Production and Operations Management

Production and Operations
Manufacturing and Services
Eighth Edition
Richard B. Chase
University of Southern California
Nicholas J. Aquilano
University of Arizona
F. Robert Jacobs
Indiana University
Fachbereich 1
B@trf@bswirtschafttiche Bibliothek
Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, WI New York San Francisco St. Louis
Bangkok Bogota Caracas Lisbon London Madrid
Mexico City Milan New Delhi Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto
Section One
Ofdet Winnets and Qualifiers: The
Marketing/Operations Link 29
* A Framework for Operations Strategy in
Manufacturing 30
Developing a Manufacturing Strategy 31
' Operations Strategy in Services 33
B Meeting the Competitive Challenge 36
Some Causes of America's Improved Competitiveness 37
Productivity Measurement 39
* Conclusion 40
^ Solved Problem 41
B Review and Discussion Questions 42
• Problems 42
B Case: Operations Strategy at Compaq Computer 43
B Case: Los Angeles Toy Company 44
B Selected Bibliography 45
Nature and Context of Operations
Management Z
Introduction to the Field
B The Field of Operations Management 5
Operations Management Defined 5
Decisions 5
Production Systems 7
Differences between Services and Goods Production 8
OM in the Organizational Chart 9
9 Operations as Service 10
• Plan of This Book 11
B Historical Development of OM 12
Scientific Management 13
Moving Assembly Line 14
Hawthorne Studies 15
Operations Research 15
OM's Emergence as a Field 15
Computers and the MRP Crusade 15
JIT, TQC, and Factory Automation 16
Project Management 46
B Definition of Project Management 48
Work Breakdown Structute 49
H Project Control 50
Repo'rting Mechanisms 50
Manufacturing Strategy Paradigm 17
Service Quality and Productivity 17
Total Quality Management and Quality Certification 18
Business Process Recngmcenng 18
Electronic Enterprise 18
Supply Chain Management 18
|B Conclusion 19
1 Review and Discussion Questions 20
B Case: The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) 20
• Organizational Structures 52
Pure Project 53
B Selected Bibliography 21
H Time-Cost Models 63
Minimum-Cost Scheduling ( Time-Cost 1 rade-off)
H Managing Resources 66
2 Operations Strategy and Competitiveness
Functional Project 53
Matrix Project 54
B Critical Path Scheduling 54
B Time-Oriented Techniques 55
CPM with a Single Time Estimate 56
CPM with Three Activity Time Estimates 59
Maintaining Ongoing Project Schedules 63
H Operations Strategy 24
What Is Operations Strategy? 24
B Priorities 25
Operations Priorities 25
The Notion of Trade-offs 27
Priorities Determined by the Marketplace 28
Changing Competitive Priorities 28
Tracking Progress 66
Cautions on PERT and CPM 66
Conclusion 69
Formula Review 69
Solved Problems 70
Review and Discussion Questions 72
Problems 72
B Case: Product Development in Japan 117
• Selected Bibliography 117
Supplement 4 Operations Technology 119
* Technologies in Manufacturing 123
Hardware Systems 124
Software Systems 128
H Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 129
* Technologies in Services 129
Office Automation 129
Image Processing Systems 130
Electronic Data Interchange 131
Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems 132
Networked Computer Systems 132
H Evaluation of Technology Investments 132
Case: The Campus Wedding (A) 77
Case: The Campus Wedding (B) 78
Case: Project Management at CPAone 79
Selected Bibliography 79
Section Two
Cost Reductions 133
Other Benefits 134
Risks in Adopting New Technologies 135
™ Conclusion 137
• Review and Discussion Questions 138
H Case: The Post-Information Age: Beyond
Demographics 138
H Selected Bibliography 139
Product Design and Process
Selection 81
4 Product Design and Process Selection—
Manufacturing 82
H The Product Design Process 85
H Designing for the Customer 89
Quality Function Deployment 90
Value Analysis/Value Engineering 92
B Designing Products for Manufacture and
Assembly 92
How Does Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
(DFMA) Work? 93
Bi Process Selection 96
Process Selection Conttasted with Process Plannma 96
Types of Processes 96
Process Flow Structures 97
Product-Process Matrix 99
The Virtual Factory 100
Specific Equipment Selection 100
Choosing among Alternative Processes and
Equipment 100
H Process Flow Design 102
H Process Analysis 105
An Example of Process Analysis 105
H Global Product Design and Manufacturing 108
The Global Joint Venture 108
Global Product Design Strategy 109
H Measuring Product Development Performance 109
B Conclusion 110
• Solved Problem 111
™ Review and Discussion Questions I I I
• Problems 112
H Plant Tour: Dell Computer: Mr. Cozzette Buys a
Computer 114
H Case: The Best Engineered Part Is No Part 116
Product Design and Process Selection—
Services 140
Bi The Nature of Services 142
Service Businesses and Internal Services 143
A Contemporary View of Service Management 143
Bi Operational Classification of Services 144
B Designing Service Organizations 146
Setvice Strategy: Focus and Advantage 147
B Structuring the Service Encounter: Service-System
Design Matrix 151
Strategic Uses of the Matrix 153
B Service Blueprinting and Fail-Safing 154
H Three Contrasting Service Designs 156
The Production Line Approach 157
The Self-Service Approach 158
The Personal Attention Approach 158
™ Service Guarantees as Design Drivers 161
B Conclusion 162
B Review and Discussion Questions 163
• Problems 163
™ Case: Kinko's Copier Stores 164
B Case: AOL's Move to Flat-Rate Pricing 166
• Selected Bibliography 167
Supplement 5 Waiting Line Management 168
* Economics of the Waiting Line Problem 169
Cost Effectiveness Balance 169
The Practical View of Waiting Lines 169
B The Queuing System 170
Customer Arrivals 172
The Queuing System 175
Exit 179
• Waiting Line Models 180
How to Construct X and R Charts 242
Process Capability 245
Capability Index (Cpli) 246
Taguchi Methods 248
Is an Out-of-Spec Product Really Out of Spec? 248
B Conclusion 251
B Formula Review 252
B Solved Problems 252
B Review and Discussion Questions 254
B Problems 254
B Selected Bibliography 259
Computer Simulation of Waiting Lines 189
Conclusion 190
Formula Review 190
Solved Problems 191
Review and Discussion Questions 192
Problems 193
Selected Bibliography 197
Quality Management 198
B Quality Management and the Malcolm Baldnge
National Quality Award 200
Eligibility for the Baldrige Award 203
Description of the 1997 Baldrige Award Criteria 203
The Baldrige Award and the Quality Gurus 207
B Quality Specifications and Quality Costs 208
Developing Quality Specifications 209
Cost of Quality 209
Generic Tools and Tools of the QC Department 211
B Continuous Improvement (CI) 212
Tools and Procedures of CI 213
Benchmarking for CI 213
B The Shingo System: Fail-Safe Design 216
B ISO 9000 219
The ISO 9000 Series 220
ISO 9000 Certification 221
ISO 9000: An Evetyday Example 223
ISO 9000 versus the Baldrige Criteria 225
B Conclusion 225
B Review and Discussion Questions 226
B Problems 229
B Case: Hank Kolb, Director of Quality Assurance 229
B Case: Shortening Customers' Telephone Waiting
Time 231
B Selected Bibliography 234
Supplement 6 Statistical Quality Control
Methods 235
B Acceptance Sampling 236
Design of a Single Sampling Plan for Attributes 236
Operating Characteristic Curves 238
Shaping the OC Curve 239
The Effects of Lot Size 240
B Process Control Procedures 240
Process Control with Attribute Measurements: Using
p Charts 240
Process Control with Vatiable Measurements: Using X and
R Charts 241
Section Three
Design of Facilities and Jobs
Strategic Capacity Planning
B Capacity Management in Operations 264
B Capacity Planning Concepts 267
Economies and Diseconomies of Scale 268
The Experience Curve 269
Where Economies of Scale Meet the Experience
Curve 270
Capacity Focus 270
Capacity Flexibility 271
B Capacity Planning 272
Considerations in Adding Capacity 272
Determining Capacity Requirements 274
Using Decision Trees to Evaluate Capacity
Alternatives 276
B Planning Service Capacity 279
Capacity Planning in Service versus Manufacturing 279
Capacity Utilizations and Service Quality 280
B Adding Capacity through Multisite Service
Growth 281
Entrepreneurial Stage 281
Multisite Rationalization Stage 282
Growth Stage 284
Maturity Stage 284
B Conclusion 285
B Solved Problem 285
B Review and Discussion Questions 286
B Problems 286
B Case: Shouldice Hospital—A Cut Above
B Selected Bibliography 290
Supplement 7 Linear Programming
B The Linear Programming Model 294
B Graphical Linear Programming 294
B The Simplex Method 297
Center of Gravity Method 358
Analytic Delphi Model 360
B Locating Service Facilities
B Conclusion 367
B Formula Review 367
B Solved Problem
The Six-Step Solution Procedure 297
Search Path Followed by the Simplex Method 303
Shadow Prices, Ranging, and Sensitivity 304
Linear Programming Using Microsoft Excel 305
B Transportation Method 307
Step I: Set Up Transportation Matrix 308
Step 2: Make Initial Allocations 309
Review and Discussion Questions 368
Problems 369
Case: Is It Russian Roulette? 370
Case: The Plant Location Puzzle 371
Selected Bibliography 373
10 Facility Layout
B Basic • Production Layout Formats
B Process Layout 377
Step 3: Develop Optimal Solution 312
B Conclusion 315
B Solved Problems 316
B Review and Discussion Questions 317
B Problems 317
B Selected Bibliography 321
8 Just-in-Time Production Systems
B JIT Logic 324
Computerized Layout Techniques—CRAFT 380
Applying CRAFT to the Toy Factory 380
Systematic Layout Planning 381
B Product Layout 383
Assembly Lines 383
Assembly-Line Balancing 385
Splitting Tasks 387
Flexible Line Layouts 389
B The Japanese Approach to Productivity 325
Eliminiation of Waste 325
Respect for People 332
B North American Modifications of JIT 333
B JIT Implementation Requirements 334
JIT Layouts and Design Flows 335
JIT Applications for Line Flows 336
Computerized Line Balancing 389
Mixed-Model Line Balancing 389
Current Thoughts on Assembly Lines 392
B Group Technology (Cellular) Layout 392
Developing A GT Layout 392
Virtual GT Cell 395
B Fixed-Position Layout 395
JIT Applications for Job Shops 337
TQC (Total Quality Control) 338
A Stable Schedule 338
Work with Suppliers 339
B JIT in Services 340
B Conclusion 344
B Review and Discussion Questions
B Problems 345
B Retail Service Layout 397
Servicescapes 397
Ambient Conditions 397
Spatial Layout and Functionality 398
Signs, Symbols, and Artifacts 399
B Office Layout 400
B Conclusion 400
B Solved Problems 401
B Review and Discussion Questions 403
B Problems 404
B Case: Sotenou's Souvlaki 408
B Case: State Automobile License Renewals
B Selected Bibliography 410
B Case: Quick Response Apparel 345
B Case: Toyota Work Contracts 346
B Case: Quality Parts Company 347
B Reading: Just-in-Time: Is It Really Good for the
Automobile Industry? 348
B Selected Bibliography 349
9 Facility Location
11 Job Design and Work Measurement
B Job Design Decisions 414
B Issues in Facility Location 352
B Plant Location Methods 356
Factor-Rating Systems 356
Linear Ptogtamming 358
B Behavioral Considerations in Job Design
Degree of Labor Specialization 415
Job Enrichment 416
Sociotechnical Systems 417
B Physical Considerations in Job Design
B Work Methods 418
Supplier Selection Using the Analytic Hierarchy
Process 476
B Just-in-Time Purchasing
A Production Process 419
Worker at a Fixed Workplace 422
Wotker Intetacting with Equipment 422
Wotkers Interacting with Othet Workers 423
B Work Measurement and Standards 424
Work Measurement Techniques 425
B Financial Incentive Plans 435
Basic Compensation Systems 435
Individual and Small-Group Incentive Plans 436
Orgamzationwide Plans 436Pay-for-Performance
B Conclusion 439
B Formula Review 439
B Solved Problems 439
B Review and Discussion Questions 440
B Problems 441
B Case: Teamwork at Volvo 443
B Selected Bibliography 444
Supplement 11
Learning Curves
B Application of Learning Curves 446
B Plotting Learning Curves 447
Logarithmic Analysis 448
Learning Curve Tables 449
Estimating the Learning Percentage 452
How Long Does Learning Go On? 453
B General Guidelines for Learning 453
Individual Learning 453
B Organizational Learning 454
B Learning Curves Applied to Heart Transplant
Mortality 455
B Formula Review 457
B Solved Problem 457
B Review and Discussion Questions 457
B Problems 458
B Selected Bibliography 461
Section Tour
Managing the Supply Cham
12 Supply-Chain Management
B Supply-Chain Management
Make or Buy 467
Outsourcing 469
Value Density (Value per Unit of Weight) 471
B Purchasing 472
The Purchasing Organization 473
The Finn as a Supplier 474
Partnership Relationships: Buyet—Supplier 476
Multiple Suppliers versus Few Suppliers 480
B Global Sourcing 482
Purchasing in the International Matketplace 483
International Distribution 484
B Electronic Information Flow 486
Quick Response (QR) 488
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) 488
Wal-Mart's Information System 489
B Conclusion 489
B Review and Discussion Questions 490
B Problems 490 •;,
B Case: Thomas Manufacturing Company 492
B Case: Ohio Tool Company (Vendor Selection)
B Selected Bibliography 495
13 Forecasting
B Demand Management
B Types of Forecasting 500
B Components of Demand 500
B Qualitative Techniques in Forecasting
Grass Roots 503
Market Research 503
Panel Consensus 503
Historical Analogy 504
Delphi Method 504
B Time Series Analysis 505
Simple Moving Average 506
Weighted Moving Avetage 507
Exponential Smoothing 509
Forecast Errors 512
Sources of Error 513
Measurement of Error 513
Linear Regression Analysis 516
Decomposition of a Time Series 520
B Casual Relationship Forecasting 526
Multiple Regtession Analysis 528
B Choosing a Forecasting Method 529
B Focus Forecasting 530
Methodology of Focus Forecasting 530
Developing a Focus Forecasting System 530
B Computer Programs 533
B Conclusion 533
B Formula Review 536
B Solved Problems 537
B Review and Discussion Questions 541
B Problems 542
B Selected Bibliography 549
Formula Review
Solved Problems
Review and Discussion Questions
Problems 615
Selected Bibliography
Aggregate Planning
B Overview of Operations Planning Activities
B Hierarchical Production Planning 554
B Aggregate Production Planning 555
Production Planning Environment 556
Relevant Costs 558
B Aggregate Planning Techniques 559
A Cut-and-Try Example: The CA&J Company 559
Aggregate Planning Applied to Services: Tucson Parks and
Recreation Department 564
Level Scheduling 568
Mathematical Techniques 569
B Conclusion 572
B Solved Problem 573
B Review and Discussion Questions 573
B Problems 574
B Case: XYZ Brokerage Firm 578
B Selected Bibliography
15 Inventory Systems for Independent Demand
B Definition of Inventory 582
B Purposes of Inventory 583
B Inventory Costs 584
B Independent versus Dependent Demand 585
B Inventory Systems 585
Classifying Models 586
B Fixed-Order Quantity Models 587
Fixed-Order Quantity Model with Usage During
Production Time 590
Establishing Safety Stock Levels 591
Fixed-Order Quantity Model with Specified Service
Level 595
Fixed-Time Period Models 599
Fixed-Time Period Model with Specified Service
Level 599
B Special-Purpose Models 601
B Miscellaneous Systems and Issues 605
Three Simple Inventory Systems 605
ABC Inventory Planning 606
Inventory Accuracy and Cycle Counting 608
Inventory Control m Services 611
B Conclusion 613
16 Inventory Systems for Dependent Demand MRPType Systems 624
B Where MRP Can Be Used 627
B A Simple MRP Example 627
B Master Production Schedule
Time Fences 630
B Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Systems
Purposes-of MRP '',631
Advantages of MRP 632
Disadvantages of MRP 633
B Material Requirements Planning System Structure 633
Demand for Products 634
Bill of Materials File 635
Inventory Records File 636
MRP Computer Program 637
Output Reports 638
Net Change Systems 639
B An Example Using MRP 639
Forecasting Demand 639
Developing a Master Production Schedule 639
Bill of Materials (Product Structure) File 640
Inventory Records (Item Master) File 641
Running the MRP Program 641
B Improvements in the MRP System 644
Computing Work Center Load 644
Closed-Loop MRP 645
MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) 646
B Embedding JIT into MRP 647
B Lot Sizing in MRP Systems 648
Lot-for-Lot 650
Economic Order Quantity 650
Least Total Cost 651
Least Unit Cost 652
Lot Size Choice 653
Choosing the Best Lot Size 653
B Advanced MRP-Type Systems 653
SAP AG's R/3 654
Conclusion 655
Solved Problems 655
Review and Discussion Questions
Problems 658
Case: Nichols Company 665
Selected Bibliography 668
Supplement 16 SAP R/3 669
Problem Definition 716
Constructing a Simulation Model 716
B R/3 History 670
R/3 before 1994 670
Specifing Values of Variables and Parameters 718
Evaluating Results 719
Validation 719
Proposing a New Experiment 720
R/3 in 1995 670
R/3 in 1996 672
R/3 in 1997 672
R/3 beyond 1997 672
B Details of the Functional Components 672
Financial Accounting 673
Human Resources (HR) 673
Manufacturing and Logistics 674
Sales and Distribution (SD) 674
B Implementing SAP R / 3 676
B Review and Discussion Questions 677
B Selected Bibliography 677
Operations Scheduling 673
B The Nature and Importance of Work Centers 680
Typical Scheduling and Control Functions 682
Objectives of Work-Center Scheduling 683
Job Sequencing 684
B Priority Rules and Techniques 684
Scheduling n jobs on One Machine 684
Comparison of Priority Rules 687
Scheduling n Jobs on Two Machines 688
Scheduling a Set Number of Jobs on the Same Number of
Machines 689
Scheduling n Jobs on m Machines 691
B Shop-Floor Control 692
Gantt Charts 693
"1 ools of Shop-Floor Control 693
Input/Output Control 693
Data Integrity 695
B Example of a Shop Floor-Control System 696
Principles of Work-Center Scheduling 696
B Improving Shop Performance 697
B Personnel Scheduling in Services 698
Scheduling Consecutive Days Off 698
Scheduling Daily Work Times 700
Scheduling Hourly Work Times 701
B Conclusion 702
B Solved Problem 702
B Review and Discussion Questions 703
B Problems 704
B Case: Keep Patients Waiting? Not in My Office 708
B Case: McCall Diesel Motor Works 710
B Selected Bibliography 712
Supplement 17 Simulation 713
B Definition of Simulation
B Simulation Methodology
Computerization 720
B Simulating Waiting Lines 721
Example: A Two-Stage Assembly Line 721
B Spreadsheet Simulation 725
B Simulation Programs and Languages 726
Desirable Features of Simulation Software 728
Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation
Conclusion 730 -;
Solved Problems 731''
Review and Discussion Questions 732
Problems 733
Selected Bibliography 740
Section Tiye
Revising the System
18 Operations Consulting 742
B What Is Operations Consulting? 744
B The Nature of the Management Consulring
Industry 745
B Economics of Consulting Firms 747
B When Operations Consulting, Is Needed 748
When Are Operations Consultants Needed? 749
B The Operations Consulting Process 750
B Operations Consulting Tool Kit 752
Problem Definition Fools 753
Data Gathcting 755
Data Analysis and Solution Development 756
Cost Impact and Payoff Analysis 758
Implementation 759
B Conclusion: Example of a Consulting Project—
"Creating a Service Advantage at a Cellular Telephone
Service Provider" 759
B Review and Discussion Questions 765
B Problems 765
B Selected Bibliography 765
Business Process Reengineering 766
B The Nature of Business Process
Reengineering (BPR) 768
B Principles of Reengineering 768
B The Reengineering Process 771
State a Case for Action 772
Identify the Process 772
Saving Time 802
Avoid Changing a Nonbottleneck into a
Bottleneck 802
Drum, Buffer, Rope 803
Importance of Quality 805
Batch Sizes 806
How to Treat Inventory 809
B Comparing Synchronous Manufacturing to MRP
and JIT 810
B VAT Classification of Firms 810
"V" Plant 811
"A" Plant 812
"T" Plant 814
B Relationship with Other Functional Areas 815
B Accounting's Influence 815
B Marketing and Production 816
B Conclusion 824
B Solved Problem 824
B Review and Discussion Questions 826
B Problems 827
B Selected Bibliography 830
Evaluate Enablers 773
Understand the Current Process 774
Create a New Process Design 775
Implement the Reengineered Process 775
B Process Redesign Techniques and Tools
B Reengineering and Total Quality Management 779
B Integrating Reengineering and Process
Improvement 780
B Conclusion 781
B Review and Discussion Questions 781
B Case: A California Auto Club Reengineers Customer
Service 782
B Case: Deborah Phelps of Showtime 784
B Selected Bibliography 786
20 Synchronous Manufacturing and Theory of
Constraints 788
B Hockey-Stick Phenomenon 792
B Goal of the Firm 793
B Performance Measurements 793
Financial Measurements 794
Operational Measurements 794
Productivity 795
B Unbalanced Capacity 795
Dependent Events and Statistical Fluctuations 796
B Bottlenecks and Capacity-Constrained
Resources 798
B Basic Manufacturing Building Blocks 799
B Methods for Control 800
Time Components 801
Finding the Bottleneck 801
Financial Analysis of Operations 834
Uniformly Distributed Random Digits
C. Normally Distributed Random Digits
Areas of the Standard Normal Distribution
Areas of the Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution
Negative Exponential Distribution: Values of e
Interest Tables
H. Answers to Selected Problems 866
Photo Credits
Name Index
Subject Index