MGT 4950: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Fall 2013 Section 01: 2:00

Fall 2013
Section 01: 2:00–3:15; M, W; BU 101
Roy Johnson, JD, PhD.
BU 326
Phone: 865-8030, e-mail:,
Text Website:
10:00-12:00, M, W, F; Other hours by appointment
Essentials of Strategic Management 3rd ed., Gamble, Thompson and Peteraf; 2014.
The Business Strategy Game: Online Registration at
READING MATERIAL: Fortune, Business Week, Wall Street Journal.
Advanced Standing and Seniors only (preferably in last semester of program)
This is a capstone course for seniors covering the concepts of strategic management and developing perspective, judgment
and facility in problem solving in interrelated areas of distribution, personnel, finance, control and the social aspects of business.
To develop a holistic perspective of an organization which integrates the concepts, skills, and principles learned in
previous functional area courses (e.g. Marketing, Finance, Accounting) and to apply that perspective in business
To develop an appreciation and understanding of the role of top management in managing the resources of the
organization to achieve its goals and objectives and in dealing with complex and dynamic strategic issues.
To gain an understanding of the concepts of strategic management and become familiar with major trends affecting
small and large businesses, international commerce and e-business.
To be able to analyze business cases and to apply the knowledge gained from one case to other, seemingly unrelated,
cases. The objective of the course is not so much to accurately access an individual case as it is to begin to "think
strategically" about business opportunities and problems.
To develop communication, presentation, and participation skills which will be invaluable in a business career.
1. Class Participation. Each student is expected to participate in class and team discussions. During every case session,
class members will be called on randomly to answer questions pertaining to that day's assignment. You are expected to prepare every
case and take an active role in every class. Case sessions are analytic exercises, analogous to laboratory sessions in other disciplines.
It is primarily in cases that students will have the opportunity to apply the concepts covered in the text material. You gain experience
in analysis by responding to the ideas of others and by allowing your own ideas to be evaluated. You will learn by doing, not by
passively listening. To do this you must be there, you must be prepared, and you must be involved.
Your participation will be evaluated based on attendance, quantity and quality of participation. It will be rated on a scale
from 0 to 5
(0 = absent, 1 = unprepared, 2 = no comments, 3 = called on and prepared, comment but don't add much to class
learning, 4 = good comments, 5 = leadership role) in classes throughout the semester, with a special focus on case classes. Your final
participation grade will be formed from the composite of these scores. An average score of 2 is at best a "C".
Remember: Those who are well-prepared and following the discussion in their heads, but, who make no comments
themselves, are generally indistinguishable from those who are unprepared and inattentive and can, therefore, expect no better
participation grade.
To ensure that the class is prepared and to give some credit to the shy ones among you, pop-quizzes may also be given on the
case material. These will be administered at the beginning of the period in which we cover the case.
More than three unexcused absences from classes in which cases are being discussed will result in a penalty of one-third
decrease in your participation grade (e.g., B to B-) for each absence. This is in addition to the 0 you will receive for participation each
time you are absent. If circumstances require you to miss class you may, with the consent of the instructor, make up the class by
turning in comprehensive written answers to the study questions for that case. These will be due the following class period.
2. Examinations. There will be three exams in the course of the semester. Students are responsible for material covered in
lectures, readings, and discussions. The exams will include short-answer, multiple choice, and essay questions and will test both your
knowledge of the conceptual material and your ability to apply that knowledge.
The ETS Field exam (or Princeton exam) is administered to all graduating business majors. It will test your knowledge of
all areas of the business major (e.g., accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing...). This exam is used nationally to rank
the quality of different business schools. Traditionally, SUU students have done very well on this exam, averaging in the top 10% for
the last five years. The exam will be administered in the testing center during the semester. This will count as your final exam.
However, while taking this exam is a requirement of this course (if you do not take it you do not pass), how well you do on the exam
does not affect your course grade.
3. Team Case Analysis/Competition. The class will be divided into teams of three or four students, each of which will be
responsible for one formal case analysis and presentation. The team will play the role of outside consultants and will be in
competition against another group. Details are provided in the appendix.
To ensure that every member actively participates in the group projects and that the work and learning are equitably divided,
each team member will evaluate the contributions of each other member in his/her group to the presentation. These evaluations will
then be used to adjust the final group grades for each member. If every member participates equally (the ideal and the most common
situation) then each member will receive the grade awarded the whole group, otherwise, the individual grades may be adjusted either
up or down. It is each group member's responsibility to communicate with the other group members to ensure that the work is being
equitably distributed. No group member should be surprised by these evaluations.
4. Simulation: The Business Strategy Game. Each team will form a company and will make strategic decisions to lead that
company in a business simulation in competition with other teams in the class. EVERY CLASS MEMBER MUST register on-line
for the simulation at . Once registered, every class member should either read from the screen or
print and read a personal copy of the “Player’s Guide”. Once you have finished reading the Player’s Guide, you may
complete On-Line Quiz #1. This is a timed – open book – quiz: point value – 5% of your simulation grade.
Your group will submit decisions each week for 10 weeks. Your grade for this exercise will be scored in terms of your
company’s ending performance on key business measures (EPS 20%, ROE 25%, Stock Price 20%, Credit Rating 20%, and Image
Rating 15%). Further details will be provided in a player’s manual and a practice session to be held in class. Individual grades will be
adjusted based on group feedback; make sure you are doing your share. The groups will also make a short (c.a., 5 minute)
presentation on their efforts. These should cover why they ended up where they did, what their strategy was, and what they would do
differently had they to do it over again.
BSG Grading (based on final score—including quiz score and group evaluations):
Grade Score Grade Score Grade Score Grade Score Grade
88-87 89
68-67 79
48-47 69
28-26 59
86-85 88
66-65 78
46-45 68
25-23 58
84-83 87
64-63 77
44-43 67
22-20 57
82-81 86
62-61 76
42-41 66
19-17 56
80-79 85
60-59 75
40-39 65
16-14 55
78-77 84
58-57 74
38-37 64
13-11 54
76-75 83
56-55 73
36-35 63
10-08 53
74-73 82
54-53 72
34-33 62
07-05 52
72-71 81
52-51 71
32-31 61
04-01 51
70-69 80
50-49 70
30-29 60
bankrupt 50
Group Presentation
Exams l-3
Class Participation
Grades may be curved either up or down as indicated by the class distribution, otherwise, the standard point distribution will
be followed, with grades rounded to the nearest whole number (e.g., 70-72 = C-, 73-76 = C, 77-79 = C+...).
DATE 28 classes
Introduction to course, syllabus overview and team formation.
EVERY CLASS MEMBER MUST register on-line for the simulation at
Strategic Management Overview
Reading: Ch 1
Strategic Management Process; Mission and Goals
Reading: Ch 2
Case 12: Robin Hood
Reading: Guide to Case Analysis*
Simulation Overview and Practice Session
Reading: BSG Players Guide and Quiz #1
Industry and Competitive Analysis
Reading: Ch 3
Business Strategy Game (BSG) Review
Case 3: Competition in Energy Drinks
Industry and Competitive Analysis cont.
Exam Review and Internal Situation Analysis
Case 4: Netflix
BSG Round 11
BSG Round 12
Reading: Ch 4
BSG Round 13
Internal Situation Analysis cont. (also Financial)
Reading: p. 240-241
BSG Round 14
Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Reading: CH 5
Strategy and Competitive Advantage cont.
Case 13: Southwest Airlines
Exam Review and Strategies in International Markets
Reading: CH 7,
Global Strategy cont.
Reading: CH 6 (123-131)
Corporate Diversification Strategies
Readings: Ch 8,
Corporate Strategy cont.
BSG Round 18
Case 10: Sara Lee Corporation Retrenchment
BSG Round 19
EXAMINATION 3 (CH 6, 7, 8)
Exam Review and BSG Presentations
Group Case Presentations 1 & 2
Group Case Presentations 3 & 4
Group Case Presentations 5 & 6
Group Case Presentations 7 & 8
BSG Round 15
BSG Round 16
BSG Round 17
BSG Round 20
ETS Field Exam in Business – Required of all students – in the Testing Center
* Found at the text website Online Learning Center; Student Edition
This schedule may be adjusted as need requires, always bring your text to class and if you miss a class, check with classmates or
the instructor to see whether any adjustments have been made.
Team Case Analysis and Competition
The class will be divided into teams, each of which is responsible for one case presentation. Your team
will play the role of outside consultants hired by the company's Board of Directors; you are not employees of the
company. The firm whose case you have been assigned has offered you time during their next board meeting to
present a creative and unique plan for enhancing their position in the market.
The board is only prepared to allow you a short period of time because they have invited another
management consulting team from your class to present its ideas. Nevertheless, the directors have agreed, in
advance, to hire the one team which presents the ideas and strategic recommendations which are best suited to their
company, its management, and its environment. The board members want to hire a team and capitalize on the firm's
strengths and opportunities (in light of the existing and evolving environmental conditions). They are interested in
the plan which is most profitable and which best enhances the firm's short-term and long-term growth and stability.
You should present your group's best ideas in a clear and concise manner. Be sure that your presentation is
professional and practical. Your job is not to burden your readers and listeners with theories of business policy, but
to apply the theories and concepts you have learned in a meaningful and practitioner-oriented manner.
In addition to the oral report, each team must prepare a one page, typed executive outline. This outline
should summarize the information team members feel is most important regarding the group's strategic plan. The
team is responsible for making copies to be distributed to the class immediately prior to the presentation.
During the class sessions devoted to the competition, each team will have 15 to 20 minutes to introduce its
strategic plan. A 10 to 15 minute question/answer period will follow each presentation during which any member
of the class is free to question team members. [note: A team's competitors will not be present during their
presentation nor during the question/answer period which follows.] After both teams have presented their strategic
plans and answered questions, the final 10 minutes will be spent in a full class discussion covering each group's
ideas [both teams will be present during this class discussion.]
Oral presentations should involve each team member. Reading or relying too heavily on notes will be
viewed as an indication that the team is not prepared, and this will negatively affect the group's grade. Therefore,
team members will want to rehearse their presentations and conduct mock question/answer sessions in preparation
for the competition. Visual aids are important to the success of a presentation, the quality of your visual aids
(including Powerpoint presentation) will be reflected in your grade.
Each class member (excluding those representing the competing teams) will evaluate the teams'
presentations. Summaries of these evaluations will later be passed on to the teams.
The focus of these presentations should be the issues in the case; this is not a research assignment. Teams
are encouraged, however, to use outside sources in furthering their analysis and presentation. Any outside materials
can be used with the exception of case analyses of other students. Any outside sources used should span only the
dates covered in the case.
The major you have chosen within the School of Business is designed to prepare you to enter into the
professional world of business. I consider it my responsibility to take the leadership in creating a classroom
environment where optimal learning can take place. Here are some expectations I have in order for us to create an
effective, professional learning environment. The foundation of these expectations is simple respect and politeness.
Just as you can expect me to be here, prepared and on time, for every scheduled class session, I expect the same
of you..
You are responsible for acquiring relevant notes from other students if you are late to or miss class.
Ask questions! If something is unclear to you, it probably means that several others have the same question.
However, please ask me the questions in class, or to slow down, not your neighbor. In other words, no talking
when I am talking. Likewise, no talking when a fellow student “has the floor.” Professionals are courteous and
respectful of each another.
Contributions to class discussion are strongly encouraged.
Do not come to class late or leave early. Neither your fellow students nor I appreciate this disruption.
Do not read the newspaper or work on projects for other courses during class time.
Bringing food and drinks to class is permissible, as long as it’s not disruptive. Please don’t bring anything
wrapped in noisy “crinkly” wrappers.
No ringing cell phones or texting on cell phones during class, please turn your cell phones off and put them
Laptops may be used for taking notes and following Powerpoint presentations, this is fine and may enhance
your learning experience. However, laptops are sometimes used in inappropriate ways; they may not be used
during class to search websites, email, or do work that is not related to what is going on in class. Such use is
distracting and rude to the professor and your classmates and will result in your laptop being disallowed for any
Get help from the professor in his office if you don’t understand the material.
SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY: Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current issue of the student handbook (published
by Student Services) regarding student responsibilities and rights, and the intellectual property policy, for
information about procedures and about what constitutes acceptable on-campus behavior.
ADA STATEMENT: Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring academic
adjustments, accommodations or auxiliary aids will need to contact the Southern Utah University Coordinator of
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), in Room 206F of the Sharwan Smith Center or phone (435)865-8022.
SSD determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of services.
HEOA COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The sharing of copyrighted material through peer-to-peer (P2P)
file sharing, except as provided under U.S. copyright law, is prohibited by law. Detailed information can be found