Ch 1-3 Study Guide

Social 10-2 Related Issue 1 Chapters 1-3 Study Guide
Terms and Vocabulary
standard of living – quality of life - transnational – assimilation – economic globalization – social globalization –
political globalization – individual identity –collective identity - Transnational media - Universalization of popular
culture –assimilation
Use the following sources to answer the three questions that follow.
Speaker 1: Globalization has increased world prosperity. The value of world trade is 17 times greater
than it was 50 years ago.
Speaker 2: Globalization has improved the standard of living of people in almost all regions of the
world over the last 30 years.
Speaker 3: Globalization has resulted in large transnational corporations having huge amounts of
power. These corporations only care about profits. They don’t care about the safety of their workers or
the environment. Transnationals have become so powerful that they have weakened the ability of
governments to pass laws in order to protect their own citizens.
Speaker 4: In the old days it was very common for workers to stop their work, light a small wood fire,
and reheat the tacos their wives had made for them. Nowadays this has practically disappeared, and
what they do instead is buy a bag of potato chips and a Coca-Cola. This is their diet. It demonstrates
the Americanization of the Mexican diet. And then we have the arrival of Macdonald’s which tells me
that there are people who desire this trash food.
1. For each statement circle whether the statement is True or False.
Speakers 1 and 2 agree that globalization is beneficial (good). True
Speakers 2 and 3 agree that globalization is beneficial.
Speakers 3 and 4 agree that globalization is beneficial.
Speakers 1 and 4 agree that globalization is beneficial.
2. For each speaker identify whether the speaker’s main topic is Economic Globalization, Social Globalization or
Political Globalization
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3:
Speaker 4:
Use the following sources to answer the question that follows.
Source 1
Source 2
In 1974, the Quebec Liberals under Premier Robert
Bourassa passed Bill 22, made French the province's
official language. Under the legislation (laws), French
became the official language and businesses were
forced to give themselves French names and to
advertise in French in Quebec. Businesses had to
prove that they could function in French and speak to
their employees in French.
When Bill 101 was passed in 1977 French was to be the
only language allowed on commercial signs in the
province. With few exceptions, the use of English was
banned. On the education front, All students had to
attend Francophone schools unless at least one parent
had been educated in English in Quebec. Eventually this
regulation was relaxed to allow children of people
educated in English in Canada attend English schools.
3. Describe the main purpose of the bills (laws) described in the two sources.
Main Purpose:
Use the following source to answer the two questions that follow.
Mexico and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
 In 1993 as globalization led to more free trade agreements Mexico becomes a partner in
the North American Free Trade Agreement
 By 2000, 70 percent of Mexico's foreign investment and 80 percent of tourism was coming from the
United States.
 Mexican factories located mainly on the border with the United States were employing 1.3 million people
in 2000, compared with 546,000 in 1993.
4. The source is describing the effects of which type of globalization?
A. social
B. political
C. economic
5. An American opponent of globalization would use the events described in the source to argue that
globalization only benefits those who live near the borders of wealthy nations
the only countries that benefit from trade are poorer developing nations
globalization has brought no benefits to the United States
American jobs have been lost as a result of globalization
Use the following sources to answer the question that follows.
In the new age of globalism, the competition for markets and resources is intensifying. The result
is a widening gap between the rich and the poor. Supporters of globalization suggest that those
who are left behind have only themselves to blame since the rules of the global marketplace are
the same for everyone. This would be true if the rules that govern trade between countries were
fair. But this is not the case. Globalization is a rigged game with the winners already decided.
Those winners are of course the wealthy industrialized nations of the world such as the United
States, Germany and Canada. – Roy Mulawka
6. Identify the author’s point of view regarding globalization and a reason for his point of view. (i.e good or bad
Point of View:
Use the following source to answer the two questions that follow.
In the 1950s and 1960s many people in Borneo converted to Christianity and a lot of the traditional
tattooing stopped. The tattooing and designs almost died away. About 10 years ago a significant increase
in traditional tattooing took place when a lot of journalists and researchers came and asked questions
about the old ways. This caused a lot of the younger people to look back and now many of them are
getting these traditional tattoos done again.
7. The tattooing described in the source is most related to
A. expressing individual identity
B. assimilation into Christianity
8. Which type of globalization is the source describing?
A. social
B. political
C. economic
C. expressing collective identity
D. individual uniqueness
Use the following cartoon to answer the two questions that follow.
9. Which of the following best describes the main purpose of the cartoon?
To create anger in America towards Americans who spend their money outside of the United States.
To criticise the spread of American culture as a result of globalization.
To inform peple that American culture has spread around the globe.
To criticize American tourists who like to shop in familiar stores.
10. The message of the cartoon is most directly related to the
universalization of popular culture
expression of collective American identuty
assimilation of cultures by the United States
influence and power of transnational corporations
11. Identify 4 examples of media.
Use the following graph to answer the question that follows.
Do you trust the media to report events accurately and fairly?
12. Which of the following generalizations is best supported by the graph?
The majority of people in the wealthiest nations of the world do not trust the media
The poorer nations of the world are more likely to trust the media
The American media cannot be trusted
The media is too powerful
Use the following sources to answer the questions that follow.
Source 1
Source 2
The RCMP were hampered by the fact that Inuit had no family
names, and further complicated by individuals often changing their
names as a result of a bad experience.
Moreover, like the missionaries before them, RCMP staff had
difficulty in the pronunciation of Inuit names. The Government,
therefore, devised another identification system. Every Inuk was
assigned a number that was stamped on to a leather disk about 3
mm wide that had to be worn around the neck. From thereon, the
Government dealt with each individual on the basis of his or her
August 1945 at Pond Inlet, N.W.T., [Mittimatatlik/Tununiq, Nunavut] Source: Project Naming
13. Describe a consequence or effect on the Inuit and Inuit culture related to both of the two sources..
Use the cartoon to answer the following question
14. Identify who benefits from globalization according to the cartoonist. TIP: You need to correctly identify what
groups of people are symbolized by the people on each side of the scale of justice.
Left Side:
Right Side:
Use the source to answer the following question
…I went to interview Charles Saatchi. We wanted to ask the multimillionaire art collector and advertising
genius about globalization. His company had, he revealed, identified globalization as the future several
years before and had made many key decisions because of this. I asked him, “is globalization good or
bad?” “Good or bad?” he said. “You can’t say globalization is good or bad. It’s like the wind or the rain- it
just is.”
15. Based on the source, Charles Saatchi thinks globalization is
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Unavoidable
D. Avoidable
16. Identify the main purpose of specialized culture channels such as the Aboriginal People’s Television Network or
French channels.
Main Purpose:
17. Lady Gaga became known throughout the world in a very short period of time. This is an example of
A. how a unique identity can have a global influence
B. how a collective identity can have a global influence
C. universalization of popular culture
D. assimilation of popular culture
18. Which factor would have contributed the most to both Mcdonald’s Hambugers and Lady Gaga becoming known
transnational media
transnational corporations