Summer Camp OppOrtunitieS Summer CampS 2014

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Summer Camp
Summer Camps 2014
Northfield Area Family YMCA
Northfield Area Family YMCA Summer Camp — Registration Form
How to Register
Mail or drop off: Northfield Area Family YMCA, 519 Division Street, Northfield, MN 55057
Participant Information
Child’s Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birthdate_____________________________
Grade in Fall 2014__________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Birthdate____________________________________
Street Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Apt. #___________________________________________________
Home Phone_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment Method
This is a (check one):
$_______________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED Check
Credit Card:
Registration Fee/Deposit
Full Payment
American Express
Name on Card___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number___________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Card Holder ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date _______________________________________________________________________________________
I agree to pay above total amount according to card issuer agreement.
I am interested in a scholarship/financial assistance.
Prairie and Wood (Ages 5–12)
July 7–11
July 14–18
July 21–25
DAYS: Monday–Friday
July 28–Aug. 1
Aug. 4–8
COST: YMCA Members
COST: Community Members
$88 per week
$95 per week
Enclosed — $20 per week deposit at time of sign-up to guarantee spot.
Weekly fees are due one week prior to attendance. Weekly fees include field trip transportation, snacks and program supplies.
Wee Camp (Ages 3–5)
June 23-26
July 7–10
DAYS: Monday–Thursday
July 21–24
Aug. 4-7
COST: YMCA Members
COST: Community Members
$55 per 4 days
$65 per 4 days
Enclosed — $20 per week deposit at time of sign-up to guarantee spot.
Weekly fees are due one week prior to attendance. Weekly fees include snacks and all program supplies.
Y Navigators (Kids entering grades Kindergarten through 5th)
June 9-13
June 16-20
June 23-27
June 30–July 3
Enclosed — $20 one-time, per child, registration fee.
July 7-11
July 14-18
July 21-25
DAYS: Monday–Friday
July 28-Aug. 1
COST: YMCA Members
COST: Community Members
Aug. 4-8
$142 for 5 days a week
$149 for 5 days a week
Aug. 11-15
Aug. 18-22
$120 for 4 days a week
$127 for 4 days a week
Aug. 25-29
$96 for 3 days a week
$99 for 3 days a week
Weekly fees are due one week prior to attendance. Weekly fees include all field trip admissions, transportation, two snacks a day, before and after care, and all program supplies.
My signature indicates my understanding that the Northfield Area Family YMCA assumes no responsibility for injuries or illnesses sustained as a result of any physical condition or resulting
from participation in any YMCA program or activity. I expressly acknowledge on behalf of my minor children and family members and heirs that I assume the risk for any and all injuries and
illnesses that may result in participation in these activities. I hereby release and discharge the YMCA, its officers, directors, employees and volunteers from any and all claims for accidents,
injuries, death, loss or damage which I or my family may suffer as a result of participating in these activities. I also hereby authorize the YMCA to secure first aid and medical attention in the
event of an emergency, including transport to an emergency facility.
Photo Release: I also hereby release all photographs of me and my family members taken by the YMCA for promotional purposes, including the YMCA’s website and printed materials.
Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Northfield Area Family YMCA
Mailing Address:
Health & Wellness Center:
519 Division Street
900 Cannon Valley Drive
Northfield, MN 55057
Northfield, MN 55057
Fax: 507-645-8188
We build strong kids, strong families and strong communities.
Northfield Area Family YMCA Summer Camp — Let the fun begin!
Hello, families:
We hope you will give YMCA
camps a try this summer! Our
outdoor programs are growing
quickly and feedback continues
to be extremely strong. Are
you looking for reasons to have
your child try a YMCA camp?
How about these?
•Exploring and learning
about nature
•Fostering an interest in
our environment
• Playing outdoors!
•Youth mentoring and
strong adult role modeling
• Core value building
Parents in our community
understand the many benefits
of having their kids play
outside more. YMCA camps
promote good health through
outdoor physical activities in
a cooperative, safe setting.
Kids have the opportunity to
connect with others through
organized play as well as free
time to explore and learn more
about nature.
We look forward to our summer
programs being based out of
the new YMCA facility in the
very near future. All the hard
work from so many community
volunteers is paying off.
Fundraising continues as we
build our own Y community
center. Construction is under
way, so look for updates
on facility progress.
For now, we’ll see
you at the Y
this summer!
Virginia Kaczmarek
Executive Director
Prairie and Wood
(Ages 5–12)
This program is a 5-day-a-week, half-day nature camp based at Carleton’s Farm House. This
program is a collaboration with Carleton College, which gives us daily access to the rich resources
of the Cowling Arboretum.
Camp activities include exploring nearby prairie, woodland, bog, marsh, ponds, lake and river
ecosystems; learning about rocks, trees, plants and animals; creating
environmental arts and crafts; conducting experiments; and taking
weekly trips to various nearby nature areas. Come one week or come
all summer. Each week is unique, educational and tons of fun!
Low 1:5 staff to youth ratios for extra educational opportunities
and fun.
July 7–11
Wet and Wild
Ponds, streams and mud
July 14–18
The Green Team
Trees, plants and flowers of the Arb
July 21–25
Birds, Bugs and Furry Creatures
Critters of the Arb
July 28–August 1
Circle of Life
Life cycles of Arb
August 4–8
Dens and Feasts
Ecosystems, habitats and diets
Deposit: Monday–Friday, July 7–August 8
8:30–11:30 a.m. (drop off 8:15–8:30 a.m.)
Carleton College Farm House (Hwy. 19 just outside of Northfield, near the Arboretum)
YMCA Members: $88
Community Members: $95
Weekly fees are due one week prior to attendance at camp
$20 per week deposit at the time of sign-up to guarantee your spot
Wee Camp
(Ages 3–5)
This 4-day-a-week camp includes exploring the Carleton
Arboretum, going on hikes, learning about butterflies, birds
and frogs, dancing with ants, making crazy crafts, going on
scavenger hunts, playing all sorts of games and so much more!
June 23–26
Slithering Sillies
Frogs, snakes, ants
and fun!
Dundas Memorial Park
July 7–10
Furry Arb Critters
Where do they live
and what do they eat?
Carleton Arb/Farm House
July 21–24
Imagination Tree
How do trees, flowers
and plants grow?
Carleton Arb/Farm House
August 4–7
Something Smells Fishy
Exploring the ponds
and streams
Carleton Arb/Farm House
Monday–Thursday, every other week, June 23–August 7
9:00–11:30 a.m. (drop off 8:45–9:00 a.m.)
Dundas Memorial Park (south end of 1st Street) and Carleton College Farm
House (Hwy. 19 just outside of Northfield, near the Arboretum)
YMCA Members: $55
Community Members: $65
Payment: Weekly fees are due one week prior to attendance at camp
Deposit: $20 per week deposit at the time of sign-up to guarantee your spot • 507-645-0088
Northfield Area Family YMCA
519 Division Street
Northfield, MN 55057
Y Navigators
(Kids entering grades Kindergarten through 5th)
A flexible 3-, 4- or 5-day-a-week camp, available from 6:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with programmed activities from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
is based at the National Guard Armory (519 Division Street). Come one week or come all summer! Kids will enjoy trips to local and
not-so-local destinations, all designed to strengthen their imaginations and stretch their bodies. Includes swimming twice a week at
the Northfield Outdoor Pool.
Monday–Friday, June 9–August 29
Time:6:45 a.m.–6:00 p.m. (with programmed activities 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.)
National Guard Armory
Y Navigators Trips (trips are subject to change):
• Pump It Up
• Como Zoo
Cost: Members: $142 for 5 days a week
• RAD Zoo
• Mad Science
$120 for 4 days a week
• Raptor Center
•Minnesota State Capitol
$96 for 3 days a week
•Skating at Ice Arena
•Minnesota History Center
• Fossil Hunting
• The Works
$149 for 5 days a week
• Fire/Police Station
• Skateville
Members: $127 for 4 days a week
$99 for 3 days a week
Payment:Weekly fees are due one week prior to attendance at camp
Registration Fee: $20 one-time per child registration fee
June 9–13
Passport to Y Fun!
June 16–20
Where the Wild Things Are
June 23–27
Under the Big Top
June 30–July 3 (Closed July 4)
Holiday Hullabaloo
July 7–11
Oh, the Places We’ll Go
July 14–18
It Takes You!
July 21–25
Time Travelers
July 28–August 1
Playful Performers
August 4–8
Inventors Workshop
August 11–15
Science Scouts
August 18–22
Splashy Sports
August 25–29
Bummer, It’s the End of Summer!
We work to strengthen our community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.