fire safety! - ESOL Nexus

Cleaners: fire safety!
Teacher’s Pack
Cleaning: fire safety – teachers’ notes
Cleaning: fire safety
Fire safety: teachers’ notes
Fire safety: answers
Fire safety: transcripts
Fire safety: flashcards
Fire safety: classroom materials
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© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – teachers’ notes
This resource has been produced in two different formats:
This teachers’ pack, including teachers’ notes, classroom materials, PowerPoint presentation and an accompanying video, which can be found in the teachers’ resource page at
A self-access resource for learners with online activities. This is available at:
This resource Fire safety is part of Unit 2 of the Cleaning series of vocational resources
which aims to help learners develop the language that they will need when working in the
cleaning sector.
There are three units in this series:
Unit 1: the job aims to give learners the language needed for tasks that they are likely to
carry out every day in their jobs.
Unit 2: health and safety aims to help learners understand health and safety information
and training at work. It also aims to give learners the language they need to clarify important
safety-related details.
Unit 3: supervising is aimed at a higher level for learners who are working in a supervisor’s
role. It focuses on equipping learners with language skills that they would use in this role. It
also has a larger focus on reading and writing skills.
Level (Units 1 and 2): Entry 2/Access 3 in Scotland / CEF A2.
Level (Unit 3): Entry 3/ Intermediate 1 in Scotland / CEF B1.
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – teachers’ notes
Structure, learning hours and delivery context
Each of the 12 Cleaning lessons provides a minimum of 1 hour of learning in a classroom
context. It is made up of three topics:
Unit 1: the job
Following instructions
Problems at work
Customers’ problems
Using chemicals
Unit 2: health and safety
Safety signs
Fire safety
Personal protective equipment
Preventing and reporting accidents
Unit 3: supervising
Customer complaints
Accident reports
Work orders
Evaluating performance
The resource is suitable for whole class use in a number of settings. Timings are flexible
since teachers can adapt the resource to suit their learners and build in revision as required.
The resource consists of the following components:
In this document:
Teachers’ notes, transcripts and answers Flashcards
Classroom resources (worksheets and cut-up activities)
Available on the ESOL Nexus website:
Accompanying PowerPoint file – Fire safety.ppt
Accompanying videos
Interactive self-access resources
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – teachers’ notes
Fire safety
Time: Approximately 1 hour
To practise vocabulary related to fire safety equipment
To enable learners to understand fire safety briefings
To help learners understand fire safety notices
Learners will be able to:
name and pronounce items of fire safety equipment accurately
ask where nearest fire safety equipment is using appropriate language
understand instructions in a fire safety briefing
understand common symbols used on fire action signs
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – teachers’ notes
You will need:
 an interactive whiteboard or data projector to show the accompanying PowerPoint file,
videos and interactive activities (see note below). If this is not available, flashcards can
be used for most activities.
to download a copy of the PowerPoint file Fire safety.ppt
to go to to play the
accompanying video: Fire evacuation
to print a copy of the flashcards to use in class
to print copies of the worksheets for learners to use in class
to copy and cut up cards for activity 4
A note about interactive whiteboards (IWBs):
Interactive activities are available to support this resource. We have provided links to each
individual activity (these activities are also available to learners as self-access items). On
some interactive whiteboards (not all), the activities will be fully functional (i.e. you will be
able to touch the screen to drag and drop, and so on). Links for interactive whiteboards
appear in boxes throughout the resource. As part of your preparation before the session you
may wish to bookmark the activities you plan to use.
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – teachers’ notes
Display the Introduction slide with images of fire signs and items. Ask the whole group:
Which of these do you see at work? What are they for? Elicit suggestions from learners.
Activity 1: vocabulary
Use the Activity 1 flashcards or Activity 1 slides to elicit and drill the names of the fire
safety equipment chorally and individually.
Hand out Worksheet 1 and ask learners to work in pairs and to try to match the words to the
pictures. Show them on the board to write the letter of each label – a), b), etc – next to the
picture and do the first one together (the one chosen or identified above).
Check the answers together. Be prepared to explain a bit about each one in case there are
any words that they still do not understand.
If you have access to an IWB, there is an interactive activity that you may want to use to
present additional vocabulary items. Use the ‘learn’ section to present vocabulary and the
‘remember’ section to test learners. Encourage the whole class to support the individual
learners answering the questions on the IWB.
IWB link:
Activity 2: categorisation
To consolidate vocabulary knowledge, give out Worksheet 2 and explain the categorisation
task. Check learners understand the column heading and elicit an example of things that
help you leave the building quickly. Write this in the correct column and ask learners to do the
same with this example. If you think your group needs more examples, elicit one for each
column. Then ask learners to put the words in the correct column. Either let them do this
individually and check with a partner when finished or put them into pairs to work together.
Check answers together by displaying the Activity 2 slides. Check that learners understand
the difference between fire door, fire exit and fire escape.
Activity 3: questions
Choose a stronger learner and ask them “Where’s the fire escape?”, allow the learner to
respond and then elicit the question from the group. Use the Activity 1 flashcards to drill the
question chorally and individually with different fire safety items.
Put learners into pairs or small groups and give out Worksheet 3. Ask learners to ask each
other where the items on the worksheet are in their workplace. Learners could then write this
down on the worksheet. If possible, allow learners to leave the class and look around the
building to see if they can find the nearest example of each item. Circulate and monitor
learners’ use of questions. Support with pronunciation and question forming as needed.
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – teachers’ notes
Activity 4: listening task
Ask learners to watch the video Fire evacuation and listen to see how many of the fire safety
equipment items are mentioned. Learners should tick these off on their copy of Worksheet 3.
Once learners have listened to the recording once, you may want to use the Activity 4a
slide or Activity 4a flashcards to elicit/teach the meaning of belongings, assembly point, fire
marshal and fire drill.
Give out the Activity 4 instructions cards and ask learners, in pairs or small groups, to
match them to the large Do and Don’t cards. Ask learners to watch and listen to the video
again and check their answers. Groups compare their answer with another group before
checking together as a whole class.
Drill the sentences chorally and individually, using positive or negative imperative forms. Use
the Activity 4b slides or Activity 4b flashcards to drill and elicit the sentences from the
If you have access to an IWB there are two comprehension activities that you may wish to
use to accompany the video.
The first activity allows learners to work together to answer comprehension questions on the
content of the video:
IWB link:
The second activity replicates the card activity; learners have to sort the sentences in to Do
and Don’t lists:
IWB link:
Encourage all learners to support the individuals answering questions on the board. You
should elicit agreement or alternative answers from the class before allowing learners to click
‘check answers’.
Activity 5: understanding fire safety signs
Display the fire safety signs on the Activity 5 slides or use the Activity 5 flashcards. Elicit
from learners where they see these signs. If there are any examples in or near the
classroom, you may want to point them out.
Elicit from learners what they think the signs mean and listen for a whole instruction –
although you might only get single words.
Hand out Worksheet 5 and ask learners to work in small groups or pairs to choose the
correct meaning for each sign. Go round the class and help learners with any new words.
Check answers together and drill the correct sentences chorally and individually, pointing to
the image at the same time. Use the signs to elicit sentences from the group and individuals.
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – teachers’ notes
Activity 6 – briefing bingo
This is a speaking and listening activity to consolidate the language learnt in this session. Put
learners into small groups and give each learner a copy of the Activity 6 briefing bingo
card. Learners should take it in turns to give a fire safety briefing to the other learners in their
group. The learners being briefed, should tick off the pictures representing different
instructions as they hear them on their cards. The aim of the game is to see who can
remember the highest number of instructions.
When monitoring this activity, note that the focus should be on practising listening to and
identifying the meaning of instructions, rather than giving them accurately. You may want to
give extra support to learners giving the instructions as it may be a challenging task.
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – answers
Activity 1
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Blanket
Hose reel
Fire door
Fire exit
Smoke alarm
Fire alarm
Fire escape
Activity 2
Things that tell you there
is a fire
Things that stop the fire
Things that help you get
out of the building
Fire extinguisher
Smoke alarm
Fire blanket
Fire exit
Fire alarm
Hose reel
Fire escape
Fire door
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – answers
Activity 4
Use the emergency pushbar doors
Take your belongings
Leave the building when the fire alarm
goes off
Wait outside the building
Go to the assembly point at the back of
the building
Go in to the building before the fire
marshal tells you
Use the stairs
Use the emergency pushbar doors if
there is no fire
Look for the green signs for the fire
Use the lift
Get out of the building as quickly as
Stay in the building if there's a fire drill
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – answers
Activity 5
Sound the alarm
Leave building by nearest
available exit
Report to assembly point
Rear of the car park
Do not return to the building
until authorised to do so
Do not use the lifts
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – transcript
Transcript: fire evacuation
It’s really important that you know what to do when the fire alarm goes off.
We all have to leave the building, don’t we?
Yes, that’s right. But there a few things to remember. The first thing is to get out of
the building as quickly as possible so don’t stop to pick up your belongings, you know, your bag or your coat for example.
OK. I think it’s safe to use the stairs but not the lift. That is right?
Yes it is. Always use the stairs. Look for the green signs to the nearest fire exit.
I’ll show you the fire escape, you know, the metal staircase outside the building, just so you know it. And I’ll also show you the push bar emergency doors.
Oh yes, I’ve seen some of these doors. We can’t usually open them, can we?
That’s right, because if you do, the alarm will go off. But you should use them in an emergency there’s a green sign on them that says ‘push bar to open’ so you
know it’s an emergency exit.
Susana: I see – so I just wait outside the building then?
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – transcript
No, but we go to one place so that we know everyone is out safely. This is
called the assembly point. The assembly point is at the back of the building on
the pavement by the big tree. Then we wait unit the fire marshal tells us we can
go in again.
Susana: OK. Thank you for explaining this to me.
Well, we want you to be safe at work. Just two more things you need to know.
Every Wednesday morning at eleven you’ll hear the alarm for a few seconds. This is
just a test, you know, to make sure the alarm is working. And sometimes, but not
very often,there is a fire drill, you know, for practice. This means the alarm will keep
ringing and we don’t know if it is a real emergency or not so we must get out quickly.
We don’t do fire drills very often but they’re very important because this way everyone learns exactly what to do when the alarm goes off.
So that’s it. Any questions?
Susana: When can you show me the fire escape and push bar doors?
I’ll do that right now.
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
Activity 1 flashcards
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Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
Activty 4a flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
Activity 4b flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
Activity 5 flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: fire safety – flashcards
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: safety signs – classroom resources
Worksheet 1
Fire door
Fire escape
Smoke alarm
Fire hose
Fire exit
Fire alarm
Fire blanket
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: safety signs – classroom resources
Worksheet 2
Things that tell you there
is a fire
Things that stop the fire
Things that help you get
out of the building
Fire door
Fire escape
Smoke alarm
Fire hose
Fire exit
Fire alarm
Fire blanket
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: safety signs – classroom resources
Worksheet 3
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: safety signs – classroom resources
Activity 4 instruction cards
Take your belongings
Wait outside the building
Use the emergency pushbar doors
Go in to the building before the fire
marshal tells you
Use the emergency pushbar doors if
there is no fire
Leave the building when the fire alarm
goes off
Use the lift
Go to the assembly point at the back of
the building
Use the stairs
Stay in the building if there's a fire drill
Look for the green signs for the fire
Get out of the building as quickly as
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: safety signs – classroom resources
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: safety signs – classroom resources
Worksheet 5
Sound the alarm
Leave building by nearest
available exit
Report to assembly point
Rear of the car park
Do not return to the building
until authorised to do so
Do not use the lifts
© British Council 2014
Cleaning: safety signs – classroom resources
Activity 6 briefing bingo card
© British Council 2014