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Current Faculty
Patsy B. Reed, Ph.D.. Interim President of the University:
Professor of Foods and Nutrition
B.S.. M.S.. Ph.D.. U n i v e r s i t y of Texas. Austin: NAU 1979
Henry L. Ablin, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical
B.S.E.E.. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology;
M.S.E.E.. Ph.D.. Iowa State University; NAU 1975
John C. Acker, M.A.. Lecturer of Humanities
B.A.. M.A.. Northern Arizona University: NAU 1989
Larry D. Agcnbroad, Ph.D.. Professor of Geology
B.S.. M.S., M.A.. Ph.D., University of Arizona: N A U 1978
Thomas M. Alcoze. Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
Education: Director, Division of Native Education
B.S.. M.S.. University of North Texas; Ph.D.. Michigan
State University: NAU 1990
Anna Marie Aldaz, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Modern
B.A., M.A., University of New Mexico; Ph.D.. University
of Oregon; NAU 1984
David S. Allen, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Finance
B.S.. M.B.A.. Ph.D., Virginia Tech; NAU 1988
W. Sylvester Allred, Jr., Ph.D.. Lecturer of Biological
Sciences: Coordinator, Introductory Biology
B.S., Wayland Baptist College; Ph.D.. Northern Arizona
University; N A U 1990
Alex Alvarez, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Criminal
M.A.. Ph.D.. University of New Hampshire; NAU 1991
Tarek S. Amer, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Accounting
B.A.. B.S.. California State University, Chico; M.S.. Texas
A & M University; Ph.D., Ohio State University: NAU
Barbara Anderson, M.F.A.. Assistant Professor of
B.A.. University of Portland; M.F.A.. University of
Arizona; NAU 1993
Joseph Anderson, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
B.A.. University of California. Santa Barbara: Ph.D..
Arizona State University; NAU 1992
R. Scott Anderson, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
Environmental Sciences and Quaternary Studies:
Coordinator of Environmental Sciences, Center for
Environmental Sciences and Education
B.A.. University of Colorado; M.S.. University of Maine;
Ph.D., University of Arizona; NAU 1987
David Arnall, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physical
B.S, P.T., University of Utah; Ph.D., Brigham Young
University; NAUU 1987
Rita J. Ashcraft, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physical
B.A., B.S., Fort Hays Kansas State University; M.S.,
MacMurray College; Ph.D., University of Iowa; NAU 1971
Villiam Auberle, M.S.E., Associate Professor of Civil
B.S.I.E., M.S.E., West Virginia University; NAU 1991
Terry E. Baxter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Civil
B.S.; M.S., Ph.D., University of Kansas; NAU 1993
Clarence T. Aufdemberge, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., Concordia Teachers College; Ph.D., University of
Kansas; NAU 1970
Ronda Beaman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.A., Western Washington University; M.A., Texas Tech
University; Ph.D., Arizona State University; NAU 1989
Charles H. Aurand, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., Michigan State University; Ph.D.. University
of Michigan; NAU 1973
Harvey W. Becher, Ph.D.. Professor of History
B.A., Northwest Missouri State; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Missouri; NAU 1970
Charles C. Avery, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry
B.S., Utah State University; Certificate. 1'Ecole Nationale
des Eaux et Forets. France: M.F.. Duke University; Ph.D..
University of Washington; NAU 1974
Mark A. Beeman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociolog
B.S., M.A., Central Michigan University; Ph.D.. University
of Illinois; NAU 1989
Valeen T. Avery, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of History
B.A., Rocky Mountain College, M.A., Ph.D., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1983
Tina J. Avers, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Biological
Sciences: Curator of Deaver Herbarium
B.A.. Ph.D., University of Texas; NAU 1990
Earl L. Backman, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science:
Academic Ombudsperson and Dean of Interdisciplinary
B.S.. M.A., Ph.D.. University of Oregon; NAU 1984
Roger L. Bacon, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
B.A., M.A., University of Oregon: Ph.D. (English), Ph.D.
(Cultural Foundations of Education), University of Utah;
NAU 1972
Craig Bain, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting
B.S., California State University. Chino; Ph.D.. Texas
A&M University: NAU 1991
Alexandra Bakovych, M.A., Assistant Professor of Art
A.A.. Phoenix College: B.A.. M.A.. Arizona State
University; NAU 1969
Russell P. Balda, Ph.D.. Professor of Biology; Regents'
B.S., Wisconsin State University, Oshkosh: M.S., Ph.D..
University of Illinois; NAU 1966
Robert L. Baldwin, M.A., Assistant Professor of Music
B.M.. University of Northern Colorado: M.A.. University
of Iowa; NAU 1990
Eugene Balzer, Ph.D.. Professor of Photography
B.S.. M.Ed.. Colorado State University; Ph.D.. Iowa State
University; NAU 1972
Charles W. Barnes, Ph.D.. Professor of Geology:
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
B.S.. University of Oklahoma; M.S.. University of Idaho:
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin; NAU 1968
William R. Baron, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Historyami Quaternary Studies
B.S., Allegheny College: M.A., University of Rhode
Island; Ph.D., University of Maine; NAU 1982
James E. Bartell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
B.S., Oklahoma State University; M.A., Ph.D.. Washington
University; NAU 1967
Gary C. Bateman, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
B.S., California State University, Long Beach; Ph.D.,
University of Arizona; N A U 1967
Paul Beier, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Forestry
B.A.. Catholic University of America; M.S., Ph.D.,
University of California. Berkeley; NAU 1992
Graydon W. Bell. Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A.. North Dakota State University: M.S., Colorado State
University; Ph.D.. Kansas State University: NAU 1967-71,
Donald Bendel, Ed.D., Professor of Art
B.S., M.S.. Winona State College. Minnesota; M.F.A.,
Wisconsin State University at Milwaukee; Ed.D.. Arizona
State University; NAU 1970
H. Guy Bensusan, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Aneeles; NAU
J. Otto Berg, Ed.D.. Associate Professor of Educational
B.A., Kansas State University: M.Ed.. University of
Arizona; Ed.D.. University of Missouri; NAU 1972
G. Lennis Berlin, Ph.D.. Professor of Geography
B.S., Clarion State College: M.A., Arizona State
University; Ph.D.. University of Tennessee; NAU 19691981: 1987
Frank H. Besnette, Ph.D.. Professor of Marketing and
B.B.A.. University of Texas El Paso: M.B.A.. University of
Denver; Ph.D.. Arizona State University; NAU 1967
David M. Best, Ph.D.. Professor of Geology
B.S., M.S.. Ph.D.. University of North Carolina; NAU 1978
Douglas Biber, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
B.S., Penn State University: M.A., University of Texas;
M.A.. Ph.D.. University Southern California; NAU 1990
Ronald C. Blakey, Ph.D.. Professor of Geology: Chair.
Department of Geology
B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.S.. University of Utah;
Ph.D.. University of Iowa; NAU 1975
Virginia Blankenship, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Psychology: Chair. Department of Psychology
B.S.. Indiana State University; Ph.D.. University of
Michigan; NAU 1990
Dean W. Blinn, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
B.A., Simpson College; M.A., University of Montana;
Ph.D., University of British Columbia; N A U 1971
John VV. Bloom, Ph.D.. Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.Ed.. Miami University; Ph.D., Purdue University;
NAU 1977
David S. Brumbaugh, Ph.D., Professor of Geology
B.S.. University of Florida; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana
University; NAU 1972
Terence R. Blows, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., Ph.D.. U n i v e r s i t y College of Wales (U.K.); NAU
Paul Brynteson, D.P.E., Professor of Health, Physical
Education. Exercise Science and Nutrition; Chair,
Department of Health Physical Education, Exercise
Science and Nutrition
B.A., Concordia College; M.S., D.P.E., Springfield
College; NAU 1993
Joseph Boles, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of English;
Lecturer of Women's Studies; Director. Women's Studies
A.B., M.A.. Ph.D., Rutgers University; NAU 1983
Richard A. Borden, Ph.D., Professor of Physical
Therapy; Dean. College of Health Professions
B.S., Arizona State University; P.T., Ohio State University;
M.S., University of Kentucky; Ph.D.. The Union Institute;
NAU 1978
Lisa Borstadt, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Finance
B.S., Ph.D.. University of Utah; NAU 1990
Malcolm V. Bosse, M.S., Associate Professor of Computer
Information Systems
B.S., Northern Arizona University; M.S.. Arizona State
University; NAU 1966
Anne M. Bowen, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.S., Cornell University; M.S.. Idaho State University;
Ph.D., West Virginia University; NAU 1990
Gary J. Buckley, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science
B.A., Seattle University; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Denver; NAU 1972
Donald D. Burk, Ph.D., Lecturer of Educational
B.S., Western Michigan University; M.Ed., Ohio
University: Ph.D., University of Minnesota; NAU-Yuma
William M. Burke, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
B.A., M.A., University of Montana; Ph.D., University of
Oregon; NAU 1970
Martha Brady, M.Ed.. Lecturer of Arts in Elementary
B.S., Texas Christian University; M.Ed.. University of
Houston; NAU 1988
James W. Byrkit, Ph.D., Professor of Interdisciplinary
Studies and Environmental Sciences Program
B.S.. Menlo School of Business Administration; M.A.,
Arizona State University; M.A., Ph.D., Claremont Graduate
School; NAU 1973
Suzanne J. Bratcher, Ph.D., Associate Professor in
B.A., Baylor University; M.A.T., University of Louisville;
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University; NAU 1978
Craig B. Caldwell, Ph.D., Professor of Art
B.A., Florida Southern College; M.F.A., University of
Florida; Ph.D., Ohio State University; NAU 1976
Eileen Breslin, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Nursing;
Interim Chair, Department of Nursing
B.S.N., Northern Arizona University; M.S.N., University of
Arizona: Ph.D.. University of Colorado; NAU 1983
David E. Camacho, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political
B.A., Washington State University; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Washington; NAU 1989
Jo Ann Brewer, Ed.D.. Associate Professor of Early
Childhood Education
B.S., M.Ed.. Ed.D., Texas Tech University: NAU 1989
Dowling G. Campbell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., Tusculum College: M.A., University of Tennessee;
Ph.D., University of Missouri; NAU 1972
Spencer L. Brinkerhoff, Jr., Ph.D.. Associate Professor
of Civil Engineering; Dean. College of Engineering and
B.S.C.E., University of Arizona: M.S.E.. Ph.D., Arizona
State University; NAU 1978
Wendy A. Campione, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., State University of New York, Fredonia; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Illinois, Urbana; NAU 1981
Alison Brown, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy
B.A., University of Utah; Ph.D., University of
Massachusetts; NAU 1989
Gina Cantoni, Ph.D., Professor of Education; Regents'
Professor; Director, Center for Multicultural and Native
Doctorate in Belles Letters and Philosophy, University of
Rome, Italy; NAU 1972
Amy C. Brown, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Food/Nutrition Science
B.S., M.S., University of Hawaii; Ph.D., Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University; NAU 1988
Burton R, Brown, D.M.E., Associate Professor of
B.Mus., Brigham Young University; M.A., D.M.E.,
University of Northern Colorado; NAU 1976
Doug Brown, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Colorado State University; NAU 1985
Timothy P. Bryson, M.F.A., Associate Professor of
B.A., Brigham Young University; M.F.A., University of
Utah; NAU 1984
Gerald Caple, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
B.A., St. Olaf College; Ph.D., Florida State University;
NAU 1966
Roberto Carrasco, Ed.D., Associate Professor of
Bilingual/Multicultural Education
B.A., California State University; M.Ed., Ed.D., Harvard
University; NAU 1990
Richard W. Carroll, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Psychology; Director. Institute for Hitman Development
B.S.. University of San Francisco; M.S., Ph.D., University
of Arizona; NAU 1980
Mateo Casado-Baena, Ed.D.. Assistant Professor of Hotel
and Restuarant Management
B.A.. Metropolitan State College; M.A.. Ed.D., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1988
Carl G. Cawood, B.S.. Lecturer of Engineering and
B.S.. Northern Arizona University; NAU 1982
Teresa Chapa. Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Spanish
B.A.. California State University. Los Angeles; M.A.,
University of California. Santa Barbara: Ph.D., University
of Kansas; NAU 1990
Geoffrey Chase, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of English:
Director of Composition
B.A.. Ohio Wesleyan: M.A.T.. Miami University: A.M..
Boston College: Ph.D.. University of Wisconsin. Madison;
NAU 1992
Geeta Chowdhry, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Political
B.A., M.A.. St. John's College. Agra University (India);
Ph.D.. University of Florida: NAU 1989
Henry T. Clark, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Educational Psychology
B.A.. Princeton University; M.A.T.. Seton Hall University;
M.A.M.. PHIL. Ph.D. Teachers College of Columbia
University; NAU 1989
Robert O. Clark, Ph.D.. Lecturer of Geography
B.A.. University of California, Los Angeles: M.A..
University of Chicago: Ph.D., University of Denver; NAU
Thomas J. Cleman, D.M.A.. Associate Professor of
B.A.. Whitman College: M.A.. University of California;
D.M.A.. Stanford University: NAU 1969
Judith A. Cloud, D.Mus.. Associate Professor of Music
B.Mus. North Carolina School of the Arts: M.M.. D.Mus..
Florida State University; NAU 1989
Ward A. Cockrum. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Elementary Education
B.A.. M.Ed.. University of Arizona; Ph.D.. Arizona State
University: NAU 198?"
David A. Cohen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Marketing
and Statistics
B.A.. University of California. Los Angeles; A.M.. Ph.D..
University of Southern California; NAU 1990
Jose Colchado, Ed.D., Professor of Art Education: Dean,
College of Creative and Communication Arts
B.S., Texas Technological University; Ed.D.. I l l i n o i s State
University; N A U 1989
Kenneth W. Collier, M.S.. Lecturer of Computer Science
and Engineering
B.A., Northern Arizona University; M.S., University of
Oregon; N A U 1988
Galen R. Collins, M.S., Associate Professor of Hotel and
Restaurant Management: Assistant Dean, School of Hotel
and Restaurant Management
A.A.. Miami Dade Community College; B.B.A., M.S.,
Florida International University; NAU 1987
Charles W. Combs, M.F.A.. Assistant Professor of
Theatre: Technical Director, Lighting Design
B.F.A.. M.F.A.. University of Oklahoma; NAU 1990
William B. Cone, M.B.A., Lecturer of Computer
Information Systems
B.S., Louisiana State University: M.B.A., Northeast
Louisiana University; NAU 1989
Margaret Conger, Ed.D.. Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N.. U n i v e r s i t y of Wisconsin; M.A., California State
University: M.A., Webster College; M.S.N.. Azusa Pacific
University: Ed.D.. Nova University: NAU 1991
Jerry Conover, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing
A.B., University of Michigan; M.A.. University of
Missouri: M.A.. Ph.D.. U n i v e r s i t y of Missouri; N A U 1985
Bernd Conrad, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of German:
Director Language Learning Center
M.A.. Ph.D.. University of Texas. Austin: NAU 1992
Edith A. Copley, D.M.A., Associate Professor of Music:
Assistant Director of Choral Studies
B.A.. Luther College; M.M.. D.M.A.. College
Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati;
NAU 1990 "
David M. Cornelison, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
B.A., U n i v e r s i t y of Arizona; Ph.D.. Arizona State
University: NAU 1990
Joe Cornett, M.F.A.. Professor of Art
B.F.A.. Arizona State University: M.F.A.. California State.
Long Beach; NAU 1980
Mark Cornwall, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Physical
B.S.. P.T.. University of Maryland: M.S.. University of
North Carolina: Ph.D.. Indiana University: NAU 1988
Karen W Cotera, Ed.D. Associate Professor of
Education: Coordinator of Education Prog rams- Yuma
B.S.. Grand Cam on College; M.L.S., Universitv of
Mississippi: M.A.. Ed.D.. Northern Arizona U n i v e r s i t v ;
NAU 1988
Dan A. Cothran, Ph.D.. Professor of Political Science
B.A.. U n i v e r s i t v of California. Berkeley; M.A., Claremont
Graduate School: Ph.D.. Cornell University; N A U 1982
W. Wallace Covington, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry
B.A.. North Texas State University; M.S., University of
New Mexico; Ph.D.. Yale'University: NAU 1975
Carol Craig, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.D.. Lane Community College: B.A.. University of
California; B.S.N.. M.S.N.. Universitv of Alaska'; Ph.D.,
U n i v e r s i t v of Colorado: NAU 1991
Terry W. Crites, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia;
NAU 1990
Ardeth P. Cropper, Ed.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., University of Illinois; M.Ed., Ed.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1985
Kathryn Cruz-Uribe, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
A.B., Middlebury College; A.M., Ph.D., University of
Chicago: NAU 1989
William Culbertson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Speech
Pathology and Audiology
B.A., University of Richmond; M.S., Old Dominion
University; Ph.D., Michigan State University; NAU 1993
Ann M. Cummins, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of English
B.A., University of Oregon; M.A.. Johns Hopkins
University; M.F.A., University of Arizona; NAU 1989
Keith K. Cunningham, Ph.D., Professor of English
B.S. in Ed., Western Illinois University; B.D., Missouri
School of Religion; M.A., University of Missouri; Ph.D.,
Indiana University; NAU 1969
Suzanne R. Daiss, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., University of Texas, M.S., Ph.D., Texas A & M
University; NAU 1988
Marjorie P. Dammeyer, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of
Secondary Education
B.S., M.S., State University of New York; Ed.D., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1993
Sandra A. Dannenfeldt, M.A., Assistant Professor of
Computer Information Systems; Director of Academic
B.A., M.A., University of Northern Iowa; NAU 1965
Peter J. Daugherty, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Forestry
A.B., B.S., Ph.D., University of California. Berkeley; NAU
Jim R. Davis, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Curriculum
and Instruction
B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Missouri; NAU 1976
Anthony B. DeCou, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Electrical Engineering
A.B., Earlham College; M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; NAU 1984
Susan M. Deeds, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Latin
American History
B.A., M.A., University of Nebraska: Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1986
Douglas VV. Degher, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology
B.A., San Jose State College; M.A., Southern Oregon
College; Ph.D., Washington State University; NAU 1973
John M. DeKorte, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
A.S., Grand Rapids, Michigan Junior College; B.A., Hope
College; Ph.D., Purdue University; NAU 1966
Richard Delaney, Ph.D., Professor of Criminal Justice
B.S., Northeast Missouri State University; M.S., Southern
Illinois University; Ph.D., University of Missouri; NAU
William G. Delinger, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., Chadron State College; M.S., South Dakota School of
Mines and Technology; Ph.D., The University of Iowa;
NAU 1972
Mary Dereshiwsky, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Educational Leadership-Research
B.S., Southern Connecticut State University; M.S.,
University of New Haven; Ph.D. University of
Carl P. DeRosa, M.S., Associate Professor of Physical
Therapy: Chair. Department of Physical Therapy
B.S., Ohio University; R.P.T.. Mayo Clinic; M.S.,
University of California, Davis; NAU 1979
Leland R. Dexter, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Geography and Public Planning
B.S., M.S., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D., University
of Colorado; NAU 1989
T. Randall Dillingham, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., University of Southern Colorado; M.S., Ph.D., Kansas
State University; NAU 1989
Karl W. Doerry, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English;
Director of International Studies
M.A., University of Kansas; Ph.D., University of Oregon;
NAU 1970
Casey Donoho, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Marketing
B.A., M.B.A., California State University, Chino; Ph.D.,
University of Oregon; NAU 1992
Rebecca J. Dorsey, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geology
Ph.D., Princeton; NAU 1990
Christian E. Downum, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.A., Southwestern College; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1992
Jill Dubisch, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology
B.A., Reed College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago;
NAU 1992
Ernest M. Duebendorfer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.S., University of California, Berkeley; M.S., University
of California, Santa Barbara,; Ph.D., University of
Wyoming; NAU 1993
Frank C. Dukepoo, Ph.D., Lecturer of Biology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Arizona State University; NAU 1980
Wallace H. Duncan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., West Point; M.P.A., Harvard University; Ph.D.,
University of Wyoming; NAU 1978
Jack R. Dustman, D.B.A., Professor of Management
B.S., M.S., Arizona State University; D.B.A., University of
Southern California; NAU 1969-76, 1978
Michael Eastman, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry; Chair,
Department of Chemistry
B.A., Carleton College, Ph.D., Cornell University; NAU,
John D. Eastwood, M.S., Lecturer of Economics
B.S., M.S., University of Wyoming; NAU 1990
Kathleen D. Eastwood, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Physics & Astronomy
A.B., Dartmouth College; Ph.D., University of Wyoming;
NAU 1988
Richard R. Fernandez, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., M.A., California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D.,
Washington State University; NAU 1978
Adrienne Perry Eberhardt, M.A., Assistant Professor of
B.A., California State Polytechnic University; M.A.,
University of California, Santa Barbara; NAU 1990
Jack R. Ferrell, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Sociology
and Criminal Justice
B.A., Swathmore College; M.A.. Arizona State University;
Ph.D., University of Arizona; NAU-Yuma 1989
Diane Ebert-May, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Biological Sciences: Director. Science and Mathematics
Learning Center
B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Colorado, Boulder; NAU 1989
Thomas G. Fetsco, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Educational Psychology
B.S., M.S., M.A.. University of Wyoming; Ph.D., Texas A
& M University; NAU 1989
Joel S. Eide, Ed.D.. Professor of Fine Arts; Director, Art
Museum and Galleries
B.A., Augustana College (Sioux Falls, S.D.); M.A.,
University of Denver; Ed.D.. University of Northern
Colorado; NAU 1970
David K. Elliott, Ph.D.. Professor of Geology
B.Sc., University of Newcastle upon Tyne; Ph.D.. Bristol
University (U.K.); NAU 1981
J'Anne Ellsworth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Special
B.A.. Arizona State University; M.S., Brigham Young
University; Ph.D., Saybrook Institute; NAU 1987
Victoria L. Enders, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History
B.A., Mills College. M.A., Columbia University; Ph.D.,
University of California, San Diego; NAU 1985
Jon M. Engelhardt, Ph.D., Professor of Instructional
Leadership; Executive Director, Center for Excellence in
B.A.. M.A.. Arizona State University; Ph.D., The
University of Texas at Austin; NAU 1992
Darrel S. English, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics
A.B.. Southwestern College (Kansas); M.S.. Louisiana
State University; Ph.D., Iowa State University; NAU 1967
Christopher Everett, M.A., Assistant Professor of
B.S.. Kent State University; M.A., Northern Arizona
University; NAU 1981
Judith Everett, M.A., Associate Professor of Fashion
B.S., M.A., Kent State University; M.B.A., Arizona State
University; NAU 1979
Michael Falk, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A.. Bennington College; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin; NAU 1986
Robert Fallows, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Educational Field Sendees; Assistant Director, Arizona
NCA; Director, Summer School
B.S., Oregon College of Education; M.S.. Oregon State
University; Ph.D., Arizona State University; NAU 1982
Jay S. Farness, Ph.D., Professor of English
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A., Ph.D., University of
California, Santa Cruz.; NAU 1976
Paul J. Ferlazzo, Ph.D., Professor of English
B.A., Saint Francis College; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Oklahoma; NAU 1985
Alisa Feugate, M.Ed., Associate Professor of Dental
B.S.. M.S., Northern Arizona University: M.Ed., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1982
Robert J. Feugate, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S.E.E.. M.S.E.E.. University of Missouri Rolla; Ph.D.,
University of Arizona; NAU 1981
Dennis P. Filiger, M.A.. Assistant Professor of Aerospace
Studies; Lt. Col.. U.S. Air Force
B.A., University of Arizona; M.A.. Golden Gate
University; NAU 1989
James B. Fitzmaurice, Ph.D.. Professor of English
B.A.. Occidental College: M.A., California State
University, Long Beach; Ph.D.. University of Iowa; NAU
Alan E. Flitcraft, M.S., Associate Professor of Physical
B.S.. M.S.. Florida State University; NAU 1966
Johnny P. Flynn, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Religious
B.A.. M.A., Ph.D.. University of California, Santa Barbara;
NAU 1990
Ann T. Foster. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Humanities
B.A.. Florida State University; M.A.. Vanderbilt
University; Ph.D.. Florida State University; NAU 1977
Susan Foster-Cohen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
English; Chair. Department of English
B.A.. Ph.D.. University of Lancaster. England; NAU 1985
Pamela Foti, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Forestry
B.S.. Ohio State University: M.S., University of Nevada,
Reno; Ph.D.. University of Wisconsin; NAU 1987
Richard D. Foust, Jr., Ph.D.. Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., University of
California, Santa Barbara; NAU 1972
Bruce Fox, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Forestry
B.S.. M.F.. University of California. Berkeley; Ph.D,
University of Michigan: NAU 1985
Wayne Fox, M.S., Lecturer of Accounting
B.A., M.S., University of California. Los Angeles; NAU
Patricia E. Frederick, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
Ph.D., Rice University; NAU 1989
David F. Fukumoto, M.A., Associate Professor of
Physical Therapy
B.A.. W h i t t i e r College: M.A.. University of Southern
California; NAU 1982
Willard Gilbert, Fd.D.. Associate Professor of Bilingual
Multicultural Education
B.S.. M.A.. Northern Arizona University; Ed.D., University
of New Mexico; NAU 1986
Frederick I). Funk, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S-. M.S.. Ph.D.. Pennsylvania State University. N A U
Charlotte T. Goodluck, M.S.W.. Associate Professor of
Social Work
B.A.. Prescott College; M.S.W.. Smith College: NAU 1987
Steve Funk, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Psvchology
B.A.. Washbum University; M.A.. Broun L ' n i v e r s i t y :
M.A.. Ph.D., U n i v e r s i t y of Kansas; N A U
Lena R. Caddis, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Educational
B.S., North Georgia College; M.Ed.. Ph.D.. U n i v e r s i t y of
Georgia; N A U 1991
Barbara N. Gantt. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Spanish
B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D., Florida State University; N A U 1977
Donald R. Garrett, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Mechanical Engineering
B.S.. West Point; M.S.. Ph.D.. Texas A & M; N A U 1987
Lawrence D. Garrett, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry Dean,
School of Forestry
B.S., Southern Illinois University; M.S.. Michigan State
University: Ph.D.. Michigan State University. N A U 1984
Rebecca J. Garrison, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Social
Work; Coordinator, Social Work Program
B.A., Mount Union College; M.S.S.W., U n i v e r s i t y of
Tennessee: Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth L'niversity:
NAU 1990
Larry A. Gould. Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Criminal
B.A., M.A.. Ph.D.. Louisiana State University; NAU 1991
William Grabe, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of English
B.A.. Valporaiso University; M.A., Ohio University, Ph.D..
University of California: NAU 1984
Richard J. Griego, Ph.D.. Professor of Mathematics:
Chair. Department of Mathematics
B.S.. University of New Mexico: Ph.D.. U n i v e r s i t y of
Illinois: NAU 1992
Caitlin A. Griffith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics
and Astronomy
B.A., Johns Hopkins University; M.A., Ph.D.. State
U n i v e r s i t y of New York at Stony Brook; NAU 1993
John Norman Grim, Ph.D.. Professor of Biology
B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara: M.A.,
U n i v e r s i t y of California. Los Angeles: Ph.D., University of
California. Davis: NAU 1967
William S. Gaud, Ph.D.. Professor of Biology; Chair.
Department of Biological Sciences
B.S.. College of Charleston; Ph.D.. U n i v e r s i t y of North
Carolina: NAU 1970
William A. Groman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S.F.. Pennsylvania State University; M.F.. Ph.D., Oregon
State University; N A U 1972
Lance E. Geiger, M.A., Lecturer of Speech
B.A.. University of Colorado: M.A.. University of
Wyoming; NAU 1991
William Groves. Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Theatre
B.A., East Texas Baptist College: M.A.. Stephen F. A u s t i n
University; Ph.D.. University of Colorado; NAU 1992
Mason S. Gerety. Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Finance
B.A.. University of New Mexico; M.A.. Ph.D.. University
of Washington: NAU 1993
Karen M. Gerhart, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
B.A., Valparaiso University; M.A., U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan:
Ph.D.. University of Kansas; NAU 1992
Claudia M. Giamati, Fd.D.. Assistant Professor of
B.S.Ed., Ohio State University: M.S.. Ed.D.. University of
Michican; NAU 1991
Gerald S. Giauque, Ph.D.. Professor of Modern
B.A., Brigham Young University; M.A.. Ph D., University
of Oregon; NAU 1976
William E. Gibson, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Utah; NAU 1970
Don D. Gilbert, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
B.S., University of California; Ph.D., University of
Minnesota; NAU 1965
Wendy L. Gorman, Ph.D., Lecturer of Biological
B.S., M.S., Purdue University: Ph.D., University of Kansas;
NAU 1992
Hans M. Gunderson, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
B.A.. St. Olaf College; M.S.T.. University of New
Hampshire: Ph.D.. University of North Dakota: NAU 1974
Ronald J. Gunderson, Ph.D.. Professor of Economics;
Assistant Dean. College of Business Administration
B.A., Augustana College: M.A.. Pennsylvania State
University, Ph.D.. U n i v e r s i t y of Nebraska; NAU 1977
Cathy Gunn, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Educational
B.S., Illinois State University. M.D.. Sangamon State
University: Ph.D.. University of Oregon; NAU 1990
Joseph E. Gust, Jr., P.E., M.S.E., Associate Professor of
Engineering and Technology
A.A., Pueblo Junior College; Met.E., Colorado School of
Mines; M.S.E.. Purdue University; NAU 1976
Leo W. Haberlack, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physical
Education; Associate Dean, College of Health Professions
B.A., Minot State College; M.A., Northern Colorado
University; Ph.D., University of Utah; NAU 1964
Stuart C. Hadden, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., Sonoma State College; M.A., Ph.D., Washington
State University; NAU 1976
John W. Hagood, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., New Mexico Tech; Ph.D., University of Utah; NAU
Jerry M. Hatfield, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of
Engineering and Technology
B.S.E.E., University of California, Berkeley; M.F.A.,
University of Southern California; NAU 1984
Geraldine Hales, M.S.N., Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., University of Arizona; M.S.N., Universitsy of
California, Los Angeles; NAU 1990
Melinda D. Hawley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Georgia; NAU 1991
Richard C. Hall, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics
and Astronomy
B.A., Amherst College; Ph.D., Indiana University; NAU
Patricia Hays, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Instructional
B.S., M.A., University of Illinois; Ed.D., Northern Arizona
University; NAU 1989
Patrick R. Hannon, Ed.D., Associate Professor of
Physical Education
B.S., M.A., Northern Arizona University; Ed.D., University
of Northern Colorado; NAU 1980
Robin S. Helburn, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.S., State University of New York, Syracuse; Ph.D.,
Colorado School of Mines; NAU 1991
Paul Hansen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physical
B.S., California State University, Fresno; M.S., Ph.D.,
University of Oregon; NAU 1990
Paul Helford, M.A., Lecturer of Broadcasting and
Electronic Media
B.S., University of Illinois; M.A., Northeastern Illinois
University; NAU 1991
Lloyd W. Hanson, D.M.A., Professor of Music; Director
of Opera-Theatre
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A., D.M.A., University of
Colorado; NAU 1987
F. Theodore Helmer, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.E., Stephens Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D.,
University of Pittsburgh; NAU 1988
Ralph E. Hanson, M.S., Assistant Professor of Journalism
B.S., M.S., Iowa State; NAU 1988
Richard C. Helt, Ph.D., Professor of German
Ph.D., Washington University; NAU 1988
Deane McLure Hargrave, Ph.D., Professor of English
B.S. in Ed.. M.A., Ed.S., Northern Arizona University;
Ph.D., Arizona State University; NAU 1965
Steven R. Hemphill, D.M.A., Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., Eastman School of Music; D.M.A., Florida
State University; NAU 1991
M. William Harp, Ed.D., Professor of Reading Education
B.S., Oregon State University; M.S., Ed.D., University of
Oregon; NAU 1989
Harry Kent Hepworth, P.E., Ph.D., Professor of
Engineering and Technology
B.S.M.E.. Oklahoma State University; M.S.E., Ph.D.,
Arizona State University; NAU 1970
C. Wade Harrison, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; NAU 1969
Stephen C. Hart, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Forestry
B.S., University of California, Berkeley; M.S., Duke
University; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, NAU
David Hartman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Engineering: Chair. Mechanical Engineering
B.A., B.S.M.E.. M.S., Ph.D., Rice University; NAU 1985
Cynthia Hartzell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.A., University of Kansas; M.S. University of Chicago;
Ph.D., University of Washington; NAU 1989
Arne Hassing, Ph.D., Professor of Religious Studies;
Chair, Department of Humanities and Religious Studies
A.B., Boston University; Ph.D., Northwestern University;
NAU 1973
Lynda Hatch, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Elementary
B.A., Washington State University; M.S., Portland State
University; Ed.D., Oregon State University; NAU 1990
Margaret Hatcher, Ed.D., Associate Professor of
Educational Leadership; Associate Executive
Director/Dean, Center for Excellence in Education
B.A., M.A., Texas Christian University; Ed.D., Texas Tech
University; NAU 1986
Marc E. Herniter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Electrical
B.A., B.S.E.E., Boston University; M.S.E.E., Ph.D.,
University of Michigan; NAU 1990
Richard H. Hevly, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Botany
B.S., University of Washington; M.S., Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1966
John D. Hewitt, Ph.D., Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., Western Washington State College; M.A., Ball State
University; Ph.D., Washington State University; NAU
Harold R. Hickman, Ph.D., Professor of Broadcasting
B.S., University of Utah; M.F.A., University of Utah;
Ph.D., Brigham Young University; NAU 1977
Charles J. Hiers, M.F.A., Professor of Art and Design;
Director, School of Art and Design
M.F.A., Auburn University; NAU 1989
Wayne A. Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Chemistry; Coordinator of Student Academic Services.
College of Arts and Sciences
B.S.. University of Washington; Ph.D., Washington State
University; NAU 1975
William M. Hildred, Ph.D., Professor of Economics
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Colorado State University; NAU 1988
Arnolda Hilgert, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Management and Marketing
M. A . . U n i v e r s i t y of Redlands; M.B.A.. M.A.Ed.. Ph.D..
Claremont Graduate School; NAU-Yuma 1992
John Hill, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Theatre
B.A., Loretto Heights College; M.F.A., U n i v e r s i t y of
Nebraska; NAU 1988
Curtis M. Hinsley, Ph.D., Professor of History
B.A., Princeton University; Ph.D.. University of
Wisconsin-Madison; NAU 1988
Evelyn Hobbs, M.Ed., Associate Professor of Dental
R.D.H., University of Minnesota; B.S.. M.Ed.. University
of Washington; NAU 1990
Charles A. Hoffman, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.S.. M.A., University of Florida; Ph.D.. University of
Arizona; NAU 1972
Thomas D. Hoisch, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology
B.A., Pomona College; M.S., Vanderbilt University: Ph.D..
University of Southern California; NAU 1987
Clyde N. Holland, P.E., Ph.D., Professor of Engineering
and Technology
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute; M.S.. Duke University;
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology: NAU 1970
Robert E. Holloway, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Instructional Technology
B.A., Arizona State University; M.A., Central Washington
State Unversity; Ph.D., Syracuse University: NAU 1985
Richard F. Holm, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology
B.A., University of Colorado; M.S., University of Idaho;
Ph.D., University of Washington; NAU 1970 '
Paul R. Holmgren, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology
B.S.. Indiana University; M.S.. Southern Methodist
University: Ph.D., North Texas State University; NAU
Eric L. Holstrom, M.A., Assistant Professor of Aerospace
Studies; Captain. U.S. Air Force
B.A., Central Washington University; M.A., University of
Northern Colorado; NAU 1993
Edward W. Hood, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Spanish
B.A., M.A.. Western Illinois University; M.A., San Diego
State University; Ph.D., University of California. Irvine;
NAU 1991
Glenn M. Hookstra, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Reading, Curriculum and Instruction
B.S., M.Ed., University of Nebraska; Ph.D., Oregon State
University; NAU-Yuma 1989
Henry O. Hooper, Ph.D., Professor of Physics; Interim
Vice President for Academic Affairs
B.S., University of Maine; M.S., Ph.D., Brown University;
NAU 1981
Walter G. Hopkins III, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor
of Electrical Engineering; Chair, Department of Electrical
Engineering; Associate Dean, College of Engineering and
B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., University of Alabama; Ph.D., Auburn
University; NAU 1983
Bruce W. Horn, M.F.A., Associate Professor of Art
B.F.A., Miami University; M.F.A., Ohio State University;
NAU 1972
Peter J. Horn Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., University of Pretoria (South Africa); M.A.,
University of British Columbia; Ph.D.. University of
Oregon; NAU 1970
W. Dale Hoskins, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., Baylor University; M.F.A., Texas Christian
University; Ph.D., North Texas State University; NAU
Denver C. Hospodarsky, M.S.. Assistant Professor of
B.S.. Mississippi State University: M.S., University of
Washington; NAU 1990
Lenka M. Hospodka, M.B.A., Lecturer of Hotel and
Restaurant Management
B.S.. Cornell University; M.B.A., New York University;
NAU 1987
Dick Houser, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accounting
B.S., M.B.A., University of Colorado; Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin; NAU 1973
Steven K. Howell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., M.S., Southern Methodist University; Ph.D.,
University of British Columbia; NAU 1991
Richard M. Howey, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Hotel
and Restaurant Management
B.A., University of Kansas; B.A., M.B.A., Washington
State University; NAU 1991
Patricia Hoy, M. M., Associate Professor of Music;
Director of Bands
B.M.. M.M., University of Redlands; NAU 1985
George W. Hoyle, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Electrical
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., North Carolina State University; NAU
Guenther Huck, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Diplom. in Mathematik, Ph.D., Universitat, Frankfurt. West
Germany; NAU 1987
Robert W. Huffman, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Ohio University; Ph.D.. Indiana University: NAU
Gerald B. Hughes II, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Arizona; NAU 1973
Joe S. Hughes, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Food and
Nutrition Science
B.A., The George Washington University; M.S., Ph.D.,
Washington State University; NAU 1990
Robert W. Huffman, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Ohio University; Ph.D., Indiana University; NAU
Lester J. Hunt, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.A., Humboldt State University; Ph.D., University
of Nevada, Reno; NAU 1967
Andrea A. Hunter, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
BA., University of Colorado; M.A., Ph.D.. University ofM
i s s o u r i ; N A U 1990
Sephen T. Jackson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Biological Sciences
A. M.S., Southern Illinois University. Carbondale:
Ph.D.. Indiana University; NAU 1990
Evangeline Jacobs, M.S., Lecturer of Computerformation Svstems
BA.. Texas Technological U n i v e r s i t y ; M.S.. Stanford
niversity; NAU 1985
Robert E. Kemper, Ph.D., Professor of Management
B.A., Western State College; M.A., University of Denver;
Ph.D.. University of Washington, NAU 1973
Bob G. Kilpatrick, Ph.D.. Professor of Accounting
B.S.. M.S.. University of Southern Mississippi; Ph.D.,
Oklahoma State University: NAU 1988
Judith B. King, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Speech
Pathology and Audiology
B.S., M.S.. Humboldt State University; Ph.D., University
of Colorado, Boulder: NAU 1989
James P. Kirk, M.A.. Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A.. U n i v e r s i t y of Kansas; NAU 1968
Neil Jacobs, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Computer
BS.. University of Portland; M.B.A.. PhD.. University of
Santa Clara; NAU 1979 1985
Tom M. Kirshbaum, D.M.A.. Professor of Music
B.M.. University of Michigan; M.M., Yale University;
D.M.A.. University of Southern California; NAU 1966
Joan Jamieson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English:
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
BA.. University of Dayton; M.A.. Southern Illinois
University; Ph.D.. University of Illinois; NAU 1986
Dav id H. Kitterman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., M.A., U n i v e r s i t y of Utah; Ph.D., University of
Washington; NAU 1970
Relax E. Jerrell, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Economics
B.A., University of Kentucky; M.S.. Wright State
U n i v e r s i t y ; Ph.D., Arizona State University: NAU 1981
Tom L. Knights. M.F.A.. Professor of Art
B.F.A.. Bradley University; M.F.A., University of Illinois;
NAU 1978
Arnold R. Johnson, M.A.. Assistant Professor of English
B.A.. M.A., U n i v e r s i t y of Nebraska: NAU 1968
Thomas E. Kolb, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Forestry
B.S.. University of Tennessee; M.S.. Ph.D., Pennsylvania
State University: NAU 1993
Clarence Daniel Johnson, Ph.D.. Professor of Zoology
B.A., College of the Sequoias; B.A.. Fresno State College:
M.S.. Arizona State University: Ph.D.. University of
Califomia. Berkeley; NAU 1966
Peter Kosso, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy
B.S.. Universitv of Nevada. Reno; M.S.. Montana State
University; Ph.D.. University of Minnesota: NAU 1990
Ronald E. Johnson, M.S.. Assistant Professor of Nursing
M.S.N.. Walla Walla College; M.S.N.. University of
Arizona: NAU 1990
Kelly E. Krietsch. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.A.. University of Texas: M.S., Ph.D., Texas A & M
University; NAU 1989
Gordon P. Johnson, Ph.D.. Professor of Physics
BA.. Augsburg College: M.A., University of Minnesota;
MS.. University of Wisconsin; Ph.D.. University of
Minnesota; NAU 1969
Harlan R. Johnson, Ed.D.. Professor of Library Science
B.S.. Dickinson State College; M.L.S.. George Peabody
College; Ed.D.. University of Arizona: N A U 1968
Murphy Johnson, Ph.D.. Professor of Mathematics
B.S.Ch.E.,"M.A., Ph.D.. University of Texas. Austin; NAU
Theodore L. Johnson, M.A.. Assistant Professor of
B.S. in Ed., M.A.. Northern Arizona University; NAU 1969
Warren E. Johnson, Ed.D., Ass(>ciate Professor of
B.A.. Luther College; M.S.. Ed.D.. Oklahoma State
U n i v e r s i t ; NAU 1970
Robert Johnston, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Spanish
Ph.D., University of Oregon; NAU 1989
Michael C. Kanan, Ph.D.. Professor of Sociology
B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D., University of Iowa; NAD 1967
Paul Keim, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D.. U n i v e r s i t y of
Kansas; N A U 1989
Neil L. Kunze, Ph.D., Professor of History; Chair.
Department of History
B.S.. M.A.. University of Oregon: Ph.D.. University of
California. Los Angeles: NAU 1970
Ernest A. Kurmes, Ph.D.. Professor of Forestry
B.A.. Lehigh University: M.S., M.F.. Ph.D., Yale
University; NAU 1967
David E. Lamkin, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Engineering and Technology
B.S.E.. University of Michigan; M.S., Ph.D., University of
Arizona, NAU 1982
Paul Lansing, Ph.D.. Professor of Educational Leadership
B.S., M.A., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D., University
of Wisconsin; N A U 1971
Steve Lapan, Ph.D.. Professor of Gifted Education
B.A., Parsons College; M.Ed.. University of Illinois; Ph.D.,
U n i v e r s i t y Connecticut; NAU 1986
Gregory A. Larkin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
B.A.. Brigham Young University: M.A., University of
Wisconsin; Ph.D., Brigham Young University; NAU 1981
Robert E. Larson, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Forestry
B.A.. M.A.. U n i v e r s i t v of Northern Colorado; Ph.D..
Colorado State U n i v e r s i t v ; N A U 1976
Michael W. Latham, B.B.A., Assistant Professor of
Military- Science: Captain, U.S. Army
B.B.A., Austin Peay State University: NAU 1991
Gary Layton, Ph.D., Professor of Physics
B.A.. M.A., University of Utah; Ph.D., Utah State
University; NAU 1969
Lori L. Leachman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of South Carolina, Columbia:
NAU 1993
Albert F. Lee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Statistics
B.A.. National Cheng-Kung University; M.S., Ph.D.,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; NAU 1990
Chunhye Kim Lee, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
B.S., Abilene Christian University; M.S., Ph.D., University
of Utah; NAU 1972
Martha E. Lee, M.S., Assistant Professor of Forestry
B.S., Utah State University; M.S., Oregon State University;
NAU 1990
Richard M. Lei, M.S.J., Assistant Professor of Journalism
A.A., Phoenix College; B.S., Northern Arizona University;
M.S.J., Northwestern University; NAU 1988
James F. Lepich, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Special
B.A., M.A., Adams State College; Ed.D., University of
Northern Colorado; NAU 1971
Warren C. Lucas, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology
B.A., M.A., Illinois State University; Ph.D., Utah State
University; NAU 1973
Gave Luna, Ed.D., Professor of Vocational and
Technological Education; Chair, Department of
B.A.. Eastern Washington University; M.A., San Diego
State University; Ed.D., University Southern California,
Los Angeles; NAU 1989
Sheryl L. Lutjens, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political
B.A., University of California, Riverside; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of California, Berkeley; NAU 1987
Barry L. Lutz, Ph.D.. Professor of Physics and
Astronomy; Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.S., Lebanon Valley College; A.M., Ph.D., Princeton
University; NAU 1991
Christine Lynn, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Hotel and
Restaurant Management
A.A., Los Angeles Pierce College; B.A., California State
University, Sacramento; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University;
NAU 1992
Edwin D. Maberly, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Texas A & M University; NAU 1987
John Keong-cheong Leung, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., Northwestern University; M.A., Ph.D., Brown
University; NAU 1989
Wayne W. Mahan, Ph.D., Professor of Religious Studies
B.A., M.A., University of Arkansas: B.D., Union
Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Texas; NAU
Alan A. Lew, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geography
and Planning
B.A., University of Hawaii, Hilo; M.A., M.U.P., Ph.D.,
University of Oregon; NAU 1986
Kooros M. Mahmoudi, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology;
Chair, Department of Sociology and Social Work
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Utah State University; NAU 1981
Stan L. Lindstedt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., University of Southern California; Ph.D., University
of Arizona; NAU 1988
Michael E. Malone, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy;
Chair, Department of Philosophy
B.F.A., B.A.. University of Utah; Ph.D.. University of
Texas; NAU 1972
Joe E. Lingerfelt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., M.S., California Institute of Technology; Ph.D.,
University of California, Santa Barbara; NAU 1970
Chris A. Lockwood, M.B.A., Associate Professor of
B.G.S., Chaminade University of Honolulu; M.B.A.,
Arizona State University; NAU 1987
Alden C. Lorents, Ph.D., Professor of Computer
Information Systems
B.S., Concordia College; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of
Minnesota; NAU 1971
Eugene B. Loverich, P.E., M.S., M.A., Associate
Professor of Engineering and Technology
B.M.E., University of Detroit; M.S.E.M., Ohio University;
M.A., Eastern Michigan University; NAU 1979
Sandra B. Lubarsky, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Religious Studies
B.A., Pomona College; M.A, University of Chicago; Ph.D.,
Claremont Graduate School; NAU 1989
George Michael Lubick, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., M.A., University of Montana; Ph.D., University of
Toledo; NAU 1977
Ekkehart Malotki, Ph.D., Professor of Language
Ph.D., Universitat Munster (Germany); NAU 1977
Don L. Mansfield, Ph.D.. Professor of Political Science
B.A., San Diego State University; M.A., San Francisco
State College; Ph.D., University of Denver; NAU 1980
Robert Marcantonio, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Educational Psychology and Management
B.A., Our Lady of Providence Seminary; B.A., M.A.,
Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium; M.S., Iowa State
University; M.B.A., University of Rhode Island; Ph.D.,
Iowa State University; NAU-Yuma 1992
Karen Marcus, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of French
B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A., Ph.D.,
Stanford University; NAU 1990
Brian A. Marls, Ph.D., Professor of Finance
B.S., Pittsburg State University; Ph.D., Kansas State
University; NAU 1989
•Mae B. Maris, D.B.A., Assistant Professor of
Computer Information Systems and Management
B.S M.S., Pittsburg State University; D.B.A., Louisiana
ch University; NAU 1989
David J. Markee, Ph.D., Professor of Counseling; Vice
esidentfor Student Services
S., M.Ed., University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Ph.D.,
liversity of Missouri, Columbia; NAU 1980
maid A. Markle, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anatomy
d Physiology
S., M.S., Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University; NAU
)rman R. Martin, M.A., Assistant Professor of
S., M.A., University of California, Davis; NAU 1965
illiarn E. Martin, Jr., Ed.D., Associate Professor of
iucational Psychology; Area Coordinator. Educational
Thomas G. McPoil, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Physical Therapy
B.A., California State University, Sacramento; M.S.,
Louisiana State University; Ph.D., University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign; NAU 1988
Janet M. McShane, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., M.A.T., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D.,
University of Arizona; NAU 1979
John McTague, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Forestry
B.S., Syracuse University; M.F., Yale University; Ph.D.,
University of Georgia; NAU 1985
Jettie M. McWilliams, Ed.D., Professor of Educational
Psychology; Regional Site Coordinator, Phoenix Office
B.A., Berea College; M.A., Ed.D., University of Kentucky;
NAU 1981
,S., Iowa State University; M.A., University of Northern
wa; Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado; NAU 1986
Jim I. Mead, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology and
Quaternary Studies; Graduate Student Advisor for the
Quaternary Studies Program
B.A., M.s!, Ph.D., University of Arizona: NAU 1985
ene Matthews, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English
.A., University College. London; Ph.D., University of
alifornia, Davis: NAU 1990
Norman J. Medoff, Ph.D., Professor of Communication
B.S., University of Illinois; M.A., Michigan State
University: Ph.D.. Indiana University; NAU 1988
usanna Maxwell, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
sychology; Dean, College of Social and Behavioral
.A., Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin; NAU 1978
Ramona Netto Mellott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Educational Psychology
B.A., M.A., University of Bombay; M.S., Ph.D., University
of Southern Mississippi: NAU 1991
ryan McBride, M.A., Lecturer of Spanish
.S., Northern Arizona University; M.A., Bngham Young
tniversitv; NAU 1990
Nicholas J. Meyerhofer, Ph.D., Professor of German;
Chair. Department of Modern Languages
B.A., St. Joseph's College: M.A.. Ph.D., University of
California, Berkley; NAU 1990
-arry A. McFarlane, Ph.D., Professor of History
I.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Missouri; NAU 1962-70,
ean J. McGehee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Mathematics Education
5.S., University of Arkansas; M.Ed., Georgia State
Jniversity: M.S., University of North Texas; Ph.D.,
Jniversity of Texas, Austin; NAU 1991
tfary McGroarty, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
i.A., Macalester College; M.A., Tufts University: Ph.D.,
Stanford University; NAU 1988
David S. McKell, M.S.W., Associate Professor of Social
8.S., M.S.W.. University of Oregon: NAU 1974
Melvin R. McKnight, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., University of Wyoming; M.B.A., Stanford
University; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles;
NAU 1982
Mary McLellan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Educational Psychology
B.A., University of Texas, Austin; M.S., Ph.D., Syracuse
University; NAU 1993
Richard G. McNeill, M.I.M., Assistant Professor of Hotel
and Restaurant Management
B.S., Arizona State University; M.I.M., American Graduate
School of International Management; NAU 1989
Ilene Mezza, M.S.. Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Mercy College of Detroit; M.S.N., Arizona State
University; NAU 1990
Raymond J. Michalowski, Ph.D., Professor of Criminal
Justice; Chair, Department of Criminal Justice
B.A.. M.A., Fordham University; Ph.D., Ohio State
University; NAU 1991
Larry T. Middleton, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S.. University of Maryland; M.S., Idaho State University:
Ph.D., University of Wyoming; NAU 1980
Devon A. Mihesuah, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Christian University; NAU 1989
F. Michael Miles, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
B.A.. Nebraska State College, Wayne; M.S., University of
Omaha; Ph.D., University of Iowa; NAU 1969
Michael J. Miller, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English
B.A., M.A., University of Florida; Ph.D., Florida State
University; NAU-Yuma 1990
Susan Miller, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Special
Education; Coordinator for Educational Specialties,
Center for Excellence in Education
B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Missouri Columbia;
NAU 1985
W i l l i a m K. Miller, Kd.D.. Associate Professor of Hotel
and Restaurant Management
B.S., University of Nebraska: M.A.. Ed.D.. Arizona State
University; NAU 1982
Dicksun Munga/i, Ph.D.. Professor of Educational
B.A.. Momingside College: P.C.E.. University of LondonM.A.. Ph.D.. University of Nebraska; N A U 198X
Sam Minner, Ph.D., Professor of Special Education;
Coordinator of Instructional Leadership
B.A., M.A., Southern Illinois University: Ph.D.. University
of Arizona; NAU 1988
James T. Murphy, C.P.A., Assistant Professor of Hotel
and Restaurant Management
B.B.A.. lona College: M.B.A.. U n i v e r s i t y of Missouri;
NAU 1988
Richard Mirth. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Civil
B.S.. Pennsylvania State U n i v e r s i t y : M.S.. U n i v e r s i t y of
Wyoming; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U n i v e r s i t y ; NAU
Joseph M. Mutter, M.A.. Associate Professor of
B.S.. Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.A.. Universin
of Illionis: NAU 1961 '
Eugene Moan, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Educational
B.A.. Arizona State U n i v e r s i t y : M.A.. Ed.D.. Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1981
H. Lloyd Mogensen, Ph.D.. Professor of BiologyRegents' Professor
B.S.. Utah State University: M.S.. Ph.D.. Iowa State
University; NAU 1965
J. Dale Nations. Ph.D.. Professor of Geology: Regents'
B.S.. Arizona State University; M.S., U n i v e r s i t y of
Arizona: Ph.D.. University of California, Berkeley; NAU
Larry Mohrweis. Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
B.A., University of Washington: M.B.A.. Washington State
University; Ph.D.. University of Wisconsin: NAU 1992
Gregory L. Neal. D.B.A.. Professor of Computer
Infi >rmation S\stenis
A.S.. B.S.. University of Southern Colorado: M.A.,
University of Northern Colorado; D.B.A.. University of
Kentucky. NAU 1977
John William Monsma, Ph.D.. Professor of Speech
Communk ation
B.A.Ed.. Calvin College; M.A.. Bowling Green State
University: Ph.D., Indiana University; NAU 1970
Michael E. Nesbitt, M.S.. Associate Professor of Physical
Education: Athletic Trainer
B.A.. Idaho State University: M.S., Indiana State
University NAU 1970
Willson L. Montgomery, Ph.D.. Professor of Biology
B.A.. University of California. Berkeley; M.A.. University
of California. Los Angeles: Ph.D., Arizona State
University; NAU 1981
Alyse Neundorf, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
Bilingual Multicultural Education
B.A.. Arizona State University; M.A.. U n i v e r s i t y of
Nebraska: Ph.D.. University of New Mexico: NAU 1990
Clay L. Moore, Ph.D.. Professor of Psychology
B.S.. M.S.. Ph.D.. University of Houston; NAU 1968
Melvin K. Neville, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Computer Science
B.S.. California Institute of Technology: A.M., Harvard
University; M.S.. Loyola University of Chicago: Ph.D..
Harvard University: NAU 1984
Margaret May Moore, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.A., Valley City State College: M.S.. North Dakota State
University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota: NAU 1986
James N. Morgan, Ph.D.. Professor of Computer
Information Systems
B.S.. Southwest Missouri State University: M.A.. Ph.D..
University of Missouri: NAU 1977
Paul Morgan, Ph.D., Professor of Geology
B.S., Durham University, England: Ph.D.. London
University: NAU 1986
Margaret R. Morley, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A.. College of Wooster; M.A., Ph.D.. University of
Wisconsin; NAU 1970
Karen Mueller, M.S., Associate Professor of Physical
B.S., University of Missouri: M.S.. Northwestern
University; NAU 1987
Lanny J. Mullens, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering,
Chair, Department of Computer Science
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Arizona; NAU 1973
John L. Myers. Ed.D.. Associate Professor of Hotel and
Restaurant Management
B.S.. M.B.A.. Ed.D.. Arizona State U n i v e r s i t y : NAU 1990
Richard C. Neville, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Electrical Engineering
B.S.. M.S.. Ph.D.. California I n s t i t u t e of Technology; NAl
Rav C. Newton, M.S.. Professor of Journalism: Associate
to the President
A.B.. Fort Hays State University; M.S.. South Dakota Stat<
University; NAU 1973
Ken E. Nicolls, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anatom\
B.S.. M.S.. Ph.D.. Colorado State University; NAU 1978
Ruth E. Nicolls, M.S.. Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S.N.. University of Wyoming; M.A.. University of Iowa
NAU 1979
William F. Nietmann, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., University of the Pacific; Th.M., School of Theology
Claremont; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School; NAU 196£
Kiisa C. B. Nishikawa, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., State University, of New York, Albany; Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; NAU 1989
Signe Larson Nunez, M.A., Lecturer of Speech
B.S., Northern Arizona University; M.A., San Jose State
University; NAU 1989
David Patton, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry; Associate
Dean. School of Forestry
B.S., West Virginia University; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute; Ph.D., University of Arizona; NAU 1986
James A. O'Brien, Ph.D.. Professor of Computer
Information Systems
B.B.A., Gonzaga University; M.S., Ph.D., University of
Oregon; NAU 1982
Nancy L. Paxton, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
B.A.. Cornell University; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University:
NAU 1982
Andrew P. Odell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics
B.A., University of Iowa; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin;
NAU 1981
Rav indra Pendse, M.S.E.E., Assistant Professor of
Engineering and Technology
B.S., Osmania University; MS.E.E., Wichita State
University; NAU 1989
VVilbert I. Odem, Jr.. Assistant Professor of Civil
B.A., University of Texas; M.S.. Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU'l992
Lawrence M. Perko, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics;
Regents' Professor
B.S.. M.S.. University of Colorado: Ph.D., Stanford
University: NAU 1968
James C. O'Hara, M.F.A., Associate Professor of
Sculpture and Jewelry
B.F.A.. M.F.A.. School of the Art Institute of Chicago;
NAU 1975
Adrienne Perry, M.A., Assistant Professor of Theatre
B.A.. California State Polytechnic University: M.A.,
University of California, Santa Barbara; NAU 1990
Thomas Lon Owen, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Medical Anatomy and Physiology
A.A., Sierra Junior College; B.A., University of California,
Davis; M.A., California State University, Sacramento;
Ph.D., University of California. Davis; NAU 1974
Jon D. Ozmun, Ph.D., Professor of Management
B.S.C.E.. M.A.. Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; NAU
Richard D. Packard, Ed.D.. Professor of Education
B.S., M.S.. Fort Hays State University; Ed.D., University
of Missouri; NAU 1971
Robert \V. Packard. Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics
A.B., Bowdoin College; M.S.. Lehigh University; M.A.,
Ph.D.. Dartmouth College: NAU 1968
Nita Paden, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Marketing
B.S.. University of Texas; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of
North Texas; NAU 1993
Thomas L. Palmer, J.D., Professor of Business Law
B.S., Northern Arizona University; J.D., Arizona State
University; NAU 1974
Lea J. Parker, M.A.. Lecturer of Journalism and Speech
B.A.. Arizona State University; M.A.. Northern Arizona
University; NAU 1981
Richard A. Parker, Ph.D., Professor of Speech
B.A., M.A.. University of Houston; Ph.D.. University of
Pittsburgh. 1981; NAU 1974
Roderic A. Parnell. Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Geolog\; Director. Environmental Sciences Program
A.B.. Middlebury College; M.S., University of
Massachusetts: Ph.D.. Dartmouth College; NAU 1984
Jacqueline Parson, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Reading,
Curriculum and Instruction
B.A.. M.Ed., Ed.D., Louisiana State University; NAUYuma 1992
Evangeline Y. Parsons, M.A.. Lecturer of Navajo
M.A., Northern Arizona University; N A U 1991
Denis J. Petcovic, M.A., Assistant Professor of Military
Science; Major. U.S. Army
B.S., California University of PA; M.A., University of
Northern Colorado; NAU 1990
Jerry D. Petersen, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
B.S.. Northern Montana College; M.Ed., Ph.D., Brigham
Young University: NAU 1970"
Clayton E. Peterson, M.A., Assistant Professor of Interior
B.F.A.. M.A.. Arizona State University; NAU 1981
Daniel L. Peterson, Ed.D., Professor of Special Education
B.S.. Rockhurst College; M.A., Ed.D., University of
Missouri; NAU 1972^
Patricia J. Peterson, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Special
B.A.. M.A.t.. Rockford College; Ph.D., University of
Florida: NAU 1991
Susan J. Peterson-Mansfield, Ed.D.. Associate Professor
of Denial Hygiene; Chair. Department of Dental Hygiene
A.S.. North Dakota Slate School of Science; B.S., M.A..
Northern Arizona University; Ed.D., Memphis State
University; NAU 1974
Glenn A. Phelps, D.A., Professor of Political Science
B.A., Lebanon Valley College; M.A.. D.A., Lehigh
University NAU 1982
Dean A. Pickett, J.D.. Lecturer. Business Law; Legal
B.A., Northern Arizona University; J.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1982
James V. Pinto, Ph.D.. Professor of Economics
B.A., University of Houston; M.A., University of
Connecticut; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; NAU 1981
Christine M. Piotrowski, M.A.. Associate Professor of
Interior Design
B.A.. M.A.. University of Iowa: NAU 1981
Ronald James Piotrowski, Ed.D., Professor of Art
B.S., U n i v e r s i t y of Wisconsin; M.F.A., Pratt Institute,
Ed.D.. Ball State University; NAU 1977
Harold R. Pitt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting;
Associate Dean, College of Business Administration
B.S., University of Montana; M.S.. Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University; NAU 1981
Catherine R. Propper, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
A.B., University of California; Berkeley; Ph.D., Oregon
State University; NAU 1990
Kay C. Pitt, M.S., Lecturer of Accounting
B.S*., M.S., Oklahoma State University; NAU 1981
Karen Pugliesi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology
B.S., Utah State University; M.A., Ph.D., Washington State
University; NAU 1989
John R. Placer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Engineering
and Technology
B.S., California Polytechnic; M.S., University of
California, Santa Barbara; M.S., University of Arizona;
Ph.D., Oregon State University; NAU 1989
F. Jeffrey Platt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History
B.S.. M.A., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., Michigan
State University; NAU 1973
Monte M. Poen, Ph.D., Professor of American History;
Regents' Professor
B.A., California State University, San Jose; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Missouri; NAU 1966
Gilbert C. Pogany, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
B.S.. Belmont College; M.S., Ph.D., Tulane University;
NAU 1969
Robert A. Poirier, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science
B.A., St. Michael's College (Vermont); M.A., University of
Arizona; Ph.D., University of Utah; NAU 1977
Sharon B. Porter, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech
Communication; Co-Director ofForensics, School of
B.A., Florida Southern College; M.A., University of South
Florida; Ph.D.. Louisiana State University; NAU 1981
Timothy L. Porter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S.. M.S., California State University-Fresno; Ph.D.,
Arizona State University; NAU 1988
Richard Posner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.A., State University of New York, Binghamton; M.S.,
Ph.D., Cornell University: NAU 1993
Shirley Powell, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology;
Director, Archaeology Laboratory
B.A., University of California, San Diego; M.A., Ph.D.,
Arizona State University; NAU 1987
Karen K. Powers, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Lehman College (CUNY); M.L.S., Pratt Institute;
Ph.D., New York University; NAU 1990
Larry M. Preston, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science
B.A., Arizona State University; M.A., University of
Colorado; Ph.D., University of Missouri; NAU 1977
Laurie J. Price, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.A., Stanford University; M.A., M.P.H., Ph.D., University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; NAU 1989
Peter W. Price, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
B.S., University of Wales; M.S., University of New
Brunswick; Ph.D., Cornell University; NAU 1980
David Prior, Ph.D., Professor of Biology; Dean, College
of Arts and Sciences
A.B., Olivet College; M.S., Central Michigan University;
Ph.D., University of Virginia; NAU 1987
Peggy A. Raines, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Secondary
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado; NAU 1991
Wallace Rande, M.B.A., Lecturer of Hotel and Restaurant
B.A., Michigan State University; M.B.A., University of
Rhode Island; NAU 1990
Michael I. Ratliff, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Pacific Union College; M.S., Colorado State
University; Ph.D., University of Colorado; NAU 1976
Gerald N. Rau, Ed.D., Associate Professor of
Occupational and Technology Education
B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin, Stout; Ed.D.,
University of Missouri; NAU 1971
Peter Raynolds, Ph.D., Professor of Management &
Organizational Behavior
B.S., University of California at Berkley; M.B.A., Ph.D.,
University of California at Los Angeles; NAU 1983
Glenn M. Reed, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Nebraska; NAU 1966-67,
Patricia S. Reid, M.A., Associate Professor of Dental
B.S.D.H., E.F.D.H., M.A., Northern Arizona University;
NAU 1980
Thomas R. Reno, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
B.A., M.A., Arizona State University; Ph.D., Michigan
State University; NAU 1985
Loren D. Reser, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English;
Assistant Chair, Department of English
B.A., Southwest Missouri State University; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Missouri; NAU 1976
Paula Jean Rice, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Ceramics
B.S., University of Michigan; M.Ed., Pennsylvania State
University; M.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison;
NAU 1987
Merton T. Richards, Ph.D., Professor of Forest
B.S., University of Montana; M.S., Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1979
Susan Rieck, M.S., Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Ohio State University; M.S.N., Arizona State
University; NAU 1991
Florence Riegelhaupt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Spanish and Educational Foundations
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo; NAU
Nancy R. Riggs, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geology
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara; NAU 1991
Reed D. Riner, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology
B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D.. University of Colorado; NAU 1975
Adrian B. Riskin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.A.. M.A., Ph.D.. University of California. Davis; NAU
Matthew Rispoli. Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of English
B.A.. H u n t e r College City University of New York; M.A.,
University of Pennsylvania: Ph.D.. Teachers College
Columbia University; N A U 1992
Leonard G. Ritt, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science
A.B.. M.A.. University of Chicago: Ph.D.. University of
Tennessee; NAU 1967
Carol Rodriguez, M.A.. Lecturer of English
B.S.. M.A.. Northern Arizona University: NAU 1991
Manuel C. Rodriguez, Ph.D.. Professor of
BilinguaL Multicultural Education
A.A.. Palo Verde Junior College: B.S.Ed.. Northern
Arizona University: M.A.. University of Iowa: Ph.D..
University of Arizona: NAU 1968
Manny Romero, Ed.D.. Associate Professor of Journalism
B.S.. M.A.. Northern Arizona University: Ed.D.. Arizona
State University: NAU 1980
William Roosen, Ph.D.. Professor of History; Regents'
B.A.. Illinois College: Ph.D.. Universit) of Southern
California: NAU 1967
Paul Rowland. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Curriculum
and Instruction and Environmental Sciences Program;
Coordinator of Environmental Education, Center for
Environmental Sciences and Education
B.A., M.S.. Rutgers University: Ph.D.. New Mexico State
University: NAU 1989
Wesley J. Rozema. M.S.. Associate Professor of
A.B.. Calvin College: M.S.. Northern Arizona University:
NAU 1963
George Rudebusch, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.A.. Carroll College: M.A.. Ph.D.. Universit\ of
Wisconsin. Madison; N A U 1988
W i l l i a m J. Rugg. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.A.. Barrington College: M.S.. Utah State U n i v e r s i t y :
Ph.D.. The U n i v e r s i t y of Mississippi: N A U 1990
Howard G. Salisbury, Ph.D., Professor of Geography
B.A.. University of California. Santa Barbara; M.A.. Ph.D..
University of California. Uos Angeles; NAU 1971
Malathi Sandhu, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Instructional Leadership
B.S., Maharaja Sayajirao University, India; M.S.. Oregon
State University: Ph.D.. Pennsylvania State University:
NAU 1990
Michael R. Sanera, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Political
B.A.. Arizona State University: M.A., Boston University:
Ph.D.. University of Colorado; NAU 1979
Adelaida Santana, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Educational Psychology
B.A.. M.A.. B.S.. Ed.S.. Ph.D.. Kent State University;
NAU 1988
Kathryn S. Savage. M.B.A.. Assistant Professor of
B.B.A.. Idaho State University; M.B.A., Washington State
University: NAU 1991
Scott M. Savage. Ph.D.. Professor of Chemistry
B.S.. Brigham Young University: M.S., Ph.D.. University
of Illinois: NAU 1963
Blase S. Scarnati. M.A.. Assistant Professor of Music
B.M.. Youngstown State University: M.M.. Northwestern
University, M.A.. University of Pittsburgh: NAU 1991
Rebecca Kemper Scarnati, M.M.. Assistant Professor of
B.M.E.. M.M.. Indiana University NAU 1991
Karen E. Schairer, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Spanish
B.A.. Willamette University: M.A.. Ph.D.. Universit) of
New Mexico: N A U 1990
Nor\in H. Schaper, III. Ed.D.. Lecturer of Speech
B.A.. M.A.. California State University. Fullerton: Ed.D..
United States International University: NAU 1986
Phyllis M. Schiller, D.S.W.. A.ssociate Professor of Social
B.A.. U n i v e r s i t y of Pittsburgh: M.S.W., New York
University; D.S.W.. University of Utah; NAU 1980
Nancy Schilling, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Educati<>na!
B.A.. M.A.. Southern Illinois University; Ph.D., University
of Ne\\ Mexico; N A U 1989
Philip Reed Rulon, Ed.D.. Professor of History
B.A.. Vv'ashburn University: M.A.. Emporia Slate
U n i v e r s u s : Ed.D.. Oklahoma State U n n e r s i t y : N A U 1967
Gerald L. Schmaedick. M.A.. Assitant Professor of
International Business
B.A.. Adams State College: M.A.. University of Wyoming:
NAU 1<W3
Kenneth R. Rumery, D.M.A.. Professor of Music
B.M.E.. M.M.. U n i v e r s i t y of Nebraska: D.M.A.. U n i v e r s i t y
of Colorado; N A U 1 9 7 l "
J u l i e Schimmel. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Humanities
B.A., Arizona State University: M.A.. Ph.D.. New York
U n i v e r s i t y : N A U 1989
Leanne Rumery, M . A . , Lecturer of Speech
B.A.. St. Olaf College; M.A.. U n i v e r s i t ) of Nebraska:
NAU 1987
W i l l i a m C. Schul/, Ph.D.. Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Harxard Unnersity: Ph.D., University of California;
NAU 1468
Dennis P. Rusehe, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.A.. U n i v e r s i t y of Chicago; M.A.. Roosevelt U n i v e r s i t y :
Ph.D.. Uni\ersitv of Iowa; NAU l c >71
John Sciacca, Ph.D.. Axs(>ciate Professor of Health.
Physical Ediii at ion and Recreation
B.S.. U n i v e r s i t ) of Massachusetts; M.A.. Central Michigan
U n i v e r s i t ) ; M . P . H . , U n i v e r s i t y of H a w a i i ; Ph.D.. Purdue
U n i v e r s i u ; N A U 1^8>
Anne Scott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English
B.A.. University of Colorado; Ph.D.. Brown University;
NAU 1992
Bryan C. Short, Ph.D.. Professor of English
B.A., Yale University; M.A., Ph.D.. Claremont Graduate
School; NAU 1967 '
David R. Scott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Electrical
B.S.E.E.. M.S.E.E.. South Dakota State University; Ph.D.,
New Mexico State University; NAU 1990
Stephen VI. Shuster, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., University of Michigan; M.S., University of New
Mexico; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley; NAU
Frank E. Scott, D.M.A., Professor of Music: Director of
Piano Program
B.M., Cleveland Institute of Music; M.M.. Michigan State
University; D.M.A., University of Iowa; NAU 1976
Craig W. Sidles, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
B.A.. Cornell College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa;
NAU 1968
Louise H. Scott, D.M.A., Associate Professor of Music
B.M.. M.M.. Michigan State University; D.M.A..
University of Arizona; NAU 1984
Irene Silentman, M.A., Lecturer of Modern Languages
B.S.. University of New Mexico; M.A., University of
Arizona; NAU 1984
P. David Seaman, Ph.D., Professor of Linguistics
A.B.. Asbury College; M.A., University of Kentucky;
Ph.D., Indiana University; NAU 1967
James D. Simmerman, M.F.A., Professor of English
B.S.. M.A., University of Missouri, M.F.A.. University of
Iowa; NAU 1977-78;'1981
John A. Seeger, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical
B.A., Ohio State University; M.S.E.E., University of
California, Berkeley; Ph.D., Ohio State University; NAU
Wayne G. Sjoberg, Ph.D.. Professor of Psychology
B.S., Kansas State University; M.S., Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University; NAU 1967
David J. Sekeres, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Physical
B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ohio University; Ed.D., University of
Oregon: NAU 1969
Anne E. Slobodchikoff, M.A., Lecturer of Russian and
B.A.. M.A., University of California. Berkeley; NAU 1993
Philip Service, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology
A.B., Pomona College. M.P.A., Ph.D.. University of North
Carolina; NAU 1989
Constantine N. Slobodchikoff, Ph.D., Professor of
B.S., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley; NAU 1971
James D. Sexton, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology;
Regents' Professor
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles:
NAU 1973
Cathy A. Small, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.S.. University of Massachusetts; M.S., East Stroudsburg
State College: Ph.D.. Temple University; NAU 1988
Linda Shadiow, Ph.D., Professor of English ami
Secondary Education
B.S.. Bemidji State College; M.Ed., Montana State
University; Ph.D.. Arizona State University: NAU 1985
Francis E. Smiley, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.A.. University of Colorado, Boulder; M.A., University of
Wyoming; Ph.D. University of Michigan; NAU 1992
Richard F. Shand, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., University of California, Davis; M.S.. California State
University. Long Beach; Ph.D., University of California.
Davis: NAU 1990
Constance J. Smith, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
B.S.. Kearney State College; Ph.D., Texas Tech University;
NAU 1989
Pamela J. Sharpe, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Bilingual
Multicultural Education
B.A., Ohio State University; M.A., University of Florida;
Ph.D., Ohio State University; NAU-Yuma 1989
Daniel J. Smith, M.A., Assistant Professor of Aerospace
Studies; Major. U.S. Air Force
B.S., Utah State University; M.A.. Webster University;
NAU 1992
L. Earl Shaw, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science;
Chair, Department of Political Science
B.A., Wake Forest University; B.D., Yale University;
Ph.D., University of North Carolina; NAU 1988
Dean Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics
B.S.. Clemson University; M.S., Oklahoma State
University; Ph.D., Texas A & M University; NAU 1989
Tom Sheeley, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music; Head
of Guitar Studies
B.A., Northern Arizona University; M.M., University of
Redlands; NAU 1989
David M. Sherry, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Philosophy; Chair, Department of Philosophy
B.A., University of Montana; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate
School; NAU 1981
Richard E. Skeen, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D.. University of Colorado; NAU 1981
Harold E. Smith, M.P.A., Assistant Professor of Criminal
A.A., B.S., M.P.A., Brigham Young University; NAU 1976
Zachary Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science;
Director of Master's of Public Administration Program
B.A., California State University, Fullerton; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of California, Santa Barbara; NAU 1989
Frederic I. Solop, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political
B.A., Pennsylvania State.University; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers
University; NAU 1990
Martin D. Sommerness, J.D., Associate Professor of
Journalism; University Pre-Law Coordinator
B.A., M.A., Michigan State University; J.D., Wayne State
University; NAU 1981
James W. Swift, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz; Ph.D.,
University of California, Berkeley; NAU 1990
Harold K. Speidel, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology
B.S., Memphis State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of
Houston; NAU 1974
Christine Sylvester, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Political Science
B.A.. Albertus Magnus; M.A., Boston University, Ph.D.,
University of Kentucky; NAU 1988
Paul J. Staskey, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
B.S., Sam Houston State University; M.Ed., University of
Houston; Ph.D., University of Iowa; NAU 1972
Jack S. States, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
B.A.Ed., M.S., University of Wyoming; Ph.D.. University
of Alberta. Canada; NAU 1970
David M. Szmyd, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Electrical
B.S.E.E., Ph.D.. University of Colorado; NAU 1991
Craig M. Taber, M.A.. Associate Professor of Physical
Therap\; Coordinator, Physical Therapy Clinic
B.S., R.P.T.. California State University, Northridge: M.A.,
Northern Arizona University: NAU 1978
Arnold R. Steffensen, Ed.D., Professor of Mathematics
B.A., University of Northern Colorado; M.S., Colorado
State University; Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado;
NAU 1968
Cynthia Talbot, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of History
B.A., M.A., University of Michigan; Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin. Madison: NAU 1989
Mary Ann Steger, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science
B.M., Alvemo College; M.S.. Ph.D., Southern Illinois
University: NAU 1989
Gary D. Tallman, D.B.A., Professor of Finance
B.S., University of Nebraska, Omaha: M.B.A., Creighton
University; D.B.A., University of Colorado; NAU 1976
Roxanne Stell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing
B.S.. Northern Arizona University; M.A.. Ph.D.. Oklahoma
State University; NAU 1986
Raymond P. Tamppari, Ph.D.. Professor of Biology
B.S., Eastern Michigan University; M.S., Ph.D., University
of Michigan; NAIM 969
Larry Stevens, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A.. University of Colorado, M.A., Ph.D., North Texas
State University; NAU 1985
Dennis C. Tanner, Ph.D., Professor of Speech Pathology
B.S., M.S., Idaho State University; Ph.D., Michigan State
University; NAU 1976
Fredricka Stoller, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of English
B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., University
of Michigan; Ed.D., Nothern Arizona University; NAU
Michael L. Tanner, Ed.D.. Associate Professor of
B.S., University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh; M.A.. Ed.D.,
University of Northern Colorado; NAU 1982
Paul G. Stoltz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.A., University of California. Santa Barbara; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota; NAU 1989
Jay Shiro Tashiro, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of
Environmental Sciences; Director. Center for
Environmental Science and Education
A.B.. Kenyon College: Ph.D.. Syracuse University; NAU
Linda Stratton, M.B.A., Lecturer of Finance
B.A., Brown University; M.B.A.. Northern Arizona
University; NAU 1989
Garry R. Taylor. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Education
B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D.. Arizona State University: NAU 1978
David K. Strate, Ed.D., Professor of History
B.A., St. Mary of the Plains; M.A., New Mexico Highlands
University; Ed.D.. Oklahoma State University: NAU 1970
Mark G. Taylor, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology
B.A.. University of Montana; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Colorado: NAU 1974
Ellen S. Sullins, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology
B.S., Southeast Missouri State University; M.A.. California
State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., University of
California. Riverside; NAU 1990
Aregai Tecle, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Forestry
B.A., Anderson University: M.S.. Ball State University;
M.S., Ph.D., University of Arizona: NAU 1988
Bruce M. Sullivan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Religious Studies
B.A., M.A., Trinity University; Ph.D., University of
Chicago; NAU 1986
Philip J. Swanson, M.M., Professor of Music
B.Mus, M.M., Eastman School of Music; NAU 1090
Stanley W. Swarts, Ph.D., Professor of Geography
B.S., University of Nebraska; M.A., California State
University, Long Beach; Ph.D., University of California,
Los Angeles; NAU 1972
Wai Lan Janie To, M.A., Assistant Professor of
Journalism and Public Relations
M.A., University of Georgia; NAU 1990
Ronald L. Trosper, Ph.D.. Professor of Forestry;
Director, Native American Forestry Program
B.A., M.A.. Ph.D., Harvard University; NAU 1989
Paul D. Trotta, P.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Engineering and Technology
B.S.. State University of New York, Stonybrook; M.S.,
University of Denver; Ph.D., Colorado State University;
NAU 1977
Robert T. Trotter, II, Ph.D.. Professor of Anthropology;
Chair, Department of Anthropology
B.S., University of Nebraska at Lincoln; M.A., Ph.D.,
Southern Methodist University; NAU 1985
Richard J. Turek, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of New Mexico; NAU 1981
Sally D. Tyrrell, M.A., Associate Professor of Dental
B.S., M.A., Northern Arizona University; NAU 1977
Michele Upvall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Indiana University of Pennsylvania: M.S.N..
Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., University of Utah;
Bruce Urdang, J.D., Assistant Professor of Hotel and
Restaurant Management
B.A., State University of New York; J.D., St. John's
University School of Law; NAU 1989
Gary K. Vallen, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Hotel and
Restaurant Management
B.S., University of Nevada, Las Vegas; M.B.A., University
of Nevada, Reno; NAU 1988
Thomas J. Vanderhoof, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Psychology and Counseling, Assistant Director, University
Counseling Center
B.A., University of Northern Colorado; M.Ed., University
of Georgia; Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado; NAU
Peter L. van der Loo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Religious Studies
Ph.D., Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, The Netherlands; NAU
Raymond B. VerVelde, Ed.D., Professor of Elementary
Education; Associate Executive Director,
Educational/Field Services, Center for Excellence in
B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., University of Arizona; NAU 1981
Marilya Veteto-Conrad, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of
B.A., Austin College; M.A.. Ph.D., University of Texas,
Austin; NAU 1990
Lucy C. Vigil, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Spanish
B.A*, M.A., Ph.D., University of New Mexico; NAU 1991
Virginia Vigil, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Spanish
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin: NAU 1989
Victor Villanueva, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D.. University of Washington; NAU 1987
Peter Vivona, D.M.A., Professor of Music
B.M.. Eastman School of Music; M.A., Ohio State
University; D.M.A.. Eastman School of Music; NAU 1984
Michael R. Wagner, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry
B.S., M.S.. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison):
NAU 1980
Joseph Walka, Ph.D., Professor of Economics; Dean,
College of Business Administration
A.B., Grinnell College; M.B.A.. Indiana University,
M.P.A., Ph.D., Harvard University; NAU 1985
Andrew Wallace, Ph.D., Professor of History
B.A., Ph.D.. University of Arizona; NAU 1968
Hubert Van Hoof, M.H.M., Assistant Professor of Hotel
and Restaurant Management
B.A., M.A., University of Nijmegan, Holland; M.H.M.,
University of Houston; NAU 1991
Mark B. Wallin, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Elementary
B.A., Utah State University; M.Ed., Ed.D., Arizona State
University; NAU 1992
Craig VanLengen, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of
Computer Information Systems
B.S., M.B.A., University of Colorado; Ed.D., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1983
Mary B. Walsh, M.S.N., Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Adelphi College; M.S.N., Arizona State University;
NAU 1977
Walter M. Vannette, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
A.B., Calvin College; M.S., Utah State University; Ph.D.,
University of Colorado; NAU 1976
George A. Van Otten, Ph.D., Professor of Geography;
Chair, Department of Geography and Public Planning
B.S., M.S., Oregon College of Education; Ph.D., Oregon
State University; NAU 1977
Karen VanWinkle-Swift, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., Duke University; NAU
Michael L. Vasquez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., San
Francisco State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of
California, Davis; NAU 1989
Margaret G. VerVelde, Ed.D., Professor of Elementary
B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., University of Arizona; NAU 1981
Peter S. Veinus, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Art
History; Assistant Director, School of Art and Design
B.A., M.A., Syracuse University; Ph.D., Ohio University;
NAU 1979
Everett L. Walter, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Arizona State University; M.S., Ph.D., New Mexico
State University; NAU 1962
Joseph C. Walters, Ph.D., Professor of Mass
B.S., University of Arizona. M.A., University of Texas:
Ph.D., Florida State University; NAU 1977-81, 1984
Thomas F. Waters, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Criminal
B.S., M.A., California State Polytechnic University; Ph.D.,
University of Arizona; NAU 1993
Larry Watkins, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting
B.S., Southwestern State College; M.A., University of
Oklahoma; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University; NAU 1985
Charles Thomas Way, M.M., Associate Professor of
B.M., University of Michigan; M.M., Youngstown State
University; NAU 1975
Karl E. Webb, Ph.D., professor of German
B.A., Brigham Young University; M.A., Ph.D., University
of Pennsylvania; NAU 1984
Neil Stuart Websdale, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Criminal Justice
B.S., Hull University, Hull, England; M.A., Ph.D., London
University, London, England; NAU 1993
Linda Weems, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech
Pathology; Chair, Department of Speech Pathology and
B.S., Eastern New Mexico University; M.S., Ph.D.,
University of Oklahoma; NAU 1986
Delno C. West, Ph.D., Professor of History
B.S., Northeast Missouri State University; M.A., University
of Denver; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles;
NAU 1969
John S. Westerlund, M.A., Professor of Military Science;
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
B.S., U.S. Military Academy, West Point; M.A., Utah State
University; NAU 1990
John F. Wettaw, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
B.A., Southern Illinois University; Ph.D., Michigan State
University; NAU 1967
Bob Lee Wheeler, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Texas A&I; Ph.D.. University of Texas; NAU 1988
Thomas G. W 7 hitham, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
B.S., Iowa State University; M.S., Ohio State University;
Ph.D., University of Utah; NAU 1981
David M. Whorton, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
Leadership; Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Undergraduate Studies
B.M.E., M.S., Oklahoma State University; Ph.D.,
University of Texas; NAU 1970
Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology
B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., Case
Western Reserve University; NAU 1972
Paul J. Wiener, M.B.A., Senior Lecturer of Hotel and
Restaurant Management
B.A., Claremont Men's College; B.S., University of
Nevada: M.B.A., Harvard Business School; NAU 1992
Nancy L. Wilburn, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., Central State University; M.S., Oklahoma State
University; Ph.D., Texas A & M University; NAU 1988
Robert L. Wildey, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematical
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., California Institute of Technology; NAU
David A. Williams, Ed.D., Professor of Educational
Leadership; Dean, School of Hotel and Restaurant
B.S.Ed., M.A., Ed.S., Ed.D., Northern Arizona University;
NAU 1984
Robert H. Williams, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing
B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., University of Utah; NAU 1978
Winthrop Williams, M.F.A., Associate Professor of Art
B.F.A., M.F.A., University of Kansas; NAU 1961
James D. Windes, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology
B.A., Arizona State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1966
Fairlee Winfield, Ph.D., Professor of Management
B.A., M.A., University of Maine; Ph.D., University of New
Mexico; NAU 1978
Ellen W. Wolf, M.A., Assistant Professor of Art History
B.S., Pittsburg State University; M.A., Art Education,
M.A., Studio Art, Northern Arizona University; NAUYuma 1988
Donald E. Wommack, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry
B.S., Purdue University; M.S., Ph.D.. Oregon State
University; NAU 1966
Nancy Wonders, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Criminal
B.A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D., Rutgers
University; NAU 1990
Donald Brent W ood, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry
B.S., University of Utah; M.F., Ph.D., Utah State
University; NAU 1976
Richard A. Wood, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.A., Phillips University; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Nebraska; NAU 1969
Allen Woodman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
B.A., Huntington College; M.A., Ph.D., Florida State
University; NAU 1986
Stephen J. Wright, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political
B.A., North Staffordshire Polytech, England; Ph.D.,
London School of Economics and Political Science; NAU
Michael R. Wunsch, Ed.D., Professor of Business
B.Ed., University of Wisconsin; M.S., Syracuse University;
Ed.D., University of California, Los Angeles; NAU 1969
Marianne Yoder, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S., University of San Francisco; M.S.N., Ph.D..
University of Arizona; NAU 1990
Liang Yu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Hotel and
Restaurant Management
B.A., Hang Zhou University, China; M.E., Boston
University; Ph.D.. University of Oregon; NAU 1990
Yemane B. Zecharias, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Ph.D., Cornell University; NAU 1989
R. W. Zoellner, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Inorganic
B.S.. St. Norbert College; Ph.D., Kansas State University;
NAU 1986
Jean A. Zukowski-Faust, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1984
Steven Wilson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D., University of
Washington; NAU 1980
Adjunct Faculty
Terri R. Adams, M.S.. Adjunct Clinical Instructor of
Speech Pathologv ami Audiology
A.A,. Chipola Junior College; M.S., University of South
Florida: NAU 1983
Thomas M. Alco/e, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S.. M.S.. University of North Texas: Ph.D., Michigan
State University; NAU 1990
R. Scott Anderson, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.A., University of Colorado: M.S.. University of Maine;
Ph.D.. University of Arizona; NAU 1990
James E. Babbitt, M.L.S., Adjunct Professor of History
B.A.. Stanford University; M.U.S., University of California.
Berkeley; NAU 1990
Jane O. Barnwell-Smith, M.D., Adjunct Assistant Clinical
Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
B.S.. Louisiana Tech University; M.D., Tulane University
School of Medicine; NAU 1990
Candice Corrigan, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor of
B.S.. University of Kentucky: B.A.. M.S., Purdue
University; M.S.. Idaho State University; Ph.D.. University
of Kentucky; NAU 1988
Eileen V. Coughlin, Adjunct Assistant Professor of
B.S., M.A., Central Michigan University; Ed.D.. Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1993
Martha L. Crump, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor ofBiologv
B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D.. University of Kansas: NAU 1991
Leonard F. DeBano, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S.. Colorado State University: M.S., Utah State
University; Ph.D., University of California. Berkeley; NAU
William M. Block, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.A., San Diego State University; B.S.. Michigan State
University: M.S., Humboldt State University: Ph.D.,
University of California. Berkeley; NAU 1993
Thomas T. Drysdale, Ph.D., Adjunct Associate Professor
of Education; Director. Archives for American Overseas
B.A.. M.A.. Whittier College: Ph.D., George Washington
University: NAU 1990
Kathryn K. Brewer, M.Ed., Adjunct Clinical Instructor of
Physical Therapy
B.S.. Ohio State University: M.Ed.. University of
Cincinnati; NAU 1983
Linda B. Eaton, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor of
B.A.. Rice University; M.A., Ph.D.. Brown University;
NAU 1987
James Cooke Brown, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor in Honors
B.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota; NAU 1992
Robert J. Eggert, M.S., Adjunct Professor of Business
B.S.. M.S.. University of Illinois; NAU 1976
Marylou Brubaker, B.S., Adjunct of Dental Hygiene and
B.S.. University of Iowa: NAU 1987
John R. Farella, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor of
B.A.. Stanford University, M.A.. London University; M.A.,
Ph.D.. Northwestern University; NAU 1990
Karen Burr, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S.. University of Connecticut: M.S., Ph.D.. Colorado
State University; NAU 1987
Steven VV. Carothers, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S.. M.S.. Northern Arizona University: Ph.D.. University
of Illinois; NAU 1977
David Chase, D.B.A.. Adjunct Professor of Business
B.S.. Principia College: M.B.A., Dartmouth College:
D.B.A.. Arizona State University; NAU 1983
Karen M. Clancy, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S.. University of Michigan; Ph.D., Northern Arizona
University: NAU 1991
Roger Clark, M.Phil., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S., Northern Arizona University; M.Phil., Yale
University; NAU 1987
Platt Cline, D.Litt., Adjunct Professor of History
B.G.S., D.Litt., Northern Arizona University; NAU 1982
Edwin H. Colbert, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., University of Nebraska; M.S., Ph.D., Columbia
University; NAU 1973
Richard Leo Collins, M.D., Adjunct Clinical Professor of
Phvsical Thcrapv
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology: M.D., New
Jersey College of Medicine; NAU 1991
Peter Feinsinger, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.A., Colorado College; Ph.D.. Cornell University: NAU
Deborah M. Finch, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S., Humboldt State University; M.S., Arizona State
University: Ph.D., University of Wyoming; NAU 1993
Marcus P. Ford, Ph.D., Adjunct Associate Professor of
Humanities and Religious Studies, Research Fellow
B.A.. University of Puget Sound; M.A., School of
Theology at Claremont; Ph.D.. Claremont Graduate
SchoolfNAU 1990
Alan Dean Foster, M.F.A., Adjunct Professor in Honors
B.A., M.F.A., University of California, Los Angeles; NAU
Arthur A. Frost, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
B.S., University of California; Ph.D., Princeton University;
NAU 1976
John S. Gallagher, III, Ph.D., Adjunct Research Professor
of Physics and Astronomy
B.A., Princeton University; M.S., Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin, Madison; NAU 1988
Joseph L. Ganey, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S., Humboldt State University; M.S., Ph.D., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1993
Gerald J. Gottfried, M.S., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S., City College of New York; M.S., Michigan State
University; NAU 1977
Chutima H. Ganthavorn, Ph.D., Research Associate,
Food and Nutrition
B.S., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., California
State University, Fresno; Ph.D.. Washington State
University; NAU 1990
John G. Gliege, J.D.. Adjunct Associate Professor of
Public Planning
B.A., M.P.A., J.D., Arizona State University; NAU 1990
Elizabeth E. Graham, M.S., Adjunct Clinical Instructor of
Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.A., M.S., Northern Arizona University; NAU 1988
Teryl Gordon Grubb, M.S., Adjunct Associate Professor
of Forestry
B.S., Colorado State University; M.S., University of
Washington; NAU 1993
Catherine Hanley, R.N., Adjunct Clinical Assistant of
B.S.N., Seton Hall University; M.P.H., Yale University;
R.N., Saint Mary's Hospital School of Nursing; NAU 1985
Gordon B. Haxel, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Kelley Ann Hays, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of
B.A., University of Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1992
Wayne Hite, M.F., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S., Iowa State University; M.F., University of Montana;
NAU 1986
Deidre A. Hunter, Ph.D., Adjunct Research Professor of
Physics and Astronomy
B.S., University of Arizona; M.S., Ph.D., University of
Illinois; NAU 1988
Paul J. Jackson, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., University of Washington; Ph.D., University of Utah;
NAU 1992
Gottfriend O. Lang, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of
A.B., Brown University; M.A., University of Chicago;
Ph.D., Cornell University; NAU 1992
Roman T. Lewicky, M.D., Adjunct Clinical Assistant
Professor of Physical Therapy
B.S., Holy Cross College; M.D., Northwestern University;
NAU 1985
Edarita Long, Ph.D., Adjunct Clincal Associate Professor
of Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.S.. M.A., University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., Southern
Illinois University; NAU 1983
Ivo Lucchitta, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
B.S., California Institute of Technology; Ph.D.,
Pennsylvania State University; NAU 1981
Francis Xavier Mahr, M.D., Adjunct Clinical Instructor
of Ph\sical Therapy
B.S. Notre Dame University; M.D.. Northwestern
University; NAU 1985
Joyce M. Maschinski, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., M.Ed., University of Arizona: Ph.D., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1990
Susan J. McGary, M.S., Adjunct Clinical Instructor of
Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.A., M.S., University of Illinois; NAU 1983
Vasant V. Merchant, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of
T.D., B.A, M.A., LLB., University of Bombay: M.A.,
University of Minnesota; Ph.D., University of Southern
California; NAU 1987
Michael Morales, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
B.S.. M.S., University of California. Davis: Ph.D..
University of California. Berkeley; NAU 1983
Jan Morse, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Nursing
Ph.D.. University of Utah: NAU 1989
Roland D. Mower, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of
B.S., University of Utah: M.S., Oklahoma State University:
Ph.D., University of Kansas; NAU 1990
Daniel G. Neary, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Michigan"State University; NAU 1993
Kathleen R. Jansen, M.Ed., Adjunct Clinical Instructor of
B.S., B.S.N., M.Ed., Northern Arizona University; NAU
Thomas O. Newell, M.A., Adjunct Assistant Professor of
Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., University of Arizona: M.A., Northern Arizona
University; NAU 1992
Karl Karlstrom, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
B.S., Northern Arizona University; M.S., Ph.D., University
of Wyoming; NAU 1991
Danny Newman, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor of Arts
Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from DePaul
University; NAU 1984
Anthony L. Klesert, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor of
B.A., Illinois State University; M.A., Ph.D., Southern
Illinois University; NAU 1988
Tobias J. Kreidl, Ph.D., Adjunct Research Professor of
Physics and Astronomy
Ph.D., University of Vienna, Austria; NAU 1988
Sandra Landye, B.S., Adjunct Professor of Food and
Nutrition Science
B.S., Louisiana State University; NAU 1982
Karen O'Brien, B.S.. Adjunct Research Professor of
Ph\sics and Astronom\
B.S., Fordham University; NAU 1988
Michael H. Ort, Ph.D., Research Fellow of Geology
B.S., University of California, Santa Cruz; Ph.D..
University of California, Santa Barbara; NAU 1991
William J. Palchich, M.S., Adjunct Clinical Instructor of
Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.A., College of Saint Thomas; M.A., M.S., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1984
Carl J. Phagan, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor of
Anthropology: Research Fellow
B.S., Oklahoma State University; M.S., Abilene Christian
College; M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State University; NAU 1987
Arthur M. Phillips, III, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of
B.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., University of Arizona;
NAU 1984
Barbara G. Phillips, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., University of Arizona;
NAU 1984
Stanley A. Rasmussen, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of
B.A., University of Northern Colorado; M.S., University of
New Mexico; Ph.D., University of Oregon; NAU 1992
Perry A. Ratcliff, D.D.S., Adjunct Professor of Dental
D.D.S., Indiana University; NAU 1985
Carolyn S. Shoemaker, M.A., Adjunct Research
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
B.S., M.A., Chico State College; NAU 1989
Eugene M. Shoemaker, Ph.D., Adjunct Research
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
B.S., M.S., California Institute of Technology; M.A.,
Ph.D., Princeton University; NAU 1989
Cary J. Stegman, M.D., Adjunct Associate Clinical
Instructor for Radiology
M.D., University of Michigan; NAU 1982
Lawrence E. Stevens, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.A., Prescott College; M.S., Ph.D., Northern Arizona
University; NAU 1990
John D. Strobell, Jr., Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
A.B., M.S., Ph.D., Yale University; NAU 1973
Gordon A. Swann, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
B.S., Ph.D., University of Colorado; NAU 1982
Karyn A. Reid, M.A., Adjunct Clinical Instructor of
Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.A., M.A., University of New Mexico; NAU 1983
Robert L. Swift, M.B.S., Adjunct Associate Professor of
Physics and Astronomy
B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.B.S.,
University of Colorado; NAU 1989
William H. Romme, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.A., University of New Mexico; M.S., Ph.D., University
of Wyoming; NAU 1991
Elizabeth L. Taylor, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.S., Ph.D., Harvard
University; NAU 1992
Peter G. Rowlands, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
A.A., Orange Coast College; B.A., M.A., California State
University, Fullerton; Ph.D., University of California,
Riverside; NAU 1992
Fenton Thomas, M.S., Adjunct Associate Professor of
Military Science
B.A., Tarkio College; M.S., University of Missouri; NAU
Jon Rudy, M.S., Adjunct Instructor of Food and Nutrition
B.S., Millersville State College; M.S., University of
Arizona; NAU 1988
Richard W. Tinus, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S., Wesleyan University; M.F., Duke University; Ph.D.,
University of California; Berkeley; NAU 1982
Michael J. Ryan, M.D., Adjunct Professor of Health,
Physical Education and Recreation
B.A., M.D., University of Kansas; M.A. Southern Illinois
University; NAU 1985
Zdenek Salzmann, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor of
Ph.D., University of Indiana; NAU 1989
Paul E. Sangster, M.D., Adjunct Assistant Clinical
Instructor of Physical Therapy
B.S., University of Michigan; M.S., M.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1985
Paul J. Umhoefer, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison; Ph.D.,
University of Washington; NAU 1992
Robert Utley, M.A., Adjunct Professor of History
B.S., Purdue University; M.A., Indiana University; NAU
Charles VanRiper, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., M.Ed., Colorado State University; Ph.D., University
of Hawaii; NAU 1990
Michael R. Wagner, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison; NAU
R. C. Saravanabhavan, Ed.D., Adjunct Associate
Professor of Education
B.A., M.A., Madurai University; M.A., Ed.D., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1992
Miranda Warburton, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Anthropology
B.A., George Washington University; M.A., Ph.D.,
Washington State University; NAU 1988
William O. Say re, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
B.S., Western Washington University; Ph.D., University of
Southampton; NAU 1989
A. Wesley Ward, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Geology
Ph.D., University of Washington
Robert M. Schacht, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor of
B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Michigan; NAU 1988
Randall Scott, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.A., Denison University; Ph.D., University of Texas;
NAU 1992
Gwendolyn L. Waring, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant
Professor of Forestry
B.S., Ph.D., Northern Arizona University; M.S., University
of Arizona; NAU 1993 .
Donald E. Weaver, Jr., Ph.D., Adjunct Associate
Professor of Anthropology
B.S., Tri-State; M.A., Ph.D., Arizona State University;
NAU 1984
Philip C. Weigand, Ph.D.. Adjunct Assistant Professor of
Anthropology; Research Associate
B.A., Indiana Un versity; M.A., Ph.D., Southern Illinois
University; NAU 1989
David R. Wilcox, Ph.D., Adjunct Associate Professor of
B.A., Beloit College; Ph.D., University of Arizona; NAU
Jill L. Wilson, Ph.D.. Adjunct Professor of Forestry
B.S., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley; NAU 1993
Professional Librarians
James M. Armour, M.L.S., Collection Development
B.A., M.L.S., University of Oregon: NAU 1973
Donald T. Baker, B.A.. Systems Manager
A.A., University of Florida; B.A., Florida State University;
NAU 1984
Claudia J. Bakula, M.L.S.. Associate University Librarian
B.L.S., Bowling Green State University; M.L.S., University
of Arizona; NAU 1977
Linda Brandt, M.L.S., M.B.A., Acquisitions Librarian
B.A., Texas Christian University; M.L.S., University of
California, Berkeley; MB.A., University of New
Hampshire; NAU 1992
Thomas Carpenter, M.F.A.. Access Services Coordinator
B.S., Northern Arizona University; M.F.A., University of
British Columbia: NAU 1987
Mary Beth Chambers, M.L.S.. Senior Catalog Librarian
B.S., Arizona State University: M.L.S., University of
Arizona; NAU 1983
Cynthia Childrev, M.L.S., Senior Reference Librarian
B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman's College; M.L.S.,
Simmons College, Boston; NAU 1990
Muriel J. Coil, M.S., Education SpecialisHLibrarian
B.S., University of South Dakota; M.A., University of
Denver; M.A., Northern Arizona University; NAU 19731980, 1981
Jean D. Collins, M.L.S., Dean and University Librarian
B.S., New Mexico Highlands University; M.L.S.,
University of Illinois;^AU 1969-1978," 1980
Brian Forney, M.A.L.S.. Reference Coordinator
B.M., M.A.L.S., University of Missouri, Columbia; NAU
Francisco Magnifico Griego, M.L.S., Reference!Field
Services Librarian
B.A., M.A., University of New Mexico; M.L.S., University
of Arizona; NAU 1992
Gary L. Gustafson, M.S., M.A., Reference Librarian
M.S., University of Illinois; M.A., University of Nebraska;
NAU 1988
Robert H. Hassell, M.S., A.M., Reference Librarian
B.S., M.S., University of Utah; A.M., University of
Chicago; NAU 1980
Emily S. Hill, M.L.S., Media Services Coordinator
B.S., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; M.L.S.,
University of North Carolina at Greensboro; NAU 1983
Karen Jaggers, M.L.S., Field Services Coordinator
B.A., University of Texas, Austin; M.L.S., North Texas
State University; NAU 1986
Vincel Jenkins, M.L.S., Special Formats Cataloger
B.A., Texas Tech University; M.M.E., M.L.S., University
of North Texas: NAU 1992
Kevin Ketchner, M.L.S., Reference Librarian
B.S., M.L.S.. University of Arizona, NAU 1992
Betty J. Mason, M.L.S., Field Services On-line Reference
B.A., Northeastern Oklahoma State University; M.L.S.,
University of Oklahoma; NAU 1992
William H. Mullane, M.L.S., Special Collections
B.A., University of New Mexico; M.L.S., Kansas State
Teachers College: NAU 1975
Bruce W. Palmer, M.L.S., Media Services Librarian
B.S., California Polytechnic State University; M.L.S.,
University of Arizona; NAU 1984
Victoria M. Peters, M.L.S., Bibliographic Services
B.A., Uawrence University; M.S., Mankato State
University; M.L.S.. University of Arizona; NAU 1992
Laine Sutherland, M.F.A., Curator of Photography
B.F.A., University of New Mexico; M.F.A., Arizona State
University; NAUM990
Karen Underbill, M.A., Archivist and Manuscripts
B.S., Northern Arizona University; M.A., University of
Arizona: NAU 1990
Emeritus Faculty
Arthur Adel. Ph.D.. Professor of Science and
Mathematics. Emeritus
A.B., Ph.D.. University of Michigan; NAU 1948
Chester B. Ainsworth, Ed.D., Professor of Industrial
Education, Emeritus
B.S., John Brown University; M.S.. Oklahoma State
University; Ed.D.. University of Missouri; NAU 1964
Agnes M. Allen, Ph.D.. Professor of Earth Science,
B.Ed., Illinois State University; M.A., Colorado State
College; M.A., Ph.D., Clark University; NAU 1934
Virginia V. Alwin, Ph.D., Professor of English and
Education, Emeritus
B.A., Hamline University; M.A., University of Iowa;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota; NAU 1955
J. Richard Ambler, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology.
B.A., University of Colorado; M.A., University of Arizona;
Ph.D.. University of Colorado; NAU 1967
Glenn A. Anderson, Ph.D., Professor of Biology.
B.S.. M.A.. Washington State University; Ph.D.. Oregon
State University; NAU 1964
Walter P. Applegren, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology,
B.S., Northwestern University; M.S., Ph.D., University of
Michigan; NAU 1967
Dennis H. Atkin, Ph.D., Professor of Humanities.
B.A., M.A., Brigham Young University: Ph.D., University
of Washington; NAU 1967
Charles W. Baldwin, Ph.D., Professor of Computer
Information Systems/Marketing, Emeritus
B.S.M.E., University of Vermont; M.S.M.E.. University of
Southern California; Ph.D.. Arizona State University; NAU
Richard S. Real, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Biology.
B.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., University of
California; NAU 1962
Kenneth E. Bean, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry,
B.A., Adams State College; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford
University: NAU 1962
Thomas H. Bedwell, Ph.D., Professor of Physics,
A.B., A.M., M.E., University of South Dakota; M.Nat.Sc.,
M.S., University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., University of
Nebraska; NAU 1964
Richard W. Behan, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry.
B.S.F., M.S.F., University of Montana; Ph.D., University of
California, Berkeley; NAU 1975
Allan E. Bergland, Ph. D. Associate Professor of
Economics, Emeritus
B.S., Concordia College; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of
Arizona; NAU 1966
Bert N. Bostrom, Ed.D., Professor of Journalism.
B.A., M.A., Ed.D., Arizona State University: NAU 1967
Marilyn VV. Brandom, Ph.D., Professor of Music
Education. Emeritus
B.A., B.M., M.M., University of Missouri; Ph.D.,
University of Kansas; NAU 1974
James R. Brathovde, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry,
B.A., B.A. in Ed., Eastern Washington College; M.S.,
Ph.D., University of Washington: NAU 1967
Arnold S. Brown, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, Emeritus
B.A.. Sioux Falls College; B.D.. Berkeley Baptist Divinity
School; M.S., Montana State University; Ph.D., University
of Montana; NAU 1976
J. Harvey Butchart, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics,
B.S., Eureka College: M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois;
NAU 1945
Austin Byron, B.S., Lecturer of Management, Emeritus
B.S.. Rutgers University; NAU 1983
Haskell D. Cannon, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Curriculum and Instruction, Emeritus
B.A., East Central State College (Oklahoma); M.A.,
California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., Claremont
University Center; NAU 1971
Clayton William Chance, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Engineering, Emeritus
B.S., Bradley University; M.Ed., Ph.D., University of
Texas; NAU 1967
Robert B. Corby, D.B.A., Associate Professor of
Marketing and Management, Emeritus
B.S.E.E., Union College; M.B.A., University of Chicago;
D.B.A., Arizona State University; NAU 1978
Augustus S. Cotera, Ph.D., Professor of Geology,
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Texas; NAU 1967
Pat B. Curry, Ph.D., Professor of Music, Emeritus
B.A., M.A.. Arizona State University; Ph.D.. Brigham
Young University; NAU 1960
Stanley S. Beus, Ph.D., Professor of Geology, Emeritus;
Regent's Professor
B.S.. M.S., Utah State University: Ph.D., University of
California, Los Angeles; NAU 1962
Bill W. Davis, Ph.D., P.E., Professor of Engineering and
Technology, Emeritus
B.S.M.E., Texas Technological College; M.S.M.E.. Santa
Clara University; Ph.D., Southern Methodist University;
NAU 1970
James E. Biglin, Ed.D., Professor of Psychology. Emeritus
B.A., Hastings College; M.A., Ed.D., University of
Nebraska; NAU 1962
Eugene DeCamp, M.A., Associate Professor of Industrial
Supervision, Emeritus
B.S., M.A., Northern Arizona University; NAU 1966
Sam W. Bliss, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
Leadership, Emeritus
B.S., Eastern Illinois University; M.A., Ed.S., University of
Illinois; Ph.D., Iowa State University; NAU 1970
Jack B. Dixon, P.E., Ph.D., Professor of Engineering and
Technology, Emeritus
B.S., University of Oklahoma; M.S., Louisiana Polytechnic
Institute; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University; NAU 1969
Robert F. Boothe, Ed.D., Professor of Educational
Leadership, Emeritus
B.S., Central Missouri State University; M.A., Ed.D.,
University of Missouri; NAU 1959
Garland Downum, Ph.D., Professor of History, Emeritus
B.A., M.A., University of Kansas; Ph.D., University of
Texas; NAU 1944
May M. Duncan, Ed.S., Associate Professor of Education,
B.A., A.B., Northwest Missouri State University; M.S.,
University of Wisconsin; Ed.S., Columbia University;
NAU 1953
Alan H. Eder, Ed.D. Associate Professor of Education,
B.S., Buffalo State Teachers College; M.A., Ed.D..
University of Nebraska; NAU 1972
Gladys M. Fair, M.A., Assistant Professor of Education,
B.A., M.A.. Colorado State College; NAU 1938
Herbert A. Gregg, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical
Education. Emeritus
B.S. in Ed., M.Ed., University of Missouri; NAU 1949
Joyce J. Griffen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Anthropology, Emeritus
B.A., University of Colorado; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Pennsylvania; NAU 1965-68, 1971
William B. Griffen, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology,
B.A., Whittier College; M.A., Mexico City College: Ph.D.,
University of Arizona: NAU 1964-68, 1971
Harvey D. Faram, D.B.A., Professor of Finance, Emeritus
B.S.E., M.S.E., University of Michigan; M.B.A., D.B.A.
University of Colorado; NAU 1980
Hector N. Guglielmo, Ph.D., Professor of Modern
Languages, Emeritus
B.S., M.A.. Ed.S., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D.,
University of Arizona; NAU 1979
Charles E. Fauset, Ed.D., Professor of Education,
B.A., M.A.. Indiana State University; Ed.D., Indiana
University; NAU 1950-57, 1958
Ray R. Hagelberg, Ph.D., Professor of Education,
B.A., Cornell College: M.A., Ph.D., State University of
Iowa; NAU 1957
James R. Fredrick, Ed.D., Professor of Educational
Psychology. Emeritus; Director of University Counseling
and Testing. Emeritus
A.B., Westminster College; M.Ed., Ed.D., University of
Missouri; NAU 1961
Gerald E. Hansen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political
Science, Emeritus
B.S.. M.S.. Utah State University; Ph.D., University of
Missouri; NAU 1971
Persis T. Fuller, M.A.. Associate Professor of Psychology,
B.A., Antioch College; M.A., Northern Arizona University;
NAU 1966
Clifford W. Garey, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Special
Education, Emeritus
B.S. in Ed., B.S., Central Missouri State University: M.Ed.,
University of Kansas; Ed.D., University of Northern
Colorado; NAU 1974
Ellery L. Gibson, M.A., Professor of Art. Emeritus
B.F.A., University of Colorado; M.A., University of
Northern Colorado; NAU 1954
Orazio Giusti, Dott, Professor of Modern Languages,
Maturita Classica, Doctorate. University of Padua; Cert.
Institut Phonetique, Paris; Dipl. Hautes Etudes, Bordeaus
and Toulouse Universities; Dipl. Litt. Sorbonne; NAU
Marjorie L. Glendening, M.Sci., Assistant Professor of
Biology, Emeritus
B.A., Arizona State University, M.Sci., University of
Nebraska; NAU 1947
Dale Homer Harper, Ed.D., Professor of Special
Education, Emeritus
B.S., M.A., Arizona State University; Ed.D., University of
Northern Colorado: NAU 1969-74; "l976
Charles D. Heaton, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry,
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D.,
Stanford University: NAU 1964
Earle B. Hoyt, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry,
B.A.. Middlebury College: IV Degre Alliance Francaise;
Ph.D., Tufts University: NAU 1967
Eugene M. Hughes, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics:
President Emeritus
B.S.. Chadron State College: M.S., Kansas State
University: Ph.D., George Peabody College of Vanderbilt
University; NAU 1970
Calvin E. James, Ed.D., Professor of Industrial
Education. Emeritus
B.S., Northern Arizona University; M.S., University of
Wisconsin, Stout; Ed.D., Arizona State University; NAU
1960-72, 1974
James F. Gould, D.M.A., Professor of Music, Emeritus
B.M.. Witchita State University; M.M., D.M.A., University
of Southern California; NAU 1966
Max H. James, Ph.D.. Professor of English, Emeritus
B.A.. M.A., Bob Jones University; M.A., University of
Michigan; Ph.D.. Claremont Graduate School and
University Center; NAU 1968
Eugene F. Grape, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing,
B.A., Brooklyn College; M.B.A., Ph.D., Ohio State
University; NAU 1967
Hilda Jo Jennings, Ed.D., Professor of Home Economics,
B.S., M.T., Northeastern State College; Ed.D.. Oklahoma
State University: NAU 1971
Allan B. Gray, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics,
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., New Mexico State University; N A U
John C. Johnson, M.A., Assistant Professor of
Mathematics. Emeritus
B.A., M.A., California State University. Los Angeles; NAU
Oliver VV. Johnson, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology. Emeritus
B.A., Fresno State College; M.S., Ph.D., Oregon State
University; NAU 1961
Daniel J. Julien, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Speech. Emeritus
B.A., M.A., Eastern Michigan University; Ph.D., Arizona
State University; NAU 1967
Florence M. Karlstrom, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology,
B.S., University of Alberta, Canada; M.A., University of
Chicago; Ph.D., Arizona State University; NAU 1965 73;
1975 "
Joann VV. Keali'inohomoku, Ph.D., Associate Professor
ofAnthroplogy. Emeritus
B.S.S., M.A., Northwestern University; Ph.D., Indiana
University; NAU 1970-72, 1975
Venetta B. Kell, Ed.D., Professor of Business Education,
B.S., University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma;
M.Bus.Ed., Ed'D., University of Oklahoma; NAU 1961
Elinor C. Kyte, Ph.D.. Professor of English. Emeritus
B.A., Oberlin Conservatory/College; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Texas; NAU 1961
George W. Kyte, Ph.D., Professor of History. Emeritus
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California; NAU 1966
Gerald R. Ladhoff, M.S., Professor ofCriminalJustice,
B.S., M.S., University of California, Los Angeles; NAU
Evelyn L. Lewis, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Home
Economics, Emeritus
B.S., Oklahoma Baptist University; M.A., Northern
Arizona University; Ed.D., Arizona State University; NAU
Joseph D. Liggit, Ed.D., Professor of Educational
Psychology, Emeritus
B.S.Ed., M.A., Ed.D., University of Nebraska; NAU 1969
Charles E. Little, Ed.D., Professor of Mathematics
Education, Emeritus
A.B., University of Kansas; M.S., Fort Hays Kansas State
College; Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado; NAU
Richard E. Lloyd, Ed.D., Professor of Education,
B.A., M.A., Northern Arizona University; Ed.D., Wayne
State University; NAU 1952
Lewis J. McDonald, Ed.D., Professor of Education,
B.A., M.A.. Northern Arizona University; Ed.D.,
University of Southern California; D.Litt., Northern
Arizona University; NAU 1952
Judson D. McGehee, Ph.D., Professor of English,
B.A., M.A.. Stanford University; Ph.D., University of
Michigan; NAU 1961
Joseph C. Mehrhoff, P.E., Ph.D., Professor of
Engineering and Technology, Emeritus
B.S., University of Southwestern Louisiana; M.S.,
Louisiana State University; Ph.D., University of Utah;
NAU 1968
Richard D. Meyer, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics,
B.A., M.A., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D.,
University of California, Berkeley; NAU 1966
John R. Micklich, Ed.D., Associate Professor of
Mathematics. Emeritus
B.A., Baker University; M.S., Eastern New Mexico
University; Ed.D., University of New Mexico; NAU 1963
Margaret A. Miller, M.A.Ed., Assistant Professor of
Elementary Education. Emeritus
B.S., University of Minnesota; M.A.Ed., Northern Arizona
University; NAU 1969
Robert Miller, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Industrial
Education. Emeritus
B.S.E.E., M.I.E., Utah State University; Ed.D., University
of Minnesota; NAU 1962-64, 1968-70, 1972
Charles O. Minor, D.F., Professor of Forestry, Emeritus
B.S., Iowa State University; M.S.F., D.F., Duke University;
NAU 1958
Guy Monthan, M.A., Associate Professor of Art, Emeritus
B.F.A., Syracuse University; M.A., California State
College, Los Angeles; NAU 1969
Charles G. Moore, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics,
B.S.Ed., M.S., Central Missouri State University; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Michigan; NAU 1960
William H. Lyon, Ph.D., Professor of History. Emeritus
B.S.Ed., Central Missouri State College; A.M., University
of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Missouri; NAU 1958
Margrette L. Nelson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Sociology. Emeritus
B.A., MacMurray College; M.A., University of Denver,
Ph.D., University of Colorado; NAU 1970
Arthur L. Mansure, Ph.D., Professor of Humanities,
B.A., University of Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Boston
University, NAU 1966
John A. Nicolson, Ph.D., Professor of History, Emeritus
B.A., M.A., University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D.,
Claremont Graduate School; NAU 1963-66; 1969
John W. Martin, M.A., Professor of Engineering and
Technology, Emeritus
B.S., M.A., Arizona State University; NAU 1961
Dwight E. Mayo, Ph.D., Professor of History, Emeritus
B.S., University of Maryland; M.A., Arizona State
University; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; NAU 1967
Sam F. McClanahan, Ed.D., Professor of Curriculum and
Instruction. Emeritus
B.S. in Ed.. Southeast Missouri State University; M.A.,
George Peabody College; Ed.D., University of Missouri;
NAU 1967
Katharine F. Nutt, Ph.D., Professor of History, Emeritus
B.A. in Ed., Mary Washington College; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of New Mexico; NAU 1962
Florence N. Odle, Ed.D., Associate Professor of
Elementary Education, Emeritus
B.A. in Ed., Northern Arizona University; M.S., M.Ed.,
Ed.D., University of Southern California; NAU 1966
Donald S. Overturf, Ph.D., Professor of Education,
B.A., Hastings College; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Nebraska; NAU 1970
Don Q Paris, M.A., R.T. (R), Professor, School of Health
Professions, Emeritus
B.Ed., Colorado State University; M.A., Northern Arizona
University; R.T., Brooke Medical X-Ray School; NAU
Stanley A. Rasmussen, Ph.D., Professor of Exercise
Science, Emeritus
B.A., University of Northern Colorado; M.S., University of
New Mexico; Ph.D., University of Oregon; NAU 1968
Edmund B. Rickard, M.B.A., Professor of Management,
A.B., MBA, University of Michigan; NAU 1971
Donald D. Riggs, Ph.D., Professor of Educational
Leadership, Emeritus
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.. Kansas State University; NAU 1977
Rosa S. Rivero, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish, Emeritus
B.S., B.A., Instituto de Guines (Havana, Cuba); Ph.D.,
University of Havana; NAU 1966
Howard T. Roberts, Ed.D., Professor of Education,
B.S., M.A., Ohio State University; Ed.D., Case Western
Reserve University; NAU 1976
Joseph C. Rolle, D.L.H., Associate Professor of Business
Education, Emeritus
B.A., M.A., Northern Arizona University; Ed.S., Columbia
University; D.L.H., Northern Arizona University; NAU
Sybil H. Shott, M.A., Assistant Professor of English,
B.A., Sam Houston State University; M.A., North Texas
State University; M.A., Northern Arizona University; NAU
E. Harlin Staires, Ed.D., Professor of Educational
Leadership, Emeritus
B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., University of Missouri; NAU 1970
Edgar N. Stone, D.Mus., Professor of Music, Emeritus
B.M., M.M., North Texas State University; D.Mus., Florida
State University; NAU 1970
Ralph E. Stout, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Educational
Foundations. Emeritus
B.S., M.A., East Tennessee State University; Ed.D.,
University of Tennessee; NAU 1964
William L. Strauss, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science,
A.B.. Baylor University; A.M., University of Texas; A.M.,
Ph.D., Harvard University; NAU 1956
James H. Stubblefield, Ph.D., Professor of Speech
Pathology and Audiology, Emeritus
B.B.A., University of Texas; M.S., Oregon College of
Education; Ph.D., Purdue University; NAU 1974
James Taylor, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business
Management, Emeritus
B.G.S., Rollins College; M.B.A., Florida State University;
Ph.D., Florida State University; NAU 1977
Dean A. Teel, Ed.D.. Professor of Industrial Education,
B.S., M.S., Illinois State University; Ed.D., Texas A & M
University; NAU 1971
James M. Rominger, Ph.D., Professor of Biology,
B.S., Eastern Illinois University; M.S., University of New
Mexico; Ph.D., University of Illinois; NAU 1963
Roger C. Thweatt, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology,
B.A., University of Denver. M.A., University of Montana:
Ph.D., Michigan State University; NAU 1963
Eldon S. Roth, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Higher
Education, Emeritus
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.S., Ph.D.,
University of Southern California; NAU 1975
E. James Topp, Ed.D., Professor of Educational
Leadership. Emeritus
B.S.Ed.. M.A., Northern Arizona University; Ed.D.,
Arizona State University; NAU 1974
Kenneth E. Runyon, Ph.D., Professor of Business
Administration, Emeritus
B.A., M.A., University of Kansas; Ph.D., Washington
University; NAU 1971
Priscilla Trowbridge, M.A., Professor of English.
B.A.. Keuka College: M.A., University of Michigan; NAU
Edward H. Rybnicek, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology,
B.A., Denison University; B.D., Colgate Rochester
Divinity School; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota;
NAU 1966-68, 1972
Joseph R. Troxler, P.E., Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology, Emeritus
B.S.M.E., University of Southwestern Louisiana;
M.S.M.E.. Louisiana State University; Ph.D., Texas A & M
University; NAU 1968
Eddie E. Sage, Ed.D., Professor of Curriculum and
Instruction, Emeritus
B.A., M.A., University of Northern Iowa; Ed.D., Wayne
State University; NAU 1966-69; 1971
S. Harry Tsutsui, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Geography and Planning, Emeritus
B.G.S., University of Nebraska at Omaha; M.S., Ph.D..
Oregon State University; NAU 1979
Esther Scharpenberg, M.A., Professor of Home
Economics, Emeritus
B.E., U.C.L.A., M.A., Teachers College. Columbia,
University; NAU 1952
Peter VanKleek, B.S., Professor of Hotel and Restaurant
Management. Emeritus
B.S.. Cornell University; Honorary Doctorate of Humane
Letters at Schiller International University; NAU 1986
Michael John Shott, Ph.D., Professor of Music, Emeritus
B.Mus., Western Michigan University; M.M., Ph.D.,
Indiana University; NAU 1961
Terry A. Vaughan, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology. Emeritus
B.A., Pomona College; M.A., Claremont Graduate School;
Ph.D., University of Kansas; NAU 1967
J. Lawrence Walkup, Ed.D., Professor of Higher
Education; President, Emeritus
B.S.. B.A., Central Missouri State University; M.Ed.,
Ed.D., University of Missouri; NAU 1948
Wirt C. Ward, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics,
B.S., Purdue University; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Missouri; NAU 1965
Charles S. Warren, Ph.D., Professor of Music. Emeritus
B.S.. M.M.. University of Missouri; Ph.D., Brigham Young
University; NAU 1955
Thomas J. Wenstrand, Ph.D., Professor of Humanities,
B.A., University of Northern Iowa; M.M., Northwestern
University; M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., Columbia
University; NAU 1960
Clifford E. White, Ph.D., Professor of Theater, Emeritus
B.A.. M.A., Ph.D., Wayne State University; NAU 1968
James R. Wick, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology. Emeritus
B.S., Iowa Wesleyan College; M.S.. Kansas State
University; Ph.D., Iowa State University; NAU 1959
Stanley N. Wilkes, Ph.D.. Professor of Zoology, Emeritus
B.S., M.S.. Ph.D., Oregon State University; NAU 1966
William R. Willis, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, Emeritus
B.S., West Virginia Wesleyan College; M.S., Ph.D.,
Oklahoma State University: NAU 1967
Donald L. Wolf, Ed.D., Professor of Music, Emeritus
B.S.Ed., Miami University; M.A., Ohio State University;
Ed.D.. Arizona State University; NAU 1961
Robert E. Wooldridge, Ed.D., Professor of Industrial
Education, Emeritus
B.S., Northeastern State University; M.S., Oklahoma State
University; Ed.D., University of Missouri; NAU 1967
Theodore Wyckoff, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Political Science, Emeritus
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.A., M.P.A.,
Princeton University; Ph.D., Bonn, Germany; NAU 1968