Tutoring Foundations Fact Sheet

4634 Leir Dr.
La Canada, CA 91011
818.249.9692/818.249.5669 FAX
“Tutoring Foundations” Tutor Training Curriculum
Provide consistent, proven tutor training curriculum meeting national standards
Improve tutoring outcomes and stakeholder support with research based best practices
Boost staff effectiveness, motivation, professionalism and retention
Build reputation with NTA or CRLA certification or Fielding Graduate University CEUs
Choose the option that best fits your needs…
Your Instructors, Our Workbooks
Training required prior to workbook purchase.
The completely online, self-paced trainer
training may be started at any time, no cohorts
or class groups need to form. This 70 - 80 hour
program equips your staff to train tutors to
insure client success. Close supervision is
provided by an experienced trainer instructor
who reviews and responds to all course work.
The training begins with the highly acclaimed
and accredited “Tutoring Foundations”
Comprehensive sequence (Basic, Intermediate
and Advanced modules), mentored to reinforce
trainer techniques. It is followed by a capstone
course which reviews classroom techniques,
leadership and building tutoring communities.
Approved trainers are able to conduct Basic,
Intermediate and Advanced tutor trainings using
consumable workbooks, $25.00 each per level,
per student. Allows for flexible scheduling.
The all-inclusive training cost for materials,
mentor supervision, a set of workbooks, and a
printed certificate of completion is $649.00.
This curriculum articulates with NTA
certification and suggested CRLA training
topics. Please see the topic list on page 2.
Currently in use by 50+ providers including The
Universities of Montana, North Carolina and
Northern Iowa; Americorps NCCC, Youth Action
Project, Berwyn Library, and Firehouse Learning.
Our Instructors, Our Online Campus
Gathering tutors or staff for group training can often
be difficult. Maximize center down time or allow
tutors to access training when and where they can.
This browser based, self-paced, individually
mentored online tutor training also articulates
with the classroom workbook curriculum for mix
and match instruction to supplement classroom
training. All mentors are experienced tutor trainers.
Start at any time, 1 to 100+ students at once.
Self-paced with an expected 15 to 20 hours of
student time for each Basic, Intermediate or
Advanced module. $159 per module, per student.
Enrollments from over 350 providers including
Rutgers University, A+ Tutoring and Test Prep,
Elgin High School and CCi (155 campuses.)
(Factsheet v10, 12/22/11)
The “Tutoring Foundations” curriculum is developed with and
approved by Fielding Graduate University and the National
Tutoring Association and in use training tutors since 2007.
4634 Leir Dr.
La Canada, CA 91011
818.249.9692/818.249.5669 FAX
“Tutoring Foundations” Curriculum Topic Highlights
Following are some areas covered in the online training and workbook curriculum.
A detailed topic and learning outcomes review is available upon request.
Tutorial responsibilities/ethics
Basic learning theory
Planning, beginning and ending sessions
Setting goals and planning
Basic communication skills
Managing time and stress
When and how to make referrals
Evaluation and assessment
Improving study skills
Basic forms of questioning/reinforcement
Critical thinking skill development
Understanding/dealing with culture shock
Conflict resolution techniques
Building relationships with parents/teachers
Learning styles/multiple modalities
Test preparation techniques
Key reading/writing tutoring techniques
Individual versus group tutoring dynamics
Maintaining records/securing paperwork
Legal Considerations
National Professional Certification and CEUs
Instructors completing the “Tutoring Foundations
Train-the-Trainer” program may apply for the
nationally recognized NTA Tutor Trainer
certification that allows them to train and NTA
certify staff, professional or peer tutors.
All tutors who receive Basic, Intermediate or
Advanced training from NTA certified trainers
satisfy academic requirements in articulation
with the NTA and CRLA tutor certifications.
More NTA certification information available at
(863) 529-5206, ntatutor@aol.com, or
Crossroads of Learning delivered online training
qualifies graduates to receive continuing education
units (CEUs) granted from Fielding Graduate
University, Santa Barbara, California. More
information available at 800.340.1099,
www.fielding.edu or admission@fielding.edu.
What Center Directors Are Saying About “Tutoring Foundations”
“Tutoring Foundations is meaningful, fact-based
and consistent with modern educational theory.
Our tutors are high achieving student leaders
with busy schedules so the quality and flexibility
works very well for them, and for me.”
Al Brown – Learning Center Director
Rutgers University
“My tutors have been very happy with the online
training. The case studies do make you reflect. If
you can think out these situations ahead of time
that is very valuable. I think it really benefits my
tutors and students.”
Marc Ginsberg – President/Certified Teacher
A+ Tutoring and Test Prep, LLC
These and other reviews are available via streaming video at www.crossroadsoflearning.com. For more
information visit our website or Contact Us Today - Bob Lasiewicz, Managing Director,
Crossroads of Learning, at 818.249.9692 ext 1, or BL@crossroadsoflearning.com.
(Factsheet v10, 12/22/11)
The “Tutoring Foundations” curriculum is developed with and
approved by Fielding Graduate University and the National
Tutoring Association and in use training tutors since 2007.