• • Tel: (540) 665-6418 “INFORMING, INSPIRING, & INVOLVING” Doing what others... Don’t, Won’t and Can’t! Fall 2013 Table of Contents From the Director’s Desk ............ 1 To Russia With His Love .............. 1 Inspiring Arabic Church Conference .................... 2 How Can I Help? ........................ 2 BTW Winter & Summer Camps ......................... 2 OTAN Women’s Training ............. 3 Equipped 2 Go ........................... 3 Current & Up-Coming Deployments ........................... 3 Googling God ........................... 4 Newsletter Editor: Dr. Chris Gnanakan Editing Team: Jyl Wommack Tim Wommack Arthur McArthur Sandie Powell Design & Printing: Apple Valley Graphic Design There is NO OTHER WAY than to… Dr. Chris Gnanakan S ome truths I learn only the hard way! In ministry, the means, or what we use to get things done, matters! The end does not justify the use of any or every means, and if the end is to glorify God, the means must consistently honor him! God has made absolutely clear that the only means that pleases him is faith! Faith is the total trust, unmistakable allegiance and implicit obedience to him alone! The story of king Asa of Judah (2Chr. 14:211; 16:1-9) illustrates this: Asa feared the Lord, tore down every idol and did what was right in God’s sight. That’s what faith looks like! It’s the sure means or way to please and bring God glory! Faith is a relationship tested by trials and temptations yet proven and developed in them! Judah is attacked by an army of a million men with 300 chariots! Asa turns to God with the most basic means – prayer! He cries out to God, rallies the nation and demonstrates utter dependence on his only resource in trouble! God always rescues all who trust him and the nation enjoys security and prosperity! Yet this means, trusting God, is unending. Many start but sadly don’t finish well. Twenty years later, Baasha Israel’s king sieges Judah and cuts off supplies. This time in fear Asa cries to Aram Syria’s king, who advances toward Israel so Baasha retreats. Judah is secure and all is well, right? Wrong! In all this, Asa reveals where his faith lies and the means he relies on. He gains an earthly ally but lost trust in God, leaning on his own wisdom, human might and the number of horse chariots! God calls this “a foolish thing” and declares that from now Asa will be at war! What is not of faith is sin! Like Asa, believers forget God’s benefits and with a measure of success become self-sufficient in ‘modern’ means - our education, experience and experts! We soon abandon trusting God to put confidence in our flesh and others. The just will live by faith in God’s faithfulness. Let’s humbly ask God to deliver us from ourselves! The only means that pleases God is faith in his own enabling grace! This is evidenced by unflinching confidence in prayer to God and unreserved obedience in living out God’s Word day by day. “But we never can prove the delights of His love until all on the altar we lay, for the favor he shows and the joy he bestows are for them who will trust and obey!” TO RUSSIA WITH HIS LOVE TIM WOMMACK T his year, 2013, Russia will celebrate its 1025th anniversary of Christianity, and yet millions are facing a Christless eternity in Hell because they have never heard about the “love” of God through the name of Jesus Christ truthfully. It’s what happens when individuals think that, just merely being a part of a religious church or system, will give you an entrance into His kingdom. When we fail to teach truth, they may fail to hear truth. Just a few days after we had arrived here at OTAN, to fulfill our new areas of service, Dr. Gnanakan approached us with a proposal that he said “we would be very excited about.” So with my mouth half full of a Subway sub I asked “so what is this proposal?” His reply, “I want you two to become the new Ministry Team managers of Russia. Was I excited? No. Did I want to be obedient? Yes! And when we are obedient, we get the excitement and direction of our Father. So Jyl and I will become the new Ministry Team Managers for Russia. In December, Dr. Gnanakan and I will be making a trip into Russia to meet with the pastors we support there and assess the ministry’s “don’t”, “won’t”, and “can’t” goals and strategies , strengthen the outreach of the pastors to the nationals, encourage these pastors, and do some DCPI training if possible. Please lift this trip up and the ongoing ministry to the precious souls of Russia and that God will work through us. Outreach to Asia Nationals - Fall 2013 - “Informing, Inspiring, Invovling” INSPIRING ARABIC CHURCHES CONFERENCE Held by OTC in the Greater DC Area! How Can We Help... We’re Glad You Asked! When Jesus said, “Go into all the world and make disciples”, (Matt. 28:19) it was for every child of his to do, not for a chosen few. To that end, won’t you take a moment in prayer to ask Him, “Lord, what would you have me do”. With this in mind, you can… Y ou’ve not met a larger number of Muslim converts under one roof! During the last weekend in August, over 60 Arabic church and mission leaders gathered as Dr. Ibrahim (UK) mentor to Dr Berty - and Dr Sameh from Cairo shared on ‘“Prayer & Unity”, which focuses on renewing the Churches in Egypt and the Middle East. Ours is a Common Enemy and One Commission. It is our unconditional love for others that makes the Gospel attractive and compelling to Muslims! B R I D G I N G S Winter Camps Pray for us: For guidance, strength, provision, protection and that we bear much fruit! Nothing worthwhile is ever accomplished if we do not begin on our knees! Could you be a Covenant Prayer Partner with us? Go with us: Perhaps the Lord is laying it upon your heart to join us? So what are you waiting for? Give us a call! Send us! Would the Lord have you on the “front lines” – or part of the “supply team”? If you cannot “Go”, please “Send”. We’d love to share with your church or group what God is doing through OTAN! Call us today at (540) 665-6418 or email us at T H E W O R L D Summer Camps ince 2009 Bridging The World has held Winter Camp for Chinese students in the US. Winter Camp was a result of the students desire to further their English and experience American culture first hand. This year we have inquires from five different cities in China to come to Winter Camp. Camp will be held in midJanuary. Pray that the love of Christ would be shown through local churches as they host these students. We now have brochures and new applications ready for the 2014 summer camps in China. Please go to our website at if you are interested in applying or if you need more information. T his summer 64 Americans went to China to serve in three different Bridging The World Summer English Camps. Camps were held in Beijing, Jinan and Qingdao. Many Chinese want to learn American English and we go to serve them, but our true purpose is to reach their real need, which is to introduce them to Jesus Christ and the Gospel. We pray that they see the love of Jesus in each one of the Americans and by doing so, come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Many seeds were sown and several in each of the camps came to Christ. This year, for the first time, we held a summer camp here in Lynchburg, Virginia. The purpose was not so much in teaching English but rather to prepare the Chinese to go to American middle and high schools as well as college. Creative thinking skills were taught as well as working together as a team through the many activities. For the first time, these students actually did a “hands on” Chemistry experiment themselves and were so excited to do so. Timberlake Baptist Church hosted the students and one of these student came to Christ this summer. SEPTEMBER 2013 VIETNAMESE OTAN WOMEN’S TRAINING CURRENT & UPCOMING DEPLOYMENTS Training Leaders: Roxanne Goodwin, our Women’s Ministry Manager, Lily Hildago & Kimberly Sorensen Praise God for a good trip to Vietnam this month. Thanks for the many prayers. T wenty-two precious Vietnamese women attended the OTAN Women’s training for three days. The theme for the training was “Growing Through the Bible”. The sessions included “How We Got the Bible”, “How to Study the Bible”, “How to Understand the Bible”, “How To Apply the Bible” and “How to Share the Bible”. Also, a session was conducted on “Knowing Your Spiritual Gifts”. In devotions we studied Lydia, Dorcas and Mary Magdalene. Nineteen, “key women” signed a commitment form, promising that they would attend all the training sessions over the next couple of years. Pray that the Lord will use them to reach their own people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ - that they will seek God and pray to use the gifts that the Lord has given to them to go forward and serve in some form of ministry. This is the goal of OTAN “Nationals Reaching Nationals”. A survey was conducted and two-thirds of the women want to be involved in children’s ministry, and all want to have more Bible Training. The women were focused, took lots of notes and were faithful in completing their homework. What a blessing to see how eager these women are to study, to learn and to prepare to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Pakistan: Ilyas Masih is currently there Cambodia: 9/30 Bob & Judy Logan and Sandie Powell Bhutan & Nepal: 10/6 Gary Turgeon, Adam Marquis & Chris Gnanakan Burma: 10/15 David Stansbury & Leroy Eldridge China – Hunan Province: 10/16 Al & Peg Horton China – Shenyang: 10/22 Woody Wooldridge, Dave LeBlanc & Bud Everett Russia: 12/06 Tim Wommack & Chris Gnanakan Please pray as our team members travel and minister for our Lord Jesus Christ! EQUIPPED 2 GO! OTAN 2013 Retreat, Bangor, Maine O ur Annual Retreat was held in Bangor, Maine. Words cannot express our gratitude for the wonderful care we received from Pastor Jerry Mick and the precious members of Bangor Baptist Church, who sponsored the entire weekend for us. Many of us were hosted by several of its members, who took us into their homes and into their hearts! A full day of training was followed by a day trip to beautiful Bar Harbor and Cadillac Mountain (with some great seafood along the way!). It ended with 3 services Sunday morning where Ministry Managers shared the work that God is doing in OTAN’s 9 Countries that they oversee. It reminded us, that truly we advance the gospel with an Army that God has designed. Some are on the front lines – others are in the supply lines! Thank you Bangor Baptist for your graciousness! We have been truly blessed beyond measure! ...And We All Had A Great Time! GOOGLING GOD Sandie Powell V Durable ery few are as challenged on the computer as I am. In my learning quest, I have discovered the informational advantage of “google search”. It is imperative that one be determined, intentional, and specific to gain the desired and required information from Google. From that vantage point...I have spent the last year since losing Henry...”Googling God” through Scripture and Prayer. My search for ministry directives have been determined, intentional, and specific. In that search, I have determined I do NOT have the ministry skill set that made Henry a wonderful devoted pastor and an enthusiastic passionate missionary. A cancer survivor Flexible God is stretching me Teachable A most needy student and God is a most patient teacher. Portable Have car, will travel. Available However, I have much experience as an assistant. God has also revealed to me through my spiritual “google search” I am... The ones I cared for are waiting for me in Heaven; Henry, my parents, Henry’s parents. No pets, no small grandchildren, I don’t even have any plants to water . “My search for ministry directives have been determined, intentional, and specific.” Finally and most hopefully.. Profitable For the Kingdom Look For This Feature In The Up-Coming Issue: OTAN’s New Cross-Cultural Study Center “Equipping You With the Tools to Get the Great Commission Done” PO Box 2440 Winchester, Virginia 22604 Phone: (540) 665-6418 Fax: (540) 665-0793 E-mail: Address Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Winchester, VA Permit # 247