Canadian Utilities Information & Communications Technology Conference September 22-25 • Ottawa, Ontario PROGRAM PLATINUM SPONSORS Chairman’s Welcome 2015 Canadian Utilities Information & Communications Technology Hello and, on behalf of the UTC Canada team, welcome to the 2015 Canadian Utilities Information & Communications Technology conference located here in Canada’s beautiful capital, Ottawa. Based on Canadian utility input, we selected this year’s conference theme, “Advancing to a Smarter Grid through Information and Communications Technology,” and built a program that will help Canadian utilities to advance their utilities into the future by addressing such topics as network transition, field area networks, cyber-security, automation and private mobile radio, to name a few. This year we have also incorporated ample exhibit floor time, exciting vendor tours, executive panel sessions and a utility “quick-fire” session – we encourage you to participate in as many of these exciting conference opportunities as possible. As always, it is our sincerest hope that we have built an experience for you that will help you maximize your technical learning, application awareness and strategic thinking while establishing or improving peer and vendor contacts. I’m interested in your feedback and welcome your suggestions and ways in which UTC Canada can increase our value to you. Lastly, I would like to thank our members, sponsors, exhibitors, partners and conference attendees for their support of the UTC Canada organization as well as this extremely important annual event. Your commitment is vital to the sustainability of this organization and, more importantly, the value that can be realized for our members and vendors through our program of work. Enjoy this week, the conference and what Ottawa has to offer, Geoffrey P. Trofimuk, P.Eng., Manager, Network Engineering, Intelligent Networks, IT&S, SaskPower , Chair of the Board, UTC Canada Bonjour, Au nom de l’équipe UTC Canada, bienvenue dans la belle capitale canadienne Ottawa pour cette édition 2015 de la conférence annuelle du conseil canadien des télécommunications pour les services publics . La programmation de cette conférence ainsi que le thème «progresser vers un réseau plus intelligent grâce aux technologies de l’information et des télécommunications» ont été choisi en fonction des besoins de nos membres. Nous sommes convaincus que le programme de cette année aidera nos membres dans le développement de leurs réseaux futur. Parmi les sujets sélectionnés on peut noter entre autres : la conversion des réseaux, les réseaux FAN (Field Area Network), la cyber-sécurité, l’automatisation et les réseaux de radios mobiles privés. Cette année, nous avons également prévu : amplement de temps de visite pour les exposants, des visites industrielles passionnantes, des tables rondes pour les membres exécutifs ainsi qu’une session permettant aux membres d’exposer en rafale leurs projets en cours et futurs. Nous vous encourageons à participer en grand nombre à chacune de ces activités. Nous espérons sincèrement avoir construit pour vous un évènement qui permettra de maximiser vos connaissances techniques, stratégiques concernant les enjeux reliés aux applications en développement tout en établissant ou renforçant vos liens avec vos pairs et fournisseurs. J’aimerais recevoir vos commentaires et vos suggestions concernant les façons dont UTC Canada peut contribuer à augmenter l’intérêt pour ses membres. Finalement, je tiens à remercier nos membres, commanditaires, exposants, partenaires et participants à la conférence pour leur soutien à l’organisation UTC Canada. Votre engagement est essentiel à la viabilité de cette organisation et, plus important encore, les avantages pour nos membres et fournisseurs grâce à notre programme de travail. Profitez de cette semaine, de la conférence et de ce qu’Ottawa a à offrir Communications Solutions for Utilities Reliability Availability Safety TETRA - P25 - LTE - CAD Service Assured Networking for Power Utilities RAD offers energy utility customers field-proven Service Assured Networking solutions over SONE T/SDH and packet switched networks for the operational needs of their transmission and distribution (T&D) grids. These include: • Substation multiservice connectivity and migration with Traffic Duplication • Distance and differential Teleprotection • IEC 61850-3 secure substation communications • Operational core network using carrier-grade Ethernet • Distribution automation and smart metering backhaul • Integrated security and firewall tools Visit RAD at UTC Canada in Ottawa September 22-25, Booth #203 Contact RAD today at: (800 ) 444-7234 M SCHEDULE IN DETAIL BY DAY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 7:00am Registration Open 7:30 – 8:00am Breakfast 8:00 – 9:15am Opening General Session, Welcome Address & Keynote Address 9:15 – 10:15am Utility Executive Panel 10:15 – 10:30am Networking Break | Sponsored by Gatineau Salon 206/208 Presenters: Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, City of Ottawa Geoff Trofimuk, Chairman UTC Canada Board of Directors Keynote Address - Paul Madore, President & CEO, Hydro One Telecom, Inc. Gatineau Salon 206/208 Panelists: Paul Madore, President & CEO, Hydro One Telecom, Inc. Robert Boulé, General Manager-Telecommunications, Hydro-Québec Group-Techologies Sam Zurzolo, Director - Security, Architecture and Infrastructure Operations, Toronto Hydro-Electric Systems Limited Moderator: Geoff Trofimuk, Chairman UTC Canada Board of Directors 10:30am – 12:00pmConcurrent Sessions Transitioning to an Advanced Network: Technology Options, Lessons Learned, and Justification Gatineau Salon 206/208 Quantifying Communications Impact on Grid Reliability Society is highly dependent upon the availability of electricity for daily lives and economic prosperity. As a result many utilities are experiencing an increasing focus by regulators on whether distribution performance meets expected levels. By deploying more intelligent communication networks, utilities are reducing both the frequency and duration of power outages through real-time situational awareness and control of the distribution grid. An approach to quantifying the impact of communication networks on three distribution grid reliability metrics which are universally tracked and reported by distribution utilities and regulators will be explored. Using assumptions representative of many large North American distribution utilities, the discussion will quantify how the deployment of communications can help reduce the duration of customer outages (CAIDI), reduce the frequency of customer outages (SAIFI) and reduce system-wide average annual outage minutes (SAIDI). These assumptions can be replaced with a utility’s specific values when developing cost justification for their communications project. Presenter: Dave Christophe, Director, Alcatel-Lucent SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 1 Schedule in Detail by Day Schedule in Detail by Day Wednesday, September 23 continued Hydro Ottawa’s Strategic Transition to a Converged Self-healing Communications Infrastructure Hydro Ottawa is in the third year of an eight-year plan to implement a new communications network that will better support their operations and customers utilizing a more secure, reliable, and company-owned telecommunications infrastructure. To meet both current and future requirements in the operation and protection of its grid, Hydro Ottawa worked with stakeholders to create a comprehensive Systems Requirement Document (SRD) and a standards-based conceptual design. A tiered and phased approach to implementation minimizes interruptions to existing operations and distributes the capital investment while meeting the needs of planned and anticipated projects. This presentation discusses the planning and preparation involved in transitioning to a resilient and scalable telecommunications infrastructure which includes outside plant fiber optic cable, optical transport network, and field area network design and build-out and highlights lessons learned. Presenters: Charles Berndt, M.A.Sc, P.Eng, Distribution Engineer, Hydro Ottawa Steve Werner, Project Manager, Black & Veatch Best Practices Guide to Utility Communications Platform Deployment in System Automation Meeting Room 203 Telecommunications is often described as the biggest challenge to implement Smart Distribution technologies. With multiple options in the market today, there is no single guide that can help utilities make informed decisions. With the advent of Smart Grid, new field connectivity requirements have emerged that require robust connections to smart meters and distribution automation devices that include Volt/VAr, reclosers, and switches. The collection of independent connections to the backbone is no longer adequate. Thus the “access network” evolved, establishing the telecom equivalent to the “last mile” connections to aggregate data and bring it to the core backbone for delivery to the final destination control centre or central data repository. The communications architecture must support multiple services on a converged communications platform made of multiple network segments. Each network segment will have candidate technologies that may be the best fit to meet requirements of that network segment. In order to inform distribution utilities with regards to the best practices to integrate the right telecommunications technology with the desired or needed smart distribution application, CEATI’s Smart Grid Task Force recently published a report entitled “Best Practices Guide to Utility Communications Platform Deployment in Distribution Automation.’’ This presentation will focus on the information gathered and industry findings associated with this project. Presenters: Sonya Konzak, Program Manager, CEATI International Inc. Joey St. Jacques, Security & Facilities, Senior Management, Hydro Ottawa David Boroughs, Executive Advisor, Quanta Technology 12:00 – 1:15pm Networking Luncheon | Sponsored by Gatineau Salon 205/207 Advancing to a Smarter Grid through Information and Communications Technology Presenter: Alexandre Prieur, Smart Grid Projects Leader, CanmetENERGY 2 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE 1:15 – 2:15pm Utility Presentations: What’s In Progress and Coming Soon Gatineau Salon 206/208 The presentation is intended to inform both the other utilities and the vendor community of your current and planned initiatives, to help improve knowledge sharing opportunities amongst utilities and to improve project awareness for vendors. Presenters: Chuck Isaak, Communications Engineer, Manitoba Hydro Sol Lancashire, Telecom Architect, BC Hydro Luke Seewald, Director of Metering Services, London Hydro Stephen Vanderzande, Senior Network Engineer, AltaLink Geoffrey Trofimuk , Chairman of the Board UTC Canada, Manager Network Engineering, SaskPower 2:15 – 2:30pm Networking Reception | Sponsored by 2:30 – 3:45pm Concurrent Sessions Optical Networks, Implementing High Bandwidth Solutions Gatineau Salon 206/208 Optical Considerations: Utilities Shift Towards Optical IP Networks Electric utilities have seen an increasing demand for higher-bandwidth and more reliable communication systems. This is due to various reasons; from security requirements or other high bandwidth applications that are being provisioned across utility owned backbone networks. In addition electric utilities have started a shift away from leased lines, TDM technology and serial connections towards Ethernet and optical IP networks. This educational session will explore optical considerations that are specific to electric utilities of high bandwidth optical IP networks. Presenters: Matt Kitchen, Telecommunications and Network Engineer, Burns & McDonnell Daniel Newman, Telecommunications Project Manager, Burns & McDonnell Terrestrial Optical Stretch Span Applications for Utility Networks Optical stretch span applications have been used extensively in submarine applications for unrepeatered links for inter-island or festoon applications. In the context of the expanding development of the Canadian North and the increased use of the electrical grid to provide communication links, hybrid configurations making use of high-powered Raman and EDFA amplifiers can be applied to terrestrial applications to avoid the need for expensive repeater sites housed in shelters. A key part of the deployment of these systems is the selection of the fiber type to be used. The objective of this presentation is to review some of the unique design criteria associated with these systems and discuss how engagement between photonic systems suppliers, subcomponent partners as well as the construction companies associated with these terrestrial installations is fundamental to successful deployment. Presenter: Ralph Rodschat, Director Systems Engineering, Canada, Ciena Modern Land Mobile Radio: Planning, Deployment and Capabilities Meeting Room 203 SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 3 Schedule in Detail by Day Schedule in Detail by Day Wednesday, September 23 continued Case Study: Mobile Radio System Upgrade Manitoba Hydro will discuss an upgrade to their existing system encompassing over 80 sites. Areas reviewed will include: project schedule (evaluation, design, installation, cutover), project responsibilities (Manitoba Hydro and vendor), evaluation demonstrations and selection, system features, core software and network configuration, voice consoles and office interfaces, setup testing and commissioning, and lessons learned. Presenters: Reg Fierback, Technical Assistant, Manitoba Hydro Chuck Isaak, Communications Engineer, Manitoba Hydro Disaster Response Communication System for Ontario Power Generation On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake followed by a tsunami struck the east coast of Japan, causing widespread damage, including a significant loss of safety equipment and a total loss of power at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Following the loss of back-up power systems, all internal and external telecommunications links at the station were left either severely crippled or completely severed in the midst of one of the most significant nuclear disasters in our time. In the aftermath of this incident, comprehensive assessments were conducted throughout the nuclear power industry to evaluate and improve disaster response plans and the communications systems critical in supporting them. As the result of its own assessment, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), developed a project for new Rapid Deployment Disaster Management Communication Systems to be implemented at its Darlington and Pickering nuclear plants. This intention of this presentation is to educate the audience about the criteria for mission-critical communications in the nuclear power plant environment and describe how and why TETRA technology was selected by OPG as the basis for its solution. Presenter: Keith Ammons, VP Market Development, PowerTrunk, Inc. A Utility Case Study for LMR Modernization The Utilities Industry is modernizing and legacy land mobile radio is one of the many areas utilities are investing in. Luckily, modern digital mobile radio systems are becoming more than voice dispatch system, they are becoming a critical enabler for advancing the operational capabilities of grid operators. Thanks to inherent capabilities such as location, short messaging and packet data, the crystal clear digital audio quality of DMR Tier III is just one of many value attributes that make it the right choice for the value based decision maker. This session is a case study in value based decision-making. EA Networks, a long-time customer of Tait Communications, confronted the need to modernize based on achieving greater business value from their private radio system. A DMR Tier III compliant solution is what is enabling EA networks to achieve greater business value from their private radio system than ever before. Presenter: Philip Mullins, Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Tait Communications 3:45 – 4:00pm Networking Break | Sponsored by 4:00 – 5:00pm Technology Partner Executive Panel: The Future of the Industry Gatineau Salon 206/208 Unrehearsed and no holds barred.... Valued Technology Partners’ Executives share their views on the current states of the utility IT and Telecom industry, market challenges and emerging ICT opportunities for critical infrastructure organizations including power utilities, oil, gas and water. Don’t miss this enlightening, thoughtful and interactive discussion with the ICT leaders who support the critical infrastructure industry. Panelists: Keith Ammons, VP, Market Development, PowerTrunk Walter Megura, VP, Industry & Society – North America, Ericsson Additional Vendor Executives TBA 5:00 – 7:30pm Exhibit Hall Grand Opening & Networking Reception Sponsored by (insert ECI logo) Ottawa Salon THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 7:00am Registration Open 7:00 – 7:30am Breakfast 7:30 – 8:30am Concurrent Sessions Migrating to Packet Networks for Teleprotection, and Critical Low Latency Applications Gatineau Salon 206/208 Teleprotection & Current Differential Relaying Over MPLS-TP Packet Networks – How to Guarantee Latency and Asymmetrical Delays Teleprotection poses significant challenge due to stringent latency requirements as utilities modernize telecommunications infrastructure and migrate to packet-based networks. This session focuses on the specific challenges of engineering packetbased systems that support teleprotection, and details the problems posed by tight latency, as well as the specific implications for network design. Presenters will share techniques and engineering rules to guarantee on-time delivery of teleprotection traffic as compared to a packet transport network. Presenter: Bernard Brault, Sales Manager Power Utilities - North America, OTN Systems Effective Migration to Packet-Based Networks Power utilities recognize the operational and economic needs and benefits of migrating to packet-based networks, but many are reluctant to leave the time-tested reliability of SONET networks for critical applications like SCADA and teleprotection. Carrier Ethernet technology, though, has matured to incorporate sophisticated mechanisms like traffic classification, policing, shaping, and hierarchical scheduling to provide a deterministic quality of service and primacy on par with SONET networks. This session will address how network migration can be achieved cost-effectively and how utilities can continue to use their legacy communications equipment even as they introduce IP and Ethernet devices. It will also highlight the traffic management tools that ensure that critical data receives the highest transmission priority. Finally, this session will demonstrate migration scenarios starting from a mixed SONET and Packet environment towards a full scale utility Carrier Ethernet communication network. Presenter: Dave Thomas, Manager, Business Development, Utilities and Transportation, RAD Utility Technology Case Studies: BC Hydro & National Grid 4 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE Meeting Room 203 SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 5 Schedule in Detail by Day Schedule in Detail by Day Thursday, September 24 continued Communications Tests in Powertech’s Smart Utility Test Centre: Evaluation and Lessons Learned management software product in response to Tucson Electric’ and Salt River Projects’ requirement for a viable and effective solution to this challenge. Presenter: Dave Woronuk, President & CEO, MegaSys BC Hydro and Powertech, with support from Schneider Electric, developed an outdoor integration and interoperability test yard for distributed automation technologies at Powertech, referred to as the Smart Utility Test Centre (SUTC). The SUTC contains 25kV distribution power equipment, telecommunications, and data collection and management systems interconnected with Schneider’s Distribution Management System (DMS). The Fault Location/Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR) is one of the Schneider DMS application, it provides the optimal plan of control actions in the case of a fault on a feeder in the distribution network, in order to detect, locate, isolate fault and return supply to a healthy part of the faulted feeder, this application is designed to efficiently use existing equipment installed in the field in order to minimize the duration of the outage and thus improve SAIFI and SAIDI indices for different feeder configurations with various levels of protection and automation. This paper will discuss in the SUTC environment of how the DMS FLISR application is tested, the fault simulation/generation methods, the various FLISR use cases, and the test results. Presenters: Eugene Crozier, Sr. Engineer, Wireless Specialist, Smart Utility Lab, Powertech Labs Inc. Richard Guo, Smart Grid Test Engineer, Smart Utilities Lab, Powertech Labs Inc. IT/OT Convergence: Evolving Roles, Merging Teams and Integrating Technologies Meeting Room 203 Utility IT and Engineering/Operations Groups – Evolving Roles on a Common IT Platform With operations networks converging to IP-based technologies, IT groups are claiming more authority over groups and equipment traditionally out of their scope. Many political, operational and organizational issues arise when professionals administer and manage equipment that is outside of their training, whether it be IT or Engineering/ Operations professionals. Operations networks vary greatly from enterprise networks and an IT/Operations paradigm shift is required. Whether the transition includes full IP convergence, or a hybrid of IP and TDM, this presentation will discuss the future state and the relevancy of legacy technologies in the modern utility. The audience will recognize the differences between Utility and Enterprise networks, describe the challenges in merging traditionally separate groups, and collaborate effectively between IT and Engineering. Presenter: Scott Dicus, Electrical Engineer, Black & Veatch National Grid Rhode Island-Volt/Var Communications and Beyond National Grid is in the final stages of deploying a communications network and associated systems to deliver enhanced Volt /VAR performance to a sub-section of the electricity distribution network in Rhode Island, as a pre-cursor to full statewide deployment. Future subsequent stages of the project will seek to leverage the same communication network for distribution automation and smart grid deployment This session will provide an overview of the project, full details on the communications network deployed by National Grid in Rhode Island and the latest performance improvement metrics of the electricity distribution network and the performance of the communications network. The future expansion into enhanced distribution automation and new smart grid applications will also be discussed along with challenges and lessons learned. Presenter: Walter Lowes, Managing Director, Trilliant Networks 8:30 – 9:30am Concurrent Sessions Network Management and Visibility in a Secure Environment Gatineau Salon 206/208 9:30 – 10:45am Membership Meeting and Global Advisory Council Update Gatineau Salon 206/208 Join us for the ship Meeting, an update on the UTC Global Advisory Council initiatives and presentation of UTC Canada awards. Participants: Eugene Crozier, Sr Engineer, Wireless Specialist, Smart Utility Lab, Powertech Labs Inc. Sol Lanchasire, Treasurer UTC Canada - Telecom Architect, BC Hydro Peter Moray, Director Global Development, UTC Moderator: Geoff Trofimuk, Chairman UTC Canada Board of Directors 10:45 – 11:00am Networking Reception | Sponsored by 11:00am – 12:00pmConcurrent Sessions Providing Secure, Real Time Visibility to Shared Network Infrastructure Advocacy and Public Policy Update It is becoming increasingly common for utility providers to share network resources such as microwave equipment and optical network elements. To allow these cooperating utilities to better manage their networks, it is important that they have the ability to share specific information between the various cooperating utilities. When sharing microwave equipment, for example, each utility may share bandwidth over the same facility; there are other instances where individual components of a single network element are assigned to independent utilities. The challenge for the owner of the shared facilities is in providing access to network usage and performance information to the users of the facilities while maintaining the security and confidentiality of all participants, and without impacting the integrity of each utility’s intranet. This presentation will describe how MegaSys has enhanced their network UTC Canada advocates on a multitude of diverse and widespread legal and regulatory issues on behalf of our members. This legal and regulatory update is devoted to conveying the latest results of UTC Canada efforts as well as areas we are watching for future action. The session provides an overview of current regulatory issues and provides a global perspective on regulatory matters and initiatives for utilities. Presenters: Leslie Milton, Partner, Fasken Martineau Brett Kilbourne, VP, Government Affairs and Deputy General Counsel, UTC Moderator: Sol Lancashire, Treasurer UTC Canada , Telecom Architect, BC Hydro 6 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE Gatineau Salon 206/208 SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 7 Schedule in Detail by Day Schedule in Detail by Day Thursday, September 24 continued Safegarding Critical Infrastructure Assets Meeting Room 203 Cyber Incident Response Management: The Key to Safeguarding Assets What does incident response mean? To many people, using their existing business continuity planning and disaster recovery documents seems adequate in managing a cyber incident. However, we know that this is not the case. A robust incident response strategy is comprised of three main parts: incident planning, incident readiness through testing the incident plan, and responding to an actual incident. The session will examine each component and provide the audience with a recommended approach to effectively manage an incident. We will walk the audience through a sample scenario of the incident response process. Being prepared for a cyber incident involves many people in the organization, and all of these must be named and available when an incident occurs. It is rare for any organization to have all the skills and capabilities required to successfully manage the company through an incident. In this session we will outline requirements and recommendations for choosing an incident response partner. Presenter: JC Carruthers, Senior Security Consultant, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence SCADA Aware Firewall Reducing Cyber Security Risks With future NERC CIP language requiring access over public networks to be encrypted this timely discussion will cover using IPsec in conjunction with distributed “SCADA Aware” firewalls and deep packet inspection when accessing remote RTU’s via public packet and 2G/3G/LTE networks. In addition we will cover using hybrid fiber copper networks in conjunction with cellular networks as a means to provide network resiliency when access remote RTUs, AMI backhaul and distribution automation. Presenters: Raphael Tana, Business Development Manager, FONEX Dave Thomas, Manager, Business Development, Utilities and Transportation, RAD 12:00 – 3:00pm 3:00 – 4:15pm Exhibit Hall Open with Lunch | Sponsored by Ottawa Salon Concurrent Sessions Packet Networks - Considerations and Technology Options Gatineau Salon 206/208 Considerations in Digital Communications – What Network Should I Buy? What network should I buy: TDM, MPLS-IP, MPLS-TP, COE? Attend this session to participate in a philosophical discussion looking at various approaches to selecting and constructing digital telecommunications transport networks for critical infrastructure operators. While this discussion may not provide you with the best answer for your utility, it will arm you with some of the questions you should answer before making your packet network purchasing choice. Presenter: Chris Witthaus, Senior Engineer, Gillespie, Prudhon & Associates the solution, but they come in two flavours: Carrier Ethernet and MPLS (including MPLS-TP). This session explores the fundamentals of these two technologies, and examines how well they address the critical requirements of latency, resiliency, security, network diversity and management within the context of a power utility operational network. Presenter: Dave Thomas, Manager, Business Development, Utilities and Transportation, RAD Migrating from 4-Wire Leased Line to Leased Ethernet Service: A Case Study Many large telephone companies have announced plans to discontinue all copperbased telephone services within the next several years. Some services based on 2/4-Wire audio leased lines have already been declared as “End of Life” and will no longer be supported starting as early as 2015. This presents a challenging issue for power utilities currently operating their line voltage protection or SCADA equipment via these analog leased lines. This session is based on a case study from a Northeast Power Utility that is deploying a solution that enables them to transport SCADA/RTU and Pilot Relaying signals over two different service providers that will not only result in improved performance, but will provide 100% data survivability, resulting in improved reliability of the protection and SCADA system. Utilities are looking for a path forward that minimizes operational impact, requires little engineering, and assures comparable security & dependability for their protection and SCADA system. This presentation explores the current 2/4-Wire leased line obsolescence issue facing power utilities that have relied on those services for decades to transport SCADA/RTU and Pilot Wire Protection signals between substations and outlines the major challenges and opportunities in migrating to other leased services. Presenter: Manny Duvelson, Communications Product Marketing Director, RFL Electronics - Hubbell Field Area Networks - Technologies and Practical Lessons Learned Meeting Room 203 Advanced Microwave Transition Techniques for Utility Communication Engineers With the advent of newer technologies and the ever-changing demands on communication systems to grow and scale, Utilities are finding themselves in a very difficult situation. The demand for change and growth is happening faster than the rate at which the engineers and technicians are becoming familiar and confident in the new technologies. With the migration to IP and the need for more data based applications, networks are changing to look like IT systems rather than communications networks, but is this really true? There is so much focus on Layer 2 and Layer 3 technologies that many are overlooking some of the fundamentals of building a reliable and robust communications network. There is also a trend of adopting common practices instead of understanding best practices when it relates to network migration. In this presentation we will go over some of the fundamentals of network migration and set the foundation for best practices using the principles that design engineers have used over the last 50 years. We will also examine some trends and try to demystify which elements are critical such as network reliability and resiliency, capacity management, security and scalability. Presenter: Ronil Prasad, Senior Manager, Presales Engineering, The Americas, Aviat Networks Packet Networks for Power Utilities SONET/SDH transport networks that utilities have been using for years are rapidly becoming obsolete. Modern broadband packet-based transport networks are clearly 8 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 9 Schedule in Detail by Day Schedule in Detail by Day Thursday, September 24 continued The Myths & Realities of Internet Protocol Over Satellite business leaders to understand and evaluate is very much possible. Join us to review approaches to risks, calculations, costs, and understand how to communicate these to business decision-makers. Presenter: Michael Firstenberg, Director of Industrial Security, Waterfall Security Is satellite communication a viable solution for your remote transmission lines? Where is Internet Protocol Over Satellite (IPOS)a good fit? This session will explore both the strengths and weaknesses of IPOS solutions. Discover the new functionality and the signal reliability advances of the latest satellite technology. Learn about the transition process to upgrade your legacy systems. Presenters: Ron Parkinson, Senior Sales Representative, Infosat Communications Chad Teer, Director of Network Services, Infosat Communications A Virtual Power Plan to Balance Wind Energy Meeting Room 203 In 2010, the notion of using the Internet and smart appliances to manage energy and balance the grid in real time was a novel idea that was never demonstrated in a real life situation. Would it work? What challenges would be faced? Performance? Reliability? NB Power led a consortium project called PowerShift Atlantic with a simple mission; to venture into this uncharted territory and attempted to find the answers. Presenter: Daniel Gaudet, Senior Smart Grid Architect, NB Power ComEd’s Vision and Lessons Learned in Field Area Network Replacement Leveraging lessons learned by ComEd, this session covers essential topics related to strategy, risk, planning, budgeting, execution, and organization/vendor management with respect to the upgrade of an extensive field area network for distribution automation (DA) and creation of a field area network for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). In late 2011, the Illinois General Assembly enacted the Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act (EIMA), setting in motion a $2.6 billion investment by ComEd to strengthen and modernize the state’s electric grid. Among several projects that were funded, two of the projects were: 1) the replacement of the existing field area network for DA with one that was more secure, IP-capable, and higher bandwidth and 2) the utilization of the same wireless broadband platform for AMI. Now the daunting task ahead was to assemble a project team that would coordinate and manage some 20+ internal and contract organizations over a multi-year period to most efficiently make this endeavor successful. We invite you to join Chris Collins; Project Manager, ComEd and Ken Magrow; Sr. Manager, West Monroe Partners and listen as they weave you through the story of this elaborate effort and learn how the team approached the project with a “failure is not an option” attitude. Presenters: Chris Collins, Project Manager, ComEd Ken Magrow, Senior Manager, West Monroe Partners 4:15 – 5:30pm Concurrent Sessions Cybersecurity - Defending Utility Networks and Control Systems Gatineau Salon – 206-208 Cyber Security: How Much Is Enough? Advice on costs and benefits of a cyber security program is confusing and contradictory. For example, it is common to hear comments throughout the industry such as: security is pure cost, that there must be a ROI for each security investment, none of the risk calculations are quantitative to list just a few. Even more confusing to business leaders: it is always possible to be more secure, or less secure. How then, to evaluate cyber security funding requests? How can anyone ever know how much is enough? We explore the question “how much is enough” and draw some simple conclusions. We discuss how classic “natural disaster” risk models are poor fits to physical or cyber security problems. A good understanding of the characteristics of control system networks, industrial processes, safety systems, protection systems, security systems and attack capabilities are all prerequisites to an effective risk assessment. Assembling all this knowledge and these costs into a simple matrix for 10 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 7:00amRegistration 7:30 – 8:00am Breakfast 8:00 – 9:15am Concurrent Sessions Software Defined Networks - The Programmable Utility Communications Infrastructure Gatineau Salon 206/208 Next Generation Networks Using Software Defined Networking Canadian utility companies have begun their transition from TDM-based networks to IP-based networks. This transition is an integral step to allow the connectivity of the multiple deployed sensors & devices in a smart grid configuration. Convergence of the information and communication networks is the second required step towards the next generation network. Leveraging Ethernet protocols using packet-focused networking technologies, it is possible to integrate management of the different platforms and devices into a seamless operational network. With Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) engines, it is now possible to deploy a programmable, service-focused network that can dynamically adapt to the operator demands and resiliency requirements. This presentation will review the required building blocks of the Next Generation Network using SDN and the solutions it brings to solve real-world problems generated by the IT/OT convergence challenges of Canadian utility companies. Presenter: Bill Beesley, Principle Solutions Architect, Fujitsu Network Communications Accelerating and Simplifying Ethernet Services Deployment and Performance Monitoring Learn about the rapidly evolving intelligent transceiver market trends, the benefits it provides utilities and operators, and how it impacts their decision-making process. Gain insight into performance monitoring capabilities and potential for emerging whitebox and SDN applications. Learn about challenges ahead and the potential as this technology enters the adoption phase. Presenter: Michael McCallen, Director Intelligent Assurance Devices, Viavi Solutions SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 11 Schedule in Detail by Day Schedule in Detail by Day Friday, September 25 continued Real-time Data Benefits Exploration, Smart Utility/Smart City Migrating from Leased Line Circuits - Ensuring Critical Network Availability Meeting Room 203 Meeting Room 203 Real-time Data Benefits Exploration Migrating from Legacy Leased-line Telecommunications In the new frontier of bigger and better data, utilities need to provide customers with a more effective customer experience. In electricity metering the two attributes of being able to get the data quickly and being able to get fine granularity measurements is the underpinning of our strategy. If data can be received faster the customer can receive enhanced services such as alerts from the vendor app in near-real time. Fine granularity data enables London Hydro to advise the customer about what to do with their individual appliances such as turning off an air conditioner before it impacts the monthly bill. The combination of these enhanced data types allows a more customized, immersive and engaging energy management experience. Presenter: Luke Seawald, Director of Metering Services, London Hydro 9:15 – 10:15am Concurrent Sessions Telecommunications infrastructure for utilities is both rapidly evolving and simultaneously sun setting. Nowhere is this combination more clear than in the thousands of dedicated leased-lines leveraged by utilities that have been core to SCADA telecommunications industry for decades. As these dedicated leased-lines are end-of-life by telecommunications carriers, and becoming less relevant in our evolving IT landscape, new IP-based alternatives are replacing these services raising new questions around security, reliability and the expanded role of SCADA within grid modernization. Ericsson has developed solutions for T1 and other leased line replacement options. Join us in an open discussion regarding how Ericsson addressed the technical and practical issues involved with moving leased-line connectivity into the modern IT environment. Presenter: Jay Ganson, Account Manager, New Business Development, Ericsson Teleprotection and Wide Area Packet Based Networks The Imminent Death of TDM… Or Not Migrating Teleprotection to Packet-based Network This presentation examines the current state of TDM networks and provides alternative solutions in order to evolve networks to IP cores without having to negate what is currently working well. Presenter: Dennis Edwards, Channel Sales Engineer, Zhone Technologies, Inc. Gatineau Salon 206/208 One of the biggest technical challenges when transforming utilities’ TDM and SONETbased networks to packet-based technology is migrating real-time applications such as teleprotection due to the stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirement. This session explains how IP/MPLS technology, with proper engineering design, can reliably fulfill the task. Use cases will also be discussed. Presenters: Hansen Chan, Product Marketing Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Kin-Yee Wong, Product Management, IP Division, Alcatel-Lucent Using GOOSE for TPR Applications on the WAN Side As utilities transition to packet based networks we continue to support the legacy protocols (G.703/RS232/4W) used by our teleprotection relays. There are definite benefits in performance for both the application and network to using GOOSE (packetbased protocol) on a packet network. What network and protocol factors need to be considers when applying GOOSE across a WAN. How do you convince Protection and Control asset owners to move away from their legacy protocols? As a case study, we have an Independent Power Producer transfer-trip in operation today using GOOSE on our MPLS packet network. We are also looking at using it for leased line applications as 4W is discontinued and carriers push IP services out. Presenter: Stephen VanderZande, Senior Network Engineer, Altalink Management Ltd. Migrating Teleprotection to Packet-based Network Using GOOSE for TPR Applications on the WAN Side, & Delivering Teleprotection over Packet Based Networks Teleprotection protects the power grid from damage and is crucial for the power system. Teleprotection Communications requirements are typically the most stringent requirements of all power utility applications. Traditionally delivered on a point-to-point line or PDH/SONET lines many utilities are now looking into a packet based networks. Presenter: Jeff Hector, Technical Sales, RFL Electronics, Inc., Hubbell 12 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE 10:15 – 10:30am Networking Break 10:30 – 11:45am Concurrent Sessions Network Functions Virtualization - Understanding the Opportunities and Benefits Gatineau Salon 206/208 Virtual Reality: Best Practices for CIP Compliant Datacentre Infrastructure Virtualization Join us to discuss the role virtualization can play in a CIP compliant datacentre. Many entities perceive virtualization to be a risk to CIP compliance and choose to forego the flexibility and convenience that virtualization technologies offer. We will discuss: various network architectures that incorporate virtualization and can pass audit scrutiny o Separation of Bulk Electric System assets within the datacentre; user access control and command logging systems; and, virtualization’s role in reliability for critical systems running in the datacentre. This session will address the common fears and misconceptions of virtualization and present real-world use cases where virtualized architectures have passed NERC CIP audit scrutiny. Presenters: Marcus Moses, Electrical Engineer, Burns & McDonnell Casey Lynch, Senior Consultant Telecommunications & Network Engineering, Burns & McDonnell SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 13 Schedule in Detail by Day Schedule in Detail by Day Friday, September 25 continued Bringing Network Function Virtualization to Power Utilities The benefits of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) are not for telecom service providers alone. Power utilities, too, will benefit from the significant cost reductions afforded by NFV, along with the enhanced agility it enables. In this session we will look at how power utilities can move to virtualized installations of key substation functions like routers, SCADA firewalls, encryption, and more. We will discuss how this not only reduces the number of physical devices, freeing up constrained spaces and reducing power consumption, but also how it will facilitate OT/IT convergence. We will also consider the implications of a centralized NFV architecture compared to a distributed NFV architecture. Presenter: Earl Emerson, Director of Systems Engineering, RAD 11:45am – 12:00pmWrap-Up & Adjournment 12:30pm PowerTrunk Post-Conference Workshop Meeting Room 203 PowerTrunk sponsors an afternoon seminar to present the latest news and advances in the field of digital land mobile radio (LMR) communications systems. Topics will cover a variety of LMR technologies, including TETRA, DMR, P25, and LTE. The session will also address the mission-critical communications requirements of the utilities sector and discuss solutions to meet customers’ needs. Private Networks And LTE For Smart Grid and Microgrid Applications Meeting Room 203 LTE for Utilities Smart Grid communications requires not only a robust and affordable technology, but also one that is future-proof. This means carefully selecting technologies that conform to ratified international standards, and that have a strong support base with manufacturers of switches and end equipment. The technology that meets these requirements is the leading technology standardized and used by the world’s mobile network operators. This fourth generation technology LTE (Long Term Evolution) enables the fast transfer of huge amounts of data in an efficient and cost-effective way, optimizing the use of the frequency spectrum. With increased speed and decreased latency, LTE is specifically well suited to machine-to-machine (M2M) applications such as smart grid. Utilities around the world are now deploying their own LTE networks, or setting up arrangements to share other operators’ networks. The presenter will discuss case studies around the world where LTE has been selected and successfully implemented as the smart grid communications network technology. Presenter: Patrik Ringqvist, Vice President, Wireless Network Solutions, Ericsson Enabling DA & DG Protection using the IEC61850 GOOSE Protocol over LTE Utilities embarking on adding protection applications in the distribution grid have historically focused on utilizing private communication networks. The dependence on such technologies with expensive CAPEX and OPEX is often justified due to the reliability of private and licensed communications. However the advent of 4G/LTE technologies especially in North America provide viable and cost-effective options for consideration. In this presentation we will learn how performance-based wireless failover capabilities could be used to enable highly available networks using multicarrier LTE technologies. Presenters: Edgar Sammour, Senior Product Manager, GE Digital Energy Mark Adamiak, Chief Application Architect, GE Digital Energy 14 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 15 CONFERENCE EXHIBITORS AND COMPANY DESCRIPTIONS 2015 SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR DESCRIPTIONS The Conference Exhibit Hall provides an exclusive opportunity to meet with technology providers, build professional relationships, discuss your needs and challenges, and learn about products and services. Conference Exhibit Hall Hours Wednesday, September 23 Thursday, September 24 5:30 – 7:30pm 12:00 – 3:00pm Exhibit Hall Grand Opening and Networking Reception Networking Lunch and Exclusive Exhibit Time COMPANY BOOTH COMPANY BOOTH 4RF Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 M2S Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 ABB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 MegaSys Computer Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Advantech Wireless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Mimomax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Alcatel-Lucent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Motorola Inc Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 ANRITSU COMPANY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Multitel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Asentria Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 OTN Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Aviat Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 OZ Optics Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 BTI Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Burns & McDonnell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Cambium Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Channel Canada Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 CIENA Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 ECI The Elastic Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Electro Rent Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Ericsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 ETELM, Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Positron, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 PowerTrunk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 RAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 REDCOM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 4RF USA Inc. Alcatel-Lucent Booth 114 26 Glover St. Wellington, 6035 New Zealand 644-498-7004 Ian Troughton, Booth 303 With customers in more than 130 countries, 4RF provides radio communications equipment for critical infrastructure applications. Markets served include utilities, oil and gas, transport, telecommunications, public safety, military and government. Typical applications include monitoring and control, mobile radio and cellular backhaul and communication of internet, voice and data traffic. ABB Inc. Booth 113 1601 Industrial Blvd. Sugarland, TX 74478 US 832-633-0138 Pedro Choconta, ABB in Canada ( is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility, industry, and transport and infrastructure customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in roughly 100 countries and employs about 140,000 people. RFL Electronics Inc./ Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. . . . . 406 RVA Lighting & Masts Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 Advantech Wireless Inc. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc. (SEL). . . . . . . 311 Booth 105 657 Orly Ave. Dorval, QC H9P 1G1 Canada 514-420-0045 Rosario Toxqui, Siemens Ruggedcom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Fonex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 TAIT Communications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Fujitsu Network Communications Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 Technostrobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 GE MDS, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 TSAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Hutton Communications Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Tufin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Infosat Communications LP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Viavi Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 INTUS USA (Integrated Utility Services USA, Inc. ). . . . . 308 Waterfall Security Solutions LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 JVCKenwood Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Zetron, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 16 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE Advantech Wireless delivers intelligent broadband communications solutions that achieve excellence, maximize performance and minimize operational costs, all with uncompromising quality. Ultimately, we help people stay connected and informed by designing and manufacturing the most advanced terrestrial and satellite communication technologies on the planet. GOLD SPONSOR Alcatel-Lucent helps utilities build communication networks that optimize Smart Grid real-time applications that drive smarter energy management and usage. As a leading network partner in Smart Grid projects around the world, Alcatel-Lucent offers end-to-end communications network solutions that combine power utility industry specific knowledge and experience with Bell Labs innovations and mission-critical grade communications technology and expertise. Anritsu Booth 214 700 Silver Seven, Suite 120 Ottawa, Ontario K2V 1C3 Canada 800-267-4878 Tina Newhook, Anritsu has provided innovative communications test and measurement solutions for more than 110 years. We provide solutions for existing and next-generation wired and wireless communication systems and operators. Products include wireless, optical, microwave/RF, and digital instruments; as well as operations support systems for R&D, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. Asentria Corporation Booth 412 1200 North 96th St. Seattle, WA 98103-3310 US 206-344-8800 Theresa Agoo, Asentria solutions give communication network operators monitoring, access, and control of the remote or unmanned locations on their network, which enables the Network Operation Center (NOC) to reduce both the operating cost and risk of a loss of service. SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 17 Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions Aviat Networks BTI Systems Ciena Corporation Booth 306 5200 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, California 95054 US 408-567-7000 Booth 313 One Monarch Dr., Ste. 105 Littleton, MA 01460 US 866-626-9154 Darlene Guthro,, Booth 211 7035 Ridge Rd Hanover, MD 21076 US 410-865-8915 Booth 112 5100 NW 33rd Ave. Suite 150 Fort Lauderdale, FL US 978-300-5640 Brad Munroe, Ciena products and solutions form the foundation of many of the largest, most reliable and sophisticated networks across the globe. Our leading network infrastructure, intelligent software, and comprehensive services help operators, enterprises, and governments exploit the full potential of their networks and fundamentally change the way they perform and compete. ECI delivers elastic network solutions globally to CSPs, utilities as well as data center operators. Along with its long standing, industry proven packet optical transport, ECI offers a variety of SDN/NFV applications, a comprehensive cyber security solution and a range of professional services. ECI’s ELASTIC solutions ensure open, future-proof, and secure communications. With ECI, customers have the luxury of choosing a network which can be tailor made to their needs today – while being flexible enough to evolve with their changing needs in the future. At ECI, customer success is our success. For more information, please visit us at www. Aviat Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVNW) is a leading wireless expert in advanced IP network migration, building the foundation for the 4G/LTE broadband future. We offer best-of-breed wireless transmission solutions including LTE-ready microwave backhaul and a complete portfolio of essential service options that enable wireless public and private telecommunications operators to deliver advanced data, voice and video and mobility services. Black & Veatch BREAK SPONSOR 10950 Grandview Dr. Overland Park, KS 66210 US 913-458-8988 Charles Hill, Black & Veatch delivers a complete solution to maximize the reliability, efficiency and performance of utilities. We’re driving innovations in integrated infrastructure, communications and data analytics to enable more intelligent and sustainable communities. We provide a single point-of-contact for planning, designing and implementing advanced technical solutions that optimize operations. BTI delivers solutions that transform the economics, performance and innovation of global networks through intelligent networking software and systems. Leading content, cloud and service providers choose BTI to drive improved operational efficiencies and profitably deliver high-value services to businesses and consumers around the globe. With more than 380 customers, BTI is headquartered in North America, and operates regional sales, marketing, and R&D centers of excellence throughout the world. Burns & McDonnell SILVER SPONSOR Booth 312 9400 Ward Pkwy Kansas City, MO 64114 US Founded in 1898, Burns & McDonnell is a full-service engineering, architecture, construction, environmental, and consulting solutions firm. With the multidisciplinary expertise of more than 4,300 employee-owners in more than 30 offices, Burns & McDonnell plans, designs, permits, constructs and manages facilities worldwide with one mission in mind — to make our clients successful. CIMA+ SILVER SPONSOR LUNCH SPONSOR 3400 du Souvenir Blvd, Suite 600 Laval QC H7V 3Z2 Canada 514-337-2462 CIMA+ is a multidisciplinary Canadian corporation specialized in Engineering, Project Management, Environment, Studies, Commissioning, Communications Systems and Energy for the Utilities Sectors. Our Communications Systems and Energy Sectors offers professional services in Telecommunications, Facility Security, Telecommunications Structures and Towers, Automation, SCADA, Civil and Electrical Substation Engineering, Controls and protection. ECI RECEPTION SPONSOR Electro Rent Corporation Booth 310 210 Brunel Road, Units 1&2 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1T5 Canada 423-391-0081, Electro Rent provides alternative ways to acquire test equipment. We offer flexible solutions to lead you on the path to ownership as well as addressing shortterm project needs. With Electro Rent you can get the equipment you need, when you need it and at a cost that’s within your budget. Channel Canada Inc. Booth 414 6185 Tomken Road, Unit 3-5 Mississauga, ON L5T 1X3 Canada 306-241-8969 John Reimer, Channell specializes in the design and manufacturing of underground vaults, thermoplastic pedestals, metal cabinets, fiber closures, and copper termination products. 18 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 19 Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions Ericsson GOLD SPONSOR Booth 307 6300 Legacy Dr. Plano, TX 75206 US 514-971-1699 Pierre Fitzgerald, Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions Fonex TOTEBAG SPONSOR Booth 208 5400 Ch. St-Francois St. Laurent, Québec H4S 1P6 Canada 800-36-FONEX Raphael Tana, Utilities will own a key part of the world wide 50 billion connections by 2020, as part of our Network Society vision. Ericsson, the global leading provider of communications technology, is helping utilities around the world realize the future of these smart connections and smart grid projects, in providing proven products, software solutions and services. FONEX is an innovative carrier-class telecom equipment supplier focused on delivering purpose-built network infrastructure design solutions that address the concerns of the utility industry. As a trusted resource, FONEX has the expertise and integration capabilities to design and support cost-effective telecom solutions to help its customers achieve competitive marketplace advantages. ETELM Canada Fujitsu Network Communications Booth 106 1030 rue Cherrier, Suite 400 Montréal, Québec H2L 1H7 514 523 4848 Booth 407 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, TX 75082 US 888-362-7763 industries/utility ETELM Canada Inc. is based in Montréal, Québec. It is the Canadian subsidiary of ETELM SAS headquartered in Villejust, France near Paris. The company has been serving the public and private network operators with LMR products and support services worldwide since 1984. We are a trusted partner to many Network Operator Worldwide. We enhance the value of the products we design and manufacture with full turnkey services and customized local Maintenance Level Agreements (MLAs) including network design, coverage study, equipment staging, testing, installation, and after sales operation & maintenance support services. The company offers TETRA, DMR, P25, Analog and LTE solutions. Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. is a market leader in packet optical networking solutions, WDM and SONET. We are a trusted partner and help utilities expand, modernize and build new communications networks. We take a vendor-neutral approach, combining Fujitsu and 3rd-party solutions for Smart Grid implementations and delivery of fiber-to-the-home broadband services to consumers. GE MDS, LLC BREAK SPONSOR Booth 206 175 Science Parkway Rochester, NY 14620 US 585-242-9600 Vicki Guggenbickler, GE Digital Energy – Industrial Communications is the global leader for communication networks for harsh environments. As the industry expert, GE provides energy companies best-in-class solutions with exceptional reliability by offering the broadest range of end-to-end communication products, network management and professional services. GE brings industry leading experience to your applications worldwide. Hutton Communications Inc. Booth 108 2520 Marsh Lane Carrollton, TX 75006 US Hutton Communications, Inc. headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is a premier distributor of commercial wireless communications and related equipment. For almost 50 years, Hutton has served cellular and radio communications dealers, wireless communications carriers, and self-maintained end users of communications systems. In addition, as a distributor of approximately 100 product lines, Hutton provides its customers power system solutions for emergency backup, alternative energy sources, and out-of-grid power requirements. Infosat SILVER SPONSOR Booth 302 3130 114 Ave SE Calgary, Alberta Canada 888-524-3038 As a leader in satellite communication technology, Infosat designs and integrates reliable wireless global communication systems where satellite facilities are a key component in remote and demanding locations. With Infosat’s solutions Utility Operators can remotely monitor infrastructure, comply to SMART-GRID reporting standards, and implement primary or redundant communications. INTUS USA (Integrated Utility Services USA, Inc.) Booth 308 13010 Morris Road Alphretta, GA 30004 US 844-235-8559 Douglas Estok, INTUS—Integrated Utility Services, Inc.—provides a wide range of services and products for the utility industry, including Damage Prevention, Asset Management, Construction & Maintenance, and Risk Management. Our personnel deliver impressive depth of knowledge and real-world experience in all facets of electric, telecom, fiber, gas, water, and data delivery. JVCKenwood Canada SILVER SPONSOR Booth 115 3970 Johns Creek Ct., Ste. 100 Suwanee, GA 30024 US 800-950-5005 Digital and analog two-way radio equipment and systems for voice and data, used by utilities across the U.S. Ask about the new NX-5000 Series, for the ultimate in interoperability and digital features. 20 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 21 Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions M2S Electronics Inc. Mimomax Multitel Positron, Inc. Booth 104 2855 de Celles, Québec PQ G2C 1K7 Canada 418-842-1312 Pierre M. Turcot, Booth 315 175 Roydvale Ave, P.O. Box 1645 Christchurch, Canterbury 8053 New Zealand +64 (0)3 3581070 Kevin Smith, Booth 405 2500 Rue Jean Perrin Quebec, PQ Canada 418-847-2255 x 217 Chris Joven, Booth 415 5101 Buchan St., Suite 220 Montreal, QC H4P 2R9 Canada 514-345-2239 Sandra Cohen, MiMOMax specialise in ultra-spectrally efficient, low latency, low jitter, narrowband linking solutions for Mission Critical applications. Our Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint radios provide reliable communications across long paths even over difficult terrain at aggregate data rates of 640kb/s. This world leading performance in a narrowband radio is achieved via our full duplex capabilities, specialised techniques such as header and payload compression, QoS tagging and MiMO diversity technologies. Operating in licensed frequency occupying narrowband RF channels our full duplex radios can offer world beating throughput capacity to applications including SCADA, power line protection, and PMR & IP backhaul linking. MiMOMax is the best fit for when reliability and mission critical applications are paramount, high performance in capacity and spectral efficiency is essential and when ruggedized equipment with low cost of installation and maintenance is preferred. For over 30 years, Multitel has provided remote monitoring systems and power asset management software solutions for Telecom and Power Utility Network Operators. Key application areas we provide solutions for include: Site and equipment alarms, DC power, AC power, building and energy management. Positron provides high voltage isolation products to protect telecommunication circuits entering substations, power generating plants, cell site communication facilities and PCS sites. With its Teleline and TeleLite product lines, Positron is the only vendor to offer a complete line of copper and fiber based high voltage isolation solutions. Since 1981, M2S Electronic provides electronic manufacturing and integration services (EMS/ IMS), to various industrial partners, operating in North America. Well structured and positioned to offer full turnkey solutions, M2S design team have developed, from commercially distributed products to more complex industrial PA/GA system, such has the CEAS presented today. MegaSys SILVER SPONSOR Booth 408 100, 1111 - 57 Avenue NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 9B2 Canada 403-295-0511 Cara Jelleau,, MegaSys provides Telenium Network Management Solutions for telecommunications, energy, and other markets. MegaSys focuses exclusively on telecom network management and provisioning, developing a powerful NMS with complete EML/NML/SML functionality – including full FCAPS capability, auto-population of network architecture and circuit management, high throughput alarm processing and network element backup. Motorola Solutions, Inc. Booth 209 224 S. Michigan Ave. - 7th Fl. Chicago, IL 60604 US 847-576-5000 Julie McDillon, www.motorolasolutions/utilities Motorola Solutions is a leading provider of mission and business critical communications. Through our leadingedge innovation in data and voice, we are a global leader that allows our clients to be their best in the moments that matter. 22 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE OTN Systems Booth 213 Industrielaan 17b Olen, 2250 Belgium +32 14 252847, +32 14 252023 OTN Systems develops and markets fiber optic networking products dedicated to the operational telecommunication departments of metros, lightrails, oil & gas, mining, ITS (intelligent highways, tunnels & bridges), ports, utility companies, public safety and industrial campuses. OZ Optics Limited Booth 404 219 WestbrookRd. Ottawa, ON K0A 420 Canada 613-831-0981 x 3146 Yesim Sezerman,, PowerTrunk PLATINUM SPONSOR Booth 202 66 York Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 US 201-630-4520, 877-431-1964, PowerTrunk Inc. is the subsidiary of Teltronic® S.A.U. responsible for business development, distribution and customer support for Teltronic land mobile radio projects in North America. The company is headquartered in New Jersey. With over 40 years’ experience designing, manufacturing, implementing and supporting digital and analog land mobile radio turnkey projects, Teltronic S.A.U. has more than 300 systems installed in 50 countries. Teltronic’s LMR solutions are widely deployed in the public safety, oil and gas, transportation, and utilities industries. We own 100% of our LMR technology, which includes conventional, and trunked infrastructure systems, mobiles, hand portables and dispatching consoles. The company manufactures TETRA, P25 and LTE solutions. High Power Components/ Isolators/Combiners/ Patch cords/Connectors/ Intelligent Tunable Laser Diode Sources/Safety Interlocks/Shutters/Optical Coatings, Laser to Fiber Delivery Components, Adjustable Collimators/Focusers, PM/SM/MM Fused Fiber Couplers, PM Patch cords/Connectors/Splitters/Switch, Polarized Sources, Polarization Rotators/Controllers/ Analyzers, Polarizers, PDL Emulators, Extinction Ratio Meter, Turnkey Laser Diode Sources, Hermetically Sealable Patch cords, Fiber Optic Sensors SNO-PEN, Ultra–Narrow-Line-WidthStable Laser Source, Mode-Field-Adaptor SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 23 Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions RAD PLATINUM SPONSOR Booth 203 900 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 US 201-529-1100 For nearly 35 years, RAD has worked closely with its worldwide energy utility customers to provide field-proven communications solutions that address the automation, Teleprotection, and core operational network needs of their transmission and distribution (T&D) grids. RAD’s Service Assured Networking solutions offer a wealth of tools that meet the key requirements of power utility communications networks: mission-critical reliability, smooth migration to packetbased networks and high security. REDCOM Laboratories, Inc. Booth 207 One Redcom Center Victor, NY 14564 US 585-924-6625 REDCOM Laboratories Inc. specializes in the design and manufacture of Advanced IP communication solutions for power & transportation utilities, telephone carriers, emergency response and defense applications worldwide. Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions SILVER SPONSOR RFL Electronics Inc., a subsidiary of Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. Booth 406 353 Powerville Road Boonton Township, NJ 07005 US 973-567-0287 or RFL Electronics Inc. designs and manufactures a comprehensive line of highly-reliable, mission-critical, cost-effective communications and protection solutions for the electric utility and transportation markets, oil and gas markets, Government agencies and engineering consulting firms. RVA Lighting & Masts Inc. Booth 410 5240 Finch Ave. E., Unit 10 Toronto ON M1S 5A3 416-292-7878 Brian Gray, RVA Lighting & Masts Inc supplies LED lighting for telecommunication towers. We can provide red LED night lighting for painted towers, or for unpainted towers, LED white day/white night or LED white day/ red night. The primary advantages of LED are 1) energy savings (uses 95% energy less than incandescent) and 2) zero maintenance (is warranted for 5 years and is expected to provide 15 to 20 years of maintenance-free service). Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc. (SEL) Booth 311 2350 NE Hopkins Ct. Pullman, WA 99163 US 509-332-1890 Paul Robertson, SEL is a recognized world leader in electrical protection, communications, monitoring, cybersecurity, automation, and control solutions for mission-critical utility and industrial applications. Products include protective relays, wide area and local area networking solutions, Ethernet switches and gateways, fiber-optic transceivers, wireless transceivers, RTUs, meters, highspeed logic processors, and rugged computers. Siemens Ruggedcom Booth 305 300 Applewood Crescent Concord, ON L4K 5C7 Canada 905-856-5288 Dave Campbell, Siemens is the world’s leading supplier of innovative and reliable products and solutions for electric power industry. Utility-grade Siemens RUGGEDCOM products provide a level of robustness and reliability that have set the standard for communications networks deployed in harsh environments all over the world. RUGGEDCOM products offer extreme temperature range, ZeroPacket-Loss technology for immunity to high levels of electromagnetic interference, and enhanced Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol. TAIT Communications Booth 212 15342 Park Row Houston, Texas 77084 US 281-829-3300 Kimberly Minter,, Tait is developing a new generation of digital (DMR and P25) voice and data solutions that can be deployed to enhance worker safety and improve efficiency for utility organizations. 24 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE Technostrobe Booth 210 65 Herbert O’Connell, Québec J0P 1B0 Canada 877-578-7623 Francis Lacombe, Technostrobe manufactures Lighting systems for tall towers that represent a potential obstacle to air traffic. Our mission is to provide solutions that allow our clients to benefit from the latest and most-effective LED technologies on the market. We work hard every day to be the leader in protective lighting solutions designed for utilities. TSAT Booth 309 Martin Linges vei 25 Fornebu, N-1364 Norway +47 9707-7567 or +1 850-677-0227 Christian Bergan, TSAT is the only private (dedicated) satellite networking solution on the market with a miniature VSAT HUB. The solution is specifically designed to deal with mission critical applications such as SCADA and M2M in the energy and utility markets. The ruggedized and utility hardened hardware is engineered to provide years of reliable operation in remote locations and harsh environments, in a manner no other competing solution does. Furthermore, TSAT is designed to comply with IEC-61850, the global standard for utility and industrial communication and automation. By implementing TSAT, critical communications to and from your remote locations are ‘piped’ directly to your control center without the need for a terrestrial back-haul or ‘doublehop’ connection. With complete independence from public infrastructure and the internet, TSAT provides cyber secure and reliable communications for your mission critical applications. For even greater reliability it is possible to implement a load-sharing and georedundant HUB solution. The TSAT HUB is the lowest cost VSAT HUB on the market, and efficient utilization of satellite spectrum keeps the annual communication cost to a minimum. This makes TSAT the ideal solution for expensive leased line replacement, or as back-up for existing terrestrial communications. SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2015 25 Conference Exhibitors and Company Descriptions Tufin Waterfall Security Solutions LTD Booth 304 67 Park Place East, Suite 740 Morristown, NJ 07960 201-561-6038 Amanda Levin, Booth 413 1133 Broadway, Suite 708 New York, NY 10010 US 212-714-6058 Tufin™ is the leading provider of Security Policy Management solutions that enable companies to costeffectively manage their network security policy, comply with regulatory standards, and minimize risks. Tufin serves more than 1,400 customers in industries from telecom and financial services to energy, transportation and pharmaceuticals. A respected member of the network security community, Tufin partners with leading vendors including Check Point, Cisco, Juniper Networks, Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet, F5, McAfee and BMC Software and is known for technological innovation and dedicated customer service. Waterfall is the leading provider of strong network security products, which protect the safety and the reliability of control system networks. Waterfall Security Solutions’ mission is to eliminate the use of firewalls in critical infrastructure control systems. The company develops products, which provide stronger-than-firewall protections for industrial control networks. Waterfall’s products are deployed in utilities and critical national infrastructures throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle-East. Waterfall’s innovative products dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of compliance with NERC-CIP, NRC, NIST, CFATS and other regulations, and include support for leading industrial applications, including the OSIsoft PI™ Historian, the GE Proficy™ iHistorian, Siemens SIMATIC™/Spectrum™ solutions and GE OSM™ remote monitoring platforms, as well as OPC, Modbus, DNP3, ICCP and other industrial protocols. Frost & Sullivan describe Waterfall’s solutions as ensuring “optimum security for networks across user verticals” and awarded Waterfall the 2012 Network Security Award for Industrial Control Systems Entrepreneurial Company of the Year and the 2013 North America Award for Customer Value Enhancement. Viavi Solutions Inc. GOLD SPONSOR Booth 402 430 N. McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 US 408-404-9000 Viavi Solutions helps network operators address their toughest network, application, and service performance challenges and successfully deploy the networks of tomorrow. Zetron, Inc. Booth 103 12034 134th Crt NE Senior System Sales Manager Redmond, WA 98052 US 425-820-6363 Bekki Malloy,, For over 30 years, Zetron has been designing and manufacturing mission critical 9-1-1 telephony, radio dispatch and fire station alerting systems. Zetron has installed thousands of systems and deployed over 20,000 console operator positions worldwide. The scope and success of these projects demonstrate the performance, robustness, and reliability of Zetron’s products. 26 2015 CANADIAN UTILITIES IT & TELECOM CONFERENCE UTC Telecom & Technology 2016 colorado convention center, denver, co may 3-6, 2016 UTC TELECOM & TECHNOLOGY 2016 conference is your opportunity to join thousands of information and communications technology (ICT) professionals and technology partners May 3-6, 2016, in Denver, Co. Each day is filled with opportunities to learn from global experts who aren’t solely talking about modernizing utilities – they’re putting it to work. Connect with other critical infrastructure IT/OT and telecommunications professionals on current trends, business challenges, and solutions that may directly benefit your organization. You’ll appreciate the technical and solution-driven nature of this year’s educational opportunities and build powerful professional resources in the Exhibit Hall. Host Utility: Thank You Sponsors 2015 Canadian Utilities Information & Communications Technology PLATINUM SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS NETWORKING LUNCH SPONSOR TOTE BAG SPONSOR RECEPTION SPONSOR BREAK SPONSORS