Newsletter from April 19, 2012 Celebrating

College International
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 Sidharth
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 Javiera
International Graduates
“Success Stories”
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 Makiko Kageura
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 Cassandra Musungayi
 Maxine Semple
 Dusty Campbell
Sidharth Safaya
Graduate of the Wine Business
Management Program (2011)
Prior to coming to Canada I was
very interested in wine studies. I
found out that Niagara College is
located in the heart of the wine
country and nothing could be
better than to obtain hands on
experience in a location known
for wine.
Have something to add or a
question? Email Laura Fakla:
APRIL 2012
I enrolled in September 2010 in
the Wine Business Management
Program. I moved away from my
home country and it was
absolutely a different culture for
me. Niagara College was like a
home away from home.
Especially “Laura”, one of the
most kind and wonderful people I
can remember. Laura was a great
support throughout my term and
still never takes a step back
when we need help, even after
the completion of my studies.
Niagara College always celebrates
the different festivals and the
best part is we as students had
the opportunity to help organize
it in our own way which was
really fun. Niagara College is
truly a winner in student success.
After graduating Niagara College
in April 2011, I received an offer
for a position at Crowne Plaza
which is a part of
Intercontinental group. I am
working as an Assistant Food &
Beverage Manager of the
Niagara’s best fine dining
restaurant called Rainbow Room
by Massimo Capra.
As an international student it was
very hard for me to start my
career and achieve the heights of
success in a short period due to
lack of work experience in
Canada. Niagara College provided
me a platform by offering me
volunteer opportunities which are
very important in this country
especially for international
students. This volunteer
experience is very important as
all the big companies’ look at the
drive a candidate has to work.
I decided to stay in Canada and
work after graduation as Canada
is a land of opportunities. People
are great and supportive. I made
some mistakes but I learnt from
them and took it as my strength
rather than giving up. Food and
wine industry is also booming in
Canada. There are also plenty of
opportunities for all those people
out there who have a serious
hunger for success.
Niagara College is like another
family and I am in constant
contact with individuals such as
Dan Patterson, Sean Coote,
Laura Fakla, Shawna Luey,
Tushar Chawla, Sherie Grant,
Craig Youdale, Jennifer Wilhelm,
Alisson Zalepa and Douglas
Johnson. They all were a great
support throughout and after my
time at Niagara College.
In September 2008 I started
Niagara College studying ESL.
After finishing ESL, I then had
the opportunity to decide where I
wanted to study Culinary
I chose Niagara College because
I already knew most of the
teachers and the staff from the
International office who were
always there to help me.
Javiera Ortiz
Graduate of Culinary
Management Program (2010)
After graduating from the
Culinary Management program I
was hired by White Oaks Resort
and Spa in Niagara on the Lake
as a line cook. There were two
things that made me stay and
working in Canada. One was the
I cannot advice anyone as I still
consider that there is a lot of
learning for me ahead. However,
based on my experience I would
like to say that one should be
very much dedicated and honest
to their work, no matter what
they do. They should do it whole
heartedly and believe in
themselves, success will
automatically knock on their
“Best wishes to the upcoming
amazing opportunity of working
at White Oaks. It is not every day
that you have the chance to say
that you are a part of the team
that makes White Oaks what it is
today. This may sound silly but,
it was also love that made me
My experience working in Canada
after graduation is just Amazing.
The chance to work in a 4
Diamond and 5 star Restaurant is
amazing; since graduation I have
been working with White Oaks
and it is the best job that I have
ever had. Every day is a learning
experience and people treat you
like family there.
Niagara College helped prepared
me for the work force and was
always there helping me get
involved with Volunteer
Activities. Also, while taking
Culinary Management, the chef
and professors provided me with
event opportunities such as “5
on 5 Competition which made
me understand and have an idea
of what it is like working in
I loved that I was part of
something great and not just
being a regular student. For
many international students it
can be difficult to be part of a
group when you don’t know the
people or you are alone in a
Iftekhar Hussain
Graduate of the International
Business Management Program
Niagara College made me feel
like I am at home. I had the
opportunity to talk to people at
the college even if it was
something personal that had
nothing to do with the program I
was enrolled.
I still keep in touch with Mary
Kilmer-Tchalekian and Laura
Fakla. Mary is always there for
me, always wondering what I am
up to and asking if I need
anything. She is part of my
family here in Canada and thanks
to her that I’ve been able to
succeed here. Laura is always
there when I need help with my
paperwork or if I have a question
about something. Even though
I was recommended to attend
Niagara College by one of my
friends that had attended. I
enrolled at Niagara College in
September 2009 in the
International Business Program.
The Niagara on the Lake campus
is gorgeous and the all teachers
and other staff, especially,
International Department staff
were really very helpful. I still
keep in touch with some of the
staff at the college.
Niagara College’s Job Centre was
really helpful in helping me to
prepare a resume, cover letter
and other related information. It
I’m not a student anymore she
spends time with me and makes
sure that I am doing things right.
Chefs Mark Picone and Alan Kerr
keep in touch with me to see
what’s going on in my life.
My advice to students and
graduates is “Go for your dreams
and do not regret any moment of
it. Believe in yourself and what
you can do.” If you are alone in
this amazing country remember
that the International Family in
Niagara College will always be
there for you. As I heard in the
movie Into the Wild,
“When you want something in
life, you just gotta reach out and
grab it.”
was also very useful to find
employment opportunities after
I decided to stay and work in
Canada after graduation because
of the nice people and
opportunity for growth.
I am presently employed as an
Admissions officer at Le Cordon
Bleu Culinary Arts in Ottawa.
Working in Canada has helped
me to experience and learn many
things such as adaptability to
new culture, working
environment and professionalism.
My advice to graduating students
of Niagara College is please be
career focused. Decide what
exactly you want to do after your
graduation and define strategies
with time deadline to achieve
your goal(s).
one in student satisfaction for
several years in a row and hence
that is why I chose Niagara
and skill developing programs
much needed for this job.
I enrolled at Niagara College in
September 2009. Niagara
College treated me as an
individual and not as a number.
In one word, my experience at
the college was “Perfect” and I
still keep in touch regularly with
Laura and Tushar.
Sunny Kapoor
Graduate of the Tourism
Management System Program
I was encouraged to attend
Niagara College because I
wanted to study Hospitality and it
is a college which is in the heart
of the Tourism community. This
college has also being number
After graduation I moved to
Regina, Saskatchewan in
September 2010 and started
working for CIBC November
2010 as a Financial Services
Representative. I got my
Permanent Residency in
December 2011.
Niagara College helped me to
develop skills and knowledge
during my one year study by
giving me the opportunity to
attend seminars, presentations
I decided to stay in Canada after
graduation because it has the
highest standard of living in the
world and is considered one of
the best countries to live. Not to
forget Canada has a wealth of
opportunities. Hence I decided to
make Canada permanent home
for me and my family.
However, I had mixed
experienced after graduating
from Niagara College. My
experience of working in
Sheraton Hotel Niagara Falls was
not the best but since I moved
out west it has been an amazing
My advice to new graduates is
plan well in advance, know what
your goals are and start working
towards your goals and never let
anyone tell you that you can’t
achieve what you want.
which was fascinating.
Nonetheless, it was nothing
compared to living in the places
where the stories were written. I
thought being able to say I know
would be much more satisfying.
Makiko Kageura
Graduated from the International
Business Management Program
(Fall 2010)
My first visit to Canada was in
Vancouver. My good memories in
Vancouver had a great impression
on my lifestyle and views of value
and influenced my second visit to
Canada. I returned to Canada
and attended Niagara College to
deepen my appreciation of
different cultures and languages.
The first reason why I studied in
Canada was to get the academic
credit, not to mention the boost
it gives to my resume. Besides,
I was more interested in the real
life experience. I studied English
and United States literature at
University, and there is nothing I
would like to do more than
plunge into the raw and
uncensored culture of the
language. I studied English in
Vancouver for two summers,
Second reason for studying in
Canada is that Canada offers a
high quality and affordable
education that is recognized
world-wide. Moreover, Canada is
a safe, secure, healthy,
multicultural and welcoming
environment for international
students. All Universities and
Colleges offer excellent academic
programs and teaching.
Therefore, I wondered if my time
spent in Canada would be
I enrolled in International
Business Management in
September 2010. I decided to
take International Business
because Canada, along with the
Niagara Region, is a dynamic
player within the forum of
international commerce. I was
introduced to courses such as
international finance,
international banking system,
foreign exchange markets, plus
political, economical, cultural
and legal environments of
different markets.
The program also required
participating in the international
experience. This program found
different international career
I became interested in marketing
soy foods such as Tofu and
Tempeh. I was able to share
information with class mates.
Working with Chef Olson on this
research was a great experience
as it truly showed us that when
two cultures work together, they
tend to generate interest and
stimulate creativity of both
cultures. This creates a new and
unique product or view.
In October 2011 I graduated
from the International Business
Management Program. I returned
to Japan after graduation and
took great interest in tempeh.
Recently, parts of my research
appeared in a new tempeh book
by Mr. William Shurleff and
Akiko Aoyagi. I am planning to
publish my tempeh cook book
and song “Temten Girl” as well. I
was also employed as a teacher
after graduation in Japan for
several months.
My advice to international
students is to have positive
thinking. It will bring you success
and also help your daily life to
run more smoothly.
I Have published a great variety
of literature such as:
“Word Haiku” (2010-2012)
“Reflections” (2011, Starvision
press, USA)
“Kiss the Dragon” (2012, Lulu,
These are just a few of her great
works but if you would like to see
more. Please take a look at her
website. Website:
Projects Assistance
communities around the
The objective of this company is
to preserve the land because it is
one out of the three percent of
dry tropical forests in the world.
However the company had
conflicts in the beginning
because the land was originally
owned by indigenous people.
Casandra Musungayi
Graduate of the International
Commerce and Global
Development Program (2011)
In the summer of 2011 I went to
Ecuador on the Canadian
International Development
Agency (CIDA), International
Youth Internship Program for six
months. I worked for an
organization called Pro-Bosque.
Their motive is to conserve and
protect the forest area by working
on projects with the rural
Therefore, it was a threat to the
indigenous people as it was their
only source of food and other
activities. Therefore, the
company started an initiative to
help involve the community a
little more with the activity in the
protected forest.
Moreover, this helped to create
income generation for the
community. Therefore, created
more focus on protecting the
land rather than destroying it to
make money or eat from it.
Apart from the work I did in
Ecuador it was a great
experience. It is a beautiful
country and I love the weather.
Ecuador has the highest number
of biodiversity in the world and it
is such as small country.
Traveling 15, 20, 30 minutes
there is such a big change from
rain forest to mountains to colder
temperature, which identifies a
big diversity. The people and
culture in general is very
welcoming and this reminds me
of my own country. As I arrived, I
was instantly a part of the family.
They all love to dance, it was very
colourful and the food was
delicious. I would love to travel to
Ecuador once again.
Jos Nolle, Manager of
International Projects, offered me
a job before I came back from
co-op as a project manager. We
are working on initiative to help
internationalize the school and
create a multiplier effect.
When interns are sent abroad we
monitor that they complete the
minimum requirements by doing
reports but when they return to
Canada it’s over. Therefore,
instead of letting that experience
end so quickly we want them to
share that information with other
students who did not have the
opportunity to go abroad. Those
students can learn the
intercultural skills that the
interns received abroad. This
helps to create a multiplier
effect, when one student travels
abroad they return and share in
different projects and integration
to help past on that intercultural
Presently, Projects is working on
the “Be World Ready” (BWR)
campaign library guide. I am
collecting all the information
from students who travelled
abroad on internship. This allows
all students and teachers at
Niagara College to have access to
the great international experience
on the library database.
We are also working on creating
projects with teachers and
negotiating with them and seeing
how they can help
internationalize students.
In addition, projects has hired 8
students to get the message out
there about the different
projects. We have the BWR
passport program and used as an
incentive for students to interculturalise.
the region understand and
manage their carbon footprint. I
also work for Niagara College
International Department. Right
now through the International
department I am facilitating the
pre-departure training for 7
students that will do co-op
placements abroad in early May
for 10 weeks.
Maxine Semple
Enrolled in 3rd year of the
Bachelor of the International
Commerce and Global
“Potential CIDA internship in
Ecuador summer 2012”
Currently I work part time for
Niagara Sustainability Initiative
a local NGO that helps small
and medium sized businesses in
Through Niagara Research I
have worked with a variety of
local companies. The activities
for these companies vary from
primary research, to business
and market research plans.
However, the largest project that
I worked on through Niagara
College was in cooperation with
Niagara College International
and the Be World Ready
campaign. The Be World Ready
campaign is a unique program
that encourages students as well
as faculty to become more
engaged in intercultural
Niagara College provides great
opportunities and as a student
you are not just a number.
Teachers know your name and
remember your face.
My advice to students is talk to
your teachers. They are a good
source of information and
opportunities. We are here to
help you at the international
awareness/competencies and
prepares them to better cope
within international
environments and the newly
globalized economy found in
Canada and abroad. My role
with this campaign was to assist
in the creating of website
content, marketing, and some
design and implementation
aspects of the program. I also
helped with an integral piece of
the program the “Passport”
which measures students’
activities in a variety of areas to
track their progress in becoming
more interculturally competent.
I was also very fortunate to work
on an applied research project
with Street Kids International
(an international NGO that
works with street youth training
them to be more successful
entrepreneurs) with a colleague
by the name Dyllan Gallant to
create a scoring tool to help the
organization better select
potential partners around the
world. This was a course based
project for International
Business Management led by
Dr. Carmen Dima.
Niagara College is helping me to
prepare for the work force by
providing me with the
opportunity to work on applied
projects that make a difference.
They are actually put into
practice by the organization as it
would be the most important
part of my preparation for the
work force by Niagara College. I
have lots to actually show to
potential employers in terms of
real work.
I love all of the support I get
from a number of departments
such as Niagara International,
the International Business
department and Niagara
Research. Due to all of the
opportunities that have been
given to me by these
departments I’ve been able to
network with different
individuals and make vital
connections within this Region
to better my employability
prospects. What I really love
though is the openness that is
found at Niagara College. I can
speak to any of my teachers,
and my bosses at any time. If I
have a concern I don’t have to
wait for weeks for appointments
to sit down with them and hash
out a solution. It’s an incredible
experience and the most value
added part of my degree at
Niagara College.
My first international experience
was in the summer of 2010. I
traveled to East London, South
Africa. I worked at Border Kei
Chamber of Business. This
amazing opportunity provided to
me through Niagara
International department and
Ontario Global Edge. It was an
experience that will do nothing
but continue to benefit me for
the rest of my life. I’ve been
prepared to a phenomenal level
in the classroom by my
professors on the theoretical
knowledge but what my
international experience
provided to me was the soft
skills, the ability to
communicate in business and
personally with people anywhere
in the world. A skill that I don’t
believe could possibly have
been provided to me any other
My international experience has
changed my views on life. It has
just simply reinforced my belief
in what I want to do. That is to
make any size impact in
developing communities
including my own and
internationally with the skills
that NC International and
Niagara College itself have
afforded me.
My advice to students is become
involved in everything you can at
the College. The extra-curricular
programs available like Global
Connections (a program that
sets up Canadian students with
international students to share
cultures) have incredible
rewards if you immerse yourself
in them. Class work is only a
piece of what Niagara College
can offer you. Above all never
ever forget to thank you to
people who have helped you get
to where you are no matter how
big or small the opportunity
Dusty Campbell
Graduate from the Chef
Training Program 2005 and
Pre Health Science in 2009
Presently, I am working at the
Niagara College International
Department. I am facilitating
and coordinating the Go Local
Live Local course, as well as
researching community
development projects in the
Dominican Republic for
Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA)
I enjoyed the small class sizes
at Niagara College (as
compared to lecture halls in
University) and the ability to
bond with your teachers and
get to know them.
I still keep in touch with some
of the staff at the college and I
have become friends with a
number of them.
Niagara College helped me
with the opportunity to go
abroad through Go Global Live
Local (GGLL). My experience
in South Africa through the Go
Global Live Local course
changed my outlook on my life
and where I was headed. It
also helped to give me the
world life experience, which I
believe to be one of the most
important parts of any
graduating student looking for
a career.
My first international
experience was South Africa
through the GGLL program.
This was a life changing
experience. Since that trip, I
have been to El Salvador,
Peru, Chile, South Africa
again, Argentina, and will be
heading to the Dominican
Republic in a month.
I went to El Salvador for 8
days constructing a house. In
Feb 2011 I travelled to Peru
for three months working at a
school where I taught
Communication and Health
courses, doing hospital triage,
and an Animal Rescue.
Governmental Organization
(NGO) called Un Techo para
mi Pais (UTPMP). There, we
built transitional houses for
families living in poverty,
provided skill training
programs to help give them the
tools to get themselves out of
poverty. Additionally I taught
English to residents in a
neighborhood twice a week.
My upcoming project that I will
be working on is in May. I will
be going to Dominica Republic
to do community development
research for Niagara College to
help develop our Canadian
International Development
Agency CIDA proposal for our
Dominican projects.
My international experience
has changed my views on life.
I would like to think that I
have become more of an active
citizen; a global citizen.
Therefore, my advice to
students is if you have an
opportunity to travel while you
are still in school, take it. You
will not regret it, and you never
know where that path may lead
In May 2011 I took a group of
students from Niagara College
to South Africa as part of their
GGLL course.
In July 2011 I travelled to
Chile for 5 months (was briefly
working in Argentina as well)
to volunteer at an Non-