New Nutrition Patient Questionnaire: Today’s Date: *Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. The more information provided will enhance your experience. Name: _____________________________________ Nickname:_________________________________ Date of Birth: _______ - ________ - ___________ Age: _________ Gender: ____Male ____Female Marital Status: ____single ___married Children: Y / N (list names & ages):_____________________________________________________________ Occupation:__________________________ Highest level of education:_______________________________ Please check all that apply: ___African American ___Native American ___Hispanic ___Caucasian ___Asian ___Pacific Islander ___Northern European __Mediterranean ___Other:__________________________________________ Primary Phone #: ________ - ________- ______________ ___Home ___Cell ___Work Secondary Phone #: ________ - ________- ______________ ___Home ___Cell ___Work Email address: _________________________________________________ Primary Physician: Name_________________________________ Phone #: ________ - ________- __________ Email: ______________________________________Practice Name:___________________________ Other Pertinent Provider: Name ___________________________Phone #: ________ - ________- _________ Email: ______________________________________Practice Name:___________________________ Do you see any providers in this clinic? Y / N, Name______________________________________________ Referred by: __________________________________________ Nutrition-Related Issues/Concerns: Primary reason/s for your visit:_________________________________________________________________ Please list your top health/nutrition concerns: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe any recent changes in your eating habits: Have you ever met with a Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist, or Health Coach? Y / N If yes, please provide name/date/reason for visit: Oral Health: Do you have any chewing problems? Y / N If yes to either question, please describe: Do you have any swallowing problems? Y / N University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, INC – Integrative Medicine Practice Allergy Information: List IgE or immediate allergic reactions to any foods:_______________________________________________ List any food sensitivities or intolerances:________________________________________________________ List non-food allergic reactions (medications/environmental/etc.):____________________________________ Do you experience any unexplained allergy-type symptoms? Y / N If yes, please explain: Family Medical History: Please note any family history of the following disease: heart disease, cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, overweight/obesity, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and/or mental illness Family Member: Health Condition: Family Member: Health Condition: Family Member: Health Condition: Family Member: Health Condition: Medical History: Please check health conditions that your doctor has diagnosed and provide date of onset. GASTROINTESTINAL __Irritable Bowel Syndrome __Crohn’s Disease __Inflammatory Bowel Disease __Ulcerative Colitis __Gastric or Peptic Ulcer Disease __SIBO __GERD, heartburn __Hepatitis or Liver Disease RESPIRATORY __Asthma __Chronic Bronchitis __Chronic Sinusitis __Emphysema __Pneumonia __Tuberculosis __Sleep Apnea CARDIOVASCULAR __Heart disease __Irregular heart rate __Stroke __High blood pressure __Elevated cholesterol __Mitral valve prolapse __High triglycerides NEUROLOGICAL/BRAIN __Depression __Bipolar Disorder __Anxiety __ADD/ADHD __Autism Spectrum __Multiple Sclerosis __Eating Disorder (type): __Migraine/Headache __Seizures __Parkinson’s Disease DERMATOLOGICAL __Eczema __Skin rash __Acne __Psoriasis __Rosacea INFLAMMATORY/AUTOIMMUNE __Celiac Disease __Rheumatoid Arthritis __Frequent Infections __Severe Infectious Disease __Herpes __Gout __Chronic Fatigue Syndrome __Lupus MUSCULOSKELETAL/PAIN __Osteoarthritis __Fibromyalgia __Chronic Pain __Migraines __Osteoporosis __Osteopenia CANCER __Cancer (please describe type and treatment): METABOLIC/ENDOCRINE __Diabetes (type): __Adrenal Fatigue __Insulin resistance __Pre-diabetes __Hypoglycemia __Hypothyroidism __Hyperthyroidism __Infertility __Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome __Menopause RENAL/GENITOURINARY __Kidney stones __Yeast infection __Urinary tract infections __Prostate problems __Chronic Renal Failure __Gout Please describe any additional medical/health problems:____________________________________________ Please describe any previous surgeries (include the date): University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, INC – Integrative Medicine Practice Medication, Supplements, & Drugs: Please list all prescription and OTC medications, supplements, herbs/botanicals you are currently taking. *Use a separate sheet if needed.**Please bring in the bottles/labels to your appointment!** Name & Brand Name Dose Frequency Start date Reason Frequent antibiotics >3 times per year? Y / N Long-term antibiotics? Y / N Prolonged/regular use of pain relievers? Y / N Prolonged/regular use of acid-blockers? Y / N Recreational drug use: Y / N Tobacco use: Y / N Excessive caffeine intake: Y / N If yes to above questions, please describe usual habit (i.e. amount, frequency, type, etc.): Digestive Health: How often do you have a bowel movement? __________ per ___day ___week Describe your typical stool consistency: ___hard ___soft ___ loose __well-formed __alternate loose/hard Please indicate the frequency and severity (1-10) of following symptoms: Heartburn Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Indigestion Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Excessive Flatulence Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Excessive Belching Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Bloating Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Stomach pain Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Nausea/vomiting Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Diarrhea Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Constipation Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Other: Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Weight History: Height:___________ Current Weight:_____________ When/Where were you last weighed?_______________ Highest Adult (>18years) wt:__________ date: __________ Lowest wt: ___________date:__________ List your GOAL wt:___________ Have you had any recent changes (+/- 10lbs) in your weight that you are concerned about? ___Yes ____No If yes, please explain:________________________________________________________________________ Nutrition History: Please describe any special diet or nutrition program you have used in the past: ___Commercialized weight loss program (i.e. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Medifast, etc.) Name of the program:________________________ dates:_______________ successful: Y / N / NA Name of the program:________________________ dates:_______________ successful: Y / N / NA Name of the program:________________________ dates:_______________ successful: Y / N / NA __Vegan __Vegetarian __Pescatarian __Low OR high fat __Low OR high carb __Low OR high protein __Gluten-free __Lactose-free __Dairy-free __Allergy-free __Detox program __South Beach __Atkins __Paleo __Elimination diet __Ketogenic diet __Low-glycemic load __Anti-inflammatory diet __Other (please specify):_____________________________________________________________________ University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, INC – Integrative Medicine Practice Do you avoid any particular foods? Y / N ________________________________________________________ Do you crave any particular foods? Y/N _________________________________________________________ Have you ever had an eating disorder? Y / N _____________________________________________________ How many meals do you typically eat per day? ___________ # of snacks per day: __________ Dining out (fast-food, restaurant, cafeteria, snack bar, etc.) Amount of meals:______________ per day / week (please circle one) Typically consumed for: ___breakfast ___lunch ___dinner___ snack Typical locations or cuisines:_____________________________________________________________ Do you consume alcohol? Y / N If yes, please describe type, amount, and frequency: Do you consume caffeinated beverages? Y / N If yes, please describe type, amount, and frequency: Do you use artificial sweeteners or “diet” products? Y / N If yes, please describe type, amount, and frequency: Please list the types of beverages you typically consume (type, amount, and frequency): i.e. Milk (dairy and non-dairy), juice, soda, tea, coffee, diet drinks, sports beverages, smoothies, etc. Do you identify with any of the following eating habits/issues? (check all that apply) ___late night eating __live/eat alone __over-sized portions __emotional/stress eating __skipping meals __eating too quickly __yo-yo dieting __poor food choices __poor meal planning __erratic eating patterns __overeating __binge eating __dislike healthy food __confused about healthy diet __crave carbs/sweets __other:___________________________________________________________________________________ Who is the primary meal preparer for the household:______________________________________ Who is the primary grocery shopper for the household:____________________________________ List all members of the household:________________________________________________________ Usual grocery shopping locations: ___Whole Foods ___Trader Joe’s ___Farmer’s Markets ___Fresh Market __Harris Teeter __Giant ___Food Lion ___Shoppers ___Safeway ___MOM’s ___Mars ___ Wegmans ___BJ’s ___Walmart ___Target ___Sam’s Club ___Other:_________________________ Are you willing to cook? Y / N Please rate your cooking skills (1 (no skills) -10 (master chef)):__________ Please note any additional comments related to your nutrition/eating habits: University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, INC – Integrative Medicine Practice Food Frequency: Please indicate the approximate number of times you have eaten these foods in a typical week. For each section you may cross out food/beverages seldom consumed, and circle foods/beverages you do eat. Consumed in the past 7 days Number of Times Number of Times Consumed in the past 7 days Vegetables: Dark green leafy: spinach, Romaine, leaf lettuce, Caesar Salad, etc. Fish: (list): fresh, fried or canned? Iceberg lettuce or bagged salad combos, celery cucumbers, zucchini Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage/coleslaw, kale, turnip or mustard greens Fresh/frozen mixed veggies: corn, green beans, peas Yellow-orange veg: carrots, squash, sweet potatoes Tomatoes, pasta sauce, tomato juice, V-8, salsa, etc Fresh vegetable juices: Other: Poultry: Chicken: dark meat, breast Turkey: dark meat, breast, lunch meat, turkey bacon Beef: hamburgers, steak meatloaf, stew, chili Is it usually regular, lean, grass fed or organic? Fruits: (circle): banana, pear, apple, grapes, kiwi Other: Berries (list): Canned/jar fruit: applesauce, pears, peaches Pork: ham, sausage, bacon Hot dogs: beef or turkey, bratwurst, italian sausage, etc. Fried foods: fries, chicken, etc. Lunchables®, bologna, salami, etc. Vegetarian foods: (list): Indian Vegetarian foods: (list): Beans, legumes, peas: bean/lentil soup, bean burritos, veg chili, split pea soup, etc. Vegetarian foods: (list): Veggie burgers, TVP, tofu, tempeh, seitan, Quorn® products, etc. Dried fruits: Raw nuts/seeds: almonds, sunflower seeds, pecans, walnuts, etc. Wheat bread: rolls, buns, sandwiches, pita, bagel White, whole grain, low carb, spelt, Ezekiel® Cold cereal (list): Hot cereal (list): Pancakes, waffles tortillas: corn or flour Trail mix, roasted salted nuts Muffins, donuts, sweet rolls, granola bars Pretzels, crackers, etc. Gluten-free foods: Flax seed meal or flax oil, cod liver oil? Butter: ORGANIC? Margarine: (list brand): Rice: Potatoes: mashed, boiled or bakes? Red or white? Pasta: spaghetti, lasagna, macaroni, pasta salad, etc. Potato chips, Fritos®, Doritos®, Pringles®, etc. Popcorn: prepackaged or homemade? Eggs: whole or whites only? Dairy: Cow's milk: skim, 2%, or whole? ORGANIC? Yogurt, cheese, nachos, cottage cheese ORGANIC? Pizza: sausage, peperoni, vegetable, etc. Ice cream, frozen yogurt, shakes, malts, etc. Soy milk, goat milk, rice milk, almond milk Peanuts, peanut butter, almond butter, tahini, etc Protein powders: soy, whey, egg or rice? Protein: liquid (ready-to-drink) Candy (list): Pie, cake, cookies, other snacks (list): Gum, breath mints: regular or sugarless? Coffee/espresso drink? Regular or decaf? # of 8oz cups? Tea: black, green, white, herbal infusion. Sugar or no/low calorie sweetener? (list): Soda pop: regular or diet? (list): Alcohol beverage: wine, beer, hard liquor Circle other frequent foods: Frozen/microwave meals: Weight Watchers®, Lean Cuisine®, Healthy Choice®, Mexican cuisine, Indian cuisine, Chinese/Thai, Vegetarian, Atkins®, Low carb, SlimFast®, etc. Average daily water intake in 8 oz glasses (not counting soda pop or coffee): Is it: tap water, filtered tap water, spring water, distilled, etc.? 1-2 3-4 University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, INC – Integrative Medicine Practice 5-6 7-8 9-10 Physical Activity: Please describe your current physical activity- What is your favorite way to be more active? In the past, what types of exercise programs have you tried? Do you have any physical limitations that impair your activity level? Y / N ___________________________ Stress/Sleep: Please rate your stress level, on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), for the follow stressors: _____Work _____Family _____Social _____Finances ______Health______Other:_____________________ Describe how you typically cope with stress: i.e. yoga, meditation, breathing, listen to music, eating, exercising, reading, talking to friends, sleeping, etc. Average hours of sleep per night during the week: _____________ , weekend:_____________ Difficulty falling asleep? Y / N / sometimes Difficulty staying asleep? Y / N / sometimes Are you well rested upon waking? Y / N / sometimes Do you wake throughout the night? Y / N / sometimes Do you currently or in the past take any sleep aids? Y / N ___________________________________________ Rate your overall quality of sleep (1-10):________ Other: Please describe your support system: ___________________________________________________________ On a scale of 1 (not at all helpful) to 10 (extremely helpful), rank the level of support provided towards your health goals from your friends and family: _________ On a scale of 1(not willing) to 5(extremely willing), please rate your willingness to: Modify your diet Take nutritional supplements Keep a detailed food record Modify your lifestyle? Practice relaxation techniques? Engage in regular physical activity? Attend regular follow up sessions? Note any additional comments/questions/concerns: University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, INC – Integrative Medicine Practice 2200 Kernan Drive 2nd Floor North Baltimore, MD 21207 410 448 6361 Integrative Medicine No Show/Cancellation Policy Effective: October 3rd, 2013 Background When patients don’t show up or cancel on a same-day basis, we are unable to make the appointment available to someone else. This has a negative impact on our appointment availability, as well as what we have to charge for services. So, like many practices, we have implemented a No Show/ Cancellation policy. Policy If you fail to notify the practice of your need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, or if you fail to show up for a scheduled appointment, we will charge you for the visit. We will use a schedule of charges that is based on the usual charge for that visit type. Expected Outcome We hope not to need to impose any charges under this policy. We understand that schedules change and there is a need to reschedule appointments. We are asking for sufficient notice of that to allow us to make the appointment available to another person. Thank you for your attention to this policy change, Administration PRIMIER Nationwide Collaborative Study (Patients Receiving Integrative Medicine Interventions Effectiveness Registry) We’re inviting you to participate in a study Why? We are part of a national study of how integrative medicine affects physical and emotional health for various types of health conditions. The information from this study will help us learn, and will help you and your practitioner assess your progress and plan future care. Who can participate? All patients at least 18 years old are invited to participate. What will I have to do if I participate? You will be asked to complete an online survey at home. This will happen now, in 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months. The survey asks questions about how you are feeling physically and emotionally. Each survey takes about 15 to 20 minutes to finish. What are the questions like? Survey questions are easy to complete. There are 7 survey categories: pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep, physical function, and social function. What do I do to get more information? Please talk with your practitioner, or call Research Coordinator Mei Zheng at 410 4486462, or email her at What do I do to participate? Access the following website: There you will find information and a consent screen. If you consent, you will be prompted for your first survey. At appropriate times thereafter, you will get an email requesting that you again provide the survey information. We are committed to learning about integrative medicine, and to using information about how you are feeling to plan your care. Thank you for helping us!