S C I E N C E sampler Eggheads: Pioneers of genetics 34 science scope March 2 0 0 6 vocabulary, writing skills, and oral language development. The requirements for the geneticist’s full biography include: • • • • Vital statistics Educational history Major discovery Accomplishments, publications, or recognition • State of technology during his/her time period • Collaborations with other scientists • Reception/acceptance of discovery at time period • Connection of discovery to previous and impact for future scientists • Quote or primary source information Renowned egghead Victor Fleming Additionally, students should answer the following questions: • Do the discoveries of the scientist still hold true today? • Did the scientist make any major mistakes or bad decisions? • Could the scientist have made their discovery without the use of technology? • What makes this scientist special or interesting? • Three adjectives that would sum up this scientist. • How did this scientist’s discovery shape or change genetic understanding? • How does each scientist’s work contribute to the progression of scientific events? • What technology was available for each of the scientists? • How have advancements in technology contributed to the development of scientific knowledge? • What was considered “scientific fact” during the time period of your scientist? • How have the “scientific facts” changed with new discoveries? Encourage students to use primary source materials such as letters, diaries, or newspaper accounts and secondary source materials such as other biographies, reference books, or histories. Students Sandy Buczynski (sandyb@sandiego.edu) is an assistant professor at the University of San Diego in San Diego, California. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR The pioneer men and women of genetics, from different countries, their work spanning a period of more than 100 years, have collectively carved a path for genetic advancement. Creating a genetic timeline of these discoveries enables students to view the historical perspective of genetic innovation and to associate these findings with individual scientists. In putting a genetic timeline in order, the impact of biotechnology on the progress of scientific discoveries becomes evident. Students realize that a genetic research timeline is more of a ladder than a line because scientists build from the discoveries of those before them. This “egghead” activity takes a personal approach to developing a genetic timeline. A list of suggested geneticists and a sample timeline (see Figure 1) are provided so that each student can select one genetic pioneer to research. (Hint: Make sure students select scientists from along the full range of the genetic timeline.) In the library or resource center, students need one class period to gather data about their scientist’s discovery, biography, and to obtain a photo (digital image) of the scientist. Once the preliminary research is complete, students will begin construction of an egghead likeness of the scientist. This can be done at home or in class. If performed as a class project, the only cost for this activity is the price of eggs. It is best if the teacher provides the raw eggs rather than having students attempt to bring a raw egg from home. The rest of the supplies for the project, students can provide from materials on hand. These materials include half a shoebox for the diorama, cardboard for egg collar, construction paper, felt or cloth for clothing, yarn for hair, bits of clay, colored markers and pencils for facial expression, and any props to be used to illustrate the scientist’s accomplishment. Eggs can be blown out one day (allow about 15 minutes of class time), washed thoroughly, and left to dry overnight. The next day, a full class period is needed for eggheads to be illustrated and dioramas constructed. Oral presentations and extension activities follow, providing a platform for students to share their understanding of the progress scientists have made in the field of genetics. In constructing a biography of their geneticist, students write a two page comprehensive paper using the following requirements and then summarize this biography on an index card which is attached to the collar of the egghead. The full biography should analyze and interpret the events in the scientist’s life and make an argument about the significance of the scientist’s accomplishments. The biography also highlights any technology in existence during the lifetime of the scientist. This can be done as an interdisciplinary collaboration to integrate and reinforce an English assignment or as a science literacy activity to build S C I E N C E sampler should be objective and avoid burying the scientist’s failures. Have students cross-reference the facts, especially online sources, to make sure of accuracy and create a documented source list. In addition to the biography, students create a likeness of their scientist using an empty eggshell (see Making an egghead). After sketching in the main features of the face on a hollowed out egg, craft materials are used to highlight expression, create features, glasses, period costumes, etc. If you choose, the egghead can be placed in a shoebox diorama. The diorama illustrates the significant discovery made by the scientist. For example, Gregor Mendel placed in a pea garden or James Watson placed next to a model of DNA. Or, the scientific discovery can be illustrated on the back of the index card summary of the scientist’s biography. If the diorama is constructed in half a shoebox, the egghead projects can be stacked in the classroom for easy storage and viewing. Be sure all eggs have been thoroughly washed with soap to prevent any smell or safety concerns. Once the eggheads are constructed, students present their egghead scientist’s bio and genetic discovery to the class in the chronological order of the genetic timeline. Each presentation is approximately five minutes, giving just the highlights of the scientist’s accomplishment. The students use their index card bio summary for the presentation, which includes the scientist’s name and background; brief explanation of major discovery; high points/low points of scientist’s career; important technology used for this genetic breakthrough; and any other memorable information about scientist. In giving an oral presentation, students need to remember to be accurate, confident, and enthusiastic with their scientist’s biography and discovery. As the presentations are completed, the eggheads can be lined up in chronological order allowing students to view the entire progress of genetic discoveries. Extensions Once the eggheads are complete, they can be used as teaching tools for the following activities: • Scrambled eggheads: Place your order—Put all the geneticist eggheads in a pile. In order to create a chronological order or genetic timeline-up, select a single scientist egghead as a starting point. Now, select another scientist egghead from the pile. Would this next scientist egghead be placed before or after the starting point egghead? Select another egghead from the pile. Does the scientist just picked go between the two scientists already in the line-up? Before one? After the other? As each egghead is selected from the pile, the timeline grows. The placement of each subsequent egghead becomes more difficult as students must now decide if the chosen sci- Making an egghead Materials • Raw egg • Straight pin (darning needle, corsage pin) • Cardboard or cardstock, about 8 cm wide and 13 cm long • Glue • Decorating items (colored pencils, bits of yarn, wire, cloth, felt, thread, cotton, modeling clay, tissue paper, construction paper, string, etc.) • Index card Procedure 1. Wash the raw egg with soap and water and bring the egg to room temperature for easier extraction of contents. 2. Using a straight pin, make a hole in one end of the egg, pushing the pin far enough into the egg to break the yolk. Enlarge the hole by rotating the pin. (Hint: This hole will not be seen because the collar will cover it.) 3. Make another hole in the opposite end of the egg. This hole can be smaller. 4. Blow gently through the small hole in the egg with the larger hole of the egg facing down into a clean bowl. Safety Note: Be sure to avoid getting the raw egg in your mouth! 5. Once the contents are out of the egg, clean the inside by adding a bit of liquid soap into the large hole and holding the shell under running water with the large-hole side up. Turn egg over and let water drain from large hole. Repeat. Set empty eggshell with large hole down and let dry overnight. 6. Make a small cylinder to serve as an egg collar out of cardboard. Staple ends closed and use a thin bead of glue to secure eggshell into collar. This serves to steady the egg while you work. (Hint: If the collar is too large, the scientist loses his/her neckline.) 7. Create a likeness of your scientist. After pencil sketching in the main features of the face, tissue paper or modeling clay can be used to create noses, ears, and facial texture. Yarn, raffia, fiber, cotton, or thread can be for hair and twist ties for glasses. (Hint: Digital likenesses of geneticists can also be contoured using photo software and then glued to the egghead for more accurate depictions.) 8. Summarize the main biographical elements of your scientist on an index card that will be attached to the egghead. 9. Punch a hole at the bottom of the cardboard collar. With a length of string, attach the biography index card to the egghead. entist belongs in the future or in the past of scientists already in the timeline-up. To simplify, this exercise can also be done in “chunks” of timeline (e.g. from 1850–1900) March 2 0 0 6 science scope 35 S C I E N C E sampler FIGURE 1 36 Suggestions for genetic timeline Date Scientist Discovery 1859 Charles Darwin Wrote: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 1865 Gregor Mendel Heredity transmitted in units 1869 Frederick Miescher DNA isolated 1879 Walter Flemming Mitosis described 1900 DeVries, Correns, and von Tschermak Independently rediscover Mendel’s work while doing their own work on the laws of inheritance 1902 Walter Sutton Chromosome theory of inheritance 1902 Archibald Garrod Orderly inheritance of disease 1909 Wilhelm Johannsen The word gene is coined 1911 Thomas Hunt Morgan Chromosomes carry genes (fruit flies) 1941 George Beadle and Edward Tatum One gene, one enzyme hypothesis 1943 William Astbury DNA has a regular periodic structure 1944 Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty DNA transforms cells 1944 Barbara McClintock Jumping genes 1952 Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase Genes are made of DNA 1953 Francis H. Crick and James D. Watson (younger) DNA double helix 1955 Joe Hin Tjio 46 human chromosomes 1955 Arthur Kornberg DNA copying enzyme 1958 Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl Semiconservative replication of DNA 1959 Jerome Lejeune Chromosome abnormalities identified (trisomy 21) 1961 Robert Guthrie First screen for metabolic defect in newborns (PKU) 1961 Sydney Brenner, François Jacob and Matthew Meselson mRNA ferries information 1966 Marshall Nirenberg Genetic code cracked 1975 Frederick Sanger DNA sequencing 1978 David Botstein DNA polymorphism (RFLP’s) 1980 Kary Mullis polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 1984 Alec Jeffreys DNA fingerprinting 1989 James Watson (older) Heads National Center for Human Genome Research 1992 Daniel Cohen Map that includes genetic markers on all 23 human chromosomes 1993 Allen Roses Major susceptibility gene for the late-onset form of Alzheimer Disease 1997 Dollie & Bonnie Researchers at Scotland’s Roslin Institute report cloning a sheep 2000 The Human Genome Project A rough draft of the human genome is completed science scope March 2 0 0 6 S C I E N C E sampler FIGURE 2 Rubric Novice egghead Informed egghead Accomplished egghead Master egghead Construction of egghead Work on adding features to eggshell that would make it more closely resemble scientist. If viewed from certain angle, egghead resembles the chosen scientist. Egghead gives an impression of the scientist. Added features help with scientist’s recognition. Egghead is well constructed and actually looks like the scientist. Oral presentation Work on speaking voice, and creating audience interest in your scientist. Try to make eye contact with audience and be expressive and comprehensive with information about scientist. Clear articulation and good use of information about scientist to enlighten audience. Confident with scientist and discovery. Articulate, engaged audience, and enthusiastic. Written biography Work on paraphrasing, grammar and spelling. Reread required components of biography and add material where needed. Consider the “think about” section of the biography requirements. This type of information adds depth to the biography. Consistent and engaging style throughout narrative with few errors in mechanics, content, or facts. Narrative is original. Grammar and spelling are flawless and the flow provides a logical pathway of ideas. Genetic timeline-up participation Try to be more active in discussion of scientist’s placement in the timeline and in making connections between scientists. Can place own scientist in timeline and “gets” those connections that others make. Makes connections of various scientists on own. Contributes ideas and initiates action. Understands place and contribution of own scientist in overall task. Extends connection to other scientists past and future. • Absent Eggheads: Missing reaction—Line the eggheads up in chronological order. Now remove a single egghead scientist. Students write in their journals how they think the absence of this particular scientist’s discovery might impact the future of the timeline. Prompts might include: Would future genetic discoveries take longer? How have “scientific facts” from the time period of the missing egghead scientist changed with new discoveries? Would the technology necessary for future discoveries be missing? Would this egghead scientist not be missed at all? • Egghead Bloopers—Some genetic scientists received little reaction from the scientific community of their time period. Others made public missteps or mistakes. What about your scientist? Write a single paragraph revealing any blooper in your scientist’s background. Concluding the egghead activity Students are assessed on this activity in four ways—the actual construction of the egghead, the written biography, the oral presentation, and interaction with classmates on the role of their scientist in the chronological timeline (see Figure 2). Today, scientific discoveries can feel anonymous to students. We take many of breakthrough discoveries for granted in the present day. We teach students the structure of DNA as fact. However, back in the 1950s, we had no idea what the configuration of DNA looked like. This timeline activity was created to renew the notion that individual actions make a difference in the progress of scientific thought. It is important to tell the pioneer scientists’ stories over and over again. As scientific discoveries become more nameless in the twenty-first century, it is valuable to create a connection between a person and the impact their discovery had in advancing the field of genetics. Resources Genetic timeline—www.genome.gov/10506099 History of genetics timeline—www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEPC/ WWC/1994/geneticstln.html History of genetic testing—www.acad.swarthmore.edu/bio5/tong/ Gene%20Basics/the_history_of_gene_testin.htm Portraits of scientists timeline—genetics.gsk.com/history.htm DNA from the beginning—www.dnalc.org/home.html March 2 0 0 6 science scope 37 S C I E N C E sampler Caring about karyotyping FIGURE 1 When investigating genetics and inheritance, middle school students are usually asked to look at cells, genes, and DNA. They investigate how the cell functions as well as how mutations can occur through errors in the “misspelling” of genes when DNA is copied. While good investigations, these activities do not address large-scale mutations that occur at the chromosome level. Errors that occur during meiosis and gamete production (sexual reproduction) can lead to important chromosomal abnormalities such as Trisomy 13. The following activity illustrates how students, with the leadership of a local university, can take on the role of genetic technicians in a hospital as they explored mutations at the chromosome level. Looking at real world applications of genetics research and technology helps students understand some of the many reasons why science is important. Getting ready Setup for this activity is relatively simple, taking only about 30 minutes or so to make copies, assemble fictitious patient files, cut out chromosomes to complete karyotypes, and make overhead transparencies to facilitate discussions. Make nine copies of the partially completed karyotypes (Figure 1), one for each group of 3–4 students. Glue one copy into each manila folder and label them “Patient A” through “Patient I” (see Figure 2). These are folders students will use to analyze their patient’s chromosomes for abnormalities. Make copies of the chromosomes that are used to complete patient karyotypes (Figure 5). Specifically, you will need nine copies of chromosomes 1–22 , two extra copies of chromosome 21, two extra copies of chromosome 13, five X chromosomes, and five Y chromosomes. Carefully cut out the chromosomes and place them in piles with other like chromosomes (for example place all copies of chromosome one together and all the copies of chromosome two together, etc.) Label your nine standard envelopes “Patient A” through “Patient I.” Begin placing extra chromosomes into the standard envelopes using Figure 2 as a guide. 38 science scope March 2 0 0 6 Partially completed karyotype Place the manila folders and labeled envelopes (with extra chromosomes inside) off to the side until students are ready to begin constructing their karyotypes. You will also need overheads of Figures 4–6. To keep things manageable, we broke each class into nine groups. That gave us groups of three to four students (depending upon class size). Depending upon the interest of the students, this activity can last 1–2 days or up to a week. To be successful in identifying chromosomal abnormalities, students need only know that chromosomes are the “books” that hold our genes. They should also be familiar with the idea that mutations are changes in an organism’s genetic makeup. We conducted this activity towards the end of our unit on genetics. Within a learning cycle context, placing this activity at the end of the unit provided a real-world avenue for students to apply what they had earned about mutations. By this time students understood that mutations, while rare, could be beneficial, harmful, or neutral to an organism. It also served as a springboard for students to begin independent research on their own time, or as a class assignment. Kirstin Bittel (kirstin.bittel@tusd1.org) is an eighth grade science teacher at Mansfeld Middle School in Tucson, Arizona. Laura Carsten is a graduate student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona, Tucson S C I E N C E sampler Setting the scene is missing. Sometimes the organism can survive, other times it cannot. Either way, these abnormalities in the number of chromosomes can be detected using karyotyping. We do not give the students too much more information than this. However, the University of Arizona has a wonderful online activity that is well suited to more advanced students or adults who want to learn more about the process of karyotyping (see Resources). Next the class discusses what might cause a genetic disorder (mutation) and are prompted to review how mutations at the DNA level occur. This is done through a series of questions beginning with recall questions about the roles of DNA, genes, chromosomes, mutations. Then students are asked to recall the definition of a mutation. Finally, students identify that small changes in DNA cause mutations. These “spelling mistakes” in our genetic alphabet can be caused by the body making a mistake, or by environmental factors like the sun or expose to cigarette smoke. From there, we review the process of meiosis using basic readings from the textbook. I do not expect my middle school level students to memorize the names of Chromosomes for patients A through I each phase, but I do expect them to remember the basic process and the reason why sex cells are Patient condition haploid (have only 23 individual Contents of envelope (for teacher reference only) chromosomes. If they were diploid (having 23 pairs of chromosomes, 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 Normal female 1 copy of chromosome X or all 46 individual chromosomes) 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 like all other cells in the body, Normal female 1 copy of chromosome X then fertilization would cause 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 a doubling of chromosomes in Normal male 1 copy of chromosome Y the offspring and, after a few 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 generations, humans would Normal male 1 copy of chromosome Y have too many chromosomes 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 to function correctly. Students 1 copy of chromosome X Female with Trisomy 13 are asked to predict what could 1 extra copy of chromosome 13 possibly go wrong (how mutations 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 might occur) at this stage in the 1 copy of chromosome Y Male with Trisomy 13 creation of haploid reproductive 1 extra copy of chromosome 13 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 cells. With a bit of prompting Female with Trisomy 21 1 copy of chromosome X and questioning, students come (Down’s Syndrome) 1 extra copy of chromosome 21 to the conclusion that, as the 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 chromosomes are being divided Male with Trisomy 21 1 copy of chromosome Y into the egg and sperm cells, (Down’s Syndrome) 1 extra copy of chromosome 21 they get pulled to the wrong side, 1 copy of each: chromosomes1–22 Male with Klinefelter leaving some cells with too many 1 copy of chromosome X Syndrome chromosomes and others with 1 copy of chromosome Y too few. Students are told that they will be assuming the role of a genetic technician and that their job will be to analyze a karyotype for a patient to determine if that patient is healthy or not. This is usually the students’ first exposure to the word karyotype, so we take some time explaining them. We tell students that a karyotype is a test used to identify genetic abnormalities (mutations) within chromosomes. Chromosomes, which are located in the nucleus of the cell, store the genetic material that enables cells to carry out all the functions of a living organism. Scientists take a blood or bone barrow and grow a tissue culture to ensure that cell division is occurring. Cells are taken from those tissue samples and the chromosomes in those cells are stained. Next the chromosomes are photographed. These photographs can be cut up and matched to look for genetic abnormalities. In a normal or healthy person there are 23 pairs of chromosomes , or 46 total individual chromosomes. If a person has too many or not enough, information a cell or organism needs FIGURE 2 Patient letter (as shown on envelope) A B C D E F G H I March 2 0 0 6 science scope 39 S C I E N C E sampler Procedures karyotype and an envelope containing the rest of the chromosomes that will be used to assemble the karyotype. Once groups are prepared, they are handed a folder Their job is to correctly assemble the karyotype and representing a patient and told that it is their job as the diagnose their patient. Before students begin work, make genetic technician to determine both the sex and health of sure that the normal male karyotype and normal female the child subject. Inside that folder is a partially completed karyotype are shown on the overhead so students see what Extra chromosomes to complete patient karyotypes FIGURE 3 they are working towards (Figures 5 and 6). As students work, have Figure 4 on the overhead. Once groups have diagnosed their patient, they are given a blank overhead on which to write their diagnosis. If students struggle, ask them to look at the numbers of chromosomes. Do they have two of each or do they have extras? Remind them to reference the overhead to assist them with correctly writing their diagnosis. Students write down the number of total chromosomes, followed by the sex (XX for female or XY for male). If their patient has an abnormality, it is noted at the end with a plus sign and the number of the extra chromosomes (see Figure 4). Student groups then take turns going to the overhead and presenting their patient’s case to the class, hypothesizing how FIGURE 4 40 Chromosomal abnormities 46 XY 46 XX Normal No extra or missing chromosomes Klinefelter Syndrome One or more extra sex chromosomes (i.e., XXY) Down’s Syndrome - also called Trisomy 21 Extra chromosome 21 47 XY +21 47 XX +21 Trisomy 13 Extra chromosome 13 47 XY +13 47 XX +13 science scope March 2 0 0 6 47 XXY S C I E N C E sampler they think the extra chromosome (if their patient had one) will affect the patient. At this point, students do not know anything about the individual chromosome or what genes are located on them. Their hypotheses should only be expected to state that having extra information will probably negatively impact the patient. For advanced classes, this is a prime time to journey to the computer lab for a day or two and conduct research. Once all groups have presented their findings and hypotheses, we (the teachers) discuss each of the disorders and how common they are. Klinefelter Syndrome affects approximately 1 out of every 700 and generally results in infertility as an adult. A female version of this disorder, Turner syndrome, where an X chromosome is missing, also generally results in infertility. Down’s Syndrome (also called Trisomy 21), affects 1 in 10,000 children and results in a variety of birth defects and severe mental retardation. Trisomy 13 affects 1 in 5,000 children and results in multiple abnormalities, many of which are fatal. After students have been exposed to these rare, but potential problems it is a good idea to move onto the topic of how genes have developed mechanisms to prevent mutations from occurring. We share with students that the human body has specific proteins that “spell check” DNA as it is being copied. Often mutations are corrected by this “spell-checking” process. Depending upon the maturity of the individuals in each class we also discuss the reason for miscarriages. Many students know women who have miscarried and it reassures FIGURE 5 Fully completed female karyotype (Normal) FIGURE 6 Fully completed male karyotype (Normal) March 2 0 0 6 science scope 41 S C I E N C E sampler them to know that, while sad, this is a way the body prevents humans with severe mutations from being born into a world they most likely will not survive in. Assessment Assessing student performance on this activity requires us to move throughout the room to constantly evaluate student progress. Students are evaluated on how well they work together, as well as how correct their completed karyotype is. A final piece of assessment comes as we conduct the post-lab discussion. Students are evaluated on their ability to correctly identify the disorder or lack of disorder for their patient, as well as their willingness to hypothesize about possible repercussions of having an extra chromosome. As with all other labs, a student or group assessment rubric could be used. Conclusion For more advanced classes, I would suggest using more accurate chromosome images. These images were great for the average middle school student population. There are just enough differences in the images for the activity to be doable, but enough similarity that the students really had to work together and think about the banding and location of the centromeres. Similarly, for more mature classes, you could include more examples of chromosomal disorders or invite students to conduct further research on the disorders diagnosed in the classroom. My students enjoyed the opportunity to step into the role of a genetic technician and analyze chromosomes. They were curious about the disorders but extremely respectful. It was a good opportunity to encourage students not only to look into possible disorders that result from chromosomal abnormalities, but also to teach acceptance and tolerance. Acknowledgments This lesson is adapted from the University of Arizona’s Biology Project lesson titled “Karyotyping Activity” available online at www.biology.arizona.edu/human_bio/activities/karyotyping/ karyotyping.html. The chromosome images are from http://oak. cats.ohiou.edu/~schutte/new_page_1.htm. We wish to extend our gratitude to Kathie Dosh and Rachel Hughes for their helpful comments on earlier drafts. Resources University of Arizona Biology Project—www.biology.arizona.edu/ human_bio/activities/karyotyping/karyotyping.html Information about the various disorders—www.nlm.nih.gov/ medlineplus/encyclopedia.html 42 science scope March 2 0 0 6 Solutions and dilutions: Mixing the math into the science This lab activity teaches students how to make solutions and dilutions while reinforcing the mathematical concepts involved. The materials used are cost-effective, readily available, and safe for students to handle. The activity reinforces the concept of dilutions visually. “I see know” is a common refrain during this activity as students compare and contrast their dilutions. To determine how much tap water and concentrate (stock solution) will be combined to create the solutions specified in the activity, students can divide the total volume needed for each solution by its dilution factor (df). For example, to make a 200 mL solution with a 1:10 dilution, students would divide 200mL (total volume) by 10 (df) to arrive at 20 mL. They would then combine 20 mL of concentrate (one part) with 180 mL of tap water (nine parts) to create a 200 mL solution with a 1:10 dilution. Students came away from the laboratory experience with a better understanding of solutions and dilutions. Teachers appreciate this activity because it is low-cost and easy to assess; they are able to tell at a glance if the dilutions are correct. As a practical extension, have students bring in an empty can of concentrated juice or soup. Have students fill their empty cans with water and 15 drops of food coloring to represent their stock solution of the soup or juice concentrate. Then, have students follow the directions on the can to complete the juice or soup, and calculate the final dilutions of the solutions. Materials The materials listed below are for a class of 30 students working in groups of 2–3 • four beakers or flasks (125 mL, 250 mL or larger) • food coloring (one box will be plenty for the entire class) • 1 micropipette • 1 graduated cylinder (50 mL or 100 mL) • masking tape • 1 marker • tap water Nancy L. Elwess is (nancy.elwess@plattsburgh.edu), and Christopher Cottrell received his B.S. in Elementary Education an associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Plattsburgh State University in Plattsburgh, New York. S C I E N C E sampler Procedure 1. Add 12 to15 drops of red food coloring to 100 mL of tap water in a flask or beaker. Swirl to mix, and label “Solution A” with tape and marker. This will be your stock solution for all red solutions. 2. Make 200 mL of a 1:10 dilution from solution A by adding one mixing one part of Solution A with 9 parts of tap water in a separate beaker. Label this “Solution B.” 3. Make 100 mL of a 1:20 dilution from solution B. Label this “Solution C.” List the steps you took to make this solution. 4. Add 12 to 15 drops of blue food coloring to 100 mL of tap water in a flask or beaker. Swirl to mix, and label Answer key for solution calculations Solution B 200 mL/10 (df) = 20 mL of Solution A added to 180 mL (9 parts x 20 mL) tap water. Solution C 100 mL/20 (df) = 5 mL of Solution B added to 95 mL (19 parts x 5 mL) tap water. Solution 2 100 mL/50 (df) = 2 mL of Solution 1 added to 98 mL (49 parts x 2 mL) tap water. Solution 3 100 mL/2(df) = 50 mL of Solution 2 added to 50 mL (1 part x 50 mL) of tap water. The different concentrations of red food coloring in solution PHOT0S BY JOHN WAYNE JOHNSTON FIGURE 1 “Solution 1” with tape and marker. This will be your stock solution for all blue solutions. 5. Make 100 mL of a 1:50 dilution from solution 1. Label this “Solution 2.” List the steps you took to make this solution. 6. Make a 100 mL of 1:2 dilution from solution 2, label this “Solution 3.” List the steps you took to make this solution. 7. Have the students line their lettered solutions next to each other (Figure 1) and their numbered solutions next to each other (Figure 2). FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 Measuring out 20 mL from Solution A in order to make Solution B The different concentrations of blue food coloring in solution JOHN WAYNE JOHNSTON March 2 0 0 6 science scope 43 S C I E N C E sampler Girls, robots, and science education The word robot can have various meanings to different people. To some, a robot is a human-like machine that thinks and acts independently. To others, a robot is any device that does work humans would rather not or cannot do. For our broad purposes, a robot is an autonomous device that has sensors and uses feedback to interact and/or behave in its environment. It follows that robotics is the study of robots and how they work. (See Resources for more definitions.) Why teach robotics? This question comes to mind as science educators read about the successful use of robots in classrooms around the world. There is much anecdotal evidence found in professional magazines and journals to support the notion that the robotic experience offers students opportunities for higher-order thinking, creative expression, and discovery learning (Mauch 2001, Bruder 1993, and Resnick 1990). Students working in small groups can build, decorate and then program robots like the LEGO Mindstorm (see Resources). As part of a new, multidisciplinary unit students can dabble in neuroscience as they reconfigure the brain of Edvotek’s new SlugBug the Neuromorphic robot (see Resources). These types of learning experiences have been shown to motivate learners regardless of location, socioeconomic status, or gender (Wagner 1999 and Frontiers 1998). Diversity in most environments is critical to success. The dominance of males in the fields of engineering and computer science has created a homogenous population of technology scientists. Statistical research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) shows that the percentage of women getting a bachelors degree in engineering has increase from .4% in 1966 to 20.1% in 2001. This increasing number of female engineers is encouraging, however, well under a desired 50%. While mathematics and computer science degrees for young women have increased in recent years, female representation in the field remains a low 31%. These facts have lead the NSF and the Department of Education (DoE) to offer funding for innovations in science education. These innovations should be targeted at under-represented populations and it is hoped that they will attract more young women and minority students into the technological sciences. Science instruction with the implementation of robotics could provide girls with the needed impetus. Robots offer the opportunity for creative expression, problem solving, and constructionist learning. The challenging skills of mathematics and computer programming are deeply embedded in the novelty and kinesthetic nature of the robot. The introduction to robotics at a young age could open doors and pique the imaginations of adolescent girls. 44 science scope March 2 0 0 6 The study Descriptive research was conducted to assess middle school student attitudes towards robots, technology, and science (Rogers 2003). Gender differences were studied. The subjects were 53 sixth-grade students and 74 eighth-grade students from Charleston, Illinois. Observational checklists were completed to examine student behavior in the science classroom. A questionnaire consisting of 20 items was administered to the male and female students to determine their attitudes towards robotics and technology and to explore if gender differences existed in their responses. Interviews were conducted with eight randomly selected female middle school students to obtain more in-depth information on their perceptions and attitudes towards robots, technology, and science. Results showed that middle school students exhibited positive attitudes towards robotics, careers in robotics, science, and technology. It was also revealed that middle school girls have a significantly more positive attitude towards careers in robotics than their male counter parts. Standards abound Robotics lends itself naturally to the National Education Technology Standards (NETS). These standards J. Jill Rogers (jill@iguana-robotics.com) is Director of Educational Robotics at Iguana Robotics in Urbana/Champaign, Illinois. Marylin Lisowski (cfmfl@eiu.edu) is a professor of science and environmental education at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois. Amy A. Rogers (arogers@desu.edu) is an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Delaware State University in Dover, Delaware. S C I E N C E sampler are offered to teachers as guidelines for lesson plans (see Resources). Of the six broad standards listed, a roboticthemed unit naturally addresses five standards. The ethical and problem-solving standards listed below are addressed by robotics in a unique way: 1. Social, ethical, and human issues • Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology. • Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software. • Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. 2. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools • Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions. • Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world. Easy robot activities Many robotics-related activities can be presented in the classroom, even without an expensive robotics kit. Old, broken robot toys like “Furby” by Hasbro or “Techno the dog” can be found in garage sales or at the bottom of your toy box. Collect a few and stage a robot dissection—complete with rubber gloves and sanitary masks. Once the robot is open, locate for your students basic robot internal organs: sensors, servos, and Central Processing Unit (CPU). This activity opens the “black box” of technology and invites students to consider the engineering and science behind the toy. For an easy to set-up lab activity, ask students to bring in working robot toys. “Robosapien,” a popular robot toy made by WowWee Robotics, has many sensors and features, and the new Furbys are also quite complex for a toy. Set up different robots around the room and have students work in small groups to conduct informal experiments. The objective is to determine which types of sensors are present in each robot and where they are located. As they work, have students record their methods of sensor testing (clapping hands, shaking the robot, and so on). At the end of the lab activity, groups discuss their findings and compare their results to the information found in the robot’s user manual. This activity could lead the class to a discussion of different types of sensors, as well as experimental methods. More information on the history of robotics and other classroom materials can be found in “Robo Info: Fun Facts and Activities.” This book was written for classroom use with funding from the National Science Foundation and can be downloaded for free (see Resources). The book includes quick demonstrations of the feedback principal, creative robot art, and ways to think about programming, as well as a complete glossary of robot terms. Acknowledgments Special thanks to Patti Murphy and Debra Landsaw from Jefferson Elementary School, Charleston, Illinois, Tim McCollum from Charleston Junior High, Charleston, Illinois, for opening up their classrooms for this research, and to Geoff Freymuth, Edison Middle School in Champaign, Illinois, for his participation in the continuation of this work. References Bruder, I. 1993. Redefining science: Technology and the new science literacy. Electronic Learning 12 (6): 20–24. Frontiers. 1998. High-Tech toys as teaching tools. The Technology Teacher 58 (2): 33–36. Mauch, E. 2001. Using technology innovations to improve the problem-solving skills of middle school students: Educators’ experiences with the Lego Mindstorms robotic invention system. The Clearing House 74 (4): 211–213. Resnick, M. 1990. MultiLogo: A study of children and concurrent programming. Interactive Learning Environments 1 (3): 153–170. Rogers, J.J. 2003. Middle school student attitudes towards robotics, science and technology. Master’s thesis. Eastern Illinois University. Wagner, S.P. 1998. Robotics and children: Science achievement and problem solving. Journal of Computing in Childhood Education 9 (2): 149–192. Resources Inexpensive kits—http://electronickits.com/robot/robot.htm, www. hobbytron.net/main.html LEGO Mindstorms for Schools—www.lego.com/eng/education/ mindstorms NETS learning standards—http://cnets.iste.org Robotics lesson plans—http://www.ircs.upenn.edu/pennlincs/robotics.htm SlugBug the Neuromorphic robot kit and “Robo Info: Fun Facts and Activities” free download for classroom use—www. slugbugrobot.com What is a robot?—http://www.virtuar.com/click/2005/robonexus Additional information American Association of University Women Educational Foundation. 2002. Tech savvy: Educating girls in the new computer age. Washington, DC: AAUW. Buck, G. 2002. Teaching discourses: Science teachers’ responses to the voices of adolescent girls. Learning Environments Research 5 (1): 29–50. Papert, S. 1980. Mindstorms: Children, computers and powerful ideas. New York, NY: Basic Books. March 2 0 0 6 science scope 45 S C I E N C E sampler Phasing in lunar observations We describe an interdisciplinary Moon unit that was recently enacted in seventh grade science, mathematics, and English classrooms with three experienced teachers and 186 energetic students. Within the unit we incorporate aspects of the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards (NCTM, 2000), and the National Council of Teachers of English Standards (NCTE, 1996). This interdisciplinary unit lasts six to seven weeks where students explore the phases of the Moon through science, mathematics, and language arts. In order to gauge students’ prior knowledge regarding the Moon and its phases, we administer the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory or LPCI (Lindell 2000). Questions on the inventory include the time of a lunar cycle, the direction of the Moon’s orbit, and the cause of the Moon’s phases. Figure 1 illustrates an example question from the LPCI. For a complete copy of the inventory, contact Dr. Rebecca Lindell at rlindel@siue.edu. We also use this inventory at the end of the unit to assess student learning. Lunar Phases Concept Inventory sample question FIGURE 1 19. If you could look down on the Eath/Moon/Sun system from a point in space located above the Earth’s North Pole, you would observe that the Moon orbits around the Earth. At one Point in time it is in position A, as shown below. At some later time, the moon is now in position B. Orbit of the Moon B A E S How much time passed between these two observations? a. b. c. d. 1 hour 3 hours 6 hours 1/2 day e. f. g. h. 1 day 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks i. 1 month j. More than 1 month Phase one We begin this unit by having students observe the Moon over a five-week time period. They are asked to make sense of their Moon observations and are required to keep a daily Moon journal. In this journal, students are given an invitation to write “whatever they wish and think is relevant” with at least two sentences per entry. Students can conduct their viewing sessions on their own, or invite family and even pets to accompany them. Students are encouraged to use descriptive language when making their observations, and to supplement their entries with poetry, sketches, and other artistic endeavors inspired by their nocturnal viewings. This approach generates a mix of creative and scientific entries. On the same page you are apt to find the Moon described both as a “watermelon in the sky” and a “waxing gibbous.” Meteorological conditions will often be layered below prose, as evidenced in this student verse. The full Moon glows with its soothing light Not a single star glimmers on this cold Thursday night. As I breathe, a cloud forms in front of my face, and I hear The Wind blow, at a quick, steady pace. Phase two In English class students read multicultural, mythological tales surrounding the Moon and natural phenomena. Students also take turns each day reading a tale to their class from Joseph 46 science scope March 2 0 0 6 Bruchac and Jonathan London’s, Thirteen Moons on Turtles Back: A Native American Year of Moons. In addition, students compile lists of nature-oriented figurative language. These lists contain entries from their Moon journals, for example “the peaceful Moon calms the inner soul,” and a portrayal of the Moon as a “lantern in the sky.” This language broadens students’ descriptive powers, and is put to practical use in their next assignment, The Moon Phases Poetry and Legends Scrapbook. Over a period of approximately two weeks, students create their scrapbooks (using materials such as, construction paper, yarn, markers, and glitter). Within the scrapbooks, students assemble their own images and depictions of the Moon. They can be original illustrations and prose; and/or imagery and descriptions taken from magazines, websites, and books. The language arts teacher provides additional instruction on painting, drawing, and collage techniques to help students express and organize their collections. Prior to these art lessons, we present students with an assortment of art prints of lunar images for the purpose of inspiration and to show the many different ways that people Jennifer Wilhelm (jennifer.wilhelm@ttu.edu) is an assistant professor of mathematics and science education, Sally McMillan (sally.tyler@ttu.edu) is an assistant professor of language arts, and Kendra Walters (kendra. l.walters@ttu.edu) is a doctoral student in mathematics and science education in the in the College of Education at Texas Tech University in Lubbock Texas. Emma Lovering (ehintze@lubbockisd.org) is a seventh-grade science teacher at Ed Irons Junior High School in Lubbock, Texas. S C I E N C E sampler FIGURE 2 Examples of artwork used in The Moon Phases Poetry and Legends Scrapbook and poems inspired by observations. Blue Moon Seems like on some nights when you are scared of the world and alone You cover up with a blue blanket to block out the crime and evil events Just like a little girl does when she hears thunder Some nights I feel like climbing stairs up to you and doing the same. The Moon and I Between you and me Moon I like you the best As your light enhances the evenings I enjoy a peaceful rest. Without your bold appearance The night sky would be so dark Of all the other twinklings You seem to make the mark. So please keep shining upon me Moon As I go through the night And I will gaze forever Upon your wondrous light. have visualized the Moon. Examples of prose and an illustration of students’ work are shown in Figure 2. Phase three After completing the five weeks of lunar observations, students model the phases of the Moon using styrofoam balls to represent the Earth and Moon, and an overhead projector to represent the Sun (see Figure 3). Students refer to their journal observa- tions to help them correctly position the Moon, Sun, and Earth to create, for example, a waxing crescent Moon phase. The geometric configuration that students finally construct (Figure 4) demonstrates that the Students create the correct geometric Earth’s shadow plays configurations for various Moon’s phases no role in creating the using styrofoam balls (representing the observable crescent Earth and the Moon), and an overhead shape. The shadow misconception is a projector (representing the Sun). commonly held belief of middle-school students. As an extension, students try to determine the geometric configuration needed for the Earth to cast a shadow on the Moon (which would be a lunar eclipse) where they correctly arrive at the situation shown in Figure 5. Through the styrofoam modeling of the Moon’s phases, students also come to realize that this is the particular geometrical configuration (shown in Figure 5) necessary for the full Moon phase. They come to understand that the Moon appears full since most of the time it is either above or below the Earth/Sun plane. Final phase At the conclusion of the Moon unit, students are given a post LPCI in order to measure their post unit understanding. We have implemented this unit with classes for the past three years. In using the LPCI as an instrument to assess students’ learning of the Moon and its phases, we have observed significant gains from pre to post on every occasion. For example, the students showcased in this piece also displayed a significant increase in lunar understanding. The t-test for paired data at the α = .05 level, showed a significant difference in the means, t(104) = -7.18, p = 1.082 x 10-10. References Lindell, R. Lunar 2002. Phases Concept Inventory. Southern Illinois University. National Research Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. National Council of Teachers of English. 1996. Standards for the English language arts. Urbana, IL: Author. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 2000. Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. www.tea.state.tx.us/teks/ index.html. Bruchac, J., and London, J. 1997. Thirteen Moons on Turtles Back: A Native American Year of Moons. Putnam Publishing Group. March 2 0 0 6 science scope 47