plastic - Georg Fischer

© Georg Fischer Rohrleitungssysteme AG,
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Dr. Alain Ritter, Head of Human Resources
and Group Communications
Dr. Thomas Oehninger,
Ruedi Schulthess, Claudine Saurer,
Britta Leise, Heike Bazak, Michaela Knecht
Design and layout
Order Number
Additional copies
Vito Locatelli, Dr. Thomas Oehninger,
Claudine Saurer
Theodor Stalder, Zürich
Sonja Renger, Rangsdorf
CH Translations, Lohn
Sonderegger Druck AG, Weinfelden
Eibert AG, Eschenbach
14010 German edition
14010 English edition
Georg Fischer Rohrleitungssysteme AG
Group Communications
8201 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Phone: +41 52 631 33 74
Kunststof Plastica Plastique
Muovi Plastikk
Tworzywo Sztuczne Plastic
稒岂枪矷 Kunststof Plastik
Plastica Kunststof Plastique
Tworzywo Sztuczne Plastik
Plástico Plastik Kunststof
PlastiqueKunststof Plastica
Plastik Tworzywo
Sztuczne ‫ ﺍﻟﺒﻼﺳﺘﻴﻚ‬Plástico
Plast Kunststoff
Plástico Kunststof Plastik
50 years of know-how in plastics
Message of greeting
Half a century ago, a small team of pioneers at Georg Fischer carried out initial experiments
with plastic fittings. In this book, we can finally present what their work ultimately led up
to and the path they took in getting there. One thing is certain: this success story was – and
continues to be – the fruit of our employees’ dedication. I thank them sincerely for the
numerous milestones that they have set.
Vor einem halben Jahrhundert hat eine kleine Schar von Pionieren bei Georg Fischer
erste Versuche mit Kunststoff-Fittingen unternommen. Was daraus entstanden ist und
wie der Weg verlief, können wir heute in diesem Buch präsentieren. Eines steht fest: diese
Erfolgsgeschichte wurde – und wird immer noch – geprägt von unseren Mitarbeitenden.
Ich danke ihnen ganz herzlich für die zahlreichen Meilensteine, die sie gesetzt haben.
‫ﻋﺎﻣﺎً ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻤﻌﺮﻓﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﺨﺼﺼﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺠﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺒﻼﺳﺘﻴﻚ‬
‫ ﺃﺟﺮﻯ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﻭﺍﺩ ﻓﻲ‬،‫ ﻗﺒﻞ ﻧﺼﻒ ﻗﺮﻥ ﻣﻀﻰ‬Georg Fischer ‫ﺗﺠﺎﺭﺏ ﺃﻭﻟﻴﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ‬
‫ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺴﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺬﻱ ﺳﻠﻜﻮﻩ‬،‫ ﺇﻻ ﺃﻥ ﻣﺎ ﺗﻤﺨﺾ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻋﻤﻠﻬﻢ ﻓﻲ ﻧﻬﺎﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻄﺎﻑ‬.‫ﺍﻟﺘﺠﻬﻴﺰﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺒﻼﺳﺘﻴﻜﻴﺔ‬
‫ ﻭﻩﻲ ﺃﻥ‬،‫ ﻩﻨﺎﻙ ﺣﻘﻴﻘﺔ ﻭﺍﺣﺪﺓ ﻣﺆﺁﺪﺓ‬.‫ ﻩﻮ ﻣﺎ ﺳﻨﻘﺪﻣﻪ ﺇﻟﻴﻜﻢ ﺃﺧﻴﺮﺍً ﻓﻲ ﻩﺬﺍ ﺍﻟﻜﺘﺎﺏ‬،‫ﻟﺒﻠﻮﻍ ﺍﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ‬
‫ ﺇﻧﻨﻲ ﺃﺗﻘﺪﻡ ﺇﻟﻴﻜﻢ‬.‫ﻗﺼﺔ ﺍﻟﻨﺠﺎﺡ ﻩﺬﻩ – ﺁﺎﻧﺖ ﻭﺳﺘﻈﻞ – ﻧﺘﺎﺟﺎً ﻹﺳﻬﺎﻣﺎﺕ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﻠﻴﻦ ﻟﺪﻳﻨﺎ‬
.‫ﺑﺠﺰﻳﻞ ﺍﻟﺸﻜﺮ ﻟﻺﻧﺠﺎﺯﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﺪﻳﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﻲ ﺣﻘﻘﺘﻤﻮﻩﺎ‬
⦷⫠㠨㔏㦾欕⩮忿扖䤓 50 ㄃⏘战☕䲚
ञϾϪ㑾ҹࠡˈ⬅ Georg Fischer ⱘ޴ԡ‫ܜ‬偅㒘៤ⱘᇣ㒘䖯㸠њ佪⃵ล᭭㺙㕂䆩
For et halvt århundrede siden udførte et lille hold pionerer hos Georg Fischer de første
eksperimenter med plastic-fittings. I denne bog kan vi endelig præsentere resultatet af
deres bestræbelser og deres vej til resultatet. Et er helt sikkert: denne succeshistorie har
været – og fortsætter med at være – karakteriseret af vores medarbejderes store indsats.
Jeg vil gerne takke dem alle sammen for de mange flotte resultater, de har nået.
Yves Serra, President of GF Piping Systems
Een halve eeuw geleden voerde een klein team pioniers bij Georg Fischer de eerste experimenten met kunststof fittingen uit. In dit boek kunnen we u eindelijk tonen waartoe hun noeste
arbeid heeft geleid en welke weg ze daarbij hebben bewandeld. Eén ding staat als een paal
boven water: dit succesverhaal werd – en wordt nog steeds – geschraagd door de specifieke
bijdrage van onze medewerkers. Ik dank hen uit de grond van mijn hart voor de vele mijlpalen
die ze hebben gerealiseerd.
Puoli vuosisataa sitten pieni pioneeriryhmä Georg Fischerillä teki alustavia kokeita muovikiinnikkeillä. Tässä kirjassa voimme viimein kertoa, mihin heidän työnsä lopulta johti ja miten
he pääsivät tähän lopputulokseen. Yksi asia on varma: tässä menestystarinassa oli – ja on
edelleen – keskeistä työntekijöidemme erityinen panos. Kiitän heitä vilpittömästi lukuisista
virstanpylväistä, joita olemme ohittaneet.
Il y a cinquante ans, une petite équipe de pionniers de Georg Fischer a commencé à se livrer
à des expériences sur les raccords plastique. Dans cet ouvrage final, nous pouvons enfin vous
présenter le résultat de leur travail et le chemin qu’ils ont parcouru pour y parvenir. Une
chose est certaine: cette réussite a été rendu possible grâce à la participation active de tous nos
employés. Je les remercie de tout cœur pour toutes les étapes qu’ils ont su franchir.
Mezzo secolo fa, una piccola squadra di pionieri di Georg Fischer effettuò i primi esperimenti
con accessori in plastica. In questo libro possiamo in definitiva presentare l‘esito del loro lavoro e il cammino da essi intrapreso per giungere a questo traguardo. Una cosa è certa: questa
storia di successo è stata – e continua ad essere – caratterizzata dal contributo specifico dei
nostri collaboratori che ringrazio sentitamente per le numerose pietre miliari che hanno collocato durante questo percorso.
50 ㄃ቑ栢቎ኴ዆ኖኞአኌሯቌቑቫሩ቎䩴ቬቯ቉ሧቆቂቑሮ
ඨ਎♿೨䫺Georg Fischer 䬽䮘䭫䭱䮒䭩䬽ዊ䬤䬹䮈䯃䮧䬛䫺䮞䮰䮀䮈䮊䭶 䮜䭪䮊䮍䭪䮺䭷䬺䬳䬓䬵䬽
䬷䭍䬮䬬䬢䭍䬶䬽㆏䬽䭙䬺䬳䬓䬵⚫੺䬦䭍䬨䫻䭁䬷䬳䬯䬠⏕䬚䬹䬢䬷䬾䫺䬢䬽䭼䭶䮂䮀 䮀䮏䯃䮱䯃䬾䫺
50 噊儊汞 稒岂枪矷 把檂 噾穞殶
愞显匶ࣜ 洊ࣨࣜ Georg Fischer 汞ࣜ 儢熟沖姪汆ࣜ 稒岂枪矷ࣜ 穂砋幞嵢ࣜ 廔汆ࣜ 柪竞汊ࣜ
柪柢窎枻城埪࣪ 娶岂昢ࣜ決ࣜ橎喺昢庂ࣜ皻空ࣜGeorg Fischer 汞ࣜ儢熟沖姪決ࣜ決巯空ࣜ
嚙汆ࣜ昷刂歆ࣜ勾ࣜ刂洛汊ࣜ昪律穦ࣜ朞ࣜ沎冒ࣜ夞櫎枻城埪࣪ 穢ࣜ儆滆ࣜ筛柪穢ࣜ洖汆 決ࣜ
昷击ࣜ 柦筚儆ࣜ 埿斲ࣜ 沊滇毖姪汞ࣜ 击竒求嵢ࣜ 決巯夢ࣜ 冉決彶ࣜ 橤求嵢壊ࣜ 滆暓夦ࣜ
冉決岂垚ࣜ洖沋城埪࣪ 洆垚ࣜ勾姪決ࣜ決巯空ࣜ嚙汆ࣜ朞廔汆ࣜ櫋洇櫖ࣜ滊柲求嵢ࣜ儖斲ࣜ
For et halvt århundre siden utførte et lite pionerteam hos Georg Fischer de første eksperimentene med plastbeslag. I denne boken kan vi endelig presentere resultatet av arbeidet og
veien til dette resultatet. Én ting er sikkert: Denne suksesshistorien har vært – og er fortsatt
– preget av den konkrete innsatsen til våre ansatte. Jeg takker dem for de mange milepælene
de har skapt.
Pół wieku temu, niewielki zespół pionierów w firmie Georg Fischer przeprowadził pierwsze
eksperymenty z mocowaniami plastikowymi. W tej książce możemy wreszcie przedstawić
końcowe rezultaty ich pracy i drogę, jaką pokonali, aby je osiągnąć. Jedno jest pewne: ta
historia sukcesu była – i nadal jest – nacechowana szczególnym zaangażowaniem naszych
pracowników. Szczerze im dziękuję za wytyczenie wielu kluczowych standardów.
Há meio século, um pequeno grupo de pioneiros levou a cabo as primeiras experiências com
acessórios de plástico na Georg Fischer. Neste livro apresentamos agora o resultado do seu trabalho e o percurso que percorreram para lá chegar. Uma coisa é certa: esta história de sucesso
foi – e continua a ser – caracterizada pela especial contribuição dos nossos colaboradores. É a
eles que agradeço sinceramente pelos inúmeros marcos que estabeleceram.
Cu o jumătate de secol în urmă, un grup restrâns de pionieri a efectuat primele experimente
cu fitinguri din plastic la Georg Fischer. În această carte, vă putem prezenta la ce rezultate a
dus munca lor în cele din urmă şi cum au evoluat lucrurile până la atingerea acelor rezultate.
Un lucru este sigur: această poveste de succes a fost – şi continuă să fie – caracterizată de
contribuţia indispensabilă a angajaţilor noştri. Le mulţumesc din suflet pentru îndeplinirea
numeroaselor obiective atinse până acum.
Пятьдесят лет назад небольшая группа первопроходцев в компании «Georg
Fischer» начала проводить эксперименты с пластиковой арматурой. В этой
книге мы представляем результаты этих исследований, а также рассказываем,
как их удалось получить. Одно не вызывает сомнений: мы добились (и
продолжаем добиваться) успеха только благодаря профессионализму наших
сотрудников. И я хотел бы искренне поблагодарить их за тот неоценимый
вклад, который они вносили на всех этапах работы.
Hace medio siglo, un pequeño equipo de pioneros en Georg Fischer llevó a cabo los primeros
experimentos con uniones de plástico. En este libro, presentamos dónde condujo su trabajo y el
camino que se tuvo que recorrer para alcanzar el objetivo. Una cosa es segura: esta historia de
éxito fue, y sigue siendo, un claro ejemplo de la contribución específica de nuestros empleados.
Quiero expresarles mi más sincero agradecimiento por los numerosos hitos que han marcado.
För ett halvt sekel sedan utförde en liten grupp pionjärer på Georg Fischer tidiga experiment
med rörkopplingar av plast. I den här boken kan vi nu presentera vad deras arbete kom att
leda till och hur de gjorde för att ta sig dit. En sak är säker: den här framgångssagan har alltid
präglats av det våra anställda bidragit med, då som nu. Jag kan inte nog tacka dem för alla
milstolpar de har uppnått.
Table of contents
50 years of innovation – introduction of Dr. Alain Ritter,
Head of Human Resources and Group Communications
15 - 53
Genesis of plastics
Five decades of plastics
The 1950s: The pioneering years
The 1960s: Manufacturing and expansion
The 1970s: Period of more development
The 1980s: Consolidation
The 1990s: Trend toward customer focus
The new millennium: Tapping into new market segments
55 - 83
Dr. Ernst Hofmann – The plastics department
Dr. Rudolf Merz – Materials developer and inventor of Tangit
Erich Guldener – Plastic fittings developer of the first hour
Bruno Hunziker – Complete line of valves
Felix Meier – BCF fusion technology
Jörg Wermelinger – Infrared for the highest demands
Jürgen Fluck – iFIT: intelligent and simple
85 - 141
Highly qualified and motivated – The people behind the processes
State of the art
Components assembly
Extrusion and customizing
Zero-error strategy
High-tech analytics
Plastics and chemicals
So that everything fits
Radical optimization
Tried, tested and approved
Just ordered, presto delivered
Packed-in energy
143 - 181
Plastics markets today – innovations come from the market
Overview of the market segments
Life science
Food and beverage
Water and gas utilities
Water treatment
Building services
Chemical process industry
183 - 189
«Clean Water» foundation
191 - 219
On the edge: Where plastics research stands today
The future needs of our customers – from a market viewpoint
Solvay – Partners in vinyl
Ineos – Longlasting polyethylene
Borealis – Tailor-made materials
Arkema – Polyvinylidene fluoride
Picture credits
Contacts worldwide
Pascale Godon
Technical Service & Development, Construction and Durable, Ineos Polyolefins
Hanni Kauder
Account Manager PVC, PVC-Compound, Solvay
Siegfried Liedauer
Luca Lussetich
Prof. Dr. Rolf Mülhaupt
Dr. Ingo Sartorius
Bernard Schlinquer
Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Suter
Dr. Klaus Vorspohl
Director Technical Service and Market Development, Pipe Business Unit, Borealis
Solvay Benvic
Material Research Center Freiburg. Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg
PlasticsEurope Germany, Plastic and Environment
Market Manager Kynar & Kynar Flex, Technical Polymers, Arkema
Department of Materials. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich
Managing Director PlasticsEurope Germany
Urs Amacher
Eric Benghozi
Mark van den Bosch
Max Bless
Mark Bulmer
Wolfgang Dornfeld
Jürgen Fluck
Christina Granacher
Dr. Roland Gröbli
Charlotte Hill
Fridolin Hubmann
Alexander Kirner
Peter Koligianis
Britta Leise
Manfred Leyrer
Pietro Mariotti
Max Meier
Christof Mosler
Head of Standards & Approvals
Market Segment Manager Water Treatment
Market Segment Manager Water and Gas Utilities
Managing Director Georg Fischer Plastic Valves Ltd.
Market Segment Manager Food and Beverage
Market Segment Manager Microelectronics
Managing Director Georg Fischer Building Technology Ltd.
Market Segment Manager Chemical Process Industries CPI
Managing Director of the «Clean Water» Foundation
Managing Director Georg Fischer Signet, El Monte, USA
Head of Accredited Test Lab GF Piping Systems
Managing Director Georg Fischer SIMONA Fluorpolymer GmbH, Ettenheim
Market Segment Manager Mining Australia
Head of the Corporate Archives
Head of Quality and Environmental Management
Head of Product Management, Georg Fischer Building Technology Ltd.
Plant Manager Schaffhausen and Subingen
Managing Director Georg Fischer DEKA GmbH, Germany
Hans-Peter Müller
Application Manager Microelectronics
Paul O’Sullivan
Market Segment Manager Life Science
Dr. Alain Ritter
Head of Human Resources and Group Communications
Markus Scherrer
Dr. Stephan Schüssler
Roland Steinemann
Hans-Christian Wisloeff
Head of Supply Chain Management
Head of Research and Development at Georg Fischer DEKA GmbH, Germany
Market Segment Manager Shipbuilding
Head of Global Market Development and Innovation
50 years of innovation
The year 1957 marked the beginning of
plastic fittings production at Georg Fischer
Five decades have elapsed since the
regular production of plastic fittings began
at Georg Fischer. This is an opportune
time to look back on past developments,
give consideration to the present state of
affairs and set our sights on the future.
Head of Human Resources and Group
The 1950s are a beacon in the history of
the Georg Fischer Corporation. In a secret
laboratory in Schaffhausen, a handful of
researchers, mainly experts in the field of
metals, «experimented» with a new material
called plastic. Their ambition was to develop
a new jointing technology. After a – even for
today’s standards – relatively brief period of
research and development, the team was able
to release their first product for a test market
in 1955 on the occasion of the International
Plastics Exhibition in Düsseldorf. In 1957
the hard PVC fittings went into regular series
production at the plant in Singen, Germany.
Today – five decades down the line – we
are at a point in history, when such topics
as globalization, new market segments, and
reduction of manufacturing costs are at the
top of our priority list. Creating novelties
is naturally also still on the agenda. The
innovativeness of yesteryear – and the
pioneering atmosphere – has been kept alive
in our company and even cultivated so that
it has grown. Over the years, a multitude
of employees have shown an astounding
capacity for innovation.
This book is an expression of our esteem
for the accomplishments achieved, while
also attempting to capture and present an
important chapter in the recent history of
industrial development.
This anniversary publication is divided
into six main chapters. In the first chapter,
you will read about the «Milestones in the
History of Plastics», focusing on plastics
in general and the plastic fittings at Georg
The second chapter is called «Interviews
with contemporary witnesses» containing
interesting accounts of former and today’s
In the third chapter, «Processes in the
Plastics Industry», we portray the different
occupations in this field today, providing
you with a brief overview of the many issues
relevant to this industry.
The fourth chapter, «Plastics Markets
Today», is dedicated to a series of completed
projects in the various market segments and
regions around the world.
The fifth chapter «Georg Fischer Jubilee
Foundation» talks about the Clean Water
projects that were initiated back in 2002,
when Georg Fischer celebrated its 200 year
«Plastics: Future Development of the
Material» is the title of the sixth chapter
which is in fact a glimpse into the future and
the new developments which we can expect
to see.
In the name of the GF Piping Systems
management, I wish you pleasant reading
Dr. Alain Ritter, publisher of «50 Years of Plastic Know-how».
and would also like to take this opportunity
to thank all of you who have contributed
to making our company what it is today: a
global leader in piping systems, jointing
technology and flow control.
When asked what he thought was the most
significant achievement in the field of plastics at Georg Fischer, this witness of the time
replied: the fact that we as a metal-oriented
company even took a chance with this new
We invite you to take this journey through
time with us and see for yourself how true
this statement is.
Genesis of plastics
A concise history
It may sound like a contradiction in terms,
but all plastics are made of natural
materials. Minerals and products from
fauna and flora, such as quartz, petroleum
or cellulose are processed by man into
useful substances, which we call plastics.
Department of Materials, ETH Zurich
The term «plastic» can be traced back to
the Munich chemist Ernst R. Escales, who
introduced a new group of materials under
this name in 1910 (and in 1911 created the
publication «Kunststoffe», i.e. plastics),
without the intention of making any claims
on the constitution of the material. The
word «polymer» was coined already in
1832 by Jöns Jakob Berzelius in Stockholm
to describe certain differences in chemical
structure, similar to the definition as we use
it today. The terms plastic and polymer are
therefore not identical; all the same we can
say that nearly all plastics contain polymers.
It should be noted that all polymers are composed of «macromolecules» (which neither
Berzelius nor Escales would have accepted,
being as this was asserted only in 1926 by
Hermann Staudinger from the ETH Zurich).
In the following, we shall disregard these
finer differences.
Natural substances, available for use without
the intervention of man, have been around
for a long time – from the very beginning of
mankind we have protected ourselves with
skins and weavings, used fibers and sticks,
employed bitumen for glueing and sealing.
Plastics – «man-made materials» – however
have a relatively short history.
Among the earliest plastics was pitch made
from the bark of birch trees, which has been
used for at least 80,000 years as a glue for
utensils and tools (a technically ambitious
fabrication by Neanderthals!) and also
as chewing gum. For over 10,000 years,
beginning in the Middle East, animal skins
have been worked into leather with the help
of tannins, at first with smoke, then alum and
fats, later barks. This craft developed into a
trade and then later a branch of industry.
Other natural products were experimented
with to create useful materials. One documented example is the manufacture of a
plastic out of casein, which is obtained from
low-fat cheeses. The formula was chronicled
by the Benedictine clergyman and alchemist
Wolfgang Seidel from Bavaria in 1530,
who also noted that he had received the instructions from Bartholomäus Schobinger, a
tradesman from St. Gallen (for some time the
richest man in the Swiss Confederation). The
recipe told how to make first the pure casein
and how with a lye it was transformed into a
transparent and colorless artifical resin – «a
transparent material, similar to animal horn»
– and also explained how it could be formed
according to one’s desire. There must have
been other such formulas earlier, but it seems
that the practice of manufacturing plastics
has not aroused the interest of historians as
much as, for example, the transmutation of
At first, one may not realize the importance of such a find. In fact,
this find of birch pitch is a very special and caused quite a furor
in Neanderthal research. This proves that Neanderthals had the
know-how to make glue. The fine lines are believed to be a thumb
print of a Neanderthal.
base materials into gold or the recipe for a
all-purpose medicine.
With the emergence of physics and chemistry
as fields of study, an enormous dynamics was
set in motion in the Western world: the early
nineteenth century was the time of passionate
inventors and diligent entrepreneurs. In 1833
Friedrich Lüdersdorff in Berlin was the first
to write about the manufacture of a polymeric
nanocomposite (a very fashionable topic!), a
Celluloid was also used in fashion. This model from 1936 is wearing a hat, the brim and bow of which
are made of celluloid.
composite material made of colloidal gold
and gum arabic. Victor Regnault (after whom
the ideal gas constant R is apparently named)
produced in his laboratory in 1838 – at the
time in Giessen – the gaseous vinylchloride
and observed how after longer exposure to
sunlight it turned into a white powder (today
known as polyvinyl chloride, PVC). In 1839
Eduard Simon of Berlin extracted styrene
from a natural product and while attempting
to clean it through destillation obtained a
solid matter. He thought he had an oxidation
product of styrene in his hands, but John
Blyth and August Wilhelm von Hofmann
discovered in 1845 in London that the solid
matter obtained through heating exhibited
the same elementary composition as styrene
and therefore called it «metastyrene» (what
is today polystyrene, PS). After 1850 new
plastics were invented at a rapid pace and
many industrial uses were found for them.
The alchemic way of thinking had, however, not died out altogether. In the style of
Schobinger’s first artificial resin, many other
substances were discovered in the late nineteenth century, for example the French bois
durci, a mixture of wood dust and blood or
protein, which was patented in 1855 by the
composer François Charles Lepage (UK
Patent No. 2232) and brought to market; it
was produced until about 1920. Or galalith
(a casein plastic distributed worldwide under
various names), developed in 1897 by the
Bavarian Adolph Spitteler and Wilhelm
Krische in Hanover by hardening it with
formaldehyde. Production of this casein
plastic began in 1899; in 1930 it was the most
important plastic in terms of volume and it is
still produced today.
European researchers first saw and learned
of natural rubber in Central America in
1521. In 1736 the Parisian Charles-Marie de
la Condamine took a sample from Peru to
France. The first scientific discovery related
to caoutchouc is attributed to John Gough
from Middleshaw, England, who was blind.
He noticed in 1802 that caoutchouc heats up
when stretched and contracts when heated
(exactly opposite to metals or ceramics). At
the onset of the nineteenth century, the first
articles were made of caoutchouc: erasers,
balloons and waterproof textiles (by placing
a film of caoutchouc between two cotton
sheets and sewing the fabric into raincoats,
the «Macintosh» was born.). Caoutchouc is
however permanently sticky and quickly becomes brittle at higher temperatures, which
seriously limits its uses. In 1832 Friedrich
Lüdersdorff in Berlin published a study
relating how a solution of natural caoutchouc
and sulfur in turpentine oil resulted in a
less viscid film when evaporated. Charles
N. Goodyear in Roxbury, Massachusetts, experimented, as did many others, with caoutchouc, attempting to make it less sensitive and
sticky by adding various other substances,
also working with sulfur. He tried using increased temperatures and discovered vulcanization in 1839. This is a process by which a
sulfur-caoutchouc mixture (with other additives) is heated to obtain a dry and permanently elastic substance – rubber – which
was patented in the USA in 1844. The patent
for hard rubber («ebonite» and «vulcanite»)
followed in 1850. The invention of rubber
by Goodyear was, however, contested by
an English competitor, Thomas Hancock,
who patented rubber in England eight weeks
before Goodyear (a huge legal dispute
ensued). The plastics industry as we know
it today originated from the production of
Plastics have contributed greatly to improving
the living standards of the population at
large. In earlier times, many articles were
only affordable to the privileged. As the
middle class grew, so did their desire for
possessions and displaying their affluence
with elegant objects – but many of these
were made of rare materials that were simply
not available in adequate quantities, which
In 1888 the Irish veterinarian B. Dunlop invented a pneumatic tire for his son‘s tricycle and sold the
invention to Harvey du Cross, Jr., who founded the Dunlop Rubber Company. The tire revolutionized
the bicycle. André Michelin produced the first balloon tires for automobiles in 1895, first especially
for the 1200 km race Paris – Bordeaux and back for the Peugeot Type 3, shown here with the
Michelin tires during the race.
led to skyrocketing prices. An example of
this is the dramatic price increase of ivory
in the nineteenth century: billiard balls were
manufactured from elephant tusks; because
a new and larger class now coveted these,
elephants were threatened with extinction,
and the price of ivory became prohibitive
for everyone. The discovery of plastics
made it possible for a growing number of
people to acquire what were formerly luxury
goods. Plastics were for a long time only
substitutes for more valuable substances, e.g.
Schobinger’s casein resin for animal horn and
tortoise shell, later celluloid for ivory; those
who could afford it still bought the original.
Finally, in the twentieth century, it became
evident that the new materials were much
more than simply substitutes for something
else more valuable. Plastics enable efficient
manufacture of better quality products; they
also possess a previously unknown portfolio
of properties. Plastic is the multi-functional
material of modern society.
Cellulose (what trees and plants are mainly
made of) was esterified into nitrocellulose
already before 1850. The completely nitrated form, cellulose trinitrate, was used as
guncotton, an explosive, while the equally
flammable cellulose dinitrate was called
collodion cotton and utilized as a varnish and in medicine. Several inventors
tried to make the material less hazardous
by adding other substances. In 1856 Alexander Parkes was the first to succeed in
producing a practical thermoplastic material from cellulose dinitrate, oil and camphor
(«Parkensin») – but he was not able to market it successfully. The breakthrough came
in 1868 when John W. Hyatt, in the hope of
winning 10,000 dollars in prize money, managed to mix cellulose dinitrate and camphor,
The material registered under the trademark
Celluloid® was produced and sold starting in
1870. (The prize money was advertised by
Lithography of Honoré Daumier. In the late nineteenth century,
billiards becomes a popular sport thanks to the introduction of
the celluloid ball. Celluloid was discovered by W. Hyatt in 1868.
the Phelan Collender Billiard Factory in New
York, which had been looking for a substitute
material for ivory in billiard balls; the award
would be valued at a million dollars today on
the basis of an average worker’s wages.) A
very crucial aspect was the possibility of thermoplastic molding, i.e. processing the melted
material and cooling it into a stiff solid, as
well as the good dyeability. Combs, dentures,
eyeglasses frames, bowls, jars, fountain pens,
knife handles, etc. were the result. Celluloid®
also played a special part in the cultural
revolution as a carrier medium: a stiff and
completely transparent substrate, it made
photography easier and cheaper and from
1884 motion-picture films possible – «to capture on celluloid» has become synonymous
to putting on film, although less flammable
plastics are used for cinema films today.
The synthetic textiles industry also evolved
on the basis of cellulose, a very pure and
Galalith: an «old» plastic, which is still used for elegant objects.
Here a pen holder from 1920 made of casein formaldehyde, also
known under the trade name Galalith, Galalite (I) and Erinoid
cheap raw material. Cellulose is infusible,
insoluble in nearly all liquids and difficult
to process. Efforts were directed at making
it soluble. In 1855 George Audémars from
Lausanne patented the manufacture of fine
fibers from cellulose nitrate. In 1888 in
Newcastle upon Tyne, Joseph Swan drew
fibers from cellulose nitrate in acetic acid
to make filaments in electric lamps; he also
recognized the textile potential and was the
first to create cloth from it.
A great advancement was made by Hilaire
Bernigaud, Comte de Chardonnet de Grange,
who spun cellulose nitrate out of a mixture of
alcohol and ether in 1884 and who presented
the fabric at the World Fair in 1889 in Paris.
This fabric was soon known as «Chardonnet
silk» and led to the first synthetic textile
factory being built in Besançon. Chardonnet
rendered the fabric less flammable through
denitration in a hydrosulfide bath. Just one
year after the Paris exhibition, Louis Henri
Despaisses discovered that cellulose can be
In 1933 the Bakelite radio receiver VE301W was
introduced in Germany.
dissolved via copper oxide and ammonia and
precipitated again in diluted sulfuric acid;
he used Chardonnet’s spinning technique
for the «regenerated cellulose». The next
step in the evolution of synthetic fibers was
the accomplishment of the British chemists
Charles F. Cross, Edward J. Bevan and
Clayton Beadle with the so-called «viscose
process»: using alkali and carbon disulfide,
cellulose is reversibly modified and thus
dissolved (the gelatinous solution was called
«viscoid»), spun and then transformed back
into cellulose in an acid bath, and now called
«rayon». But it wasn’t until 1900, with the
invention of modern spinning equipment by
Charles F. Topham, that it became possible to
create cellulose fibers commercially.
Jacques E. Brandenberger succeeded in
producing crystal clear films out of rayon in
1908 in Paris with a new type of machine;
he called the product cellophane – the
first flexible, transparent and waterproof
packaging material.
For four decades chemists and inventors
had tried to create a plastic from formaldehyde and phenol (both very inexpensive
waste products from the thriving chemical
industry), when in Yonkers, New York in
1907 Leo H. Baekeland was able to produce,
using an alkaline formulation and ground
wood as filler, a synthetic resin. He wanted to find an insulating material that could
replace shellac, manufactured from the secretions of the Indian coccus cacti (lac insect),
which was becoming scarcer and therefore
more expensive. Bakelite® satisfied all the
material requirements and more. It served
for many years as an ideal electric insulating
material and is still manufactured today.
The first large-scale Bakelite® lots were produced in Berlin in 1909. Bakelite® proved
to be very versatile, known as the material
of a thousand uses. When the patent on the
Bakelite® production process expired, other
manufacturers appeared on the market and
the production of phenol resins surged.
Victor Regnault had discovered back in
1838 that the gaseous vinylchloride turned
into a white powder under the influence of
sunlight. In 1912 Friedrich Klatte from the
Chemische Fabrik Griesheim in Frankfurt
am Main identified the material as a polymer
and subsequently patented a polymerization
process for industrial use for polyvinyl
chloride (PVC). PVC was interesting from
an economic viewpoint because a great deal
of chlorine was necessary to produce it and
chlorine was available in large quantities
as a byproduct of chloroalkali electrolysis
in the advancing chemical industry. Largescale production of PVC began in 1938 in
Bitterfeld. After the Second World War, PVC
became the most popular plastic processed
Pure PVC («hard PVC») is relatively rigid
and resistant to many chemicals. It is an ideal
material for many building applications and
is also frequently used in piping systems. By
adding softeners, an elastic plastic is obtained
(«soft PVC»), of which many objects of
everyday use are produced (floor coverings,
suitcases, packaging, adhesive tape, cable
sheaths, etc.).
PVC in and of itself is harmless. But
the starting substance for its manufacture,
vinylchloride, is very toxic. In addition, when
PVC is burned, a caustic and corrosive gas
occurs. Moreover, soft PVC is also controversial because of certain softeners that are
cause for concern, especially when used in
food packaging and toys and this has caused
the material to be discredited.
Science had a problem with plastics because
it was the credo of chemistry that very large
molecules cannot be stable. Until 1920 it was
generally accepted that molecules can join
together in large clusters and form colloids,
but that they cannot really be big themselves.
The basic concepts of today’s viewpoint were
expressed by a few visionaries between 1860
and 1920, but these remained individual
At the ETH in Zurich, Hermann Staudinger developed and taught a different vision:
his work with polystyrene, polyoxymethylene
and caoutchouc led him to believe the size of
molecules was nearly limitless and they would
form long chains. He published this concept
for the first time in 1920 and coined the term
«macromolecule» in 1926. The existence of
such giant molecules met with a great deal of
skepticism and only gradually began to find
acceptance. Staudinger’s experimental results
were later explained by others in line with the
laws of physics: notably Kurt H. Meyer and
Hermann F. Mark, who in Ludwigshafen in
1928 shed light on the structure of cellulose,
silk, chitin and caoutchouc via X-ray
analysis, and Werner Kuhn, who in 1934 was
the first to conclusively expound the viscosity
of polymeric solutions and in Karlsruhe,
then Kiel and then in Basel established the
theoretical basis for rubber elasticity and the
deformation of macromolecules.
Wallace H. Carothers in Wilmington,
Delaware researched, starting in 1928, with
synthetic methods Staudinger’s hypothesis,
which was still relatively unknown outside of
German-speaking countries. He linked small
Hermann Staudinger, 1917, in his laboratory in
William H. Carothers, 1930, in his laboratory in Wilmington,
organic compounds systematically into long
chains and analyzed the properties of the
products – as a purely scientific project at
DuPont de Nemours & Co. Inc.! His attempt
yielded the first practical results in 1930,
when his team came across new classes of
polymers, the polyesters and polyamides or
«nylons». Shortly thereafter, in collaboration
with Reverend Julius A. Nieuwland in South
Bend, Indiana, they achieved the synthesis of
a new highly elastic material, neoprene, which
proved to be a viable alternative to the rubber
manufactured from natural caoutchouc.
The two great synthetic chemists, who
established the scientific age of the macromolecule, Hermann Staudinger and Wallace
H. Carothers, both integrated a physical
chemist in their teams to provide macromolecular materials with a quantitative
basis: Günter V. Schulz in Freiburg im
Breisgau, and Paul J. Flory in Wilmington,
Delaware. Flory, in particular, contributed
significantly to the development of the
polymer sciences and laid the foundation for
synthesis, the physical-chemical properties
of macromolecules and their solutions,
rubber elasticity, as well as the atomistic
understanding of high-molecular materials.
Other great physical chemists, like Walter
H. Stockmayer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, later Dartmouth, New Hampshire, and
Bruno H. Zimm in Schenectady, New York,
firmly established this foundation. The field
of physics has long been interested in plastics as a material, but only later did they concentrate on the macromolecules from which
they are made. Herbert A. Stuart in Mainz
was an important pioneer, Pierre-Gilles de
Gennes broke ground with his work in Paris
in the seventies and eighties.
Despite the major efforts of many scientists, it took a long time until the concept of
macromolecules prevailed. It probably took
longest in biology, where it wasn’t until 1938
that the chain structure of deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) was discovered via a streaming
Annual production of plastics in billion pounds
The world in 2004
495 billion pounds of plastics
produced per year
6.4 billion inhabitants
77 pounds of plastics/person/year
Global annual production of all plastics from 1950 (including adhesives, varnishes, dispersions,
fibers, etc.). The rapid growth has resulted in plastics overtaking steel by volume already in 1989. In
2004 there have been produced circa 15 600 lbs each second.
birefringence experiment by Rudolf Signer
(Bern), Torbjörn Caspersson and Einar
Hammarsten (Stockholm) and where in 1953
the last of the skeptics accepted the longchained, macromolecular nature, after the
structure was explained by James D. Watson
and Francis H. Compton Crick in Cambridge,
England, and Maurice H.F. Wilkins and
Rosalind Elsie Franklin in London.
Between 1920 and 1950 plastics became a
group of materials for industrial mass production. In 1949 global production amounted
to one million tons; soon a large number of
new plastics were developed and by 1976
global production was already at 50 million tons, in 2003 at 200 million tons. Today
the annual per capita consumption is at approximately 100 kg in Western Europe, the
USA and Japan, and roughly 20 kg in Latin
America and Southeast Asia, while Africa
and the Middle East weigh in at about 10 kg.
The birth of modern-day plastics begins
with thermoplastics. In 1927 Otto Röhm
in Esslingen used methyl methacrylate for
the first time to make a highly transparent
«organic glass», just before British and
Spanish contenders, and invented the first
laminated glass with a film of this polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) between two
glass plates. In 1933 Plexiglas® was launched
on the market and was soon a successful
alternative to glass in many applications. The
first contact lenses of PMMA were marketed
by Heinrich Wöhlk in Kiel in 1946; Otto
Wichterle in Prague succeeded in making
soft contact lenses in 1961 by chemically
modifying PMMA.
The polyamides (Nylon®) were discovered
in 1930 by Wallace H. Carothers, patented in
1935 and sold commercially in 1939. Competitors developed a multifaceted group of
polymers (e.g. Perlon®, Rilson®, Grilamid®,
Vestamid®, Stanyl®), which were used in numerous everyday applications. Nylon stock-
ings have probably had the most lasting
effect on society.
Ethylene was first transformed (by coincidence) under high pressure into polyethylene (PE) of low density (highly branched
polyethylene, see below) in 1933 by Eric W.
Fawcett and Reginald Gibson in Northwich,
England, patented in 1935 by Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) and implemented as
an electric insulating and packaging material. The most familiar product made of this is
likely the plastic shopping bag.
Hermann F. Mark, Carl Wulff and Eugen
Dorrer created the first industrial process
to manufacture polystyrene in 1930 in
Ludwigshafen and I.G. Farben brought the
material to market in 1937. Everyone has
surely drunk from a polystyrene cup! Stiff
polystyrene foam (Styropor®) was first
technically manufactured in 1951.
Building on the work of Wallace H.
Carothers, John R. Whinfield and James
T. Dickson in Manchester developed polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in 1941. Either
as textile fiber (Terylen®, Dacron®, Trevira®)
or as crystal clear film (Melinex®, Mylar®),
sales of the commercially manufactured material climbed rapidly after 1953. In 1975
Pepsi Cola® introduced the first PET bottle.
Back in 1927 Staudinger produced polyoxymethylene (POM) from formaldehyde
and produced fibers thereof, the polymer is
however thermally very unstable. This problem was resolved in 1952 with the use of a
comonomer at DuPont de Nemours & Co.
in Wilmington, Delaware (Delrin®). POM
changes its density only minimally when
solidifying and thus made high precision injection molding possible. Tissot (Aetos S.A.)
marketed in 1971 a full-plastic watch, the
Tissot Idea 2001 «Astrolon» (Models 2250
und 2270), that was almost completely Injection molded from POM. The watch competed successfully with ordinary mechanical
watches with respect to precision, did not
require lubrication and was extremely shockproof (but did not prevail against the digital
quarz watches).
Polycarbonate (PC) was first synthesized
in 1953 by Hermann Schnell in Leverkusen
from bisphenol-A and quickly conquered the
market due to its properties: heat resistant,
transparent, impact resistant, blendable and
easy to inject (Lexan®, Merlon®). The most
common application is optical data storage
(CD, DVD) and automobile headlights.
A plastic which only recently became
thermoplastic is polytetrafluorethylene
(Teflon®). Twenty-seven-year-old Roy J.
Plunkett accidentally discovered in 1938 in
Deepwater, New Jersey the polymerization
of tetrafluorethylene into PTFE, the
«slipperiest» and chemically most inert
plastic. In 1941 DuPont obtained the patent
on PTFE (Teflon®). The material was used
in the Manhattan Project, then as coating
for fishing lines, frying pans, etc. It was,
however, extremely difficult to process. The
era of Teflon® was extended when in 2000
Paul Smith at the ETH Zurich succeeded
in manufacturing a thermoplastically processable PTFE.
In addition, there is a series of plastics that
cannot change their form (duromers). In 1936
Otto G.W. Bayer in Leverkusen developed the
family of polyurethanes (PUR); The first
of these many types of materials went into
production in 1940. The building industry
could not do without them as adhesives and
sealing materials, the producing industry as
grouting and insulation materials.
Frederick S. Kipping pioneered organic
silicon compounds in 1900 in Nottingham,
England; these were viscous and colorless
and could withstand higher temperatures
than other organic substances (he called
them silicones, because he assumed they
were analogous to simple ketones). In 1940
Eugene G. Rochow in Schenectady, New
York, and Richard Müller in Radebeul found
almost at the same time that these materials could be produced industrially. These
silicones (polydimethyl siloxane and related plastics) are useful in many difficult
applications: high-temperature-resistant hydraulic oils, medical tubes, adhesives, antistick coating of baking pans. The controversial application as breast implants cast a
shadow on this extraordinary plastic at the
turn of the century.
Epoxy resins were first mentioned by
Paul Schlack from Ludwigshafen in his
report in 1932 on the reaction of epoxides
with amines. Then in 1938 Pierre Castan
The public had to wait an entire year after
the October 27, 1938 announcement of nylon
hosiery at the New York World’s Fair to try on
the new stockings. The first sales were made in
Wilmington, Delaware, department stores.
Earl S. Tupper began producing «Tupperware®» in 1938
(polyethylene kitchen containers with air-tight lids) and sold
them in specialty shops starting in 1946. Vice-president Brownie
Wise introduced the concept of direct sales via «Tupperware
Home Parties» with astounding success in 1951.
patented a corresponding resin in Zurich.
Sylvan O. Greenlee in Racine, Wisconsin,
also contributed greatly to this area. In 1946
in Basel, Ciba launched an epoxy resin under
the name Araldit® on the market. Epoxy
resins are excellent adhesives and form the
basis for many composite materials in sports,
aeronautics and astronautics.
gano-metallic catalyst blends discovered a
highly linear (and crystalline) polyethylene,
and Giulio Natta in Milan, who in 1954 on
the basis of this developed the stereospecific polymerization of propylene. This polyethylene is today one of the most frequently
used materials, the isotactic polypropylene
(i-PP) a very popular engineering material.
These and related plastics are firmly entrenched in the modern world; from kitchen utensils
to medical syringes, from garden furniture to
automotive parts, they influence our daily
After the First World War, «copolymerization» (combined polymerization) experiments were done on diverse substances. An
early example is the reaction of butadiene
with styrene, to create a «synthetic rubber»
(BUNA S) in 1929 by Walter Bock in
Leverkusen. At the beginning, also here
nothing was known about the molecular
structure, which had been created; but soon
scientists learned to understand and control
Chemists in the 1940s and 1950s developed
precise synthetic methods and analytical
processes. This is especially apparent in the
development of stereoregular polymerization
(i.e. the synthesis of spatially regular macromolecules). Calvin E. Schildknecht in Easton,
Pennsylvania, was the first to produce an isotactic polymer in 1945 (although he didn’t
know it at the time), a poly(vinyl isobutyl
ether); the true revolution was however
initiated by Karl Ziegler in Mülheim an der
Ruhr, who in 1953 at low pressures with or-
Ford introduced an automobile with plastic bodywork in 1941 (30 percent lighter than the metal
model). In the photo Henry Ford is demonstrating with an ax how much more resistant a «plastic
car» is compared to conventional cars.
the molecular structure. Many significant
materials were thus created, for example
the thermoplastic and elastic copolymer of
acrylnitril, butadiene and styrene (ABS) with
a complex structure, available from 1948,
which features high impact strength and heat
resistance and (because of its high surface
energy) can be easily galvanized, resulting in
parts with metallic luster.
In recent decades, the control of molecular
weight distribution (size of the macromolecules) has had a great impact, given
the exceptional importance of this property
for processing and mechanical behavior.
Methods have been developed with which
many polymers can be created with variable
molecular weights ranging from a few hundred to many million.
Thanks to the control of molecular structure, it has become possible to adapt the port-
folio of properties of a material as required.
This and the complex mixtures employed
have led to a huge number of new applications, but it also means that there are tens of
thousands of plastic formulations and that
the customer must decide at an early stage in
product development on a particular material
and manufacturer and cannot change easily
because every change entails more development time and money!
Other fibers followed quickly on the heels
of the aforementioned polyamide fibers
(Nylon®). In 1941 Herbert Rein in Frankfurt
found a solvent for polyacrylonitrile (PAN)
in the form of dimethyl formamide and
thus a way of spinning fibers. The acrylic
fiber fabrics were introduced in 1950 in the
USA under the name Orlon® and in 1954 in
Germany as Dralon® and Dolan®. Because
they looked very good, felt comfortable to
the touch and were easy to dye, they gained
popularity rapidly; and they started the
«wash and wear» revolution.
In search of plastics with higher temperature resistance, Stephanie L. Kwolek in
Wilmington, Delaware, synthesized aromatic
polyamides in 1965, among them poly
(p-phenylene terephthalamide) (PPTA).
Herbert Blades from the same laboratory
recognized the liquid crystalline nature of
the solutions in sulfuric acid and spun them
into a high-performance fiber, Kevlar®, the
specific tensile strength of which is five times
higher than that of the best steels; it is used
in temperature-resistant textiles, bulletproof
vests, brake linings, etc. Previously, only
carbon fibers (usually made by charring
polymer fibers) were capable of similar
mechanical performance.
A further advancement was made by Paul
Smith and Piet J. Lemstra at DSM in Geleen, Netherlands, who used «gel-spinning»
of linear polyethylene (see below) to obtain
highly oriented, highly crystalline polyethylene fibers, which were 50% stronger
than Kevlar® and in relation to weight were
up to 20 times stronger than steel (Dyneema®,
Spectra®); the main application areas are
helmets, high-strength ropes and cut-resistant surgical gloves. When the performance
warrants the price, only high-performance
plastics fibers are implemented today.
For ages, man has been combining materials
to obtain better properties. Some examples
are composite arrows made in the Late Stone
Age by glueing together animal sinews, horn
and wood layers, or early Pharaonic clay
bricks which were reinforced with straw
soaked in water. Today only the merest
portion of plastics are used as pure materials,
most are improved with additives (either for
better properties or lower price).
Composites possess different material properties than their components. Every imaginable combination exists: stiff and strong
fibers are added (fiber composites) as short or
long-fiber fabrics and windings, granulate is
mixed in (e.g. chalk or titanium oxide), small
platelets are added (e.g. mica or aluminum),
etc. In many load-bearing applications, highperformance fibers contribute better material
properties than metal alternatives (e.g. in
carbon fiber composites).
Soft, elastic materials, such as rubber,
are mixed in to make brittle plastics more
impact resistant. The impact resistance of
polystyrene can be improved several times
and its range of applications thus also greatly
A very fashionable category of composites
are the nanocomposites, i.e. composites in
which the particles measure only a few nanometers (one billionth of a meter) at least in
one dimension. Even though such materials
have existed for a long time (we have already
referred to the exposé of Lüdersdorff from
1833), the boom of late began when in 1990
the automobile manufacturer Toyota used
clay/nylon composites for drive belt housings in engines. The development was not
just limited to the automotive industry: several beverage manufacturers improved the
barrier properties of their bottles by adding
nano-clay minerals. This material has indeed
great potential.
Most of the early plastics were utilized on the
grounds of their mechanical properties; a part
had to primarily bear a load. Such substances
are called structural materials. A rapidly
growing number of plastics belong, however,
to the functional materials, materials in
which special, non-mechanical functions are
at the focus.
Bonding and releasing. Practically all
adhesives are plastics. Bonding has been
a major joining technique for eons, but its
significance is expanding rapidly – bonding
and its counterpart, releasing, as well as
the non-stick function have high industrial
potential. The polyurethanes (discovered
1936) and the epoxy resins (industrialized
1943) are the most familiar representatives of
the adhesives. Even «superglue» is relatively
old: Harry Coover at Eastman Kodak
discovered methyl cyanoacrylate in 1942.
Bonding as a method of joining is becoming
Kevlar ® protective vest. In ballistic tests with
Kevlar ® 24-layer fabric, a 9 mm projectile, shot
from a distance of 6 meters, will be captured in
the 12th layer.
The recycling of PET bottles, which started in the 1990s, has now
reached significant mass. Some 1.2 million tonnes of PET bottles
were collected and recycled worldwide in 2001, 15% more than
in 2000.
more popular because it is a relatively cheap
application technique. And the equally
important non-stick has been a frequently
rendered function of polymers since the
discovery of PTFE (1938) and the industrial
synthesis of silicones (1940).
Conductive polymers («synthetic metals») were synthesized for the first time in
1967 by Hideki Shirakawa in Tokyo – because
of an error in translation (Japanese to Korean)
a thousand times excess of the catalyst was
used in a synthesis. Then in 1974 the semiconductive polyacetylene was transformed by
Alan G. McDiarmid and Alan G. Heeger in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (who had already
before experimented with an inorganic polymeric «metal») by doping it with bromine to
make a metallic conductive material. Today
electrically conductive plastics are used for
antistatic surfaces, as conductor paths and as
flexible electronic components (mainly in disposable electronics). Especially polyaniline
(PANI) is used for corrosion protection.
Highly transparent polymers. Although
the company Curvlite Sales already offered
a fiber lighting system for dentistry in 1939
in the USA, plastics have had a difficult time
competing with glass fibers as fiber optics in
telecommunications due to the relatively high
loss of light (caused by impurities). Since
about 2000, however, there has been a substitution process underway for short communication distances (in automobiles, airplanes,
in the home, etc.) from glass fibers to polymer fibers, for which usually ultra-pure polymethyl methacrylate is used. In contrast to
the glass fiber business, that of plastic optical
fibers is booming.
Non-linear optical plastics. The pioneers
behind NLO plastics in 1982 were Gerald R.
Meredith, John G. VanDusen and David J.
Williams in Webster, New York, with liquid
crystalline polymers. In the following two decades, non-linear optical polymers were considered to be very promising materials for the
fabrication of electro-optical equipment: com-
Since the 1980s, NASA has been developing concept airplanes for long-duration, high-altitude fl ights. The Pathfinder
Plus (photo) was made almost entirely out of plastics. With a wing span of 30 m, 6 electric motors and solar cells
with 12.5 kW output, it set a new altitude record for propeller planes of 25,000 m on August 6, 1998.
pared to the inorganic crystals, which were
used for these applications, polymers have a
series of advantages that lead to higher speeds
and lower production costs. It was shown, however, that the highly non-linear optical polymers (as nearly all polymers) are only to
a limited degree resilient to temperature
and light; eliminating these weak points
is the focus of much research today. It is
presumed that a fully optical computer technology made of plastics will be developed.
A light-emitting polymer was first
described in 1990 by Sir Richard H. Friend,
Andrew B. Holmes and their staff in
Cambridge, England: they had succeeded in
producing an LED from poly(p-phenylene
vinylene). A series of such plastics has been
found to date and functional components
made of them (e.g. color displays); the lifetime
of these devices is however not long enough
for practical use. Again, in 1995, Richard H.
Friend and his staff in Cambridge, England,
reported on polymers that convert light
into electricity and electricity from light.
While such materials are used for photodetection today, they are not stable enough
for practical photovoltaic purposes in power
Ion-conducting polymers. Ion-conducting membranes are a prerequisite for
most battery technologies. In 1994 Antoni
S. Gozdz, Jean-Marie Tarascon and Paul C.
Warren in Piscataway, New Jersey, patented
the plastic lithium ion technology, in other
words lithium polymer cells with solid
polymer electrolyte («solid-state battery»).
Then in 1996 Theodore O. Poehler and
Peter C. Searson in Baltimore, Maryland,
demonstrated that a battery made exclusively
of plastic could function well and viably.
Shape and shape memory. The shape
of a part is particularly important. In 1986
Charles W. Hull in Valencia, California,
applied for a patent for a photopolymerbased stereolithography that enabled the
«rapid prototyping» of plastic parts directly
First monochrome passive matrix polymer
display in a telephone prototype from the year
from the computer. Complex objects can thus
be created quickly and in fine detail with
«three-dimensional printers».
Metal alloys that can take a defined shape
in material processing, after an external
stimulus, have been around for a while.
In 2001 Andreas Lendlein in Aachen and
Teltow and Robert S. Langer in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, developed shape memory
polymers that can transform themselves
into a predefined shape by increasing the
temperature. And in 2006 a plastic was
created, which can recall two different
external shapes. The first applications are
planned in the field of medicine.
True, scientific insight into the structure and
behavior of macromolecular substances only
happened fairly late, but in the eighty years
since the macromolecular hypothesis was
formulated, the scientific community has
turned its attention to polymers. Evidence
of this are the Nobel Prizes awarded to
renowned polymer scientists: in 1953 to
Hermann Staudinger «for his discoveries in
the field of macromolecular chemistry», in
1963 to Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta «for
their discoveries in the field of chemistry and
technology of high polymers», in 1974 to Paul
J. Flory «for his fundamental contributions,
both theoretical and experimental, to the
physical chemistry of macromolecules»,
in 1991 to Pierre-Gilles de Gennes «for
discovering that methods developed for
studying order phenomena in simple systems
can be generalized to more complex forms
of matter, in particular to liquid crystals and
polymers», in 2000 to Alan J. Heeger, Alan
G. MacDiarmid, and Hideki Shirakawa «for
the discovery and development of conductive
polymers», and in 2005 to Yves Chauvin,
Robert H. Grubbs and Richard R. Schrock
«for the development of the metathesis
method in organic synthesis» (the last are all
polymer scientists, but not honored because
of this). Currently, hundreds of thousands
of scientists and engineers are conducting
research in this promising field.
In contrast to the frequently expressed opinion that technology is the direct result of
scientific work, the development of plastics
is exemplary of how practice is usually a
step ahead. The initial step in a new territory
is guided by experience and intuition and
success is based on coincidence and a dose
of luck (and the ability to recognize the
exceptional; Louis Pasteur wrote 1854 in
Lille: «dans les sciences d’observation le
hasard ne favorise que des esprits préparés»);
science then tries to understand and interpret
the phenomenon – and prepares the ground
for the next step. Science’s pursuit is essential
for rapid progress in practice; plastics were
only able to experience their rocketing
development in connection with the advent
of the natural sciences. Nevertheless, until
an adequate scientific understanding was
in place, there were already hundreds of
successful manufactured products on the
market because the demand for new materials
is so great.
The first bridge made of fiberglass and carbon fiber-reinforced polyester was dedicated on October 29, 2002 in
Shrivenham, Oxfordshire England, with a 34-ton Sherman tank. The bridge is the product of the EU ASSET project
(Advanced Structural SystEms for Tomorrow’s infrastructure).
Evidently the future cannot be planned. Great innovations cannot be coerced. High prize monies can have an influence, but in general the time must be
right for the inventive mind, the necessary
equipment and the proper environment at
hand. Creative freedom and independence
are required. Wallace H. Carothers concluded in 1932, when commenting on his
extremely successful industrial research activities at DuPont de Nemours & Co., that
everything useful which had been created
can be considered a coincidental byproduct
of his research. If we wish to participate
in important technical innovations or even
bring them forth in the future, we have no
alternative but to let the most creative and best
scientists and engineers do their work without
excessive supervision and administrative
burden, whereby their most important (and
overseeable) role is to continually question
the limits of our knowledge and methods.
Five decades of plastics
On the history of plastics production
at Georg Fischer
Fifty years ago, Georg Fischer initiated
series production of solvent cement
fittings. The year 1957 represented a
milestone in the history of the company.
The following historical abstract sheds
light on the past fifty years from the
early pioneering years to the present.
Half a century is a remarkable length of time
in the evolution of an industry. It must be understood, however, that in this case we are not
primarily focusing on the innovation of plastics per se – the birth of this material actually
took place much earlier and its further development shall continue for many years to
come. At this time we are rather interested
in the innovation of process engineering in
combination with plastic materials, which
was in fact revolutionary.
At the beginning, the simple, yet courageous
idea was conceived to produce a fitting
made of plastic. The metal predecessor, the
malleable cast iron fitting, had at that time
already been sold for nearly ninety years.
No one at the time had much experience
with plastic, but they did have a vision,
which was supported on both scientific and
business sides. The original idea was to
provide a suitable – homogeneous – jointing
technology for the plastic pipes, which had
come on the market in the early 1950s. The
driving force was therefore a new material in
this sector of industry. Of course, it must not
be forgotten that plastic was given a boost by
the steel shortage during and after World War
II. And finally, this constellation, which was
conducive to innovation, was complemented
by one of plastic’s inherent properties – resistance to corrosive and aggressive media. What
followed was a gradual process of testing
the material’s properties in terms of flow
characteristics, durability and installation performance. Hard-PVC and polyethylene (PE)
proved to be the materials best suited for
these applications.
Extensive research and development efforts
on the part of Georg Fischer led to a novelty
in product development, which was more
the exception than the rule: a product which
was «new to the world» and ready for series
production. The developers had considered
every aspect, including procurement of an
appropriate injection molding machine; in
other words, they were very focused on putting this innovation into practice.
After several years of testing and developing the necessary infrastructure, Georg
Fischer began series production of plastic
fittings in Singen in 1957.
Two years later, the annual production
of solvent cement fittings was already in
the order of half a million pieces. During
this time, the injection molding process
was improved with new machinery, better
molds and optimized compounds. These were
sure signs that GF was convinced of the viabil-
ity of «Plastic». The further development
was then merely a logical consequence of
this initial inspiration, commented Bruno
Hunziker in all modesty; he has participated
actively in research and development at GF
since the late 1960s.
From a retrospective and historical viewpoint, the major issues of the subsequent years
can be summarized in decades. Following
the early pioneering years, the 1960s were
marked by «Manufacturing and Expansion».
The 1970s could be called the «Period of
More Development». It was at that time that
new products were added – notably in the
valves range.
By the 1980s we have a mature and
sophisticated industry and consequently
the emphasis is on margins and prices. This
decade is therefore referred to as the time of
In the 1990s this trend was sharply
accentuated by the irreversible shift from
seller’s to buyer’s markets. The strategy
became and continues to be: «Customer
Focus». The paradigm is: The customer is
at the center of our focus and GF products
and services must be aligned exclusively
with the needs of our customers.
In the new century, this paradigm was
again underscored at Georg Fischer Piping
Systems by the consistent market segment
Thus far, fifty years has been the theoretical
service life allotted to plastic components.
Now that many of these components, which
were installed fifty years ago, are still
in perfect operating condition, it seems
practice has rewritten theory.
The 1950s
The early pioneering years
With the advent of plastic pipes, Georg
Fischer began the search for a compatible
fitting. Development and process engineering work proceeded at full speed so that by
1957 the plant in Singen was able to take up
series production.
Head of the Corporate Archives
Plastics are generally used in the same piping system applications as historical metal
materials: in industrial plant engineering,
in underground gas and water distribution,
and in building technology. Plastic materials,
which were intently developed as a substitute
material during World War II, not only sustained their success in post-war years, but in
fact they even expanded it remarkably. The
characteristic which gave particular impetus
to the development of plastics in the early
years was the better corrosion resistance in
comparison to metal materials, and added to
this the cost-efficient prices also rendered the
material quite attractive.
What sparked the use of plastic components
in piping systems was initially none other
than the malleable cast iron fitting, which
in 1953, when plastic was launched at GF,
could look back on a ninety-year history. GF
began producing malleable iron fittings in
Schaffhausen in the year 1864 and this fitting
helped the company garner a leading market
position in the following years. The GF pipe
jointing elements made of malleable cast iron
for steel pipes were the main pillar on which
the company’s success rested. Especially
during the economic wonder years after the
World War II, the demand for this fitting was
very great. When in the 1950s, plastic pipes
began to get a footing in the market, management instructed the «Fittings» department to
investigate the potential of this material and
the technology required for manufacturing
these pipes and report their findings back to
The development of plastic components at GF
in the 1950s was an endeavor of a pioneering
nature. The specialists that were available
had until then been mainly focused on metal
fittings. So, for them, it was basically a fresh
One of the first men to take an interest
in plastics at GF was Dr. Ernst Müller. Dr.
Müller was the commercial director at GF
from 1930 and from 1940 a member and
delegate of the board of directors. During
the World War II he headed the so-called
«Scrap Commission». This commission was
responsible for upholding the supply of
materials to Switzerland’s iron and steel
industry during the war. Müller was therefore acutely aware that the development of
alternative materials was essential to secure
the future and to prevent another shortage
of materials. There is an anecdote which
tells about an encounter Dr. Müller had in
the early fifties on one of his trips through
Switzerland where he made the acquaintance
of Dr. A.J. Schaerer, the technical manager
Picture taken from a sales brochure for soft polyethylene fi ttings
with socket fusion connection, 1954.
of what was later to become Symalit AG, a
manufacturer of plastic pipes. The outcome of
their conversation in which Schaerer claimed
that plastic was the material of the future
was a long-term cooperation between the
two firms. Müller instructed Carl Zehnder,
technical manager of the malleable iron
fittings department, to form a project group
dedicated to the development and market introduction of plastic fittings, as a supplement
to the tried and tested malleable cast iron
fittings. Carl Zehnder in turn hired Paul
Thiriet, who in January 1951 began employment and immediately set to work developing
a plastic fitting. In the course of the next few
years, Anton Münzer, Erich Guldener and
Dr. Rudolf Merz joined the development
connecting the plastic pipes. Back in 1951,
GF had already developed corresponding
jointing components of malleable cast iron
for external plastic pipes, to which brass fittings were later added. These connections
were, however, from the start only perceived
as a temporary solution and development
work soon came up with another solution.
Pressure test in the laboratory located under the old cafeteria in
Works II, Schaffhausen, 1956.
project team. Sales and marketing was later
assigned to Josef Brunner and when an independent Plastics department was formed,
Christian Moser became department head.
Ernst Hofmann followed in the footsteps of
Moser in 1975 and Martin Huber in 1985.
The rapid development of plastics and
their expansion to applications in technology
which had been previously reserved for
metals prompted GF, as the first fittings
manufacturer in Europe, to consider this new
material at a very early stage. On the grounds
of their specific material properties, plastic
Malleable cast iron fittings have been
produced by Georg Fischer since 1864.
Open test press for polyester resins, 1957.
pipes and fittings were predestined for new
application areas which had remained barred
for steel pipes and malleable iron fittings.
Plastic pipes were especially valuable in
the chemical industry because of their
excellent protection against chemical attack
by acids and other aggressive substances.
The synthetic fiber and textile factories,
the paper industry, printing industry, food
and beverage industry, galvanic businesses,
etc. also solved their corrosion problems in
piping systems by implementing plastics.
What was lacking was a reliable way of
Apprentice training at Georg Fischer,
GF’s goal was to bring a material-oriented
fitting made of plastic to market. In the
course of the development work, the engineers discovered that two types of plastic in
particular were suitable for use as a fitting
material: the hard polyvinyl chloride (hardPVC) and polyethylene (PE). Pipes and
fittings made of these two materials had the
advantage of good chemical resistance. They
were odorless and did not affect taste; they
were lightweight and had a thermal resistance
around a maximum of 60 °C.
From mid December 1952 flow tests
were done in the steam unit with different
combinations of pipes and fittings from other
manufacturers. After 7,500 operating hours,
neither leakage nor other shortcomings were
detected. The continuation of these tests led
to a further test program set up in conjunction
with EMPA, a research institute for material
sciences and technology of the Federal
Institute for Technology (ETH) in Zurich.
Additional dynamic stability tests, flow tests
and static strength and installation tests were
performed with GF fittings and third-party
pipes. After this research and more testing,
as well as sample testing, especially in the
USA, it was concluded that a cementable,
Booth design for the Plastics Exhibition
in Düsseldorf.
Pressure test of plastic fittings.
injection molded fitting made of PVC or a
similar material was the best solution for
connecting piping components.
The next step involved procuring a
functional injection molding machine.
Bids were solicited for the most reputable makes from the USA, England, France,
Germany and Switzerland. The result of
evaluating these bids, as well as seeing the
machines in operation, visits to trade shows
and production sites and consulting with
specialists, was that a prototype of an injection molding machine was ordered from the
«Netstal Machinery Works and Foundry».
In June 1953 an investment credit of CHF
17,000.– was approved. For the next phase,
injection molds were tested; it was planned to
conduct the tests on two fitting types, elbows
and tees in the sizes 20 and 60 millimeters.
The molds were ordered from the Schöttli
company in Schlatt and these were delivered
at the end of October. Having signed a
confidentiality agreement, the Netstal Works
began producing the first GF fittings on an injection molding machine at the beginning of
November 1953. It was subsequently agreed
that the Machinery Works in Netstal would
supply a new machine, model SM 200/53,
with a shot weight of 300 grams, between
December 1953 and January 1954. During the
testing phase, special attention was devoted
to the problem of jointing pipe and fitting.
In the USA and in Europe, adhesive jointing
was preferred over the screw connection. For
this reason, it was decided to concentrate
first on manufacturing cementable fittings.
The fittings were therefore designed with the
corresponding slightly tapered bore.
Ventilated workplace, 1957.
Director Dr. h.c. Ernst Müller initiated
production of plastic fittings at Georg Fischer,
The «Netstal» injection molding machine in the mechanical
workshop for plastic fittings development. The machine was
housed in the basement of Works II in Schaffhausen, 1955.
Another, perhaps somewhat unusual, question
which concerned the developers was the
color of the product. From their experiences
with malleable iron, they knew that installers
would refuse to use differently colored pipes
and fittings. Red and green were generally
not popular colors. So it was decided to use
a neutral grey for the fittings and the Symalit
company used the same color for the manufacture of their pipes. At the same time,
the technical department also came to the
conclusion that plastic valves would make
a valuable contribution to the rather limited
line of fittings. Thus, the foundation for the
later GF valves program was already laid in
1953. At a meeting on December 10, 1954
the GF board of directors gave its express
consent to the production start-up of plastic
In spring 1955 the first injection tests were
started in Schaffhausen to produce «plastic
fittings» and were completed that same year.
The tests comprised not only the manufacture
of hard-PVC fittings, but also fittings made
of thermoplastics, such as polyethylene. In
Prototypes of the first plastic fittings,
Christian Moser, first department head
for Plastics.
Exhibit with polyethylene fittings.
The plastic fittings were presented to
consumers for the first time at the MUBA
Exhibition in Basel and on a larger scale at
the Plastics Trade Fair in Düsseldorf.
Georg Fischer booth at the MUBA Exhibition, 1956. One of the first exhibitions at which the new plastic fittings were
presented to the public.
early August 1955 the production process
was so far developed that it was possible
to begin with a trial production on a small
scale. For the first time, tees and elbows
were fabricated using the injection molding
process, whereas other fitting types, such as
sockets and reducers, would continue to be
made from rod material until the necessary
PVC elbow, diameter 32 mm.
molds were available. Simultaneously, twoshift operation was introduced for the trial
production in the GF test facility. This secret
room was located underneath the cafeteria
in the Works II building in Mühlental. In
September of the same year, a first order for
5,000 hard-PVC fittings was received from
the company Brosette and Fils in Paris.
Injection molding machine from Netstal.
At the International Plastics Trade Fair in
Düsseldorf in October 1955, GF presented
its new products for the first time to a
wider audience of professionals; they also
released them for the test market. Besides
manufacturers from the plastics processing
industry, reputable pipe manufacturers from
the steel industry, for example Mannesmann
and Phoenix-Rheinrohr, also appeared on the
market with hard-PVC, high and low-pressure
polyethylene pipes. GF was represented at
this exhibition with a booth for malleable cast
iron fittings and compression brass fittings
for polyethylene pipes, hard-PVC fittings
and low-pressure polyethylene fittings. The
products exhibited here were very well
received by the public and gave evidence to
the fact that there was indeed a demand for
suitable and deliverable pipe connections for
plastic pipes of all kinds. The first orders were
taken at this exhibition. Soon, however, the
scope of the orders exceeded the production
capacity at the time, as well as an acceptable
delivery time. A remedy was quickly sought.
Because the products were so popular
with consumers at home and abroad, the
production capacity had to be expanded. It
was decided to set up a production facility
at the Singen plant where malleable cast iron
Thermal cycle test in the laboratory of
Fittings Development.
Illustration of a polyethylene pipeline
fittings were being manufactured, while the
development of GF plastic fittings would
remain at the Schaffhausen location.
On June 20, 1956 the spadework for the
factory building in Singen began and in
November 1956 construction was started.
By the spring of 1957 the construction work
had progressed so well that by May assembly
of the first injection molding machine from
the Anker company was begun and on June
1, 1957 production was launched in a threeshift operation. The crew consisted of twelve
people at the time.
Total production was continually increased over the following three years:
1957: 280,000 pieces
1958: 400,000 pieces
1959: 520,000 pieces
At the end of 1958 already 138 different
fitting types in the dimension range of 12
to 160 millimeters were being produced,
as well as seven sizes of angle-seat valves
from 16 to 63 millimeters. In 1959 the plant
in Singen had to be expanded due to the
growing demand and five additional injection
molding machines were purchased, added
to which the Netstal SM 200 machine was
relocated from the test room in Schaffhausen
to Singen.
At this point in time (1958/59) the plunger
injection molding machines were replaced
with screw plasticizing units, which represented a milestone in the processing of thermoplastics. By adapting the compound and the
injection molds, hard-PVC parts could be
produced with significantly improved strength
Exhibit: «GF Plastic Fittings». During the
General Meeting, 1957.
and durability on these new machines. The
other thermoplastics were also easier to
process on these new screw plasticizing
machines. Likewise in this year, production
of the «Saunders» diaphragm valves was
taken up and preparations were underway for
the production of waste water fittings made
of hard-PVC at the company «Plasticomnium
S.A.» in Paris. In 1959 the valve products line
was supplemented with the manufacture and
sale of diaphragm valves. The diaphragm
valves were developed in cooperation with
the Erhard company in Heidenheim. Erhard
was the licensee of Saunders in England
and further development of the valves and
the market later took place directly with the
Saunders company. At the same time, a line
of cementable fittings including the jointing
system was developed for polyamide pipes
and made ready for sale.
With these latest additions, the product
range grew to include approximately 700
Installation preparations at a customer,
a plumber in Windisch.
Mold stacks in the Singen plant. The plaque on the wall depicts
the «History of GF Plastic Fittings».
Inspection and forwarding in the PVC
Fittings Plant in Singen.
PVC fittings production plant in Singen.
The 1960s
Manufacturing and expansion
The 1960s were marked by production
capacity build-up while the the line of
plastic components was developed further.
One prominent development was the
launch of the ball valves, soon followed by
the first electric and pneumatic actuators.
Up until the mid 1960s, the times were
defined by consistent technical innovation
and product development. By systematically
testing products, the design and dimensioning
know-how was expanded and reinforced.
Intensive efforts in the development of
materials and processes led to valuable
know-how that was invested in better quality
products. Gating and casting techniques
were also developed further with systematic
test programs. The advantage of continual
research and development is that machinery
and molds become safer and the downstream
processing equipment is also used more
Another chapter in the development history
is dedicated to finding new methods of
jointing. In search of easier adhesive jointing,
GF developed the «Type T» adhesive, which
was able to bridge the clearance between the
pipe outer diameter and the fitting socket.
Under the aegis of GF staff, the diameter
tolerances for PVC pipes were defined in the
framework of international standardization
so that calibration-free cementing was
practicable with this new material. In 1963
GF launched a new PCV fittings line, which
firstly simplified and rationalized the work of
installers and secondly rendered PVC piping
systems safer to operate. With this new line
of products, the GF PVC fitting became
more established in the market and the use
of PVC pressure piping was promoted. At
the beginning, GF produced the «Type T»
adhesive itself. But as demand increased,
a supplier had to be found. Ultimately, a
license agreement with the Henkel company
in Düsseldorf was reached, which meant that
Henkel produced the adhesive according
to our formulation and marketed it as well
under the name «Tangit».
In 1963 GF ball valves were introduced.
The firm Chemtrol manufactured and sold
their patented PVC ball valves in the USA.
GF obtained the rights to redesign these ball
valves for European use, to manufacture
them in Europe and sell them under the GF
brand. By the mid sixties, the product line
comprised already 1,565 plastic fittings and
Over time, the Plastics department «grew»
out of fittings development. The facilities
were spread out in the whole Mühlental in
Schaffhausen. In the mid sixties, the MF6
building was opened in Ebnat, Schaffhausen.
The free office space and workshops there
provided space for the growing Plastics department, so all the various units could be
housed in close proximity under one roof:
offices, experiment areas, materials lab,
product testing and pilot testing.
Following the technical development phase
at the start of the sixties, another expansion
Photo from a sales brochure for hard-PVC fittings and valves for
plastic piping system construction, 1967.
phase began toward the mid sixties. Plastics had found increased acceptance and the
image of a substitute material had gradually
been shaken off. Plastics were gaining a
foothold in more and more application areas.
Market volume was growing rapidly. As a
consequence, however, the demands made
on the products and the product range were
also on the increase. International sales
were hampered by various trade barriers
(customs) and national particularities. By
actively working in national and international
standardization bodies, technical barriers
could be eliminated, but this was not always
successful. Competition became fierce at the
in England, together with the former pipe
manufacturer Stewards & Lloyds. The purpose of this joint venture was to supply the
British market with inch fittings, a new pushfit socket system for PVC pipes and a newly
developed compression joint for PVC and
polyethylene pipes. Processes within the
company and internationally were organized
by standardizing data, production and test
methods, as well as injection molds, gages
and machinery. The exchange of information
was furthered and multiple personal contacts
eased the production transfer between the
corporate companies.
View of the production plant for plastic products, George Fischer
Plastics Ltd., Huntingdon (GB), 1968.
regional and global levels. Sales organizations
in the traditional area of malleable cast
iron were expanded and a plastics sector
was added. Sales bases in Belgium, Great
Britain, France, Italy, the Netherlands and
Sweden were enlarged. GF began producing
regionally to overcome the various trade
barriers and new foreign plants were set up.
In 1965 GF decided to build and operate a production plant for plastic fittings
Machinery at the Singen plant.
With a crew of eleven employees and four
injection molding machines, as well as
equipment for granulate manufacturing and
the respective machining, testing, packaging
and warehousing facilities, production
started in Huntingdon in August 1966.
When Stewards & Lloyds was nationalized
in 1970, George Fischer Plastics Ltd. (GFP)
was incorporated in the British Georg
Fischer holding company. Marketing was
delegated to George Fischer Sales. The
increase in sales volume led to an increase
in production, so that the warehouse had
to be expanded in 1973/74. In 1976 new
injection molded components were taken
up in the product range. They had been
developed in close cooperation with local
and regional companies for the automotive
and chemical industries. GFP reached the
configuration level planned for this time
Plant floor of PVC fittings production in
with 17 injection molding machines and a
team of 58 employees. In 1983 a new product
was added to the Huntingdon product range:
the compact ball valve, which was mainly
exported to the USA.
The staff for this first foreign plant was trained
at the main plant in Singen in preparation for
their new assignment. In 1966 contact was
taken up with the Italian competitor «T.I.L.»
in Genoa, who was looking for a partner. In
1967 GF acquired a minority stake and by
1972 held a controlling interest in this firm.
Also in 1967, together with the French
piping manufacturer «Pont à Mousson», GF
founded a joint venture, SOFIAPLAST, for
plastic fittings production. Under the direction
of GF, a factory was planned, constructed
and equipped and in 1968 SOFIAPLAST in
Boissy near Paris started operation.
In 1967 satellite production of plastic fittings
was started at the engineering plant in
Schaff hausen, as a supplement to the Singen
plant; seven injection molding machines were
in operation there. The products manufactured
in Schaffhausen were primarily intended
for EFTA countries. To get around the
EFTA/EC tariff barriers, the same injection
molds were used alternately in Singen and
in Schaffhausen; these «shuttle molds»
were shuttled over the border in Bietingen
according to an appointed schedule. At this
time, and not least because of the shortage
of personnel in Schaffhausen, GF’s attention
Fittings made of hard PVC, soft
polyethylene and polypropylene.
MF6 Plant, Schaffhausen.
was called to the «Prättigau» region, a sleepy
industrial location in Switzerland at that
time. The community of Seewis was very
interested in attracting industrial companies.
As a result, a project was launched and
in December 1969, the board of directors
approved a credit for construction of a factory
in Seewis-Pardisla in Prättigau. It would take
another two years until production was up
and running. GF had been having difficulty
establishing a common business policy
with its partner «Pont à Mousson», so in
1969 the decision was made to dissolve the
SOFIAPLAST company and operations and
move the machinery to Schaffhausen.
By liquidating SOFIAPLAST and taking
over its machine park, Schaffhausen was
able to increase its manufacturing capacity
with the now thirteen injection molding
machines. SOFIAPLAST equipment, which
could not be integrated in Schaffhausen, was
put into storage in anticipation of the new
plant in Seewis.
Another major step in 1966/67 was the
development, production and market introduction of actuated valves and butterfly
valves. Ball valves with electrical and pneumatic actuation were supplied to customers
for the first time. Furthermore, a line of
solenoid valves for smaller pipe dimensions
was launched in association with the Bürkert
Minority stake in Plastiline Inc.,
Pompano Beach, Florida, USA.
Trade show booth of the Götzelmann company,
including a water treatment system with valves
from Georg Fischer, 1969.
Sales pitch at the Sample Exhibition in
Removal of cast ridge in PVC fittings production in Singen, 1961.
Connection options for a PVC fitting.
Presentation of solvent cementing with
Tangit at the Hanover Exhibition.
The 1970s
Period of more development
Georg Fischer expanded by founding its own
and in 1975 PE tapping valves with electric
heating mat.
sales companies in numerous countries
throughout Europe. On the technical side,
the SYGEF system made of PVDF, which
was new in piping systems, was marketed
together with the Symalit company.
In 1970 butterfly valves, which had been
developed in-house, were released for sale.
These valves were machined from semifinished products. A few years later, this line
of valves was replaced by a new design for
injection molding.
The first generation of diaphragm valves
from 1959 was replaced in the early 1970s
by a more robust redesign. Simultaneously, a
series of actuators specially adapted to these
valves was made available.
The valves product line was expanded in
the mid seventies with cocks and valves for
larger pipe dimensions. GF introduced ball
valves built according to a revolutionary new
design, large diaphragm valves and a stop
valve. Feed pumps were also taken up as a
commodity in the program.
In 1970 GF introduced all-plastic PVC
and PP diaphragm valves, in 1973 the
pneumatically actuated diaphragm valve
In March 1971 the new Seewis plant started
production. As we already saw in the case of
Huntingdon, the employees from the Grison
region, 30 in number, received training
in Singen and in Schaffhausen. Already
in the year of opening, it became evident
that the space would not be adequate to
handle the production load and so the first
expansion phase went into planning. At
the time of its 25th anniversary in 1996,
after five consecutive expansion phases, the
Seewis plant employed 170 persons. Due
to the enlarged capacity, production was
transferred from Schaffhausen to the new
production facility in Seewis. In another
area, GF acquired 100 percent of the share
capital of the Italian firm TIL in Genoa and
concentrated the manufacture of PVC fittings
In the 1970s, GF went to work at expanding
its distribution network in Europe. Sales
companies were formed in several countries
and these all had large storage capacity.
In 1973 the sales network was expanded
again and support points were opened in
Albershausen (BRD) and another in Denmark
and in Austria. In April 1978 a new central
warehouse was opened in Herzogenburg,
where the newly opened sales company for
Austria was located.
The start-up of the plastic valve production
facility Plastic Systems Inc. in Santa Ana,
later Tustin, California, represented a major
expansion of business activities in the USA
in 1974. This expansion went back however
Georg Fischer sales brochure for diaphragm valves in hard PVC
and PP. «Control mechanism and screw thread hermetically
enclosed in plastic», 1971.
to the year 1966, when GF acquired a
minority stake in Plastiline, Pompano Beach,
Florida. And on another score, in 1976, the
plastic fittings production firm APLACO
was founded in Saudi Arabia together with
the pipe manufacturer SAPPCO (Saudi
Arabian Plastic Product Company). After
three years of planning, building and
outfitting, the new plastic fittings company
APLACO (Arabian Plastic Manufacturing
Company Ltd.) was officially opened on
December 16, 1979 with Federal Councillor
Dr. F. Honegger and the Saudi Arabian
Minister for Industry and Electricity, Dr.
G. Algosaibi, present. Production started on
Georg Fischer Plastics Ltd. in Seewis. The plant started
production in Seewis, Switzerland in 1971.
Exhibition panel showing a GF Ball Valve Type 342, 1971. A product line extension of GF plastic
January 1, 1980. Operations management
was initially recruited from Germany,
England and Switzerland. A total of 70
employees from Jordan, Yemen, Sudan and
Pakistan were hired. The APLACO joint
enterprise, in which SAPPCO, the largest
plastic pipe manufacturer in the Middle East
and GF were partners, produced mainly pipe
connecting elements for water distribution,
sewer systems and for domestic installations.
Among these were, for instance, cementable
fittings, push-fit fittings with rubber gaskets
for pressurized water pipes, fittings for waste
Exhibition booth at Europlastique 70 in
water lines as well as piping accessories.
APLACO was considered a model plant in
Saudi Arabia. As a matter of fact, the Ministry
of Industry awarded the company first
prize for «Safety in Operations» and for an
«exemplary organization and maintenance».
One of the larger projects carried out in the
following years was the new building for the
Swiss Embassy in Saudi Arabia. In 2004,
GF sold its stake in the APLACO to the
other shareholders. This sale, however, had
no effect on the good cooperation between
the two companies. APLACO continues to
Employee tests fittings in a long-term
creep test.
distribute Georg Fischer piping systems in
Saudi Arabia.
All these activities in the 1970s were
conducive to making GF a market leader
in plastic piping system construction for
numerous submarkets such as plant engineering for the food and beverage industry,
photography industry, electroplating, porcelain and ceramics industry, metal processing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, mining,
textile industry, refrigeration as well as gas
and water supply and waste water neutralization, which are especially important for
Plastic fittings installation at the Plastic
Pipe Association trade show.
Training course on installation of plastic
pipes with Saudi Arabian participants.
Production site of SAPPACO in Saudi Arabia, 1978. Together with GF, SAPPACO set up a joint
venture called APLACO.
Assembly of hard-PVC ball valves in Singen, 1970.
infrastructure and environmental protection.
Concerning technological developments, GF
was offered a new material for piping systems
by the Solvay company: polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). Thanks to its high strength, and
more importantly its purity, and good temperature resistance (over 100 °C), this material
was ideal for GF’s purposes.
Though, interestingly, the only difference
to the standard program was the blue color
instead of grey. GF pulled the «Blue Line»
off the market.
An important step in piping system
automation was taken at the end of the
seventies, early eighties. GF began selling
«sensors» and «controllers» manufactured
by the «Signet» company in the USA. In
1987 Signet Scientific, El Monte, California/
USA, was acquired and integrated into the
PVDF was first used in the chemical processing industry for aggressive chemicals.
The breakthrough for this pure material
Actuated valves assembly in
came when it was implemented in the
semiconductor industry to transport ultra
pure water for chip production. Following
intensive market research, Georg Fischer
came to the conclusion that the market
required complete piping systems. Together
with their partner, «Symalit», the SYGEF
system was developed and marketed.
However, there were a few unfortunate
turn of events during this time as well. For
example, a second system of PVC fittings for
swimming pool construction and agriculture,
the so-called «Blue Line» was a flop.
Interior view of the TIL plant in Genoa.
Project study for the PVC gate valve.
Georg Fischer PSI Tustin, California,
The 1980s
Highlights of the 1980s: the new installation
system INSTAFLEX, a joint venture in Japan
and the start of the Schaffhausen-Singen
restructuring project, through which plastic
production was removed from the dustladen foundry environment.
The markets for plastic components developed positively during the 1980s and more
metals were being substituted with plastics.
But the competition wasn’t resting on its
laurels either. Local manufacturers were
becoming stronger and so the price and
margin pressure increased. GF asserted itself mainly in the industrial piping sector.
By acquiring Signet in the USA, the product
range was complemented with measurement
and control technology, thus contributing to
the automation of products.
In 1982, a plastic system made of crosslinked polyethylene (VPE) for domestic
installations was introduced. This VPE was
replaced by polybutene (PB) in 1987 and
offered throughout Europe under the system
name of INSTAFLEX.
From spring 1980 to November 1981 GF
conducted so-called market testing prior to
launching a new product. Thirty-five leading
water utility firms in Germany, Denmark and
the Netherlands agreed to test 300 plastic
gate valves in practical use and report their
findings and recommendations for improvement back to GF. The «sample systems»
were subjected to extreme conditions, in
aggressive soils and with high flow velocity
and half-closed gates and they all passed the
tests. This new PVC gate valve system presented GF with the opportunity of pressing
forward in the water distribution market.
On the occasion of a joint press conference
at the end of March 1982 in Osaka,
representatives from GF and KUBOTA
announced the cooperation between the two
companies in the area of plastic valves and
that these products would now also be sold
in Japan. This represented a first step toward
the goal of tapping into Far Eastern markets,
specifically the Japanese market. Several
years earlier, management had identified
the need to get GF products into the Asian
markets and in particular Japan. Talks with
Japanese firms soon commenced, but the findings were that neither licensing nor sales via
a large Japanese trading house were viable
alternatives for GF. The idea of founding our
own company in Japan was also dispelled.
In 1980 the decision was made to work
together with KUBOTA Ltd., a traditional
firm with a good reputation founded in Osaka
in 1890 and with a diversified structure
similar to GF’s. A cooperation agreement
was concluded with KUBOTA, the most
important points being that the Japanese
partner had exclusive rights pertaining to
the sale of GF plastic valves in Japan. At
a later date, a joint venture was formed in
which GF owned 50 percent of the shares.
The original intention was not only to sell
the product range, but also to manufacture in
situ. A great many details had to be clarified
Front cover of a sales brochure for the SYGEF® Gielle System
made of PVDF, 1982.
with KUBOTA before and after conclusion
of the contract. Once the «Japanese line of
products» was established, all the products
had to be adapted to the Japanese standards
(JIS). Other business aspects had to be
adapted to the local customs as well, such as
product identification, packaging, installation
instructions, etc. A two-week training course
for KUBOTA personnel was held in Osaka to
prepare for the sales and marketing activities.
The preparation phase did not only serve to
clarify technical issues. During the lengthy
negotiations in Osaka and Schaffhausen it
was also a matter of adapting to the different
mentality and business practices. In 2001,
less than 2,000 plumbers were trained in 42
courses held in Switzerland.
Topic of this sales talk is the ball valve type 346, 1981.
Georg Fischer increased the share in the
Joint Venture from 50 to 81 percent.
The new GF branch, «Plastic Sanitary
Installations», introduced the INSTAFLEX
piping system to Swiss professionals in the
trade in the fall of 1982; this new installation
system represented a major technological
step in the field of sanitary installations. The
basic element of the INSTAFLEX system
was a flexible plastic pipe for hot and cold
water distribution. This opened the door to
plastics in many drinking water applications,
which were previously reserved for metal
Strain measurements on a diaphragm
valve type 314.
CAD work station, 1985.
materials (copper and steel) since there hadn’t
been any plastics until that time which would
satisfy the requirements from a technical and
financial perspective.
There were numerous new application
areas for this installation system. It was
primarily used for multistory distribution
in single and multiple-family homes, as
well as for refurbishment of old buildings.
The people who were to work with this new
installation system, namely plumbers and
fitters, received instruction in a series of
courses: between fall and winter 1982 no
Plastic fusion machine type SG 225.
Installation of the INSTAFLEX system followed the «pipe-in-sleeve» principle, which is
a water-conveying pipe inserted in a protective outer pipe. This system enables replacing
pipes and connections without difficulty. A
flexible plastic pipe made of cross-linked
polyethylene was used for the conducting
pipe. The corrosion resistance of this system
is a particularly noteworthy feature because
of the increasingly aggressive water (chemical additives, such as chlorine) being used.
But there were setbacks in the eighties
as well. The fiberglass-reinforced fittings
program, which had been costly to develop,
proved to be uneconomical to manufacture
and was discontinued for reasons of lack of
market conformity. On the other hand, the
semiconductor market began to boom. GF
was a supplier of choice to the semiconductor
industry and the SYGEF plastic system could
be found in many locations in the Silicon
GF’s success is often attributed to their
excellent «customer focus», an example of
which was the new, innovative bead and
crevice-free (BCF) fusion technology, developed especially for high purity applications.
Toward the end of 1987 corporate management in Schaffhausen proceeded with the
Schaffhausen-Singen reorganization project.
The goal was to strengthen the position of
both locations, streamlining business activities and disentangling the various redundant
SYGEF® product range with manual and
actuated valves.
The first truckload of GF valves leaves
the Kubota plant in Sakai.
First robot (injection molding machine) in the Singen plant, 1987.
processes that had taken root; additional
goals were to increase productivity and to upgrade production and logistic capacities. Distribution was concentrated in Schaffhausen
and production removed from the foundry
environment in Singen. The concept included consolidating production in Schaffhausen through business reengineering and
implementation of state-of-the-art production technology. It was management’s intention to remove plastics production from the
dust-laden environment of the foundry, as
an increasing number of customers were de-
Case with selection of Instaflex®
Electric actuators in a test apparatus, 1987.
manding purity in the manufacture of products for their specific applications.
Study of long-term stress on a plastic
gate valve under pressure.
Handling of BCF fusion machine.
Installed PVC gate valve with split
The 1990s
Trend toward customer focus
The signs of the 1990s were acquisitions
and strengthening of Georg Fischer‘s
position in Asia. And with George Fischer
Sloane a production facility was
established in the USA.
After the economic slump which took place
at the end of the 1980s, business began to pick
up in the early 1990s. The streamlining of
structures within the Piping Systems Group
continued and was beginning to show results.
In 1991 Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd.
was created as the parent corporation of the
then 46 sales companies and representative
offices around the world.
Another project was the extensive renovation of operational facilities, which was completed by 1994. In Schaffhausen, a new plastics production plant, a distribution center,
test laboratory and technical competence
center were built, while plastic production in
Singen was shut down.
Closely connected to the production facility in Schaffhausen which started operation in 1990 was the laboratory building built at the same time with test labs,
offices for central testing, quality and standardization as well as the test facilities and
Certificate of the Swiss Association for Quality Assurance for ISO 9001, 1992.
prototype workshops of the development
departments. Also undertaken at this time
was the construction of the new distribution
center. Both these facilities opened in 1991.
The construction and operation of the
distribution center in Schaffhausen deserves
special mention. When completed, it served
all the customers located throughout Europe.
The distribution center consisted of a highbay warehouse with storage space for 20,000
pallets and a small-parts warehouse with
34,000 containers and premises for picking and assembly of customer orders. Clean
room production in the Schaffhausen plant
was another addition that followed in 1994.
By modernizing the production facilities and
infrastructure, the conditions were met for
substantially expanding the product range,
for processing the materials ABS and PE
and thus forging ahead into the distribution
systems and cooling technology markets.
The product range was continually adjusted
to satisfy customer requirements. Larger
dimensions were in high demand and the
development of larger sized fittings and
valves was next on the agenda.
In 1996, the Piping Systems Group was
divided into market-oriented units. The
Distribution Center (DCS) in Schaffhausen, 1991.
separation into units for adhesive jointed and
fusion jointed plastic piping systems made
it possible for the company to focus even
more closely on customer requirements. As
a result, a new butt fusion system in PP and
PVDF with a new infrared fusion technology
was developed as well as solvent cement
jointing for ABS and PVC-C systems. At the
same time, several product redesign projects
were launched. For example, in 1994 a
new electrofusion system for gas and water
distribution, ELGEF Plus, was brought to
Quality control at the Seewis plant.
International advertising campaign 1991 to
1993 with the motto «Learning from nature».
The first production facility actually in the
USA was acquired in Little Rock, Arkansas,
the R&G Sloane Manufacturing Company
and with this acquisition Georg Fischer
Sloane Inc. was founded. This company
with a staff of 200 employees soon ascended
to become the second largest production
company of the Piping Systems Group.
At the end of the 1990s more companies
joined the Group. In 1998 and 1999,
«Alprene S.r.l.» in Bologna (Italy), «DEKA
GmbH» in Dautphetal-Mornshausen (BRD),
«Tecno Plastic S.p.a.» in Busalla (Italy) and
Resistance tests at the in-house lab in
«Wavin AG» in Subingen (Switzerland) were
purchased. Moreover, in 1999 the company
«Schwab Sanitär-Plastic GmbH» in Pfullingen
(BRD) was taken over. All these companies
are active in the market with fittings, valves
and pipes and they have their own production facilities. The acquisition of these firms
consolidated GF’s market position in specific
regional markets and supplemented the overall product range. Also in the year 1998, production was taken up in the economic boom
town of Shanghai, supported by a local sales
Introduction of infrared fusion
ELGEF® Plus made of PE 100 comes on
the market.
At the «Settimana della comunicazione
d’impresa», the campaign was awarded third
prize in the category «Business-to-Business
Communication» in 1993.
Clean room manufacturing was set up in the Plastics Plant in Schaffhausen in 1994.
In the context of Georg Fischer’s commitment
to bringing its piping systems to the rapidly
growing Asian market and utilizing the
business environment for local production,
GF concluded a joint venture agreement with
Trenton Investments Co. Ltd. in Mumbai
(Bombay), India, in 1996. This joint venture
focused on the manufacture and sale of piping
systems. George Fischer Trenton Ltd. started
its operations in the summer of 1996.
Simultaneously, Georg Fischer Piping
Systems Ltd. opened representative offices
in Manila and Melbourne to support its
marketing activities in Southeast Asia and
Oceania. These new locations contributed to
Georg Fischer’s presence in Southeast Asia,
where strongholds had been set up in Hong
Kong, Taiwan and South Korea together with
local independent distributors in the 1980s.
2003 Georg Fischer sold the shares
in George Fischer Trenton, but remained
present in India with a Branch Office.
Expansion in the Asian market culminates
in 2000 with the participation in the joint
venture Chinaust, Zhuozhou City, China.
Feedstock distribution at the Plastics
Plant in Schaffhausen.
George Fischer Sloane, Little Rock,
Arkansas, USA.
Start of production in Shanghai, China.
Headquarters of Chinaust in Zhuozhou
City, China.
The new millennium
Tapping into new market segments
The turn of the century ushered in a
cyclical economic slump, which affected
the business of GF Piping Systems, as it
did many other companies. GF’s response
was to review its strategy and invest along
the entire value added chain, from product
development to logistics.
The turn of the century was marked by an
economic slowdown – and many industries
suffered the consequences when the bubble
of the new economy burst. True, the business
year 2000 closed with positive results, but
GF Piping Systems felt the effects of the
aforesaid developments as well. A stagnating
market in Germany — a major sales area —,
the drastic downturn in the semiconductor
industry and a reluctance to invest in large
infrastructure projects were the challenges
facing the company.
During this slump, programs were set up at
all levels of the firm to improve efficiency,
for example in the area of supply chain
management and logistics. In 2003/2004,
the PVC production was concentrated in
Schaffhausen, the plants in Huntingdon and
Genoa shut down.
Furthermore, the market segment concept
was pressed ahead with and the necessary
internal structures created. The purpose behind these efforts was and is to incorporate
«the voice of the customer» in the development process of new products and thus develop products clearly oriented to the market
The GF Piping Systems Group is composed
of over fifty companies, of which many have
been acquired in the last ten years. This
diversity was unquestionably identified as a
strength, but at the same time it was noted
that the full synergy potential was not
being tapped. In reviewing the strategy of
GF Piping Systems, combined with market
surveys, it was evident that GF Piping
Systems excels in many points – for example,
regarding quality, reliability, internationality.
When considering customer focus and being
fast to market with new products, room for
improvement was found.
The outcome of the strategy discussion
was that a better balance between the different business activities had to be realized:
in other words between the more cyclical industry business, the seasonal utilities
business – where the market share is already high – and the less cyclical building
technology applications. Simultaneously, a
clear commitment to the three areas was
Another consequence was the desire to
achieve a better geographical sales volume
distribution, i.e. a distribution which would
be proportional with the developments in
world markets.
In fact, GF Piping Systems displayed an astounding pace of innovation. With Cool-Fit –
a pre-insulated system for efficient transport
of cooling liquids – and the iFIT system
– a push-fit system for building technology
The mission statement of GF Piping Systems reads: «We are
dedicated to designing, manufacturing and marketing piping
systems for the safe and secure conveyance of liquids and
– two outstanding product innovations were
successfully launched and positively received
by the market. Added to this, a new butterfly
valve and a new generation of ball valves
were brought to market.
On the other side, GF Piping Systems
divested in areas that did not fit in with the
new strategy. Thus, Georg Fischer Pipe Jointing Technology in Singen was sold at the end
of 2005 and GF Schwab AG, Pfullingen, in
March 2006.
Adjusting the portfolio, updating the product mix and improving logistics are investments aimed at strengthening the position of
GF Piping Systems.
The Plastics Department
Interview with Dr. Ernst Hofmann
Dr. oec. Ernst Hofmann was head of the
Plastic Products Department from 1975
to 1984, prior to that general secretary of
corporate management and from 1984 to
1992 a member of the Executive Committee.
Here he recollects his experiences in the
plastics business at Georg Fischer.
Dr. Hoffmann, how was the production
of plastic components organized in the
beginning and how did it change in later
It was Dr. h.c. Ernst Müller, a delegate of the
board at that time, who laid the foundation
for today’s Piping Systems Group in the early
1950s. He recognized early on the potential
of plastic as a substitute material for cast iron,
especially the malleable cast iron fitting.
So he instructed the department head of
Malleable Iron Fittings, Director Carl Zehnder, to find out what the prerequisites for the
technical development, processes, materials,
manufacture and sales markets were for
plastic fittings. The team of pioneers, which
included Paul Thiriet, development manager
for malleable cast iron fittings, Erich Guldener, mechanical engineer and future head
of the Materials Department, Dr. Rudolf
Merz, chemist and later head of Materials
Dr. Ernst Hofmann: «True, in the beginning, the exuberance of the Plastics Department was often smiled at,
but the new department was never belittled.»
Development, assumed responsibility for
this area within the Malleable Iron Fittings
Department. Josef Brunner, sales manager
for Malleable Iron Fittings Germany and also
subsequently sales manager for the entire
plastic components area, joined the team
shortly thereafter.
It was already during the first half of
the sixties that plastics and the activities
surrounding them assumed a separate existence. In effect, they grew into their own
niche, shaking off their originally intended
function as a small supplementary product
line adjacent to the malleable cast iron fitting.
They ventured into new markets, expanded
into valves, and production was centralized
at a plant in Singen.
Christian Moser was appointed to be in
charge of the newly formed department. He
mainly took on the business and calculatory
aspects. In 1975 I became department head
and in 1985 Martin Huber, currently the
chairman of the board of the Georg Fischer
Corporation, took over the department, into
which the metal fittings business was also
integrated. When Martin Huber was named
CEO in the early nineties, responsibility for
the organizational unit Piping Systems, which
had in the meantime grown into a corporate
division, was delegated to Urs Werner and
hierarchy levels, were invited to attend these
meetings. In retrospect, I would say that we
had a very modern management style already
back then.
What was the relationship like between
the Plastic Products Department and the
more metal-oriented company?
In the 1950s, Georg Fischer was a firm of
foundries and machinery works. The plastic
components business developed in the lee
of these two main activities. True, in the
early years, the exuberance of the employees
working in Plastics was often smiled at, but
the new department was never belittled.
Management was always prepared to make
the necessary investments, even in the difficult years for the economy between 1974 and
1985. During those years, the sustainable
success of the new branch of business started
to show.
When the company was restructured in
1990 and the focus was placed on a limited
number of core activities, plastic products
finally made the breakthrough. And I think,
one could say that from then on they became
the essence of the Piping Systems Group.
Official opening of the Plastics Sales Center in Albershausen in 1973.
shortly afterwards to Jürg Krebser. Today,
Yves Serra holds the fate of the GF Piping
Systems Group in his hands.
The organizational structure followed
the department’s growth. From the beginning until about 1970, the functional
principle dominated, in other words, an
organizational division according to material
and product development, mold construction,
manufacture, sales, customer service, administration. Afterwards, there was a division according to product groups, pipe jointing
and valves, the latter again divided into
manual and automated valves.
But after a few more years, there was a
gradual shift to a market segment configuration, across nearly all the functional areas.
The restructuring of the organization was
undertaken to be able to respond more flexibly to the actual market requirements. Of
course, this is only a short summary of all
the changes and adjustments made over the
Who made the strategic decisions, for
example in regard to product launches?
Why is it that the Plastics Department was
always so profitable?
Until the mid 1980s, the operative units at
Georg Fischer had a great deal of autonomy. Targets, orientation and tempo were left
to the discretion of the unit managers, with
only a few exceptions. But – mind you – the
results had to be satisfactory. As long as the
expectations of general management were
met, there was no intervention. Our results
were usually quite good!
The introduction of new products in
what were mostly new applications and
new market segments was always a matter
of teamwork. Material, injection molds,
production processes, sales markets, everything had to be just right for a new product
launch. Strategy meetings, even when they
ran under a different name, were held at least
once a month. Progress checks for important
projects naturally took place much more frequently. All the involved employees, from all
The results were satisfactory and not subject
to a lot of fluctuation. However, I would like
to mention two distinct points: On one side,
the young department benefited for a long
time from the marketing and distribution
system of the malleable cast iron fittings.
Our own research and development was
unique in the industry for many years, so
that we were always a step ahead of the
competition. An example: The adhesive still
used today for PVC joints was developed in
our firm and also patented by Georg Fischer.
Futhermore, the significant contributions we
made toward international standardization of
plastic pipe tolerances was highly acclaimed
in professional circles and generated a lot
of confidence in our expertise. We were
the market as well as the price leader in the
installation technology segment for many
years with our products.
On the other side, the department did much
preliminary work over decades in product
development, mold preparation, warehousing
and marketing. Plastics processing is very
capital-intensive. High investment costs
cause high calculatory interest and high
depreciation. A great deal of effort and
creativity was necessary for the proceeds to
keep pace with the rising costs.
But on the whole, maintaining the
cutting edge in regard to know-how was
and still is more important than achieving
maximum profit. In this respect, might I add,
the corporate management of the time was
always very understanding.
How about sales and export for Georg
Fischer plastic products, what were they
The sale of products took place, just like
for malleable cast iron fittings, through our
own sales companies, which supplied a very
wide network of distributors, who in turn
supplied the end users. This sales channel is
in my opinion too long. Technically skilled
field sales representatives were necessary to
advise customers and especially to support
them in the application of our new products.
These employees were able to pick up on
the requirements of our customers and
report them back to the developers. The
Plastics department also had to make special
expenditures for marketing, which was not
the case in other areas of the company. This
was especially true for establishing products
in the market.
The first field offices were created in
Germany, in Singen, and then later in
Albershausen and Mettmann. Since at that
time products were only being manufactured
at the Singen Plant, the German subsidiaries
were located, so to speak, in the domestic market. Almost at the same time, a
sales department was opened at the headquarters in Schaffhausen, and the existing sales networks of Georg Fischer sales
companies in Paris, Milan, London, later in
Epe in the Netherlands, in Brussels, Madrid,
Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm integrated.
The internationalism of the business was
matter-of-fact from the start.
Opening of the central distribution warehouse
for Plastics in Schaffhausen in 1983. Ernst
Hofmann (left) is symbolically presented with
the key.
Exterior view of George Fischer Plastics in Huntingdon, United
Kingdom, in 1966.
In the 1970s, the first forays overseas took place. In 1974 Plastic Inc. was
founded in California, mainly for the sale
of valves. From 1976 to 1979 Plastic Corp.
in Texas sold PVDF components. And we
also tried our luck in Japan. In the 1980s,
other Asian sales offices were added. Today,
GF Piping Systems has 25 sales companies
and additional representative offices, with
which they work closely, throughout the
There were cooperations in the 1970s and
1980s and subsidiaries were founded, but it
wasn’t until the 1990s that there was a large
wave of expansion. Of course, there are many
factors involved in the choice of a production
location besides the employment aspects.
Having a production site in important markets has always been and still is a good sales
argument. This has proved to be true in most
What was decisive in choosing the location
of the production sites? What were the
reasons for setting up subsidiaries,
entering joint ventures and investing in
In the first expansion phase which took
place in the late sixties (1965 to 1969) the
production companies for plastic products
were located in Huntingdon (UK), Genoa
(I) and Seewis (CH). At that time, there
was an extreme shortage of skilled labor.
The urgently needed increase in production
capacity had to be found in new places.
Thank you, Dr. Hofmann, for this informative interview.
«My job was my hobby»
Materials developer and inventor of Tangit
Dr. Rudolf Merz was employed in
materials development at Georg Fischer
from 1955 to 1992. He was instrumental
in the development of Tangit, the
gap-filling plastic adhesive for PVC-U.
Today, modifications of this special
adhesive are also used for CPVC and ABS.
Fifteen years after retiring, Dr. Rudolf Merz continues to be interested in the progress of plastics at Georg Fischer,
the history of which he helped to write.
Dr. Merz, when you began at Georg
Fischer in 1955 you were involved in the
development of plastic products. How did
this come about?
What exactly were the challenges that you
faced at your new place of work?
When I applied for employment at Georg
Fischer, I had a degree in chemistry from
the Federal Institute of Technology where I
had written my dissertation on metallurgy.
So it was actually quite surprising for me
to receive a job that involved working with
plastics. But I was very glad to take on this
challenge. I made my hobby my job. I had
always enjoyed working in a laboratory and
it was particularly gratifying for me to go out
into the field and see how the materials were
being used that I had helped to develop.
My first few weeks at Georg Fischer were
extremely hectic. It had already been decided
that Georg Fischer would unveil the first PVC
fitting that year at the Plastics Trade Show in
Düsseldorf. So I worked at least 100 hours,
of which twice 24 hours around the clock,
during my very first week at Georg Fischer.
And we did it! Our first PVC fitting, a tee
50, was launched in Düsseldorf. In addition
to this fitting, we had a prototype series of
plastic fittings that we presented at this
venue. It consisted of a product range of 54
articles each for solvent cement and threaded
connections. It is perhaps worth mentioning
that we initially concentrated only on fittings
and hadn’t planned to manufacture pipes
at the beginning. We were interested in
developing the right compound as well as
the jointing technique. In other words, we
tried to find the right mixing ratio of the
plastic granulate so that our fittings would
satisfy our requirements, i.e. fissures were
not permitted, the parts had to be resistant to
pressure and, of course, durable.
The first test fitting was manufactured on
a plunger-type injection molding machine
and an extruder. At first, we had two, later
Tangit Special cement for PVC has been produced in licence by Henkel since 1964.
three injection molding machines. A sausage
shape was formed on the extruder, which was
then pressed into a tube. The plunger was
forced through it, thus forming the fitting.
norms and standards, it is impossible to
realize good joints between pipes and fittings.
Joints are only acceptable when the surfaces
are flush with one another.
What did your job at Georg Fischer
In the sixties, the company you worked for
was strictly metal-oriented. How did you
feel about working in this environment as
a «plastics man»?
My job was to develop materials so that they
could be implemented in piping systems. We
looked closely at the specific properties of
the materials, at the processing and jointing
techniques. I acquired the necessary plastics theory bit by bit from Professor Hopf at
the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.
My scope of duties furthermore included
materials processing technology, applicationspecific support in regard to the type of
media, as well as standardization. Up until
then, there were no predefined tolerances for
pipe diameters; naturally it was in our interest to specify these and to eliminate technical barriers. Georg Fischer contributed
significantly to the ISO standards. This also
relates directly to the jointing technology,
namely solvent cementing. Without universal
The material was new territory for a
company that was renowned for its work with
metal. At the beginning, we were smiled at
condescendingly. The metal aficionados
assumed that plastic was just a passing fad and
wouldn’t be around for long. But there were
already people in the company, especially
in the upper echelons, who were convinced
that this was the right track. One of them was
Ernst Müller, then general manager, who felt
that a new era was in the making.
Those were the economic miracle years.
Many industries couldn’t use metal pipes for
mass production anymore. To give you an
example, if you convey carbonated beverages
through a metal pipe, it will corrode. The
beverage becomes contaminated and has a
metallic taste. The solution was to use plastic
pipes and connections. The signs of the time
were literally pointing to plastics.
The first research and tests took place in
1952. I entered the field in 1955. Teamwork
was extremely important if you wanted to
make progress and it was our ticket to success.
We had specialists in process development,
design engineers, toolmakers and myself, a
chemist, in the department. We started out
modestly. We had a small operation with an
injection molding machine, located under
what was then the cafeteria in Mühlental.
Pipe extrusion was a familiar process, but
injection molding for fittings was something
totally new. We did our first experiments in
the «washhouse» with blackened windows. It
was a very secretive affair.
PVC experienced a real boost after the
Plastics Trade Show in Düsseldorf. The
demand for hard-PVC fittings increased
rapidly. Several shifts were required for pilot
production in our test room. It was therefore
decided in 1956 to start moving production
of PVC fittings to a factory in Singen am
Hohentwiel. In 1957 the new factory took
up operation. But research and development
stayed in Schaffhausen. In the mid sixties,
MF6 (Machine Factory 6) was opened in
Schaffhausen. We found a new home there
in some free offices and on the workshop
floor. Finally, the offices, experimental area,
materials laboratory, product testing and testing workshop were located in the same building and we were able to work together more
What is the story behind the development
of the Tangit adhesive for PVC-U?
The jointing of hard-PVC pipes was not
resolved to our satisfaction. Although we did
have threaded connections, the main jointing
method from the beginning was solvent
cementing. We also manufactured threaded
fittings, but for the notch-sensitive material
PVC, this jointing technique was not very
suitable. There were plastic adhesives on the
market when we began. These were based on
a solution that has been prohibited since then
because of its toxicity. But the so-called con-
tact adhesives required a great deal of time
and tools to achieve precise joints. At that
time, the tolerances of pipes to fittings were
such that it was difficult to get the close fit
necessary for this type of cementing.
So we started to search the market for a
gap-filling adhesive. The United States were
considered pioneers in this field in those
days. American pipe manufacturers actually
did produce their own adhesive, but in the
long run it didn’t meet our expectations. That
is why Georg Fischer started working on a
solvent for PVC themselves. We did some
test series with a variety of solvents and we
simultaneously did toxicology studies.
Finally, we found an ether-like solution.
Since an adhesive shouldn’t be too volatile,
we mixed three different solvents and added
PVC powder to this mixture. This gave the
adhesive a good consistency so it could be
applied like a paste. Tests on this first adhesive
showed very good results. The adhesive is
capable of bridging a certain clearance between the pipe diameter and the socket fitting.
It therefore fulfilled our criteria exactly:
adhesive jointing without calibration.
At the beginning, we produced the
adhesive ourselves. The next step was to find
a company to produce this adhesive under
license for Georg Fischer, since we were not
in a position to produce large volumes. For
the first few years, we worked together with
Stamm (today forbo stamoid in Eglisau).
But when the volume became too large for
Stamm as well, we had to find a new solution.
We wanted a partner who could manufacture
the adhesive in large volumes, possessed
the specific know-how and who had access
to a very good distribution network. We
found a partner in the Henkel company in
Düsseldorf; they were already a prominent
firm in the field of adhesives and complied
with all our specifications. We have had a
license agreement with Henkel since 1964,
and it is still in effect today. This is quite
an achievement in today’s fast-changing
world. The name Tangit, by the way, originates from the Latin word «tangere», which
means «to touch». The literal translation of
«Tangit» would then be «he, she, it touches».
A very fitting name for a jointing technology,
I think.
Taken from a slide show dating back to 1969,
where the application of Tangit is being
You have been retired since 1992. Does
Georg Fischer still figure in your life
Naturally, as a pensioner, I receive information on the company and invitations to
attend certain events. I also contacted Georg
Fischer Building Technology several years
ago when I wanted to install INSTAFLEX
myself for the plumbing in my house on the
Lago Maggiore. Michael Bamberger was
very helpful and gave me lots of advice.
Just before my retirement, I traveled
privately to Cameroon, where my daughter
and son-in-law were working on a development project for the Basler Mission. During
my visit, they were building a system to catch
spring water. PVC pipes were being joined
very easily without fittings. When I asked
what they were using to join the pipes, they
told me: «It’s called Tangit!»
Thank you, Dr. Merz, for this interesting
Plastic piping systems in a long-term creep test under internal
compression in 1957.
«We were a good team!»
Plastic fittings developer of the first hour
Erich Guldener worked for Georg Fischer
from 1953 to 1991. During that time he
was responsible for test engineering and
process development. Until his retirement
he was head of production coordination
and responsible for the plants.
Erich Guldener on a visit to the modern plastics plant of Georg Fischer Piping Systems in Schaffhausen.
Mr. Guldener, how was it that Georg
Fischer, a classic foundry, began to
manufacture plastic products in the
There’s an anecdote about that: In 1951,
the Honorable Dr. Ernst Müller, who was a
delegate of the board at the time, was traveling through Europe, procuring scrap metal
for the industry. It is said that on the train
he met Dr. Schaerer, the technical head of
Symalit AG, a producer of plastic piping.
The two started talking and Dr. Schaerer
raved about plastic being the material of
the future. After this encounter, the idea to
use this versatile material in the production
of fittings grew in Ernst Müller. Whether
this encounter actually took place hasn’t
been confirmed. However, it is clear that in
the 1950s Georg Fischer worked together
with the Symalit company and kept in contact with Dr. Schaerer concerning questions
about plastic.
In addition, due to the massive shortage
of steel after the war, they were dependent
on substitute materials. The desire to reconstruct was strong and they had to find
alternatives to metal. Therefore, the time
was ripe for plastic as a substitute material!
For instance, in the chemical and beverage
industries, metal pipes are not ideally suited
because they corrode and can affect the taste. At that time, either lined pipes were being
used or very expensive ceramic and glass
pipes, which tended to break rather easily.
An alternative to metal pipes and fittings was
sorely needed.
What followed after that?
Ernst Müller gave the technical manager of
the malleable cast iron fittings department,
Director Carl Zehnder, the task of forming
a project group to deal with introducing
plastic fittings. A team made up primarily
of developers was formed. Paul Thiriet
was chief developer for malleable cast iron
fittings, Anton Münzer designer, Dr. Rudolf
Merz chemist and future head of materials
In order to gather knowledge and experience, testing facilities
were an important permanent feature in the development of the
new plastic fittings.
development, and I was a mechanical
engineer and later corrdinating head of the
manufacturing plants. Later, Josef Brunner
joined the project team as sales manager
for malleable cast iron fittings Germany
and future head of plastic product sales. So
the most important cornerstones – strategy,
development, testing, stock and sales –
were represented in the team, an essential
prerequisite for developing and selling
innovative and high-quality products. When
the «Plastics» department was created,
Christian Moser was named department
head and taught us technicians some business
management skills as well.
When did you come to Georg Fischer and
where did you acquire your knowledge
about plastics?
I started working for Georg Fischer in
autumn 1953. At that time my knowledge
was based on an application experience I had
at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
in Zurich – my first contact with PVC. It was
similar for the others, so the technical team
had to start out by doing a lot of research.
Our main task was to do development and
testing, which we did ourselves in a secret
lab in Mühlental. This included analyzing
the possibility of plastics as a material,
jointing technologies and even developing
machinery for producing fittings. We took
several study trips in Switzerland and
abroad, and we evaluated the information we
had gathered from courses at the Institute of
Plastics Processing in Aachen in the 1950s.
We visited plastics trade shows, among other
the Plastics Trade Show in Düsseldorf in
1952 and the Chemical Engineering Expo
in Paris in 1953. We traveled to Holland,
Belgium, Germany and the USA and visited
plastic manufacturers and scientific research
facilities that were involved with plastics. In
1954, I personally attended a course at the
Institute of Plastics Processing in Aachen
that helped me considerably in my understanding of plastics and the related processing technology. At the same time, we made
contact there with Dr. Henning, the tenured
professor for plastics at the Institute. Gerhard
Fuhrmann, who later became the plant
manager in Singen, studied in Aachen. So
we were able to bring in plastics expertise
to the company early on and at the same
time expand our know-how through our own
efforts in the lab.
The early years of plastic were the pioneering years. Concretely, what did your daily
work consist of ?
Let me first say something about the qualities
of the material. In 1953 hard-PVC was only
conditionally injectable and therefore considered difficult to process. The compounds
that were available were only suitable for
extrusion. So it was essential to gather as
much information as possible. We gained our
own experience in the laboratory and kept in
touch with other plastics specialists. We then
put the pooled knowledge into practice in the
lab. In this regard our long-term flow trials
should be mentioned as they were a valuable
source of information; they were carried
out with hot and cold water, as well as compressed air, on hard-PVC, polyethylene and
steel-clad PVC pipes. In 1953 we developed
the first unions and adapter parts for PE pipes
out of malleable cast iron. These unions were
employed together with the Symalit company.
After the trial phase at the beginning
of 1954 we started our first attempts at
manufacturing plastic fittings using the
injection molding process with the raw
material BMC-11. The collaboration which
had been initiated with the Netstal Machinery
factory was expanded and after May 1954 led
to the development and construction of an injection molding machine prototype for hardPVC. The Nestal factory always delivered
very high quality machines. At the same time
contact was made with Lonza AG in Basel
to deliver hard-PVC raw material. Because
of the trials we ran with the machines and
the raw material, we gained insight into the
most suitable forms from a technical point of
view for injection molding. At the beginning,
the results were not entirely satisfactory as
the manufactured fittings and the piping that
had been used in testing had not fulfilled the
pressure requirements and were therefore not
yet ready for marketing.
One of the main problems was determining
what the ideal compound was for injection
molding. Together with Lonza we mixed
several compounds and tried them out on
the injection molding machine prototype.
The combination of extruder and injection
molding machine, connected by a joint
control mechanism, proved to be unsuitable
in practice. Eventually we found a solution
in that we plasticized the PVC raw material
mixture in the extruder and processed it into
granules. The granulate was then preheated
in an oven and processed into fittings in
the injection molding machine, which in
the meantime was no longer connected to
the extruder. In 1955 a limited number of
products for the test market were produced
using this process. Besides this, we carried
out further experiments with other plastics. At this point, I would like to commend
Rudolf Merz for his contribution: he brought
us a giant step forward with his compounding
The demand for plastic products was so
great and Georg Fischer fittings were so
sought after that in 1956 it was decided to take
advantage of their prominence and establish
our own production site. In spring 1957 the
production facility, where our malleable cast
iron fittings were also manufactured, was
opened in Singen, Germany. Production was
equipped with new mixing and granulating
machines as well as with piston injection
molding machines, which were run by twelve
operators. The Georg Fischer plastic products
sold so well that by the end of 1957 thirteen
injection molding machines, on which 600
models of PVC and PE fittings were being
manufactured, were in operation. At the end
of the 1950s the worm injection molding
machine was introduced, which delivered
considerably better product quality. Quality
was, namely, one of the reasons for the great
demand for our products. The 1960s were
marked by massive sales of Georg Fischer
plastic products. Germany was in a phase
of reconstruction and needed good solutions
at a good value, soon becoming the largest
sales market for our plastic fittings. An
almost unstoppable growth process was set
in motion, with the result that no less than
54 injection molding machines were in
operation by 1970.
Under the management of Gerd Fuhrmann, the injection and production technology at the Singen plant was continuously
developed, and all the factories that followed
procured their know-how from Singen.
Apart from developing the plastic
fittings processing, you also searched for
better jointing techniques. What did this
endeavor entail?
First, an optimal solution had to be found
for the connection between plastic pipes
and plastic fittings. Here, we were treading
on unexplored territory. We worked on the
three options: threaded connections that
were already used for metal fittings, fusion
and cementing. Rudolf Merz developed and I
tested. This teamwork paid off in the jointing
technology as well as in the compounding
and processing technologies. We were really
a good team. Rudolf Merz was absolutely
amazing! He could identify the individual
components in an adhesive just by using his
The plastics pioneers at Georg Fischer worked according
to the motto «trial and error». Erich Guldener (second on
the left) was responsible for test engineering and process
Could you tell us something about Georg
Fischer’s collaboration with ISO?
When you manufacture products for the
international market, you need norms. It was
no different with our fittings. Up to that point,
there was no specified pipe width, so it was
almost impossible to determine a fitting size
that would be sure to fit the plastic piping to
be processed. That’s why Georg Fischer was
so active in the collaboration and why they
put special emphasis on standardization for
piping. Carl Zehnder was on the board of the
commission and smoothed the way for us;
Rudolf Merz was in charge of the technical
negotiations and I supported him in that.
How did you personally experience the
early years of plastics at Georg Fischer?
During the early years, the work on plastic
products at Georg Fischer was marked by the
spirit of invention, the absolute determination
to succeed and very good teamwork by
everyone involved. This team spirit also
continued into the following years, so that
Carl Zehnder, Technical Manager of Malleable Iron
Fittings, brought the «Plastic Fittings» project
group together. He later sat on the board of the
standardization commission for plastic piping.
almost everyone who had been involved with
the «substitute material» in the early years
remained true to plastic until their retirement.
I can tell you that those years were some of
the most productive years of my career.
Thank you, Mr. Guldener, for this very
interesting interview.
Complete line of valves
Georg Fischer evolved rapidly from fittings
manufacturer to system provider
During the 1970s Georg Fischer evolved
from being a product supplier into being
a system supplier with a comprehensive
line of products and services.
Bruno Hunziker helped shape this
development from the R&D side and
contributed also to the development of
manual and actuated valves.
Mr. Hunziker, what is a system provider
and where did this concept originate?
We determined at the end of the sixties that
customers like procuring their solutions from
one source and that – if it was not possible
to obtain complete solutions – there was a
chance the customer would switch to another
Looking back at the system concept from
today’s perspective, I would say that it was
ideally implemented in the area of PVDF
systems where we were able to offer all the
components with the same specifications
from a very early stage. Today, we have a
very broad product range in other materials
as well and thus enable «single sourcing» for
our customers.
Things were different in the 1960s. At
that time, we were just a fittings and valves
manufacturer. 1966 marked the starting
point for the development of actuated valves.
Bruno Hunziker, head of Engineering, came to Georg Fischer in 1967 as a technical designer and later became the
head of Research and Development. He has been very involved in the development of valves.
«Program 3», as it was referred to back then,
focused on the development of electric and
pneumatic actuators for our valves. Our
department was called the «Plastics Department».
What was the significance of plastic then
and what image did it have?
I remember well my colleagues calling me
«Plastics Bruno» way back then. The material
plastic still had a rather dubious reputation at
that time because there were a lot of cheap
plastic products around, which served more
as an inferior substitute for more expensive
materials. The differentiation and further development of plastic to the high-performance
plastics we have today took some time, of
course. We too, in the piping business, had
to first acquire some experience with this
material. At the beginning GF produced
fittings, for example, made of polyamide and
soft-polyethylene – materials which are no
longer used in industrial piping systems.
Who were the main customers at that
Our customers were usually plant engineers,
and we can proudly say they still figure
Another topic relevant to development at
the time was expanding the product range to
include larger dimensions. Georg Fischer was
strong in the valves sector up to a nominal
diameter of 50 millimeters. Above that, our
product range was rather meager.
But this was not a question of know-how.
If you are able to injection mold large fittings
– which we were at the time –, then you can
also produce large valves. But for economic
reasons, we only manufactured a small range
of valves in the larger dimensions at that
time since on the one hand the investments
required for production equipment and molds
were astronomical and on the other hand the
sales figures were still rather modest.
The increasing number of competitors
meant that the cost pressure escalated
perforce, whereas the demand increased
at the same time as well. And this is where
the economic advantages of plastic become
evident, namely the fact that a finished part
from an injection molding machine requires
no further machining.
Systematic innovation. The ball valve type 546 not only replaces the proven ball valve type 346 in its function, but also
offers plant engineers and operators a system with many practical extension modules.
among our customers. One of the main
topics of discussion in the early seventies was
water treatment by means of ion exchangers
and, most notably, the efforts of industry to
automate more and more processes. That was
the reason for developing actuated valves.
What materials were primarily used then
and what advantages did plastic offer?
Besides the piping systems made of various
metals, there were also rubberized and glazed
pipes, especially for applications in which
metal pipes were not suitable. Rubberized
pipes and valves were especially popular at
the time, but manufacturing them was an
elaborate process. A cast part is lined with
rubber bolsters and then vulcanized. These
products were vulnerable at the spots that
were not adequately lined because that is
where aggressive media could penetrate the
coating. And you can imagine of course that
this was a very expensive production process.
PVC, in contrast, had a very good chemical
resistance and in addition was available at an
attractive price/performance ratio. It is highly
suited for the injection molding process and
therefore for series production as well.
What challenges did you face in the 1970s
in research and development?
Besides actuators, all-plastic solutions were
mainly sought. We were looking for solutions
which would enable eliminating metal screws
in an effort to prevent corrosion. The initial
approach was to coat the metal parts with
plastic. Only later – when the materials were
improved – were we able to replace the metal
screws with plastic alternatives.
Could you tell us something about the
market in those years? Was Georg Fischer
already globally represented as it is today?
No. At the start of the seventies, Germany
was by far our most important market. Of
course, we sold our products in Switzerland
and other European countries as well. Here
and there, we were also able to tap into the
American market. Our market presence in
the USA was, however, by no means on an
equal par with the potential of this market.
This was surely related to the fact that the
competition from local suppliers in the
USA was fierce and that the shipping costs
alone rendered our products prohibitively
expensive. I am referring to PVC products. In
the area of the more costly PVDF products,
the situation looked quite differently thanks
to our good relationship with Intel® and other
semiconductor manufacturers. In this sector
we were and still are very well positioned
with our product range.
What trends did you notice in R&D and
what are the burning questions today?
For years, the market has known and valued the Georg Fischer Diastar family of pneumatically
actuated plastic diaphragm valves. These valves are utilized around the world in large quantities
and enjoy the complete satisfaction of our customers.
The new butterfly valves type 567/568 replace the type 367, which
– with a dimension expansion in 1999 – were already successful
in the market in 1982. At Achema 2006 the new models were
presented to a broader public for the first time.
Generally speaking, in addition to new
generations of products that cover requirements
for higher pressures and temperatures, priority was also given to reducing manufacturing
costs. In order to be one step ahead of the
competition, and not just from a cost viewpoint, we have introduced more functionality
to our product design, for example, integrated status inquiry and feedback in the valves
as a means of increasing plant safetey and the
degree of automation. Innovation in this area
is very important.
And last but not least, the larger valve
dimensions above 300 mm are also an issue.
Development in this regard is tending toward
multicomponent technology, sometimes also
with metal reinforcement.
Systems can furnish evidence of this «proof
of concept» with diverse reference projects in
the biotechnology sector: for instance, a very
large project in ultra pure water treatment for
Biocon in India. With such projects we are
establishing our reputation, as well as that of
In your opinion, what has been the most
important development of Georg Fischer
in the plastics business?
The greatest milestone was simply entering
the plastic production business. Much of what
followed was for me a logical consequence
and we advanced step by step to the high
level we are at today. An important step was,
however, certainly the development of the
PVC adhesion technology, to which Georg
Fischer contributed greatly. This is of course
from an insider’s point of view. From external
vantage point, substituting the heavy and corrosion-prone metal systems with plastic systems in plant engineering brought about a lot
of changes. Without a doubt, the acceptance of
PVDF as a material and the related bead and
crevice-free fusion technology was another
milestone because with these we were able to
tap into the ultra pure water treatment sector
for the semiconductor industry.
To come full circle: You asked me at
the beginning about the image of plastic in the sixties. Its image has changed
dramatically since then; the word plastic is
no longer used derogatorily, but instead represents a very interesting and diverse field.
Plastic has gained acceptance in numerous
circles – I’m thinking of plant designers,
engineers and operators. But there are still
other areas in which we have to prove that
plastic is worth its salt, compared to other
metals – especially stainless steel. GF Piping
Thank you kindly, Mr. Hunziker, for this
BCF Fusion Technology
Fusion welds without angles and edges
Felix Meier, Head of PMD Machines & Tools,
Product Manager Fusion Machines
(IR/BCF), has been with Georg Fischer for
nine years. We talked with him about the
development of BCF fusion technology and
about jointing technology at GF in general.
How long has GF Piping Systems been
working with BCF fusion technology for
plastic fittings and pipes, and who or what
was the impetus behind it?
In 1984 a project group began to examine the
existing fusion processes with the goal of developing a fusion technology for high-purity
applications. To get an idea of what a highpurity application calls for, let me give you
a size comparison: The diameter of a human
hair is about 30 micrometers; a bacteria
is 3 to 5 micrometers long. The width of a
microprocessor circuit path amounts to 0.16
micrometer. If you want to prevent bacteria
or metal ions from building up on the inner
surface of the piping, the pipe and fitting joint
must be absolutely smooth. So our challenge
was to develop a fusion technology where
the joint exhibits the same smooth surface
quality as the pipe after fusion.
Naturally the right materials for such an
application had to be found. Suitable fittings
Felix Meier is head of Product Management and Development Machines & Tools and is also in charge of the
worldwide certified welder training courses.
and even more important, the appropriate
valves had to be developed. Because only a
complete piping system can satisfy customer
Of course, the joint had to fulfill the
strength requirements, which for plastic
piping are very high. This meant close to
the basic resistance properties of the piping
material itself. All these requirements were
met in the development of the BCF system,
so that by 1988 the first prototypes were
brought to the US market in order to gather
feedback from customers and also to test
the applicability of this revolutionary fusion
What does BCF mean exactly, and what
are the technical innovations behind it?
BCF is the abbreviation for Bead and CreviceFree fusion. A special application of this type
of fusion is found in the life science industry,
where fusion joints that don’t influence the
quality of the medium are required. That
means high purity must be ensured; no
deposits like biofilm, microorganisms or
«rouging» are permitted. The BCF system as
a combination of fusion technology and our
SYGEF and PROGEF Natural product lines
is ideally suited for use in pharmaceutical and
biotechnology applications. It is particularly
The pipe in the photo above was cut open to illustrate the BCF fusion principle. The elastomer bladder presses
against the pipe wall from the inside, preventing beads and crevices from forming.
useful because the fusions don’t exhibit
undercuts or dead flow zones. The systems
can be completely emptied according to
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
The heating station and the elastomer
bladder, which prevents a bead from forming
in the pipe or fitting, are the core elements
of this fusion technology. The bladder is
inserted into the pipe and then blown up
using compressed air, which presses it
against the inner wall. The joint therefore
remains absolutely smooth. The bladder
is constructed so that it can be withdrawn
at the end of the process at a 90 degree
angle. This gentle fusion process allows for
tension-free welding without changing the
structure of the material. And this results
in high weld strength. Measurements verify
the high surface quality, which means the
fusion zone and the component surface
are nearly identical. Seen under polarized
light, a microtome section of a fusion weld
is, in fact, almost invisible. The translucent
SYGEF and PROGEF Natural material
makes visual quality control from the outside
possible when the fusion process has been
Because the fusion process is fully
automatic, the reproducibility is impressive.
The first fusion weld is just as good as the
80,000th. The construction design of the
BCF fusion machines makes fusing in place
possible, which is extremely important
for these applications, since the fewer
mechanical joints there are the better. We
have also given attention to a functional and
sensible design, which renders the machines
very user-friendly.
The BCF-Plus fusion machine has a
chrome-steel workbench on rollers, which
complies with all the requirements for
clean room installation sites. The machine
guarantees perfect fusion welds at room
temperatures from 10 to 40 °C. For it to be
used in different countries, we have designed
it to be independent of voltage restraints,
in other words for 110 to 240 V. There are
also eight user languages to choose from:
German, English, French, Dutch, Spanish,
Italian, Danish and Swedish. In the future,
we even want to try to add pictograms, in
The quality of the fusion weld can be inspected
visually with a fl ashlight.
order to make it easier to understand in more
Which industries make use of this technology and for which media?
These are primarily the pharmaceutical and
biotechnology industries as well as medicine:
in particular, for high-purity reactants or
substances, for metal-sensitive processes, for
DI water (deionized water), for PW (purified
water) and for WFI (water for injection). The
food industry also needs piping systems that
can transport highly corrosive media. It is
important also that the system is neutral in
taste. That means that the piping system may
not influence the taste of the food or base
material, and it must be suitable for media
of low to high viscosity. In the chemical
processing industry aggressive media like hot
or cold acids, leaching agents and solvents
flow through the pipes. Especially here, where
piping materials slowly reach their limits and
all other fusion processes fail due to stress
corrosion cracking, BCF fusion technology
can be a viable alternative. And finally it is
Production lines for critical biological media, constructed with SYGEF (PVDF) and PROGEF (PP
Natural) piping systems.
The BCF-Plus fusion machine is perfect for on-site fusion.
used in piping systems for the semiconductor
industry for pure and ultrapure media, as well
as for CMP (chemical-mechanical polishing)
with excellent resistance to aggressive and
abrasive media. In fusion welds, transitions,
beads and crevices must be avoided in order
to ban potential sources of danger like
packages, can also be rented worldwide.
The logistics service to and from the
installation site, the verification and machine
maintenance performed before every rental,
along with well-trained employees who
continue to provide support locally, give us
that distinctive competitive edge.
Whenever there’s a problem somewhere
in the world, one of our experts is on the
spot to find a quick solution to the customer’s
complete satisfaction. This is an approach
that has worked out very well for us and for
our customers. What else could we wish for?
What distinguishes Georg Fischer from its
We sell complete packages, which means we
offer the products, the jointing technology and
the training for the installation personnel. In
addition, we take special customer requirements into consideration when we provide
application support. We are able to do this
because we set high standards for our employees. We carry out in-company training
and continuing education, which foster such
quality support.
Our comprehensive range of products is
coordinated to fit the needs of the market.
Longstanding experience in the construction
and manufacture of pipes, fittings and valves
guarantees maximum quality and along with
it utmost safety. For most media that flow
through piping systems, quality and safety
are of paramount importance, especially
since a piping system is only as good as
its weakest element. Besides that we have
valve actuators, measurement and control
technology, special parts and pre-assembled
modules in our program. And even specific
jointing techniques adapted to the respective
systems. This is where BCF and IR (infrared)
fusion technologies come in.
What also makes us stand out, in my
opinion, is our customer training, as well as
the project and after-sales service provided
locally. We offer our customers training for
fusion, maintenance, installation and quality assurance. Our welder certificates are
highly sought after and serve as a mark of
quality. This is true especially in the USA,
which is not like Europe where apprenticeship examinations are given that have been
approved by chambers of commerce and
industry, thus ensuring a certain standard
of quality. So we are very proud of our
certificates! Our machines, including service
Mr. Meier, thank you for this interesting
Infrared for the highest demands
Contact-free fusion process for sterile and
high purity applications
Jörg Wermelinger, Manager of
Strategic Innovation Projects, has been
with Georg Fischer for 22 years. He
was on the project team that developed
the IR fusion process and made it
Mr. Wermelinger, since when has Georg
Fischer Piping Systems applied itself to
the IR fusion technology?
Early in 1990, to be exact in April 1990, we
began developing the contact-free fusion
technology. The goal was to launch the
new butt fusion fittings successfully on the
market. So, we wanted to offer a fusion
process which would enable joining our PP
and PVDF plastic pipes and fittings fast and
reproducibly. This added benefit was intended
to encourage customers to switch to Georg
Fischer. The contact-free approach, which
basically means the pipe faces are melted via
infrared radiation, has the great advantage of
materials such as PVDF, whose melt is very
adhesive, being much easier and much more
sterile to process than with the conventional
methods used to date.
We were definitely the first in the world to
use the infrared fusion technology in the area
of plastic piping systems for a wide range of
dimensions (d20-225 mm). The development
phase took only two years, whereby patents
IR fusion technology, which opened doors to new application areas and industries for GF Piping Systems, is the
brainchild of Jörg Wermelinger.
were also created to safeguard the sizable
development costs. IR as well as BCF
are considered radical innovation steps,
milestones in plastics technology.
In July 1992 we supplied the first machines
of both types, IR 63 and IR 225. This
happened at a time when the semiconductor
industry was booming. The industry, then
mainly domiciled in the USA, gladly availed
itself of this technology. One could even say
that the semiconductor industry wouldn’t
be what it is today without the IR fusion
technology. Nowadays, this fusion process
is used in many other industries as well. We
were, at that time, nearly two years ahead of
the competition and were thus able to set the
industrial benchmark which we have held
until today with continual further developments.
What is behind the IR technology and
where is it utilized?
In the infrared (IR) fusion process, the
material in the fusion zone is brought to
the melting point without contact via heat
radiation. Subsequently, both of the parts to
be fused, the pipe and/or fitting, are joined
exactly via the jointing path. This jointing
path control makes it possible to achieve
In highly engineered plants in the semiconductor industry, plastic piping systems from Georg Fischer ensure reliable
processes. Thousands of IR fusion welds are a part of this assurance.
the reproduction accuracy of an automatic
process with the IR fusion machine, which
is controlled manually. For IR Plus, a further
development of the original machine, an
infrared sensor is additionally used to
measure the fusion bead temperature and
thereby determine the end of the fusion
process. Due to this monitoring, the IR Plus
fusion machines could be equipped with an
extra cooling ventilator, reducing the cooling
time by up to 60%. This represents, of
course, a huge time savings and the customer
benefits from much shorter installation times
without losing reproducibility. The result is
that, similar to BCF, the 80,000th fusion is
equally good as the first.
A word on the application area of IR
technology: This technology is mainly
used in clean room environments. In the
manufacture of computer processors, where
measurements are made in ppb, particles per
billion reference particles, contact-free fusion
offers the cleanest method of jointing. With
so many fusion welds in a piping system,
quality assurance is a very important aspect.
Fusion beads identical in appearance are a
help here, as well as automatic logging of the
fusion data and fusion weld identification on
adhesive labels.
The application areas for both IR and
BCF are therefore mainly to be found in
the high-end area. In other words, in the
semiconductor industry, in life science and
the chemical process industry. Besides the
above mentioned qualities, such as purity
and reproducibility, the IR fusion technology
features another advantage: short fusion
times. Fusion time has been cut in half, on
average, compared to conventional «butt
fusion processes». It is therefore the fastest
butt fusion process in industrial plastic piping
systems construction today. That explains
why other industries are also interested in
using the IR fusion technology.
Where does innovation for new products
come from and how can these be
established in the market?
A market researcher recently told me the
anecdote of Henry Ford, who said that if
he had asked customers of horse-drawn
carriages what kind of improvements they
would like to have, they would probably
not have given a description of an automobile as the vehicle of the future. What this
tells us is that the market does not always
indicate what is needed in the future. For
radical innovations, the ideas generally stem
from R&D. This requires a bit more effort
since customers have to be convinced of the
usefulness and validity of the innovation. It
is, however, at the same time more effective,
as in our case, when we had a two-year jump
on the competition. This means we have to
stay on the ball or we may get left behind.
This has led GF Piping Systems to create the
post called «Strategic Innovation Projects».
When establishing products in the market, quality and service play a very important role. Both contribute significantly to the
success of a product, especially when we are
dealing with a tool, such as the IR or BCF
fusion machines, for manufacturing piping
systems. We continually strive to deliver
the best quality, but also to respond quickly
when a problem arises. When indicated, our
service staff can be on location very quickly.
The failure rate on site for our BCF and IR
technologies is, albeit, in the range of onetenth of a percent. So we can keep our promise of quality.
Let us look briefly at service performance:
Besides after-sales service, we also offer service in the form of training courses, which
we have developed especially for our customers. For example, we offer welder training
courses, but also QC courses for the fusion
process. QC stands for quality control, in this
case it refers to users learning how to check
the quality of the fusion weld. Customers are
thereby able to benefit optimally from the
technology supplied by us. This generates
customer loyalty and – even more importantly – trust in the Georg Fischer technology.
Besides technology, quality and service,
the design of a machine also plays a major
role. Here we act consistently according
to the maxim «Form follows function».
Although for the fusion machines the function is without a doubt the main priority, we
consulted a design firm for the machine design. The ergonomics and appearance of the
machine must be appealing, so that working
with the machine is also appealing. There is
a very simple reasoning behind this: If you
enjoy working with a tool, the quality of your
work will automatically be better. In addition,
you identify better with the machine. Finally,
GF brand recognition is crucial for us, and in
this respect design and appearance are also
major influencing factors.
Georg Fischer publishes a lot of technical
documentation. Is there a particular reason for this?
As previously mentioned, a pioneer in the
market has to do a lot of convincing. Many
decision-makers in the applications we target
have an academic background. They therefore expect scientific facts in order to decide
if this new technology makes sense for them.
That is why Georg Fischer employees publish scientific articles in collaboration with
renowned specialists. Furthermore, the scientific character of our publications demonstrates to customers that we are serious and
have analyzed the findings extensively. We
are not just practicians, but are also interested in applied research. To signal this, it is
necessary to speak the same language as the
scientists and researchers in the companies.
We prefer to do this with users in order to
discuss the practical aspects and to create references. Articles in technical journals make
new technologies and findings known to a
larger audience, which can actually lead to
new applications. These technical publications are therefore a significant communication platform for us.
We want to be at the pulse of research
and follow closely what is happening there.
We continuously investigate if new technologies, which are still in the research stage
and which could be trendsetting, are suitable
for our purposes. By way of example, let me
mention the microwave technology. We had
already looked into this technology very carefully, but then came to the conclusion that
it is not suitable as a jointing technology for
our products. Nevertheless, we have to stay
up-to-date or else we will miss the boat and
our position as market leader. Being involved
in science and technology for us means obtaining information early enough.
The semiconductor industry relies on the IR
fusion technology in its new 300-mm wafer
IR 315 Plus – with this IR fusion machine, pipes and fi ttings can
be fused up to a diameter of 315 mm.
What are the new trends and has the sales
market changed its requirements?
Consequently, we are on the doorstep to the
future every day.
We will probably still be using piping systems
one hundred years from now. To formulate
it somewhat pointedly: «Wireless» doesn’t
work everywhere! Since the mid 1990s, as
far as I can judge, the sales market has changed. Earlier, it was a matter of searching for
quality solutions. Now, the price of a product,
or an installation, seems to take precedence.
This means that we as a manufacturer must
offer innovative, high quality solutions at
competitive prices.
Mr. Wermelinger, thanks for this interesting
What will the future bring in terms of development, what direction is your area of
expertise headed?
The pioneering years for plastic and its homogenous jointing methods are over. But new
technologies, such as nanotechnology, will
still be investigated for utilization in plastic
piping systems. We will continue to see new
applications for which new technologies are
required, leading to more new developments.
iFIT – intelligent and simple
Interview with Jürgen Fluck
The push-fit installation system iFIT
is a smart synthesis of technical and
economical market needs and a first-rate
engineering achievement. Yet, the outcome
hung in the balance several times during
the development phase. Jürgen Fluck, the
intellectual father of iFIT, reports on the
development process of this system.
Mr. Fluck, what is iFIT and what does the
name mean?
iFIT is a so-called push-fit connection technology, which enables assembling pipes easily
and quickly by pushing them together. The
advantages speak for themselves: Installers
only need one handy deburring tool that fits
in every pocket – no other tools required. The
fitting can even be clicked together in difficult
to reach spots, for example, in corners or
behind wall ledges. The installer doesn’t need
visual control; the click that can be heard
when the adapter locks in tells him that the
connection has been made and is tight.
The original idea behind this system was
borrowed from plug-in adapters as we know
them on garden hoses. The difference though
between iFIT and these systems is the much
higher requirements in terms of seal, safety,
modularity and flexibility.
In the vein of other great inventions, iFIT
stands for «intelligent fitting». The intelli-
Jürgen Fluck, Managing Director of Building Technology Ltd., has dedicatedly supported the development of iFIT
together with his staff of specialists.
gence aspect is substantiated in the simplicity of the product, in the massive time gain
for installation, in the safety which can be
confirmed visually or acoustically by the
click. Other beneficial aspects are the significant reduction of parts and the fact that connections can be made without a lot of extra
Tell us about the history behind iFIT, how
did Georg Fischer get the idea to develop
such a product?
The iFIT story is related to the history behind
Flexalino. Flexalino was Georg Fischer’s first
experience with the push-fit technology. This
product was highly successful at first and
had many good features, but in the end we
decided it didn’t meet our expectations. So we
decided to investigate a different approach to
the push-fit connection technology.
This was a courageous decision, since
at that time – like at the beginning of every
development process – it was questionable
whether we would be able to bring something
functional to market, from a technical as well
as a business point of view. We especially
deliberated if we should launch our product
in the extremely difficult market of jointing
technology for plumbing and heating in
iFIT – an innovation takes form. During development, the
project team’s ideas were incorporated and the design
gradually refined to perfection.
Nothing is left to chance; the interior of the
iFIT is designed for absolute operational
ments and especially with everyday business.
This situation was quite challenging, but at
the same time very exciting. The project was
in the balance on several occasions...
Today, I would wager to say that we have
set an absolute benchmark with our iFIT system in terms of safety, the most important of
the four criteria. The degree of automation
and testing is very high for our iFIT manufacturing. Each Each assembly step is verified
with a countermeasure, both mechanically
and visually.
Each adapter is sealed in a small bag following the assembly and testing process and
delivered to the customer. When the customer unpacks the adapter, he is therefore assured of having a fully functional and tested
product; that is reliability. This has of course
also had a positive effect on our damages statistics which are, by the way, excellent – a
fact we are very proud of.
How did you integrate the market, in
other words, potential customers, in the
Germany. There were already roughly 200
jointing systems and about 100 competitors
in this market. We neverthless decided to
delve into the market of plug-in couplings
– despite the «shark-infested waters».
What were the different development
We compiled everything that was available
on the market regarding such systems, everything from around the world. We collected,
tested and analyzed the systems and at some
point we had enough information to start
working on an idea for a successful system.
We presented our ideas to the executive
board for the first time back in 2001. We used
a garden hose coupling to demonstrate the
principle of push-fit. This approach didn’t go
over well, but we didn’t give up so easily and
kept working on the idea.
We put a great deal of thought into which
factors were crucial to success or failure in a
venture of this sort, namely developing a new
jointing technology. These considerations
and our experiences in product management
and field sales finally led us to believe that
there are basically four points that define
– genetically, so to speak – a jointing technology. They are a) safety, b) «how fast and
easy is the jointing?», c) the amount of tools
required and ultimately d) the price.
We used a positioning radar to compare
our planned system with competitive systems
and then we went forward with developing
our system according to the four «genetic»
factors mentioned above.
How long did the development process
The first sketches were drawn in 2000 and the
market launch was in April 2004. Taking our
rather small development team into consideration and the limited resources at our disposal, this is a very short development period.
From a controlling viewpoint, however, such
a project should take no more than two or
three years. Well, we were continually confronted with changes in our organizational
structure or in personnel matters. Mainly,
however, we were absorbed with other assign-
Already at a very early stage of the development, we asked ten large installation firms to
participate in this project. We signed partnership agreements with these firms and invited
them to what we called prototype assembly
days. On these prototype days, it was up to us
to make a minimum of 1,000 close-to-production prototypes available to the installers
for testing.
We provided the test persons with workbenches, hammers and large wrenches and
actually asked them to have a go at our prototypes, in the worst possible way. Our development people cringed when they saw what
went on at these «reality checks», but they
provided us with valuable input. The first
event brought some sobering results to light.
We had thought that the product was well-engineered, but the test installers did not trust
the shearing behavior of the module/adapter
connection. It took some time until we also
realized that there was room for improvement here. At the second prototype assembly
day with our project partners, there was intense debate regarding the size. Compared to
a compression fitting, the iFIT is more bulky;
For iFIT system applications, the installer only needs a pipe cutter and a handy tool for
deburring the pipe ends. The installation is not dependent on the flow and can also be used
where space is limited.
this is because of all the technology which
has to be packed in somewhere.
In the course of the discussion, we reached
the conclusion that the size had to be reduced
drastically if we were to succeed in the
market. But the consequence of this decision
was a very great technological challenge.
On one side, the developers said that further
reductions were not possible, on the other
side, the market said that the component
was too large. In the end, the team found a
compromise to everyone’s satisfaction.
These prototype assembly days were really something like a day of reckoning. It was
exciting and challenging and forced us to face
the facts. We had to admit that the product
wasn’t good enough yet. If customers are not
tied into the development process, there is a
danger of believing too soon in the quality of
your own invention.
At what point are you now in the market
introduction and what is the feedback?
The first market introduction was in April
2004 in Germany. In 2005 we launched iFIT
in Switzerland and Italy and then step by
step in other markets. The feedback has been
very positive; for example, we have received
almost euphoric reactions from installers
who built a test installation and who were
quite skeptical at first. The sales figures are
further evidence of our success.
We are still faced with another big
challenge. And this may seem rather paradox:
we have to explain to new customers how
simple the system really is. For example,
when using iFIT only one tee is necessary
for various connections and dimensions, in
contrast to conventional jointing where up
to six different parts are required. This is
indeed new and in need of explanation. But
once the customer holds the system in his
hands, it goes click in a double sense: audibly
on the adapter and mentally in his head.
Mr. Fluck, we thank you very much for this
Pipe, adapter and fitting are the three system elements. A perfect
fit is checked via the window on the adapter and the audible click
when plugging in the fitting.
Highly qualified and motivated
The people behind the processes
A product is only as good as the people
who are responsible for its manufacturing
and marketing. Education, training and
a continuing process of learning are
therefore prerequisites for motivated
employees and effective teamwork
that reaches beyond the confines of
departments and international borders.
Head of Human Resources
Fifty years’ experience with plastics:
what this actually denotes is that the people
who are responsible for manufacturing
the products – the employees of GF Piping
Systems – are very well educated and highly
qualified and possess a solid basis of knowhow in their particular area of expertise.
Furthermore, it must be ensured that individual employees form a functioning team
at any given point in time, so that together
they can pursue the main goal of developing
and marketing innovative plastic products
and comprehensive solutions that satisfy the
multiple demands of today’s customers.
GF Piping Systems is a company that
operates internationally. The challenges
which employees face are great. Besides
superior know-how, the people – most of
whom are international specialists – bring
with them a great deal of flexibility and work
experience abroad. Foreign language skills,
the willingness to travel and multicultural
Multicultural competence is a necessity in a company such as GF Piping Systems that operates globally.
qualifications are expected. Right now,
Singapore and China are at the top of the
expatriation priorities. Employees should
not only work and live there but also feel at
The internationally based management
at GF Piping Systems lives by this culture
every day and they also support their staff
in this regard wherever they can. Employees
who are sent abroad are given cross-cultural
training. The courses last several days and
include the family. While a look&see program is offered beforehand, a welcome
service awaits them on arrival, which is a
valuable help for dealing with daily life in
the host country. National and international
schooling and preschools are arranged for
the children.
Further training of employees is a
priority at GF Piping Systems. Continuing
education at the management level can be
divided into three areas: personnel management, cost management and corporate
management. Insofar as teambuilding is
concerned, a specific seminar is offered. The
goal of which is to improve communication
and cooperation between the individual
departments – which also corresponds to GF
Piping Systems’ concept of being a provider
of complete solutions.
from the synergies – especially in view of
the fact that products are becoming more
exchangeable and manufacturers have to distinguish themselves from the competition via
marketing, sales, logistics and price.»
Development projects involve intensive interdisciplinary teamwork from the very start.
Customers appreciate the fact that GF Piping
Systems offers complete piping system
solutions, including pipes, fittings, valves,
automation and jointing technology. The
crux is making certain all these products
are compatible. If you change a detail in one
place, you may have affected other products
or issues as well. This delicate balance calls
for a wealth of expertise and networked
thinking beyond just a product focus.
Key factors essential for the future of
product development are an understanding
of customer needs and integrating this
knowledge in products so that they offer customers a tangible benefit – whilst also giving
consideration to shorter development times
and minimized manufacturing costs. Product
quality is of course a given requirement.
It is therefore GF Piping Systems’ job
to prepare products which meet market
requirements ideally, from a technical
and a commercial point of view. The goal
is to cover as many market segments and
applications as possible with one product.
To achieve this goal, our departments work
closely together. Though they were clearly
separated at one time, all the disciplines,
such as purchasing, production, materials
technology, development, market segment
and product management, marketing and
sales, are now involved in projects from
the very beginning. In his function as head
of Product Management and Development
Valves, Dirk Petry, for example, assumes an
interface function, acting as the intermediary
between the different departments. He says:
«This teamwork has proved worthwhile. Processes are optimized and everyone benefits
«Plastic has come a long way and we
have a large variety of plastic materials to
choose from for our specific applications.
In the future, trends will concentrate mainly
on modifying, reinforcing and combining
plastics.» With these words, Dr. Helmut
Hilger sums up the current situation. As head
of PMD responsible for product management
and development in the Fittings sector at GF
Piping Systems, he is especially fascinated
by the diversity of plastics and the processing
options: «There is nothing you couldn’t make
out of plastic.»
Plastics have become exceptionally
sophisticated. They have no linear behavior
like metals. Their material performance
depends on the load, temperature, time
and production method. The challenge lies
precisely in this «incalculability». Experience
and know-how are essential in product
development and in working with plastics.
A lot is asked of employees in development.
They must know their products inside out as
well as the respective jointing techniques, in
addition to familiarizing themselves with the
customer applications and requirements.
Characteristic of the plastics industry is that
product development and production are very
closely tied. Simultaneous engineering plays
an important role in development. Process
development and product development run
parallel and influence one another. So, for
instance, the cost of manufacturing a product
may be looked at in a first phase, and only in
the second phase will the product actually be
Once a development project is launched for a
new product or one that needs optimizing –
such as the new butterfly valve types 567/568 –
product manager Christian Neye and product
developer Karl-Heinz Mayer will check
a few things out: What does the market
require? What does the competition offer?
Production is consulted early in the development of new products, in the sense of
simultaneous engineering.
Materials Technology exposes plastics to harsh conditions in
order to give testimony to their properties.
When was the last relaunch? To what extent
is the current model improvable? What are
the strengths and weaknesses of the product
range? What does the volume of sales and the
margin look like?
Ideas, which come in from the market
or perhaps internally from employees in
development, are presented in a forum
of experts, analyzed and discussed. This
multinational team of experts is composed
of employees from production, development,
materials technology, product management,
the market segments and sales. In the context
of a preliminary project, detailed product
requirements are drawn up and possible
methods of production selected. This is a time
in product development during which many
important decisions are made, which will
determine the future success of the product.
That is why this project phase is considered
pivotal. A schedule of specifications is
created with data on the material requirements, the mechanical and environmental
properties. When it comes to clarifying
which material is most suitable for which
function, the Materials Technology depart-
cal cooperation with the supplier is one of the
core tasks of materials technology. In this
context, going down on the specifications
– without forfeiting quality – is a big challenge.
«Like in general procurement, the procurement of plastics involves providing for
the required quality in the required quantity
at the desired time and place at a competitive
price», says Ernst Merkle, head of Strategic
Particularly trying for his colleague in
Purchasing, Christoph Baur, are the current
price increases for raw materials and commodities. Prices for some commodities have
gone up by ten to twenty percent between
2005 and 2006 over a period of twelve
months. Plastics are a derivative of petroleum, which translates into the following law
of economics: since commodities prices are
determined by supply and demand, higher
oil prices will lead to higher prices for
commodities. The technical plastics are not
dependent on supply and demand and therefore not greatly affected by oil prices. At
the present time, there is high demand and
ment is contacted. The recommendations and
information are analyzed and discussed with
the plant. This forms the basis of materials
selection, as well as selection of the supplier.
At the beginning of every product idea there
is the question: Which material is best suited
for the product? Dr. Katrin Wallheinke has
the answers. She heads Materials Technology
and together with her staff she is responsible for analyzing the materials in all their life
In materials selection, the above mentioned schedule of specifications is the
most important guideline. The material is
selected, in consultation with the supplier,
on the basis of this. In relation to the requirements placed on the plastic, the supplier and GF Piping Systems may join
forces to develop such a material. Suppliers
may also suggest using their new developments and have them tested at GF
Piping Systems for suitability in piping
systems components. Generally, this techni-
Injection molds are a major investment in
manufacturing plastic products.
Microscopy is used in materials technology to determine, for example, fusion
parameters for joining plastic components.
limited availability worldwide. This pushes
prices up.
Plastics are state-of-the-art materials. The
demand for them – in Europe, America and
especially in Asia – is high and will increase
in the long run. China is currently unable to
meet the sharply rising demand with their own
production. So large quantities are imported
from Europe and America. Apropros: GF
Piping Systems today mainly processes
granulate from Europe in its European
plants and in China – the granulate stems
from Germany (North Sea oilfields), Italy
and the Benelux countries (large refineries).
The main reasons for this are supplier
reliability and the availability of technically
sophisticated plastics. Purchasing also works
closely together with other departments. This
mutual support promotes cooperation and,
in addition to efficient purchasing, helps to
weather many a bottleneck.
Once the plastic has been specified and
purchased, Materials Technology is again
called upon. The procured material is
subjected to incoming inspection in the
Materials Laboratory. If everything is in
order, it is released.
Besides technical materials support, the
tasks of Materials Technology department
staff include working on innovation projects
and providing general assistance to coworkers, customers and sales companies.
They are also supportive in complaints
processing and matters pertaining to the
recycling and disposal of plastics. Yet
another area of responsibility is collaboration
in special projects, such as relocation of a
supplier’s production site abroad or the use
of other ingredients. In such cases, every
detail needs to be checked to make sure
that all the factors remain unchanged. The
transition must be done carefully to prevent
any damages or losses. A new plant must,
for instance, be qualified before starting
operation. GF Piping Systems has high
standards in this respect – a reflection of what
customers want today. When asked what
she enjoys most about her work, Dr. Katrin
Wallheinke answers spontaneously that she
is fascinated by the complexity of plastic and
finds working in a communications office
with extremely intermeshed, exciting and
always new topics very stimulating. She adds
that working with plastics is like cooking:
«the recipe and the preparation determine
the quality.»
Injection molding is the largest and most
diverse field in plastics processing. It is
interesting to note that here everything is
literally made from the same mold. The fixed
costs for a single injection molding tool are
albeit very high. Attributable to the expensive
molds, production is only profitable after
several thousand parts. It is easy to imagine
the opportunities presented by automation
in the plastics sector, which is very price
In the Seewis Plant, which has realized
adaptive, flexible automation with kink-arm
robots, a new generation of products are
being manufactured, take for example the
new butterfly valve 567/568. Max Bless, the
plant manager for plastic valve production
in Seewis, considers the plastics sector one
Actuators for plastic valves are housed in plastic, another product manufactured
and assembled at the Seewis Plant.
GF Piping Systems sits on standardization committees for
plastic piping systems and obtains approvals for new products
or new applications.
of the most fascinating industries. Because
plastics are full of surprises and they are
so versatile that anything is possible. The
number of combination possibilities is mind
boggling. In no other industry is it possible
to experiment so extensively with material,
form and color; such innovative technologies
are not to be found anywhere else. And plastic is becoming even more functional. Due to
the fact that plastic is so alive and full of potential, it is therefore also on the unpredictable side. It requires a lot of know-how and
many years of experience to work with it.
Max Meier heads the Subingen and
Schaffhausen Plants and is responsible for
Utilities and Industrial Systems. He is mainly
dedicated to developing and optimizing
production methods and general strategy
development: What direction will technology
take? How will and must GF Piping Systems
grow? The central question is: Can the
products be manufactured competitively in
the plants? If not, what can be done to achieve
competitiveness for the future? Decisive is
the volume. It takes large quantities because
everything is dimensioned for concentration.
production, they must be tested comprehensively and must comply with international
standards and approvals.
Michael Weyer, plastics engineer, is
responsible for norms and approvals at GF
Piping Systems. European standards are
drawn up by the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN). They replace national
standards such as DIN, NF or BS. This is
in the interest of manufacturers because
the days of eliminating the competition via
norms are long gone. Today manufacturers
are interested in uniform standards. Each
branch of industry creates its own standards.
Michael Weyer works on the definition of
such norms in several bodies and therefore
has a say in their outcome.
While national standards describe the
possible types of product implementation and
in some cases reflect the status of technology
in Europe, European standards dictate
that manufacturers provide information on
specific features of the product in the framework of the CE marking. Unfortunately, the
CE emblem is not a mark of quality. It rather
serves to render products tradable Europe-
To stay on the ball, it is necessary to keep
an eye on the competition. Discussions
with people out in the market, participation
in international exhibitions and trade
fairs, as well as keeping track of the price
development, these are essential activities
and the only way of knowing whether GF
Piping Systems’ prices are right.
Internally, the plant managers cooperate
closely with product developers and managers.
A big hurdle for development projects is
the sampling process. The first sampling is
divided into two steps. First, the production
parameters are adjusted; then, corrections in
molds, such as modifications in diameters etc.
are made. Creativity and experience are the
skills required from plastics technologists. In
the second sampling, the question is always:
Did the mold modifications produce the
desired results? If so, a few finer adjustments
can still be made. The three variables,
temperature, pressure and time, come into
play here.
Before new products can go into series
required quality is guaranteed at all times.
To this end, he draws up test schedules
which establish what needs to be tested and
how often for each production lot. The tests
look at how the plastic reacts under specific
conditions, e.g. temperature and pressure.
One typical test, the long-term pressure test,
is a destructive test, which explains why only
random tests are done to test the endurance
of the material. In contrast, there are also
production tests, an example of which would
be the leak test on valves; this test is done for
every single product.
Tests, like this squeeze test on a PVC fi tting, are carried out in our accredited Test Lab in
Schaffhausen and are on an equal standing with tests by approval boards.
wide. However, for the products to actually
be implementable, they must comply with
the national regulations and additionally they
must be approved.
Approvals are always national and they
confirm that a product satisfies the requirements of the standards. Beforehand, it must
be clarified whether the newly developed
product passes all the necessary tests for the
application in question. The appropriate documentation is prepared and submitted to the
approval board. The costs for obtaining approvals are borne by the respective sales companies. These procedures are expensive, but
without certification, it is impossible to succeed in the market; they are in effect the seals
of approval demanded by customers today.
There are approximately 500 approvals
worldwide for products from GF Piping
Systems – most of them in the gas and water
utilities and shipbuilding market segments.
GF Piping Systems has its own accredited
test laboratory. What this means is that tests
which are done here have an equal standing
with tests done by the approval boards
themselves. This is a great cost-saving
Testing does not only take place during
the development phase, but also during
regular production. The quality guidelines
for production are likewise a component
of standards and approvals. If they are not
followed, the approval could be at stake. In
this regard, namely for quality assurance,
the man in charge at GF Piping Systems is
Fridolin Hubmann. He makes sure that the
On the basis of all the available information,
the responsible market segment manager
will create a business concept. Christina
Granacher is market segment manager for
CPI (chemical processing industry). Thanks
to her studies in plastics technology and her
former position as sales manager, she has the
ideal qualifications for this interface between
product management and international sales.
She not only has to be familiar with all the
products and applications in her market
segment, but also has to maintain an overview of the entire market as well as the
customer requirements and needs.
Whereas the sales companies serve customers locally, market segment managers
promote the activities of GF Piping Systems
around the globe. They coordinate ongoing
projects worldwide, ensure market transparency and access. It is their responsibility to filter out key accounts and establish a
network by which local sales companies can
profit. Concretely: They work the market,
make contacts and develop global strategies
for successful customer acquisition.
The market requirements, which market
segment managers identify, are gathered
in an idea pool together with market feedback supplied by the customers. At a later
time, the ideas are evaluated to determine
for which market segment they are relevant
and interesting and how large the anticipated
market volume is. In regular focus group
meetings, more ideas are discussed and
analyzed in an effort to meet the needs of the
market and customers as ideally as possible.
Shipbuilding is a fast growing market segment. Focus group meetings help sales personnel to have
the right arguments at hand for shipyards and shipowners. This strategy has proved very effective
in Scandinavia.
Before a new product is launched in the
respective market segment, beta tests are
done. These furnish evidence that the product
is suitable for practical use and fulfills
all the requirements. Once again, GF Piping
Systems’ good internal network and longterm customer relationships pay off.
Lars Englesson, who has been in sales
with GF Piping Systems for nearly thirty
years, maintains long-term relationships with
his customers. He is international key account
manager and at the same time in charge of the
Scandinavian region. In his function as key
account manager, he internationalizes relations with all global wholesalers; as manager
for the Scandinavian region he coordinates
the activities of the sales companies in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
The goal pursued with wholesalers is to
position GF as the preferred supplier – worldwide. In return, GF offers wholesalers support in realizing their growth strategies and
additionally in standardizing and structuring
their own product areas. Cooperation takes
place at all levels in the form of cross-national teamwork and is exceptionally close-knit.
As managing director of the Sales Company
Sweden and head of the region Northern
Europe, Lars Englesson puts the goals
and strategies of GF Piping Systems
into practice locally. The focus is on growth.
And Scandinavia was one of the fastest
growing regions in 2005 within GF Piping
Systems, not in the least because of the
successful implementation of the market
segment strategy.
The policy is to specifically address select
market segments and to filter out the right
customers. In reference to the shipbuilding
market segment, this would be the shipowners, i.e. cruise companies, on the one
hand, and shipyards, on the other. Both are
visited regularly by the shipbuilding team
from Schaffhausen and Sweden to identify their needs and requirements. Together
with the shipowners, the team defines new
applications and looks for solutions. The
shipyards are supported by GF Piping
Systems in their decision to convert to
plastic systems. This means that GF Piping
Systems supplies the know-how in the form
Market segment managers obtain a general overview of their
markets by going directly on site.
of training documentation, trains shipyard
workers in the handling and provides on-site
support. This same support is given to the
«riding crews» on board the ships across the
seven seas.
The market segment strategy follows two
basic approaches: expand market shares in
existing plastic markets and generate completely new plastic markets. In other words,
the goal is to acquire customers who don’t
use plastic yet or who only use plastic for a
certain application. A shining example of
successful implementation of the market segment strategy: In 2002 a mere 0.5 percent of
turnover in Sweden resulted from the shipbuilding segment – in 2005 the figure soared
to one-fourth. The cruise liner «Freedom
of the Seas» is fitted completely with Instaflex. For the next generation of cruise liners,
the «Genesis» – 40 percent larger than the
«Freedom of the Seas» –, in addition to the
hot and cold water installations, other applications, currently still in rust-free steel,
are planned in plastic. The potential for
GF Piping Systems as regards the cruise
liners is great: Over 200 swimming cities
press shipments, usually smaller order quantities, we have special provisions: Orders received by 4 p.m. will be shipped the same day.
Up to 5,000 order items come in daily, all
of them electronically. Until now, everything
was prepared for shipment in Schaffhausen.
Since May 2006 order items now also come
into the newly opened hub in Duisburg, Germany: 150 daily from Belgium and already
1,000 from Germany. With the new logistics
concept for Europe, GF Piping Systems has
taken a step into the future. Customs clearance – for shipments from Switzerland always mandatory – is eliminated.
The importance of well functioning logistics is taking on new proportions. Tied into logistics at GF
Piping Systems are the plants, the sales companies and the distribution centers.
are cruising the seas today – and more are
being built at record-breaking speed.
Success stories such as these necessitate
high availability of the systems. Markus
Scherrer is the manager of the Distribution
Center in Schaffhausen (DCS) and is also
responsible for global logistics and the entire supply chain – from procurement of
plastic granules to the delivery of products
from GF Piping Systems to customers. The
burning question here is: How much and
when? Because products are becoming
increasingly exchangeable and our sales
channel is multitiered, logistics is gaining
importance. One could equate good logistics
with reliability and speed. The significance
of being fast increases proportionately as
the stock inventory is reduced. The degree
of availability at distributors and installers
is experiencing a downward trend. When
something is ordered, it must be supplied
immediately. Long lead times are no longer
There is a tight relationship between
logistics and the range of goods. The more
a product is managed, the more complex
the logistics will be. With a view to the Pareto
principle, it is clear that the goal should
be to cut back the size of the product range.
Applied to GF Piping Systems, the Pareto
principle says: 80 percent of the sales volume
stems from 15 percent of the articles.
The DCS has approximately 50,000 active
articles on stock, including commercial products. Added to this are 20,000 passive articles, which are seldom demanded. Orders
received at the Distribtion Center by twelve
noon leave Schaffhausen the same day. For ex-
Coordination of all the processes from development and production to logistics and
marketing is the responsibility of Manfred
Leyrer, head of Quality Management at GF
Piping Systems. The term quality management here is rather irritating because it is
not like it was fifty years ago when this term
referred to quality control in the plant, in
relation to product quality only.
Nowadays, development and permanent
improvement of management systems and
processes is the top priority. «Quality results
automatically from optimized and stable
processes», says Manfred Leyrer. All the
processes are analyzed, defined, linked and
continually optimized by him, in cooperation
with those responsible for the process.
One aspect of the management system is
risk management: analysis and assessment
of strategic and operative risks. Counted
among these are faulty goods or incorrectly
positioned products, as well as exchange rate
fluctuations or natural hazards.
Every year prior to budgeting, there is
a management review. This retrospective
assessment is a basis for taking decisions
on new investments: Have the targets been
reached? Do targets need to be redefined?
Are customers satisfied? What are the
figures for complaints? Where can processes
be improved in order to meet customer
needs better in the future? You cannot have
one without the other: «Only with welltrained and motivated staff and when all the
processes are right, only then will the product
be right», believes Manfred Leyrer.
Good products are only as good as the people who work with them. This is the credo
of the in-house Training Center.
With the credo, good products and systems
are only as good as the people who work
with them, Georg Fischer has always
been ahead of its time. It is tradition at GF
Piping Systems to offer comprehensive
training. The variety of products and materials, the diverse applications and especially
the innovative and alternative jointing
technologies are the reason. Because if a
joint is not made correctly, it will be a serious
weakpoint in the piping system. Since the
manufacturer cannot be held liable for execution of the jointing, it is our highest priority
to convey theoretical and practical jointing
know-how to our customers. The place to
learn this is at our in-house training center
in Schaffhausen, managed by Joop Witberg.
He and his team hold roughly 150 courses annually. The courses are attended by
employees as well as customers.
The choice of the right material in developing a new product is decisive for the
reliability and functionality of the installation. There is no market segment imagin-
able that could exist today without plastic
materials, which have been used successfully
by GF Piping Systems for an ongoing fifty
years. No wonder that the broad spectrum of
training courses focuses heavily on the field
of plastics.
Quality Management analyzes, defines and links processes, in an
effort to optimize them together with those responsible for the
State of the art
Automation and ingenuity
Georg Fischer has been producing
electrofusion sockets and fittings for more
cond, this adds up to 5,500 hours. This number plays an important role in increasing our
competitiveness. We’ll get to that later!
than ten years with a very high level of
mechanization and automation. A quantum
leap to even greater vertical integration of
automation was not to be underestimated.
However, creativity, perseverance and
optimization in the range of seconds
ultimately led to success.
Plant Manager Schaffhausen and
What is a second? By definition, it is 1/60 of
a minute, or more precisely the duration of
9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two
hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom. Expressed more poetically, a
second is the time between two heart beats.
But what is a second in industrial production? First of all, to set the record straight, it
is no pittance! When multiplied by the number of production cycles, a second amounts to
a lengthy period of time. In the two GF plants
in Schaffhausen and in Subingen, Switzerland, approximately 20 million production
cycles are run annually. Multiplied by a se-
Competition has become quite fierce in recent
years in the gas and water utilities market.
Some of the reasons are stagnation in the
European market, a production overcapacity
worldwide, the substitutability of products as
a result of international standardization and
the growing competition from small, local
suppliers of piping systems. This situation is
further accentuated by the steadily increasing
quality specifications and product warranties,
while maintaining the same price level. Such
an environment presents a great challenge
for production. What is required are lower
manufacturing costs, a reduction of cycle
times as well as improved productivity.
The spectrum of conceivable strategies in
production is great. One approach would be
to outsource production or, alternatively, to
build a less expensive production site in a
low-wage country. The disadvantage of this,
however, is that the local capacities and jobs
at the existing production locations are lost.
Another strategy would be to automate all
work steps and functions within a production
process. GF Piping Systems has decided to
take the second route.
Since the existing production capacity
was no longer sufficient at GF Piping Systems
anyway, Georg Fischer Wavin decided to
take a giant «leap forward» at their plants
in Schaffhausen and Subingen in Switzerland in the form of targeted investments in
new, fully automated production equipment.
Georg Fischer Wavin manufactures electrofusion fittings fully
automatically in Subingen seven days a week in three-shift
While in the older manufacturing cells some
of the work, such as assembly and packaging,
was still done manually, the new production
facilities were to be automated through and
This measure requires a high degree of innovation preparedness and capability. Additionally, it demands a willingness to undertake
risk, both financially and conceptually. On
the one hand, the specified goals must be
pursued via investments in personnel and
equipment. On the other hand – and this risk
is not insignificant – traditional production
Production performance was significantly increased for ELGEF Plus electrofusion fittings at the
Schaffhausen plant thanks to state-of-the-art manufacturing technology.
methods and processes must be critically
GF Piping Systems has been producing
electrofusion fittings and couplers for over
ten years with a comparably high level of
mechanization and automation; so it did
not seem likely that there was much opportunity for a quantum leap. Fittingly, a feasibility study was first done and the positive
results which ensued were integrated in a
consistent handling, production and materials flow concept. An excerpt from the
catalog of specifications: The availability
of manufacturing cells must be at or above
96 percent and they are designed for fully
automated production around the clock 365
days a year. A reject quota of under 0.5
percent is required. Speed and quality are
top priorities. Those familiar with automated
production know how difficult it is to identify
defective products promptly. An absolutely
reliable and well thought-out quality assurance system was therefore an essential prerequisite for our production from the start
– also automatic notabene. Taking these requirements into account, a fully automated
manufacturing cell for electrofusion fittings
was drawn up for the Subingen plant. Furthermore, it was equally important to make
allowance for the large range of parts, consisting of reducers, tees, 90° and 45° elbows,
in addition to the cycle times of the individual and sometimes simultaneously running processes. A complicating factor was
the high weight of the mold core, which can
weigh between 25 and 40 kilograms per pair.
This weight plus the weight of the molded
parts and fittings of maximum two kilograms
has to be handled from process beginning to
end, thus requiring a very efficient handling
system. Two industrial robots, which can
handle a maximum load of 150 kilograms
and have an extended radius range of 2,900
millimeters, were selected for this task.
It is also worth mentioning at this point that
the system received the Engel HL Award from
an jury on the occasion of the International
Trade Fair for Plastics, K 04. The consistent
realization of a fully automated production
cell was praised by the panel of experts.
The core is inserted in the injection molding
tool and then encapsulated.
And what does all this have to do with the
seconds mentioned in the foreword? Parallel
to expanding the degree of automation, GF
Piping Systems also launched the so-called
«one-second project» at the Subingen and
Schaffhausen plants. The goal of this project
was to economize 5,500 production hours.
An essential requirement here was that the
saving had to be realized without additional
investments. The production managers were
rather skeptical at first. Comments ran the
gamut from «That’s impossible», «Our cycle
times are already at an absolute minimum»
and «We haven’t got the time».
In the meantime, the first results are
in. The time saving already realized – for
example, by cooling the fittings outside of the
mold – exceeds our expectations by far.
According to the project team, the ambitious
rationalization measures have met all our
targets, both in relation to productivity
and product quality as well as in retooling
flexibility for the manufacture of diverse
An international jury recognized the automation concept in Subingen by presenting it
with the Golden HL Award from the Engel company, Austria.
components in a single cell. One project
manager commented: «We are able to completely changeover an entire cell to a different
fitting type, including tool change, in just two
hours. We are, however, aiming at a retooling
time significantly under two hours in the
future. We usually changeover once a week,
because we run quite large lots per batch.
The technical availability of the plant is very
high; we have even exceeded the required 96
percent by far.»
The project demonstrates that a fully
automated production also enables at the
same time a 100 percent quality control. All
the relevant manufacturing processes are
monitored – automatically, of course – and
fed into the central plant computer. Should an
irregularity in the process become apparent,
the manufactured component is declared a
reject and removed by the robot at the end
of the manufacturing process. This warrants
that only perfect quality goods are sent to the
packaging line. Should multiple rejects take
place at a particular production station, the
central computer will report a failure in the
system and halt the process. The quality rate
and system efficiency is thus increased. This
is of special value in a production plant that
is used 365 days.
Investments are indispensable if competitive
ability is to be increased. Thanks to their
innovativeness, the Subingen and Schaffhausen plants have proved that «leaps and
bounds» are possible. This happens evolutionarily with small – but not less innovative
– improvements in the process, but also
with investments in new production systems.
Other knowledge gained from these projects: Commodities can indeed be produced
competitively in a «high-wage country» like
Switzerland. The automation required for
this creates new jobs. This may sound contradictory at first, but we were able to realize
extremely complex systems in this project not
in the least thanks to the good infrastructure
and especially thanks to the high competence level of the project staff. «The whole is
greater than the sum of its parts» applies in
this case in a prototypical manner.
The ELGEF Plus product line for gas and water utilities is
manufactured in the Subingen and Schaffhausen plants.
Components assembly
Automation and robotization
Automation and robotization secure
Managing Director
Georg Fischer Plastic Valves Ltd.,
The production plant in Seewis, Switzerland
was initiated in connection with the founding
of Georg Fischer Plastik AG in 1969.
Construction of the plant began in 1970 and
the official opening and production startup in 1971. The paradigm of the time was
make-to-stock production. The excellent
reputation of «Made in Switzerland», the
straightforwardness of the markets – the
primary markets served in those years were
Switzerland and Germany – and a limited number of competitors empowered
manufacturers; they found themselves in a
seller’s markets, so demand was in excess
and buyers were in a way dependent on the
sellers. The conditions for manufacturers in
such markets, regarding pricing and terms of
contract, were ideal.
The market for plastic valves today is
– similar to many other commodity product
markets – a cutthroat market with global
reach. The market is characterized by a
large number of suppliers. The quality of the
products has been continuously improved
due to better production technologies and
services in recent years.
In the course of this, the price has become
the most important distinguishing feature for
products with similar technical functions.
Industrial production with a high degree
of automation is, therefore, an essential
requirement for success in an environment
where market share is hotly contested. More
efficient production is the order of the day.
The road to reaching this goal is challenging
and very exciting. Clever ideas are needed,
as is a need to move away from traditional
methods and explore new territory.
As mentioned above, we are currently in a
cutthroat market where sellers try to crowd
each other out, also known as a buyer’s
market. The following factors have been
influential in this transformation: international expansion in the sales markets and
parallel to this in the procurement markets,
better and faster availability of information,
for example product specifications and
pricing information. And most notably, a lot of progress has been made with
the production technologies, which has in
effect increased productivity. The major
differences between the seller’s markets of
the seventies and today’s market situation
are found in customer requirements, which
have undergone fundamental changes. The
demands regarding product and service
competitive ability and create jobs. In our
Plastic Valves plant this is demonstrated
with the high level of innovativeness in place.
One result of this innovativeness is the
two-component injection molding machine
on which hard/soft components can be
processed at the same time.
Employee know-how, expressed in a continuous improvement
process (CIP), is a vital factor in securing competitiveness.
quality and delivery speed have increased
dramatically – combined with the demand
for stable prices. This situation necessitated a
change of thinking in production circles. Put
succinctly, this change meant moving away
from stockkeeping to custom production.
Even though talk revolves around change, it
must not be forgotten that change in industrial
production cannot be realized as fast as, for
example, in the service industry. Take the
following example: A big investment in the
production of plastic valves are the injection
molding tools. To justify the high investment
Due to high investment costs, comprehensive analyses of the market situation and technological developments are
done prior to releasing the tool designs and the respective equipment. The tool life in valve manufacturing is usually
about 15 years.
costs for tools, it is important to warrant the
longest possible life cycle of the tools and the
products manufactured with them. When we
speak of this life cycle in valves production,
we figure with about fifteen years. The design
release of tools and the respective equipment
therefore requires a comprehensive analysis
of the market situation and the technology
developments. In toolmaking, Georg Fischer
is constantly working on improving production technologies and specialty products,
which cannot be purchased off the rack. This
know-how must be used to create a technology or price advantage over competitors.
Employees at the Seewis plant have the
know-how to process all technical plastics.
The lot sizes manufactured at this location
are rather small. So in order to achieve high
efficiency, several similar parts are machined
on the same master tool with changeable
tool inserts. In contrast to bygone days,
today we want to manufacture parts without any subsequent machining operations,
even if it means building extremely complex
tool inserts for this purpose, for example
slider in slider. Furthermore, all process
activities on the injection molded part should
be automated, for example cutting and
separating parts from sprues and for smaller
series, automatically loading the part that is
to be encapsulated into the injection molding tool.
One of the great innovations at the Seewis
plant was the two-component injection molding machine on which hard/soft components
can be processed simultaneously. This equipment permits injecting two different-colored
parts at the same time, which – parallel to
the next injection cycle – are mounted on the
machine with a five-axis robot and assembled
into a component. This is accomplished with
multiple tools and sometimes with additional
components. If a part cannot be solely injection molded, it is later machined by sawing,
drilling, lathing or scraping. This allows fulfilling non-standard customer requirements.
Through special treatment, products
of GF Piping Systems can satisfy special
requirements, as frequently stipulated by the
GF valves are built in a modular design.
For the new ball valves, 350,000 versions
are possible.
food industry, the prestages of the semiconductor industry or the automobile industry (varnishing), for example.
We develop the tools and production equipment for specialty products ourselves, since
these are generally not available for purchase
in the form we require them. For assembly
equipment, we work closely together with the
machine manufacturers. Our team, which is
put together specifically for each individual
project, draws up the process description and
provides the supplier with project support,
even during the design and construction
phase. The machines are tested in minute detail to make sure they meet the specifications.
The Seewis plant currently has 33 injection
molding machines, 20 robots and over 450
molds. For machining, we have eight CNC
machines and four additional robots.
In final product assembly, there is a great deal
of automation potential. The GF valves are
built in a modular design, which means there
Thanks to automation and robotization, Georg
Fischer Plastic Valves Ltd. is a cost-effective
Larger lots are produced semi-automatically or fully automatically on state-of-the-art machinery, including the
complex leakage testing. The test procedure, developed in house, detects minimal contamination, for example a
human hair under an O-ring.
are numerous assembly versions. For the new
ball valve, 350,000 versions are possible. Of
these versions, several hundred are available
directly ex stock (batch production). Most of
the versions are, however, assembled according to specific customer requirements – for
small series this assembly is done manually.
Larger lots are produced semi-automatically
or fully automatically on modern assembly
equipment, including the complicated leakage
testing. The test procedure, developed in
house, detects minimal contamination, for
instance a human hair under an O-ring.
Efficient assembly is primarily a matter of being order-oriented. This is only possible with
a sophisticated IT system that prioritizes.
Our customers can order today and we will
deliver the following morning.
methods used by competitors in Asia, this enterprise would be doomed to failure because
of the high wage costs. Thanks to automation and robotization, the company is able
to manufacture cost-effectively. This trend
creates highly qualified jobs in the areas of
automation and information technology, as
well as in plastics technology and polymechanics. We also continuously train these
professions. We invest a great deal in the
further education of our employees and foster
an awareness for lifelong learning, whether
in school and/or on-the-job with new technologies and production means.
The know-how of employees and their
dedication, which is often expressed in the
continuous improvement process (CIP), is
absolutely indispensable in securing our
competitive ability.
Competition forces Georg Fischer to consistently be innovative in product design, in
manufacturing concepts and in how they are
executed. If Georg Fischer Plastic Valves
Ltd. were to manufacture with the same
Extrusion and customizing
One-of-a-kind business concept
for one-of-a-kind customer solutions
Georg Fischer DEKA is the competence
center for pipes of the GF Piping Systems
Group, esteemed for its own material
development, own formulas for highperformance plastics and the large
Finally, the workpiece is cooled and cut to
length. Theoretically, infinitely long pieces
could be produced using the extrusion method
of production. An example of such extremely
long extrusion would be plastic wrap. The
length of our products, namely pipes, is
defined by the limits posed in transport.
number of customer-specific solutions.
Managing Director
Georg Fischer DEKA GmbH, Germany
Highly efficient extrusion of pipes and the
manufacture of customer-specific solutions
appear to be clashing interests at first
glance. Georg Fischer DEKA has succeeded
in bringing these two pursuits together
in the framework of a concept which is
unique worldwide and which has proved
advantageous for both customers and the
company. The primary focus is on chemical
and industrial plant engineering.
To understand the uniqueness of Georg
Fischer DEKA, it is necessary first of all to
look at the production technology used as
well as today’s market requirements.
Extrusion is an ideal technology for mass
production. In a highly automated process,
the plastic is first melted in a so-called
extruder and homogenized; subsequently it
is compression molded into a die, which can
take any desirable shape. In this manner,
plastic sheeting, profiles or, in our case, pipes
are extruded. Then by pressing it through the
profile, calibration of the plastic molding into
its definitive geometric shape is achieved.
The extrusion of pipes could theoretically
take place 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,
interrupted only by brief maintenance
intervals. In this way, large volumes can be
produced cost-effectively. The final product is
a mass-produced product with specifications
that remain the same over a very long period
of time. Such pipes are required in public
utilities, plumbing, heating and ventilation. The media to be conveyed is generally
limited to water, or as the case may be wastewater, and air and can be conveyed under
relatively noncritical conditions. This means
that there are no particularly demanding specifications placed on the material.
The situation is quite another in the area
of piping systems for industrial and chemical
applications, precisely the area in which
Georg Fischer DEKA specializes. In these
environments the specifications are far more
complex. The pipes must meet high standards
in terms of their chemical and physical
properties. For example, the pH value in such
applications is usually far above or below 7;
also common in such environments are working temperatures which fluctuate between
–30 and +150 °C and this often alternately
in the same system. The media conveyed are
often hazardous substances, which again entails high safety standards.
Engineering and operating (plastic)
piping systems for chemicals conveyance
Plastics processing for special requirements: customizing,
processing, finishing.
on an industrial scale demands the willingness of all the involved decision-makers to
take on responsibility and to exercise a high
level of safety awareness. In many cases,
this may be an individual process, adapted
to a specific application. At the beginning
of such a project, the choice of materials to
be used must be made. In the majority of
cases, this decision is made together with the
pipe manufacturer, taking into consideration
all the different aspects of the respective
application. Because of the numerous
variables, the professional expertise of the
pipe manufacturer is extremely important
and valued.
milled with very high precision. In non-cutting
finishing, the thermoplastic components
are heated and reshaped by bending or
tension-compression. When cooled and the
shaping force maintained, the workpiece
becomes solid and dimensionally stable again,
keeping the new shape it has been given.
A special division of Georg Fischer DEKA is dedicated to customizing work. This is where piping
elements and fi ttings are «improved» for the user-specific application. With modern CNC technology,
the elements are milled, molded, bent, drilled and lathed.
This is where the expertise of Georg Fischer
DEKA is brought to bear. We have the
product know-how to support customers in
engineering chemical plants. We are familiar
with the material strengths and limitations
of plastic and we know how to influence
the properties of the material through
modification processes and the addition of
stabilizers, dyes and toughening agents. These
compounding processes, as they are referred
to, are determined in close cooperation with
our raw material suppliers. Today, we have
– and this is not to be underestimated – our
own PVC-U compounds and more than 200 of
our own formulas, in addition to the respective
blending equipment.
With process guidance and the quality of
raw materials used, we are able to influence
a large number of measurable product
characteristics, such as surface quality,
thermal stability, homogeneity, tensile and
impact strength, shrinkage behavior or
residual stress. It is, however, not simply a
matter of selecting the best raw materials, the
formulation and the blending assume a vast
knowledge of polymer technology. All these
factors and the correlating know-how have a
direct or indirect influence on the chemical
resistance of a product.
A special division at Georg Fischer DEKA is
dedicated to customizing work. This is where
pipe elements and fittings are modified for
user-specific applications. By means of modern
CNC technology, pipe elements are machined
and processed further. The parts are drilled or
Compared to the piping market in plumbing,
gas, water and public utility sectors, the market
for industrial plastic pipes is in a class of its
own; there are good reasons for this. The end
customers in industrial applications have their
own specification profiles with the main priority being chemical resistance. They furthermore have an exceptionally high level of safety
awareness, which is manifested in high quality
and service requirements. Lastly, this market
features innovation cycles which are growing
increasingly shorter due to the great innovation potential. This is exemplified in the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries with
their high purity requirements.
In a second comparison with the gas
and water utilities market, we note that the
industry market is a niche market, which is
itself very fragmented. There are very many
subsectors, each with their own portfolio of
requirements. The spectrum ranges from the
semiconductor industry to the synthesis of
basic chemicals or energy generation and recovery (e.g. via flue gas desulfurization). This
list is by no means complete. With consideration to such performance characteristics
as fire behavior, electrical and mechanical
properties, application temperatures and
nota bene the ubiquitous chemical resistance,
we must satisfy a highly diversified demand,
which exceeds that of commodity products
by far. Georg Fischer DEKA’s answer to this
situation is a clear commitment to special
solutions tailored to the individual customer’s needs and an organizational structure
and processes which permit a broad scope
and vertically integrated production as well
as customizing processes.
Georg Fischer’s fifty years of plastics knowhow is a remarkable achievement in relation
The well-equipped machine park with high-performance extrusion equipment, computercontrolled blending equipment and a strictly monitored quality management system enable
consistently high-quality production results.
to a lifetime. But compared with the life cycle
of this material, it is a relatively short time. If
we look at the history of plastics, we see that
the beginnings of plastic go back far into the
past. And if we look at the future of plastics,
we can assume that history will continue to
be written for a long time to come. On the
agenda for the near or not so near future
are such central topics as new materials,
new properties of end products, additives or
substitution of the raw material, petroleum.
These «heavy» topics are the focus of
scientific research. It is in our own interest
and to our own benefit that we embrace these
questions and search for solutions, even if it
is not a part of our daily business. At Georg
Fischer DEKA we work closely together with
universities and research institutes in order to
expand our know-how and to exchange ideas
with these impartial institutions.
In regard to short-term goals and developments, we are working on such issues as extrusion of new plastics to which end we adapt
the machinery in collaboration with the manufacturers of extrusion systems. Another area
we are working on is the further development
of plastics analysis in order to predict more
accurately how the material will behave. This
has an influence on quality assurance. Our
R&D department is however also investigating new fields, for example new coatings in
the area of nanocomposites or experimenting
with new jointing technologies. Plastics technology is very advanced and the advantages
as well as the limitations of this material are
sufficiently known – that does not however
preclude that this field has been entirely «exploited» and «mapped».
Thermoplastic pipes and fittings can be heated and reshaped
by bending or tension-compression. The cooled parts remain
dimensionally stable.
Zero-error strategy
Clean room production of fluoropolymers
For demanding, high purity applications,
GF Piping Systems offers comprehensive
solutions – from pipes, fittings and valves
to jointing technology. Georg Fischer has
been a partner to the semicon industry from
the very beginning, when the pioneers in
Silicon Valley were still working out of their
legendary garages.
Managing Director Georg Fischer
SIMONA Fluorpolymer GmbH,
The digital revolution is a chronicle of
miniaturization. Hearsay has it that there are
people in the semiconductor industry who are
already searching for ways to «slim down»
light photons … Chip manufacturing is not
confronted with such extremes just yet, but
already now the distance between conductor
paths on an average chip is less than 90
nanometers (1 nanometer is a billionth of a
Where the greatest possible purity is
demanded, the smallest particle can have
catastrophic proportions. It could create an
unwanted bridge between two electrical con-
At the Ettenheim plant, every order is sent through quality assurance, released, monitored, completed and finally
released for shipment. This process is an important component of Georg Fischer SIMONA’s zero-error strategy.
ductor paths, thereby inducing a short circuit.
So it is no wonder that extreme cleanliness
is required in all production processes. A
widely ramified need for ultra pure water
is one such requirement – referred to in
the specialized jargon as UPW (ultra pure
water). Ultra pure water is much more than
simply clean water. It is H2O and nothing
else. Wolfgang Dornfeld, Market Segment
Manager for Microelectronics at GF Piping
Systems, explains how strict the tolerances are by means of a comparison: «If
you were to dissolve one cube of sugar in a
volume of ultra pure water corresponding
to a body of water the size of Lake Con-
stance, the contamination level would already be unacceptable.» Under such stringent
conditions, it is easy to understand that the
complete piping system in which the ultra
pure water circulates may not exhibit the
slightest flaw.
Georg Fischer has been a partner of the
semiconductor industry from the very
beginning, when the pioneers in Silicon
Valley were still operating from their
legendary garages. AMD, headquartered in
Sunnyvale, California, is a key customer
dust». A brief summary of these facts: The
allowed number of particles in a clean room
is extremely small and humans are «per se»
not desirable in such environments; hence,
special provisions need to be taken. Such
provisions include clean room garments
and special rules of conduct. One such rule
is that people may not move too quickly in
a clean room environment, no movements
faster than the flow velocity of the clean
room ventilation from top to bottom. The
particles in a clean room are conducted to
the place where they are exhausted via a low
but constant overpressure. This means there
is a constant forced air circulation and flow
of approximately 0.45 m/s. The employees
have to adapt to this velocity by planning
their actions carefully in advance and not
succumbing to hectic activity.
The plant in Ettenheim, Germany, is the largest interconnected clean room for plastic processing in Europe. This
clean room has three different zones. Persons are not permitted in the clean room with the highest classification.
of GF Piping Systems. A project we are
currently working on is the new AMD Fab
36 in Dresden. At AMD’s first 300-mm
plant, future generations of microprocessors
will be produced. A 300-mm wafer is a
silicon wafer that has an area which is 2.3
times larger than the 200-mm wafers. This
enables increased productivity and presents
cost benefits. «A new generation of wafers
necessitates specially adapted equipment
along the entire line», says facility manager
Dr. Frank Rompf – «so naturally, the ultra
pure water system must also be trendsetting.»
With every new generation of chips, more
transistors are packed on a microprocessor.
A consequence of this miniaturization is
the steadily increasing demands made on
manufacturing, particularly in regard to the
purity of production means and media, as
well as the production facilities themselves.
The smallest amount of contamination leads
to costly rejects, which is transferred to the
end consumer price. The rapidly sinking
prices in the electronics market are not
merely the result of larger production lots
and innovation in product design, but can
also largely be attributed to innovation in production technology. And this is where clean
room environments play a significant role.
What exactly is a clean room environment?
At the Georg Fischer SIMONA plant in
Ettenheim there are three different zones
with varying degrees of purity. The «lowest»
class of purity is defined as follows: an
allowable maximum of 10,000 particles
measuring half a nanometer (0.5 μm) or
greater per cubic meter air. This can be
depicted concretely with two comparisons.
First: a human hair has a diameter of
about 60-80 μm. Second: without special
precautionary measures, a person gives off
several million particles a minute, through
skin and breath; this is called «human
The plant in Ettenheim – the largest interconnected clean room for plastic processing in
Europe – has, besides 4000 m2 of the aforementioned «lowest» clean room class 10,000,
also over 500 m2 clean room class 1,000 and
over 150 m2 class 100. In the latter zone,
persons are not permitted. This extreme degree of purity is required for all piping inner
surfaces since these come into contact with
the high purity media conducted through the
pipes at the end customer.
In general terms, clean rooms are
«prohibited areas», and access is only
permitted – if at all – to authorized, specially
trained and equipped persons.
Injection molding machines, robots and
handling systems also generate particles.
To get control of these «emitters», several
elaborate design measures were necessary,
such as closed ducts with negative pressure
at joints and the corresponding selection of
building materials. The movements of the
machinery and robots are also not allowed
to make any air turbulence because this
would cause an uncontrolled distribution of
the airborne particles. Lastly, such plants and
clean rooms should have as few niches or
places in which particles could accumulate
as possible. Smooth surfaces without nooks
and crannies, which are easy to clean, was
another prerequisite.
A physical characteristic of the injection
molding process and extrusion is in direct
contrast to clean room requirements: when
the parts are cooled and subsequently cut
and chafed, very high electrical charges in
the order of several 1000 volts can occur.
These electrical charges in pipes and fittings
attract all the particles to the pipe surface. In
an effort to combat this, ions can be added
to the air. These then continuously discharge
the plastic components.
Clean room conditions are therefore
mainly determined by the following factors:
organized work processes, conditioning the
air in the room, rules of conduct, clean room
equipment and process machinery.
The requirements for the plastic material used
are naturally equally high as for the production environment and means. Polyvinylidene
fluoride (PVDF) has proved to be an ideal
material, especially because of the high purity methods of production it offers and its
excellent resistance to chemicals. This chemical bond of carbon, hydrogen and fluoride is
much more stable than carbon-chlorine compounds, as is PVC. This material is, however,
also much more expensive due to the very
complex process required to manufacture it.
Worldwide there are only three manufacturers of PVDF. Accordingly, the annual production of 10,000 to 15,000 tons is also relatively
Approximately one-third of PVDF raw
material production each goes to the paint
industry, for example for anti-graffiti coatings, to offshore industry (oil extraction and
production) and to the production of semifinished plastic products. Of this last third,
the GF SIMONA plant in Ettenheim is the
world’s single largest consumer.
The very high purity of the products
necessitates complete documentation of the
measures taken. Quality assurance (QA) is
Physical characteristics of injection molding and extrusion are in direct contrast to clean room requirements: high
electrical charges occur when parts are cleaned or in cutting, which attracts particles. A countermeasure is to add
ions to the air to discharge the surfaces.
the central element of clean room production.
Every order is sent through QA, released,
monitored, completed and finally released
for shipment. In order to carry this out with
a tenable outlay, a CAQ (Computer-Aided
Quality System) was installed, which handles
data monitoring. This enables maximum
traceability and reliability for each product.
In class 1,000 (less than 1,000 particles
> 0.5 μm) there is also a 100 percent visual
inspection of the products for inclusions
and flaws. Such measures are an important
component of the zero-error strategy, which
is the basic philosophy of the plant in Ettenheim. Testimony of this strategy’s success
is given by the complaint rate, which lies in
the single-digit «parts-per-billion» range. In
other words, an error is complained about in
less than ten parts out of a billion.
High-tech analytics
From paddlewheel sensor to modular
multiparameter controllers
Signet developed the first plastic
paddlewheel sensor in 1969, thus setting
an industrial benchmark. The product
range has been consistently expanded by
numerous innovations – such as sensors
without moving parts and multiparameter
Managing Director
Georg Fischer Signet, El Monte, USA
In today’s industrial water treatment market,
the demand for dependable and cost effective
system solutions is driving manufacturers
to develop diverse technologies in fluid
measurement and control. Georg Fischer
Signet has been a leading innovator for over
40 years, introducing the very first plastic
paddlewheel flow sensor – a standard in
today’s industry.
In 1969, the MK515 was introduced.
Originally designed for the marine industry
to gauge knot speed, the paddlewheel was
patented and quickly adapted as an insertion
sensor for fluid measurement in pipes. Due to
the inherent durability, this first paddlewheel
was developed using polypropylene (PP) and
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) materials
to comply with the various process liquids
Plastic flow sensors constitute approximately 80 percent of Georg Fischer Signet’s sales. The product range
includes measurement devices for other parameters as well, for example pH/ORP, temperature, pressure and
level control. The products are made of high-quality plastics that withstand a variety of chemicals.
typically found in water monitoring and
chemical production, for example. The simple
design utilizes a plastic rotor and magnets
embedded in each blade, all spinning around
a stationary shaft. The spinning and resulting
frequency is directly proportional to the fluid
velocity. The use of PP and PVDF rotors and
pins provides a corrosion-resistant solution
for applications plagued with aggressive and
corrosive liquids.
Over the years, Georg Fischer Signet
introduced a variety of other resilient plastic
designs into its product line. For instance,
in order to suit smaller pipe diameter
installations, the Signet 2000 Micro-flow
Rotor Sensor employs the use of a plastic
rotor encased in a flow cell. Ideal for clean
process liquids, the 2000 sensor features a
polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) construction.
PPS is a semi-crystalline material. It offers
an excellent balance of properties, including
high temperature and chemical resistance.
In 1997, Georg Fischer Signet, backed
by GF Piping Systems, released the Vortex
Flow Sensor which targeted the high purity
water and semiconductor industries. For the
company that built itself on rotor technology,
Signet products are manufactured in a variety of materials – adapted specifically to the process media. Among them
are PP, PVC, CPVC and PVDF. Georg Fischer Signet offers a complete line of products, consisting of sensors, fittings
and the corresponding jointing technology.
the Vortex was Signet’s first in-line flow
sensor with no moving parts. This product
was a dual effort between the design team in
Schaffhausen, experts in plastics molding and
welding processes within tightly controlled
particle-free conditions, and El Monte,
whose specialty is in electronic design and
signal processing. The Vortex sensor body
is injection-molded, ensuring that there are
absolutely no particle shedding or crevices
that allow bacterial contamination. Initially
offered in highly durable PVDF, PVC and PP
bodies, these sensors gave customers multiple
choices for their specific applications, as well
as highly accurate fluid measurement. The
PVDF version, for instance, is made from
virgin polymer in class 10,000 environments,
making it ideal for high purity processes
and chemical transfer. In 1999, the Vortex
Flow Sensor won the prestigious Innovation
Award given by Flow Control Magazine, the
leading measurement equipment magazine in
the United States. This award is given once a
year to the most outstanding and innovative
product design – the Vortex proved itself to
be the winning contender.
To capitalize on the success of its plastic
sensor line, Georg Fischer Signet introduced
yet another option for its customers – the
2100 Turbine Flow Sensor. In 1999, this small
PVDF sensor hit the market and presented
itself as the ideal sensor for highly accurate
low flow ranges. With its introduction the
Signet family of plastic sensors became the
most comprehensive in the industry – leading
the market with the most varied choices in
plastic sensor technology.
Today, the plastic sensor line constitutes
approximately 80% of Georg Fischer Signet’s
total flow business. In addition to flow, other
measurement parameters such as pH/ORP,
temperature, pressure, level, and conductivity
utilize advanced plastic materials for
maximum chemical compatibility. In recent
years, Georg Fischer Signet engineers have
discovered the benefits of combining plastics
with corrosion-resistant metals. For instance,
recent developments have combined the
use of plastics and metals such as titanium,
Hastelloy-C, 316 stainless steel, etc.
Signet products are designed in international,
intercompany collaboration.
A prime example of this synergy is the
patented Signet 2551 Magmeter Flow
Sensor (U.S. Patent No. 7,055,396 B1). Not
only is this product offered in a variety of
material options, it also represents a pivotal
transition in Signet measurement technology
– a transition to non-intrusive insertion
sensors that possess the same «non-moving»
characteristic as the original Vortex sensor.
Signet engineers and product managers
worked diligently to create a product that
would open up a host of new markets for Georg
Fischer Signet, and present a cost-effective
solution relative to other electromagnetic
flow sensors on the market. The Signet 2551
employs the corrosion-resistant properties of
PP and PVDF plastics and combines them
with the use of stainless steel, Hastelloy-C or
titanium. In applications where the process
liquid contains ferrous particles, the Signet
Magmeter outperforms any other sensor with
its list of added features such as bi-directional
flow, multi-language menu display, empty
pipe detection, and much more.
The chemical processing industry is
undoubtedly one of the most aggressive
environments for fluid measurement and
control. However, the inherent chemical
resistance of PP and PVDF, as well as the
durability of Hastelloy and titanium, create
an ideal solution that can withstand common
elements such as acids, chlorine and typical
salt solutions.
To complete the «solution» package,
Georg Fischer Signet offers a full line of
customized plastic fittings which ensure
proper insertion depth and installation for
the various flow ranges. The host of options
include tee and saddle fittings molded from
PP, PVC, CPVC, PVDF, as well as a variety of
metal fittings (copper, brass, iron) with plastic
threaded inserts. And to make installation
even simpler, all plastic Signet paddlewheel
sensors, as well as the new 2537 Flowmeter
and the 2551 Magmeter, utilize the Signet
family of plastic fittings. These fittings offer
the unique advantage of preset insertion
depths for unique pipe diameters, as well as
a reference table for pipe diameter constants.
By utilizing compatible Signet fittings, fluid
measurement errors that commonly occur in
other «unmatched» systems are eliminated.
The use of appropriate fittings also allows
for sensor upgrades to be done with little interruption in the process. They can be
either welded, glued-on or joined directly inline with the existing pipe, and the chemical
resistance of these fittings is as equally wellsuited as the sensors they match.
Although plastic paddlewheels make up the
majority of Signet product sales, there is a
growing demand for cost-effective pH/ORP
and conductivity/resistivity measurement
technology. pH, ORP and conductivity/
resistivity electrodes are usually used in
many water and wastewater treatment
systems and harsh chemical applications.
Therefore, frequent electrode replacement
is common practice in environments where
acids and other corrosive substances can
deteriorate the integrity of the electrode. For
this reason, Georg Fischer Signet employs the
use of CPVC and Ryton® in the production of
its pH/ORP electrodes, and a combination
Signet Magmeters operate without any moving
parts – thanks to sophisticated electronics and
signal processing.
Sensors are in frequent contact with aggressive media. The
material resistance and processing quality of the products is
decisive in such applications.
of CPVC and 316 stainless steel for the
conductivity/resistivity electrodes.
In 2001, Georg Fischer Signet introduced
a molded connector system called DryLoc®.
This patented design (U.S. Patent No.
6,666,701 B1) presents a versatile and
robust connector scheme between the pH/
ORP electrode and the sensor electronics.
Within the molded CPVC body, the pH
and ORP electrodes feature gold-plated
contacts specifically designed for use with
the 2750 and 2760 Sensor Electronics and
Preamplifiers. The Signet conductivity electrodes use a combination of CPVC threaded
connectors, a 316 stainless steel electrode
shaft, plus an over-molded PEEK™ insulator.
PEEK is the acronym for PolyEtherEtherKetone – an engineering thermoplastic with
excellent mechanical, chemical and water
resistance, making the model Signet
2839-2842 Conductivity Electrodes ideal
for water treatment, reverse osmosis, deionization, desalination and semiconductor
The future holds numerous opportunities
for our expanding product line. Each year,
Signet product managers and engineers
challenge themselves to develop «breakthrough» technology that will help us to
«break through» markets previously difficult
to attain. For years, GF Piping Sytems has
served critical market segments such the
CPI, semiconductor, life science, shipbuilding, industrial water and wastewater
treatment and food and beverage. No other
manufacturer can boast a complete line of
conveyance, control and measurement solutions backed by a history that stretches
over 200 years. Recognized excellence has
propelled Georg Fischer into these markets,
and as that reputation grows, Georg Fischer
Signet will continue to develop products that
will satisfy the unique demands of our global
Plastics and chemicals
The chemical resistance of plastic pipes
Georg Fischer has been using plastic
– specifically polymers – as a base material
for piping systems for fifty years. However,
this group of materials is still considered
«young» by comparison. Thanks to the vast
know-how amassed by Georg Fischer over all
these years, nearly all chemical applications
up to 100 °C can be satisfied with plastic.
Head of Research & Development at
Georg Fischer DEKA, Germany
This article aims at dispelling the «mysterious aura» of polymeric chemistry and the
material sciences and to render the subject of the «chemical resistance» of plastics
more comprehensible to laypersons. The
primary concern is to establish and explain
the multiple interactions of plastics and
The key to understanding the numerous
phenomena involved here is knowing the
basic structure of plastics. The observer is
generally interested in the so-called polymary system that can be clearly explained
with the corresponding formulation. The
most important ingredient is the base plastic which is characterized by any number of
factors. It consists of long molecule chains
made of one or more basic units (monomers).
Although there are often microscopically
ordered (crystalline) areas, the spaghetti
simile is frequently raised when the microscopic arrangement of the random (amorphous) polymer molecules needs to be graphically described.
Stabilizers, fillers, processing aids and
color are additional components of the
formulation; mixing them into the base
polymer homogenously and in the desired
quantity is referred to as compounding. Such
compounds are available for processing either
as granulate or simply as physically mixed
powders. The next step in processing – i.e.
melting and subsequent forming via injection
molding or extrusion – enables fabrication of
the desired semi-finished products.
This simplified description of plastics
manufacturing exemplifies the fact that the
chemical resistance of plastics is determined
by a multitude of factors in the formulation,
the mixing process as well as the processing,
similar to the preparation of essences. By way
of comparison, an accomplished cook creates
a delicious meal from quality ingredients and
according to a tried and tested recipe.
The daily operating conditions of piping
systems are diverse and on occasion highly
complex; the interaction of the piping system with the conveyed chemicals is only one
aspect of this complexity. Additional factors
are environmental effects (for example,
temperature and humidity fluctuation,
electromagnetic radiation), mechanical loads (for example, strain, pressure, vibration,
internal stress) and microbiological influence
(for example, bacteria, mildew). Coupled
with the time factor, in other words contact
duration and frequency, we determine the
actual specifications for the plastic product.
Let us now look more closely at the
influence of chemicals on piping systems. In
Glass-fiber Duroplast (GFK) OD 600 millimeter of post-chlor inated PVC from Georg Fischer DEKA (Plant photograph KCH).
doing so, we note that the conditions under
which the pipe system is operated have a
significant effect on its chemical resistance.
The following types of attack on the material
have been identified:
a) Genuine chemical attack on the formulation:
- This occurs when the formulation
ingredients (for example, the base polymer) reacts chemically with the medium.
A material transformation then takes
place, respectively a reduction (corrosion)
with elutriation or abrasion, as the case
may be. Stabilizer additives can be used
The effect of acetone on polysulphone pipe which has not been
heat treated. Production-related stress is discharged because of
the penetration of the solvent on the surface.
Illustration of the significance of a conscious choice of quality in different semi-finished products
within a pipeline. Here: various grades of polypropylene quality in pipe and fitting in long-term use
(6 years) with 30% hydrogen peroxide at 25 °C.
as buffers in this case, in order to prevent or delay such processes.
- Is strongly determined by the base
polymer selected as the main ingredient
of the formulation. Example: A polypropylene has a specific fundamental
resistance profile due to its chemical
- The consequence of chemical attack is
an increase in erosion susceptibility.
b) Diffusion/Swelling
- Is defined by similarities in the intermolecular interaction (formulation components/medium), in the material structure as well as in the respective operating conditions.
- Essential question: «How easily can
the chemical penetrate the spaghetti
c) Stress cracking
- Is, as is diffusion, a purely physical
- Describes the (local) distress on a plastic
component under the combined effect of
stress and the contacting medium.
- In conjunction with chemical attack, we
refer to stress corrosion cracking.
Chemical media therefore always interact in
some way with a plastic pipe; the mechanism
frequently resembles that of metal corrosion.
The most resistant pipe systems are constructed by those who best understand the relationships between formulation, processing,
operating influences and the effects of the
conveyed media and who utilize this knowhow meaningfully in the individual facets of
this chain. In view of the diversity of influencing factors, the continuous interdisciplinary
cooperation of specialists is required. Georg
Fischer has a wealth of expertise in this
field, acquired over decades and acclaimed
worldwide. They also participate actively
in an international network of corrosion
specialists. On the basis of continually optimized in-house formulations, the conscientious selection of commercially available compounds, and a profound production
know-how, compatible product systems are
developed, which exhibit a particularly high
level of performance, especially in key applications in chemical plant engineering and
hence represent an interesting alternative to
metallic materials.
Despite the complexity of this issue, general
statements on chemical resistance can be
furnished on the basis of results obtained from
simple tests. Standardized immersion tests in
the media in question have supplied valuable
information on the fundamental suitability of
the materials under review. Such data pooling exists in the form of so-called «Chemical
Resistance Lists» from nearly all reputable
manufacturers. Because of the multitude of
variable parameters and idealizing/simplified
test conditions, the information contained in
such lists can only serve as an orientation
aid. It is generally very difficult to quantify
usefully the effect of media on the material
properties when designing components;
this quantification has been made available for use in the laboratory in a simplified
Via X-ray fluorescence microscopy, the dispersion of specific chemical elements (here chlorine)
along the pipe wall is depicted. In this case, we have a polypropylene pipe specimen after more than
10 years of use in a mixed acids application at a high temperature.
This photograph shows the condition of the examined
polypropylene sample under «normal» light.
form with specific restrictions, for example
with what we call «chemical reduction factors». The latter can be calculated from
systematic long-term failure tests under internal hydrostatic pressure and chemical exposure.
Georg Fischer is one of the very few pipe
manufacturers to have had for years its own
modern laboratory, equipped specifically
for such purposes. Such a rich pool of
quantitative testimony furthermore enables
the precise analysis of pipeline samples
from practical long-term use or targeted
field tests. This is a very costly procedure,
but – when consistently and systematically
implemented over years, even decades –
represents an invaluable competitive edge, in
terms of development, application references
and customer support in the selection of
materials as well. In this manner, the entire
system is taken into consideration, including
the jointing technology.
As a result, Georg Fischer offers its
customers competent and comprehensive
support, which every customer can rely on
when in doubt.
ficantly higher temperatures in a number of
interesting cases – a very decent result after
«only» fifty years.
Analysis of the chemical resistance of plastic
piping systems is a complex task, to say the
least, and demands constant development.
In the area of systems for industrial use, this
aspect is indeed the most important criterion
in the selection of materials. Chemical
resistance is defined by the choice of base
plastic, the formulation, the installation
and handling details, the system concept as
well as the actual operating conditions. The
competent expert service which our customers
receive from experienced professionals is the
crux of materials selection and should be
looked upon as real added value in the service
package offered by the manufacturer.
Georg Fischer, thanks to its decades of
experience and unwavering focus, has mastered the skill of estimating the chemical resistance of its piping systems exceptionally
well. An example of this is the fact that
nearly all conventional chemical applications
up to 100 °C are covered with piping systems from Georg Fischer; special high-performance plastics are even resistant to signi-
So that everything fits
Standards and approvals provide the basis
for market access
Standards contribute more to economic
growth than do patents and licenses,
according to the study «micro-eco/
macro-eco», published by the German
Institute for Standardization. Exportoriented branches also apply standards
strategically in order to open new markets
and to reduce the time to market.
Head of Standards & Approvals
For fifty years, the GF brand has enjoyed
an excellent reputation in the international
piping market. Under the motto «We have
what you need, wherever you are» as well
as through quality and reliability, the GF
Piping Systems Group has earned worldwide
recognition from its satisfied customers.
The company demands of itself the ability
to offer customized solutions for all gas
and fluid conveyance applications. At first
glance this may appear to be a simple task,
but behind it stands a sweeping spectrum
of technology. It is clear that chemical
processes place different demands on piping
and valves than do gas and water supply
systems or processes in the food industry,
semiconductor technology, etc. For instance,
it must be obvious to every consumer that the
reliability of piping, especially for gas supply,
plays an important role. Chemical processes
require different chemically resistant piping
materials. In turn, piping components for
the semiconductor industry must often be
produced and packed under clean room
conditions. And naturally the individual
components have to fit together, and not least
also be combinable with products from other
Standards reduce the no longer affordable
time and effort needed to individually specify
every component. For all those concerned,
standard conformity of products today is
so widely followed in most branches that
it is one of the most decisive preconditions
for market access. Today, if standards are
not met in a piping project, there is not the
slightest chance to be considered as a partner or supplier. Only when this evidence is
furnished do they have the possibility to enter
the field and present the special advantages
of their products and services convincingly.
Standards offer support in a wide range of
areas. For example, they help reconcile the
procurement of raw materials which have
standardized chemical and physical properties to the project target. Products that conform to standards are classified as suitable
for the intended use and are compatible with
other products within the same application
range. Customers and manufacturers can
specify raw materials, products and systems
worldwide on the basis of standardization.
Defined and proven testing methods secure
their guaranteed properties and performance
characteristics. Thus, both manufacturer and
customer make similar use of standards.
In the whole array of existing standards
in specialist fields, new standards are cons-
Since 1889 the kilogram prototype has been a unique worldwide
reference value for the kilogram unit of mass. Together with the
meter prototype and the definition of time, it is certainly one of
the most important standardizations of all time.
tantly being developed. For the non-specialist this is most apparent with products and
systems used in everyday life, for example
electronic equipment and office material. In
the case of plant designers, manufacturers
and installers, the standards for quality and
environmental management systems, testing
procedures and laboratory accreditations are
of extreme importance.
Today, piping components are commodity
products, which means they are not the domain of one or two suppliers of systems. In
most cases, GF Piping Systems doesn’t know
where and under what application conditions
their products are being used. Despite this,
setting national, European and international
standards. The company thus exerts influence
on the design of practice-oriented standards
right from the beginning. On the one hand,
it is ensured that standards and regulations
correspond to existing products, and on the
other hand that future products are developed
and manufactured to comply with standards.
Crush test: a destructive standard test done on an electrofusion joint to verify fusion quality.
they are, like all their suppliers and customers, part of product liability. For the users,
the central question is whether all the elements and peripheral equipment of a piping
system fit together. Precisely with the upgrading and modernization of piping systems, it
is essential that different product generations
from the same manufacturer, as well as products from other manufacturers, are able to be
combined. This is only possible on the basis
of longstanding valid standards.
The vision is clear: standards should connect
the world. The realization of this goal is well
underway. Through standardization both
producers and customers are able to profit
from globalization. In spite of numerous
regional standards, ISO standards span the
globe. Countries like Australia and China
have at least in some areas also chosen
this standardization procedure because
conformity to standards and having relevant
approvals enhance products in the market.
They create added value, build trust, and
for the customer that means he can rely on
the quality, safety and reliability of these
products. Because standards make a lasting
contribution to strengthening market position,
at GF they have always been regarded as an
essential part of a future-oriented business
Standards reduce impediments to trade
and make the free exchange of goods possible.
In addition, they ensure that the functionality
as well as the geometric characteristics of the
products brought to market are compatible
and interchangeable with other products. The
interoperability that is demanded today is
thus safeguarded. The customer can assume
that products which conform to standards
fulfil the usage requirements, that they are
safe and do not harm the environment.
That is why Georg Fischer Piping Systems,
in its own interests, participates actively in
In special applications and market segments,
as well as under special usage conditions, a
product that meets normal standards is not,
however, enough to satisfy the customer.
He demands additional marks of quality
and approvals. Such approvals are only
awarded after the products as well as the
quality assurance systems are inspected by
independent, accredited certification centers.
From then forth, the products undergo
periodic external quality checks by an
independent authorized office.
This certification attests the basic capacity
of the manufacturer to deliver products
that conform to standards, as well as their
ability to provide professional service. Such
certification is an effective marketing tool
and is about to become a must for sales
As was just mentioned, today’s standards are
among the basic tools used in developing new
products and systems, be these the product
standards themselves, which define the
requirements, or the corresponding testing
standards, which specify the exact testing
procedure to use for evidence of a specific
The standards for a quality management system, which can only be certified by
compliance with the standard requirements,
form the framework for in-plant operational
sequences. This is similarly true for the environmental management system, which enables production operations to employ environmentally sound procedures with significant
impact, for example on the reduction of
emissions, energy consumption and spent
The labels contain information on standards and approvals, in addition to logistical
In the near future, ISO will publish a new
standard relating to the social responsibility
of a company, which will then set a uniform
standard in this area as well.
From the start, GF has helped form the
standards for piping systems and has also
set priorities. Active participation in creating
new standards will continue through
membership in standardization associations
and eventually as chairpersons of, or as
delegates to CEN and ISO standardization
boards. A widely diversified standards and
approval network, set up on intranet, makes
communication possible with corporate and
sales offices spanning the globe. Periodic
review of the standardization strategy ensures
the optimal use of resources.
The close ties between existing and
emerging standards offer GF customers the
assurance that their installation, even when
using the very latest products, meets all
standards and is suitable for the intended
use. Standardization is therefore an integral
part of a company’s future-oriented business
strategy and strengthens the market position
of its products and services.
Backing fl ange – fits on all collars which correspond to the given
Radical optimization
Quality and environmental management as a
building block for market success
Market success is only attainable when
customer needs are uncompromisingly
met. The user must be sure that Georg
Fischer products currently in use will
satisfy all requirements years from now.
Therefore, it is necessary to continuously
optimize quality in every process area.
Head of Quality and Environmental
«Perfection lies in the details, but perfection
is no detail.» This slogan from Henry Royce,
co-founder of Rolls Royce, is also to the point
with regard to quality and environmental management activities. He declared that the customers’ justly demanded need for quality is of
central importance. As Georg Fischer has demonstrated since its founding, their interests
are in line with those of the customer because only with the highest quality products is
it possible to achieve lasting success in the
market. The demand for a large measure
of sustainable cost-effectiveness concerns
everyone. In the sense of long-term profitability, it must also be seen to that products
– from the time of manufacture, during
usage, and all the way to disposal at a later
time – pollute the environment as little as
Such far-reaching demands can only
be satisfied by continuous optimization of
work processes. This begins right with the
Quality and environmental management systems streamline production structures and processes, which translates
into time and cost savings. It fosters the independence of employees by regulating competences, eliminates safety
hazards and backs the legal certainty of international marketing.
development of new products. In addition,
the operation procedures in production are
continuously and critically scrutinized.
Already during planning it must be ensured
that errors are avoided. The adherence to
environmental standards and laws during
production is just as much an integral part of
cost effectiveness as are employees who are
highly motivated to realize the company’s
long-term goals.
Likewise it is very important that intragroup suppliers are actively integrated in
the quality and environmental management
system. National and international standards,
as well as specially determined internal
company controls, serve as a guide for all
The EN ISO 9000 set of standards is, for
example, generally recognized in the area of
quality standards. The individual standards
in this family establish, among other things,
definitions of terms and provide the basis for
the uniform valuation of the specifications to
be met. Furthermore, they contain instructions for the continuous improvement of
quality performance on the whole and how
the goals reached can be sustained.
Central to the entire process – from
development, production and usage, to the
recycling which is required years or even
The targeted improvement of the energy balance is a permanent aspect of quality and environmental management.
With an environment relevance matrix Georg Ficher determines the energy balance of products over their whole
life cycle – from extracting raw materials through production and marketing to final assembly and even to recycling
after decades of use.
decades down the road – are the requirements
to be met from the standpoint of the customer,
as well as those from the standpoint of the
lawmakers. The question must always be
asked afresh, which product characteristics
are determining factors in the customer’s
decision to buy.
Surely one of the most important preconditions for market success is that globally
valid standards are observed right from the
development phase. This massively reduces
the time to market. The manufacturer then
has the advantage of being faster to market.
Standards and approvals form an intermeshed
system with quality and environmental
management, which ensures that quality
standards are complied with and the basic
requirements of the customer are fulfilled.
This intermeshed system is therefore an
essential factor in the cost effectiveness of
the entire company. Selected indicators,
such as manufacturing quality, margin of
error, storage throughput time, adherence
to delivery dates, etc., serve the quality
and environmental management system as
controlling instruments in the attainment of
its goals. A recent example is the application
of the environment-relevance maxtrix in
iFIT, the no-tools piping installation system.
Besides conformity to standards, enormous value was placed on processing safety
and building site suitability already during
development and construction. The fully
automated functional testing of all installation
system components, which accompanies
production, guarantees the highest product
quality and functional safety.
The environment-relevance matrix represents one facet of quality and environmental management. From it we can derive,
for example, the energy balance from the
extraction of raw materials to production,
from marketing to assembly, and finally to
recycling after decades of use. Generating an
environment-relevance matrix is not an end
in itself, but rather serves, among other, as a
basis for reaching the target of an improved
energy balance. It shows in which phase the
greatest energy comsumption takes place,
where the need for action is, and where the
quickest reduction of costs can be achieved.
Finally, by means of the matrix, it is possible
to assess in which ways the improvement
strategies and measures have been effective
and where, if required, further need for action
is called for. It also indicates alternative
materials, whether the required amount of
material can be reduced, or whether a part of
the material can be reused. Lastly, it points to
ways in which the product’s service life can
be extended through better maintenance.
Standards & Approvals, Quality and Environmental Management, as well as Quality
Testing and the Test Lab are all closely involved and therefore operate interactively.
It is obvious that in a large company only
standardized operational sequences lead to
inter-coordinated results. For this reason, it is
expected of all suppliers that their own quality
and environmental management systems
likewise work on the basis of these standards. Thereby the entire work surroundings
must be considered in quality and environmental management and also be looked at
under the aspect of sustainability. Only in a
work environment that is felt to be positive
do workers perceive taking personal responsibility as matter of course and only in this
way does self-monitoring during production
lead to higher sustainable quality.
In terms of sustainability, Georg Fischer
works with a series of additional guidelines:
for instance, the Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI) guidelines for voluntary reporting on
the economic, ecological and social aspects
The continuous improvement process (CIP) is an important component of the ISO 9001 standard.
The purpose of CIP is to steadily improve the product, process and service quality in small steps
– not necessarily in quantum leaps.
of corporate activities, products and services.
The guideline issued by Social Accountability
International (SAI), workplace standard SA
8000, describes a flexible system for ethical
workplace conditions throughout the entire
worldwide supplier network. The guideline
OHSAS 18 001 of the Occupational Health
and Safety Management System is a framework for dealing responsibly with questions of
work, health and safety. While the documents
from the International Labour Organisation
ILO contain worldwide knowledge and
experience, such as how particular work
problems can be tackled on the global level.
A quality and environmental management
system tightens structures and production
processes, thus saving time and costs. It
encourages employees to take personal
responsibility through clear definitions of
competence, eliminates safety hazards and
strengthens legal certainty for international
market entry. The detailed and careful
monitoring of a quality and environmental
management system is what, in the eyes of
many customers, makes a big difference
between products and services of GF Piping
Systems and those from suppliers of lower
priced goods. From the customer’s standpoint,
assured quality is a firm basis for decisionmaking. In the case of comparable offers,
he usually decides on that product whose
quality he finds convincing and for which he
knows it was conceived in an ecologically
optimized process.
The efficient and effective use of materials is a central issue.
Georg Fischer Piping Systems constantly checks whether
volumes can be reduced or if some percentage can be reused or
Tried, tested and approved!
Quality is our recipe for success
In order to enter the market fast with new
products, it is essential that all the relevant
norms have already been considered in the
framework of the development process.
Hence, GF Piping Systems is able to set
new benchmarks worldwide with its new
Head of Accredited Test Lab
GF Piping Systems
In principle, designers and installers of piping
systems have a huge spectrum of products,
systems and system variations to choose
from. The very large scope of the market
offering doesn’t make it easy to keep an
overview. Designers must ask: Do I choose
a conventional solution and use products that
are well known and have proved reliable in
the past? Or do I choose a new development,
a sustainable, user-friendly solution that
offers a number of significant advantages
compared to the traditional solutions?
For example, an installation firm can cut
back on assembly time drastically with new
systems from GF Piping Systems and at the
same time reduce the frequency of errors
considerably. Moreover, less is spent on
Endurance test on a PE tapping saddle for gas and water distribution piping: peeling the saddle from the
inventory management thanks to the modular
design of the systems, which enables more
variations with fewer components. And
last but not least, the end customer benefits
for many years to come from the more
comfortable use.
Actually, this end customer, although he
has the highest benefit, rarely sees much of
the installed piping system at all because it is
behind walls or under floors. He will, however,
complain very quickly if there is something
wrong with the installation. And remedying
such complaints can be a very costly affair
for installation firms and product suppliers.
Designers as well as system installers and
users place a great deal of value therefore on
a consistent quality assurance.
Due to the diversity of new developments,
piping system designers are faced with the
fundamental question of whether they can be
certain that the products they use correspond
with the required level of quality and whether
they fulfil all the applicable standards and legal provisions. Besides the difficult decision
of choosing the right product from the wide
range of products on offer, a piping system
planner is in most cases not in a position to
Testing line for pressure loss measurements on pipes, fittings and valves.
verify if the selected products possess the
characteristics he needs. For him, it is therefore important that the declarations and
quality marks are based on the particular
specifications of his application.
In regard to product liability, it is essential
for all those involved that the manufacture of
the product is traceable. By way of a practical
example, let’s look at the tapping saddle.
With this product, it is possible to make connections on existing pipelines without interrupting the mains supply. Analogous to other
products made at the plants of GF Piping
Systems, a serial number is injected into this
tapping saddle, from which the manufacture
period can be deduced. This number permits
the manufacturing plant to isolate precisely
the raw material batch and the process parameters under which production was conducted. In case of damages, it is thus possible
to reproduce the production process exactly
and detect any deviations from the parameters which may have occurred.
Requirement-based quality and continuous
improvement of the business processes
create a competitive advantage all along the
line. Quality has a very high rating throughout the entire corporation. In this vein, the
GF Piping Systems Test Lab is accredited
as a testing center according to the ISO/IEC
17 025 standard. It is especially important
to have the respective accreditation for the
laboratory because only test reports from
an accredited lab are accepted worldwide.
The accreditation of the test lab is audited
annually by the Swiss Accreditation Office
and has to be renewed every five years. The
GF Piping Systems Test Lab conducts testing
on a wide range of components, such as pipes,
pipe joints, connecting elements, fittings,
manual and actuated valves and flow meters,
on behalf of in-house research and development departments and production plants, as
well as for external customers. Specifically, these can be development and product
release tests from the R&D departments (TT
– Type Tests and ITT – Initial Type Tests), fabrication release tests (BRT – Batch Release
Tests) and quality controls (PVT – Process
Verificating Tests).
The type tests (TT) performed during the
development phase ensure, when completed
successfully, that the new systems comply
basically with the market specifications in
relation to the applications and the standards.
We differentiate in this respect between PTT
(Preliminary Type Test) and ITT (Initial
Long-term pressure test on a PVC cement fitting in a water bath at 60 degrees Celsius. The
fitting must remain tight at an internal pressure of 16 bar for at least 1000 hours.
Type Test). PTT is the proper development
test, ITT the production release test. To
obtain product certification, the results of the
ITT are necessary. These results must stem
from accredited or other labs authorized by
the certification offices.
Regular and diligent fabrication release
tests (BRT) are an integral component of
production. Test procedures, for example
geometric testing or internal pressure tests,
are assigned to individual production steps.
These tests can be viewed as an application
simulation. In this production phase, the
parts are also marked for future traceability.
The purpose of the quality control tests
(PVT) is to identify at an early timepoint
possible quality defects in the entire product
life cycle attributable to modified materials
and production means. The basis for these is
a test plan which chalks out which parts have
to be checked with which tests. This includes
the entire product spectrum.
Since all the relevant standards are already
taken into consideration during the deve-
lopment of new products, Georg Fischer
is capable of bringing these very quickly
to market. The company is therefore in the
fortunate position of setting global benchmarks with these new developments and
providing its customers with a technological
edge. With solutions for long-lasting use,
GF Piping Systems is fit for the future and
scores in demanding sectors from water
treatment to cooling and heating systems,
sewer systems, irrigation, swimming pools,
applications in the semiconductor industry,
food technology and biotechnology, to
chemical plants and shipbuilding. For tailormade solutions in these extremely different
kinds of applications and specialized areas,
GF Piping Systems has over 40,000 products
in its range. Strict controls guarantee that
customers receive high quality products that
meet all the relevant standards and legal
Function test on PVDF ball valves with electric actuators. The
ball valves must withstand 50,000 cycles without leaking.
Just ordered, presto delivered
The new logistics concept of Georg Fischer
Piping Systems
The hub concept has taken hold and
proved successful in the aviation industry.
The new logistics concept of Georg
Fischer Piping Systems, which is being
gradually implemented until the end
of 2007, is built on a similar model. It
consists of seven distributions centers
throughout Europe.
Head of Supply Chain Management
The main goal of the new logistics concept
of GF Piping Systems is to meet the needs
of our customers even better and to further
optimize the supply chain. After all, logistics and distribution represent an important
link between customers and production and
are a major factor in achieving customer satisfaction. The latter is not just a matter of
supplying high quality products and systems,
but supplying them quickly – anywhere in
the world, any time!
A nervous and stressed customer in Shanghai.
The microelectronic firm needs a diaphragm
valve – immediately! A lengthy production
standstill would be catastrophic and totally
unacceptable. Hectic activity at the Hamburg
Public Utilities as well, because a gas line
needs to be replaced – an emergency! A call
for action from a hotel renovation project in
Verona; here a new piping system for the hotel’s water supply is required – subito!
These three examples picked at random
from a normal working day at the Georg
Fischer distribution centers have one common denominator: The globalized economy depends heavily on the fast-as-lightening, smooth-as-clockwork flow of goods.
Accordingly, logistics and distribution enjoy
a high status at Georg Fischer. Only with
sophisticated logistics can the ambitious
goals of high customer satisfaction and
continued growth be reached.
The hub concept, which we aspire to, is a
colossal project. It consists of linking a network of seven regional distribution centers
in Europe including the two existing centers
in Schaffhausen (Switzerland) and Coventry
(Great Britain). The new concept guarantees
that customers in all the regions receive their
shipments, as required. Products kept on
stock at the individual distribution centers
are specifically aligned to the needs of our
customers in the particular region, and the
transport routes to customers are short.
In Europe we can reach the majority of
our customers within 24 hours from one of
the seven distribution centers. Between the
centers themselves, we have set up regular,
fixed shipments to maintain a constant supply.
For especially urgent shipments of products
not on hand locally, there are various «traffic
on demand» options. The new logistics
concepts therefore also gives consideration
to the increased use of transport systems and
deliveries are less susceptible to breakdowns
in the system.
GF Piping Systems is geared for a global supply chain. Sea freight,
air freight, courier services, road transport – the distribution
centers are masters at putting together the logistics puzzle.
The product range of GF Piping Systems
includes several tens of thousands of products.
Obviously, with such diversity and volumes a classification into «A», «B» and «C»
products is essential. «A» products generate
the highest sales volume, «C» products the
lowest. In addition to this classification, we
have analyzed the fluctuations in demand for
these products via a minutely detailed survey
of all sales at our companies, thus creating
a second classisfication dimension. We can
therefore say precisely with which and how
many products we generate how much sales
Piping Systems did originate against the
background of changing market conditions.
The huge volumes in our distribution centers require constant monitoring of the flow of goods.
Order processing is automatic and despite modern IT tools, the people behind the processes are
percentage, broken down into the individual
markets. Such figures are worth their weight
in gold, so to speak. So in a figurative sense,
we have declared products with the highest
demand and the least fluctuation in demand
«Gold» products. They are always on stock
locally and at the customer’s within 24
Air freight, sea freight, courier services,
road transport – the distribution centers
are masters at putting together the logistics
puzzle and always select the best possible
means of transportation. For regular orders,
and in agreement with the customers, the
best transport means is simply the cheapest;
especially urgent orders are sent by express
and courier, if necessary also over the weekend. Order processing is fully automatic and
conducted with modern IT tools. Customers
from all around the world place their orders
with their sales company by phone or
electronically; the orders are then forwarded to the responsible distribution center and
GF Piping Systems processes worldwide
approximately 410,000 customer orders
annually. The incoming orders comprise
nearly 2.8 million order items. The warehouse capacity currently amounts to 80,000
pallet spaces – across all the distribution
centers and the local warehouses and plants.
At the largest of our distribution centers in
Schaffhausen (Switzerland) we handle huge
volumes on a daily basis. For example, we
process 5,000 order items every day in twoshift operation from 5.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.
This adds up to 400 pallets for shipment and
1,200 packages. Twenty-five percent of orders
leave the distribution center on the same day,
60 percent are shipped the following day and
the rest on the day after.
We are striving to improve these key
figures even more with our large-scale
logistics project. The goal is to first and foremost offer our customers superior service,
as compared to the competition, and to
guarantee the highest level of reliability
possible. Optimizing costs is only secondary.
However, the new logistics concept of GF
Market analyses and customer surveys have
confirmed the trend in effect since 1990:
Price and time pressure is on the rise as is
the need for greater system variety. The
customers are optimizing their procurement
channels, which concludes ultimately in a
reduction of suppliers.
In the course of these developments,
many large customers have made radical
changes in their stockkeeping: this task is
frequently delegated today to the suppliers, or
manufacturers. So, large distributors that have
very large product mixes are faced with the
same problems in stockkeeping as suppliers.
Concretely, this means that they are wary
of obsolete inventory, the so-called «shelf
warmers». This has caused many distributors
to say that they will carry our products, but
only want to keep «A» products on stock.
For all the other products, they expect us to
maintain a high level of responsiveness and
very short delivery times.
This optimizing on the part of distributors
is driven by the cyclical economic slowdown
as well and the visible trends toward market
saturation in the piping systems business.
Currently, however, we are in an upswing;
nevertheless, our efforts to reduce costs are
Delegating stockkeeping to the manufacturer is related to a great extent on the
diversity of the systems today. While in the
past a plumber would work with the materials
he preferred and which he kept on stock,
he is instructed today by contractors and
architects on what kind of a system is to be
used, one of any number of systems available
in the market. These customers then have to
order on demand – in other words, when they
have a job to do. So we often deliver straight
to building sites today.
Another trend, which places high demands
on logistics, is that many large retailers and
plant engineers are expanding their market
area to include all of Europe. Naturally, they
expect the same service quality and identical
prices everywhere. This is where we compete
directly with local and regional providers.
In the largest distribution center of GF Piping Systems in Schaffhausen
(Switzerland) about 5,000 order items are processed daily. This corresponds to 400
pallets of shipping volume and 1,200 packages.
Basically, we can speak of an entrepreneurial
paradigm change in logistics at GF Piping
Systems. We are transforming, in terms of
material flow, from an extremely centralized
structure to a decentralized structure, i.e. a
regional structure. Logistics management,
nonetheless, takes place centrally at headquarters. We continually evaluate incoming
orders and check the individual products as
to their service classification. This evaluation
enables us to project market requirements to
our inventory keeping, getting very close to
ideal conditions and optimal delivery service.
We can also predict precisely which products
generate what percentage of turnover. By
evaluating this data, we can thus analyze and
optimize our product range.
As is frequently the case in complex systems,
analysis of data pools leaves a margin for
interpretation open and sometimes the
measures which need to be taken are not
immediately identified. By way of example,
let us look at a product that is not sold often,
but which is an important component in one
of our systems. From a logistics point of view,
this would be a «dark red» product. But from a
sales perspective, this product is indispensable
for the sale of other system components. To
solve this dilemma, a systematic approach is
required to determine quasi the opportunity
costs. Concurrently, a healthy «market sense»
is necessary; this means that we have to
know what our customers want. Finally, we
are obliged to stay in permanent dialog with
our colleagues in sales.
The supreme goal is always to adhere
exactly to what was promised to the customer
– a challenging task indeed! Each of the
three orders mentioned at the beginning of
this article were of course delivered on time.
Even the especially urgent shipment to China
arrived on time in Shanghai – two days after
the order was received!
25 percent of orders leave the distribution center in
Schaffhausen (Switzerland) on the same day, 60 percent on the
following day and the rest on the day after.
Packed-in energy
Plastic: from raw material to end of life
Plastics are sustainable materials
because they conserve resources like no
other material. Thanks to their specific
properties, they contribute greatly to
consumer benefit, to profitability and to
environmental compatibility of products.
Managing Director
PlasticsEurope, Germany
PlasticsEurope, Germany,
Plastic and Environment
Raw materials for plastics manufacturing are
carbonaceous sources like petroleum, gas or
coal. In terms of oil and gas consumption,
plastics require approximately four percent
of the total consumption in Europe. More
than four-fifths are used for transportation,
heating and energy, in other words they are
combusted. Worthwhile contributions to
resource conservation are best undertaken
in these areas. Plastic’s true virtue lies in
its ability to safeguard vital resources. This
material helps to save valuable resources in
manifold ways when used in products such as
automobiles, washing machines or as packaging. And once the products have served
their purpose, they can be reused in a number of different ways, thus conserving even
more resources. This is, however, not the
case when they are deposited as waste. It is
advisable to recycle plastics wherever technically and economically feasible and where
there are markets for such products, whether
in the form of recycled materials, raw materials for chemical processing or energy. Environmental compatibility does not simply
involve the treatment of products at the end
of their life cycle; instead, the entire lifetime
of the products needs to be taken into consideration.
Because of their diversity and molding
capacity, plastics have forged ahead into all
walks of life. Today the most significant application is in packaging. In Western Europe,
this sector represents roughly 37 percent of
plastic applications, followed by the building
industry with about 20 percent. Other market
shares are in technical applications, such as
automobile manufacturing (7.5 percent) and
electrical/electronic equipment (7 percent).1
Innovative plastic packaging design has
led to major savings in material usage. A study
by the GVM, Wiesbaden (Society for Market
Research in Packaging) and the GUA, Vienna
(Austrian Institute for Economic Research)2, 3
examined the question of what would happen
if all the plastic packaging in Germany were
replaced by other materials. The results of
this study show that the packaging weight
would quadruple and the resulting volume
of waste would be doubled. Twice as high
would also be the greenhouse gas emissions
and the costs. Energy consumption would
increase 1.5 times.
Approximately 2,000 parts in an automobile are made of plastic. By using plastic,
the vehicles are lighter, which is important
for fuel consumption. About 90 percent of
an automobile’s energy consumption results
Raw material recycling in the form of gasification to synthesis
gas at Sustec-Schwarze-Pumpe.
from running the car (approx. 80 percent) and
from fuel production (10 percent); automobile
manufacturing accounts for the remaining 10
percent and only 0.2 percent is attributed to
disposal.4 The most decisive contribution
to resource conservation is, therefore, to
be found in reducing the fuel consumption,
which primarily depends on the motor power
and the weight. A high-mileage automobile
can only be realized with innovative plastic
solutions. One means of accomplishing this
is a gasoline tank made of plastic. Because
plastic is so easy to mold, space can be
utilized optimally, so the overall weight is
Plastic consumption in Western Europe
Total consumption in 2004: 43.5 millions tons
Other 28.5 %
Packaging 37 %
Automobile 7.5 %
Electrical/Electronic 7 %
Plastic parts in a household washing machine
produce a similar effect. The detergent tank
which surrounds the drum is easily formed
with plastic, thus minimizing the so-called
dead space. Result: water consumption is
decreased by up to two liters per wash cycle.
If we extrapolate the number of wash cycles
per year and household to about one hundred,
we see that there is an enormous potential for
saving water and energy here. In Germany
alone with approximately 39 million households, the annual savings potential is in the
order of five billion liters of water, in addition
to roughly 300 million kilowatt hours of
electricity, analogous to a CO2 reduction of
approximately 100,000 tons.
Heating in the home is second only to transportation in terms of energy consumption.
Seventy percent of the energy used in households goes to the account of heating. Plastic
insulation materials for exterior walls, roofs
and basement ceilings represent a substantial
savings factor. A recent study conducted
by the GUA5 looked at the energy savings
already realized through the targeted use of
Building 20 %
plastic insulation in buildings. Included in
the study were the EU member states as well
as Norway and Switzerland. All the life cycle
stages were considered from manufacture of
the insulation to its disposal. From an energy
perspective, it was revealed that manufacture
and disposal consume less than one percent.
The greatest effect is achieved in the product usage phase. For exterior wall insulation, the expenditure for energy consumption
in manufacturing was redeemed after only
four months of usage. And the most important result: the energy saving calculated for
Europe corresponds to approximately 20
percent of total energy consumption of EU
member states (EU-25) for the year 2002
– an impressive example of resource conservation through the use of plastics.
A further example are LCDs, short for
liquid crystal displays. These flat screens,
in which the cathode ray tubes have been
replaced with a type of plastic film onto
which the image is projected, are not only
very popular, but also good for the environment. An LCD monitor requires only about
one-third of the energy over the entire usage
stage, as compared to traditional cathode
ray tubes. The disadvantage is that the LCD
cannot be recycled in the same manner as
the easily dismantled tube displays. Yet,
when considering the entire life cycle, the
flat screens fare much better in the overall
balance of environmental burden, due to
the fact that the manufacture and recycling
stages combined require far less energy than
the usage stage. A simple rule of thumb for
electric appliances and electronic equipment
is that the usage stage requires approximately
80 percent of the total energy consumption,
while manufacture and disposal require only
20 percent, disposal usually accounting for
less than half of this. A concrete example
would be the cumulated expenditure of
energy in the life cycle of a washing machine,
of which even 90 percent of the energy
utilization is ascribed to the usage phase.
Plastics can be reclaimed in three different
ways: from a material, raw material or energy
aspect. No other material offers so many
recovery options. Material and raw material
processes are referred to as «recycling», in
reference to the reutilization of materials.
Recovery of materials (recycling) is
similar to that of glass or metals. The
material is reduced to small pieces, washed
and remelted into new applications. Used
plastics are generally made into granulate,
or so-called reclaim, which can basically
be reprocessed much like virgin material to
create new products.
In other cases, the used plastics are remelted
directly into intermediate or end products.
This is how new plastic bottles or fiber textiles,
for example, are created. Plastic refuse, which
is fairly clean and homogenous, or plastic
which can be easily and economically sorted,
is most suitable for material recycling.
Soiled and mixed plastics lend themselves
to raw material reclaim. In this case, the
plastic is split up into its feedstock or in
other chemical intermediates. These are
then utilized in plastics manufacturing or in
chemical processing. An industrial process
is converting plastic waste into synthesis gas,
which is used, for example, in manufacturing
methanol. Methanol is, in turn, sold to the
chemical and plastics industries and in some
instances used to produce plastic. Another
commonly used process is the application of
plastics as a reducing agent in steelmaking.
Again, an intermediary product is created, a
synthesis gas, which removes oxygen from
the iron ore, leaving only the iron.
The third option is energy recovery. The
energy content of crude oil is, so to speak,
«parked» in plastics and can be used again
when the product’s service life is over. This
method of recovery is also recommendable
for heavily soiled and mixed plastic refuse.
For energy recovery, plastics are supplied,
for example, to waste incineration plants that
produce electricity and thermal energy, to
the cement industry or to power generation
In Western Europe (EU-15) a total of
approximately 22.5 million tons of plastic
waste was accumulated in 2004.1 Of this,
nearly 54 percent was recycled and 46 percent
disposed of. The so-called post-user wastes
(from private and industrial end users) make
up the largest portion of plastic waste. In
2004 this amounted to 19.1 tons in Western
Europe, of which the lion’s share was plastic
packaging with about 61 percent, followed by
automobiles (6 percent), building (5 percent)
and electrical/electronic (4 percent). Of the
post-consumer waste, nearly 47 percent was
recycled, of which 18 percent fell to material
recovery (1.6 percent raw materials) and
29 percent to energy recovery. Roughly 52
percent was disposed of in landfills.
Which of these methods is most suitable
for the respective plastic waste depends on
several factors. First, the quality and the
volume of the waste will determine to what
extent the plastic can be recycled so as to
make technical and economic sense. But
in the end, profit and loss will depend on
whether there are markets for the resulting
Plastic fuel tank.
Bits and pieces of an automobile.
products, recycled materials, chemical feed
stock or energy, as the case may be.
plastics are recycled, whether from a material
or energy point of view.
However, concentrating solely on
recycling, in other words material recovery,
harbors the risk of missing other, usually
greater savings potential. For many products,
the greatest potential lies in the usage stage, as
illustrated by our examples. This can lead to
a conflict of objectives. Take for example the
automobile: The increased implementation
of various plastics, optimally adapted to the
respective application, enables lighter construction and therefore less fuel consumption,
but this does not necessarily promote the
recovery of the plastic material, which would
require the materials being easy to separate.
In such cases, universal, industrial processes to recover the raw materials or energy
recovery would be better suited. The whole
life cycle must be taken into perspective for
resource conservation to make sense.
When plastic products become waste, they
do not represent a problem; on the contrary
they contribute to resource conservation
– provided that they are used optimally.
The agenda of the European waste policy is
- less waste by prevention and reuse;
- less waste disposal in landfills by recycling;
- resource conservation.
The use of plastics supports these
objectives. Due to their low specific
weight, plastics already contribute to waste
prevention during their usage, especially in
the area of packaging. As we have mentioned
before, the waste volume would be about
2, 3
four times greater without plastics.
Plastics have a similar heating value as fuel
oil – used articles made of polymer materials
should therefore not be thrown into landfills.
Valuable resources are conserved when used
The currently applicable laws do not give
adequate consideration, however, to this
PET fl akes for material recycling.
correlation. The most important guidelines
on product waste:
- the EU-PPW Directive on Packaging and
Packaging Waste
- the EU-ELV Directive for End-of-Life
- and the EU-WEEE Directive for Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment
provide very firm recovery and recycling
quotas. In this way, the focus of resource conservation is put on the end of the life cycle
and the product use is disregarded. The
plastics industry supports the basic objective
of ecologically sound resource conservation
in European environmental policies. Because
the usage stage is so highly significant, optimal
waste management can only make a comparably small contribution on the whole. From this
standpoint, the recycling quotas prescribed
in the aforementioned waste directives are
counterproductive since they fix the status
quo and do not take the necessary flexibility
of all the available recovery options into
consideration. The plastics industry therefore
advocates sustainable waste management,
comprised of the following elements:
Polyethylene reclaim from material recovery.
1. Minimizing the organic-rich wastes placed in landfills.
2. Ecological waste management by utilizing the available mix of recovery options
in which the different processes for
material and energy recovery can be
freely selected.
3. Treatment and recycling of wastes according to defined environmental quality
This concept should be introduced uniformly throughout the EU in order to prevent
market distortions and to sustain the competitive ability of European industry.
Life cycle assessments have shown that all
the plastic recycling options save resources
compared to depositing the plastic waste in landfills. Materials recycling is only
ecologically superior to raw material and
energy recovery processes when the wastes are clearly sorted and clean and the
recycling material replaces virgin materials
in a 1:1 ratio. In practice this is realizable
for commercial and industrial products, the
so-called post-industrial wastes. Mixing
fractions from post-consumer wastes come
nowhere near this ratio, so that material
recovery in such cases is not advisable
from an ecological standpoint. Because as
contamination and intermixing increase,
benefits decrease. Overall, the raw material
and energy recovery processes are equal on
the ecological scale.6 The value of energy
recovery in waste incineration plants depends largely on the utilization of the energy
generated. If the plant is tied into, for example, an industrial power network with yearround thermal energy utilization, the waste
incineration plant will be on an ecological
par with the best raw material processes.
Which recycling mix is the most efficient
– ecologically and economically – for plastic
waste is a consideration which must be dealt
with separately in each individual case. For
example, it certainly makes sense to recycle
the material for plastic packaging collected
separately, as are PET bottles. However, the
mandatory recovery of plastic components
from end-of-life automobiles, for example,
makes neither ecological nor economic
sense.7 Plastics, which exist in such great
variety and which are used in such diverse
functions, can only in the rarest cases be
separated material-specifically with a tenable
amount of effort. Such waste rich in plastics is
generally better relegated to the raw material
and energy recovery processes.
In line with resource conservation
thinking, it is essential that plastics are
recycled and not disposed of.
The fact is undisputed: Plastics are a
sustainable materials. Plastics are efficient in
production, they contribute greatly to resource conservation, especially in the product
usage stage, due to their diversity and low
specific weight, and they can be recycled in
a variety of ways at the end of the product
life cycle. This enables utilizing the energy
packed in the natural resource, petroleum,
at least twice. Against this backdrop, it is no
surprise that plastics are making headway
in many new applications and advancing to
become the material of the 21st century.
Sorted PET fractions from DSD used plastic recovery.
1) Plastic Waste in European Key Countries,
Summary of Results, CONSULTIC,
Marketing & Industrieberatung GmbH,
Alzenau, September 2006
2) Verpacken ohne Kunststoff – Hochrechnung
auf Europa, GVM – Gesellschaft für
Vermarktungsforschung und GUA
– Gesellschaft für umfassende Analysen,
Wiesbaden/Wien, Dezember 2004
3) The contribution of plastics products to
resource efficiency, GUA – Gesellschaft für
umfassende Analysen, Wien, Umfassender
Bericht, Januar 2005
4) Sachbilanz eines Golfs, G. Schweimer/M.
Schuckert, Ganzheitliche Betrachtungen im
Automobilbau, VDI-Berichte, Nr. 1307, 1996
5) The potential of plastic insulation to realise
energy savings and de-coupling in Europe,
GUA – Gesellschaft für umfassende
Analysen, Wien, Abschlussbericht, Januar
6) Recycling and Recovery of Plastics from
Packagings in Domestic Waste, M. Heyde/
M. Kremer, LCA Documents, ecomed
publishers, Landsberg Vol. 5, 1999
7) Verwertung von Kunststoffbauteilen aus
Altautos – Analyse der Umwelteffekte
nach dem LCA-Prinzip und ökonomische
Analyse, Schriftenreihe der FAT –
Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik,
Frankfurt/Main, Nr. 188, 2005
Waste incineration plant in Würzburg, Germany.
Plastics Markets today
Innovations come from the market
The more ideas are systematically gathered
and discussed in a company, the greater is
the prospect of launching groundbreaking
and innovative products. This includes
a customer-orientated organization and
employees who are ready to open their eyes
and ears to recognize market requirements.
Head Global Market Development and
As a manufacturing company, GF Piping
Systems must always make certain that they
don’t shoot past the needs of the market. Not
everything which is doable and desirable is
necessarily something which ultimately serves the customers. This is where the team of
Global Market Development and Innovation
comes in. They must recognize and continually examine the customers’ needs in the various market segments and applications which
are previously defined. This means that they
must maintain good relationships with key
customers in order to comprehend fully their
wishes and concerns. This additionally entails their being on location when products
are installed.
Successes, but also failures, are useful in
detecting potential for innovative ideas. In
order to obtain this information, market segment managers need to keep their eyes and
Only if we understand the customers’ processes and requirements, can we offer them the right products and
solutions for their needs.
ears open and be prepared to do so for the
customers’ sake. At best, companies would
naturally like to offer solutions never seen on
the market before. But since so much has already been invented, this type of innovation
is increasingly difficult to realize and has become rather uncommon. That is why companies must consistently develop existing products further and try to penetrate into new
application areas with high quality systems.
Market segment managers can perform
valuable spadework by developing market
strategies, regularly discussing the latest
trends and exchange experiences with the
sales force.
Focusing on core applications in the most
important market segments is one of the keys
to success. The better we know our markets and market partners, the faster we will
achieve measurable results. Innovations do
not appear out of nowhere. They evolve from
persistent questioning in the market and the
consistent implementation of the findings in
R&D departments.
Please find on the following pages an
overview of the key market segments and
some selected applications showing the core
competences of GF Piping Systems.
Cruise liners
Mega yachts
Leisure time and
Scheduled passenger or
vehicle transport ships
Private luxury ships
Goods transporting
Black & grey
Potable water
Water treatment
Bunker lines
Ballast systems
Producers of
Producers of
biological drugs
Producers of
cleansing, beauty
health care
Water treatment
Distribution loops
Typical customer:
Shipyards and subcontractors for ship yards. Cabin builders
and owners/service crews.
DI, PW, hPW,
DI, PW, hPW,
Dialysis &
DI water
Waste drainage &
Computer Chips
Solar Power
Producers of
integrated circuits
& memory
Producer of phot
voltaic cells
Producers of
LED products
Screens to replace CRT
video monitor applications
DI water/ specifi ed
Chemical waste
Chemical distribution
House vacuum
Process cooling water
The development, testing and production of products in defined
and controlled conditions (laboratories).
Typical customer:
Test production set-up in a cosmetic factory, or water and
waste water loops in a university/science lab.
DI water
(type I– IV)
Chemical distribution and dosing
The total plastic solution for all non-critical systems onboard
a ship is approved and supplied to shipyards all over the world.
A cruise liner today is a floating city.
Realization of completely controlled processes for conveyance,
control, measurement and equipment for installation of piping
systems supporting critical and non-critical process fluids
in high tech factories making computer chips, fl at screen
monitors and solar cells. Dependable systems with high degree
of controlled specifications are a must where inadvertent shut
downs could lead to millions of Euros per day in lost customer
Typical customer:
Companies specialized in production of micro electronic
Super markets
Cold Stores
Replacement of Freon
charged display
cabinets with «green»
anti-freeze fl uids
Production and storage of
ingredients, mainly beer and
carbonated drinks
(eg Coca Cola)
Large refrigerated and chilled
centers for
Milk product
production and
storage: cheese,
milk, yoghurts etc.
(low Temp.: ‹ 0°)
The production, distribution and storage of products related
to food, soft drinks and general beverages, with main focus on
temperature control for preservation.
Typical customer:
Contractors specialized on production of secondary
refrigeration systems for cold stores, breweries, dairies and
meat production. Specialized supermarket installers.
from the water works via the mainlines to
the point of use
from the gas distributors via the mainlines to the point of use
Distribution and transport
House connections and
service lines
Maintenance & repair
Hydrant package
Typical customer:
Municipal water works, gas distributors and contractors.
Municipal & Industrial Processes
Drinking Water
Process Water
Waste Water Treatment
Systems for potable water
processes and pool water
Water of pre-defi ned
quality, optimized for
industrial processes
Systems for industrial and
municipal waste handling/
Chemical dosing
Dilution &
water injection
Media fi ltration
Solutions for water & gas through new and refurbished
infrastructural pipe systems, primarily installed below ground.
A chemical and/or physical process that modifies the
properties of water in order to reduce their impact on
processes and environment.
Typical customer:
Equipment manufacturer focusing on production of
specialized skids and systems.
Resin ion exchanger
Membrane technology
Industrial Buildings
Public residences for
business and leisure stay
Production facilities for all
Institutes providing health
care services
Hot & cold water
Fire protection
Compressed air
Water transport
Chemical waste
Typical customer:
New or refurbished hotels, hospitals and factories
GF Piping Systems provides a comprehensive solution for
all major piping systems in non-residential buildings like
hotels, hospitals, industrial buildings and leisure centers. The
combination of different material properties secures optimized
systems from one supplier.
Chemical Distribution
Surface Treatment
Power Plants
Distributors of
user defi ned base
Production of predefi ned surfaces
(plastic and metal)
Coal power plants and
waste incineration
Production of
Filling stations
Dilution, dosing &
water injection
Air cleaning / fl ue gas
Water treatment
Chemical processes that modify or change the properties of
chemicals and materials in order to make or enhance required
functions or properties, including neutralization and cleaning.
Typical customer:
Galvanization plant for metal treatment, distributor of
bulk chemicals, chlorine-alkaline producer or power plant
engineering specialists
The lighter plastic solution
Cruise ships are often called «swimming
cities». In view of all that is offered
on these ships today, this is truly no
Market Segment Manager Shipbuilding
The shipbuilding industry is booming. The
cruise ship sector, in particular, is breaking
record upon record and has become the
fastest growing sector in the leisure industry.
There is no end to the new attractions being
offered on the cruise ships and the gigantic
size of the ships is the making of headlines.
The amazing number of leisure, wellness
and relaxation activities on offer eclipses
everything we have seen until now.
As markets grow in the Far East, notably in China, the demand for container ships,
bulk carriers, oil and gas tankers skyrockets
too, in magnitudes never seen before. South
Korea, today the largest shipbuilding nation
with a roughly estimated market share of
40 percent, currently builds over 1,100 ships
annually. The order books of the shipyards
are full, well beyond the year 2008.
This is where GF Piping Systems comes
into the picture; plastic piping systems
conveniently meet the rising demand for
faster installation and repairs in shipbuilding.
The Freedom of the Seas is Royal Caribbean International Cruise Lines’ newest ship, fitted with plastic piping
systems from GF Piping Systems.
Easy installation is not the only advantage
offered by plastic: the material is also much
better suited for the harsh environment at
sea. Saltwater, vibration and adverse weather
conditions will corrode metal pipes within a
short time. Plastic has a much longer service
life. This is beneficial to the shipowner as
well, since it means less dry dock time for
An additional plus of plastic is its low
weight, an especially important factor on
cargo ships, where every kilo deadweight
is at the cost of goods which can be loaded
for transport. And last but not least, plastic
systems enable greater installation flexibility,
which is useful in the usually cramped
quarters on board ships.
GF Piping Systems has created a separate
market segment specifically for shipbuilding,
which makes certain the general market
conditions are conducive to the use of plastic
piping systems on ships. These conditions
include, among other, product approvals,
installer training and global marketing,
all aimed at convincing the shipbuilding
industry of the advantages of plastic over the
more traditional steel and copper.
The «Freedom of the Seas» set out on its maiden voyage in May 2006. Another weighty reference for the successful
marketing activities of Georg Fischer Piping Systems in the shipbuilding sector.
Freedom of the Seas
Georg Fischer has supplied the shipbuilding industry with
piping systems for many years. And because plastic materials
have made such headway, there is significant growth potential
in this sector.
Georg Fischer has recently received several
major contracts – in spite of fierce competition
– in the shipbuilding industry. One of the
most spectacular ships to sail the seas, which
Georg Fischer has helped to outfit, has to
be the «Freedom of the Seas», currently the
largest cruise ship in the world. The numbers
for this cruise liner are staggering, even for
landlubbers. For example, the flagship of
Royal Caribbean International (Florida) is
339 meters long, 56 meters wide and draws
8.5 meters water. It travels at a speed of 21.6
knots, or a converted 40 kilometers an hour.
The cruise ship has 15 passenger decks,
1,800 cabins and has a maximum passenger
capacity of 4,370. The crew serving the
passengers counts 1,360.
The numbers aren’t the only momentous
thing about the ship; the leisure activities on
board the «Freedom of the Seas» are also
quite impressive. Numerous entertainment
and shopping opportunities are available,
such as a climbing wall, an ice-skating rink,
This cabin water distribution piping
demonstrates what is meant by limited space
for ship installations.
Drinking water is distributed via
INSTAFLEX polybutene pipes.
PVC-U piping with valve for water treatment.
an aquapark, as well as diverse games and
children programs. Furthermore, passengers
can use their mobile phones from anywhere
on the ship thanks to modern, wireless
network technology. The departure port for
cruises with this new ship of superlatives is
acceptance so that all stages of installation
proceed smoothly. This also includes training
the 200 installers. The crew also benefits
from training since when at sea they are
responsible for making sure that all systems
are go.
and whirlpool water, waste water, ballast
systems, compressed air and cooling systems
and many more. All the possibilities haven’t
even been exhausted yet.
The hot and cold water supply was completed
with INSTAFLEX, the all-plastic distribution
piping system. Alone for the distribution of
water in the cabins, restaurants, kitchens and
amusement areas, the ship’s hold contains
77 kilometers of piping, joined with 155,000
fittings and controlled by 3,600 valves.
For drinking water treatment, another
1,700 meters of pipe, 2,700 fittings and 410
manual as well as 120 actuated valves are
needed. All ten of the treatment systems
were installed with PVC.
GF Piping Systems provides the shipyard
with comprehensive support from design to
The triumph of plastics in shipbuilding didn’t
happen overnight. A great deal of persuasion
was necessary with the shipowners and at
the shipyards. The Finnish shipyard Aker
Yards, for example, which builds the cruise
ships for Royal Caribbean, initially required
a test installation from Georg Fischer before
they decided to implement the INSTAFLEX
system. We clearly demonstrated our competence, as can be seen in the most recent
example, the «Freedom of the Seas». In
the meantime, plastic piping systems are
being implemented for other applications
on ships as well: such as, treatment of
drinking water, seawater, swimming pool
Life science
From an apothecary shop to an industry
Biocon Ltd. is a major Indian biotechnology
firm. The enterprise has developed
several important biopharmaceuticals,
including human insulin production,
a cholesterol-reducing molecule and
enzyme extraction from papaya fruit.
Market Segment Manager Life Science
The modern-day life science industry
has its origins in two very different branches: pharmacies which began producing
morphine, quinine and strychnine toward
the middle of the 19th century; paint and
chemical companies which set up research
laboratories at the end of the 19th century and
in the process found medical applications for
their products.
The Merck company, for example, began
as a small apothecary shop in Darmstadt,
Germany in 1668 and then started to produce
medicines industrially in the 1830s. Many
reputable pharmaceutical firms, such as
Schering in Germany, Hoffmann-La Roche
in Switzerland, Burroughs Wellcome in
England, Etienne-Poulenc in France and
Abbott, Smith Kline, Parke-Davies, Eli
Lilly, Squibb and Upjohn in the USA took up
business as medicine manufacturers between
1830 and 1890.
Other firms renowned in the industry
started by producing organic chemicals
(especially paints) before launching into
In 1827, Heinrich Emanuel Merck initiated the evolvement from a pharmacy in Darmstadt to industrial production.
Today, Merck is a global chemical and pharmaceutical company with sales in the millions.
pharmaceuticals. Agfa, Bayer and Hoechst
in Germany, Ciba, Geigy and Sandoz in
Switzerland, Imperial Chemical Industries in
England and Pfizer in the USA are counted
among these.
These two kinds of enterprises combined to
form what is known as the pharmaceutical
industry toward the end of the 19th century when pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacology emerged as scientific disciplines.
Science focused on identifying and manufacturing synthetic drugs and testing their
effectiveness on disease patterns. The significance of the pharmaceutical industry grew
accordingly. In the last twenty years, there
has been a consolidation as well as global
investments mainly in Asia. Meanwhile, the
field of biotechnology has developed into a
market with great potential for the next fifty
Georg Fischer, being itself a 200-year-old
company, has witnessed the developments
in the life science industry from the front
row. With the development of plastic piping
systems and the corresponding fusion technologies, we have played an important role in
the progress of these firms. And still are!
A special process is used to produce human insulin at Biocon.
Unconventional methods lead to success
A broad information offensive and the courage to try a new
approach have helped plastic to make the breakthrough in
the Indian life science industry.
Multinational firms with production sites in
India are not unusual. But India also boasts
its own internationally rapidly expanding
biotechnology firms, such as Ranbaxy,
Gaetec and Biocon. These companies are
active in the field of molecular research and
are among the best in the world.
Georg Fischer with its applications for purified
water is a pioneer in supplying the Indian
pharmaceutical and biotechnology market.
The thermoplastic systems SYGEF® Plus
(PVDF HP) and SYGEF® Standard (PVDF
Standard) were installed in no less than
thirteen projects over the past three years.
The foundation for this success was laid in
2003 when seminars were held in Hyderabad,
center of the Indian pharmaceutical industry,
as well as in Mumbai and Baroda.
Still dominant in this industry’s plant
engineering are conventional piping systems
Several kilometers of PVC-U and PVC-C piping
were installed to supply the plant with diverse
Purified water treatment and distribution at
Biocon requires manual and actuated valves as
well as measurement & control instrumentation.
The purified water is conveyed in SYGEF® Plus pipes, installed on
so-called pipe bridges.
made of stainless steel according to 316L
specifications. Sanitizing high purity systems is generally done with hot water
at temperatures of 80 to 90 °C. Occasionally ozone will also be used. Water for
injection (WFI) is sterilized at 122 °C with
hot steam. Orders for such facilities are
normally placed with a general contractor
who specializes in piping system construction. He is then responsible for the design,
engineering, supply and installation of the
system. Before the system can be released for
production, a test run must be done to check
the functionality and reliability in every detail; this usually takes at least three weeks.
We had to blaze new trails in order to
press forward in these domains with our high
quality plastic piping systems. Established
plant constructors (OEMs) lacked experience
in working with the PVDF material, so
they were naturally not prepared to assume
responsibility for the installations done in
PVDF. That is why we focused on the plant
operators directly, presenting them with
convincing arguments in favor of PVDF
piping systems. The advantages offered by the
material were not the only decisive factors;
GF Piping Systems was also able to persuade
the operators of the benefits of the bead and
crevice-free fusion technology (BCF) and
of having on-site support. The combination
of product, installation technology, local
support and global expertise finally enabled
us to clinch the deal and thus acquire a
valuable new customer.
Piping Systems was successful in pointing
out the measurable added value of its systems, from a technical as well as a cost point
of view. At the same time, we were also able
to solve another of Biocon’s problems with
our PVC-U system. There had been repeated
cases of serious rust particle contamination
of laboratory tools, caused by the rinsing
water conveyed in galvanized metal pipes.
A lot of costly time was lost due to the fact that
the test tubes needed to be cleaned a second
time with DI water (deionized water). Our
PVC-U pipes solved this contamination
problem, and the additional work steps were
no longer necessary.
Consistent market development with our
aforementioned strategy and the resulting
reference projects paved the way for a
substantial project in the life science
industry. We received the bid for our largest
project to date in India in July 2004. Biocon,
the oldest and also the leading biotechnology
firm in India, selected PVDF-HP over stainless steel for its purified water system. GF
From a niche problem solver
to a general supplier
Information carriers in microelectronics
are getting smaller, while their capacity
is growing exponentially. To warrant high
precision on a nanoscale, the slightest
impurity must be prevented from
entering the manufacturing process. High
performance plastics do the job.
Market Segment Manager
Twenty-five years ago, when semiconductor
manufacturing was still in its early stages,
tackling technical hurdles was the biggest
challenge facing a supplier. The result was a
large scope of new developments during this
time, which was also evident in the field of
piping systems.
One of the most critical process media for the
production of semiconductors, then as well as
today, is what is referred to as ultrapure water
or UPW. This grade of water is used in up
to fifty different process steps. Why is it so
important? All the foreign substances must
be removed from the wafer – the silicon disc
from which the individual semiconductor
chips are made – and no impurity however
slight may be left behind. But this was exactly
the problem twenty-five years ago: despite
Failure-free chips are useful in many applications, ranging from the office computer to mobile devices or medical
the fact that the wafer had been rinsed,
the subsequent process steps repeatedly
exhibited failures or were unstable. The root
cause was sought and thanks to trace analysis
found. Minute traces of metal were evidently
the culprit, leading to malfunctions time
and again. But where were these «processadverse» particles coming from and how
could they be prevented in the future? The
answer lay in the choice of piping material.
In the past, chiefly «rust-free» stainless steels
were used for the piping systems, which turned
out to be an unsuitable choice. Additive-free
plastics, such as PVDF (polyvinylidene
fluoride) are much more suitable for these
sensitive applications with a major difference
in performance compared to stainless steel.
Processes became more stable and could be
developed further at a faster pace; failures
caused by metal contamination became a
thing of the past, thanks to plastics.
In addition to the clear technical benefits,
the commercial advantages were soon
brought to bear. Plant operators around the
world comment: «We used to have to replace
all the steel pipes every six months, whereas
the plastic systems have been running
trouble-free for many years.»
Controlled processes in microelectronics demand adherence to strict regulations on the part of
key suppliers as well.
Total Plastic Solution
More steel pipes are being replaced with plastics than ever
before. Today, it is a matter of fact that plastic piping systems
dominate not just in UPW (ultrapure water) but in many other
processes in the semiconductor industry.
Hans-Peter Müller, Application Manager Microelectronics
Hi-tech microelectronic factories run 24/7. It
is therefore absolutely essential that the piping
systems deliver critical process fluids safely
and reliably. Avoiding unnecessary shutdowns
is a goal we share with the operators. Our
quality piping system components coupled
with the corresponding fusion technology
have kept the ultrapure water systems in
semiconductor fabs running round the clock
for more than two decades. During this time,
end users and plant engineers have come to
appreciate the added benefits of plastics in
their applications and have replaced other
materials with plastics, thus improving the
safety, quality and productivity of their
piping systems.
The state of the art in semiconductor
manufacturing is the 300 mm wafer.
GF Piping Systems has benefited from its
close contact to manufacturers and has
developed the SYGEF® and PROGEF®
product lines for controlled processes. For
ultrapure and hot ultrapure water (UPW
and HUPW), the so-called lifeblood of
semiconductor wet processing, we offer
the industrial benchmark in the form of
SYGEF® Plus in PVDF HP (High Purity)
and IR Plus (infrared) fusion technology.
From the source of ultrapure water
treatment to the point of use, the whole system
is made of SYGEF® Plus PVDF products,
connected with the system-related fusion
technology. Georg Fischer Piping Systems
is the only supplier with this combination
of high purity PVDF components and
the related fusion machines in its product
Chemical waste water flows through double
containment systems from Georg Fischer
Piping Systems.
PROGEF® Natural satisfies the requirements of
CMP/slurry applications (chemical mechanical
Ultrapure water system (UPW) for a 300 mm wafer fab,
completed in SYGEF® Plus.
To be the supplier of choice for chip
manufacturers, we must comply with stringent
specifications. High purity products are by definition specialty goods. Processes and protocols in the manufacture and delivery of such
products must reflect these circumstances.
Adherence to the accepted standards, SEMI,
SEMATECH, ISO and DIN, is strictly monitored throughout the entire process, from
injection molding of the fittings and valves,
to extrusion of the pipes, to design and construction of fusion equipment. A complete
series of certified courses in welder training
and joint inspection rounds off our service
package for customers.
In the wake of the high purity success
story, GF Piping Systems has developed
the «Total Plastic Solution». This approach
comprises plastic piping solutions not just
in the high purity sector but for a wide range of microelectronic applications, always
with the aim of satisfying the strict technical
- SYGEF® PFA completes the «Total Plastic
Solution» pallet by offering solutions for
the distribution of chemicals. The highly
innovative PFA piping system meets
specifications up to 200 °C.
As a global solution provider, GF Piping
Systems is the single source for all your
piping needs:
- Because of its excellent surface finish and
corrosion resistance, Beta-PP-H is the
ideal and economical solution for process
cooling water.
- In chemical drain and waste systems, our
FUSEAL double containment system allows safe and efficient conveyance of corrosive fluids, even at elevated temperatures.
- PROGEF® Natural (PP-N) is the prefer red
material in CMP/slurry applications (chemical mechanical polishing).
- SYGEF® Exhaust features easy planning,
handling and installation as well as superior
performance at a reasonable price. This
system is generally used for conveying
critical exhaust gases and fumes.
We apply our comprehensive plastics knowhow acquired from standard applications
to customizing as well, thereby ultimately
serving the specific needs of our customers.
Our goal is to continuously increase added
value for our customers by consistently pursuing the «Total Plastic Solution» approach.
Food and Beverage
Plastics do more
The items on our shopping lists today are
getting «cooler». Fresh products need to
be refrigerated, just like the ready-made
pizza or crispy egg rolls from the freezer
section in your supermarket.
Market Segment Manager
Food and Beverage
Customers want to buy fresh, premium
quality goods, so in order to provide them
with these, the distribution cold chain must
be flawless. For a long time, this fact caused
the number of cooling aggregates rumbling
behind every refrigerator case to rise rapidly.
And this of course entailed the use of a
correspondingly large amount of coolant.
So not only did the atmosphere in shopping
centers suffer from the constant drone of
aggregates – but the earth’s atmosphere also
suffered excessively from the increased use
of freons. An alternative which benefits man
and nature alike are the so-called indirect or
secondary refrigeration systems.
A secondary cooling system is in principle
similar to central heating, only for cooling
purposes. For temperatures below zero,
water logically cannot circulate in the pipes;
instead a freeze-resistant glycol is used. The
central cooling unit can be located in the
basement and because of the concentration
requires five times less coolant than a series
of conventional aggregates. The fluids loss is
also reduced greatly, amounting to an overall
savings of 80 to 90 percent over time.
Secondary cooling systems allow customers to enjoy the shopping experience without the drone of single aggregates
and they are easier on the environment, requiring fi ve times less coolant.
GF Piping Systems has experienced a great
deal of success with its installations for the
food and beverage industry. The diverse systems and materials offer customers superior
quality without the worry of corrosion; the
solutions are cost-effective and implementable in a wide range of applications.
The contractor, who is planning to open
or renovate a supermarket, comes to us with
his own «shopping list». At the very top of
the list is time! Time is money, concretely
about 200,000 dollars a week for your average shopping center. So he naturally wants
as few delays as possible. In this respect
too, the plastic solution from Georg Fischer,
pre-insulated Cool-Fit, fares much better
than copper pipes. While installation time
estimates for copper systems run at about
twelve weeks, the same installation with
Cool-Fit takes a mere four weeks. No surprise then that the Wal-Mart manager is
equally partial to Cool-Fit as is the Bavarian
beer brewer. The environment also prefers
Cool-Fit. The energy balance (e.g. crude oil
consumption) of the ABS pipes used in the
Cool-Fit system is approximately three times
better than for copper pipes!
Plastic systems are used for the cooling at Landskron Brewery in Görlitz, so the delicious brew can mature at a constant temperature.
Cooling without condensation
Pre-insulated plastic piping systems
reduce cooling loss and at the same time
protect structures of historic interest.
The Landskron Brewery founded in Görlitz
in 1869 is Germany’s most easterly brewery
– and a Hollywood celebrity. The brick
building under historic preservation served
as a backdrop for the remake of the film
«Around the World in 80 Days».
The Landskron beer is stored in vaulted
cellars eighteen meters underground and
ferments there over a period of six to twelve
weeks, maturing into a veritable delicacy.
The secret of this beer lies in the traditional
method of brewing: with open fermentation,
guided by hand. Some time ago, the
refrigeration system and the brewhouse were
renovated. The old cooling register in the
cellar was replaced with forced-air cooling.
A new cooling system was added.
To preserve the historical building, the
structure has to be kept dry. No condensation
may form. Cool-Fit makes it possible to
fulfill this requirement. The system supplied
by GF Piping Systems is free of condensate,
which basically means condensation water
The tanks are cooled during the fermentation
process with Cool-Fit.
Cool-Fit has proven to be very practical to
install in the historic building.
Landskron Brewery – the historic backdrop for the Hollywood
remake of the film «Around the World in 80 Days».
is prevented from forming. Cool-Fit has
proven practical in use and installation at
the Görlitzer brewery. Installing the system
under the special conditions of the vaulted
cellar was quite a challenging assignment.
combination of corrosion-free ABS pipes
and PUR insulation with sturdy PE-HD
jacket pipe is the ideal solution. The carrier
pipe system made of acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS) is halogen-free and resistant to
low temperatures. ABS exhibits high impact
strength and resistance at low temperatures.
The ABS inner pipe as well as the impact and
water-resistant protective outer pipe offer
optimal conditions for use in breweries. CoolFit is specially designed as a secondary system for cooling and refrigeration applications
in the temperature range -50 °C to +40 °C.
The ABS material is ideally suited for such
cooling mediums as water and ice water, ice
slurries, salt, glycol and alcohol solutions.
Whether outdoors, in the ground or
in buildings – Cool-Fit can be installed
wherever indicated. Since ABS is safe for
use with foods and in contact with drinking
water, it has a large spectrum of applications
in the foodstuff industry: from breweries
to dairies to meat and fish processing. The
white version of Cool-Fit is predestined for
these hygienic environments. Because of its
UV resistance, Cool-Fit in the black version
is ideal for outdoor applications.
Quality and longevity of a piping system designed for a service life of 25 years is
achieved through comprehensive know-how
and many years of experience in the field.
GF Piping Systems offers end users all this
in a service package that includes technical
documentation, planning tools and on-site
training and support.
A total of over 1,200 meters of piping in the
dimensions DN 25 to DN 100, more than
400 fittings and connecting elements and
a cooling brine with 25 percent Antifrogen
L were used with a working temperature of
-4 °C to -8 °C.
To keep the cooling energy input to a minimum, the plastic piping system is pre-insulated. When coolant is transported through
insulated steel pipes, ice can form in places
where the insulation is damaged. On ABS
pipes, however, there is no ice build-up.
Cool-Fit is a completely pre-insulated plastic piping system for secondary cooling. The
Water and gas utilities
A core competence
Where there is water, there is life. In
industrialized nations, we luckily don’t
have to worry about where our water
comes from. It simply flows from the tap,
whenever and wherever we want it, and
it disappears just as naturally down the
Market Segment Manager
Water and Gas Utilities
Never before in the history of our planet
have so many people needed water. We are
dependent on this element for life, as well as
for the quality of life.
Water, especially drinking water, is becoming scarcer. By the year 2050 nearly
two-thirds of the world population will be
affected by this scarcity. And yet, in many
distribution networks around the world, up
to fifty percent of precious drinking water is
lost because of leaky piping systems.
Georg Fischer is aware of the elementary
importance of water and has geared its
principles and actions toward meeting this
challenge. The responsible use of modern
technologies with consideration to man and
the environment is reflected in the market
performance of Georg Fischer. We are
motivated, as suppliers of future-oriented
Georg Fischer Piping Systems supplies reliable complete systems for the safe conveyance of natural gas.
piping systems, to make our contribution to
solving this global problem. Reliable and
safe products are essential, now more than
A key challenge here is selecting the
right jointing technology in the right place.
Since distribution networks are designed for
several decades of service, easy maintenance
and repair, as well as the durability of the
joints are a priority.
Gas utilities have always been very quality
conscious because a faulty installation could
easily result in a catastrophe. Georg Fischer
has an excellent track record as a dependable
partner and complete system provider for gas
Quality, safety and longevity are gaining
importance in water distribution for the
previously mentioned reasons. GF Piping
Systems works closely together with water
authorities to bring customer-oriented developments to market. For instance, we now offer
force-locked PE systems up to d 630 mm.
Georg Fischer’s electrofusion sockets are
time-tested in practice. Today, we even have
a plastic hydrant for polyethylene water distribution systems.
A novelty in the world of utilities – the lightweight PE underground hydrant.
A viable alternative for the future
Georg Fischer makes sure the piping systems for the
Sandesneben Water Authority in Germany are safe. The
polyethylene hydrant proved its worth here, where it was first
put into rigorous everyday operation.
The Sandesneben Water Authority services
23 townships, supplying drinking and industrial water to a total of 30,800 people in 41
communities daily. Five clean water pumps
deliver between 4,000 and 6,000 cubic meters water a day through a piping network
measuring approximately 260 kilometers.
Nine wells in a depth of 70 to 160 meters
feed the system.
Polyethylene (PE) has taken the lead as the
material of choice in water distribution.
This trend can be ascribed to the easy and
very economical installation methods and
the outstanding weldability of the material.
The homogeneity of the fusion joints provides
water authorities with the reassurance of
having safe systems for many years thanks to
the reduction of potential leakage points.
The advantage of having this material homo-
The new section with polyethylene hydrant.
The PE end hydrant is tied into the system with
an ELGEF-Plus duckfoot bend.
The sectional hydrant is mounted directly on the mains with an
ELGEF Plus branch fitting.
geneity throughout the entire piping network
was one of the factors which convinced the
Sandesneben Water Authority to use PE
hydrants in their development project no. 15.
This ensures that the whole water distribution
network has identical jointing properties.
Varying conditions in the system regarding
ageing, pressure resistance and flexibility
are therefore avoided. For house service
connections to the individual residences,
ELGEF® Plus pressure tapping valves were
The development plan provided for two
access roads with hydrants at the end of
each. The water supply to each of the adjacent properties was provided for with
ELGEF® Plus pressure tapping valves.
Thanks to the modular design of our pressure tapping valves, which enables aligning
the spigot prior to fusion, the house service
lines were easily connected with standard
sockets. This saved having to use more costly
fittings and/or the time-consuming method
of constructing level transitions to obtain a
tension-free joint.
The PE end hydrants were tied
into the distribution network with an
ELGEF® Plus duckfoot bend especially
designed for this purpose and a plastic
EN piece with integrated house service
connection. The latter ensures a steady
flow in the duckfoot bend, thereby actively
preventing water from stagnating. So that the
construction work would progress rapidly,
the PE main line was first laid and then the
sectional hydrants placed directly on the
pipeline. Once the pipe is laid, it makes little
sense to cut into the pipe and install a tee. The
ELGEF® Plus branch fitting has significant
potential for improving installation methods
and reducing costs, which was certainly
decisive in persuading the Sandesneben Water
Authority. The branch fittings are available
for all conventional mains diameters with
d 90 mm, d 110 mm and d 125 mm outlets.
An electrofusion socket is integrated in the
outlet so the hydrant can be fused in directly
and thus tied into the pipe network.
All the parties involved in this installation
were very pleased with the diverse options
offered by the ELGEF® Plus products and
will continue to draw on them in the future.
The PE hydrant proved its worth in rigorous
daily use and represents a viable alternative
for future water supply systems.
Water treatment
Where standards in quality are high
Sparkling clean water is a must for our
pure swimming pleasure. Treating water
to meet diverse quality standards is a
complex discipline in which plastics have
irrefutably taken their place.
Market Segment Manager
Water Treatment
The treatment of water in order to modify its
characteristics is a necessity in many sectors
of industry. Water treatment has long been
one of the core businesses of Georg Fischer
Piping Systems.
Purification of water for drinking places
high demands on the respective treatment
system. Industrial processes too must treat
their water according to precisely defined
specifications. Waste water and sewage
treatment plants finally must comply with
high environmental protection standards
and effluents treated accordingly. Plastic
piping systems are implemented in all
these processes because of their special
characteristics and suitability.
Technologies and applications have been
continuously developed over the years. The
working pressure in such systems has been
reduced, which allows us to manufacture
water treatment systems today completely
Pool water is exposed to a number of stress factors. Water treatment equipment and plastic piping systems ensure
pure, hygienic and aesthetic conditions for carefree swimming.
in PVC-U, polypropylene and polyethylene.
And new technologies are constantly on the
horizon: reverse osmosis and membrane
technology are becoming very popular due
to the changing requirements. Breather pipes
in waste water treatment plants also open
new doors for the application of plastics.
End customers and OEMs feel the pressure
of fierce competition and are therefore
increasingly on the lookout for reliable
partners who offer them added value in the
form of return on investment and competitive
operating and maintenance costs. Thanks
to their extensive experience in the field,
Georg Fischer has the answers to these
challenges in the market. By focusing on
individual market segments, we are able
to provide tailor-made solutions for any
type of water treatment system. OEMs
appreciate the fact that with GF products
they have a complete package of pipes,
fittings, valves, automation, measurement
and control technology from one source.
In addition to the expertise of our competent
sales staff and innovative engineers,
Georg Fischer also offers customizing and
prefabrication services, which is yet another
decisive benefit for system builders.
Seawater desalination is another form of water treatment. This modern method of producing potable water is used in many countries,
among which the United Arab Emirates.
Drinking water from the sea
Clean water requirements are steadily increasing both
in domestic and industrial applications. It is impossible
to imagine the water treatment systems of today without
In geographical regions where it is difficult
or even infeasible to tap groundwater, other
means of obtaining adequate quantities of
water in the desired quality must be found.
State-of-the-art technologies now make it
possible to desalinate seawater, thus providing
drinking water for a thirsty population.
Depending on the population density
and the particular requirements, seawater
desalination plants can be built for single
families, for farms or for entire cities. In order
to realize systems that are dependable, but
also compact and economical, Georg Fischer
continually strives to develop, improve and
optimize its products for system engineers in
the field of water treatment.
Starting with optimized fittings that save
space and time in the construction of such
systems; aided by mechanical, electronic
or electromagnetic flow sensors and Signet
analytical instruments that help to monitor
the systems reliably; and finally actuated
valves for all types of applications, as well
Custom-made valve according to the
specifications of a reverse osmosis system.
Prefabricated PVC-U elements for a reverse
osmosis system with manual and actuated
valves and measurement & control technology.
The impressive piping gallery in the world’s largest reverse
osmosis system in Fujeirah in the United Arab Emirates.
as the required bus interface – Georg Fischer
has the ideal solution.
Thanks to our sales network which spans
the globe, we are able to provide project
support, from design to installation as well
as final assembly. Our technical teams travel
to all four corners of the world, providing
customers with hands-on support based on
a wealth of experience. This expertise came
in very handy, for instance, in Fujeirah in
the United Arab Emirates where the world’s
largest reverse osmosis system was installed
as part of a seawater desalination project
with a capacity of 380,000 cubic meters of
water a day.
The close cooperation between GF Piping
Systems and the plant engineers enabled
surmounting technical difficulties as well as
bottlenecks. Local craftsmen were trained
by Georg Fischer on how to work with the
PP-H material and the respective fusion
machines. Due to the on-site supervision,
a consistent work quality was guaranteed
throughout the duration of the project.
The materials most frequently used in
the desalination process are PVC-U and
Beta-PP-H. The main benefits of these
materials compared to stainless steel are
their low weight and excellent mechanical
properties, such as stiffness, impact strength,
temperature and corrosion resistance, in
addition to the high chemical resistance.
Simply said, desalination involves pressing seawater through a filter that separates
the salt from the water. The desalinated water
is then purified in several further steps
in order to obtain potable water. For this
under taking, it is important to coordinate the
filters and their efficiency so that an effective
and at the same time affordable solution is
Because of the increasing demands of
consumers and the ever growing population,
enormous quantities of clean drinking water
must be made readily available. Advances in
technology have made it possible today to
build desalination plants and reverse osmosis
systems of gigantic proportions. Another
application area of water desalination for the
production of drinking water can be found on
board ships.
The systems are easy to install and adapt
to the prevailing conditions; an ideal
combination with measurement and control technology is given. The plastic solution
offers a long-lived system, better efficiency,
outstanding values in high-end applications,
as well as less pressure loss than with metals,
which is particularly beneficial in regard to
the prefabricated elements.
Building services
Feel the comfort
Enjoying safe drinking water – a matter
that we at GF Piping Systems take very
seriously. The polybutene material gives
off no fl avors, odors or harmful substances
and thus guarantees hygienic conditions of
drinking water systems.
Managing Director
Georg Fischer Building Technology Ltd.
Water is our most valuable foodstuff and its
quality is therefore strictly monitored. For
drinking water systems, it is essential that no
flavors, odors or harmful substances are given
off to the water. Metals, however, can release
copper ions, nickel or corrosion deposits into
the water. Our polybutene installation systems are absolutely safe according to hygiene
and health standards, hence ideal for drinking water distribution.
Comfort in the home also encompasses
undisturbed sleep. Polybutene has the lowest
sound velocity of all piping materials.
Thanks to the excellent noise reduction, you
can sleep peacefully, even if the bathroom is
located directly adjacent to your bedroom.
Conveying drinking water in a clean, ecological and economical manner is one of our
For more comfort at home – plastic piping systems from Georg Fischer Piping Systems.
core competences. From the basement, to the
riser pipes, all the way to the tapping point,
water flows through a piping system without
corrosion or lime. And not just in singlefamily homes or apartment buildings.
Planners of hotels, hospitals and industrial
complexes also want comprehensive, ecological and cost-efficient solutions. While
the focus for industrial buildings tends to
be on smoothly running production processes, hospitals are intent on providing
their patients with hygiene and comfort. In
hotels, quiet and comfort are of primary
importance. For all these needs, GF Piping
Systems offers a variety of materials and in-
novative systems; we have an ideal solution
for all your building projects and installations, so you are free to plan and design as you
wish. Other key criteria are safety for persons
and for the environment, ease of installation,
profitability and longevity.
With innovative floor heating systems,
GF Piping Systems also contributes to your
wellbeing in living areas. The same system
can be used for both heating and cooling and
is extremely energy-saving.
The port of Monte Carlo and the four-star Fairmont Hotel, in the background the legendary casino.
The Fairmont Monte Carlo
One of the largest hotels in Europe, the Fairmont Monte
Carlo, renovated its drinking water, cooling and heating piping
installations with plastic systems from Georg Fischer Piping
Pietro Mariotti, Head of Product Management Georg Fischer Building Technology Ltd.
The Fairmont Monte Carlo was built back in
the early seventies. This four-star luxury hotel
was erected on the same piece of property
where once Monaco’s first train station stood.
It was decided to use an architecture style that
stretches along the length of the coast rather
than up into the sky. The hotel has only seven
stories, jutting out over the Mediterranean
Sea. A bit of information for Formula One
racing fans: The Fairmont Monte Carlo is
located directly above the tunnel through
which the race circuit of Monaco runs. With
619 rooms and suites, three restaurants, three
bars, eighteen conference rooms and a newly
renovated fitness center, the Fairmont Monte
Carlo is one of the largest hotels in Europe.
Of course, the ravages of time have left
their imprint on this building as well. The
installed metal pipes have slowly succumbed
to corrosion. A large-scale renovation project was launched to replace the basement
The electrofusion device can be used to make
up to three joints at the same time.
Prefabricating the piping components looks
like fun with a socket fusion machine.
The finished installation at the Fairmont Hotel Monte Carlo with
polybutene distribution lines.
distribution and riser pipes with plastic
systems. GF Piping Systems with its
INSTAFLEX polybutene piping system was
awarded the project. The local installers
were already familiar with the handling
techniques and fusion of polyethylene and
polypropylene systems.
Polybutene was a new material for them,
but with the support of the Georg Fischer
crew they soon became pros at working with
INSTAFLEX, completing the installation
quickly, properly and accurately. This is
an essential prerequisite in order to realize
piping systems that are reliable and longlived. Wherever feasible, thirty to forty
meters of piping are prefabricated in the
workshop and subsequently joined on the
building site with electrofusion sockets. The
dimensions used in this project ranged from
d16 to d160 mm.
tem for applications in building technology.
Hot and cold water, cooling systems and
compressed air are the most prevalent uses.
GF Piping Systems offers complete solutions
with INSTAFLEX for single-family homes,
whole housing complexes or industrial buildings. INSTAFLEX features a large spectrum
of installation possibilities. Dimensions from
16 to 225 mm guarantee consistent use of the
same system from the single-family home to
an airport or a high seas luxury liner.
The flexibility of polybutene permits
slight changes in direction without fittings.
This means fewer additional parts and also
saves valuable time on location. Polybutene
stays flexible and easy to install, even at low
temperatures. Prefabricated riser strands can
be rolled up and transported easily for fast
installation in shafts.
For fine distribution in the small
dimensions, the INSTAFLEX system is complemented with the iFIT push-fit system.
This jointing technique requires no tools; its
attractiveness lies in the speed and simplicity
of installation.
INSTAFLEX is a modern plastic piping sys-
Plastics have numerous advantages in comparison with metals. Just one example: the
material polybutene has an excellent ecological assessment. Compared to steel and
copper, plastics manufacturing requires four
times less energy. This ultimately protects
our environment.
The smooth surface of plastic prevents
deposits from forming in the system. The
piping systems do not corrode and the water
quality is not impaired in any way.
Chemical process industry
Where plastic makes a difference
The chemical industry is a global market,
which exercises a strong influence
on our daily lives. Many products are
fabricated with the help of a wide variety
of chemicals. Most acids and bases are
considered dangerous substances and can
have a negative effect on the water quality.
Market Segment Manager CPI
Chemicals are still frequently conveyed
today via steel pipelines. But at the same
time, it must be said that two percent of the
annual turnover is invested into maintenance
and repair due to corrosion in the chemical
process industry. For decades, plastic piping
systems from Georg Fischer have proven
reliable in numerous applications in this
market: filling tanks, dilution, chemicals
mixing and dosing, drainage of chemicals,
cooling, exhaust systems, water treatment,
compressed air, vacuum and many more.
In the chemical process industry (CPI),
operating conditions are often at just a few
bars pressure and at temperatures below
100 °C. Particularly in these areas, the physical properties are not the issue, but much
more so the impermeability and cor rosion
resistance of the materials. Plastics, such
Filling station in a chemicals depot. This is where the chemicals are mixed, dosed and filled into tank trucks.
as PE 100, Beta-PP-H, PVC-U, PVC-C and
PVDF, are ideal for this purpose because
of their high chemical resistance to most
corrosive media used in the chemical process
industry. Selecting the most suitable material
and jointing technology is prerequisite for
each installation. The main advantages of
plastic piping systems in this market are:
- high chemical resistance
- radically reduced maintenance costs
- fast and safe installation
- excellent abrasion resistance
- long service life
- outstanding surface quality
- less risk of incrustation
- a wide selection of jointing technologies
- economical processes
Automation technology with AS interface
ideally supports our customers’ operations.
GF plastic valves have been implemented
successfully in the chemical process industry
for several decades. When a new plant is
designed, the best possible concept must be
found, including automation and measurement and control technology.
GF Piping Systems offers comprehensive
support in choosing the best system, as well
as designing and installing it optimally.
Double-shell tanks with built-on equipment such as exhaust air scrubbers and pressure regulating devices.
Efficiency and safety with plastics
The Dutch company Chemproha in Zwijndrecht specializes
in acids and bases. The modern storage tanks have been
operating safely and reliably for many years with plastic piping
systems from Georg Fischer.
Chemical manufacturers aim to streamline
their logistics and pass on the conditioning of
raw materials to the retail chemicals market.
Customers in surface finishing, agricultural
chemicals, microelectronics, foodstuffs and
animal feed industries require media in concentrations other than those provided by manufacturers and also specific container sizes.
Chemproha, a subsidiary since 1996 of
Brenntag, the world’s largest supplier of
chemicals to the processing industry, has
operations at several locations in the Netherlands. The bulk of components used for the
industrial piping systems at the Zwijndrecht
location was supplied by Georg Fischer. The
most significant criterion for implementing
plastics in the application described here
was the superior chemical resistance of the
The operating concept and high level of
automation render this chemicals distribution
site one of the most modern in the world.
The area available for the storage tanks and
the additional facilities is relatively small,
measuring only 3,000 square meters.
Thanks to the compact design, the connections could be kept short and the costs
low. No less than 15 different raw materials
are stored in different concentrations in
the 34 double-shell tanks. Equipment for
scrubbing exhaust air, batching and cleaning
containers, as well as for neutralizing waste
water can be found at ground level. The total
capacity of the tank depot is approximately
900 cubic meters.
The pump stations in the lorry loading
and unloading zone are equipped for uptake
Ratio control is easy and safe with flow sensors
and batch controllers from GF Signet.
Exhaust air scrubbers with run-down tank,
trickle line, ventilator, circulation and drain
The materials selection depends on the medium to be
transported. The pump station in the foreground was built in
PVDF, the one behind it in PE.
and discharge of the respective media.
Depending on the medium, PVC, PP, PE
and PVDF are the materials of choice for the
piping systems.
For the primary task of unloading, the tank
lorry is coupled to the storage tank via a pump
station and a gas displacement line. Diverse
actuated valves and measurement and control
devices, such as flow and level sensors, are
integrated into the process. The pump suction
line must be vented for loading the tank
Storage tanks with gas-releasing media
are connected to the ventilation system via
a pressure regulating device. This ventilation
system prevents the build-up of negative pressure while the tanks are being drained. Several separate lines with similar gas scrubbers
are needed for treating the exhaust air of specific media.
the selected containers. The batch controller
will dispatch precisely the amount specified
and the process is also reproducible.
In separate waste water treatment systems, residues are neutralized. All discharges
at the site are drained into holding tanks.
The effluent is then pumped between two
treatment tanks in which pH transmitters are
linked to actuated valves, ensuring that no
discharge is made until the effluent is within
the permissible discharge specifications.
The drain pipe on the storage tanks is
realized with an immersion pipe that has
two outlets. There is one connection to the
pump station via an automatic shut-off valve
for filling the tank lorries and a second via
another automatic valve for filling containers,
drums and canisters. This arrangement of the
suction lines is vented by means of an ejector
unit with solenoid valve switch-off.
Ratio controlling permits precise adjustment
of the concentration. Many GF Signet flow
sensors are used throughout the whole plant;
these are available in a variety of chemically
resistant materials and are often linked to
batch controllers which are in turn linked
to actuated valves at the filling stations.
These batch controllers enable accurate
measurement of any required quantity, with
all operations being data logged. The plant
operator simply enters the chemical and the
desired concentration, selects the batch size
and then proceeds to the filling station to fill
Iron ore mining site in Australia.
Mineral Separation in Australia
To extract the precious metals from the ore, several processes
with aggressive chemicals are necessary. Corrosion-free
plastic piping systems are frequently used to transport these
PETER KOLIGIANIS, Market Segment Manager Mining Industry in Australia
Australia is rich in mineral resources. They
were first exploited in the mid nineteenth
century during the famous gold rush in
Victoria and New South Wales. A second
gold boom followed toward the end of the
nineteenth century when deposits were found
in Coolgardie and later in Kalgoorlie-Boulder
in Western Australia.
It wasn’t until the 1950s and 1960s,
however, that the Australian mining industry
made its claim to fame with several major
finds and technical developments. Gas and oil
deposits were discovered, as were vast iron
ore and bauxite reserves and high-grade coal
resources. Advances in technology improved
the productivity of existing mines.
Piping systems are required for many
applications in the mining industry. These
heavy-duty systems must be longlasting,
whilst also being easy to install and maintain. Currently, mine sites around Australia
are successfully using plastic materials to
convey chemicals, water, gas and other
media. In particular, in areas where chemical
resistance and economical solutions are required, plastics are the material of choice.
Coal mining is one of the more simple
mining processes, as the product is extracted
from the ground via open cut or underground
methods in usable form. After extraction, the
raw coal is sent to a coal handling preparation
plant (CHPP) where it is washed and sorted
ready for use. The coal is predominantly
exported for use in overseas power plants and
steel making processes. Only a small portion
of the coal is used domestically.
In a CHPP, compressed air piping systems are used throughout to provide plant
The blue pipes are PE 100 and are used for the compressed air system
in a refinery.
and instrument air. Traditionally, these compressed air piping systems were constructed
using galvanized steel. However, in recent
years, the excellent properties of PE 100 in
a compressed air environment have made
PE 100 pipes and electrofusion fittings the
first choice for new installations and refurbishments. This material is also used in other
areas of a coal mine, such as tailing lines,
dewatering and water supply. The suitability
of plastics for these applications is due to the
excellent wear and corrosion resistance and
ease of installation when compared to more
traditional materials.
For metalliferous mines, for example those
that produce nickel, zinc, gold, copper or
silver, the ore containing the precious metals
is extracted via open cut or underground
mining methods. The ore-bearing rock is
then sent to a processing plant and refinery
where it is usually crushed, floated, roasted
Coal mines are an important sector of industry in Australia. The advantage of coal is that it
can be extracted from the ground in a usable form.
and then treated via a series of processes
that include acid leaching and electrolysis to
separate the desired mineral.
Typical chemicals used in these processes
include sulfuric acid, nitric acid, aluminum
sulfate, xanthates, hydrochloric acid, cyanide
solution and sodium hydroxide. As most of
these chemicals are corrosive, plastic piping
systems have been used extensively to extend
the life of the piping systems.
Lead and zinc are usually found together,
and after the ore has been extracted from the
ground, it is sent to a processing plant where
grinding takes place. The ore then passes
to the flotation circuit where lead and zinc
concentrates are produced. The waste from
these processes is stored in a tailings dam.
The concentrate is subsequently dried before
being sent to a refinery.
Georg Fischer products that are used in
a zinc refinery convey water, sulfuric acid,
electrolyte and slurries They can mainly
be found in the leaching, purification and
electrolysis areas. The preferred materials
include PP-H, PVC-C, PE 100 and PVDF
for piping, fittings, valves as well as measurement and control instrumentation.
A zinc refinery can also include a water
treatment plant where water from the tailings dam is treated and reused in the process.
PVC-U water treatment piping systems from
GF can be found in these plants.
«Clean Water» Foundation
Adding quality to people’s lives
A hygienic and safe drinking water supply
is essential for a healthy life and prevention
of epidemics. However, more than one-fifth
of the world population does not have access
to clean water. To alleviate this desperate
situation somewhat, Georg Fischer initiated
the Jubilee Foundation in 2002.
Managing Director of the «Clean Water»
Georg Fischer has been committed to funding
social services and humanitarian projects
ever since the company was founded in 1802.
Therefore, in conjunction with celebrating
our bicentenary year in 2002, it was only
logical to allot a substantial sum to charitable
purposes. The Board of Directors voted to
dispense with a special anniversary dividend
of one franc per share and thereby provide
the Georg Fischer Jubilee Foundation with a
start-up capital of 3.5 million Swiss francs.
This intention received unanimous support
from the Annual General Meeting 2002.
An additional 300,000 Swiss francs was
donated to the «Clean Water» Foundation.
Georg Fischer has thus been able to fund
approximately 50 «Clean Water» projects
around the world and help provide more than
100,000 persons with a sustainable supply of
drinking water.
The first victims: without a clean water supply, children in particular suffer from diarrhoea.
This non-profit activity on the part of the
corporation met – both internally and externally – with a tremendous amount of acceptance and positive acclaim. «Clean Water» is
an expression of the company’s active responsibility for the welfare of the community
at large. GF has therefore decided to continue
funding «Clean Water» projects annually
with a substantial contribution.
The goal remains unchanged: providing
people all around the world with easy access
to drinking water. The projects are generally
carried out in close cooperation with the
local population and technicians, in addition
to using local materials. This is the only way
to ensure that the projects are sustainable.
Georg Fischer also places value on working
together with experienced project partners.
Vast regions in West Bengal (India) rely on
the collection of rainwater because the soil,
due to natural causes, is contaminated with
arsenic. For this reason, «Terres des Hommes
Switzerland» has built deep wells, in cooperation with the Indian NGO (non-governmental organization) «Mass Education».
The first impression is deceiving: Although
the Sundarban region in West Bengal ap-
The entire process of constructing rainwater
tanks can be carried out on site, using
local materials and techniques available. In
addition, the maintenance is inexpensive.
Nevertheless, «Mercy Ships» only considers
this project successful when the population
begins constructing additional rainwater
tanks on its own. Because the conditions for
this are positive, they have commissioned a
local NGO to further support local initiatives.
This program is called «New Hope».
Fetching water is a woman’s job. Having the wells close-by saves
these women a great deal of time and energy which can be spent
on other work or the family.
pears to be fertile, women and girls of poorer
families often have to cover distances of several kilometers to procure potable water. Due
to natural causes, the soil contains arsenic,
thus rendering the near-surface groundwater
unhealthy for human consumption. Fetching
water is, therefore, a main activity for many
women and children during the drier seasons
of the year. In contrast, an adequate water
supply enables children to attend school. In
addition, the state of health among the population improves and women have more time
to devote to their family and community.
Moreover, the construction of wells as deep
as 300 meters – one per village – increases
the pressure on local authorities to provide
a supply of clean and safe water throughout
the entire region. Georg Fischer has already
supported the construction of deep wells in
West Bengal with two substantial contributions.
Inhabitants of San Jacinto do not ask all
that much from life. Active volcanoes in the
New use of age-old knowledge. In Nicaragua
«Mercy Ships Switzerland» assisted the
population in building rain water tanks.
surrounding area render the better portion
of the ground water undrinkable and during
long drought seasons, the depleted farmland
yields are minimal. «Mercy Ships Switzerland» assisted the population in making a
positive difference in their lives.
Rainwater is clean and inexpensive. It
becomes expensive when it drains away
without being used and thus has to be purchased. It becomes undrinkable when it is
improperly stored. Collecting and preserving
rainwater is not a new concept, it is only that
this knowledge is often lost and forgotten.
«Mercy Ships Switzerland» built fourteen
rainwater tanks together with the inhabitants
of San Jacinto in 2005. While larger tanks
collect water from the roofs of public buildings, like schools, health care facilities and
the municipal building, for their own use,
smaller tanks for families were also built
within the framework of this pilot project.
The decision as to which families would use
these was made by the inhabitants themselves.
The people responded quickly to this
project, for they recognized the benefits.
A partnership between the cantonal hospital
in Schaffhausen and the hospital in Dobrich
(Bulgaria), under the direction of Dr. André
Graedel from Schaffhausen, has existed
since 1991. Georg Fischer supported this
partnership by renovating the facilities for
the hospital’s supply of drinking water.
Following an initial inspection, it was
beyond question on the part of the experts
at Georg Fischer as to the need to renovate
the entire drinking water facilities for the
hospital in Dobrich. Leakage and rusted steel
pipes left no doubt that the facilities were
irreparable and frequently out of service.
After a half-year of planning, the rusted
and leaky water pipes were replaced with
plastic pipes (a total of 1,700 running meters)
within four months, a new pressure pump
was installed. In addition, Georg Fischer
provided the local plumbers with enough
training to be able to complete the project
on their own. The city’s contribution to the
success of this project was twofold: straightforward administration concerning the
building permits, as well as taking on the
alterations to the external facilities. With
proper maintenance, the expected service life
of the hospital’s new drinking water facilities
is approximately 50 years.
Water shortage is a constant problem in the
Sahel region. Consequently, the availability
of drinking water is at the top of the priorities
list for the West African country of GuineaBissau. Thanks to the funding provided by
Georg Fischer, Swissaid was able to construct
Local installers were trained in the installation
of plastic pipes. They were thus able to
complete the hospital project in Dobrich
High in demand. If the well is not properly
maintained, the water is already rendered
unusable when being transferred to the
The water supply in three communities on the island of Aceh
(Indonesia) was quickly rebuilt thanks to the unbureaucratic help
of the Foundation.
fifteen new wells and restore ten old wells
in 25 villages in the regions of Cacheu and
The benefit of clean water is immediately
evident. Improved quality and increased
amounts of water contribute to the fact that
the number of cases of diarrhoea among
children has declined. Moreover, women
who are generally responsible for procuring
water, save considerable amounts of time and
energy which can otherwise be devoted to
their jobs and families.
In each of the 25 villages there is now a
committee of seven members (four women
and three men) responsible for restoring and
cleaning the wells, which are 10 to 30 meters
deep. This is financed by a monthly payment
from every family. When water from the
wells is also used to irrigate gardens, these
costs are covered by the sale of vegetables.
Although having to make a regular
payment will indeed be a challenge, the
local population actively supported the welldiggers, a local firm from Guinea-Bissau. The
new installations were received with much
enthusiasm and appreciation.
When the tsunami struck the coasts of
Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004,
approximately 200,000 people died on the
island of Aceh (Indonesia) alone. Georg
Fischer reacted quickly and directly to fund
the reconstruction of the water supply in
three communities. «I made a personal visit
to all three communities», reported Iñaki
Mazarredo, managing director of GF Piping
Systems Singapore, on September 26, 2005.
«The water supply has been restored and clean
water is running from our installations.»
This positive report was supplemented with
a great number of photographs, as well as
with letters of confirmation and thanks
from local authorities. What a stark contrast
to articles in the European newspapers at
that time, reporting about how slowly the
reconstruction of the ravaged coastal regions
was progressing.
The reason that the assistance provided
by Georg Fischer could be implemented
so quickly was due to the local partner, the
Indonesian Water Supply Association –
(Perpamsi), as well as the local authorites and
the personal commitment of our managing
Georg Fischer supported the reconstruction with materials, know-how and training
of the plumbers. All installations were
planned so they would not only serve as an
interim solution, but also be an integral part
of the entire water network which would be
reconstructed at a later date.
Georg Fischer «Clean Water» Foundation
Dr. Roland Gröbli, Managing Director
Amsler Laffon Strasse 9
8201 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Tel: +41(0)52 631 22 08
Fax: +41(0) 52 631 28 47
Dr. Ernst Willi (left) visiting a project site in Dobrich (Bulgaria) together with Dr. André Graedel and Rolf Leutert, Managing Director of the
«Clean Water» Foundation from 2002 – 2005.
«Save a life with 40 francs»
Dr. Ernst Willi is a member of the Executive Committee of
Georg Fischer and the Board of Trustees of the «Clean Water»
Foundation. In the following interview, he explains what
motivates Georg Fischer to support «Clean Water».
Why is Georg Fischer committed to the
«Clean Water» Foundation?
There are two reasons. Water has been a core
business for Georg Fischer for a long time:
As early as 1864, GF began its production of
malleable cast iron fittings. Today, we rank
among the leading manufacturers of piping
systems which can, for instance, be used to
supply drinking water. The water market has
grown tremendously and is therefore of great
strategic significance for the company. This
does not, however, mean that our interest in
Clean Water projects is purely of a business
nature. I want to establish the connection
that these projects have to GF. Our claim
«Adding Quality to People’s Lives» is not
only limited to our business activities.
Clean water is fundamental for the quality
of life and crucial for the economic and social
well-being of any population as a whole. The
«Clean Water» Foundation marks Georg
Fischer’s commitment to public welfare. We
have to be aware of the fact that a shortage of
water jeopardizes the future of our world. A
lack of any vital resource has a destabilizing
effect. When the oil conflict is over, the battle for water will follow. This statement may
seem rather trenchant, but today’s reality
is already anything but satisfactory: The
minimal requirement of water for a human
being is 20 liters a day, but 1.1 billion people
have to make do with less. By comparison:
The water consumption in Switzerland is 400
liters a day. At present, 6,000 human beings
die every day because they do not have an
adequate supply of clean water, 90% of
whom are children under the age of five. In
2050, when today’s first-graders are 50 years
Women and girls must walk for miles to get
fresh water. This takes time they cannot spend
on their education.
More than 5000 children under the age of fi ve
die every day because they do not have an
adequate supply of clean water.
Water is life. «Clean Water» provides a sustainable improvement
to the living conditions for many people all over the world.
old, the «best» case will involve two billion
people in 48 countries who do not have an
adequate supply of drinking water. The worst
case scenario according to a report issued by
the UN says it will be seven billion people in
60 countries.
means and without further delay. And this is
what we have accomplished in the past four
years with «Clean Water» for approximately
100,000 human beings. Of course, this is a
mere drop in the ocean – literally – but at
least that.
few means. For the sake of simplicity, one
could say that the results of our work until
now have demonstrated that 40 francs help
provide one person with a sustainable supply
of clean drinking water. That is why we are
going to continue the projects. And we are
thankful for every donation.
And what can Georg Fischer do about
How do you select the «Clean Water»
The problem exists on differen levels. First
of all, from today’s perspective, there is a
limited supply of usable water available.
Solving this is a challenge – technically,
economically and ecologically. Secondly, we
have to make efficient use of the water we have
at our disposal today and ensure that people
have access to it. GF Piping Systems offers
solutions for meeting these needs. On a third
level, and this is where the «Clean Water»
Foundation is active with its projects, we
have to help provide the poor with sustainable
access to these 20 liters a day now, with basic
Only projects and project partners who provide
sustainable assistance come into question,
meaning practical solutions, easy maintenance and helping people to help themselves.
We work together with professional partners who are from the respective areas. The
projects must be manageable, «hands-on»,
with obvious effects. And especially: «One
franc is still one franc». What this means
is best illustrated by the short description
of projects illustrated on the following pages. It is astonishing to see how simple it is
to make such a tremendous impact with so
Additional personal donations can be made
to the foundation account as follows:
Georg Fischer «Clean Water» Foundation
Schaffhauser Kantonalbank
8201 Schaffhausen
Account no: 710.700-7 101
Clearing number: 782
Postal account: 82-50-5
On the cutting edge
Where plastics research stands today
The development of innovative materials
sets the pace for modern technologies
and brings change to society. Entire
eras of human history are named after
materials. Following the Stone, Bronze
and Iron Ages, we are now living in the
Plastics Age.
Freiburg Materials Research Center
Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg
The development of innovative materials sets
the pace for modern technologies and brings
change to society. Entire eras of human
history are named after materials. Following
the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, we are now
living in the Plastics Age. Small molecules,
such as drugs, have prolonged our lives – the
giant high-molecular polymer molecules
of plastics have improved the quality of
life. Plastics secure mankind’s most basic
needs for clothing, food, shelter, mobility,
communication, and protection..
Today plastics are found in every area of
modern life. The landscape of plastics
technology has changed over the past few
decades. During the pioneering days at the
end of the 19th century, the focus of research
was placed upon searching for surrogate
materials for ivory, silk and the strategically
important natural rubber. The first plastics
were then merely flawed duplicates of natural materials. A century ago, however, the
Belgium chemist Leo Hendrik Baekeland set
a benchmark for the innovation and development of new materials without parallel in
nature when he developed the first fully synthetic phenol-formaldehyde plastics, known
as Bakelite. With his new polymeric insulating materials, he helped electrical engineering make the breakthrough – from electric
power cables and transformers to radio
broadcasting devices and telephones.
In 1920 the German chemistry professor and
Nobel laureate of 1953 Hermann Staudinger
discovered the molecular blueprint of highmolecular organic materials (polymers,
which he also referred to as macromolecules).
Similar to the pearls in a pearl necklace, tens
of thousands of small molecules in nature and
in industry are chemically linked together in
a long chain. The properties of a particular
material can be controlled via the selection of
the structural units of building blocks, their
arrangement and linkage, and the length of
the molecular chain. Staudinger’s vision
brought about changes in the development
of structural and functional materials:
Alongside pure empiricism according to the
principle of trial and error, there appeared
at that time the notion of rational molecular
design for materials, which could be tailored
to meet the specific demands of various
applications. The rapid growth in the field of
plastics began after World War II. Since the
mid seventies, in less than thirty years time,
plastics production has increased tenfold
and in 2003 exceeded the 200-million-ton
mark. In relation to volume and growth
Circuits made of DuPontTM Pyralux®, like ones for the Mars
Exploration Rover‘s panoramic cameras, helped meet tight
space and weight requirements.
rates, plastics production already surpassed
steel production in the year 1983. Plastics
production, in other words the per capita
consumption of plastics, can be used as a
benchmark for determining the economic
power of a nation. Some of the most important
application areas are packaging, the building industry, automotive and aerospace
engineering, electrical engineering, and other
applications including furniture, household
goods, textiles, agricultural films, varnishes
and adhesives.
Depending on their molecular and supermolecular architecture, plastics can be either
strong as steel, soft or rubbery, permeable
Modern-day plastics are interesting from
an ecological as well as an economical
viewpoint. They are ecologically efficient,
which means that they help to save far more
crude oil than is required to produce them.
By implementing plastics in lightweight
construction, heavy metals can be replaced,
while fuel requirements and emissions
are also reduced in motoring. As thermal
insulators, plastics and especially plastic
foams lower energy requirements in heating.
For polymer research and development and
the development of plastic products to be
successful, very close cooperation between
a variety of disciplines, such as chemistry,
physics, materials science, biology, medicine,
nanotechnology, mechanical engineering and
plastics processing, is essential.
Hermann Staudinger (1881-1965), Nobel Laureate for Chemistry
in 1953. He was honored for his discoveries in the field of
macromolecular chemistry (The Nobel Foundation).
or impermeable, conductive or isolating,
transparent or opaque, long-term stable or
biodegradable. Plastics allow unifying very
diverse properties of a number of different
materials. For example, liquid crystalline
rubbers combine the optical characteristics
of quartz single crystals with the elasticity
of rubber. Polymer semiconductors can emit
light and be processed into flexible films. The
diversity of plastics is not to be outrivaled
by any other class of materials. Plastics
also offer an attractive price-performance
ratio combined with low weight, corrosion
resistance, easy processing with very fast
cycle times suitable for mass production, low
energy requirements in polymerization and
molding, positive environmental performance
evaluation, high ecological efficiency and
most notably diversity in terms of properties,
applications and reusability.
Tremendous progress has been made in
manufacturing and customizing plastics. In
nature and in technology, complex plastics are
made out of a few types of molecular building
blocks in highly efficient catalytic processes.
A prominent example is the polyolefin group
of materials, such as polyethylene and polypropylene. The standard plastic isotactic
polypropylene, which was discovered already
fifty years ago, did not attract much interest in 1960; it was difficult to process and
caused considerable environmental pollution
because of sticky, waxy by-products and corrosive, colored catalyst residue, which needed
to be removed and deposited in landfill.
Innovation in catalyst and process technology
have rendered polypropylene today an attractive, environmentally friendly material
with an impressive array of properties and
Only one gram of a catalyst is enough to
make more than forty tons of polypropylene
from refinery propylene gas without the
use of solvents. The application profile ranges
from automotive parts to diapers, carpets
and bottles. High catalyst activity and selectivity have simplified production a great
deal. No by-products which require disposal occur, since the amount of catalyst
remaining in the product is so minute and
gives off no by-products. Polymerization of
gaseous and liquid monomer eliminates the
use of solvents and their recovery. Granulate develops on spherical catalysts already
in the reactor. Plastics, such as polypropylene and polyethylene, and petroleum are
hydrocarbon materials which only differ
from one another in molecule size. As a
high-molecular modification of petroleum
(«solid oil»), polypropylene and polyethylene
possess petroleum-like energy contents and
can be recycled by remolding or recovery of
the raw material and energy, respectively.
Polyolefins are easily returned to the petroleum cycle and meet the demands of sustainable development and environmentally friendly
production. In nature, thousands of different
biopolymers are made from twenty amino
acids and a few sugar molecules. In petrochemistry a few readily available building
blocks are used and new methods are being
sought to control their bonding more precisely, thus creating completely new materials.
Plastics production currently uses approximately four percent of crude oil consumption
and is therefore under considerable cost
pressure due to rising crude oil prices. However, plastics are not dependent on crude
oil. In the past, feed stocks were produced
from coal. Basically, special plastics or feed
stocks necessary for plastics production can
be manufactured biotechnologically. The
prohibitive costs of these processes («green
polymer chemistry») have been a limiting factor and have restricted their use for
making niche products and value-added
functional polymers. With rising costs for
crude oil, the interest in biotechnological
alternatives is growing – although for the
time being they do not withstand comparison with commodity plastics, neither
economically nor ecologically speaking.
Innovative production and molding processes can significantly increase the performance of plastics. Modern-day plastics are
no longer inferior duplicates of natural substances, but instead offer unique characteristic
profiles and opportunities for new production and application technologies. Innova-
Polyolefins possess petroleum-like energy contents and can be recycled by remolding or
recovery of the raw material and energy, respectively. They are easily returned to the petroleum
cycle and meet the demands of sustainable development.
Plastic pipes: increased performance through molecular design.
tive polyethylene materials with tailor-made
chain length distributions and the placement
of short and long-chain branches in the polyethylene chain are an example of such a
successful development. Through molecular
design the lifetime under compressive load
was increased by several magnitudes and
gas pipes have been protected against
bursting for many decades. Plastic pipes –
for heating installations as well as gas and
water distribution – have become very popular. The piping industry has a wide range
of systems on offer for a variety of media.
Several different types of plastic materials
are used, such as ABS, PVC-C, PVC-U, PP
or PVDF, to name but a few.
was the preferred method. Today new largescale economical building blocks are not in
sight; however, new ways are being explored
to improve the performance of commodity
and engineering plastics. In the 1960s a
new development trend appeared, which
was targeted at discovering combinations of
different polymers (blends) and of polymers
with fibers or fillers (composites). In contrast to miscible blends, the properties of
which are predictable from the mixing
ratio and the properties of the individual
components, there exists in multiphase
multicomponent systems the possibility
of obtaining unconventional synergies of
properties, which far surpass the properties
of the individual components. Prominent
examples of polymer blends are impactmodified plastics in which the rubber phases
in the polymer matrix are dispersed, which
dissipate energy at the crack tip and which
greatly improve mechanical impact stress
resistance via multiple plastic deformation.
Whereas Baekeland’s Bakelite was notorious
for its brittleness, we have developed thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers («super
Fully synthetic plastics are one hundred
years old, yet they have retained their vitality
and innovativeness. State-of-the-art plastics
have little in common with their antecedents
of the pioneering generation! In view of the
theoretically possible mechanical characteristic values, plastics still have considerable,
as yet unused potential, waiting to be tapped.
Modern fibers, e.g. Kevlar, can achieve
nearly one hundred percent of the theoretical
stiffness and strength values through special
spinning processes and high orientation
without entanglement of the polymer chains.
Their performance per weight surpasses that
of steel. In contrast, plastics produced by state-of-the-art injection molding and extrusion
methods only achieve roughly two to three
percent of these strength reserves. How can
plastics be made better? There is a clear
trend here toward strategy and product development.
Three phases are discernable in plastics
development: (I) plastics made from new
building blocks, (II) plastics made by mixing
(blends) and compounding (compounds,
composites), (III) plastics made by creating
new nanostructures, for example by compounding and self-organization of nanoparticles. In the first half of the last century,
the variation of selecting building blocks
forming high-molecular polymer chains
Nano composites
Trends in plastics development - from plastics to
complex multiphase multicomponent materials.
tough engineering plastics») today with high
impact strength. The high ductility of pure
metals has not yet been realized by plastics.
However, plastics are on a par with some light
metals. Although today nearly all imaginable
blend combinations have been tried out with
plastics, there are still numerous challenges
facing us that can only be solved through
the collaboration of materials science and
production technology.
Metal-like combinations of strength and
rigidity without the weight of metals is
achieved today through fiber reinforcement
of plastics. The mechanical stress is transferred to highly oriented fibers in fiber
composites, which reinforce the polymer
matrix. Traditionally, fibers and wovens are
impregnated with polymers and laminated in
special costly and time-consuming processes.
Development is concentrating on finding
new more cost-efficient methods for the
production of fiber composites, for instance
liquid injection processes, which do not
Use of reinforced plastics in the building industry (Burj Al Arab in Dubai).
require elaborate separate fiber impregnation
and labor-intensive lamination processes
causing long cycle times. Fiber composites are
central elements in lightweight construction
– from auto parts manufacturing to the
weight-optimized construction of high-rise
buildings. When comparing natural materials,
such as wood and seaweed, with modern
multiphase plastics and plastic composites,
structural similarities become evident. In
nature and in technology, skeletal structures
are created which are characterized by two
or more interpenetrating phases that create
honeycomb or skeleton-like superstructures.
Whereas nature takes several years for these
superstructures to form, plastics technology
attempts to create similar structures within
very short cycle times from readily available
components with conventional molding
processes (injection molding, extrusion).
Today nanotechnology provides us with
access to totally new plastics. By bringing
in self-organizing nanoscaled components,
complex architectures are realized, which
reinforce the polymer matrix and can create
special functions. Research is being done
worldwide today on nanomaterials based
on complexly structured multiphase multicomponent plastic systems. Nanotechnology
brings important impulses to the development
of plastics and increases the value-added of
familiar polymer classes.
The term «nanotechnology» can only be
found in scientific databases as of 1978.
The chemistry of nanometer-scaled materials
has, however, been topical under the term
colloid chemistry since 1860. Only since
the advent of scanning probe microscopy
with atomic resolution images in the 1980s,
have we had insight into the fascinating
world of nanotechnology. What is the advantage of nanometer dimensions? If you
reduce the size of a solid state to a few
nanometers (millionth of a millimeter), the
properties become dependent on the size.
Nanometer-sized gold particles are no longer
golden in color, but red, and are not electrical conductors, but rather semiconductors.
As the diameter decreases the specific surface area increases dramatically, reaching
1 nm
Multiphase multicomponent systems in nature and technology.
Polymer nanocomposites: «Bulk» plastic becomes interfacial
proportions of several square kilometers for
nanoparticles! When you introduce nanoparticles to plastics, nearly all the plastic is
on the nanoparticle surface: «bulk» plastic
becomes interfacial plastic, harboring new
properties. As a result of their very large surface areas, nano-objects can interact and selforganize very effectively with one another.
This self-organization process can be used
to create skeletal structures or to generate
migration and organization at the interfaces
and surfaces.
Different types of processes for the
manufacture of nanoparticles and efficient
dispersion and organization in plastics have
been developed in the last few decades.
There is no longer a differentiation between
inorganic solid matter and molecular materials.
Nanometer-sized molecules, for example
carbon nanotubes, molecular silicates, plastic nanosuspensions, and hyperbranched polymers, are dispersed as nanoparticles in plastics. Besides the dispersion processes, we
have, with organophilically modified layered
silicates, the possibility of embedding plastics directly between inorganic layers and of
Nanofillers are new additives which are
highly effective even in very small quantities.
Problematic, however, can be the high costs
of some nanoparticles, which are only being produced on a pilot scale, as well as
unresolved questions regarding toxicology
and safety. With declining size there is also
the possibility that the human immune system
will react to them. That is why nanocomposites
are currently being developed that only
create nano-sized components under the
shear effect and which are anchored in the
plastic. Nanoadditives offer the possibility
of modifying specifically the characteristic
profile of well-known plastics, polymer blends
and composites. Creating nanostructures in
«bulk» and on surface areas is the key to
developing new functional materials with
unique characteristic profiles.
creating and organizing nanometric layers in
the polymer matrix into three-dimensional
skeletal structures. Numerous polymer nanocomposites have been developed in recent
- scratch resistant and abrasion resistant
plastic surfaces
- self-cleaning surfaces («lotus effect»)
- plastic reinforcement with low filler
- barrier effect against permeation of gases
and liquids
- conductivity and electromagnetic shielding
- halogen-free flame retardants
- effect pigments with flow-dependent optical characteristics («pearl lustre», photonics)
- light stabilizing effect
- nanocontainers as transporter and carrier
for active substances
- reduced thermal expansion coefficient
- higher electrical stability
- reduced thermal expansion
- dispersion effect for polymer blends
- adhesion for varnishes and adhesives
The plurality of marketable plastics is passive, which means they maintain their characteristic profile until their life cycle has
at the supermarket checkout. Logistics in
business and in individual households is
made easier with smart labels. Polymer electronics is a major step toward the new communicative polymer materials, which can
communicate with people and the environment and respond accordingly.
Miniaturized systems. Part of a miniaturized pressure sensor by Siemens
compared in size to an ant.
elapsed. Inspired by nature, we are developing
plastics and plastic systems today that feature
attributes of living organisms. The plastics of
the future can feel, communicate, react and
self-regenerate. This goal is being pursued
in two different ways: (I) new functional
materials and molding processes are being
developed to create addressable plastics and
plastic-based systems, (II) plastics are being
equipped with embedded microsystems and
energy-autonomous microsystems to enable
a sensor-actuator effect, communication and
data processing.
Both these approaches benefit from innovations in nanotechnology which propel
miniaturization and the development of new
functional materials forward. Plastics that are
adaptive and respond to environmental signals are referred to as intelligent («smart materials»). Plastics with switchable properties
but without the ability to learn are already
in use, for example in advanced drug release
according to the stealth principle, which protects the healthy cells and only releases aggressive drugs in the tumor tissue, as in chemotherapy. Intelligent drug release systems
of the future will be able to listen in on the
communication between cells and to pinpoint
sick cells with extreme marksmanship.
Currently, composite materials and surface coating systems which can repair themselves are being developed. Similar to blood
coagulation or a tree, where resins are discharged to seal off wounds or injuries, reactive plastics can be released in smart materials or flow processes initiated to close off
fissures created by mechanical stress.
The development of the smart generation
of materials benefits from innovations in
polymer electronics. With polymer semiconductors, electronic elements can be printed
on thin films. Although the performance of
the silicon chip is not matched, these plastic chips are suitable for communicative
packaging systems, known as «smart labels».
Smart packaging today can provide information on the type of goods, the price and the
condition. With such smart packaging, it is no
longer necessary to scan the goods manually
In this day and age, plastics are equipped
with sensors, actuators and new microenergy
technology. By implementing photovoltaic or
thermoelectronics, it will soon be possible
to generate locally the energy necessary to
operate microsystems, without the need for
batteries. The range of applications for the
sensor-actuator technology includes artificial
muscles, which provide amateur athletes and
the disabled with freedom of movement, or
another example, air-conditioning and medical care built into textiles. Smart materials can recognize and report damages of all
kinds, as well as self-repair if the damages
are minor. Miniaturized, embedded sensoractuator microsystems with an autonomous
energy supply will become a part of everyday
life and contribute significantly to improving
the quality of life. The polymer materials of
the future are interactive and intelligent.
Plastics research and development has
achieved a great deal and now faces new
challenges in key technologies. In the case of
standard plastics and technical polymers, the
rapid growth in volume and the decreasing
value-added over the last few decades has led
to the formation of strategic alliances and to
a concentration on core business, as well as
the optimization of existing processes. Completely new polymers and innovative monomer
building blocks are not in sight. But there is
quite a lot of potential in utilizing the old,
economical monomer building blocks more
efficiently, in shortening the path from raw
material to final product and in diversifying
products. Innovative manufacturing and processing methods with control of the molecular
and supermolecular architectures play an
important role here. State-of-the-art material compounds, such as multiphase multi-
With smart packaging, it is no longer necessary to scan the
goods manually at the supermarket checkout.
component systems and organic/inorganic
hybrid materials with nanostructures offer
completely new opportunities for exploiting
unused potential. In the broad field of functional polymers, polymer design, innovative manufacturing technologies and system design as well as new, fast, form-free
manufacturing technologies assume a trendsetter function in developing and implementing new technologies. The main advantage
which plastics can claim is their diversity in
properties and applications, combined with
high ecological efficiency and an attractive
price-performance ratio in industrial series
production and application-oriented customizing. This potential must be used to find innovative solutions.
Photovoltaic solar energy installation in Wilmington, Delaware.
Future requirements
The future needs of our customers – from a
market viewpoint
Predicting the future needs of our
customers requires a wealth of
knowledge about the market as well as
an awareness of one’s own economic
and technological development
Head of Global Market Development and
Every market has its idiosyncrasies. This
entails knowing the national conditions, the
cultural peculiarities, the prevailing technical
standards, which firms are also operating in
the market and with which products they are
represented, the size of the market, and even
the regional differences within the population
and the infrastructure.
Concretely speaking, this means each market
differs from the next, even if the distinctions
are only subtle. Nonetheless, adapting to new
occurrences is a must if a global enterprise
is to be successful. And this, in turn, means
that it is necessary to keep a close watch on
the market and to analyze the information
and experiences gathered there; we could say
market developments and changes have to
be observed according to the economic ver-
The constant change in markets requires a lot of know-how on the part of the employees, as well as the
preparedness to adapt and expand it continuously. GF Piping Systems offers its staff an interesting program of
internal and external continuing education courses. In the knowledge that people create the success of a company.
sion of the evolution theory «survival of the
fittest». It is important to keep an eye on the
competition and align one’s own requirements
and goals as appropriate. Of course, the
prevailing price situation has to be identified,
analyzed and applied to one’s own products
as well. The market regulates itself always
through price, availability and quality, thus
strongly increasing the competition pressure.
Even when we consider the catchword
globalization – without going into closer detail
on the globalization debate – we note that this
development has consequences in local and
small markets. The stand of technicalization,
the know-how and educational level, to name
but a few examples, are converging more and
more throughout the world. This naturally
has consequences on the requirements of our
customers in the different markets.
A steadily increasing price pressure and
the related competition pressure leads
companies to form so-called «ecosystems»
– in other words, alliances or coalitions. Such
consolidation can make it easier to enter new
markets. However, they also help to preserve
the already established position in the market
– in short: they provide the alliance partners
with a sense of security.
This photomontage of red blood cells demonstrates the
vision of nano-robots. The life science industry is a vital
market segment for GF Piping Systems.
«Smart materials» will arrange for higher industrial safety and less maintenance in the future by
analyzing the condition of the flow medium themselves and signalling the respective action to be
This is where the resources, i.e. the
know-how, of the company and the financial
means are of imminent importance. Equally
important are the resources of other companies. If you concentrate these, you receive a
common benefit, where otherwise you might
have booted each other out of the market.
Moreover, there is a tendency for the market
to demand complete solutions. These are of
course easier to offer when resources are
pooled. Generally, the larger an enterprise, or
the cooperation is, the longer it will endure,
thus significantly increasing its chances
of survival in the market. The future will,
therefore, belong to those who join forces.
Another major aspect, which is essential
for the future, is that «goodwill» has to be
established with the customers, which means
trust in the brand. For this to happen, the
quality and the service performance have to
be excellent. It would be ideal if the customer
had a psychological relationship to the
product. For this, the marketing concept has
to be right; even the name and the design can
be instrumental in securing success or not.
Markets are subject to constant change, so
that we can never really rest on our laurels
and must always be up to date in all areas.
This is not a fixed process, but, as described
above, conditional on continuous further development and adaptation. Product innovation plays an important role here. An innovation advantage always pays off financially.
Nevertheless, innovation must be efficient
and not too expensive.
As mentioned at the outset, it is important
to be aware of one’s own economic and
technological development capabilities. For
the purpose of illustration, a brief definition
of the structure and function of a pipe: A
pipe is, at first glance, primarily a round
hollow corpus with a beginning and an end.
It can be used to convey any type of media,
such as water, gases, acids, etc. A pipe can
also be an electrical insulation line or be
used in a pneumatic post system. It can also
be a design element. So, a pipe is not just
a pipe. Depending on the exact function,
the requirements placed on this pipe can
differ greatly and be many. This pertains
especially to the materials of which the pipe
is manufactured, which will be discussed in
more detail later.
As a pipe manufacturer, one has to be
aware of this diversity. This also requires
knowing what development potential and
requests your customers have, as well as their
specifications and demands. So, an enormous
amount of knowledge is necessary to succeed
in a market.
Know-how and skills are derived from
the employees in a company. They are thus
another important factor for success in the
future. The level of education must be high
and the employees must be flexible. It is
crucial that highly qualified staff is bonded to
the company and that attractive advancement
policies are implemented. Good internal
training and further education programs are
also essential.
As the market changes, so too must the
employees improve themselves through further education. At Georg Fischer a lot of
attention is dedicated to this aspect; we even
offer training courses to our customers so
GF Piping Systems is always working on its corporate image. Our values are: «We put customers
first», «We act fast» and «We do what we say».
that they can supply their customers with
premium quality work. For a company that
does business on a global scale, it is a further
advantage to have multicultural teams, promoting the so-called «cross-cultural melting
pot». This is where the diverse needs and information is pooled. It is a widely accepted
fact that the domestic population knows the
needs and the peculiarities of their respective
domestic market best and can pass this information on to the company. This brings us to
another important point, which is indispensible for success: a tolerant corporate culture.
The only way to attract good and multicultural employees is to have a corporate culture
that is characterized by openness, tolerance
and mutual respect.
The requirements will continue to change at
a rapid pace. It is very probable that we will
see smart, synthetic materials in the future.
These will be able to provide information
on the environmental conditions without
time delay, tell us when failures occur,
when any kind of ingredient is missing, or
when the composition of a medium does not
correspond to the standard. They will be
able to do this by changing color, or acoustically, for example. Such smart materials also
recognize, for example, when deposits have
formed or when the pipe needs to be cleaned.
They can measure the acid content and determine whether the flow medium is too viscous
or thin, and so on. This contributes to time
and cost savings. It goes without saying that
the material must also be priced so that it is
accepted by the market.
Total plastic solutions will be used
throughout the industry at an even more extensive way, and it is our task to secure a customer adapted system, meeting the rapid shifts
to come, in order to be fit for the future.
Industry is placing increased emphasis on total plastic solutions.
GF Piping Systems offers customized solutions in this area.
Solvay – partners in vinyl
PVC – material with a wide range
of possible applications
Solvay’s dedicated pilot plant in
Hannover (D) explores new applications
for fluorinated products. The various
applications of vinyls are as many as
there are individual properties required
of the material.
Account Manager PVC, PVC-Compound,
Solvay Vienna
Solvay Benvic, Italy
Solvay employs some 30,000 people in 50
countries. In 2005 its consolidated sales
amounted to EUR 8.6 billion generated by
its three business sectors: Chemicals, Plastics and Pharmaceuticals.
The Belgian Group succeeded – within
more than 140 years – not only in adapting
itself to the altered needs of its worldwide
customers with a wide-ranging product offering as well as with a market-oriented
structure, but could also set new standards
of its own.
The plastics activities of Solvay cover the
production of PVC, PVDC, PVC Compound
and a multiplicity of technical polymers, such
as PVDF, PSU. Solvay ranks number three in
PVC production in the world and is among
the leaders in specialty polymers.
In the field of PVC there is a traditional
and long-term partnership between GF Piping Systems and Solvin/PVC and BENVIC/
PVC Compounds.
SOLVIN®, founded in 1999, when Solvay
and BASF merged their PVC divisions into
a joint venture – 75% owned by Solvay, 25%
owned by BASF – produces PVC (polyvinyl
chloride) and PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride).
The operations in Belgium, Germany,
France and Spain reach an annual capacity
of 1.3 million tons of PVC and 35,000 tons of
PVDC. All this makes Solvin one of the major, fully integrated players. In 2005, nearly
2,000 employees generated a consolidated
turnover of more than EUR 1 billion.
Solvin, which has its head office and
R&D center in Brussels, sees itself as a thoroughly European company, and sales are
organized accordingly: maximum proximity to the customer and hence comprehensive advice, support and service come first.
Solvin achieves this through numerous company-owned sales offices in most European
The various applications of vinyls are as
numerous as the individual properties required of the material. Solvin produces its
main types of PVC (suspension, emulsion
and copolymers) in several production plants,
geographically ideally located throughout
Europe in order to guarantee interchangeability and a reliable supply. The technology center in Brussels has an analytics
department for a variety of applications, independent laboratories and its own extrusion
school. The research and development center
is responsible for specific mechanical and
field-oriented projects.
PVC is an ideal material for a multitude of applications. The
membrane of the «Pope's cloud» is made of PVC.
PVC looks back on a long career and has a
just as brilliant future ahead. This material is characterized among other things by
a long life span and low costs. Today approx.
60-70 % of the produced quantities are used
for window profiles, pipes, flooring and roof
sheeting. In 2005 the worldwide PVC consumption reached about 30.3 million tons ,
capturing third place.
A new application for PVC was also the
construction of locomotives: SBB (the Swiss
The AMAP (Automated Molecular Assembly Plant) boosts the efficiency of Solvay Pharmaceuticals’ research center
in Weesp (NL).
Federal Railways Company) uses cab parts
with core layers made of reticulated PVC expanded foam.
Rolf Froböse’s and Klaus Jopp’s book offers an impressive, well-documented history
of this «oldie».
The trend for textile fabrication with PVC
coated sheets is becoming more and more
established. Pope Benedict XVI himself was
protected at the World Youth Day in Cologne
in 2005 by a roof in the shape of a cloud
made of a PVC membrane.
Since 2001 Solvin has organized a competition for the best PVC innovations every three
years. The international «SOLVIN Award
for PVC Innovation» is intended for converters, recyclers, designers, and suppliers as well
as research & development. The registration
of 84 applications in 2001 and 108 in 2004
shows the uninterrupted innovativeness and
the future prospects of this material.
Solvin has been actively involved in the
PVC industry’s «Vinyl 2010» Voluntary Commitment to sustainability since its inception.
The object of this pan-European initiative
– set up in 2000 by raw material manufacturers, PVC processors and additive producers – is to reduce the environmental impact
of the production, processing, recycling and
disposal of PVC and hence improve sustainability.
This ten-year program, which is already
furnishing satisfactory results, is evaluated by
independent experts (
The VinyLoop® recycling process developed
by Solvay in 1998, which allows almost all
PVC materials to be recycled, is an outstanding example of how environmental compatibility and efficiency can be reconciled. This
technology is not only a breakthrough from
an environmental, but also from a technical
point of view.
Where conventional recycling processes
have basically been confined to crushing
waste and adding it in molten form to new
products, the VinyLoop® process uses a basic
property of PVC: the fact that it dissolves easily in selective chemicals. This makes it possible to recycle so-called composites, which
have been difficult and costly to recycle in the
past. These products are compounds of PVC
and other plastics, textiles or metals which do
not lend themselves to mechanical separation,
such as cables, tarpaulins, floor coverings
or blister packs for pharmaceuticals. With
VinyLoop®, PVC can be separated from secondary materials without destroying its valuable molecular chain. This separation process
produces a high-quality, processable regenerated PVC (pre)-compound, which already
contains additives and can be «refined» by
careful further mixing. The regenerated raw
material is being used for more and more applications and is already a commercial success.
A large-scale VinyLoop® plant with an
annual capacity of 10,000 tons of regenerated material opened in Ferrara in Italy in
2002. The Ferrara plant, which is the first
plant of its kind in the world, was officially
inaugurated in the presence of members of
the European Parliament, representatives of
the European Commission and local authorities. Another plant has been built in Japan.
This procedure is seen as key to achieving
the ambitious «Vinyl 2010» recycling targets set by the European PVC industry itself
Solvay BENVIC is, as an independent business unit within the Solvay group, a worldwide leading producer of PVC Compounds,
with all the advantages of a PVC-integrated
BENVIC owns four manufacturing plants
in Europe: in Belgium, France, Italy and
Spain, and also has two joint ventures in Brazil (Dacarto BENVIC) and Russia (Soligran)
and sales offices in numerous countries.
BENVIC’s overall capacity amounts to approx. 350,000 tons.
Solvay BENVIC develops, produces and
markets a wide range of vinyl-based thermoplastics with the BENVIC® trademark, in the
form of compounds and polymeric blends.
Thanks to its understanding of polymers
and additives, Solvay BENVIC has achieved
European leadership in its sector. The product portfolio covers a multiplicity of high
performance products (standard as well as
tailor-made), and strikes a wide bow over all
application segments: for example, construction (technical profiles, roller blinds, seals,
etc.), transport of liquids (gutters, fittings,
pipes etc.), up to technically very sophisticated specialties.
If we compare PVC to the other plastic
commodities, we discover immediately the
high versatility of PVC thanks to its exceptional compatibility with different types of
additives (stabilizers, impact modifiers, lubricants, fillers, pigments etc.).
The combination of such additives can
optimize the typical properties of plastic materials used for fluid transport articles:
- fire resistance, self-extinguishing
- resistance to natural ageing (interior and
- good chemical resistance
- insulating properties
- good mechanical properties (rigidity and/
or impact resistance)
- excellent finish
- safety to health (non-toxic)
The compounds for GF Piping Systems
are developed and produced at BENVIC in
Ferrara, Italy. Innovation has always been
one of the main values of the Solvay Group
in its worldwide activities and is still considered nowadays as a strategic axis of development.
The PVC compound activity of the Solvay
Group is a living example of this capacity to
innovate and build partnerships with customers and suppliers.
Applications such as extrusion of profiles
for window frames, blow molding of bottles, injection molding of fittings have made
BENVIC one of the main protagonists on
European scene.
Since the 1980’s Brussels’ central laboratories and the Ferrara ones have been
equipped with important resources in order
to develop performer grades of PVC compounds for the application of pressure fittings
for water and food contact.
Solvay launched the first industrial PVC
recycling unit using the Group’s VinyLoop®
process in Ferrara (Italy) in 2002.
The Solvay group employs some 30,000 people in 50 countries
The result is a range of products promoting
the development of this new growing market
and a long-term partnership with main players such as the Georg Fischer Group.
In 1999 with the grade BENVIC® IA
608/9735, BENVIC obtained (as the first
company in Europe) the certificate of compliance with ISO Pr EN 1452 (MRS 25 MPa)
demonstrating the impressive long-term performances of PVC in general and of BENVIC grades in particular.
Today BENVIC is still the main player on
this market segment, assuring its customers
a high level of technical assistance and continuous contact with main certification institutes (Kiwa, NF, NSF, IIP …).
This chapter of history is not finished yet;
nowadays challenges are mainly related to
the compliance with the arising environmental necessities and BENVIC’s R&D department is working to obtain more performer
products starting from more environmentally
safe raw materials.
All BENVIC activities are developed in
the framework of a strong commitment to
stockholders, customers, staff and the envi-
ronment; the Ferrara plant is certified to ISO
9000, ISO 18000 and ISO 14000.
The product and service policies, both market-based and customer-oriented, are cornerstones of the business philosophy, which is
supported and lived by all employees; the focus is on the partnership with the customers.
Within the scope of the overall quality
management policy, all production locations
meet the ISO standard 9002. One of Solvay's
most important principles is sustainable development; the innovative strength of the enterprise rests on the service of the sustainable
«Responsible Care» program – acting responsibly in the sectors of health, security and
The environmental management systems
in all the factories meet the international
standard ISO 14001 or equivalent.
Solvay BENVIC Italia SpA has been adhering, since 1992, to the Federchimica Responsible Care® project, a concrete commitment towards the entire surrounding environment to promote company awareness, to
inform and to make ourselves active members of the community (
Longlasting polyethylene (PE)
HDPE: the ultimate material for gas and
water distribution and industrial applications
Polyethylene (PE) is one of the raw
materials predominantly used for gas
and water distribution around the world.
Since its development in 1954 until now,
there has been enormous progress in
material reliability. At the present, a
service life expectancy of 100 years is
the technical state of the art.
Technical Service & Development,
Construction and Durable,
Ineos Polyolefins
The first polyethylene grades for pressure
pipes and fittings were developed in 1954.
In the meantime, there has been an on-going
development to improve the properties of the
raw material and norms have been developed
to classify and to control the quality of the
PE used in pipe applications.
From the first generation PE 63 to the
third, PE 100 introduced in 1989 by Solvay
Polyolefins (now Ineos Polyolefins), the polyethylene has become one of the predominantly used raw materials in the world for gas and
water distribution. Due to its good chemical
resistance, it is also the material of choice for
many industrial applications.
The reasons for the success of polyethylene in pressure networks are to be found in
its technical performance and properties:
- it is the only material which offers a reliably welded, leakproof system;
- it is easily weldable by butt fusion or electrofusion;
- it can be injected to produce fittings in various designs and/or dimensions adapted to
any HDPE network;
- it is a lightweight material with easy handling and installation, resulting in lower
- due to its flexibility, it is possible to use long
lengths of pipe in coils, reducing the necessary number of welds and accelerating the
- it is not sensitive to corrosion, which eliminates one of the most common causes of
failure in other materials, thereby guaranteeing a long, maintenance-free service
- it has a long lifetime (a minimum of 50
years is guaranteed);
- it has good chemical resistance and can
therefore be recommended for conveyance
of numerous acidic/basic aqueous media;
- due to its ductility and good stress crack
resistance, it can withstand rough handling,
e.g. scratches and notches on the pipe;
- it is not sensitive to earth movements: during the Kobe earthquake on January 17,
1995, reports stated that there were a total
of 26,459 pipe failures, but NOT ONE for
polyethylene pipes;
- it is approved for contact with foodstuffs:
it emits no odor and/or affects the taste of
drinking water, the water quality remains
consistent (no additives migration), it conforms to the DVGW W 270 requirements,
concerning the microbiological growth.
All of these features add up to create a polyethylene system which is cheap to install,
requires low maintenance and has a long
service life.
Electrofusion fittings allow jointing all combinations of PE 80 and
PE 100 with outstanding reliability.
The HDPE pressure piping market is still
growing rapidly: distribution networks for
gas and water, refurbishment of existing networks, offshore installations are some examples of where HDPE pipes and fittings are
used. One of the key elements of this success
are the numerous techniques available to join
the different network components, even from
different raw materials.
The most important jointing techniques
for pipes and fittings are welding methods,
like butt fusion and electrofusion.
tion as is the case for mechanical fittings;
- Thanks to the flexibility of HDPE, it is possible to realize the welding above ground
prior to installation: easier handling conditions, narrower trench possible, and therefore reduction of costs.
The reliability of butt fusion and electrofusion
welding is demonstrated by the statistics
available for numerous applications in many
countries. For example, «Azienda Mediterranea Gas e Acqua» of Genoa (IT), reports that
during the 1984-2002 period, the number of
leaks observed was equal to 5 for 75,000 butt
fusion welds and 23 for 22,500 electrofusion
FNCT (Full Notch Creep Test) allows fast and frequent control of
the stress crack resistance.
It is the most used technique for large diameter HDPE pipes. The welding procedure involves accurate machine planing of the pipe
and/or fitting ends, which are joined together
under pressure. Welding conditions (temperature, heating time, pressure) are related to
the pipe diameter and thickness.
Initially, electrofusion fittings were mainly
used to join small diameter pipes (up to 225
mm) in low pressure gas systems. They ensure faster and generally safer welding compared to socket fusion. This technique is
now also applied to water distribution pipes.
Numerous fitting designs and dimensions are
available on the market.
The advantages of these two welding
methods are numerous:
- Easy, fast, economic, safe;
- Possibility to join all combinations of PE
80 and PE 100 pipes and fittings;
- Welded joint is as strong as the pipe itself
as the different components have been
completely merged;
- Welding joint doesn't permit root penetra-
Polyethylene pressure pipes and fittings have
been extensively and successfully used for
drinking water and gas networks for many
years. Through continuous improvement of
materials and quality management, the pipes
have become more and more reliable and durable. At the present time, a service life expectancy of 100 years is the technical state
of the art. The long-term behavior of HDPE
pipes is predictable on the basis of regression
curves (ISO 9080).
Indeed, for polyethylene, prior to introducing any new resin in the pipe market,
the raw material has to be completely analyzed and classified: the manufacturer must
demonstrate that its PE material will resist a
given hoop stress (classification MRS) at 20
°C for 50 years.
This is done by accelerated pressure testing in a laboratory environment. A large
quantity of pipes is put under pressure in
order to determine the relationships between
applied hoop stress and failure time. The
experimental data are then plotted in a loglog graph of hoop stress versus failure time,
and correlation is determined by regression
analysis according to ISO 9080. As it is unrealistic to wait 50 years to determine the
final hydrostatic strength of the material,
trials are also carried out at 60 and 80 °C,
and extrapolation for 50 years at 20 °C is
done by assuming that the temperature dependence of the failure process follows the
Arrhenius law.
During these tests, two kinds of failures
may be observed: ductile and brittle. The
factors that determine the type of rupture are
temperature and stress:
- Low temperature and high stress lead to
ductile failure: the wall is blown up and
a crack forms perpendicular to the pipe’s
axis. This leads to the formation of a typical nose. It is clear that the time taken for
failure in this type of rupture is very much
dependent on the actual stress level in the
pipe: the factor that determines ductile failure is creep in the pipe wall. The higher the
density (cristallinity) is, the lower the creep
phenomenon and the higher the resistance
to ductile failure will be. The type of failure is not influenced by the surrounding
medium as long as the polyethylene is not
chemically attacked or swollen;
- High temperature and low stress lead to
brittle failure: micro-cracks are observed in
the axial direction of the pipe. This kind of
failure is due to stress cracking also called
slow crack growth. The time required for
failure depends very much on the surrounding medium and much less on the exact level
of stress applied. Therefore the time-stress
dependence of this phenomenon shows a
curve that is different from the corresponding one for ductile failure. Brittle failure
means disentanglement of the tie molecules
linking the crystal lamellae together. The
higher the number of tie molecules is, the
higher the resistance to stress cracking will
be. Another factor influencing stress cracking resistance is short-chain branching of
the tie molecules, which slows down the
disentanglement process. Brittle failures
appear at longer intervals than ductile ruptures and are therefore considered as a sign
of ageing of the material.
On a log-log stress-failure time diagram,
the failure change from ductile to brittle modes
will result in a modification of the slope in the
curve. This change in slope is commonly referred as the «knee» in the regression curve.
It is important to ensure that this knee will not
occur before the end-of-lifetime guarantee.
To guarantee a 50-year lifetime at a given
stress (10 Mpa for PE 100, 8 Mpa for PE 80),
extrapolation is done on basis of the high
temperature data. Specialists from all over
The long-term behavior of the HDPE pipes is predictable thanks to the regression curves (ISO
Hydrostatic pressure tests: the consistency of mechanical
properties is controlled regulary.
the world have determined extrapolation factors: the higher the difference between the
test temperature and the operational temperature is, the further the extrapolation can be
made. For a difference of 60 °C, this extrapolation factor has been estimated at 100.
All the Ineos pressure pipe materials,
tested properly according to ISO 9080 for up
to 9,000 hours at 80 °C, do not display any
brittle failure. We can therefore guarantee by
extrapolation that no knee will occur before
100 years at 20 °C.
- notch pipe test at 80 °C to check the slow
crack growth resistance of the raw material. A reduction in this could affect the pipe
lifetime, by modifying the knee position in
the regression curve.
All test reports for all the Ineos HDPE are
available on request. Additional internal pressure tests are regularly performed by Ineos to
guarantee a consistent quality.
An essential element for quality assurance is
the requirement that the completely formulated compound is supplied by the raw material manufacturer and must not be modified
afterwards. During resin polymerisation, all
the production parameters, such as:
- ethylene, hydrogen, comonomer concentrations
- reactor temperature
- residence time
- catalyst
are controlled on line. Extrusion conditions
are also kept constant.
Basics properties like melt flow rate
(MFR), density, thermal stability (OIT),
water content, pigment and/or carbon black
dispersion are then tested for each batch and
communicated to the manufacturer with
each batch delivery by a certificate of analysis according to EN 10204-3.1. It is the only
means by which the consistent quality of the
material composition can be guaranteed, independently of the pipe and/or fitting manufacturer, also ensuring that the homogeneity
is optimal.
Mechanical properties consistency is also
evaluated regularly. In fact, the European
standards in respect to gas and water pressure
pipes and fittings applications specify in Art.
7 that mechanical tests shall be performed
every year at external institutes to guarantee
the raw material quality and its conformity to
the initial approval. These tests are:
- validation of the MRS classification: shortterm (around 100 hours) and long-term
(min. 2500 hours) pressure tests at 20 and
80 °C must be performed to prove that the
material is conform to its initial regression
- rapid crack propagation resistance;
Polyethylene has enjoyed an excellent reputation in water, gas and industrial pipe and
fitting applications for many years thanks to
its outstanding mechanical properties and
the application of a comprehensive quality
system, monitored by standards, ensuring a
service life of 100 years.
Tailor-made materials
Polypropylene for piping applications
Polypropylenes can be modified in
manifold ways and thus tailor-made for
specific applications. Smooth surfaces,
low internal stress, high pressure
resistance and good resistance to
aggressive chemicals are only a few of the
complementary properties.
welding coupling), sufficient heat deflection
temperature, durability and long service life
are ideally satisfied by polypropylene.
Soon after Giulio Natta’s discovery of
the respective catalysts in the 1950s, which
enabled the industrial production of polypropylene, the large potential of modification
possibilities was realized to obtain optimized
materials in different applications.
For piping systems in general three types of
polypropylene have become established in
the market:
- Polypropylene homopolymer
- Polypropylene heterophasic copolymer
- Polypropylene random copolymer
Technical Service and Market
Development, Pipe Business Unit,
Thermoplastic materials are widely used for
industrial piping systems and vessels. Even
though in the seventies of the last century it
was forecast that mainly engineering plastics
and high performance plastics would take
over more and more of this market for technical applications, so-called standard plastic
materials like polyethylene or polypropylene
have become successfully established. In
particular for the medium temperature range
up to 100 °C, polypropylene has become a
material of choice because of its well-balanced property spectrum.
For industrial piping systems, important
basic properties like stiffness and toughness,
excellent resistance against chemicals, simple
and safe jointing techniques (homogeneous
Whereas polypropylene homopolymer
consists solely of propylene units, a different
monomer – typically ethylene – is additionally incorporated into the molecular chain for
polypropylene random copolymer. Because
of the highly regular structure of polypropylene homopolymer, the highest crystallinity can be achieved in this semi-crystalline
material polypropylene. This is of major importance when it comes to resistance against
aggressive chemicals, which generally have a
tendency to permeate and diffuse into plastic materials, typically leading to reduced
strength and service life. As this penetration
takes place into the amorphous part of the
material, a highly crystalline material with
a less amorphous phase will reduce this phenomenon.
The advantage of this high crystallinity
in polypropylene homopolymers is normally
combined with the drawback of reduced (impact) toughness, in particular at low temperatures.
PP-H Matrix
Ethylene Propylene Rubber
Propylene Unit
Ethylene Unit
Molecule structure of polypropylene (schematic diagram).
In heterophasic copolymers of polypropylene this drawback of poor toughness is
compensated by adding a finely dispersed,
amorphous ethylene-propylene copolymer
phase (rubber phase) into the homopolymer
matrix. As a consequence, impact behavior is
significantly improved but strength, maximal
application temperature and pressure resistance are reduced which makes the heterophasic polypropylene modification a less preferred material for industrial piping systems.
This modification of polypropylene was
successfully established in the application
field of waste water and sewage disposal piping systems. The benefit of low weight, safe
and tight jointing technique and the durability compared to conventional materials such
compared to standard homopolymers, in
particular at elevated temperatures.
- Under optimized processing conditions,
piping system components (pipes, fittings)
can be produced which show a very smooth
surface finish and low frozen-in stresses.
This is, among other things, related to the
formation of a very fine-grained spherulitic
crystalline structure.
200 μm
Laying a polypropylene piping duct.
as concrete or ceramics, can be considered a
major advantage here.
In random copolymer of polypropylene,
ethylene is randomly incorporated into the
molecular chain for the most part based on
propylene. This modification leads in fact to
a reduced short-term strength, but toughness
and in particular long-term pressure resistance are significantly increased.
This performance is also a consequence
of reduced crystallinity, which on the other
hand limits applications for transportation
and storage of chemicals where permeation
and diffusion are of considerable importance.
Based on this spectrum of properties, polypropylene random copolymer plays a major
role in the market for plumbing and heating
For isotactic polypropylene – here only
this configuration will be considered as only
this one is commercially produced and used
– three different crystalline structures (␣, ␤,
␥) are known which offer further possibilities of modifications. While the a-structure
develops and forms under normal process-
Microphotographic image of the spherulitic
structure of Beta (ß) PPTM BE60-7032.
ing conditions, the occurrence of the ß-form
has to be forced by special techniques (nucleation).
ß-crystalline polypropylene homopolymer displays a property spectrum which
makes it an ideal material for industrial piping systems:
- Impact strength, which especially at low
temperatures can be considered as a weakness of polypropylene homopolymers,
is significantly increased to the level of
polypropylene heterophasic copolymers
and here it outperforms both «normal»
polypropylene homopolymers and also
polypropylene random copolymers. Hence
safe operation can also be achieved at low
service temperatures.
- As a highly crystalline homopolymer, this
material naturally shows a high resistance
to aggressive chemicals.
- The internal pressure resistance of piping
systems made from ß-crystalline polypropylene homopolymer is also increased
Borealis, one of the leading polyolefin producers in Europe, produces and sells ß-crystalline polypropylene homopolymer with
the brand name «Beta (ß) PP TM BE60-7032»
as a plastic material for industrial piping
systems and other semi-finished products.
The suitability of this material for such
applications is demonstrated in the following
on the basis of some case studies:
- In the 1980s, a pipeline for the transport of
process chemicals at temperatures of up to
80° C was made of the material Beta (ß)
PP TM BE60-7032 in the dimension 1600
mm x 50 mm and installed; this is most
probably the largest pipe ever made out of
polypropylene. Now, after more than 20
years, this pipeline is still in service and
is operating to the full satisfaction of the
- Electrolytic cells for nickel production.
Electrolytic cells, manufactured from 10
mm thick polypropylene sheets with a dimension of 6.5m x 1m x 1m are operated
with diluted sulfuric acid at a temperature
range of 65 – 70° C. Because the sheets
were made of Beta (ß) PP TM BE60-7032,
a service life of more than 15 years was
achieved. This excellent performance was
substantiated by the fact that electrolytic
cells produced from another grade of polypropylene failed already after a few years.
Due to the very positive experiences with ßcrystalline polypropylene homopolymer in
piping applications, the polyolefin producer
Borealis started to transfer this concept also
to other polymer modifications.
With a combination of the polypropylene
random modification and ß-crystallinity, a
material can be generated which features
an astounding improvement in the pressure
resistance of pipes made from it and which
outperforms all the known kinds of polypropylene. This is true both at ambient temperatures and at elevated temperatures. Borealis
has commercialized this concept specially
for piping systems in the plumbing and heating market areas, where the pressure resistance at higher temperatures (70° C) is of
particular importance.
By using this material a significantly reduced pipe wall thickness can be applied for
the same pressure and service life (typically
one SDR level). The advantage is on the one
hand a reduced material consumption and
an increased pipe cross-section (leading to
increased flow or reduced pressure drop),
on the other hand a piping system can be designed with smaller (lower outside diameter)
pipes. In both cases, a cost reduction can be
achieved, which makes polypropylene more
competitive in this market segment.
In the meantime, this new material has
advanced as an independent polypropylene
form – PP-RCT – into relevant standards.
It is now a matter of expanding this PPRCT concept to other applications, for example industrial piping systems. Due to the
low stiffness and short-term strength – in
this respect no essential difference to «normal» polypropylene random copolymer can
be detected – the material probably cannot
be considered as an engineering material,
but is preferable for piping systems in special
applications where the benefits can be fully
Imaginable would be, for example, transport of stress-cracking fluids, as this material has shown excellent performance in this
Borealis is actively working on this development together with well-known pipe and
fitting producers.
The combination of the ß-concept with
polypropylene block copolymers is also
under investigation at Borealis. Thus far a
low-temperature impact strength never before achieved for polypropylene could be observed, apparently a synergistic effect of both
Pipeline 1600 x 60 mm made of Beta (ß) PP
impact boosters ß-crystallinity and dispersed
rubber phase. At present no material of this
kind has been commercialized by Borealis.
In the year 2000 Borealis started up the
first polypropylene plant based on their own,
proprietary Borstar® technology. Due to the
manifold opportunities of this process for the
production of tailor-made polypropylenes
together with the modification possibilities
mentioned above, one can expect to see new
interesting materials for industrial piping applications in the future.
Borstar ® polypropylene plant in Schwechat/Austria.
Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Favorable plastic components for maintaining high purity in wafer production
Arkema is a world leader in vinyl
products, industrial chemicals and
performance polymers. Since 1989,
GF Piping Systems and Arkema have
been working together to expand the
use of SYGEF® and SYGEF PLUS® piping
Market Manager KYNAR & KYNAR
FLEX, Technical Polymers, Arkema
Arkema (formerly ATOFINA) is a 6-billioneuro company with over 18,000 employees
in more than 40 countries. As a world leader
in vinyl products, industrial chemicals and
performance polymers, Arkema is a major
player in the global chemicals business with
many popular brand names.
The Technical Polymers Group of Arkema
is well-known for polyamide technology,
functional polyolefins, and fluoropolymers.
Trade names such as Rilsan® PA, Pebax®
Elastomer, Orgalloy® Compound, Platamid®
PA, Evatane® EVA, Lotryl® EMA, Lotader®
EAM, Orevac® resin, Voltalef® PCTFE,
Kynar® PVDF and Kynar Flex® PVDF represent quality products for special high-performance applications in many industrial, architectural and consumer markets worldwide.
As miniaturization increases in wafer production, so do the requirements made on the purity of the process
media. PVDF is ideally positioned in piping systems construction for the semiconductor industry, as well as the
pharmaceutical industry, due to its high purity and good resistance to aggressive chemicals.
In 1989, Arkema entered a business
relationship with GF Piping Systems as a supplier of high purity Kynar® PVDF resin for
use in semiconductor applications. Early in
its development, the semiconductor industry
realized that plastic components were preferable to metal components for maintaining
the purity of washing chemicals in the silicon
wafer production process. As process purity
became even more important, the industry
switched from common commodity plastics
to fluoropolymers that could be extruded
and injection molded into high purity, high
chemically resistant and high temperature
fluid handling components. The most prominent polymer for high purity piping systems
in the semiconductor industry since 1986
has been polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF).
Kynar® PVDF, coupled with its ability to be
processed without any additives or processing aids, and the natural smooth surface finish of extruded and molded parts, exhibited a
combination of reasonable cost versus metal
alternatives and a high enough strength to be
self supporting, even at elevated temperatures.
In 1993 at its Calvert City, KY, plant in
the United States, Arkema installed a high
purity deionized water (DI) system within
the process of making Kynar® PVDF to wash
the resin and any potential impurities before
pelletization and packaging. This quality
control measure further improved an already
pure polymer. Laboratory testing data in wa-
The spectrum of uses for PVDF is wide: Kynar ® PVDF can be found, among other, in pipe and tube systems, flow
measurement devices, pumps, tanks, filters, nozzles or – as illustrated here – in flame-retardant, temperatureresistant jacketing.
ter, acids and even neutron activation analysis confirmed very low extraction results
for Kynar® PVDF and Kynar Flex® PVDF
resins as they related to metallic ions, anions and total organic carbon (TOC). Many
articles have been published by industry experts to this effect, so that PVDF remains the
standard of the industry for high purity fluid
containment. The unique properties, combined with the joining technology offered
by Georg Fischer, have been key to the success of SYGEF® and SYGEF PLUS® piping
systems in semiconductor or pharmaceutical
Prior to high purity fluid handling in the
semiconductor or pharmaceutical industry,
Kynar® PVDF was valued as a highly corrosion resistant material for piping & tubing,
linings, pumps, tanks, valves, tower packing,
filtration devices, nozzles, and flow meters in
many chemical applications. Over the years,
industries such as pulp & paper, nuclear reclamation, mining, metal preparation, phar-
maceutical, petrochemical, food & beverage, wastewater, and pesticides successfully
implemented Kynar® PVDF components to
handle corrosive acids and halogens (chlorine, bromine, fluorine, iodine). Chemical
and mechanical engineers found that using
a polymer that was able to withstand these
chemicals at varied concentrations was preferable to dealing with rouging and corrosion
issues in metal systems. One of the original
and prevalent uses of Kynar® resin was actually as a liner for carbon steel where the
system combined the strength of metal and
the corrosion resistance of PVDF. As an evolution to lighter weight systems and outside
corrosion barrier, systems made from either
butt-welded PVDF pipes and fittings or from
PVDF piping liners wrapped with fiberglass
have won the approval of engineers for harsh
chemical handling and high pressures.
The success in these markets of solid
PVDF piping systems fueled other developments over time. In 1992 it was found that
Kynar® PVDF passed the 25/50 requirement
for burning characteristics in ULC S102.2
which allowed Kynar® 460 and Kynar® 740
PVDF is also popular in the building industry.
The Louvre Pyramides in Paris are protected
with Kynar 500® .
piping to be listed as acceptable materials for
piping in public areas in Canada. This allowed
designers that were concerned with fire hazards to design pure water laboratory systems
with pure polymers rather than metals. Also,
it allowed the use of a corrosion resistant and
impact resistant polymer to be used for acid
waste drainage systems where previously only
glass systems could be used per the building
safety codes. In 1994 a flame- retardant grade
of Kynar® PVDF passed ASTM E-84 (which
was a more difficult test adopted by the United
States Building Code such as ICC-ES) with a
5/35 rating. Within ten years this had become
the standard material for corrosive waste piping for use in the plenum areas of school, university and pharmaceutical laboratories. GF
Piping Systems offers a complete line of
Kynar® PVDF with enhanced flame-retardant
characteristics for waste drainage systems
with a unique joining method called Fuseal®.
These systems conform to the International
Mechanical Code section 602 and are marked
with a UL listing for this application.
Among other common applications for
Kynar® PVDF are premium paint finishes for
PVDF is used in foam production. Densities of 30 kilograms per cubic meter (0.03. g/cm 3) or less
are realized. These temperature-resistant foams are implemented in aeronautics.
Suppliers to the semiconductor industry must also work with
high purity processes. Rockwood supplies chemicals for chip
manufacturing and relies on the PVDF product line from GF.
aluminum building structures. Kynar 500®
fluoropolymer-based finishes are well- known
to architects and design professionals as a
long lasting coating that beautifies tall office
buildings, sporting arenas, industrial complexes, malls, churches, and even residential
developments. Due to its excellent resistance
to sunlight, airborne chemicals and overall
weathering (including moisture) Kynar 500®
fluoropolymer-based coatings maintain color and film integrity for the lifetime of the
building structure.
continue to fluorish. Over the years, Arkema’s business relationship with GF Piping
Systems has evolved from a supplier relationship into a successful partnership focused on
increasing the use of SYGEF® and SYGEF
PLUS® piping systems made from Kynar®
Such partnerships with industry leaders
in high purity industries, such as GF Piping
Systems, have allowed Arkema to focus on
what is needed at the end-user level and to
supply a high-performance, quality product,
which ultimately leads to consistent growth
and an excellent reputation.
Recently special compounds of Kynar® PVDF
have been developed for special applications.
Kynar® OS 400 is a flexible compound that
maintains usage temperatures up to 150 °C
which is often necessary in offshore oil exploration; Zotek® foams are lightweight closed
cell foams made entirely of pure PVDF and
are used in chemical service and/or areas
where low flammability properties are required such as in aircraft cabin design;
Kynar Flex® 2850 PC is a functional powder
coating used to protect metal in the most severe acidic and halogenated environments;
Kynar® 3200 is a tough rotomolding grade
that allows the manufacture of tanks and
baths without weld lines; Kynar® ADX is a
technology that allows PVDF to bond directly to metals and other polymers to create composite structures useful in chemical
applications; Kynar Superflex® is a low-melting-point fluoropolymer with high clarity and
flexibility used for tubing applications; and
Kynar Flex® 3120 resin is a high-temperature
flexible resin with a high melting point often
used as jacketing for high-temperature crosslinked wires and cables for automotive and
aircraft applications.
Kynar® PVDF has become a widely used
product since its introduction in 1965.
Arkema operates three plants worldwide (two
in France and one in the United States). After
opening a new plant in Pierre-Benite, France
in 2003, a major plant expansion for the Calvert City, KY facility in the United States
was announced with projected completion in
2008. Arkema is dedicated to the growth of
the PVDF product line as new applications
Picture credits
Biocon Indien
Archives ETH Library Zürich
Fairmont Hotel Monte Carlo
Georg Fischer Corporate Archives
Georg Fischer Piping Systems
Getty Images®
Private photos Erich Guldener
The Henry Ford Collection
Juraj Lipták, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt
Michelin Reifenwerke
Montana Museum of Art & Culture
Prof. Dr. Mülhaupt, Freiburg, Germany
Museo della Plastica, Pont Canavese
Nestlé Waters
Prisma Bildagentur AG, Michael Kessler, Neuhausen
Siemens AG
Tupperware®, Germany
Contacts worldwide
George Fischer Pty Ltd
Riverwood NSW 2210 Australia
Phone +61(0)2/9502 8000
George Fischer Pty Ltd
Sales Office
Hendra, QLD 4011
Phone +61 (0)7-3268 8700
Georg Fischer
Piping Systems Ltd Shanghai
Shenzhen Branch
Shenzhen 518001
Phone +86 (0)755-8228 0172
Chinaust Plastics Corp. Ltd
Zhuo Zhou City 072761
Phone +86 (0)312-395 20 00
George Fischer Pty Ltd
Sales Office
Osborne Park, WA 6017
Phone +61 (0)8-9204 2122
Changchun Chinaust Automotive
Parts Co. Ltd.
Changchun City 130012
Phone +86 (0)431-517 2481
George Fischer Pty Ltd
Sales Office
South Oakleigh, VIC 3167
Phone +61 (0)3-9558 3554
Chinaust Plastics (Shenzhen) Corp. Ltd.
Shenzhen City 518103
Phone +86 (0)755-2731 4822
Georg Fischer
Rohrleitungssysteme GmbH
3130 Herzogenburg
Phone +43 (0)2782-856 430
Shanghai Chinaust Plastics Corp. Ltd.
Shanghai 201708
Phone +86 (0)21-5979 0222
Georg Fischer Fittings GmbH
3160 Traisen
Phone +43 (0)2762-903 00
Belgium / Luxembourg
Georg Fischer NV/SA
1070 Bruxelles/Brüssel
Phone +32 (0)2-556 40 20
George Fischer Ltda
04795-100 São Paulo
Phone +55 (0)11-5687 1311
Georg Fischer
Piping Systems Ltd Shanghai
Shanghai 201319
Phone +86 (0)21-5813 3333
Sichuan Chinaust Plastics Corp. Ltd.
Dujiangyan City 611830
Phone +86 (0)28-8722 9880
Hebei Chinaust Automotive Plastics
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Phone +86 (0)312-397 1000
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Georg Fischer A/S
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Phone +45 (0)70 22 19 75
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Phone +33(0)1 41 84 68 84
Georg Fischer GmbH
73095 Albershausen
Phone +49 (0)7161-302-0
Georg Fischer
Piping Systems Ltd Shanghai
Beijing Branch
Beijing 100020
Phone +86 (0)10-6588 6550
Georg Fischer DEKA GmbH
35232 Dautphetal-Mornshausen
Phone +49 (0)6468-915-0
Georg Fischer
Piping Systems Ltd Shanghai
Chengdu Branch
Chengdu 610072
Phone +86 (0)28-8775 0344
Georg Fischer SIMONA
Fluorpolymer Products GmbH
77955 Ettenheim
Phone +49 (0)7822-4457 652
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
400 076 Mumbai
Phone +91 224007 2001
George Fischer Representative Office
10310 Jakarta
Phone +62 (0)21-391 48 62
Georg Fischer S.p.A.
20063 Cernusco S/N (MI)
Phone +39 02-921 861
Georg Fischer TPA Srl
40013 Castel Maggiore (BO)
Phone +39 051-632 42 11
Georg Fischer Omicron S.r.l.
Saldatrici per Termoplastici
35030 Caselle di Selvazzano (PD)
Phone +39 049-897 57 21
Georg Fischer Pfci Srl
37067 Valeggio sul Mincio (VR)
Phone +39 045-6372 911
Georg Fischer Ltd
556-0011 Osaka,
Phone +81 (0)6-6635 2691
Georg Fischer Ltd
Tokyo Branch
111-0053 Tokyo
Phone +81 (0)3-3861-7741
Georg Fischer Piping Systems
Seoul 152-050 Korea
Phone +82 2 851 3861/3862
Latin America / Caribbean
George Fischer Inc.
Tustin, CA 92780-7258, USA
Phone +1 714-731 88 00,
Toll Free 800 854 40 90
Georg Fischer (M) Sdn. Bhd
47500 Subang Jaya
Phone +603-8024 7879
Middle East
George Fischer Piping Systems
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone +971 4 289 41 20
Georg Fischer N.V.
8161 PA Epe
Phone +31 (0)578-678 222
Georg Fischer WAGA NV
8160 AG Epe
Phone +31 (0)578-678 378
Georg Fischer AS
1351 Rud
Phone +47 67 18 29 00
Georg Fischer Sp. z o.o.
02-226 Warszawa
Phone +48 (0)22-313 10 50
George Fischer Regional Office
RP Pasing City, Manila
Phone +63 (0)2-631 15 61
Georg Fischer
Piping Systems Ltd
020257 Bucharest - Sector 2
Phone +40(0)21/230 53 80
Georg Fischer
Rohrleitungssysteme AG
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone +41 (0)52-631 11 11
Georg Fischer
Rohrleitungssysteme (Schweiz) AG
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone +41 (0)52-631 30 26
Georg Fischer Haustechnik AG
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone +41 (0)52-631 11 11
Georg Fischer Wavin AG
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone +41 (0)52-631 11 11
Georg Fischer Wavin AG
4553 Subingen
Phone +41 (0)32-613 21 11
Georg Fischer Kunststoffarmaturen AG
7302 Landquart
Phone +41 (0)81-307 55 00
Georg Fischer Piping Systems
San Chung City
Taipei Hsien, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone +886 2 8512 2822
+886 2 8512 2823
United Kingdom / Ireland
George Fischer Sales Limited
Coventry, CV2 2ST
Phone +44 (0)2476-535 535
Georg Fischer Piping Systems
Moscow 125047
Tel. +7 495 258 60 80
George Fischer Inc.
Tustin, CA 92780-7258
Phone +1 714-731 88 00,
Toll Free 800 854 40 90
George Fischer Pte Ltd
528 872 Singapore
Phone +65 (0)67-47 06 11
George Fischer Signet Inc.
El Monte, CA 91734-1770
Phone +1 626-571 27 70
Spain / Portugal
Georg Fischer S.A.
28046 Madrid
Phone +34 (0)91-781 98 90
Sweden / Finland
Georg Fischer AB
12523 Älvsjö-Stockholm
Phone +46 (0)8-506 775 00
George Fischer Sloane Inc
Little Rock, AR 72206
Phone +1 501-490 77 77
All other countries
Georg Fischer
Piping Systems (Switzerland) Ltd.
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone +41 (0)52-631 30 26
+41 (0)52-631 28 93