CM Color Methodologies | UCLA Extension | online Alvalyn Lundgren, instructor | Project 3: Value & Tonality Differentiate between value and intensity modulations; recognize character qualities of tints, shades and tones. The Problem Create achromatic and chromatic value scales and a tonality scale. The Process Using gouache, mix and paint color swatches to create two 11-step value scales connected by a bridge of increasing tonality between a primary hue and its corresponding achromatic: The achromatic scale consists of only black, white and grays mixed from black and white. Begin with a swatch of white, and then add increasing amounts of black to achieve the grays. Paint a black swatch, and then add white to it for a few steps to achieve the 90% value of gray. You will paint more swatches than you will be using in the scale. The chromatic scale consists of one primary or secondary at normal value and admixed with black or white. Begin with white and add in increasing amounts of a primary into it. Paint a swatch of the pure primary, then mix increasing amounts of black into it. Do not tone the primary. The bridge consists of 5 steps of de-saturation created by mixing the corresponding achromatic into the pure primary in increasing amounts. Swatches should be “clean”, opaque and smooth. When all swatches are dry, select your swatches for each scale and trim to 1”x1”. Your chromatic and achromatic values should match. The pure primary should be placed at the same percentage as its corresponding gray. Tints and shades will be placed according to their corresponding values. The 5 bridge pieces (tones) are positioned horizontally between the pure primary and its corresponding gray, in order/progression from full hue to gray. 10 Specifications Color swatches 1”x 1” No white spaces/gutters Gray scale on left Chromatic value scale on right 0% value at top, 100% at bottom Label gray scale percentages on both achromatic and chromatic scales* Tonal bridge positioned at corresponding normal value of hue Medium: Gouache on bristol Presentation: 9” x 12” gray board vertical orientation center the grouping center the grouping project title at bottom center - baseline aligned with bottom of chart. For On Site (classroom) students Put student name on back of the presentation board. Online students: Photograph outdoors at midday or indoors, using your lighting set-up with daylight or LED bulbs, with the Color Separation Guide aligned center and straight, just beyond the side edge the gray board. Omit background distractions. Be sure your photo is in sharp focus. Use a tripod if possible. ©2011 Alvalyn Lundgren. All rights reserved. Value percentages were not included on this example. Be sure to include them. value & tonality study of