Link what it means to “lead the Amway way” to the company vision, values, Leader Fundamentals, etc. •
Explain leader behaviors/examples related to each of the four areas of focus. •
Integrate the areas of focus into your daily activities, resulting in “leading the Amway way.” Leading the Amway Way: Macro Design
Newly Promoted
- A new and a seasoned leader
discuss the role of a leader in
driving vision, values or how
being a leader at Amway is
- ID characteristics of
Amway leaders
Leader Video
Passion for the
IBO/Leader Video
- Amway leaders discuss
importance of IBOs to the
- IBOs discuss what
company does for them
Leading with an
Leader Video
- What is 'enterprise-first'
- Why it's important to you,
the company, distributors…
Partnering for
Shared Success
Leader Video
- Importance of cultivating
- Tips, benefits
Living our Values
to Drive Business
Leader Video
- Two leaders on how living
our values builds success,
values and people drive
business results
Doug/Steve Video
- Tying it all together
- Small groups brainstorm
responsibilities of effective
- Class consolidates list
Research Findings
- Present research findings
and themes from leader
- Group discussion re:
leader responsibilities
associated with this topic
- Comparison of Amway
versus other companies
and how affects
responsibilities (e.g.,
distributors, markets,
business model)
- Small groups generate list
of leader responsibilities
associated with this topic
- Small groups discuss case
study on "successful"
leader who makes
decisions based on
personal success, as
opposed to corporate
- Small groups discuss
insights and differences
between the class list and
research findings
- How to incorporate this info
into their responsibilities
- How to communicate this
to their downline
- Half the class discuss
leading a partnership
(benefits, how it felt,
- Half the class discuss
participating in a
partnership (benefits, how
it felt, results)
- Value of diversity, including
diverse thinking
- Research on results of
diverse groups
- Link to vision, values,
- How to communicate and
demonstrate enterprise-first
- Initial thinking re: What
should I do differently?
More or less of?
- What are my relationship
goals, diversity goals?
- Review case studies of
"doing the right thing"
- Generate questions to help
determine enterprise-first
- Work to complete action
plan items
In 3 Months
Newly Hired
- ID characteristics of
leaders at previous
- ID perceptions of Amway
leaders thus far
Conclusion Leading the
Amway Way
- Small groups review case
studies on one of the four
topics - how does the topic
interrelate with the others?
- Complete 180 assessment
- Meet with upline to review
In 3-6 Months
- Meet with classmate(s) to
share key learnings/
Performance and
- Discuss 2x2 graphic re:
coexistence of performance
and culture
- Group discussion re:
importance and obstacles to
maintaining both
- Large group generates list
of behaviors to ensure
success at Amway (to be
turned into 180
- Contribute experiences/
thoughts to leader
SharePoint site
- Complete the plan
- Make commitment to meet
with upline to review
- How do I promote and
model living Amway values
and driving business
Page 1 LEADING THE AMWAY WAY – WORKSHOP DESIGN Pre-­‐work Assignment Participants will receive one of two worksheets to complete, depending on whether they are newly-­‐promoted (from within Amway) or newly-­‐hired (new to Amway). The newly-­‐promoted will list characteristics and responsibilities of leaders at Amway. Newly-­‐hired employees will describe their perceptions of the traits of leaders at Amway. This will be based on what they had seen, heard, or read of Amway before becoming employees, comments or observations from their interviews at Amway, and any thoughts or impressions since being hired. Page 2 Workshop Design (rough estimated time of 4 hours) Timing Rough Estimates 1 hour Topic/Objectives Introduction Instructional Strategies Assets (Role of an Amway Leader) !
Introductions and review of workshop intent !
Research findings !
Intro video with 1 new and 1 seasoned leader, discussing either objective 1 (importance of role of leader in driving vision, values, etc.) or 3 (how being a leader at Amway is different than in other organizations) !
Explain the importance of their role as a leader in driving Amway’s vision, values, principles, goals and strategies !
Explain the characteristics of a successful Amway leader !
Explain how being a leader at Amway is different from being a leader in other corporations !
Small group activity: Participants discuss characteristics of an effective leader, as well as differences between Amway leaders and other leaders !
Work in teams of 2 to generate a list of how Amway leaders differ from leaders in other companies; share with another team and create one consolidated list; one group presents to the class; other groups provide additions and consolidate to one list as a large group !
Facilitator presents the research approach and broad themes of findings on what it means to lead the Amway way. Include the definition of an Amway leader. Discuss how Leading the Amway Way, or LAW, represents Amway’s “code of conduct” for leaders. Link to vision, values, fundamentals, etc. !
Small group activity: The participants identify and discuss the differences between their list and the research conducted. A representative from each group presents to the large group on their group’s thoughts on the meaningful differences and why they’re important. !
What does that mean for a leader? What are the impacts on a leader coming into this job? Direct participants to begin thinking: What do I need to do differently? What should I stop doing? What should I add that I’m not doing now? Page 3 Timing 45 minutes Topic/Objectives Instructional Strategies Video of Amway leaders on how important it is to understand the distributor and what IBOs do for the company and why we need them. Then a new IBO and a veteran IBO will discuss what the business means to them, what they count on and appreciate from Amway !
Video testimonial (Brundidge, Kraus, distributors) !
Research findings !
Facilitator elicits from the group and records the leader responsibilities associated with this topic !
Group discussion: Facilitator will ask participants to reflect on differences between Amway and other large corporations and how those differences may affect their leader responsibilities (e.g., number of distributors/dealers, size of markets, demographics, seasonality, business model, stakeholders?). As facilitator records these observations, he will lead a discussion of how knowledge of the distributor organization affects how participants think of their job and their role as a leader. Additionally, the group will discuss how failure to understand the business model and the distributor organization can impact their effectiveness as a leader. !
Action plan !
Action plan: participants record how they will incorporate this info into their responsibilities, how they will communicate this to their staff Promoting Passion for the Business !
Explain the importance of learning Amway’s history, business model, vision, principles, values, strategies etc. to being a successful leader at Amway (we want to create a personal connection to the big picture of Amway) !
Identify what the responsibilities that the business model implies for their role as an Amway leader !
Identify how they will use that knowledge to become a successful leader at Amway !
Identify the risks of not understanding Amway’s business model and what makes Amway successful Assets Page 4 Timing 45 minutes Topic/Objectives Leading with an Enterprise-­‐First Focus Instructional Strategies !
Identify the types of groups to which one belongs (department, affiliate, Corporate, product line, cross-­‐
functional, etc.) !
Define characteristics and responsibilities of an employee focused on the success of the enterprise, as opposed to an employee focused on his/her own success or that of his/her division, business unit or affiliate, and how these may differ !
Identify conflicts that can arise between one’s personal success and success for the company !
Identify best practices associated with creating and maintaining an “enterprise-­‐first mindset” !
Explain the importance of the success of the organization as a first priority and the obstacles to it Assets !
Leader Video testimonial – Highlighting the importance of leading with an “enterprise-­‐first mindset”, what that means, and examples of how it’s done, and the differences it can make in your job, in distributors’ lives, and !
in corporate results. Also discuss consequences of not leading in this !
manner Small group activity: generate list of the leader responsibilities associated with this topic !
Divide participants into groups of 4-­‐6. Give each group a case study that describes an Amway leader who is “successful” in rank, salary, reputation, product or promotion successes, etc., but who makes decisions based on personal success as opposed to corporate success. Each small group will present explanation of their analysis and summary of conclusions of core principles re: group disciplines !
Facilitator leads a discussion of influencing skills used in the case studies, why they’re important, and what are some key components and examples of influencing skills. !
Action plan: Participants record ways to communicate and demonstrate team mindset Video testimonial (Leader – Jay Ertl) Case studies Research findings !
Action plan Page 5 Timing 30 minutes Topic/Objectives Partnering for Shared Success !
Identify the benefits of building relationships and networking !
Explain the differences between building relationships, building a network, and forming partnerships for shared success !
Identify the pros and cons of socializing !
Explain the value of diversity and inclusivity in relationships and networking !
Explain how and why this topic overlaps with and is interconnected with the other leader quadrants !
Explain the importance of partnerships and the obstacles to them Instructional Strategies Assets !
Leader Video testimonial – Importance of cultivating relationships and networks, how to do it, the benefits for you personally and for the enterprise !
Video testimonial (Leader – Michelle Swarz) !
Group discussion of what it means to socialize an idea and why we do this at Amway. !
Research findings !
Participants are divided into 2 groups. Half the room will discuss a time when they were leading a partnership, what were the benefits, how it felt, and the results. The other half of the room will discuss being involved in a partnership and how it felt, the benefits, and results. When the large group reassembles, facilitator will scribe participants’ comments. !
Action plan !
Facilitator leads discussion of the value of diversity and inclusion of one’s networks and partnerships, and presents brief summary of results of Amway research on diverse groups. Facilitator will also link this topic to the vision, values, fundamentals, and definition of an Amway Leader. Relationships at Amway are about more than the business (reference last topic – Leading with an Enterprise-­‐First Focus) !
Action plan: participants will record 1) relationships they have cultivated, the benefits for all parties, 2) relationships they would like to cultivate and why (value to all parties), 3) relationships that they should include that may be outside their comfort zone and why they would be beneficial, 4) types of diversity that they can look for in their networks, relationships, and partnerships Page 6 Timing Topic/Objectives 45 minutes Living Our Values to Drive Business Excellence !
Describe the characteristics of a culture of performance !
Explain Amway’s transition to a performance-­‐driven culture !
Identify ways to achieve business excellence while living our values !
Explain the importance and challenges of doing both Instructional Strategies !
Assets Leader Video testimonials – Highlighting how values and people drive business results, how living our values builds success – reference Rich discussing business opportunity, we cheer and recognize you, but there are high expectations for performance as well – we need to build and maintain high performance standards for our long-­‐term success !
Video testimonial (Leader – Jackie Nickel and Cindy Seehase) !
Stories that illustrate relationship priorities (e.g., community partnerships, doing the right thing) !
Research findings !
Action plan !
Performance vs. relationships graphic !
Which comes first, relationships or results? !
Facilitator distributes stories of Amway “doing the right thing”, in favor of relationships vs. performance. Participants generate lists of questions to ask given ambiguous situations, and with the goal of an enterprise-­‐first solution !
Facilitator explains 2x2 graphic: Vertical axis is performance, horizontal axis is relationships. Too little of one or the other is negative for the company. Good relationships with too little performance leaves room for improvement. High performance with no regard for relationships leaves Amway without the unique environment essential to its mission to help people live better lives. A balance of positive and plentiful relationships and high performance is optimal for the company !
Facilitator elicits and records from participants observations on the transition and what it means for them as leaders !
Action plan: participants will document steps they will take to maintain the balance and principles to keep in mind Page 7 Timing 15 minutes Topic/Objectives Conclusion – Leading the Amway Way Instructional Strategies Assets !
Leader Video – Doug/Steve on leadership, facts and principles regarding distributor organization, fundamentals/values !
Doug/Steve video (maybe 4F video?) !
Participants are divided into 4 groups, each will have a brief case study pertaining to one of the 4 topics presented today. Groups will discuss how their topic interrelates to the others and present to the larger group. !
Action plan !
Develop 180 assessment !
Participants generate list of behaviors that will ensure success as a leader at Amway !
Action plan: Complete the Action Plan with commitment to meet with your upline to review your progress on action steps !
Review continuation assignments & next steps (see below) Post-­‐workshop Assignment !
Starting immediately: Begin completing Action Plan items !
In 3 months: Complete 180 self-­‐assessment, after reflecting on their own experiences and thoughts since the class, based on progress made toward behaviors (generated by participants in LAW class) to ensure success as an Amway leader !
After 180 assessment: Participants meet with their upline to share progress against the Action Plan and lessons learned in taking the action steps !
In 3-­‐6 months: Participants meet with a classmate to review lessons learned and experiences since the class that relate to learnings. Share with one another learnings from the 180 self-­‐assessment and/or their own submissions to a leader SharePoint site or submissions from others of which they have taken note !
Ongoing: Participants contribute to a SharePoint site for leaders regarding their thoughts, experiences, or observations in regard to each of the 4 topics covered in the class Page 8 