Spring Savings Coupon 20% 20%

Jansen Art Studio Inc.
P.O. Box 290
Smoketown, PA 17576
fax 717-361-7140
e-mail JansenAS@aol.com
Spring Savings Coupon
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Vide DV
os D
This coupon is not valid towards Seminar Classes
Coupon valid from 1/10/05 through 03/10/05
We now have DVD’s
Each DVD features over 2 hours of painting lessons and techniques
Each DVD includes a CD with Step Photos, Lesson Plan and Pattern.
DVD 1001 Golden Florals- $24.95
Join David as he presents painting very special flowers using color + gold paint to produce very unique results.
David will show all the steps from preparing your plate, painting the flowers, glazing colors to applying the varnish
for a professional result.
DVD 1002 Tapestry Florals- $24.95
One of the most popular styles taught by David. He will walk you through the
history of this style and then take you into drawing and designing with the
flowers. Following the designing he will show preparing the cabinet, decorating
with the Tapestry Flowers to achieving a professional and durable finish with the
new resin varnishes.
DVD 2001 Color Theory Series- $ 24.95
8 Disc Set. Each Disc is $24.95 or purchase the entire set for $159.50 and save $20% on buying each
individually. You will be billed as each DVD is released. You will receive 1 new disc every 3 months.
David’s most popular class and lecture series.
Release Dates for this DVD Series
Disc 1- Color and Pigment Wheel. Hue Studies- 05/20/05
Disc 2- Value Studies. Paint for Form.- 08/20/05
Disc 3- Controling Intensity within a Color-11/20/05
Disc 4- Selecting and Understanding Toners- 02/20/06
Disc 5- Creating Interest and Harmony-05/20/06
Disc 6- Understanding Light and Shadows-08/20/06
Disc 7- Internal, External and Simultaneous Contrast-11/20/06
Disc 8- Mapping a Painting-02/20/07
New Packets From Our Studio
P 4009 The Philadelphia
Vireo $ 7.95
P 4020 Samson and
the Lion $ 6.95
P 4022 Top Sail
Schooner $ 8.95
P 4006 17th Century
Dutch $ 7.95
P 4021 The Ompir
Scooter $ 6.95
P 4004 Eagle Flyer $ 7.95
P 4008 The Warbler $ 7.95
We Have Many More!
Please visit us online for a complete and
current list of all available packets. We also
have free patterns, designs and technique
videos on the webiste for you to download.
Visit us at Http://JansenArtStudio.com
Palette- JansenArt Traditions
TonerRaw Umber,
brush mix as desired.
Dar k Blue
Prussian Blue Hue +
Medium Grey+ Toner
2:touch: 1
Medium Blue Medium Blue +
Toner 2:1
Light Blue
Aquamarine +
Toner 3:1
Dar k Yellow Raw Sienna +
Toner 2:1
Medium Yell. Yellow Oxide +
Toner 3:1
Dar k Red
Burgundy +
Toner 2:1
Medium Red Naphthol Red +
Toner 2:1
Medium White Medium WhiteNo Toner
Titanium WhiteNo Toner
Carbon BlackNo Toner
Blue Green
Teal Green +
Toner 2:1
Yellow Green Pine Green +
Toner 2:1
18th Century Tapestry Florals
Oval Box
This is 18th century France style of painting. French artist would paint this style of flowers on large cabinets called
“Armoires” or on decorate walls in the home. If you would like more information and patterns on this style please see our
book “Painting Tapestry Florals”.
Base the oval box with Jansen Art Traditions Blue Grey + a little Pine Green and Medium White. Mix this together then
add an equal amount of Light Primer. This will make a base coat the primes and seals the surface for us. Let dry and
sand lightly. Use a large, old stiff brush to do the next step in the preparation. Pick up very little Medium White + touch
Pine Green in the old brush. Stroke the brush on the palette until the paint starts to dry. Just before the paint starts to dry
brush it over the box very lightly in many different directions. This is called dry brushing. Repeat this step until most of
the Blue Grey is lightly covered up with the Medium White mix. Dry. In the old brush pick up a little Prussian Blue +
touch Pine Green and Raw Umber. Use this color to lightly dry brush the top/ side of the box. Dry. Using a small flat
brush, pick up a little of the Prussian Blue + Raw Umber + Pine Green mix and some water. Wash a transparent thin
band around the bottom of this side piece. Dry. Transfer the pattern with grey transfer paper.
Suggested steps
1. Using a # 6 filbert, wash in all objects with a very transparent Raw Umber+ touch Dark Blue. Use water to make this
transparent color because we have to be able to remove our graphite lines.
2. Darken all objects with a little more Raw Umber+ touch Dark Blue . Use a sideloaded # 6 filbert. No need to be
perfect here. Most of this will cover up. This is step one on the step sheet.
3. Transparently wash in the flowers and leaves with the suggested base color. Add water to this to keep the colors
slightly transparent. Use short choppy strokes for interest. Don’t blend smooth.
Suggested Base Colors
Reds- Medium Red + Dark Red 1:1
Leaves- Yellow Green
Yellows- Dark Yellow + Medium Yellow 1:1
Blues - Medium Blue + touch Dark Blue
Whites- Raw Umber.
4. Dry well. Remove graphite lines. Give the oval box a coat of Glazing Medium to protect the painting and add depth to
this layer. I like to add layers of Glazing Medium during the painting to increase the interest and depth to the objects.
5. Now that we have the graphite lines removed, we will add Glazing Medium to the brush as we paint. This will increase
the interest and help with transparency. Sideload the filbert with desired colors + Glazing Medium to keep them slightly
transparent. Build the petals and objects using strokes pulled from the tip to the base of the object. You may have to
repeat this step a few times as the colors dry. We want to soften some of the shadows while build an area of color for
the highlights to sit. Do not cover all the shadows or the original base colors. Small strokes are best.
Suggested Petal and Leaf Colors
Reds- Medium Red + Dark Red 1:1 + touch Medium White
Leaves- Yellow Green
Yellows- Dark Yellow + Medium Yellow 1:1 + touch Medium White
Blues - Medium Blue + touch Dark Blue + touch Medium White
Whites- Medium White + touch Raw Umber
6. Sideload the filbert with the desired colors + touch Glazing Medium. Use short “choppy” strokes to shadow and tint the
objects. This shadow and tint color should be transparent. You do not have to blend this. The next petals and highlights
will soften these colors. Refer to the step sheet to see just how “choppy” I like to leave it.
Suggested Petal and Leaf Colors
Reds- Dark Red + touch Raw Umber
Leaves- Yellow Green
Yellows- Dark Red + touch Raw Umber
Blues - Dark Red + touch Raw Umber
Whites- Dark Red + touch Raw Umber
Reduce or Enlarge Pattern as needed.
Photocopying for other reasons is not
All Designs Copyright Protected by
David W. Jansen
Photocopying is a violation of U.S. Code Title 17.
No form of mechanical reproduction is allowed.
This pattern may not be taught without permission of Jansen Art Studio.
You may photocopy for the purpose of reduction or enlargement only.
7. Sideload the filbert with desired colors + Glazing Medium to keep them
slightly transparent. Build the petals and objects
using strokes pulled from the tip to the base of the object. You may have to
repeat this step a few times as the colors dry.
We want to soften some of the shadows while build an area of color for the
highlights to sit. Do not cover all the shadows
or the original base colors. Small strokes are best.
Suggested Petal and Leaf Colors
Reds- Medium Red + Dark Red 1:1 + Titanium White
Leaves- Yellow Green + Medium White
Yellows- Dark Yellow + Medium Yellow 1:1 + touch Titanium White
Blues - Medium Blue + touch Dark Blue + touch Titanium White
Whites- Medium White
8. Dry piece well. Give the surface a coat of Glazing Medium to protect and
add interest.
9. Start first highlights with suggested colors. Keep these highlights smaller in
area than the base color. You may switch
to a small brush such as a size 4 to help with this.
Suggested Petal and Leaf Colors
Reds- Medium Red + touch Dark Red + Titanium White
Leaves- Yellow Green + Titanium White
Yellows- Medium Yellow + touch Dark Yellow + touch Titanium
Blues - Medium Blue + Titanium White
Whites- Medium White + Titanium White 1:1
10. Final highlights and details. Using the same colors with just a touch more
white, repeat the highlights in a smaller area.
Sideload the filbert with Dark Yellow and tap around flower centers. Dry.
Sideload with Medium Yellow + Titanium
White and tap a few smaller highlights around the centers. Be careful not to
cover up all of the first color. Use a small
round to add a few dark details such as leaf vein lines, stems etc. Vary the
colors. Dry.
Dry the piece well. Give the box 2 coats of JansenArt Traditions Water Base
Polyurethane Varnish and 1 coat of wax if desired.
Teaching Aids We Reccomend For This Design
PC 102 Tapestry Palette Color Card- $ 4.95
This will help you make the exact color used to paint this design.
DVD 1002 Tapestry Floral Video- $ 24.95
Watch David as he paints the flowers on a large cabinet. Video is 2
hours long and features all techniques used in detail. He also walks you
through preparation and finishing of your pieces.
Please Include Coupon From Front Page To Receive Your 20% Discount
Sub Total
Jansen Art Studio
P.O. Box 290
Smoketown, PA 17576
fax 717-361-7140
E-mail JansenAS@aol.com
U.S., Canada
International Air
International Surface
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
PA. Residents Add 6%
Order Total
Street Address
Fax Number
American Express
California Seminars in March 2005
Americana Table
March 18, 19, 20 2005
Norwegian Sampler Class
Other Wood Pieces and Patterns will be available
March 11, 12, 13 2005
For Seminar Information
Please contact
Carl Larson
4659 Drury Court
Fremont, CA. 94538
Learn the history of pigments and mixing with this
special 3 days class. We will talk about value and
intensity and how it relates to today’s colors and
pigments. We will be painting a few charts and some
small sample pieces to help learn the theory. This is
David’s favorite class!
Contact Holly Hocks
1328 South Mary Avenue
Holly Hocks
3 Day Color Theory
March 7, 8 and 9 (Mon-Wed).
Sunnyvale, CA. 94087
Jansen Art Studio Color Mixing Cards
The Color Mixings Cards are hand painted and
hand mixed cards that you can use to check your
mixed palette colors against. Each card is laminated with durable 5 mil plastic for easy cleanup and to protect the cards. You can keep these
with your painting supplies and take with with
you wherever you are painting.
PC 101 Soft Bavarian Florals- $ 4.95
PC 102 Tapestry Floral Colors- $ 4.95
PC 103 Soft Stroke Florals- $ 4.95
PC 104 Contemporary Rosemaling- $ 4.95
PC 105 Traditional Rosemaling - $ 4.95 Available 01/01/05
PC 106 Contemporary Hindeloopen - $ 4.95 Available 01/01/05
PC 107 Traditional Hindeloopen - $ 4.95 Available 01/01/05
Jansen Art Studio Seminars
David W. Jansen MDA
Location - Radisson Penn Harris Hotel and Convention Center
Register Now
Register Now
Hotel is providing a Special Rate for those who stay at the hotel. Everyone is invited to our home one
evening for dinner. We will also provide a Breakfast and Afternoon Snack. Evening painting will be
available for those who like to stay up late! Registration is starting now. To register please send $50
per class to secure your spot!
June3-6 Floral Styles Prep Day is June 2- $225
2 New Styles of Florals. Alternate patterns and pieces will be available
June 9-11 Rosemaling Styles Prep Day is June 8- $225
2 New Styles of Rosemaling. We will also spend some time studying design and drawing these styles. Alternate
patterns and pieces will be available
July 17-21 Furniture (Desk) Prep Days July 15-16-$375
Beautiful reproduction of an antique writing desk. Desk is approximately 60 inches high x 22 inches deep x 36
inches wide. Piece comes in 2 sections for easy transportation. Other pieces and designs will be available should
you desire a different piece.
August 19-22 Gudbrandsdal Bowl Prep Day is August 18- $225
Beautiful 20 inch bowl by Paul Loftness decorated in the Gudbrandsdal Rosemaling style
August 26-28 Decorative Sampler Prep Day August 25- $225
3 styles will be studied this year. Alternate pieces and designs will also be presented.
Traditions Artist Brushes
All Brushes are new high quality synthetic brushes made in the USA. This new synthetic fiber is formulated to last longer and give
you high quality artistic results. All brushes are backed by a 100% manufactures guarantee, if your brush gives you a problem, we
replace it at not cost.
Size 1 Round
Size 4 Round
3/4 Inch Flat
Size 8 Shader
Size 12 Chisel Blender
Size 3/0 Short Liner
1/2 “ Oval Mop
Size 4 Fan Brush
Size 8 Filbert Brush
3 oz Bottles
JA01 Burgundy
JA02 Naphthol Red
JA03 Naphthol Red Light
JA04 Naphthol AS Hue
JA05 Medium Red Rose
JA06 English Red Oxide
JA07 Quinacridone Gold
JA08 Perinone Orange
JA09 Vermilion
JA10 Yellow Deep
JA11 Indian Yellow
JA12 Yellow Oxide
JA13 Diarylide Yellow
JA14 Hansa Yellow
JA15 Hansa Yellow Light
JA16 Yellow Green Light
JA17 Medium Green
JA18 Chrome Green Hue
JA19 Pine Green
JA20 Blue Green Light
JA21 Teal Green
JA22 Phthalo Green-Yellow
JA23 Phthalo Green-Blue
JA24 Phthalo Blue
JA25 Prussian Blue Hue
$ 6.25
$ 6.95
$ 16.75
$ 8.50
$ 10.25
$ 5.95
$ 17.95
$ 10.50
$ 9.95
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 3.50
$ 3.50
$ 5.00
$ 10.50
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 3.50
$ 7.00
$ 7.00
$ 3.50
$ 7.00
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 7.00
$ 5.00
$ 10.50
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 3.50
Size 2 Round
Size 5 Round
Size 4 Shader
Size 4 Chisel Blender
Size 0 Script Liner
Size 1 Short Liner
1” Antiquing (Mop)
Size 4 Filbert Brush
Size 10 Filbert Brush
3 oz Bottles
JA26 Ultramarine Blue
$ 3.50
JA27 Sapphire Blue
$ 3.50
JA28 Cerulean Blue
$ 5.00
JA29 Aquamarine
$ 3.50
JA30 Blue Grey
$ 3.50
JA31 Dioxazine Purple
$ 7.00
JA32 Red Violet
$ 5.00
JA33 Quinacridone Violet
$ 5.00
JA34 Light Violet
$ 5.00
JA35 Titanium White
$ 3.50
JA36 Warm White
$ 3.50
JA37 Medium White
$ 3.50
JA38 Medium Beige
$ 3.50
JA39 Light Grey Value 8
$ 3.50
JA40 Medium Grey Value 6 $ 3.50
JA41 Dark Grey Value 3
$ 3.50
JA42 Carbon Black
$ 3.50
JA43 Raw Sienna
$ 3.50
JA44 Burnt Sienna
$ 3.50
JA45 Raw Umber
$ 3.50
JA46 Burnt Umber
$ 3.50
JA47 Brown Madder
$ 7.00
JA48 Light Pearl
$ 3.50
JA49 True Silver
$ 3.50
JA50 True Gold
$ 3.50
$ 6.25
$ 7.95
$ 6.75
$ 6.95
$ 5.95
$ 5.95
$ 7.50
$ 7.95
$ 12.95
Size 3 Round
1/2 Inch Flat
Size 6 Shader
Size 8 Chisel Blender
Size 0 Script Liner
Size 2 Short Liner
3/8 Inch Angular
Size 6 Filbert Brush
$ 6.65
$ 10.85
$ 7.75
$ 8.65
$ 5.95
$ 5.95
$ 10.50
$ 8.95
Traditions Mediums
3oz. Glazing Medium
8oz. Glazing Medium
3oz. Extender/ Blending
8oz. Extender/ Blending
3oz. Multi-Surface Sealer
8oz. Multi-Surface Sealer
3oz. Satin Varnish
8oz. Satin Varnish
3oz. Faux Finishing
8oz. Faux Finishing
3oz. Texture Medium
8oz. Texture Medium
3oz. Light Primer
8oz. Light Primer
16oz. Light Primer
3oz. Dark Primer
8oz. Dark Primer
16oz. Dark Primer
$ 2.75
$ 6.00
$ 2.75
$ 6.00
$ 2.75
$ 6.00
$ 2.75
$ 6.00
$ 2.75
$ 6.00
$ 2.75
$ 6.00
$ 2.75
$ 6.00
$ 9.00
$ 2.75
$ 6.00
$ 9.00
Artists Technical Guide
Laminated Mixing Card
Hand Painted Color Card
1oz Sampler Color Set
3oz Sampler Color Set
$ 9.95
$ 2.65
$ 6.95
Jansen Art Studio Inc.
P.O. Box 290
Smoketown, PA 17576
First Class Mail