B.Sc. Computer Science 6 Semester

B.Sc. VI Sem (Computer Science )
Paper – I
RDBMS ( Oracle)
Unit – I
Oracle Philosophy, Oracle DBA, SQL Plus, Oracle Forms, Oracle Graphics.
Introduction Of SQL : Involving SQL Plus, Data Manipulation in DBMS, The
Oracle Data Types, Creating a Table, Inserting Data into a Table, Updating
Contents of a Table, Deletion Operation, The Many Faces of the Select
Command, Modifying the Structure of Table, Removing Table, Data Constrains,
Define Integrity Constraint in the Alter table Command, Dropping Integrity
Unit – II
Using Logical Operations, Range Search, Pattern Matching, Oracle Function,
Grouping Data form Table on SQL, Joins : Joining Multiple Tables , Self Join ,
Sub Query, Using Union, Intersect, Minus, Indexes. Creation of Views Renaming
the Column of View, Selecting a Data Set from View, Updatable View,
Destroying View,
Unit – III
Granting, Permission, Permission of the Object Created by the User, Granting
Permission using GRANT Statement, Object Privileges with Grant Option,
Referencing a Table belonging to another User, Granting Permission to user when
the granter has been given GRANT Permission, Revoking the Permission given
PL / SQL : Introduction Performance, Performance Improvement, Probability,
PLSQL Data types, what PLSQL Comm. Do for Programmers, The PLSQL
Execution Environment. The PLSQL SYNTAX: The Character set understanding
the PLSQL, Block Structure, Oracle Transactions, Locks, Cursor, Error Handling
Unit – IV
STORGE PROCEDRES: What are Procedures, where to Procedures, how Oracle
relates a Procedure, how Oracle Executes Procedures, Advantages of Procedures
Syntax for Creating Stored Procedure, An Application using a Procedure Deleting
a Stored Procedure.
Unit –V
STORED FUNCTIONS : What are Function, where Function Resides, How
Oracle Generate a Function , How Oracle Executed a Function , Advantages of
Functions, Syntax for creating a stored Function, An application using a Function,
Deleting a Stored Function, & Data Base Trigger
1. Ivan Bayross, “SQL, PL/SQL”.
2. Liebschuty, “The Oracle Book”.
3. Michael Abbey, Michael J. Corey, “Oracle a Beginners Guide”.
B.Sc. VI Sem (Computer Science )
Paper – II
Numerical Analysis
Max. Mark- 35
Note:- Numerical computational technique problem should be solved by C or C++
Unit – I
Internal Representation of number and their arithmetic operation . Conversation
of numbers, Floating Point Arithmetic : Computer representation of Floating
point, Errors : Concept of errors and their type.
Unit – II
Solution of equations : Basic properties of Equation, Bisection method, RegulaFalsi position method, Secant Method, Newton Raphson method. Roots of
polynomials: Multiple roots, Muller’s method, Lin-Bairstow’s method.
Unit – III
Solution of System of Linear Equation , Direct Method, Gauss Elimination
Method, LU Decomposition Method, Concept of Pivoting, Gauss-Jordan Method,
Matrix Inversion Method.
Interpolation: Linear Interpolation , Hermite Interpolation, Newton’s Divided
Difference Formulas, Difference Schemes, Interpolation Formulas Using
Differences, Gregory Newton Interpolation for Forward and Backward, Lagrange
Interpolation Formula.
Numerical Integration : Concept of Numerical Integration , Trapezoidal Rule,
Simpson 1/3 Rules, Simpson 3/8 Rules, Higher Order Rules, Gaussian Integration.
Numerical Differentiation : Methods Based on Interpolation, Finite Difference
Operators .
Text book:
1. E. Balaguruswamy, Numerical method
2. Dr. S.S. Shrivastava, Numerical Analysis
3. V. Rajaraman, Computer Oriented Numerical Method
4. S.S Shastry, Computer Oriented Numerical Method
5. B. S. Garewal Numerical Analysis
6. R. Sojalal , Computer Programming with Numerical Technique.
Reference Books :E. V. Krishnamurthy : Numerical Algorithms
R. G. Stanton -- Numerical Methods