SOC 2 - Study Guide—Exam 1 • Sociological

SOC 2 - Study Guide—Exam 1
Sociological Imagination/perspective
Research methods used in studying social problems
Social problems—what constitutes, causes, etc.
Social Structures/Location
Theoretical approaches: Conflict, Symbolic Interactionist, Functionalist, Feminist and their
definition, view, and solutions to various social problems such as: drugs, prostitution,
pornography, aging
Branches of feminism
Aging as a social problem; view of the elderly historically; agiesm
Social Security Act of 1935
Age group most likely to favor legalization of prostitution
Number of average customer per year for a prostitute
Different types of prostitutes
Engaging in sex while visiting foreign country
Male prostitutes
Hallucinogens; most famous?
Drugs and problems associated with them and their use
College students and drugs
Essay Question topics
 3 different political views: Radical, Conservative, and liberal
 Components of a social problem
 Stages in natural history of social problem
 Ways sociologists contribute to understanding of soc. problem
 Social construction of reality
 Social security problems
 States in becoming a prostitute
 Heterosexual identity techniques in gay prostitution
 Reasons for drug use
 Disengagement theory