FORM: WC03 Water Carrier Registration Renewal Water Carrier Registration Renewal Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2007, Section 69L The Drinking Water Assessor (DWA) in your district can assist you with filling out this form. Water carrier trading as: Water carrier owner: (may be a company name) Name of person responsible: (must be a named individual) Position: Address: Phone: Date form completed: Fax: Email: / / Office use only Date registration entered: 1. / / Please enter details of all vehicles, vessels, rail wagons and associated equipment (such as demountable tanks, hoses and fittings) used in association with the carriage of water in the tables below. Vehicle / Vessel / Rail Wagon / Tanks (Enter separately all vehicles, trailers, demountable tanks. If registration number is not applicable, generate a permanent identification number that can be checked on the equipment) Description Identification / registration # Description Identification / registration # Description Identification / registration # Description Identification / registration # Guidelines for the Safe Carriage and Delivery of Drinking-water 23 Hoses and Fittings Notes: 1. Identify the type of hoses and fittings used, eg, solid moulded hose, lay-flat hose. Enter each type of hose or fitting on a new line. 2. Circle either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to state whether the type of hose or fitting is suitable for the purpose of delivering potable water. Type of hose or fitting used Suitable for delivering potable water? Yes No Type of hose or fitting used Suitable for delivering potable water? Yes No Type of hose or fitting used Suitable for delivering potable water? Yes No Type of hose or fitting used Suitable for delivering potable water? Yes No Type of hose or fitting used Suitable for delivering potable water? Yes No 2. Have there been any changes or additions to water sources used, vehicle(s) or equipment since your registration was last renewed? Please tick (9) Yes No If yes, describe below. If no, do you certify that all registration details relevant to the water carrier in the current version of the Drinking-Water Supply register are true and correct? Please tick (9) Yes No Renewal of water carrier registration requires a compliance certificate from a Drinking Water Assessor, no more than three months old. Please attach a copy of this certificate. Signed (person responsible) If you require help completing this form, please contact the drinking water assessor at your local District Health Board. 24 Guidelines for the Safe Carriage and Delivery of Drinking-water