APPENDIX Pushing Electrons "pushing electrons", The manner in which organic chemists write mechanisms is known as is extremely electrons at pushing proficient Becoming flow". or"electron "arrow pushing" , us from can keep mechanisms, communicate to pictorially us it allows becluse important, *ri,ir-rg.rrrreasonable mechanisms, and can guide us in the choice of experiments. Teaching electhe fuidamentals of this notation is the goal of this appendix. Hereiry the concepts of examples and many with resonance/ along covered, will be sinks electron and tron sources of correct and incorrect arrow pushing' A5.L The Rudiments of Pushing Electrons " When drawing reaction mechanisms, chemists pictorially represent the movement of the bonds, electrons, or electron pairs using an electron-pushing notation. Understanding compounds the of stability basic principles behind pushing electrons a1lows us to analyze .ri^ r"'rorrut-t"e (see Chapter 1), ind to communicate conceptually how reactions are occurring. The arrows used tb denote how electrons are moving in chemical reactions are drawn witiin a chemical structure or between chemical structures. An arrow with a fulI head on end is used one end denotes the flow of two electrons. An arrow wilh only one slash on one curved or arrows are often these to denote the flow of only one electron (see margin). Both of A reaction that is straight. S-shaped, and therefore are totally different than a reaction arrow (or chemical step several arrow connects a reactant to a pioduct, and denotes a chemical is one steps), and does not imply a me_chanism. A fourth kind of arrow that chemists use in ways two different with iutl heads on both sides. This is a resonance arrow denoting two notation involves arrow which to draw the bonding in a chemical structure. One other the reactant arrows pointing in opposite directions. This represents an equilibriumbetween /-\ Flow of two electrons a-. Flow of one electron Reaction arrow <..-.-.---------> Resonance arrow and - product. not pructice of electron pushing is solely a bookkeeping method-a notation. It does arrow headed ,"pr"r"r,jt the real movement of eleittotrt. This means that the use of a double io'rno* the flow of two electrons d.oes not literally mean that electrons are actually moving Nevertheless, the notation is uro"r"ra, within and between molecules in the matter drawn. indicates how discrete bonds useful within a valence bond theory (VBT) contex! because it ;;;i;"" pairs have been rearranged when comparing the reactant to the product. the drawIn As stated above, the full headed arrow represents the flow of two electrons. and the head of the ing of this notation the tail of the arrow is plaied near the electron source th" Equilibrium arrows _ to the electron sink (seveial examples of sources and sinks are givenbelow)' is always some form of two electrons, such as a lone pairof electrons or a source An electron accept a o/o.Uorra. An electron sink is always an atom or bond within a molecule that can pair of electrons in the form of a lone pair or an additional bond. urio* i, pointed i /n Tail emanates from an electron source Head terminates at an electron sink 7067 1062 APPENDIX 5: PUSHING El,ECTRONS A5.2 Electron Sources and Sinks for Two-Electron Flow Each and every arrow must start at an electron source and end at an electron sink. Therefore, before analyzing electron-flow procedures, a list of common electron sources and sinks is useful. Table A5.1 shows several electron sources and sinks. The sources are listed first. They often consist of lone pairs of electrons on heteroatoms, and the atoms can be either negative or neutral. The neutrals include, but are not limited to, alcohols, water, amines, and thiols. The anionic examples include, but are not limited to, alkoxides, amide anions, hydroxide, and thiolates. In all of these examples the lone pairs of electrons are the actual electron source, not the entire chemical structure itself. Table A5.1 Common Electron Sources and Sinks I. Sources (R : H, alkyl, aryl) Nonbonding Electrons A. The lone pairs on the heteroatoms on the following strucfures: X ; RO-, RrO, N&, NR;, RCO;, RCOr& R(CO)& R(CO)NRr, RrS, RS-, CN , Nr-, R.P, RzSe, and RSe- Electron Rich or Strained o Bonds A. Organometallics: RMgX, RLi, RrCuLi, and R2Zn B. C. Hydride reagents: LiAlH4, NaBHa, NaH, and BH3 Cyclopropropyl or cyclobutyl n Bonds Alkenes, dienes, alkynes, allenes, and arenes Electron Rich n Bonds Enols, enamines, enolates, anilines, and phenols II. Sinks (R: H, alkyl, aryl) Species with Empty Orbitals Carbocations, aluminum and boron containing Lewis acids, and transition metal (mercury, cadmium, and zinc) reagents Acidic Hydrogens Mineral acids, carboxylic acids, watet, alcohols, amines, and terminal acetylenes Weak Single Bonds Peroxides (ROOR), molecular halogens (X), bieach (HOX), and disulfides (RSSR) The Carbons in Polarized o Bonds Alkyl halides, alkyl tosytates, protonated alcohols (ROHr-), and protonated amines (RNH3-) The Carbons in Polarized Multiple Bonds R2C:O, nitriles, ct,B-unsaturated carbonyl compounds, acyl halides, anhydrides, esters, and amides Sigma bonds between carbons are not normally electron sources, because the energy of the electrons in these orbitals is too low for them to be involved in common chemical reactions. Examples of o bonds that can be electron sources are highly strained bonds such as in A5.2 ELECT,RON SOURCES AND SINKS FOR TWO-ELECTRON FLOW cyclopropane, and o bonds that are highly polarized and have. a partial or full negative charge on carbon. These include lithium and Grignard reagents. However; if the sink is electrophilic enough, an unstrained o bond can be a source (see the carbenium ion arrange- mentbelow). \'--ro -/- + o / -T- In contrast to o bonds, simple n bonds from alkenes, alkynes, conjugated alkenes, allenes, and aromatic rings are often electron sources. Pi bonds are significantly better sources when they are electron rich due to an attached electron donating group. These donating groups are heteroatoms with lone pairs of electrons for which resonance structures can be written showing negative character on a carbon of the n bond (see the enamine below and see the next section on the details of denoting resonance structures). a 6 <------------> o .il.r ^ o'" Note that all the electron sources in Table A5.1 are also nucleophiles. As discussed in Chapter 10, nucleophiles can donate electrons to a positive or partially positive atom. All nucleophiles are electron sources. However, not all electron sources are considered to be nucleophiles. For example, consider the deprotonation of hydronium by ammonia. One of the arrows used to depict this reaction involves the ammonia lone pair as an electron source and a hydrogen of hydronium as a sink. The other arrow denotes that the H-O o bond is an electron source to create a lone pair on the positive oxygen, which is the sink for this arrow. We would not consider the H-O o bond to be a nucleophile, although it is a source in this example. H u/: tt N: \\\ H "I{ot, - t8-, u(' H :o H Another example is the deprotonation of a carbon ct to a carbonyl by ethoxide. In this reaction the ethoxide is an electron source, but so is the C-H o bond and the C-O a bond. In this example the C-H bond would not be considered to be nucleophiiic. (\) €\ ^trAll * ,^d,' \ "\.,/ -^O-H o :d I Chemists do not always draw all the lone pairs on heteroatoms, and it is important for the reader to realize that the lone pairs are there. When the lone pair is used as a source we always draw it, and when a lone pair is created we will draw it. This is the convention used in this textbook. Very oftery however, chemists stop drawing a1l lone pairs, even when they are sources/ and you should recognize what is meant by the arrows. Electron sinks are more varied in nature than electron sources (several are shown in Table A5.1). Anything with a positive charge and/or an empty orbital is an electron sink. Carbocations, Lewis acids, and metal cations are good electron sinks. Atoms involved in o bonds can also be electron sinks. The proton in a Bronsted acid or weak single bonds between pairs of heteroatoms often act as sinks. Atoms on the partial positive end of polarized bonds are common electron sinks-namely, the carbons in carbonyls, nitriles, conjugate acceptors, and alkyl halides. All of these sinks are also electrophiles. Howeve{, sinks are not necessarily the same as electrophiles. The sink is always an atom that can accept a negative charge and still be relatively stable. To explain what is meant by this, consider the nucleophilic attack of cyanide on the carbonyl of acetone. The source for the first arrow is the lone pair of electrons on the carbon of cyanide, and the sink is the par- r063 L064 APPENDIX 5: PUSHING ELECTRONS tially positive carbon of the carbonyl. o\ v - ,t' o) N=C:- ''6: .j) + ,.r\ * N' Howevet we cannot stop there. Since the drawing of the arrow from the cyanide source to the carbonyl sink implies that a bond is being formed. between the source atom and the sink atom, in this example five bonds to carbon would be formed. Hence, another arrow is needed to show thai some bond to this carbon must also be breaking. In this case the bond that is breaking is a n bond (one of the traditional sources), and the sink is the oxygen of the carbonyl, *heie a ione pair is being created. Chemists would not consider the oxygen as an electrophiie, although ii is an electrbn sink in this case. This dichotomy in the terminology is the reaion that the tJrms "source" and "sink" are associated with electron pushing, whereas the terms "nucleophile" and "electrophiie" are used to describe reactivity patterns. The sink is always the place where the head of the arrow terminates. Confusion can arise as to the exact place that the arrow should terminate. When the sink is a heteroatom that is accepting a lone pair, place the head of the arrow near that heteroatom. Similarly, when the sink is ai elect.ophilic atom, just place the arrow head near this atom. However, when the sink leads to the fbrmation of a new bond, there are two acceptable conventions on where to place the end of the arrow. You can either place the arrow head between the two atoms where the new bond will be drawn (A, below), or place the arrow head pointing towards the atom where the bond is being formed (B, below). Both methods are acceptable. B. A. -H O1 t :O\ /^k O--v: I H-d. U ,coo ),, In all mechanisms that we write, the total charge from one step to the next never to a changes. This is called the conservation-of-charge rule. If an anionic nucleophile adds a leaving neut[l compound, the productmustbe negative. If an anionic intermediate expels If gro.rp'urrd U"comes neutral, the leaving gtorlp must be departing with a negative charge' a negaor i tr",rt.ul compound fragments, it must do so to cleate either two neutral species to tive and u poriti.r" o.r". fhit rule of maintaining the net charge from one set of structures ale plausible the next is very useful for checking if the steps being proposed in a mechanism or not. If the charges are not maintained, then something is wrong' A5.3 How to Denote Resonance Resonance was defined in Chapter 1. We commonly accompany a collection of resonance structures with electron flow uiro*, to describe how two electrons were moved around, thereby creating the new bonding arrangement. As an example of using arlows to depict and resonance, .orrr]id", acetate. An arrow starts at a lone pair on the single-bond oxygen to formed be will bond terminates near the carbonyl carbon. This arrow states ihat a second pair a lone becomes C:O the carbonyl carbon. A sectnd arrow d,enotes that a bond in the on oxygen. O:o '-\*i!/ € o. \- c,'d A5.4 COMMON ELECTRON-PUSHING ERRORS We noted in Chapter 1 that dravi'ing resonance structures often gives insight into the re- activity of a molecule. For example, consider the resonance structure of the cation shown below. In the first depiction there is a positive charge on the carbon and this carbon has an en;rp|r p orbital. Therefore, we predict nucleophilic attack at the carbon is possible. **X A However, directly adjacent to the empty orbital is an oxygen atom with lone pairs of electrons. Since the carbon is lacking an octet of electrons, a neighboring electron pair can donate into the adjacent orbital to give a ri bond, thereby stabilizing this structure. We denote this donation using a double headed arrow as shown. The arrow starts at the lone pair and ends in between the carbon and oxygen, showing that a n bond is formed. Thus, the electron source was the lone pair and the sink was the empty carbon p orbital. Since no atomic movement has occurred and only electrons have been moved within the molecule, we have created a resonance structure. Resonance structures most often involve p orbitals that are in conjugation. For example, the molecule acrolein has its'n"bonds in conjugatiory and the resonancJstructure shown indicates that there is some n bond character between the two central atoms. o-P' ,o\ rr" an A5.4 CommonElectron-PushingErrors There are several errors that are common for students when they are first learning to use electron-pushing notation. It is instructive to cover many of the common mistakesio as to spotlight them. Backwards Arrow Pushing Likely the most common mistake is pushing the arrow backwards. In other words, the arrow is started at a sink and ended at a source. Three examples are givenbelow. The easiest way to avoid this mistake is to remember that the arrow must start from an electron rich region of a molecule. Most important, the arrow always starts with two electrons-namely, lone pairs, o bonds, or t bonds. Do not use the positive regions of a molecule to start an arrow. The vast majority of the time the arrow will terminate at a center with some positive charge or a center that can accept a lone pair. *-3.n nr ry'l ,\o,' "9-* o^ .At\ /< r^N\-o \\ n,o.H (+) U Common backwards electron flow (incorrect) Not Enough Arrows The second most common error is to not show enough arrows. As an example, consider the electron pushing shoum below that is meant to indicate an E2 reaction. The base is abstracting the proton while the leaving group is departing, but there is no arrow to denote the formation of the double bond. The easiest way to avoid problems like this is to remember that each arrow leads to the formation of a bond or a lone pair of electrons. Hence, keeping track of where the arrow starts and terminates defines either a bond between th" r"rpe"tirre atoms or a lone pair localized on a specific atom. Using this analysis on the example given 1065 7066 APPENDIX 5: PUSHING ELECTRONS shows that the base is forming a bond to hydrogen, but since no bond to hydrogen is shown as breaking, the result is two bonds to hydrogen. Furthermore, since the bond to the leaving group is breaking to form a lone pair onbromide, and there is no arrow shown to fiIl the void left behind, a carbocation must be forming. \ rBr \_J \(, O:v o :Br As drawn, this electron flow denotes this product r,^ H I \o /- .t-.YH lmplausible Losing Track of the Octet Rule Another common mistake is showing arrows that create atoms with electron counts above and beyond an octet. As examples of this, consider a resonance structure of nitrate and the attack of cyanide on the oxygen of an oxycarbonium ion. Both examples indicate that an electron source is quenching the positive charge of an electron sink. But, these positively charged atoms are not electron sinks capable of accepting two elect{ons in the form of an additional bond. In each case the number of electrons on the respective sink atoms increases to ten, two beyond an octet. oo <-----> il9 ^,":O' -O oo -ilO- rc lncorrect N-o '-C"^, A'o. A* N t'C-oll .\lncorrect This problem is quickly remedied when we remember how many bonds each atom can form and that we do not routinely draw the lone pairs of electrons. inboth examples given above, the number of bonds increases beyond what is allowed (that is, five to nitrogen and four to an oxygen possessing an undrawn lone pair). Therefore, although nitrogen and oxygen are positivelyiharged in these examples, they are not electron sinks for formation of ad- ditionalbonds. Losing Tiack of Hydrogens and Lone Pairs One of the easiest mistakes to make is to forget that hydrogens on carbons are not drawn in stick structures. This can often lead to the movement of an arrow to a carbon that already has four bonds, although at first glance the carbon may seem to be a reasonable electron sink. In the example shown below, the first resonance structure given is simply incorrect because a double bond is drawn to a carbon that already has four bonds. A second problem also exists. The oxygen is left without an octet, and should therefore have a plus-two charge; no lone pair wis added to give the oxygen eight electrons. The real result of the electron pushing is also shown. It is an implausible structure. The only way to avoid these mistakes is to mentally take note of the hydrogens that are not drawn. Moreover, if you draw all the lone pairs when embarking on an electron-pushing exercise, the latter of these two problems will be much easier to spot and avoid. .o r'oxl \ -/" '----* o lncorrect resonance structure .'.)zu) \\___]L9. A lmplausible resonance lFt H Structure . A5.4 COMMON ELECTRON.PUSHING ERRORS Not Using the Proper Source A harder error to spot is the use of the wrong electrons as the source. As an example, in catalysis is covered. In some cases the base deprotonates water while general-base Chapter 9 adds to a carbonyl carbon. The best source of electrons for showsimultaneously the water to the carbonyl sink is a lone pair the oxygen of water. Howof electrons on addition ing the could alsobe depicted as inMechanismA5.l. shown As showninthis evel the electronflow the H-O o bond is the scheme, electron source for forming a bond to the electron-pushing carbonyl carbon sink. This is not so serious because electron pushing is just a bookkeeping notation, and the number of bonds and lone pairs is correctly portrayed in this scheme. Howevel it is not the best reflection of how one thinks about this nucleophilic attack. In Mechanism A5.2, the lone pair on oxygen is correctly shown as the source for the carbonyl sink, but the deprotonation of the water is incomplete. Instead, two bonds are being formed to hydrogen because there is no arrow showing the breakage of the O-H o bond. The best method is shown in Mechanism A5.3. \^ . .-?',-G''- nlo - H-N:zNrH \ \-U .A q1 H H (Mechanism A5.1) lncorrect source for the arrow depicting the nucleophilic attack / \^ u-N. .-N: \ Ch --z' ,l H-d'-----/ I Not enough arrows; this indicates the formation of two bonds to hydrogen (Mechanism A5.2) H tn \ H- N-.ZN' --,2/zt + g161'-----/ I H / \o .(. .. _o- H- N.,r-N-H ,o4 "I\ (Mechanism A5.3) H Best electron-pushing notation Mixed Media Mistakes An important rule to remember with arrow pushing, much like on the bench top, is to not mix strong acids and bases. If the reaction is performed in acidic media, it does not make sense to show the creation of a strong base in your mechanism. Similarly, if a reaction is run with added base, it is unreasonable to create a strong acid in the mechanism. Significant concentrations of strong acids and bases cannot co-exist in the same medium. For example, any medium that is acidic enough to protonate a carbonyl reactant would not have any appreciable hydroxide. Two examples of this mistake are given below. Hydration of a ketone l'3'' 9"il+l'* ,\ ,e?* lncorrect: Usage ol a strong acid along with a strong base ,€i' 1,2-Elimination ,,o'H \-l .?o'\ @o-H ll ,, ,t'o'" .H Too Many qol lncorrect: Explusion of a very basic leaving group with the concurrent formation of a strong acid Arrows-Short Cuts The iast error that we cover is the use of too many arrows in too complex of a scenario. It is sometimes tempting to combine several steps together into one step as a means of taking a short cut to the product. For example, consider the pinacol rearrangement, shown below. 1067 1068 APPENDIX 5: PUSHING ELECTRONS The electron-pushing notation does indeed lead to the product, but ihis proposed pathway is chemically unreasonable. It involves the breaking and forming of several bonds simultaneously. The entropy disadvantage of such a reaction would be quite large. Such a combination of steps is not what chemists observe when studying these reactions (for the correct scheme see Section 11.8). n-Q-H LY H rl .9-H )o *)1 ,/\ H-o) oi H\ /*' 7--\ The second example involves an acyl transfer from chloride to water. The addition and elimination reactions are combined into one step. Although the arrows do keep track of the electrons involved in the reaction, such steps are known not to occur simultaneously, and thus the electron-pushing notation does not reflect what is known about the mechanism. rol '.|/^ .'\cr' + ..) O A&" H-QH H A5.5 ComplexReactions-Drawinga Chemically Reasonable Mechanism writing a reasonable mechanism when a chemist is first confronted wiih the producl of a reaction. All the chemical intuition that the chemist has, built upon past experience, is used to create the mechanism. Any available experimental data, any knowledge as to the feasibility of intermediates, and just a "gut" intuition are often the stariing points. In actuality, for most chemists, the "gut" intuitive feeling is based on either a conscious or unconscious recognition of a logical electron-pushing pathway. In other words, when first considering a reactiory most chemists apply the rules of electronpushing notation to visualize a logical sequence of chemical reactions that can lead to the obserrred pr6duct. These steps are then examined in light of the experimental data. If there are data, the electron-pushing analysis is used to create hypotheses thatcanbe ,-ro "*p"ri*"ntal Hence, being able to apply the electron-flow rules to completely new experimentally. tested a sophisticated organic chemist' is one mark of scenarios into words ihe mental process that a chemist goes through to translate is difficult It for a new reaction, especially since undoubtedly every with a mechanism up when coming we attempt to do just that here. A few simple rules However, does it differently. chemist There are many factors that go into will assist. 1. Find a1:'J. correspondencebetrneen all atoms in the reactsnts and theproducts. This may lead you to ask a question such as "Where does this oxygen come from?" 2. Keep your rnind on where you are going. In other words, iookior a pith ihut -ltt lead to the product. To do this, note which groups have added to or left from the reactant, and make sure that such steps are included in the mechanism. 3. Measure yoLff progress at intermediate stages bnsed upon how many bonds stiT need to be formed or broken. 4. Note any rearrangement of atoms utithin the chemicsl structure and ffiake sure appropriate steps qre inclttded. A5.6 TWO CASE STUDIES OF PREDICTING REACTION MECHANISMS 5. Do not push too many srro'Lt)s as a wiy to crehte a short cut to the proclttct. To do this, always stick to common reaction steps such as those presented in Chapters 10 and 11. 5. Aaoid the common electron-pushing mistakes. 7. FinaIIy, do not form any intermediates'of unreasonably high energy. Similarly, do not form high energy intermediates when other intermediates of lower energy are possible. This is a more difficult analysis to make. Howeve4, the information and examples given throughout this text should provide excellent guidance. If you can remember all of these items, you should be able to write out mechanisms that are both chemically sound and often prove to be correct after an experimental analysis. TWo examples of complex chemical reactions, along with a discussion of how to proceed in writing a mechanism, are discussed here, and several practice problems are given at the end of this appendix. A5.6 TWo Case Studies of Predicting Reaction Mechanisms Our first example is the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of an enamine to give a ketone and a pro- tonated amine. a 0 an H3O-/H20 ? a) -iH o The second suggestion given in Section A5.5 is to note where you are going. In this case, the amine has to leave the molecule and an oxygen has to add. With regard to the departure of the amine, amide anions (RrN-) or neutral amines (NRr) canbe considered as possible leaving groups. However, since an amide anion is highly basic, it is a very poor leaving group. Moreover, we want to avoid the creation of a strong base in the presence of acid. Both of these points make it clear that the amine must depart as a neutral species. The nucleophile must be water and not hydroxide since the reaction is run in acidic conditions. The next point to note is that the double bond in the enamine is within the ring and between carbons, but the double bond in the product is exo to the ring and is to oxygen. Hence, the double bond must change position at some point in the mechanism. Once it is clear what bonds must change positions and what groups must add and leave the reactant, the next step is to consider which reaction steps canbe used to accomplish these tasks. In this case, because the reactions are being performed under acidic conditions, an acid can be used to move the position of the double bond in a manner similar to an acid-catalyzed tautomerization reaction. The acid can also be used to protonate the leaving group so that the amine can depart as a neutral species. Furthermore, the acid could be used to activate a polarized tl bond toward nucleophilic attack, if necessary. Once the likely reactions have been identified, it is a matter of putting them in the correct order. The reactant currently does not have a polarized r bond for nucleophilic attack by water, and neither is the leaving group ready for departure as a neutral amine. Therefore, we should start by either creating a polarized n bond, or making the leaving group ready for departure. Let's consider the latter first. Protonation of the amine can lead to its departure as shown below. However, this creates a vinyl cation, an unreasonably high energy intermediate. Hence, this is not plausible. H [)H 'l'l: .\\, H.d@ r'\H -* a;) illH :o H O o 6- 1069 r070 APPENDIX 5: PUSHING ELECTRONS howevel the cation formed is an imminium, which is much more stable than the vinyl cation shown above. In additiory this protonation leads to the migration of the double bond, as is required in the mechanism. Moreover, there is now a highly polarized n bond within the molecule. Due to the fact that this reaction contains several of the aspects of the mechanism that were identified as necessary, it is a good place to If protonation occurs on the B carbory start. f) n- H* (dH 'N' do 'l)'-' 'H !d , tt \-,/ -\ tt \.,' 'd-'H Keeping in mind where we are going, leaving group departure and nucleophilic attack are stiltlequired. The amine is not ready to depart since it is held to the structure via a double bond. Therefore, addition of water to the polari zed n bond, followed by loss of a proton, is the next logical sequence of events. H {;) r-N- X \-l H - ,dH {-'o'H ( ) nqN \OY V-H a) \-, o *N OV-H a\ (, All that remains now is leaving group departure. Protonation of the amine foliowed by a 1,2elimination assisted. by the n"lghfoinglone pairs on oxygen gives an intermediate that is simply a proton transfer away from the correct product. OG -or*--5-'- "5- ?,qE O The next example involves base catalysis, and is known as the Robinson annulation. Once agair; the first item to note is where we are going. OO (^/ -4o :,^'. .'\l-1 11 (-\Ao ,,. By counting carbons it is clear that no additional carbon atoms are required. To see how the two reactants are put together, it is useful to letter or number some or all of the carbons of the reactants and ilace ttose markers near the same carbons in the product. Note that in the starting material carbons a and c are identical due to symmetry in the molecule. o *Y I I \-6O "-4o +Base + //t\ d S Once it is clear how the two pieces have to go together, we can make decisions as to the appropriate reactions to use to fuse the two reactants. First, note that carbonb has undergone a conjugate addition forming a bond to carbon d. Under basic conditions a conjugate addition would start via formation of an enolate nucleophile. Second, the bonds formed between carbons c and g require the loss of a molecule of water. The loss of water most likely arises from the eliminaiionbf water from an alcohol, since no other scheme seems reasonable, given the reactants and the experimental conditions. Elimination of water from an alcohol under ba- 45.7 PUSHING ELECTRONS FOR RADICAL REACT]ONS sic conditions would require a 1,4-elimination reaction on a B-hydroxy carbonyl. Finally, B-hydroxy carbonyl structures are formed via aldol reactions. Once the reactions lequired are knowry it is a matter of stringing them together in the proPer sequence. Since this reaction is performed under basic conditions, it is logical to have thebase startby abstractingthemost acidic proton. This wouldbe thehydrogenihatis alpha to two carbonyls. Furthermore, since the resulting enolate carbon was found by the previous analysis to be attached to carbon d, it makes sense to draw the conjugate addition ai the first carbon-carbonbond forming sequence in the mechanism. , oo,'\ o: Fl o^. ..' ^fro o ,:o,"c'/1 ', /</9 (?i" -?lv /l'_ \Ao \Ao \-,\o / ^.'o" O ,-O" ,(r rI$o \ At this point the rest of the mechanism must consist of the aldol reaction followedby the loss of water. The electron pushing indicates the formation of an enolate followed by an aldol reaction. The loss of hydroxide is simply a 1,4-elimination. a) At Im\ vDo ^()oa o^:. o-rz \t v^O:t,i(_O. ^ / H'v o -*lll_-,\t "-.. +l \-1'-lS.t HO o t-"_\ (-) .. -,\1,^.t ll \-\Ao o :OH "ov/ In summary, the power of electron pushing is the ability to write chemically reasonable mechanismsby combining sources and sinks using reactions that are well precedented inorganic chemistry. The electron pushing allows chemists to communicate their thoughts as to steps involving nucleophile and electrophile combinations. ln atl the discussion to this point, we have focused upon two-electron arrow pushing. None of these reactions involves radical intermediates. F{owever, radicals are common intermediates in organic transformations, and therefore we also need an understanding of how to perform electron pushing for radical reactions. A5.7 Pushing Electrons for Radical Reactions To denote the movement of single electrons we use arrows with a single slash head. The arrow still starts at an electron source/ but the source can now be any bond, any single electron, or any lone pair. Unlike two-electron arrow pushing, we do not consider the source for one-electron arrows to have any analogy to nucleophiles. The arrow still ends at an electron sink, but now the sink is defined as any site that can accept a single electron. These are not necessarily traditional electrophilic sites. Two arrows starting at a bond and spreading apart are used to denote the homolytic cleavage of a bond. Two arrows starting on separate radicals and coming together represent the formation of a bond. n.66H. * z1 -.\*'.Cl 2 +-\ .cH3 cl r071 t- 7072 APPENDIX 5: PUSHING ELECTRONS Other common reactions are hydrogen abstraction and radical additions to double bonds. These reactions are denoted withiingle-headed arrows as combinations of the two kinds of electron pushing given just above. Combining the kinds of steps shown here, with different radical reactants, will allow you to write the electron pushing for most radical reactions. H-Ct ,,-{+ .cr ,,^,,-,ct One last reaction type that is commonly encountered is electron transfer to a rr or o bond' of receiving a negative charge, and it is common for these bonds This bond must be "upuUt" atoms. Since the electron transfer is to an intact bond, the newly to have elgctronegative an antibonding orbital for thatbond. In the case of an alkene or carinto added electron go-es bonyl, this can 6e denoted by the creatibn of a anion radical with the two species drawn on separate atoms. For a o boni, however, it is difficult to designate where the electron went, and we simply draw a radical anion next to a dashed bond. ro >il --\ + o o e :O- ,,\ r. z^P )-"'- \.o )-", Given the above examples, we can write the mechanisms of common radical reactions that involve multiple stept. et our only example of single-electron arrow pushing, let's^c-onsider the mechaniimof HBr addition to alkenlsunder iadical conditions (see Section 10.10)' Under radical conditions, there is an initiation of the reaction to create bromine radicals, hyoften by a peroxide. The peroxide first homolyzes, and'the resulting radical abstracts a combination a is pushing drogen atorn from HBr. Tirese are the initiation steps. The electron addiof h"omolysis and hydrogen abstraction steps. Propagation is a combination of radical any of the combination is tion to an alkene followJd by hydrogen abstraction. Termination in as step each for same the is two radicals to create a obond. i.{ote.-that the electron pushing the simp,le examples given above. lnitiation steps: n-65-n + /--\ ^ R-Ol +H-Br* 2 R-o. RO-H+.Br Propagation steps: -K;tt' -* \.r, ,,lg;;in, * )uBr +.Br A possible termination steP )G\aBr + .)!r, PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR PUSHING ELECTRONS Practice Problems for Pushing Electron 1. Identify any atoms, bonds, or lone pairs in the following molectiles that could be considered as electron sources or sinks for two-electron arrowsA. B. o" L", I z\ 2. c. D. o'H o E. @o'H N,. ll -\ G. F. il -\ Show mechanisms for the following transformations, along with all electron pushing. These reactions involve more than one steP. OH A. ,4 +HBr Br B. ,. ,c| -tr I o cH3NH2 JI JI N" I H H.oo o o C. \AO,--- ,-'on .^O-\Ao.\ D. .=A; o^- NaOEt HOEt C) + "oH U O are more complicated reactions than those presented to this following .Nrra o E' .\-^-A" 3. The n o -Ill point. However, they all involve two-electron steps that are-similar to those presented in this book, especially in Chapters 10 and 11. Use your best chemical intuition to write reasonable mechanisms for these transformations. Draw all intermediates and show all electron pushing. The mechanisms that you write may not actually be the ones that have been supported by experiments. You cannot be expected to know this. Howevel, your mechanism should be reasonable, and the electron pushing should be correct. an A. -( lsl- .[ B. U NaH''Ao^' c. O ------4-- oo- H.oHrO C- U o E (r. l] (/ -,,-- G. -O o NaoEt, (/ l-f cr.-Ao^ -HoEt* a^.-A---" 1)Accr , + D. o //\ NaOH/ H2O ^0- ,+ F. ;"',-p (&" H. ll /.\r+/\/ \_l\\ A (-,( H OH O,rO ,,2-.,.,,o o I N\/ nro9nro H3o"/H2o Jl \_1 tl o Ph 1073 1074 APPENDIX 5: PUSHING ELECTRONS o r. l]) o 1) R2NL| ,'\-.'\." il (YV 2) PhSeBr 3) oo + \2 HprJ"*r* H.o9n"o J. -\Ao^ lt o Heat + HOEI + PhseoH CO2 1) CH3t K. -S_ 2) NaH + 3) 5 o Ph. ,S. ,,S L. S NH, s'P's'PlPh, ;'-:rAllH, 2)NaH \2 M. O^*--:* N. "#tr- O .'=.i- _U .^A.O V R*. NacN/EtoH A' oo o. ,,'\-.'\ AoA lttt_ \*"V T 'r'\Ao \) D tlttOCl, tt.O@ \\-/-------.---:/ 2)n-Buli sy 4. H.oo/Hro U il ./-N I H Write reasonable steps for the following radical reactions, showing all the proper electron pushing. BooR A. )-no*" ' iA o oAoM" c. )#)-a'+HBr