2015/1/6 Principles of Instrumental Analysis Chapter 14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry FIGURE 6-21 Energy-level diagrams for (a) a sodium atom showing the source of a line spectrum and (b) a simple molecule showing the source of a band spectrum. 歐亞書局 Ch6 An Introduction to Spectrometric Methods P.151 1 2015/1/6 E = Eelectronic + Evibrational + Erotational Excitation (of bonding electrons): M + h → M* (excited) Lifetime: 10-8~10-9 sec. followed with relaxation (de-excitation) processes. 歐亞書局 FIGURE 6-24 Partial energy-level diagrams for a fluorescent organic molecule. Ch6 An Introduction to Spectrometric Methods P.154 E = Eelectronic + Evibrational + Erotational Excitation (of bonding electrons): M + h → M* (excited) Lifetime: 10-8~10-9 sec. followed with relaxation (de-excitation) processes. FIGURE 14-1 Ultraviolet absorption spectra for 1,2,4,5-tetrazine. In (a), the spectrum is shown in the gas phase, where many lines due to electronic, vibrational, and rotational transitions can be seen. In non-polar solvent (b) the electronic transitions can be observed, but the vibrational and rotational structure has been lost. In a polar solvent (c), the strong intermolecular forces cause the electronic peaks to blend, giving only a single smooth absorption band. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.368 2 2015/1/6 Bonding and Anti-bonding Two 1s orbitals combine to form a bonding and an anti-bonding MO. Molecular Orbital Energy-Level Diagram for π Bonding in Ethylene Lone pairs in ammonia (A), water (B) and Hydrogen chloride. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_pair http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/principles-of-generalchemistry-v1.0/s13-04-polyatomic-systems-with-multip.html http://www.sparknotes.com/chemistry/bonding/ molecularorbital/section1.rhtml 歐亞書局 Spectral nature depends on the complexity, the physical state, and the environment of the absorbing species. FIGURE 6-23 Some typical ultraviolet absorption spectra. 歐亞書局 Ch6 An Introduction to Spectrometric Methods P.153 3 2015/1/6 TABLE 14-1 Absorption Characteristics of Some common Chromophores. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.369 n—>*: 10-100 L/mol.cm —>*: 1000-15000 L/mol.cm FIGURE 14-2 Absorption spectra for typical organic compounds. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.370 4 2015/1/6 TABLE 14-2 Absorption by Organic compounds Containing Heteroatoms with Nonbonding Electrons 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.370 transition between filled and unfilled d-orbitals. FIGURE 14-3 Absorption spectra of aqueous solutions of transition metal ions. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.370 5 2015/1/6 Ions of Lanthanide & Actinide: 4f and 5f electrons FIGURE 14-4 Absorption spectra of aqueous solutions of rare earth ions. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.371 Charge transfer absorption: > 10000 eD A Internal oxidation-reduction. D: e-donor A: e-acceptor FIGURE 14-5 Absorption spectra of aqueous charge-transfer complexes. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.371 6 2015/1/6 The blood-red coloured complex pentaaqua(thiocyanato-N)iron(III), [Fe(NCS)(H2O)5]2+, indicates the presence of Fe3+ in solution Iron(2+),tris(1,10-phenanthroline Fe(phen)32+ 歐亞書局 14C Qualitative Applications FIGUER 14-6 Effect of solvent on the absorption spectrum of acetaldehyde. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.372 7 2015/1/6 FIGURE 14-3 Absorption spectra of aqueous solutions of transition metal ions cutoff wavelength 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.372 FIGUER 14-7 Spectra for reduced cytochrome c at four spectral bandwidths. (1) 20 nm, (2) 10 nm, (3) 5 nm, and (4) 1 nm. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.373 8 2015/1/6 14C-3 Detection of Functional Groups (act as chromophores) Hypsochromic (blue) shift: C=O groups in polar solvents. Bathochromic (red) shift: Auxochrome(助色團): shift chromophore peak to longer wavelengths or increase its intensity. TABLE 14-4 Absorption Characteristics of Aromatic Compounds 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.373 Doppler red shift and blue shift Blue shift in C=O E1 E1 Solvent polarity ↑ h E0 h’ E0 ’ Stabilization of ground state 歐亞書局 9 2015/1/6 14D Quantitative Analysis by Absorption Measurements Characteristics: •Applications to Absorbing Species •Applications to Non-absorbing Species color-forming reagents (成色反應試劑): color-forming reaction should be complete. 1) complexing agents for inorganic species: 2) organic chelating agents Diphenylthiocarbazone: (ligand for lead and mercury) Diethyldithiocarbamate (for copper) 1,10-phenenthrolene (for iron) Dimethylglyoxime (for nickel) 歐亞書局 FIGURE 14-8 Spreadsheet to determine concentration of nitrite by multiple standard additions. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.377 10 2015/1/6 The total absorbance of a solution at any given wavelength is equal to the sum of the absorbance of the individual components in the solution A1 = M1bcM + N1bcN A2 = M2bcM + N2bcN FIGURE 14-9 Absorption spectrum of a two-component mixture (M+N) with spectra of the individual components. Vertical dashed lines indicate optimal wavelengths for determination of the two components. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry FIGUER 14-10 Comparison of a derivative spectrum (a) with a standard absorption spectrum (b). 歐亞書局 P.377 FIGURE 14-11 Absorption spectra of bovine albumin: (a) ordinary spectrum, (b) firstderivative spectrum, (c) second-derivative spectrum. Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.379 11 2015/1/6 14E Photometric and Spectrophotometric Titrations FIGURE 14-12 Typical photometric titration curves. Molar absorptivities of the analyte, the product, and the titrant are given by εA,εP,εT, respectively. 歐亞書局 Figure 13-18. Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.380 In its protonated form, Eriochrome Black T is blue. It turns red when it forms a complex with calcium, magnesium, or other metal ions. FIGURE 14-13(a) Photometric titration curves; (a) total hardness of water, (b) determination of sulfate. In (a), total water hardness is obtained by titration with 0.10 M EDTA at 610 nm for 100 mL of a solution that contained 2.82 mmol/L total hardness. Eriochrome Black T was the indicator. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.381 12 2015/1/6 Turbidimetric titrations FIGURE 14-13(b) In (b), 10.0 mL of a solution containing sulfate was titrated with 0.050 M BaCl2 using Thorin as an indicator and a wavelength of 523 nm. The response shown is proportional to transmittance. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.381 14F Spectrophotometric Kinetic Methods Measurements are made under dynamic conditions in which the conc. of reactants and products are changing as a function of times. A+R P FIGURE 14-14 Change in concentration of analyte [A] and product [P] as a function of time. Until time te the analyte and product concentrations are continuously changing. This is the kinetic regime. In the equilibrium region, after te, the analyte and product concentrations are static. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.382 13 2015/1/6 FIGURE 14-15 Plot of initial rate of product formation as a function of substrate concentration, showing the parts of the curve useful for the determination of substrate and enzyme. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.383 FIGURE 14-16 Stopped-flow mixing apparatus. To begin the experiment, the drive syringes are filled with reagent and sample and valves A, B, and C are closed. The drive mechanism is then activated to move the drive syringe plungers forward rapidly. The reagent and sample are mixed in the miser and pass immediately into the observation cell and stop syringe. When the stop syringe fills, the plunger strikes the stop block and the flow ceases almost instantly with a recently mixed plug of solution in the spectrophotometric observation cell. For well-designed systems, the time between mixing and observation can be on the order of 2 to 4 ms. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.384 14 2015/1/6 FIGURE 14-17 The predicative approach in kinetic methods. A mathematical model, shown as the solid line, is used to fit the response, shown as the squares, during the kinetic regime of a reaction. The model is then used to predict the equilibrium absorbance, Ae, which is related to the analyte concentration. In the example shown, the absorbance is plotted versus time and the early time data used to predict Ae, the equilibrium value, shown as the circle. 歐亞書局 Ch14 Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry P.385 15