Statement of Intent for a Master of Applied Computing Submitted by: Department of Physics and Computer Science 1) Program Description a) Briefly describe the program and its rationale, including an explanation of the degree nomenclature, and, for graduate programs, any intended fields. Computer Science is at the very heart of many of the dramatic advances of the 21st century. We now grapple with mobile computing, enterprise computing, social networking, cloud computing, and privacy enhancing technologies, which were barely heard of ten years before. As the technology becomes more sophisticated, so does the skill set required of the computing professional. Thus greater numbers of computing professionals are in need of advanced degrees that combine theory and practice. We envision the Master of Applied Computing as leading either directly to a job in industry, or on to a Ph.D. This degree would occupy a unique niche and be unlike any other computer science graduate degree offered in southwestern Ontario. The department chose the name “Applied Computing” to reinforce the fact that the degree will focus on the practical aspects of computer science. The centerpiece of the degree will be an optional 8 month paid co-op internship, and also exposure to entrepreneurship. Of course, being in Waterloo, where graduates of our undergraduate program already work at companies such as RIM, OpenText, and Desire2Learn, or have started their own companies like Tilted Pixel, Sustainable Waterloo, and SOS: Students Offering Support, we are in a unique position to provide interesting internships and models. There will be two streams in the program: a project-based stream and a thesis stream. Those in the project-based stream will take 6 courses plus the co-op internship. Those in the thesis-based stream will take 4 courses plus the thesis with the option to enroll the co-op internship. It is envisioned that one of the courses will be a seminar course, and at most 1/3 may be cross-listed from our fourth year undergraduate course offerings (e.g. image processing, applied cryptography, iPhone programming, Internet computing, artificial intelligence), or sourced from other departments (e.g. mathematical modelling, optimization, bioinformatics). The courses will be project-based, following a model similar to that in many of our fourth year courses in which students design, build and program robots, or design and program applications for the iPhone and other mobile devices. In addition to these more traditional courses, the program curriculum will include five new courses in mobile computing, user interface design, data analysis and analytics, and enterprise computing. Two of these courses will be lab-based. Mobile devices are rapidly becoming an essential tool in most industries from healthcare to entertainment, and are being used for everything from marketing to teaching. The ability to transmit data from remote locations to other remote or fixed locations has proved to be the solution to the biggest problem of business people on the move--mobility. User interface design is an important adjunct to mobile computing and has become the make-or-break feature on many apps and products. The most important component of any computing system is the user, and the product should be designed from this perspective. Data analysis and analytics is exploding as an area, and there is a critical need for smart solutions to the problem of manipulating, managing, and analyzing data—the advantage will go to the company who can best use data. Similarly, enterprise computing plays a fundamental role in today’s businesses, and properly designed software, including service oriented architecture (SOA), an appropriate platform, and an awareness of reliability and security, is essential. We plan to offer this suite of courses to students, knowing the knowledge and skills developed through them will benefit them in their co-op internship, or in their thesis work. The Department of Physics and Computer Science is a unique interdisciplinary mix of two traditional disciplines. We are a department of 15 full-time faculty: nine computer scientists, and six physicists (including the Dean of Science). A significant number of us are also engineers. Our research on the Computer Science side includes expertise in algorithms, symbolic computation, embedded systems, networking, image processing, system-on-a-chip, and security. On the physics side, relevant research includes computational physics, information theory, quantum computing, and applied optics. Several computer scientists and physicists are also doing research in scientific modelling. Currently many of us hold NSERC Discovery Grants, as well as funding from SHARCNET, NSERC-CRC, NSERC Engage, CIPI-TEN, OCE, Fields Institute and C4. Many of us are adjunct professors either at the University of Waterloo or the University of Guelph where we supervise graduate students. Several of us also supervise postdocs within our own department, or Master’s students in the Department of Mathematics at Laurier. Our collective view is that a graduate program will strengthen the existing research culture within the department. Further, a graduate program will serve to strengthen our undergraduate programs. By interacting with graduate students, our undergraduate students would gain a deeper and wider view of the computer science discipline. Discussions with our undergraduate students reveal strong support for a graduate program. In fact, many of our own undergraduate students have chosen several among us to be their thesis supervisors in the Math Department at Laurier or at other graduate institutions where we are adjuncts. From this base we envision growing a unique and distinctive Master’s program with a "dream it, build it" philosophy, learning the theory in the classroom and the practice in the internship. 2) Institutional Fit a) Explain how the program fits with the University’s Academic Plan. The program relates to three of the Core Principles in the University’s Academic Plan, namely, Discovery and Innovation, Integration, Quantitative and Scientific Analysis. Borrowing language from the descriptions of these in the Academic Plan, the Master of Applied Computing emphasizes in particular an applied scholarly focus on technological issues, critical thinking to resolve complex issues, and a broad range of quantitative and analytical skills, with exposure to both theory (within the courses) and practice (within the courses and the co-op internship, if chosen). Furthermore, in the Academic Plan, this program also falls within the Domain of Professional Programs, and is clearly a program requiring a synthesis of theoretical and practical knowledge. 1 b) Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) Alignment: Program alignment: Program Area of Growth in SMA Program Area of Strength in SMA Neither a program area of growth or strength in SMA Please list the program area of SMA growth/strength: Communication and Digital Media Studies, Business and Management Please provide the rationale for alignment. It is also noted that within the Strategic Mandate Agreement for Laurier, 2014-2017, two of the four proposed areas of both strength and growth in the area of graduate programming are Business and Management, and Communication and Digital Media Studies. The proposed program in Applied Computing relates to both of these areas. Beyond simply computer programming, this program’s emphasis on enterprise computing and data analysis and analytics, and on mobile computing and user interface design speak to both of these areas of growth and contribute in a unique and distinctive way to these objectives. Possible career paths for graduates of this program include web development and game development, in particular, mobile game development. General alignment with SMA, if not aligned with a program area of growth or strength: c) Program Prioritization/Program Transformation Initiatives Provide information on how this program relates to overall institutional program transformation initiatives. In its evaluation of the undergraduate Computer Science program, the IPRM report comments that “this is a solidly performing program which has seen increased demand in the past two years. Faculty are productive and students have been successful.” The proposed graduate program will further strengthen the undergraduate one by giving our undergraduate students exposure to some of the most important advances in computing technologies such as mobile computing and data science. d) Describe the consultation processes to be undertaken with all affected academic units and/or other stakeholders. 2 The Department of Physics and Computer Science has been planning and discussing a graduate program for many years and there is widespread support for this program within the Department. We already presented our vision with Dr. Paul Jessop, Dean of Science, and Dr. Joan Norris, Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. As the proposal for this program develops, we anticipate consulting with the following academic units and stakeholders: the chairs of the other departments in the Faculty of Science, for their ideas on avenues of collaboration or sharing of resources. the Department of Mathematics, as they have a Master’s program that many of us currently supervise students in. Co-operative Education, on the practicalities of the co-op internship and issues surrounding the participation of international students in co-op. The Communitech center in Kitchener, on possible collaboration on co-op internship. 3) Program Revenues, Costs and Demand a) Program tuition Please complete the table below. Tuition fees should exclude all centrally collected ancillary fees and student referenda fees. Proposed Program Tuition fee for Academic the program’s year full academic year, as defined by the institution $11,275/year Number of fall semesters* Number of winter Tuition fee as appropriate to how it is charged (per year/ session/course/cr edit) Number of semesters covered by tuition noted in column 1 1.5 $11,275/year 3 Academic Semesters Co-op Semesters 2 (project) 4 (thesis) 2 (project) (Optional for thesis) 1 (project) 1 (project) 2 (thesis) 1 (project) 1 (thesis) Number of units of study covered by tuition noted in column 1 6 (project) 4 (thesis) Number of semesters for program completion Number of units of study for program completion 4 7 (project) 5 (thesis) 3 semesters* Number of spring/summer semesters* 1 (thesis) 1 (project) *Graduate programs only b) Tuition fee comparators Please provide at least two (2) examples of both institutional and sector comparator programs used to set the tuition level (internal and/or external) below. Comparators may be similar credentials, similar programs or programs with similar cost structures. Where possible, comparators in Ontario should be used, and then in Canada if Ontario comparators are not available. If no comparators are available for tuition fee setting, please provide the rationale. Program Comparators - Institution Program Tuition Academic Name fee for the year program’s full academic year, as defined by the institution MSc in $8,529 1 Mathematics and Science for Finance Msc in $8,529 2 Chemistry and Biochemistry Tuition fee as appropriate to how it is charged (per year/ session/course /credit) Number of semesters covered by tuition noted in column 2 Number of units of study covered by tuition noted in column 2 Number of semesters for program completion Number of units of study for program completion $2,843 per semester 3 5 (thesis) 7 (project) 3 5 (thesis) 7 (project) $2,843 per semester 3 7 6 14 Program Comparators - Sector (only the program, institution names, and tuition fees are mandatory) Program Institution Tuition Tuition fee as Tuition Number Number Number of Number of Name Name fee for appropriate to year of of units semesters units of the how it is charged semesters of study for study for program’s (per year/ covered covered program program full session/course by tuition by completion completion academic /credit)– if known. noted in tuition year, as column 3 noted in defined column by the 3 institution MSc in University $17,500 $11,615/year 1.5 4 7 4 7 Applied of for 16 Computing Toronto months Master of University $25,000 $10,000/ 1.5 4 10 4 10 Applied of for 16 semester 1 Computing Windsor months $5,000/semesters 2-4 4 Provide a description of the tuition fee structure and the costing methods used to determine the proposed fee. Where tuition is high, provide the rationale for this, the impact of program cost on accessibility and any supports to mitigate the impact of high tuition on accessibility. Students are required to pay tuition fees for at least 4 semesters. The tuition fees are determined by the Science’s financial analyst. They are close to the average fees at other similar programs in Ontario. c) Program Costs Provide a summary of anticipated program costs as outlined in the budget. If the expected program costs are not aligned with similar programs at the university or within the province, provide an explanation of how the university will fund additional capital or operating costs associated with the program. We anticipate admitting 10 domestic and 2 international students a year. In the second year of the program (2018-19), the annual revenues are estimated to be $488,000. The total expenditures are estimated to be $354,000. The program would produce a surplus of $133,000; without overhead, the surplus would be $261,000. Our budget was prepared by the Financial Analyst for the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies. d) Evidence of Justifiable Duplication Provide evidence of how any duplication or similarity to programs at other provincial postsecondary institutions is justifiable. There are two graduate programs in Ontario that are similar in name to our program but very different in their focus. The Master of Applied Computing of the University of Windsor and the MSc in Applied Computing of the University of Toronto cover many traditional fields of computer science such as data base, system programming, and networking. They do not focus on a particular field, or fields. The Windsor program has no co-op component; the Toronto program does. Our program places particular emphasis in Mobile computing, Data Science, and Internet/Enterprise computing, the three fields where many innovations are taking place. With this particular focus for the program, we do not see the Master in Applied Computing as duplicating any existing offerings within the province. As of April 2015, the University of Waterloo Computer Science does not teach a course (undergraduate or graduate) in mobile computing or data mining. e) Evidence of Societal / Labour Market Need Provide evidence that graduates of the proposed program are needed in specifically identified fields (within academic, public and/or private sectors), where information is available. We consulted with the industry, in particular, the Communitech Center and a research group at Telus, on our proposal. The feedback from Telus is very positive. The manager of the Emerging Mobile Solutions at Telus wrote to us "I believe you are moving in the right direction with the Master’s in Applied Computing... The 8 month Co-op term is a great idea as well... I think this 5 program will spurn more entrepreneurs and startups – because it’s about leveraging what already exists". According to Gartner, the three most desirable skills in computer science are mobile computing, user interface design and data science, all of which are areas of focus for this program. f) Evidence of Student Demand Provide evidence of student demand, including the number of prospective student inquiries, applications and registrations for this or similar programs, and surveys of existing students, graduates and/or professionals in the field. A recent survey was created and administered to students graduating from the Department of Computer Science on their educational intent after graduation. When asked “Do you plan to apply to a graduate program?” 46% of students (n=59) said that they intended to continue their education. When asked about which schools they intended to apply to, it was clear that Laurier was losing out on prospective graduate students to other institutions in Ontario. Many respondents indicated that they would apply to a graduate program in Physics & Computer Science at Laurier if it were offered. g) Enrolment Planning and Graduate Allocations Provide the expected program enrolment (from initial year). Year 1 of program Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total Enrolment 12 12 12 12 48 Maturity 12 24 24 24 h) Additional Enrolment Information Provide any additional enrolment information, such as how the program enrolment is consistent with the enrolment forecast in the SMA. For graduate programs, explain the consistency with graduate space allocation in the SMA. Priority #2 in the SMA is concerned with research endeavours. Laurier targets 15% growth in Masters programs between 2012 and 2017. Our proposed graduate program will contribute to this targeted growth. The SMA asks the province for approval of additional graduate spaces. As of present we will be able to accommodate the students but if enrolment grows more than expected we will need more space. 4) Additional Information a) Experiential Learning If applicable, provide information on any experiential / entrepreneurial learning components that will take place outside of a regular learning setting. If the proposed program involves student placements, explain how practicum placement and/or co-op supply will be determined. 6 As noted above, there is an optional 8-month co-operative education option available to students in this program which will allow them to gain valuable work experience as they complete their degree. It is expected that our students, especially those who choose to specialize in mobile computing, are entrepreneurs, as indicated by the Telus manager above. The department is constantly contacted by companies for mobile programmers. Our undergraduate students in the PEP have found placements with companies such as IBM, and Desire2Learn. Our graduate co-op options would be similarly successful. 7 Master of Applied Computing New Academic Program Revenue and Expense Projection Template - Statement of Intent Fiscal Year: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Student Enrolments (in FTEs) : Entry/First Year Continuing/Upper Year(s) (note 1) Total Students 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 10 1.3 1.3 13.0 20 1.3 1.3 26.0 20 1.3 1.3 26.0 20 1.3 1.3 26.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 122,500 118,658 51,260 5,431 245,000 121,624 40,541 52,542 17,514 10,861 245,000 124,665 40,541 53,855 17,514 10,861 245,000 127,781 40,541 55,201 17,514 10,861 297,848 488,082 492,436 496,899 39,244 40,029 40,829 41,646 7,849 12,476 8,006 12,726 8,166 12,980 8,329 13,240 102,440 45,000 102,440 45,000 102,440 45,000 102,440 45,000 Cost of Benefits 6,206 6,330 6,457 6,586 Administrative and Other Costs: PER and Travel Supplies, photocopying, travel etc. Furniture & computer for new hires Promotion and Advertising Program Review Fees Joint Program Membership Fee Library (note 6) Computing Equipment Costs (note 6) Program related furniture (note 6) Space Cost (note 6) Co-op Costs (note 7) 413 1,000 5,431 413 500 10,861 413 500 10,861 413 500 10,861 International Students Continuing international students Total International Students (a) Annual Graduate FTEs or Undergrad FFTEs (b)i) Program BIU Weight ( FORPOS Code) - Yr 1 (b)ii) Program BIU Weight (FORPOS Code) - Sr. Yrs Total Annual BIUs ( a x b ) Faculty Resources: Full-time Faculty Positions Part-time Faculty Stipends Revenues (notes 2 and 3): Provincial Operating Grant Tuition Fees - New Domestic Students Tuition Fees - Continuing Domestic Students Tuition Fees - New International Students Tuition Fees - Continuing International Students Other Fees - Coop Fees Total Revenues Expenditures: Academic Salaries: Full-time Faculty Stipends - Part-time Faculty Administrative Salaries: (note 4) Administrative Stipends / Course Release Staff Salaries Student Support (note 5): Teaching Assistants Scholarships 1 New Academic Program Revenue and Expense Projection Template - Statement of Intent Fiscal Year: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Overhead (note 8) 64,225 128,450 128,450 128,450 Total Expenditures 284,283 354,754 356,096 357,464 Net Surplus (Deficit) 13,565 133,328 136,340 139,435 Net Surplus (Deficit) without overhead 77,790 261,778 264,790 267,885 Notes: 1 No attrition applied as the attrition rate in graduate programs is not significant. 2 Program design: Terms 1 and 2 course work; Terms 3 and 4 co-op or thesis options. Further investigation being done on comparable program structures. The above model has students paying tuition for all 4 terms. 3 Data based on students paying tuition for all terms. Total cost of program $14,666 (tuition only). Based on comparison to other similar programs, modelled to charged $2500 more in tuition fees over the whole program than other Laurier MSc programs. Students paying tuition for 3 terms in Year 1, and 1 term in Year 2. 4 Staff - 0.25 FTE estimated at a Grade 4. 1 course release for a Graduate Coordinator. 5 Graduate funding package included for domestic students only and based on one year support (2 TAs and $4,500 scholarship per student). No additional library sources, computer equipment, furniture or space costs are anticipated. Co-op rates based on 14.15 MABE fees. Co-op costs assumed to be equal to fees pending further discussion with Co-op. Co-op uptake assumed at 80%. Overhead based on total number of students x average cost per student. Overhead - per COFO (2012/2013 Table 6 for WLU $90,172,000; reduced by schoolarships & bursaries) includes: Academic Support, Library, Student Services, Central Computing & Communications Administration & General, Physical Plant & External Relations Fall 2012 Students = 16,848 Cost per student $5,352.09 6 7 8 2