Academy of Lifelong Learning Daniel Stephens Topics The Birth of the Republic Defeat of Tarquinius Superbus Rome’s First Hero: Horatius Cocles Two Man Rule The Power of the Senate Patricians & Plebs The Power of Pater Familiaris The Conflict of Orders The Twelve Tables The Latin League Defeat of the Etruscans Crushing Veii The Gallic Invasion Rome is sacked Power to the Plebs Lucius Junius Brutus Considered the Founder of the Roman Republic, Brutus was responsible for the Patrician overthrow of the King. Brutus was the son of Tarquinius Priscus, and nephew to Superbus. Superbus had executed several head men of Rome to gain their land one of them was Brutus’s Brother. Brutus avoided suspicion by playing dumb. Upon hearing of the rape of Lucretia by Sextus, he plots to overthrow Superbus with Publius Poplicola. Legend has it Brutus Grabbed the Dagger from Lucretia’s breast and swore revenge. The Rule of Two: The Consuls Quickly Brutus, Poplicola, and Tricipitinus gathered the people to the forum and voted the King out of office. Brutus then made the people swear an oath and elected himself and later Publicola to the office of Consul. The Two would share rule, each with the power to override the other. Their first law to pass is to decree that Rome would never be ruled by a King again. They then replenished the number of Senators to 300 which had been thinned under Superbus. They created the office of Rex Sacrorum later to be called Pontifex Maximus to replace the King as head of Rome’s religious cults. Brutus Executes his Sons Superbus would continue to try to get back his throne. First he would use subterfuge to regain Rome. Superbus would send ambassadors to Rome to recover his personal belongings he had left behind. While there the ambassadors tried to subvert several leading Romans to re-instate the King. Two of these men were Titus & Tiberius Brutus. They put their oath to writing and the plan was intercepted by a slave. The Slave brought the evidence to the Consuls, and a public trial was held and the men were declared traitors. Brutus, oversaw their punishment and showed bought of emotion but was heralded with great respect by not showing favoritism. Fighting Tarquinius With the failure of the Tarquinii conspiracy, Superbus would now launch a full out attack against Rome. The two Armies led by Superbus and the Consuls would meet at Silva Arsia. Brutus led one of the cavalry detachments, was spied by his cousin Arruns, son of Superbus. They both would charge at each other both inflicting fatal spear wounds to each other. The battle would go back and forth but the Etruscan forces of Veii and Tarquinii would retreat leaving Rome victorious. Defender of Rome: Horatius Cocles Superbus would still one last time try to take Rome. He would go to the Etruscan state of Lars Porsenna. Porsenna would seize the opportunity to attack Rome himself and take it. Porsenna would march his army to the Pons Sublicius, but could not cross. Horatius Cocles with two Roman companies held off Porsenna’s army while the Roman’s worked to destroy the bridge. Once destroyed Horatius would jump into the Tiber and swim to safety. Establishing Roman Virtue Porsenna would then camp overnight and regroup. During the night Mucius Scaevola would sneak into the camp and attempt to assassinate Porsenna. When caught Mucius would hold his hand to the fire to show how brave Roman’s were. In the morning Porsenna would abandon the siege and return home ending Tarquinius Superbus’s hopes of regaining his throne. The New Constitution After Rome was safe Consul Poplicola would establish a new constitution for Rome. First the office of king was prohibited. Two Senators would be elected annually as Consuls by the Comitia Centuriata. The office of Pontifex Maximus would be established. The constitution allowed for a Magister Populi in times of crisis. Their term would only last six months. The leading principle of Rome’s constitution is that no-one would have permanent political rule over the state. Patricians The Roman Constitution may have allowed no-one person to rule, but that did not mean no-one group. The patricians were Rome’s ruling elite tracing their lineage back to the original families that settled with Romulus. Under the Comitia Centuriata the patrician centuries had gained most of the power to select Magistrates, Senators, and Consuls. The Senate, now that the King was gone transitioned from a advisory body to a ruling body. The Consuls, elected annually had virtually no power in standing up to the Senates decrees. Plebeians Plebeian meant everyone else. These were the middle and lower class of Rome made up of tradesman, merchants, immigrants, and the poor. Under the new republic the Plebs had no powers. The Patricians controlling the military and the Senate could change laws, impress soldiers, and do pretty much anything they wanted. Plebs had no hope of movement, because it was illegal for a Plebeian and a Patrician to wed. Paterfamiliaris Head of the Domus No matter Patrician or Plebeian the master of the family was the paterfamilias. Meaning father of the family the senior male would be head of the domus or home. The paterfamilias was the public face of the home, he would have say over every member of the family and every slave. Paterfamilias was also granted patria potestas, the power of life and death over those who dwelled with him. The paterfamilias could sell any member into slavery or have them executed for disgrace of virtus. Consequently the paterfamilias had to uphold the virtus of the domus or bring ruin and disgrace upon his family. The People are Unhappy The division between Patrician and Pleb would come to a head in 450 BCE. Unchecked expansion, famine, war, debt and mismanagement by the Patricians plunged the Roman state into chaos. The Patricians would abuse their powers and evict and impress plebs at will. Those who went into debt would be executed. The Conflict of Orders Starting at this time would begin a period of 200 years called the Conflict of Orders. The Conflict of Orders would be the class struggle between partrician and plebs on who got to call the shots. Instead of rioting, in which they were prone to do from time-totime, the plebes began to organize strikes and deny military service. The Plebs would organize themselves into a political body called the Concilium Plebis Tributum or Council of the Plebs Arranged by Tribes. The Twelve Tables To protect their rights the plebs would demand a law code to be written to prevent unchecked abuse. In 453 BCE the plebs got their way and the patricians selected a commission of ten to write a law code. Appius Claudius, a Patrician Senator would use this commission to gain ruling power, but was later unthroned and imprisoned. The Twelve tables of Law was established in 450BCE. Roman Laws The Twelve Tables provided for: • The rights and duties of the family were defined • Traders had a right to get together for a common purpose. • Burials had to take place outside the city. • A son sold three times into slavery by his father would be free. • Women would remain under the guardianship of the paterfamilias even after their majority. • A common-law wife would become her own master after her husband died. • • • • • • Only a proper law court could order the execution of a man. Consuls had the last word over things like military conscription. Patricians could keep secret the legal jargon to be used in civil actions, so they would benefit and control how laws could be enforced. Marriage between partrician and plebian was prohibited. Harming of Aediles, Tribunes of the Plebes and other government officials was punishable by death Aediles became assistants to the tribunes and were elected annually. • In 445 BCE the law banning intermarriage was overturned Concilium Plebis Tributum The Concilium Plebis Tributum would become a governing body that would protect the interests of the plebs within the halls of the Senate. The Plebian Tribune would maintain the power of veto over that of the rule of the magistrates. This functionary would be controlled by the Plebian council and be elected annually. Also appointed to the Tribune would be two aediles, who were originally temple officials who oversaw civic matters with in the city. Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus One of the major political figures during the Conflict of orders was Cincinnatus. Cinncinnatus was a patrician senator who vehemently opposed any power the plebs gained. His son, Caeso violently removed a Tribune of the plebs and was charged with a capital offense. Cinncinnatus would have to sell much of the family holdings to buy his son out of a death penalty. Retiring to farm life Cinncinnatus was called upon twice to lead Rome as dictator against the Aequi and later to prevent a rogue Senator from crowning himself King. During his tenure as Consul the Tribune of the Plebs, Gaius Terentilius Harsa during the war with the Volsci, was able to pass the Twelve Tables. Cinncinnatus would have several towns and cities named after him for his selfless service to Rome, including Cincinnati , OH. The Latin League With Rome’s rise in power and their monumental struggle with the Etruscans, Rome’s neighbors banded together in an effort to save themselves. Originally the Latin league was made up of 30 cities in the Latium region surrounding Rome. Alba Longa, Bovillae, Lavinium, Praeneste, and Tibur were the principal cities that made up the league. These cities shared the same religion, practices, money, and language and banned together to protect themselves from Etruscan invasion and Roman domination. Roman Expansion Rome began to expand out at this time moving and annexing Latium territories and clashing with the Volsci to the South. The Latin League would band together and battle the Roman’s at Lake Regillus in 496, declared a Roman victory. As a result the Latin league would broker a peace with Rome called the Foedus Cassianum. With the peace with the Latins out the way Rome will now turn it’s attention to the Etruscans, the Aequi, and the Volsci. Gaius Marcius Coriolanus Legendary General and traitor to Rome. Gaius Marcius would gain the cognomen Coriolanus during the siege and defeat of the Volsci at Corioli. He would return to Rome a hero, but latter due to his opposition to the plebeians, he would be charged with misappropriation of public funds and exiled. He would join with the Volsci and attacked the city of Rome. As legend and Shakespeare report that at the site of his mother, wife and daughter’s supplication Coriolanus withdraws and retires to Antium. He would later be assassinated by Tullus Aufidius the Volsci leader for his acts of betrayal. War with the Etruscans By 426 Rome had subdued the Volsci and the Aequi through conquest and treaty. The only thorn left in it’s side would be the Etruscan city of Veii. The Roman army moved and defeated the Veians but failed to cripple the city. In 405, Rome was determined to destroy Etruscan and Veian opposition once and for all. A ten year siege ensues and nearly cripples all Roman resources. Finally troops led by Marcus Furius Camillus , tunneled under Veii’s walls and gained entrance into the city. Camillus ordered the execution and enslavement of Veii’s population. The city would then be divided and settled by poor Roman colonist and become a part of the greater Rome. Gallic Invasion By 390 BC Rome was becoming a powerhouse in the area. Until… the western Celts or Gauls pushed into the Po valley and started ransacking Etruscan cities. The Etruscans appealed for the Romans for help. Rome would respond by sending an army and was intercepted by the Gauls at the River Allia. There the Roman army was soundly defeated by the superior Gaul’s who then pushed on towards Rome. Rome is Sacked Hasty defenses were put up around the city, but the Gauls pushed through and invaded the city. The Roman home army and Patricians fortified the Capitoline Hill and held off the Gauls for seven months. A ransom of gold was paid to the Gauls and they withdrew. The devastation to the Roman army was drastic The city and its farm lands were catastrophic. The Patrician class was severly weakened. But.. Every cloud has a silver lining. More Power to the Plebs The Patricians had started to lose their grip on the government due to their drastic decrease in numbers. In this power vacuum the Plebs maneuver and increase their status. There is an ever increasing influx of new Roman citizens due to their colonies and their relationship to the Latins. The Plebs now vote in and require that one of the consuls must be a Pleb. They pass debtor reform and fix interest rates. The Concilium Plebis Tributum was now able to pass laws that bound not just plebs but also patricians. Now magistrates would come from the ranks of plebs as well as patricians. Rome Will Learn Due to the Gaulish invasion the Romans now looked at their military and defense and found it severly lacking. Their conscription army was made up of farmers and poor workers with little or no training. With the new plebian powers, military duty became a career step to political gain. More and more men would join the army as professional soldiers and receive training and equipment like armor, the gladius, and the pilum. They would reorganize the army into smaller flexible units, which would give them greater movement and adaptability on the battlefield. The city itself would now build its defenses with 24 ft. high 12 ft. thick walls making the city impregnable to attack. By 350BC Rome had moved out and defeated the Etruscans and made them part of their growing empire. They now would look at subduing the rest of Italy.