US Chapter Network - Conscious Capitalism


U.S. Chapter Network


Conscious Capitalism is…

• An idea

• A global movement

• An approach to business and to organizing economies

Conscious Capitalism, Inc. is a non-profit organization established to…

• Support the elevation of humanity through Conscious Capitalism by delivering transformative thinking, programs, events, and communities of inquiry for leaders and others in companies, universities, non-profits and governments.

• Create a credible “go to” source for information and inspiration about Conscious Capitalism, and on how to create a purpose-based business that creates value for all.

• Serve as the hub for a global ecosystem of organizations and individuals interested in Conscious


Core Beliefs

We believe that capitalism is the most powerful force for human cooperation, value creation and social good the world has ever seen.

We believe that an emerging form of capitalism, Conscious Capitalism, reflects the ongoing process of human development and elevates meaning and prosperity for all.

We believe that businesses that employ sound fundamental business practices and adopt a

Conscious Capitalism mindset are more sustainable, resilient and profitable in the long term.

Conscious Capitalism, Inc. – U.S. Chapters

To fulfill its purpose and mission, and to respond to increasing demand for information, guidance, support and collaboration from individuals and groups throughout the world, Conscious Capitalism,

Inc. is launching the Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network.

The Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network will facilitate, guide, support, engage and connect

Conscious Capitalism Chapters throughout the world with Conscious Capitalism, Inc., with information and resources about Conscious Capitalism and with other Chapters.

Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters 1

Purpose of Chapters

Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters and the Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network exist to elevate humanity by advancing the understanding and practice of Conscious Capitalism in their communities.

Organizing Principles

Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters are conceived as independent, self-organizing entities affiliated with Conscious Capitalism, Inc. and the Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network. To be recognized as such, Chapters formally agree to the following principles, and to periodically report to Conscious

Capitalism, Inc. on their activities and their ongoing alignment with the principles:

1. Conscious Capitalism, Inc. is organized to advance the idea of Conscious Capitalism and a specific, yet evolving, Conscious Capitalism business framework, which currently includes four foundational principles, as articulated in more detail at learnmore/ : a. Higher Purpose b. Stakeholder Orientation and Interdependent Ecosystem Perspective c. Conscious Leadership d. Conscious Culture

2. Conscious Capitalism Chapters are similarly organized to advance the idea of Conscious

Capitalism and the Conscious Capitalism business framework

3. In the spirit of Conscious Capitalism, the trustees and team members of Conscious Capitalism,

Inc. and members of Conscious Capitalism Chapters, commit to engaging with each other with conscious awareness and care, to cultivate trust and alignment.

4. We also commit to embracing a spirit of curiosity and inquiry, always open to expanding our awareness and deepening our understanding of the idea and practice of Conscious


5. We encourage openness, honesty and the courage to speak truth, even if it is difficult to speak or hear.

6. We seek and embrace diversity in its many forms.

7. We foster communities of inquiry and peer-to-peer learning.

8. We welcome as members all individuals, organizations and associations who subscribe to the

Purpose, Core Beliefs and Principles of the Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network and to the Rights and Responsibilities of Chapter members.

9. We maintain the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct, prudent use of resources, and fair and accurate disclosure of information.

10. We are committed to organizational learning and adaptation.

Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters 2

Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters:

Each Chapter, in accordance and alignment with the Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network

Purpose, Core Beliefs and Principles can:

• Determine its own process of governance and decision-making.

• Choose to combine with or join any other CC Chapter.

• Use the names Conscious Capitalism and Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter and related names, logos, and images within their community.

• Surrender its Charter so long as written notice is delivered to Conscious Capitalism 30 days prior to effective date.

Each Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter accepts the responsibility to:

• Act in accordance with the Core Beliefs, Purpose, Principles and any articles, bylaws or operating procedures of the Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network and of the Chapter.

• Determine its own process of governance and decision-making.

• Encourage and ensure that its own members act in accordance with the Core Beliefs, Purpose, and Principles and articles, bylaws or operating procedures of the Conscious Capitalism U.S.

Chapter Network and of the Chapter..

• Actively work toward achieving the Purpose in accordance with the Principles.

• Adhere to articles, bylaws and operating procedures as they evolve.

• Communicate best practices, stories and highlights of activities with Conscious Capitalism, Inc. and other Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters.

• Develop financial and other resources to meet its own needs.

• Keep accurate and current records of its members, financial transactions and activities, and share such records with Conscious Capitalism, Inc. as reasonably requested.

• To indemnify and hold the Trustees, Conscious Capitalism, Inc., its employees and representatives, harmless from any liabilities arising out of or in any way caused by the Chapter’s breach of any provision of the Core Beliefs, Purpose, and Principles and articles, bylaws or operating procedures of Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network and of the Chapter.

Conscious Capitalism, Inc. may:

• Share models and best practices for setting up and operating Chapters, and for running programs and events.

• Share content and facilitate access to talent as appropriate.

• Facilitate information sharing and learning between Chapters.

• Invite participation in Conscious Capitalism, Inc. events and programs.

• Allow Chapters to use Conscious Capitalism, CC, Inc.’s registered trademarked name.

• Provide recognition and referrals to Chapters.

• Revoke a charter upon written notice for deviation (as determined by Conscious Capitalism, Inc.) of Chapter’s Responsibilities. Conscious Capitalism, Inc. may at its discretion provide 30 days for the Chapter to cure any grounds for revocation.

Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters 3

Conscious Capitalism, Inc. may do any or all of the above to the degree deemed reasonable and appropriate solely determined by Conscious Capitalism, Inc.

Application For Membership

1. Meet the eligibility requirements

Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters must have a minimum of five members, at least one of whom is an Executive or Sustaining Member in good standing of Conscious Capitalism, Inc. or the Chapter itself can become a Sustaining Member.

2. Decide the name and purpose of your Chapter

Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapters are encouraged to create a focused statement that reflects their unique sense of Purpose that is in accord with the overall Conscious Capitalism and Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter Network Purpose. What purpose expresses the primary reason for your group to gather?

3. Decide who will participate in the Chapter

What diversity will your Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter reflect? How many people will participate? Will you invite organizations to participate as well as individuals?

4. Choose the decision-making processes

Chapters have a right to self-organize. Their deliberations and decisions must be made by methods that fairly represent the diversity of affected interests and are not dominated by any. Discuss the ways your group would like decisions to be made. What processes will your

Chapter use to make decisions?

5. Discuss rights and responsibilities of members listed in the Charter

Share any questions or needs for clarification your group has about rights and responsibilities.

Groups interested in forming a Chapter should apply to the Conscious Capitalism U.S. Chapter

Network for membership.

For more information, contact Julie van Amerongen at


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