Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System

Agysebészeti robot pontosságának és
biztonsági funkcióinak fejlesztése
Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic
System for Neurosurgery
Haidegger, Tamás
Agysebészeti robot pontosságának és
biztonsági funkcióinak fejlesztése
Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic
System for Neurosurgery
Diplomaterv - Diploma Thesis
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem –
Irányítástechnika és Informatika Tanszék
Budapest University of Technology and Economics –
Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology
Johns Hopkins University –
Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology
Haidegger, Tamás
Egészségügyimérnöki szak - MS Candidate in Biomedical Engineering
Konzulensek - Supervisors:
Peter Kazanzides Dr.
Benyó, Zoltán Dr.
BME - Irányítástechnika és Informatika Tanszék
Baltimore, May 27, 2008
Haidegger Tamás
Diplomaterv címe: Agysebészeti robot pontosságának és biztonsági funkcióinak fejlesztése
A kidolgozandó feladat: A modern egészségügy és orvoslás egyre nagyobb mértékben
támaszkodik a technikai eszközök nyújtotta segítségre. A számítógépek és a robotok bevezetése a
műtőkbe (Computer-Integrated Surgery) minőségi változást hozott máris a betegellátásban. Az
agysebészet egy kiemelt terület, mivel az anatómiai tájék sérülékenysége miatt kifejezetten nagy
pontosságú beavatkozást lehetővé tevő eszközök alkalmazása szükséges. A Johns Hopkins
University-n üzembe helyezett kísérleti összeállítás lehetővé teszi koponyaalapi sebészeti
beavatkozások végrehajtását egy átalakított NeuroMate agysebészeti robot segítségével. A robot
végére erősített 6 DOF erő/nyomatékérzékelő és fúrófej megfelelő szabályozással egy nagy
pontosságú, nagy megbízhatóságú eszközként szolgál. Nagyon fontos a megfelelő biztonsági
funkciók megvalósítása. Igen kritikus a műtétek alatt a robot és a fúró optikai marker alapú
követése, a mozgások összehasonlítása az eredeti parancsokkal. A jelöltnek be kell kapcsolódnia a
Johns Hopkins ERC központjában folyó kutatásba, együtt kell működnie a fejlesztőcsapattal, és
önállóan dolgoznia a robotrendszer biztonságának és pontosságának fejlesztésén.
Elvégzendő feladatok:
1. Tanulmányozzon és alkalmazzon különféle regisztrációs algoritmusokat a NeuroMate
robot pontosságának növelésére. Tervezzen meg egy megfelelő validációs metódust a
komplett agysebészeti rendszer regisztrációjához!
2. Tervezzen meg és implementáljon egy új módszert a műtéti elrendezés intra-operatív
mozgáskövetésére, az esetleges nem-akaratlagos elmozdulások kiküszöbölésére. Az
algoritmusokat a CISST keretrendszeren belül kell megvalósítani C++ nyelven!
3. Végezzen méréseket in-vitro az új algoritmus eredményességének bemutatására. Mutassa
meg a módszer klinikai jelentőségét!
Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
A diplomatervet kiadó tanszék:
Irányítástechnika és Informatika Tanszék
Tanszéki konzulens:
Dr. Benyó Zoltán, egyetemi tanár
Külső konzulens:
Dr. Peter Kazanzides, Associate Research Professor
(Johns Hopkins University - Center for Computer-Integrated
Surgical Systems and Technology)
1. Folyamatszabályozás - VIFO2FSA
2. Klinikai műszeres diagnosztika - BMEVIOB2KMD
Beadási határidő: 2008. május 30.
Budapest, 2008. január 4.
Dr. Szirmay-Kalos László
Dr. Benyó Zoltán
Szakbizottság képviselője
Gesztor Kar: BME-Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar Cím: 1111 Budapest Egry
József utca 18.
Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
Diploma title: Improving the accuracy and safety of a robotic system for neurosurgery
Description: Modern technology is more and more intensively used in medicine and
healthcare. The introduction of robotics and automation to the operating room (ComputerIntegrated Surgery) provides better patient care and new, advanced surgical solutions. A
prominent field is the area of brain surgery that requires extremely accurate positioning and high
precision interventions due to the vulnerability of the anatomical region. The innovative setup at
the Johns Hopkins University uses a modified NeuroMate stereotactic robot in cooperative
control mode to provide a high-fidelity cutting tool for skull base surgery. It is crucial to
introduce advanced safety features to ensure the reliability of the system. Most important is the
real time optical tracking of the robot and the tool during the surgery. The candidate of the
diploma project has to join the ongoing research project at JHU, get involved with the
development and improve the overall safety and accuracy of the neurosurgical robot.
Tasks to be solved:
Examine and study different registration algorithms to improve the accuracy of the
NeuroMate robot. Build up an adequate validation concept for the registration of the
neurosurgical system.
Design and implement a method for intra-operative tracking that can be used to monitor
and compensate any spatial changes within the OR. The algorithms should be embedded to the
CISST software framework and libraries using C++ language.
Perform simulations, in-vitro and cadaver tests to validate the new algorithm. Show
clinical relevance of the research. Prepare the system for clinical trials.
Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Dr. Zoltán Benyó, Professor
(BME - Dept. of Control Engineering and Information Technology)
Dr. Peter Kazanzides, Associate Research Professor
(Johns Hopkins University - Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical
Systems and Technology)
Final exams:
1. Folyamatszabályozás - VIFO2FSA (Process control)
2. Klinikai műszeres diagnosztika - VIOB2KMD (Clinical equipment and
diagnostics )
Deadline: May 30, 2008
Budapest, January 5, 2008
Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo Dr.
Benyo, Zoltan Dr.
Head of Dept.
Repr. of Edu. Committee
Gestor Faculty: BME-Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Address: 18. Egry József utca, Budapest, H - 1111
Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Alulírott Haidegger Tamás, a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem hallgatója kijelentem, hogy
ezt a diplomatervet meg nem engedett segítség nélkül, saját magam készítettem, és a diplomatervben csak a
megadott forrásokat használtam fel. Minden olyan részt, melyet szó szerint, vagy azonos értelemben, de
átfogalmazva más forrásból átvettem, egyértelműen a forrás megadásával megjelöltem.
I, undersigned Tamás Haidegger, student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics hereby state
that this Diploma is my own work wherein I only used the sources listed in the Bibliography. All parts taken
from other works, either in citation or rewritten keeping the original contents, were unambiguously marked by a
reference to the source.
Haidegger, Tamás
Baltimore, MD, May 27, 2008
Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Az elmúlt húsz évben a robotizált eszközök a gyártásautomatizálás mellett az egészségügyben is
egyre komolyabb szerepet kaptak. Az agy- és idegsebészet volt a legelső alkalmazási területük, és
mára már több tucatnyi rendszert fejlesztettek a világ számos országában, amelyek különböző
módokon igyekeznek megfelelni a szigorú biztonsági és pontossági követelményeknek.
Az amerikai Johns Hopkins University kutatólaboratóriumában egy új, agyalapi sebészeti
beavatkozások hatékony támogatására szolgáló orvosi robot-rendszer fejlesztésében vettem részt.
A kutatás célja, hogy egy NeuroMate robot és StealthStation navigációs rendszer
összekapcsolásával pontosabbá tegyük a koponyafúrással járó beavatkozásokat, csökkentsük a
kockázatot, valamint a műtéti időt. A robot erő/nyomaték irányítás révén folyamatosan követi a
sebész kezének mozgását a fúró és a robot közé illesztett érzékelő segítségével. Az integrált eszköznek három kiemelkedő előnye van. Először is kiváló műtéti vizualizációt tesz lehetővé, képes
megjeleníteni a sebészeti eszközt a beteg 3D pre-operatív CT felvételekből készített modelljén.
Ezen túlmenően, mivel a fúrófej a robothoz van rögzítve, az egész szerkezet stabil és robosztus,
teljesen kiküszöbölve a kézremegést. Végezetül a rendszer legfontosabb jellemzője és egyben
igazi újdonsága, hogy lehetővé teszi virtuális határok (virtual fixture) definiálását. Az orvos a
műtétet megelőzően a CT felvételeken azonosítja az eltávolítani kívánt koponyacsont-szegmens,
majd e köré felépíti a virtuális határokat, amelyek védelmet nyújtanak a sérülékeny anatómiai
képleteknek. A robot a beavatkozás során (a regisztrációs eljárásnak köszönhetően) képes ezeket
a korlátozásakat a 3D térben értelmezni, lassítani, ha a közelükbe ér és megakadályozni, hogy az
orvos a fúróval behatoljon a tiltott területre. Ezek a funkciók együttesen nagy mértékben
javíthatják a műtétek pontosságát, és jelentősen megkönnyítik a sebész feladatát.
Két félévet töltöttem a robot pontosságának és biztonsági funkcióinak fejlesztésével, és
kezdettől fogva aktívan részt vettem a kutatás minden területén. Első feladatként
tanulmányoztam a robotot és segítettem a fantom-teszteket, majd a hibák és pontatlanságok
okainak azonosításán dolgoztam. Számos területen sikerült eredményeket elérnem, többek között
megvalósítottam a robot zárt kinematikai láncon alapuló paraméter-kalibrálását, illetve Kálmán
szűrőt terveztem a sebészeti navigációs rendszer mérési zajának csökkentésére. Implementáltam
egy új és innovatív algoritmust, amely a műtét folyamán képes a beteg elmozdulását követni, és
annak megfelelően kompenzálni a robot mozgását.
A robot-rendszer kezdeti tesztjei igen bíztató eredményekkel zárultak, és reméljük, hogy a
beavatkozás pontosságának további növelésével egy nap majd klinikai alkalmazásba kerülhet.
Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Medical robotics has only existed for twenty years and yet has already made an impact on the
classical practice of interventional medicine. Neurosurgery was the first field of application for
robots in surgery, and throughout the past years, dozens of research projects have been devoted
to robotics with brain and spine applications, differently addressing the challenges of accuracy
and effectiveness.
We have developed a cooperatively-controlled robot system at the Johns Hopkins University
to assist with skull base surgery. The goal of the project is to improve the safety and quality of
brain surgery while significantly reducing the operating time. The robot is run in compliant
control mode, which means the surgeon guides the manipulator by applying force on the drilling
tool, mounted at the end-effector. Our system has three major advantages. First, it offers
superior visualization features for stereotactic surgery, enabling the tool’s position to be tracked
on the 3D model of the patient acquired from pre-operative CT scan. Additionally, the drilling
tool is mounted on the rigid mechatronic structure of the robot, greatly increasing the stability of
the device. Finally, the most important and novel advantage of the application is that the surgeon
can define boundaries—called virtual fixture—on the CT scan. The virtual fixtures are created
prior to the operation and registered to the robot to serve as a 3D motion guide during the
operation. Tool velocities are scaled around the critical areas and the controller prevents tool tip
penetration of the boundaries. Together these features greatly increase the safety and the
reliability of the procedure, easing the surgeon’s task and reducing the time of operation.
I joined the research project for two semesters and become involved in every aspect of the
project. In addition to learning about and testing the existing system, my task was to identify the
main sources of errors in the setup and find solutions to fix and improve them. I have developed
several additional features to the system, such as the extended closed kinematic loop calibration
of robot parameters and Kalman filtering of navigation noise. Meanwhile, I have implemented a
new and innovative solution to monitor and compensate for patient motion in the operating
room, which would otherwise cause serious errors in the procedure.
Hands-on surgery offers remarkable advantages, and the preliminary phantom and cadaver
tests with our system have promising results for future applications. By further improving its
accuracy, we hope to introduce this system into clinical use one day.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
I am grateful to Dr. Peter Kazanzides for his tireless efforts guiding me through the projects and for his valuable
perspectives and ideas that founded the work. It was great honour to work with him on a fascinating robot system
that shall influence the future of health care. I would like to acknowledge my laboratory mate Tian Xia, as he
introduced me to the robot and we worked well together or many issues.
I gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Clint Baird, George Jallo and Iulian Iordachita at the Johns
Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Medical Institute. The StealthStation navigation system was donated by
Medtronic Navigation and the NeuroMate robot and force sensor were donated by Integrated Surgical Systems.
The eMax surgical drill was obtained on loan from The Anspach Effort Inc. I thank Hani Haider and Andres
Barrera at the University of Nebraska for providing the phantom for the robot and navigation system accuracy
Further, I would like to thank Tricia Gibo for the thorough and careful proofreading of my materials.
The scientific work was supported in part by the NSF EEC 9731748 and the Hungarian National
Scientific Research Foundation, Grant No. OTKA T69055.
Last but not least, I am thankful for the generous scholarship of the Hungarian-American Enterprise
Scholarship Fund that made it possible to spend two semesters in the United States and write my diploma thesis
in Baltimore.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Problem statement ................................................................................................................14
Scope and interest of the work ..............................................................................................15
Structure of the thesis ...........................................................................................................16
Notations and symbols..........................................................................................................17
Chapter 1 ..................................................................................................................................18
History and background............................................................................................................18
1.1 Introduction to surgical robotics......................................................................................18
1.2 Ontology .........................................................................................................................21
1.3 Overview of literature......................................................................................................23
1.4 History of robots in neurosurgery....................................................................................24
1.5 Past and present neurosurgical robots..............................................................................25
1.6 System improvement strategies........................................................................................31
1.6.1 Improvement of stereotactic surgery.........................................................................32
1.6.2 Integrating imaging devices.......................................................................................33
1.6.3 Hands-on surgery .....................................................................................................34
1.7 Challenges of skull base surgery.......................................................................................35
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................38
Inroducing the JHU neurosurgical robot system .......................................................................38
2.1 System description...........................................................................................................38
2.2 System components.........................................................................................................39
2.2.1 The NeuroMate robot ..............................................................................................39
2.2.2 StealthStation............................................................................................................41
2.2.3 Other system components ........................................................................................42
2.3 Operational setup ............................................................................................................45
2.3.1 Calibration procedures..............................................................................................47
2.3.2 Registration procedures ............................................................................................49
2.4 Operation in cooperative control mode...........................................................................51
2.5 Results of phantom and cadaver experiments ..................................................................54
Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................56
Identification and measurements of the system .........................................................................56
3.1 Identifying the sources of errors ......................................................................................56
3.2 Intrinsic accuracy of the NeuroMate robot ......................................................................58
3.3 Deriving the kinematic model of the NeuroMate robot ...................................................60
3.4 Intrinsic accuracy of the StealthStation ............................................................................62
3.5 Virtual fixture definition ..................................................................................................64
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................................................66
Increasing the accuracy and safety .............................................................................................66
4.1 General approach ............................................................................................................66
4.2 Improving the components’ accuracy ..............................................................................66
4.2.1 Extended robot calibration .......................................................................................66
4.2.2 Improving the StealthStation’s accuracy....................................................................70
4.2.3 Verifying measurements............................................................................................74
4.3 Challenges in the OR environment ..................................................................................74
4.3.1 Compensating for patient motion .............................................................................76
4.3.2 Sensor fusion for accuracy ........................................................................................78
4.4 Verifying the results.........................................................................................................82
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................85
Future work ..............................................................................................................................87
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................88
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Surgical robotics is one of the most fascinating interdisciplinary fields of biomedical
engineering. While Computer-Integrated Surgery (CIS) has only existed for a few decades, it has
already spread world wide, with well over 100,000 operations performed. In the near future,
newly developed robotic systems may conquer even the most challenging fields—such as
neurosurgery—to provide better patient care and superior medical outcomes. We can anticipate
that the future trends of clinical applications are outlined by the current leading research
directions. My diploma thesis introduces the major systems and different strategies applied in
robotic neurosurgery. It also presents in detail the neurosurgical robot system at the Johns
Hopkins University (JHU), the research and experiments I conducted in the past two semesters.
In addition to appropriate design, adequate control strategies are required to ensure maximal
safety in surgical robotics. This makes any sort of robotic assisted or automated neurosurgery a
technologically challenging area for researchers. Throughout my work, I tried to investigate and
experiment with different computational and control methods to improve the accuracy, safety
and usability of the system. This thesis gives a thorough introduction to the setup and discusses
the primary results. The conclusions of current research and innovation will lead forward on the
path of further improvement of medical robotic systems.
Problem statement
Despite the growing popularity of surgical robots, the actual clinical applications are limited to
a small number of procedures and interventions. Besides the general purpose, more universal
robotic systems (Zeus, da Vinci), there is a clear need for smaller, more specialized and less
expensive robotic solutions. By focusing on a certain field of application, special purpose systems
can achieve better precision, ergonomics and clinical outcome.
Neurosurgery is one of the most demanding areas of CIS, where the complexity of the
anatomical regions, the high sensitivity and delicate consistency of the tissues require fine
accuracy and a narrow margin for errors. None of the previous neurosurgical robots managed to
move on towards real mass production and achieve the success of the well-known da Vinci
teleoperated system. We cannot talk about a major financial breakthrough because of certain
functional limitations and the higher investment/maintenance costs. New systems tend to offer
more significant clinical advantages that may well compensate for their high cost [1].
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Neurosurgery involves bone drilling in many cases; surgeons have to cut the skull to gain
access to the actual surgical area. The minimally invasive (with minimal brain tissue resection)
way to get access to the target location can be through the natural orifices of the face—typically
the nostril—or through the temporal skull. The procedure is conducted with hand-held drills and
can last for several hours. The most critical issues are
risk of damage to critical structures
limits of human dexterity
surgeon fatigue, malpractice.
We are addressing all of these problems with the neurosurgical system at JHU. It may be
possible to significantly reduce the operating time of skull base drilling with the robot, while
increasing the safety of the procedure. Our system is composed of commercially available
elements, making it easier to validate as a new device; however, several compatibility and
protocol issues first had to be solved. To achieve acceptable application accuracy, both the
individual components’ and the entire system’s precision had to be increased.
Scope and interest of the work
In 2007, the Hungarian American Enterprise Scholarship Fund [2] awarded me an
Undergraduate Fellowship to spend my last two semesters before graduation at the Johns
Hopkins University (JHU), Baltimore, MD, United States. I got involved in the research at the
National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Center for Computer-Integrated
Surgical Systems and Technology (ERC CISST), under Professor Peter Kazanzides, head of the
Sensing, Manipulation and Real-Time Systems Laboratory (SMARTS Lab). My diploma project
was to improve the accuracy and safety of the NeuroMate robot based system at the ERC
CISST. The research took place partially at the JHU Homewood Campus and at the Johns
Hopkins Medical Institute (JHMI), East Baltimore.
While the research as a whole spans all aspects of development of a new clinical system, I have
been focusing on the identification, calibration, registration and control of the robot.
Throughout the development, it was a major concern to maintain the modularity of the system,
creating generic solutions that may be applied for other installations as well. The combined use
of robotic manipulators, surgical navigation systems and virtual fixtures as an image guided
system can be adapted to many fields where safety and efficiency are paramount.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Structure of the thesis
The diploma thesis consists of five major parts. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to surgical
robotics, reviewing the basic definitions and classification principles of the area. It features an
extensive list of past and present neurosurgical systems based on my literature research. The
most important systems are presented in detail.
Chapter 2 introduces the JHU neurosurgical robot system I have been working on, giving a
detailed description of the components, their capabilities and the software environment.
Besides testing the existing system and learning about it, my task was from the very beginning
to identify the main sources of errors in the setup, and individually find solutions fixing and
improving them. Chapter 3 contains the list of errors and sources of problems identified allowing
further development of the system. Major sources of errors are inspected individually, and
measurements are documented.
Chapter 4 contains the theoretical and numerical results of my project, introducing and
evaluating the developed solutions for the improvement of robot calibration, control precision
and adaptation to the changing operating room (OR) environment.
Finally, the conclusion and future directions of the work can be found at the end. The
research continues with the aim of producing a clinically validated surgical instrument with
serious market potential.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Notations and symbols
Common abbreviations
Computer Assisted Surgery
Computer-Integrated Surgery
Computer Tomography
Denavit-Hartenberg (parameters)
Dynamic Reference Base (coordinate frame)
Degree(s) of Freedom
NSF Engineering Research Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems
and Technology
Fiducial Registration Error
Graphical User Interface
Image Guided Surgery
Jacobian matrix of the robot
Johns Hopkins Medical Institute
The Johns Hopkins University
Scaling matrix for virtual fixture implementation
Localizer’s coordinate frame
Least Squares Estimation
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Operating room
Robot joint vector
Robotic Assisted (procedure)
Robot Rigid Body (coordinate frame)
Robot World (coordinate frame)
Homogenous transformation matrix between frame “From” and “To”
Tool Center Point of the robot (coordinate frame)
Target Registration Error
Virtual Fixture
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Chapter 1
History and background
1.1 Introduction to surgical robotics
Robotic surgery is entering its adulthood due to the continuous development made by research
groups all over the world. From the close cooperation of engineers and physicians great medical
robotic innovations have emerged. Surgical robotics represents a dynamically growing area, and
according to the Medical Robotic Database, MeRoDa [3], there are more than 200 ongoing
research projects worldwide. A great number of different robots have been built to perform
desired tasks in neurology, orthopaedics, urology, pediatric surgery, gynecology, spine and brain
surgery, cardio-vascular operations and general surgery.
Laparoscopic interventions—when the surgeon controls the device based on the information
provided by an image from an endoscope—are the most widespread forms of application. To
improve versatility, robotic systems with two or three arms have been built. Different end
effectors can be used on the tip of each arm, depending on the actual application: scissors,
knives, graspers, forceps, ultrasound (US) probes, needles, sensors or even a combination of
them. Unquestionably, the most well known commercialized surgical robot is the da Vinci
(figure 1.1) from Intuitive Surgical Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) [4]. The robot is capable of
performing complex surgical procedures with laparoscopic technique, guided remotely by a
skilled surgeon.
Figure 1.1
The da Vinci-S second generation general purpose teleoperated surgical manipulator system from
Intuitive Surgical. (Photo: Intuitive Surgical)
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
In the past few years, one of the most important applications has become prostatectomy. It
paved the way for further development by providing results of improved patient outcome and
winning the professional community’s approval while building the public’s trust. Beyond the da
Vinci teleoperated system, there are many other robots versatile in size, function and structure.
Robotic systems have several potential advantages [5], [6], [7] and [8]:
superior 3D spatial accuracy
stabilization of the instruments within the surgical field
improvement of manual dexterity, motion scaling
tremor filtering
real MIS
integrated 3D vision system
specific design for maximum performance
advanced ergonomics
high fidelity information integration
stable performance
invulnerability to environmental hazards
patient advantages (shorter recovery)
eventually shorter hospitalization
We can categorize surgical robots based on their different roles in the operating room (OR)
[9]. Passive robots only serve as a tool holding device once directed to the desired position.
Semi-active devices perform the operation under direct human control (e.g. in compliant mode).
Active devices are under computer control and automatically—or teleoperated—perform certain
interventions (e.g. bone machining).
Surgical robots can be involved in the procedure with various functionality; and from the
control point of view, can be distinguished based on the different level of autonomy [10].
Systems that are able to perform fully automated procedures—such as CT-based biopsy or
cutting—are called autonomous, or supervisory controlled. (A human supervisor would always
be close to the robot, but does not intervene as long as everything goes according to the surgical
plan.) This can be well combined with the classic tools of IGS. When the planning is completed,
the doctors have to match the robot’s coordinates with the patient’s anatomical points, mapping
the physical space to the robot’s working frame. This process is called registration. Once
appropriately registered, the robot can autonomously perform the desired task by following the
pre-programmed plan exactly.
On the other hand, if the robot is entirely remote-controlled and the surgeon is absolutely in
charge of the motion of the robot, we call it a teleoperated system. These complex systems
consist of three parts; one or more slave manipulators, a master controller and a vision system
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
providing visual feedback to the user. Based on the gathered visual (and sometimes haptic)
information, the surgeon guides the arm by moving the controller and closely watching its effect.
This can be realized by a master-slave manipulator system like the da Vinci (figure 1.2).
Modifying the teleoperation control paradigm, we can introduce cooperative (also called
compliant) control. It means that the surgeon is directly giving the control signals to the
machine, while leaving some space for automation. This is called the hands-on technique, as the
human is always in contact with the robot. In this case, the robot is the extension of the doctor’s
hand equipped with special features and effectors. This technique is often used in the case of
micromanipulation operations, such as micro-vascular, urology, or eye and brain operations.
Figure 1.2
Master controller and slave manipulators of the first generation da Vinci telesurgical system.
Before a system can be used on real patients, several in vitro and in vivo tests have to be
performed. Clinical trials mean an important step towards commercialization. In the European
Economic Area, the CE marking has to be acquired for a system, proving that all the relevant
European Directives have been met. In the United States, the federal Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is responsible for enforcing all safety regulations in this field. Historically,
the FDA has been very careful on approving new, technology-based interventional medicine
devices, forcing research test projects to meet the very strict requirements.
There is still a lot of room for development. Basically every aspect of the existing systems
could be optimized and further improved. The SAGES-MIRA Robotic Consensus Group [6]
stated in 2006 that the most important unsolved challenges are the lack of haptic feedback, the
size of the robotic instruments, limitations in functionality, inflexibility of certain energy devices
and the lack of multi-quadrant surgery (allowing more versatility in surgery). Beyond these, the
possibility to adapt to soft tissue properties and automatically compensate for their motion is
also in the main focus of research. Another promising direction is NOTES (Natural Orifice
Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery), which effectively applies and extends the meaning of
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
minimally invasiveness. Despite the obvious limitations of the existing systems, the offered
advantages convince more and more hospital managers to invest into this technology, and many
surgeons—once skeptics—have become active users of the available systems.
1.2 Ontology
Surgical robotics covers many areas and sometimes different terminologies exist in the medical
and engineering fields. A brief definition is given to the most important terms to facilitate the
reading of the thesis.
Robotic surgery is defined by the SAGES-MIRA Robotic Consensus Group [6] as “A surgical
procedure or technology that adds a computer-technology-enhanced device to the interaction
between the surgeon and the patient during a surgical operation, and assumes some degree of
freedom of control heretofore completely reserved for the surgeon. This definition encompasses
micromanipulators, remotely controlled endoscopes and console-manipulator devices. The key
elements are enhancement of the surgeon’s abilities—by the vision, tissue manipulation, or tissue
sensing—and alteration of the traditional direct local contact between surgeon and patient.”
Beyond remote telepresence systems—such as the da Vinci—the field incorporates other smart
tools and intelligent devices as well.
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) originally referred to the laparoscopic procedures (keyhole
surgery), where the abdominal cavity is accessed through 3-5 small incisions (0.5 – 3 cm). This
procedure was first reported on humans in 1910, performed by Hans Christian Jacobaeus in
Sweden. Since then, different methods have been developed to access other parts of the human
body as well. Today, it is getting to be a popular alternative to open procedure in many cases,
reducing the patient trauma and operation risk.
Robot Assisted MIS is often used to characterize the da Vinci type systems, where the robot
basically serves as a replacement of the human operator manipulating endoscopic tools.
Computer-Integrated Surgery (CIS) is the most commonly used expression to cover the entire field
of interventional medical technology from image processing and augmented reality applications
to automated tissue ablation. A subfield of it—Computer Aided Surgery—usually means that the
digital system involved does not take part in the physical part of the operation, but improves the
quality of surgery by better visualization or guidance.
Image Guided Surgery (IGS) covers the latter field partially and had existed even before robotic
innovation appeared in medicine. The idea of stereotaxis dates back to 1906; however, the first
human sub-cortical procedure was performed in 1947 [11]. The technique was originally aimed at
improving the performance of brain tumor surgeries, and became popular from the ‘70s due to
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
the appearance of inexpensive computational power and advanced image processing. IGS means
the real-time registration (correlation and mapping) of the operative field to a preoperative
imaging data set of the patient, thereby defining a reference coordinate system to help with the
task performance (stereotactic surgery). This leads to advanced visualization, and can be used to
improve free-hand navigation, accurate positioning of equipment, or guidance of robotic devices.
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
Image guided surgery with stereotactic frame. (Image:
Fiducial based frameless IGS registration method. (Image:
Many different modalities are available for medical imaging, providing different advantages
(table 1.1). Usually there are special devices involved, such as fiber optic guides, internal video
cameras, flexible or rigid endoscopes or ultrasonographs. There are two common ways to
perform the registration [12]. According to the more classical, frame-based method, a stereotactic
frame is mounted to the patient’s head prior to the CT or MR imaging and serves as an
immovable coordinate system by which any point of the brain can be referenced (figure 1.3).
Image modality
Laser scanner
Optical localizer
high (3D)
high (3D)
medium (2.5D/3D)
high (2.5D)
high (3D)
noisy image
easily disturbed
usually noisy
bone, contrast
material, (soft tissue)
soft tissue,
soft tissue, (bone)
surface, (tissue)
not real-time
not real-time
high (intermittent)
high (intermittent)
very low
low (improvable)
sampling cost
rel. high
patient stress
high from radiation
high (time,
Table 1.1
Most frequently used image modalities for surgery [13].
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The more recent technique—frameless stereotaxis—involves a hand-held surgical probe, and it
does not require the full rigid head-frame (figure 1.4). The probe is tracked by either mechanical,
optical, ultrasonic or electromagnetic techniques, while used to touch designated points. The
registration between the image space and the tracker coordinates can be achieved through
fiducial-, or anatomical landmark-based paired-point registration, surface matching (point-cloud
registration), or some kind of hybrid transformation. A recent study shows the superiority of the
fiducial-based method, regarding the achievable application accuracy [14]. The surgical navigation
system matches the two frames and provides the tool coordinates in image space. In either case,
the patient’s head must be fixed relative to the mounted reference frame (Dynamic Reference Base);
otherwise the registration loses its validity. Due to the improved fidelity of volume imaging
systems, the increase of computing capacity and availability of cheaper 3D digitizers, IGS has
become affordable and wide-spread.
1.3 Overview of literature
Many books have been published in this area in the past 15 years; the most remarkables are
[15], [16], [17] and [18]. The more general field of medical robotics is well covered by journals
and periodicals. The most prominent research articles are published in the IEEE Transactions;
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Transactions on Robotics (former Transactions on
Robotics and Automation), Transactions on Mechatronics and in the various thematic journals,
such as the Journal of Computer Aided Surgery (Taylor and Francis), Intentional Journal of
Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (Wiley), Journal of Robotic Surgery (Springer)
or the Journal of Medical Devices (ASME). These publications are all available on the internet.
Further teaching and information materials are available online. One of the best sources of
information is the WebSurg [19] virtual university; launched by Prof. Marescaux and run by the
European Institute of TeleSurgery (EITS) in Strasbourg, France. The portal is dedicated to
information sharing and knowledge distribution, providing free tutorials, video materials and
presentations. A good source is the Robotic Surgery Research Website [20] operated by Prof.
Lysaght’s students at the Brown University (RI, USA). General medical robotic news is posted
on the MedGadget internet journal [21].
There are many conferences specific to this field. The Minimally Invasive Robotic Association
(MIRA), the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT), the International Society
and Conference Series on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
(MICCAI), Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS), and Medicine meets Virtual
Reality (MMVR) have annual conferences dedicated to CIS and medical technology.
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Furthermore, the annual Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), the International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), the IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), the IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) and the relatively young biannual IEEE /
RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)
also welcome original publications dealing with the broader topic.
The most classic general introductory articles and basic readings of CIS are [7], [22] and [23].
1.4 History of robots in neurosurgery
Robotics is involved in several fields of medicine, and the da Vinci-style general purpose
laparoscopic multi-manipulators have performed tens of thousands of operations so far. Most of
the emphasis has been put on gastro-intestinal, cardio-vascular and orthopaedic surgery.
However there are promising achievements in other areas as well.
Neurosurgery was the first field of application for robots in interventional medicine.
Throughout the past decades, dozens of research projects have focused on the challenges brain
and spine surgery.
Robotic-assisted procedures offer remarkable advantages both for the patient and the surgeon.
The ability to perform a surgery on a smaller scale with robots makes microsurgery a reality. The
use of mechatronic devices can increase the stability of the system; using medical images it can
give increased accuracy to navigate and position the surgical tool at the target point.
Furthermore, there is the option to introduce advanced digital signal processing to control or
record the spatial points-of-interest and motions. This can be useful for surgical simulation and
risk-free training. Finally, robotized equipment can add to the ergonomics of the procedures.
The main specific advantages of robotic neurosurgery systems based on [1] and [24] are:
increased precision
high quality control
stability and robustness
standardization, planning and reproduction of the operation
saving in time (after learning the system)
use of MIS techniques (e.g. in skull base surgery)
In the case of neurosurgery, there is a great need for high precision, and surgeons traditionally
use optical lenses and special tools to enhance their personal capabilities. CIS offers various
possibilities to improve and augment human dexterity. RA-MIS promises significant results in
the case of brain procedures for two main reasons. First, the skull provides a rigid frame, and
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
makes it easier to register real word structures to preoperative scans of the patient. (This is the
basis of effective image-guided surgery). Second, the compactness of the head allows for minimal
soft tissue motion during the intervention, enabling a more accurate use of pre-operative
planning. However, if a large skull opening is made during the procedure, there may be
significant tissue motion. Modeling and compensating for this motion is a major field of
research, although out of the scope of this thesis.
1.5 Past and present neurosurgical robots
In the past decades, several different robotic neurosurgical devices have been created, with a
few reaching the market. It was first proven more than twenty years ago that robots can extend
human surgeons’ capabilities. Table 1.2 lists the most remarkable research projects, while the
more significant systems are introduced in detail. Further descriptions of the major devices can
be found in [9], [25], [26] and [27].
The first robot used on a human patient was a Puma 200 (Programmable Universal Machine
for Assembly) robot—originally manufactured by Unimation Inc. (Danbury, CT)—manipulating
a biopsy cannulae using a Brown-Roberts-Wells stereotactic frame (mounted to the robot’s base).
The operation took place in the Memorial Medical Center (Long Beach, CA, USA) in 1985 [28].
The robot’s repeatability was 0.05 mm with an overall accuracy of 2 mm. The pneumatic gripper
was used to clasp a brain retractor [29]. In later experiments, the Puma performed complete
stereotactic neurosurgical operations based on the CT scan, processing the scanned images,
positioning the arm at the target point and manipulating different probes.
In the same year, a Cartesian linear robot was used together with a COMPASS stereotactic
head frame (Compass International Inc., Rochester, MN, USA) to improve the efficiency of
stereotaxis [30] by positioning the patient’s head (the target area) with the robot into the center
of the stereotactic arc [5].
At the beginning of the ‘90s, a research group in Lausanne, Switzerland developed the Minerva
system [31]. It was designed to have maximum access to the brain (with 5 degrees of freedom
(DOF) structure) while the patient is in the CT, allowing the procedures to be performed under
real-time imaging (figure 1.5). The robot was capable of performing automated skin incision,
cranium drilling and instrument manipulation. It was mounted on a horizontal carrier which
moved on rails. A Brown-Roberts-Wells reference frame was attached to the robot gantry and
coupled to the motorized CT table by two ball and socket joints arranged in series. In 1993-95,
fourteen human patients were operated with the robot at the CHUV Hospital in
Switzerland [32]. The project was terminated due to patient security issues.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Figure 1.5
Figure 1.6
Photo of the Minerva stereotactic robot system [32].
The NeuroMate stereotactic robot performing simulated brain biopsy [33].
The NeuroMate [34] was the first neurosurgical robotic device to get a CE mark in Europe,
followed by the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval in 1997 for stereotactic
neurosurgical procedures (figure 1.6). After having performed over 3000 operations, it was also
approved for frameless stereotactic surgery in 1999. It has a CE mark for neuro-endoscopic
applications as well. Originally developed at the Grenoble University Hospital and produced by
Innovative Medical Machines International (IMMI, Lyon, France), the 5 DOF NeuroMate
provides an accurate and trusted assistance for supervised needle positioning and instrument
holding for brain biopsy. The system was mostly used with an imaging workstation (VOXIM)—
a software for planning and registration of pre-operative images. The optional ActMate module
was for visualization of the instrument during the procedure, allowing the user to select a
particular configuration of the robot when the same target point could be reached in multiple
Project [ref.]
Institute, company
Main features
Alpha robot [35]
MicroDexterity Systems Inc.;
Albuquerque, NM, USA
5 DOF parallel manipulator mounted on the
stereotactic frame, CA
robot [36]
Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Harvard
Medical School; Boston, MA, USA
5 DOF MRI guided robot for percutaneous
procedures, tool navigation and biopsy.
CAS-BH5 robot
system [37]
Navy General Hospital of PLA, Beijing
University; Beijing, China
Facilitates remote planning and transmission of
neuronavigation data, monitoring and manipulating
Cranio [38]
RWTH-Aachen / Lehrstuhl für
Biomedizinische Technik; Aachen, DE
Craniectomy with 6 DOF hexapod robot
University of Karlsruhe;
Karlsruhe, Germany
Modified 6 DOF Stäubli RX-90 robot for craniofacial
bone milling, under optical tracking for safety
Accuray Inc.; Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Image guided radiotherapy, tumor irradiation, CA
Craniofacial Surgery
Robot [39]
Cyberknife [40]
Table 1.2
Major neurosurgical robotic projects and their features. (CA = commercially available)
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Project [ref.]
Institute, company
Main features
Evolution 1 [ 41 ]
Universal Robot Systems;
Schwerin, Germany - defunct
6 DOF hexapod robot for pedicle screw placement
and adenoma dissection, CA, discontinued
FC robot for otoneurosurgery [42]
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik
und Automatisierung (IPA); Stuttgart, DE
Force-controlled Stäubli RX-130 robot for automated
temporal skull base drilling
IGOR [43]
TIMB (Trait. de l’Information et Modélisation en Bio-médecine); Grenoble, France
Prototype robot for general image guided
neurosurgery (later became NeuroMate)
Active, autom.
Johns Hopkins University;
Baltimore, MD, USA
DLR / BrainLAB AG; Feldkirchen,
Mazor Surgical Technologies Inc.;
Caesarea, Israel
University of Erlangen-Nurenberg, FAU
Medical School, Erlangen, Germany
Lab. of Microengineering, Swiss Federal
Inst. of Tech.; Lausanne, Switzerland
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics; Beijing, China
Skull base drilling with force based co-operative
control with virtual fixtures
Light-weight, high payload 7DOF robot for MIS
neurosurgery, CA soon
FDA approved, light-weight, head mountable robot
for needle insertion, CA soon
Fully automated spheniodotomy with a Mitsubishi
RV-1a 6 DOF robot
Real time frameless stereotactic instrument guidance
in CT scanner, discontinued
PUMA260 robot based system with optical tracking
for brain biopsy
6 DOF manipulator for surgical microscope
positioning, CA
Master-slave system with two 6 DOF arms and a HD
3D vision system for neuro-microsurgery
Light-weight, 6 DOF universal-prismatic-spherical
parallel mechanism for skull drilling
High Intensity Focused US treatment for destruction
of subcortical lesions
MRI compatible complete multi-manipulator, in
clinical trials
Instrument guidance, skull-base surgery with a
5+6 DOF parallel robot with force sensor
Teleoperated system with three arms and increased
micromanipulation capabilities
4 DOF serial robot with remote center of motion for,
JHU project w/
NeuroMate [44]
KineMedic [45]
MARS robot
(SmartAssist) [46]
MI Transsphenoidal
surgical robot [47]
Minerva [48]
MIS Stereotactic
Robot [49]
MKM [50]
MM-1 robot [51]
Modular Parallel
Robot [52]
Motorized HIFU
system [53]
neuroArm [54]
NeuRobot [55]
NeuroBot [56]
Neurobot [57]
NeuroMaster [58]
NeuroMate [59]
NIRS [60]
PathFinder [61]
Raven [62]
RAMS [63]
Robot [64]
SurgiScope [65]
Tele-Robotic Skull
Drill System [66]
UPenn robotic
setup [114]
UTokyo MRI
robot [67]
Active, manual
/ automated
Active, autom.
/ teleoperated
Table 1.2 cont.
Carl Zeiss AG; Oberkochen, Germany
University of Tokyo; Tokyo, Japan
Yuan Ze University; Taiwan
Imperial College of Science, Tech. and
Medicine, London, UK
University of Calgary; Canada
Nanyang Technological University;
Shinshu University School of Medicine;
Matsumoto, Japan
Imperial College, London, UK
Robotic Institute Beihang University;
Beijing, China
IMMI / ISS / Schaerer Mayfield
NeuroMate Sarl; Lyon, France
6 DOF robot for stereotactic procedures
5 DOF cannulae positioning for biopsy,
neuroendoscopy, CA
National Neuroscience Institute; Singapore
Automated pocket milling of the skull base
Prosurgics Ltd. (formerly Armstrong
Healthcare Ltd.); High Wycombe, UK
6 DOF manipulator for instrument guidance, CA
University of Washington; WA, USA
6 DOF general surgery, automated suction
NASA JPL; Pasadena, CA, USA
6 DOF manipulator for eye and brain surgery with
motion scaling and tremor filtering, discontinued
Johns Hopkins University;
Baltimore, MD, USA
Intelligent Surgical Instruments & Systems;
Grenoble, France
Dalhousie University; Halifax, NS, Canada
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
University of Tokyo; Tokyo, Japan
7 DOF robot with advanced tremor filtering for MIS
needle driving
Ceiling mounted robotized tool-holder device for
surgical navigation, CA
Test bed for skull base drilling with Mitsubishi PA-10
6 DOF robot
Transoral skull base surgery with a da Vinci robot;
first human application
Two ultrasonic motors and 6 DOF sterilizable
manipulator for needle insertion
Major neurosurgical robotic projects and their features. (CA = commercially available)
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A typical clinical procedure with the NeuroMate follows the steps of classic IGS. First comes
the initial data acquisition step (obtaining images in either DSA, CT, MRI or in digitized
radiograph format [68]), then the path planning that determines the trajectory from skin entry
point to the target location using a specially developed software program. Once the path is
defined, the images are transferred directly from the planning workstation to the control
computer in the OR. The technology was bought by Integrated Surgical Systems Inc.
(Sacramento, CA, USA) in 1997 and later was acquired by Schaerer Mayfield NeuroMate AG
(Lyon, France) [51].
The Evolution 1 robotic system (Universal Robot Systems, Schwerin, Germany) had been
used for endoscope-assisted transphenoidal pituitary adenoma resections, endoscopic third
ventriculostomy and pedicle screw placements in the spine [41]. The 6 DOF Hexapod Robot is
based on a parallel actuator configuration, allowing very fast and precise positioning—supporting
accurate stereotaxis. The system is no longer in production.
The Mechatronics Laboratory at the University of Tokyo, Japan developed an MRIcompatible needle insertion manipulator intended for stereotactic neurosurgery [67]. The smallsized manipulator (491 mm high) was made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and ultrasonic
motors were used for the actuators. Non-ferromagnetic materials (brass, aluminum, delrin and
ceramics) were used to build the rest of the structure, keeping it compatible with a magnetic field
of up to 0.5 T. The robot was tested on watermelon phantoms and the positioning error was
measured to be 3.3 mm at maximum.
The Harvard Medical School in cooperation with the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory,
AIST, MITI (Tsukuba, Japan) have built a 5 DOF MRI compatible robot [29]. It is made with
non-magnetic ultrasonic motors, para-magnetic materials (titanium, plastic) and a parallel link
configuration. The system works together with an intra-operative MRI system to assist MIS
catheter direction and navigation.
NeuRobot is a popular name in the field, there are at least three different projects under this
label (see table 1.2). Most successful is the da Vinci-like telemanipulator system developed at the
Japanese Shinshu University [56] and [69]. It consists of four main parts; three fully deployable
6 DOF slave arms, set up in an insertion cylinder measuring 10 mm in diameter, a manipulatorsupporting device, an operation-input device (the master manipulator) and a three-dimensional
display monitor (figure 1.7). The 3D endoscope holder has three DOF (rotation, neck swinging,
and forward/backward motion). Successful human clinical trials have been reported [70] and also
teleoperation experiments were performed on rats from 40 km distance [71].
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Figure 1.7
Figure 1.8
The three-armed NeuRobot telemanipulator system at the Shinsu University, Japan [56].
The RAMS microsurgical teleoperated arms at JPL, Pasadena, CA. (Photo: NASA)
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) become interested in surgical
robotics at the beginning of the ‘90s, and by 1997 the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena,
CA, USA) and the MicroDexterity Systems Inc. (Albuquerque, NM, USA) developed their new
robot, the RAMS (Robot-Assisted Micro-Surgery) [63]. The 6 DOF RAMS arms are 25 cm long
and 2.5 cm wide, having a remarkable 400 cm3 workspace (figure 1.8). They are both equipped
with 6 DOF tip-force sensors to provide haptic feedback to the operator. The robot was
originally aimed for ophthalmic procedures, especially for laser retina surgery. The master
controller is a tendon-driven small arm, also with six joints, and is capable of 1:100 scaling
(achieving 10 micron accuracy), tremor filtering (8-14 Hz) and eye tracking. Although it was not
intended for market sale, clinical trials were scheduled after successful animal tests [72].
Unfortunately, the project was discontinued due to financial reasons.
Other, more compact surgical robots have also been developed. Doctors and scientists at the
BioRobotics Laboratory, University of Washington have developed a portable surgical robot that
can be installed anywhere with its limited size and 22 kg overall mass [62]. The robot—called the
Raven—has two articulated arms, each holding a stainless steel shaft for different surgical tools
(figure 1.9-10). It can be easily assembled even by non-engineers, and its communication links
have been designed for long distance remote-control. In addition to the possibility of haptic
feedback, multiple sensors are mounted on the robot to provide more information to the
surgeon and to avoid any critical failure due to the communication delay. Compactness was
considered as priority throughout its development; the creators optimized the robot’s
dimensions and motion by computer, minimizing the space occupied without compromising its
manipulation capabilities. Currently, different ways of automated suction during neurosurgery are
investigated with the robot.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Figure 1.9-10
Figure 1.11
The Raven robot in field and underwater telemanipulation test. (Photo:University of Washington)
The M7 robot on board of the NASA Aquarius sea habitat performing the world’s first
automated US guided tumor biopsy. (Photo: NASA)
Realizing the importance of a light but stiff structure, SRI International (developer of the first
prototype of the da Vinci) in Menlo Park, California started to develop the M7 robot in 1998
under a contract from the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC).
M7 is a portable and deployable light-weight (15 kg) surgical robot (figure 1.11). The system is
able to exert significant forces compared to its size, enabling it to carry out bone drilling tasks as
well. The system consists of two anthropomorphic 6 DOF arms (plus gripper) and is equipped
with motion scaling (1:10), tremor filtering and haptic feedback. The various effectors used by
the robot (e.g. laser tissue welding tool) can be changed very rapidly. The software of the M7 has
been updated lately to better suit the requirements of teleoperation and communication via
Ethernet cable, with additional improvements to the master optics and stereo video processing.
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has already built several generations of light-weight
robotic arms for ground and space application. Their latest 7 DOF surgical robot is called
KineMedic, which consists of a single arm weighting only 10 kg and capable of handling a 30 N
payload with high accuracy. It has been considered primarily for neurosurgical interventions. Its
industrial version can be equipped with a dexterous 4-finger artificial hand and has already won
several awards [45]. KUKA Roboter GmbH (Augsburg, Germany) is about to commercialize it.
Mechatronic systems have been used since the 1970s to better position the patient’s head for
radiation therapy. The Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion (Leksell, Sweden) has already treated
more than 500,000 patients world wide [73]. Using the same basic idea, one of the most
successful robotic applications is the CyberKnife (Accuray, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). This
stereotactic radiosurgery system integrates IGS with robotic positioning (figure 1.12). The 6 MeV
LINAC relatively light-weight photon device is mounted on a KUKA 6 DOF industrial
manipulator (KUKA Roboter GmbH, Augsburg, Germany). Its primary use is the irradiation of
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
brain and spine tumors. X-ray cameras are used to track the spatial displacement of the patient
and compensate for motion caused e.g. by breathing. The overall accuracy of the system is 0.42
± 0.4 mm (mean ± standard deviation).
Figure 1.12
Figure 1.13
CyberKnife robotic system for radiation therapy. (Photo: Accuray Inc.)
The Mehrkoordinaten Manipulator (MKM) robotized neurosurgical microscope.
(Photo: Carl Zeiss AG)
Surgical microscopes have also profited from the development of technology for neurosurgical
tools, with applications including a robotized microscope holder for frameless registration. The
Mehrkoordinaten Manipulator (MKM) (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany) [50] and the
SurgiScope (Intelligent Surgical Instruments & Systems, Grenoble, France) [65] systems both use
laser beams to determine the location of the focal point of the robotic microscopes (figure 1.13).
The pre-operative images of the brain are downloaded to the workstation, where the surgeon can
determine the target point and the approach route to the lesion. The microscopes are able to
auto-focus on the chosen markers and assist throughout the procedure. It is also possible to
superimpose additional information on the image, such as the contours of the lesion.
Beyond the presented systems, many other exist, and every year new, interesting concepts are
presented at conferences and in research papers. The United States is still considered to be the
leader in the field, but there is strong competition from Western Europe and more recently
from Asia.
1.6 System improvement strategies
Current research projects are trying to increase the utility of the surgical equipment along
different strategies. They are mainly focusing on three areas for improvement:
augmenting the overall accuracy and/or efficacy of the classic stereotactic systems
increasing the added-value of the equipment
further enhancing the capabilities of the human surgeon, providing smarter tools.
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The following ongoing research examples give insight to how these issues are addressed and
what are the benefits for future patients. Safety is paramount in all cases, and should determine
the way research is conducted. Patient safety is addressed differently in each discussed system.
1.6.1 Improvement of stereotactic surgery
The European Union’s most recent initiative—the ROBOCAST project (Robot and Sensors
Integration for Computer Assisted Surgery and Therapy, FP7)—aims to augment existing IGS
techniques and to find new ways to perform high-precision keyhole neurosurgery [61]
(figure 1.14). The modular system to be built will consist of two manipulators and one smaller
probe, actively cooperating in a bio-mimetic sensory-motor integrated framework. The
PathFinder system (Prosurgics Inc., UK) forms the basis of the larger positioning robots
(figure 1.15). The stereotactic 6 DOF PathFinder is already available on the European market. It
works with the CT or MRI images of the patient and automatically registers the position of the
probe (with at least 1.25 mm accuracy). In general practice, it is capable of aligning the surgical
tools within 1 mm of the target. In 2003, human experiments showed that the application
accuracy was 0.44 ± 0.02 mm using the robot, in comparison with an error of 0.98 ± 0.02 mm
with the stereotactic frame and 1.96 ± 1.6 mm with a standard (frameless) navigation system.
The ROBOCAST systems will use optical trackers for patient safety (to monitor and compensate
for any change in the patient’s position) and provide visual information of the surgical field.
Given an accurate registration, the controller will use the preoperative diagnostic information to
plan the path of the intervention.
Figure 1.14
Figure 1.15
The ROBOCAST project’s visionary setup [74].
Tool navigation with the PathFinder robot. (Photo: Prosurgics Inc.)
Improving the efficiency and precision of stereotactic procedure will lead to more gainful
surgery of certain brain tumors and lesions. Deep brain stimulation electrodes could be placed
very accurately with this kind of system, resulting in the routine treatment of Parkinson and
similar diseases. The trajectory within the brain will be planned on the basis of a risk atlas
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
(identifying critical structures), reproducing a fuzzy representation of statistical anatomical
atlases. Construction of the atlas will be based on cognitive learning, with the possibility of
simulating predicted consequences of certain surgical maneuvers. Intra-operative imaging devices
(e.g. ultrasound) will be used to continuously update and improve the atlas. Applications include
effective percutaneous brachytherapy, where radioactive seeds are implanted to kill the cancer
cells, and the removal of blood clots based on preoperative images [74]. Currently, ROBOCAST
is planned to be used to inject stem cells into the brain to treat Alzheimer’s and other diseases
1.6.2 Integrating imaging devices
The other main direction of development is to integrate the robots with advanced imaging
devices to increase their utility by allowing intraoperative imaging. This can be very challenging
technically, but offers the highest level of added-value to the procedure. Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) gives a fine resolution picture of soft tissues with an acceptable time rate (see
table 1.1), while avoiding patient and surgeon radiation exposure. MR compatible robotics has
been in the focus of research interest since the mid ‘90s and is the subject of a recent issue of the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology magazine [75].
Figure 1.16
Figure 1.17
The MR safe 6 DOF arms of the NeuroMate robot. (Photos: University of Calgary)
The neuroArm and project leader Dr. Sutherland during the first open demo.
NeuroArm [54] is a recent teleoperated anthropomorphic robot from a University of Calgary
led consortium (figure 1.16-17). The MRI compatible robot (up to a 1.5 Tesla magnetic field) is
designed for stereotaxis and microsurgery. Beyond motion scaling and high definition visual
feedback, the neuroArm is able to provide very accurate 3D information of its two 7 DOF arms.
It uses three displays to give complete visual coverage of the operating environment, showing in
parallel the 3D stereoscopic view of the operation, the MR image of the patient and the control
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panel. The system has been used on two human patients so far, and with further clinical trials
beginning shortly, the robot may hit the market in the next years.
1.6.3 Hands-on surgery
Another neurosurgical research project at the Johns Hopkins University is a good example of
the cooperative control concept [64]. The hands-on system is called the Steady-Hand Robot is
capable of significantly increasing the performance of human surgeons (figure 1.18-19). The
robot holds interchangeable tools and the force sensor that has low-threshold silicon strain
gauges built in to detect forces. The force measurements are coupled to the control system after
tremor filtering and smoothing. This approach has the advantage of simplicity, less expensive
implementation and provides greater immediacy for the user. However, the possibility of
teleoperation is completely lost. Surgeons may be more willing to accept this form of robotized
equipment, as it still supports the classical way of doing the procedure. The robot is based on a
Cartesian stage (allowing three orthogonal translational motions) and a Remote Center of
Motion (RCM) stage (with two orthogonal rotational DOF) that helps to keep a user-defined
point (RCM) of the robot at the same position in space. This allows safe surgery through the
abdomen (or other tissue layers), where the incision point limits the motion in space.
Figure 1.18-19
The Steady-Hand Robot at the Johns Hopkins University. (Photo: CISST)
There are other concepts and approaches that seek to find ways to better serve the clinicians.
Any new strategy must be developed using the same strategic principles: the system should pose
minimal risk to the patient (compared with classical methods), there shall be major clinical
advantages to justify its use and finally, the investment and maintenance costs should be
reasonable for medical centers.
We chose the latter paradigm for our neurosurgical system at Johns JHU. Our robot is using
cooperative control to assist the surgeons, and does not change the general method of the
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procedure, and has good safety features (keeping the surgeon in control of the robot at all times).
These aspects may lead to an easier validation and approval, while still having significant impact
on the clinical outcome.
1.7 Challenges of skull base surgery
Nearly all neurosurgical procedures require some amount of bone cutting—typically,
craniotomy (temporary opening) or craniectomy (when the bone is permanently removed)—to
gain access to the brain (figure 1.20). The surgery always begins with the opening of the skull.
For example, posterior skull base lesions (such as acoustic neuromas or meningiomas of the
cerebellopontine angle) and neurovascular compression syndromes (such as trigeminal neuralgia
or hemifacial spasm) can all be approached through a small size opening behind the ipsilateral
ear—via a suboccipital approach. This is achieved by first making a 3 cm retrauricular scalp
incision and then performing a 1.5 cm retrosigmoid craniectomy. The dura is incised and CSF is
drained from the posterior fossa. After relaxation of the cerebellum, a surgical endoscope or any
other device can be introduced into the posterior fossa [76]. Another example is transnasal
approach; anterior endonasal endoscopic surgery allows physicians to reach the paranasal sinuses
or the anterior fossa. Table 1.3 presents the major traditional and MIS approaches in skull
base surgery.
Figure 1.20
Figure 1.21
Classic pterionale craniotomy procedure, when the skull is opened for further operations.
(Photo: Melissa de Wolfe)
The complex anatomical structure of the skull base. (Picture: Anatomy Atlases)
Minimally invasive treatment of the skull base is already possible with classic laparoscopic and
endoscopic tool; however, robotic technology can greatly improve the effectiveness of the
procedures. MIS in this field has shown several advantages over classical one, 95% of the
patients undergoing this type of operation spend only one night at the emergency room postoperatively and released home within 48 hours.
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MIS (endoscopic)
Bifrontal craniotomy
Endonasal (transnasal)
Retromastoid, suboccipitalis
Pterional craniotomy
Table 1.3 Traditional approaches for skull base surgery and their MIS equivalent [76]
Different pathologies can be treated with MIS skull base surgery, as listed in table 1.4.
Figures 1.22-24 show three different MIS transnasal approaches, together with a particular case.
For better understanding, the Skull Base Institute runs an interactive site to present the most
common surgical cases and their treatment, with 3D animations presenting the procedures [76].
In certain cases, it is necessary to do further bone cutting inside the skull, at the skull base
(e.g. partial removal of the acoustic canal), to gain access to a tumor, chordoma or vascular lesion
(including aneurysms, malformations of the veins or arteries and fistulas). During the procedure,
physicians typically operate on one of the three regions of the skull (anterior, middle and
posterior fossa). The skull base is one of the most complex and vulnerable anatomical areas [77],
making it a unique challenge to navigate around while avoiding damage to the cranial nerves,
brain tissue and fine blood vessels (figure 1.21). Eight nerves exit the skull base in the region
typically affected during these procedures. If the cranial nerves are damaged, permanent or
temporary loss of critical neural functions may occur. This is an extremely delicate task requiring
high precision and can last for hours. Neurosurgeons who work within these areas of the brain
must deal with the specific region carefully, with regard to the size and type of lesion to be
removed. The limited workspace also means that the surgical area is often obscured, or covered
by tissue. Presently, surgeons use microscopes and perform the operation with extreme caution
to avoid costly and fatal mistakes.
MIS transnasal approach
Type of pathology
Pituitary Adenoma
Intrasellar Craniopharyingioma
CSF leak repair
Suprasellar Craniopharyngioma
Planum Meningioma
Lateral Sphenoid Meningocele
Infratemporal Fossa Tumor
Olfactory Groove Meningioma
Pre-pontine Cyst
Transsphenoidal app.
Transtuberculum / transplanum app.
Transpterygoid app.
Transethmoidal / Transcribiform app.
Transclivial app.
Table 1.4
Different kinds of diseases and leisure with their surgical solutions (i.e., skull base drilling) [78].
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Due to the delicate nature of the interventions, patients may be in the operating room from six
to fifteen hours and beyond. This is physically and mentally tiring for the physicians, who must
hold the drills and focus for several hours. Fatigue results in further extension of the operating
time, increasing both the costs and the chance for human error. Currently used stereotactic
navigation systems only provide tool location information and anatomical visualization to
support the operation, but do not address many of the problems mentioned.
Figure 1.22
Figure 1.23
Figure 1.24
Schematic drawing of endoscopic endonasal removal (via the nostril) of anterior skull base
tumors and an example image showing the delivery of a meningioma [79].
Endos. endonasal removal of the clival or the posterior cranial fossa tumors and pre-operative
axial MR view of a large chordoma in the clivus [79].
Endos. endonasal removal of tumors at the cavernous sinus, optic nerve, sella and suprasellar
region and a pre-operative MR sagittal view of a recurrent malignant pituitary tumor (T) [79].
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Chapter 2
Inroducing the JHU neurosurgical robot system
2.1 System description
At the Johns Hopkins University I joined the SMARTS team in developing a cooperativelycontrolled robot system to assist with skull base surgery [44]. The system consists of a modified
NeuroMate robot, a surgical navigation device—Stealth Station and adequate network and
control equipment (figure 2.1-2). The goal is to improve the safety and quality of brain surgery
while significantly reducing the operating time. The robotized solution is only used for the
removal of the bone tissue, to gain access to the anatomical region affected by a tumor or other
disease. Our technical approach is to use a preoperative image—such as CT—to identify the
region of the skull base that can be safely drilled. We chose a cooperative control
implementation (also called compliant control), in which the surgeon applies forces to move the
robot and the robot enforces the safety boundaries. Other example for robots with similar
“hand-on” control concept include the Steady-Hand Robot at JHU [44] and the Acrobot
developed at Imperial College (London, UK) for total knee replacement [80]. This chapter
presents our system and the results of preliminary phantom and cadaver studies.
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
The NeuroMate robot in action, bone cutting on the skull base in a cadaver experiment at JHMI.
The integrated robotic system moved to the R. A. Swirnow Mock Operating Room at JHU.
The JHU system has three major advantages. First, it offers the visualization features used in
stereotactic surgery; the tool’s position can be followed on the 3D model of the patient, acquired
from pre-operative CT scans. Second, the surgical tool is mounted on the rigid robot, thereby
improving its stability. The stiffness of the structure basically eliminates the physiological hand
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tremor. The surgeon still holds the classic drill tool and directs its movement, but he or she can
release the tool any time. Sometimes it is necessary to release the drill in order to perform other
actions, such as irrigation, suctioning, manipulating the endoscope or adjusting one’s grip on the
drill. It is now possible to make these without removing the tool from the operating area. The
most important advantage—and the real novelty of the application—is that the surgeon can
define virtual boundaries on the CT scan prior to the operation. These are called virtual fixtures
(VF), and once registered to the robot, they are enforced in real space, thus preventing the tip of
the tool from going beyond the defined safe area. These features together greatly increase the
safety and the reliability of the procedure, ease the surgeon’s task and therefore potentially
reduce operating time.
2.2 System components
The JHU system consists of two major FDA approved hardware elements, the NeuroMate
robot and the StealthStation navigation system (figure 2.3). These and other components—such
as the force sensor, the drill, or the visualization and control workstations—are introduced in
detail below.
Figure 2.3
Elements of the integrated neurosurgical system at JHU.
2.2.1 The NeuroMate robot
We have developed an integrated system that uses a NeuroMate robot as a new and effective
surgical tool by adding a force sensor to the tip of the manipulator (figure 2.4). Our system
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possesses all the advantages of the original system, while the modifications allow for extended
use of the robot.
The NeuroMate consists of 5 revolute joints, each mobilized by a separate, high precision
servo. The joint values are read by encoders with a resolution of 1/26825 degree due to the high
gearing. The Neuromate contains embedded joint controller boards that are integrated into the
links of the robot, significantly reducing the required cabling (figure 2.5). Each joint controller
board contains a microprocessor and is responsible for controlling up to two axes of the robot,
including the power amplification. Our Neuromate contains a newer design of the joint
controller boards (provided by Integrated Surgical Systems Inc.) that does not exist in the
standard product. The power supplies are placed in the triangle shaped base, eliminating the need
for a separate controller rack. The system communicates with the main PC through a Controller
Area Network (CAN) bus. The CAN bus is a broadcasting based differential serial bus protocol
for connecting electronic control units, allowing each node to send and receive messages in one
direction at a time. We are able to communicate with the joint controller board in every 18.2 ms.
In every communication cycle, we can read the joint encoders and give new commands to the
servos. On the lowest level, the joints are given position commands. The highest linear velocity
of the robot is approximately 50 mm /sec.
The NeuroMate’s previously reported intrinsic accuracy (i.e., the precision of the individual
hardware and software component) is 0.75 mm, with a repeatability of 0.15 mm [33]. In a
human stereotactic surgical setup, conducted in 2002, the application accuracy (i.e., the overall
precision in performing the desired task) was measured to be 1.95 ± 0.44 mm (mean ± standard
deviation) [59].
Figure 2.4
Figure 2.5
The NeuroMate robot used at JHU for skull base drilling.
Controller boards located within the links of the robot.
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2.2.2 StealthStation
Our system uses an FDA-approved navigation system, StealthStation (Medtronic Navigation,
Louisville, CO). IGS became feasible with the spread of surgical localizers. These devices are
able to detect objects in 3D space, with a limited range of approximately 1.5 – 2 meters and
15 - 20 degrees. The StealthStation uses an infrared LED array to illuminate the target area,
whereupon the reflections are monitored by two Polaris cameras, with a base distance of 50 cm.
The system can use active or passive markers. The passive markers consist of small balls with
highly reflective paint (in the infrared spectrum). The images are segmented and processed by the
controller within the StealthStation rack to gain the information about the tools. Each rigid body
has four balls mounted in different arrangements. Three would be enough for 3D localization,
but redundancy is used to obtain better accuracy. If all markers are visible, the StealthStation
computes the base point relevant to the rigid body (based on the defined geometric parameters).
The system is only capable of tracking two rigid bodies at a time (one reference frame and one
tool), but there is the option to manually switch between different frames and tools.
It is possible to access the raw data from the StealthStation through the StealthLink research
interface [81]. In every cycle we can read the homogenous transformation matrix from the inner
base (camera) coordinate frame to the two tracked rigid bodies, in addition to a geometry error
that gives information about the accuracy of segmentation and model fitting. This means that the
camera can be moved during the surgery at any time without losing position information, as the
navigation system can always provide the position of the tracked rigid bodies relative to each
other. Unfortunately, we cannot get direct information about certain sub-optimal conditions,
such as a partial coverage of the rigid bodies or when just three markers are in sight.
Figure 2.6
Figure 2.7
Screenshot of the StealthStation surgical navigation system’s GUI during registration.
The JR3 force sensor and the Anspach eMax 2 drilling tool attached to the robot.
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The StealthStation rack consists of the controller for the system and a PC for visualization of
the surgical tool with respect to the preoperative image. In addition to the axial, coronal and
sagittal views of the CT, the 3D reconstruction is also displayed. The computer’s standard
inputs serve as the human interface (figure 2.6).
The reported intrinsic accuracy of the system is 0.04 – 0.29 mm in different arrangements [82],
with an application accuracy of 1.6 ± 0.68 mm [83], though it was shown to be greatly dependent
on the lighting conditions. The position of the probes and line of sight for the infrared CCD
cameras are critical issues throughout the procedure, as there is heterogeneity in the localization
error over the workspace and covering of any of the optical markers can result in significant
In our setup, we use three different rigid bodies (out of which two can be tracked at the same
time). One marker frame is fixed on the robot’s end-effector, below the last joint. Another one is
connected to the patient (at a Mayfield skull clamp). These two marker-sets allow us to
determine the robot’s relative position to the skull. A third tool, a hand-held pointing probe is
used for registration. The information gathered with the latter one is used to register the CT
coordinates to the real world (see Section 2.3.2).
2.2.3 Other system components
To obtain the cooperative control feature, a force sensor had to be added to the robot
(figure 2.7). A 6 DOF force sensor (JR3 Inc., Woodland, CA, USA) measures the forces and
torques applied on the end-effector. It is useable up to a maximum of 100 N force in the X and
Y directions and 200 N in the Z direction. Its sensitivity is 0.1 N, 0.1 N, 0.2 N respectively and
the time resolution is 400 Hz. (We read the sensor output from the vendor’s custom adapter
board installed in the PC.) This resolution allows fine manipulation with force control.
The tool at the end-effector is an Anspach eMax 2 high-speed, clinical bone drilling surgical
instrument (The Anspach Effort Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA). This is a real-life surgical
device, designed to be a classic hand-held tool, controlled by a foot-pedal (figure 2.8). It has
torque compensation, varying cutting burr loading and “soft start” performance for smooth
cutting. The drill provides bi-directional rotation and operates at a maximum velocity of 80,000
rpm and comes with interchangeable tool-heads. We have several 3-5 mm, diamond coated
milling and drilling heads (figure 2.9). The tool-holder (with reinforcing bracket) is attached to
the end of the NeuroMate through the force sensor (figure 2.7).
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Figure 2.8
The Anspach eMax 2 surgical drill’s console, foot pedal and hand-held tool.
(Image: The Anspach Effort Inc.)
Figure 2.9
Different milling tools for the eMax 2 surgical drill.
The system further integrates the 3D Slicer ( software [84] for
preoperative planning and intra-operative visualization (figure 2.10). 3D Slicer is an open source,
cross-platform application for visualizing and analyzing medical image data, developed by
researchers at the Brigham & Women's Hospital (Boston, MA, USA) and around the world. This
is used as our planning system because it enables us to create complex virtual fixtures and export
them in an open file format (VTK polydata). In the planning phase (prior to the operation) we
use the image editing and model creation features of Visualization ToolKit (VTK) to define the
VF. We can display the tool in Slicer and arbitrary manipulate the CT scans. The open platform
allows implementation of further tools and features. During the procedure, Slicer displays the
cutting tool with respect to the virtual fixture and preoperative image (the StealthStation can only
display the image, since we have no means to load the virtual fixture).
The concept of the VF was originally introduced by Rosenberg in 1993 [85] and successfully
applied to robotic surgery at JHU with the Steady-Hand Robot [64]. Implementing a VF involves
the superposition of an abstract, pre-defined spatial subspace on the real workspace of a robot.
By applying different control rules within the VF, the effectiveness of telepresence and
telemanipulation can be greatly improved. When a human is guiding a robot without force
feedback, it is hard to follow geometric shapes or surfaces. VF serves as a 3D ruler, allowing the
user to move along a certain boundary. Once the preoperative image is registered to the robot
coordinate system, the robot can ensure that the mounted cutting tool, remains within the safe
zone defined in the preoperative image. Beyond safety, the ergonomic implementation of the VF
is also important, to smooth the robot’s motion; in other worlds, the scaled motion should
resemble to the natural surgical hand movements.
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Figure 2.10
Screenshot of the Slicer 3D program with loaded phantom CT and defined virtual fixture.
Figure 2.11
The Main window of the neurosurgical controller with various functionalities.
In our application, the use of virtual fixtures is the most significant feature for improving the
surgeon’s performance. (However, for research purposes, it is possible to deactivate it.) It is
defined in Slicer 3D as an arbitrary volume, and approximated with a convex hull for further
computations. The VF divides the robot’s workspace into three areas:
free space (away from the VF), where the robot is free to move
boundary zone (within the proximity of the VF), where the robot’s speed is reduced
forbidden zone, where the robot is not allowed to penetrate the VF
Depending on which region the robot operates in, a different control strategy is chosen, as
described later.
The central controller of the robot is run on a separate PC workstation containing the RealTime Application Interface (RTAI) for Linux [86]. RTAI is an open-source, real-time extension for
the Linux kernel that applies strict timing constraints. The robot control software was written in
the C++ language and contains approximately 10,000 lines. It uses the open source ERC CISST
Software library package [87]. This is a set of libraries developed at the ERC for robotic
applications [88]. The CISST SW facilitated the use of basic linear algebra operations, matrix
manipulations and numerical methods. Other libraries are for real-time support, device
interfaces, tracking systems, robot control and stereo vision development.
Our high-level robot controller consists of a mainTask, controlTask and neuromateTask. The
neuromateTask communicates with the robot through the CAN bus to gather the joint feedbacks
and establish target joint positions. Joint velocity commands are created on this level. The
controlTask implements the supervisory control layer and is responsible for the realization of the
cooperative force control and virtual fixture computation during drilling. It also communicates
with the StealthStation and reads the force sensor. The neuromateTask and controlTasks require
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periodic, real-time execution, which is provided by RTAI. On the highest level, the graphical user
interface (GUI) is managed by the main thread. The GUI (figure 2.11) was created using the Fast
Light Toolkit (FLTK) [89] and allows for the execution of all the major robot functions.
2.3 Operational setup
In most integrated systems, the flow of data is rather complex, and the flawless combination of
different devices requires fine installation. In our case, each component has its own way to
communicate with the other elements, and to ensure the real-time cooperation of the system, the
controller must have access to all (figure 2.12).
To run the system, a certain procedure has to be followed. This contains several compulsory
steps that must be executed prior to every operation, while other calibrations need only be
performed when significant changes are made to the setup. These are described in the next
Figure 2.12
Data flow of the integrated neurosurgery system [44].
The neurosurgical system uses several different coordinate systems, as every device has its own
frame (figure 2.13). Homogenous coordinate transformations allow us to compute the position
and orientation of an arbitrary point in any of the frames once the intermediate transformations
are known. The purpose of the setup-registration is to determine every single transformation for
smooth control of the system. To begin, the CT scan of the patient is acquired. We use 0.5 or
2 mm slice thickness. Naturally, this already influences the overall accuracy. The CT scans can be
transformed to Slicer coordinates (Right Anterior Superior orientation - RAS), where they can
be visualized.
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The virtual fixture for the procedure is created in Slicer. In the original setup, all control
computations were made in the robot’s coordinate frame (Robot World - RW), this means that
the VF definitions must be transformed into RW coordinates. This can be achieved through the
chain of the following transformation:
T ⋅ Stealth
T ⋅ Stealth
T is the transformation between the NeuroMate’s base point (RW) and the marker,
mounted on the patient, called the Dynamic Reference Base (DRB). This is computed through a
registration procedure (see Section 2.3.2). The
T transformation is determined by registering
the skull with a fiducial-based frameless method directly supported by the StealthStation
software. Finally, the Stealth
SlicerT is a fixed known transformation that connects the two different
image coordinate conventions followed by the devices. Slicer follows RAS, while the CT scans
are in the DICOM standard LPS orientation (Left Posterior Superior).
The optical tracker provides information on the position of the mounted fiducials, on the
Dynamic Reference Base (DRB) and Robot Rigid Body (RRB) with respect to the Localizer’s
coordinate system (Loc). By composition, we can obtain the transformation from the DRB to
the RRB:
The transformation between the Robot TCP and the Robot World (TCP to RW) is obtained
by computing the forward kinematics of the robot. We are able to read the high-precision
encoders within the robot that give an exact value of the motor positions. Based on the encoder
data and the known Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, we can compute the kinematic model.
During the operation, the tool’s position is propagated back through the fixed cutterTip
transformation (acquired by pivot calibration) and using the robot’s kinematics. This way, the
controller can compare the VF and the tool position on the same coordinate system (RW) and
determine the adequate control commands.
Using the RW frame makes it easy to transform and send motion commands to the servos. On
the other hand, this makes it harder to measure against the StealthStation’s readings. In the first
experimental setup—described here—the navigation system is not required after registration,
provided the RW frame is used consequently for control [90].
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Figure 2.13
Coordinate frames of the JHU neurosurgery system
In general, the use of the robot is better for positioning because of the higher accuracy, but we
cannot track the robot’s motion relative to the patient (or to another device) in the OR. Thus, we
need the navigation system for the purpose of increasing the safety; for example, to ensure that
the virtual fixture computations take into account any motion of the patient relative to the robot
(see Section 4.3).
2.3.1 Calibration procedures
In our system, calibration refers to the estimation of the parameters of the inserted drill tool.
The tooltip can vary in shape, length and size; therefore we conduct pivot calibration to
determine the most important features. During pivot calibration, the end of the tool (a spherical
shape tip) is guided into the same location in several robot configurations. The symmetry of our
drilling tools (a near perfect sphere) makes it ideal for pivoting, resulting in a fast and easy
procedure. One drawback of this calibration method is that we can only acquire the 3D position
of the tool and not the orientation. We overcome this difficulty by deriving the full homogenous
T transformation from another registration procedure (see Section 2.3.2).
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Pivot calibration determines the location of the robot’s tooltip (i.e., the translations from TCP
to CutterTip and from RRB to CutterTip in figure 2.13. In the basic case, the transformation
between the robot’s base and the end (“pivotPoint”) is
T ⋅ 50T = T(q)+ R(q)C = pivotPoint
where T is the transformation matrix’s position displacement, R is the rotation, C is the vector
from the TCP to the tip of the drill and q is a vector of the five joint values (figure 2.14). We
assume that the spherical tool at the end of the robot can perfectly fit in a cone milled in an
aluminum plate; therefore the central point (pivotPoint) does not change.
The tip is manually guided to the vicinity of the cone and then led by an automated forcebased method (ball-in-cone strategy [91]) to center the tip inside the cone. This is repeated for
different orientations of the tool. We compute a least squares solution for the problem:
 cutterTip 
( R )( -I )  
 = -T
 pivotPoint 
where T and R are the (known) translation and rotation parts of the forward kinematic
transformation, cutterTip is the (unknown) translation, pivotPoint is the (unknown) position of the
pivot point and I is the identity matrix.
Figure 2.14.
Closed kinematic loop (pivot) calibration of the NeuroMate robot.
To quantitatively measure the fit, we use the residual error, defined as:
εres =
X i - X est
N meas
where Xi are the robot tip positions computed with the estimated cutterTip, Xest is the estimated
pivotPoint and Nmeas is the number of measurements. Minimally six configurations are required to
solve (2.4), however, further data can increase the effectiveness of the estimation. The typical
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residual error for our pivot calibration is 0.5 – 0.8 mm. Pivot calibration should be done
whenever the tool or the end-effector had been changed and the resulting parameters must be
stored for further use, both on the control PC and on the StealthStation controller. If the
residual error is too high, εres > ThresCalibration the calibration procedure should be repeated.
There are other methods for determining the desired tool parameters, based on visual
identification of the tool, laser interferometry, laser triangulation touching reference parts using
supersonic distance sensors, micro-switches or conduction fields, applying theodolites or simply
measuring with calipers. Some provide far more accurate results than pivot calibration. However,
our method is very convenient, as it does not require any additional hardware.
A possible extension of the pivot calibration is to mount a laser pointer to the tip of the robot,
and target it to a distant virtual pivot point. Using visual servoing, the robot can direct the laser
to the desired point autonomously, while the distance amplifies the orientation deviations and
provides a more accurate calibration [92].
A similar concept to pivot calibration is to use known features of the tool (e.g. a straight edge),
and guide it to touch a distinct point with the two end of that edge. Doing it along at least two
not co-planar axes we can compute the orientation of the tool. We consider implementing a
similar calibration solution for our robot in the future.
2.3.2 Registration procedures
Each element of the system uses its own frame, thus requiring the derivation of the
appropriate coordinate transformations when integrated. To conduct a surgical procedure, the
following steps must be done:
acquire CT scan
– create (load) VF in Slicer
register CT to StealthStation
– load CT data
– register using fiducials on skull
register Robot to StealthStation
– record six positions in space
get ready for cooperative control
Figure 2.17 introduces the procedure in a flowchart. By downloading and processing the
CT scan and the VF, we gain all the required information in the RW frame. One of the most
critical and tedious steps is registering the scan loaded to the StealthStation to the real world
coordinates, seen by the StealthStation cameras. This is achieved by the classic method of
frameless stereotactic IGS: touching fiducial points (at least four) on the skull with a tracked
pointer probe (figure 2.15). A special geometry rigid body serves as the pointing device and the
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
registration method provided by StealthStation calculates the result of a paired-point registration.
Paired-point registration finds a least squares solution to match two sets of points, each with the
same corresponding arrangement [93]. Anatomical points can also be used if they are clearly
identifiable both on the skull and on the pre-operative image. The average residual error of the
registration is typically 0.5 – 0.9 mm. However, it sometimes takes an extended period of time to
acquire a good registration, as the procedure should be repeated if the error is bigger than
ThresRegistr. The lack of automated fiducial identification and localization on the StealthStation also
reduces the accuracy.
Figure 2.15
Figure 2.16
Frameless registration procedure to connect the StealthStation and the physical world
coordinates with the help of a hand-held probe.
Performing phantom test (foam block cutting) with the robot.
The NeuroMate is registered to the localizer (Robot2StealthStation, DRB to RW) by recording at
least six robot positions measured by the navigation system (tracking the RRB) and the robot
controller (reading the internal encoders). The changes in RRB position (as seen by the
StealthStation) are equivalent to the motion of the end-effector (as a result of the joint’s motion);
therefore we can compute the
T transformation. It is important to exercise the robot around
all configurations of the surgical procedure to get a valid mapping for the workspace that will be
used. (We can get a very low residual error by slightly moving the robot, but it will not be valid
for the entire target area.) The typical residual error of the registration is between 0.2 – 0.7 mm.
Once registered, the system is ready to work in cooperative control mode (figure 2.16).
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Figure 2.17
Pre-operational setup procedure (calibration and registration) of the JHU neurosurgery system.
2.4 Operation in cooperative control mode
In our setup, the NeuroMate robot is able to run in cooperative control mode, where the
readings of the force sensor are used to control the manipulator’s motion (hands-on surgery).
Depending on the orientation of the force applied by the surgeon, the robot moves in the
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prescribed direction with a velocity proportional to the force. For convenience, we can choose to
implement only translational or rotational motion of the tooltip. The lower lever controller
program on the PC (neuromateTask) communicates with the embedded processors in the robot
over the CAN bus in every 18.2 ms. The controlTask can run at any cycle speed between 18.2 ms
and the period time of the mainTask; we ran it at 20 – 30 ms. The maximum allowed linear
velocity of the robot is 25 mm/s. While in compliance mode, the robot uses the following
admittance control law:
F 
q = J -1(q) ⋅ K(d) ⋅ G ⋅  w 
 Tw 
where q is the joint vector, J is the Jacobian matrix resolved at the tooltip, K(d) is a diagonal
matrix of scale factors, G is a diagonal matrix of admittance gains, Fw, is the measured force and
Tw is the vector of the torques.
Figure 2.18
The GUI displays the most important tool information during compliant mode.
Figure 2.19
The pendant of the robot with the emergency stop button.
The GUI serves as the ultimate control panel for the robot. In addition to displaying the basic
information of the robot, it offers the possibility of switching between different guidance modes,
force/position control, performing calibration/registration, or saving the motion sequences of
the robot. These functions are all available via the user interface (figure 2.18).
Security is considered a serious issue in our system. There is a stop button on the GUI plus a
separate emergency stop button (on the pendant) mounted on the base of the robot to help
preventing any accidents (figure 2.19). In the future, further software and hardware elements will
be added for maximum patient and surgeon safety.
To improve the quality and precision of the operation we use a virtual fixture. As described in
the previous section, the boundary of this 3D volume is created in 3D Slicer, and once registered
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to the robot, it enforces the tool to stay within the predefined area. Within the proximity of any
of the planes of the virtual fixture, the robot controller rescales the corresponding component of
the motion through the K(d) matrix in (2.6), resulting in a proportional reduction in velocity near
the boundary. If the surgeon forcibly pushes the robot towards the VF, the robot still slows
down and stops at the surface. The rigidity of the manipulator prevents major overcut, although
it is still possible to force the robot’s tip past the VF by approximately 1 mm due to the
structural compliance of the mechatronic system.
In the current implementation [90], we compute the perpendicular distance of the tool tip to
the closest VF plane in each of the Robot World frame coordinate directions ( i = X, Y, Z).
di =
( C - P )× N
where C is the robot’s Cartesian position vector, N is the normal to the VF plane, P is the closest
point on the plane and di is the distance to P. The velocity commands sent to the robot are scaled
based on di. If the tooltip is within the proximity of the VF (i.e., closer then a preset distance D)
the following K(d) scaling factor is used to reduce the robot’s velocity:
While di is positive, the robot is in the free space (allowable region) and D is the boundary
K(d) =
zone’s width around the VF, where the robot velocities are scaled (Section 2.2.3). A negative
value means that it has passed into the forbidden zone. In the latter case, we only allow motion
back towards the safe area. This implementation gives a fine solution preventing overcut,
providing an unambiguous solution for any geometry of the VF. However, it does not always
allow the option of sliding along the VF surface because of the Cartesian-aligned calculations.
For some of the experimental tests, we implemented a more ergonomic version of the VF
control that is based on the following control rule:
V j = V - f j (V × N j )× N j
where V is the robot’s original velocity in RW, Vj is the new velocity, Nj is the normal vector to
the VF plane and fj is the scale factor for the jth plane:
f j = 1-
where d is the distance from the VF plane and D is the boundary zone. If the V velocity has any
component towards the VF plane (i.e., V × N i < 0 ) and the tip is within the D boundary, the
velocity component towards the VF will be rescaled according to (2.9). This method facilitates
sliding along the VF plane and eliminates the perpendicular component of the motion in the
most extreme case (i.e., on the VF surface). However, complications arise in the computation
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within the proximity of multiple VF planes that are not perpendicular. We only used this method
for foam block cutting with a rectangular VF.
Currently, we are working on a new implementation of the VF that is based on a constrained
optimization method [94] and [95]. This will allow for the computation of a one-step optimized
motion-control, considering all the VF planes, the joint speed limitations and singular
configurations of the robot—resulting in a smoother motion control of the NeuroMate.
2.5 Results of phantom and cadaver experiments
We performed preliminary phantom and cadaver experiments to measure the efficacy and
performance of the system. In the phantom experiments, we defined a box-like virtual fixture
corresponding to an interchangeable foam block installed inside a plastic skull, as described in
[82]. Prior to the tests, 2 mm slice spacing CT scans were taken of the skull with mounted
adhesive fiducials (figure 2.21). We performed the registrations described in Section 2.3.2 and
set up the system for mock operation (figure 2.20).
Figure 2.20
Figure 2.21
Figure 2.22
Experimental setup for phantom tests.
The CT scan of the phantom with the inserted foam block [44].
Foam blocks after cutting with a cubic VF.
After cutting 12 foam blocks in cooperative control mode, we used calipers to measure the
actual size of the cavity and compared it to the desired shape (size of the virtual fixture). We
separated the error into a placement error (the difference in centroid locations between desired and
actual cavities) and a dimensional error (the deviation in dimensions), which were 0.6 ± 0.8 mm
(mean ± standard deviation) and 0.6 ± 0.3 mm, respectively. The different cavities milled in the
foam blocks are shown on figure 2.22.
Cadaver tests were performed at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute to verify the system with
a more complex VF and gain insight to the emerging difficulties of a more realistic setup. A
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Hopkins neurosurgery resident performed the cuttings and provided valuable feedback on the
system for further development. An appropriate VF was created for the resection of a
hypothetical acoustic neuroma via a sub-occipital approach. This is a typical skull base operation
that involves the cutting of around 0.2 – 1 cm3 of bone. We used a surgical endoscope camera
and lights to aid the surgeon during the procedure (figure 2.23).
Clinical accuracy of the experiment was determined by manually aligning the post- and preoperative CT scans. Overlaying the VF on the post-operative images, we saw typical overcuts of
about 1 mm, with a maximum overcut of about 2.5 mm (figure 2.24). One interesting problem is
to find an adequate 1D measure for the accuracy of the 3D drilling. Undercuts (unremoved bone
within the operating area) are usually not a problem, as long as the surgeon can reach the desired
anatomical region through the hole. However, overcuts can be dangerous, risking the critical
body structures of the patient.
An appropriate method to measure the quality of the cut is to create a volumetric model based
on both of the pre- and post-operative CT scans, and define the exact amount of missing bone
in the area of interest. We plan to use a simplified method to determine the under/overcuts (i.e.,
the error of the cut) based on a volumetric analysis:
cuterror = VF ∩ Vcut
where VF is the volume of the virtual fixture and Vcut is the actual cut. This way we can calculate
for a numeric result of the operation’s accuracy.
Phantom and cadaver tests are essentials in the process of development to validate any surgical
system for further studies and finally for clinical use. However, many times, the accuracy
numbers do not only show the performance of the devices, but also certain disturbing effects of
the operating environment. Either way, these experiments give great help to further investigate
the sources of errors, and to better understand the needs of the surgeons.
Figure 2.23
Figure 2.24
Experimental setup for cadaver tests.
Pre- and post-operative CT scans of the cadaver, showing the virtual fixture and the
error of the cut [44].
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Chapter 3
Identification and measurements of the system
3.1 Identifying the sources of errors
My first task at the SMARTS lab was to help run the experiments described in Section 2.5 and
investigate ways for further improvement. The overall goal of our neurosurgery project is to
improve the application accuracy to sub-millimeter scale and eliminate extreme deviations
throughout the procedure. In general image guided surgery, 3 – 5 mm accuracy is considered
acceptable, whereas 2 mm is more recommended for IG neurosurgery. There are three different
types of accuracies [12] that must be addressed differently:
Intrinsic (technical) accuracy (typically 0.1 – 0.6 mm )
Registration accuracy (typ. 0.2 – 3 mm )
Application accuracy (typ. 0.6 – 10 mm )
The intrinsic accuracy applies to certain elements of the system, such as the robot and the
localizer. It describes the average error of the component in operational use (i.e., in our case the
positioning or localization error). Mechanical compliance, loose hardware elements, resolution of
the imaging device, inadequate control and noise can all result in low intrinsic accuracy.
Further, all registration methods involve some kind of error, as we can only compute a least
squares solution for our mathematical fitting problem. The main sources of errors are the
markers (different types, forms and materials), displacement of the fiducials and determination of
the center of the fiducials. We may investigate the error-dependency on the application
environment (registration performed in the laboratory vs. in the OR).
Application accuracy refers to the overall targeting error of the integrated system while used in
a clinical or clinical-like setup. This factor characterizes most realistically the effectiveness and is
used for the validation of a system. The application accuracy is dependent on all other sources of
errors, but it is not simply their mathematical sum. To derive the application accuracy of a
system, phantom, cadaver and clinical tests have to be performed.
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In our neurosurgical setup, the main sources of errors were identified in accordance with the
previously introduced categories:
1. Individual system components’ technical error
a) CT scanner
b) NeuroMate robot
c) StealthStation navigation system
d) virtual fixture definition
e) tool bending
2. Registration error
a) equipment
b) registration methods
3. Changing operating environment
a) skull motion during the procedure (relative to the robot)
b) reference frame motion during the procedure (relative to the skull)
c) physiological changes
Inaccuracy types 1 d) and e) can only cause dimensional error, while the others from category 1
and 2 can introduce both dimensional and placement error. Type 3 mainly causes placement
error, but the cumulative effect of small placement errors would appear as dimensional. After
analyzing the results of previous phantom and cadaver tests, I could determine which areas can
be improved most effectively. 1 b) c) d) and 3 a) were chosen for further investigation, as
discussed later in Section 4.1. It is unquestionable that 1 a)—the CT scanner— fundamentally
determines the precision of the system. However, we do not have the means to change the
registration and modeling algorithms within the scanner, nor to interfere with the device in other
ways. To achieve the best possible result, we tried to acquire the finest available, 0.5 mm slicing
scan of the phantom and the cadaver head. Patient motion in the scanner can further decrease
the quality of the image in human application.
To reduce the effect of tool bending, 1 e), a rigid metallic bracket was added to the endeffector. Tool bending is not a major safety issue while performing drilling since the bending
would only result in undercuts that pose no additional health-risk to the patient.
Concerning error group 2, no changes were done to the registration procedures (see Section
2.3.1). Although it can be a major source of error, it was not considered for further
modifications. Currently, the residual error is computed based on (2.5) after every registration
and the procedure can be repeated if the error is high. In the mean time, the condition of the
optical markers is maintained by changing the reflective balls periodically and replacing bent
pointing needles. Replacing the entire registration hardware might be too expensive.
The results of another major task—investigating and implementing a method for patient
motion, 3 a)—are discussed in Chapter 4. Unfortunately, as we use an optical tracker, there are
no means to monitor errors originating from case 3 b), when the rigid body is loose on the
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patient. There are other methods, based on different imaging modalities (some developed at the
ERC CISST [96]) that may help in this issue, but they all require additional hardware elements.
Clinical solutions include markers screwed directly to the skull or to the teeth to minimize the
chance of motion. If the surgeon notices deviation during the application (i.e., there is an offset
between the visualization and the device, or the VF is not at the right place), he or she should reregister the system immediately.
We only intend to perform bone drilling, so we do not expect any intra-operative tissue shift
(case 3 c). However, in other applications, involving the manipulation of the grey material, brain
motion and compliance is a major source of error [97]. This is a current and important field of
research, and many promising solutions are under development with the promise of
compensating for soft tissue movement within 1 mm of error [98].
3.2 Intrinsic accuracy of the NeuroMate robot
The next step was to determine the intrinsic accuracy of the NeuroMate. Generally the
absolute positioning accuracy and the repeatability are given for a manipulator to characterize the
overall effect of the precision of the encoders, the compliance of the hardware elements, the
servos and the rigidity of the structure. The intrinsic accuracy was reported to be 0.75 mm with a
repeatability of 0.15 mm [33].
I performed accuracy tests on two metallic phantom plates. The first aluminum board contains
thirteen conical divots at different positions and heights. These were created on a Computer
Numerical Control (CNC) machine in a known arrangement with an accuracy of 0.0127 mm
(previously used for the validation of another project on small animal hypoxia measurement
[99]). The accuracy can be measured by locating the holes with the robot tooltip and comparing
the positions measured by the robot to the known CNC.
The robot was guided in cooperative control mode to the pivot holes until the 5 mm diameter
tooltip fit perfectly. The robot’s joint encoders were recorded in this position. To evaluate the
test, I computed the Fiducial Registration Error (FRE) and Target Registration Error (TRE)
(figure 3.1) using a program created by Dr. Kazanzides. FRE is the residual error (2.5) of the
paired-point registration between the given subset of the known and recorded fiducial
coordinates [93].
1 N
T(pi ) - qi
N i
where N is the number of fiducials used during the registration and qi is the position of the ith
FRE 2 =
fiducial in one space (e.g. the robot), pi is the same in the other (e.g. CNC) space and T is the
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computed homogenous transformation connecting the two spaces [100]. In the ideal case
FRE = 0.
TRE is typically used for the characterization of schematic point-based registrations. TRE is
the error of locating markers (that were not used for registration) in robot coordinates
(figure 3.1). Four independent accuracy measurements were performed; a given subset of the
points was used for registration and the rest were used for TRE computation. The average FRE
was 0.093
± 0.041 mm and the TRE was 0.435 ± 0.223 mm.
Figure 3.1
Definition of FRE and TRE. The black and white circles represent corresponding point pairs in
the two different spaces. FRE is the residual error of the points used to derive the T transformation, while TRE is the mapping error of an independent point [100].
To acquire more data on the intrinsic accuracy of the NeuroMate system, I performed several
accuracy tests on another measurement object (phantom) that was developed at the University of
Nebraska to support a draft American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard [101].
The phantom contains 47 CNC milled cone-shaped holes arranged in 3D space (figure 3.2).
Their exact positions were obtained previously through a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM).
I accomplished five complete tests—similar to the previous case—and the collected data was
evaluated again based on the paired-point registration method (figure 3.3). Every other measured
points were used in the registration, resulting in an average FRE of 0.361 mm; the remaining
points were used to compute the TRE. The results showed that the intrinsic accuracy of the
robot is 0.335 ± 0.168 mm (TRE). During the same experiment I measured the noise of the
encoder readings (quantization noise), which turned out to be an insignificant 0.001 mm in
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Figure 3.2
Figure 3.3
The black CNC machined phantom from the University of Nebraska for the accuracy test.
The NeuroMate performing the accuracy test.
The tests showed that the NeuroMate’s intrinsic accuracy is already fairly good, while there are
still opportunities to improve it through parameter calibration. The repeated measurements of
FRE gave indirectly information of the repeatability of the robot that showed to be an order
lower than the kinematic error; therefore we did not investigated it further.
3.3 Deriving the kinematic model of the NeuroMate robot
Exact measurements had to be taken to investigate appropriate solutions to reduce the
technical error of the selected components. It was hypothesized that the NeuroMate intrinsic
accuracy could be improved by performing a kinematic calibration. This required a kinematic
model of the NeuroMate.
Figure 3.4
Frame transformations to derive the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters of the robot [102].
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First, the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameters of the NeuroMate had to be re-calculated. The
kinematic model of the robot had been previously derived and rough calibration measures were
also taken, but no appropriate documentation was available. To be able to develop an augmented
and accurate calibration for the NeuroMate, I had to re-compute the DH parameters. Figure 3.4
shows the transformation between two links according to the most common DH convention
[102], [103] and [104].
For every robot link the DH parameters determine a rotation around the Z axis ( ϑi ), a
translation along the Z axis (di), a translation along the X axis (ai) and a final rotation around the
X axis ( αi ) that leads from the coordinate frame of the i-1th link to the ith
 Sϑi
i-1T = Rot(z,ϑi ) ⋅ Trans(z,d i ) ⋅ Trans(x,ai ) ⋅ Rot(x,αi ) = 
 0
-Sϑi Cαi
Sϑi Sαi
Cϑi Cαi
-Cϑi Sαi
aiCϑi 
ai Sϑi 
di 
1 
where Sϑi and Cϑi stand for sin( ϑi ) and cos( ϑi ), respectively. Figure 3.5 and 3.6 show the frames
assigned to the robot in q = [0 0 0 0 0]’ and in an arbitrary joint configuration. The DH
parameters of the system are in table 3.1.
Figure 3.5-6
Coordinate frames of the NeuroMate in q = [0 0 0 0 0]’ and an arbitrary configuration.
The DH parameters d1 and a1 can be arbitrarily chosen. Thus we decided to leave the BASE
frame at the origin of the first frame; in other words the BASE equals the Robot World. The
origin of the frame was chosen to be outside of the robot’s physical boundaries of the robot to
reduce the calculations by one link-length parameter. Joints q1-5 belong to the corresponding
ϑ rotation of the previous links: qi = ϑi −1 . The last link does not belong to the robot, it is a noncanonic DH representation of the tool. There is no degree of freedom modeled in the tool; the
d6 and a6 parameters give a displacement along the X and Z axes, but an additional 90˚ rotation
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term had to be introduced to align the last frame with the previous without breaking the DH
convention. This formulation of the coordinate frame
T allows for a single step calibration
of the DH parameters. The forward kinematics of the robot can be now determined using the
DH parameters. (3.3) and (3.4) show the rotation and translation part of the homogenous
T separately.
 C12 ⋅ C345 -C12 ⋅ S345 S12 
Rot =  S345
0  (3.3)
 -S12 ⋅ C345 S12 ⋅ S345 C12 
 -C12 ⋅ (S34 ⋅ a5 + S3 ⋅ a4 ) + S1 ⋅ a2 + (-C12 ) ⋅ S345 ⋅ a6 + S12 ⋅ d 6 
Transl = 
C34 ⋅ a5 + C3 ⋅ a4 + C345 ⋅ a6
 S12 ⋅ (S34 ⋅ a5 + S3 ⋅ a4 ) + C1 ⋅ a2 + S12 ⋅ S345 ⋅ a6 + C12 ⋅ d 6 
Transl3x1 
 Rot
T =  3x3
 01x3
During the production of the NeuroMate robot (in Switzerland), link-lengths are measured and
factory values are provided with the system (table 3.2). However, my experiments showed that
the given numbers were not exactly valid for this particular robot (possibly due to
documentation error); therefore I implemented a calibration method for a better estimation of
the DH parameters (see Section 4.2.1).
i \ DH
-π/2 +ϑ2
π/2 +ϑ3
π/2 +ϑ4
-π/2 +ϑ5
Table 3.1
Table 3.2
Factory values for link-lengths
a2 = 125.350 mm
a4 = 355.566 mm
a5 = 349.690 mm
DH parameters of the NeuroMate together with the surgical tool.
Link-length parameters provided by the manufacturer.
3.4 Intrinsic accuracy of the StealthStation
I used the same University of Nebraska phantom to test the accuracy of the StealthStation.
Measurements were performed both by tracking the Robot Rigid Body (RRB) and the hand-held
pointer probe (used otherwise for CT registration). I conducted five experiments with the RRB
and three measurements with the pointer probe. In the first case, the results showed that the
navigation system had 0.494 mm Fiducial Registration Error and 0.489 ± 0.221 mm Target
Registration Error. In the second case, and TRE was 0.513 ± 0.423 mm (FRE: 0.515 mm). To
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verify the numbers, I mounted the pointer probe on a three axis linear robot (New England
Affiliated Technologies, Lawrence, MA, USA)—designed for high precision applications—and
recorded the position readings of the localizer while moving the robot along the straight axes
(figure 3.7). The measurements supported the previous results; the StealthStation’s distance
measurement error was between 0.105 – 0.788 mm.
Figure 3.7
Figure 3.8
A Cartesian robot with the pointer probe mounted for the verification of the StealthStation.
The noise of the StealthStation (blue) and the average filtered values (averaging over 1 s).
The StealthStation’s position information acquired through the StealthLink interface is
significantly delayed with respect to the robot motion. Measurements were taken by directing the
robot to move in a periodic motion pattern, while recording the encoder values and values of the
optical tracker at the same timeframe. The results showed that it is possible get a new position
update from the StealthStation in 149 ± 35 ms, but due to the communication network, there is
a mean latency of 247 ms compared to the robot encoder readings.
Another issue is the significant noise present in the StealthStation’s position information,
originating from the imperfection of the markers’ segmentation and spatial identification. I
conducted further experiments to identify the noise and prepare an adequate filter. To reduce the
noise in the experiment described above, I used the averaging filter previously implemented with
the robot controller. It averages the position information over 1 s. The smoothening effect can
be seen in figure 3.8, where the blue dots show the raw position readings and the red dots show
the filtered ones. StealthLink data was recorded over 450 seconds to measure the noise. The
average standard deviation of the measurements, i.e., the noise value in the present setup of the
localizer is 0.2602, 0.2266, 0.2452 mm in X, Y, Z directions respectively, with approximately
normal Gaussian distribution.
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3.5 Virtual fixture definition
Virtual fixtures are defined around the specific region of the skull base for safety and increased
accuracy. We use a simplified VF model by creating a six-sided convex hull based on the
CT scan, with one or two sides left open to enable cutter entry (figure 3.9 and 3.10). In some of
the clinical cases (such as the sub-occipital approach for acoustic neuroma resection) and for the
phantom tests, this method is precise enough. In the future, we plan to use a more complex
representation that may serve for other clinical procedures as well.
Figure 3.9
Figure 3.10
A virtual fixture defined in Slicer for acoustic neuroma resection procedure [44].
A virtual fixture on the pre-operative CT scan (A) and on the post-operative 3D model of the
patient (B) [44].
From the control point of view, the boundary zone surrounding the VF is important, as the
relative motion of the robot must be scaled while the tool is close and moving towards the VF.
To determine the size of boundary, I simulated the robot’s motion in the proximity of the VF in
To choose an adequate width for the boundary, we calculate with the maximum speed of the
robot (perpendicular to the VF) and the lowest execution rate of the ControlTask. The software
should be able to stop the moving robot and scale its motion under these extreme assumptions.
The maximum linear velocity at the end-effector is approximately 50 mm/s and the largest
sampling time is around 100 ms. Figure 3.11 shows the simulated distance of the tool (di) and the
linear velocity of the tool vs. time. The simulated motion profile showed that even in the most
extreme case, a 5 mm wide boundary zone is enough to prevent the tool from entering the VF.
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Motion profile in the VF
Distance (mm)
Distance (mm)
Motion profile in the VF
Position in VF
VF Boundary
Time (ms)
Speed profile in the proximity of the VF
Position in VF
VF Boundary
Time (ms)
Speed profile in the proximity of the VF
Speed (mm/s)
Speed (mm/s)
Figure 3.11
Figure 3.12
Time (ms)
Time (ms)
Motion profile in the proximity of the VF with the most extreme case.
The scaling of the robot’s motion heading towards the VF in a realistic scenario.
Moreover, in an actual surgical configuration of the robot, the maximum linear velocity is
always under 25 mm/s, typically a mere 1 – 1.5 mm/s; besides, we use 20 - 30 ms cycle time (and
minimum of 18.2 ms is achievable). In a more realistic scenario, the motion profile would be a
smooth curve safely keeping the robot out of the VF, as seen in figure 3.12. As the tool gradually
approaches the VF plane with decreasing speed, the operator has enough time to notice the
proximity of the VF. In all of our tests, we used the safe 5 mm boundary width.
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Chapter 4
Increasing the accuracy and safety
4.1 General approach
The results of the experiments presented in the previous chapter motivate our investigation for
methods to improve the overall accuracy of the neurosurgical system. Achieving an acceptably
low error margin is a crucial step in the research towards the development of a clinically
deployable system.
The application accuracy depends on the precision of the individual components and the
integration of the system, as discussed earlier in detail. Although the error margin derived from
our preliminary phantom and cadaver experiments is sufficiently low for certain domains, the
experiments described in Chapter 3 elucidated the need for further improvement of the system.
My task was both to focus on the hardware instruments and on the software architecture;
particularly looking at three areas for improvement:
improving the accuracy of the NeuroMate
increasing the precision of the StealthStation
compensating for motions in the OR.
4.2 Improving the components’ accuracy
4.2.1 Extended robot calibration
To improve the precision of the NeuroMate manipulator, I extended the already implemented
pivot calibration to a single-loop closed kinematic chain model [105] to identify the joint offsets
within the same procedure. We anticipated that the major source of inaccuracy of the robot’s
positioning is due to the offset of the potentiometers in the links. The great advantage of pivot
calibration is that simply by collecting more data in different configurations with the same setup,
further estimations can be made. Similar to the original computation (2.3), we acquired the least
squares solution of the following equation
 ∂(T + RC) 
 ∂(T + RC)  
T + RC + 
 dq + 
 dC  = pivotPoint
 
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where q is the (known) joint position vector, dq is the (unknown) joint offset vector, T and R are
the (known) translation and rotation parts of the forward kinematic transformation of the
NeuroMate, C is the (known) nominal cutterTip offset in RW coordinates and the (unknown)
 ∂(T + RC) 
 ∂(T + RC) 
pivotPoint. The final estimation of the tool tip is C+dC. The 
and 
 terms
give the forward kinematics dependency on the small changes of q and the cutterTip coordinates,
respectively. To ensure quick convergence the estimation is based on a rough estimate of C,
provided by the original implementation of the pivot calibration (2.3). I computed the partial
derivatives using the MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox and then manually applied the first order
Taylor series expansion to the sine and cosine terms. Thus I gained the locally linearized form of
the partial derivatives and I assumed that the higher-order terms were insignificant. The LS
estimation ran iteratively in the following form:
 ∂(T + RC) 
 = −T − RC
 ( R )( − I )  
  pivotPoint 
∂(T + RC)
where I stands for the identity matrix and
= R , as the translational part does not
depend on the cutterTip parameters. The estimated dq and dC parameters are added to the original
measurements of q and C, while the pivotPoint is recalculated in every cycle. With this method we
can theoretically calibrate for joints q2 – q5. It is not feasible to estimate dq1 because its value
represents a rotation of the entire Robot World coordinate system. Difficulties arose with dq5
because in the presented formulation the dCy parameter is redundant with respect to dq5. We
solved the issue by changing the optimization formulation from C x
Cz  to [ a ϑ ψ ] ,
Cx 
 a cos(ϑ ) 
C  = cutterTip =  a sin(ϑ ) 
 y
 Cz 
 ψ
a = C y /sin( ϑ ) , ϑ = atan(C y /C x ) , ψ = C z
In the above formulation ϑ = dq5 . By changing the equation, the partial derivative had also been
changed to
 R11cos( ϑ ) + R12 sin( ϑ ) a( - R11sin( ϑ ) + R12 cos( ϑ )) R13 
=  R21cos( ϑ ) + R22sin( ϑ ) a( - R21sin( ϑ ) + R22 cos( ϑ )) R23 
∂a∂ϑ∂d 
 R31cos( ϑ ) + R32sin( ϑ ) a( - R31sin( ϑ ) + R32 cos( ϑ )) R33 
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A relatively large number of robot configurations (12 – 20) were collected during the pivoting
and used for the calibration. Finding a LS solution to a bigger dataset that covers the wider range
of the joint values ensures that the calculated solutions are valid for the entire joint space of the
robot. Initial experiments showed that the calibration reduced the residual error by half;
however, the results were inconsistent, suggesting that there are other major sources of errors in
the system.
To get better results, I further extended the closed-looped kinematic calibration, including
other Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameters of the robot. In the case of the NeuroMate, the
relevant DH parameters are the three link-lengths (see Section 3.3). The new solution included
the link-lengths and used the factory values as a initial estimate (table 3.2):
 ∂ (T + RC )   ∂RC   ∂T 
= −T − RC
 ( − I ) 
  ∂C   ∂L 
 pivotPoint 
 S1
∂(T) 
= 0
∂L 
-C12 S3
S12 S3
-C12 S34
S12 S34
 a2 
125.350 + dL2 
 a  = L = 355.566 + dL 
 4
 a5 
 349.690 + dL5 
This method failed to produce acceptable results, as the one-step LS estimation could not solve
 ∂ (T + RC ) 
for the cross-dependencies; i.e. the contributions of the separately computed 
 ⋅ dq
 ∂T 
and 
 ⋅ dL terms to the final solution were competing during the iteration cycles. We decided
 ∂L 
to move on and use a new formulation. I described the tool as the 6th link of the robot and
acquired the corresponding DH parameters (see Section 3.3). I set up the new equation for the
same closed-loop kinematic parameter optimization, again with first-order Taylor series
expansion to linearize the system:
 ∂(Text )   ∂(Text )    dq 
    = −Text + pivotPoint
 ∂q   ∂L    dL 
where Text refers to the extended
T homogenous transformation of the robot and the tool.
As we did not introduce a new joint by adding the 6th link of the tool, the rotation matrix does
not change in the kinematic model. (4.9) should lead to the same results than:
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 ∂(T + RC)   ∂T 
= −T − RC
  ∂L  ( − I )  
  pivotPoint 
Equation (4.9) was used for estimating dq2 – dq5 joint offsets, a2, a4, a5 link-lengths, a6, d6 tool
parameters and the pivotPoint (X, Y, Z). Given a preliminary estimation from the original pivot
calibration and solving (4.10) iteratively, I could acquire the joint offsets and the final estimation
of the pivot calibration results as well.
Figure 4.1
Convergence of the estimated parameters during the extended calibration procedure.
The method converged fairly quickly, reaching the final solution (where dq and dL are zero) in
8 – 10 iterations (figure 4.1). We could directly measure the performance of the calibration by
comparing the residual error for the original data set with that of the new parameters. On
average, the residual error decreased from 0.367 to 0.278, by 24%.
a6 (cutterTip (X))
d6 (cutterTip (Z))
Original values
After calibration
Impl. increment
109.1374 ***
-154.6592 ***
depends on tool
depends on tool
* : From carpenter level calibration (in degrees)
**: Factory values (in mm)
***: From initial pivot calibration, example values (in mm)
Table 4.1
Results from closed kinematic loop calibration for robot parameters.
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Based on the calibration with five independent data sets, containing altogether more than 60
configurations, the calibration values derived are summarized in table 4.1. “Original values”
show the results of the prior carpenter level based calibration, the third column displays the
averaged results derived from the different datasets and the last column contains the
implemented values. As explained before, due to the nature of the calibration, I was not able to
obtain a better measurement for the first joint. Moreover, dq2 and dq4 were bouncing too much
(supposedly due to some unmodeled sources of error), therefore a manual trial-and-error based
optimization was performed to acquire their final values. The joint offsets were set to the new
values in the lower level of the controller and the link-lengths were adjusted in the forward
kinematic solution function. After all, the robot will provide better positioning accuracy and it is
possible to perform a single pivot calibration upon tool change with the increased precision.
4.2.2 Improving the StealthStation’s accuracy
In the experiments described in Section 3.4, the average absolute noise of the localizer was
found to be 0.203 ± 0.131 mm with normal distribution. (In a previous setup we measured
significantly higher values.) To reduce the effect of the noise, we wanted to develop an
appropriate filter. A moving average filter had been implemented previously (figure 3.8), but it is
only works well when the robot is not moving. The filter provides the average value of the
position readings from StealthLink collected during 1 s. It is useful in improving the quality of
certain registration procedures involving the StealthStation, but incurs too much latency to be
used during the operation. Linear regression
The next idea was to develop a linear regression, capable of approximating first order linear
motions of the form
y = mx + b + e
where y is the dependent variable, m is the slope of the curve, b is the intercept and e is the added
noise. Linear regression performs a straight line fit (with m and b parameters) given the x dataset
and can compensate for noisy inputs. In every motion cycle, the regression line gives a good
match to a set of data points given in a moving window, using the least squares criterion to select
the best fit line. I implemented linear regression based filtering for the StealthStation readings.
This method uses two separate 2D linear regressions in the XZ and YZ planes, then finds the
3D solution by projecting the lines on each other. The linear regression keeps cumulating the
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following sums during the computations:
sxy = ∑ ( x - xˆ )( y - yˆ ) , sxx = ∑ ( x - xˆ ) , s yy = ∑ ( y - yˆ )
where x̂ and ŷ stands for the average values through the recorded timeframe, consisting of N
samples. The parameters of the linear regression can now be computed:
Intercept = b = yˆ - mxˆ
In our application, we used a timeframe of 1 s that contains approximately 7 position
Slope = m =
measurements and the StealthStation provides a reading in roughly every 150 ms. The
effectiveness of the filter greatly depends on the number of elements used for the regression (the
errors are reduced to 1/Nth); however, using more elements for the computations contributes to
a larger latency of the filter. To avoid the need for cumulatively calculating average values, I
implemented an iterative version that instead requires the continuous calculation of the following
∑x = ∑ x , ∑ y = ∑ y ,
∑ xy = ∑ x ⋅ y ,
The regression parameters are derived as
Slope = m =
N ⋅ ∑ xy - ∑ x ⋅ ∑ y
N ⋅ ∑ xx - ∑ x ⋅ ∑ x
Intercept = b =
∑ xx = ∑ x ⋅ x ,
∑ xx ⋅ ∑ y - ∑ x ⋅ ∑ xy
N ⋅ ∑ xx - ∑ x ⋅ ∑ x
For verification of the results, the standard deviation and slope error were calculated in
every cycle:
stdDev =
S yy - b ⋅ S xy
N -2
Error =
S xx
The major limitation of the linear regression is that it can only fit straight line motions and it
fails when there is no motion. As a result, additional latency and overshoot can be expected
when used.
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.3
The linear filter implemented for noise filtering in a simulation test.
Block diagram of a Kalman Filter showing all the variables involved.
(Figure: Courtesy of Paul Crowley)
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery Introduction to Kalman Filters
We moved towards the more promising solution with a Kalman Filter, which recursively
estimates the state of a dynamic system from a series of noisy measurements. It was originally
developed by Rudolf Kalman in 1960 and has been widely used in applications ranging from
economics to aeronautics [106].
The requirement of the method is that the noise model of the system must be Gaussian.
Measurements described in Section 3.4 proved that the StealthStation’s noise has a normal
The Kalman Filter recursively gives optimal estimation of the x state vector based on the
covariance matrix of the mean square errors of the measurements [107]. To acquire the next
estimation, only the previous time step and the current measurement is required. Figure 4.4
shows the block diagram of Kalman filtering. The Kalman Filter can estimate for the discrete
linear system
xk = Axk -1 + Buk + wk -1
zk = Hxk + vk
with x state vector, u input and z output (that we can measure). w is the process noise with Q
covariance and v is the measurement noise with P covariance, both with normal distribution:
wk ∼ N(0,Qk ) , vk ∼ N(0,Rk )
A (transition matrix, sometimes F or Phi), B (observation matrix) and H (measurement matrix)
follow the classical system equation notation. Initial estimations for xˆ k k -1 and Pk k -1 are gained
from a priori information.
Figure 4.4
Basic work frame of an optimal Kalman Filter with simplified notation [108].
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The Kalman Filter has two distinct phases: prediction and update [108]. The prediction phase
uses the state estimate from the previous iteration step to produce an estimate of the state at the
current timestep
xˆk k -1 = Ak xˆk -1 k -1 + Bk uk -1
The prediction estimate covariance matrix is also projected ahead
Pk k -1 = Ak Pk -1 k -1 Ak T + Qk -1
In the update phase, or correction phase, the optimal Kalman gain (K or b) is computed, based
on the measurement information at the current timestep
Sk = H k Pk k -1 H k T + Rk
K k = Pk k -1 H k T Sk -1
where Sk is the innovation (or residual) covariance. The state estimation is updated by the actual
y k = zk − H k xˆk k -1
xˆk k = xˆk k -1 + K k y k
where y k is the innovation (or measurement) residual. Finally, the Kalman Filter updates the
error covariance matrix. As long as the noise is Gaussian, this method provides an optimal LS
One of the major limitations of the Kalman Filter is that it is only applicable for linear systems.
In the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), the state transition and observation models may be any
differentiable functions, but optimal estimation can no longer be provided. The more recent
Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) [109] was developed in 1997 and uses a deterministic sampling
technique known as the unscented transform to compensate for this issue. Filtering the system
In the first approach, a simple position estimate was acquired through Kalman filtering. With
the help of the filter, the noise was reduced standard deviation (X, Y, Z) to 0.06, 0.06, 0.09 mm.
Based on the measured noise data, I could create a good set of filter parameters to achieve an
effective solution. However, introducing a Kalman Filter added further delay to the position
estimate when the robot was moving (figure 4.5). The maximum delay of the filter was between
280 – 380 ms.
It is known that estimating the velocities together with the positions—using the same Kalman
Filter—can compensate for the latency [110]. I implemented another version to reduce the
latency, applying linear projection of the last known position with the estimated velocity.
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Figure 4.5
Figure 4.6
Sample of a recorded robot motion tracking. The filtering introduces significant latency.
Shows the linear filter implemented for noise filtering in a simulation test.
The new filter provided acceptable results; reducing the noise to 0.06, 0.08, 0.09 mm in X, Y,
Z, respectively (figure 4.6). The latency cannot be characterized with a single number, the
parameters that determine the delay in the velocity-based projection of the position have been
set to follow the fast motion of the robot promptly, but this causes bigger latency when the
motion consists of short and sudden movements. In the first case, the latency was 20-40 ms, and
it could go up to 220-240 ms.
4.2.3 Verifying measurements
To verify the results of the new system improvements, the optimized numbers were used to
update the original pivot calibration datasets. I repeated the basic pivot calibration calculations
according to (2.4), and found that the residual error’s average decrease was over 24% with the
optimized parameters. Furthermore, I ran accuracy tests on the University of Nebraska
phantom. These tests resulted in an average improvement of the Fiducial Registration Error by a
mere 3% (from 0.390 to 0.378). Most probable explanation is that as the robot’s measured
accuracy was already pretty good, while the measurement noise and the cutterTip’s primary
(position-dependent) estimation played a more significant role in forming the numeric results.
The improved accuracy of the individual components was therefore tested. Note that only
complete application accuracy tests can illuminate the real effect of these changes. Unfortunately
due to the limit in time and some delays in the new implementation of the virtual fixture control,
we could not yet perform comparison phantom tests yet.
4.3 Challenges in the OR environment
Introducing any automated device to the operating room (OR) poses additional safety risks,
especially if it is not capable of adjusting to the changing environment of the OR. There are
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several people in the room, constantly in motion among the numerous medical devices
surrounding the patient. Image guided surgery is based on the principle that the real-world setup
does not change over time and its registration to the still image space thus remains valid.
However, unintended changes in its position are prone to happen. The main sources of patient
motion during surgery include:
bumping into the operating table
leaning against the patient
loose setup
equipment failure
IGS is sensitive to changes, i.e., when the body is moved relative to the marker that tracks its
motion. In a more serious case, the entire system can fail to appropriately operate during the
remainder of the procedure. The probability of such malfunction can be reduced by using head
(skull or teeth) mountable rigid bodies and a redundant number of markers, although these
methods may be more invasive or disturbing for the surgeon during the procedure. The vast
majority of the currently approved systems uses a Dynamic Reference Base (DRB) and provides
the position of the patient-mounted rigid body in respect with that. This way the effect of the
camera motion can be excluded.
A much more common issue is patient movement (together with the corresponding frame)
relative to other equipment in the OR. In classic IGS, this does not present a major problem
since the navigation system tracks the rigid base frame and the hand-help probe relative to one
another. However, in our setup, the fixed transformation between the robot and the patient is
actively used in every control cycle to compute the cutterTip’s position with respect to the VF. If
the transformation becomes invalid, placement errors would result during cutting. Figure 4.7
presents this case on the transformation block diagram of our system;
T becomes invalid as
the patient moves relative to the robot. Turquoise colored VF spheres signify the frames where
the virtual fixture is still valid, while a red sphere indicates that it is no longer valid (in RW). As
the control computations are made in the Robot World, the displacement of the virtual fixture
may result in a serious error in the cut or can entirely ruin the procedure. From the control point
of view, this motion can also be considered as an error, referred to as patient error.
All in all, to adapt to these changes in the operating environment, automated correction is
needed and the surgeon should be notified about the event. Many technological solutions exist to
handle these situations (some used exclusively in industry). In the next section, a general solution
developed for this problem is presented along with results from the first experimental tests.
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Figure 4.7
Accidental displacement of the patient breaks the transformation circle acquired by
precise pre-operative registration.
4.3.1 Compensating for patient motion
In a scenario described above, where the DRB
T is erroneous (the patient was moved relative to
the robot after the registration procedure), an update is needed to recover the application
accuracy of the system. As this may happen in the middle of the surgery, it is absolutely critical to
implement a stable and reliable method for registration recovery.
To compensate for the
unintended motion, the new frame transformation between RW and DRB must be collected
intra-operatively. The first step is to monitor and measure the patient movement. There are
several possible solutions to acquire this 3D transformation.
Robotic setups can involve accelerometers and gyroscopes to detect for sudden translational
and rotational changes in the position of the subject. These devices can be small enough to
mount on the patient; however there is still need for electric coupling and the resolution may not
be sufficient for our application. We also wanted to avoid the involvement of new hardware
equipment both for logistical and financial reasons. CCD cameras provide a cheap solution for
monitoring the operation site [96], yet again, the resolution may only be enough to conclude
whether or not any motion shifts occurred. Furthermore, the inexpensive camera setups require
sophisticated image processing algorithms, which was not in the scope of the project.
It may be possible to attach a third trackable rigid body to the robot base to directly compute
T transformation. Although by solely relying on the StealthStation’s localization, further
estimation issues arise, as we are running the controller much faster than the StealthStation
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updates. We would have to use only an estimation of the tooltip for creating the control signals.
Furthermore, the StealthStation can only track two rigid bodies at a time; therefore we may loose
the ability to track the end of the robot. Using a more versatile surgical navigator system would
only partially solve the issue, as there is still the problem of keeping all the rigid bodies in the
limited measurement volume and in the line of sight of the navigation system. The patient’s head
and the base of the robot can easily be 2-3 feet away from one another. Furthermore, the
transformation between the BASE coordinate system and the DRB would have to be derived
through a new registration procedure. If the rigid body was permanently mounted to the robot
base, it would be necessary to calibrate the transformation between that rigid body and the RW
coordinate system, probably by temporarily attaching another rigid body to the robot tool and
moving it to a few points around the workspace. The solution is feasible, but rather
cumbersome. A similar, fixed reference frame-based patient tracking method was investigated in
[111] for frameless stereotactic neurosurgery, with an average localization error of 4.8 ± 3.5 mm.
Figure 4.8
Re-registration of coordinate frames based on a prior RRB2TCP transformation.
We chose to keep the current hardware setup and take advantage of the already implemented
registration procedures to develop a more convenient solution (figure 4.8). By extending the
existing transformation control scheme, we want to compute for the full
T transformation as
well during the robot’s registration to the StealthStation (Robot2StealthStation, see Section 2.3.2).
In the future, we may be able to use the fixed
T transformation to compensate for
T (patient motion) during an operation, as described in the next section.
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4.3.2 Sensor fusion for accuracy Coordinate transformations
As previously mentioned, we were left with the option of using the StealthStation and two
trackable rigid bodies (one on the robot tool and one on the patient) to compensate for patient
motion. As described in Section 3.4, the optical tracker, which introduces additional noise, is less
accurate and slower than the robot. Because of these drawbacks, we decided not to use it in the
low level control in the initial experimental setup (described in Section 2.3). However, from the
clinical point of view, the StealthStation provides a significant advantage by tracking the relative
positions of the rigid bodies within the operating site.
Based on the previous results, we decided to replace the prior control scheme, which only used
the robot’s encoders to determine the position of the tool tip, with the method based on
StealthStation measurements. In our initial implementation, we performed the virtual fixture
computations in the Robot World coordinate system. This process is advantageous because it
does not require line-of-sight between the StealthStation localizer and the robot during the
procedure. But, because this method transforms the virtual fixture to RW coordinates at the start
of the procedure, it cannot detect subsequent deviations from the original transformation (DRB
to RW). This can be problematic if the patient’s head is moved or the operating table is bumped
during the surgery. This change in the operating environment results in the displacement of the
VF position, losing its effectiveness.
Figure 4.9
General solution for motion compensation, by using the position information from
both the robot and the localizer.
We had to find an optimal solution to combine the available devices. On one hand, the robot
offers a highly accurate structure for position measurement, but is not capable of tracking
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absolute motions. Alternatively, there exists a less accurate and noisy navigation system that
provides absolute position measurements. It is possible to perform virtual fixture computations
both in the DRB coordinate system—using the position of the tool tip as measured by the
StealthStation—and in the robot base coordinate system (RW).
The difficulty arose in finding a method of sensor fusion that most effectively merged the
information derived from the two devices, as figure 4.9 shows. Figure 4.10 shows in detail the
general problem we want to solve: finding the optimal estimation of PDRB (DRB position) given
the sensory information PDRB and PRW from the StealthStation and the NeuroMate, respectively.
The Sensor Fusion block should also provide an optimal solution for the
T transformation,
making the computation of the VF and the robot control accurate.
Figure 4.10
Schematic to describe the use of input measurements to create control outputs.
Virtual fixture computations should a this PDRB value together with the force sensor reading
transformed to the same coordinate system (through the rotation component of DRB
T ) to create
the appropriate control command. The joint velocity command would be transformed back to
RW, through the inverse of the same rotation, and applied to the servos. Fortunately, we note
that because we are only transforming forces and velocities between the RW and DRB
coordinate systems, the controller is not affected by translation of the patient with respect to the
robot (although PDRB might be). Variations for sensor fusion
Here we discuss three different ways to achieve sensor fusion (figure 4.11). The first option is
to use the discrete implementation, where we check regularly for changes in the OR environment
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using the StealthStation. This technique offers two possible approaches that may lead to an
acceptable solution. If measurement noise is high in the optical localization and patient error is
rare (the body barely moves relative to the robot), the best strategy might be to perform a good
registration, control the robot with that registration, and re-register the robot if the localizer
notices any patient movement. During the re-registration procedure, we can apply accurate noise
filters to provide good results.
On the other hand, if patient error consists more of continuous drift and random motions
relative to the robot (with a mean value of error higher than that of the StealthStation), we may
be better off directing the robot based entirely on the optical tracker’s information. In this case,
Kalman filtering of the localizer data becomes crucial, as it directly affects the overall accuracy of
the system.
Figure 4.11
The three main approaches to use sensor fusion to get a more accurate estimation for
the tool position.
To determine which one is the superior solution (providing higher application accuracy over
time), we will have to collect relevant noise and error data from real surgical procedures. This
may cause some technical difficulties, but we are currently working on a solution to address these
issues. The only available clinical data [112] suggest that the first strategy is better in most cases.
The other solution is to apply continuous time updates, using the available encoder and
localizer information in every motion control cycle. We need an advanced non-linear filter that is
capable of mapping the nonlinear transformation between the inputs and generating the required
filtered position and transformation output. A finely tuned Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)
should be suitable for this task. Future research plans include the implementation of a UKF.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery Implementation of the new concept
We decided to conduct experiments with the first strategy, using solely the robot encoder
feedback for control computations, but checking periodically for patient motion through the
localizer’s information. I implemented a new version of the control that uses an architecture
(figure 4.9) in which the VF computations are in DRB coordinates, rather than RW coordinates.
By choosing the control mode through the StealthStation, the ability to monitor the relative
position of the two frames (RRB and DRB) remains, and it is therefore possible to detect and
compensate for unintentional motions of the patient with respect to the robot.
Once the desired velocities are computed in the DRB frame, they must be transformed back to
the RW frame in order to generate the joint velocity commands for the NeuroMate. The fixed,
but unknown transformation between the TCP and the RRB is computed during the
Robot2StealthStation registration using the transformations
The TCP to RRB transformation is stored after registration and can be used at any time to
update the RW to DRB transformation. In the new implementation, the controller compares the
tooltip positions computed through the robot kinematics and the localizer readings every 0.5 s.
Compensation for patient motion is realized by applying the following transformation:
For better performance of the re-registration, I implemented an averaging filter for the
StealthStation readings. However, the averaging of a transformation matrix’s rotation part is not
trivial [113]. One solution is to transform the rotation matrix to Euler angles, apply the
averaging, and then transform the Euler angles back to a rotation matrix. I used the
Rot(Z,φ ) ⋅ Rot(Y,ϑ ) ⋅ Rot(Z,ψ ) Euler angle convention (yaw-pitch-yaw sequence)—most
common in robotics. My filter uses an adjustable window size to acquire filtered data with the
desired accuracy. The forward transformation is the following:
 Cφ ⋅ Cϑ ⋅ Cψ - Sφ ⋅ Sψ
Rot2Euler =  Sφ ⋅ Cϑ ⋅ Cψ + Cφ ⋅ Sψ
-Sϑ ⋅ Cψ
-Cφ ⋅ Cϑ ⋅ Sψ - Sφ ⋅ Cψ
-Sφ ⋅ Cϑ ⋅ Sψ + Cφ ⋅ Cψ
Sϑ ⋅ Sψ
Cφ ⋅ Sϑ 
Sφ ⋅ Sϑ 
Cϑ 
These inverse calculations are less straight-forward. First of all, we have to check for singular
configurations. This occurs when
Sϑ = 0;
ϑ = 0 ,π
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
In this case only ϕ +ψ can be determined; therefore there are infinite number of solutions. We
choose one that is close to the previous values of the angles, and supposedly more realistic.
Further, two solutions are possible; if ϑ = 0; Cϑ = 1 , then the Euler angles are
 S ⋅ C + Cφ ⋅ Sψ
atan  φ ψ
 C ⋅C - S ⋅S
 φ ψ
φ = φold +
ϑ = 0,
 S ⋅ C + Cφ ⋅ Sψ 
− φ + ψ old )
atan  φ ψ
 C ⋅ C - S ⋅ S  ( old
ψ 
ψ = ψ old +
Sφ ⋅ Cψ + Cφ ⋅ Sψ = Sφ+ψ ; Cφ ⋅ Cψ - Sφ ⋅ Sψ = Cφ+ψ
and if ϑ = π ;
ϑ = π,
 − (φold + ψ old )
Cϑ = −1 , then
 -S ⋅ C + Cφ ⋅ Sψ
atan  φ ψ
 S ⋅S + C ⋅C
 φ ψ
φ = φold −
 -S ⋅ C + Cφ ⋅ Sψ
atan  φ ψ
 S ⋅S + C ⋅C
 φ ψ
ψ = ψ old +
Otherwise, for non-singular configurations
 − (φold + ψ old )
 − (φold + ψ old )
 Sφ ⋅ Sϑ 
 Cφ ⋅ Sϑ 
 Cφ ( Cφ ⋅ Sϑ ) + Sφ (Sφ ⋅ Sϑ ) 
ϑ = atan 
-Cφ ( Cφ ⋅ Sϑ ) + Sφ ( Sφ ⋅ Sϑ )
ψ = atan 
 -Sφ ( -Cφ ⋅ Cϑ ⋅ Sψ - Sφ ⋅ Cψ ) + Cφ ( -Sφ ⋅ Cϑ ⋅ Sψ
φ = atan 
+ Cφ ⋅ Cψ ) 
It is imperative that in the case of major motion of the patient the surgeons get notified so they
are aware of these changes and can be mindful towards verifying the effectiveness of the new
registration. I designed an additional display widget that calculates the actual effectiveness of the
registration and shows the accuracy of the procedure. It notifies the surgeon if re-registration is
needed and allows one to manually select re-registration from the GUI menu.
4.4 Verifying the results
To test the new control concept developed, I intentionally changed the relative position of the
skull with respect to the robot during a simulated procedure. The DRB was mounted on a high-
- 82 -
Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
precision 1 DOF rotary stage capable of moving with an accuracy of 0.001 degree (figure 4.12).
Having registered the robot to the StealthStation, the program saved both the DRB
T and the
transformations. Then, I rotated the DRB around its approximate Z axis by exactly -90 degrees
(as it was rigidly attached to the rotary stage.) The program could detect and compensate for the
“patient motion” based on the previously stored
T transformation (4.24). I made further
rotations of -90 deg, +45 deg, and +45 deg (figure 4.13). From the recorded
transformation matrices, it was possible to derive the accuracy of the updates:
RRB -1
0 
 0
0 
= -0.990
0.997 
 0
In another experiment, I was manually updating the
T transformation, while the DRB was
not moved. The acquired new matrix reduced the effect of the noise almost by one order:
Figure 4.12
Figure 4.13
 1.0000 0.0006 - 0.0004 - 0.0270 
 - 0.0006 1.0000 - 0.0005 0.0401 
 0.0004 0.0005 1.0000 - 0.0710 
1.0000 
High precision 1 DOF rotary stage.
The DRB mounted on the rotary stage for the verification of the transformation filter.
The program was able to detect and compensate for the resulting misalignment under static
conditions, when the robot was stopped during the time of the averaging filtering of the
T transformation.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Achieving a precise dynamic re-calibration of the transformations is more difficult, as we must
compensate for the time difference between measurements of the transformations in equation
(4.25). Specifically, the first two transformations on the right side of (4.25) are measured by the
StealthStation and therefore have a delay of up to 380 ms with respect to the last transformation,
measured by the NeuroMate. We anticipate that the advantages and effectiveness of the
averaging filter provide justification for pausing the operation for approximately 1 s to apply the
filter. However, if this occurs too often, it may annoy the surgeon and in that case a different
filter should be used, such as the Kalman Filter. For better estimation, we could also take
advantage of times where the robot is not moving. Also, there may be frequent times during the
procedure where motion is insignificant. Further experiments are to be conducted to determine
the accuracy of the compensation for typical, arbitrary changes in the surgical environment.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Robotic neurosurgery has already demonstrated its utility in the case of several applications
from biopsy to skull base drilling. Surgical robots have affected the current practice of
neurosurgery through many FDA approved devices. Better understanding of the procedure of
brain and spine surgery and the human anatomy will help to develop integrated technologies that
suit the surgeons need.
In the first part of the thesis, the existing neurosurgical installations were presented, and three
directions of development were analyzed: the improvement of accuracy in stereotactic
procedures, the close integration with imaging devices and the use of the hands-on surgery
concept. These have potential to greatly improve the overall quality of computer-integrated
The second part of the thesis described the neurosurgical system at the Johns Hopkins
University. It successfully integrates a NeuroMate robot (FDA approved for frame-based and
frameless stereotactic surgery), a StealthStation surgical navigation system (FDA approved) and
3D Slicer open source medical navigation and visualization software. The robot is driven in
cooperative control mode, where the control signals are created using the readings from the
force sensor mounted at the end-effector of the robot.
Our system has major advantages that may lead to a significant improvement in the quality of
skull base surgery. Beyond offering advanced visualization through 3D Slicer, the systems
improves the surgical tool’s stability (essentially eliminating freehand tremor), as it is mounted on
the NeuroMate robot. Though the surgeon still holds the conventional drill tool and directs its
movement, he or she can release the tool at any time to take a rest, or to attend to another task,
while the robot is maintaining the tool’s position. To increase the safety and the reliability of the
procedure we apply the concept of virtual fixtures that has already proved its effectiveness in
several applications. These boundaries are defined on the pre-operative CT scan by the surgeon
to cover and protect the critical anatomical structures. Registered to the robot, the virtual fixture
is used to prevent the tip of the tool from going beyond the defined safe area in any direction.
The VF allows surgeons to operate safely and move easily within millimeters of vessels and
nerves, thus reducing lengthy operating times and associated fatigue, while keeping the necessary
high level of precision.
In the third part of the thesis, I have thoroughly documented my research efforts to determine
the accuracy of the individual system components, model the noise and identify the major source
of system errors based on the extensive phantom and cadaver tests of the preliminary system.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
I examined several methods to improve the overall accuracy, effectiveness and safety of our
system. Based on the findings, I extended the previously used pivot calibration method to a
closed kinematic chain calibration of the robot’s Denavit-Hartenberg parameters and the cutter
tool’s dimensions. Furthermore, I implemented a Kalman Filter to reduce the noise of the
optical tracker, as described in the last chapter. My contribution involved the development and
testing of a new technique capable of providing improved safety through patient monitoring and
automated transformation updating. All methods were tested and found to significantly improve
the application accuracy of the system.
Throughout the research, it was a priority to use a universal approach and develop general
methods that may be used in other medical robotic systems. Partial results have been published
in a paper at the 14th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical
Physics [27] and another paper has been accepted for the 2nd IEEE/RAS-EMBS International
Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob).
We are continuing the research, as the application accuracy of our system is promising for
future development towards clinical applications. Through advanced technological solutions, we
can improve the quality of future healthcare and justify the higher investment costs of robotic
interventions. Systems currently under development will soon deliver great clinical advantages
and improved safety features providing advanced procedures that benefit both the patient and
the surgeon. We hope that our neurosurgical system will find its way to the market and will be
integrated well in the future of health care.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Future work
I described in this thesis our ongoing work to implement and test the most suitable techniques
for an integrated skull base surgery system. Presently, hands-on surgery is a promising direction
of Computer-Integrated Surgery and our robotic installation may one day contribute to the
future of innovative interventional medicine.
There are many possible ways to improve the present system. The overall error of can be
further reduced (both placement and dimensional) by introducing better algorithms for
calibration and registration. We plan to model the bending of the surgical tool via contact forces
and compensate for it during the procedure. Moreover, a new implementation of the virtual
fixtures is under development, incorporating robot control features and spatial constraints during
the optimization as well. Additional phantom and cadaver experiments will be performed to
obtain statistical significance for the results.
A natural extension is adding the option to automatically update the Robot World to Dynamic
Reference Base transformation while the robot is moving. This requires prediction of the tooltip
to compensate for the latency introduced by the StealthStation and the Kalman Filter. The filter
could also be used to estimate the velocity of the tooltip for this projection. An Unscented
Kalman Filter could be used to estimate the position of the tool very accurately and compensate
for patient movement in one step. It is necessary to attend more clinical operations, and learn
about the environment (general setup, typical noise, changes in the OR).
As the concept of cooperative and constrained control is platform-independent, our tools
could be applied to other devices suitable for a wider range of surgical procedures. The path of
future development is the integration of surgical navigation, telemedicine, nanotechnology,
micromachines and microelectrical systems in a common framework supported by powerful
computing. Our work takes a bold step forward in the progress towards this goal.
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Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
Supplementary CD-ROM
A supplementary CD-ROM is attached to the diploma thesis providing the source files,
simulation results, videos, pictures and additional materials related to my work. However, to
create the executable files and run the programs, the entire CISST Software framework must be
installed. (It is open source and freely available [87].)
The following list of folder intends to give guidance to the CD:
Folder \documentation contains my diploma thesis in .pdf format and the presentation created
for the defense. Under \additional_materials the electronically available references can be found
along with further publications related to surgical robotics. A selection of additional pictures is
also available under \pictures. The \support folder contains the necessary programs to view the
pictures, videos and read the documentation.
- 88 -
Haidegger: Improving the Accuracy and Safety of a Robotic System for Neurosurgery
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The figures and images were either used with permission and copied form the given source or the author owns their copyright.
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