2014-2015 Student Handbook Vision of XLR8: The vision of the XLR8 STEM Academy is that all students will graduate with multiple options for success in college and post-secondary career opportunities. Mission of XLR8: The mission of the Lynchburg Regional XLR8 STEM Academy is to accelerate (XLR8) every student to graduation through rigorous, relevant and innovative STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum and hands-on learning. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME TO THE XLR8 STEM Academy………….......................................................... 4 XLR8 FACULTY AND STAFF DIRECTORY .........................................................................5 XLR8 CALENDAR INFORMATION ........................................................................................5 CLASS SCHEDULE..................................................................................................................... 5 INCLEMENT WEATHER ......................................................................................................... 6 Delayed Openings........................................................................................................................... 7 Make-up Day Information............................................................................................................... 8 ATTENDANCE POLICY......................................................................................................... 8-9 Daily Class Attendance ................................................................................................................... 8 Returning Following an Absence..................................................................................................... 8 Excessive Absences ........................................................................................................................ 8 Arriving Late.................................................................................................................................... 9 Leaving Early .................................................................................................................................. 9 ACADEMIC POLICIES......................................................................................................... 9-12 Grading Scale ................................................................................................................................. 9 Honor Code .................................................................................................................................... 9 Reporting Grades .........................................................................................................................10 Academic Deficiency.....................................................................................................................10 Semester Exam Policy...................................................................................................................10 Semester Grades ..........................................................................................................................11 Eligibility Criteria for the Senior Year Program ............................................................................11 Criteria for Successful XLR8 Program Completion....................................................................... 11 Career Studies Certificates………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 Graduation from CVCC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 Graduation Application……………………………………………………………………….…………………………………….12 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ..................................................................................... 13-14 XLR8 STEM Academy Office ......................................................................................................... 13 Parking at CVCC ........................................................................................................................... 13 Locker Privileges........................................................................................................................... 13 Textbook Loans and Purchases .....................................................................................................14 Student Activities Fee .................................................................................................................. 14 Field Trips ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Photo Release............................................................................................................................... 14 Communication with Families....................................................................................................... 14 2 SCIENCE LABS ........................................................................................................................ 14 XLR8 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AND NETWORKING RESOURCE...................... 15-18 Laptop Computers……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………15 Network Access…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15 XLR8 Network and telecommunications Acceptable Use Policy……………………………………………15-18 CONSTRUCTION & TECHNOLOGY LABS....................................................................... 18 EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT CONDUCT............................................................... 18-20 Drugs, Alcohol, Weapon, Explosives, or Assault Related Offenses.......................................... 18-20 Non Drugs, Alcohol, Weapon, Explosives, or Assault Related Offenses .......................................20 APPEALS PROCESS ................................................................................................................ 20 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM ...................................................................................................... 20 WITHDRAWAL POLICY ....................................................................................................... 21 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ...........................................................................................22-23 JUNIOR STUDENTS ............................................................................................................... 24 SENIOR STUDENTS…………………………………………………………………….…….25 DIVISION ADVOCATES ……………………………………………………………………..26 SCHOOL ADVOCATES .......................................................................................................... 27 PRINCIPALS.............................................................................................................................. 28 XLR8 MAP.................................................................................................................................. 29 XLR8 CALENDAR .........................................................................................Inside Back Cover NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT............................................................... Back Cover 3 Welcome to the XLR8 STEM Academy! Welcome to the Lynchburg Regional Governor’s XLR8 STEM Academy (XLR8). Here at XLR8, students and faculty share a unique opportunity to explore and actively learn about science, technology, engineering, and math and health science. The XLR8 classroom is an engaging and thought-provoking place, where students develop critical thinking skills through hands-on project-based learning, preparing them to take on real-world challenges. Throughout the year we will learn that the qualities of open-mindedness, flexibility, self-motivation, determination, pride, and hard work will make the school year a success for all. We have an excellent facility with extensive resources and amazing equipment. We hope you will share in our appreciation and pride in the building and all the technology provided within it. We also hope that, throughout the year, you will get to know your fellow students from the other high schools and will help each other develop good teamwork skills. In many learning activities here at the XLR8 STEM Academy, group cooperation will determine the outcome of a project. Remember, we are here to help you develop your critical thinking and study skills, to motivate you to do your best and prepare you for your future. We strongly encourage you to make a Commitment to Quality and Project a Positive Attitude as you pursue your studies. The XLR8 STEM Academy is a place where you can develop lasting friendships and acquire knowledge and skills which will benefit you throughout your postsecondary experiences and beyond. We are very fortunate to have an area of the AREVA Technology Building at Central Virginia Community College (CVCC) designated for the XLR8 STEM Academy. We continually strive to maintain our excellent working relationship with the CVCC administration and faculty, and we do this in part by carefully abiding by the rules and policies of CVCC when we are in their building. In addition, since XLR8 is located on Central Virginia Community College property, certain CVCC policies will be followed within our program. These policies are outlined in this handbook. Please note that this handbook is also located on our website: www.xlr8academy.com Best wishes for successful experiences as you take the next step in your educational and career preparation endeavors! We encourage you to Make a Commitment to Quality, and Project a Positive Attitude. If each of us is willing to do so, we will all catch the XLR8 spirit, and together we will make our learning community an engaging, energizing, and enjoyable one! Susan Cash, Director 4 XLR8 FACULTY AND STAFF DIRECTORY The XLR8 STEM Academy faculty is ready for you to join them in an exciting and challenging year! Each faculty member is responsible for coordinating various aspects of the programs. The courses each faculty member teaches and some of his or her additional responsibilities are included below. To find out more, please check out the faculty page on www.xlr8academy.com. Susan Cash, Director OFFICE- 6202, scash@xlr8academy.com Phone: 434-832-7731 SDV 100, Instructor Partnership Coordinator Faculty Advisor Attendance Coordinator School Counselor Registrar Bookkeeper Marci Brown OFFICE: 6205, 3205 Phone: 832-7827 Introduction to Engineering Design (IED), Instructor Dr. Yalitza Figueroa OFFICE- 6205, fugueroay@cvcc.vccs.edu Phone: 434-832-7734 Chemistry for Engineers, Instructor Greg Hawley OFFICE: 6205, hawleyg@cvcc.vccs.edu Phone: 434-832-7734 Computer Integrated Machining (CIM), Instructor Dr. Carl Pettiford Office 6205, pettifordc@cvcc.vccs.edu Phone: 434-832-7734 Digital Electronics (DE), Instructor Internship Advisor Beth Shelton OFFICE-6205, sheltone@cvcc.vccs.edu Phone: 434-832-7734 College Algebra, Elementary Statistics, Engineering Math, Instructor 5 Dr. John Vadnal OFFICE- 6205, vadnalj@cvcc.vccs.edu Phone: 434-832-7734 Principles of Engineering (POE), Instructor TBD Office- 6205 Phone: 434-832-7734 Physics, Instructor XLR8 CALENDAR INFORMATION The XLR8 STEM Academy will follow the calendar in the back of this handbook. The XLR8 STEM Academy may be in session several days during the year when base schools are closed for teacher workshops or vacations. When this situation occurs, students are expected to attend XLR8 STEM Academy classes. This policy does not apply during inclement weather. In the case of inclement weather, please refer to the Inclement Weather section that follows. CLASS SCHEDULE All students are expected to arrive by 7:45 am. Classes dismiss by 11:15 am. Students are expected to report to their assigned area when they are scheduled for a particular class. INCLEMENT WEATHER Students should listen to the local radio and television stations for the official delay or closing of Central Virginia Community College. During snow or icy road conditions please listen to the radio or television, check the CVCC home page News & Events section or call 434.832.7600 to listen to recorded messages. Each of the local television stations maintains an up-to-date list of closings and delays. Students and parents may also register with e2Campus to receive TXT messages. The STEM academy administration will not issue separate closing or delay information. Students are advised not to call the XLR8 STEM Academy office for closing information. If a student’s base school has an inclement weather day when the XLR8 STEM Academy is open, the student is not expected to attend XLR8 STEM Academy classes. Students should not attempt to travel to the XLR8 STEM Academy when the school officials in their school division close schools due to hazardous weather conditions. If a student’s base school and the XLR8 STEM Academy are open but the weather conditions near the student’s home are inclement, it is up to the discretion of the parent and student as to whether or not the student will drive to the XLR8 STEM Academy. The XLR8 STEM Academy faculty will provide students with guidelines for home activities during snow days. 6 Refer to the chart below for reference: Base School CLOSED OPEN CLOSED CVCC CLOSED CLOSED OPEN when the XLR8 STEM Academy is operating on a regular schedule. STEM Academy CLOSED CLOSED Parent/Guardian Decision; student not expected to attend When students miss school they are strongly encouraged to contact the XLR8 faculty for assignments and/or check Blackboard for class assignments. When students return to XLR8, the faculty will work with them so class work can be made up. If inclement weather begins during XLR8 STEM Academy class hours, students will be dismissed at the discretion of the Director. Students using school division transportation services will be dismissed when the vehicles arrive at the XLR8 STEM Academy. Students driving their personal cars or in car pools will be dismissed according to the desires of their parents as indicated on the Inclement Weather Preference Form which must be on file in the XLR8 STEM Academy office. If there is a question about road conditions, students will be permitted to call parents for permission to drive. Delayed Openings Base High School If a student’s base high school is operating on a one-hour delayed schedule due to inclement weather, the student should report late to the XLR8 STEM Academy. This policy should be followed in all cases, even One common question asked is, “If my base high school is closed but roads in my residential area are clear, should I come to XLR8 STEM Academy?” A student’s parent or guardian must make the decision whether or not a student will attend under those conditions. If the home high school is delayed two hours, the student should not report to the STEM Academy. Please note, no transportation will be provided from XLR8 STEM Academy to the home high schools. Note: If Central Virginia Community College classes are delayed 2 hours, XLR8 STEM Academy classes will be cancelled. If a student is not present at the STEM Academy when classes are in session, a note must be provided by a parent or guardian even if it is due to the closing of the home high school. Refer to the chart below for reference: BASE SCHOOL 2 hours late 2 hours late 2 hours late CVCC STEM ACADEMY 1 ½ hours late or Opening at 9:30 am 2 hours late or Opening at 10 am On time CLASSES CANCELLED CLASSES CANCELLED Parent/Guardian Decision; student not expected to attend 7 Make-up Day Information The class meeting times exceed the minimum number of hours required for credit from CVCC, including orientation day, in the XLR8 calendar. This additional instructional time is to account for inclement weather. In addition, because XLR8 is a partial day program that serves multiple school divisions, no additional adjustment to the XLR8 calendar is required for inclement weather beyond what is already covered by the additional time built into the calendar. ATTENDANCE POLICY Daily Class Attendance Students are required to sign in and out each day the XLR8 STEM Academy in the attendance notebook. In addition, attendance will be taken in each STEM Academy class by the STEM Academy Instructor. The XLR8 STEM Academy’s staff member assigned to act as the attendance coordinator will maintain a list of all absences and early dismissals for each student. Student Absences Since the academic pace at the STEM academy is accelerated, it is important that student absences be kept to a minimum. If a student knows in advance that he/she will be absent from the XLR8 STEM Academy for personal reasons or a base school academic activity, he or she must bring a note from a parent or guardian and make arrangements for assignments to be completed prior to the absence. Students should not miss XLR8 STEM Academy classes for base high school activities unless those activities are academic in nature, such as awards assemblies, Honor Society inductions, or similar academic events. Club activity periods are not considered academic events. Returning Following an Absence If a student is absent from the XLR8 STEM Academy for illness or a base-school activity, the student must bring a written explanation signed by the parent or guardian to the attendance coordinator at the STEM Academy. If no note is received within two days after the student’s return to school, the student will receive an unexcused absence. The Director will notify the student’s parent or guardian of the unexcused absence. Any student receiving two (2) unexcused absences from the XLR8 STEM Academy will be placed on probation and after the 3rd unexcused absence will be required to meet with the Director, the student’s parent/guardian and be placed on a behavior contract which will be developed and signed at the meeting with the Director. Excessive Absences If a student is absent five or more times during a nine weeks grading period, the Director will send a letter to the student’s parent or guardian, the base school principal, and the school and division advocates. A similar procedure will be followed if a student misses ten or more days during a 8 semester. In addition, after ten absences, the Director will call the student’s parent or guardian to arrange for a conference. If a student misses 15 days in a semester, she or he will be dropped from the XLR8 roster. Only under extenuating circumstances, such as extended illness with verification from a doctor, will a student be considered for re-admittance. Such re-admittance would be contingent upon the student’s ability to successfully complete all course requirements by the end of the semester, and re-admittance is at the sole discretion of the Director. Due to the laboratory/project-based nature of the XLR8 STEM Academy courses, it is not possible to offer them in a home bound instruction format. Arriving Late team will contact his or her parent or guardian before the student will be dismissed. Students are not permitted to leave XLR8 STEM Academy before their scheduled departure unless the above procedure is followed. Disciplinary actions will be taken if a student leaves campus without approval for any reason. If a student needs to recover an object from a car in the parking lot, he or she must obtain prior approval from the Director in order to do so without penalty. It is the student’s responsibility to follow these procedures. ACADEMIC POLICIES Grading Scale The Lynchburg Regional XLR8 STEM Academy uses the following grading scale: Students who arrive late must report immediately to the XLR8 main office and sign the attendance notebook. Consistent tardiness is addressed in each course outline and will result in the student’s grade being negatively affected or the student being placed on probation. A - Excellent (90-100) B - Above average (80-89) C - Average (70-79) D - Below average (60-69) F - Failure (0-59) I - incomplete Leaving Early All incomplete grades must be changed to a letter grade within four weeks after the end of the marking period. Incomplete grades will be given only under extenuating circumstances, such as prolonged illness. Early dismissals should be prearranged when possible. An explanatory note signed by the student’s parent/guardian will be approved by the Director before a student may leave the campus. Students are required to sign out in the XLR8 STEM Academy office notebook prior to leaving the building. If a student becomes ill during XLR8 STEM Academy hours, a member of the XLR8 Honor Code All XLR8 STEM Academy students are expected to submit their own work on projects, tests, homework assignments, research papers, lab write-ups, and in-class assignments. The sole exception to this rule 9 is when a faculty member specifically gives instructions allowing for group effort on a given assignment. Likewise, the Honor Code applies to using, downloading, or copying materials from any computer without permission. All assignments and tests will indicate the student’s honor pledge as shown below. I have neither given, received, nor observed any unauthorized assistance on this assignment. (Student’s signature) Reporting Grades Every nine weeks the XLR8 STEM Academy faculty will provide each student with a written notification of his or her grades. The XLR8 staff will also report students’ grades to their respective high schools at the end of each nine week period according to the XLR8 School calendar. Please note that all nine-week grades simply reflect the student’s progress to date in the course. Students dually enrolled in Central Virginia Community College (CVCC) classes will receive their CVCC semester grades through myCVCC on Blackboard. CVCC will not report college course grades to students’ base schools unless a student requests that a CVCC transcript be sent to the base school after the grade has been posted. A student can obtain the proper form from the Student Records Office located in the Amherst Building on the CVCC campus or from the CVCC web site or by calling (434) 832-7631. The student must submit the form to CVCC for processing. Academic Deficiency If a STEM Academy junior receives a grade of “C” or below in any STEM Academy course during a nine weeks marking period, the student will be required to bring the progress report back to the STEM Academy office with a parent or guardian signature. In addition, the student may be required to set up a conference with his or her instructor. During this conference, the student and the instructor will identify the problem areas and develop a plan for the student to improve the grade. A semester grade of “C” or below in a course for any student, junior or senior, will result in the faculty member contacting a parent or guardian by phone regarding the grade. After the first semester grades are posted, the Director will notify any junior student, his or her parent or guardian, and the appropriate division and school advocates if the student has not earned a “B” average for the semester and is in danger of not meeting the criteria for admittance to the senior program. Additional communications will occur after the end of the third nine weeks and at the end of the year. Semester Exam Policy All students are expected to take semester exams on the day scheduled. If there is some unavoidable school-related scheduling conflict that arises, it must be brought to the attention of the Director in advance. If an exception is approved, the student will take the exam early. 10 Only in a rare case, such as illness confirmed by a physician or a death in the family, will a make-up examination be allowed. If a student does not report for a semester examination due to an emergency, the XLR8 STEM Academy office must be notified on the day of the exam by the student's parent/guardian. Failure to follow this policy may result in a grade of zero (0) for the exam. Semester Grades The process used to determine semester grades for each course, including the weight of semester final exams as appropriate, is prescribed in the course syllabus. Eligibility Criteria for the Senior Year Program At the end of the junior year, the student must have a 2.0 grade point average in XLR8 STEM Academy classes in order to be admitted to the senior-year XLR8 STEM Academy program. Criteria for Successful XLR8 Program Completion To receive a certificate certifying successful completion of the science, mathematics and Project Lead the Way (PLTW) requirements of the Lynchburg Regional XLR8 STEM Academy program and receive dualenrollment credits at Central Virginia Community College, a student must earn passing grades and have a 2.0 GPA both semesters as follows: Enrolling in XLR8 as a junior: Junior Year 1. Introduction to Engineering 2. Principles of Engineering 3. Math class elective (2 semesters) 4. Chemistry for Engineers (2 semesters) Senior Year 1. Computer Integrated Manufacturing or Biological Engineering 2. Digital Electronics 3. Engineering Math or approved Math class 4. Physics or Human Anatomy & Physiology 5. Internship Enrolling in XLR8 as a senior A student who enrolls as a senior must earn a passing grade both semesters of the senior year in the senior courses listed above. In addition, such students must have successfully earned one high school credit each in Earth Science, Biology 1, Chemistry, Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 during high school. Recommendations Requests During the year many students will need staff recommendations for special programs, awards, scholarships, colleges, and employment. In order to process requests promptly, students are required to complete a Recommendation Request Form. This form is located on the XLR8 website. If requesting a recommendation, the student must first speak to the instructor to ensure that he or she feels comfortable writing a recommendation. If so, the 11 student will complete the Recommendation Request Form and must be sure to include all requested in-formation. If a form is not filled out appropriately, it will not be processed. Students should check back with the faculty member to ensure the recommendation has been completed by the deadline. It takes time for a faculty member to write a strong recommendation. Therefore, a minimum of two weeks between the time the form is submitted and the time the recommendation must be mailed is required. CAREER STUDIES CERTIFICATES Students enrolled in classes at the STEM Academy are eligible to receive up to two (2) Career Studies Certificates awarded by CVCC. Students who complete the requirements are eligible to participate in the CVCC graduation ceremony held in May on their senior year. Career Studies Certificate-Engineering Fundamentals 100 EGR EGR EGR 115 120 123 College Student Success Math –approved MTH classes for STEM Academy Engineering Graphics Introduction to Engineering Introduction to Engineering Design 101 126 IND 160 General Chemistry I College Chemistry for Engineers Introduction to Robotics TOTAL 4 4 3 25 Career Studies Certificate- Mechatronics IND 250 Introduction to Basic Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3 MEC 140 3 EGR MTH 190 115 MTH 116 Introduction to Mechatronics Coordinated Internship Engineering Math I or approved math elective Engineering Math II or approved math elective Science Electives TOTAL PHY/BIO 1 3 3 8 21 GRADUATION Academic Requirements for Graduation The career studies certificate in Engineering Fundamentals is offered to provide students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for entry level engineering technicians. The curriculum offers a variety of courses that relate to engineering math, and chemistry. SDV MTH CHM CHM 1 6 2 2 2 To be eligible for graduation with a certificate from the College, a student must: 1. Be admitted and accepted into the program plan in which they expect to receive a degree, diploma, or certificate; 2. Fulfill all of the course work and credit-hour requirements of the program plan with at least 25% of the credits acquired at CVCC; 3. Complete and submit an Application for Graduation by the due date for the term they expect to graduate; 4. Have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in the program plan; 5. Receive a Graduation Application Review Form verifying requirements from the College’s Graduation Coordinator; 12 6. Resolve all financial obligations to the College and return all library and college materials; and 7. Complete CVCC’s Graduate Exit Assessment and/or the Program’s exit exam. Please note that if your requirements are not met you will need to reapply for graduation. Graduation Application To ensure students complete all required courses needed for their program, students should meet with an Academic Counselor prior to the semester in which they apply to graduate to review their degree progress report. Students expecting to complete the requirements for a degree, diploma, or certificate must complete a Graduation Application for each award. Students may apply to graduate online using their MyCVCC account via the Student Information System or by completing a Graduation Application available on our website or in the Office of Admissions and Records. All Graduation Applications must be received by the due dates listed in the Academic Calendar for that term. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES XLR8 STEM Academy Office (6205) Administrative Assistant Please get to know the XLR8 Administrative Assistant so she can guide you through the year concerning communication with your base school, messages to your instructors, transcripts, and other similar items. Parking at CVCC Students who desire to use a vehicle on camp do not need a special parking decal but may ONLY park in the upper or lower student parking lots (Lots 1, 2 and 3) on the CVCC campus. Students may not park in a lot designated for faculty, staff, or visitors or park in such a way as to take up more than one space. If this occurs, the student will be subject to a parking violation from CVCC. Please refer to the CVCC website at www.cvcc.vccs.edu for complete details. If a student has car problems at CVCC, the institutional police will assist, or the student can go to the college receptionist located in the Appomattox building by the circular drive. Locker Privileges Each XLR8 STEM Academy student needing a locker for use during the school year will be offered access to a locker at no charge. Students should not keep valuables or money in lockers. Students should ensure that the locker is locked securely after each use. If a student has difficulty with his or her locker, the student should report the issue to the XLR8 Administrative Assistant. If there is a valid reason for the STEM academy lockers to be searched, the Director must be present before the search can take place. 13 Textbook Loans and Purchases XLR8 STEM Academy students will be responsible for obtaining all required textbooks, lab manuals and lab supplies for their math and science classes at the STEM Academy for fall and spring semesters. Please contact the CVCC bookstore for additional information. professional attire for trips (no sweat shirts, sweat-pants, team shirts, etc.) unless casual clothing is specifically requested, as may be the case for field study. Students are encouraged to ask questions and be courteous to the hosts or hostesses. Future return invitations to our hosts depend in part on the image we project! Photo Release Student Activities Fee The XLR8 STEM Academy Board approved the implementation of 25.00 student activities fee. The fee is due by the end of the first week of school. These funds pay for flash drives and t-shirts for juniors, graduation items for seniors, and help to defray costs for student activities and trips. Families for whom this fee causes a financial hardship may contact the XLR8 Director to request consideration for a partial waiver of this expense. Field Trips Field trips can be an integral part of the junior and senior courses. All field trips will originate in the parking area closest to the XLR8 STEM Academy. The Local Field Trip Permission Form on file will cover all trips within the five school division areas. Any trips outside those bounds will require a separate permission form which must be signed and returned to XLR8 before the student may participate in the event. Overnight field trips require completion of the Overnight Field Trip Guidelines Form. A student is subject to disciplinary actions if the student’s behavior does not meet XLR8 expectations for student conduct as outlined later in this handbook. Students are expected to dress in business/ Since photographs of XLR8 students are often used to illustrate articles that may be published or used on websites and in various programs about our school, we ask that students and their parents sign a photo release for these uses. This form was included in each registration packet, and it should be on file in the XLR8 office. Communication with Families General information about XLR8 events will be communicated through email, and flyers and memos either handed to students or mailed home. Staff may use email to communicate information about assignments or students’ grades to students or parents if requested, but since it is impossible to guarantee confidentiality of email communications, communication by phone is preferred. SCIENCE LABS All XLR8 STEM Academy students will perform only laboratory experiments approved by the instructor. The instructor will inform the students of any dangers or safety precautions that need to be considered for a given experiment. Students are expected to report accidents immediately to the nearest instructor so proper measures can be taken. Individual 14 experimentation must be prearranged and must be conducted under the supervision of an instructor. Students are responsible for maintaining the equipment issued to them. Students who break glassware, thermometers, or other laboratory equipment will be responsible for the replacement cost of the item by the last day of the nine week period. If a student does not know how to use certain equipment, it is his or her responsibility to secure proper instructions before proceeding with the task. Also, students must practice good lab skills by properly cleaning up all equipment and materials at the end of the activity. It is the student’s responsibility to review, on a regular basis, safety rules and guidelines provided by the instructor as well as those posted in labs. XLR8 Computer Equipment and Networking Resources Laptop Computers There are a small number of laptop computers available for students to checkout overnight. These are to be used by students without home computers or by those who do not have the software needed to complete an assignment. Students can sign these laptops out in the computer lab at the end of classes. If a student has a special need to have a computer for a longer period of time, he or she will need to make special arrangements. Network Access Students will be issued a network account and an email account with passwords at student orientation. Students are to use these accounts to complete assignments and to communicate with other students, the XLR8 faculty, and others on the Internet throughout the world. Each student has an important responsibility to uphold the XLR8 Network and Telecommunications Services Acceptable Use Policy. This document is provided below for your reference. Lynchburg Regional XLR8 STEM Academy/CVCC Network and Telecommunications Services Acceptable Use Policy A. General An acceptable use policy (AUP) is a written agreement signed by students, parents, and staff members which outlines the terms and conditions of technology use. It establishes acceptable use guidelines, rules of online behavior, and access privileges for all users. Users are identified as all XLR8 STEM Academy students and staff members, as well as other individuals who utilize the Virginia Community College System's local and shared computer systems technology. The AUP also covers penalties for violations of the policy, including security violations and vandalism of the system and/or equipment. Prior to using school division technology resources, each user is required to sign an AUP agreement and to know that it will be kept on file as a legal, binding document. By using a Virginia Community College System's local and shared computer systems, students and staff can connect to the Internet to gain access to information from the outside world. The Virginia Community College System provides Internet access free of charge to students and staff. While the ability to communicate 15 is an invaluable resource, there are sites on the Internet which are inappropriate for access and use by students and staff. Staff members will make reasonable effort to reinforce required Internet safety instruction and to ensure that student use of the Internet is appropriate and educational. am currently enrolled. I will not knowingly permit use of my entrusted access control mechanism for any purposes other than those required to perform authorized functions related to my status as a student. These include logon identification, password, workstation identification, user identification, digital certificates or 2-factor authentication mechanisms. B. User Responsibilities The most important prerequisite for a student or educator to receive an account to use CVCC network and telecommunications services is that he or she takes full responsibility for his or her own actions. The Lynchburg Regional XLR8 STEM Academy will not be liable for the actions of anyone using the network and telecommunications services. All users shall assume full liability, legal, financial, or otherwise, for their actions. The signature(s) on the Acceptable Use Policy Agreement form is (are) legally binding and indicate(s) that the party (parties) who signed has (have) read the terms and conditions stated in this policy carefully and understand(s) their significance. Users are responsible for adhering to the following guidelines. As a user of the Virginia Community College System's local and shared computer systems, I understand and agree to abide by the following acceptable use agreement terms. These terms govern my access to and use of the information technology applications, services and resources of the VCCS and the information they generate. The college has granted access to me as a necessary privilege in order to perform authorized functions at the college where I I will not disclose information concerning any access control mechanism unless properly authorized to do so by my enrolling college. I will not use any access mechanism that the VCCS has not expressly assigned to me. I will treat all information maintained on the college computer systems as strictly confidential and will not release information to any unauthorized person. Computer software, databases, and electronic documents are protected by copyright law. A copyright is a work of authorship in a tangible medium. Copyright owners have the sole right to reproduce their work, prepare derivatives or adaptations of it, and distribute it by sale, rent, license lease, or lending and/or to perform or display it. A student must either have an express or implied license to use copyrighted material or data, or be able to prove fair use. Students and other users of college computers are responsible for understanding how copyright law applies to their electronic transactions. They may not violate the copyright protection of any information, software, or data with which they come into contact through the college computing resources. Downloading or distributing copyrighted materials such as documents, movies, music, etc. without the permission of the rightful owner may be considered copyright infringement, which is 16 illegal under federal and state copyright law. Use of the college's network resources to commit acts of copyright infringement may be subject to prosecution and disciplinary action. The penalties for infringing copyright law can be found under the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §§ 501-518 (http://www.copyright.gov/title 17/92chap5.html) and in the U.S. Copyright Office's summary of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmc a.pdf). I agree to abide by all applicable state, federal, VCCS, and college policies, procedures and standards that relate to the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management Policy 1.76-Use of Internet and Electronic Communication Systems, the VCCS Information Security Standard and the VCCS Information Technology Acceptable Use Standard. These include, but are not limited to: Attempting to gain access to information owned by the college or by its authorized users without the permission of the owners of that information. Accessing, downloading, printing, or storing information with sexually explicit content as prohibited by law or policy; Downloading or transmitting fraudulent, threatening, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, harassing, discriminatory, or otherwise unlawful messages or images; Installing or downloading computer software, programs, or executable files contrary to policy; Uploading or downloading copyrighted materials or proprietary agency information contrary to policy; Sending e-mail using another's identity, an assumed name, or anonymously; Attempting to intercept or read messages not intended for them; Intentionally developing or experimenting with malicious programs (viruses, worms, spy-ware, keystroke loggers, phishing software, Trojan horses, etc.) on any college-owned computer; Knowingly propagating malicious programs; Changing administrator rights on any college-owned computer, or the equivalent on non-Microsoft Windows based systems; Using college computing resources to support any commercial venture or for personal financial gain. Students must follow any special rules that are posted or communicated to them by responsible staff members, whenever they use college computing laboratories, classrooms, and computers in the Learning Resource Centers. They shall do nothing intentionally that degrades or disrupts the computer systems or interferes with systems and equipment that support the work of others. Problems with college computing resources should be reported to the staff in charge or to the Information Technology Help Desk. If I observe any incidents of non-compliance with the terms of this agreement, I am responsible for reporting them to the Information Security Officer and/or management of my college. 17 I understand that I must use only those computer resources that I have the authority to use. I must not provide false or misleading information to gain access to computing resources. The VCCS may regard these actions as criminal acts and may treat them accordingly. I must not use VCCS IT resources to gain unauthorized access to computing resources of other institutions, organizations, individuals, etc. The System Office and colleges reserve the right (with or without cause) to monitor, access and disclose all data created, sent, received, processed, or stored on VCCS systems to ensure compliance with VCCS policies and federal, state, or local regulations. College or System Office officials will have the right to review and/or confiscate (as needed) any equipment (COV owned or personal) connected to a COV owned device or network. I understand that it is my responsibility to read and abide by this agreement, even if I do not agree with it. If I have any questions about the VCCS Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement, I understand that I need to contact the college Information Security Officer or appropriate college official. By acknowledging this agreement, I hereby certify that I understand the preceding terms and provisions and that I accept the responsibility of adhering to the same. I further acknowledge that should I violate this agreement, I will be subject to disciplinary action. serious offense and reserves the right to copy and examine any files or information resident on Virginia Community College systems allegedly related to unacceptable use. The use of the Virginia Community College network and telecommunications services is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use Inappropriate use may result in termination of access and may result in disciplinary action, which may include suspension from school or in case of employees, termination of contract. Depending on the severity of the violation, criminal or civil liability is also possible. Please sign and return the Acceptable Use Policy Agreement Form in your student orientation package and return to the XLR8 STEM ACADEMY office. Retain this document for future reference. CONSTRUCTION LAB and TECHNOLOGY LABS The XLR8 STEM Academy is fortunate to have sophisticated equipment for students to learn basic techniques and procedures and to complete projects. Since many of the laboratories contain expensive equipment, it is imperative that each student operate the instruments under the supervision of a faculty member. The student will receive instructions from the faculty member, and the faculty member must then observe and approve the student’s ability to use the equipment properly prior to the student actually using the instruments. The laboratory managers will set specific lab rules for their laboratories. C. Discipline The XLR8 STEM Academy considers any violation of the acceptable use policy a 18 EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT CONDUCT Each XLR8 STEM Academy student is responsible for her or his own actions while on school property or under the supervision of XLR8 School faculty members during school activities. Students are expected to be punctual to class and to respect fellow class members, XLR8 faculty and school property. XLR8 faculty and staff will not tolerate a student who jeopardizes his or her own safety or the safety of others. In addition, XLR8 faculty and staff will not tolerate disruption of the learning process. Students who choose not to comply with the school policies or with the local, state and federal laws are subject to disciplinary action and any applicable consequences of the legal system. Drug, Alcohol, Weapon, Explosives, or Assault Related Offenses XLR8 STEM Academy students are not permitted to possess, sell, or consume drugs, look-alike drugs or alcohol, or possess weapons, lookalike weapons, or explosives on campus, in school vehicles, at school functions, or on any school sponsored trips. Since Lynchburg City Schools is the fiscal agent of the XLR8 STEM Academy, Lynchburg City School Board policies regarding drug, alcohol, weapons, explosives and assaults will apply. Further, according to Lynchburg City School’s policy, students shall not possess or have on their persons, in their lockers, vehicles, on school grounds, at school-sponsored functions or extracurricular activities, or on any school bus any weapons and/or explosives. Weapons include firearms, knives, look-alike weapons, laser lights and other dangerous objects or instruments which could cause injury to another person. Explosives include fireworks, firecrackers, dynamite caps and other explosive substances or devices. Finally, Lynchburg City Schools defines an assault as an attack upon another person that involves intentional hitting, striking, or applying of unwanted force. Any student found to have committed an assault will be subject to disciplinary action. The student will have a conference with the Director to discuss the incident in detail. Since Lynchburg City Schools is the fiscal agent of the XLR8 STEM Academy, Lynchburg City School Board policies regarding drug, alcohol, weapons, explosives and assaults will apply. A copy of the LCS policies is available for review in the XLR8 STEM ACADEMY main office. Disciplinary Response to these Offenses In the event of a violation, the XLR8 STEM ACADEMY Director is required by Lynchburg City Schools (LCS) policy to: 1. Notify the Superintendent -In- Charge, the base school superintendent and immediately suspend the student from XLR8 STEM ACADEMY and; 2. Confiscate the weapons, explosives, drugs or alcohol and turn them over to the CVCC Security Department or Lynchburg 19 Police Department for appropriate action and; 3. Notify the parent/guardian by phone and with a follow-up letter of the offense, the results of the conference with the Director and the Director's recommendations to the Superintendent-In-Charge and; Cell Phones and Other Portable Electronic Devices XLR8 permits students to possess cell phones and other portable electronic devices. However, such devices may not be used during class time except with the specific permission of the teacher or XLR8 Director. 4. Request the Superintendent-In-Charge to recommend to the XLR8 STEM Academy Board that the student be permanently dismissed from the XLR8 STEM Academy and; Fund Raising Students must not sell products or solicit support for base high school or personal fund raising projects at XLR8. 5. Refer the student to his/her base school officials for counseling and placement. Base School Reciprocity According to XLR8 Board policy, students who are suspended or expelled from their base schools will be automatically suspended or expelled from the XLR8 STEM Academy for the duration of the penalty. In this type of suspension, XLR8 STEM Academy will follow the base school's policy regarding making up academic work missed during the suspension. Non-drug, alcohol, weapon, assault related First Offense: Students will have a conference with the Director to identify the problem and the policy in question. A letter will be sent to the student’s parent/guardian and base school principal explaining the reason for the meeting and any disciplinary action which may be taken. Second Offense: Students will have be given an overnight suspension/mandatory conference with student’s parent/guardian and Director to develop a behavior contract and/or plan of action to address the behavior in question. The base school principal and parent/guardian will be notified in writing concerning the disciplinary action taken. APPEALS PROCESS In order to provide due process for XLR8 students, faculty decisions may be appealed by a student's parent or guardian to the Director. The Director’s decisions may be appealed to the Superintendent-in-Charge. Interested parents or guardians should contact the Director for more specific information on the appeals process. 20 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The XLR8 Internship Program opportunities are open to seniors based on availability. To insure the safety and proper supervision of students at a sponsor site, the XLR8 Director or designated faculty member will visit the site and establish a formal agreement with the sponsor. This formal learning agreement will include a listing of the objectives, dates, times, report location and special conditions of the internship. The agreement will be signed by the XLR8 Director, student intern, and the internship sponsor and/or mentor(s). This agreement will be will be kept on file at the XLR8 STEM Academy. Students are not required to find their own internships; however, they are welcome to make suggestions to the internship coordinator. Students are required to provide their own transportation to and from the sponsor site. Parental permission and verification of medical insurance will be required, along with the student application, before the student will be assigned to an internship opportunity approved by the XLR8 STEM Academy. The above procedures must be followed in order for the student to participate under the auspices of the XLR8 STEM Academy Internship program. WITHDRAWAL POLICY In the event the XLR8 STEM Academy program does not meet the needs of a student, an opportunity to withdraw from the program is available at the end of each semester. The withdrawal policy is designed to ensure that a decision is made which is in the best interest of the student. All school personnel associated with the student will be apprised of his/her status. To withdraw from the program, the student needs to complete the following steps: 1. Schedule a meeting with the XLR8 Director, a parent or guardian of the student, and the student him or herself to discuss reasons for wanting to withdraw from XLR8. 2. Complete the XLR8 withdrawal form, the CVCC withdrawal form, and return both forms to the XLR8 office along with any XLR8 equipment and materials which the student has in his or her possession. 21 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS For new students, the XLR8 STEM Academy experience will be very different from base school classes. Here are some answers to questions you may have about the XLR8 STEM Academy’s program. 1. Do I need a computer or graphing calculator at home? It is not a requirement that each student have his or her own computer. Many of our students have access to a computer at home or at school, and students may use the XLR8 lab or checkout a laptop overnight if needed. Many students find their computer time is used more efficiently if they plan or think through what they will do in lab for the next day. All students are required to have a calculator (graphing is preferred), and almost any current model is acceptable. 2. What if other students have knowledge of computer software already, and I still don’t understand what I am doing? Don’t panic. Some students will need more time to learn how to use the XLR8 technology and software. You may have some frustrating moments as you learn, (we’ve all been there, faculty included), but once you achieve your first small successes, they quickly lead to even bigger ones. 3. How is the XLR8 assignment schedule different from my base high school? In many of the classes you will have long term assignments. To manage those assignments effectively requires a plan upfront and attention to details along the way. In some classes homework will not be taken up for a grade. The homework is assigned to allow you to practice your skills and make mistakes with minimal penalties as you strengthen your understanding of content. You will be expected to have completed the homework before each class, and you will need to speak up and ask questions if you do not understand a problem or concept. Each instructor will have a policy about homework. Learn the policies, complete the homework, and ask questions when you have them. 4. Are the classes in a traditional format? As a XLR8 STEM Academy student, you will find that flexibility is the name of the game. You will be expected to be prepared for class discussions and ask questions. Sometimes the class discussions will lead to new theories or ideas. The faculty will continually motivate you to think through all the possibilities of a problem. XLR8 STEM Academy students have an important responsibility toward the outcome of a project or experiment. Faculty will facilitate your learning, but you will ultimately be responsible for the magnitude of the learning experience. 22 5. I’m lost in a class...what do I do? Don’t panic. Go to the instructor immediately and ask for help. Be specific about what you are having trouble understanding. The faculty members are very eager to help you be successful. They will direct your studies so you can grasp the material, but you must do your part as well— read assignments, complete homework, stay organized, and think deeply about the concepts being discussed. If you find that you are lost, do not avoid the difficult work of getting back on track; procrastination will only exacerbate the problem. Work with your XLR8 faculty advisor and base school counselor to find solutions. 6. What happens if I earn a poor grade on my first test? Don’t panic. We all have an opportunity to learn from our mistakes. Try to analyze what you did as you prepared for the test. It is not uncommon to do poorly on the first test, identify more effective study and preparation techniques, and then end up with a much higher grade by the end of the nine weeks. The faculty and your peers are willing to assist you. Don’t wait until the day before the next test to get help. Take the initiative and tackle the problem...with help from the XLR8 School Team! 7. Are XLR8 STEM Academy classes weighted for my GPA? Yes, all five school divisions count all XLR8 School courses as weighted courses. 8. How will colleges know I’m attending the XLR8 STEM Academy? The base schools have developed a format on the transcript which indicates XLR8 School courses. Upon student request, the XLR8 STEM Academy will provide a school profile to each college or university to which a student applies. The XLR8 STEM Academy does not award credit toward graduation for completion of courses. Your diploma and official transcript will come from your base school. 9. What is really DIFFERENT about the XLR8 STEM Academy? Hopefully you have already experienced some differences during the new student orientation. Each student is responsible for the depth and breadth of their learning. Many assignments will have a few guidelines with a great deal of flexibility for you to be creative or demonstrate your analytical thinking skills. The XLR8 STEM Academy faculty will continually challenge you so you can develop confidence tackling difficult problems. Students are required to work effectively in groups and to manage their time effectively. Other unique offerings in the XLR8 program include the Project Lead the Way courses, the internship program, and the applied math and science courses. The program is designed to enhance your ability to analyze and solve realworld problems alone and in teams, and experience success in both the classroom setting and in the business world. 10. When will I have time to talk with my instructors outside of class? Each week there are five (5) 15 minute HR periods and FLEX periods to talk with instructors, use the computer lab, work on projects, and so on. This time each week can be used to your academic advantage! In addition, you are welcome to talk with your instructors to see when they can arrange time to work with you. 23 11. How do I apply for an internship? All seniors and their parents will have an orientation to the XLR8 Internship Program. The program format, expectations and opportunities will be explained. All internship opportunities will be arranged by the XLR8 Director. Students are not responsible for securing their own internships. Students with special requests for internships can indicate that information on the interest survey. Students and parents are encouraged to forward information about potential new internship sponsors to the partnership coordinator. Parental permission will be required before the student is assigned an internship opportunity approved by the XLR8 School. 12. May I remain at XLR8 after my last class is dismissed so that I can work on assignments and consult the faculty? Students are responsible for returning to their base high schools on time for their next classes. If a student has “extra” time between schools, then it is possible to arrange to work on projects. Students must ensure that they are complying with the attendance requirements of their home high schools at all times. 24 XLR8 2014-15 JUNIOR STUDENTS FIRTST NAME Tyler Logan Zachariah Taylor Miyah Matthew Jermane Thomas Benjamin Dustin Judson Conner Takada Michael Julia Hunter Diana Chris Matthew Jesus Shannon Christopher Travis Phillip Kyndall NICKNAME LAST NAME Anderson Anthony Berkland Blake Boyd Chase Bryant Carson Cass Jami Copeland Cox Francis Francis Gallagher Royce Greenland Howell Jennings Martinez Perkins Rice Riviera Robertson Trey Smith Taylor Warner Witt SCHOOL Brookville Rustburg Heritage Staunton River Heritage Amherst Brookville Heritage E. C. Glass Altavista Jefferson Forest William Campbell E. C. Glass Staunton River Jefferson Forest Amherst Heritage Staunton River Staunton River Heritage Liberty Appomattox Altavista Amherst Staunton River DIVISION Campbell Campbell Lynchburg Bedford Lynchburg Amherst Campbell Lynchburg Lynchburg Campbell Bedford Campbell Lynchburg Bedford Bedford Amherst Lynchburg Bedford Bedford Lynchburg Bedford Appomattox Campbell Amherst Bedford 25 XLR8 2014-15 SENIOR STUDENTS FIRTST NAME Tyler Hunter Justin Dylan Bansari Joseph Steven Carter Andrew Nathaniel Collin Karley Rong Rebekah Kevin Gina Elliott Pegah Jon Matthew Jamie Matthew NICKNAME LAST NAME Floyd Hicks Payne Wood Patel Jay Rothgeb Parsons Villa Drew Phillips Cody Beckner Watkins Stump Ni Ni Talley Simpson Lawhorn Andrews Ghassemi Archer Nunley Lindsay Tyler Hand SCHOOL Amherst Amherst Amherst Amherst Appomattox Appomattox Jefferson Forest Jefferson Forest Staunton River Staunton River Staunton River Altavista Altavista Brookville Brookville William Campbell E. C. Glass E. C. Glass Heritage Heritage Heritage Heritage DIVISION Amherst Amherst Amherst Amherst Appomattox Appomattox Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Lynchburg Lynchburg Lynchburg Lynchburg Lynchburg Lynchburg 26 DIVISION ADVOCATES Amherst County Public Schools Mary Mays Supervisor for School Counseling and Assessment Coordinator Tele: 946-9342 FAX: 946-9386 Email: mmays@amherst.k12.va.us PO Box 1257 Amherst, VA 24521 Bedford County Public Schools Dr. Fred Conner Supervisor for Career & Technical Education Tele: 586-1045, FAX: 586-1872 Email fconner@bedford.k12.va.us PO Box 748 Bedford, VA 24523 Appomattox County Public Schools Annette Bennett Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tele: 352-8251 FAX: 352-0883 Email: abennett@appomattox.k12.va.us PO Box 548 Appomattox, VA 24522 Campbell County Public Schools James Rinella Director of Secondary Education Tele: 332-8240 FAX: 528-1655 Email: jrinella @campbell.k12.va.us PO Box 99 Rustburg, VA 24588 Lynchburg City Schools Dr. John “Jay” McClain Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Tele: 515-5040 FAX: 846-0723 Email: mcclainjc@lcsedu.net PO Box 2497 Lynchburg, VA 24505 27 SCHOOL ADVOCATES Altavista High School Judy Hanson Guidance Director Tele: 369-4768, ext. 3 FAX: 369-5191 jhanson@campbell.k12.va.us Amherst County High School Kim Thomas Guidance Counselor Tele: 946-2898 FAX: 946-2263 kthomas@amherst.k12.va.us Appomattox County High School Karen Richardson School Counselor Tele: 352-7146, ext. 3 FAX: 352-0822 kmrichardson@appomattox.k12.va.us Brookville High School Traci Davis Guidance Director Tele: 239-2636, ext. 2 FAX: 239-6706 tdavis@campbell.k12.va.us E.C. Glass High School Janet Reynolds Guidance Director Tele: 522-3719 FAX: 522-3746 reynoldsjl@lcsedu.net Heritage High School Jason Jamerson Guidance Director Tele: 582-1147 FAX: 582-1137 jamersonjt@lcsedu.net Jefferson Forest High School Elizabeth Newby Guidance Director Tele: 525-7305, ext. 112 FAX: 525-0106 enewby@bedford.k12.va.us Liberty High School Robyn Whorley Guidance Director Tele: 586-2541 FAX: 586-7720 rwhorley@bedford.k12.va.us Rustburg High School Regina Harris Guidance Director Tele: 332-5171, ext. 2 FAX: 332-1187 rharris@campbell.k12.va.us Staunton River High School Robin Shelton School Counselor Tele: 540/297-7151 FAX: 540/297-2982 rshelton@bedford.k12.va.us William Campbell High School Susan Dalton Guidance Director Tele: 376-2015, ext. 8 FAX: 376-5859 sdalton@campbell.k12.va.us 28 DIVISION PRINCIPALS Altavista High School Tyrone Gafford 904 Bedford Ave. Altavista, VA 24517 369-4768 tgafford@campbell.k12.va.us Amherst County High School William Wells 139 Lancer Lane Amherst, VA 24521 946-2898 wwells@amherst.k12.va.us Appomattox County High School Martha Eagle 198 Evergreen Ave. Appomattox, VA 24522 352-7146 mjeagle@appomattox.k12.va.us Brookville High School Bruce Abbott 100 Laxton Rd. Lynchburg, VA 24502 239-2636 babbott@campbell.k12.va.us E.C. Glass High School Tracy Richardson 2111 Memorial Ave. Lynchburg, VA 24501 522-3712 richardsonts@lcsedu.net Heritage High School Tim Beatty 3020 Wards Ferry Rd. Lynchburg, VA 24502 582-1147 beattytt@lcsedu.net Jefferson Forest High School Tony Francis 1 Cavalier Circle Forest, VA 24551 525-2674 tfrancis@bedford.k12.va.us Liberty High School Tim Overstreet 100 Minutemen Dr. Bedford, VA 24523 586-2541 toverstreet@bedford.k12.va.us Staunton River High School Michelle Morgan 1095 Golden Eagle Drive Moneta, VA, 24121 540/297-7151 mmorgan@bedford.k12.va.us Rustburg High School Clay Stanley PO Box 830 Rustburg, VA 24588 332-5171 cstanley@campbell.k12.va.us William Campbell High School Dabney Hansen 474 William Campbell Dr. Naruna, VA 24576 376-2015 dhansen@campbell.k12.va.us 29 XLR8 STEM Academy /CVCC Campus Maps 30 31 The Lynchburg Regional Governor’s XLR8 STEM Academy 3506 Wards Rd Lynchburg, VA 24502 434-832-7731 The Lynchburg Regional Governor’s XLR8 STEM Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its programs, activities, or employment practices, as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. 32