Cisco Healthcare Clinician Brochure

Cisco Connected Health:
The IT Foundation for a Healthy Practice
Cisco Connected Health:
The IT Foundation for a Healthy Practice
By improving the delivery of
care, elevating compliance, and
decreasing costs, Cisco Healthcare
Solutions provide the foundation
for a healthy practice.
When you began your practice, chances are your main
focus was caring for patients. Today, in addition to
providing quality medical care, you must also address
new compliance regulations, navigate changing
insurance requirements, and manage vast amounts
of data. You probably also find yourself addressing
complex reimbursement processes, lack of support
from other providers, delays in getting test results,
and even mix-ups in patient files.
For years, large clinics and hospitals have met these challenges
with information technology solutions, while smaller medical
practices have been forced to use time-consuming paper
processes that make information management and patient care
more difficult. Now, there’s an answer for small and mediumsized medical practices. Cisco can help you be more compliant,
efficient, and profitable with a secure information network. Cisco®
Certified Partners provide proven network solutions customized
to your unique office structure, operations needs, and patient
portfolio. The result is an information network that grows with your
practice while helping you meet new electronic health record
(EHR) regulations on the use of sensitive information.
Curing the Pain of Inefficient
Doctors must communicate constantly—with patients, staff,
and various medical organizations and providers. When limited
to phone, fax, or paper, these efforts are often inefficient and
time-consuming. Technology-based e-prescription programs
and initiatives help improve efficiency and can decrease
investment cost for clinicians who are virtually connected by
an online network. The network providing these benefits can
also have a strong impact on your entire operation. For meeting
new information regulations, a network built on a foundation of
Cisco products can save time and money and become a critical
platform for helping you deliver better patient care.
The Benefits of a Cisco Network Foundation
•Pre-registration, registration, and scheduling: Enhanced
phone and web-based scheduling, automated reminders,
and pre-registration reduce patient wait time and decrease
staff workload.
•Evaluation and treatment: Moving to mobile access of
electronic medical records (EMRs) allows fast and easy
location and safe storage of patient information. Accessing
the right information at the point of patient contact shortens
exam times and increases the accuracy of care.
Connected Health
• Patient check out: Highly secure paperless processes
eliminate the need to mail statements and provide
handwritten prescriptions.
• Filing claims is faster and more accurate.
• Ongoing patient management: New network technologies
are enabling greater levels of remote care, allowing patients
and doctors to access medical records from any location.
By providing highly secure healthcare solutions that efficiently
handle and deliver information, Cisco can help you improve the
quality and efficiency of your practice. You’ll be able to quickly
access test results and learn what medications have been
prescribed to prevent redundant lab work and negative drug
interactions. With industry-leading network security, sensitive
records and documents are protected from hackers or online
malware. Accurate and safe patient information helps you address
compliance requirements and practice better medicine.
Your Three-Step Treatment Plan
If you currently use a computer for patient scheduling, you can
quickly be on the way to a network that improves workflow and
increases process efficiency. The roadmap to a healthy practice
consists of three primary steps:
• Implement a network designed for your unique practice that
will run reliable, highly secure applications and help meet new
EHR regulations, supported by a Cisco Certified Partner.
• Interact with labs, pharmacies, and other caregivers by
shifting from disconnected, isolated relationships to a network
with industry-leading security that allows instant access
and exchange.
• Collaborate with staff, clinicians, and patients by sharing
timely and accurate information.
A Cisco network makes it possible to implement these steps
at your pace. And because the network is flexible, you can take
advantage of your investment today as your needs grow over
time. By not having to rebuild to upgrade, you can set your
practice up to quickly evolve so that it meets your operations
and business needs over time.
A Medical-Grade Network That
Helps Expand Your Practice
Cisco’s Medical-Grade Network (MGN) is the infrastructure that
helps you utilize your Electronic Health Record to its fullest, keep
patient records highly secure, and optimize your communications
with patients, staff and the medical community. Cisco and its
certified partners can provide a complete, end-to-end MedicalGrade Network designed specifically for your small or mediumsized medical practice. With highly secure communications,
business applications, wireless capabilities, and support for
advanced applications such as video, the Cisco Medical-Grade
Network is the platform for efficient interactions between
patients and staff.
Expand your practice with voicemail, automated attendant
capability, conferencing, and access to critical applications on the
go. These features increase staff efficiency in a variety of ways.
For example, when a patient calls the office, the receptionist sees
their information before the phone is even answered. Patients
receive an automated phone reminder for their appointment
without anyone from the clinic making these time-consuming
daily calls. Your staff is able to focus on patients in your office.
In addition, you’ll be more efficient. For instance, you can listen
to voicemails on your PC. You’ll be able to document, archive,
and share important audio and visual information with other
physicians, technicians, nurses, and staff in and outside your
practice. You can also add third-party applications that work with
your office computers as well as Cisco Unified IP Phones that
support dial-out alerts to patients and colleagues, one-touch
call recording, and much more.
Connected Health
The Cisco Advantage
Available Today
Designed to help you be more secure and responsive,
Cisco Healthcare Solutions provide many advantages for
the small and medium-sized practice:
Today, meeting patient needs, operations requirements, and
compliance regulations means an IT network that seamlessly and
securely connects staff and information. Cisco and its partners
can make your practice more compliant and profitable with proven
end-to-end solutions that grow with your practice and help grow
your business.
• Easy deployment: Designed for practices with minimal
networking support, Cisco healthcare solutions provide
easy-to-use network management tools. A simple Web
browser interface dramatically simplifies installation,
support, and ongoing management of your network.
• Grows with you: These IT solutions are flexible enough
to grow with your practice and operations requirements.
The Cisco Smart Business roadmap outlines how to make
the most of your technology over the long term.
For more information on Cisco Healthcare Solutions,
For small and medium-sized medical business practices,
learn more at:
• Lifecycle services: Cisco and its partners offer a broad
portfolio of effective support services to help you use,
maintain, and evolve your network.
• Financing: Cisco CapitalSM offers a wide range of financing
services designed for the needs of small and medium-sized
healthcare practices. With competitive rates and fast credit
processing, Cisco Capital can help you acquire the solution
you need to be successful now and in the future.
Americas Headquarters
Cisco Systems, Inc.
San Jose, CA
Asia Pacific Headquarters
Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd.
Europe Headquarters
Cisco Systems International BV
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco Website at
Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks
mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)
Americas Headquarters
Cisco Systems, Inc.
San Jose, CA
Asia Pacific Headquarters
Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd.
Europe Headquarters
Cisco Systems International BV
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco Website at
Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks
mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)