HITEC 100 – 3rd Edition FINAL:Layout P

Hispanic IT Executive Council
Most Influential Hispanics
3rd Edition • 2011
Leer from: Alberto Yepez, Chairman; and David Segura, Vice-Chair
Page 4
Leer from: Carlos Orta, HACR – President and CEO
Page 5
Page 6
Vision and Mission of HITEC
Page 7
HITEC supporters
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Advice to a New Generaon of IT Leaders
by Jorge Lopez – Gartner
Page 12 - 13
Lan America and the Social Age New Challenges, New Opportunies
by Maria Azua – IBM
Page 15 - 16
2011 HITEC 100 – Most Influenal Hispanics in IT
Page 118 - 67
Meet the Board members and Advisory board
Page 68 - 69
Acknowledgements to HCS, LLC
Page 70
October 29, 2010
The Hispanic IT Executive Council is a premier consortium of Global information technology
leaders and executives. The organization provides a forum for professional development,
mentoring and networking with a strong focus on increasing Hispanic leadership in the
information technology industry.
showcasing the talent and contributions made by these professional whose accomplishments ±
collectively ± represent the tremendous power and influence Hispanics have in the global
marketplace; and individually ± display the leadership and IT expertise which contribute to the
growth and success of their respective organizations.
Since 2008, HITEC has compiled a comprehensive list featuring the top 100 most influential and
The selection task has not been an easy one, as the number of talented and deserving IT
Hispanic professionals and leaders continues to grow at fast pace.
The HITEC 100 awards recognition, mentoring and professional development activities are
made possible by the involvement and generous sponsorships of our corporate partners and
volunteers (www.hitecglobal.org). We want to take this special opportunity to thank our HITEC
sponsors and volunteers for their continued support and commitment to our organization,
diversity and the professional development of IT Hispanic leaders.
HITEC's Executive Leadership, board of directors and advisory board members are very
LPSUHVVHGDQGSURXGRIWKLV\HDU¶VKRQRUHHV We congratulate and salute each and every one
of them for their continued career achievements in the ever-changing global landscape of
information technology.
talented and innovative IT leaders in the Hispanic Community.
Congratulations to our 2011 HITEC 100 and thank you for your outstanding contributions.
Felicitaciones y siempre adelante!!!
Alberto Yepez
Chairman, HITEC
David Segura
Vice-Chairman HITEC
b utt Us
TEC (Hispanic IT Execcutive Council) was fou
ounded by senior Hispannic IT executives who haave built outstandingg careers in inffo
tecchnology but realized tthat there were far too
o few Hispanics in the
IT leadership
role. With a strong desire and passion to make an
imppact within the Hispannic IT community by heelping others reach the
highhest levels,, HITEC wass fo
ormed in late 2006. These national leaderss
include executives leadingg Fortune 500 corporrations on both U.S.. annd
global initiatives while others lead some of the largest Hispanic
IT firms in the Unnited States.
i ion
i n & Missio
M sioon
To be the premier proffessional
organization fo
or Hispanic IT
Executives and to siggnificantly increase Hispanic leadership in
o mation Teechnology, glo
HITEC will enable business
and proffessio
e onal growth for
o our
members and fill the executive pipelinne with the next
generaation of Hispanic IT leeaders
We thank our supporters...
d lo
The compilation of this list of Hispanic Executives in the
Information Technology Industry was a difficult task and a
hard decision to make without leaving someone worthy
of the final list. We had over 360 names of accomplished
IT executive leaders. After numerous discussions, the
panel arrived to the final list of the HITEC 100 – Most
Influential Hispanics in IT.
A panel, comprised of four judges, was invited to be part
of the process of voting and validation of the project.They
followed strict criteria as the candidates were remarkably
accomplished professionals. Candidates were judged on
their achievement levels, scope of responsibility and the
positions they hold within their respective companies.
r teeria
For the past three years, The Hispanic IT Executive Council (HITEC) has been recognizing the nation's
Most Influential Hispanics in the Information Technology Industry. The core mission of the HITEC 100
Nominations is to highlight and showcase outstanding professionals who have excelled in the business of
IT, are role models who inspire young people to pursue careers in technology and motivate professionals
to continue to excel and connect with the Hispanic community.
Now is the time to take an internal assessment of your company’s talent pool and start selecting
individuals who can compete for HITEC’s recognition awards! You can inspire our future generation to
pursue technical careers by nominating your best and brightest Hispanic Technology Professional and
HITEC 100 – Criteria
For an individual to qualify for the nomination of the HITEC 100 recognition list - the IT Executive should
meet the following criteria:
1. Must be of Hispanic decent or origin
2. Level of responsibilities
a. Must be a Director level or above or an Entrepreneur
b. The Nominee must:
i. Work for an IT company or
ii. Work in an IT role for a company which is not in the IT Industry
iii. Individuals need to have a minimum of 5 years experience in their specific IT field, if
Entrepreneur, their organization must have over $5M in revenues
3. Impact nominee’s work has had on the overall organization – achievements
4. Involvement/Outreach to the Hispanic community - acting as a role model
5. Consistently promotes diversity within Corporate America and/or Government
6. Continuously shows that they and their organization/company are aligned with HITEC’s mission and
7. Must reside in the U.S
t cles
c es F
EC 100
c pients
A New Generation
of IT Leaders
Jorge Lopez
Vice President and
Distinguished Analyst,
Gartner, Inc.
One must forgive today’s CEO’s if
they seem like they have split
personalities: they see double digit
economic growth in Asia, while in
the US and Europe the growth is not
only below 3%- it is declining.
There are economists that are
forecasting that the lingering effects
of the recession that began in 2007
will continue for several more years.
The outlook for business, and IT,
investment is decidedly mixed and
volatile ahead. With the current
challenged state of long term social
obligations by governments around
the world, the climate for investment
is, as was recently expressed by a
group of global CEO’s, very
full force with its visions of a future
where everyone is connected to
everyone else at all times. It seemed
like a hallucination at the time but
here in 2010 it would be difficult to
find a business or a government
agency- or even a single person- who
is not some way connected to the rest
of the world through the Internet and
transacting, communicating, or
socializing in some way. It is not yet
clear what new development will
have the impact of the Internet in the
coming years, but it is sobering to
note that in the mid 1990’s when the
boom started, Facebook was still
nearly a decade away in 2004 and
LinkedIn was to start in 2003.
So, we have CEO’s and other
business strategists dealing with two
realities: Uncertainty regarding
investment and business growth in
the next five years and the lingering
fears that they will miss the next
great wave of technology change
Ambition. Back in 1994, Gary
Hamel and C.K. Prahalad tried to
examine why some companies, such
as Honda, with limited resources
performed much better than others
who seemed to have deep resources
in capital, talent, and culture such as
GM. The difference was the level of
ambition they had, one where they
refused to accept the current structure
of their industry and where they were
determined to rewrite the rules of
industry competition. That frame of
mind is coming back as companies
realize they face long term obstacles
to growth ahead, especially if they
conform to the current rules for their
“So, we have
CEO’s and other
business strategists
dealing with two
In the midst of such uncertainty, what
is the advice that would be most
helpful to the next generation of
industry. Think of how Apple rebuilt
Those same CEO’s also contend with CIO’s and IT leaders that will
what had been the industry for MP3
another parallel reality: They recall succeed the current IT leaders who
players as well as the record industry.
the mid-1990’s when the Internet will eventually retire?
Think of how the pharmaceutical
wave hit the investment community
IT Productivity. CEO’s surveyed
in 2008, when asked what they felt
they should have done differently
going into the recession in 2007,
responded with two thirds saying
they should have been more
attentive to cutting general costs.
Business experience. Our survey This mindset, which we can call a
of four major executive search firms ‘post recession mindset,’ will linger
long after it is a reality, and it will
show that CEO’s specifying
the CIO position set their
highest priority on business
experience. If your career to
date has been totally within IT,
expect that you will need to
work outside IT if you one day
hope to run it.
and retail industries are both battling
for leadership in the emerging
industry for retail healthcare. Think
about how many parts of our society
will function differently as subsidies
entrepreneurship. While the
CIO has historically not been
the executive that leads new
development, an emerging
class of CIO’s is taking on
both IT and building
businesses, especially the type
of business that is information
intensive. For example, the
CIO of GM has been asked to
help find new ways to sell
cars, and CIO’s of other companies
have been assigned the business unit
responsibility for revenue. The
same focus that an entrepreneur has
on building a new business will be a
requirement for many CIO’s. As
you proceed into your career in IT,
look for opportunities where you
can help drive revenue directly, and
even if you don’t run a business
yourself, find out how you can help
to grow an existing one.
be a major agenda item for CIO’s
for the foreseeable future. Think
about how the existing investments
in IT can be redeployed or
redesigned to support revenues
growing at three to ten percent per
year while holding the IT budget
flat. That sense that revenue should
grow much faster than the IT budget
will be the metric for performance,
and it will also help select among
the talented candidates for the top
job in IT
Technology. New technologies can
have a transformational impact on
business, but only if the business
implications of that technology are
understood. The new CIO will need
to have a small team that looks at
new technologies from the point of
view of the business. There
are candidates out there that
could have a large impact on
business, starting with cloud
computing, and others,
especially within industryspecific applications of
technology such as the smart
grid in energy and utilities.
The day of the CIO or CTO
becoming an evangelist for a
technology will move to
becoming an evangelist for a
new way of doing business
that provides competitive
There you have it. There are
probably more that could be
included on this very short
list, but these are the ones that
will have the highest impact
on most of those who aspire to
leadership in IT. We at Gartner
congratulate all of the HITEC 100
and wish you well in your careers,
and we hope this short bit of advice
can be of help.
Latin America and
the Social Age
New challenges, new opportunities
users on Facebook alone, it is much
easier to believe that we are only six
connections away from every other
person on the face of the earth. All
this is possible because of the latest
evolution in communication that
brought us into the Social Age. In
fact, as I referred to it earlier, I
believe social networking is not just
an evolution in communication, but
it is instead a revolution that will
impact every area of our lives.
Maria Azua
VP of Cloud Computing
Enablement, IBM Corporation
Consider this:
• There are 14 million articles in 260
languages today on Wikipedia,
compiled in only 9 years
• There are 500 million users on
Facebook, gathered in only 6 years.
One hundred million users access
Facebook on their mobile device
• YouTube has served 14.8 billion
videos in only 5 years
• Twitter traffic grew by almost
2,000% . . . in one year.
• The average U.S. teen texts 2,272
times each month
• When he was a candidate for
president, Barack Obama raised $55
million in 29 days using social media
In some ways I have a unique
perspective on the communication
revolution going on today. My work
with IBM takes me literally around
the world in a regular basis, so I have
a wonderful opportunity to see the
incredibly positive impact of what I
call the “Social Age.” I also had the
privilege a number of years ago of
creating one of the first social
networks at IBM, which over
150,000 IBMers now use to innovate
and be more productive.
But in another way, I am not unique
at all. In the last decade it seems
everyone now has a group of friends
and business associates that has
Even though we live in the age of
astounding technological advances,
globally. With five hundred million
some things never change. Business,
for example, has always been done
the same way: people buy from other
people. This means that we want to
know the person we’re doing
business with. We want to know they
can be trusted. We want to know they
will deliver on their promises.
That’s the way business has always
been done—meeting customers,
meeting other business owners.
Connecting. Networking. Closing
deals. That is perhaps the most
important business lesson I have
learned—good communication and
the ability to network together
creates a climate in which business
can be conducted successfully for
everyone involved.
To understand the implications of the
Social Age it’s helpful to be
reminded of some fundamental,
universal human qualities and
characteristics. Hemisphere and
continent are irrelevant in this
regard; instead, we are all driven by
the same social needs, which
are met in powerful ways through
Social Age technologies.
This idea has powerful implications
for our daily work and social lives.
But there are also broader, more
profound implications for the
development of continents and
regions around the world which in
previous decades haven’t prospered
as much as some others.
First, as humans we have certain
fundamental characteristics and
traits, no matter where we live or
where we were born. We perform
better when we have the approval
of others, for example, and when
our skills and abilities are being
The Social Age
revolution is
here. It affects all
of us, and has the
potential to
benefit us in
countless ways.
used in the best possible ways.
Social networking leverages the
power of community—on a global
scale—to bring out the best in us as
human beings. Social networking
gives us the power to collaborate
with colleagues, even if those
colleagues are on the other side of
the world. We can each use our
greatest strengths and make the
most productive contribution to the
socially networked community, and
everyone else in the community can
do the same.
These communities of socially
networked associates generate
innovation and new opportunities
across cultures and time zones. For
this reason alone, the power of
social networking cannot be
overstated. We have an opportunity
to connect for the good of mankind,
and to expand our knowledge as
never before.
Second, because we are social
creatures, it is logical to conclude
that cultures and continents that are
connected will continue to advance
and reap the benefits of the Social
Age, both economically and
socially. Social networking will
expand horizons for individuals,
and open the door to tremendous
opportunities for business.
As we look at the internet
connections that exist in the world
today, we can quickly identify those
areas that are well connected, and
those that are not so wellconnected.
In some ways I believe these
connections are predictors of future
opportunity, and possibly future
progress. Where the connections
are numerous, there will be greater
possibilities for growth. Where the
connections are few, we can expect
limited progress and limited
A map of the world’s internet
connections, for example, shows
that connections are increasingly
being made to South and Central
America and within Latin
American countries. In some ways,
this is because so many citizens in
North America can trace their
family connections to Central and
South America, and keeping in
touch with those connections is a
high priority.
Because of these ties, countries in
Latin America will benefit in
powerful ways by increased
connectivity to the internet. And
yet, other than Africa, South
America still has the fewest internet
connections of any continent. To
thrive and prosper in the 21st
century, these connections—and
the increased access to social
networking tools they offer—will
be indispensable to Latin America.
Businesses will also benefit both
inside and outside Latin America as
these connections grow. Inside
Latin America, businesses will be
able network and share the
knowledge they need to compete
and win. Outside Latin America,
businesses will be able to gain
access via the internet to prosperous
markets where they can sell their
goods and services.
The Social Age communication
revolution is here. It affects all of
us, and has the potential to benefit
us in countless ways. As Latin
networking, and dedicates itself to
the creation of infrastructure that
can support this powerful
technology, the opportunities for
growth and prosperity will be
-----------------------------------------Maria Azua is the IBM vice
president for cloud enablement, and
the author of The Socia Factor:
Innovate, Ignite and Win through
Mass Collaboration and Social
Networking (IBM Press, August
2009) Twitter statistic reference:
E 100
0 List
L t
Ilieva Ageenko
SVP, eCommerce Channel Executive
Bank of America
Edgar Aguilar
Group Head Engineering Services
Master Card Worldwide
Joseph Aguilar
Chief Operations Officer
Sigue Corp
Jose Almandoz
Chief Information Officer & Global Field Operations Vice President
Eugenio (Gene) Alvarez
Research Vice President
Gartner Inc.
Carlos Amesquita
Director Global Business Services, Household Care GBU
Procter & Gamble
Rushdi Ariss
Director IT, Licensing Application Support & Operations
The Walt Disney Company
Thaddeus Arroyo
Chief Information Officer
Maria Azua
VP of Cloud Computing Enablement
Ramon Baez
Vice President & Chief Information Officer
Kimberly Clark
Manuel Barragan
Chief Technology Officer and Deputy Chief Information Officer
Office of Naval Research
Gonzalo Begazo
Marina Bellini
Global Information & Business Services VP
Anheuser-Busch InBev nv/sa
Cesar Beltran
SVP Information Technology
Time Warner Cable
Jorge Best
Vice President, US Central Region
Angel Cabrera
David Cagigal
Chief Information Technology Officer
Alliant Energy
Julio Carbonell
SVP, Chief Information Officer
Joseph Cardenas
Chief Information Officer
Pacific Compensation Insurance
Andres E. Carvallo
Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer
Grid Net
Vince Casarez
Vice President Product Manager
Alfredo Casta
Chief Executive Officer
Cascade Technologies
Arturo Cazares
Senior Vice President Worldwide Sales
Silver Peak Systems
Cecilia Claudio
Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer
Nancy Faginas-Cody
Vice President, IT Disney Consumer Products
The Walt Disney Company
Cristobal Conde
President/Chief Executive Officer
Federico Conde
Senior Director, Global Information Technology
Kellogg Company
Juan Conde
Chief Information Officer
Cigna Healthcare
Rick Coro
Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Advanced Auto Parts
David Cunha
Director Business Systems
Hyundai Capital America
Frank DeArmas
Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer
Whitney Bank
Guillermo Diaz Jr.
Vice President, Information Technology
Cisco Systems
Arturo Duran
Executive Vice President, Digital
Journal Register Company
Senior VP & Chief Technology Officer of Risk Solutions
Lexis Nexis
Sergio Fidalgo
Chief Information Officer
BBVA Compass
Carlos Fuentes
Senior VP and Chief Information Officer
Mitsui Sumitomo Marine Management
Macario Gallegos
Regional Director of IT - Business Engagement Manager
Harrah’s Entertainment
Joel de la Garza
Senior Vice President, Information Security Strategy
John Gomez
Chief Technology & Strategy Officer & Executive Vice President
Wilson Grava
Vice President Latin America
Juan Carlos Gutierrez
Group Vice President
Oracle Corporation
Davíd Guzmán
Senior VP, Global Technology Solutions & Chief Information Officer
Acxiom Corporation
Vice President Business Development
Jose Jimenez
President, Strategy & Development, North American Public Sector
Tony Jimenez
President & Chief Executive Officer
Micro Tech
Juan Carlos Jones
Senior Vice President - Customer Services
William Juliano
Chief Information Officer, Global Commercial
Sabic Innovative Plastics
Haden A. Land
Vice President & Chief Technology Officer
Lockheed Martin
Antonio López
Vice President, Customer Experience
INTUIT Payment Solutions
Jorge Lopez
Vice President & Distinguished Analyst, Executive Leadership & Innovation Gartner, Inc.
Armando Escalante
Melik Hernandez
Alejandro Mainetto
Vice President, Chief Technology Officer
Jerry Maldonado
Vice President North America Virtualization & Service Automation
Computer Associates
Joaquin Marques
Executive Consultant
Erwin Martinez
Chief Information Officer
Rabobank, N.A
Maria Martinez
Executive Vice President, Customers for Life
Delia Gutierrez McLaughlin
Director, Field Customer Relations
AON Service Corporation
Roberto Medrano
Executive Vice President
SOA Software
Rafael Mena
Chief Technology Officer
Orange County
André Mendes
CIO/CTO Director Engineering & Technical Services
Broadcasting Board of Governors
Steven Miranda
Senior VP Application Development
Jaime Montemayor
Senior VP & Chief Information Officer Frito Lay North America
PepsiCo/Frito Lay
Peter Morales
Chief Information Officer
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Ruben Muniz
Head of Business Intelligence and MIS
Provident Bank Corporation
Aldo Noseda
IT Vice President
Tina Ballestros-Naugle
Jo-Ann Olsovsky
Vice President & Chief Information Officer
BNSF Railway Company
Rolando Ortiz
Vice President Information Technology
Kellogg Company
Sabrina Parsons
Chief Executive Officer
Palo Alto Softwares
Roberto Perez
Chief Technology Officer
ICAP Group, Inc.
Victor Perez
Chief Information Officer
Javier Polit
Chief Information Officer Bottling: Investments Group
The Coca Cola Company
Humberto Quintanar
Chief Information Officer
Antelope Valley Hospital
Odilon Quiroz
Chief Information Officer
Anheuser Busch
Ralph Rivera
President, Online
Major League Gaming
Ileana Rivera
IT Director
Norberto Rivera
Senior Vice President
Time Warner Cable
Jesus Rodriguez
Senior Vice President IT
Tracfone Wireless
Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Micheo
Deputy Director for Mgmt Engineering Directorate
NASA - Kennedy Space Center
Ricardo Rodriguez
Chief Technology Officer & Senior Vice President
American Financial Systems
Jose Romero
Partner - Technical Sales
Celta Consult, Inc.
Alfonso Ruiz
Senior Manager IT Marketing
Armando Ruiz
Divisional VP of Engineering and IT
Time Warner Cable
Mary Ruiz
Vice President, Global Operations
Enrique Salem
President & Chief Executive Officer
Rafael Sanchez
Chief Information Officer
Angel Santa
Deputy CIO
US Office of Justice Programs
John Snaider
Vice President, IPG
Juan Silvera
Senior Vice President eMerchandising Executive
Bank of America
Javier Solis
Vice President, Global Operations
Jose Ignacio Sordo
Senior Director Commercial Connect
Myrna Soto
SVP, Chief Information &Infrastructure Security Officer
Pedro Suriel
Luis Taveras
Senior Executive/Partner
Yamilet Torres
Senior Director of Customer Services Management
Eduardo Valencia
Chief Technology Officer, Chief Architect
State of Minnesota
Herman Velasquez
Vice President, Public Sector
Pitney Bowes
Raymond Velez
Chief Technology Officer
Domingo Vieira
Vice President, Automotive
Chief Information Officer
Illinois Tollway Authority
Vice President, Strategy and Planning
Impremedia Digital
Ted Young
Mary Zerafa
e ailed
ed Pro
f e o
EC 100
1 0
SVP, eCommerce Channel Execuve (North Carolina)
Family Origin: Cuba
Ilieva Ageenko is a Business Development and Emerging Technologies Execuve with
over 25 years of professional experience including 15 years of progressive leadership
experience with Fortune 500 financial service companies. Leading global experse in
strategy and business development for internet and mobile financial services for large
customer facing environments and the unique talent to create strategic partnerships
and foster technology innovaon. Ageenko has cross-industry experience spanning
the financial services, informaon technology, microelectronics R&D, government,
educaon and non-profit sectors. Ageenko is a visionary leader and innovator.
Ageenko is the author of the book called Connecng My Dots – A Woman’s Leadership Guide for Muldimensional
Educaon: In addion to her extensive background in Emerging Technologies, e-Commerce, IT Product Management,
Ageenko has a PhD in Arficial Intelligencea Masters in Economic Cybernecs and Computer Science.
Group Execuve, Infrastructure and Operaons Services
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Edgar Aguilar is the Group Head of Engineering Services for MasterCard Worldwide.
His organizaon is responsible for the strategic planning, IT services and
implementaon for MasterCard’s global networks. With employees and contractors
based in 14 countries, this organizaon provides mission-crical services for all
principal customers and employees. Prior to this challenge, he served as the vice
president of Global Network Services. In that role, he led a mul-cultural team
responsible for the planning and implementaon of network services and managing
70+ telecom providers. Prior to MasterCard, Edgar built a successful career through a variety of assignments at
Alestra (Mexico), AT&T – Data Communicaons Services, and Bell Laboratories.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive background in telecommunicaon, Aguilar has a Masters in Engineering
(Cornell University) and Masters Cerficate in Project Management (George Washington University). He is acvely
involved with the IEEE, Project Management Instute and various internaonal IT/Telecom forums.
Aguilar has received numerous awards and recognion for outstanding performance, including: Disnguished
Member of the Technical Staff (1993 – Bell Laboratories), Project Management Professional cerficaon (1998 –
Project Management Instute). In 2007, was named one of the “Most Important Hispanics in Technology” by
Hispanic Engineering and Informaon Technology Magazine.
Chief Operang Officer (California)
Family Origin:
Joseph Aguilar is a career focused and has been in the Internaonal Banking and Money Service Business Industries at
the Senior Execuve level. Primary areas of experse include the treasury, operaonal and internal audit funcons. His
has praccal experience in the day to day management of operaonal processes including foreign exchange, wire
transfers, retail branch banking, trade finance, investments and regulatory compliance. Internal Audit experience has
been at the senior, manager and execuve levels. Strengths include execuve management in a changing business
environment, risk management, problem solving, communicaon, project management and implementaon of new
processes and funcons.
CIO & Global Field Operaons VP (Boston)
Family Origin: Venezuela
Jose Almandoz is responsible for company business infrastructure, including technology,
business processes and strategic projects.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive background in business infrastructure and
technology, Almandoz has a Masters in Business Administraon, Management
Engineering (Universidad Metropolitana)
Vice President (Conneccut)
Family Origin: USA
Gene Alvarez has over 20 years of IT experience in business impact assessment, vendor
management, project management, soware development, and delivery of complex
business applicaons. He is an internaonal expert on sell-side strategies and
technologies such as: channel/partner relaonship management, catalog/content
management, sell-side e-commerce applicaons, catalog/configuraon management and
presentaon, commerce/merchant applicaons and services, web content management,
personalizaon, and consumer portals. Alvarez is also a recognized authority on retail
and consumer packaged goods industry applicaons and pracces. He has spoken at many industry-related conferences
worldwide and has been published/referenced/featured in various media and trade publicaons.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT business impact assessment, Alvarez has a Masters Management Science
(Pace University). Alvarez possesses experience in evaluang technology, markets and customer requirements in a diverse
environment. Well versed in the delivery of wrien and presentaons deliverables related to products, markets and trends.
Director, Global Business Services, Household Care GBU (Ohio)
Family Origin: Peru
Carlos Amésquita is the Global Business Services (GBS) Director for Procter &
Gamble’s North America regional organizaon, P&G’s largest regional business. In
this role he is responsible for the IT and Shared Services Programs for this business
unit and the governance of the GBS organizaon processes in the region. Amésquita
has over 24 years of extensive internaonal experience at P&G in a broad set of roles
with different business units and geographic locaons. His previous assignment was
as the Global Business Services Director for Household Care, the largest business in
P&G’s three global business unit structure. Before that Amésquita led Innovaon for
Global Business Services. In this role Amésquita not only brought new ideas and soluons into GBS, but he also created
the environment and processes for making innovaon sustainable over me. Previously he led the outsourcing process
for the Applicaons Development and Maintenance Pillar. Prior to that Amesquita was the Global Informaon
Technology Director for the Food & Beverage Global Business Unit. Amésquita was the Director of IT for Procter &
Gamble Lan America headquartered in Caracas, Venezuela. He joined P&G in Lima, Perú.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in shared services and IT programs, Amesquita has a MSM (George
Tech College of Management) and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Universidad Ponficia Católica del
Director, IT (California)
Family Origin: Nicaragua
Rushdi Ariss currently serves as Director, Informaon Technology at The Walt Disney
Company and is located in Glendale, CA. He is responsible for IT Availability
Management, Emergency Operaons and Systems Management, which includes ITIL
processes accountability. Rushdi has held several posions within Disney with
increased scope and responsibility, including Operaons Management, Technical
Project Management and New Technology.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in strategic Planning, Technical
Architectural design, project management, operaons management, ITIL, business connuity, and emergency
management, Ariss has a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (California State University – Northridge
Chief Informaon Officer (Georgia)
AT & T
Family Origin: Spain/Mexico
Thaddeus Arroyo is responsible for overseeing the company’s internal technology
infrastructure, including Internet and Intranet issues. He is responsible for
developing applicaons systems, including integrang a new billing system. He
oversees Cingular’s informaon technology (IT) organizaon. Thaddeus has more
than 15 years experience in the information technology field. Most recently, he
served as Senior Vice President of Product Marketing and Development at Sabre
Incorporated in Texas. During his time at Sabre, he held responsibilities for
infrastructure development, deployment and strategic technology planning in support
of Sabre’s large-scale outsourcing customers, including US Airways. Prior to working
at Sabre, Arroyo worked in IT for Southwestern Bell
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in the Informaon Technology field, Arroyo has a Masters degree in
Business Administraon (Southern Methodist University), and a Bachelors of Science in Mathemacs (University of
Arroyo has been recognized by leading publicaons, including HITECglobal – HITEC 100 (Most Influenal Hispanics in
IT, 2008); Hispanic Business (100 Influenal, 2005); Business 2.0 (Business 2.0 Dream Team, 2004); and Hispanic
Engineer and Informaon Technology (50 Most Important Hispanics in Technology and Business, 2004, 2005, and
2006). He received the 2002 “Georgia Global CIO of the Year Award” in recognion for technology leadership
demonstrang innovaon and creavity in planning and deploying enterprise systems.
VP of Cloud Compung Enablement (New York)
Family Origin: Cuba
Maria Azua is Vice President of Cloud Compung Enablement, reporng to IBM CTO
of Enterprise Iniaves. She is responsible for the technical implementaon,
deployment and operaons of the Common Cloud Plaorm Living Lab share service,
as well as the IBM Smart Business Development and Test on the IBM Cloud. She is
also responsible for the creaon of a vibrant and engaged community of ISVs,
Business Partners, and technical community that fosters cloud compung IT
methodologies and applicaons. Azua is also the author of The Social Factor –
Innovate, Ignite, and Win Through Mass Collaboraon and Social Networking (2009
IBM Press, Pearson Educaon), a book about social networking based on Azua’s
pioneering leadership in social networking tools at IBM. Her contribuons to social networking tools, B2B soluons and
IT transformaon are widely recognized throughout IBM and the wider IT community.
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience in IT Leadership and management, soware development, Azua
has a PhD in Computer Science (Pace University); Masters in Business Administraon (Atlanc University); Masters in
Computer Science (University of Miami); and a Bachelor of Science in Physics (University of Puerto Rico)
Vice President, Chief Informaon Office (Texas)
Ramón Baez joined Kimberly-Clark as Vice President of Informaon Technology
Services and Chief Informaon Officer. Ramón is responsible for leading KimberlyClark’s enterprise-wide informaon systems iniaves to support the company’s
future growth and to maximize the return on its informaon technology
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Aerospace and Defense,
Diverse Manufacturing, Distribuon, Consumer Package Goods and Informaon
Technology; Baez has a Bachelors in Business Administraon (University of La
Chief Technology Officer and deputy, Chief Informaon Officer (Virginia)
Family Origin: Mexico
Proven IT Execuve with over 20 years of experience in global business and IT
strategic planning, IT management and operaons, working to integrate and align
IT with business goals and strategy. Extensive program and project management
experience, enterprise architecture, business connuity and in-depth experse in
ERP systems implementaons as well as business process reengineering and
business process improvement, ITIL cerfies, MOSS, social networking. Currently
Manuel serves as Chief Technology Officer and Deputy CIO at the Office of Naval
Research, in Arlington VA. Prior to this posion Manuel hold posions as: Vice
President of Global IT and Director of Global IT Operaons at McCormick and
Company, Inc. and Senior Managing Principal at Osprey Systems, and SAP implementaon partner in Charloe, NC.
Manuel has parcipated or led 28 different ERP implementaons for different global companies around the world.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in global business and strategic planning; Barragan has a Master of
Science in Operang Systems Design (University of Toronto), and Bachelors in Computer Systems Engineering
(Universidad de las Américas, México)
Controller (California)
Family Origin: Perú
Gonzalo Begazo is responsible for Google’s worldwide consolidated financial close.
Lead the Finance team in charge of accounng and financial controls for Google
operaons in United States and Canada; and the consolidaon of worldwide
financial informaon for the preparaon of Google’s Corporate Financial
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in the Informaon Technology
field, Begazo has a Masters of Business Administraon (Cornell University)
Bachelors degree in Accounng and Business Administraon (Universidad del
Pacifico – Peru); Business Management Diploma Instuto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores – Mexico)
Global Vice President of Informaon & Business Services
Family Origin: Brazil
Marina Bellini is the global Vice-President of Informaon & Business Services (IBS)
at Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI). Responsible of global IT/IS and Shared Services
strategy definion and its implementaon at all six ABI regions. She has performed
many different roles in both IT/IS and Shared Services organizaons. ABI Global VP
IBS leading the creaon of the revised Inbev - Anheuser-Busch IT/IS and Shared
Services strategy, engagement with all ABI regions and global partners. InBev
Western European IBS VP building and leading the implementaon of the IT/IS
plaorm standardizaon program and the outsourcing model. InBev European
Shared Services VP builds the SSC strategy and implementaon. InBev Global
Shared Services VP building the global strategy for InBev, launching program in all
zones at that me (Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe, North America, and Lan America South) besides Lan
America North. Amber (Lan America North) Shared Services Director building the strategy of Shared Services and
implemenng the program as well as managing 800 employees.
Educaon: In addion to her extensive background with InBev-Andheuser Busch; Bellini has a Master of Business
Administraon (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil).
Senior Vice President Informaon Technology (New York)
Family Origin: Colombia
Educaon: In addion to his extensive background in Informaon Technology;
Beltran has a Bachelor of Science in Informaon Systems (New York University);
Management in Informaon Systems (City University of New York).
Vice President US Central Region (Texas)
Family Origin: Mexico
Jorge Best is an excellent IT Execuve with years of experience in the field of IT.
Entrepreneur - Founder (Florida)
Family Origin: Dominican Republic
Angel Cabrera is founder of Prodesio; he is persistent about both the art and science of technology. Aer decades of
applying technology to solve business problems, Cabrera knows that the art without the science falls short. A beauful
cung-edge technical soluon that is unreliable or delivered late is disappoinng. A reliable soluon that automates a
bad process or solves the wrong problem is wasteful. Our people celebrate the results that we drive by balancing both.
We take deep pride in the art of delivery.
Chief Informaon Technology Officer (Wisconsin)
Family Origin:
David Cagigal is Alliant Energy’s CITO. Prior to that he was at Maytag, leading the
efforts to understand how IT might change the world of the household appliance
and voila - The networked fridge! The combinaon of IT and other technologies is
a key part of his role at Alliant Energy. The IT in the tle isn’t informaon
technology; it is informaon and technology—in the case of Alliant, energy
technologies. The most obvious example of that combinaon is broadband over
power lines. David is keeping a close eye on broadband over power lines
experiments underway in various locales.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, Cagigal has a Masters in Business Administraon (De Paul
University), and a Bachelors of Science (De Paul University)
Senior Vice President, Chief Informaon Officer (New York)
Family Origin: Cuba
Julio Carbonell is Senior Vice President and CIO of the ASPCA, a U.S.-based,
nonprofit corporaon dedicated to the humane treatment of animals. He is
responsible for all technology products and services in support of the
organizaon’s mission of providing posive outcomes for at-risk animals and of
serving vicms of animal cruelty. Previously, Carbonell was Vice President of
Informaon Technology at the Major League Baseball Office of the Commissioner
where he led the evoluon of technology services for central offices and teams.
Educaon: Carbonell is a graduate of the New York City College of Technology
and serves on various advisory boards including the Fairfield/Westchester
Chapter of the Society for Informaon Management and IBM’s Midmarket Advisory Network .
Chief Informaon Officer (California)
Family Origin: Mexico
Joseph Cardenas is a Partner of Counterpoint Advisors. Cardenas serves as an
Advisor of Boardwalktech, Inc. He is a Computer Scienst and Systems
Soware Specialist and has led informaon technology for several leading
insurance and high-technology corporaons. He founded Cardenas
Associates; Cardenas served as Chief Informaon Officer and Vice President
of Employers Direct Insurance Company (Employers Direct Insurance
Corporaon), as part of the early team at Employers Direct unl April 2005. In
April 2005, he joined Salesforce.com as Senior Vice President and Chief
Informaon Officer, where he was responsible for all system infrastructures and IT pracces. Prior to Employers
Direct, Cardenas served four years as Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer of Autodesk, Inc., where he
consolidated disparate IT funconal groups into a global IT organizaon. He served as Chief Informaon Officer of
Fremont General. Cardenas has served as Senior Vice President of Fremont Compensaon Insurance Group and
also served as Vice President of Informaon Technology for Oracle Corporaon. At Oracle he was responsible for
internal applicaon development, data center, network operaon centers and network security. Cardenas has held
informaon technology posions with Transamerica Insurance, NCR, Hya Hotels, and Wells Fargo Bank.
Execuve Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer (Texas)
Family Origin: Venezuela
Andres Carvallo is currently the Execuve Vice President & Chief Strategy
Officer at Grid Net, where he has worldwide responsibility for strategy,
branding, messaging, partnerships, business development, markeng,
commercializaon, support, and soluons. As the chief architect of the first
successfully deployed smart grid in the US, he has a unique prospecve on
the strategies, business cases, project management focus, architectures, best
pracces, and technologies/products. He has great knowledge of the Energy,
Wireless, Soware, and Computer industries. Prior to Grid Net, he has held clevel and senior management tles at Ausn Energy, four start-ups, Philips
Electronics, Digital Equipment Corporaon, and Borland. He started his professional career as a product manager
for Windows and DOS at Microso.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in General Management, Strategy Management, Brand
Management, Business Development, Product Management, and Technology Management, Carvallo has a
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (University of Kansas), completed the Ulity Execuve Course
(University of Idaho), and completed execuve management programs (Stanford University) and the Wharton
School (University of Pennsylvania).
Vice President Product Management (California)
Family Origin:
Vince Casarez has over 12 years with Oracle in which he has held key posions.
He currently runs the Product Management teams for WebCenter, Portal, and
Reports. Prior to his current posion he had the responsibility for managing the
WebCenter development team handling the Web 2.0 services. He focused on
hosted portal development and operaons which included Oracle Portal Online
for external customers, Portal Center for building a portal community, and My
Oracle for the employee intranet.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, Casarez has a degree from the University of California.
Chief Execuve Officer (Washington)
Family Origin:
Alfredo Casta vision to the steadily growing CTi team for the past ten year has
resulted in consistently providing quanfiable results for the customers.
Casta’s dedicaon to success and his leadership skills have helped to propel CTi
into a growing IT soluons company with long standing clients. He is deeply
commied to giving back to the community and building a strong and capable
workforce in the DC Metro Area. As a champion of the remote office concept,
Casta is vigorously working to bring visibility to transportaon issues that affect
workers in Northern Virginia and the DC Metro Area as a whole. He firmly
believes that employee quality of life is a driving issue for recruing and
retaining a skilled workforce. In the 2006, Casta opened a Hub Zone office in
San Juan, Puerto Rico to provide project management and applicaon development services in support of CTi’s
Project Management Office (PMO).
Educaon: In addion to his extensive 20 years experience in the management of IT systems, including senior
leadership posions in both the public and private sectors, Casta has a Master of Science in Project Management
(George Washington University), and a Bachelors in Computer Science (Universidad del Sagrado Corazón)
For the past four years, CTi has been named one of Virginia’s “Fastest Growing Companies”, and presented the
presgious “Virginia Fantasc Fiy Award.” Addionally CTi has been named to the INC 500 list for the past four
Senior Vice President Worldwide Services (California)
Family Origin:
Arturo Cazares has extensive execuve level leadership experience. Consistently builds, develops and leads highperforming teams that capture strong market-share, increases company revenues and profit, and establishes
successful operaons in countries throughout the world, including the Americas, Asia and EMEA.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in channel strategy and implementaon experience, including
VARs, system integrators, and Network Service Providers; Cazares has a Masters of Business Administraon with an
emphasis on Internaonal Business (Stanford University), and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
(Stanford University).
Senior Vice President & Chief Informaon Officer (California)
Family Origin:
Cecilia Claudio has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Informaon
Officer for SanDisk Corporaon, a flash memory data storage company since
February 2007. Prior to her current posion, Cecilia served as Chief
Informaon Officer for Mercury Interacve Corporaon, a business technology
opmizaon soware provider. She also served as Chief Informaon Officer
and Vice President, Engineering for Align Technology, a technology-based
orthodonc manufacturer. Cecilia has held execuve posions at Clearstone
Venture Partners, Zurich Financial Services, and Farmers Group, Inc.
Vice President, IT Disney Consumer Products (California)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Nancy Faginas-Cody is responsible for all Licensing related IT systems globally
for Disney Consumer Products. These include Portals, Digital Media Asset
Management, Product Development, Contract Administraon, Royalty and
Revenue, and Business Intelligence.
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience in IT Global Licensing, Faginas-Cody has a Masters in Business
Administraon (The Paul Merage School of Business – University of California), and a Bachelors degree in
Economics (California State University)
President and Chief Execuve Officer (New York)
Family Origin: Chile
Cristobal Conde is SunGard’s President and Chief Execuve Officer, and a
member of its board of directors. He was elected Chief Execuve Officer in
August 2002 and has been a board member since August 1999. Conde
served as chief operang officer between 1999 and 2002 and previously
headed up SunGard’s Trading Systems division, which he started in 1990.
Under Conde’s direcon, the Trading Systems division expanded to four
groups comprised of twenty-two operang units employing over two
thousand staff. Prior to joining SunGard, Conde co-founded Devon Systems Internaonal, Inc., which was acquired
by SunGard in 1987. At the me, Devon focused on providing systems for the interest rate and currency
derivaves markets.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive business and IT experience; Conde holds a Bachelor of Science in
Astronomy and Physics (Yale University)
Senior Director, Global Technology Officer (Michigan)
Family Origin: Mexico
Manages and Develops the Global IT Strategy. The scope includes all applicaon technology used globally by the
business and funcons to enable internal and external work processes. Responsible for applicaon architecture for
all primary business funcons to include: Corporate Governance, Finance, Markeng, Sales, Revenue Recognion,
and Human Resources. Conde is responsible for aligning IT Applicaon Architecture with Kellogg Business Strategy
for all funcons and businesses. Translates IT Applicaon Architecture to Design Direcon and Roadmaps for all
Applicaons supporng IT Global Development teams worldwide (for the business funcons listed) to define and
design soluons consistent with IT Strategy and defines a rolling 3-year capital investment plan for applicaons.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT strategy, and applicaon architecture; Conde has a degree
from the Instuto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
Chief Informaon Officer (Conneccut)
Juan Code is responsible for the IT strategy and delivery of consumer-focused
technology soluons for one of the naon’s leading health services
organizaons. This newly created posion reports to the Execuve Vice
President of Enterprise Service and Informaon Technology for CIGNA
Corporaon (NYSE: CI), and is a part of the CIGNA HealthCare senior
management team. Conde’s focus will be the effecve use of informaon
technology to help improve the health, well being and security of CIGNA
HealthCare members by supporng the company’s porolio of health services
products, self-service capabilies and its consumer-centric service model. As a seasoned senior leader with 20
years’ experience in the IT field, Juan has spent much of his career managing financial company IT organizaons in
industries where consumerism is a way of life, including: Sungard Capital Markets, UBS Warburg, and - most
recently - serving as senior vice president and CIO of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) in New York.
“Conde‘s track record of success, consumer services experience, and history of managing large IT organizaons
means he is well-suited to help elevate our HealthCare IT strategy to the next level in support of our business
needs,” said Sco Storrer, CIGNA Execuve Vice President — Enterprise Service and Informaon Technology.
Conde received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The College of William and Mary and is a member of the not-forprofit, non-parsan organizaon Business Execuves for Naonal Security.
Senior Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer (Virginia)
Family Origin: Cuba
Rick Coro is the Senior Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer of Advance
Auto Parts, Inc., a $5 billion aermarket auto parts retailer with over 3200
stores across the U.S. Coro is responsible for direcng the Informaon
Technology department, including applicaon development, technical services
and infrastructure, and help desk and field support. Coro is also responsible
for managing the Corporate Purchasing department with responsibility for all
indirect sourcing and contracts for the company. Since joining Advance Auto
Parts in October, 2005, Coro has revamped the IT department and
implemented a new strategy to align IT with business goals including a streamlined responsive organizaon; an
effecve demand management process; integrated systems and data repositories; and scalable, flexible and secure
architectural foundaons.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Informaon Technology, and Applicaon Development, Coro
has a Masters degree in Aerospace Engineering (George Tech University), and a Masters in Business Administraon
(Texas Chrisan University).
Director, Business Systems (California)
Family Origin: Brazil
David Cunha has over 25 years of IT experience of which 14 years Financial Services Industry in a technology
management role (CTO/CIO) leading U.S.-based and internaonal (Americas Region) systems and Data Centers
Implementaons in Financial Market / Auto Financing: Retail, Leasing, Whole Sales, Customer Master MDM,
Services Oriented Architecture (SOA), Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Applicaon Integraon (EAI), Data
Management, Data Warehouse / Analycs Reporng, Security, WEB Technologies. Internaonal experience: India
(Outsourcing), Asia / Europe (IT Leadership Groups), Americas Region (CIO/CTO).
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, Cunha has a Master in Business Administraon – Soware
Engineering (Universidad de Sao Paulo), and a cerficate in IT Leadership (University of California – Anderson
School of Management).
Execuve Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer (Michigan)
Family Origin: Cuba
Frank de Armas is a senior IT execuve with over 25 years of financial services experience.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, De Armas has a Masters in Business Administraon
(California Coast University), and Bachelors in Business Administraon (Northwood University)
Vice President, Informaon Technology (California)
Family Origin: Mexico
Guillermo Diaz, Jr. is the Vice President of Cisco Services and Soware Delivery IT
where he oversees a global team responsible for accelerang new services and
soware business models for Cisco, our customers, and partners. Since joining the
company in 2000, Diaz has helped develop Cisco’s world-class IT infrastructure by
leading iniaves to enable and manage significant business applicaons such as
Enterprise Management Systems, Database Foundaon, Cisco.com, Cisco Employee Connecon (Cisco’s Intranet),
and Cisco’s commerce and customer support applicaons. Diaz is an Execuve Sponsor of Conexión – Cisco’s Lano
Employee Network. He has also held senior IT leadership posions within some of Silicon Valley’s most respected
companies including Director of Global Network Services (Silicon Graphics), Managing Director of IT (Intelligent
Electronics), and Manager of Telecommunicaons (Alza Corporaon).
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience, Diaz began his career in Telecommunicaons with the United
States Navy where a military scholarship led to his Bachelor of Science in Business Administraon (Regis University)
and post-graduate studies at the University of Denver.
Execuve Vice President, Digital (New York)
Family Origin: Mexico
Arturo Duran has over 10 years of professional experience, leading today all the
interacve acvies of the largest Hispanic News and Informaon Media
company in the US. Arturo has work for leading naonal and mulnaonal
corporaons in the internet, imaging, compung, prinng, and texle industries.
Created and launched new products, new sites, full networks, head efforts to
enter new markets and “fix” Divisions, Subsidiaries, etc. turning them around in
record me. Duran is considered a leading execuve in the digital world and has a strong track record of success.
He was, unl recently, the chief execuve officer of impreMedia Digital a company he grew from the ground up
establishing innovave, value-creang partnerships with companies like MySpace, AOL, PBS and MTV.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in digital media, Duran has a degree from the Liceo Franco
Mexicano and a degree from the Instuto Tecnológico Autónomo de Mexico.
Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President (Florida)
Family Origin: Venezuela
Armando Escalante has 30 years in the Internaonal and domesc Sales,
Operaons and High Tech environments with strong and extensive P&L
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Soware Development,
Operaons, Data-center Management, IT, R&D, Technology, Start-ups, New
product development, Escalante has a Masters in Business Administraon (West
Coast University), Execuve Educaon Cerficate (Harvard University), Execuve Cerficate (Massachuses
Instute of Technology).
Chief Informaon Officer
BBVA Group
Family Origin:
Before joining the BBVA Group, Sergio Fidalgo served as a consultant during six
years at Accenture (former Andersen Consulng), providing Integraon Services to
different companies in the Financial Industry, mainly focused in Treasury and Capital
Markets. Fidalgo began working with the BBVA Group in May of 1998. Throughout
the years he has held various posions within the IT Division, including
supporng the Wholesale Banking Businesses (Capital Markets, Internaonal
Corporate Banking, Asset Management) across BBVA’s worldwide footprint, Private
Banking, Insurance and Specialized Lending.
Fidalgo was appointed Chief Informaon Officer for BBVA Compass in January 2009. He is responsible for defining
the best strategic direcon of the company’s overall informaon technology, in order to opmally support the
needs of BBVA Compass’ lines of business. He directly oversees applicaon systems, telecommunicaons and
systems operaons. In addion to Technology, Fidalgo also manages operaons for BBVA Compass, including
Central Operaons, Loan Operaons, Item Processing and Trust Operaons, as well as Real Estate Services,
Corporate Procurement and Corporate Security.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, Fidalgo has a degree in Telecommunicaons Engineering
(Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)
Senior Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer (New York)
Family Origin:
Carlos Fuentes serves as the SVP & CIO of Mitsui Sumitomo Marine Management
(U.S.A.), Inc. As part of the Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group of companies, a global
top 20 insurer, MSMM manages the member insurance companies located in the
United States. MSMM provides P&C insurance in all 50 states. Fuentes holds several
leadership roles and is a member of the Management Company and wring
company’s boards. Since joining the MSIG family of companies, Fuentes has
championed taccal and strategic iniaves that connue to shape and improve the
firms’ business, operaons and technology. Mr. Fuentes led MSMM in obtaining its first SAS70 cerficaon.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive 18 years experience in IT management across a variety of industries,
including Insurance, Finance, and Consulng, Fuentes has Bachelors degree
Regional Director of IT Business Engagement Management (Chicago)
Family Origin: Mexico
Macario Gallegos is Regional Director of IT & Business Engagement for Harrah’s
Entertainment, Inc. He is the primary point of contact for all aspects of IT related acvies
across six Harrah’s Casino Properes within the Chicago land and Midwest Markets. Focus is
on deploying staffing and operaonal efficiencies, leveraging beer prices and improved
services from vendors and strategic partners, as well as a strong focus towards improving
system performance and system upme as it relates to crical business systems.
Responsibilies include researching new technological soluons which can be integrated
into property business models, in order to enhance the customer experience, improve
employee producvity and or grow property revenues.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, he has a Masters in Business Administraon (Purdue University)
Senior Vice President IS Strategy (New York)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Joel De La Garza has an in-depth technical knowledge of the financial services
industry and the security controls required for it to funcon, he has extensive
experience with the outsourcing and off-shoring of security operaons and its impact
on regulatory compliance, he is recognized as the industry’s incident handler and
invesgator. De La Garza has knowledge of audit and compliance requirements for
HIPAA, GLBA, Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC and Fed Regulaons.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience with IT systems, network
operaons, security operaons, architectures, and disaster recovery; De La Garza has a Bachelors degree.
Chief Technology and Strategy Officer /Execuve Vice President (New York)
Family Origin: USA
John Gomez as the CTSO/EVP of Eclipsys is responsible for the overall product &
technical strategy for the company, which includes 40+ commercial soware products
for the healthcare industry. Gomez oversees a team of over 800 technologists
worldwide and product management team members. Gomez oversees the Eclipsys
Business Development team, which is responsible for strategic partnerships, corporate
strategy and mergers and acquisions. Gomez is responsible for leading all of Eclipsys
strategic business growth outside of North America.
Vice President Lan America (Florida)
Family Origin: Brazil
Wilson Grava is a highly movated Senior Execuve with experience in managing,
acquiring and developing business in the technology market in Lan America.
Proven experience in decision-making, policy direcon and strategic business
planning. Grava has the ability to movate and work effecvely with persons from
other cultures. He is skilled in working within foreign environments with limited
resources. Grava has the special ability to manage and integrate persons promong
teamwork and solving problems on fast-paced situaons.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive 22+ years of experience with Lan America business development
efforts, IT Security, Grava has a Masters of Business Administraon with an emphasis on Markeng (Escola
Superior de Propaganda e Markeng, Brazil), and a Bachelor of Science in Data Processing Technology
(Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil)
Group Vice President (Florida)
Family Origin: Venezuela
Juan Carlos Guerrez is responsible for all consulng operaons for the Lan
America and Caribbean region at Oracle. Prior he was Regional Vice President for
Oracle, where he was responsible for Consulng for North of Lan America and
Caribbean operaons. Previously he was Vice-President of Consulng Sales for the
Lan America and Caribbean operaons. Guerrez experse’s focus on enterprise
applicaon implementaons of CRM and ERPs, Web soluons, Integraon of
Informaon Systems, Data Warehousing, IT Strategy, Custom Development and
Mobile Compung.
Educaon: In addion to more than nineteen years of consulng experience in informaon technology
management for several industries, Guerrez has a Postgraduate degree (Instut Naonal de
Telecommunicaons) and a degree in Computer Engineering (Universidad Simon Bolivar)
Senior Vice President, Global Technology Soluons (Arkansas)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
David Guzman has nearly 30 years of IT experience; he is responsible for all
aspects of the company’s IT systems and network infrastructure.
Guzman former CIO for at a Fortune 500 company and the number two
execuve in IT at three Fortune 100 companies, holding the leadership posion in
Architecture (Federated now Macys), Operaons (Kmart) and Development (Office
Depot) respecvely. Guzman is the former CIO at Accreve Commerce, acquired
by GSI Commerce.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, Guzman has a degree from Yale University where he
graduated with honors. He is currently a candidate for a PhD from Yale.
He has received numerous awards such as: #1 on Informaon Week 500, twice (2001, 2003), Business Week
WebSmart 50, ComputerWorld Premier 100 IT Leaders (Best in Class) , Data Warehousing Instute Best Pracce
Award, Outsourcing Center, Outsourcing Excellence Award, and CIO Advisor, Governor of Virginia.
Vice President Business Development (California)
Family Origin: Mexico
Melik Hernandez is the Vice President, Business Development for SOFTTEK, which
is the Sotek is the leading Near Shore Service Provider for Outsourcing Services
to North America, and an emerging player in Europe. Being the largest
Independent IT regional Service Provider in Lan America, corporate office in
Monterey Mexico, it currently operates nine Global Delivery Centers located in
Mexico, China, Brazil, Argenna and Spain, serving large mulnaonals and
leading firms from the US, Europe, Lan America and Asia.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Business Development, Hernandez has a Bachelors degree
President, Strategy & Development, North American Public Sector (Virginia)
Family Origin: Cuba
Jose Jimenez has more than 30 years of experience in naonal security and
intelligence, will direct CSC’s work for the Department of Homeland Security, the
intelligence community and other naonal law enforcement and security endeavors.
Jimenez served as vice president and general manager of Intelligence and Law
Enforcement and the Special Systems Center for CSC’s Federal Sector business unit.
He joined CSC in 1999 through its acquision of Nichols Research and Welkin
Associates, where he was president of naonal programs for Nichols and a vice
president and business unit leader for Welkin.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Security and Intelligence, Jimenez served 20 years in the U.S.
Navy as a flight officer flying reconnaissance missions and 10 years in the highly sensive Naonal Reconnaissance
Office. Jimenez has a Masters degree in Management (Troy State University) and a Bachelors degree in Electrical
Engineering (University of Texas).
President and Chief Execuve Officer
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Anthony (Tony) Jimenez is the award-winning President, CEO, and founder of
MicroTech, named by Hispanic Business Magazine as the No. 1 Fastest- Growing
Hispanic-Owned Business in the Naon. An 8(a) cerfied and verified Service-Disabled
Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), MicroTech provides Informaon Technology
Support and Services, Management Services and Systems, Audio-Visual
Telecommunicaons Design and Installaon, Product Soluons and Consulng Services
and Soluons. Since founding MicroTech in 2004, Tony has grown the business into a
profitable mul-million dollar company with 350 highly skilled professionals supporng over 100 prime contracts with
civilian and defense agencies of the Federal government and providing IT and network support to numerous Fortune
500 companies.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive 25 years experience in Informaon Technology, Strategic Planning, Enterprise
Transformaon, and Acquision Management, Tony guided DoD’s efforts to solve complex and crical plaorm
transformaon challenges facing government organizaons. Jimenez is a highly decorated veteran, has a Masters of
Arts in Computers and Informaon Systems (Webster University - St. Louis), a Masters of Science in Acquision
Management (Florida Instute of Technology) and a Bachelors of Science in Business Management (St. Mary’s
University, Texas). Jimenez is also a recent graduate of the Execuve Educaon Training course at Dartmouth’s Tuck
School of Business.
Senior Vice President Customer Services
Family Origin: Spain
Juan Jones is Senior Vice President of Oracle’s North America Support Services
business. In this role, he has oversight for all aspects of Enterprise Service
Management, Support Sales, and Advanced Customer Services delivery. He leads a
team of service execuves and technical staff who manage the relaonships and
deliver premium services to Oracle’s most strategic customers. In addion, he leads
the Support Sales team responsible for selling and renewing $3.5 billion in
maintenance subscripon revenue.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive business experience, Jones has a Masters in Business Administraon in
markeng (University of Rochester Simon School of Business) and a Bachelors of Arts in Economics (University of
Notre Dame).
Chief Informaon Officer, Global Commercial (Massachuses)
Family Origin: Brazil
William Juliano is a high profile, senior execuve with extensive global experience
in Informaon Technology, Markeng and Sales management; he is result-focused
and creave professional, who leverages his mul-cultural and business experse
to seek process innovaon, improve producvity and add value to the shareholder;
a movated achiever and profit-minded execuve, who visualizes the business
through the eyes of the customer.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive Industrial Markeng, Sales, eBusiness, and Informaon Technology
experience, Juliano has a Masters in Business Administraon – Internaonal Business (University of Sao Paulo),
Post Graduate (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Markeng), and a Bachelors in Manufacturing Engineering
(University of Sao Paulo)
Vice President and Chief Technology Officer (Maryland)
Family Origin: Spain/USA
Haden Land is enterprise consulng for new business technical soluons,
technical and engineering program support, strategic enterprise iniaves
leadership, internal informaon technology support, industry and academia
partnerships, and sponsorship of research and development projects.
Educaon: In addion to his 26 years of professional experience across the
public and private sectors to include five years of internaonal experience, Land has Execuve management
experience across variety of technical/engineering disciplines. Previous individual contributor roles include
systems programmer, applicaon programmer, database engineer, chief engineer, chief architect and enterprise
consultant. Land has a Master’s in Computer and Informaon Science (Syracuse University) and an honorary
doctoral degree in Humane Leers (honoris causa) - Capitol College.
Vice President, Customer Experience (California)
Family Origin: Mexico
Antonio López is the Vice President, Customer Experience for INTUIT. Prior to his
role with INTUIT, López was Vice President of Customer Experience and Services
for Hewle Packard’s Personal Systems Group (PSG) – Americas. López was
responsible for leading the PSG Americas customer experience
Improvement programs across the value chain, driving a differenated customer
support experience at a compeve cost, and maximizing revenue and
profitability for related services sales.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Customer relaons and support, Lopez has a Masters in
Business Administraon emphasis in Markeng (Instuto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores – Mexico)
Vice President and Disnguished Analyst, Execuve Leadership and Innovaon
Family Origin: Mexico
Jorge Lopez focuses on issues concerning senior execuves such as CEO’s, CIO’s,
and other execuves in large and medium businesses and in Government to
provide the best advice on acons to take for business, IT investments and
operaons on a global basis. Gartner’s clients number over 4,000 businesses and
government execuves among its overall customer base and his research is
intended for this segment of the marketplace. His research includes CEO
concerns, global industry scenarios, strategic change, and cost opmizaon. Lopez has produced research that
includes how CEOs view their challenges and what IT should do about them, radical IT cost cung, how to
overcome IT as a constraint to business change, how to reduce the risk of IT, and how to improve the business
strategic value and alignment of IT. In addion, Lopez works with key IT vendors and services providers to
improve the effecveness of their business strategy and value to their customers
Educaon: In addion to his extensive 20 years experience in the informaon technology industry, including
various execuve roles in markeng and sales, research and development, implementaon services, strategic
planning, supply chain, and corporate business development; Lopez has a Master of Science in Electrical
Engineering (Rice University). Master’s thesis on photoelectric behavior of infrared detectors made from heavy
metal compounds. Lopez is a graduate of IBM’s presgious President’s Class.
Lopez has received the Gartner Global Quarterly Research Award - a top disncon for Thought Leading Research
at Gartner.
VP, Chief Technology Officer
Family Origin: Peru
Alejandro Maineo leads a global technology team in charge of building all
enterprise technology plaorms for Kaplan. Prior to Kaplan, Maineo was a
Deputy Chief Informaon Officer for NYC Department of Educaon. Maineo has
15+ years of technology experience that encompasses systems analysis,
architecture, design, integraon, applicaon development and project
management. He has the ability to manage across mulple systems and business
departments managing large staffs. Maineo is experienced in the management
of all technical issues, as well as planning, implementaon, process re-engineering, product development, training
and maintenance issues for major Fortune 100 firms.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in the field of IT, Maineo has a Master’s of Science in
Management of Technology (Polytechnic University), and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
(Polytechnic University)
VP North America Virtualizaon and Service Automaon (New York)
Family Origin:
Jerry Maldonado is an accomplished leader of Pre/Post Sales Engineers and Consultants with years of experience.
Maldonado is an energec, innovave professional who contributes to the team and consistently exceeds
performance goals.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in the field of IT, IT infrastructure, IT Storage
Design/opmizaon/configuraon/and essenals, ITIL Processes; Maldonado has a degree in Electromechanical
Engineering and Computer Science and numerous cerficaons with IBM, Microso, Computer Associates,
Veritas, Legato, and others.
Execuve Consultant (Florida)
Family Origin: Venezuela/Portugal
Joaquin Marques is a hands on technology execuve and strong corporate leader,
with an extensive and well rounded business and technology background based on
years of experience in Fortune 100 corporaons and start-ups. Prior to CGI,
Marques architected, led and managed numerous complex mul-million dollar
enterprise soware and infrastructure projects to their successful deployment at
IBM, Verizon, Guardian Life, Harcourt, GMAC, and the NYC Department of
Educaon among others, all on me and under budget.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Management Consulng, Technical Consulng, M&A, IT
Strategy, Security, Governance, Compliance, Risk Management, Enterprise Architecture, Cloud Compung, and
more; Marques has a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering (Ohio State University).
Marques was awarded four US Patents for pioneering work on search, text processing and soware engineering at
IBM and Verizon. He has worked as a consultant at both T. J. Watson Labs (IBM), and Bell Labs (now Verizon), two
of the most highly regarded research centers in the world. Marques has worked on AI and natural language
applicaons for two Yale University spinoffs.
Chief Informaon Officer (California)
Family Origin: Mexico
Erwin Marnez oversees the Rabobank’s informaon systems, informaon technology and
vendor management. Prior to Rabobank he was Senior Vice President and Chief Informaon
Officer at Tamalpais Bank. Marnez served as a Senior Manager for Andersen Consulng and
partner, and Program Director in CSC Consulng.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, Marnez has a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Administrave Sciences (Yale University).
Execuve Vice President, Customers for Life
Family Origin:
Maria Marnez is Execuve Vice President of Customers for Life, the company’s organizaon
devoted to ensuring the success and longevity of its fast-growing customer base. Marnez joins
salesforce.com aer an esteemed career that most recently included six years of strategic
leadership roles at Microso, including professional services and customer support for all
products, as well as nine years at Motorola heading its cellular infrastructure and applicaons
businesses. Marnez has more than 30 years of experience in business and technology
leadership roles.
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience in the Technology Industry, Business Leadership, Marnez has a Master’s degree
in Computer Engineering (Ohio State University) and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (University of Puerto Rico)
Director, Field Customer Relaons (Chicago)
Family Origin: Mexico
Delia Guerrez McLaughlin is a Business Unit Lead for Aon Risk Soluons acng as
the liaison, providing governance and oversight for IT projects that require rolling
out technology components that affect all 8,000+ ARS employees in US offices.
McLaughlin acts as provider of guidance to all users as well as negoang with Aon’s
outsourced partners to resolve issues that affect the offices. In addion, McLaughlin
acts as the single point of escalaon on behalf of ARS for IT issues needing to be
resolved but may not through the regular channels available to employees with
Aon’s outsourced partners.
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience as a business leader, McLaughlin has a Bachelor of Arts in
Polical Science and Accounng with a minor in History (University of Illinois and Our Lady of the Lake University).
Execuve Vice President (California)
Family Origin: Mexico
Roberto Medrano is Execuve VP for SOA Soware, leader in Unified SOA and Cloud
Services Governance for cloud compung. Previously Medrano was CEO of PoliVec,
security policy vendor. He was General Manager of the E-Services and Internet
Security Divisions for HP. Customers use SOA Soware’s products to accelerate their
adopon of SOA and Cloud Services. The products enable organizaons to
successfully plan, build, and run cloud and enterprise services. They offer lifecycle
governance, security, management and mediaon of SOA, ensuring the security,
reliability, performance and ease of development of service-oriented business applicaons. The company’s customers
are primarily large enterprises with a focus on Fortune 1000 corporaons. The world’s largest companies including
Bank of America, Pfizer, and Verizon use SOA Soware soluons to transform their business.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience as a business execuve, leading security soware firms,
responsible for up to $1Billion budget, Medrano has a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science (MIT), a Masters in Business Administraon (UCLA), and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
(University of Southern California)
Chief Informaon Office (Florida)
Family Origin:
Rafael Mena serves as Chief Informaon Officer (CIO) for Orange County Government’s
Informaon Systems & Services Division in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Mena has held this posion
since October 2002, in addion to holding mulple technical posions since joining Orange
County in 1989. As Chief Informaon Officer, Mr. Mena oversees the County’s use of
informaon technology to improve services to the employees and cizens of Orange County.
Under Mr. Mena’s leadership, Orange County’s technology services and business pracces
have been naonally recognized in various publicaons and awards.
Chief Informaon and Technology Director, Engineering and Technical Services (Washington)
Family Origin: Portugal
Andre Mendes is an experienced execuve with a proven track record of successful
technological deployments and innovaon in a variety of industries. Mendes is a
recognized industry leader, able to consistently drive boom line results through judicious
use of nascent technologies. Mendes is an influenal and internaonally recognized
public speaker. He has global experience with both established businesses and new
foreign iniaves.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Broadcasng, New Media, Web 2.0, E-commerce, Large scale Web
environments, Supply Chain Opmizaon, Server Virtualizaon, Telecommunicaons, Satellite, IT turn around strategies,
Digital Media Workflows, Vendor Negoaons, and Disaster Recovery, Mendes has a cerficate of Chief Informaon Officer
(Boston University School of Management), and a Bachelor of Science in Informaon Systems Management (University of
Senior Vice President Applicaon Development
Family Origin:
Steve Miranda is senior vice president of Fusion applicaon development for
Oracle Corporaon. Miranda is responsible for development of Financials, HR
and Payroll, Procurement, CPM, Projects, CRM, SCM, and the funconal
architecture group. Miranda has been with Oracle since 1992, holding a variety
of leadership posions within the development organizaon. Prior to Oracle,
Miranda worked at GE Aerospace.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in informaon technology, Miranda has a Bachelor of Science
degree in Mathemacs and Computaonal Sciences (Stanford University).
Senior Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer Frito Lay North America (Texas)
Family Origin: Mexico
Jaime Montemayor is senior vice president and chief informaon officer for FritoLay North America. Montemayor is responsible for the strategy, planning and
delivery of IT capabilies and services for Frito-Lay. Previously, Montemayor was
senior vice president and CIO of PepsiCo Transformaon, responsible for the
delivery of SAP and Data IT soluons for Quaker, Tropicana and Pepsi-Cola North
America. Before this appointment, Montemayor served as CIO for Frito-Lay North
America and Frito-Lay Internaonal, including all IT operaons for Quaker snacks
and foods outside the U.S. Montemayor joined PepsiCo in 1995 as CIO for
PepsiCo’s Gamesa business, Mexico’s largest cookie and biscuit company. Prior to joining PepsiCo, Montemayor
was a principal with Booz Allen Hamilton and a technical director with Oracle Corp. in Europe and Lan America.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Informaon Technology, Montemayor has a Master’s degree
in Computer Science (Stanford University) and a Bachelor’s degree in computer science (Instuto Tecnologico y de
Estudios Superiores in Mexico).
Chief Informaon Officer (New York)
Family Origin: Colombia
Peter J. Morales is currently the CIO at the Polytechnic Instute of NYU and Chief
Technology Strategist at the NYU School of Law. Morales Is PMI PMP cerfied and
has taught graduate and undergraduate management classes as well as PMP
cerficaon classes. Morales has an agile process Scrum Master cerficaon.
Morales has consulted for the City of NY teaching project management to a broad
group of managers in City government. Prior to NYU, Morales worked in the
financial services industry leading technology projects for the American and New
York Stock Exchanges. Morales developed an experimental diagnosc system for a Pediatric Neurologist at North
Shore University Hospital capturing digital Cognive Evoked Potenals.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience, Morales has a Masters degree of Science in Management
(Polytechnic Instute of NYU) and is currently compleng a Doctoral dissertaon in Quantave Risk Management
methods as they apply to project management.
Head of Business Intelligence and MIS (New York)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Ruben Muniz is currently the Head of Business Intelligence and MIS for
Provident Bank Corporaon. Prior to his role with Provident he was Vice
President of Business Intelligence at CompIntelligence. Muniz managed
Oracle EPM engagements for clients specializing in financial services. Muniz
has Lead client engagements in Oracle’s Hyperion EPM in Financial Services,
Real Estate, Telecommunicaons and Pharmaceucals. Muniz has developed
planning process using Hyperion Business Intelligence tools.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in management analysis, strategic planning and diversity
management, Muniz has a Bachelor in Business Administraon (Pace University – Lubin School of Business)
Informaon Technology Vice President
Aldo Noseda is Vice President of Enterprise Applicaons at Monsanto
Company. He has been in this role since 2008 and is responsible for all Global
systems including Monsanto’s ERP plaorm, Web soluons and Business
Intelligence capabilies. Previously, Noseda led the IT organizaon for
Monsanto’s new global Vegetable Division aer the acquision of Seminis
Seeds in 2005. Noseda joined Monsanto Company in 1991 and worked in
mulple roles for IT and the Business in Lan America and the US.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience as a business execuve,
Noseda has a post-graduate in Informaon Systems Engineering with an execuve program in Business
Family Origin:
Chrisna Naugle is a business leader who has shaped her career during the past 25 years
with Accenture, one of the world’s leading management consulng, outsourcing and
technology services organizaon. In her years with Accenture, Today, she is an execuve
director in the company’s Phoenix locaon, but has a reputaon throughout the
organizaon for her ability to turn vision into reality. She is not only the managing director
of Accenture’s Arizona State and Local Government Pracce, but also the naonal director
of its Motor Vehicle Transportaon Pracce for Public Service. Her work experse focuses
on large, complex systems building iniaves designed to solve business problems in many
of the core business funcons found in large corporate organizaons. She is a cerfied Project Management Professional
(PMP) by the Project Management Instute, and has a reputaon for bringing large programs to compleon on me and
within budget. Chrisna’s worked with several of the firm’s largest clients in the Phoenix Valley and throughout the U.S.,
including the State of Arizona - Department of Administraon and Revenue, Salt River Project, Shamrock Foods, American
Express Corporaon, Apollo Group, Visa Internaonal and BankOne, (now Chase) to name a few. In her work with
Accenture, Chrisna plays three primary roles: business leader, mentor and diversity/inclusion champion.
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience as a business leader, Naugle has two Bachelor of Science degrees in
Accounng and M.I.S (university of Arizona).
Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer
Family Origin: Cuba/Jamaica
Jo-ann Olsovsky is vice president and chief informaon officer, BNSF Railway
Company. Olsovsky is responsible for delivery of BNSF’s telecommunicaons
services, data center infrastructure, applicaon development, Web presence and
all other informaon technology services. Under her leadership, the BNSF
technology team supports more than 35,000 people in 28 states at more than
2,000 locaons. The data center systems, communicaons and applicaon
infrastructure support core business applicaons for railroad operaons including
transportaon, engineering, mechanical, intermodal and business applicaons
such as ERP. In addion to maintaining a mainframe and mid-er compung infrastructure, Technology Services
installs and maintains an expansive telecommunicaon infrastructure including voice, data, video and wireless
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience and stellar career, Olsovsky has a Masters in Project
Management (George Washington University), a Masters in Business Administraon (Nova Southeastern
University) and an Undergraduate in Business Management (Nova Southeastern University).
Olsovsky has received a host of honors, including being named in Computerworld Magazine’s 2010 Top 100 IT
Execuves and a 2009 Tribute to Women in Business honoree by the YWCA of Fort Worth & Tarrant County. She
was named a Top 25 Changemaker by the Dallas Business Journal in 2009, and voted one of the “Ten Best in Texas - Women
to Know” in 2008 by the Naonal Women of Color Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) conference.
Vice President Informaon Technology (Illinois)
Family Origin: Mexico
Rolando Orz is Vice President Informaon Technology at Kellogg Company. Prior to
his current assignment, Orz was Vice President of Informaon Technology at Kellogg
Lan America. He spent 12 years at Procter and Gamble as an Associate Director.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience, Orz has a degree from the –
Chief Execuve Officer
Family Origin:
Sabrina has served as CEO of Palo Alto Soware since 2007. Parsons and her husband,
founded a UK soware distribuon company in 2001 that later was purchased and
became a wholly owned subsidiary of Palo Alto Soware. Parsons is a successful
Internet expert, having served as Director of Online Markeng at Commtouch, Senior
Producer at Epinions.com, and founder of her own Web consulng company, Lighng
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience as a business leader, Parsons is a
graduate of Princeton University.
Chief Technology Officer
Family Origin:
Chief Informaon Officer
Family Origin:
Victor Perez was originally an IT technologist (Soware Development), developed full service IT team and
became CIO for STARZ & Liberty Media (Soware development, IT support, helpdesk, network administraon,
web design & Programming. Later developed CIO/CTO vision summit for all Liberty Media investments
creang an annual event that resulted in a collecve, collaborave team of experts, leveraging all
technological investments as one unified enty. Perez Expanded career through opportunies at Comcast's
Internaonal Networks, by emphasizing involvement on cable programming TV network engineering,
eventually leading to my current role with Comcast in the Programming networks Group where I
oversee/coordinate business iniaves between Comcast Programming Group and the Cable division.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, Perez has a degree from Jeffereson University.
Chief Information Officer (Georgia)
Family Origin: Ecuador
Javier Polit is the Chief Information Officer for the Bottling Investments
Group of The Coca-Cola Company. Polit is responsible for setting strategic
process enablement by leading the IT function. His primary focus is driving
team member development and progression, revenue generating capabilities
and operational excellence to create shareholder value. Polit delivers step
changing capabilities by managing multi 100 million dollar investments and
cash spend. Prior to joining Coca-Cola, Polit spent eight years with Office
Depot, Inc. as an Officer of the company serving as the VP of Global IT. Polit
served as the GM of “Project Genesis”, where he successfully led the first global multi-million dollar ERP system implementation in four continents.
Education: In addition to his extensive business experience, Polit has an MBA in Business Management (Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management), a Master’s degree in International Management (Budapest
University of Economics), an IMBA in International Business Management (Tias Nimbas Business School), a
Master’s of Science (Barry University) and a Bachelors of Business Administration (University of Miami).
Chief Informaon Officer (California)
Family Origin: Nicaragua
Humberto Quintanar is the CIO at Antelope Valley Hospital. Quintanar architected
an enre road map that leads to his grand desnaon: an electronic medical
records () system, including a computerized physician-order entry system,
expected to come online in three years. On the communicaons front, Quintanar
installed video phones throughout the hospital. Quintanar is now looking at to
track medical devices and paents. Quintanar is bringing in a system that taps
Microso Outlook, cell phones, and pagers to locate doctors. “None of this was
possible under the old infrastructure. Today, Quintanar is much more than an IT
leader. He runs a 42-person IT team that deals with mulple projects and
technologies, Quintanar is also responsible for the hospital’s physical security,
engineering, facilies, biomedical, emergency preparedness, and other departments.
Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer
Family Origin:
Odilon Queiroz is Vice president for informaon and business services. Queiroz is responsible for all infrastructure
and applicaon support and development, in addion to leading business services soluons for the North
American zone. Queiroz has been with InBev for 14 years, the last three of which he spent in Canada leading
informaon and business services for the zone. In the past year, he has combined that role with the role of vice
president of finance for the zone. Prior to moving to Canada, Odilon was staoned in InBev’s Lan America North
zone, leading the SAP roll-out for several years.
President Online
Family Origin:
Ralph Rivera is Major League Gaming’s President, online. A digital media veteran
with an impressive background growing mul-faceted internaonal businesses,
Rivera leads at MLG the digital strategy and online product development for the
fast-growing sport. Rivera is responsible to help manage MLG’s rapid global
growth, as well as to connue to innovate around how MLG Naon experiences
the world’s only digital sport. Prior to MLG, River Ralph oversaw the AOL Games
and AOL Lano businesses, as well as the expansion of AOL’s content sites
internaonally. Under his direcon, AOL Games launched Games.com to provide
a best in class casual gaming experience that consisted of a comprehensive
porolio of card, board, puzzle, arcade and casino games, along with a social
gaming plaorm offering avatars, profiles, chat, tournaments, leader boards, tokens and badges. Rivera led AOL’s
leading bilingual portal — AOL Lano and was responsible for growing non-US audience from 0-50% of traffic.
Addionally, Rivera was responsible for AOL’s programming expansion across the Americas, Europe, and APAC.
Throughout his career, Rivera has focused on the intersecon of technology and media. Previously, he held
execuve and staff posions at AOL’s Moviefone, Pearson Educaon, Simon & Schuster, Deloie & Touche, and
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience, Rivera holds a Masters in Business Administraon (New York
University) and an undergraduate degree (Columbia College).
IT, Director
Family Origin:
Ileana Rivera is a highly accomplished leader, with experience in supply chain
operaons, manufacturing, transportaon, and informaon technology (IT) for
rapidly evolving medical device organizaons. Rivera is results oriented,
customer focused, leader with proven success in managing teams and
customer sasfacon targets.
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience in Business Strategy
Alignment, Team Building, Oracle Implementaon Sponsorship, PMO and IT
Compliance, Rivera has a Master of Science in Informaon Systems (University
of San Francisco).
Senior Vice President (New York)
Family Origin: Colombia
Noberto Rivera is Senior Vice President at Time Warner Cable. Rivera manages the NYC Technical Operaons 1.2M subscribers, $1.5B revenues, 800 service technicians, 600 installaon contractors. Rivera is responsible
for the launch of Digital Phone. Previously at Time Warner he managed Business Services department - 25K
subscribers, $95M revenues.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience as a business leader, Rivera has a Masters in Business
Administraon (Pace University) and a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering (Manhaan College).
Senior Vice President Informaon Technology (Florida)
Family Origin:
Jesus Rodriguez is Senior Vice President, IT for Tracfone, which is America’s largest and number one prepaid
cell phone provider in the U.S. with over 13 million subscribers. TracFone Wireless has been a leader in
prepaid wireless since its founding in 1996.
Deputy Director for Management Engineering Directorate (Florida)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Miguel A. Rodriguez is the deputy director for Management, Engineering Directorate, at
NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida. Rodriguez is responsible for providing
execuve management, workforce and business services for operaon engineering,
processing, launch, and landing support for Space Shule, Internaonal space Staons,
Launch Services, and Constellaon ground operaon programs/projects. Rodriguez is
responsible for negoang with the programs/project and establishing the operaonal
and sustaining engineering support. Prior to this posion, Rodriguez was director of the
Operaon Systems Engineering Office at KSC. He was responsible for providing execuve management and was the
primary customer’s and stakeholder’s interface for all operaon systems and services.
Educaon: In addion to his stellar career at NASA, Rodriguez is a candidate for post graduate degree in
Engineering Management (University of Central Florida), and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
(University of Puerto Rico). Rodriguez was awarded two NASA Exceponal Service Medals, The Kennedy
Leadership Award, and the NASA Silver Snoopy Award. He holds a NASA Cerficate of Commendaon for
leadership efforts aer Hurricane Katrina.
Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President (Massachuses)
Family Origin: Colombia
Ricardo Rodriguez is Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President for
American Financial Systems. Rodriguez is the Head Director for all Technologyrelated acvies at American Financial Systems (wholly owned subsidiary of
The Guardian Life Insurance Company) and its lines of business: COLI.com,
Deferral.com, SegurosdeVida.com and AFS Master System. Rodriguez manages
projects from concepon through design and development planning, tech
budget and scheduling; lead developers; discuss requirements and project
plans at execuve level. He oversees technical development process for Soware engineers. Provide direcon
as head architect for applicaon’s technology evoluon and set research & development goals. Rodriguez
supervises operaon of the Company’s IT and Datacenter infrastructure; designed and implemented iniaves
and technologies to leverage Informaon Management. He implemented processes and Soware
development management, and both infrastructure and applicaon security standards established to achieve
compliance cerficaons.
Addionally since 2004, he holds a role as Teaching Assistant at Harvard Extension School, primarily involved
with courses related to Soware Development and Database Design.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in IT, Rodriguez has a Masters Degree in Informaon
Technology (Harvard University) and a Bachelors in Computer Sciences (Escuela Colombiana de
Partner – Technical Sales (Florida)
Jose Romero is Partner at Celta Consult which focuses on internaonal Telecom, IT,
Media and Entertainment (TIME) markets. Celta Consult opmizes, connects and
unites successful niche technology enterprises seeking mul-naonal market
expansion with global operators and service providers in need of compeve
differenaon through innovave and creave soluons. Previously Romero was
Chief Technology Officer at StealthMode, LLC. Romero designed and implemented
corporate market and product strategy for both the US Hispanic and Lan
American markets. Specified conceptual and implementaon criteria for long
distance voice, mobile adversing, and mulmedia (image/voice/music/video)
products as well as go-to-market strategies.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience, Romero has a Masters in Business Administraon with a focus
in Internaonal Finance (University of Miami) and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (University of
Senior Manager, IT Markeng (Michigan)
Family Origin: Mexico
Alfonso Ruiz is a Senior Manager of the IT Markeng in the Informaon
Technology Organizaon. Ruiz joined Chrysler in 1981 as a Telecommunicaon
and technical support Manager in Mexico City. Since 2003, Alfonso has been
responsible for IT strategy and development of IT applicaons for Global
Markeng within the Chrysler Group. He leads a team of IT Business Consultants,
Project Managers, and Developers in the ideaon, development, and
implementaon of IT applicaons for Chrysler Group Global Markeng.
He consults with markeng business partners on business processes, strategies and challenges. Assesses industry
markeng IT best pracces, compeve markeng IT landscape, and IT technology trends. Ruiz advises markeng
business partners on IT soluons which address markeng needs. Develops IT strategy and roadmap to address
Markeng business goals and challenges. Leads and manages IT team and external IT vendors, consultants, fixed
bid, and supplemental contractors in the delivery of Markeng IT soluons.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience, Ruiz has a degree in Electrical Engineering (University of
Divisional Vice President of Engineering and Informaon Technology (Maine)
Family Origin: Mexico
Armando Ruiz is divisional VP of Engineering and IT at Time Warner Cable. Ruiz is a
versale senior engineering execuve with experse in high-tech,
telecommunicaons, consulng, IT and operaons roles. Ruiz has a proven track
record of managing mulple large projects leveraging technology, financials,
vendors and technical resources. Ruiz is known as high energy, results-oriented
team-member that is able to handle complex challenges and always deliver on
business results. Ruiz’s accomplishments cover mulmillion technology deployment projects, managing technical
teams of up to 150 contributors, handling global customers/vendors, budget responsibility exceeding 200 million
dollars and P&L oversight.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Technology Strategy and Implementaon, Switched Digital
Video, VoIP, CCIE, IP Networks, LAN, WAN, Wireless, Roung, Technology Management, Project Management, Ruiz
has a Masters in Business Administraon and Informaon Systems (University of Toronto), completed the
Management of Technical Professionals Program (MIT Sloan School of Business) and a Bachelor of Science in
Computers and Electronics.
Vice President, Global Operaons (California)
Family Origin: Mexico
Mary Ruiz joined SAP AG in 2009 to co-lead the design of the blueprint for Premier
Customer Network, the division that serves SAP’s most strategic and largest global
customers. She currently serves as Vice President, Global Operaons, where she
has accountability to help define and execute PCN’s strategy, as well as deliver the
right programs, instrumentaon and insights to support customer success. Prior to
joining SAP, Ms. Ruiz served as VP, Global Operaons for Yahoo! Inc; was VP,
Operaons – Americas for Oracle Corp; she also held a number of roles as a P&L owner, IT & Engineering
Operaons leader, as well as a business leader with roles ranging from enterprise transformaon to acquision
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience as a business leader, Ruiz holds an AB, and completed her MBA
with Honor’s. Ruiz is a cerfied six sigma black belt, cerfied ISO 9000:2000 auditor, and a former lead examiner
for the California Awards for Performance Excellence, the US CA-state equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige Naonal
Quality Award. Her professional passions include long-term customer value creaon, internal performance
excellence and strategic talent management. Ms. Ruiz top priority, however, is her five-year old twin boys, which
keep everything else in perspecve.
President and Chief Execuve Officer (California)
Family Origin: Colombia
Enrique Salem is president and chief execuve officer of Symantec, a global leader
in providing security; storage and systems management soluons to help
consumers and organizaons secure and manage their informaon-driven world.
Salem is also a member of Symantec’s board of directors. Throughout his 16-year
tenure at Symantec Salem held a variety of senior management roles, giving him
broad experience across Symantec’s products and operaons. Most recently he
served as chief operang officer, with responsibility for the day-to-day operaons of
the company. Prior to that, he served as group president, Worldwide Sales and Markeng where he managed global
sales and partner programs, markeng, communicaons and branding. Prior to joining Symantec, Salem was
president and CEO of Brightmail, the leading an-spam soware company that was successfully acquired by
Symantec in 2004. From 2001 to 2002, served as senior vice president of products and technology at Oblix Inc.,
where he spearheaded corporate strategy and development by leading the company’s engineering, product
management, and technology groups. Prior to Oblix Inc., Salem was vice president of technology and operaons at
Ask Jeeves Inc. responsible for the engineering group and the company’s enre IT operaon. Salem joined Symantec
in 1990 through the Peter Norton Compung acquision and held a number of leadership posions, including vice
president of security products and the company’s first chief technology officer.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience as a business leader in the IT field, Salem has a Bachelors degree
in Computer Science (Dartmouth College).
Chief Informaon Officer (Florida)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Rafael A. Sanchez is the Chief Informaon Officer (CIO) for Brightstar Corp. In this
capacity, Sanchez is responsible for Brightstar’s global IT operaons. With more
than 25 years as an informaon technology leader, Sanchez was formerly the CIO at
Carnival Corporaon, where he was directly responsible for the development of
their IT shared services across all operang companies. Prior to Carnival, Sanchez
was the Vice President and Chief Informaon Officer for Burger King Corporaon,
leading all aspects of their global technology operaons. Prior to joining the
execuve team at Burger King, he served in a number of IT leadership roles with
global corporaons including Diageo, Wesnghouse/CBS, Turner Broadcasng Systems and PepsiCo.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in the IT field, Sanchez has a post-graduate degree and Bachelors
of Science degree in Business Administraon (Louisiana State University).
Deputy, Chief Informaon Officer (Washington DC)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Angel Santa is currently the Deputy CIO at the Office of Jusce Programs (OJP)
with direct leadership responsibility and oversight for all Office of the Chief
Informaon Office (OCIO) funcons such as Informaon Security, Infrastructure
(network and operaons), Applicaon Development and Maintenance, Business
Office (including budget, PMO, audit, and contracng), Enterprise Architecture,
and Help Desk.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Informaon Security, Santa has previously completed several
MBA courses. Currently enrolled in seminary school and have completed half of the required curriculum
necessary to receive a Cerficate in Biblical Studies. He has a Bachelors of Science - Computer Science
Santa Developed Department of Educaon Grant Consorum vision and strategy which resulted in the selecon
of Educaon as a consorum leader;• Developed and marketed Educaon’s consorum offering to senior
leadership at several government agencies and successfully recruited 3 agencies to join the Educaon–led
consorum;• Selected by senior execuves of 26 grant agencies to chair a commiee of execuves in the
selecon/recommendaon of grant consorums;• Successfully jusfied budgets/programs and related
increases/changes to Congressional Staffers, OMB, and agency senior leadership on several occasions.
Vice President (Texas)
Family Origin: Ecuador
John Snaider is vice president and general manager of Hewle-Packard’s Americas Business PCs.
Senior Vice President eMerchandising Execuve (North Carolina)
Family Origin: Colombia
Juan Silvera is Senior Vice President eMerchanding execuve at Bank of America.
Silvera is an experienced professional with extensive experience in eCommerce,
financial services and online markeng. Silvera has conceived strategies and
architected online soluons for the world’s largest companies while working in
the United States, Europe and Lan America.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in eCommerce, interacve design, online markeng, online
soluons, diversity markeng, business development, Silvera has a Master of Business Administraon.
Vice President Global Operaons (Illinois)
Family Origin: El Salvador
Javier Solis is Vice President, Global Operaon for Vision IT. Solis is responsible
for Delivery of Managed Services for customers worldwide. As vice president,
Solís oversees the delivery of IT Managed Services ulizing VisionIT’s global
operaons. With more than 20 years of diversified experience in all disciplines of
Informaon Technology, Solís is an expert in transformaon to advanced
infrastructure strategies. He is a proven global infrastructure strategist with a
successful track record of implemenng global delivery methods and strategies,
in sourcing acvies and in leading technology-wide transformaon programs. Solís is effecve in leading both
domesc and internaonal organizaons in achieving process maturity, creang high performance teams and in
achieving plaorm stability and scalability. Prior to joining VisionIT, Solís served as vice president for CNA
Insurance, a major insurance company, where he led a 200-plus person organizaon and managed a $43 million
annual budget. He was also responsible for the design and building of a er 3+ data center, improving the
availability of business applicaon for a total user base spread across 70+ locaons in the US, Canada and Europe.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in the IT field, Solis received his degree in Civil Engineering
from Los Angeles Valley College and Chapman University. He has also received advanced Execuve Educaon in
business from Southern Methodist University’s Cox Business School as well as Northwestern University’s Kellogg
School of Management.
Senior Director Commercial Connect (Illinois)
Family Origin: Mexico
José Ignacio is a skilled execuve with an over two decade successful track record of
delivering outstanding client results. José Ignacio joined MillerCoors LLC as a Senior
Director for Commercial Connect. Sordo manages technology investments and
ensures the delivery of technology soluons that meet and accelerate the strategic
objecves of the commercial organizaon. This posion is responsible for
communicang, clarifying and driving adopon of IT soluons to the commercial organizaon’s needs. During his
tenure with Procter & Gamble, Sordo held the posion of Global Director of Shopper Based Soluons where he
managed 70 associates worldwide that developed IT soluons and shared services for customer selling teams. In
this role, he discovered unspoken customer needs and quickly transformed needs into value added services and
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in the field of technology, Sordo has a Masters degree in
Arficial Intelligence and a Bachelors degree in Computer Science .
Senior Vice President, Chief Informaon and Infrastructure Security Officer
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Myrna Soto has moved into the cable service and communicaons industry. Soto is
senior VP and chief infrastructure and informaon security officer (CISO) at
Comcast Corp, the cable, entertainment and communicaons products and
services provider. Prior to her role at Comcast, Soto was VP of IT governance and
chief informaon security officer for MGM Mirage (Las Vegas, NV), leading and reenergizing its security group. Soto’s role is a brand-new posion at Comcast, and
the addion of the infrastructure component to the info security role was a key element in her decision to join
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience in Business/Technology Integraon Informaon Technology
Strategy Informaon Security IT Governance IT Project/Porolio Management Vendor Management, Soto has a
Masters Cerficaon in Project Management (The George Washington University), and a Masters of Business
Administraon (Nova Southeastern University)
Senior Execuve/Partner (Florida)
Family Origin: Dominican Republic
Pedro Suriel is a senior execuve at Accenture. Suriel leads the Inclusion and
Diversity in the US and for the Public Service operang group. Suriel is extensively
involved in mentoring Hispanic employees. Suriel is an experienced business
management consultant with proven experse in business operaons, consultaon,
and change management. Suriel is talented in proacvely idenfying and resolving
issues, reversing negave trends, and delivering cost/me-saving soluons. Suriel
is a dedicated senior execuve who focuses in achieving company goals and is a recognized leader in human
capital management, execuve training and development, and corporate consulng.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience as a business leader, Suriel has a Masters in Business
Administraon and Finance.
Senior Execuve/Partner (New Jersey)
Family Origin: Dominican Republic
Luis E. Taveras, Ph.D., is a partner in Accenture’s Health & Life Sciences pracce.
He focuses on strategic and technology issues for providers, including business
process outsourcing, large systems implementaons and radio frequency
Senior Director of Customer Services Management (Florida)
Family Origin:
Yamilet Torres is Senior Director of Customer Services Management at Oracle.
During her 15 years at Oracle, she has led transformaonal changes such as
Telephone to Internet Support Services as well as organizaonal changes from
regional to funconal models. She also managed Oracle Support Services in Lan
America being responsible for customer sasfacon in over 12 countries and
three languages in South and Central America. Prior to joining Oracle, Mrs.
Torres worked in a variety of computer networks engineering roles including
managing and supporng NASA’s Wide Area Networks. Mrs. Torres has an M.B.A. from Florida Instute of
Technology and a B.S. in Computer Informaon Systems from Rollins College.
Chief Technology Officer/Chief Architect (Minnesota)
Family Origin: Spain
Eduardo Valencia is Chief Technology Officer for the State of Minnesota. Aer
working in various public sector jobs since 1996, he was hired in March 2008 as
the State of Minnesota’s chief technology officer. Valencia enjoys coming up
with technology soluons that make government more efficient.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in technology, Valencia has a
Masters in Management of Technology (University of Minnesota). He has a
bachelor’s degree (University of North Dakota).
Vice President, Public Sector (Florida)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Herman Velasquez is responsible for the sale and markeng of all Pitney Bowes products and services to State, County &
Local Governments in the U.S. Soluons include hardware, soware and professional services related to document
management, records and informaon management, ligaon support, security detecon and transportaon logiscs.
Velasquez 20 years plus experience in increasingly responsible posions in sales, markeng, sales support and
engineering in High Tech and Consulng. Velasquez has proven ability to manage complex business environments
developing and leading top performing teams.
ducaon: In addion to his extensive experience with various channels of distribuon including direct sales, distributors, and system
integrators, VARS and Carriers/Service Providers, Velasquez has a Master of Business Administraon (University of Miami).
Chief Technology Officer (New York)
Raymond Velez is Chief Technology Officer. Velez has spent his career in applicaon technology
architecture and development. Starng off in the client server industry and moving into web
applicaon development I’ve worked with a wide spectrum of technologies helping implement
business and user driven soluons to meet our clients’ needs.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in web technology and architecture, digital and
web applicaon development, technology community collaboraon, Velez has a Bachelors degree
in Computer Science and Philosophy (Boston University)
Vice President, Automove (Michigan)
Family Origin: Brazil
Domingo Vieira is Vice President of iCrossing’s automove vercal. Vieira focuses on
delivering leadership, strategy and innovave ideas to address the clients key business
needs. Vieira has 20 plus years in management of automove manufacturing, sales and
markeng, service and corporate development, and have launched numerous integrated
mul-channel business-to-consumer iniaves both domescally and globally.
Educaon: In addion to his extensive experience in Vercal Planning and go-to-market
Strategy, Vercal Plan Development, Strategy Creaon and Updates, Vercal Revenue
Targets and Budget Management, Idenficaon of Industry Specific Services and Soluons/Products; Vieira has a
Bachelors degree in Computer Science (DeVry University).
Chief Informaon Officer (Illinois)
Family Origin: Puerto Rico
Educaon: Juris Doctor, Masters of Science degree.
Vice President, Strategy and Integrated Markeng (California)
Family Origin: Argenna
Mary Zerafa is Sr. Vice President of Strategy and Integrated Markeng. Zerafa is
responsible for developing corporate strategies that drive audience growth across all
of our plaorms, aligning our product porolio so that it exceeds audience and client
expectaons, and providing markeng services that drive revenue including market
research and creave soluons for clients. In this capacity, Mary is responsible for
overall brand management and public relaons. Zerafa has held various leadership
posions at impreMedia, most recently as VP of Strategy and Planning for
impreMedia Digital. She now takes on the responsibility of developing strategy across all plaorms.
Educaon: In addion to her extensive experience as a business leader, Zerafa has a Masters in Business
Administraon (Pepperdine University) and a Bachelors of Arts in Internaonal Relaons (Michigan State University).
Zerafa is a Henry Crown fellow at the Aspen Instute and was profiled by Pressme’s annual “20 under 40” which
recognizes up-and-coming newspaper professionals.
Meet The HITEC Board of Directors...
Pablo Molina
Alberto Yepez, Chairman
Campus CIO
Georgetown University
Ricardo Bartra
Senior Director – GSK
Ruth Rosales
David Segura,Vice-Chairman
CEO – Vision IT
Gonzalo Begazo
Controller – Google
Alfonso Ruiz
David Olivencia, President
Senior Manger
Chrysler Corporation
Solution Director, Enterprise
Architecture & Exadata – Oracle
David Campaña
Director, Application Engineering HFA
Jose Ignacio Sordo
Jose Guerra, Treasurer
Senior Director Commercial
Connect – MillerCoors
CEO – L5 Source
Alejandro Mainetto
VP, Chief Technology Officer
Andre Arbelaez
Director of Business Development
NA - TSystems
Pedro Suriel
Partner – Accenture
Meet The HITECAdvisory Board...
Carlos Amesquita
Blanca Q. Fauble
Mark Polansky
Director, Innovation Global Business
Services – Procter & Gamble
Chair Emeritus – NSHMBA CAB
Manager Director
Korn Ferry International
Robert Bard
CEO – LatynaStyle Magazine
Curvie Burton
Former Chair – ITSMF
Jorge Lopez
VP & Distinguished Analyst,
Executive Leadership &
Innovation – Gartner, Inc.
Carmen Ortiz-McGhee
President – Marathon Club
Shari Slate
Senior Director, Inclusion
Strategy – Cisco
Bob West
CEO – Echelon One
The Hispanic IT Executive Council, extends a special thank
you and recognition to Sheena Heitzman and her team at
Heitzman’s Communication Solutions, LLC for taking a
leadership role in developing and executing the HITEC
TOP 100 USA project from beginning to end.
The combination of Sheena's outstanding experience,
professionalism and unwavering commitment to our
organization has made the HITEC TOP 100 a real success.
We lookforward to our work together in the HITEC 50
Latin America Project which will be announced October
29, 2010
The Power of Diversity