FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) ON REVISED TERTIARY TUITION FEE SUBSIDY (TTFS) SCHEME FOR MALAY STUDENTS 1) What is TTFS? The Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) scheme is an education subsidy for Malay students, which covers their tuition fees at tertiary institutions. The TTFS is established through an annual government grant to Yayasan MENDAKI (YM). 77)6 LV SDUW RI WKH *RYHUQPHQW¶V FRQVWLWXWLRQDO FRPPLWPHQW WR SURWHFW safeguard, support, foster and promote the educational interests of the Malays. Education is seen as the most effective lever towards securing the progress and socio-economic advancement of the Malay community. TTFS replaced the automatic waiver of tertiary tuition fees for Malay students in AY91/92. In 1989, Malay Members of Parliament (MMPs) had initiated the idea of revising the system of financing Malay students in tertiary institutions, and suggested replacing the automatic waiver of tuition fees with a criterion that would include means-testing. This idea was supported by then-Prime Minister (PM) Goh Chok Tong. TTFS was thus founded on two key principles: i) To build a self-reliant community standing tall with other communities in Singapore; ii) For the better off within the community to help the less well-off. The Government grant is based on the total enrolment of Malay students in local universities and polytechnics, and Yayasan MENDAKI disburses the grant to eligible students. Any XQGLVEXUVHG IXQGV IURP 77)6 DUH FKDQQHOOHG WR 0(1'$.,¶V Education Development Fund (EDF), which is used for educational assistance schemes and other educational programmes run by MENDAKI. The money saved from the better-off segment of the community will thus benefit students at all educational levels, not just in tertiary institutions. Beneficiaries of EDF programmes range from families with toddlers, children attending madrasahs, and students in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. This enables optimal utilisation of funds to help those who require it through developmental educational programmes, such as tuition classes for primary and secondary school students, and preparatory workshops / programmes for primary school entrance or major examinations e.g. PSLE. In 2010, more than 13,000 Malay and Muslim students and families benefitted from EDF programmes. 2) How does the revised set of income eligibility criteria for TTFS differ from the current criteria? The amount of subsidy that each student receives is contingent on a set of income criteria. A comparison table of the current and revised TTFS criteria is as follows: 1 Current Criteria Revised Criteria Eligibility Criterion Monthly Household Income (MHI) Monthly Per Income (PCI) Capita Household Eligibility Levels 100% subsidy0+, 70% subsidy: MHI $2,001 - $3,000 100% subsidy PCI $1,000 75% subsidy: PCI $1,001 - $1,200 50% subsidy: PCI $1,201 - $1,500 Tiers Two-tier Three-tier With an upper bound of PCI $1,500, which corresponds to a household income of about $6,000 for a four-member household, this revised income eligibility criteria will allow a higher proportion of Malay households to qualify for TTFS. 3) When will the Government next review the income eligibility criteria for TTFS? The Government will review the TTFS income criteria regularly to ensure that eligibility coverage does not fall below two-thirds of Malay households. 4) Who is eligible for TTFS? A student is eligible for TTFS if he/she satisfies all of the following conditions: a) The student is a Singapore Citizen (SC) or a bona fide resident of Singapore and one of his/her parents (including adoptive parent and step-parent), living or deceased, is a Singapore citizen; b) 7KHVWXGHQW¶VUDFHLVVWDWHGLQKLVKHU15,&DV0DOD\RU,QGRQHVLDQ([WUDFW 1; c) 7KH VWXGHQW¶V PRQWKO\ SHU FDSLWD KRXVHKROG LQFRPH 3&, GRes not exceed $1,500, where the student will enjoy: (i) 100% subsidy if his/her PCI is $1,000 and below; (ii) 75% subsidy if his/her PCI is between $1,000 and $1,200; (iii) 50% subsidy if his/her PCI is between $1,200 and $1,500. d) The student is receiving the MOE tuition fee grant; e) The student is pursuing a first diploma or degree on a full-time basis at the following local government tertiary institutions or programmes: (i) Local universities (NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD) (ii) Polytechnics (NP, NYP, RP, SP, TP) (iii) Polytechnic - Foreign Specialised Institution (Poly-FSI) programmes (offered by polytechnics and the Singapore Institute of Technology); and 1 Including Acehnese, Ambonese, Batak, Bugis, Baniarese, Boyanese, Butonese, Dusun, Dayak, Iban, Indonesia, Javanese, Kadazan, Kelabit, Minangkabau, Murut, Makasarese, Melanau, Sumatran, Sundanese, and Other Indonesian. 2 (iv) Technical Engineering Diploma (TED) offered by Institutes of Technical Education (ITEs) Students pursuing their degrees / diplomas in private tertiary institutions in Singapore or who are studying overseas are not eligible for TTFS. 5) I have two races registered under the double-barrelled race policy. Am I eligible for TTFS? 6WXGHQWVZLWK³0DOD\´³,QGRQHVLDQ([WUDFW´DVWKHILUVWFRmponent race at the point of admission to Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) are eligible, subject to the other eligibility criteria indicated under Q4. 6) I do not qualify under the TTFS revised criteria as my monthly household per capita income (PCI) is above $1,500. My family still finds it financially challenging to fund my tertiary education. Are there other avenues which I can tap on? Yayasan MENDAKI currently exercises flexibility in approving subsidies for students from families with extenuating circumstances, e.g. those supporting more than one child for tertiary education and families with members suffering from chronic medical problems. This appeal mechanism will continue. For the better-off families who do not qualify for TTFS, there is a wide range of schemes that can be tapped on. The Supplementary Assistance Scheme (SAS) provides more interest-free loans to students ineligible for the full TTFS, while the Special Malay Bursary (SMB) supplements the living allowances of deserving Malay tertiary students. Non-Malay Muslims are also eligible to apply for all other financial assistance schemes under YM, subject to selection criteria (e.g. income level, academic DFKLHYHPHQWV HWF 7KHVH LQFOXGH <0¶V LQWHUHVW-IUHH 6WXG\ /RDQ 6FKHPHV <0¶s VFKRODUVKLSVEXUVDULHV IRU SRO\WHFKQLF XQLYHUVLW\ GRQRUV¶ VFKRODUVKLSVEXUVDULHV and the Goh Chok Tong Youth Promise Scholarship. For more information on these VFKHPHVSOHDVHUHIHUWR0(1'$.,¶VZHEVLWH 7) What other schemes are available for students to tap on for educational assistance? The Government and the tertiary institutions are committed to ensuring that no deserving student, regardless of race, is denied a tertiary education because of financial difficulties. The Government and the tertiary institutions already provide schemes in the form of bursaries, loans and work-study assistance. With a combination of the government bursaries, Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA), study loans and work-study assistance, tertiary students from within the bottom 66% of households by income will not require any cash outlay to complete their tertiary education. These schemes are listed in Annex. Students who wish to find out more about the financial assistance schemes offered by the Government DQGWKHLQVWLWXWLRQVFDQYLVLWWKHUHVSHFWLYHLQVWLWXWLRQV¶ZHEVLWHVIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 3 In addition to national-level educational assistance schemes, each of the SelfHelp Groups 2 (SHGs) have their own plethora of education awards, study loans, bursary schemes, scholarships and educational development programmes to ensure that students from their respective communities are sufficiently assisted where needed. For instance, non-Malay Muslims FDQ DSSO\ IRU 0(1'$.,¶V LQWHUHVW-free study loans. 2 The SHGs include Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Yayasan MENDAKI (YM), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA), and Eurasian Association (EA). 4 Annex List of National-Level Financial Assistance Schemes for Tertiary Education There is a wide range of financial assistance schemes offered by the Government, tertiary institutions, foundations and professional organisations, community groups and self-help groups. These include loans, bursaries and workstudy schemes. 2 The government financial assistance schemes available at the AUs, polytechnics and SIT are listed below: Scheme Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) Scheme Study Loan (SL) Scheme CDC/CCC Bursary Application Eligibility x All full-time diploma students and undergraduates x Full-time diploma students who are Singapore Citizens (SC) or Permanent Residents (PR); and undergraduates of all nationalities x Should have taken up the maximum TFL x Monthly household per capita LQFRPHIRU6&35 DQGIRULQWHUQDWLRQDO students x Full time students who are Singapore Citizens x Monthly household per capita income x x x x MOE Bursary Quantum per year [for diploma students] x x Full-time students who are Singapore Citizens Monthly household per capita income between $301 and $850 Full-time students who are Singapore Citizens Monthly household per capita LQFRPH Full-time students who are Singapore Citizens Monthly household per capita income between $1,201 and $1,700 Quantum per year [for undergraduates] Up to 75% of tuition fee Up to 90% of tuition fee Up to 25% of tuition fee plus living allowance of $2,000 per annum Up to 10% of tuition fee plus living allowance of $3,600 per annum $1,800 $2,900 $1,350 $2,150 $450 $800 Notes:! 1. All full-time students who are CPF members or dependants of CPF members can also tap on the CPF Education Scheme, which can cover up to 100% of tuition fee. 2. Gross monthly household per capita income is defined as the total gross monthly income of immediate and non-immediate family members over the total number of immediate and nonimmediate family members. 5 9ÕÊ>ÀiÊ>Ê-}>«ÀiÊ ÌâiÊÀÊ>Ê*iÀ>iÌÊ,iÃ`iÌÊvÊ-}>«ÀiÊÜÌ ÊiÊvÊÞÕÀÊ«>ÀiÌÃ ­>ÌÕÀ>]Ê>`«ÌÛiÊÀÊÃÌi«Ê«>ÀiÌ®]ÊÛ}ÊÀÊ`iVi>Ãi`]ÊÃÊ>Ê-}>«Ài>Ê Ìâi° 2 Full Name (as in NRIC) Age NRIC Student Applicant House – rental $_______ $ $ Monthly Gross Income ($) Name of School / Employer (if self-employed, state company name) Married-siblings $_______ Freelance jobs $________ Other, pls specify: __________________________________ PCI (A / B) No. of Family Members (B) Total Monthly Gross Income (A) Mother Father Occupation Relationship For family with nil income, please state source of funds for daily expenses. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S/N Note: 1. For single applicant, the family is GH¿QHG to include yourself, your parents / guardian, non-married immediate family members (e.g. sisters & brothers), non-married non-immediate family members (eg, aunts, uncles, grandparents) living in the same household. It excludes married family members even if they stay in the same household. 2. For married applicant , the family is GH¿QHG to include yourself, your spouse and children only. 3. Each working family member in the same household must submit a photocopy of his/her latest income advice. If the advice is not available, please submit a photocopy of a) a) Endorsed statement of gross monthly income from employer; or b) Latest CPF account statement; or c) Income tax assessment returns If you have handicapped family members living in the same household, letter of cHUWL¿cation must be attached to this application form 4. If income advice is unavailable due to unemployment, self-employment, working on ad-hoc or part-time basis, the family member must submit a signed self-declaration letter along with photocopy of the following: a) Latest CPF account statement; or b) Income of tax assessment returns 5. Please note that total monthly gross income includes only the basic income, Monthly Variable Component (MVC), Non-Pensionable Component (NPC), Non-Pensionable Variable Payment (NPVP), ¿[HG monthly allowances and other related components (if any) but exclude all other allowances such as overtime pay, leave allowance, bonuses, etc. 6. NS allowances will be excluded from the monthly income computation. Section 2: Family Income Declaration Section 3: Parent’s Particulars Father’s Particulars Full Name (in block letters): HP: Status (Attach copy of NRIC or death cert): Living Citizenship (Attach copy of NRIC or citizenship, if any): Deceased Singapore Citizen Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): Status (Attach copy of marriage or divorce cert): Singapore PR Divorced Widowed Others:________________ Country of Birth: NRIC No.: Race as stated in NRIC: Mother’s Particulars Full Name (in block letters): Status (Attach copy of NRIC or death cert): Married HP: Living Citizenship (Attach copy of NRIC or citizenship, if any): Status(Attach copy of marriage or divorce cert): Deceased Singapore Citizen Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): NRIC No.: Singapore PR Married Divorced Widowed Others:________________ Country of Birth: Race as stated in NRIC: Section Section 4: 4: Checklist Checklist Please have been submitted. Please use use the the following followingchecklist checklisttotoensure ensurethat thatthe thefollowing followingdocuments documents have been submitted. Forms Forms with with incomplete incompletedocuments documentswill willnot notbebeprocessed. processed. 1. I have enclosed of the followings with this I have enclosed a copyaofcopy eachof of each the followings together withtogether this application form:application form: My photograph 1. My photograph My birth certificate My identity card (NRIC) 3. My identity card (NRIC) My father’s identity card 4. My father’s identity card My mother’s identity card 2. My Birth &HUWL¿cate 5. My mother’s identity card My spouse’s identity card (if applicable) If not a Singapore Citizen by birth: 7. If not a Singapore Citizen by birth: 0\6Lngapore Citizenship certificate - My Singapore Citizenship cHUWL¿cate 0\father’s Singapore Citizenship certificate - My father’s Singapore Citizenship cHUWL¿cate 0\PRWher’s Singapore Citizenship certificate - My mother’s Singapore Citizenship cHUWL¿cate Letter of certification of handicapped brother(s)/sister(s) (if applicable) 6. My spouse’s identity card (if applicable) 8. Letter of cHUWL¿cation of handicapped brother(s)/sister(s) (if applicable) Latest pay-slips/income advice/official statements of monthly gross income/income 9. Latest pay-slips/income advicHRI¿cial statements of monthly gross income/ tax assessment returns for self-employed and working family members (where income tax assessment returns for self-employed and working family members applicable) (where applicable) Certificate(s) of death (if applicable) Certificate of marriage/divorce/remarriage (if applicable) 10. &HUWL¿cate(s) of Death (if applicable) 11. &HUWL¿cate of Divorce/Custody (if applicable) 12. Breakdown of tuition fees have been indicated in Section 1 3 Yes Yes No No NA NA never SUPPLEMENTARY ASSISTANCE LOAN Only for MALAY students who are not receiving any subsidy or in receipt of less than (100%) subsidy under the Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) Scheme. Instructions to applicants: You have to furnish us with 2 guarantors for the loan application. Please ¿ll-up the form on page 6 and enclose a copy of the guarantors’ recent payslip and NRIC (the information will be kept cRQ¿GHQWLDl). Kindly update the guarantors’ latest address during the ¿QDl disbursement of the cheque by submitting a photocopy of their NRIC. Below are details of the loan scheme for your reference. Please do not leave any items blank. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Pre- requisites of Guarantors You must sign an agreement with MENDAKI for the repayment of the loan. Applicants are required to furnish 2 guarantors acceptable to MENDAKI. The acceptability of the 2 guarantors will be at the discretion of the Loans Committee. The guarantors must ful¿ll the following requirements: g g g g g g g Singaporean Between the age of 21 and 55 years old Gross monthly income of at least $1,500 and above Gainfully employed for the past 1 year Must not be the applicant’s parents, siblings or staying in the same household The ¿UVW and second guarantor must not be from the same household Self-employed guarantors must submit their latest IRAS form or CPF statement Loan Agreement Successful applicants and their guarantors are required to sign a loan agreement, which is also known as the loan deed. The schedule for the signing of agreement will be informed through the QRWL¿cation letter sent to applicant when the loan is approved. As per the loan deed, the borrower needs to observe and ful¿ll the following conditions: o o o o o Complete the course of study No change in the agreed length of study No change in the course of study No withdrawal from or termination of the course of study No deferment without any valid reasons If the borrower did not ful¿ll one of the above conditions or any of the terms in the loan agreement, the borrower will be considered to have breached the contract of the loan agreement. The full amount of the loan will have to be repaid immediately. Loan Quantum Category Loan Amount Students receiving 75% TTFS 25% of the tuition fees Students receiving 50% TTFS 50% of the tuition fees Students not receiving TTFS 80% of the tuition fees The loan will be given for the entire course of study and the loan amount is given at the discretion of the Loans Committee, after taking into consideration the ¿QDQcial circumstances of the applicant, the course of study and any other relevant criteria. The decision of the Loans &RPPLWWHHLV¿QDO Loan Disbursement The disbursement of the loan cheque for the ¿UVW year will be made upon completion of the loan deed. The loan cheque will be made payable to the student or institution. Subsequent loan disbursements will be given only after the submission of the ¿QDl exam result slip from each academic year. Loan Repayment Repayment of the loan will commence 6 months after the completion of the course. For the purpose of repayment, students must sign a GIRO form upon signing the loan deed. The minimum monthly repayment amount is as follows: a) Diploma courses - $100 b) Degree courses (excluding Medicine) - $250 This is subject to an annual progressive increment of $100. 5 c) Degree (Medicine) - $500 Particulars of Guarantors (Please furnish a copy of the guarantors’ recent payslips and NRIC) Guarantor 1 : Full Name (as per NRIC) Address : Contact No : (Residence) NRIC No : Occupation : (Hp) (Office) Date of Birth : Gender : F/M Years of service in current occupation : Name & Address of Employer : Gross Monthly Income : v Relationship to applicant : Are you a standing as guarantor for any other person? Yes / No If yes, please furnish details: _________________________________________________________ v Have you ever been made bankrupt or become insolvent : Yes / No v Are there any outstanding judgement / court cases against you? Yes / No If yes, please furnish details : ______________________________________________________ Declaration by Guarantor 1 I hereby declare that the information given in this application is true and correct, that I have not willfully suppressed any material fact. ___________________________ Signature of Guarantor 1 _________________ Date Guarantor 2 : Full Name (as per NRIC) Address : Contact No : (Residence) NRIC No : Occupation : (Hp) (Office) Date of Birth : Gender : F/M Years of service in current occupation : Name & Address of Employer : Gross Monthly Income : v Relationship to applicant : Are you a standing as guarantor for any other person? Yes / No If yes, please furnish details: _________________________________________________________ v Have you ever been made bankrupt or become insolvent : Yes / No v Are there any outstanding judgment / court cases against you? Yes / No If yes, please furnish details : ______________________________________________________ Declaration by Guarantor 2 I hereby declare that the information given in this application is true and correct, that I have not willfully suppressed any material fact. ___________________________ _________________ Signature of Guarantor 2 Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I understand that the acceptance of my loan application by Yayasan MENDAKI does not bind MENDAKI to approve the loan applied for and that MENDAKI is at a liberty to reject the application without assigning any reason for doing so. _________________________________ Signature of Loan Applicant / Date 6