the bulletin - Community Church

Healing Morning
Saturday 23 June 10am - 12pm
Community Church Building
Community Church Men’s
Social with Bacon Butties
Saturday 30 June 10am - 12pm
Albert Place, Westbury on Trym
Community Church Building
Albert Place, Westbury on Trym
Not only for those seeking physical
healing, but for anyone who would
like to spend time in God's presence,
finding healing of body, soul, mind
and spirit.
Just come along or book a slot by
contacting Alice Brotherton:
For children from just a few months
old to 7 years old and their dads.
Toys and crafts for the children, and
bacon butties, coffee and a chance
to chat for the dads.
Details from: Chris Brotherton:
We have activities for the following age groups:
Pebbles Age 0-2
Wave Makers Years 3-5
Starfish Age 3 – Reception
Rock Steady Years 6-7
Treasure Seekers Years 1-2
Devotion Years 8-12
Please register all children up to Rock Steady age in the main hall before the
service starts. Older children will meet their group leader at the back of the hall when
indicated. At the end of the service, please collect children up to Year 2 promptly.
Albert’s Place Open youth club for those in Years 5-7. Fridays during term time
7-9pm at Community Church Building, Albert Place. (more info: ).
Devotion Our youth congregation for Year 8 & up. Friday Nights 7.30-9.30pm at
Woodlands Church, Sunday mornings and fortnightly Post 16/18 midweek groups.
Tim Dobson
Dave Roderick
Assistant Pastor
Tim and Dave give a lead
to the congregation
Jo Poulsom
Associate Pastor
(pastoral care)
Margaret and
Chris Lilley
Sarah Yates
Clair Hamilton
Children and
family worker
Phone central office: 0117 946 6807
administrator: 07580 294498
Website: Email:
The Community Church is part of Woodlands Group of Churches, which is registered in England and Wales at
Woodlands Christian Centre, Belgrave Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2AA as a company limited by
guarantee (No 06569993) and as a charity (No 1125029).
the bulletin
Sunday 27 May
to the Community Church at Greenway
We hope you enjoy your time with us today and will stay after the service
for coffee. Our service will run until 11.50am and the children will start
off in the service before going to their groups. The Community Church is
part of the Woodlands Group of Churches which has Sunday morning
congregations in Southmead, Clifton and Sea Mills.
If you're visiting today and would like some more information about the
church, do go to the welcome desk at the back of the main hall after the
service and help yourself to a welcome pack. Our welcome team will be
serving coffee there and are available to answer any questions you may
have. If you fill in a welcome card at that table we will send you further
information about the church.
Morning Services at
Evening Services at
Greenway Centre, Southmead
Woodlands, Belgrave Road, Clifton
Sunday 27 May
Speaker: Rob Scott-Cook
Acts 2 v1-4
Sunday 27 May
Speaker: Philip Jinadu
Running Well
Sunday 3 June
Speaker: Tim Dobson
Power in Prayer
Acts 4 v23-31
A great place to relax and meet people
after our 7pm service on
the fourth Sunday.
Join us for some chilled live music and
refreshments from Hooper House Café.
Come for the music stay for the smoothies, cakes and frappés.
Please could you encourage
your children to sit with you
during the service.
Jazz Cafe 8.45pm
Woodlands Crypt
Sunday 3 June
Speaker: Dave Mitchell
Dead Men Walking
The Heavenly Man
1 June, 7.30pm at the
Greenway Centre
Come and hear the
amazing story of Brother
Yun, author of “The Heavenly Man”.
After many years imprisoned for his
faith, Brother Yun escaped from
Zhengzhou Maximum Security prison
from which it is reported that nobody
had previously escaped. He described
how he heard the voice of the Holy
Spirit, telling him to simply walk out of
the heavily guarded prison gate
despite having had both his legs
broken. “If God can release me from
the solitary confinement of China’s
highest security prison,” he declares,
“then He can certainly release you
from whatever is holding you.”
Pentecost Sunday 27 May
2-6pm (Doors open from 1pm)
Ashton Gate Stadium, BS3 2EJ
Join us to worship One God, as One
Church, for One Purpose, to see the
Kingdom of God come in the Bristol
region through personal repentance
followed by repentance for our society &
re-dedication to God of our lives,
churches & spheres of society in our city.
A cross-church gathering of this breadth
has probably never happened before in
Bristol's history!
Worship leaders include Colse Leung
and the Unite Band. For more details
Men’s Film & Book Group
On Thursday 7 June our meeting will
be a film night.
Please see Steve Rolston for details:
Newcomers’ Presentation
This morning during the sermon
Alpha Courses
Visitors and newcomers are welcome
to share coffee and cakes with us
during the sermon and find out more
about our vision, what we do and how
to get involved.
Jo Poulsom will give a short
presentation about the Woodlands
Group of Churches.
social event for women
Tuesday 29 May, 8pm
Pamper Evening at Nancy’s House
2 Compton Drive Sea Mills BS9 2PG
Come along with a friend to relax at a
pamper evening. There will be wine
or coffee and cake. Bring face packs,
nail varnish, magazines......
Email Nancy:
or phone her on: 07504 749 827
Bible’s Got Talent!
Saturday 16 June
Woodlands Church
The Max is a fast moving event for
children aged 5-12. Stories, games,
drama, craft and small groups
For information see Margaret Lilley:
07804 049 384 or email:
The First General Meeting of
Bristol Street Pastors
Wednesday 30 May 8-8.45pm
Salvation Army Hall, Hassell Drive,
Easton, BS2 0AN. A charity is being
set up to run a local Street Pastors
Initiative in Bristol.
For more information please contact:
Could you host a
small Alpha group
at home, in your
workplace or in your
local pub/cafe for six weeks?
Pastorate Information
The next Southmead Pastorate will
be on Tuesday 12 June at the
Greenway Centre at 8pm.
Details from Dave:
The next Hungry for More meeting
of The Junction will be at:
The Community Church Building
in Westbury on Trym on
Thursday 14 June at 8pm.
Details from Jo:
It's a great way to help friends,
neighbours and work mates consider
the message of Jesus around a coffee
and some cake!
Online resources, training and support
will be given.
If you think you would like to be
involved in this more informal way of
dong Alpha, please talk to Jo:
Sunday 17 June
Come along and
join us after the
service for a picnic in Canford Park.
Parenting Course (5-11-year olds)
A weekly course (six sessions) from Thursday 14 June 7.45pm until 19 July
at Ashley Down House 16 Cotham Park BS6 6BU
Explore strategies and learn skills to build strong relationships and good
foundations for our children. The informal atmosphere is a place to laugh, cry,
learn and feel supported in the exciting but sometimes daunting task of bringing up
Nettie Matthews has run this course for ten years on behalf of Bristol Community
Families Trust. It is recommended for fathers, mothers, couples or those parenting
alone. It is suitable for those of all faiths and none.
A course fee of £15 covers workbooks and refreshments.
Book at:
For financial assistance with the course or for more information contact: