120513 Highgrove bulletin.pub

We have activities for the following age groups during our morning services. We
meet in the main hall all together and these groups then take place in other
parts of the building from around 11am. Helpers will be on hand to show you
the way:
Seekers Ages 1 - 4 years
Xplore Reception - Year 3
Passion8 Years 4 - 7
Devotion Years 8 - 12
Today, groups will be looking at Esther.
Sunday 13 May 2012
part of Woodlands Group of Churches
Register online at www.highgrove.org.uk/weekendaway
BLAZE! Our new children’s group for school years 3 to 7
Every 4th Thursday of the month. Next one: Thursday 24 May, 6.30-7.45pm at
Highgrove. Bring a friend! For more details, email heidi@highgrove.org.uk
Devotion Fridays Our youth congregation for school year 8 & up.
Every Friday 7.30-9.30pm at Woodlands Church. For more information, contact
Ed, Deborah and Pam give a
lead to the congregation and are
assisted by a number of small
group and activity leaders.
Ed and Deborah Marsh
However, Highgrove is a church
where everyone gets involved.
For more about how to get stuck
in, do ask us - we’d love to tell
you more!
Pam Scott-Cook
To stay fully up to date with
latest news, events, photos
and videos, visit
Network key: psalm348refuge
10 High Grove, Sea Mills, Bristol, BS9 2NL
07968 369501
Part of Woodlands Group of Churches, charity
number: 1125029
Using the Building
To book the building for a church or
community event, please check the date in
the online bookings diary at
www.bookings.highgrove.org.uk and
then email bookings@highgrove.org.uk
with your request. For more info, see rotas
board at the back of main hall.
Fri 21 - Sun 23
Hebron Hall,
South Wales
Welcome! We’re delighted that you have joined us today. Our service
starts at 10.30am and will finish by midday. Children’s groups meet from
11am, at which point there will be helpers on hand to show you the way.
Please do stay with us for refreshments after the service.
If you’d like to find out more about Highgrove, do visit our website
www.highgrove.org.uk, make contact with us (see back page) or
simply get chatting to someone here today - we’re a friendly bunch!
We’d love to keep in touch and invite you to a Newcomers Tea! Let us
have your details by visiting www.highgrove.org.uk/newcomers
Morning Service 10.30am at Highgrove Church
When the Holy Spirit Comes (Acts 1:6-12), Ed Marsh
Meeting leader: Sam Marsh
Now available
Hosting homegroup: Street
- see back page
Evening Service 7pm at Woodlands
Apprentice, Dave Mitchell
Simultaneous services in main hall and the crypt
Are you looking
for a lodger?
A Malaysian Christian
student is looking for a
temporary (possibly
permanent) place with
a family from late
August. If you can help
then please speak to
Deborah for details.
Can you help?
Susanna Bolton and
Ralph Bossingham
are getting married in
Bristol on
Saturday 21 July.
Can you offer a
accommodation to
some of their guests?
If so, please contact
Susanna on
Run by Highgrove and St Edyth’s at
Café on the Square
14, 21 & 28 May, 7.30pm
We are excited about running this short
3-week course on money management, which we hope will be a real blessing
as part of our outreach in the community. If you or a friend are interested in
joining this course, please contact Dave Simpson on
dave.simpson@highgrove.org.uk. More details on the website.
Room available
There is a room available in the Community House next to Highgrove. For
more information please contact info@highgrove.org.uk.
The Alpha
Starts Wed 13 June
for 5 weeks
Café on the Square
7.30 - 9.15pm
Over 50 million people worldwide
have now attended an Alpha
course, a chance to find out more
about the Christian faith. Coffee
and cake will be served whilst
listening to a short talk, then a
chance to ask questions and
discuss in a small group. To
register call the Alpha coordinator
on 07845 825870 or by email
Nourish your life with God’s word
and some thoughtful reflections written by
members of the Woodlands family.
Through May, readings from Acts feature the significance for us, as
Jesus’ followers, of the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in spreading
His radical message and life to people everywhere.
Available by email directly to you (now) or on the web (coming soon).
Sign up to receive the emails at www.woodlandschurch.net/soulfood
The Heavenly Man
June 1st 7.30pm at the Greenway Centre
Come and hear the amazing story of Brother Yun, author of the
book “The Heavenly Man”.
After many years imprisoned for his faith, Brother Yun escaped
from Zhengzhou Maximum Security prison from which it is reported that nobody
had previously escaped. He described how he heard the voice of the Holy
Spirit, telling him to simply walk out of the heavily guarded prison gate despite
having had both his legs broken. “If God can release me from the solitary
confinement of China’s highest security prison,” he declares, “then He can
certainly release you from whatever is holding you.”