Research Presentation- The Great Gatsby

Research Presentation: The 1920s!
During this research activity you will explore some aspect of life in the 1920s and then teach
what you learn to the class through a powerpoint or Prezi presentation.!
You will form research groups based on interest. You will research and develop a presentation
together. First, you will read the ‘jump off’ article from the classroom website and then assign
further research tasks depending on what still needs to be learned, remaining questions, etc.!
While researching, be sure to:!
1. Research and gather important quotations, interesting facts or statistics!
2. Draw explicit connections to The Great Gatsby (how does this relate?)!
3. Collect powerful images, music, film clips!
4. Write an analogy that draws connections between your topic and some aspect of life
today, for example: “Jazz was to the 1920s as (
) is to today
because of (
• Each person is responsible for at least one slide!
• Share responsibility of presenting information (eye contact, delivery, voice)!
• Relevant information needs to be presented in a logical, sequential order. Key points from
the time period/event need to be addressed thoroughly as well as the connection to the
novel and its meaning!
• Visuals, film clips, songs will add interest and engagement to presentation: creativity!
• Length: 15 - 20 minutes per group (no longer than 20 minutes)!
• Points: 50 points (group project)!
Possible Topics (you are not limited to these): !
Prohibition: What was Prohibition and how did Americans respond to it? !
F. Scott Fitzgerald: More of an in-depth look at important life events, novels, childhood,
family, marriage to Zelda … the year in France …!
Flappers: What were flappers and how were they regarded? Provide a brief history of the
women’s movement/progressive era. !
Important court cases (Scopes Trial, etc.)!
Music: What kind of music was popular and how was it received? What is the legacy of The
Jazz Age?!
Oregon in the 1920s!
Dance - history, transformation of … !
Harlem Renaissance!
Politics during this time period!
What cars were popular in the 1920s and how did the automobile transform the way
Americans lived? How did the automobile industry change the American landscape?!
Who were the faces of organized crime during this time period? In what activities were they
involved? Focus words: corruption, bootlegging …