UNESCO-NIGERIA TECHNICAL & VOCATIONAL EDUCATION REVITALISATION PROJECT-PHASE II NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING COURSE CODE: MEC225 YEAR I- SE MESTER I PRACTICAL Version 1: December 2008 1 Table of Contents Week 1: To assess the mechanism of cold state production Week 2: To determine pressure-temperature relationship using refrigerator Week 3: To identify and sketch various components of vapour compression refrigeration system. Week 4: Measurement of properties of air Week 5: To determine the coefficient of performance of the Air-conditioning test unit Week 6: Measurement of heat transfer rate and estimation of coefficient of performance of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Week 7: Measurement of heat transfer rate and estimation of coefficient of performance of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle Week 8: To determine the coefficient of performance of the Air-conditioning test unit Week 9: To determine the coefficient of performance of the Air-conditioning test unit Week 10: TROUBLE SHOOTING: Self-contained Mechanical Refrigerators Week 11: TROBLE SHOOTING: Air handling Units - General Week 12: TROBLE SHOOTING: Thermostatic Expansion Valves Week 13: TROBLE SHOOTING: Chilled-Water Air handling Units Week 14: TROBLE SHOOTING: Air handling Units - Electric Heating Coils Week 15: TROBLE SHOOTING: Condensing Units (General) Week one Title: Cold State concepts. Aim: To assess the mechanism of cold state production. Apparatus: Conical flask, methylated spirit, trough, thermometer. Method: Pour a small quantity of methylated spirit into your palm and allow to vapourise. Note your feeling on your palm. Now pour a given quantity of the methylated spirit into a conical flask or beaker. Pour water in a trough and measure the temperature or Feel the coldness of the water Place the conical flask with the content into the water in the rough until all the spirit vapourises. Feel the measure the new temperature of water in the trough. Observations: Note your observation. Discussion: Discuss this test and the phenomenon of vapourisation associated with the cold state achievement Title: Concept of cold making Aim: To show the direction of heat flow Apparatus: Beaker, ice blocks, thermometer stirrer. Method: Pour water into a beaker half full. Measure the temperature of the water and record. Add some cubes of ice blocks into the water. Stir the mixture gradually or shake the mixture for a period of three minutes. Measure the temperature of the mixture. Record the new temperature Observation: Note your observations. Discussion: Discuss this phenomenon Title: Concept of cold making Aim: To measure the quantity of heat transfer between two bodies at different temperatures. Apparatus: Conical flask or beaker, ice blocks, water, thermometer. Method: Weigh the flask or beaker. Add a quantity of water, weigh the beaker and water and record. Measure the initial temperature of water and record. Add a known mass of ice blocks and stir together until all the ice blocks melt. Take the thermometer reading of the final temperature of the mixture and record. Observations/ Result: Record all the measurements of mass and temperature. Calculation: Calculate the quantity of heat transfer from water to ice blocks. Discussion: Discuss this test and state the quantity of heat transfer. Title: Concept of cold making Aim: To show the effect of pressure on temperature. Apparatus: (i) Ice block measuring 150 x 75 x 75mm (ii) A length of string of 500mm (iii) Weighing hangers 2no. (iv) A set of weights (v) Stool Method: Place the ice bock on the stool. Attach the string to the weighing hanger. Place the string over the ice block. Add some equal weighs in the weighing hangers. Allow the assembly to stay for 10 minutes. Repeat this with different weights. Observation: Note your observation on the interration between string and ice block. Discuss: Discuss this test. WEEK 2 TITLE: To determine pressure-temperature relationship using refrigerator II APPARATUS: Refrigerator demonstration unit, thermometers, water (cool and warm) THEORY: RII is a refrigerator with chemical name, tichloroflouromethane, and formula, cd3F. The boiling point is 23.80C (74.90F). At – 150C (50F) suction and 300C (860F) condensing temperatures, the following parameters are obtained: Condensing pressure 3.5psig hy per ITR 0.94 cmf per ITR 36.54 COP 5.03 The colour code for RII is orange and the UL hazard class is 5a. The refrigerant has a faint, non-flamable and a low pressure refrigerant used mainly in large low speed centrifuges. It is an excellent solvent much used to wash out systems contaminated by motor burnants. It is supplied in low pressure drums or cylinders pressurized with nitrogen as a propellant. The full physical properties of refrigerants can only be detailed in extensive and complicated tables and charts which are not easy to understand. Exhaustive details are not however important to the installation or service engineer or technician whose needs are concentrated on converting gauge pressures into temperature or into gauge pressures of each of the refrigerants with which he works. Simple temperature to pressure relationships are detailed in the attached table. The table being the temperature/pressure relationships for various refrigerant and is straight forward in its practical application. If the installation technician is balancing an R12 system to run at a saturated temperature of -290C (-200F), he aims at a gauge reading of 0.6psig. if his discharge gauge reading is 136.4psig, the table will tell him that the condensing temperature is 43.30C (1100F). PROCEDURE 1. Charge the refrigerant into the system and allow to reach the desired quantity. 2. Condition the evaporator and condenser to work at the same temperature by allowing warm water into the evaporator and cool water into the condenser. 3. When an equilibrium temperature is reached, vary the water flow rate and record the observed corresponding temperature and pressure. 4. Tabulate the results obtained from the experiment over a practical range and plot the graph of pressure-temperature relationship. PRECAUTION State the necessary precautions taken in the course of carrying out the experiment. RESULTS/OBSERVATION/GRAPHS: Tabulate the results obtained and state any unique observation made during the experiment. Present your results in graphical form and briefly interpret or analyze it. RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION State the reference of this test and highlight specific industrial application of this test. How can this be used to explain the characteristics and effects of using one refrigerator in place of another for a domestic refrigerator or window air conditioner. Week 3 Title: Refrigeration components Aim: To identify and sketch various components of vapour compression refrigeration system. Method: Pick from the numerous components, provided, sketch, label and briefly describe each of them. Discussion: Discuss the function of each of the components/parts sketched. WEEK 4 TITLE: Measurement of properties of air OBJECT: To determine the relative humidity, humidity ratio, vapor density, degree of saturation, enthalpy, and dew-point temperature of air by the use of a sling psychrometer and a psychrometric chart. APPARATUS: Sling psychrometer or stationary-bulb psychrometer, mercurial barometer, psychrometric chart. Drawing THEORY: Liquids, vapours, and gases occur in a great variety of mixtures in fuels, products of combustion, refrigeration systems, steam boilers, and condensers and in atmospheric air. Mixtures of air and steam are by far the most common of the gasvapour mixtures. Steam boilers deliver steam containing small amounts of air, and when this steam is condensed, the problem of air removal arises. Steam turbines, condensers, and evaporators that operate below atmospheric pressure will admit air through any leakage areas, and this air must be removed. Since most fuels contain 5 to 25 per cent of hydrogen, products of combustion in furnaces and engines are gas-steam mixtures. Water cooling by evaporation in air requires the computation of air-steam mixtures in spray ponds, cooling towers, evaporative condensers for refrigeration, etc. Humidification and dehumidification of air I all phases of air conditioning require a variety of computation procedures of air-steam mixtures. Since humidity affects the behavior of so many commercial materials such as wood, paper, textiles, paint, tobacco, pastes, and doughs, the control of atmospheric moisture is a major problem in industrial as well as home air conditioning. Because air and low-pressure steam behave approximately as ideal gases, the perfect-gas laws form the basis for most calculations. The ratio of the constituents of the air-steam mixture may be expressed in either weight or volume. METHOD: The accuracy of the wet and dry-bulb thermometers should be noted before the wick is moistened by reading both thermometers in an air stream when dry. No difference in reading should be visible in a good instrument. Moisten the wet-bulb wicking and whirl at about 150 rpm; then read wet bulb first. Whirl, read, whirl, read until the lowest possible wet-bulb reading is obtained. Use clean water; distilled water is preferred. Do not touch the wet bulb, as the slightest oily deposit on the wicking will cause errors. Read mercurial barometer. CONCLUSION 1. How did you get the relative humidity of the air? The humidity ratio, the vapor density, the degree of saturation, the enthalpy, and the dew-point temperatures? 2. What temperature is a measure of sensible heat, total heat and moisture content? i. The psychrometry is the branch of engineering science that deal with the study of Moisture air. Moisture air consists of dry air mixed with water vapour or humidity. It also includes the study of behaviour of dry air and water vapour mixture under various conditions. ii. The earth’s atmosphere is a mixture of gases including nitrogen (N 2), oxygen (O2), argon (Ar), and carbon dioxide (CO2); yet for the purpose of psychrometry, it is considered to be a mixture of dry air and water vapour only. iii. The dew point temperature is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when the moisture 9water vapour) present in it begins to condenser. In other words, the dew point temperature is the saturation temperature (tsat) corresponding to the partial pressure of water vapour (P v), it is usually denoted by tdp. Since PV is very small, therefore the saturation temperature by water vapour at PV is also low (less than atmospheric or dry bulb temperature). This is water vapour in air exists in the superheated state and the moisture air containing moisture in such a form (i.e. in the superheated state) is said to be unsaturated air. This condition is shown by point A on T-S chart as shown below. When the partial pressure of water vapour (PV) is equal to the saturation pressure (PS); the water vapour is in dry condition and the air will be saturated air. If a sample unsaturated air containing superheated water vapour is cooled at constant pressure, the partial pressure (PV) of each constituent remains constant until the water vapour reaches the saturation state as in point B. at this point B the first drop of dew will be forward and hence the temperature at point B is called dew point temperature. Further cooling will cause condensation of water vapour. From the above illustration, the dew point temperature is the temperature at which the water vapour begins to condenser. Dry bulb temperature is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer when it is not affected by the moisture present in the air (td or tdb) Wet bulb temperature is the temperature of air recorded by thermometer when its bulb is surrounded by a wet cloth exposed to air. Psychrometer: There are many types of psychrometer but the sling psychrometer is a common one and is widely used. It consists of a dry bulb thermometer and a wet bulb thermometer mounted side by side in a protective casing attached to a handle by a swivel connection so that the case can be easily rotated. The dry bulb thermometer is directly exposed to air and measures the actual temperature is covered by a wick thoroughly wetted by distilled water. The temperature measured by this wick covered bulb of a thermometer is the temperature of liquid water in the wick and is called wet bulb temperature. The sling psychrometer is rotated in the air for approximate one minute after which the readings are taken from both thermometers. This process is repeated several times to ensure that the lowest possible wet bulb temperature is recorded. WEEK 5 OBJECTIVE: To determine the coefficient of performance of the Air-conditioning test unit when acting as:i. A cooler ii. A heat pump EQUIPMENT Plint and partners versatemp air-conditioning TE/94/1902, flowmeter, cromption wattmeter, thermometers. Student to draw a schematic diagram of the arrangement. PROCEDURE Students to write this up as per instructed THEORY Conventionally, the air-conditioners is described as a cooler when it is extracting heat from the surrounding air and rejecting it to the cooling water; and it is described as a heat pump when it is extracting heat from the water and transferring it to air. (i) The coefficient of performance of the air-conditioning when acting as a cooler is given by CPR = q1 W Where q1 = heat extracted from air = mass flow rate of air x Enthalpy drop of air in passing through airconditioner. Mass flow rate of air can be calculated from the pitot tube mounted in the discharge duct; But Pa = RT P Where R = 287 Pa = atmospheric pressure in N/m2. The velocity of the air U, corresponding to the velocity head H1 cm H2O as measured in the pitot tube is given by U2 = 98.1 H1 2 From these, it can be found that the mass flow rate of the air m1 = 0.00332 H1 Pa kg/sec. T2 Where T2 = temperature of the air leaving air – conditioner (0K) q1 = m1 CP (T1 – T2) Where T1 = temperature of air entering air-conditioner CP = specific heat of air at constant pressure = 1.005 kj/kg 0K. W = Power input by fan + compressor + heat gained by water in cooling refrigerant. Heat gained by cooling water = m2 CP (T5 – T4) Where CP = 4.19 kj/kg 0K. From the rotameter the volume of circulating water can be observed and hence the mass; take the density of water as:(ii) The coefficient of performance of the air-conditioner when acting as a heater. CPH = q2 w where q2 = energy gained by air in passing through air-conditioner. W = power input to fan + compressor + heater EXPERIMENTAL DATA TEMPERATURE OF INCOMING AIR. TEMPERATURE OF OUTGOING AIR PITOT TUBE DEFLECTION POWER INPUT TO FAN POWER INPUT TO COMPRESSOR POWER INPUT TO HEATER TEMPERATURE OF WATER AT INLET TEMPERATURE OF WATER AT OUTLET RATE OF FLOW OF WATER BAROMETRIC PRESSURE CONCLUSION i. From standard calculations, the maximum coefficient of performance of the air-conditioner as a cooler was found to be 6.2. Compare and contrast this with your results. ii. The maximum coefficient of performance of this air-conditioner as a heater was also found to be 4.78. Compare and contrast this with your results. WEEK 6 TITLE: Measurement of heat transfer rate and estimation of coefficient of performance of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle. APPARATUS: Hilton’s refrigeration demonstration unit. DRAWING: See attached schematic diagram of the refrigeration demonstration unit. THEORY: The compressor used in this demonstration unit is a diaphragm compressor of the oil free type which has proved suitable for this application for the following reasons. a) It is unlikely to be damaged by mal-operation of the equipment (e.g. liquid carry over from the evaporator). b) The volumetric efficiency falls fairly rapidly as the pressure ratio is increased which clearly demonstrates the reduction of refrigerator performance under these conditions. c) The system does not have to be contaminated with oil for lubrication purpose. The evaporator is constructed from a thick walled glass cylinder machined brass end plates. The refrigerant R11 can be see to boil as heat is transferred from a coil of copper tube through which water flows. A combination pressure/vacuum gauge indicates the pressure. The condenser is a similar glass cylinder in which the higher pressure vapor can be seen to condense as heat is transferred to a similar coil of copper tuning through which water flows. Thermometers and a combination pressure/vacuum gauge are provided as in the evaporator. A float operated needle is situated in the bottom of the condenser. The valve controls the refrigerant liquid flow rate to match the rate of condensation at all operating conditions. PLANT DATA Refriger/ant – R11 CC13F quantity – 400-500ml Compressor: Diaphragm type gas compressor. ¼hpmotor. Rotational speed – 1425rpm. Volumetric flow at intake conditions for a pressure ratio of 2:1 = 1.238liter/s CONDENSER: Glass cylinder 66.6mm bore. 200mm long.; 4.2mm thick. Copper tubing 6.35mm diameter. Heat transfer area (mean) Ac = 0.032 Heat transfer to or from surroundings = 0.8 (tc-ta) Watts. EVAPORATOR: Similar dimensions to condenser. Lett tc – Refrigerant saturation temperature in condenser = 250C Pc – Refrigerant saturation pressure in condenser = 1bar tc – Refrigerant saturation Temperature in evaporator = 50 C pe – Refrigerant saturation pressure in evaporator = 0.20bar mc – Water flow rate through condenser = 20kg/hr tw – Water temperature at inlet to condenser tx – Water temperature at outlet from condenser me – Water flow rate through evaporator tu – Water temperature at inlet t evaporator tu – Water temperature at outlet from evaporator ta – Ambient air temperature Ac – Heat transfer area condenser Ae – Heat transfer area evaporator Be experiment it has been found that the heat exchange rate between the evaporator or condenser and the atmosphere has been established as 0.8watts per degree K difference between the saturation temperature and ambient temperature. There are three significant energy transfer rates in the refrigeration cycle – 1. The positive heat transfer rate to the refrigerant as it is evaporated Qe. 2. The negative heat transfer rate as the refrigerant is cooled and liquefied in the condenser Qc. 3. The negative work transfer rate W to the refrigerant as it passes through the compressor. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, in a cycle, the net heat transfer is equal to the work transfer, thus W = Qe – Qc Qe = Heat transfer rate from (Water + Atmosphere) Qc = me Cp (tu – tv) + 0.8 (ta – te) Qc = Heat transfer rate to (Water + Atmosphere) Qc = mc Cp (tx – tw) + 0.8 (tc – ta) Coefficient of performance (based on work transfer to refrigerant COP = Qe/W Measurement of heat transfer coefficient during evaporation and condensation:The overall heat transfer coefficient (U) is the heat transfer rate per unit area of heating surface, when a temperature difference of one degree exists between the hot and cold fluids. In the case of a heat exchanger, the temperature difference is the log mean temperature difference which is the case of the condenser is LMTDc = and in the case of the evaporator is LMTDc = The heat transfer rate to the water at the condenser Uc = Similarly at the evaporator Ue = METHOD: 1. Ensure that the refrigerator contains sufficient refrigerator liquid to cover Evaporator cooling coil under working conditions. 2. Open up water control valves on both evaporator and condenser to high rate of flow at between (10 - 20) 0C. 3. Switch on compressor and leave for about 10 minutes. 4. Adjust the water flow rates and if necessary the cold water temperatures to obtain the desired evaporator and condenser pressures. 5. The evaporator and condenser pressures and temperatures are noted and the rates of boiling and condensation are observed visually. 6. The evaporate water flow rate is considerable reduced and the unit again allowed to stabilise. The temperatures and pressures are again noted as well as the rate of boiling and condensation. The condenser pressure can be controlled b adjustment of the water flow rate. 7. Computer for the COP and heat transfer coefficients during evaporation and condensation using two sets of readings of pressures and temperatures (two different water flow rates). 8. Keep the evaporator saturation temperature constant b adjustment of the evaporator water flow rate and inlet temperature and run a series of tests at 4, different condenser pressures (controlled by variation of condenser water flow rate). The related. 9. With the tabulated values found in step 8, construct a performance curve for the refrigeration Unit using Refrigerating Effect (Watts) vs. condenser Saturation Temperature (0C) for a constant Evaporator Saturation Temperature. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Are the heat transfer coefficients at the condenser and evaporator constant at different pressures and temperatures? 2. What is the relation between the refrigerating effect and the pressure ration (condenser pressure/ratio? pressure)? To get the largest refrigerating effects from a given unit, what should be the pressure ratio? 3. What do you think are the reasons why R11 refrigerant is used in this demonstration unit? WEEK 8 TITLE: Measurement of heat transfer rate and estimation of coefficient of performance of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle. APPARATUS: Hilton’s refrigeration demonstration unit. DRAWING: THEORY: The compressor used in this demonstration unit is a diaphragm compressor of the oil free type which has proved suitable for this application for the following reasons. a) It is unlikely to be damaged by mal-operation of the equipment (e.g. liquid carry over from the evaporator). b) The volumetric efficiency falls fairly rapidly as the pressure ratio is increased which clearly demonstrates the reduction of refrigerator performance under these conditions. c) The system does not have to be contaminated with oil for lubrication purpose. The evaporator is constructed from a thick walled glass cylinder machined brass end plates. The refrigerant R11 can be see to boil as heat is transferred from a coil of copper tube through which water flows. A combination pressure/vacuum gauge indicates the pressure. The condenser is a similar glass cylinder in which the higher pressure vapor can be seen to condense as heat is transferred to a similar coil of copper tuning through which water flows. Thermometers and a combination pressure/vacuum gauge are provided as in the evaporator. A float operated needle is situated in the bottom of the condenser. The valve controls the refrigerant liquid flow rate to match the rate of condensation at all operating conditions. PLANT DATA Refriger/ant – R11 CC13F quantity – 400-500ml Compressor: Diaphragm type gas compressor. ¼hpmotor. Rotational speed – 1425rpm. Volumetric flow at intake conditions for a pressure ratio of 2:1 = 1.238liter/s CONDENSER: Glass cylinder 66.6mm bore. 200mm long.; 4.2mm thick. Copper tubing 6.35mm diameter. Heat transfer area (mean) Ac = 0.032 Heat transfer to or from surroundings = 0.8 (tc-ta) Watts. EVAPORATOR: Similar dimensions to condenser. Lett tc – Refrigerant saturation temperature in condenser = 250C Pc – Refrigerant saturation pressure in condenser = 1bar tc – Refrigerant saturation Temperature in evaporator = 50 C pe – Refrigerant saturation pressure in evaporator = 0.20bar mc – Water flow rate through condenser = 20kg/hr tw – Water temperature at inlet to condenser tx – Water temperature at outlet from condenser me – Water flow rate through evaporator tu – Water temperature at inlet t evaporator tu – Water temperature at outlet from evaporator ta – Ambient air temperature Ac – Heat transfer area condenser Ae – Heat transfer area evaporator Be experiment it has been found that the heat exchange rate between the evaporator or condenser and the atmosphere has been established as 0.8watts per degree K difference between the saturation temperature and ambient temperature. There are three significant energy transfer rates in the refrigeration cycle – 1. The positive heat transfer rate to the refrigerant as it is evaporated Qe. 2. The negative heat transfer rate as the refrigerant is cooled and liquefied in the condenser Qc. 3. The negative work transfer rate W to the refrigerant as it passes through the compressor. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, in a cycle, the net heat transfer is equal to the work transfer, thus W = Qe – Qc Qe = Heat transfer rate from (Water + Atmosphere) Qc = me Cp (tu – tv) + 0.8 (ta – te) Qc = Heat transfer rate to (Water + Atmosphere) Qc = mc Cp (tx – tw) + 0.8 (tc – ta) Coefficient of performance (based on work transfer to refrigerant COP = Qe/W Measurement of heat transfer coefficient during evaporation and condensation:The overall heat transfer coefficient (U) is the heat transfer rate per unit area of heating surface, when a temperature difference of one degree exists between the hot and cold fluids. In the case of a heat exchanger, the temperature difference is the log mean temperature difference which is the case of the condenser is LMTDc = and in the case of the evaporator is LMTDc = The heat transfer rate to the water at the condenser Uc = Similarly at the evaporator Ue = METHOD: 1. Ensure that the refrigerator contains sufficient refrigerator liquid to cover Evaporator cooling coil under working conditions. 2. Open up water control valves on both evaporator and condenser to high rate of flow at between (10 - 20) 0C. 3. Switch on compressor and leave for about 10 minutes. 4. Adjust the water flow rates and if necessary the cold water temperatures to obtain the desired evaporator and condenser pressures. 5. The evaporator and condenser pressures and temperatures are noted and the rates of boiling and condensation are observed visually. 6. The evaporate water flow rate is considerable reduced and the unit again allowed to stabilise. The temperatures and pressures are again noted as well as the rate of boiling and condensation. The condenser pressure can be controlled b adjustment of the water flow rate. 7. Computer for the COP and heat transfer coefficients during evaporation and condensation using two sets of readings of pressures and temperatures (two different water flow rates). 8. Keep the evaporator saturation temperature constant b adjustment of the evaporator water flow rate and inlet temperature and run a series of tests at 4, different condenser pressures (controlled by variation of condenser water flow rate). The related. 9. With the tabulated values found in step 8, construct a performance curve for the refrigeration Unit using Refrigerating Effect (Watts) vs. condenser Saturation Temperature (0C) for a constant Evaporator Saturation Temperature. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Are the heat transfer coefficients at the condenser and evaporator constant at different pressures and temperatures? 2. What is the relation between the refrigerating effect and the pressure ration (condenser pressure/ratio? pressure)? To get the largest refrigerating effects from a given unit, what should be the pressure ratio? 3. What do you think are the reasons why R11 refrigerant is used in this demonstration unit? WEEK 8 OBJECTIVE: To determine the coefficient of performance of the Air-conditioning test unit when acting as:i. A cooler ii. A heat pump EQUIPMENT Plint and partners versatemp air-conditioning TE/94/1902, flowmeter, cromption wattmeter, thermometers. Student to draw a schematic diagram of the arrangement. PROCEDURE Students to write this up as per instructed THEORY Conventionally, the air-conditioners is described as a cooler when it is extracting heat from the surrounding air and rejecting it to the cooling water; and it is described as a heat pump when it is extracting heat from the water and transferring it to air. (i) The coefficient of performance of the air-conditioning when acting as a cooler is given by CPR = q1 W Where q1 = heat extracted from air = mass flow rate of air x Enthalpy drop of air in passing through airconditioner. Mass flow rate of air can be calculated from the pitot tube mounted in the discharge duct; But Pa = RT P Where R = 287 Pa = atmospheric pressure in N/m2. The velocity of the air U, corresponding to the velocity head H1 cm H2O as measured in the pitot tube is given by U2 = 98.1 H1 2 From these, it can be found that the mass flow rate of the air m1 = 0.00332 H1 Pa kg/sec. T2 Where T2 = temperature of the air leaving air – conditioner (0K) q1 = m1 CP (T1 – T2) Where T1 = temperature of air entering air-conditioner CP = specific heat of air at constant pressure = 1.005 kj/kg 0K. W = Power input by fan + compressor + heat gained by water in cooling refrigerant. Heat gained by cooling water = m2 CP (T5 – T4) Where CP = 4.19 kj/kg 0K. From the rotameter the volume of circulating water can be observed and hence the mass; take the density of water as:(ii) The coefficient of performance of the air-conditioner when acting as a heater. CPH = q2 w where q2 = energy gained by air in passing through air-conditioner. W = power input to fan + compressor + heater EXPERIMENTAL DATA TEMPERATURE OF INCOMING AIR. TEMPERATURE OF OUTGOING AIR PITOT TUBE DEFLECTION POWER INPUT TO FAN POWER INPUT TO COMPRESSOR POWER INPUT TO HEATER TEMPERATURE OF WATER AT INLET TEMPERATURE OF WATER AT OUTLET RATE OF FLOW OF WATER BAROMETRIC PRESSURE CONCLUSION i. From standard calculations, the maximum coefficient of performance of the air-conditioner as a cooler was found to be 6.2. Compare and contrast this with your results. ii. The maximum coefficient of performance of this air-conditioner as a heater was also found to be 4.78. Compare and contrast this with your results. WEEK 9 OBJECTIVE: To determine the coefficient of performance of the Air-conditioning test unit when acting as:i. A cooler contd ii. A heat pump contd EQUIPMENT Plint and partners versatemp air-conditioning TE/94/1902, flowmeter, cromption wattmeter, thermometers. Student to draw a schematic diagram of the arrangement. PROCEDURE Students to write this up as per instructed THEORY Conventionally, the air-conditioners is described as a cooler when it is extracting heat from the surrounding air and rejecting it to the cooling water; and it is described as a heat pump when it is extracting heat from the water and transferring it to air. (i) The coefficient of performance of the air-conditioning when acting as a cooler is given by CPR = q1 W Where q1 = heat extracted from air = mass flow rate of air x Enthalpy drop of air in passing through airconditioner. Mass flow rate of air can be calculated from the pitot tube mounted in the discharge duct; But Pa = RT P Where R = 287 Pa = atmospheric pressure in N/m2. The velocity of the air U, corresponding to the velocity head H1 cm H2O as measured in the pitot tube is given by U2 = 98.1 H1 2 From these, it can be found that the mass flow rate of the air m1 = 0.00332 H1 Pa kg/sec. T2 Where T2 = temperature of the air leaving air – conditioner (0K) q1 = m1 CP (T1 – T2) Where T1 = temperature of air entering air-conditioner CP = specific heat of air at constant pressure = 1.005 kj/kg 0K. W = Power input by fan + compressor + heat gained by water in cooling refrigerant. Heat gained by cooling water = m2 CP (T5 – T4) Where CP = 4.19 kj/kg 0K. From the rotameter the volume of circulating water can be observed and hence the mass; take the density of water as:(ii) The coefficient of performance of the air-conditioner when acting as a heater. CPH = q2 w where q2 = energy gained by air in passing through air-conditioner. W = power input to fan + compressor + heater EXPERIMENTAL DATA TEMPERATURE OF INCOMING AIR. TEMPERATURE OF OUTGOING AIR PITOT TUBE DEFLECTION POWER INPUT TO FAN POWER INPUT TO COMPRESSOR POWER INPUT TO HEATER TEMPERATURE OF WATER AT INLET TEMPERATURE OF WATER AT OUTLET RATE OF FLOW OF WATER BAROMETRIC PRESSURE CONCLUSION i. From standard calculations, the maximum coefficient of performance of the air-conditioner as a cooler was found to be 6.2. Compare and contrast this with your results. ii. The maximum coefficient of performance of this air-conditioner as a heater was also found to be 4.78. Compare and contrast this with your results. WEEK 10 TROUBLE SHOOTING: Self-contained Mechanical Refrigerators Symptom Possible cause A) Power at point but unit will a) Thermostat improperly set or not start defective b) Compressor overloads open circuit c) Wiring defect B) Compressor hums and trips on overload a) Low voltage b) Defective capacitor c) Defective relay (not closing) d) Defective compressor C) Compressor short-cycles e) Liquid refrigerant in compressor a) Defective compressor overload b) Thermostat defective c) Condenser airflow restricted. d) Air in system Remedial action a) Reset or test and replace thermostat b) Test, repair or replace Klixon c) Check wiring for connections and continuity; adjust as necessary a) Check voltages at power point and at terminal box b) Test and replace if necessary c) Check relay operation and replace if necessary d) Check for mechanical operation - replace if piston etc. is jammed e) Fit crankcase heater and/or accumulator a) Test, repair or replace Klixon b) Test, replace if necessary c) Check cleanliness of condenser - remove any obstructions to correct airflows d) Test, purge, repair leak and recharge system e) Check liquid line for damage and replace if necessary f) Replace strainer/drier and capillary tube e) Liquid-line damage g) Replace capillary tube and strainer/drier f) Liquid-line filter blocked (filter frosts over) g) Capillary tube blocked or damaged (frost back along capillary possible) TROUBLE SHOOTING: Self-contained Absorption-Type Refrigerator Symptom A) No or poor cooling efficiency Possible cause Remedial action a) Gas jet burner or heating element defective b) Thermostat defective c) Door gasket faulty or door not sealing properly (condensation around door, evaporator coated with watery ice) d) Loss of refrigerant charge (faint smell of ammonia) e) Poor condensing efficiency a) Strip, clean and check correct operation; replace wick etc. if required b) Check operation, replace if necessary c) Check door seal and gasket fit - replace as necessary d) Fit new cooling system e) Check condenser for cleanliness and remove any obstructions to free airflow 10.4 Walk-in Refrigerators Symptom A) Temperature high - coil heavily frosted Possible cause a) Defective door gasket (condensation around door) b) Inadequate defrost cycle c) Excessive loading Remedial action a) Check, replace if necessary; investigate loading methods b) Examine time clocks, heating elements and safety controls or reverse cycle defrost valves as fitted; if all is in order, check that coil is free from frost at end of cycle (time) and speed of ice build-up (frequency) and reset controls as necessary c) Investigate pattern of usage and control settings if product is held near its freezing point WEEK 11 TROBLE SHOOTING: Air handling Units - General Symptom A) Evaporator fan motor runs - no cooling or heating B) Evaporator fan motor runs insufficient cooling or heating C) Excessive noise Possible cause a) Controls not properly set b) Defective thermostat c) Starting sequence interlocks not completed d) System wiring defect e) Safety control open circuit a) Blocked evaporator airflow b) Defective evaporator fan or fan drive a) Pipes vibrating and making metal to metal contact b) Evaporator fan touching blower housing c) Fan shaft out of alignment d) Fan drive defect e) Fan out of balance f) Anti-vibration isolators worn or defective g) Faulty installation - unit not properly level Remedial action a) Check and reset b) Check and reset c) Locate and correct wiring or control defect x d) Locate and remedy fault e) Locate and remedy cause of control operation a) Check grilles for obstructions, condition of cooling coil and air filter; clean and adjust as necessary b) Check fan tight on shaft and rotates freely; inspect belt tension and condition; adjust or replace as necessary a) Adjust pipe positions b) Reposition and tighten fan(s) on shaft c) Test, replace if necessary d) Check belts for wear, tension and alignment; check bearings and pulleys e) Rebalance or replace f) Replace as necessary g) Check levels, adjust or correct as necessary A) Evaporator fan runs compressor will not start B) Evaporator fan runs Insufficient cooling Compressor runs continuously C) Evaporator fan runs Insufficient cooling compressor short-cycles a) Compressor electrical interlocks not completed b) Compressor safety control open circuit c) Defective compressor c) Check, and replace if necessary a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) Controls not properly set Shortage of refrigerant Compressor not pumping TEV jammed open e) Excessive heat load f) Flash gas in liquid line - low ambient temperature a) Low voltage b) Controls not properly set c) Air in system d) Inadequate condensing e) Defective compressor contact or windings f) Compressor safety control open circuit g) Inadequate evaporator airflow h) Liquid-line blockage i) 'Over condensing' j) Shortage of refrigerant a) Locate and remove cause b) Locate and remove cause Check and reset Check via sight glass - top-up charge, leak test Test, replace if necessary Strip, clean or replace e) Check for structural or equipment causes f) Fit head pressure controller a) Check voltage at mains isolator and compressor terminals with unit running b) Check and adjust c) Purge, repair leak, top up refrigerant charge d) Check condenser fan operation and for freedom from blockages e) Check connections and operation - replace parts as necessary f) Check all control settings and operation, or locate and remedy cause if external g) Check for blockages of air filters, cooling coil, air passages; check condition of fan and drive kit h) Check condition of filter/drier, solenoid valve and TEV; check that TEV phial is properly secured and has not lost its charge Fit head pressure controller Check at sight glass, leak test, repair leaks if found, top-up refrigerant Air handling Units - Direct Expansion Symptom D) Low suction pressure Possible cause a) Expansion valve defect - seat or superheat setting b) Evaporator airflow incorrect c) Shortage of refrigerant d) 'Over condensing' - low ambient temperature e) Incorrect control setting f) Partial obstruction of liquid line g) Flash gas in liquid line - no leaks in system Remedial action a) Systematically check TEV operation, clean or replace or adjust as necessary b) Check fan tightness, drive kit condition, absence of restrictions to airflow c) Check at sight glass, leak test, repair leaks, top up with refrigerant d) Fit head pressure controller e) Check control settings and operation f) Check condition of filter/drier and solenoid valve g) Check height of liquid-line risers and degree of sub cooling in condenser WEEK 12 TROBLE SHOOTING: Thermostatic Expansion Valves Possible cause Symptom A) Low suction pressure high superheat S) Low suction pressure low superheat C) High suction pressure low superheat D) Suction pressure fluctuates ('Hunting') a) b) c) d) e) Low ambient temperature Loss of refrigerant Equalizer line blocked Orifice blocked by wax, oil or dust Superheat setting too high a) Incorrect superheat setting b) Valve seat held open by dirt, oil etc. c) Equalizer line blocked d) Bulb not properly fixed a) Incorrect superheat setting b) Uneven load at evaporator c) Equalizer line restricted d) Oil in suction line affecting temperature sensed by valve bulb Remedial action a) b) c) d) e) f) Fit head pressure control Trace and repair leak, recharge Repair or replace line Strip and clean valve; fit new filter/driers Adjust setting Replace valve power element a) Adjust setting b) Clean valve, fit new filter/drier c) Clean or replace line d) Check that bulb is securely clamped to suction line and is not affected by other heat sources a) Adjust setting b) Check condition of distributor c) Clean or replace line d) Do not locate valve sensing element in a section of line likely to form an oil trap TROBLE SHOOTING: Solenoid Valves Symptom Possible cause Plunger stuck by solids or oil Valve body warped Solenoid coil burnout Faulty electric connections Excessive refrigerant pressure Remedial action A) Valve will not open a) b) c) d) e) B) Valve will not close C) Valve closes but flow continues a) Plunger stuck by solids or oil b) Spring broken or stuck c) Electrical fault a) Strip and clean valve b) Strip valve, replace spring c) Check all contacts and electric connections D) Valve noisy a) Contaminants under valve seat b) Seat or pin damaged a) Strip and clean b) Replace damaged item(s) a) Incorrect assembly b) Refrigerant noise c) Flash gas in liquid line b) Check and tighten components b) Install discharge muffler c) Check refrigerant charge and liquid-line strainer/drier; check whether head pressure control is necessary d) Check coil sleeve for fit and overall valve cleanliness d) Electric hum E) Coil burned out a) High or low voltage b) Wiring defect c) Moisture entered coil d) Plunger jammed a) b) c) d) e) Strip and clean valve Replace body Remedy cause and replace spring Check all contacts and electric connections Locate and remove cause a) Check and remedy b) Check all contacts and electric connections c) Protect from drips and electrically seal all connections d) Strip and clean valve when fitting new coil WEEK 13 TROBLE SHOOTING: Chilled-Water Air handling Units Symptom A) Insufficient cooling Remedial action Possible cause a) Insufficient chilled water supplied to cooling coil b) Chilled-water flow switch open circuit cooling system inoperative c) Restricted airflow over cooling coil d) Excessive cooling load e) Internal scaling of chilled water system a) Incorrect control setting B) Overcooling of space b) Excessive chilled water flow rate b) Refer to a) Check setting and operation of controls, and Ch. 8 chilled water valve(s) 10.18 b) Locate reason for operation of safety control, and restart system; if no other defect is apparent, check the flow switch itself Systematically check through air filter condition, and c) the cooling coil cleanliness; check fan operation, belt tension and alignment, and shaft bearing condition d) Check conditioned space for open doors, windows etc; or for the use of additional heat generating equipment e) Test pressure drops through cooling coil and Ch. 8 water chiller; if it is excessive, clean entire circuit chemically; recharge chilled water system and add a charge of a scale-inhibiting chemical a) Check and reset as necessary with particular reference to thermostat, water valve linkage and valve operation Check controls as at (a) above; test water Ch. 8 volumes through coil and if necessary adjust and rebalance system water distribution WEEK 14 TROBLE SHOOTING: Air handling Units - Electric Heating Coils Symptom A) Insufficient or no heating effect Possible cause a) Controls not properly set b) Control defect c) Restricted airflow over heating coils d) Defective heating elements e) Heater safety switch faulty or open circuit f) Unit wiring defect g) Evaporator fan or fan drive defect B) Overheating of space a) Controls not properly set b) Controls defective Remedial action a) Check and reset b) Systematically check contacts and operation of operating controls; adjust or replace items as required c) Check air filters, cooling coil, supply and return grilles for freedom from obstructions d) Check all elements for electrical continuity and where necessary e) Check safety switch for correct operation; if this is in order check out and remove cause of operation; if defective, replace safety switch f) Check conductors, connections etc. against wiring diagram g) Check fan tight on shaft and rotates freely; check tension, alignment and condition of fan motor belts, and tightness of pulleys; check bearings a) Check setting of thermostat etc. b) Systematically check contacts and operation of thermostat; adjust or replace as necessary Air handling Units With Humidifiers Symptom A) Humidity too low Possible cause a) Controls not properly set b) Defective control c) Excessive scale in humidifier d) Humidifier undersized for operating conditions e) System wiring defect f) Cooling system defect B) Humidity too high a) Controls not properly set b) Defective control Remedial action a) Check and adjust b) Check control circuit operation and condition of electric contacts, replace as necessary c) Replace or descale, in accordance with instructions for the specific type used d) Recalculate needs and if necessary arrange for a booster humidifier to be fitted e) Check all wiring, contacts and fuses f) Check air temperature off cooling coils; if it is too low proceed as instructed, in section on direct expansion or chilled-water coils, as applicable a) Check and adjust b) Check control operation, and state of electric contacts; replace as necesary WEEK 15 TROBLE SHOOTING: Condensing Units (General) Symptom Possible cause A) Compressor motor will not a) No power at terminals start b) Power arriving at motor terminals B) Compressor short-cycles a) Incorrect control or safety device setting b) Restrictions in liquid line c) Shortage of refrigerant d) Refrigerant overcharge e) Insufficient cooling duty C) Compressor runs non-stop f) Over condensing - flash gas in liquid line preventing proper start-up a) Excessive cooling duty b) Incorrect operating control settings c) Defective compressor refrigerant suction/discharge valves d) Faulty refrigerant flow D) Suction line frosts back to 180compressor a) Insufficient cooling duty Remedial action Refer to a) Check mains supply, fuses, control settings and Ch. 12 terminals, and interlocks b) Check pressure and thermal overloads - adjust Ch. 12 them, or trace and remove cause of operation; test motor insulation and winding continuity, and freedom from mechanical seizure; if necessary, replace compressor a) Check and reset as necessary b) Check solenoid valve, TEV, filter/drier and 10.7 piping itself 10.8 c) Check at sight glass, top-up charge, leak test, Ch. 8 repair leaks d) Check discharge pressure variations during Ch. 11 off-cycle, purge any air from high side of condenser e) Investigate load at evaporator; if necessary fit 10.15 hot gas bypass system f) Check temperature of air onto (or water into) Ch. 6 condenser, and cooling requirements; if necessary fit head pressure controller a) Check and if possible remove cause of excess load (open doors or windows etc. or use of extra heat-producing appliances) b) Check and reset as necessary c) Test compressor pumping efficiency and Ch. 11 maintenance of pressures during off-cycle; replace if necessary d) Check for leaks, defective TEV operation or 10.7 superheat setting, and phial fastening; check 10.8 solenoid valve operation and filter/drier condition a) Investigate load at evaporator; if necessary fit hot gas bypass system TROUBLE-SHOOTING Condensing Units (General) Possible cause Symptom a) Faulty external mountings b) Unit jumped off internal spring mountings c) Damaged valve reeds etc. d) Liquid slugging I) Compressor excessively noisy F) Head pressure too high a) Overcharge of refrigerant b) Air in system c) Inadequate condenser performance a) Shortage of refrigerant, or restricted liquid line Q) Head pressure too low b) Insufficient cooling load c) Over condensing d) Hot gas bypass valve wrongly set e) Defective compressor discharge valve H) Suction pressure too high a) Excessive cooling load b) TEV setting or operation faulty c) Defective compressor suction valve I) Suction pressure too low a) Shortage of refrigerant, or liquid-line restriction b) Hot gas bypass valve not correctly set c) Excessive pressure drop through evaporator d) Restriction at evaporator of air or water to be cooled Condensing Units (Air-cooled) Remedial action a) Check, replace as necessary b) Replace compressor c) Replace compressor d) Check and adjust TEV superheat setting, and cooling duty at evaporator; check evaporator free from restrictions a) Purge off excess b) Verify through check of pressure during off-cycle; purge air c) Check flows of air or water and ensure that condenser cooling surfaces are clean a) Check at sight glass; and condition of strainer/drier, solenoid valve and TEV 10.8 b) Check condition of evaporator and air filters in DX (direct expansion) units c) Check entering temperature of cooling medium; necessary fit hot gas bypass system d) Check and adjust e) Check pumping efficiency, if necessary replace a) Check evaporator duty b) Check, adjust or replace TEV as necessary c) Check pumping capacity and replace if, necessary a) Check at sight glass; then if necessary conditions of filter/drier, solenoid valve and TEV; top up, adjust or replace as necessary b) Test and adjust as necessary c) Check and adjust TEV superheat setting as necessary d) Check air/water volumes over evaporator and performance/condition of fans, filters, pumps etc; clean or adjust as necessary Symptom Possible cause Remedial action A) Low discharge pressure a) Low ambient temperature a) Check settings and operation of head pressure controller and dampers if fitted; adjust or replace as necessary B) High discharge pressure a) High ambient temperature b) Condenser airflow restricted a) As at (a) above b) Remove any obstructions to airstreams; check condenser fins not choked by dirt, clean as necessary c) Check condition and tightness of fan - belt tension, alignment and wear - freedom of shaft - motor operation d) Check no short-cycling of air between adjacent units no exposure to heat from other equipment c) Condenser fan drive defect d) External influences