Lecture № 5 Theme: Socially - economic systems The plan: 1

Lecture № 5
Socially - economic systems
The plan:
1 Systems of the organization of economic life of a society.
2. System economy and variety of its forms.
3. The synthesized system.
Distinguish 5 types of economic systems:
- Traditional system;
- Pure capitalism;
- Command system;
- The mixed system;
- The synthesized system.
Traditional system, its lines:
- The economy is based on customs;
- Technical progress is limited;
- Religious and cultural values are primary in comparison
with the economic;
- Social and economic stagnation is accurately expressed.
For the analysis of pure capitalism and command economy
accept 2 signs:
- Pattern of ownership;
- A way by means of which the economic activities of these
systems are co-ordinated and copes.
Pure capitalism, or capitalism of an epoch of a free
- A private property on resources;
- For coordination of economic activities and management it
uses system of the markets and the prices;
- The economic power is widely disseminated;
It is very small or at all there is no necessity for the
governmental planning, control and intervention for
economic process.
- The government role is limited to protection of a private
property and an establishment of the appropriate legal
structure facilitating functioning of the free markets.
Command economy:
- Public property;
- The centralized public planning;
- Workers are fixed for a trade, and even their distribution
on geographical areas of the country is carried out on-line.
The mixed economy has some forms or models:
- The American;
- The Japanese;
- The Swedish;
- The new industrial countries (Korea, Taiwan, Singapore,
Hong Kong).
The American model is mainly market economy, but at the
same time economic functions of the government play it
very essential role.
The Japanese model is characterized:
- The developed planning and coordination of activity of the
government and a private sector;
- Preservation of the traditions, and at the same time ability
to borrow others all that is necessary for country
- High prestige of public service;
- A core of strategy of economic development is installation
on development of high technology production;
- High prestige of formation, and first of all the higher;
The Swedish model:
- Social policy. Swedes receive the most part of the
blessings and services from the state social funds passing
the market;
- A full employment;
- The rate on work, on self-realization of the person, the
statement of its public importance.
Lines of Korea:
- Home market protection;
- The rigid economic course spent by the central power;
- Attraction of the foreign capital;
- National shots;
- Formation of mass middle class.
- Transition of the countries to essentially new economic
base of manufacture;
- An economy humanization, i.e. redistribution of public
resources in favour of formation, cultures, medicine and
change of most financially material base of these branches;
- ecology economic development, i.e. a new stage
мирохозяйственного developments it should be formed
according to an ecological condition of a planet; - formation
of new philosophy of consumption. Demand for the nonpolluting products, new requirements to habitation grows,
the policy of voluntary self-restriction of requirements is
The number and share of the provided, formed and
enterprising people grows;
- The role socially - the cultural facts increases.