The rules for pupil conduct are simple and few. They exist for two reasons:
1. The safety and health of the children
2. The promotion of a classroom and school atmosphere in which instruction
and work are not disrupted. Great emphasis is placed on the pupils
being responsible for their own actions. The pupils are encouraged in
this regard through positive reinforcement and recognition for
acceptable and appropriate behaviour.
Overview of Bonaccord’s Student Code of Conduct
It is the school’s belief that pupils should conduct themselves in a manner which
reflects common sense (as deemed appropriate by the school) safety for self and
others, and respect for all. Students are expected to behave in accordance with
school behavior guidelines while under the jurisdiction of the school. This includes:
• daily school routines
• other functions such as dances, field trips, etc.
• while on the school grounds, including play areas
• walking to and from school
Infractions of school rules are dealt with by the classroom teacher and the office,
with the involvement of the parent. Measures employed to help pupils become
responsible citizens range from reminders, to detentions, to home contact, to
suspension if necessary. Progressive discipline will be applied as per School
District #36 board policy.
Student Code of Conduct
All students area required to comply with the general principles of conduct for
students, including but not limited to:
1) Respecting the authority of school staff, and following directions.
2) Respecting others.
• do not engage in physical, verbal, emotional or psychological abuse
(fighting, bullying, intimidating, intolerance of others because of
dress, race, sex, culture, or other perceived differences).
3) Speaking and responding to adults and students in a respectful and
courteous manner at all times. Avoid using profanity.
4) Respecting school property.
• textbooks, chairs, desks, etc. are to be returned at the end of the
year in the same condition they were given. Students may be
charged for repair or replacement.
• wilful damage or vandalism may result in suspension, compensation in
the form of payment for damages incurred, community service, or
a combination of all three.
5) Respecting the property of others.
• ask before touching or borrowing.
6) Behaving in a manner which will not result in the injury of one’s self or
others, whether deliberate or accidental.
7) Walking with care and talking quietly in all areas of the school.
• walk on the right side of hallways in a quiet and orderly manner
8) Attending school regularly, and being punctual.
9) Striving to achieve the best in one’s studies.
10) Dressing in such a way that reflects good taste and judgement
appropriate for a public school, for activities in which they are
involved, and for the weather.
• headgear (bandanas, caps, etc) are not to be worn inside the building
• clothing that is military in nature, suggestive of gang affiliation,
expresses foul language or is offensive in nature is not to be
worn at school
• clothing which is revealing or suggestive in nature is not to be worn
at school (e.g. bare midriff, visible underwear)
Zero Tolerance Behaviors
The following behaviors are unacceptable and may result in suspension or expulsion:
• possession or use of a weapon, real or pretend, in a threatening or
intimidating way. Weapon shall mean any instrument or device that
could be used to injure or intimidate others such as guns, chemical
sprays, martial arts weapons, firecrackers, matches, needles, any
replica or toy weapon, knives and lighters, etc.
• possession of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, fireworks, or anything which is
illegal or deemed to be unsafe in a school setting, Students involved in
the use, possession or distribution of illicit substances will be subject
to suspension from school.
• sexual, racial, verbal or physical harassment
• refusal to comply with requests from staff
• vandalism and theft
• violence with the intent to injure, or threats of violence
• smoking or use of illicit substances. The Surrey School Board has resolved
that all school district buildings and grounds are to be smoke free.
Thus there is a No Smoking policy applying to adults and children in the
school and on the school grounds.
• setting off false fire alarms
• endangering the safety of others
Suspension may include:
1) One or two day in-school suspension
2) One day suspension at home
3) Three day suspension at home
4) Five day suspension at home
5) School Board suspension & Review Committee
Appeal Procedures
As a principle of fair procedure, the opportunity for appeal to a school disciplinary
decision should be available. Therefore, a parent/guardian may appeal disciplinary
action through the teacher(s) and/or principal. A formal written procedure for
appeal to the School Board would follow failure to reach resolution at the school
Permission to Leave School Grounds
Students wishing to leave the school during the day MUST, without exception, bring
a signed permission slip from their parents or guardians to the office or to their
teacher. Students will not be allowed to leave the school grounds without this
written permission.
Lunch & Recess Time
Students will remain on the school grounds during the lunch and recess periods. At
recess, teachers are on supervision. In the interests of student safety, parents
must send a note to their child’s teacher if their child is to leave the school
grounds at lunch. During lunch, supervision is provided by paid noon-hour
supervisors. Noon-hour supervisors will be shown the same respect given to all
school staff. Students who enjoy the privilege of staying at school for lunch must
follow some simple guidelines:
• remain in their own classroom
• remain seated while eating
• talk quietly
• clean up after themselves
• leave through the designated exits when the bell indicates it is time
On days when is is determined that the weather is not suitable for students to go
outside during Recess or Lunch the students will remain inside their classrooms. On
these days students are expected to be engaged in a calm, quiet activity in their
Playground Conduct
Students must be safe, able to be seen, and supervised at all times. The following
areas are out of bounds at Recess and at Lunch:
• the bush area and west side of the adjoining park
• the front of the school
• the black-topped area between the east side of the school and the fence
Student conduct on the playgrounds will be such that ensures the safety and
security of all students, such as:
• students must walk bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, scooters etc. on
school grounds. Students should also wear protective head gear when
travelling to and from school on any of the aforementioned.
• the throwing of sand, rocks, sticks, snowballs, or any other projectile is
dangerous and therefore not permitted no rough play, including play
fighting, tackling, or wrestling
• if sports equipment goes off the school grounds, students must have a
supervisor retrieve it.
• games involving teasing, unfair, or unsafe practices invariably leads to
problems and are therefore not permissible for our students.