the beaufort cottage laboratories Guide to equine clin i c a l patholo g y T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Welcome to the Beaufort Cottage Laboratories Guide to Equine Clinical Pathology. We hope this Guide will provide practical help to busy veterinary clinicians, nurses and students in need of a reference source in the course of their daily work or studies. It is not intended to be a textbook, nor do we pretend it is complete. For further advice on pathology issues raised in this Guide, please call Beaufort Cottage Laboratories on +44 (0)1638 663017 (office hours). In case of emergency, please call Rossdale & Partners on +44 (0)1638 663150 (24 hours). G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y Contents Introduction 4 Using clinical pathological aids to diagnosis 6 Clinical disease, preventive medicine, laboratory profiles, management aids 8 Sampling requirements Labelling and request forms, dispatch, post & packaging, sampling equipment Reference ranges 11 Haematology 12 Erythrocytes 12, Leucocytes 14, Platelets 17 Clinical chemistry 19 Proteins 19, IGG 21, plasma fibrinogen, SAA, AST, 22, CK, LD 24, cardiac troponin 25, SDH, GLDH, GGT 27, SAP, IAP, bilirubin, bile acids 28, amylase, glucose, oral glucose absorption test, cholesterol &triglycerides, urea 29, creatinine, urine fractional clearance ratios 30, calcium, potassium & chloride, calcium, phosphate & magnesium 31, plasma lactate 32 Blood gas analysis 33 Endocrinology 33 Pregnancy tests, progestagens 33, granulosa cell tumour 34, cryptorchidism, thyroid function, pituitary function, glucose, cortisol, insulin, overnight dexamethasone suppression test 35, TRH stimulation test, combined DXM suppression/TRH stim. test 36 Urine collection and analysis 37 Parasitology 38 Faeces collection, faecal worm egg counts, faecal lungworm larval counts Microbiology 39 Bacterialogy, skin scrapings, virology 40 Cytology 42 Fluid samples - peritoneal, pleural 43, synovial, tracheal washes, bronchoalveolar lavage 44, cerebrospinal fluid, bone marrow 45, semen samples, endometrial smears 46 Histology 47 Necropsy (postmortem) examinations 48 Biopsy sampling 52 Tables of reference ranges 56 Adult horses 48, CMSNG sampling, neonatal foals, foeti and placentae 50 Skin, lump, liver, lung 52, kidney, endometrial 53, testicular, ileal 54, rectal 55 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s introduction In all aspects of veterinary medicine, an accurate diagnosis is a pre-requisite for specific treatment and appropriate case management. Making a diagnosis involves a challenging combination of art and science and, if used correctly, laboratory investigations may be helpful. Following a definitive diagnosis, follow-up clinical and laboratory examinations can assess the effects of treatment. Where progress is unsatisfactory, more detailed investigations are often indicated as directed by the characteristics of the individual case. Making a diagnosis can be likened to ‘jigsaw puzzling’. The more pieces become available, the easier it becomes to solve the puzzle. Historical information and clinical examination results remain the first steps in the diagnostic pathway, sometimes allowing a definitive diagnosis to be made immediately, e.g. for a mid-shaft cannon bone fracture. More often, a differential diagnosis needs to be refined by clinical pathological aids and further clinical diagnostic procedures, e.g. recurrent laminitis and hepatopathy associated with equine Cushing’s syndrome. These aids must be applied appropriately, accurately and efficiently, to best effect. Incorrect results or incorrectly interpreted results may confuse the diagnostic pathway, leading to incorrect treatment and case management. In-house quality control G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y and external quality assurance are important for all veterinary laboratories to ensure reliability of results and to give confidence both to laboratory staff and to their clients. Veterinary surgeons have a duty to relieve suffering in animals as quickly and efficiently as possible. Ideally, to achieve this, they should provide their patients with the most accurate diagnosis possible, as early as possible, using whatever aids are available and appropriate so that early treatment is successful. This may appear costly in the short term, but can sometimes save expense in the longer term by avoiding delays in starting appropriate treatments or by avoiding the use of inappropriate treatments and thereby shortening time to recovery. In addition to welfare considerations, early accurate diagnoses and treatments bring significant benefits for performance horses and aid profitability to their owners. Clinicopathological aids may be applied in cases of clinical disease and for the assessment of their treatment, in preventive medicine programmes, and as management aids. The tables on the next two pages are presented as broad guides to the use of laboratory aids to diagnosis in specific clinical, preventive medicine and managerial indications. August 2006 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Using Clinical Pathological aids to diagnosis Clinical disease Clinical condition Potentially useful tests Infection Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum protein electrophoresis, bacteriology, mycology, virology, serology. Intestinal parasitism Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum albumin and protein electrophoresis, tapeworm ELISA, faecal worm egg count, rectal biopsy. Liver disease Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum protein electrophoresis, AST, LD and isoenzymes, GGT, GLDH, SAP, bile acids, liver scan and biopsy. Kidney disease Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum proteins, urea, creatinine, urine analysis and electrolytes, fractional electrolyte clearance ratios, bacteriology, kidney scan and biopsy. Pancreatic disease Serum GGT, amylase and lipase. Skin disease Skin scrapings, biopsy, bacteriology, mycology, feed allergen tests. Bone metabolic/parathyroid abnormality SAP, calcium and phosphate, urine phosphate clearance ratios. Weight loss/diarrhoea Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum albumin and protein electrophoresis, SAP, IAP, glucose absorption test, peritoneal fluid cytology, faecal Rotavirus assay, serum electrolytes, feed allergen tests. Faecal occult blood. Pulmonary abnormality Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum proteins, blood gas analysis, faecal lungworm examination, tracheal wash/BAL cytology, bacteriology. Fluid/electrolyte balance Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum albumin and proteins, electrolytes, urine analysis and fractional electrolyte clearances, blood gas analysis. Stallion genital abnormality Endocrinology, bacteriology, semen analysis, testicular biopsy. Mare genital abnormality Endocrinology, bacteriology, endometrial cytology and biopsy. G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y Preventive medicine Clinical condition Useful tests Intestinal parasitism Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum albumin and protein electrophoresis, tapeworm ELISA, faecal worm egg count. Venereal disease Penile and preputial, clitoral and endometrial aerobic and microaerophilic bacteriology. Diarrhoea Rectal/faecal bacteriology for Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. and fluid faeces for Rotavirus test. Faecal occult blood test. Nasal discharge Nasopharyngeal, guttural pouch and tracheal washes for Streptococcus equi and Rhodococcus equi bacteriology. Skin lesions Scrapings for dermatophytes, skin biopsy. Laboratory Profiles Age/type/condition Useful tests 12-36 hours Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum proteins, IgG. Weanling and yearling Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum proteins, SAP, calcium, phosphate, urinary phosphate fractional clearance ratios. Inflammatory disease Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum proteins and electrophoresis. Horses in training Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum proteins, AST, CK. Mature horse complete profile Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum proteins and electrophoresis, AST, CK, LD and isoenzymes, GGT, GLDH, SAP, IAP, urea, creatinine. Management Aids Management requirement Useful tests ‘Unfitness’ (horses in training) Haematology, serum amyloid A, plasma fibrinogen, serum proteins, AST, CK. Mare pregnancy tests 45-95 days – serum eCG. >120 days – serum oestrone sulphate. >150 days – urinary oestrogens. Mare luteal function Plasma progesterone. Anthelmintic programme efficacy WEC, tapeworm ELISA T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s sampling require m e n ts Laboratory results are only as good as the samples submitted allow them to be. Samples should be taken by the correct techniques, with suitable equipment, into suitable containers and media/preservatives and securely dispatched to the laboratory in the shortest possible time. Labelling and request forms All specimens should be labelled legibly with the name of the horse, date and time of sampling and site of collection, if appropriate, to enable proper reporting and certification of results. A concise case history should always be included, to help the laboratory make sure that the appropriate tests are performed and reported quickly and efficiently and in order to allow the clinical pathologist to help the clinician interpret the results. Dispatch Avoid sending perishable specimens over the weekend, where they may be held up and deteriorate in the post. Where possible it is sensible to centrifuge or to allow clotted blood samples to stand until it is possible to pour or pipette off the serum, in order to avoid haemolysis. Do not refrigerate EDTA samples or haemolysis will render the results useless. Do not send frozen or unfixed tissues for histological examinations as they will undergo natural autolysis and arrive in a less than suitable or even useless condition for satisfactory examination. For urgent samples and for dead foals, foeti and placentae for postmortem examinations, we strongly recommend personal delivery, e.g. by owner or private courier service. Post and Packaging Please instruct your secretarial staff in the proper packaging of specimens so that disappointments do not occur. Sound packaging is essential to avoid the breakage of containers in the post and the loss of, or damage to samples. Internal and external packing is essential ('Jiffy bags' alone cannot be relied upon). The leakage of pathological specimens can present public health hazards and the Royal Mail may refuse to handle soiled packages. The following notice was published and circulated by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in August 1988:1. In general, the despatch of deleterious substances by post is banned by the Post Office. There are however special exemptions for pathological material sent to and from laboratories by veterinary G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y Sampling Equipment Test Sample Container/anticoagulant/preservative Haematology Whole blood EDTA (lilac Vacutainer or blue Monovette) Plasma fibrinogen Whole blood Sodium citrate (blue Vacutainer or green Monovette) Clinical chemistry, serology, minerals and electrolytes Serum Empty tube (red Vacutainer or brown Monovette) Plasma glucose Whole blood Fluoride/oxalate (grey Vacutainer or yellow Monovette) Plasma progesterone Plasma or serum Lithium heparin (green Vacutainer or orange Monovette) Mare pregnancy Serum or plasma Empty tube (red Vacutainer or brown Monovette) Urinalysis Urine Sterile, empty, leak-proof container Blood selenium or glutathione peroxidase Erythrocytes Lithium heparin (green Vacutainer or orange Monovette) BacteriologySwabs Amies charcoal transport medium Fluids Blood grow medium Faeces Sterile, leak-proof container Blood Virology Rotavirus Blood grow medium Liquid faeces in sterile leak-proof container Swabs Viral transport medium ParasitologyFaeces Sterile, leak-proof container Dermatology Skin scrapings Sterile, leak-proof container Cytology Endometrial and other smears Rolled onto sterile gelatine-coated slides and fixed with ‘smear fix’ or carbowax Peritoneal, pleural, CSF, synovial fluids, tracheal washes and BALs One sample preserved in EDTA, another diluted 50:50 in cytospin centrifuge fluid and another undiluted in a sterile leak-proof container (synovial fluid also in blood grow medium for bacterial culture) Histology General tissue samples Thin, representative samples fixed in an ample volume (at least 10 x) of 10% formol saline Endometrial and testicular biopsies Bouin’s fluid Semen One sample diluted 50:50 in formol citrate and another in an empty, sterile, leak-proof container. Semen analysis T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge surgeons and some others. Very highly infected materials such as that containing foot and mouth disease virus or some especially dangerous human pathogens are excluded from this exemption. 2. Members of the public may send specimens through the post only at the express request of a registered laboratory or veterinary surgeon. 3. Only first-class letter post or data post may be used. Parcel post must not be used. 4. The Post Office requires that all samples be packed in a particular way. These rules must be followed otherwise the Post Office may remove and destroy the specimen. a. Every specimen must be enclosed in a primary container, which is securely sealed. This container must not exceed 50ml (although special multi-specimen packs may be approved). b. The primary container must be wrapped in sufficient absorbent material to absorb all possible leakage in the event of damage. c. The container and absorbent material must be sealed in a leak proof plastic bag. d. This package must then be placed in either: 10 i. A polypropylene clip down container. ii. A cylindrical light metal container. l a b o r a t o rie s iii. A strong cardboard box with full depth lid. iv. A specially grooved two-piece polystyrene box. 5. It is recommended that this completed package should be placed in a padded bag. 6. Multi-specimen packs may be used provided that each primary container is separated from the next by absorbent packing. 7. Any other packaging systems must have the prior approval of the Post Office. 8. Labelling: The outer cover must be labelled ‘Pathological Specimen Fragile. With Care’. It must show the name and address of the sender to be contacted in case of leakage. 9. Therapeutic and diagnostic substances, such as blood, serum, vaccines etc. are classified as pathological specimens. Ensure that anything you send by post complies with the regulations otherwise it may be removed from the mail and destroyed, and you will lose a valuable specimen. You may be prosecuted by the Royal Mail. You may cause injury or disease to someone handling the package either during its transit through the mails, or at the receiving laboratory. G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y ref erence r ang e s Clinicians and clinical pathologists must rely upon so-called ‘normal’ reference ranges to interpret laboratory results. Unfortunately it is not possible to produce one set of ‘normals’ to suit all equine animals, as horses and ponies of different ages, types, uses and stages of training all have significant variations in some parameters. Another problem is that individual horses vary considerably not only in their own ‘normal’ reference results but also by the effects that variations from reference range and even clinical abnormality will have on their clinically-apparent health and performance. Sub-clinical disease, e.g. low-grade anaemia, viral ‘challenges’, low-grade myopathy, hepatopathy and nephropathy will all produce effects on the appropriate laboratory results although the horse is considered clinically ‘normal’. The owner, rider, trainer or manager’s assessment of each horse as an individual remains essential and laboratory results should never be used to 'train' performance horses. Experienced interpretations are required for different types of horses used for different purposes. mathematically normal distribution within the horse population to be applicable and this is rarely the case. Alternatives are to work with percentiles (the range within which the results of 90% of clinically normal horses fall). Even then clinically normal horses will have significant subclinical changes and individual horses will have idiosyncratic ranges different to the population range. Clinicians and clinical pathologists must use reference ranges that they are comfortable with. Reference ranges for the more commonly used haematological and clinical chemical parameters, for adult non-Thoroughbred horses, neonatal and older Thoroughbred foals, Thoroughbred yearlings and two and three-year-old Thoroughbred horses in training can be found on pages 56-71. The ‘classical’ method of producing reference ranges for laboratory tests was to use the ‘bell-shaped curve’ of two standard deviations either side of the mean of large numbers of clinically normal horses. This requires the measured parameter to have a 11 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Haematology In the presence of clinical signs of disease, haematological examinations, performed on sequestrated (EDTA) blood samples, may reveal abnormalities suggesting haemoconcentration, anaemia, bacterial or viral infections, parasitic or allergic conditions. These examinations may also be valuable as part of a preventive medicine programme for groups of horses, when examined on a regular and routine basis, and interpreted carefully. Such a sampling programme may provide useful information that can be used as a basis for advice to trainers of race and performance horses. Most clinical pathology laboratories now use automated or semi-automated cytochemical or particle counting haematology analysers. These provide much more accurate and repeatable results than the older manual counting technologies if the analysers are correctly calibrated for equine samples. It is important to remember that results from analysers that provide granulocyte/ non-granulocyte differential leucocyte counts must be interpreted differently from those that produce cytochemically stained and laser scanned differential leucocyte counts. The latter, if calibrated correctly, can be indistinguishable from traditional manual counts performed on stained films. Automated differentials are highly repeatable and are more accurate than 12 manual cell counts as some analysers differentiate and count 10,000 rather than 100 leucocytes. Beaufort Cottage Laboratories currently use a Bayer Advia 120 automated cytochemical haematology analyser. Samples for haematological examinations should be taken from horses at rest with minimal excitement, otherwise splenic contraction can make the interpretation of erythrocyte parameters impossible. Erythrocytes (RBC, PCV, Hb, MCV, McHc, McH) Haemoconcentration/dehydration (raised total erythrocyte count, haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration) can only be interpreted in samples taken from resting horses that are relaxed at collection and this can be very difficult to achieve in some excitable individuals. Reflex splenic contraction occurs in horses in response to fright, excitement and exercise, increasing numbers of young macrocytic erythrocytes in the circulating pool. Routine sampling sessions in performance horse stables are therefore often conducted at standard times G u i d e t o e q u i n e after a period of rest and quiet, e.g. early morning or late afternoon, before mucking out and feeding, in order to avoid sampling excited horses and to add a degree of standardisation. Haemoconcentration is sometimes a feature of so-called ‘over-trained’ horses that perform poorly, appear stressed, and have dry scurfy skin coats, lose condition and drink inadequately. They usually respond well to fluid and electrolyte therapy administered by nasogastric tube followed by a period of rest. Chronic anhidrosis can produce a similar picture. Dehydration is a feature of horses who are clinically ill with acute enteritis or colitis, requiring intensive fluid, electrolyte, acid-base and supportive therapy to replace losses. Haemoconcentration and dehydration are features of exercise and heat exhaustion in horses performing in hot dry climates and over long distances (typically endurance races), requiring timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment/management. The interesting condition of acute anhidrosis, i.e. failure of normal sweating, occurs in some horses who are raised in temperate climates and then perform in hot, dry climates when they have failed to acclimatise, resulting in respiratory distress, laboured breathing, pyrexia, collapse and even death. Attempts have been made to interpret the significance of results of post-exercise blood samples in terms of fitness. In terms of haematologic tests, variable degrees cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y of haemoconcentration and leucocytosis are always a feature and without rigid standard exercise test regimes, which are almost impossible to organise within most performance horse training environments, results are usually uninterpretable. Specific muscle enzyme tests (see page 16) performed on serum samples collected before and after exercise, can help with the diagnosis of exercise-induced myopathy. There has been considerable interest in lactate assays before, during and after exercise to determine aerobic/anaerobic metabolic capacity, with still considerable debate and differences of opinion. Anaemia (low total erythrocyte count, haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration) in horses is less commonly a primary condition and more often occurs secondary to some other primary condition, e.g. infection (bacterial or viral), parasitism (endo or ectoparasitism) or metabolic abnormality (e.g. hepatopathy, nephropathy), which require specific diagnosis and treatment. Malnutrition is rarely seen in performance horse stables but mineral and vitamin imbalances (involving deficiency or excess) may occur. Acute haemorrhage can cause acute primary blood loss anaemia following accidental injury involving a major blood vessel. The haemorrhage may sometimes be visible externally but more often occurs internally within a body cavity, i.e. intraperitoneal, intrapleural or intrapericardial haemorrhage. 13 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge Chronic haemorrhage, e.g. following castration, may cause an anaemia and selfperpetuating thrombocytopenia. Platelet transfusion may result in haemostasis without further surgical interference. Guttural pouch mycosis may cause internal carotid artery ulceration, resulting in profound acute and sometimes fatal epistaxis and blood-loss anaemia. Gastric ulceration, not uncommonly seen in performance horses, can cause anaemia from chronic haemorrhage. Examination of faecal samples for the presence of occult blood can be performed but results are frequently positive, most commonly because of activity of intestinal parasites, even in well-managed horses, and are therefore not reliably diagnostic of gastric ulceration. Unfortunately, serum pepsinogen assays are not reliably diagnostic of gastric ulceration in horses. Where suspected, the diagnosis must be made and the significance assessed by gastroscopic examinations. Intravascular haemolysis, i.e. erythrocyte destruction resulting in haemolytic anaemia, has a variety of different causes, which require specific diagnostic testing. Equine Infectious Anaemia (Coggins’ agar gel immunodiffusion test), autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (Coombs’ antiglobulin test), Piroplasmosis (Babesiosis) (complement fixation test), disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) (prolonged prothrombin and activated 14 l a b o r a t o rie s partial thromboplastin times) and a variety of plant and environmental toxins are some causes of intravascular haemolysis. Equine anaemia is most commonly macrocytic (raised McV), reflecting splenic replacement with juvenile erythrocytes, as seen with blood loss, infections and parasitism. Reticulocytes are not commonly seen in equine blood samples and so their presence or absence is not a reliable means of determining regeneration or non-regeneration, as in other species. Normocytic (McV within normal range) anaemia is sometimes seen in horses who are being challenged by respiratory viruses but who show no clinical signs. Microcytic anaemia (low McV) is uncommon but is sometimes seen in immature individuals and has been reported in horses with iron/ folate deficiency. Leucocytes (WBC & Differential leucocyte count) Leucocytosis (raised total leucocyte count) and neutrophilia (raised segmented neutrophil count) most commonly occurs in performance horses in association with septic and non-septic inflammatory conditions. Septic inflammation is most commonly associated with bacterial infection. In performance horses this may occur following an injury, e.g. penetrating wounds followed by cellulitis, septic arthritis or tenosynovitis, upper respiratory infections and less commonly G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l in systemic bacterial infections. Non-septic inflammation can occur following nonpenetrating injury, e.g. bruising of soft tissues, tendons, ligaments or periosteum and traumatic arthritis or tenosynovitis, sometimes associated with degenerative joint disease. Marked leucocytosis is seen in foals responding to bacterial infections, notably Rhodococcus equi (‘summer pneumonia’) and Streptococcus equi (‘strangles’) infections. Neutrophilic ‘shifts to the left’ (appearance of juvenile neutrophils or ‘band’ neutrophils), while diagnostically helpful in foal-hood infections, are seldom seen in adult horses unless severely and acutely infected with conditions such as acute cellulitis or lymphangitis. Some cases of acute salmonellosis, endotoxaemia, peracute enterocolitis, peritonitis and pleuritis have neutrophilic shifts to the left, more commonly associated with leucopenia and neutropenia. p a t h o l o g y Leucopenia (low total leucocyte count) and neutropenia (low segmented neutrophil count) is most commonly seen in adult performance horses during the acute phase of a viral challenge, when there may or may not be clinical signs. These may include lethargy, pyrexia, nasal discharge, coughing and oedematous legs. Leucocytic changes seen with infection very much depend upon sampling time in relation to the stage of the disease process (see Fig.1). If the early acute infectious phase has passed then the leucopenic phase will be missed and haematologic examinations will reflect repair and sometimes-secondary bacterial involvement with leucocytosis and neutrophilia (see page 14). Therefore, blood samples should be taken from symptomless stablemates where viral infections are suspected, in order to help with diagnosis, epidemiology and assessment of recovery. Unfortunately, unless Equine Influenza, Fig.1:equine blood leucocyte response to viral challenge Circulatingbloodleucocytesx 10^9/l 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Days–Viralchallengestartsonday1.Basalleucocytecountis8x109/l 7 8 15 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge Herpesvirus, Rhinovirus or Adenovirus infections are involved (for which specific serologic assays are available), virological ‘screening’ investigations are seldom rewarding. Profound leucopenia is seen in neonatal foals with either bacterial (most commonly Escherichia coli) or viral (most commonly Equine Herpesvirus-1) septicaemia and is an indication for urgent intensive care. A blood culture should be performed immediately prior to starting broadspectrum antibiotic therapy in order to try to identify the pathogen and clarify antibiotic sensitivity. Occasionally, profound leucopenia with neutropenia and neutrophilic shifts to the left are seen in adult performance horses suffering from acute salmonellosis, peracute enterocolitis, peritonitis and pleuritis or pleuropneumonia and in newly foaled mares with toxic metritis/laminitis, most commonly following placental retention. Profound leucopenia is always a sign of severe illness, indicating the need for intensive care and suggesting a guarded prognosis. 16 Lymphocytosis (raised lymphocyte count) is seen in horses in response to endogenous catecholamine release during excitement or exercise. Otherwise, it is most commonly seen in response to some chronic viral infections and in more rarely seen autoimmune diseases. Massive leucocytosis (sometimes greater than 100 l a b o r a t o rie s x 109/l) with lymphocytosis is a feature of generalised lymphoma, in which neoplastic lymphocytes can be demonstrated in peripheral blood and sometimes in body cavity fluid samples and tissue biopsy samples. Lymphopenia (low lymphocyte count) is seen in horses in response to endogenous glucocorticoid release and in response to exogenous corticosteroid administration. Otherwise, it may be seen in acute viral infections, severe bacterial infections, septicaemia, endotoxaemia and immune deficiency conditions. Profound, persistent leucopenia always carries a poor prognosis. Monocytosis (raised monocyte count) reflects increased phagocytic demand as may occur with chronic suppurative conditions with tissue necrosis. In performance horses, monocytosis is most commonly seen during the post-acute or recovery phases following upper respiratory viral infections. Eosinophilia (raised eosinophil count) occurs with antigen-antibody response in tissues rich in mast cells, e.g. skin, lung, gastrointestinal tract and uterus and in parasitically sensitised horses. In performance horses, low-grade eosinophilia is most commonly seen in association with leucopenia or lymphocytosis in the acute-phase of responses to viral infections. In horses at pasture, the first differential diagnosis for eosinophilia is G u i d e t o e q u i n e intestinal parasitism and warrants further investigations with protein electrophoresis and faecal worm egg counts. Rare cases of eosinophilic leukaemia have been seen with eosinophil counts as high as 2.5 x 109/l (25% of differential leucocyte count). Basophilia (raised basophil count) is very uncommon in horses, as are the presence of basophils themselves. Basophils have been a feature in cases of hyperlipidaemia and in some horses that were recovering from colic. Platelets Thrombocytosis (raised platelet count) is seen uncommonly in adult horses but may occur in bacterial infections. It may occur with bacterial infections in foals and has been associated with Rh. equi infections. Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) may be a reflection of decreased production, increased usage or from various spurious factors, e.g. drug administration, the presence of cold agglutinins in the sample or platelet clumping in EDTA). Thrombocytopenia is sometimes seen in horses with viral infections. Where pseudothrombocytopenia is suspected, platelet counts should be measured on two blood samples collected at the same time, one into EDTA and the other into sodium citrate anticoagulants. If the sodium citrate sample, after correction for dilution, is considerably higher than the EDTA sample, cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y EDTA-induced pseudo-thrombocytopenia is the likely answer. Decreased production may occur with neoplasia or a toxic insult to the bone marrow, the latter is diagnosed by biopsy. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia is probably an immune-mediated condition and thrombocytopenia is seen in horses with disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) most commonly a serious complication of acute enterocolitis. Haematologic examinations are often used routinely to screen horses in training for subclinical disease and can be helpful when examined on a regular routine basis, and interpreted carefully. Haematologic signs of viral infection (leucopenia and neutropenia or relative lymphocytosis, depending on stage of sampling), in a clinically normal horse may suggest ‘challenge’, i.e. the horse’s immune system is responding but not succumbing to the infection. In this condition, many horses do not perform to their best athletic potential, their recovery after exertion may be prolonged and they may be more likely to suffer secondary complications such as pneumonia, lung abscess, skeletal and/or cardiac myopathy and/or exercise- induced pulmonary haemorrhage Haematologic examinations, in combination with inflammatory protein measurements (see later) are often used to help screen and monitor the progress of foals and older horses at studfarms when Rh. equi infections or Strep. equi epidemics occur. 17 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge In cases of clinical disease, haematologic variations from 'normality' are often marked and obvious, but more sophisticated analytical equipment is required when screening for less obvious variations and trends. Modern automated cytochemical haematology analysers (e.g. Bayer Advia 120) provide accurate differential cell counts that correlate closely with traditional manual differential counting techniques. Their automated differentials are highly repeatable and are likely to be more accurate than manual cell counts as they are performed on 10,000 rather than 100 leucocytes. These analysers provide results that are more accurate, repeatable and therefore reliable for the routine monitoring of performance horses. However, when required by clinical history or results NOTES 18 l a b o r a t o rie s obtained, a traditional stained smear is still required to demonstrate erythrocyte or leucocyte abnormalities. Red cell abnormailities include Howell-Jolly bodies and nucleation, fragmentation, oxidative damage, spherocytes, basophilic stippling or Babesia spp. parasites in piroplasmosis. White cell changes include left shifts, toxic degeneration, hypersegmentation, neoplastic change or cytoplasmic inclusions as seen for example in ehrlichiosis. G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y clinical ch emi st r y Proteins Total protein, albumin and globulin estimations are useful in the assessment of general bodily condition and nutritional status and the response to infectious or parasitic disease. Electrophoresis helps determine the significance of raised total globulin levels. Specific tapeworm ELISA assays are now available commercially. Low serum albumin and/or rising globulin levels are a ‘red flag’ warning, most commonly seen with cyathostomiasis (hypoalbuminaemia), large strongylosis (raised beta 1 globulin), mixed helminthiasis (hypoalbuminaemia and raised beta 1 globulin), hepatopathy (hypoalbuminaemia and raised beta 2 globulin), antibody response to infection (raised gamma globulin) or abscess formation (raised alpha 2 and gamma globulins). Globulins can be differentiated by electrophoresis (Fig.2). Strep. equi infections) will often show characteristic alpha 2 and gamma globulin responses. Serum samples should be used for protein electrophoresis, as raised fibrinogen levels in heparinised plasma samples will cause confusing rises in beta 2 globulins (Fig.7). Occasionally, horses with generalised lymphosarcoma or plasma call myeloma have massively increased total protein and globulin levels, for which protein electrophoresis shows a massively raised, discrete, ‘skyrocket’ peak, usually in the beta 2 globulin range (Fig.8) suggesting monoclonal lymphoma protein production. Fig.2:serum protein electrophoresis normal horse serum Test:ELECTRGel1–803/01/2002 Protein Electrophoresis This identifies elevations in specific globulin fractions:1. Alpha 2 globulin - acute-phase inflammatory protein responses (Fig.3). 2. Beta 1 globulin - Strongylus vulgaris and mixed strongyle larval activity (Fig.4). 3. Beta 2 globulin – hepatopathy (Fig.5). 4. Gamma globulin - antibody responses to bacterial or viral infections (Fig.6). Horses with abscesses (e.g. Rh. equi and Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 TotalG/L Rel% 5.0 26.1 20.6 24.9 23.5 G/L 1.10 5.74 4.53 5.48 5.17 22.00 19 T h e c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Fig.3:serum protein electrophoresis raised alpha 2 globulin Test:ELECTRGel2–910/01/2002 Fig.4:serum protein electrophoresis raised alpha 2 and beta 1 globulins Test:ELECTRGel1–308/02/2002 Fig.3:serum protein electrophoresis raised alpha 2 globulin Test:ELECTRGel2–910/01/2002 Fig.4:serum protein electrophoresis raised alpha 2 and beta 1 globulins Test:ELECTRGel1–308/02/2002 Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 Fraction 1 TotalG/L 2 3 4 5 20 B e a u f o rt Rel% 2.8 33.7 16.4 24.5 23.4 Rel% 39.00 2.8 33.7 16.4 24.5 23.4 G/L 0.78 13.14 6.40 9.56 9.13 G/L 0.78 13.14 6.40 9.56 9.13 Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 Fraction 1 TotalG/L 2 3 4 5 Rel% 1.3 24.0 48.2 10.4 16.2 Rel% 48.00 1.3 24.0 48.2 10.4 16.2 G/L 0.62 11.52 23.14 4.99 7.78 G/L 0.62 11.52 23.14 4.99 7.78 Fig.5:serum protein TotalG/L 39.00 electrophoresis raised beta 2 globulin Test:ELECTRGel1–101/02/2002 Fig.6:serum protein TotalG/L 48.00 electrophoresis raised gamma globulin Test:ELECTRGel1–204/01/2002 Fig.5:serum protein electrophoresis raised beta 2 globulin Test:ELECTRGel1–101/02/2002 Fig.6:serum protein electrophoresis raised gamma globulin Test:ELECTRGel1–204/01/2002 Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 Fraction 1 TotalG/L 2 3 4 5 Rel% 0.9 17.0 15.2 39.3 27.6 Rel% 54.00 0.9 17.0 15.2 39.3 27.6 TotalG/L 54.00 G/L 0.49 9.18 8.21 21.22 14.90 G/L 0.49 9.18 8.21 21.22 14.90 Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 Fraction 1 TotalG/L 2 3 4 5 Rel% 2.1 18.3 17.5 17.1 45.1 Rel% 36.00 2.1 18.3 17.5 17.1 45.1 TotalG/L 36.00 G/L 0.76 6.59 6.30 6.16 16.24 G/L 0.76 6.59 6.30 6.16 16.24 G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l Fig.7:serum protein electrophoresis fibrinogen spike in heparinised plasma Test:ELECTRGel2–516/05/2002 Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 TotalG/L Rel% 5.4 19.8 17.5 36.0 21.3 G/L 2.48 9.11 8.05 16.56 9.8 46.00 p a t h o l o g y Fig.8:serum protein electrophoresis monoclonal beta 2 globulin 'sky rocket' Test:ELECTRGel1–830/05/2002 Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 TotalG/L Rel% 2.1 9.5 9.5 71.2 7.6 G/L 1.91 8.65 8.65 64.79 6.92 91.00 Serum Immunoglobulin G (IgG) As there is no transplacental transfer of IgG before birth, foals are born essentially agammaglobulinaemic. During the last few months of gestation, mares concentrate IgG in their colostrum. Foals’ intestines are capable of absorbing IgG for their first 12 hours of life. Providing the mare makes colostrum of good quality in terms of IgG concentration, she does not ‘run milk’ before foaling and the foal sucks sufficient colostrum within the first 12 hours, the foal acquires good circulating IgG levels and therefore adequate passive immunity. Foals should have their serum IgG levels checked as a routine preventive medicine policy. Serum samples collected from foals after 12 hours of age should have IgG levels of more than 4 g/l and ideally more than 6 g/l. Levels of less than 2 g/l indicate failure of transfer of colostral immunity and levels of 2-4 g/l indicate partial failure. Foals with levels below 4 g/l are considered at risk for neonatal infections and should be transfused with hyperimmune plasma and their serum IgG levels re-checked 24 hours later to make sure that IgG levels have risen to acceptable levels. Our experience suggests that none of the currently available ‘stable-side’ foal serum IgG tests are reliably accurate at the 0-4 g/l end of the scale and we measure IgG by an immunospectrophotometric method run on our autoanalyser. IgG can be measured in colostrum immediately after parturition semiquantitatively, using a refractometer (Colostrometer) (see table on page 22). If readings suggest an IgG level of less than 45 g/l, the foal should be considered for donor colostrum supplementation by bottle or stomach tube. 21 T h e 22 B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Colostrometer reading Concentration IgG g/l Colostrum quality <10-15% 0-25 Poor 15-20% 28-45 Borderline 20-30% 45-80 Good >30% >80 Excellent Plasma Fibrinogen Serum Amyloid A (SAA) This is an acute-phase reactive protein, which increases in response to inflammation. Elevations are found in the presence of tissue damage and this assay may help with diagnosis and prognosis in cases of internal abscessation, chronic infectious or parasitic disease and in cases of exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH). The test can be performed on fresh, paired, non-haemolysed EDTA and serum samples by subtraction of total serum protein from plasma protein results, but more accurate results are obtained from samples collected into sodium citrate anticoagulant to measure fibrinogen by direct coagulometric assay. When measured serially with serum amyloid A (see right) the kinetics of the inflammatory response can often be determined (Fig.9) and this can be very helpful when monitoring response to treatment. Fibrinogen is a very useful test to help diagnose and monitor the response to treatment for a number of pyogenic conditions in foals and yearlings, e.g. Rh. equi and Strep. equi. This is a highly sensitive, rapidly reacting inflammatory protein, which can be very helpful in monitoring early responses to infection and their response to treatment. Most normal horses have zero measurable levels and in the face of acute, particularly septic inflammation, levels increase quickly (within 24 hours) to over 20 mg/l and often more than 100 mg/l. Levels peak and fall similarly quickly with subsidence of inflammation when the infection is controlled (Fig.9). SAA is a very useful addition to routine neonatal foal ‘profiles’ to help identify those who may have or may be developing septicaemia and require antibiotic therapy. Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, AAT, SGOT) Elevations are seen in the presence of acute myopathy or hepatopathy. After myopathy, levels peak at 24-48 hours and return to baseline by 10-21 days, assuming that no further damage occurs. This test, taken with CK at first visit and then 10-14 days later, can therefore be a useful guide to recovery from acute myopathy (Fig.10). G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y Fig.9:schematic diagram showing equine inflammatory protein dynamics following an inflammatory challenge Magnitudeofresponse(%) Magnitudeofresponse(%) Fig.9:schematic diagram showing equine inflammatory protein dynamics SAA Pfib following an inflammatory challenge 100 80 SAA Pfib 100 60 80 40 60 20 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Days Fig.10:schematic diagram showing equine serum muscle enzyme levels during a relatively mild episode of exertional rhabdomyolysis 3500 Fig.10:schematic diagram showing equine serum muscle enzyme levels during CK a relatively mild episode of exertional rhabdomyolysis AST 3500 2500 3500 iu/i iu/i CK AST 2000 3500 1500 2500 2000 1000 1500 500 0 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Days 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Days 23 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge Creatine Kinase (CK, CPK) Elevations are specifically seen in the presence of acute myopathy. CK isoenzyme analysis was used in human medicine to help differentiate cardiac and skeletal myopathy from brain pathology, but has never become routinely established in equine sports medicine. Cardiac troponin (see page 25) assays are now used to differentiate skeletal from cardiac myopathy in horses. CK levels peak at 6-12 hours and return to baseline by 3-4 days, assuming that no further myopathy occurs. When measured alongside AST (see page 22), which takes longer to rise, peak and return to normal, the timing and response to treatment of myopathy in horses can be usefully monitored (Fig.10). Paired CK assays taken before and 2-3 hours after strenuous exercise, can form a useful diagnostic test for exercise-induced myopathy, in horses l a b o r a t o rie s than in fit horses. The conditioning process protects equine muscle cells from exerciseinduced injury. Very high CK levels are seen in young foals with nutritionally associated myopathy (‘white muscle disease’) associated with selenium deficiency. Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD) A variety of disease conditions can cause elevations in total LD and more useful differentiation can sometimes be provided by isoenzyme analysis (Fig.11):â– LD isoenzyme 1 - most dramatically increased by intravascular haemolysis (Fig.12). Fig.11:serum ld isoenzymes normal horse Test:LDGel2–516/01/2002 where the diagnosis may be in doubt. Some respiratory virus infections, notably Equine Herpesvirus-1, appear to increase muscle cell membrane fragility and predispose to exercise-induced myopathy in horses in training. This condition is sometimes associated with clinical signs of fatigue and stiffness in performance horses. Significant myopathy, demonstrable by higher serum CK and AST levels, occurs more often after exercise in unfit rather Fraction LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 TotalIU/L 24 Rel% 9.2 26.6 41.6 18.4 4.2 500 IU/L 46 133 208 92 21 LD1/LD2:0.35 G u i d e t o e q u i n e â– LD isoenzyme 2 - elevated in some cases of cardiac pathology, an indication for cardiac troponin assay (see below) (Fig.13). â– LD isoenzyme 3 – no known disease association in the horse. â– LD isoenzyme 4 - most commonly elevated by intestinal pathology (Fig.14). â– LD isoenzyme 5 - rises seen with skeletal myopathy and hepatopathy, requiring further differentiation with CK (see page 24) and liver enzyme (see pages 24-28) assays (Fig.15). Total LD levels are age-dependent to maturity and reference ranges must be consulted when interpreting results for young horses (see pages 56-69). Cardiac Troponin (cTnI) Two proteins (tropomyosin and troponin) working in concert with calcium, regulate muscle contraction. Troponin is a globular protein complex composed of three single chain polypeptide subunits: TnI (troponin inhibitory component), which prevents muscle contractions in the absence of calcium; TnT (tropomyosinbinding component), which connects the troponin complex with tropomyosin; and TnC (calcium binding component), which binds calcium. The cardiac musclespecific isoform cTnI (24 kDa) exhibits approximately 60% homology with the skeletal isoforms (sTnI) and has a unique cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y 31 amino acid extension of the N-terminus. Experience in human medicine has shown that after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), elevated cTnI levels appear in the circulation within 3-6 hours. Serum levels peak within 14-20 hours and return to normal after 5-7 days. The measurement of cTnI can therefore be a useful diagnostic aid for AMI and an aid for the monitoring of recovery. Myocardial infarction is rarely diagnosed in the horse but myocardial necrosis is seen in conditions such as atypical myoglobinuria. Myocarditis is sometimes suspected on the basis of arrhythmias, echocardiographic abnormalities and/or raised serum lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 2 levels. This can follow upper respiratory viral infections. Horses who have suffered in this way will need more rest and supportive treatment followed by follow-up to normality before return to strenuous exercise if potentially serious complications are to be avoided. Raised cTnI levels are an indication for cardiac ultrasound examinations and ambulatory ECG monitoring. 25 T h e 26 B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Fig.12:serum ld isoenzymes raised ld1 Test:LDGel2–516/01/2002 Fig.13:serum ld isoenzymes raised ld2 Test:LDGel2–1029/06/2002 Fig.12:serum ld isoenzymes raised ld1 Test:LDGel2–516/01/2002 Fig.13:serum ld isoenzymes raised ld2 Test:LDGel2–1029/06/2002 Fraction LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 Fraction LD5 LD1 LD2 TotalIU/L LD3 LD4 LD5 Rel% IU/L 44.4 316 34.1 243 16.7 119 3.3 23 Rel% IU/L 1.5 11 44.4 316 34.1 243 712 LD1/LD2:1.3 16.7 119 3.3 23 1.5 11 Fraction LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 Fraction LD5 LD1 LD2 TotalIU/L LD3 LD4 LD5 Rel% IU/L 22.0 180 39.6 324 27.1 221 7.6 62 Rel% IU/L 3.6 29 22.0 180 39.6 324 817 LD1/LD2:0.56 27.1 221 7.6 62 3.6 29 TotalIU/L 712 TotalIU/L 817 LD1/LD2:1.3 LD1/LD2:0.56 Fig.14:serum ld isoenzymes raised ld Test:LDGel1–331/07/2002 Fig.15:serum ld isoenzymes raised ld Test:LDGel1–310/05/2002 Fig.14:serum ld isoenzymes raised ld Test:LDGel1–331/07/2002 Fig.15:serum ld isoenzymes raised ld Test:LDGel1–310/05/2002 Fraction LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 Fraction LD5 LD1 LD2 TotalIU/L LD3 LD4 LD5 Rel% IU/L 4.9 39 12.1 96 29.4 233 41.4 328 Rel% IU/L 12.2 97 4.9 39 96 792 12.1 LD1/LD2:0.40 29.4 233 41.4 328 12.2 97 Fraction LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 Fraction LD5 LD1 LD2 TotalIU/L LD3 LD4 LD5 Rel% IU/L 9.3 205 12.7 280 15.8 348 7.3 161 Rel% IU/L 54.8 1207 9.3 205 12.7 280 2203 LD1/LD2:0.73 15.8 348 7.3 161 54.8 1207 TotalIU/L 792 TotalIU/L 2203 LD1/LD2:0.40 LD1/LD2:0.73 G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l Cardiac troponin (cTnI) levels are measured in serum samples (lower results may be found in plasma samples). Clinically normal horses have serum cTnI levels of less than 0.2 ng/ml. Experience so far suggests that greater than 0.3 ng/ ml is abnormal, i.e. suggests myocardial pathology and 0.2-0.3 ng/ml is currently a ‘grey’ zone. Levels of 0.9-5.4 ng/ml have been measured in horses with ultrasound-confirmed cardiomyopathy. Nevertheless, results greater than 0.2 ng/ ml are considered ‘red flags’ for expert cardiological appraisals. Sorbitol Dehydrogenase (SDH) This is an enzyme found in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and is therefore virtually liver-specific, although rises are sometimes seen in horses with skin conditions and enteropathy. It is useful for the identification of acute hepatocellular damage for in-house laboratory conditions, but the enzyme is highly labile. Therefore, samples must be handled with care and assays must be performed within 8-12 hours of sampling thus SDH assays are unsatisfactory for transported samples. SDH is not assayed at our laboratories - the more stable GLDH assay is now used more frequently than SDH. Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GLDH) Elevations are seen in the presence acute hepatocellular damage. This is mitochondrial enzyme found mainly liver, heart muscle and kidney. It is of a in a p a t h o l o g y relatively stable enzyme and is a suitable replacement for sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) (see left) in transported samples. GLDH rises are sometimes seen in horses with skin conditions and enteropathy. L-Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT) GGT is found in cell membranes of hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells, but the enzyme is also found in the pancreas and kidney. Elevations in serum levels are seen in the presence of acute hepatitis, chronic liver cirrhosis and in very rare cases of pancreatitis. Nephropathy does not usually result in significantly raised serum GGT levels so high levels measured in the horse are usually a sign of biliary or cholestatic disease. Chronic pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicity (ragwort, i.e. Senecio jacobea poisoning) causes bile duct hyperplasia and biliary stasis and therefore typically results in raised serum GGT and SAP (see below) levels. This remains an important cause of hepatopathy in horses and ponies in UK, who ingest the plant unknowingly in poor-quality hay. Toxicity is uncommon in well-managed horses. Idiopathic GGT elevations are sometimes seen in horses in training that appear otherwise healthy, but perform poorly. The cause of these GGT rises has not yet been satisfactorily defined although plant and fungal hepatotoxins have been suspected. In most cases, other liver enzymes are 27 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge within normal range as are urea and creatinine levels, and liver biopsy reveals insignificant histopathological findings. It is therefore not certain that primary hepatopathy or nephropathy is involved. Some cases have raised muscle enzyme levels suggesting an association with myopathy, either directly or secondarily, again perhaps via respiratory virus-induced increased muscle cell membrane fragility. Most cases respond (GGT levels return to normal) to a period of reduction in the training programme. Urine GGT:creatinine ratios are elevated (>4.0) in renal tubular pathology. Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP) Elevations in this brush border enzyme are most commonly seen in the presence of chronic biliary obstructive liver pathology (e.g. chronic pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicity). High levels are also seen with abnormalities of bone metabolism and intestinal malfunction, a useful assay in growing foals and yearlings with clinical signs of developmental orthopaedic disease, where SAP results may be very high and will respond to restricted exercise and mineral, vitamin and trace element supplementation. SAP levels are age-dependent to maturity and appropriate reference ranges must be consulted when interpreting results for young horses (see pages 56-69). 28 l a b o r a t o rie s Intestinal Phosphatase (IAP) Elevations in IAP relative to total SAP are seen in the presence of intestinal pathology. References ranges for serum SAP and IAP levels are very age-related and apparently high results must be interpreted carefully in foals, yearlings and immature performance horses. Bilirubin The analysis of bilirubin levels is seldom useful in the horse but may aid the classification of anaemia and jaundice in some cases. Owing to the horse's unusual biliary excretion system, indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin levels, may be higher than those in other species, without clinical disease, and the significance of elevations without other abnormalities may therefore be difficult to interpret. A period of anorexia, inanition or intestinal malfunction typically increases indirect bilirubin levels spuriously. Bile acids This is a much better guide to hepatobiliary status than bilirubin assays. High bile acid levels occur with embarrassed hepatic function and are a useful diagnostic and prognostic liver function and prognostic guide in horses. It is important to remember that none of the liver enzymes, measured singly or in a profile, give useful information G u i d e t o e q u i n e about liver function. The liver has a large functional reserve and compensatory capacity. Liver enzyme rises suggest hepatopathy which can be differentiated to a degree into acute, chronic, biliary obstructive or mixed pathology, but bile acid assays and bromsulphalein clearance test results reveal either adequate (normal levels) or impaired (high levels) functional compensation. Impaired hepatic function suggests a guarded prognosis. Liver biopsy and ultrasound examinations are required to confirm an etiologic diagnosis and to refine prognosis. Amylase Elevations occur in the presence of pancreatitis, but this condition is rarely diagnosed in the horse. Glucose Other than for oral glucose and xylose absorption tests, useful for the diagnosis and evaluation of intestinal malabsorption cases, the value of this assay in adult horses is limited to cases of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (equine Cushing’s syndrome) which are frequently hyperglycaemic. Measurement of blood glucose is invaluable in the management of critically ill foals as profound hypoglycaemia is often seen in neonatal septicaemia. Samples for glucose assay must be taken into fluoride anticoagulant or must reach the laboratory within hours of collection. cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y Oral Glucose Absorption Test The horse to be tested should be fasted for 18-24 hours. 1 g glucose per kg body weight is administered by stomach tube. Blood samples are collected into fluoride anticoagulant at times 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 and 240 mins. Glucose levels should peak at double resting (0 mins) levels at 60-120 mins and return to resting levels by 240 mins. Cholesterol and Triglycerides Elevations are seen in the presence of abnormal lipid metabolism and hyperlipidaemia. These conditions are typically seen in the Shetland and other small ponies, donkeys and occasionally as a secondary complication in horses that are anorexic or unable to eat. Pregnant Shetland pony mares appear particularly susceptible following a managemental and nutritional change/challenge. Urea Urea is produced in the liver from the metabolism of ammonia. Elevations are seen in the presence of abnormal renal function. Urea levels may also rise in the haemoconcentrated and ‘over-trained’ horse, associated with fluid balance shifts rather than renal disease. Many cases of equine dysautonomia (‘grass sickness’) have a degree of uraemia but this is usually caused by catabolism. A period of anorexia can have a similar result. 29 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge Nephrosis and nephritis are important conditions in neonatal and older foals and are occasionally seen in other age groups. Creatinine Creatinine is formed in muscles from creatine breakdown and is excreted via the kidneys. In normal horses, daily production and excretion are remarkably constant, leading to its use as an arithmetic constant for use with urinary fractional excretion rates (see below). Therefore serum elevations reflect renal malfunction (reduced glomerular filtration), levels being controlled by excretion rate. This may occur in horses with pre-renal (e.g. circulatory disturbances, dehydration or shock), renal (insufficiency) or post-renal conditions. Measurement of urine specific gravity and fractional excretion of electrolytes may help to differentiate pre-renal and renal azotaemia. When uroperitoneum (postrenal azotaemia) is suspected it can be useful to compare peritoneal fluid and serum creatinine concentrations as a ratio of greater than 3:1 confirms uroperitoneum. For both renal and post-renal azotaemia, ultrasonography can be very helpful. Urinary Fractional Electrolyte and Mineral Clearance Ratios 30 In horses with normal renal tubular function, urinary excretion rate of creatinine is almost constant. It can therefore be used as an arithmetic constant to produce a measure of the fractional excretion of electrolytes and minerals in equine urine. l a b o r a t o rie s Concentrations of electrolytes or minerals are measured in serum and urine samples collected at the same time or at least within 1 hour of one another. Diuretics must not be used to stimulate urination or spurious results will be obtained. The percentage excretion of an electrolyte is calculated from the following equation:- Where: (E)u = Concentration of electrolyte in urine (E)u (E)s X (Cr)s (Cr)u X100= Fractionalurinary excretion(%) (E)s = Concentration of electrolyte in serum (Cr)u =Concentration of creatinine in urine (Cr)s = Concentration of creatinine in serum Fractional excretion rates for sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, calcium and phosphate are most commonly measured. The result provides an assessment of the horse’s homeostatic regulatory status for that electrolyte or mineral, e.g. sodium and chloride may be selectively excreted at an increased rate because of excessive dietary salt intake. Phosphate may be excreted at an increased rate to try to maintain a normal serum calcium:phosphate ratio in the face of inadequate calcium intake. The use of this method applies only to horses with normal renal function. Impaired renal tubular function results in high urine excretion rates for all the electrolytes and minerals, G u i d e t o e q u i n e from failure of retention - in such cases, creatinine is not a valid arithmetic constant. Electrolyte imbalance may predispose exercise-induced myopathy in horses in training and so fractional clearance ratios may sometimes be helpful in the investigation and management of recurrent cases. Dietary deficiencies, excesses or imbalances can be corrected and return to normal excretion rates monitored, sometimes with useful results in terms of resolution of myopathy. In secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism, which occurs in horses on a high phosphate diet, phosphate excretion rate is high, indicating the need for oral calcium supplementation and phosphate reduction, to restore balance. Experience has shown that in UK, many healthy, fit, stabled and well performing horses, receiving high cereal training rations, have urinary fractional phosphate excretion rates in excess of 9%, emphasising the need for calcium supplementation. Higher excretion rates are seen in horses with clinical manifestations of secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism, which include shifting lameness, periosteal thickening, facial and mandibular swelling. Urinary phosphate clearance ratios are useful measures of calcium:phosphate balance in weanlings and yearlings, important for bone growth and development. Calcium: phosphate imbalance can predispose to physitis. cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y Calcium, Potassium and Chloride Electrolyte imbalance and fluid loss may occur with diarrhoea, endotoxaemia, intestinal crises and exertional exhaustion. The latter is of particular importance for endurance horses and for other horses performing in hot and humid weather conditions. Serial assays are helpful with intensive care cases. In other cases, fractional urinary electrolyte excretion rates (see page 30) are a much better assessment than single serum assays. Electrolyte assays are very important to the assessment of neonatal foals under critical care, with specific supplementation, where indicated and monitoring of return to normality. Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium Mineral analysis may be helpful in young horses, i.e. yearlings and two-year-olds coming into training, with signs suggesting abnormalities of bone metabolism. As homeostatic mechanisms are efficient, serum levels are often normal even in the face of whole body abnormality, and thus urinary fractional excretion rates (see page 30) are of greater value. Hypocalcaemia is a cause of synchronous diaphragmatic flutter in performance horses and of uterine inertia in pregnant mares at full term, requiring cautious corrective therapy. 31 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Plasma Lactate A number of hand-held and bench top blood lactate analysers have been used in horses. Most have been designed to help assess the human response to exercise. Results have been used to describe and predict aerobic endurance capacity in horses and it has been suggested that the rate of decline in blood lactate concentration, which occurs after exercise, may be a useful index of fitness. Persistent high blood lactate concentrations may suggest metabolic fatigue. Anaerobic capacity is essential for sprinters and so increases in blood lactate concentrations for fast, short distance Thoroughbred flat racehorses may be an advantage. Successful long distance endurance racehorses need to be able to maintain mainly aerobic metabolism (low blood lactate levels) rather than switching to increased dependence on anaerobic metabolism (high blood lactate levels) for prolonged periods of time. In horses, high circulating erythrocyte counts, particularly in response to exercise, makes measurement of whole blood lactate levels less accurate, repeatable and meaningful than plasma lactate levels. This necessitates deproteinisation and centrifugation before analysis of plasma samples, which is much less convenient than whole blood analyses, which can be performed for human athletes with instantreading hand-held machines. 32 For racehorses, results are uninterpretable without carefully controlled standard exercise testing conditions, which are often difficult to organise, especially under Thoroughbred racehorse training conditions. Plasma lactate is also used for monitoring cardiovascular status in horses receiving critical care. It has been shown to be a useful prognostic tool in surgical colic patients and is particularly helpful in monitoring circulatory support in compromised foals. If you wish to assay plasma lactate, please contact Beaufort Cottage Laboratories for sample handling guidance. Therapeutic drug monitoring Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is increasingly used in equine medicine and cardiology and is an invaluable guide to treatment regimens. The aminoglycosides, gentimicin and amikacin, have the potential to cause nephrotoxicity in horses while under-dosing can lead to treatment failure. Serum samples are drawn 30 minutes and 8, 12 or 24 (amikacin only) hours later to identify the peak and trough levels. Peak levels should be at least 8 times the MIC of the organism in question (up to 4 for some gentimicin-sensitive equine pathogens) whereas a delay in excretion is indicative of renal tubular dysfunction and should prompt discontinuation of aminoglycoside therapy. Several of the drugs that are useful in equine cardiac patients have a low therapeutic index. Assays for phenytoin and digoxin are available for close monitoring for potential drug toxicity in patients receiving these drugs. G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y blood gas an alys is Analyses are essential for monitoring respiratory function under anaesthesia in cases of neonatal septicaemia or maladjustment under critical care and for older horses with respiratory and intestinal abnormality, where acidosis or alkalosis are suspected, prior to therapeutic correction. Analyses are helpful, alongside fluid and electrolyte balance assessments, for enterotoxaemia and other criticallyill horses under intensive care and for endurance horses and others performing in hot, humid conditions, suffering exertional exhaustion and/or heat stress. Samples must be taken in heparinised, airtight syringes (preferably glass), and transported on ice to the laboratory within an hour or two of collection, so are practically limited to immediate in-house testing. Endocrino logy Pregnancy Tests Serum gonadotrophins (eCG) may be detected in mares where functional endometrial cups are present. For accurate results, serum samples should be collected between 45 and 95 days since the last date of mating. False negative results are unusual inside this period, but can occur in rare cases where eCG levels are below test 'threshold'. False positive tests are more common and may occur when early foetal death has left residual functional cups. In such cases the mare’s serum may remain eCG positive for the functional life of the cups, sometimes up to 100 days. Oestrone sulphate may be detected in the serum/plasma of mares over 120 days pregnant. At that time, levels of >100 ng/ml are usually found (0-25 ng/ml in non-pregnant mares). Most of the oestrone sulphate peak originates from the foetal gonads so this may be a useful test of foetal viability as well as a pregnancy test. Levels fall during the last few weeks of pregnancy. Urinary oestrogens, of placental origin, may be detected in mares after 150 days of gestation. Urine samples are required. In some mares the required fluorescent response may be unreliable to detect and the serum oestrone sulphate test is now a much more reliable test. Progestagens The analysis of plasma progesterone levels is a useful guide to diagnosis and treatment in the acyclic or irregularly cyclic mare. In the non-pregnant mare, levels >2 ng/l (6.3 nmol/l) indicate functional luteal tissue 33 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Oestrone sulphate rig test Normal male Cryptorchid ‘False rig’ Oestrone sulphate 10-50 ng/ml 0.1-10 ng/ml 0-0.02 ng/ml hCG/testosterone rig test Testosterone stimulation test should be used for all donkeys and in horses under 3 years old. Testosterone levels are measured in serum (clotted) or heparinised plasma samples taken before and then 30-120 minutes after the intravenous injection of 6000 iu hCG. Normal male Cryptorchid ‘False rig’ Testosterone (1) 5-30 nmol/l 0.3-4.3 nmol/l 0.03-0.15 nmol/l Testosterone (2) 5-30 nmol/l 1.0-12.9 nmol/l 0.05-0.19 nmol/l and suggest that prostaglandin treatment should induce luteolysis, providing that the corpus luteum is more than 4 days old. In the pregnant mare, there is no proven relationship between progesterone levels and the integrity of pregnancy. Mares with levels <2 ng/ml are unlikely to be pregnant. Most normally pregnant mares have levels >4 ng/ml but there is considerable daily and individual variation. The progesterone assay is in no way an accurate pregnancy test but may be helpful, or reassuring to managers, in monitoring individual mares with histories of repeated pregnancy failure. Granulosa Cell Tumour (GCT) The most common ovarian tumour in the mare is the granulosa cell tumour (GCT). GCT’s produce steroid hormones which 34 can be detected in elevated quantities in the peripheral blood. In cases where the tumour has a significant theca cell component (approximately 54% of cases), serum testosterone is elevated. These mares are more likely to be aggressive and stallion like. GCT mares showing anoestrus or persistent oestrus may have normal testosterone concentrations. Inhibin concentrations have been found to be elevated above normal in approximately 87% of mares with GCT’s, and therefore inhibin appears to be a more accurate indicator of the presence of a GCT than testosterone alone. We recommend measurement of serum testosterone and inhibin to support an ultrasonographic diagnosis of GCT, or in cases in which rectal palpation is undesirable. G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l Cryptorchidism Oestrone sulphate assay may be used as a cryptorchid or 'rig' test for horses (not for donkeys) that are over 3 years old (see table on left). Thyroid function Thyroid hormones, i.e. thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3) are measured in equine serum samples. As diurnal rhythms are involved, two samples should be collected ideally early in the morning and late in the afternoon. Low levels (T4 <7.7 nmol/l, T3 <0.48 nmol/l in adult horses) may indicate hypothyroidism, which is sometimes seen in overweight, lethargic horses and ponies that may be prone to laminitis. Hypothyroidism may respond to T4 supplementation. Pituitary function The most common indication to assess pituitary gland function is equine Cushing’s syndrome, associated with pituitary adenoma formation. Glucose Classical cases of equine Cushing’s syndrome are hyperglycaemic (>5.5 mmol/l) and glucosuric. Cortisol Basal serum cortisol levels are often high (>240 nmol/l) in classical cases (aged, hirsute, polydipsic, polyuric, glucosuric). However, basal levels are p a t h o l o g y often within normal range for younger, developing cases and so TRH stimulation test, overnight dexamethasone suppression test or combinations of such tests are needed to help define pituitary normality or abnormality. Insulin Serum insulin is sometimes a useful ‘screening’ test for equine Cushing’s syndrome. Results <50 miu/ml are considered normal in grazing or fasting stabled horses and ponies. Samples should not be collected from stabled horses within two hours following a feed. Raised insulin levels are seen in horses with peripheral insulin resistance, which can occur in cases of Equine Cushing’s syndrome. Many classical cases have serum insulin levels of >1000 miu/ml. Overnight dexamethasone suppression test This test is based upon the fact that dexamethasone administration suppresses plasma cortisol in normal horses because of feedback on ACTH release. A resting serum sample is collected at 5 pm and 40 µg/kg DXM (Azium, Gist-Brocades, 20 mg/500 kg horse) is injected im. A follow-up serum sample is collected at 12 pm the following day. Normal horses show a suppression of serum cortisol levels to <10% of baseline levels whereas cushingoid horses show no significant suppression. 35 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge TRH stimulation test This is considered the safest of the dynamic cortisol tests with the least risk of inducing laminitis. Protocol is to collect a baseline serum sample, inject 1 mg Thyroid Releasing Hormone (TRH; Roche) iv and then collect further serum samples at 15 and 60 minutes thereafter. Typical Cushing’s cases show an increase in cortisol of greater than 20% (up to 90%) above baseline at 15 minutes, compared to a rise of approximately 17% in the normal horse. Cortisol concentrations return to baseline values at 60 minutes in the normal horse, but may remain at around 55% above baseline in Cushing’s cases. Combined DXM suppression, TRH stimulation test This test has been recently recommended, although there is dispute about whether it is more helpful than the overnight DXM suppression described above. It is indicated when the results of overnight DXM suppression or TRH stimulation tests are inconclusive. A protocol is to collect a baseline serum sample and then inject 40g/kg DXM iv. A follow-up serum sample is collected 3 hours later and then 1.0 mg TRH is injected iv. A follow-up serum sample is collected 30 minutes later and a final serum sample is collected 24 hours after the DXM injection. Cushingoid horses show suppression of serum cortisol level by 36 l a b o r a t o rie s 3 hours after DXM injection and return to baseline by 30 minutes after TRH injection and by 24 hours after DXM injection. Conclusions are that while typical aged cases of equine Cushing’s syndrome are easy to diagnose, often on grounds of clinical signs, hyperglycaemia and glucosuria, younger, early and atypical cases are often extremely difficult to confirm, with marginal clinical abnormality and often conflicting insulin and dynamic cortisol testing results. Basal cortisol and insulin is a useful screening test in horses grazing at pasture and in stabled horses providing their samples are not collected after a feed. The most practical and probably reliable dynamic test is currently considered to be the overnight dexamethasone suppression test. ACTH stimulation test This test is primarily used to identify adrenal insufficiency. In human critical care it is recognised that many patients with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) have adrenal insufficiency and may benefit from appropriate treatment. Adrenal insufficiency occurs commonly in premature foals but its prevalence in adult horses is unknown. The ACTH stimulation test is NOT recommended for the diagnosis of equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction where the combined dexamethasone suppressionTRH stimulation test is currently considered the gold standard. G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y urine co llection & a naly sis Urine analysis is useful to help detect renal or bladder pathology and to investigate cases of septic nephritis, cystitis or urethritis. Mid-stream samples should be collected without the use of diuretics (which alter urine composition) into a sterile, empty universal container. Beware of owners collecting samples into used jam jars or milk bottles before pouring the urine into the provided universal container, resulting in spurious glucosuria and bacterial culture results. For fractional urinary electrolyte and mineral clearance ratio measurements (see page 30), paired urine (not following diuretic administration) and serum samples should be collected simultaneously (ideally) or within one hour of each other. Urine samples should be examined grossly for colour and consistency, the presence of blood (either fresh or changed), pus or excessive crystalline material. Horse urine is highly variable in colour from near colourless to golden or brownish and in its density, turbidity and mucinous content. Specific gravity (1.008-1.040 in adult horses, 1.001-1.025 in foals) should be measured with a refractometer. Dipsticks are commonly used to measure pH (normally 7.5-8.5 in adult horses, 5.5-8.0 in foals) and to detect other abnormalities. Urine pH reflects diet and horses grazing pasture will normally have alkaline urine whereas those on a cerealbased performance-type diet will normally have slightly acidic urine. Proteinuria may occur with renal tubular pathology. Glucosuria may be seen in classical cushingoid horses and ponies. Haematuria and sometimes haemoglobinuria may occur following traumatic injury, or with renal or cystic calculus formation. Haemoglobinuria may occur with haemolytic conditions.Myoglobinuria is seen with myopathies. Bilirubinuria may occur with choleliths or other causes of bile duct obstruction. Ketonuria is rarely seen in horses. Microscopic examinations should be used to detect casts (protein and cellular masses), which suggest renal tubular pathology, leucocytes, which suggest inflammation/infection, bacteria, which if seen following Gram’s stain in association with leucocytes may indicate infection and erythrocytes, which indicate haemorrhage and crystals. Horse urine is fundamentally a supersaturated solution of calcium carbonate and will normally contain variable amounts of predominantly calcium carbonate crystals. Urolithiasis cases usually have a degree of proteinuria and haematuria and may exhibit dysuria. Large amounts of sabulous material are not necessarily an indication of abnormality. Further investigations include bladder and kidney palpation, ultrasound scan and cystoscopic examinations, looking for sabulous (bladder) or discrete calculus formation. Fractional urinary electrolyte and mineral clearance ratios (see p30) are significantly increased in horses with nephropathy, in particular with renal tubular malfunction. 37 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s parasito logy Faeces Collection Faecal analysis is helpful in providing worm egg counts to help monitor parasite control programmes and to investigate cases or diarrhoea and septic enterocolitis. Freshly produced or rectal faecal samples should be collected into an inverted clean rectal sleeve so that environmental contamination and alteration is minimised and there is no doubt about the identity of the horse that produced the sample. Fluid diarrhoea samples should be submitted in sterile universal containers and on sterile swabs immersed in Amies’ charcoal transport medium. It is often difficult to collect diarrhoea samples from foals but digital stimulation of the rectum sometimes precipitates production of a sample. Faecal Worm Egg Counts These remain the basis of equine intestinal parasitic surveillance and monitoring of worm control programmes. They are not always a reliable means of assessing an individual horse, for which haematological and serum protein (albumin and protein electrophoresis) investigations are more reliable (see page 19). 38 Testing methods vary between laboratories. Our worm egg counts are performed using the ‘Ovassay’ method, a flotation method which is particularly suitable for use in horse samples as it is extremely sensitive at detecting low numbers of strongyle and related species eggs. Ascarid and Strongyloides spp. eggs are also detected. We believe that other methods (Stoll and McMaster) are more suitable for counting worm eggs in samples where high counts are expected (e.g. farm animals) as these methods involve dilution rather than concentration of the eggs into the counting area. Our experience is that well-managed horses under good endoparasite control regimes consistently have zero strongyle eggs/g of faeces, using the Ovassay technique. For example, the presence, of egg laying strongyles in the intestinal lumen represents the final stage of the protracted migration of the developing larvae through the horse’s tissues. Using this method, a positive worm egg count of any magnitude in the faeces is a significant finding and indicates that the horse needs anthelmintic treatment, the parasite control programme requires review and the horse would benefit from a more in-depth haematological and serum protein appraisal. Tapeworm segments may sometimes be seen in the faeces by gross examination and are often seen in the caecal content of tapeworm-related intussusception cases at surgical correction. A serological (ELISA) test is available for detecting tapeworm infestations in horses. Titres of <0.2, 0.20.6 and >0.6 are considered negative or low-intensity, moderate and high intensity infestations, respectively. Faecal Lungworm Larval Counts Dictyocaulus arnfieldi larvae may be detected in fresh rectal-collected faeces of infested horses using the modified Baermann funnel gravitation method. A severe eosinophilic bronchitis may be detected by cytological examination of tracheal washes (see page 44). G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y micro biology Bacteriology Swabs from any site should be taken into Amies charcoal transport medium before transport to the laboratory where they may be cultured under aerobic, microaerophilic and/or anaerobic conditions. Where potential pathogens are isolated, antibiotic sensitivity tests should be performed. In acute septicaemias, before antibiotic treatment has been started, jugular venous blood samples may be taken, using sterile techniques, and inoculated into blood culture media, before transport to the laboratory. All genital swabs should be cultured, unless specifically requested otherwise, aerobically and microaerophilically. Aerobic results are available after 24/48 hours culture. Contagious Equine Metritis (Taylorella equigenitalis) microaerophilic culture results are available after 7 days incubation, but most specifically experienced laboratories are able to culture positive isolates by 3/4 days. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates should be confirmed by biochemical tests and K. pneumoniae isolates capsule typed for the recognised K1, K2 or K5 types using the 'Quellung' or counter current immunoelectrophoretic methods. Anaerobic culture may be performed where indicated, using standard techniques. Endometrial swabs should be accompanied by a concurrently sampled endometrial smear to aid the interpretation of culture results (see page 46). In addition to routine aerobic culture, special methods should be used routinely to screen rectal swabs and biopsies (in transport media) and faeces for Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. pharyngeal swabs, Nasal and submandibular and parotid abscess swabs should be routinely screened for Streptococcus equi and, in foals, Rhodococcus equi. Tracheal wash and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples, when submitted for bacteriological examinations, should be routinely screened for Streptococcus pneumoniae, Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella spp. Blood culture medium should be used for, in addition to blood samples, other body fluid samples, e.g. peritoneal and pleural fluids and especially for synovial fluid and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from which it is often difficult to isolate pathogens. Skin scrapings Skin scraping samples are collected from horses and ponies for the confirmation of suspected dermatophyte infections or ectoparasite infestations. Samples should be collected from fresh skin lesions, from the edges of the lesions if extensive, using 39 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge a fresh sterile scalpel blade. The hairs and the scraped skin layers, down to haemorrhage, should be collected into a sterile universal container and submitted for laboratory examination without delay. The hairs and scraped skin layers should be incubated for 15 minutes in warm 40% potassium hydroxide (KOH) and then examined for clear ringworm spores in broken hair shafts and free whole or fragmented ectoparasitic mites, including Sarcoptes, Psoroptes, Chorioptes and Demodex spp. (differentiated on the basis of their anatomical appearance). If negative for dermatophyte spores after KOH incubation, skin scrapings are incubated overnight in blue/black ink and then examined for blue/black stained spores in clear broken hairs. Skin scraping samples should be incubated for bacterial and fungal growth. The latter (taking up to 3 weeks) will differentiate the different ringworm-causing dermatophytes, including Trichophyton and Microsporum spp. Microscopic and fungal culture results for dermatophytes do not always correlate. Positive microscopic findings but negative culture results may suggest that the spores were not viable at the time of scraping. Negative microscopic findings but positive culture results may suggest that too few spores were present in the sample to be detected in spite of careful examination. 40 l a b o r a t o rie s If Dermatophilus congolensis (‘rain scald’ or ‘mud fever’) infection is suspected on clinical grounds, moist lesions should be collected and submitted for impression smear stained with methylene blue to look for characteristic chains (‘piles of pennies’) of flattened spores, sometimes in branched conformation. clostridial toxin tests ELISAs to detect the toxins produced by pathogenic forms of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile are indicated in horses and foals with acute diarrhoea, particularly where the problem may be associated with antimicrobial administration. Faecal samples should be taken before the drug metronidazole is given and should be chilled if delivery to the laboratory is likely to take more than an hour or two. Virology Fluid diarrhoea samples may be examined by latex particle agglutination for the presence of Rotavirus antigen. Specialist virology laboratory facilities and expertise are required for testing for the following equine viruses:Equine Influenza: paired serum samples (acute and convalescent phases, collected 14 days apart) are examined for signs of seroconversion (a four-fold or greater rise in titres between the acute and convalescent samples). Nasal discharge or G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l nasopharyngeal swabs collected during the acute phase into viral transport medium are cultured specifically for the virus. A direct ELISA test is available for the rapid detection of the virus in acute-phase nasal discharge or nasopharyngeal swab samples. Equine Herpesviruses (EHV-1, EHV-3, EHV-4): paired serum samples (acute and convalescent phases, collected 14 days apart) are examined for signs of seroconversion (significant rise in titres between the acute and convalescent samples). Nasal discharge or nasopharyngeal swabs collected during the acute phase into viral transport medium are cultured specifically for EHV-1 and EHV-4. Aborted foetal, placental and neurological tissues may be examined for EHV-1 and EHV-4 DNA by specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. p a t h o l o g y Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA): paired serum samples (acute and convalescent phases, collected 14 days apart) are examined for signs of seroconversion (significant rise in titres between the acute and convalescent samples). Nasal discharge or nasopharyngeal swabs collected during the acute phase into viral transport medium are cultured specifically for the virus. Aborted foetal and placental tissues may be examined for the virus DNA by specific PCR test. For the screening of equine aborted foeti for EHV and EVA infections, please see postmortem examinations (see page 48). NOTES 41 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s cyto logy Diagnostic cytological examinations are valuable diagnostic tools following the collection of appropriate and good quality samples. Safe, reliable and appropriate techniques should be used to collect either fluid or smear samples. Fluid samples These should, in general, be submitted in sequestrene (EDTA) for a nucleated cell count, and fixed with a suitable fixative (e.g. cytospin fixation fluid) for specific cytological processing. Another undiluted and unfixed sample should be submitted in a sterile container or on a sterile swab in transport medium or ideally in blood culture medium (particularly for synovial fluid samples) for concurrent bacterial culture. Fluid samples with low total nucleated cell counts (<5 x 109/l) require careful cell counting for accuracy and will greatly benefit from cytocentrifugation, producing a concentrated monolayer smear for staining and examination to allow a confident cytopathological appraisal. Modified Papanicolau (e.g. Pollack’s rapid trichrome stain) or Romanowski-type (e.g. May Grunwald Giemsa or Wright’s stains or ‘Testsimplets’ pre-stained slides or ‘DiffQuik’) stains are most commonly used for cytopathological examinations. Each stain has its advantages and disadvantages and choice is usually determined by the cytopathologist’s personal preference. We use a modified Papanicolau stain, which 42 produces particularly good cytological detail. For this method, samples need to be wet-fixed (as opposed to air dried) and an aliquot of the sample should be submitted in cytopreservative (e.g. cytospin fixation fluid). In general terms, total nucleated cell counts rise when leucocytes move through into the cavity fluid in response to inflammation, with or without the stimulus of infection, and when reactive or degenerate cavity lining cells proliferate and exfoliate. Non-septic inflammation may produce a predominantly reactive cavity lining cell response and non-degenerate polymorphonuclear leucocytes whereas infection usually produces degenerate and ‘toxic’-looking polymorphonuclear leucocytes (karyorrhexis and karyolysis) and active macrophages. Chronic inflammation may produce a significant mononuclear cell (lymphocytes/ histiocytes, i.e. ‘round’ cells) response. If ulcerative neoplasia is present in the cavity then neoplastic cells may be exfoliated and recognised in collected fluid samples. The most common neoplasm encountered in equine cytopathological examinations is lymphosarcoma/lymphoma. G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l Peritoneal fluid Analysis of peritoneal fluid is particularly useful as a diagnostic aid in cases of colic, weight loss and other suspected abdominal disease. It may be of particular value in helping to make the decision for surgical intervention. To perform a peritoneal tap, the skin over the site of puncture should be clipped and prepared as for surgical intervention. With the horse restrained in the standing position, a 19 gauge, 1.5 or 2.0 inch needle or following local anaesthesia and a stab incision, a 7.5 cm. blunt teat cannula (operator preference) is carefully advanced through the skin at the lowest part of the abdomen and then through the linea alba. If fluid is not immediately forthcoming, the needle may be rotated or the tap may be repeated at other sites. In foals, prior ultrasound scan examination of the abdomen is recommended to help visualise abnormalities and prevent inadvertent penetration of the intestine. Examination of the ventral midline will help to locate the spleen and to find a ‘pocket’ of peritoneal fluid to guide productive needle puncture. Similarly, if fluid is not obtained in adult horses using the blind technique described above, ultrasonic guidance may be helpful. A turbid and homogeneously blood stained sample may indicate abdominal vascular embarrassment. A white, turbid fluid may suggest peritonitis. A brown, foul smelling p a t h o l o g y fluid may indicate intestinal rupture or an intestinal tap. A thick and heavily blood stained sample suggests a splenic tap. Total nucleated cell counts <5 x 109/l suggest the presence of peritonitis or an intestinal or peritoneal lesion, which may warrant surgical investigation. Cytological examination may suggest acute or chronic infection, inflammation or neoplasia. Pleural fluid Pleural fluid analysis may help with the diagnosis of pleuritis or pleuropneumonia. To perform a pleural tap, ultrasound scan examination is recommended to confirm the presence of pleural effusion prior to tap (very little, if any, fluid is seen in a normal horse), to determine its nature and severity (fibrinous, particulate fluid with adhesion formation is often seen in cases of pleuropneumonia) and to locate pockets of fluid for productive sampling. The skin over the site of puncture should be clipped and prepared as for surgical intervention. A 7.5 cm. blunt teat cannula is inserted, with a 35 ml. syringe attached to prevent aspiration of air into the pleura, through a small skin incision, routinely between the 6th or 7th intercostal space, 15 cm. dorsal to the olecranon, or where guided by ultrasound scan for specific fluid pockets. Pleural fluid is collected by suction. Total nucleated cell counts <5 x 109/l suggest the presence of pleuritis. Cytological examination may reveal neoplasia, e.g. most commonly lymphosarcoma. 43 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge Synovial fluid Analysis of Synovial Fluid is useful for the diagnosis of reactive or septic arthritis in horses after injury, when a joint becomes distended, with or without lameness, and to differentiate septic ('joint-ill') from traumatic arthritis in foals. To perform a joint tap, septic techniques for needle puncture should be used. The joint to be sampled and its anatomical relationships govern the site of puncture and to a degree the techniques used. Total nucleated cell counts <5 x 109/l suggest an inflammatory lesion and cytopathological examination allows the differentiation of acute from chronic and reactive (nonseptic) from septic inflammatory changes. Septic arthritis usually produces cell counts >10 x 109/l, with degenerative and toxic cytopathological changes. Tracheal washes or aspirations These samples can be extremely useful in confirming and characterising airway inflammation (leucocytes) in cases of septic tracheobronchitis and in reactive and obstructive small airway disease. Samples can be collected via a suitablelength sterile endoscope. The endoscope is passed through the pharynx, larynx and into the trachea. A long sterile polyethylene tube is passed down the instrument channel and accumulated secretions may be aspirated directly. Alternatively, and more usually, 50 ml sterile saline may be 44 l a b o r a t o rie s injected as quickly as possible and then aspirated while withdrawing the tube. If a suitable endoscope is not available, a sterile polyethylene tube may be passed down a trochar inserted surgically between two tracheal rings at the mid lower third of the cervical trachea. This is clearly a more invasive technique that may lead to local wound complications but has the advantage that there is less likelihood of contamination of the sample with commensal bacteria from the oropharynx. Trans-tracheal aspirates, collected by this method, are particularly useful in cases of pleuropneumonia where causative organisms must be specifically identified to direct antimicrobial therapy. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples BAL samples can be helpful in the diagnosis of small airway disease. One must remember that the technique samples a focal area only and does not help with the diagnosis of tracheobronchitis. It is therefore more commonly used in older horses for the characterisation of reactive airway obstruction. Cytological examinations of tracheal wash or BAL samples may help in the characterisation of mucous production and acute and chronic, septic and reactive (non-septic) inflammatory responses. The demonstration of significant numbers of eosinophils in association with signs of septic bronchitis/bronchiolitis may be a useful G u i d e t o e q u i n e diagnostic aid for lungworm (Dictyocaulus arnfieldi) infestation, in horses and ponies coughing at pasture. Bacterial culture can be useful in identifying specific pathogens and guiding antimicrobial therapy. Cerebrospinal (CSF) samples CSF samples are most commonly collected in horses showing neurological signs for the diagnosis and differentiation of meningitis or traumatic injury. In horses imported from countries where equine protozoal myeloencephalitis occurs and who develop neurological signs, CSF analysis is indicated. For a CSF tap, samples are collected from the atlanto-occipital space with the horse restrained in lateral recumbency with the poll flexed. In foals it may be possible to perform this under heavy sedation whereas in adults, general anaesthesia is mandatory. The skin is clipped and prepared as if for surgical intervention and a bleb of local anaesthetic is placed in the midline of the dorsal neck at a level defined by a line joining the cranial borders or the atlas, which may be clearly palpated. A sterile 18 gauge 2 inch needle is then inserted through the skin at 90° and advanced until it ‘pops’ through the meninges and CSF drips or pours from the needle into a sterile container or is aspirated into a sterile syringe. Alternatively, in adult horses, CSF may be collected via the lumbosacral (LS) cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y space, by lumbosacral tap. The horse is restrained, sedated, in stocks. The skin between the tuber coxae is clipped and prepared as if for surgical intervention. A sizeable (3-4 ml) bleb of local anaesthetic is placed in and under the skin in the midline at a line bisecting the caudal borders of the tuber coxae. With the horse standing ’square’ with weight evenly distributed on both hind legs, a sterile 18 gauge 6 inch spinal needle with stylette in place is then inserted though the skin in the midline at the line bisecting the tuber coxae and down through the palpable depression just caudal to the sixth lumbar spinous process. The horse will often flinch when the subarachnoid space is penetrated and this is an indication to start aspiration into a sterile syringe for a fluid sample. Gross examination of CSF reveals a clear almost colourless fluid in normality and a turbid and/or bloodstained fluid with meningitis or following traumatic injury. Laboratory examinations of CSF need to be able to measure very low total nucleated cell counts (<0.2 x 109/l in normality) accurately and cytocentrifuge-prepared smears are essential to provide adequate numbers of cells with which to make a confident cytopathological appraisal. In horses from endemic areas that are suspected of protozoal myeloencephalitis, CSF samples may be submitted to specialist laboratories for serological and DNA (PCR) testing. 45 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge Bone marrow aspirates These are not commonly collected from horses - only in cases that may have severe, undefined anaemia, severe persistent leucopenia or thrombo-cytopenia and in some cases of leukaemia. Samples are most commonly collected from the wing of the ilium, the ribs or the sternum. Sternal tap is recommended because it is most reliably productive. The ventral midline, under the sternum is clipped and prepared as if for surgical intervention. Local anaesthetic is infused into and under the skin of the ventral midline, just caudal to the olecranon, with the horse standing normally, restrained, sedated, in stocks. A bone marrow collection needle or an 18 gauge 3.5 inch spinal needle is introduced through a stab incision in the skin upwards to contact the sternum. The needle is then rotated with upward pressure until it enters the sternum, the stylette is removed and firm suction is used to aspirate a sample into a sterile 10 or 20 ml syringe, pre-treated with a few drops of 15% tripotassium EDTA to prevent clotting. The sample is transferred to EDTA tubes and labelled for laboratory examination, without delay. If delay is inevitable, smears should be made and fixed, to be sent alongside the wet samples, in case they are needed. 46 The cytopathological examination of bone marrow smears requires specific experience. Normal and abnormal cell types are classified l a b o r a t o rie s and their relative proportions assessed. The normal equine myeloid:erythroid (M:E) ratio should be 0.5-1.5. Semen samples Semen samples should be collected into an artificial vagina to allow a meaningful interpretation. In addition to a full case history, details of methods of collection, the colour, consistency, volume and motility of the ejaculate should be submitted with the sample. An undiluted semen sample should be sent in a sterile container for sperm density and bacteriological examinations, and a sample diluted immediately 1:1 with formol citrate solution for sperm live:dead and morphology examinations. Smear Samples Smear samples should, in general, be submitted already rolled onto a gelatincoated slide and fixed (‘Smear-fix’, carbowax or even hair spray) for specific cytological processing. Another undiluted and unfixed sample should be submitted in a sterile container or on a sterile swab in transport medium for concurrent bacterial culture. Endometrial smears Endometrial Smears are simple and quick to perform and provide a much more accurate and direct test for the diagnosis of acute endometritis in mares, pre-coitus than with swab examinations alone. When used in conjunction with endometrial swabs for bacteriological examinations, results are infinitely more meaningful, interpretable and therefore valuable. The presence of G u i d e t o e q u i n e endometrial epithelial cells is used as a test of smear quality and the presence or absence of polymorphonuclear leucocytes is used as the diagnostic test for acute endometritis. Smears may be collected during oestrus by a variety of methods, but we favour a simple non-guarded technique. An extended, sterile, large tipped swab is passed via a sterile speculum, through the relaxed cervix and rotated onto the endometrial lining. The swab is withdrawn and should be rolled onto gelatine-coated cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y slides immediately and fixed with 'Smearfix', carbowax or even hair spray prior to transport to the laboratory for staining. Excellent results have been obtained by rolling smears onto 'Testsimplets' (Boehringer Mannheim UK Ltd.) pre-stained slides, then after two to three minutes at room temperature, washing off the background blue colour, drying and cover slipping. This technique provides an excellent permanent smear sample for immediate reading and/or for sending for a second opinion. Hi sto logy Using our state-of-the-art microwave processing system, same day results can be provided for most fixed tissue specimens. In general terms, equine lesions are best sampled, if possible and appropriate, by total removal and submission for histopathological processing and examination. If total removal is not possible, samples of representative size and location should be collected by wedge resection. Fine needle aspirates should only be collected if it is not possible to collect larger samples. Experience suggests that they often result in a traumatised lesion without a conclusive diagnosis and with a recommendation for the collection of a larger and more representative sample, delaying resolution. Total lesion removal is always preferable, if possible. Removed lesions or biopsies should be placed immediately into an adequate volume (10 x sample volume) of 10% formol saline. Reproductive tissues are best fixed in Bouin’s fluid because of their higher water content. Large lesions should be sectioned before submersion to allow adequate penetration of fixative. Sectioning should be performed with a thought to how the sample will need to be trimmed and orientated for histopathological processing to allow the pathologist to make a complete and meaningful appraisal. When sampling organs and tissues, we recommend that samples are taken from adjacent, grossly normal sites as well as from lesional sites. Notes of your own postmortem examination findings should be sent to aid histopathological interpretations. Samples should be carefully packed for transport to avoid leakages and breakages. 47 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s necro psy (p os tmorte m) ex ami nat i o ns Full necropsy examinations should be performed on all adult and younger horses who die unexpectedly, those who may pose a risk to in-contact horses, or for whom confirmation of pathology is required, and those who are the subject of an insurance claim. Ideally, the examination should be performed, without delay, under conditions of adequate facilities, by suitably qualified and experienced pathologists, so that the end result is satisfactory in terms of answering the questions posed. Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons, it may not always be possible for dead horses to be transported to a specialised equine pathology facility and examinations may need to be performed ‘in the field’. Faced with this need, those responsible should consider what conditions are required to enable a productive examination to be performed. Also, waste and carcase disposal, prevention of environmental contamination and spread of infectious agents to humans and other animals must be considered. Occasionally, it may be possible to refer part of a carcase for specific necropsy investigations, e.g. a foot or a leg only for orthopaedic examinations or the head and neck to thoracic vertebra 3 in cases of ataxia for cervical cord compression examination. 48 Adult horses Where full post-mortem facilities, including hoists and tables are not available, experience suggests that the horse should be positioned on the ground in right lateral recumbency. If an incline is available, the horse’s back should be positioned up the hill. The horse should be identified and an external examination performed and findings recorded. The first cut is made deeply under the left axilla to lay the left front leg upward and flat back over the horse’s withers. The second cut is made deeply under the left groin, aiming caudally towards the anus, through the left hip joint, to lay the left hind leg upwards and flat back over the horse’s pelvis. The abdomen is then opened along the midline, from xiphisternum to pubis and the left abdominal wall is laid back over the horse’s back by cutting up adjacent to the last rib and up into the groin. The caecum, large colon and small intestines are then removed from the abdomen while looking for signs of displacement or gross pathology. The small intestines are removed carefully, examining the cranial mesenteric root for verminous pathology and the pancreas, and taking care not to remove the kidneys and adrenal glands from their attachments below the spine. The spleen, stomach and liver are then removed and examined. The kidneys are then carefully removed for examination to leave the adrenal glands attached either side of the aorta. A block G u i d e t o e q u i n e of tissue is then removed to include both adrenal glands and the adjacent aorta, for overnight fixation, prior to dissecting out the coeliaco-mesenteric sympathetic nerve ganglia, which lie between the adrenal glands and the aorta, but which are less easy to find in fresh condition. The bladder and internal genitalia are then removed and examined. The diaphragm is then examined and opened to reveal the thoracic viscera. The ribs are separated through their costochondral junctions, the intercostal muscles are cut and the ribs are broken back over the horse’s back. The ‘pluck’ including the trachea, heart and lungs are then removed for examination. The thymus is examined and removed in immature horses. The head is removed through the atlanto-occipital joint and ideally sectioned longitudinally with a band saw. The brain, meninges, guttural pouches, paranasal sinuses, teeth, pharynx and larynx are then examined thoroughly. The limb joints are opened for examination of the synovial fluid and surfaces. If indicated by the clinical signs, the neck and back vertebrae are dissected out and opened for examination of their articulations and the spinal cord. It is clear that a satisfactory examination of the head and spine of an adult horse is difficult to achieve under field conditions. Samples for bacterial or viral examination should be collected from abscesses, areas of inflammation, body cavities or seared cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y viscera, using sterile swabs and placed without delay into Amies’ charcoal or specific viral transport media. Fluid samples from abscesses, cysts or body cavity fluids should be aspirated with a sterile syringe and then submitted in sequestrene (EDTA) for a nucleated cell count, and fixed with a suitable fixative (e.g. cytospin fixation fluid) for specific cytological processing. Another undiluted and unfixed sample should be submitted in a sterile container or on a sterile swab in transport medium or ideally into blood culture medium for concurrent bacterial culture. Samples for histopathological processing and examination should be carefully selected to provide thin and small, but representative tissue wedges, and totally immersed in 10% formol saline. Large thick samples fail to fix adequately and histopathological examinations are then unnecessarily complicated by autolytic changes, abused tissues may be ruined by artefactual damage and unrepresentative samples may not include the primary pathological changes. It is often wise to retain appropriate samples, e.g. gastric and intestinal content, urine and cubes of liver and kidney, carefully labelled, frozen, in case toxicological studies are required at a later date. 49 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge Coelioacomesenteric sympathetic nerve ganglion (CMSNG) sampling These tissues are specifically required for the diagnosis of equine dysautonomia (‘grass sickness’). In addition to performing a full necropsy examination (see above) to investigate other pathological conditions, the CMSNG require a specific approach to sampling. With the horse in right lateral recumbency and the left front and left hind legs cut back, the abdomen is opened along the midline, from xiphisternum to pubis and the left abdominal wall is laid back over the horse’s back. The caecum, large colon and small intestines are then removed from the abdomen. The small intestines are removed carefully, sectioning the cranial mesenteric root and taking care not to remove the kidneys and adrenal glands from their attachments below the spine. The spleen, stomach and liver are then removed. The kidneys are then removed carefully for examination to leave the adrenal glands attached either side of the aorta. A block of tissue is then removed to include both adrenal glands and the adjacent aorta, for overnight fixation in an adequate volume of 10% formol saline. The following day, the tissues are examined and oriented to identify the two adrenal glands on the section of aorta. The adrenal glands are then carefully dissected off the aorta and the CMSNG are identified, removed and sectioned transversely and longitudinally for further fixation prior to 50 l a b o r a t o rie s processing. When fixed they appear greycoloured, solid and clearly neurological, rather than vascular (tubular on transverse section) or lymph node-like. They are much less easy to find and identify in fresh unfixed condition. After further fixation and processing, the ganglia are examined for the specific neuronal histopathological degenerative changes that appear characteristic of equine dysautonomia. Neonatal Foals, Foeti and Placentae These should be examined to determine the cause of foetal death and abortion, specifically looking for signs of EHV or EVA infections, important infectious causes of potential epidemic abortion in mares, as specifically recommended by the Horserace Betting Levy Board’s Code of Practice. The carcase and placental membranes should be examined together to find signs of foetal/foal, placental and maternal pathology. The foetus or foal may be opened in right lateral recumbency in a manner similar to that described above for adult horses. Although they may not be clearly seen in all cases and although combinations differ in different cases, the important gross pathological abnormalities of EHV infection to look for are:- G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l 1.A freshly aborted foetus enclosed in its placental membranes, suggesting ‘explosive’ abortion or a septicaemic neonate. 2. Jaundiced hooves, mucous membranes and/or subcutaneous tissues. 3.Excess, jaundiced peritoneal, pleural and/or pericardial fluids. 4.Jaundiced visceral serosae and gelatinous jaundiced peri-renal fat. 5. Pleural oedema and pneumonia. 6.Multiple, pale, pinpoint foci visible on the liver capsule. The foetus should be weighed, the crown rump length and the umbilical cord length measured and recorded. The placenta should be spread out, checked for completeness and abnormalities recorded. Samples for laboratory investigation should include:1.Small but representative slices of liver, lung, thymus, spleen, adrenal gland and chorioallantois (horns and posterior pole), plus any other interesting abnormality, in carefully packed leak-proof sealed containers, in an adequate volume of 10% formol saline for histological examinations. p a t h o l o g y 3.Swab samples of peritoneal fluid, liver, lung, heart blood, gastric contents, the cervical pole of the chorioallantois and areas of possible placentitis in Amies charcoal transport medium for bacteriological examinations. 4.We recommend that small fresh foetal liver and lung samples are stored at – 20°C (deep-freeze), in case viral isolation studies are required at a later stage. In addition, the carcase should be thoroughly examined for other abnormalities in case an infectious cause is not involved. Maternal uterine and placental incompetence often results in a grossly impoverished foetus. Umbilical cord vascular embarrassment (an important cause of equine foetal death and abortion, often associated with excessive, i.e. more than 90 cm, cord length) may be grossly obvious and, if significant, will be accompanied by signs of foetal vascular engorgement, haemorrhagic peritoneal and pleural fluids, congested and autolysed viscera and meconium staining/foetal diarrhoea. Whole carcases and whole placentae to be referred for necropsy investigations should be sent to a laboratory that is specifically experienced with equine neonatal pathology. 2.Small (0.5 cm) cubes of liver, lung, thymus, spleen and pieces of chorioallantois in viral transport medium for EHV and EVA DNA (PCR) tests. 51 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s bio psy samplin g Skin Biopsy These are best obtained by full-thickness wedge incision. While skin punch biopsy techniques may be simpler to obtain, they are seldom as rewarding to examine. Tissues obtained should be fixed immediately in 10% formol saline. Lump biopsy Biopsy is recommended for masses that appear in or under the skin and sometimes for deeper masses that may be palpated or imaged by ultrasound or laparoscopic examination. If a total lesion resection is not possible, as is the case for many skin and subcutaneous masses, representative biopsies are best obtained by full-thickness wedge incision, and fixed immediately in 10% formol saline. Liver Biopsy Liver biopsy is recommended where serum biochemical examinations have suggested hepatic pathology. With the horse restrained standing, ideally in stocks, the liver on the right side of the horse is examined with ultrasound to determine the ideal site for puncture and to detect signs of gross pathology, e.g. choleliths or Echinococcus spp. cysts. Biopsies are best obtained with a 6' 'Trucut' biopsy needle inserted between the 14th and 15th ribs, on the right side of the horse, along a straight line drawn between the point of the hip and the shoulder, 52 or elsewhere, if suggested by ultrasound examination. Specific lesion biopsies are best obtained by ultrasound guidance. The tissue sample should be carefully removed from the needle and fixed in 10% formol saline. The needle channel should then be carefully swabbed for bacterial culture. Lung Biopsy Lung biopsy may be indicated where there is clear ultrasonic evidence of pulmonary pathology. As biopsy of a lung abscess or focus of infection is contraindicated, evidence should suggest neoplasia or focal non-septic pathology before biopsy is attempted. Pulmonary neoplasia is very rare in horses so lung biopsy is seldom indicated. Needles specifically designed for lung biopsy should be used and the specific lesion to be biopsied should be imaged by ultrasound scan examination. The overlying intercostal skin site identified, infiltrated with local anaesthetic and clipped and prepared as for surgical intervention. With the transducer coupled in a sterile surgical glove and sterile coupling gel on its surface, the lung lesion is imaged and a lung biopsy device is introduced through the skin and into the lesion to collect the biopsy. The tissue sample is fixed in 10% formol saline without delay and the needle channel may, if required, be swabbed immediately for bacterial culture. G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l Kidney Biopsy Renal biopsy may be indicated where there is clinicopathological and ultrasonic evidence of kidney pathology. The technique is not without risk of injury to the horse and therefore should only be contemplated if clearly indicated and should only be performed with great care, using an ultrasound-guided technique. The right kidney is more easily accessible. Ultrasound scan examination is used to identify a suitable site, free from large blood vessels, in the posterior poles. The horse should be restrained, sedated in stocks. The skin over the kidney is clipped for imaging to identify the site for penetration, local anaesthesia is induced and the skin is then prepared as for surgical intervention. With the transducer coupled in a sterile surgical glove and sterile coupling gel on its surface, the kidney is imaged to find the ideal site for puncture. The biopsy needle is then introduced through the skin and into the renal parenchyma, sampling specific pathological features if visible. If biopsy of the left kidney is to be attempted, it is helpful for an assistant to palpate the kidney per rectum in order to stabilise it against the body wall, facilitating the ultrasound-guided biopsy technique. The tissue sample is fixed in 10% formol saline without delay and the needle channel may be swabbed immediately for bacterial culture. p a t h o l o g y The horse should be stable-rested for at least 48 hours after biopsy and should be monitored for signs of ill health, particularly associated with renal haemorrhage. Endometrial Biopsy Endometrial biopsies are indicated for the routine investigation of barren mares and for the investigation of specific endometrial pathology. Ideally, they are more easily obtained and interpreted when the mare is in mid-dioestrus, but samples may be safely obtained at any stage of the oestrous cycle from any non-pregnant mare. Biopsies are obtained with special forceps (Kruuse UK or Rocket of London Ltd.), via the vagina and cervix. The mare is restrained as for routine gynaecological examinations with her tail bandaged, rectum evacuated of faeces, tail bandaged and perineum hygienically prepared. The mare is re-confirmed not pregnant. The sterile biopsy forceps are introduced into the mare’s vagina with a gloved hand, the cervix is identified (making sure that the urethral opening has not been accidentally entered) and the index finger is placed through the mare’s cervix into the uterine body. The forceps are then advanced along the index finger, as a guide, through the cervix and into the uterine body. The finger is then ‘hooked’ in the cervix, which may then be retracted caudally. This straightens the cervix and the uterine body, allows the biopsy forceps to fully enter the uterine body in a cranial direction and prevents 53 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge accidental cervical injury. With the hand holding the forceps held against the mare’s buttocks (to avoid injury to the uterus if the mare moves suddenly) maintaining the forceps in the uterus, the manipulating hand and arm are then withdrawn from the vagina and placed in the rectum. The forceps are then palpated and advanced into one or other of the uterine horns. The jaws of the forceps are then opened and a fold of endometrium is gently pushed into the jaws, which are then closed, the biopsy is completed and the forceps are withdrawn from the uterus and vagina. Tissues are carefully removed from the forceps with fine forceps to avoid artefactual damage and are fixed immediately in Bouin's fluid. A fine-tipped sterile swab may be used to sample the inside of the jaws of the biopsy instrument for bacterial culture. Sometimes more than one endometrial to provide adequately interpretable tissues and to avoid accidental injury to the testicular artery, by blind needle biopsy, which may have fatal consequences. The testicle is examined by ultrasound scan for visible pathology and best site for sampling and the scrotum is prepared as for surgical intervention. Automated punch biopsy and ultrasound guided techniques are available but the relatively small tissue samples are better suited to specific research requirements. Great care must be taken to avoid injuring the testicular artery. Testicular tissues should immediately in Bouin's fluid. be fixed Ileal biopsy Using our state-of-the-art microwave processing system, same day results can be provided for fixed tissue specimens. fold is removed and then the smaller one may be placed into transport medium for bacterial culture. Ileal biopsies may be indicated to attempt to confirm or deny a clinical diagnosis of equine dysautonomia (‘grass sickness’), where exploratory laparotomy is indicated. Endometrial biopsy samples should be referred to a laboratory that is specifically experienced in both equine endometrial histopathology and equine gynaecology, in order to receive a meaningful interpretation. At exploratory laparotomy, a transmural, i.e. full-thickness, longitudinal ellipse of ileum, approximately 15mm by up to 10mm is excised at the proximal end of the ileocaecal fold, midway between the mesenteric and antimesenteric borders. Testicular Biopsy The tissue is placed immediately into 10% formol saline and processed for histopathological examination. The ganglia in the myenteric plexus between the Testicular biopsies are best obtained by conventional wedge resection with the horse under general anaesthesia in order 54 l a b o r a t o rie s G u i d e t o e q u i n e muscular layers are examined for normal and abnormal neurones. In ‘typical’ cases of equine dysautonomia, these ganglia are devoid of normal neurones and appear ‘skeletal’. The occasional degenerate neurone, with nuclear degeneration and cytoplasmic vacuolar degenerative changes are seen in some cases. Also, clusters or normal neurones are seldom seen in the submucosal layers and again, the occasional degenerate neurone, with nuclear degeneration and cytoplasmic vacuolar degenerative changes are seen in some cases. Ileal biopsies should be referred to a laboratory that is specifically experienced with examining these tissues. cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y Rectal biopsy Rectal biopsies are useful for the investigation of weight loss and diarrhoea cases or where haematological and serum biochemical results suggest enteropathy. Samples are best obtained with mare endometrial biopsy forceps (Yeoman's basket-jawed), inserted just a hand's length through the anus. A rectal fold (mucosa and submucosa only) is removed laterally on either side (dorsal or ventral biopsies are more prone to puncture blood vessels and result in worrying haemorrhage). One sample is fixed in 10% formol saline and the other placed into Amies’ charcoal transport medium for bacteriological examinations. NOTES 55 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s reFerence r ange table s The data in the following tables are from Beaufort Cottage Laboratories ( for: Adult non-Thoroughbred horses Neonatal Thoroughbred foals (24-48 hours old) Older Thoroughbred foals (approximately three weeks old) Yearling Thoroughbred horses Two-year-old Thoroughbred horses in training Three-year-old Thoroughbred horses in training and Adult Thoroughbred horses at stud. Adult Non-Thoroughbred Horses 56 Test Abbrev. Total erythrocytes RBC Packed cell volumePCV Haemoglobin Hb Mean cell volume MCV Mean cell haemoglobin. conc. McHc Mean cell haemoglobin McH Total leucocytes WBC Segmented neutrophils Segs Segs Lymphocytes Lymphs Lymphs Monocytes Monos Monos Eosinophils Eos Eos PlateletsPlts Total Protein TSP AlbuminAlb GlobulinGlob Alpha 1 globulin α1 glob Alpha 2 globulin α2 glob Beta 1 globulin β1 glob Beta 2 globulin β2 glob Gamma globulin γ glob Plasma fibrinogen Fib Units x1012/l l/l g/dl fl g/dl pg x109/l x109/l % x109/l % x109/l % x109/l % x109/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l Mean 8.2 0.37 13.5 46.0 36.1 16.6 7.5 4.4 58 2.6 35 0.3 4 0.2 2 156 63 35 28 1.2 5.8 7.4 5.3 9.0 2.1 Range 6.2-10.2 0.31-0.43 11.1-15.9 40.0-50.0 33.5-38.7 15.2-19.0 6.0-10.0 3.4-5.4 51-65 2.0-3.2 29-41 0.2-0.4 2-6 0-0.4 1-3 100-250 53-73 29-41 18-38 0.4-2.0 3.2-8.4 4.0-10.8 1.7-8.9 4.6-13.4 0.3-3.9 G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l Test Abbrev. Serum amyloid A SAA Aspartate amino transferaseAST Creatinine kinaseCK Lactate dehydrogenase LD LD isoenzyme 1 LD1 LD isoenzyme 2 LD2 LD isoenzyme 3 LD3 LD isoenzyme 4 LD4 LD isoenzyme 5 LD5 Gamma glutamyl transferaseGGT Glutamate dehydrogenaseGLDH Serum alkaline phosphatase SAP Intestinal alk. phosphataseIAP IAP Urea Urea CreatinineCreat GlucoseGlu Total bilirubin TBili Direct bilirubin DBili Bile acids BAcids CholesterolChol Triglycerides Trigs Lipase Lip AmylaseAmyl CalciumCa Fractional urinary clearanceCa PhosphatePO4 Fractional urinary clearancePO4 Magnesium Mg Fractional urinary clearance Mg Copper (serum)Cu Copper (plasma)Cu Zinc Zn SodiumNa Fractional urinary clearanceNa PotassiumK Fractional urinary clearanceK ChlorideCl Fractional urinary clearanceCl CortisolCort Fasting InsulinIns Tri-iodothyronine T3 Thyroxine T4 Cardiac Troponin cTnI Selenium Se p a t h o l o g y Units Mean mg/l 1.3 iu/l 263 iu/l 186 iu/l 525 % total LD 14 % total LD 26 % total LD 38 % total LD 18 % total LD 4 iu/l 16 iu/l 3 iu/l 204 iu/l 47 % total SAP 22.6 mmol/l 5.2 mmol/l 125 mmol/l 4.9 mmol/l 20 mmol/l 9 mmol/l 5.1 mmol/l 2.45 mmol/l 0.7 mmol/l 30 iu/l 9 mmol/l 3.1 % 6.2 mmol/l 1.4 % 0.3 mmol/l 0.8 % 11.7 mmol/l 18.2 mmol/l 23.0 mmol/l 12.7 mmol/l 138 % 0.09 mmol/l 4.0 % 32.8 mmol/l 99 % 0.72 nmol/l 136 miu/ml 25.5 nmol/l 1.0 nmol/l 22.7 ng/ml 0.1 mmol/l 3.0 Range 0-20 102-350 110-250 225-700 10-18 22-30 34-42 13-23 1-7 1-40 1-10 147-261 13-87 10-34 2.5-10.0 85-165 4.3-5.5 13-34 4-16 1-8.5 2.0-3.3 0.2-1.2 8-50 3-15 2.9-3.3 2.6-15.5 0.9-1.9 0.02-0.53 0.6-1.0 3.8-21.9 14.0-22.0 18.0-28.0 10.0-15.0 134-142 0.02-1.0 3.0-5.0 15-65 95-103 0.04-1.6 71-240 8.0-47.5 0.48-1.46 7.7-42.8 0.05-0.2 0.7-8.4 57 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Neonatal Thoroughbred Foals (24-48 hrs old) Test 58 Abbrev. Units Mean Range Total erythrocytesRBC x1012/l 9.4 Packed cell volumePCV l/l 0.36 Haemoglobin Hb g/dl 13.2 10.2-15.4 Mean cell volume MCV fl 38.8 31.7-44.9 Mean cell haemoglobin. conc. McHc g/dl 36.1 31.7-39.4 Mean cell haemoglobin McH pg 14.0 11.2-16.4 Total leucocytes WBC x109/l 8.8 6.2-12.4 Segmented neutrophils Segs Segs x109/l % 6.7 75 4.1-9.5 58-85 Lymphocytes Lymphs Lymphs x109/l % 1.8 21 1.0-3.1 14-37 Monocytes Monos Monos x109/l % 0.19 2 0.1-0.5 0.5-5 Eosinophils Eos Eos x109/l % 0.1 1 0.1-0.2 1-2 PlateletsPlts x109/l 220 140-315 Total Protein g/l 54 41-66 AlbuminAlb g/l 31 25-35 GlobulinGlob g/l 24 15-36 TSP 6.9-11.8 0.30-0.44 Alpha 1 globulin α1 glob g/l 0.9 0.5-1.5 Alpha 2 globulin α2 glob g/l 5.0 4.0-5.6 Beta 1 globulin β1 glob g/l 5.1 3.1-7.2 Beta 2 globulin β2 glob g/l 3.3 1.3-6.0 Gamma globulin γ glob g/l 6.5 4.8-10.1 Immunoglobulin GIgG g/l 11.7 6.9-18.6 Plasma fibrinogen Fib g/l 1.9 0.5-3.9 Serum amyloid A SAA mg/l 2.2 0-26 Aspartate amino transferaseAST iu/l 157 Creatinine kinaseCK iu/l 414 165-761 Lactate dehydrogenase iu/l 860 615-1110 LD 111-206 LD isoenzyme 1 LD1 % total LD 5 2-7 LD isoenzyme 2 LD2 % total LD 20 17-24 LD isoenzyme 3 LD3 % total LD 42 36-46 LD isoenzyme 4 LD4 % total LD 28 21-34 LD isoenzyme 5 LD5 Gamma glutamyl transferaseGGT % total LD iu/l 5 2-10 21 10-32 G u i d e t o e q u i n e Test cli n ic a l Abbrev. Glutamate dehydrogenaseGLDH Serum alkaline phosphatase SAP Units p a t h o l o g y Mean Range iu/l 25 8-43 iu/l 3341 2424-4544 Intestinal alk. phosphataseIAP IAP iu/l 824 % total SAP 23.7 Urea 5.7 528-1200 <26 Urea mmol/l CreatinineCreat mmol/l GlucoseGlu mmol/l Total bilirubin TBili mmol/l 55 Direct bilirubin DBili mmol/l 20 6-34 Bile acids BAcids mmol/l 0-8.0 CholesterolChol mmol/l 5.5 4-7.4 Triglycerides Trigs mmol/l 0.8 0.4-1.9 Lipase Lip mmol/l 85 63-113 133 3.1 2.9-8.4 97-188 2.1-4.1 16-94 AmylaseAmyl iu/l 0.4 0-2.8 CalciumCa mmol/l 2.9 2.7-3.2 Fractional urinary clearanceCa % PhosphatePO4 mmol/l 2.0 1.6-2.5 Fractional urinary clearancePO4 % 0.3 0.02-0.53 Magnesium Mg mmol/l 0.8 0.6-1.1 Fractional urinary clearance Mg % Copper (serum)Cu mmol/l Copper (plasma)Cu mmol/l Zinc mmol/l Zn SodiumNa mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceNa % 135 PotassiumK mmol/l 4.3 Fractional urinary clearanceK % ChlorideCl mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceCl % CortisolCort nmol/l Fasting InsulinIns miu/ml 97 Tri-iodothyronine T3 nmol/l Thyroxine T4 nmol/l 8.4 Cardiac Troponin cTnI ng/ml Selenium Se mmol/l 400 0.46 129-140 3.8-5.0 90-103 <14 <800 0.18-0.79 59 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Older Thoroughbred Foals (approx. 3 weeks old) Test Units Mean Range x1012/l Packed cell volumePCV l/l Haemoglobin Hb g/dl 12.4 10.6-13.6 Mean cell volume MCV fl 34.3 30.6-39.3 Mean cell haemoglobin. conc. McHc g/dl 36.1 34.4-38.9 Mean cell haemoglobin McH pg 12.4 11.1-14.5 Total leucocytes WBC x109/l 9.3 6.9-15.2 Segmented neutrophils Segs Segs x109/l % 5.4 58 4.1-9.1 42-88 Lymphocytes Lymphs Lymphs x109/l % 3.3 38 0.9-5.9 22-54 Monocytes Monos Monos x109/l % 0.31 3 0.2-0.6 1-7 Eosinophils Eos Eos x109/l % 0.1 1 0.1-0.3 1-3 PlateletsPlts x109/l Total Protein 60 Abbrev. Total erythrocytesRBC TSP 10.1 0.34 228 8.8-11.8 0.30-0.38 133-325 g/l 55 42-66 AlbuminAlb g/l 31 26-37 GlobulinGlob g/l 24 15-33 Alpha 1 globulin α1 glob g/l 1.1 0.9-1.6 Alpha 2 globulin α2 glob g/l 6.3 4.1-8.9 Beta 1 globulin β1 glob g/l 6.1 4.4-7.3 Beta 2 globulin β2 glob g/l 4.0 2.8-5.8 Gamma globulin γ glob g/l 5.3 4.1-6.8 Plasma fibrinogen Fib g/l 3.0 1.5-4.2 Serum amyloid A SAA mg/l 1.2 0-5.4 Aspartate amino transferaseAST iu/l 333 329-337 Creatinine kinaseCK iu/l 233 204-263 Lactate dehydrogenase LD iu/l 920 631-1199 LD isoenzyme 1 LD1 % total LD 12 11-13 LD isoenzyme 2 LD2 % total LD 29 27-33 LD isoenzyme 3 LD3 % total LD 40 38-41 LD isoenzyme 4 LD4 % total LD 16 13-18 LD isoenzyme 5 LD5 % total LD 3 2-4 G u i d e t o e q u i n e Test cli n ic a l Mean Range Gamma glutamyl transferaseGGT iu/l 22 13-30 Glutamate dehydrogenaseGLDH iu/l 19 8-31 iu/l 1840 1195-2513 Serum alkaline phosphatase Abbrev. SAP Units p a t h o l o g y Intestinal alk. phosphataseIAP IAP iu/l 366 % total SAP 20.3 Urea 3.4 260-471 18.7-22.2 Urea mmol/l CreatinineCreat mmol/l GlucoseGlu mmol/l Total bilirubin TBili mmol/l 38 22-54 Direct bilirubin DBili mmol/l 12 5-18 Bile acids BAcids mmol/l 0-8.0 123 4.2 CholesterolChol mmol/l Triglycerides Trigs mmol/l Lipase Lip mmol/l AmylaseAmyl iu/l CalciumCa mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceCa % 3.0 2.8-4.1 97-138 3.2-6.2 2.9-3.1 PhosphatePO4 mmol/l 2.4 2.2-2.7 Fractional urinary clearancePO4 % 0.3 0.02-0.53 Magnesium Mg mmol/l 0.8 0.7-1.0 Fractional urinary clearance Mg % Copper (serum)Cu mmol/l Copper (plasma)Cu mmol/l Zinc mmol/l Zn SodiumNa mmol/l 141 Fractional urinary clearanceNa % PotassiumK mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceK % 4.8 ChlorideCl mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceCl % 99 CortisolCort nmol/l Fasting InsulinIns miu/ml Tri-iodothyronine T3 nmol/l Thyroxine T4 nmol/l Cardiac Troponin cTnI ng/ml Selenium Se mmol/l 12.7 130 135-145 4.1-5.5 96-102 0.5-4.2 60-320 61 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Yearling Thoroughbred Horses Test 62 Abbrev. Units Mean Range Total erythrocytesRBC x1012/l 9.5 Packed cell volumePCV l/l 0.35 Haemoglobin Hb g/dl 12.9 10.0-14.3 Mean cell volume MCV fl 37.0 33.6-40.0 Mean cell haemoglobin. conc. McHc g/dl 36.6 34.5-40.0 Mean cell haemoglobin McH pg 13.5 12.6-15.0 7.5-11.5 0.30-0.41 Total leucocytes WBC x109/l 9.5 6.0-15.0 Segmented neutrophils Segs Segs x109/l % 4.9 51 3.7-5.4 40-53 Lymphocytes Lymphs Lymphs x109/l % 3.9 41 3.5-4.9 35-49 Monocytes Monos Monos x109/l % 0.3 3 0.2-0.5 2-5 Eosinophils Eos Eos x109/l % 0.2 2 0.1-1.0 1-5 PlateletsPlts x109/l Total Protein g/l TSP 174 118-243 59 50-70 AlbuminAlb g/l 32 20-40 GlobulinGlob g/l 27 20-50 Alpha 1 globulin α1 glob g/l 1.3 0.7-2.0 Alpha 2 globulin α2 glob g/l 7.6 6.0-9.3 Beta 1 globulin β1 glob g/l 6.7 4.8-8.3 Beta 2 globulin β2 glob g/l 5.0 4.3-5.9 Gamma globulin γ glob g/l 7.1 4.6-8.4 Plasma fibrinogen Fib g/l 3.3 2.7-4.4 Serum amyloid A SAA mg/l 1.2 0-10 Aspartate amino transferaseAST iu/l 381 Creatinine kinaseCK iu/l 267 190-370 Lactate dehydrogenase iu/l 874 476-1200 LD 323-441 LD isoenzyme 1 LD1 % total LD 11 5-15 LD isoenzyme 2 LD2 % total LD 25 20-30 LD isoenzyme 3 LD3 % total LD 36 30-44 12-30 LD isoenzyme 4 LD4 % total LD 20 LD isoenzyme 5 LD5 % total LD Gamma glutamyl transferaseGGT iu/l 5 2-6 23 10-30 G u i d e t o e q u i n e Test cli n ic a l Abbrev. p a t h o l o g y Units Mean Glutamate dehydrogenaseGLDH iu/l 9 7-18 Serum alkaline phosphatase iu/l 611 500-1200 Intestinal alk. phosphataseIAP IAP iu/l 140 % total SAP 23 100-250 <25 Urea SAP Urea mmol/l CreatinineCreat mmol/l GlucoseGlu mmol/l Total bilirubin TBili mmol/l 34 Direct bilirubin DBili mmol/l 12 Bile acids BAcids mmol/l 5.1 CholesterolChol mmol/l 2.45 2.0-3.3 Triglycerides Trigs mmol/l 1.06 0.26-2.6 Lipase Lip mmol/l AmylaseAmyl 5.6 Range 118 4.7 4.6-8.0 93-125 3.4-5.9 22-46 5-18 0-8.0 iu/l CalciumCa mmol/l 3.0 2.7-3.3 Fractional urinary clearanceCa % 6.2 2.6-15.5 PhosphatePO4 mmol/l 1.7 1.5-2.0 Fractional urinary clearancePO4 % 1.9 0.0-3.2 Magnesium Mg mmol/l 0.8 0.6-0.9 Fractional urinary clearance Mg % 11.7 3.8-21.9 Copper (serum)Cu mmol/l 17.1 13.5-20.3 Copper (plasma)Cu mmol/l Zinc mmol/l Zn SodiumNa mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceNa % 134 PotassiumK mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceK % ChlorideCl mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceCl % CortisolCort nmol/l Fasting InsulinIns miu/ml Tri-iodothyronine T3 nmol/l Thyroxine T4 nmol/l Cardiac Troponin cTnI ng/ml Selenium Se mmol/l 0.14 3.8 36.5 100 0.90 1.4 21 130-140 0.02-1.2 3.6-4.0 12-70 97-105 0.03-2.0 0.4-2.6 5-40 63 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Two-Year-Old Thoroughbred Horses in Training Test 64 Abbrev. Units Mean Range Total erythrocytesRBC x1012/l Packed cell volumePCV l/l Haemoglobin Hb g/dl 15.0 12.8-16.6 Mean cell volume MCV fl 39.9 37.0-42.1 Mean cell haemoglobin. conc. McHc g/dl 36.8 35.9-37.9 Mean cell haemoglobin McH pg 14.7 13.7-15.7 Total leucocytes WBC x109/l 9.6 7.3-12.7 Segmented neutrophils Segs Segs x109/l % 5.1 53 4.0-6.0 42-63 Lymphocytes Lymphs Lymphs x109/l % 3.6 38 2.7-4.4 28-46 Monocytes Monos Monos x109/l % 0.4 4 0.26-0.56 2-6 Eosinophils Eos Eos x109/l % 0.2 2 0-0.3 1-3 PlateletsPlts x109/l 170 127-206 Total Protein g/l 62 59-66 AlbuminAlb g/l 37 35-39 GlobulinGlob g/l 25 TSP 10.2 0.40 8.7-11.7 0.34-0.45 21-28 Alpha 1 globulin α1 glob g/l 1.1 0.6-1.4 Alpha 2 globulin α2 glob g/l 6.6 5.4-7.8 Beta 1 globulin β1 glob g/l 6.9 5.7-8.5 Beta 2 globulin β2 glob g/l 4.2 1.8-6.8 Gamma globulin γ glob g/l 5.6 3.7-8.2 Plasma fibrinogen Fib g/l 1.9 1.5-2.3 Serum amyloid A SAA mg/l 1.3 0-20 Aspartate amino transferaseAST iu/l 545 308-820 Creatinine kinaseCK iu/l 354 166-572 Lactate dehydrogenase LD iu/l 793 569-917 LD isoenzyme 1 LD1 % total LD 10 7-12 LD isoenzyme 2 LD2 % total LD 28 24-34 LD isoenzyme 3 LD3 % total LD 40 35-44 LD isoenzyme 4 LD4 % total LD 17 11-23 LD isoenzyme 5 LD5 Gamma glutamyl transferaseGGT % total LD iu/l 5 1-10 24 12-40 G u i d e t o e q u i n e Test cli n ic a l Abbrev. Units p a t h o l o g y Mean Range Glutamate dehydrogenaseGLDH iu/l 10 4-11 Serum alkaline phosphatase iu/l 452 293-672 SAP Intestinal alk. phosphataseIAP IAP iu/l 109 % total SAP 23.2 Urea 4.8 64-171 <25 Urea mmol/l CreatinineCreat mmol/l GlucoseGlu mmol/l Total bilirubin TBili mmol/l 26 Direct bilirubin DBili mmol/l 10 Bile acids BAcids mmol/l 4.6 CholesterolChol mmol/l 2.45 2.0-3.3 Triglycerides Trigs mmol/l 1.06 0.26-2.6 Lipase Lip mmol/l 134 4.7 3.8-6.0 110-160 3.4-5.9 13-39 4-15 0-8.0 42.5 23.8-124.5 3.3-22.1 AmylaseAmyl iu/l 8.9 CalciumCa mmol/l 3.1 2.9-3.3 Fractional urinary clearanceCa % 6.2 2.6-15.5 PhosphatePO4 mmol/l 1.4 1.1-1.6 Fractional urinary clearancePO4 % 0.3 0.02-0.53 Magnesium Mg mmol/l 0.8 0.6-0.9 Fractional urinary clearance Mg % 11.7 3.8-21.9 Copper (serum)Cu mmol/l 17.1 13.5-20.3 Copper (plasma)Cu mmol/l Zinc mmol/l Zn SodiumNa mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceNa % 136 PotassiumK mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceK % ChlorideCl mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceCl % CortisolCort nmol/l Fasting InsulinIns miu/ml Tri-iodothyronine T3 Thyroxine T4 Cardiac Troponin cTnI ng/ml 0.19 Selenium Se mmol/l 3.5 0.04 3.6 29.7 102 0.86 136 130-142 0.02-1.0 2.8-4.2 15-65 95-107 0.04-1.6 71-240 25.5 8.0-47.5 nmol/l 1.0 0.48-1.46 nmol/l 22.7 7.7-42.8 0.10-0.36 1.6-5.3 65 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Three-Year-Old Thoroughbred Horses in Training Test Units Mean Total erythrocytesRBC x1012/l 9.7 Packed cell volumePCV l/l 0.40 Haemoglobin Hb g/dl 14.9 13.0-16.1 Mean cell volume MCV fl 40.7 39.5-43.0 Mean cell haemoglobin. conc. McHc g/dl 37.8 36.6-38.8 Mean cell haemoglobin McH pg 15.4 14.9-16.2 Total leucocytes WBC x109/l 8.2 6.9-9.8 Segmented neutrophils Segs Segs x109/l % 4.6 56 3.9-5.2 48-64 Lymphocytes Lymphs Lymphs x109/l % 2.8 35 2.3-3.4 28-42 Monocytes Monos Monos x109/l % 0.36 4 Eosinophils Eos Eos x109/l % 0.1 1 PlateletsPlts x109/l Total Protein 66 Abbrev. TSP Range 8.6-10.5 0.35-0.43 0.2-0.56 2-6 0-0.2 1-2 170 127-206 58-67 g/l 62 AlbuminAlb g/l 38 35-40 GlobulinGlob g/l 25 22-29 Alpha 1 globulin α1 glob g/l 1.3 0.9-1.7 Alpha 2 globulin α2 glob g/l 6.3 5.1-7.8 Beta 1 globulin β1 glob g/l 6.7 4.5-8.0 Beta 2 globulin β2 glob g/l 3.3 2.5-5.1 Gamma globulin γ glob g/l 7.0 5.4-9.6 Plasma fibrinogen Fib g/l 1.8 14-2.3 Serum amyloid A SAA mg/l 1.3 0-20 Aspartate amino transferaseAST iu/l 467 289-630 Creatinine kinaseCK iu/l 390 156-875 Lactate dehydrogenase LD iu/l 638 430-883 LD isoenzyme 1 LD1 % total LD 11 6-17 LD isoenzyme 2 LD2 % total LD 24 19-27 LD isoenzyme 3 LD3 % total LD 39 33-43 LD isoenzyme 4 LD4 % total LD 20 16-23 LD isoenzyme 5 LD5 % total LD 6 1-18 G u i d e t o e q u i n e Test cli n ic a l Abbrev. Units p a t h o l o g y Mean Range Gamma glutamyl transferaseGGT iu/l 27 13-47 Glutamate dehydrogenaseGLDH iu/l 7 3-12 Serum alkaline phosphatase iu/l 375 277-451 SAP Intestinal alk. phosphataseIAP IAP iu/l 89 % total SAP 22.8 Urea 5.4 65-107 <24 Urea mmol/l CreatinineCreat mmol/l GlucoseGlu mmol/l Total bilirubin TBili mmol/l 26 13-39 Direct bilirubin DBili mmol/l 10 4-15 Bile acids BAcids 143 4.7 3.9-6.4 118-167 3.4-5.9 mmol/l 5.2 CholesterolChol mmol/l 2.45 2.0-3.3 0-8.0 Triglycerides Trigs mmol/l 1.06 0.26-2.6 Lipase Lip mmol/l 42.5 23.8-124.5 AmylaseAmyl iu/l 8.9 3.3.-22.1 CalciumCa mmol/l 3.1 2.9-3.3 Fractional urinary clearanceCa % 6.2 2.6-15.5 PhosphatePO4 mmol/l 1.2 1.0-1.5 Fractional urinary clearancePO4 % 0.3 0.02-0.53 Magnesium Mg mmol/l 0.8 0.6-0.9 Fractional urinary clearance Mg % 11.7 3.8-21.9 Copper (serum)Cu mmol/l 17.1 13.5-20.3 Copper (plasma)Cu mmol/l Zinc mmol/l Zn SodiumNa mmol/l 143 Fractional urinary clearanceNa % 0.05 PotassiumK mmol/l 3.9 3.4-4.3 Fractional urinary clearanceK % 32.8 15-65 ChlorideCl mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceCl % CortisolCort nmol/l Fasting InsulinIns miu/ml 25.5 8.0-47.5 Tri-iodothyronine T3 nmol/l 1.0 0.48-1.46 Thyroxine T4 nmol/l 22.7 7.7-42.8 Cardiac Troponin cTnI ng/ml 0.19 Selenium Se mmol/l 3.5 103 0.78 136 130-160 0.02-1.0 96-108 0.04-1.6 71-240 0.10-0.36 1.6-5.3 67 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s Adult Thoroughbred Horses at Stud Test Units Mean Range x1012/l Packed cell volumePCV l/l Haemoglobin Hb g/dl 14.0 11.1-16.9 Mean cell volume MCV fl 36.0 31.0-41.0 Mean cell haemoglobin. conc. McHc g/dl 34.0 32.0-36.0 Mean cell haemoglobin McH pg 12.1 10.0-14.2 Total leucocytes WBC x109/l 7.1 4.1-10.1 Segmented neutrophils Segs Segs x109/l % 3.6 52 1.4-5.8 36-68 Lymphocytes Lymphs Lymphs x109/l % 3.0 45 1.4-4.7 39-61 Monocytes Monos Monos x109/l % 0.4 4 0.36-0.56 2-6 Eosinophils Eos Eos x109/l % 0.2 3 0-0.5 0-5 PlateletsPlts x109/l Total Protein 68 Abbrev. Total erythrocytesRBC TSP 11.5 0.41 9.0-14.0 0.35-0.47 170 127-206 65-75 g/l 70 AlbuminAlb g/l 36 34-38 GlobulinGlob g/l 34 29-39 Alpha 1 globulin α1 glob g/l 1.6 Alpha 2 globulin α2 glob g/l 6.9 5.5-7.9 Beta 1 globulin β1 glob g/l 9.2 6.8-11.4 1.1-2.1 Beta 2 globulin β2 glob g/l 5.5 3.5-7.2 Gamma globulin γ glob g/l 11.3 8.3-14.4 Plasma fibrinogen Fib g/l 2.2 1.5-3.3 Serum amyloid A SAA mg/l 1.3 0-20 Aspartate amino transferaseAST iu/l 309 256-369 Creatinine kinaseCK iu/l 216 154-270 Lactate dehydrogenase LD iu/l 525 383-664 LD isoenzyme 1 LD1 % total LD 13 10-17 LD isoenzyme 2 LD2 % total LD 30 24-37 LD isoenzyme 3 LD3 % total LD 43 38-49 LD isoenzyme 4 LD4 % total LD 13 9-18 LD isoenzyme 5 LD5 % total LD 2 1-3 G u i d e t o e q u i n e Test cli n ic a l Abbrev. Units p a t h o l o g y Mean Range Gamma glutamyl transferaseGGT iu/l 20 14-28 Glutamate dehydrogenaseGLDH iu/l 8 4-14 Serum alkaline phosphatase iu/l 403 286-571 SAP Intestinal alk. phosphataseIAP IAP iu/l 103 % total SAP 24.3 77-157 <28 Urea 5.9-9.5 Urea mmol/l CreatinineCreat mmol/l 7.6 GlucoseGlu mmol/l Total bilirubin TBili mmol/l 26 13-39 Direct bilirubin DBili mmol/l 10 4-15 Bile acids BAcids 99 4.7 87-112 3.5-5.9 mmol/l 4.7 CholesterolChol mmol/l 2.45 2.0-3.3 0-8.0 Triglycerides Trigs mmol/l 1.06 0.26-2.6 Lipase Lip mmol/l 42.5 23.8-124.5 AmylaseAmyl iu/l 8.9 3.3-22.1 CalciumCa mmol/l 3.1 3.0-3.3 Fractional urinary clearanceCa % 6.2 2.6-15.5 PhosphatePO4 mmol/l 1.0 0.8-1.3 Fractional urinary clearancePO4 % 0.3 0.02-0.53 Magnesium Mg mmol/l 0.8 0.6-0.9 Fractional urinary clearance Mg % 11.7 3.8-21.9 Copper (serum)Cu mmol/l 17.1 13.5-20.3 Copper (plasma)Cu mmol/l Zinc mmol/l Zn SodiumNa mmol/l 142 Fractional urinary clearanceNa % 0.09 PotassiumK mmol/l 3.8 3.3-4.1 Fractional urinary clearanceK % 32.8 15-65 ChlorideCl mmol/l Fractional urinary clearanceCl % CortisolCort nmol/l Fasting InsulinIns miu/ml 25.5 8.0-47.5 Tri-iodothyronine T3 nmol/l 1.0 0.48-1.46 Thyroxine T4 nmol/l 22.7 7.7-42.8 Cardiac Troponin cTnI ng/ml 0.1 0.05-0.2 Selenium Se mmol/l 3.5 1.6-5.3 104 0.72 136 135-149 0.02-1.0 100-108 0.04-1.6 71-240 69 T h e B e a u f o rt c o tt a ge l a b o r a t o rie s NOTES Copies of the Reference Range Tables can be downloaded (as pdf files) from our website: While we have made every endeavor to ensure the accuracy of information in this Guide, Rossdale & Partners cannot be held liable for any inaccuries which may inadvertently occur. 70 G u i d e t o e q u i n e cli n ic a l p a t h o l o g y The aim of this Guide is to help equine practitioners use clinical pathological aids to diagnosis to good effect, to provide ‘normal’ reference ranges for horses of different ages and types, and to give advice for the safe and satisfactory collection and handling of samples for laboratory investigation. The Guide was produced by Sidney W. Ricketts, LVO, BSc,BVSc, DESM, DipECEIM, FRCPath, FRCVS with the help of Annalisa Barrelet, BVetMed, MS, CertESM, MRCVS Celia M.Marr, BVMS, MVM, PhD, DEIM, DipECEIM, MRCVS Sarah S.Stoneham, BVSc, CertESM, MRCVS Katherine E. Whitwell, BVSc, DiplECVP, FRCVS Robert S.G.Cash BSc, FIBiol Mary Ashpole. © 2006 Rossdale & Partners Sidney Ricketts Beaufort Cottage laboratories High Street, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 8JS Tel +44 (0)1638 663017 Fax +44 (0)1638 560780 Email