” 2005 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and
Research Conference, Jan 2005, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Chan, W. K., L. W. Schruben, and J. George Shanthikumar. Analyzing FirstOrder/Second-Order Properties of Discrete-Event Systems Using Mathematical
Programming, IIE Annual Conference, 05/15/2005, Atlanta, Georgia.
Schruben, L. “Berkeley Biomanufacturing Workshop: Developing a Biomanufacturing
Systems Research Agenda” Proc. of the 2006 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing
Grantees and Research Conf., July 2006, St. Louis, Missouri.
Chan, W. K., and L. W. Schruben. “Optimization Models of Discrete-Event Stochastic
Systems,” Proc. of the 2006 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and
Research Conf., July 2006, St. Louis, Missouri.
D. Refereed Technical Note:
Schruben, L.W., “Reply to ‘Estimation and Simulation’ by Fox,” Invited letter to
Management Science, 24 (8), (1978), 862.
Schruben, L.W., SIGMA: A Graphical Simulation System, Scientific Press, San
Francisco, CA, 1991. (EDUCOM’s 101 All-time Computing Success Award.)
Schruben, L.W., Graphical Simulation Modeling, Scientific Press, SF, CA, 1992.
Schruben, L.W., Graphical Simulation Modeling and Analysis using SIGMA for
Windows, Boyd and Fraser Publishing Co., Danvers, MA, 1995.
Schruben, L.W., Graphical Simulation Modeling and Analysis using SIGMA for
Windows, (Extensive software and text revisions for second printing.) Boyd and Fraser
Publishing Co., Danvers, MA, 1995.
Book Chapters:
Schruben, L.W., “Designing Correlation Induction Strategies for Simulation
Experiments,” in N. Adam and A Dogramaci (Eds.), Current Issues in Simulation,
Academic Press, New York, 1979, 235-256.
Schruben, L.W., “Testing for Initialization Bias in the Main of a Simulation Output
Series,” in R. Disney and T. Ott (Eds.), Applied Probability-Computer Science: The
Interface, Birkhauser, Boston, 1982, 381-383.
Jacobson, S. and L.W. Schruben, “Optimization of Stochastic Dynamical Systems in
the Frequency Domain,” in A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions (Eds.), Analysis and
Optimization of Systems, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information
Sciences, 11, (1988), 925-938.
Schruben, L.W., “Simulation Graphical Modeling and Analysis (SIGMA),” J.
Boettcher (Ed.), in 101 Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher
Education: The Joe Wyatt Challenge, McGraw Hill, Inc., New York, 1993, 133-138.
Duenyas, I., J. Fowler, and L.W. Schruben, “Japan’s Development of Scheduling
Methods for Manufacturing Semiconductors,” in J. Liker, J. Ettlie, and J. Campbell
(Eds.), Engineered in Japan: Japanese Technology-Management Practices, Oxford
University Press, New York, Oxford, 1995, 263-277.
Schruben, Lee . Modeling Causality with Event Relationship Graphs, Chapter 23 in
Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling, Paul A. Fishwick ed., Chapman and Hall
CRC Computer and Information Science, Boca Raton, FL, 23.1-21.
Revised on 08/16/2012 (publications list last updated 07/01/2009 ~ 20-30 since)