DVD Booklet - CHELSIE WOEHL A Professional Portfolio

Editorial Work on Sections of The Joseph Smith Papers Season 2 DVD Booklet
With Host Glenn Rawson
Episode 1
The Persona of Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith, no ordinary figure, has been largely ignored or remains elusive by modern observers. In the first episode of the
second season, the image, personality, character, and physicality of Joseph Smith are presented, with discussion of his
appearance, influence, and the culture in which he lived.
1. Introduction
2. Physical characteristics
3. Photographs, paintings, and the death mask of Joseph
4. Joseph Smith’s demeanor and physical activity
5. Joseph Smith’s charisma and influence
6. Joseph Smith and frontier culture
Contributing scholars
Alexander L. Baugh, Richard L. Bushman, Steven C. Harper, Glen M. Leonard, Richard E. Turley Jr., John W. Welch
Episode 3
Impressions of a Prophet, Part 2
Episode three describes the historical importance of Joseph Smith and the scholarship, both secular and religious, that has been
produced about him. It concludes by introducing the role of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day day Saints in this
scholarship through the Joseph Smith Papers Project.
1. Introduction
2. Conference in Washington, D.C., celebrating the
bicentennial of Joseph Smith’s birth
3. Conferences in Australia and elsewhere celebrating the
bicentennial of Joseph Smith’s birth
4. Secular scholars and Joseph Smith
5. Joseph Smith’s increasing historical importance and the LDS
Church’s role in his history
Contributing scholars
Philip L. Barlow, Ronald O. Barney, Richard L. Bushman, Marlin K. Jensen, Jan Shipps, Richard E. Turley Jr., John W. Welch
Episode 4
The Joseph Smith Tour, Part 1: New England
In this episode we begin our Joseph Smith tour by following the Smith family’s settling and travels in New England, guided by
LDS scholars of this period.
1. Introduction: On tour with the scholars, October 2006
2. Topsfield, Massachusetts
3. Gilsum, New Hampshire
4. Joseph Smith’s birth and in Sharon, Vermont
5. Tunbridge, Vermont
6. West Lebanon, New Hampshire: Joseph Smith’s leg
7. Salem, Massachusetts
Contributing scholars
Richard L. Anderson, Ronald O. Barney, Marlin K. Jensen, Larry C. Porter
Episode 11
The Family of Joseph Smith, Part 3
This episode concludes the series on the family of Joseph Smith by discussing what happened to Emma Smith and her and
Joseph’s children after Joseph’s death.
1. Joseph Smith Jr.’s family after his death
2. Emma Smith and Lewis Bidamon
3. Emma and her son Joseph III stay in the East and embrace
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DayLatter-day Saints
4. Emma’s last years
5. Joseph and Emma Smith’s children: Julia Murdock Smith,
Joseph Smith III, Alexander Hale Smith, David Hyrum Smith
6. The two to three thousand descendants of Joseph and
Emma Smith
Contributing scholars
Sharalyn D. Howcroft, Jeffery O. Johnson, Carol C. Madsen
Episode 20
Joseph Smith’s First Vision, Part 5: The Story Continued
This episode is the final episode of a five-part series on Joseph Smith’s First Vision, and takestaking up the story where part four
left off, with discussing Joseph’s visitation by God the Father and Jesus Christ, and discusses what Joseph learned, and what the
First Vision set in motion.
1. Introduction
2. The glory of the First Vision
3. Joseph Smith was visited by two personages
4. The heavenly communication to Joseph Smith
5. The knowledge Joseph Smith received from the personages
6. Aftermath of the First Vision
7. Understanding of the First Vision has changed over time
Contributing scholars
James B. Allen, Richard L. Anderson, Milton V. Backman, Ronald O. Barney, Steven C. Harper, Dean C. Jessee
Episode 25
Revelations and Translations, Part 5: The Doctrine and Covenants Continued
This episode is part five of a six-part series on the revelations received and translations made by Joseph Smith, and picks up
where part four left off, examining how the Book of Commandments became the Doctrine and Covenants, including discussion
of non-canonized revelations.
1. The Book of Commandments, 1833
2. Doctrine and Covenants, 1835, and Lectures on Faith
3. Non-canonized revelations
4. Personal nature of revelations
5. Subsequent publications of the Doctrine and Covenants
6. Doctrine and Covenants, 1844
7. Doctrine and Covenants, 1852
8. Doctrine and Covenants, 1876
Contributing scholars
Ronald O. Barney, Alexander L. Baugh, Joseph F. Darowski, Robin S. Jensen, Robert J. Woodford
Episode 26
Revelations and Translations, Part 6: The Pearl of Great Price
This episode concludes the six-part series on the revelations received and translations made by Joseph Smith by discussing the
collection of scripture known as the Pearl of Great Price, including its original publication in England, and its subsequent
publications, and its canonization as LDS scripture.
1. Context surrounding publication of the Pearl of Great Price
2. First publication in Liverpool, England, 1851
3. Components of the Pearl of Great Price: Book of Moses,
Book of Abraham, Articles of Faith, Matthew 24, Joseph Smith History,
Other Revelations, “O Say What Is Truth”
4. Popularity and canonization of the Pearl of Great Price
5. Subsequent editions and publication of the Pearl of Great
Contributing scholars
Brian M. Hauglid, Kent P. Jackson, Richard E. Turley Jr.
Episode 30
Word of Wisdom
This episode discusses Doctrine and Covenants 89, : Joseph Smith’s revelation titled the “Word of Wisdom,” including how it
came about, how it has been interpreted, and scholarship about the original text.
1. Historical context
2. The Word of Wisdom revelation came in response to the
issues of the day
3. Circumstances of the revelation
4. Particulars and insight into the revelatory text
5. “Not by commandment or constraint”: how the Word of
Wisdom was interpreted
Contributing scholars
Steven C. Harper, Paul Y. Hoskisson, Mark L. Staker, Ronald W. Walker
Episode 38
Early Members, Part 4: Martin Harris and the John and Elsa Johnson Family
This is the fourth episode in a five-part series on prominent early members of the LDS Church, focusing here on Martin Harris,
whose patronage allowed the Book of Mormon to be printed, and who also became one of the Three Witnesses, and also on
the John and Elsa Johnson family, whose home hosted “The Vision” (D&C 76), and also Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon’s
revelation concerning the three degrees of glory.
1. Martin Harris: Book of Mormon witness and Church
2. Harris family background
3. The Harris’s involvement in the coming forth of the Book of
4. Harris family circumstances after becoming Mormons
5. Martin Harris’s departure from and return to the Church
6. Background of the John and Elsa Johnson family
7. The Johnsons become Mormons
8. Joseph Smith received “The Vision” (D&C 76) in the Johnson
9. Luke and Lyman Johnson become Apostles
10. Problems with the Church arise for the Johnsons
Contributing scholars
Susan Easton Black, Larry C. Porter, Mark L. Staker
Episode 39
Early Members, Part 5: The Snows, Eliza R. and Lorenzo
This episode concludes the five-part series on prominent early members of the LDS Church by discussing the contribution of
Lorenzo Snow and his sister, Eliza R. Snow. Lorenzo, who had early success in the Church as a missionary to England, would
become the fifth president of the Church; his sister, Eliza, would become known for presiding over the Relief Society, for her
hymn writing, and for her contributions to the theology of the Latter-day Saints.
1. Introduction
2. Eliza R. Snow: poetess, prophetess, priestess, and
3. Eliza and Lorenzo Snow and their family
4. Eliza’s poetic talents and contributions
5. Lorenzo and Eliza Snow’s connection to Mormonism
6. Lorenzo Snow’s mission to England
7. Final time for the Snows in Nauvoo, Illinois
8. Departure for and then arrival in Utah
9. Eliza R. Snow’s service to the Church’s women
10. Lorenzo Snow, fifth president of the Church
Contributing scholars
Karen L. Davidson, Jill M. Derr, Andrew H. Hedges