RETIREMENT CLUB NEWSLETTER MARCH 2011 No 259 Manton Lane MK41 7PF Tel: 01234 350681 Dear Friends FEBRUARY WALK contributed by John Cooper and Ron Stone Twenty four walkers and two dogs set off from the Duke of Wellington pub car park for the February walk. The weather turned out much better than anticipated developing into a sunny day. We crossed the Raunds, Stanwick Road , and entered a track that lead to a bridleway. We turned left and made our way down to Cotton Lane (an ancient right of way) where we turned right heading towards the Meadow Lane, A45 underpass with the earthworks of the deserted and lost medieval hamlets of West Cotton and Mill Cotton on our right. Passing through a kissing gate we entered the north end of Stanwick Lakes. We followed a pathway until we came to the dismantled, single track railway which runs through the site. Bearing left and after a short distance right, we eventually reached the recently reconstructed Staunch Bridge which we crossed over. We were now on the Nene Way and following the river bank we made our way in a southerly direction with Crow Hill, Irthlingborough (site of Iron Age Hill Fort) and the Frontier Activities Camp for the young on our right. We then turned off the Nene Way. Passing the lock on our right, we crossed over the ford via a narrow footbridge and entered a bridleway leading back to the southern end of Stanwick Lakes. We proceeded round a lake where there is an open-air theatre situated and followed the path until we came to the A45. We crossed over the road and turned off into Green Lane and then back along the bridleway until we met the footpath on our right which took us back to the Duke of Wellington. Notes - The Duke of Wellington public house sits between the primary school built in 1899 and the church dedicated to St Laurence which was built circa 1225 on the site of an earlier church of which virtually nothing remains. The weather cock on the 1 steeple is 157 feet above the ground and was given to the church by a landlord of the Duke of Wellington in the 1880's. Stanwick previously Stanwige is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 as land belonging to Peterborough Abbey. The area now known as Stanwick Lakes has a long history of occupation. Saxons, Romans and Iron Age people all lived in Stanwick and during the 1980's in the wake of gravel extraction by ARC, archaeological excavations revealed a wealth of artefacts including a Roman villa, mosaics, beaker burials with skeletons and grave goods and many articles of everyday use. Arriving back at The Duke of Wellington after a walk of approxametely 5 miles we all enjoyed a hearty meal. MARCH WALK The walk on March 9th will be led by Keith Rose (01234 781448). It will start at "The Three Fyshes" MK43 8ER in Turvey. There is a large car park 60m East of the pub. The walk will be 5 1/2 miles and is mainly along grass footpaths. There are several stiles. At the end of January the route was not very muddy. Please meet at the usual time of 10.15 for a 10.30am start. FORDHAM ARMS, SHARNBROOK The next informal gathering at the Fordham Arms, Sharnbrook will be on Monday March 7th at around 7:30 to 8:00 pm. MARCH RAeS LECTURE The lecture on Wednesday March 9th is the Sir John Charnley Lecture sponsored by ARA. The talk is entitled ‘Bloodhound Supersonic Car’ by Richard Noble OBE and will take place at ARA with a buffet prior to the lecture at 19.00 for 19.30. MEMBER CONTACT DETAILS The committee are collecting contact details to create a database of interested members of ARC. Currently we do not have this information. Please fill in the form below and send to Chris Lock, 24 Fountains Road, Bedford, MK41 8NU or email the information to ................................................................................................................................................................. Name .................................................................. Tel. No. .................................................................................... Address ............................................................... Do you use the Internet? ......................................................... ............................................................................ If No - have you requested hard copy?. .................................. ............................................................................ If Yes - Email Address ............................................................. Postcode ............................................................. Are you likely to access the ARA website monthly?................ 2 Currently Planned Forthcoming Events AGM, Buffet and Quiz Please come along on Wednesday 16th March to the ARA Clubhouse for the AGM and Social Evening. The doors open at 7.00pm. There will be a short AGM at 7.30pm which will be followed by the Social Event. Wine and soft drinks will be provided free, but please bring a dish for the shared buffet. We will be delighted to see you there! (Editors Note - Should you wish to refer to the Minutes of the previous AGM, these were published in the May 2010 Newsletter No 249) Highgrove Visit Has now been booked for Tuesday, June 7th. The planned schedule is to leave from ARA at 9.30am travelling to Tetbury where there will be a stop for lunch. The actual tour is booked for 1.45pm and will take about 2 hours looking round the garden followed by time for tea/coffee etc. and the Highgrove shop. We will leave to return home at 5pm. The trip will cost £32.50 per head and since it is limited to only 26 people will be available in the first instance only to ARA pensioners and partners. Please phone Chris Lock (01234 353779) to reserve your places. Marylyn & Ray’s Their ‘at home’ will be held in July, probably on Tuesday 5th but speaker and date still to be confirmed. Annual Luncheon Now confirmed to be at Woodlands Manor on Wednesday, October 5th. One Hundred Years of Aviation March 1911 contributed by John Cherry 2nd Three Royal Navy officers, Lt Samson, Longmore and Gregory along with Captain Gerrard of the Royal Marines began their flying training today at Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey, Kent where the Short Brothers have their factory and the Royal Aero Club has its headquarters and hangers. An instructor from the club has volunteered to teach the four officers using the club’s Short S27 aircraft; these are based on the French Farman design. 3rd Philip Parmelee and his passenger, Lt B. Foulois flew from Laredo on the Mexico/Texas border, to Eagle Pass, Texas a distance of 120 miles, and during the course of their flight they received radio messages and also dropped written messages to the Army units on route. 14th The Bristol based British and Colonial Aeroplane Company announced today that the War Office is to purchase four of its Bristol Boxkite aircraft for the Army Air Battalion. 3 17th The Curtiss model ‘D’ biplane fitted with a pusher-engine and tricycle landing gear was demonstrated to the U.S. Army today. This is to become the Army’s aeroplane No 2. 23rd Louis Breguet today carried eleven passengers for a distance of 3.1 miles in a large parasol-winged monoplane of his own design. 24th Today Roger Summer carried twelve passengers on a flight covering 2625 feet in an aircraft of his own design. FORTHCOMING EVENTS Monday 7th March Informal gathering at The Fordham Arms, Sharnbrook Around 7.30 to 8.00pm Wednesday 9th March March Walk – Meet at The Three Fyshes, Turvey at 10.15 for a 10.30am start. Wednesday 9th March RAeS Lecture ‘Bloodhound Supersonic Car’ by Richard Noble OBE at ARA 19.00 for 19.30 Buffet prior to lecture. Wednesday 16th March AGM, Buffet and Quiz at ARA Clubhouse 7.00 for 7.30pm Tuesday 7th June Trip to Highgrove. Please phone Chris Lock 01234 353779 to book. Please send any copy for publication to me by the 15th of the month. I will be delighted to receive any! Chris Lock Editor: Chris Lock – Telephone 01234 353779 E Mail Deputy Editor: Mary Cook - Telephone 01234 324618 E Mail 4