May 2014 Hayshire United Church of Christ What can you do today? Don’t eat any meat today, and see if you can cut down on the amount of meat you eat each week. Meat production has a large carbon footprint, with 2.2 pounds of beef producing the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide as an average car driving 155 miles. It takes 2,500 gallons of water and many pounds of grain to make one pound of beef for your table. It’s been estimated that if Americans were to reduce our meat consumption by 20%, it would be the equivalent of all Americans switching from a standard sedan to a Prius. (See “ ReThinking the Meat Guzzler,” by Mark Bittman, New York Times, 1/27/08.) For hundreds of free vegetarian recipes, visit Also, see Anna Lappé’s Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do about It. // Annual Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast, Day 33 I decided to stop eating meat 2 years ago when I realized the many health benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle. I am not a strict vegetarian because I eat fish or seafood once a week. This type of vegetarianism is called Pescatarian. I read that this type of diet is similar to the one many people ate when the Bible was written. My diet has improved my health drastically and I feel more energetic and happy. I feel like I am making a difference in the world by not consuming innocent animals that were raised to be used for food. I read this quote from Paul McCartney that means a lot to me; “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian”. // Leah Parson What’s Inside: Birthdays........................................ 2 Anniversaries................................. 2 Prayer Concerns............................. 2 Preschool Notes.............................. 2 Council Highlights......................... 3 Worship Notes................................ 4 Upcoming Events........................... 6 Worship Support............................ 7 Calendar......................................... 7 MAY BIRTHDAYS 2 •Douglas Wolfgang 7 • Jean Doll 8 • Carl Gladfelter 9 • Whitney Snyder 10• Susan Herman 13• Erin Gross 14• Kris Kumar 16• Karl Hassler 16• Laurie Strausbaugh 17• Helen Bair 20• Lois Immel 20• Eric Strausbaugh 23• Randall Sipe 19• Harry Householder Jr MAY ANNIVERSARIES 3 •Chad & Jodie Folkenroth 3 •Glenn & Lisa Young 5 •Walter & Jean Barrick 7 •Geoff & Kim Zech 9 •Tom & Joyce Gross 14•Bob & Mae Duncan 23•John & Beth Nixdorf PRAYER CONCERNS MEMBERS IN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES Evelyn Dallmeyer • Hilton Head, SC Helen Dockey • Country Meadows at Trolley Road Jean Blauser • Providence Place Esther Findley • Colonial Manor Mary Walker • Brethren Home at Cross Keys Jo Ann Smith • Autumn House East MEMBERS Freda Smith, Pat Strine, Bob Shultz, Clifford Hoffman, Kermit Hoke, Harry Householder, Barbara Knight FRIENDS & FAMILY Cordella Robinson, Ruthie K. Wilson, Dora K. Wilson, Sandra Mallot, Linda Sents, Craig Mehring, Julia Hawn, Heidi Yohe, Tom Leckrone, Audrey Thoman, Mel Weiss, Stella Holtzapple, Nancy Staab, June Marshall, June Price, Robert Anderson, Richard Anderson, Diana Whisler, Tom Anderson, Leona Bond, Jason Kolecki, Jr., Noah, Lilly Hardesty, Richard Kline, Prudence Vacante, Bill Palmer, Patricia Casey, Blanche Strayer, Judy Ross, Michael Bixler, Phyliss Eyster, Carl Miller, Joey Harvey & Family We remember the following members who have recently passed away: Cindy L. Bixler, February 28, 2014 Eleanor Householder, April 14, 2014 Thelma Lehr, April 15, 2014 Editors: Jeff & Leah Herman Published monthly by: HAYSHIRE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 100 Haybrook Drive York, PA 17406 Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Office Phone: 717.848.4007 Email: DEADLINE FOR NEXT NEWSLETTER: MAY 15, 2014 pg 2 // the Haylo A+ PRESCHOOL NEWS It is hard to believe we are going into the last month of the school year. This month will be our big review for the classes. The Pre-K will be visiting Mrs. Luring’s class at Hayshire to see a kindergarten class in action. All classes will be getting ready for graduation. The 3’s and Pre-K PM will graduate on Tuesday, May 20. The Pre-K AM and 5 day will graduate Wednesday, May 21. We are looking forward to a fun time. Registration is coming along. We do still have openings in the 5 day Pre-K, 3 day Pre-K PM and 3’s PM. We also still have openings in the Summer Fun. // Jackie Bailey An Update From Your Council President Hayshire UCC continues to be alive and well, as we celebrate Jesus being alive and well, upon his resurrection from the tomb. He is walking among us and leading our discernment for the call of our next minister. I can feel Him in the hymns we sing, and the anthems we hear. I feel His presence at the coffee cart Sunday mornings. I know it is Jesus speaking to so many of us, as I look at the number of people signed up to be a part of committees for activity planning. While you and I may be frustrated that this discernment process has taken longer than we would like, I believe it has been part of God’s plan for us to grow in this time of discernment. I feel His energy, and I feel our energy as a congregation; God is still speaking! The Interim Team is concluding its work with the writing of the vision for Hayshire, developed from the work of the Triplets, and to be a part of the Hayshire Profile. The Profile Committee has done a lot of intensive work, and will be submitting their work to Council prior to it being presented to the congregation. The Search Committee will be commissioned on Sunday, April 27. The Committee includes: Scott Cutright, Kori Eisenhart, Wendy Grentz, Jeff Herman, Dick Lloyd, Cindy Brezinski, Glen Young, and Leah Parson will be an ad hoc member, representing our youth and our future. We are looking forward to a Formal Tea on Saturday, May 3. Our Strawberry Festival is coming up in June; a trip to Dutch Apple Dinner Theater is scheduled for August, and an evening of music and dancing will be scheduled at Naylor’s Winery to “wine down” after Vacation Bible School which is scheduled for the last week in July. We have had an amazing Lenten season, having visited several other churches, and having fed about 100 guests at Hayshire during our turn to host the other UCC churches. Our laity was able to present an inspiring service that evening, and I know our Lord was well pleased with our evening of worship. Thank you to everyone who has been so willing to step up and keep Hayshire an inspiring place of worship! // JoAnn Teyral, Council President COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS •The Triplet Prayer and Share program wrapped up April 6 with a luncheon and recap of the process with Thom Webster. The five separate prayer/share groups found several common threads emerging regarding the vision for Hayshire UCC. •The Search Committee, comprised of Scott Cutright, Wendy Grentz, Cindy Brzezinski, Kori Eisenhart, Jeff Herman. Dick Lloyd, Glenn Young and ad hoc youth member, Leah Parson, will be commissioned on April 27. •Council officers are in the process of interviewing applicants for the position of interim pastor to serve until we call our next settled pastor. •Rev. Curt Weber will continue to be available to provide pastoral care as needed until we have named a new interim pastor. To JOEL AND CHERI KILNEDINST for their donation of the Coffee Maker for the kitchen To REV. JACQUIE CHURCH YOUNG for her deeply moving and passionate Palm Sunday message To THE INSPIRING GROUP that led us on the Path to the Cross on Good Friday To LISA AND GLENN YOUNG and the helpers that served the Community Breakfast on Easter Saturday To NICOLE RICHARDSON for sharing her time and talents delivering the Easter message the Haylo // pg 3 WORSHIP PRAYERS MAY 4 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER O God, your Son makes himself known to all his disciples in the breaking of bread. Open the eyes of our faith, that we may see him in his redeeming work, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. MAY 11 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER O God our shepherd, you know your sheep by name and lead us to safety through the valleys of death. Guide us by your voice that we may walk in certainty and security to the joyous feast prepared in your house. MAY 18 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Almighty God, your Son Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Give us grace to love one another, to follow in the way of his commandments, and to share his risen life with all the world. MAY 25 - SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Almighty and ever-living God, you hold together all things in heaven and on earth. In your great mercy receive the prayers of all your children, and give to all the world the Spirit of your truth and peace. "Color Hayshire Red" 4" red geraniums may be ordered to "Color Hayshire Red" in celebratation of Pentacost Sunday at a cost of $4.25 this year. You may have them placed in the church "in honor of", or "in memory of" a loved one. Order sheets will be in the bulletin, beginning May 4th. The deadline to place your order is May 18, and a check should accompany your order form. pg 4 // the Haylo MONTHLY SCRIPTURE SUNDAY, MAY 4 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 2:14a, 36-41 Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 1 Peter 1:17-23 Luke 24:13-35 SUNDAY, MAY 11 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 2:42-47 Psalm 23 1 Peter 2:19-25 John 10:1-10 SUNDAY, MAY 18 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 7:55-60 Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 1 Peter 2:2-10 John 14:1-14 SUNDAY, MAY 25 - SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 17:22-31 Psalm 66:8-20 1 Peter 3:13-22 John 14:15-21 Olde York Street Fair – Mothers’ Day Every year the communications committee of the York Association has a booth at the Street Fair. Volunteers have conversation with the passersby to get the word out about the Association. The committee is asking for volunteers to give an hour of their time that day to help out at the table between 1:00 and 6:00 PM. If you would be willing to participate on Sunday May 11th, please email Lisa Young at to be put on the schedule. Thank you, Barb Crum - Committee Chair Confessions of a Triplet (OR WHAT ARE WE GOING TO POSSIBLY TALK ABOUT FOR 16 HOURS). At the onset, it seemed a huge endeavor—meet 10 times for 100 minutes over 100 days, asking of us many questions to which we are to pray-fully consider our answers. But we reminded ourselves of the Chinese philosopher Laozi quote, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” And we had our first meeting. After a few minutes, it was quite apparent that our newly formed triplet did indeed have a lot in common and that our Prayer and Share journey was going to be full of prayer, laughter, compassion, intellect, and chocolate. During our time together, we discovered a lot about ourselves and our collective dreams for Hayshire United Church of Christ. A recurring theme that kept surfacing in our time together centered around matching passions with efforts while building and enhancing ministries at Hayshire-- having the entire Hayshire family being empowered and engaged to do God’s work. We feel that understanding the needs of our members and our community is absolutely vital for us to continue as a living and vibrant church. After our 10 times for 100 minutes over 100 days, we felt like we had all the answers—but realistically we knew we did not. Our triplet is thankful that the Interim Transition Team and Rev. Dr. Thomas Webster provided for us the opportunity to gather and focus during this important time in the life of Hayshire. Our hope is that our time spent and discoveries shared can be used to the greater good of Hayshire and that everyone takes the time to explore their dreams, their passions and gets ready to engage. // A. Triplet Mowing Ministry It’s that time of year again. Our Mowing Ministry is now in full swing. The schedule is posted on the bulletin board and has also been added to the Hayshire Calendar. Thank you to Dick Lloyd for organizing the group again this year. If anyone would like to be included and join the growing list of others that enjoy the sweet ride on the John Deere, please contact Dick Lloyd at 578-7075. THANK YOU FOR MAKING SPRING INTO LEARNING A WONDERFUL EVENT! Our first preschool parent workshop, “Spring Into Learning” was a great success. The families in attendance were very appreciative of the math and reading readiness activities that they learned and for the take home materials that they received at the workshop. The workshop evaluations were positive. Many Hayshire members contributed to the success of the workshop. Thank you to those who served on the planning committee –Susan Herman, Heather Slenker, Carol Crone, Jackie Bailey, and Stacy Knisley. Thank you to the volunteers who welcomed families, served refreshment, handed out materials, babysat children, took pictures, helped with publicity, and facilitated and assisted with the learning activities. Thank you to our Hayshire members who provided monetary donations for the purchase of refreshments, workshop supplies, and take home materials. “Spring Into Learning” was a wonderful example of our Hayshire family’s commitment of sharing their time, talents, and treasures with others. // Wendy Grentz, Stewardship Team Chair If you will be graduating from high school, college, or another institution of post-secondary education, please contact the Haylo ( by May 15th with the following information: • Name of graduate • School/Institution of graduation •·Degree/Major •Date of graduation •Plans after graduation the Haylo // pg 5 How cute are these kids? The Hayshire Preschool graduation ceremonies are rapidly approaching and our teachers could use your help. Extra hands would be welcome to help with caps and gowns, man the bounce house, and oversee other games. Graduation dates are Tuesday, May 20, AM and PM and Wednesday, May 21 AM. Help is especially needed on Wednesday morning when 29 kids will be moving on to the next level of education. If you can help, please call Mae Duncan at 764-9261 or email for times. Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is in need of a few Prayer Shawls. If you can knit, please try knitting a pray shawl. There are many rewards in knitting these garments. I have been knitting prayer shawls from the beginning of this ministry at our church. I know from past experience that many lives have been touched by our Pray Shawl ministry and I am sure others have had this same experience too. For more information on the Prayer Shawl Ministry go to: There are instructions for knitting and crocheting shawls. If you need a change of patterns, you can see me and I will let you use one of my books. As the Leisure Arts pray shawl books says: Whatever your faith and wherever you live, your handiwork will be a gift of comfort, hope and peace. 2014 is the 16th year of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, so make a prayer shawl, and make a difference. // Sally Dietz !!! UPCOMING EVENTS LADIES TEA Break out your best hat and join us for the Ladies Tea on Saturday May 3rd at 3PM. Bring your mom, daughter, friend--- all ladies are welcome. Signup on the bulletin board today. Well it’s that time again. To start thinking about cleaning up God’s green earth. I will be looking for volunteers to help with the trash pick up for the Emigsville Exchange area on Saturday May 17th. Hopefully the weather will have stabilized enough to experience decent conditions for that day. We will meet at the Emigsville Park N Ride at 9:00 AM that day to report to our different areas. Please wear jeans and comfortable shoes. Vests, gloves, and trash bags will be provided that day. If you haven’t been able to help in the past, please join us. More hands makes the job go much faster. A sign up sheet will be on the bulletin board in the gathering area. Thank you as always. // Barbara Crum pg 6 // the Haylo STRAWBERRY JAMBOREE June 1, 2014 4-7PM More details to come in the June Haylo. If you want to help, please contact Susan Herman. We have discussed some interesting and challenging books since the Book Club first met in September. We will continue with “The Last Time They Met” by Anita Shreve on May 15. On June 12, we will review “The First Phone Call From Heaven” by Mitch Album. There is lots of room for more folks to join us for lively discussions. // Jean Carotenuti Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday MAY CALENDARTuesday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Food Bank Sunday Friday Friday 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool Thursday Friday Saturday 3:00pmSaturday Ladies Tea Saturday Food Bank Sunday 7:00pm SCA Group 9:00am Preschool 3:00pm Ladies Tea 9:00am Preschool Thursday Food Bank Sunday 7:00pm SCA Group Friday 9:00am Preschool 3:00pmSaturday Ladies Tea Friday 9:00am Preschool 3:00pmSaturday Ladies Tea 3:00pm Ladies Tea 9:00am Preschool Thursday Food Bank Sunday 7:00pm SCA Group 9:00am Preschool 9:15am Sunday School; Mowing - Dennis Brzezi 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 7:00pm SCA Group Food Bank Sunday 9:00am 9:00am Preschool Preschool 10:30am Worship Servi 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 9:15am Sunday School; Mowing - Dennis Brzezi 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 9:00am 7:00pm Preschool SCA Group 9:00am Preschool 10:30am Worship Servi 9:15am Sunday School; 9:00am Preschool Mowing - Dennis Brzezi 6:00pm Daisy Troop 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Brownies 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 10:30am Worship Servi 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 9:15am Sunday School; Mowing - Dennis Brzezi 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 10:30am Worship Servi 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 9:15am Sunday Sunday School; School; 9:15am 10:30am Worship Worship Servi Servi 10:30am Mowing -- Dennis Scott & Brzezi Jason Mowing 9:00am Preschool Preschool 9:00am 9:00am Preschool Preschool 9:00am 6:00pm Daisy Daisy Troop Troop 6:00pm 9:00am Preschool Preschool 9:00am 6:00pm Brownies Brownies 6:00pm Haylo Deadline 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool Preschool 9:00am 9:15am Sunday School; Mowing - Scott &Mtg; Jason 7:00pm Council Ha 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool Haylo Deadline 1:00pm Book Club 9:00am Preschool 10:30am Worship Servi 9:15am Sunday School; 9:00am Preschool Mowing - Scott &Mtg; Jason 7:00pm Council Ha 6:00pm Daisy Troop 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Brownies 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool Haylo Deadline 1:00pm Book Club 9:00am Preschool 10:30am Worship Servi 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 9:00am Preschool 9:15am Sunday School; Mowing - Scott &Mtg; Jason 7:00pm Council Ha 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool Haylo Deadline 1:00pm Book Club 10:30am Worship Servi 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 9:00am Preschool 9:15am 9:15am Sunday Sunday School; School; 10:30am Worship Worship Servi Servi 10:30am Mowing Council -- Byron 7:00pm Mtg; Ha Mowing Scott &Gunnet Jason 9:00am Preschool Preschool 9:00am 9:00am Preschool Preschool 9:00am 6:00pm Daisy Daisy Troop Troop 6:00pm 6:00pm Brownies 9:00am Preschool 1:00pm Book Club Haylo Deadline 9:00am Preschool 9:15am Sunday School; 9:00am Preschool 10:30am Worship Servi 9:15am Sunday School; Mowing Council - Byron Gunnet 7:00pm Mtg; Ha 9:00am Preschool Mowing - Byron Gunnet 6:00pm Brownies 6:00pm Brownies 6:00pm Daisy Troop 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Brownies 10:30am Worship Servi 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Daisy Troop 9:15am Sunday School; Mowing - Byron Gunnet 9:00am Preschool 10:30am Worship Servi 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Daisy Troop 10:30am Worship Servi 9:15am Sunday School; Mowing -- Byron Jeff Herman Mowing Gunnet 6:00pm Daisy Troop 9:00am Preschool 6:00pm Brownies Brownies 6:00pm 7:00pm York Assoc. Co 10:30am Worship Servi 10:30am Worship Servi 9:00am Preschool Mowing - Jeff Herman 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 7:00pm York Assoc. Co 10:30am Worship Servi Mowing - Jeff Herman 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 7:00pm York Assoc. Co 10:30am Worship Servi Mowing - Jeff Herman 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 7:00pm York Assoc. Co 10:30am Worship Servi Mowing - Jeff Herman 6:00pm Daisy Troop 6:00pm Brownies 7:00pm York Assoc. Co WORSHIP SUPPORT 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 1:00pm Book Club 6:00pm Brownies May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 Scripture Glenn Young Carol Crone Barb Crum Lisa Young Greeters Carol Crone & Sheryl Shambaugh Thelma Dellinger & Dawn Hetrick Bill & Shirley Klinedinst Freed & Barb Kottmyer Welcomers Dennis & Cindy Brzezinski Mary Jane Sanders and Freda Smith Dennis & Cindy Brzezinski Mary Jane Sanders and Freda Smith Nursery Cyndi Peace Heather Slenker Cindy Brzezinski Becky Amsden Bulletin Sponsor Becky Amsden, in honor of niece Jenny Amsden’s birthday Walter & Jean Barrick, in honor of 57th Anniversary Cheri & Joel Klinedinst, in memory of Cynthia Gibbs, Cheri’s sister Be a sponsor!* Altar Flower Sponsor by Mr. & Mrs. Freedman Kottmyer in memory of his father, Fred Kottmyer, Sr. by Dick Lloyd in honor of Deanie’s birthday Be a sponsor!* in memory of Charles Findley by his wife, daughter and grandchildren Altar Guild _____________________________ Mary Jane Sanders ____________________________ Head Usher _________________________________ Scott Shue _________________________________ Newsletter Sponsor ___________ JoAnn Teyral, in honor of her mother, Esther’s birthday ____________ *Contact the office to be a bulletin, newsletter, or altar flower sponsor! the Haylo // pg 7 Monthly Newsletter // May 2014 Hayshire United Church of Christ 100 Haybrook Drive York, PA 17406 Nicole Richardson, Secretary Laine Beachley, Church Musician Barb Crum, Choir Director Jackie Bailey, Preschool Director JoAnn Teyral, President & Property Jason Gabany, VP, Personnel, Pastor Parish Relations, Leadership Dev Mae Duncan, Secretary, Preschool Dennis Brzezinski, Treasurer, Finance Tommy Schardt, Serve Team Leadership Miki Platt, Connect Team Leadership Susan Herman, Connect Team Leadership Marsha Briggs, Connect Team Leadership Lisa Young, Grow Team Leadership