Primary school (key stage 2) Performance tables 2015 St Helens 342 Introduction The performance tables give information on the achievements of pupils in local primary schools, and how they compare with other schools in the local authority (LA) area and in England as a whole. This booklet presents a selection of key performance measures, but a wider range of information is available at 1 About the tables in this booklet General The national curriculum key stage 2 test results for state funded schools in England are provided in these tables along with teacher assessment data. For each LA, schools are listed alphabetically, with special schools shown in a separate section at the end of each list. Schools that do not take pupils up to the age of 11 (e.g. infant schools) are not included. Neither are independent schools as there is no requirement for them to enter their pupils for national curriculum tests. If your child attends a school listed in the tables, you may be interested to see how its results compare with other schools in the area, and with LA and national averages. To get a more rounded picture, you can also obtain details of the most recent Ofsted judgements of the school. You may want to discuss the results with teachers at your child’s school. How do they feel their school is performing, and what plans do they have to improve levels of achievement? How can you support the work of the school? What more can you do to help your own child do better? Choosing a school If using the performance tables to inform your choice of school, be aware that they give only part of the picture of each school and its pupils’ achievements. Schools change from year to year and their future results may difer from those achieved by current pupils. 2 You should also look at more than one performance measure to get an idea of how latest results for diferent schools compare. For example, while igures for the percentage of pupils achieving level 4+ in reading, writing and maths gives an indication of pupils’achievements at the end of KS2, it doesn’t tell you how far they have progressed from their starting point. Expected progress and value added measures give you information to consider alongside attainment data, and an explanation of both can be found in the user guidance section of the website at You should also consider the data in performance tables and this booklet alongside other important sources of information such as Ofsted reports, visits to the school itself and talking to teachers. Ofsted school inspection reports can be obtained from either the tables website,, or direct from the school on request. Expected levels of primary school performance at the end of key stage 2 The government assesses mainstream state funded primary schools’ performance against ’loor standards’. Considered against these, a school would be seen as underperforming if: ■ fewer than 65% of pupils at the end of key stage 2 (KS2) achieved level 4 or above in all of reading, writing and maths ■ and below the average percentage of pupils at the end of KS2 made expected progress in reading (2015 national median=94%) ■ and below the average percentage of pupils at the end of KS2 made expected progress in writing (2015 national median =97%) ■ and below the average percentage of pupils at the end of KS2 made expected progress in maths (2015 national median=93%). What a school’s attainment measures tell you National curriculum tests measure pupils’ attainment against speciied levels. They measure the extent to which pupils have the speciic knowledge, skills and understanding that the national curriculum expects them to have mastered in reading (test), writing (based on teacher assessment) and mathematics (test) by the end of key stage 2. However, schools’ KS2 test results are largely afected by the prior attainment of their pupils (how well they did at KS1). Therefore, in comparing the efectiveness of two or more primary schools, it is best to also look at their KS1 average points score; the percentage of pupils making expected progress in reading, writing and in maths; and information on achievements and progress of pupils, who at the end of KS1 had been assessed as being either below, at or above level 2. How to read the Tables Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results % achieving Level 3 or below Key Stage 2 2015 % achieving Level 4+ % achieving Level 5 % achieving % achieving Level 4+ in all Level 5+ in all of reading, of reading, writing and writing and maths maths number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS School name (New school name if applicable) Address Postcode Tel num School Type Denomination Reading 7% 233 93% ( % absent or disapplied ) Grammar, punctuation and spelling 93% 7% Maths 93% 7% Writing teacher assessment 93% 7% Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) % making expected progress in reading % making expected progress in writing % making expected progress in maths 29.1 89% 89% 93% 93% 24% Age Range 28% (0%) 28% (0%) 62% (0%) 62% (0%) The number of pupils on roll at the school. The percentage of pupils achieving level 4 or above in each of reading and maths tests and in teacher’s assessment of writing. The percentage of pupils achieving level 5 or above in each of reading and maths tests and in teacher’s assessment of writing. The percentage of pupils absent or unable to access the test. The average point score is calculated by adding together reading and writing and dividing by two. Then, add the result to maths and then divide that by two. The proportion of pupils who, between KS1 and the end of KS2, have made at least two levels of progress 3 How to read the Tables Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number Total and % of Number number of pupils Number and % of eligible started and % of nonpupils on pupils KS2 mobile roll at the with EAL below the pupils time of the expected test level Number Number KS1 and % of Number and % of Average and % of pupils pupils Points pupils started started Score of with KS2 statements eligible KS2 at above of SEN pupils at the the or EHC expected entry to expected Plan level KS2 level 19 3 3 18 6 2 5.5% 11% 11% 67% 22% 6.9% 29 15.0 Pupils who have English as an additional language. The number and percentage of pupils who were low, middle and high attainers at the start of key stage 2. Pupils who have been in the school throughout both Years 5 & 6. Key Stage 1 Average Points Score of eligible pupils when they entered key stage 2. The number and percentage of pupils on roll at the school with statements of SEN or an Education, Health and Care Plan. A statement describes any learning diiculties that the pupil has and speciies the extra help they need. 4 Low, middle and high attainers Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) % of pupils making expected progress in Closing the gap - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Reading Writing Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5 Low 77% 77% 77% 56% 5% Middle 94% 94% 94% 75% 35% High 100% 100% 100% 88% 50% Breakdown of achievement and progress for each of three ability groups. See the section on low, middle and high attainers for further information. Gap (in % achieving level 4 or percentage above in reading, writing Total number points) in and maths Total number of disachievement of other between disadvantaged pupils pupils advantaged pupils and Disothers advantaged Other pupils pupils % making expected progress in reading, writing and maths All pupils Disadvantaged School-national gap disadvantaged pupils Other pupils Reading 85% 5 25 80% 100% Maths Writing 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 95% 95% 95% 20 5 The number and percentage of all other pupils ie not eligible for free school meals or children looked after. Pupils who attract pupil premium funding on the basis of: being eligible for free school meals within the last 6 years; adopted from care; been in the care of the local authority for a day or more; or been subject to a special guardianship or child arrangements order 5 5 Throughout the year, teachers assess their pupils in each subject as a part of their teaching and report the level which best describes a pupil’s performance. Pupils reported in the tables Our calculations of performance measures are based on the results of all pupils at the end of KS2, including those who were absent on the day of the test or working at the level of the tests but unable to access them. This can happen if all, or part, of a test is not suitable for a pupil with particular special educational needs, though the tests are designed to cater for most pupils. Because those pupils are included in the calculations but did not achieve a test level, this may disproportionately afect a school’s results. To help you take this into account, we show the percentage of eligible pupils who were absent at the time of the tests or working at the level of the tests but unable to access them. The higher the percentage of those pupils, the more a school’s results may have been afected by pupils with no test results. Pupils excluded from calculation of performance tables igures The government accepts that pupils are unlikely to be able to show what they can do in tests until they have improved their English language skills and are more familiar with the curriculum in this country. Therefore, we accept schools’ requests to remove pupils from our calculation of results where their irst language is not English and they have been admitted to the school in the 2013/14 or 2014/2015 school year from particular countries outside the United Kingdom. These pupils do not count towards the school’s results but are included in national level igures. 5 Description of measures published in the performance tables Achievements in reading, writing & mathematics The majority of pupils are expected to achieve level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths. The performance measures in this booklet show the percentage of pupils eligible to sit tests who have achieved that level in both reading and maths tests and in writing teacher assessment. We also show the percentages who have achieved level 3 and below and level 5 or above in all three subjects. We provide results separately for each of these subjects and for the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test. Average Point Score (APS) This shows, at school, local authority area and national level, pupils’ average points score achieved. APS is calculated using the following formula: ((a pupil’s reading test score + writing teacher assessment) divided by 2 + maths) Divided by 2 If any pupils have no point score for one of more subjects, it will be calculated from the remaining subjects. These are then be averaged over all eligible pupils in the school. While two schools may achieve the same overall results in the percentage achieving level 4+ in reading, writing and maths measure, APS may show that, on average, pupils in one school scored higher in tests than those in the other. 6 Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 Progress Measures The government expects the majority of pupils to progress by at least two levels of progress between KS1 and KS2 i.e. if a pupil was assessed as being at level 2 in Maths at the end of the KS1, the expectation is that they would have progressed to at least Level 4 in that subject by the end of KS2. The tables show the proportion of pupils who, by the end of KS2, have made at least minimum expected progress. Teacher Assessment (TA) Schools submit data based on their own assessment of their pupils’ levels of ability in a number of subjects. In this booklet, we have given TA results for each of reading, writing and mathematics. Further information is available on the performance tables website e.g. on English and science TA. Closing the Gap Raising the attainment of children with the most deprived circumstances is a government priority. The pupil premium guarantees additional funding for schools with children eligible for free school meals at any time within the last six years (FSM); children looked after (CLA) for 1 day or more; those who have been adopted from care; or who have left care under a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangements order. These measures show how the performance of disadvantaged pupils (deined here as the children listed above) compares against other pupils in a school. They also the gap in attainment and progress between a school’s disadvantaged pupils and their peers nationally. Low, middle and high attainers This measure highlights any diferences in the performance and progress of pupils who, at the end of KS1 were low attaining, high attaining or performing at expected levels. Prior attainment deinitions are based on KS1 teacher assessment as follows. ■ Below expected level = those below Level 2 at KS1; ■ At expected level = those at Level 2 at KS1; ■ Above expected level = those above Level 2 at KS1. Three year rolling averages provide a better picture of performance than a single year’s igures, particularly where small numbers of pupils are involved. 7 2015 Primary school performance tables 8 Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results St Helens Total number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS % achieving Level 4+ in all of reading, writing and maths % achieving Level 3 or below % achieving Level 5+ in % achieving Level 5+ all of reading, writing and maths Reading Allanson Street Primary School Gaskell Street Parr St Helens WA9 1PL Tel: 0174 4678144 Does not apply Ashurst Primary School 15% 463 CY Hamilton Road Windle St Helens WA10 6HG Tel: 0174 4678190 Does not apply Broad Oak Community Primary School Brunswick Street Parr St Helens WA9 2JE Tel: 0174 4678182 Does not apply Carr Mill Primary School Kentmere Avenue St Helens WA11 7PQ Tel: 0174 4678223 Does not apply Chapel End Primary School Carr Mill Road Billinge Wigan WN5 7TX Tel: 0174 4678230 Does not apply 259 90% 0% 97% 90% 97% (0%) 37% (0%) 27% 28.7 88% 98% 100% 29.0 93% 100% 97% 31.4 100% 100% 100% 31.5 92% 100% 100% 28.5 100% 100% 88% 30.7 100% 100% 100% 29.3 90% 98% 90% 29.2 93% 95% 93% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 85% (0%) 17% 83% 0% 100% 7% 93% 70% (0%) 27% (0%) 47% (0%) 0% 100% 0% 100% 3% 97% (0%) 94% (0%) 65% (0%) 32% (0%) 5% 95% 2% 98% 0% 100% 42% (0%) 81% 94% 76% (0%) 66% (0%) 47% (0%) 16% 84% 13% 88% 13% 88% 16% 53% (0%) 66% (0%) 41% 16% (0%) (0%) 3-11 3% 273 93% 97% 7% 93% 0% 100% 7% 93% 30% 70% (0%) 80% (0%) 57% 33% (0%) (0%) 3-11 6% 338 88% 94% 10% 90% 12% 88% 6% 94% 27% 47% (0%) 65% (0%) 53% (0%) 47% (0%) 3-11 8% 83% 92% 11% 80% 85% 61% 89% 9% 90% 11% 89% 20% 45% 80% 13% 35% 87% 13% 87% 24% 49% 11% 80% 15% 24% 51% 56% 89% 20% 41% 80% 13% 36% 87% 13% 24% 49% 1 15% % making expected progress in maths 4-11 491 England Average (including independent schools) 56% (0%) 97% 6% England Average (state-funded schools only) 97% 32% 68% Local Authority (excluding independent schools) 3% % making expected progress in writing 4-11 432 CY (0%) 100% 3% CY 85% % making expected progress in reading 3-11 97% CY 15% Writing teacher assessment Maths 13% 33% 207 CY Grammar, punctuation and spelling Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) 3-11 10% VA (% absent or disapplied) 15% 34% New Glade Hill Off Chain Lane Blackbrook St Helens WA11 9QJ Tel: 0174 4678150 CY Does not apply Birchley St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Birchley Road Billinge Wigan WN5 7QJ Tel: 0174 4678610 Roman Catholic Bleak Hill Primary School 80% 85% % achieving Level 4+ 56% 42% 36% 87% Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number and % of Total number of Number Number pupils who eligible and % of and % of started non pupils on pupils roll at the with EAL mobile KS2 below the pupils time of expected the test level 0 57 12 Number and % of pupils who started KS2 at the expected level 36 Number KS1 and % of Number Average pupils and % with Point who statements Score started of SEN or of eligible KS2 above EHC pupils at the entry to Plan expected KS2 level Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) 0 Low 75% Middle 10 14.8 59 0% 1 97% 29 21% 8 62% 15 17% 7 0% 0 15.1 30 3% 0 97% 31 27% 3 50% 22 23% 6 0% 0 15.8 31 0% 0 100% 56 10% 4 71% 31 19% 24 0% 0 0% 0 95% 32 7% 4 53% 21 41% 7 0% 0 0% 1 100% 28 13% 4 66% 21 22% 5 0% 1 17.3 59 15.3 32 15.0 30 3% 0 93% 47 13% 3 70% 34 17% 12 3% 0 16.0 49 0% 96% 6% 69% 24% 0% 2% 94% 15% 62% 23% 1% 18% 18% 92% 91% 17% 17% 58% 58% Low, middle and high attainers 25% 25% 3% 3% 15.4 15.3 15.3 % of pupils making expected progress in Disadvantaged pupils - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5+ 100% 100% 25% 0% 94% 97% 100% 92% 8% High Low 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 50% 0% Middle 93% 100% 100% 93% 7% High Low 86% SUPP 100% SUPP 86% SUPP 100% SUPP 43% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 18% High Low 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP Middle 97% 100% 100% 97% 23% High Low 88% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 75% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 90% 90% 5% High Low 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 57% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 19% High Low SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 100% 100% 91% 91% 18% High Low 83% 85% 100% 92% 100% 81% 100% 32% 58% 0% Middle 96% 97% 95% 89% 16% High 91% 95% 95% 99% Low 80% 88% 76% Middle 95% 96% High 92% Low 80% Middle High Reading Writing Total Total number number of disadvantaged of other pupils pupils 98 28 16 11 101 51 32 60 51 75 168 34 28 100 % achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Disadvantaged pupils 80% 75% 88% 91% 68% 84% 84% Other pupils 98% 80% 97% 98% 85% 93% 91% % making expected progress in reading writing and maths Gap (in percentage Disadvantaged points) in All pupils achievement Other pupils between dis- School national gap advantaged disadvantaged pupils pupils and others Maths Writing Reading 99% 8 91% 97% 93% 100% 15 7 96% 96% 90% 6 97% 90% 94% 5 99% 7 96% 97% 82% 100% 15 3 99% 100% 96% 99% 91% -5 96% 97% 96% 9 93% 99% 92% 6 93% 96% 90% 1 97% 9 100% 100% 95% 97% 92% 100% 5 97% 98% -18 -17 -9 100% 13 1 13 100% 91% 91% 93% 88% 92% 96% 88% 3 93% 93% 90% -7 -3 95% 95% 94% 93% 3 96% 5 94% 87% 93% 91% 89% 85% 3 0% 90% 93% 88% 13% 96% 93% 99% 67% 87% 76% 33% 0% 95% 96% 92% 88% 13% 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% -17 -16 83% 87% 91% 94% 91% 90% 67% 88% 8 99% 100% -7 33% 83% 96% 94% -9 64% 67% 98% 93% -5 91% 90% 88% 99% 100% 95% 4 92% 71% 98% 95% 93% 90% 89% 85% -16 91% 94% 91% 2 Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results St Helens Total number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS % achieving Level 4+ in all of reading, writing and maths % achieving Level 3 or below % achieving Level 5+ in % achieving Level 5+ all of reading, writing and maths Reading Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School Old Lane Rainford St Helens WA11 8JF Tel: 0174 4678102 Roman Catholic The District CofE Primary School Patterson Street Newton-le-Willows WA12 9PZ Tel: 0174 4678250 Church of England Eaves Primary School Eaves Lane Marshalls Cross St Helens WA9 3UB Tel: 0174 4678260 Does not apply Eccleston Lane Ends Primary School Albany Avenue Prescot L34 2QN Tel: 0174 4678270 None Eccleston Mere Primary School Saleswood Avenue Eccleston St Helens WA10 5NX Tel: 0174 4678280 Does not apply Garswood Primary School Hamilton Road Garswood Wigan WN4 0SF Tel: 0174 4678290 Does not apply Grange Valley Primary School Heyes Avenue Haydock St Helens WA11 0XQ Tel: 0174 4678300 Does not apply 6% 181 94% 94% 400 65% 233 87% 81% 91% 29% 42% 3% (0%) 71% 44% 27% (0%) 97% 63% 9% (0%) 91% 91% (0%) 29.8 89% 94% 89% 27.0 89% 93% 80% 29.4 96% 89% 93% 30.6 94% 97% 91% 30.0 100% 100% 100% 31.6 100% 100% 97% 30.5 100% 100% 100% 29.2 93% 95% 93% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 94% 28% (0%) 73% 19% 81% 21% (0%) 19% (0%) 7% 93% 10% 90% (0%) 60% (0%) 33% (0%) 91% 6% 94% 6% 94% 83% (0%) 63% (0%) 57% (0%) 9% 91% 9% 91% 9% 91% 34% 66% (0%) 71% (0%) 60% 37% (0%) (0%) 3-11 0% 217 97% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 3% 97% 47% 88% (0%) 82% (0%) 56% 68% (0%) (0%) 4-11 3% 236 94% 97% 13% 87% 3% 97% 0% 100% 42% 71% (0%) 77% (0%) 48% (0%) 55% (0%) 3-11 8% 83% 92% 11% 80% 85% 61% 89% 9% 90% 11% 89% 20% 45% 80% 13% 35% 87% 13% 87% 24% 49% 11% 80% 15% 24% 51% 56% 89% 20% 41% 80% 13% 36% 87% 13% 24% 49% 3 (0%) % making expected progress in maths 5-11 345 England Average (including independent schools) 6% 40% 9% England Average (state-funded schools only) 72% (0%) 97% 63% Local Authority (excluding independent schools) 94% % making expected progress in writing 3-11 245 CY 6% 27% 3% CY (0%) 97% 40% CY 94% % making expected progress in reading 2-11 3% VC 6% Writing teacher assessment Maths 6% 42% CY Grammar, punctuation and spelling Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) 3-11 19% VC (% absent or disapplied) 17% 67% VA % achieving Level 4+ 56% 42% 36% 87% Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number and % of Total number of Number Number pupils who eligible and % of and % of started non pupils on pupils roll at the with EAL mobile KS2 below the pupils time of expected the test level 0 16 1 Number and % of pupils who started KS2 at the expected level 12 Number KS1 and % of Number Average pupils and % with Point who statements Score started of SEN or of eligible KS2 above EHC pupils at the entry to Plan expected KS2 level Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) 0 Low 5 17.1 18 0% 2 89% 43 6% 9 67% 32 28% 5 0% 0 14.5 48 4% 0 90% 28 20% 4 70% 17 11% 7 0% 2 15.3 30 0% 1 93% 34 14% 2 61% 20 25% 13 7% 0 3% 0 97% 35 6% 3 57% 20 37% 10 0% 0 0% 0 100% 33 9% 4 61% 17 30% 13 0% 1 16.6 35 15.8 35 16.1 34 0% 1 97% 29 12% 4 50% 19 38% 7 3% 1 14.9 31 3% 94% 13% 63% 23% 3% 2% 94% 15% 62% 23% 1% 18% 18% 92% 91% 17% 17% 58% 58% Low, middle and high attainers 25% 25% 3% 3% 15.4 15.3 15.3 % of pupils making expected progress in Disadvantaged pupils - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Reading Writing Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5+ SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 92% 100% 92% 100% 8% High Low SUPP 78% SUPP 89% SUPP 56% SUPP 11% SUPP 0% Middle 91% 94% 84% 75% 3% High Low SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 100% 88% 94% 82% 18% High Low 86% SUPP 86% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 71% SUPP Middle 95% 95% 100% 95% 35% High Low 92% SUPP 100% SUPP 85% SUPP 100% SUPP 54% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 20% High Low 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 80% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 29% High Low 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 92% SUPP 100% SUPP 85% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 32% High Low 100% 85% 100% 92% 100% 81% 100% 32% 100% 0% Middle 96% 97% 95% 89% 16% High 91% 95% 95% 99% Low 80% 88% 76% Middle 95% 96% High 92% Low 80% Middle High Total Total number number of disof other advantaged pupils pupils % achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Disadvantaged pupils Other pupils % making expected progress in reading writing and maths Gap (in percentage Disadvantaged points) in All pupils achievement Other pupils between dis- School national gap advantaged disadvantaged pupils pupils and others Maths Writing Reading 95% SUPP 96% SUPP 95% SUPP 5 51 SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP 86% 83% 94% 92% 77% 72% 64 55 55% 75% -20 -13 98% 83% 98% 13 5 9 95% 93% 95% 100% 98% 100% 92% 98% 91% -4 94% 45 11 45 94 82% 73% 87% 96% 81 75% 91% 1 95% 96% 96% -5 -23 13 96% 24 89% 96% 95% 96% 93% 6 9 98% 97% 100% 96% 100% -16 15 9 96% 9 96% 100% 100% 100% 100% 98% 17 84 100% 94% 95% 94% 6 99% 9 100% 9 13 100% 94% 92% 100% 100% 99% 100% 25 47 80% 98% -18 100% 15 9 95% 94% 93% 98% 90% 5 92% 96% 90% 64% 3 93% 3 96% 5 94% 33% 0% 90% 87% 93% 91% 89% 85% 93% 88% 13% 96% 93% 99% 67% 87% 76% 33% 0% 95% 96% 92% 88% 13% 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% 71% 67% 88% 83% -17 -16 67% 83% 87% 91% 94% 91% 90% 93% 90% 89% 85% -16 91% 94% 91% 4 Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results St Helens Total number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS % achieving Level 4+ in all of reading, writing and maths % achieving Level 3 or below % achieving Level 5+ in % achieving Level 5+ all of reading, writing and maths Reading Haydock English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School Piele Road Haydock St Helens WA11 0JY Tel: 0194 2723552 Roman Catholic Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Charles Street St Helens WA10 1LN Tel: 0174 4678319 Roman Catholic Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School Brunswick Street Parr St Helens WA9 2JE Tel: 0174 4678670 Roman Catholic Legh Vale Primary School Legh Road Haydock St Helens WA11 0ER Tel: 0174 4678330 Does not apply Longton Lane Community Primary School Longton Lane Rainhill St Helens L35 8PB Tel: 0174 4678343 Does not apply Lyme Community Primary School Lyme Street Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD Tel: 0174 4678350 Does not apply Merton Bank Primary School Roper Street St Helens WA9 1EJ Tel: 0174 422104 Does not apply 3% 309 94% 97% 200 79% 70% 562 (0%) 83% (0%) 89% 99% 173 (0%) 97% 97% 52% (0%) 29% 97% 100% 97% 28.8 92% 96% 96% 28.5 91% 100% 83% 30.6 99% 100% 96% 31.0 97% 100% 100% 27.7 89% 89% 86% 27.0 86% 95% 81% 29.2 93% 95% 93% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 28.8 91% 94% 90% (0%) 21% 79% 8% 92% 21% 79% 63% (0%) 38% (0%) 42% (0%) 17% 83% 17% 83% 9% 91% 57% (0%) 35% (0%) 30% (0%) 13% 87% 6% 94% 10% 90% 73% (0%) 64% (0%) 44% (0%) 13% 87% 3% 97% 3% 97% (0%) 77% (0%) 87% (0%) 39% (0%) 4-11 17% 242 72% 83% 34% 66% 10% 90% 24% 76% 17% 34% (0%) 41% (0%) 31% (0%) 24% (0%) 3-11 17% 185 61% 78% 17% 78% 22% 74% 22% 78% 9% 26% (4%) 43% (4%) 26% (4%) 26% (0%) 3-11 8% 83% 92% 11% 80% 85% 61% 89% 9% 90% 11% 89% 20% 45% 80% 13% 35% 87% 13% 87% 24% 49% 11% 80% 15% 24% 51% 56% 89% 20% 41% 80% 13% 36% 87% 13% 24% 49% 5 (0%) 30.1 100% 35% 58% England Average (including independent schools) 58% % making expected progress in maths 3-11 3% England Average (state-funded schools only) 0% 41% 63% Local Authority (excluding independent schools) 97% % making expected progress in writing 3-11 1% CY 3% 17% 35% CY 94% % making expected progress in reading 3-11 216 CY 6% Writing teacher assessment Maths 33% 17% CY (0%) 92% 54% VA Grammar, punctuation and spelling Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) 3-11 8% VA (% absent or disapplied) 26% 48% VA % achieving Level 4+ 56% 42% 36% 87% Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number and % of Total number of Number Number pupils who eligible and % of and % of started non pupils on pupils roll at the with EAL mobile KS2 below the pupils time of expected the test level 2 28 2 Number and % of pupils who started KS2 at the expected level 22 Number KS1 and % of Number Average pupils and % with Point who statements Score started of SEN or of eligible KS2 above EHC pupils at the entry to Plan expected KS2 level Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) 0 6 15.9 31 6% 5 90% 23 7% 6 73% 18 20% 0 0% 0 13.8 24 21% 1 96% 22 25% 4 75% 18 0% 1 0% 0 14.6 23 4% 1 96% 66 17% 7 78% 41 4% 21 0% 0 1% 1 94% 29 10% 4 59% 16 30% 10 0% 0 3% 2 94% 27 13% 7 53% 15 33% 6 0% 0 16.1 70 15.8 31 15.3 29 7% 6 93% 22 25% 7 54% 12 21% 2 0% 0 13.6 23 26% 96% 33% 57% 10% 0% 2% 94% 15% 62% 23% 1% 18% 18% 92% 91% 17% 17% 58% 58% Low, middle and high attainers 25% 25% 3% 3% 15.4 15.3 15.3 % of pupils making expected progress in Disadvantaged pupils - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Reading Writing Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5+ Low SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 95% 100% 95% 91% 9% High Low 100% 67% 100% 83% 100% 83% 100% 17% 100% 0% Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 44% High Low NA SUPP NA SUPP NA SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 89% 100% 83% 72% 17% High Low SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 86% SUPP 14% SUPP 0% Middle 98% 100% 95% 95% 27% High Low 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 86% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 31% High Low 90% 86% 100% 100% 100% 71% 100% 29% 60% 0% Middle 93% 80% 100% 80% 13% High Low 83% 86% 100% 100% 67% 57% 100% 29% 50% 0% Middle 83% 92% 92% 75% 0% High Low SUPP 85% SUPP 92% SUPP 81% SUPP 32% SUPP 0% Middle 96% 97% 95% 89% 16% High 91% 95% 95% 99% Low 80% 88% 76% Middle 95% 96% High 92% Low 80% Middle High Total Total number number of disof other advantaged pupils pupils % achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Disadvantaged pupils Other pupils % making expected progress in reading writing and maths Gap (in percentage Disadvantaged points) in All pupils achievement Other pupils between dis- School national gap advantaged disadvantaged pupils pupils and others Maths Writing Reading 94% 95% 98% 100% 97% 95% 8 94% 93% 91% 9 97% 10 99% 97% 96% 4 88% 11 100% 98% 5 96% 87% 100% 100% 88% 87% 0 89% 88% 90% 2 100% 9 90% 88% 93% 88% 92% 3 92% 89% 85% -3 97% 90% 97% 7 94% 93% 88% -2 86% 97% 86% 6 96% 97% 95% 3 92% 97% 91% -1 89% 86% 87% 6 97% 4 98% 100% 88% 94% 85% 0 92% 94% 90% 9 95% 94% 94% 0 93% 94% 90% 64% 3 93% 3 96% 5 94% 33% 0% 90% 87% 93% 91% 89% 85% 93% 88% 13% 96% 93% 99% 67% 87% 76% 33% 0% 95% 96% 92% 88% 13% 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% 21 23 46 49 35 44 50 76 47 26 155 62 37 24 62% 83% 59% 73% 66% 75% 68% 71% 67% 91% 91% 77% 87% 94% 73% 75% 88% 83% -29 -8 -18 -14 -28 2 -7 -17 -16 83% 87% 91% 94% 91% 90% 67% 97% 96% 93% 90% 89% 85% -16 91% 94% 91% 6 Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results St Helens Total number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS % achieving Level 4+ in all of reading, writing and maths % achieving Level 3 or below % achieving Level 5+ in % achieving Level 5+ all of reading, writing and maths Reading Newton-le-Willows Primary School Sanderling Road Newton-le-Willows WA12 9UF Tel: 0174 4678390 Does not apply Nutgrove Methodist Aided Primary School Govett Road Nutgrove St Helens WA9 5NH Tel: 0174 4678400 Methodist Oakdene Primary School Ashton Avenue Rainhill Prescot L35 0QQ Tel: 0174 4678410 Does not apply Parish CofE Primary School Charles Street St Helens WA10 1LW Tel: 0174 4678430 Church of England Queen’s Park CofE URC Primary School 2% 492 CY 211 Cross Pit Lane Rainford St Helens WA11 8AJ Tel: 0174 4883281 Church of England 87% 213 90% 87% 93% (0%) 51% (0%) 25% % making expected progress in maths 29.2 100% 96% 100% 28.5 84% 100% 94% 30.0 97% 94% 94% 29.6 85% 100% 93% 27.5 78% 97% 81% 29.2 91% 100% 91% 29.4 92% 100% 92% 29.2 93% 95% 93% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 89% (0%) 19% 81% 10% 90% 10% 90% 39% (0%) 29% (0%) 45% (0%) 3% 97% 6% 94% 6% 94% (0%) 71% (0%) 55% (0%) 35% (0%) 0% 100% 7% 93% 0% 100% (0%) 63% (0%) 52% (0%) 48% (0%) 4-11 371 63% 79% 26% 74% 24% 76% 3% 97% 13% 26% (0%) 42% (0%) 32% 18% (0%) (0%) 4-11 0% 184 91% 100% 13% 87% 4% 96% 4% 96% 17% 48% (0%) 48% (0%) 30% 52% (0%) (0%) 4-11 8% 290 87% 92% 5% 95% 11% 89% 5% 95% 26% 58% (0%) 76% (0%) 42% (0%) 55% (0%) 4-11 8% 83% 92% 11% 80% 85% 61% 89% 9% 90% 11% 89% 20% 45% 80% 13% 35% 87% 13% 87% 24% 49% 11% 80% 15% 24% 51% 56% 89% 20% 41% 80% 13% 36% 87% 13% 24% 49% 7 11% 19% 21% England Average (including independent schools) 84% (0%) 100% 33% England Average (state-funded schools only) 95% % making expected progress in writing 4-11 194 Local Authority (excluding independent schools) 5% 32% 0% VC (0%) 97% 61% CY 98% % making expected progress in reading 4-11 3% VA 2% Writing teacher assessment Maths 23% 35% CY Grammar, punctuation and spelling Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) 3-11 13% VA (% absent or disapplied) 18% 51% Rivington Road St Helens WA10 4NQ Tel: 0174 429354 VC Church of England/Utd Reformed Church Rainford Brook Lodge Community Primary School Rufford Road Rainford St Helens WA11 8JX Tel: 0174 4678816 Does not apply Rainford CofE Primary School 89% 98% % achieving Level 4+ 56% 42% 36% 87% Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number and % of Total number of Number Number pupils who eligible and % of and % of started non pupils on pupils roll at the with EAL mobile KS2 below the pupils time of expected the test level 0 54 14 Number and % of pupils who started KS2 at the expected level 33 Number KS1 and % of Number Average pupils and % with Point who statements Score started of SEN or of eligible KS2 above EHC pupils at the entry to Plan expected KS2 level Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) 0 8 14.4 55 0% 1 98% 28 25% 5 60% 19 15% 7 0% 0 15.5 31 3% 0 90% 29 16% 2 61% 17 23% 12 0% 0 17.4 31 0% 0 94% 27 6% 2 55% 17 39% 8 0% 0 0% 2 100% 34 7% 5 63% 25 30% 7 0% 0 5% 0 89% 19 14% 3 68% 11 19% 9 0% 0 16.3 27 15.0 38 16.0 23 0% 0 83% 30 13% 4 48% 24 39% 10 0% 0 16.3 38 0% 79% 11% 63% 26% 0% 2% 94% 15% 62% 23% 1% 18% 18% 92% 91% 17% 17% 58% 58% Low, middle and high attainers 25% 25% 3% 3% 15.4 15.3 15.3 % of pupils making expected progress in Disadvantaged pupils - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Reading Writing Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5+ Low 100% 86% 100% 57% 0% Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 12% High Low 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 75% SUPP Middle 95% 100% 95% 95% 16% High Low 86% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 57% SUPP Middle 94% 100% 94% 94% 6% High Low 100% SUPP 83% SUPP 92% SUPP 100% SUPP 75% SUPP Middle 88% 100% 88% 88% 0% High Low 75% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 63% SUPP Middle 80% 100% 80% 64% 8% High Low 71% SUPP 86% SUPP 86% SUPP 86% SUPP 43% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 9% High Low 78% SUPP 100% SUPP 89% SUPP 100% SUPP 33% SUPP Middle 96% 100% 96% 92% 21% High Low 100% 85% 100% 92% 100% 81% 100% 32% 50% 0% Middle 96% 97% 95% 89% 16% High 91% 95% 95% 99% Low 80% 88% 76% Middle 95% 96% High 92% Low 80% Middle High Total Total number number of disadvantaged of other pupils pupils 76 29 94 62 % achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Disadvantaged pupils 70% 86% Other pupils 91% 97% % making expected progress in reading writing and maths Gap (in percentage Disadvantaged points) in All pupils achievement Other pupils between dis- School national gap advantaged disadvantaged pupils pupils and others Writing Maths Reading 97% 95% 93% 92% 89% 83% 5 90% 99% 4 -2 94% 89% 100% 100% 94% 95% 93% -21 -11 95% 9 100% 8 90% 2 97% SUPP 97% SUPP 96% SUPP 4 86 SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP 91% 86% 100% 100% 95% 93% 43 84 9 18 35 58 59 107 86% 66% 89% 78% 97% 71% 95% 93% -11 -1 85% 97% 85% 9 8 100% 93% 97% 84% -2 96% 86% 89% 6 99% 97% 83% -5 88% 89% 84% -2 97% 100% -6 -2 100% 15 97% 2 97% 100% 100% 100% 95% 97% 89% 9 4 100% 95% 94% 93% 96% 90% -15 13 92% 96% 90% 64% 3 93% 3 96% 5 94% 33% 0% 90% 87% 93% 91% 89% 85% 93% 88% 13% 96% 93% 99% 67% 87% 76% 33% 0% 95% 96% 92% 88% 13% 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% 71% 67% 88% 83% -17 -16 91% 90% 67% 83% 87% 91% 94% 93% 90% 89% 85% -16 91% 94% 91% 8 Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results St Helens Total number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS % achieving Level 4+ in all of reading, writing and maths % achieving Level 3 or below % achieving Level 5+ in % achieving Level 5+ all of reading, writing and maths Reading Rectory CofE Primary School 15% Rectory Road North Ashton Ashton-in-Makerfield Wigan WN4 0QF Tel: 0174 4678470 VA 3-11 Church of England Rivington Primary School 176 Tennis Street North Dentons Green St Helens WA10 6LF Tel: 0174 4678493 Does not apply Robins Lane Community Primary School 261 Robins Lane St Helens WA9 3NF Tel: 0174 4678503 Does not apply St Aidan’s CofE Primary School Billinge Off London Fields Billinge Wigan WN5 7LS Tel: 0174 4678042 Church of England St Anne’s Catholic Primary School Monastery Lane Sutton St Helens WA9 3SP Tel: 0174 4671909 Roman Catholic St Ann’s Church of England Primary School View Road Rainhill Prescot L35 0LQ Tel: 0151 4265869 Church of England St Austin’s Catholic Primary School Heath Street St Helens WA9 5NJ Tel: 0174 4678000 Roman Catholic 59% 0% 93% 93% (0%) 86% 95% 97% 30% 0% (0%) 100% 70% (0%) 63% 7% 3% (0%) % making expected progress in maths 27.2 96% 96% 93% 31.3 97% 100% 100% 31.0 100% 100% 100% 30.3 100% 100% 100% 28.7 100% 100% 100% 30.3 95% 100% 93% 28.4 90% 97% 90% 29.2 93% 95% 93% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 67% (0%) 97% 43% (0%) 3% 97% 0% 100% 7% 93% 70% (0%) 63% (0%) 43% (0%) 0% 100% 4% 96% 7% 93% 74% (0%) 44% (0%) 52% (0%) 11% 86% 5% 93% 11% 89% 16% 48% (2%) 70% (2%) 32% 25% (2%) (0%) 3-11 3% 422 88% 97% 15% 85% 12% 88% 5% 95% 27% 73% (0%) 62% (0%) 60% (0%) 33% (0%) 5-11 10% 229 83% 90% 28% 72% 7% 93% 17% 83% 21% 45% (0%) 62% (0%) 34% (0%) 24% (0%) 3-11 8% 83% 92% 11% 80% 85% 61% 89% 9% 90% 11% 89% 20% 45% 80% 13% 35% 87% 13% 87% 24% 49% 11% 80% 15% 24% 51% 56% 89% 20% 41% 80% 13% 36% 87% 13% 24% 49% 9 (0%) % making expected progress in writing 4-11 355 England Average (including independent schools) 33% 37% 2% England Average (state-funded schools only) 3% (0%) 100% 67% Local Authority (excluding independent schools) 81% % making expected progress in reading 3-11 207 VA 19% 43% 0% VA 63% (0%) 100% 63% VA 74% Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) 3-11 230 VA 26% Writing teacher assessment Maths 40% 0% CY Grammar, punctuation and spelling (0%) 100% 70% CY (% absent or disapplied) 7% 56% 97% 85% % achieving Level 4+ 56% 42% 36% 87% Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number and % of Total number of Number Number pupils who eligible and % of and % of started non pupils on pupils roll at the with EAL mobile KS2 below the pupils time of expected the test level 0 24 10 Number and % of pupils who started KS2 at the expected level 15 Number KS1 and % of Number Average pupils and % with Point who statements Score started of SEN or of eligible KS2 above EHC pupils at the entry to Plan expected KS2 level Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) 2 2 13.0 27 0% 0 89% 30 37% 3 56% 20 7% 7 7% 0 15.8 30 0% 1 100% 28 10% 3 67% 23 23% 4 0% 0 15.5 30 3% 0 93% 21 10% 4 77% 19 13% 4 0% 0 0% 1 78% 41 15% 9 70% 31 15% 3 0% 0 2% 1 93% 58 21% 7 72% 23 7% 29 0% 0 15.4 27 14.5 44 17.0 60 2% 0 97% 29 12% 2 39% 19 49% 8 0% 0 15.7 29 0% 100% 7% 66% 28% 0% 2% 94% 15% 62% 23% 1% 18% 18% 92% 91% 17% 17% 58% 58% Low, middle and high attainers 25% 25% 3% 3% 15.4 15.3 15.3 % of pupils making expected progress in Disadvantaged pupils - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Reading Writing Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5+ Low 100% 90% 90% 0% 0% Middle 93% 100% 93% 93% 7% High Low SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 30% High Low 86% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 86% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 96% 39% High Low SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 37% High Low SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 33% SUPP 0% Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 16% High Low SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 86% SUPP 29% SUPP 0% Middle 100% 100% 91% 91% 9% High Low 90% SUPP 100% SUPP 97% SUPP 100% SUPP 48% SUPP Middle 89% 95% 89% 79% 5% High Low 100% 85% 100% 92% 88% 81% 100% 32% 63% 0% Middle 96% 97% 95% 89% 16% High 91% 95% 95% 99% Low 80% 88% 76% Middle 95% 96% High 92% Low 80% Middle High Total Total number number of disof other advantaged pupils pupils % achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Disadvantaged pupils Other pupils % making expected progress in reading writing and maths Gap (in percentage Disadvantaged points) in All pupils achievement Other pupils between dis- School national gap advantaged disadvantaged pupils pupils and others Maths Writing Reading 96% 30 26 53% 88% 93% 96% 46 95% 96% 96% 97% -35 6 100% 6 97% 95% 99% 43 97% 96% 12 96% 98% 100% 100% -1 100% 15 100% 7 98% 8 100% 100% 98% 98% 97% 95% 40 47 88% 96% -8 7 13 100% 99% 100% 99% 25 53 84% 98% 18 70 161 82% 78% 90% 88% 98% 10 97% 100% -14 13 93% 51 98% 96% 96% 100% 15 5 98% 88% 100% 100% 97% 100% -8 100% 15 9 97% 1 89% 100% 100% 100% 95% 96% 94% -10 13 88% 87% 80% 9 100% 9 91% 88% 78% 96% 72% -7 92% 90% 90% -3 95% 92% 94% -13 93% 81% 90% 64% 3 93% 3 96% 5 94% 33% 0% 90% 87% 93% 91% 89% 85% 93% 88% 13% 96% 93% 99% 67% 87% 76% 33% 0% 95% 96% 92% 88% 13% 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% 25 63 56% 71% 67% 75% 88% 83% -19 -17 -16 67% 83% 87% 91% 94% 91% 90% 93% 90% 89% 85% -16 91% 94% 91% 10 Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results St Helens Total number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS % achieving Level 4+ in all of reading, writing and maths % achieving Level 3 or below % achieving Level 5+ in % achieving Level 5+ all of reading, writing and maths Reading St Bartholomew’s Catholic Primary School School Lane Rainhill Prescot L35 6NN Tel: 0174 4678550 Roman Catholic St James’ Church of England Primary School Lyme Street Haydock St Helens WA11 0NL Tel: 0174 4678545 Church of England St John Vianney Catholic Primary School Elton Head Road Sutton Heath St Helens WA9 5BT Tel: 0174 4811666 Roman Catholic St Julie’s Catholic Primary School 4% 319 VA 193 Barn Way Newton-le-Willows WA12 9QQ Tel: 0174 4678603 Roman Catholic 97% 66% 243 94% 32% (0%) 53% 29.8 89% 98% 96% 29.6 97% 97% 97% 28.3 83% 97% 87% 30.8 94% 100% 100% 29.6 96% 100% 96% 28.6 93% 98% 93% 28.5 75% 55% 85% 29.2 93% 95% 93% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 28.8 91% 94% 90% (0%) 3% 97% 0% 100% 3% 97% 62% (0%) 41% (0%) 47% (0%) 75% 44% 56% 16% 84% 16% 84% (0%) 47% (0%) 34% (0%) 44% (0%) 6% 94% 3% 97% 6% 94% (0%) 82% (0%) 61% (0%) 45% (0%) 4-11 4% 222 86% 96% 4% 96% 7% 93% 4% 96% 21% 50% (0%) 64% (0%) 46% (0%) 43% (0%) 3-11 12% 78% 88% 31% 69% 14% 86% 10% 90% 24% (0%) 44% (0%) 34% (0%) 39% (0%) 5-11 10% 235 70% 90% 17% 83% 8% 92% 23% 77% 2% 43% (0%) 52% (0%) 47% (0%) 2% (0%) 7-11 8% 83% 92% 11% 80% 85% 61% 89% 9% 90% 11% 89% 20% 45% 80% 13% 35% 87% 13% 87% 24% 49% 11% 80% 15% 24% 51% 56% 89% 20% 41% 80% 13% 36% 87% 13% 24% 49% 11 (0%) % making expected progress in maths 94% 30% 47% England Average (including independent schools) 62% (0%) 97% 82% 409 England Average (state-funded schools only) 6% % making expected progress in writing 4-11 3% Local Authority (excluding independent schools) 98% 25% 34% VA 2% % making expected progress in reading 5-11 210 VA 89% Writing teacher assessment Maths 29% 25% Barton Close St Helens WA10 2HS Tel: 0174 4678010 VA Church of England St. Mary’s Blackbrook Catholic Primary School 11% (0%) 100% 41% VA Grammar, punctuation and spelling Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) 5-11 0% VA (% absent or disapplied) 26% 55% Brooklands Road Eccleston St Helens WA10 5HG Tel: 0174 4678233 VA Roman Catholic St Mary’s and St Thomas’ CofE Primary School Chain Lane Blackbrook St Helens WA11 9QY Tel: 0174 4678161 Roman Catholic St Mary’s Catholic Junior School 89% 96% % achieving Level 4+ 56% 42% 36% 87% Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number and % of Total number of Number Number pupils who eligible and % of and % of started non pupils on pupils roll at the with EAL mobile KS2 below the pupils time of expected the test level 0 46 3 Number and % of pupils who started KS2 at the expected level 28 Number KS1 and % of Number Average pupils and % with Point who statements Score started of SEN or of eligible KS2 above EHC pupils at the entry to Plan expected KS2 level Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) 0 16 16.7 47 0% 2 98% 29 6% 3 60% 21 34% 9 0% 0 16.3 34 6% 2 85% 28 9% 6 64% 18 27% 6 0% 0 15.1 32 6% 0 88% 32 20% 2 60% 19 20% 12 0% 0 0% 0 97% 27 6% 4 58% 22 36% 2 0% 0 0% 1 96% 58 14% 9 79% 42 7% 7 0% 0 16.5 33 15.2 28 14.7 59 2% 0 98% 59 16% 0 72% 33 12% 27 0% 0 17.4 60 0% 98% 0% 55% 45% 0% 2% 94% 15% 62% 23% 1% 18% 18% 92% 91% 17% 17% 58% 58% Low, middle and high attainers 25% 25% 3% 3% 15.4 15.3 15.3 % of pupils making expected progress in Disadvantaged pupils - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Reading Writing Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5+ Low SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 89% 100% 96% 93% 11% High Low 88% SUPP 94% SUPP 94% SUPP 94% SUPP 56% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 19% High Low 89% 83% 89% 100% 89% 83% 100% 17% 67% 0% Middle 83% 94% 89% 72% 17% High Low 83% SUPP 100% SUPP 83% SUPP 100% SUPP 67% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 5% High Low 83% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 75% SUPP Total Total number number of disadvantaged of other pupils pupils % achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Disadvantaged pupils Other pupils % making expected progress in reading writing and maths Gap (in percentage Disadvantaged points) in All pupils achievement Other pupils between dis- School national gap advantaged disadvantaged pupils pupils and others Maths Writing Reading 96% 87% 2 97% -4 95% 6 97% 100% 97% 100% 97% 97% 93% 95% 15 30 119 43 93% 80% 91% 95% 8 55 93 48% 75% 81% 82% 94% 93% 96% 87% 2 -15 13 84% 31 93% 95% 75% 9 98% 95% 96% 100% 8 87% 82% -34 -3 98% 5 -12 89% 89% 100% 99% 100% 95% 89% 88% 13 95% 3 99% 9 88% 94% 100% 100% 94% 96% 90% 7 92% 97% 90% 100% 5 100% 9 98% 100% 94% 90% 3 86% 92% 84% 9 73% 97% 78% 5 90% 95% 90% -3 92% 87% 90% -13 95% 72% 94% 5 93% 91% 90% -19 -12 Middle 95% 100% 95% 91% 18% High Low SUPP 78% SUPP 100% SUPP 78% SUPP 0% SUPP 0% Middle 95% 98% 95% 93% 17% High Low 100% NA 100% NA 100% NA 100% 100% Middle 79% 67% 85% 45% 0% High Low 70% 85% 41% 92% 85% 81% 100% 32% 4% 0% Middle 96% 97% 95% 89% 16% High 91% 95% 95% 99% 64% 3 93% 3 96% 5 94% Low 80% 88% 76% 33% 0% 90% 87% 93% 91% 89% 85% Middle 95% 96% 93% 88% 13% High 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% Low 80% 87% 76% 33% 0% Middle 95% 96% 92% 88% 13% High 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% 52 39 50 29 134 127 62% 68% 71% 67% 84% 82% 88% 83% -22 -14 -17 -16 67% 83% 87% 91% 94% 91% 90% 93% 90% 89% 85% -16 91% 94% 91% 12 Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results St Helens Total number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS % achieving Level 4+ in all of reading, writing and maths % achieving Level 3 or below % achieving Level 5+ in % achieving Level 5+ all of reading, writing and maths Reading St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary School Derwent Road Haresfinch St Helens WA11 9AT Tel: 0174 4678640 Roman Catholic St Peter’s CofE Primary School 0% 203 VA Rainford Road Windleshaw St Helens WA10 6BX Tel: 0174 4621380 Roman Catholic Sherdley Primary School Mill Lane Sutton St Helens WA9 4HA Tel: 0174 4678683 Does not apply Sutton Manor Community Primary School Forest Road Sutton Manor St Helens WA9 4AT Tel: 0174 4678700 Does not apply 245 83% 20% 60% 247 97% 44% (0%) 28% 29.8 100% 100% 96% 29.5 100% 94% 97% 26.9 82% 82% 68% 32.1 100% 100% 100% 29.8 100% 100% 97% 27.9 93% 92% 85% 26.7 96% 100% 89% 29.2 93% 95% 93% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 28.8 91% 94% 90% (0%) 11% 89% 9% 91% 11% 89% 71% (0%) 49% (0%) 31% (0%) 80% 23% 77% 23% 77% 23% 77% (0%) 33% (0%) 17% (0%) 17% (0%) 3% 97% 0% 100% 3% 97% (0%) 73% (0%) 83% (0%) 60% (0%) 3-11 10% 90% 90% 7% 93% 10% 90% 7% 93% 40% (0%) 73% (0%) 53% (0%) 63% (0%) 4-11 72% 87% 27% 73% 22% 78% 20% 80% 20% 43% (0%) 53% (0%) 40% (0%) 22% (0%) 3-11 14% 222 68% 86% 32% 68% 25% 75% 29% 71% 11% 32% (0%) 29% (0%) 25% (0%) 11% (0%) 3-11 8% 83% 92% 11% 80% 85% 61% 89% 9% 90% 11% 89% 20% 45% 80% 13% 35% 87% 13% 87% 24% 49% 11% 80% 15% 24% 51% 56% 89% 20% 41% 80% 13% 36% 87% 13% 24% 49% 13 (0%) % making expected progress in maths 100% 47% 77% 425 England Average (including independent schools) 60% (0%) 100% 13% England Average (state-funded schools only) 0% 0% 60% Local Authority (excluding independent schools) 96% % making expected progress in writing 4-11 205 CY 4% % making expected progress in reading 5-11 0% CY 92% Writing teacher assessment Maths 26% 37% VA 8% (0%) 94% 60% 193 Cannon Street St Helens WA9 4XU Tel: 0174 4678652 VA Roman Catholic St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School Grammar, punctuation and spelling Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) 4-11 6% VA (% absent or disapplied) 20% 48% Birley Street St Helens WA12 9UR Tel: 0174 4678630 VA Church of England St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School, Devon Street Devon Street St Helens WA10 4HX Tel: 0174 4678667 Roman Catholic St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School 96% 100% % achieving Level 4+ 56% 42% 36% 87% Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number and % of Total number of Number Number pupils who eligible and % of and % of started non pupils on pupils roll at the with EAL mobile KS2 below the pupils time of expected the test level 0 25 1 Number and % of pupils who started KS2 at the expected level 18 Number KS1 and % of Number Average pupils and % with Point who statements Score started of SEN or of eligible KS2 above EHC pupils at the entry to Plan expected KS2 level Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) 0 Low 6 16.1 25 0% 0 100% 35 4% 5 72% 25 24% 5 0% 0 14.8 35 0% 1 100% 27 14% 3 71% 15 14% 10 0% 0 16.4 30 3% 0 90% 30 11% 3 54% 20 36% 7 0% 0 0% 0 100% 28 10% 3 67% 16 23% 10 0% 0 0% 0 93% 55 10% 9 55% 40 34% 10 0% 0 15.7 30 15.9 30 15.0 60 0% 0 92% 23 15% 10 68% 15 17% 2 0% 0 13.2 28 0% 82% 37% 56% 7% 0% 2% 94% 15% 62% 23% 1% 18% 18% 92% 91% 17% 17% 58% 58% Low, middle and high attainers 25% 25% 3% 3% 15.4 15.3 15.3 % of pupils making expected progress in Disadvantaged pupils - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Reading Writing Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5+ SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 100% 100% 94% 94% 6% High Low 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 67% SUPP Middle 100% 96% 96% 92% 20% High Low SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle 80% 73% 67% 47% 0% High Low 80% SUPP 90% SUPP 70% SUPP 100% SUPP 0% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 35% High Low 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 25% High Low 100% 67% 100% 89% 100% 44% 100% 11% 80% 0% Middle 98% 90% 90% 80% 8% High Low 100% 90% 100% 100% 100% 70% 100% 10% 90% 0% Middle 100% 100% 100% 100% 7% High Low SUPP 85% SUPP 92% SUPP 81% SUPP 32% SUPP 0% Middle 96% 97% 95% 89% 16% High 91% 95% 95% 99% Low 80% 88% 76% Middle 95% 96% High 92% Low 80% Middle High Total Total number number of disof other advantaged pupils pupils 27 10 26 44 55 94 63 44 % achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Disadvantaged pupils 89% 60% 50% 91% Other pupils 91% 88% 71% 98% % making expected progress in reading writing and maths Gap (in percentage Disadvantaged points) in All pupils achievement Other pupils between dis- School national gap advantaged disadvantaged pupils pupils and others Maths Writing Reading 95% 96% 96% 93% 96% 100% 9 98% 95% 90% 2 94% 98% 80% 15 96% 95% 90% 3 85% 99% 88% -11 83% 96% 84% 5 77% 97% 68% 1 94% 82% -17 -7 84% 93% 100% 100% 99% 80% 98% -2 -28 -21 -7 100% 13 100% 9 95% 6 98% 100% 100% 100% 97% 100% 12 83 92% 93% -1 13 93% 98% 89% 100% 15 9 95% 91% 90% 96% 81% 2 89% 95% 87% 0 93% 96% 89% -4 93% 93% 92% 0 92% 92% 90% -2 95% 97% 94% 7 93% 94% 90% 64% 3 93% 3 96% 5 94% 33% 0% 90% 87% 93% 91% 89% 85% 93% 88% 13% 96% 93% 99% 67% 87% 76% 33% 0% 95% 96% 92% 88% 13% 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% 48 38 130 37 52% 55% 71% 67% 86% 84% 88% 83% -34 -29 -17 -16 67% 83% 87% 91% 94% 91% 90% 93% 90% 89% 85% -16 91% 94% 91% 14 Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measure Key stage 2 test results St Helens Total number of pupils on roll (all ages) SCHOOLS % achieving Level 4+ in all of reading, writing and maths % achieving Level 3 or below % achieving Level 5+ in % achieving Level 5+ all of reading, writing and maths Reading 7% Sutton Oak CofE Primary School Goodban Street Sutton St Helens WA9 3QD Tel: 0174 4678690 Church of England Thatto Heath Community Primary School Hobart Street Thatto Heath St Helens WA9 5QX Tel: 0174 4678710 Does not apply Wargrave CofE Primary School Bradlegh Road Newton-le-Willows WA12 8QL Tel: 0174 4678720 Church of England Willow Tree Primary School 354 84% 93% 606 (0%) 87% 94% 72% 7% 93% 42% (0%) 35% (0%) % making expected progress in reading % making expected progress in writing % making expected progress in maths 28.4 98% 95% 100% 29.2 100% 99% 95% NA 100% 100% NA 27.5 86% 93% 97% 12.3 0% 0% 0% SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP 29.2 93% 95% 93% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 28.8 91% 94% 90% 84% 16% (0%) 35% 17% 83% 10% 90% 90% 10% (0%) 53% (0%) (0%) 42% (0%) 40% 3-11 4% 308 25% 96% 14% 86% 7% 29% 82% 18% 11% 32% (0%) 29% (0%) 11% (0%) (0%) 29% 3-11 10% Willow Tree Avenue Leach Lane Sutton Leach St Helens WA9 4LZ Tel: 0174 4678730 CY Does not apply 28% Writing teacher assessment Maths 25% 52% VC Grammar, punctuation and spelling Average Point Score (based on reading, writing and maths) 3-11 6% CY (% absent or disapplied) 23% 30% VC % achieving Level 4+ 245 76% 90% 24% 76% 90% 10% 83% 17% 7% 24% (0%) 55% (0%) 21% (0%) (0%) 17% 3-11 SPECIAL SCHOOLS 100% Lansbury Bridge School Lansbury Avenue Parr St Helens WA9 1TB Tel: 0174 4678579 Does not apply Penkford School Wharf Road Newton-le-Willows WA12 9XZ Tel: 0174 4678745 Does not apply 208 0% 54 Local Authority (excluding independent schools) (0%) SUPP SUPP 0% (0%) 0% (0%) 0% (0%) SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP 8% 92% 15% 85% 9% 90% 11% 89% 8-16 83% 24% 80% 61% 89% 11% 80% 20% 35% 45% 80% 13% 87% 13% 87% 24% 49% 56% 89% 20% 36% 41% 80% 13% 87% 13% 24% 49% 15 0% SUPP 11% England Average (including independent schools) 100% 0% SUPP 51% England Average (state-funded schools only) 100% 3-16 SUPP CYS 6% 0% 0% CYS 94% 0% 56% 42% 36% 87% Information about the pupils at the end of KS2 2015 Number and % of Total Number pupils number of Number and % of who eligible and % of started non pupils on pupils mobile KS2 below roll at the the time of with EAL pupils expected the test level 1 37 7 Number and % of pupils who started KS2 at the expected level 31 Number KS1 and % of Number Average pupils and % with Point who statements Score started of SEN or of eligible KS2 above EHC pupils at the entry to Plan expected KS2 level Prior attainment band (based on KS1 results) 1 Low 86% Middle 4 14.2 43 2% 0 86% 72 17% 16 74% 50 10% 10 2% 0 14.5 77 0% 0 94% 24 21% 6 66% 17 13% 3 0% 0 14.3 28 0% 0 86% 26 23% 6 65% 20 12% 3 0% 0 0% 90% 21% 69% 10% 0% 0 14 14 1 0 14.1 29 3.8 16 0% SUPP 88% SUPP 93% SUPP 7% SUPP 0% SUPP SUPP 3 SUPP 2% 18% 18% SUPP 94% 92% 91% SUPP 15% 17% 17% SUPP 62% 58% 58% Low, middle and high attainers SUPP 23% 25% 25% 1% 3% 3% 15.4 15.3 15.3 % of pupils making expected progress in Disadvantaged pupils - three year averages Reading, writing and maths achievement Maths % Level 4+ % Level 5+ 100% 100% 29% 0% 100% 94% 100% 94% 19% High Low SUPP 100% SUPP 100% SUPP 88% SUPP 56% SUPP 0% Middle 100% 98% 96% 94% 18% High Low 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% NA 100% 17% 90% 0% Middle 100% 100% NA 18% 0% High Low SUPP 100% SUPP 100% NA 100% SUPP 33% SUPP 0% Reading Writing Total Total number number of disof other advantaged pupils pupils 78 134 49 92 % achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Disadvantaged pupils 76% 77% Other pupils 90% 91% % making expected progress in reading writing and maths Gap (in percentage Disadvantaged points) in All pupils achievement Other pupils between dis- School national gap advantaged disadvantaged pupils pupils and others Maths Writing Reading 92% 93% 97% 97% 98% 99% 6 94% 90% 97% 6 97% 96% 97% 14 92% 96% 89% -14 -14 97% 4 98% 6 90% 10 100% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 48 39 100% 15 9 13 100% 90% 87% 98% 96% 98% 46 96% 96% Middle 90% 95% 100% 90% 5% High SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP 0 94% 5 100% 11 100% Low 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 7% 10% 2% 3% 2% 3% Middle SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP High Low NA SUPP NA SUPP NA SUPP SUPP SUPP Middle SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP High Low NA 85% NA 92% NA 81% 32% 0% Middle 96% 97% 95% 89% 16% High 91% 95% 95% 99% 64% 3 93% 3 96% 5 94% Low 80% 88% 76% 33% 0% 90% 87% 93% 91% 89% 85% Middle 95% 96% 93% 88% 13% High 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% Low 80% 87% 76% 33% 0% Middle 95% 96% 92% 88% 13% High 92% 96% 93% 99% 67% 30 35 25 78% 0% 91% 0% -13 0 0% -82 0% -88 4% -77 43% SUPP 14% SUPP 43% SUPP 6 1 SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP 92% 90% 95% 94% 93% 90% 71% 67% 88% 83% -17 -16 67% 83% 87% 91% 94% 91% 90% 93% 90% 89% 85% -16 91% 94% 91% 16 Glossary Type Of School Academy Academies are state funded schools that are independent of local authorities. Academies are primarily all-ability schools and beneit from greater freedoms and lexibilities which help them to innovate and raise standards. Community School Community schools are maintained by the local authority (LA). The LA is the admissions authority - it has main responsibility for deciding arrangements for admitting pupils. Community Special School Community Special Schools are maintained by the LA, and make provision for pupils with special educational needs. Foundation School Foundation Schools are maintained by the LA. The governing body is the admissions authority - it has main responsibility for deciding arrangements for admitting pupils. Foundation Special School Foundation Special Schools are maintained by the LA, and make provision for pupils with special educational needs. Other Information in the Tables Free Schools Free Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to what local people say they want and need in order to improve education for children in their community. They have the same legal requirements as academies and enjoy the same freedoms and lexibilities. Special Academy Special Academies are academies organised to make provision for pupils with special educational needs. Voluntary Aided school Voluntary Aided schools are maintained by the LA, with a foundation (generally religious) that appoints most of the governing body. The governing body is the admissions authority. Voluntary Controlled school Voluntary Controlled schools are maintained by the LA, with a foundation (generally religious) which appoints some - but not most - of the governing body. The LA is the admissions authority. Children Looked After (CLA) This refers to children for whose care the local authority is responsible i.e. it is the ‘corporate parent’ Key Stage 1 (KS1) Key stage 1 tasks and tests are taken at the end of the key stage 1 programme of study, normally in Year 2, when children are seven years old. Towards the end of KS1, teachers complete assessments of each child’s level of ability in each subject. Key Stage 2 (KS2) Key stage 2 tests in reading, mathematics are taken at the end of the key stage 2 programme of study, normally in Year 6 when children are 11 years old. Teachers also submit assessments of pupils’ levels of achievement in English, writing and science. Eligible pupils All pupils, including those with special educational needs, are eligible for assessment under the national curriculum when they reach the end of key stage 2. Most will be aged 11 by the end of the school year, but some will be older or younger. This number includes all eligible pupils on the school roll at the time of the tests, regardless of whether or not they sat the tests (some pupils may have been absent or working at the level of the tests but unable to access them). About This Booklet SEN Special Educational Needs LA Local Authority. SUPP Information has been suppressed because the underlying numbers are too small FSM Pupils eligible for Free School Meals at any time within the last 6 years Teacher Assessments (TA) The tests are marked internally by teachers. The results, together with other information, are used by teachers to produce teacher assessments in each subject. How the Tables were compiled Key stage 2 results were supplied by the Standards and Testing Agency following completion of the marking of test papers, and again after STA’s consideration of marking review applications. Individual pupil details were checked with or provided by schools in September 2014. Further Information If you have any questions about the information in the Tables, you should irst contact the school concerned. Printable versions of the School Performance Tables for local authority areas (listing all schools in the area) are available at: © Crown copyright 2015 Published December 2015