Experiment 04/05 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces By Christian Redeker 10.11.2007 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 Contents 1.) Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................3 2.) Diagram ................................................................................................................................8 3.) Method..................................................................................................................................9 3.1) The miscibility of liquids ................................................................................................9 3.1.1) Apparatus .................................................................................................................9 3.1.2) Saftey Notes .............................................................................................................9 3.1.3) Procedure................................................................................................................10 3.2) Testing liquids for a permanent dipole .........................................................................10 3.2.1) Apparatus ...............................................................................................................10 3.2.3) Saftey Notes ...........................................................................................................10 3.2.2) Procedure................................................................................................................10 4.) Errors ..................................................................................................................................11 4.1) The miscibility of liquids .............................................................................................11 4.2) Testing liquids for permanent dipole ............................................................................11 5.) Results ................................................................................................................................11 5.1) The miscibility of liquids ..............................................................................................11 5.2) Testing liquids for permanent dipole ............................................................................13 6.) Conclusion/Evaluation........................................................................................................14 6.1) The miscibility of liquids ..............................................................................................14 6.2) Testing liquids for a permanent dipole .........................................................................18 7.) Evaluation...........................................................................................................................20 8.) Bibliography .......................................................................................................................20 8.1) Notes .............................................................................................................................20 8.2) Figures...........................................................................................................................20 2 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 1.) Hypothesis Intramolecular forces respectively bonding forces between atoms and intermolecular forces, forces between molecules, are the foundation of the occurrence of any chemical reaction and to the chemical and physical properties of substances. Both, intramolecular and intermolecular forces have their origins in the attraction of charged particles, namely negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons which together make up an atom. Both principles of both types of forces, intramolecular and intermolecular, are explained in the following paragraphs. Bonding between atoms is the fundamental principle of chemistry. “Chemistry is the study of the elements and the compounds formed when they bond with each other”1. However, the elements of the periodic table do not bound with each other randomly. Whether an atom or a molecule binds to another atom or molecule is influenced by many variables. However, principally a chemical reaction occurs to lower the energy of the involved atoms or compounds. Those reactions are said to be energetically favourable because they cause a decrease in energy of the atoms. Every atom strives for having the lowest energy possible. The energy an atom has depends on the arrangement and of the number of charged particles, proton and electrons, which make up the atom. The lowest energy an atom can obtain is principally reached when the valence shell of the atom has the highest possible number of electrons. This connection is called the octet rule. It is rather a rule of thumb than an accurate description, but it works in many cases. It can therefore be stated, that atoms usually combine to obtain a full valence shell. Principally, there are two ways how atoms can achieve a full valence shell through bonding. Those are ionic bonding, in which electrons are virtually transferred from one atom to another and covalent bonding, in which electrons are shared between atoms. Ionic bonding occurs between two atoms which have a high electronegativity difference (usually above 2). Electronegativity is measure of how strong an atom can pull electrons to itself. The electronnegativities of elements from group 1 are very low while the electronegativity of group 7 elements are very high. Groups in between those two groups have steadily increasing values of electronegativity, so that group 1 and group 7 elements are virtually the extreme sides in terms of electronegativity. Furthermore, the electronegativity decreases down the groups, so that caesium has the lowest electronegativity (0.8) and fluorine has the highest electronegativity (4.0). The realtion between the electronegativities of the elements of the periodic table is visualised in figure 1. Ionic bonding therefore only forms between atoms which are far apart in the period table. In view of the elements that are rather on the left hand and side of the periodic table being metals, and the elements on the right hand side being rather non-metals, it can be stated that ionic bonds can only form between metals and non-metals. The exact definition whose elements are metals, non-metals and metalloids are shown in figure 1. 3 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 Figure 1: The electronegativities for the elements of the periodic table As stated above, ionic bonding involves electron transfer from one atom to another. As a consequence of this electron transfer ions, particles which have an overall charge, are created. The electron donor becomes thereby positively charged, and is therefore called a cation, while the electron acceptor becomes negatively charged and is therefore said to be an anion. The two charged particles exert forces on each other due to their charge. Compounds which are formed by an ionic bond arrange therefore when solid in a lattice, in which “ions pack together in an array of alternating opposite charges”2. The principle arrangement of an ionic lattice is shown in figure 2. As a consequence of the electron donation and acceptation respectively, the Figure 2: Schematic arrangement of involved atoms gain a full valence shell an ionic lattice A simple example of a compound which forms due to ionic bonding illustrates the theory shown above. Sodium and chlorine combine to NaCl. Sodium is in the first group of the periodic table and an element of period 3. For sodium it would be energetically favourable to lose one electron to obtain a full n=2 valence shell. Chlorine, however, is in group 7 and is an element of period 3. Therefore, for chlorine it would be energetically favourable to gain one electron to obtain a full n=3 valence shell. Those two desires are complementary; therefore the sodium transfers its high energy electron in the 3s 4 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 orbital to the chlorine atoms’ 3p orbital. As it is described later, this is in contrast to a covalent bond in which both atoms involved in the bond have the same pull on the electrons (i.e. the difference between the electronegativities of the atoms is equal). Therefore the electrons are shared between both atoms. The electron transfer is visualised in a dot-and-cross diagram in figure 3. Figure 3: Schematic description of the electron transfer from sodium to chlorine when a ionic bond is formed between the two atoms The electrostatic attraction between the positively charged sodium ion and the negatively charged chlorine atom draws them to each other, so that solid NaCl forms indeed a ionic lattice as described above. In a covalent bond electrons are shared between atoms (i.e. the probability of finding the shared electrons is highest in a region directly between the nuclei of the atoms involved in the bond). A purely covalent bond is virtually exclusively formed between two or more atoms of the same element, because the electronegativity difference between the atoms has to be zero in order to form a purely covalent bond. A simple example of a molecule which is formed by a covalent bond is a H2 molecule. Both atoms have the same electronegativity, so that they attract electrons with exactly the same amount. However, both atoms would like to obtain a full valence shell. Each hydrogen atom has one electron in its valence shell (1s) and would like to obtain one more electron to fill its valence shell. By sharing their electrons, two hydrogen atoms can obtain this state. This is in contrast to the formation of ionic bonds where the desires of the atoms are complementary. In the case of ionic bonding both atoms involved need to gain electrons in order to reach the lowest energy possible. Figure 4 visualises the concept of a covalent bond with the help of a dot-and–cross diagram. Figure 4: Schematic description of the formation of a covalent bond between two hydrogen atoms However, the most covalent bonds that form are covalent bonds which also have ionic character. This happens when the electronegativity difference is approximately between 2 and almost 0. This means that the probability of finding the shared electrons is higher nearer the atom with the higher electronegativity. In a heteronuclear diatomic compound, for example, the charge of the more electronegative atom of the molecule at an instance in time is to a very high probability not zero but slightly negative, while the charge of the less electronegative 5 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 atom is slightly positive. Such a compound is said to be polar due the partially charges within the electron. The atom with the higher electronegativity is said to have a partially negative charge (δ-), while the atom with the lower electronegativity is said to have a partially positive charge (δ+). However, the electrons are not transferred from one atom to the other. Because the electrons are shared in the region between the atoms the distance between the nuclei of the atoms involved in a covalent bonding is smaller than in ionic bonding. Therefore covalent bonds are stronger than ionic bonds. Whether a molecule has a permanent dipole or not is not only dependent on the involved atoms, but also on the shape of the molecule. If a molecule is symmetrically arranged and does involves only the same polar bonding pairs, the partially charges equalise each other, and the molecule is not a polar molecule although it contains polar covalent bonds with ionic character. An example of such a molecule is methane (CH4). Bonding forces as ionic and covalent bonds are intramolecular forces. However, there are also forces which act between molecules. Those forces are called intermolecular forces. In comparison with ionic and covalent bonds those forces are very weak. However, they can play a crucial role in chemistry and biochemistry. Physical properties for example as melting point or boiling point are mainly a result of such intermolecular forces. There are mainly two types of intermolecular forces: Van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds. In fact, there are actually more than two but they are of no concern in this experiment. Van der Waals forces act between all molecules or ions, independently from their character. Van der Waals forces come into existence also due to charge attraction between molecules.They find their origin in the fact that electrons continuously, almost randomly move within a molecule. Therefore the electron density is by chance higher at one end of the molecule and lower at the other end of the molecule at random instance in time. Therefore an instantaneous dipole is created at the instance in time. This instantaneous dipole is not to be confused with the permanent dipole of a compound due to the electronegativity difference between two atoms involved in a covalent bonding with ionic character. However, this instantaneous dipole within one molecule is still an intermolecular force. However, when such a molecule is considered to be within a region with other molecules, the other molecules have instantaneous dipoles too. The instantaneous partially negative side of one molecule is attracted by the instantaneous partially positively charged side of another molecule. Those forces between the molecules are called induced dipole-dipole forces or dispersion forces. Figure 5 visualises this concept. Dispersion forces are not to be confused with permanent dipole-dipole forces. Permanent dipole-dipole forces between molecules are forces which are the result of the attraction of permanent dipoles of two or more molecules. Generally permanent dipole-dipole forces are stronger than dispersion forces. 6 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 Figure 5: Dispersion forces between the molecules are due to induced dipoles of the molecules Van der Waals forces are on their own very small, but when they act together they can have a significant impact. Their strength increases with the size of the molecules between they act, because the number of electrons, and therefore the potential induced dipoles increases. Another intermolecular force is the so called hydrogen bond. Hydrogen bonds are strong in comparison to van der Waals forces. However, in comparison with the covalent bonds, they are very weak. In hydrogen bonds, the electron of a hydrogen atom is virtually shared between two atoms of different molecules. Thereby the hydrogen is covalently bonded to one of the atoms and the hydrogen bond is formed between the hydrogen and the other atom. However, this does not imply that the covalent bond between the first atom and the hydrogen is broken. The two atoms involved in hydrogen bonds besides hydrogen itself are confined to being oxygen, nitrogen and fluorine. This is due to the big electronegativity and to the atomic radii of those elements. A hydrogen atom itself is a very distinct atom because it contains only one electron. Therefore the atomic radius of a hydrogen atom itself is very small. The covalent bond between one atom of the elements stated above and hydrogen leads into a strong permanent dipole. Therefore atoms with very high electronegativity from other molecules are attracted by the partially positive charge of the hydrogen atom. However, only oxygen, nitrogen and fluorine are small enough to form a hydrogen bond with the atom-hydrogen complex. Chlorine for example is too big to get close enough to the hydrogen to form a hydrogen bond, although it also has a very high electronegativity. Two experiments were carried out to test intermolecular forces. In the first experiment the miscibility of substances were tested, while in the second experiment the dipole characters of some molecules were under investigation. The first experiment is based on thermodynamic changes within a system when two liquids are mixed together. During the experiment two substances of the same volume are mixed together. Beforehand, their temperatures are recorded and an average temperature of both liquids together is calculated. After the mixing, the temperature of both liquids together is measured. Both liquids are chosen in a way that it is guaranteed that they do not react with each other. Due to intermolecular forces between the molecules of the two substances 7 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 however, the temperature after the mixing drops, increases or stays the same compared to the average temperature of both liquids which is calculated before (more details in chapter 6). The experiment is repeated with two more liquid pairs. The second experiment tests the dipole character of several molecules in the liquid state. Therefore a charged rod is held near a flow of the tested substance. Due to the electrostatic charge of the rod a dipole is attracted towards the rod and is therefore deflected. The stronger the dipole is, the stronger is the degree of deflection. 2.) Diagram Figure 6: The set-up of the experiment to test the miscibility of several substances 8 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 Figure 7: The set-up of the experiment to test the dipole character of several molecules 3.) Method 3.1) The miscibility of liquids 3.1.1) Apparatus Beaker, boiling tube, cotton wool, 2 measuring cylinder, 2 thermometers, ethanol, cyclohexane, propanone, butane, distilled water 3.1.2) Saftey Notes All the organic compounds used in the experiment were highly flammable – there should be no naked flames in the laboratory. Most liquids also give off vapours which are irritating to the skin, eyes and lungs. Eye protection and gloves should be worn all the time. Fume cupboards should be used. 9 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 3.1.3) Procedure The principle set-up of the experiment is shown in figure 6. Firstly, a boiling tube was placed in a beaker. Afterwards, the empty space in the beaker was filled cotton wool to reduce heat loss. 10 cm3 ethanol were measured with the help of a measuring cylinder. Subsequently, it was given into the boiling tube in the prepared beaker. Secondly, 10 cm3 cyclohexane were measured with the help of another measuring cylinder. A thermometer was given into both, the ethanol and the cyclohexane to measure the temperature. After the thermometers had been in the liquids for a few minutes the temperatures were recorded. Afterwards, the cyclohexane was given into boiling tube in the prepared beaker in which the ethanol was given before and with the help of a thermometer the temperature of both liquids together was recorded. The experiment was repeated with two other pairs, namely propanone-butanone and propanone-water. 3.2) Testing liquids for a permanent dipole 3.2.1) Apparatus Burette, beaker, charged rod, ruler, distilled water, ethanol, propanone, hexane, cyclohexane, ethyl ethanoate (ethyl acetate) 3.2.3) Saftey Notes All the organic compounds used in the experiment were highly flammable – there should be no naked flames in the laboratory. Most liquids also give off vapours which are irritating to the skin, eyes and lungs. Eye protection and gloves should be worn all the time. Fume cupboards should be used. 3.2.2) Procedure The principle set-up of the experiment is shown in figure 7. Six burettes were each filled with one of the following liquids: Distilled water, ethanol, propanone, hexane, cyclohexane and ethyl ethanoate. Firstly, the polarity of water was tested. Therefore the valve of the burette with water inside was opened. Therefore water began to run out of the burette. The positively charged rod was held next to the water, close to the opening of the burette. The water stream was deflected towards the rod. With a ruler the degree of deflection was measured. The same procedure was carried out with the other five substances in the same manner. 10 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 4.) Errors 4.1) The miscibility of liquids ¾ The smallest sub-division of the thermometer was 1º C. Therefore a systematic error of +/- 0.5º C occurred for each temperature measurement. ¾ The smallest subdivision of the measuring cylinder which was used for the volume measurements was 0.2 cm3. Therefore a systematic error of +/- 0.01 cm3 occurred during each volume measurement. ¾ Parallax errors occurred during both temperature measurement and volume determination ¾ Thermal energy maybe escaped through the boiling tube which was not covered with cotton wool. ¾ Due to lack of time at the end of the experiment the final temperatures were read almost immediately after placing the thermometer in the liquid. Therefore it could be that the thermometer did not show the actual temperature of the liquid at that instance. 4.2) Testing liquids for permanent dipole ¾ The smallest sub-division of the ruler used for the deflection measurements was 1 mm. Therefore a systematic error of +/- 0.5 mm occurred during each deflection measurement. ¾ A parallax error occurred during each deflection measurement, due to the angle on which it was looked at the scale of the ruler ¾ There were five variables involved in the experiment, which influenced the degree of deflection, whose values were arguably not exactly equal for all six measurements. This is important because the experiment should not deliver an absolute degree of deflection but a comparison of the degree of deflection between the tested substances. The five variables were the following: • Distance between the tip of the burette and measuring point (further away – less deflection) • Speed of flow (slower speed – greater deflection) • Pressure of the substance in the burette (more pressure – higher speed) • Distance between the tip of the rod and the flow (smaller distance – greater deflection) • Charge of the rod (higher charge – greater deflection) 5.) Results 5.1) The miscibility of liquids Table 1 shows all the data that was measured during the experiment. As it is seen, the mixing of cyclohexane and ethanol decreased the temperature of the system, while the mixing of propanone and water increased the temperature in the system. The only consequence of mixing propanone and butanone was a marginal decrease in the temperature of the system. Therefore the temperature in the latter system stayed almost the same. As it seen in chapter 6 11 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 this marginal change in temperature is probably due to errors made during the experiment. Table 2 shows the structural formulae of the substances used. Liquid A Liquid B T (initial) A/Cº Ethanol Propanone Propanone Cyclohexane 22.1 Butanone 22.0 Water 22.0 T (initial) B/ºC 22.4 22.5 22.0 Average initial temperature/ Cº 22.25 22.25 22.00 Final temperature /Cº 20.00 22.00 27.5 ΔT/Cº ‐2.25 ‐0.25 +7.5 Table 1: Measured and calculated data obtained from the experiment: “The miscibility of liquids” Substance Ethanol Formula CH3CH2OH Cyclohexane C6H14 Propanone CH3COCH2 Butanone C2H5COCH3 Water H2O Structural formula Table 2: Structural formulae of the substances used in the experiment: "The miscibility of liquids" 12 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 5.2) Testing liquids for permanent dipole The degree of deflection for each tested substance and the structural formulae are shown in table 3. Hexane and cyclohexane were not deflected at all, while ethyl ethanoate was deflected the most (20 mm). Water was also deflected relatively strongly (11 mm). Ethanol (3-4 mm) and propanone (6-7 mm) were only slightly deflected by the charged rod. Substance Formula Distilled water H2O Ethanol CH3CH2OH Structural formula Deflection (mm) 11 3‐4 Propanone CH3COCH3 Hexane C6H14 6‐7 0 Cyclohexane C6H14 Ethyl ethanoate CH3COOC2H5 0 20 Table 3: Structural formulae and measured deflection of the substances used in the experiment: "Testing liquids for permanent dipole" 13 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 6.) Conclusion/Evaluation 6.1) The miscibility of liquids The mixing of water and propanone resulted in an increase of the temperature of the mixture compared to the average temperatures of the separated liquid substances. This in turns means that the reaction must be exothermic (i.e. releases thermal energy). Particles of both substances must therefore arrange themselves in a way that is energetically favourable, i.e. drops the energy of the two molecules. The structural formulae of both propanone and water are shown in table 2. It is seen that there is a double bonded oxygen atom attached to carbon 2 in the ketone, which results in a strong polar bond between the carbon atom and the oxygen atom. Due to the unsymmetrical arrangement of the molecule the molecule is a dipolar molecule. Due to the higher electronegativity of the oxygen atom, the oxygen atom has a partially negative charge, while the carbon 2 has a partially positive charge. If the structural formula of water is considered, it is seen that it is also a very strongly dipolar molecule. Thereby one oxygen atom is bonded to two hydrogen atoms by two polar bonds, which result, due to the unsymmetrical arrangement of the molecule in the molecule being a polar molecule. Due to the higher electronegativity of the oxygen atom in comparison to the hydrogen atoms, it becomes partially negatively charged, while the two hydrogen atoms become partially positively charged. In view of the fact that both substances do not react chemically which each other in terms of forming new chemical bonds or carrying out addition or substitution reactions respectively, only a change in the strength of the intermolecular forces between the different molecules in comparison to the intermolecular forces between the molecules of the same substance can be the cause for the temperature change of the liquid. In view of the mixing being exothermic the attraction between two molecules of different species must be greater than the attraction between the molecules of the same substance. In this case the reason for the greater attraction between the molecules of different species in comparison to the attraction between molecules of the same substance is due strong hydrogen bonds which from between the oxygen of the carbonyl group and a hydrogen atom of a water molecule. To verify this statement both substances needed to be looked at on their own. In liquid propanone the molecules are only attracted to each other by dispersion forces and permanent dipole-dipole forces. However, due to the double bond, the dipole character between the carbon atom and the oxygen atom of the carbonyl group is very strong. No hydrogen bonds between propanone molecule form because there are no hydrogen-oxygen (or nitrogen or fluorine) bonds in a propanone molecule. In liquid water however, hydrogen bonds are formed between the water molecules. The molecules arrange so that hydrogen bonds are formed between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and one hydrogen atom of another one. Those hydrogen bonds are strong in comparison with the dispersion forces which act between the propanone molecules. 14 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 However, due to the mixing being exothermic, the forces between a propanone and a water molecule must be stronger than the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules. Due to the strong dipole character of the bond of the carbonyl group, the partially positively charged hydrogen atoms of a water molecule are more attracted by the partially negatively charged oxygen atom of the carbonyl group than by the less partially negatively charged oxygen atoms of another water molecule. The hydrogen bonds between the water molecules are therefore broken and new hydrogen bonds between the hydrogen atoms of water molecules and the oxygen atoms of the carbonyl groups of the propanone molecule are formed, which as a result releases thermal energy which in turn increases the temperature of the system. The mixing of propanone and butanone resulted in a small decrease in temperature. However, propanone and butanone are both ketones. The only differences between both molecules are an additional carbon and two hydrogen atoms attached to butanone in comparison with propanone. The structural formulae of propanone and butanone are both shown in table 2. Due to the bigger size of the butanone molecule, the dispersion forces between butanone molecules are stronger than those between propanone molecules. However, they only differ to a small extent. The measured temperature change was arguably bigger than the actual temperature change. The temperature change should have been that small that it could not have been measured in the experiment. The measured temperature change is arguably due to errors which occurred in the experiment (see chapter 4). The mixing of ethanol and cyclohexane resulted in a decrease of temperature. This means that during to the mixing process of cyclohexane and ethanol energy was used. In an ethanol molecule the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atom of the alcohol group are bonded by a polar bond due to the electronegativity difference between the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atom. Due to the unsymmetrical structure of an ethanol molecule, an ethanol molecule is a polar molecule. When ethanol molecules come together hydrogen bonds are formed between the alcohol groups of one ethanol molecule and a hydrogen atom the alcohol group of another ethanol molecule. The intermolecular forces between the ethanol molecules are therefore relatively strong. Cyclohexane, however, is an alkane with six carbon atoms. Therefore no other bonds are involved than carbon hydrogen bonds. As it is discussed in chapter 6.2 the electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen is that small that it can be considered as a non polar bond. Therefore cyclohexane is a non-polar molecule. The only intermolecular forces between cyclohexane molecules are therefore dispersion forces. As observed in the experiment the temperature drops when both substances, ethanol and cyclohexane are mixed together. This is because the non-polar cyclohexane pushes the ethanol molecules further apart, which in turns decreases the strength of the hydrogen bonds. The action pushing the ethanol molecules apart requires energy, which is the reason why the temperature decreases. 15 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 However, at the first glance this observation seems to contradict one fundamental principle of chemistry, which is that interactions between molecules only occur when they are energetically favourable. Why should the ethanol molecules move further apart when this is energetically unfavourable? Or in other words, why do both liquids mix at all? Fats and water, for example, do also not mix because the strong hydrogen bonds between the water molecules prevent the mixture, so why should ethanol and cyclohexane? The answer lies in a branch of physical chemistry called thermodynamics. Crudely described, thermodynamics deals with the flow of energy. Thermodynamics is one of the most important branches of chemical physics. It is the foundation of understanding the reasons of the occurrence of any chemical reaction. Thermodynamics usually regards the energy flow between a separated area und its surroundings. In terms of thermodynamics this separated area is called a system, while the surroundings are nothing less the rest of the universe. It follows: “The Universe = the system + the surroundings”2 Thereby the system is not able to exchange matter with the surroundings and the other way round. However, energy can be transferred between the system and the surroundings. The system is usually a place in which chemicals are present or in which chemical reactions take place. If the system is in equilibrium with the surroundings the net movement of energy between the system and the surroundings is zero. There is therefore a fixed amount of energy in the system, which is mainly made up of bond energy between the molecules and heat, which is nothing more than the kinetic and potential energy of the molecules within in the system. “The energy contained in a system is called the internal energy (symbol U)”3. If a chemical reaction takes place in the system, bonding energy gets free due to the reaction in the majority of cases. The reaction is said to be exothermic. This energy firstly increases the heat within the system. It is important to note that the reaction alone does not change the internal energy of the system, only the form of energy changes from bonding energy to thermal energy. However, the temperature in the system is now higher than in the surroundings so thermal energy flows out of the system into the surroundings to reach equilibrium again. The internal energy of the system therefore decreases. The change in internal energy is therefore expressed by difference of the final internal energy and the initial internal energy, the internal energy the system had before the reaction took place. This relationship is given in mathematically terms by the following equation: For an exothermic reaction the change in internal energy is therefore negative. 16 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 However, the internal energy is not only influence by heat but also by the work done on respectively by the system. Work can be defined in terms of pressure as the product of pressure times the change in volume. If, for example, a chemical reaction in the systems causes “a small increase in the volume (ΔV) of the”4 system “the walls of the” system “must push against the constant pressure in the surroundings in order to expand”4. “This does work on the”4 surroundings “and requires energy”4. “When a system expands, the work done on the system equals –pΔV”5, because energy is needed to do work on the surroundings. However, the work done by a system is dependent on two variables, the volume (V) and the pressure (p). If the volume is constant, for example if the system is enclosed by an extremely strong container, and heat is released due to a reaction the pressure inside the system increases. However, if the volume is of the system is able to change, as for example in a piston, the pressure does work on the surroundings. The change in enthalpy (ΔH) is defined as in the following: Where h is the heat added to the system. If the pressure is constant (i.e. the change in pressure is zero), the change of enthalpy is equal to the heat transferred. So: At constant pressure. If a reaction occurs the change in energy of the system is ΔU. “The first law of thermodynamics states: Energy cannot be created or destroyed”6. So when energy is added to the system from the surroundings, the energy of the surroundings must decrease by the same amount. It follows that: ΔU = -h So the change of enthalpy at constant pressure is equal to ΔU. The second law of thermodynamics states that “systems will change spontaneously from states of lower probability to states of higher probability”7. An example illustrates the statement of the law. If a box with 1000 coins in it, which all lie heads up, is shaken, there is only a very low probability that all the 1000 coins still lie heads up, because there is only one possibility this state can come into existence (all 1000 coins must lie heads up). However, there is a much higher probability that the coins arrange so that the ratio of coins lying heads up to coins lying tails up is 50:50, because there are much more possibilities how this state can be achieved. The state of higher probability is therefore said to be more disordered. “Entropy” (S) “is a measure of the disorder of a system”. The entropy of a system increases when the matter or energy in the system spreads out or becomes more random in its arrangement”8. 17 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 The change in entropy of a system is defined as: Where h is the heat added to the system and T is the absolute temperature of the system. In view of the first law of thermodynamics it can be stated that the sum of the entropies of the system and of the surroundings must give the entropy of the universe, because the heat added to system (h) is equal to the heat subtracted from the surroundings (-h), so that the energy of the universe stays the same. However, because the universe always changes to a state of higher probability or more disorder and entropy is a measure of disorder the second law of thermodynamics can be restated as the in the following: “The total entropy of the universe always tends to increase, it never goes down”8. So, if a reaction takes place in the system that requires energy (endothermic), it draws in energy directly from the system and to maintain the equilibrium between the system and the surroundings indirectly from the surroundings. In this case the entropy of the surroundings decreases. Because of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of the universe always increases, the entropy within the system must increase to compensate the entropy decrease in the surroundings. This increase is not due to an increase in heat, it is due to an increase in the disorder of the arrangement of the molecules inside the system. This is the explanation for the temperature decrease which occurred during the mixing of ethanol and cyclohexane in the experiment. Thereby the system was the liquid, while the surroundings were the rest of the universe. The endothermic reaction took energy from the surroundings; this decreased the entropy of the surroundings. Therefore the entropy in the system had to be increased in order to obey the second law of thermodynamics. This was done by disordering the, due to the strong intermolecular forces, highly ordered structure of the ethanol molecules with the help of cyclohexane molecules. As it is seen in chapter 6.2 the dipole character of water is much stronger than that of ethanol. The intermolecular forces between water molecules are therefore too strong to become disorder by fats, so that fats and water do not mix. The entropy change of the universe would therefore at standard conditions not be positive for the mixing of water and fats. 6.2) Testing liquids for a permanent dipole Polar molecules contain covalent bonds between elements whose electronegativities differ. Therefore the likelihood of finding an electron nearer the more electronegative atom is higher than finding it nearer the atom of less electronegativity. The rod was rubbed with a fur in order to make the rod carry an electrostatic charge. When the rod was placed near the liquid stream, the rod attracted the partially charged parts of the atom of a substance, if there were dipoles in the tested liquid. The stronger the dipole of the tested substance the higher was the degree of deflection, supposed that the charge of the rod was the same. 18 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 Most compounds tested were organic substances. Organic substances are all composed of a skeleton of carbohydrate chains. Accurately speaking, each carbon-hydrogen bond has a small dipole (Electronegativity H: 2.1, Electronegativity C: 2.5). However, this dipole is that small that it does not have any significant consequences to be considered in this experiment. This dipole did not affect the deflection in a significant way. However, most organic molecules contain, besides the hydrocarbon skeleton also functional groups which are mostly composed of one or more atoms of oxygen and nitrogen (and hydrogen) which are attached to a carbon atom of the carbon skeleton. Oxygen and nitrogen have very high electronegativities, much higher indeed than those of carbon and hydrogen; they are also able to form hydrogen bonds. In a bond with a carbon atom from the carbon skeleton or a hydrogen atom those molecules highly polarise the bond. Therefore the likelihood of finding the electrons is much higher near an oxygen atom or a nitrogen atom. The partially charged sides of the dipole can therefore be attracted by the charged rod. Ethyl ethanoate was deflected the most. This means the dipole of ethyl ethanoate is the strongest of the substances tested. It is the strongest because two highly electronegative oxygen atoms are bonded to one carbon atom. Therefore the carbon atom becomes strongly partially charged. Therefore a strong dipole is formed, which was attracted by the charged rod. Water had the second strongest permanent dipole, followed by propane and ethanol. The oxygen atom draws the two electrons from the hydrogen atom partially towards it due to its high electronegativity. Therefore a strong dipole is formed. However it is weaker than the dipole of ethyl ethanoate, because in ethyl ethanoate two oxygen atoms, one by a double bond one by a single bond, are bonded to one carbon atom. Because the water molecule forms two sigma bonds with two hydrogen atoms and because of the higher electronegativity difference between hydrogen and oxygen in comparison with carbon and oxygen the water molecule has a stronger dipole than propanone. The double bond between the carbon and the oxygen of the carbonyl group of propanone consists of one σ-bond and one π-bond (a π-bond is less strong than a σ-bond). The carbonyl group of propanone is formed by polar bond. Because of the double bond between the carbon and oxygen of the carbonyl group, the dipole of propanone is stronger than the dipole of the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atom of the alcohol group of ethanol, whose two atoms are only singly bonded. The higher electronegativity difference between oxygen and hydrogen does not compensate the double bond of the carbonyl group in terms of the strength of the dipole. However, pure saturated carbohydrate chains (alkanes) like hexane or cyclohexane have no functional group attached to them. Therefore there is no dipole in such a molecule, so that they were not attracted by the positive charged rod. 19 Two experiments in connection with intramolecular and intermolecular forces 2007 7.) Evaluation The experiment delivered the, from the structural formulae of the molecules deduced, expected results. Therefore both experiments were successful. 8.) Bibliography 8.1) Notes Note 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8: Clugston, Michael; Flemming, Rosalind. Advanced Chemistry. (2000). Oxford University Press. pp. 616 Note 4, 7: Alberts, Bruce; Molecular biology of the cell; 2002; 4th edition; Garland Science; pp. 1463. 8.2) Figures Figure1: http://www.xmission.com/~seldom74/chem1110int/ch03/electronegativity.jpg&imgrefur= Figure 2: http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/bitesize/standard/img/chemistry/propertiesofsubsta nces/ionic/ionic_lattice.gif 20