Term 2 ~ Weeks 7-9 10-28 June 2013 Sausage Sizzle Lunch... What a great way to celebrate ‘Hump Day’ (Wednesday) for the end of term… Thanks to our wonderful P&C committee for organising (Abbas K’s mum (1L), Muhammed-Ali E’s mum (KM), Matthew N’s mum (KM), Joseph A’s mum (Preschool) and Ms Quinn (KM teacher). A special THANK YOU goes to the chefs—Muhammed-Ali E’s mum (KM), Ibrahim M’s mum (KM), Matthew N’s mum (KM), Amara’s mum (Preschool) and Tarek M’s mum (2T). Amara was a special helper today. Over $250 was raised!!! www.arncliffew-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Friendship Express QUALITY LEARNING THROUGH BELONGING, BEING AND BECOMING Lunch was delicious!!!!!! his first sausage ever! Mahdi 2T said, “I love it!”, as he ate Don’t forget it’s on Friday... Please bring your CRAZY HAIR and a GOLD COIN DONATION (more money is welcome)...Proceeds for CYSTIC FIBROSIS Coming up in June ... QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY July Dates... Mon 10 No School Sydney Aquarium Excursion Parent-Teacher Interviews Sausage Sizzle BBQ BACK TO SCHOOL FOR... TEACHERS Thurs 13 17-21 Mon 15 BACK TO SCHOOL FOR... STUDENTS Tues 16 Wed 26 CRAZY HAIR DAY! Fri 28 Last Day of Term 2 Fri 28 Education Week ~ Week 3 29/7-2/8 Are you Logging on to our Website? www.arncliffew-p.schools.nsw.edu.au From the P&C... OR, Google ‘Arncliffe West Infants’ and our school will come up...click and enter. Our school website has lots of things to look at and read, including latest news, newsletters, photos and the term calendar. You can even download permission notes. Next term, I will hold a Website session for parents in the Library, after the Assembly in Week 2. ALL WELCOME TO ATTEND Our Aquarium Excursion... What a fabulous day for an excursion! We had the BEST TIME!!! For more pics, please visit our website... www.arncliffew-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Page 2 FR IE ND SH IP E X P RE SS Tidbits... Future success If you had a choice of bestowing great intelligence or great persistence on your child at birth, which would you choose for your child? Your choice could make a profound difference on your child’s success at school, their future levels of achievement and eventually their income as an adult. Find out more: http://parentingideas.com.au/Blog/April-2013-%281%29/Intelligence-or-persistence--which-would -you-choos Managing depression One in four kids over 12 have symptoms of depression. What to look for and how to help. Listen to brain and mind specialist Professor Ian Hickie chat with James O'Loghlin on helping kids beat the blues. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/health/managing-depression-in-children Monday-itis Sometimes it's hard to know if your child is really coming down with something or just suffering a bout of Monday-itis. For safety's sake, if your child seems unwell you should always keep them home from school and seek medical advice. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/health/too-sick-to-go-to-school Food allergies Do you know a child with a serious food allergy? Read about how to recognise a reaction - to help keep the kids we love safe. Find out more: http://www.foodallergyaware.com.au/awareness/ Don’t forget to log on to our website regularly...you’ll find our newsletters, photos, news stories and other interesting information www.arncliffew-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Values—I am Friendly... At AWIS, as part of our Social Groups each Monday afternoon, one of our 7 values (which is featured on our giant pencils), are taught in small, mixed K-2 groups. Our Values: I am...Respectful, Sensible, Friendly, Cooperative, Honest, Responsible & Fair. As our school’s motto is ‘Grow in Friendship’, we are currently concentrating on our ‘I am Friendly’ value. Friendship awards go to: Muhammed-Ali E KM, Ali O KM, Hadi H 1L, Soukayna H 1L, Zaynab H 2T, Tarek M 2T, Michael E 1L, Jack S 1L and Ahmad E KM. Birthdays—June June 2/6 3/6 4/6 4/6 6/6 11/6 Mohammed A Rayanne G Michael E Ahmad E Elaria G Aimen T T E RM 2 ~ W E E K S 7 - 9 19/6 20/6 24/6 25/6 28/6 Aadi P Moussa A Ali S Soukayna H Ali Sl Page 3 Awards Jellybeans Barklay B designing creative buildings with the blocks Ali F always doing the right thing at Preschool Maysaa G becoming more confident during interactions with peers Aimen T painting a lovely picture for Lynne when she was sick Abraam G talking confidently with his peers Antony S beautiful singing Khadija R being a good role model for her peers Mariam E participating in singing confidently in group time Aziza S lovely singing Ali Sayed R always following the Preschool rules Husayn R helping his friends at Preschool Fatima H being creative with her artwork Book Awards: Ali F Rainbows Kadeeja K always doing beautiful paintings Nour F making lovely cakes in the sandpit Ray Z drawing a wonderful fire engine Nour C a great effort with writing her name Abdul E becoming more confident during group time Nour F always being helpful when packing away Ryan M making a wonderful house with Lego Ali S great bowling with the ball and skittle set Khasar K settling into our Preschool very well Roukaya H very good counting from 1-20 Kadeeja K great creativity with all her craftwork Mohammad I tidying our bookshelf very well Book Awards: Maya L, Nour F 1 Lemon (Lemon) Mohamed M improved reading Molly M fantastic gymnastic skills! Rayanne G great computer skills K Mauve Jack S improved reading Navya J great talking and listening skills Zaynab M great enthusiasm during art Michael E enthusiastic participation in singing Youssef S working well in class Abbas K excellent number work Ali Sr always participating in class discussions Zeinab D being a great participant in our excursion Hadia T beautiful art work to the city Sarah Z trying her best during fitness Radwan S pleasing reading progress Ibrahim M improved concentration during readTrisha S pleasing reading work ing groups Ali A working well independently Hashimiyah A trying her best during maths Lilly S great maths work on equal groups time Book Awards: Emerald B, Zahraa S, Molly M, Hassan H working well during reading groups Hussain T Ali Sr being a helpful classmate Hussien E settling in well and trying his best Matthew N being creative during Art Ibrahim M trying his best during Art Book Awards: Mohammed E 2 Teal Zaynab H Year 2 leadership Nour M leadership and assembly presentation Hussein K leadership in the Year 2 classroom David V mathematics Fatima E recount writing Ali D wonderful behaviour on the excursion Elaria G Year 2 leadership Saeed T Year 2 leadership Ali Z excellent participation on the excursion Zeinab F wonderful activities using the iPad Ibrahim G wonderful activities using the iPad Hussein E Year 2 leadership Ahmad E Year 2 leadership Book Awards: Zaynab H, Mahmoud J Arabic Zeinab E KM singing a nursery rhyme in Arabic Youssef S KM naming 10 letters in Arabic Radwan S 1L reading a sentence in Arabic Ibrahim G 2T completing his work independently Abbas S KM naming 9 letters in Arabic Hussein A KM always participating in Arabic lessons Mohamed M 1L improved handwriting Ali Z 2T completing an Arabic activity Hussien E KM recognising a few Arabic letters Zaynab M KM improved Arabic handwriting Lilly S 1L recognising a few Arabic letters Hussein E 2T improved Arabic writing Mathletics Achievement Awards For OUTSTANDING achievement in Mathletics Nour M 2T, Ibrahim G 2T, Hussein K 2T