, RATES DUAL . THE *LOO ENGLTSH APPROACH TNTRODUCTTON Dual. rates are used ,. n the OK Largely to vaLue LeasehoLds. Tt use has been cat, .tici. sed because of the :- (L) Low si. nki. rig fund rates avai. LabLe, and (2) need to refLect income tax penal. ties. However, i. t has been de:Eended as the onLy way that ephemeraL i. nvestments such as LeasehoLds and extract^. ve i. ridusbri. es can be compared wi. th aLt. ernati. .ve ,. nvestments eLsewhere. TNWOOD *LLo V HOSKOT. ,D HoskoLd deve1. o0ed the dual. rate method Co overcome certai. n tribe, :en'b ae:Ei. clerici. es in the :Lnward SLngl. e rate method. "The matn probLem was that management normaLLy evaLuated projects on a si. rigLe rate basis at a rate whi. ch re^,. ecC. ed al. ,. the JCLsks invoLved and Letnvestmerit at this in. sk rate was not considered to be a pJ:acti. caL assumpt, .on" Greaves, 1.980 TRR *1.20 The Tnwood method ,. s based on the ,. ritei:naL rate o:E return (i. ICJ:') ; "Tt. ,. s that rate Wh, .. ch di. SCOuntS a, .L returns to equaL the ori. gi. na, . i. nvestment. The TRR i, s general. Ly consi. dered to be the result of caLcuLat, .. on rather than a speci. ^Led or desi. red (gi. ven) rate of return". - ATREA This does not deaL with the rei. nvestment probLem :EOJ: an i. nvestment such as a head lease. For exampLe, i. s i. t assumed i. n TRR that the i. ncome i, s Letnvested? The answer LS nO. Therefore, SI. inPI. e TRR i, s probabLy a good measure :Eoic ephemeral. investments. HoskoLd tici. ed to overcome these probLems wi. th the dual. rate method. , 2 . *L3o HOSKOLD'S METHOD (L) The i. ncome i. s appoicti. oned between return on i. nvesbment & repLacement of capi. tal. . (2) The repLacement o^ capi. ta, _ Lei. nveStment rate (. SLnk, .rig fund rate). i. s made at the (3) Some investments showed a h, .gh TRR (eg. Tt i. s impJ:acti:cal. to assume that the i. nvesto, : wouLd. in, .nes ) . reinvest at that hi. gh rate. Under the duaL rate method the sinki. rig :EUnd rate i. s aLways subst. anti. aLl. y below the return on i. nvestment (,:eumtinerati. on rate). I;^^9.4 Ite^- ,.,.@!- 6C For examp, .e, reinunerat. i. on rate: 256 SLnki. rig' fund rate: L5^; *L40 CALCULATTNG DUAL RATES ExampLe Present vaLIle of $LOOO pa, 3 year's at 20!^ paTnWOOdS (I. +' 2) 3 AMT PV PMT L/AMT PV O.2 IC O.2 ,: PV $ LOOO PA 2 . L06 L- 0,5787 O.2 L - PV 2. L06 x LOOO 2L07 HoskoLd Remuneration rate 2 5 !, pa. '. 5!^ ,a' SLnki. rig fund rate Cost of i. nvestment say $ 21.00. For each $LOOO I. ncome; .25x2L00 = $525 475 to replace capi. taL Leaves 1000-525 RepLacement of capi. .taL; 3N 1.5!^i. 475 PMT CPT E'V $ L650 Reduce to $L800 There:Eo, :e, $2LOO i, s too much. 550 . L000 - (. 25 x 1800) 3N L5^;i. 550 PMT CPT FV L91. O Therefore the pi:'i. ce patd wi. t. h the BOSkoLd method i, s between $1,800 and $L900. Sin Le Rate (L) 1.0 0 O 20^; x 21.07 42L. 4 = 42L. 4 578.6 pa. (2) 3N 20!^i. 578.6 PMT CPT E'V 2L06 The ILL' method assumes that the cap, .ta, . i. s Locked up i. n the i. nvestment. . 3 . * EXAMPLE OF THE TRR APPROACH *L50 Suppose $2487 i, s placed i. n a bank deposit. Year I. Capi. taL Tncome Outstand. i. n L 2 3 Trite rest Capital. I. 0 ^ w^. thd, cawn L735 LOOO LOOO 249 L74 751. 826 909 LOOO 91. 909 2487 2486 . The capital. wi. thdJ:awn i. s capi. tai. back i. n hand. The bank onLy pays triterest on the money i. n the account (at 1.0^;) . SLngLe rate wh^. ch assumes rei. nvestinent at 6^ can hardLy be compared wi. th si. rigLe rate' assruni. rig rei. nvestment. at 206. There^ore the advantage of dual_ rates is that both can be compared at the same rate of investment. HOSKOl. ,D' S SOLDTTON *L60 Hoskol. d's SOLuti. .on was to i. .nticoduce the SLnki. rig :EUnd rate (SE'R) as opposed to 1:1:'J:. "The SER has meani. rig onLy as a return each year on total. outLay and not on capi. tal. outstanding and i, s thus different J. n *L7o concept ^, coin the i. JCL. . Greaves, L980 . MODERN THOUGHT TRUE RATE OF RE:TURN (. 11'RR) TRR i. s based on a practi. .caL Tetnvestment rate. RELNVESTllENT PROBLEM The TRR method assumes Chat bhe whoLe cash :ELow (not onLy the replacement of capi. taL) i. s rei. nvested at the SER.